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Wow, how beautiful. What? Oh, Im talking about you! That's right. You are beautiful, and you deserve to let your beauty shine. Go do what makes you feel confident, and work it in the way that only you can. Get a few things off your chest, or maybe curl up and sit on your laptop lazing away. That recovery? I think you're doing an amazing job! You're a strong individual and we love you! So go play to your strengths, and do what brings out your beautiful. Because you're beautiful. :) -Mod Savvy
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New Member of Self-Care-and Confessions!
I'd like to welcome the newest member of this blog khsavvy. She will be posting confessions, and posts. Please notify us if we fail to tag something as she is new to the system and might easily forget.
Strong Gif Warnings to Khsavvy's blog as she posts alot of gifs from kingdom hearts.
Let us all welcome Savvy, one of my closest friends, with open arms.
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All of my friends were talking about how much it would suck to give birth and saying things like "who would want that?" I'm a transman, but I've been thinking that I might want to have my own kids when I could financially do so, in a few years. It just made me feel so uncomfortable in my own skin. I have enough trouble loving my body without feeling that shame, and I don't know how to love myself.
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Happy June!
Happy June! It's a new month and a new leaf. Feel free to start that book or novel you always wanted to do. Or start recovery. Or maybe you need another chance at it. Or maybe this June you just want to relax and enjoy yourself. Either way, I hope this June is a great month for all of you, and I'm always here when you need to let off steam.
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"You are not your body. You are not your weight on the scale. You are not the amount of calories you eat. You are not the way you dress or how you wear your hair. You are not your GPA, your education level, or your college degree. You are not your income, the cost of your clothes, or the size of your house. You are not the number of people you have slept with. You are not your sadness or your pain. You are not your scars or your mistakes. You are not defined by anything that can be seen by the naked eye. You are the things you love. You are your favorite music. You are your hopes and dreams. You are the size of your heart and your capacity to endure. You are your passions and the things that make you come alive. You are the jokes that make you laugh and the words that soothe your soul. You are the way you treat the people around you. You are everything and anything that moves you. You are what you bring to the world. You are a force of friendship and love. You are a warrior and a survivor. And no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you have been through, you are important and you matter."
- Daniell Koepke
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I started talking to a boy last year and he lied to me and really fucked up my recovery and from november to march I felt awful. I recently started having dreams about him again. I feel bad for that. Like I subconsciously don't want to recover.
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