signorina-corleone · 4 years
hello everyone i'm sorry for my inconsistency and sometimes complete absence hehe I'm an Asian honor student, firstborn female of the family so you can imagine what is happening rn HAHAHAHA but i'll blog as often as i can love y'all ♡♡♡
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
love these icons TT
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Al Pacino, Robert De Niro & James Caan.
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
“You shouldn’t be embarrassed by your wealth. This contempt for money is just another trick of the rich to keep the poor without it.”
Michael Corleone
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my  daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom but I taught her  never to dishonor her family. She found a “boy friend,” not an Italian.  She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late. I didn’t protest.  Two months ago he took her for a drive, with another boy friend. They  made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her. She  resisted. She kept her honor. So they beat her. Like an animal. When I  went to the hospital her nose was broken. Her jaw was shattered, held  together by wire. She couldn’t even weep because of the pain. But I  wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life. A beautiful girl.  Now she will never be beautiful again.
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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The Godfather (USA, 1972)
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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“A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.”
- Don Vito Corleone
I’ve always been very fascinated with Vito and Carmela’s relationship. Though it wasn’t displayed much in the film, it really seemed that they loved and valued each other even through the old age. That’s rare to see in films, especially around this genre. 
Which convinces me that if Michael had Apollonia as his first and only wife for life, he would have went down like his father before him. She would never have questioned or protested against the family business, as a Sicilian; and they could have lived their lives just enjoying every bit of it. On the other hand, with Kay, an American; things could never go in sync. She would always see the family business in a way that would only stifle Michael. He never even bonded with her much after the wedding and the kids, and we all know how their marriage ended. 
It always makes me wonder about a different storyline where Apollonia doesn’t die. But I do recognize why she had to go, though. It’s the perfect catalyst for Michael’s arc. 
Also, look at them- being the center of the dream-like scenes (the few parts of the movie where the colors and lighting were bright) like they were the pure, more blissful aspects of these godfathers’ lives. 
The Godfather (1972) dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Elvira Hancock-Montana
Scarface (1985) dir. Brian De Palma 
“The eyes, chico. They never lie.”
- Tony Montana 
Michelle Pfeiffer barely said anything in this film; but her character was a good symbol of how empty life could be when you’re just living for selfish pleasure. Her acting was captivating. 
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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"You know how strong I made you? You know how strong? You're my kid. Nobody can fuck with you."
The Irishman
2019 dir. Martin Scorsese
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Michael Corleone with his two big brothers, Sonny and Fredo. 
The Godfather (1972) and The Godfather II (1974) dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
Starting on gangster movies?
These are the movies that should be a top priority on your organized crime to-watch list. 
S/N. This is mostly Martin Scorsese.
S/N#2. He’s my favorite director. 
S/N#3. Sorry not sorry. 
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1. Goodfellas (1990) dir. Martin Scorsese
Still reigning as one of the most accurate gangster movies of all time, I think it’s safe to say that you should watch this New York feature as a starter. It’s based on a pretty damn famous crime family: Lucchese; and ‘Wiseguy’, a book by Nicholas Pileggi. From that Selwyn Raab book I’d been reading, I’ve also seen a lot of parallels with the real deal. 
Plus, ex-capo Michael Franzese approves. 
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2. Scarface (1983) dir. Brian De Palma 
If you’re like me, and you like to see someone rise from the bottom up; then Tony Montana’s story is the one for you. He’s based on the fabled Al Capone, and his bigger-than-life personality can entertain you alone.  Definitely a good one if you like seeing stories of soldiers becoming bosses. Make sure not to watch it with anyone else though, the amount of Michelle Pfeiffer white gold in this movie is insane. Don’t get high on your own supply, kids. 
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3. The Irishman (2019) dir. Martin Scorsese
So we got the Italians, the Americans, and the Cubans. Now it’s time for the Irishmen! 
Being another one of Mr. Scorsese’s critically-acclaimed works, this film is a favorite of mine among all. It does not only show a lot of historic and technical accuracy about the Underworld (at least, based on what we know); but it also displays another take on the main character’s mental and emotional aspects. This was one of Robert de Niro’s most complex roles in his career, and you can literally see it in his eyes. What a king. Watch The Irishman on Netflix now. 
S/N. I’d been raised by Selwyn Raab so I believe the Tony Pro and Jimmy Hoffa story, but hey. 
At this point, I’m basically plugging Selwyn Raab. Go ahead and read Five Families while you’re at it. 
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4. Casino (1995) dir. Martin Scorsese
This one doesn’t really show up much on countdowns, but I especially love it because of the glitz and glamour contrasted by a burn-it-to-the-ground ending. 
The thing I love about Scorsese films is that everything seems to be so realistic. You would really think that all of this stuff happened to someone some time ago, It’s a nice break from the poetry and the dramatic themes of most of the movies on this list. 
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5. The Godfather I, II and III (1972, 1974, 1990) dir. Francis Ford Coppola
If you ask me if this trilogy was overrated, I’d backflip while screaming “No, sicuramente; No!”. 
The Godfather I and II was the closest to perfection cinema has ever come to. And never, I mean never leave out The Godfather III. It was necessary; despite popular opinion; to show how different Michael Corleone was from his father, Vito Corleone. And if you ask me again if I want a fourth movie, it’s a certo si. (I’m sorry I’m a kindergartner my Italian is whack)
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Al Pacino as Michael Corleone  THE GODFATHER (1972)
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Our favorite Wiseguys. 
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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GOODFELLAS (1990)  Dir. Martin Scorsese
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Dude's been given three chances!
1995 dir. Martin Scorsese
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Tony Pro vs Jimmy Hoffa: Apologize First
Dare I say what happened after that?
The Irishman
2019 dir. Martin Scorsese
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signorina-corleone · 4 years
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Look what my dad just gave me!
A few months ago, my dad had me sit down and watch the closest to perfection filmmaking has ever come in history; The Godfather trilogy. We watched the whole thing through, nonstop. Yes. We stayed up until past midnight on Netflix just so he could educate me about this undying masterpiece.
Just tonight, my dad dug up his ancient collection and unearthed this gem. Turns out, he has two original Blu-Ray disc sets of The Coppola Restoration of this series; one that he bought when he was very young (he's 43 now), and one he got after I was born.
He handed the untouched one to me, sad that it's all old and rusted now, but I think this display of age makes it all the more beautiful. He's happy to entail this onto me, because he never ever imagined in his life his only daughter would take an interest in gangster films.
Grazie tante, Papa!
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