queenof-luna · 2 years
AHH, You write Kyo so perfectly, you're amazing! 😩👌
If you are still open to the idea of requests, could write a lil' bit of Kyojuro x hashira reader taking care of each other's injuries and such after a hard-fought battle?
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"I'd Follow You Into Fire."
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Pairing(s): kyojuro rengoku x reader
Genre: fluff
Synopsis: after a the grueling battle with akaza, you and kyojuro take care of each other's injuries
Warning(s): kyojuro being made to you for a second; arguments between you two
Note(s): THANK YOU!!! Hope it came together okay! Spoiler!warning for people who haven't seen the demon slayer movie. cookie for anyone who can spot the frozen 2 reference.
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both of you were in terrible condition to be honest
you'd take care of each other, of course, but if kyojuro found the reason for your injuries to be reckless he'd be sure to tell you
and kyojuro would, uncharacteristically, pissed
he's extremely protective over you. well, he protects everyone, of course, but you are the love of his life. and seeing you in harms way scares him more than anything
since you are one of his fellow hashira, so he doesn't doubt your strength, not in the slightest. he knows you're strong, you've beaten him many times before in training, and your prowess is something to be revered
but strong doesn't mean unbeatable
you were both reaching your limit with this one, and the mission just became that much harder
you had defended three cars on the mugen train, and you lover, another three. tanjiro and inosuke had ran ahead to deal with the demon at the front of the train while zenitsu and nezuko protected another part of the train
you held your own exceptionally well, only acquiring a stab wound from one of the sleep demon, enmu's, victims. a girl painfully screamed at you, cursing you for ruining her chances of receiving any happy dreams
frowning, the feeling of guilt stirred within you at her accusations. your guard had lowered in the moment, and someone drove their small knife deep into your side, which pulled you out of your guilty state, and your guard rose again
you didn't kill her, but she had been knocked unconscious once you managed to throw her against the wall of the train in an attempt to get her off of you
later, something began happening to the train, wrapping the inside in flesh, and the presence of the demon only grew stronger. your flexibility, both mentally and physically, made it rather simple to defend the sleeping passengers
you assumed the demon was at the locomotive, mainly based on the general knowledge of trains, but also because of the presence growing stronger the closer you went towards the front
kyojuro left you with a swift kiss to your lips, giving you a firm nod and mumbling a small, "be careful," before running to defend his own closer of train cars
you were quick to reciprocate it, sending a quick smile his way before drawing your sword, "i will. promise."
defending the passengers themselves was the complicated part, the moving flesh in the train not proving to be much of a hassle for you.
if you bought enough time, you didn't doubt that tanjiro and inosuke would defeat the demon. they're extremely capable demon slayers, and you're sure they can figure something out
and they did
uncovering the engine of the train, tanjiro and inosuke concluded that the demon would be defeated, which proved to be the case once the train crashed.
you withstood a lot of damage from the crash. blood poured from your hairline from the fall, and the stab wound on your side made grew larger and deeper
a large, wooden peice from one of the trains seats was dug deep into your side, as you protected many of the passengers' heads from any collision
zenitsu woke up, panicking once he noticed the thick piece of wood protruding from your side. "AHHHHHH!! d-do i pull it out?!"
even in your injured state, you managed to smile before shaking your head, "n-no, zeni...my blood will pour out quicker that way," you went to sit an injured passenger down. "i'll have to leave it, for now. help me with everyone who's injured."
while you, zenitsu, and nezuko were in the process of aiding the bystanders, you nearly froze once you felt an even stronger presence of another demon
you assumed kyojuro, and maybe even tanjiro and inosuke, had gone into combat with the stronger demon
more than anything, you wanted to aid them in the battle, but innocent people needed you at the moment. they were your top priority at the moment
as soon as you were finished, you ran–more like quickly limped–to kyojuro and the others, but once you got there,
the world around you seemed to go in slowly motion
kyojuro's blood seeped through his demon slayer corp uniform, staining it in a deep crimson. his eye was clenched shut, you assumed it was from an injury, and blood trickled from his hairline
akaza's hand was mere inches away from kyojuro's chest, just above the space his heart is located, ready to pierce through it
your legs moved before you could even register what happened, but much to your advantage and remarkable skill, akaza didn't sense you coming
sword drawn in front of you, normally you'd instinctively aim for the neck, but you knew your blade wouldn't reach that in time
the surprise on akaza's face was prominent when he witnessed his hand fall to the ground
you'd nearly sliced his head clean off his shoulders due to his shocked state, but was quick to jump out of the way. despite your injuries, your swings were persistent, able to switch breathing forms at lightning speed
akaza marveled at your strength, remaining on the defensive as he's never faught a woman
your swings would've hit their target, but no matter how much you wished to kill this demon for harming your kyojuro, blood loss was starting to catch up with you
soon, the sun started to rise, and the demon fled
seeing little point of chasing after him, you dropped your sword before rushing to kyojuro's side, cupping his bloodied cheek with your hand, "k-kyo, are you–"
kyojuro's pointed look shut your mouth real quick, "what were you thinking?"
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was...was he angry with you?
a deep frown tugged at your lips, "what was i think–i don't want to watch my husband to die, that's what i was thinking!"
as demon slayers, you both know death is inevitable. anyone knows that, of course, although you look death in face everyday, often times it being the outcome.
but if there's a chance–even if it's merely a 0.001% chance–of preventing death, why would you pass it up?
kyojuro's eyebrows furrowed, "what you did was reckless," his knees finally buckled in his weakened state, hitting the dirt below him. he looked up at you, eyes stricken with fear-filled rage, "y/n, you can't just follow me into fire!"
"then don't run into fire!"
kyojuro's lost people before. his mother, close friends in the demon slayer corps, even the kind-hearted person his father used to be. despite his lively, fiery nature, kyojuro is still human and each loss hurt him deeply.
and now, he's nearly lost you. all for the sake of him.
he knew your heart was in the right place, and you did save him, but what if something went wrong? if the demon sensed you? if he drove his fist into your chest?
he couldn't help but feel angry.
"y/n," red painted his teeth as kyojuro bared his teeth in agitation. "as a husband, it is my job to protect you. if anything happend to you, what was i to do?! what–" you couldn't stop yourself from interrupting him.
"as a wife, it's my job to take care of you," the blood from your wounds continued to poor out, your legs growing weak as you hit the ground in front of kyojuro. "and as your comrade, it's my job to make sure you stay alive!" angry tears began to cascade down your bloodied cheek. "tell me, what part of my jobs didn't i do?! and what was i supposed to do if I watched you die?!"
frustration. pain. worry. joy.
tanjiro felt it all. but all he could do was watch as you and kyojuro argued. he was about to step in, try to get you both to calm down, but both of you grew quiet.
then, your visions faded to black.
both your crows were quick to report back to headquarters, and a plethora of medics were sent out to the derailed train. you and kyojuro were swiftly carried away by two of shinobu's helpers.
many of them stayed behind to tend to the injured passengers, assuring they received the proper medical care. meanwhile, you, kyojuro, tanjiro, zenitsu, and inosuke were transported back to the butterfly estate.
both you and kyojuro had been out for a few days. the rest of your fellow hashira were worried when the crows came back reporting that you two were gravelly injured, but were grateful to hear you'd made it out alive.
shinobu was definitely a blessing in the demon slayer world.
kyojuro's injuries were worse than yours. his left eye sustained an immense amount of damage. shinobu tended to it the best she could, kyojuro's left eye in much better shape than it was. although, she wasn't sure if it would be the same again. his torso was wrapped in bandages, left eye packed with gauze, and they each had to be changed periodically.
while you didn't sustain as many injuries as kyojuro, yours could've been fatal as well. the thick, wooden piece from the train's seat had lodged itself deep within your side from the crash. shinobu informed you that it was two inches away from puncturing your lung. but it was a hassle removing the loose rib fragments. your stab wound and the gash on your forehead required stitches, but other than that, you'd be fine.
you were awake long before kyojuro.
tanjiro took the liberty of filling shinobu in on the argument you had before you lost consciousness, so she decided to keep you in separate rooms for the time being.
but kyojuro was the only thing on your mind.
shinobu told you of his injuries, you were thankful that he would survive, but you worried for him nonetheless. completely disregarding your own well-being.
"you can't get better if you don't take care of yourself, you know," shinobu reminded you for the umpteenth time.
you'd been making such a fuss over kyojuro, no one had been able to get you away from him to change your bandages. the were dyed with deep red whenever your wounds would reopen.
you waved her off, "i'll be just fine." it was useless to fight with you, so she let you be for the time being.
how long would it take for him to wake up?
cleaning his wounds, changing his bandages and gauze, making sure his eye wasn't infected, even going as far to re-do his stritches if needed; you did it all for him. even if he wasn't conscious.
of course, you knew shinobu and the others were trying to help, but you had bigger things to worry about. their words of reassurance was appreciated, but you wouldn't feel better until your kyo woke up.
re-wrapping the bandages around his torso, you came to an abrupt stop when your felt something–rather someone–caress your head.
you quickly pulled back, "kyoju–mmph!"
he was quick to cup your cheek, pulling you in to a deep kiss, eager to have you in his arms. his own injuries were the least of his concern at the moment, as he pulled you up to straddle his waist.
you were careful not to put any weight onto his wounds, but you kissed him back with the same amount of eagerness as him. pulling away, you wrapped cupped his cheeks, briskly rubbing your thumb beneath his patched up eye.
"are you in any pain," you looked to him with worry, but his own eyes trailed to your bloodied bandages.
"why are your bandages not clean," he promptly, but carefully, hoists you off of him and set you down in his place on the bed. "that won't do at all!"
"kyojuro," you scolded from the bed. "you can't just get up like that! what if your wound re-open! don't be so careless," you pouted, as your warnings went through one ear and out the other.
"that's quite amusing," he chastised while coming back to you with his arms full of bandages, setting them down. "coming from the very person who's wounds have yet to be cleaned! you are the careless one here, my love!"
you were about to retaliate, but decided to cross your arms in a stubborn manner, letting him do as he pleased. truth be told, your torso was incredibly uncomfortable from the blood-soaked bandages.
kyojuro carefully peeled the bandages from your body, frowning at the re-opened wound on your stomach and the dried blood on your stomach.
he dipped a cloth into a basin of warm water, wringing it out before gingerly dragging it across your stomach.
"you really must take care of yourself more," kyojuro's voice grew soft as he rinsed the bloodied cloth in the water before bringing it to your stomach again. "while i will forever thank you for saving my life, my love, i still stand by my statement: you can't just follow me into fire."
thankfully, you two weren't arguing this time around. kyojuro just wanted you safe, as safe as you can be as a hashira, at least.
"i'll take care of myself when i'm positive you're alright," as he went on to wrap up your torso, you carefully removed the gauze from his left eye. it looked to be healing well, and you applied the prescribed ointment shinobu provided.
"oh good," shinobu's sudden appearance caught you both off guard, "you're both awake! and you've dressed each other's wounds, certainly made my job easier."
you got an earful of the insect hashira, and definitely aoi, as you put your own well-being on the back burner for the sake of kyojuro. it was heartwarming, yes, but at least let them dress your wounds before you delve wholeheartedly into kyojuro's recovery.
but, after they talked to you both, shinobu and aoi left kyojuro and yourself to your own devices, only coming to deliver the disgusting medicine first thing in the morning. they trusted that you two will take care of each other, and they were right.
"come now, my love," kyojuro enthusiastically urged the cup towards your lips. "you must drink this if you wish to make a speedy recovery!"
it's been a few weeks since you've been out if commission, and you're still not used to the awful medicine. it was your least favorite part of the day.
"but it's disgusting," you turned your face away, nose scrunched up in disdain. he merely smiled as you kept swatting his hand away.
"well, you know what they say," kyojuro finally managed to intertwine your fingers, pinning your hand to the bed and connected the cup to your lips. "the medicines that taste the worst, always work the best!" he casually tilted the cup, leaving you no choice but to drink it.
"blagh!" your face twisted in disgust, despising the way the medicine's flavor lingered in your mouth. but, your expression melted into a smile at the sudden feeling of kyojuro pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"see! now that wasn't so bad," he gave a hardy laugh, as you rolled your eyes.
"it gets worse everyday," you grumbled quietly. turning to cup his left cheek, your thumb gingerly traced beneath kyojuro's eye. "how does your eye feel, kyo?"
"much better," kyojuro placed his hand on top of yours, pressing a kiss to your palm. "i have to say, you've quite a gift for treating me." you smiled.
"of course," you pressed your forehead against his. "i take pride in caring for your, just as you do for me." kyojuro closed tha gap between you, resulting in a soft kiss.
you were so grateful to have kyojuro here withi you.
had you gotten there a second later, he wouldn't be here. he wouldn't be here to care for your wounds. he wouldn't be here to ensure that you've taken your medicine. he wouldn't be here to scold you for your carelessness.
but, even with your bed ridden state. for the sake of your kyojuro...
"kyo," you pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes with a gentle smile. "i know you told me not too, but i'd follow you into fire. time and time again."
...you'd do it all over again.
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queenof-luna · 2 years
QUICK IMAGINE: ✨💖🎂Kyō On His Wife’s Birthday🎂💖✨
Note: A self-indulgent, little imagine since it’s my birthday today. 😂
The clock had already struck twelve, yet Kyōjurō was confused as to why his wife still hadn’t come out to the kitchen to start moaning and groaning about how it was such a drag to be turning a year older. Normally, she would have already been there, getting a plate ready, and serving up a big slice of cake that she would share it him.
It was her little tradition, after all. An endearing one that she never failed to do.
However, he waited for a moment more, even quirking an eyebrow right at the door to their room and expecting his wife to come bounding out through those doors— fixing her robe and apologizing for being a few seconds late. But she didn’t come.
So, the blond pushed up from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter and quietly padded over to the doorway to their bedroom, pushing the door open and not even being able to help but smile so softly when he saw her already curled up in bed; blanket strewn over her legs, and feet bare to the world.
He had half a mind to let her keep sleeping, but he knew that if he did, she would be upset at the fact that she skipped out on a long-standing tradition of hers. So, without thinking twice about it, Kyōjurō went back to the kitchen and fixed up a heaping plate of cake— the kind that she liked, of course.
And slowly, he walked back to the bedroom, putting the plate of cake on the bedside table and then turning on the lamp next to it. He then sat down next to his wife, leaning against her a little, as he pushed strands of her hair away from her face— grinning when he saw her eyebrows furrow so adorably in her sleep.
“Baby, wake up,” The blond whispered softly, before leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his wife’s cheek. “Wake up, darling.”
Still, the woman beneath him merely groaned and shook her head; burrowing further into her pillow. But Kyōjurō wasn’t giving in so easily; placing his right arm beneath her head and pressing multiple kisses to her cheek— practically smothering her in the best way.
“Kyō? What… what are you doing?” The young woman asked in a raspy tone, sleep clearly coating her voice.
But Kyōjurō merely found that cute; so much so that he even felt his cheeks heating up in a blush. He didn’t know just exactly which of the million reasons he loved his wife, but he did. Unconditionally.
And he was only growing to love her more and more each day.
“Happy birthday, baby. Would you like your cake… or me?” His offer was cheeky, and earned a sleepy grin from his wife, but it was obvious which one she chose.
Both. Cake and Kyōjurō.
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queenof-luna · 3 years
I tried sending this in an ask but tumblr hates me @adoriable
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queenof-luna · 3 years
@adoriable as a fellow woman of culture, I knew you would appreciate this.
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queenof-luna · 3 years
That last panel 😂😂😂
Kyojirou is a olr grandma makeing sure everones eat
kyōjurō will make sure his kids eat. one way or another.
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queenof-luna · 3 years
🥺 this post is wholesome and sweet
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I’m not sure I understand the drawings of modern Gaara where he’s a moody goth edgelord. Maybe 12-year-old Gaara, but after he met Naruto? This boy is taking political science at Konoha U, has about 83,000 cacti in his room, and is learning from Naruto the finer points of subsisting entirely on cup ramen.  Commission Info!
Tictail Store!
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queenof-luna · 3 years
Go feral my lovely ☺️✨ I’ll be in the back with Kyo and Uzui taking pics
So like—👉👈 I know I haven’t been on in like the most recent days but to make up for my absence I brought you a gift—
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Dem ears and thighs tho 🥵🥵
luna? is that my luna, mamacita? oh, i missed you—kiss kiss, i hope you’re doing good. do come visit some more when you can 💕
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and.. i will eagerly take this beautiful artwork of this.. sexy, fine, scrumptious man as a gift.
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queenof-luna · 3 years
Like— I feel like he would be still putting up that front of “oh don’t worry, tis only a flesh wound” for his brother’s sake, but the moment you go to touch it— insert a profusely sweating Rengoku trying his best not use every colorful word in the alphabet. The look on his face though 😆🥺 poor baby
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Coolest big brother (๑˘︶˘๑)
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queenof-luna · 3 years
Her name is TuMara and she’s coming with us.
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And she would absolutely love him more than me 😭
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So y’all know I have a very unhealthy case Kyōjurō brain rot right? Like i would die for this man if I could. Like would absolutely do anything if he asked me too with no questions asked. Like would leave my entire family and everything I know and love except my dog for this man.
And due to my obsession I believe that my IRL husband is low-key jealous of Kyō.
Reason why I say this? Today my husband called me out on it. “Why do you like him more than me?” He says as he points to my shrine of Kyōjurō figures on a shelf. Me looking at him curiously while I am sitting on my bed with my iPad watching a movie snuggled in my queen sized Kyōjurō fleece blanket, “what do you mean?”
Like bruh....
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What is there not to love? 💕❤️🥵🥰😍✨🔥
i wonder how many boyfriends/husbands live with the fact that they come second to kyōjurō, or any other character for that matter 😂 honestly i’m the same with sanemi—id drop everything to be with him.
but yes—kyōjurō is a fine man, fine fine man. HELL—it’s that smile, that damn smile.
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also, the fact you said you would leave everything but your dog, i cannot 😂 but kyōjurō interacting with your dog would be so cute
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queenof-luna · 3 years
😆 Google eyes lol
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queenof-luna · 3 years
I love it! You did such an awesome job ❤️🥰
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queenof-luna · 3 years
I gotta go on Pinterest and find some references to make this happen because I just can’t anymore....
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Head empty only thoughts of Kyojuro and Sanemi knowing how to salsa/tango
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Sigh 😌 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ the way Kyojuro would dip you down while being extra careful not to drop you and how he would cushion your spine so you don’t hurt yourself 🥰🥰✨
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Or how Sanemi would grumble the entire time about it but would ultimately go through with it because he hates seeing you upset. Even with Tengen teasing him about his flexibly and gracefulness on the dance floor. 🥰😆❤️
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ehe—luna mama, you come up with very cute ideas! 💕
ah.. kyojuro
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he would be just as invested as you are—adorning black dress pants and a black shirt, leaving most of the buttons undone and his chest exposed. he would even hold a rose in his mouth, which he would find a way to sneak into your hair. he would not be too good at dancing at first, but you guide him, and soon enough, he would be the one whipping you around the dance floor with enthusiasm.
and when he goes to dip you, he moves his hand to rest strongly on your lower back. but, he does not dip you too low. instead, he dips you enough so that he can pamper feathery kisses against your neck, before pulling you back up to kiss you on the lips.
and my nemi—
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sanemi would give you the hardest time to say yes to dancing. in the end, he decides to go, just because he was getting tired of your whining and wanted to make you happy. he would be forced to dress just like kyojuro—but he would not have any buttons buttoned, because he likes his chest.
he would stand in the corner, sulking as he watches you and tengen on the dance floor because he is too shy to dance in front of others. but when tengen challenges him to a dance-off, he wants to show you he has moves. it turns out that he is a better dancer than all of you; his hips move with the rhythm, his feet gliding gracefully.
and he finally decides to steal you away from tengen so you can have a dance together.
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queenof-luna · 3 years
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I am not okay
Like seriously....
I legit cried at the end 😭
I’m going to snuggle into my Kyo blanket and I’m not coming out for anything
Guess who’s at the movie theater getting ready to watch demon slayer and about to cry like a big baby 😚✌️
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omg—luna, i hope you enjoy it and bought some tissues. i heard people were sobbing in their theaters and everything 🥺 watch ill go and start scream-crying “NO KYOJURO, GET UP”
the amount of times i have watched it already, i still just sit back in disbelief at the end. like,that he’s really gone—that’s the end of his short story. he was so young.
i can’t—
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queenof-luna · 3 years
Did I giggle a little bit too much than I should have? Why yes I did. 🤤
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those tight pants couldn’t contain all that cake luna 🥰🎂🍴 that would be so embarrassing, omg.. for him, that is.
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the funny thing is i cannot imagine anyone telling him—so he would just be walking around, wondering why everyone is staring at him 😭
honestly baby, if kyojuro had a lover, i can’t imagine them not slapping his booty at least 10x a day—
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queenof-luna · 3 years
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queenof-luna · 3 years
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queenof-luna · 3 years
My heart is full ❤️🥰😭
Hey bby How are you? I hope you’re doing well staying hydrated and getting your eight hours of sleep. I was wondering if I could request some soft head cannons or drabble of Kyo? I’ve had a migraine for the past two days and I just don’t feel good 😞 I would really appreciate it 🥺❤️
ay no, my baby luna. of course, i’ll give you a little scenario.
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♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡ - - - ♡
sewn from the heart
〚 short scenario 〛
shall there have been one thing that you have grown to adore about your flame hashira, it would be his inability to tell you a lie.
“ rengoku kyojuro.. what are you hiding behind your back? ”
“ nothing at all, my little flame. ” your smile deepened seeing his nose wiggle before turning the lightest shade of red—that, along with his cheeks. behind his hair, the very top of his ears followed suit.
with every fib, kyojuro became more flustered, avoiding all eye contact with you. that was the first sign. the second, his lovable little nose twitch—similar to that of a rabbit.
kyojuro struggled to shimmy away for your grasp; the man could take only so much of your interrogation, especially since you laid atop of him, desperately reaching for whatever object he hid.
and, eventually—
“ aha!—huh? ” he gave in, letting you take the soft doll away from him. noticing the confusion on your face, he takes hold of your waist, sitting the both of you up.
“ what is this..? ”
“ .. i remember you saying how hard it was for you when i’m away. my next mission may perhaps take a while to complete. ” kyojuro stares at the toy, watching as your fingers brush over it’s smiling face. the poorly-sewn doll resembled him—a small heart that bared your name at the center of its chest.
“ i wanted to give you something so you wouldn’t be so lonely when i’m gone.. i know, it’s not the best, sorry! but.. — ”
“ it’s so cute, kyojuro. i love it so much! ” you held the doll close, kissing it’s tiny smile. kyojuro beams, watching as you admire his work. his hands were bandaged, falling victim to the sharp needle he used.
“ oh.. mini-kyo, you’re so handsome! i could eat you all up! ” you continued fawning over it, peppering your lips all over the doll. kyojuro’s smile fades, tilting his head,
“ ah.. [y/n]— ”
“ so cute.. i can’t wait to sleep with you! i’ll name you kyo 2.0! my soft baby— ”
“ [y/n]! ” you glance over at your lover. he held your hand in his, a small pout on his face as he scooted closer to you,
“ .. don’t i deserve a kiss too, my love? ”
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