selfreliance365 · 3 months
To everything there is a season...
"As I looked around the field I was walking next to there were no lilies in the field. EVERYTHING IS DEAD!!!"
This morning on my walk I had the thought, “Consider the lilies of the field”, go through my mind – which seems to happen a lot lately. As I looked around the field I was walking next to there were no lilies in the field. EVERYTHING IS DEAD!!! But then the following thought went through my head, “To everything there is a season”. As the wind grows cooler, leaves drop and snow begins to fall,…
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selfreliance365 · 4 months
Bouncing Back: Lessons from Job Rejections
Rejections teach you that you don't need validation from others to shine. It's like discovering you have wings after being told you can't fly. Self-reliance is about trusting your abilities, knowing your worth, and carving your path regardless of detours.
Ever felt the sting of a job rejection? I have. In fact, I got one this morning. At first it’s like a punch to the gut, leaving you breathless and questioning everything. But guess what? Behind every rejection lies a treasure trove of lessons that make you stronger, wiser, and more self-reliant. The first lesson: resilience. Getting that rejection email felt like a heavy rainstorm on a sunny…
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selfreliance365 · 4 months
The Lessons of Defeat: How Losing Builds Self-Reliance
Losing is an inevitable aspect of life, be it in sports, relationships, or professional endeavors. Yet, it is in these moments of defeat that we are presented with an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and ultimately, self-reliance.
In the wake of the Super Bowl showdown between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, the air is thick with celebration, disappointment, and reflection. While the Chiefs emerge victorious, their triumph illuminates a valuable lesson that extends far beyond the confines of the football field: the importance of dealing with defeat and the resilience it fosters. Losing is an inevitable…
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selfreliance365 · 4 months
6 C's for fighting sadness/depression
Especially during the winter time, sadness and depression can sneak up on a person. Here are 6 "C's" for fighting sadness / depression.
I recently found this list of things you can do to help fight sadness / depression. Connect with someone – I’m not talking about “Liking” things on Facebook. This requires you to actually reach out to talk with someone. Call your parents, take kids to the park, take your spouse or friend out to lunch. You probably aren’t the only one that feels alone. Create something – This can be anything.…
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selfreliance365 · 5 months
The point of reaching the top...
The point of reaching the top, is to help others get there too.
This is the biggest reason I have worked on becoming self reliant. I can’t help others if I can’t help myself. If I can’t pay my own bills, how can I help others financially when they are in need? It’s ok if you aren’t at the top of the mountain right now. You’ll get there. Focus on where you are at now and start there. Many small changes over a long period of time will make large differences.
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selfreliance365 · 5 months
You are not your mind...
"You are not your mind"
Today I heard a quote that blew me away. “You are not your mind”. At first I thought, what are you talking about. If I am not my mind, then what am I?!? Our mind is a function of our brain that makes connections as it notices things and sends feedback. There are so many things that we perceive each and every day and our mind processes that information and makes connections to different…
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selfreliance365 · 6 months
When you are self-reliant...
Being self-reliant doesn't mean that we must be able to do all things on our own.
“…When you are self-reliant, you use the blessings and abilities God has given you to care for yourself and your family and to find solutions for your own problems. Self-reliance does not mean that you must be able to do all things on your own. To be truly self-reliant, you must learn how to work with others and turn to the Lord for His help and strength.” For the Strength of Youth, 2011 We are…
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
What does it mean to be brave?
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
Embracing the Present: How Living in the Moment Fosters Self-Reliance
We need to stop living in the past and worrying about the future, focus on the present.
In our fast-paced world, we often find ourselves pulled in numerous directions, consumed by thoughts of the past or worries about the future. Amidst this chaos, the concept of living in the present moment holds profound significance, not just for finding peace and joy but also for fostering self-reliance. Self-reliance, in its essence, revolves around the ability to trust oneself, make…
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
Embracing Ikigai: The Path to Self-Reliance and Fulfillment
As I close one chapter of my life I feel like I've been granted time to dig deep and find my Ikigai. What is your ikigai?
I recently posted about finding out I’m going thru a “breakup” with my current employer at the end of the year. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. Do I want to find another soul sucking job that will provide a constant, secure salary and help with benefits like health/life insurance, 401k contributions, etc. or do I want to I want to try something different, something that fills a deeper…
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
Breaking Free: How Overcoming Addictions Leads to Greater Self-Reliance
Overcoming addictions can be difficult, but achievable and leads to a more fulfilling and empowered life!
Last night in an Emotional Resilience class we discussed how we can manage addictive behaviors. Addictions can take many forms, whether it’s substance abuse, compulsive behaviors, or even unhealthy relationships. Really consuming anything without moderation can become an addiction. Video games, Social Media, or just wasting time on your smartphone can also become an addiction. They can have a…
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
Good advice of things to quit...
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
Being self-reliant, and safe, in the outdoors!
Being self-reliant and staying safe in the outdoors can easily be accomplished by taking a few minutes to prepare. Here are a few tips for both hunters and anyone else that spends time outdoors.
Serving on the local Search and Rescue team, I’ll get reminders from my group about things to consider when spending time outdoors. With it being the middle of hunting season this link was shared with the group and whether you hunt or just like spending time outdoors, these are some good reminders of things to consider to stay safe and not end up having the Search and Rescue group come looking…
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selfreliance365 · 7 months
When a Layoff Feels Like a Breakup: Navigating the Emotional Roller-coaster
Last week the company I work for announced layoffs for around 850 people. Unfortunately I was notified that I would be one of the people whose position was not going to move forward. My mind has been processing what this means and has been quite the rollercoaster. While speaking with my wife she said, “Dave, you’re just going through a break-up. You’ve been working for this company for almost 19…
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selfreliance365 · 8 months
The Power of Forgiveness
It takes a strong person to say they're sorry and an even stronger person to FORGIVE.
This evening in an Emotional Resilience class that I’m facilitating we viewed the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7zwQ_7q-fU It would be really easy to let something like this take over control of your life. Allowing anger and bitterness to consume your heart. It seems like today we see so much anger and contempt in the world. I pray that we can rise up above, treat people with…
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selfreliance365 · 8 months
Reminder to never give up...
We don't always know where the road will take us.
At age 17, she was rejected from college. At age 25, her mother died from disease. At age 26, she moved to Portugal to teach English. At age 27, she got married. Her husband abused her. Despite this, her daughter was born. At age 28, she got divorced and was diagnosed with severe depression. At age 29, she was a single mother living on welfare. At age 30, she didn’t want to be on this…
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selfreliance365 · 8 months
Mastering Prioritization: A Guide to Becoming Self-Reliant in Your Work
Prioritizing your time is key to being self-reliant! What method or process do you use?
NOTE: There are many different methods and tools available to use to prioritize your work. Everyone is different so find a method, tool, or process that works for you! In the fast-paced world of today, mastering the art of prioritization is crucial for success. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, the ability to effectively manage your workload and become self-reliant is…
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