spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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Hey, child🖤 I am totally in love with the Resident Evile VIllage! And especialy The Lady. Obviously, lady Dimitresku is the pearl of this game, no wonder she became much more popular than Jill, Clair, Leon and any other RE charatcer. We request DLC with her! She's too awesome to end up with a couple of cutscenes 😐 And @corpse_husband walkthough was also pretty nice. I mean man, he finally has someone to choke him (if you know what I mean). I was actually planning to draw Markiplier here first, but I guess he would've been somewhere else other than on her shoulder...😏 Full size image is on my Deviantart 🖤
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
Printed a portrait I did for my mother.
The printing company made a mistake in word mum but OK...
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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Lighthouse symbol means a lot to me. I have actually never been good at drawing sceneries. But there was a tough period in my life when my entire gallery was black, dark and macabre. It felt so low that at a certain point I decided I needed something that gives me a kind of respite. This beacon of hope was fraw within 1,5-2 hours. It's really different from any other piece in my gallery. But I look at it I remember how strong I can be. Full size image is on my DeviantArt (Spacephoenix)
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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I am Iron Man. Another old fanart of mine. Too busy right now to complete my current two drawings, so here's a bit of an old piece.
ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/B1Krzl
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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Old stuff time!🖤⠀ ⠀ When I was a teen I was a big fan of Black Butler. That was a pic I drew for 28000 pageviews on my DeviantArt. It was robably like 7 years ago... I know my skills were pretty bad back then but somehow I love this pic so much. I don't even think I had tablet 7 years ago 😐⠀ ⠀ I loved Grell's crazy side and his original japanese voice (Jun Fukuyama is a genius). ⠀ Have u ever watched Black Butler? ⠀ 💜Full size image is on my Patreon (link in the profile description)🧡⠀ ⠀
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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2 years ago I lived an awful trauma after I lost a very close person who was brutally murdered. ⠀ ⠀ I had a clinical depression ever since and the world of my art is the only thing that helps me float and not drown. I don't have any youtube channels, I can't get my books published as it's kinda utopia in Russia, I just keep writing and drawing. I do have a Deviantart page though.⠀ ⠀ Therapy is way to expensive, and any metal disorder is really stigmatized and very bad treated in my country, thus I end up fearing to tell anyone I was suicidal. I was just living my dark nightmare ansolutely alone, with no help but a lot of stigma from those who know me as a strong person. ⠀ ⠀ I had a very low moment... well, a very low period of my life - till the dayI found Corpse and his channel. I felt like I wasn't actually alone who can feel this way. ⠀ ⠀ Corpse_husband, I just wanted to say that I really like you the way you are. Maybe you've heard it a lot, but I feel you. What's inside your head is really close to me. The way you have courage to speake up about what you feel made me stronger and helped me to start my own treatment. ⠀ ⠀ So what I wanna say is THANK YOU. Your music is really intense, but I feel every word you sing, every word you write🖤⠀ ⠀ I guess if you see this art that's gonna be a goddam miracle, but hey, still, I'm happy I took my courage to draw this and teg you.⠀
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/spacephoenix/art/Corpse-877379910?ga_submit_new=10%3A1619267094
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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There's got to be a way... There's been this Detroit: Become Human hype a while ago, I fell for Connor's story as well. Especially for the storyline where he chooses the deviation path. I have to admit that Connor is one of the characters (well ahm the only character) that deserves the best ending being happy forever. First, I wasn't quite nice to this game as I really didn't get all this android deviation stuff. Only when I did I became one of the most ardent fans :)
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/spacephoenix/art/There-s-got-to-be-a-way-750153488
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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Revenge. What a piece of mess. ⠀ ⠀ "They took everything from me... so I will take everything from them"⠀ ⠀ Obviously, X-Men Apocalypse wasn't the best x-men movie but I definately loved Erik's storyline there. I get his revenge feelings so well, I really do. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Also, I've always believed that this whole revenge thing is one of the greatest sources for the characters' stories and their design. Remember Ellie from The Last of Us 2? Remember The Count of Monte Cristo? True masterpieces. ⠀ ⠀ What if not revenge pushes most of us to become stronger? Don't you tell me it's merely a good will or a royal childish belief in a better world. Only most people see revenge as an act of violence. But it's so much more than that if you think about it.⠀ ⠀ By mitigating what's unfair, by completing this revenge, by fixing what was unlawful - we make this world a better place way more effectivly than by drinking a cup of water every day, or by going for a walk every evening.⠀ ⠀ We avenge this world by giving dollar to a begger at the metro. ⠀ We avenge this world by pledging against a criminal.⠀ We avenge this world by capturing an insane who killed innocent people - and putting him behind the bars or on the electric chair.⠀ ⠀ This is how revenge works. ⠀ 🖤🖤🖤⠀ P.S. Back to the pic.⠀ Quite a time ago I decided to capture these Erik rebirth scene and I kinda like the way it came out here.⠀ Erik Lehnsherr-aka-Magneto (c) X-Men universe⠀
DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/spacephoenix/art/I-will-take-everything-from-them-627108597
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spacephoennix-blog · 3 years
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I've been on DeviantArt for more than 10 years. And here comes the moment I wanna make a real Logo and portfolio. Maybe I’ll even reanimate this Tumblr blog.
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/spacephoenix/art/New-Logo-875609240
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spacephoennix-blog · 8 years
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“Сколько он уже здесь? Он помнил несколько месяцев бессонных ночей. А сколько прошло времени там?.. Мужчина не помнил, какой рассинхрон у этих миров. В последние пару недель не проходило и дня, чтобы он не думал о возвращении. Но он смотрел на свои руки, видел, какие страшные трещины появляются при малейшей попытке использовать магию, и не решался. Просто не мог создать портал. Понимал, что не переживет перемещение. У него отняли его силу. Он был жалким, нищим падшим.
Но он не был несчастен. Вот уже несколько недель он чувствовал, как к нему возвращаются живые чувства. Одно из них – тоска по дому. По ЕГО дому. По семье. 
Его едва не сбил порыв свежего ветра, взлохматив его короткие волосы, распахнув его широкие рукава. Лукас медленно огляделся, обернувшись вокруг.
И когда понял, где находится, упал на колени, уткнувшись руками в землю. И заплакав от счастья”
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spacephoennix-blog · 9 years
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I’m here
Where light and calm are in ice
And I am here
I hear your name
Forgotten voice comes back here from forever
Only to fall from midnight sky as glacial flame
Translation of “Я здесь” by me.
Original art: http://spacephoenix.deviantart.com/art/I-am-here-507252243?q=gallery%3ASpacePhoenix%2F26371004&qo=18
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