#adori talks
the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
Tower of god for the character ask
blorbo: Wangnan! This silly little blonde man burst into my brain and took over my thoughts. This loser is so loveable and sad and relatable. Every day I sit here hoping for him to show up once again, I'm so pathetic.
scrunkly: Prince really is this to a t. He was so arrogant and dumb, and I loved his character development. I wanna put him in time-out.
scrimblo bimblo: I haven't talked about it, but I actually think that Daniel's arc was fantastic and I have a lot of fondness for his plan and motivations throughout the Hell Train arc. And nicely bookended.
glup shitto: Adori literally has not appeared yet, but I'm already way too attached to Everything She Is.
poor little meow meow: Karaka is so babygirl<3 The moment he started displaying tsundere tendencies, all my neurons started firing.
horse plinko: Actually its funny when Khun almost dies. You can practically feel SIU taking their anger out on him.
eeby deeby: White like actually. He is actually a great villain and very pretty, but that's not going to stop me from wanting to punch him hard enough in the gut to make him keel over.
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c4t-scr4tch · 1 year
why did i have to get attached to someone who doesnt care?
maybe that was an unfair analysis, you try, but in my mind thats close to you not caring
the only way i feel okay is when you talk to me, and it fucking sucks that i cant have you 24/7/365
i need you, constantly.
ti adoro e ho bisogno che tu mi adori, grazie per averci provato, ma non è abbastanza, ed è colpa mia.
mi dispiace, amore mio :(
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todocubaonline · 2 years
Lola se limpia las manos: "Yubrán me fue infiel a mí con Imaray Ulloa"
"En su momento sí me dolió, pero yo no soy rencorosa, en serio".
Adorys Colina, o simplemente Lola, expareja del popular comediante cubano Yubrán Luna, sigue dando nuevos detalles de su relación con el actor. Ahora reveló el motivo de su primera ruptura con él: le fue infiel con Imaray Ulloa. Las fuertes declaraciones las soltó en entrevista en el espacio Destino Talk, a pocos días de que fuera confirmada la separación de ambos artistas a raíz de unas fotos…
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neveroutgothed · 5 years
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the moment you realise you are stealing dialogue from your own damn self
(also: stealing from your own fanfic to turn into original fiction? boring. stealing from your original fiction for your fanfic and actually making it way better in the process? that's some Good Shit™)
(also also: please reassure me I'm not the only person who needs to use different fonts for different stories/universes to differentiate them visually)
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mo2k · 3 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨
4, 5 and 30 😊
Darling!!!!!💗Thank you so much dear!I’ve never thought I’d receive one so you’re the first!💖Tysm again lovely-you’re so sweet!I feel like I’m crying asdfghjkl-😭💝
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
- Yes!✨ To be honest,a lot of writers have inspire me!💕 But if I have to choose I’d say @quirrrky @adoriable and @mintugiyuu -they’re the very first ones who introduced me into writing about kny fandom.
They’ve inspired me so much! I’d like to thank them all very much! You all are very terrific my dearests!🤧💝
Then I’ve met a lot of other amazing and talented writers after I’ve started writing,it just spread like a wide water circle!💗
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
- Hm...Well-I feel kind of proud in “Birthday Speacial : Tomioka Giyuu❤️” the most!💖Maybe it was bc it’s one of my self-ships drafts-so I kind of enjoyed writing and proud of it very much muahahaha! UwU (Plus-I got a kiss from my bby boy,what else can I ask for?Ok,I’m just super proud of it wsteyuobxzn-)
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
- Oh huhuhu-dear,I’m in between- though I’ve never post any angst on tumblr but sometimes I just love nothing more than breaking ppl’s heart,and one moment later I can write absolutely sweet,sweet,sweet fics like you might get a toothache hun •~• 💓Huhuhu-
Alright,that’s all-tysm for asking me dear!💕ilysm-pls take care and have a great day sweetheart!♥️
Also,sorry for late reply love😔
And-anybody who wanna ask me,anything really-whether you’re an anon or not,pls do ask right away!💖Don’t be shy!❣️ like just pls-talk to me 🥺✨
-With love,BamBam🦢🌙
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forestal-ramblings · 3 years
Tower of god S3 44-53
Canzon level change of attitude is the perfect reaction to the chairman being a total asshole.
"do you have any idea of who I am , this guide can be sassy too ,i love her.
Kallavan is really strong, he is destroying poor White.
White is admiring Dowon flair , but I think she won't join them until Bam comes in.
Interesting how everyone keeps mentioning how Jahad army is so powerful and that it's pointless to oppose them. Bam in going to show them his power and the most important thing , he represents Hope.
I can't believe Jahad himself talked to Dowon. He has a kind of roguish streak, specially when he was younger.
Ah Dowon is all in against Bam ? I know he wants to avenge his master , but clearly he isn't on that level yet.
Ah hockey's ship really comes in the best moment.
I really hate yasratcha , but at the same time I'm really interested in the true origins of the canine people.
Oh baragav is the only one who is okay ? It's thanks to that thing from the workshop battle?.
The lo po bia girl really looks like an evee fursona.
Ah a cat vs mouse joke , I'm weak.
I'm curious about who the captain is. He knows Jahad ?.
I didn't expect Dowon siding with Kallavan , it even looks like they are going to work together for a while.
Daleet has to take care of khane , he is kind of them ultimate nice npc.
Back to politics , mascheny vs lo po bia and using jinsung ?.
Oh God yasratcha killed Canzon , it broke my heart the panel with evankhell restraining Yama. A lot of canine people died. Poor Yama is in shock.
It's clear that the nest is going to be a trap. I kind a Yuri and Jinsung meeting , because they are from the same family.
It was true that the canine people where related to the lo po bia.
Okay now I hate the guide , thank God hwaryun is coming back. I understand her pain, but it isn't bam fault.
Time to get the fug elders in Bam's team. The return of a test , even one as small as this one is nostalgic.
They keep hyping Adori Jahad , the fight at the nest is going to be massive.
I can't believe Khun is basically bam manager now.
Cazon daughter is alive and well!! Good news from the cage finally!!.
There is a poe bidau + Khun guy ? Are the ten families marrying into one another?
Okay that really was a very rushed way to enter the next arc. Bam is now ready to enter the best with a cool new outfit.
Luch really has the womanizer vibes like his father. And even mascheny is here.
Oh hwaryun and Bam's outfit match.
Of course every big ranker is here to support Bam , we got Karaka , evankhell and Yama and the canine gang !!
Ah a true branch leader shows up with a giant bird. I hope we get a giant dog or wolf sometimes.
Big battle incoming , i can't wait !!.
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arucchi · 4 years
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TW: Rape, incel, violence  (And problably this is writter poorly too but my english is not that good and right now I’m pretty angry, sorry, I did my best). In Italy, there’s this page “Il Redpillatore” by a facebook account “Dino Ricci” (a fake name, obv). This guy always writes disgusting things about women but this time he thought it was smart to say that rape shows that women have a better position and more “sexual power” in our society, cause “nobody richer than you wanna rob you if you don’t have anything valuable in your pockets”, he also state that actually “there are only three rapes a year for every one hundred thousand inhabitants” whithout stating any reliable source and, anyway, it should mean that there are, in Italy, more or less 1800 rapes for year anyway. Taht’s a huge number, not a small one as he wanna make his readers think. And it would be a serious problem even if this number were smaller. He also quotes and link an initiative of the Hungarian government that invites girls to “not get drunk and provoke” because it increases the risk of being rape. To solve the problem about rape we should “improve the sexual condition of males” he says. Quoting him “Do we really want to try something? We must find a way to improve male sexual condition. We must give men the same chance of sexual life that women have. It will never happen. Because, if it happened, the women would no longer have they advantages: they could no longer obtain the same favors they get now, they could no longer scrounge dinners, cocktails and holidays, they could no longer manipulate men […]. In practice, they too would begin to no longer contract anything in a society like men and then they would return to regret the “problem” of being a woman.”
So, long story short: for this piece of shit called a man rape is a privilege and he freely goes on saying those things. Not only, many men agree whit him. “It’s funny because first women say they are potentially incel equally to men and then complaining of rape admitting that literally a woman can have sex even if she doesn’t want to. All the problems of a woman with men are the same as that of a rich man among the poor. […] Excellent article.” comments one of them on the blog, another one says “The best solution, however partial, is the legal but above all moral and psychological customs clearance of paid sex. It is true that in any case women benefit with money but the saving is quantified and controllable and in any case competition between women is generated, instead of monopoly. You can’t do better than that. Women have something we want.” and this shows how Jhons see the women they pay and why we should adopt the nordic model, I’d say. 
On his Facebook page, someone says “First world problem” or “I dress the way I want is a classic jerk phrase”, another guy says that rich men are scared of manipulative women who only want money… Yeah, under an article where a man say that rape is a privilege. Mark comments that “If one thinks about it, rape is more like a theft. It bothers them to use one of their resources without first having offered the relative compensation, a bit like finding out that someone has used your vacation home while you were away”.
This whole way of thinking is harmful and it’s scary seeing how it is acceptable to write and spread this shit online. I cannot stand it anymore. I won’t censor the names of these men. I won’t shut up about this problem we are trying to ignore. It’s not acceptable to talk this way of rape and women, it’s not acceptable to write that “At the roots of rape there is no condition of inferiority of the woman but, on the contrary, of superiority”. That’s violence. We, as women, face rape and harrasment everyday and reading this things it’s truly devasteting. Those people must be stopped.
Quindi, tale Dino Ricci si sente molto arguto e geniale a scrivere certe nefandezze sulla sottile linea che lo separa dell’apologia di reato: lo stupro è praticamente un privilegio che sottolinea la “condizione di privilegio femminile”, perché noi ci facciamo offrire le cene e i cocktail (!) e addirittura osiamo scegliere di andare a letto solo con chi ci attira, mentre i maschi poverini sono delle bestie prive di raziocinio che “si farebbero qualsiasi donna” (e fossi uomo mi sentirei offeso del suo modo di considerare me, se stesso e tutti coloro che condividono i geni xy). Da notare quanti commenti a sostegno, addirittura un ragazzo che rende lampante perché la prostituzione piace tanto ai misogini.  Questa gente esiste. Questa gente crea danni. Il modo di esporsi di questo soggetto, e di tutti i geniacci che gli vanno dietro, è violento e chiaramente misogino. Non è tollerabile. Vanno allontanati, aiutati e soprattutto credo sia il caso di far in modo che la smettano di diffondere queste cazzate; come il suo dato (tirato fuori da dove?) dei 3 stupri annui ogni 100mila abitanti che, basta un po’ di matematica di base, farebbe comunque circa 1800 stupri annui in Italia. Non so lui che modo abbia di intendere l’effettivamente relativo concetto di “tanto” ma a me 1800 stupri non sembrano affatto pochi, e anche lo fossero non renderebbe certo la cosa meno grave. La verità è che questi uomini pensano di avere diritti sulle donne e sui loro corpi, pensa sia giustificabile stuprare, violentare, manipolare le donne perché, per loro, il sesso è diritto. Ma la verità è che non è così, vivere in maniera sana la propria sessualità e non dover nascondere il proprio orientamento sessuale sono diritti ma avere rapporti sessuali no di certo. Non si può avere diritto su qualcosa che coinvolge un’altra persona e di certo non si può trovare una giustificazioni o inventarsi bizzarre mistificazioni per far apparire lo stupro come qualcosa diverso da ciò che è: un atto di violenza e sopraffazione con l’intento di umiliare e ferire l’altra persona. Né più né meno. Inoltre, a differenza di quanto sostiene l’intelligentissimo Dino, l’avvenenza e l’appetito sessuale c’entrano ben poco con lo stupro. Gli stupratori stuprano principalmente per la sensazione di potenza e perché vedono le vittime come oggetti, come creature deboli da rimettere al loro posto, umiliare e usare.  Per mettere fine agli stupri non bisogna far credere agli uomini di avere ancor più diritti sulle donne o dare loro ulteriore potere sessuale (perché ne hanno eccome, per quanto il Redpillatore adori proiettare i suoi difetti e incolpare di ogni cosa il sesso femminile), la soluzione è l’educazione al rispetto e alla parità tra i sessi.
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2spooky-legout-blog · 4 years
time capsule
I hope i still use this site at my age the year this is posted will be my birthday in 2020 9-18-2020 it is now june in 2013 i hope i am happy with the profession im going after in college dear me if you are still on this site i want you to remember:
your weeabo days, ben ten, pokemon, watson, deacon, reagan, cici, madison, even robert, autumn, faith, miss janet, miss janice, miss lesilie, miss Evelyn (rip), hetalia, bleach, deadman wonderland, that one i cant think of with the guy that couldnt die, all the animes you COULDNT get into, role-playing, HOMESTUCK, MCR, ANDREW HUSSIE, super natural, doctor who, sherlock, TENTABULGES, your "frisky" days wonk (IF YOU HAVENT HAD SEX IM MAD AT YOU), your kinks (IF YOU HAVENT DONE PETPLAY IM INCREDIBLY MAD AT YOU), YOU BETTER FUCKING DOMINATE YOURSELF IN BED SOMETIMES I SWEAR TO GOD, ORAL YOU HAVE HAD TO DO ORAL ONCE ANGELING I SWEAR TO GOD, ps congrats if you ever told madison how you felt and acted like a true moirail to her FOR FUCKING ONCE, if you told her about your lil crush that  one time, remember twerking, lil nuggers, niggles, doots, nocku monji, every single thing you laughed at, take a look at the older side of your blog trust me the semi regret will be worth it, remember your roleplaying buddies, conner, ethan, sadie, kriss, zany,and everyone else on that chat thats already starting to be forgot about, miyemonster, neeples, rin, shadow, anyone else from any rp groups, remember all the books you'd spend hours reading? artemis fowl, redwall, percy jackson, the kane chronicles, the gaurdians of ga'hoole, remember every aspect (lil homestuck pun) of your life and childhood let it flow back to you its ok if youre crying i am too hey if you can use stuff like trollian in the future message me lets not pull a karkat lets talk lets cry together hell lets share porn. remember everything madison liked? spook, one, johny, adori and skully? remember her smile, you might not see it much anymore, she might not even be there. dont bottle up your feeling please do me that! remember everything you aspired to be your fascination with filming and animation, your love of singing (broadway karkat) science astronomy. how scared you were to go to high school how you didnt get an etsy. im scared at the moment of going to highschool. but if youre reading this everything mustve went pretty smooth. remember every movie every book every show every comic every fandom evey chat (msparp.com/chat/shhNoWordsNow, msparp.com/chat/fuckifireallyknow please revisit them) every youtube channel (pewdie, cry, roosterteeth, damn even yamimashe revisit them too) every laugh every tear shed reflect on your life let your memories come back to you remember every trip you took up and down the same road remember every song you listened to, every fanfiction that ripped your heart in two (loophole and UFUT uwanted free ulgy troll please reread them) 
love yourself
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impactrueno · 4 years
Hi! You might have no idea what I’m talking about, in which case I’m sorry, but I’ve just come back to tumblr after a long time and I’m trying to figure out; are you/we’re you Adori? I’m really really sorry if that’s your deadname, if it is then I truly don’t mean to upset you by using it and you don’t have to publish this ask if you don’t want people to know! And if you have no clue what I mean then don’t worry either! Sorry to bother!
haha no worries its not a deadname or anything like that, its just an old nickname but yes thats me
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owlapin · 5 years
Are you still in contact with any of the old once-ler people? Like Skully or Adori or w/e? Also I LOVED your askblogs and was always so amazed at how lucky I was to see you guys give us so much amazing content FOR FREE! And we count interact with it and stuff! So cool. Have never seen anything quite like it in any other fandom. Thanks to all of you for putting so much effort in, it must’ve been a lot but you’re still SO appreciated!
not in contact w most of em anymore but i still regularly talk to dani’s mod and teen swag’s mod, and me and teen bitters mod moved across the country and are roommates now lmfao
thank you so much!
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littletoybabyboy · 4 years
Talk about sexsexsexsexsex
Po-ppi-po-ppi-po-ppo-ppi-po (x11)PPI-po-po-po-PPI-ppo-ppiPI !!!!!Prendilo, lo adori."Succo di verdura."Devi amare questo drink, ho deciso ora.Quindi prendilo ora, con il mio vero cuore."Succo di verdura."Costa solo $ 2.Dai! Dai!Balliamo!Dai! Dai!Balliamo!Succo di verdura dolce e morbido.Succo di verdura cremoso e cremoso.Immagino che ti dovrebbe piacereil migliore, questo."Big Pale Blue Juice!"Po-ppi-po-ppi-po-ppo-ppi-po (x2)Siamo vegetaria-a-a-an.Po-ppi-po-ppi-po-ppo-ppi-po (x2)Ogni vegetaria-a-a-a-an.Po-ppi-po-ppi-po-ppo-ppi-po (x2)Felice vegetaria-a-a-a-an.Po-ppi-po-ppi-po-ppo-ppi-po (x2)Y. A. S. A. Ti amo, così e ti amo !!
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
You be Stunning, Baby, I'll be Stunned (Italian Translation)
by Sweet_CreatureHL
Harry afferra la camicetta rosa a pois bianchi, esitando leggermente prima di toglierla dal gancio, il liscio cotone morbido tra le mani. L’ha comprata un paio di mesi fa; è rimasta intatta ed appesa nel suo armadio da allora, nonostante il fatto che la adori assolutamente. Il rosa è davvero audace e piuttosto azzardato, un azzardo che non ha ancora avuto la prontezza di fare. Fino a stasera. - O più semplicemente, Harry e Louis vanno al loro primo appuntamento.  Ps: la storia non è mia, ma solo una traduzione dell'originale scritta da crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks) su AO3. Lei è stata solo molto carina a darmi il permesso.
Words: 15851, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Jade Thirlwall, Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: First Date, Fluff, Smut, IT'S ALL FLUFF AND SMUT, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Dirty Talk, To quote Maggie they are DISGUSTING, They call each other baby a lot, Established Relationship, Top Louis, Bottom Harry, Own the Scars Time Stamp, honeymoon phase, but remember they share that, Body Worship, American AU, it's what they deserve, i'm not even sorry, Translation, Italian translation
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/32Ry3iN
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