paulkwauk · 2 years
If you can feel something, it's probably there.
Paul Kwauk
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Learn To Control Your Fear and Cope Better For Your Readiness
Learn To Control Your Fear and Cope Better For Your Readiness
It’s normal to feel fear once in a while. But it isn’t great to feel overwhelmed by it. That’s especially when you’re out in public. It isn’t even because it’s embarrassing. Sometimes, when you experience terror, you panic so hard. When that happens, you lose control of yourself. You could have accidents or other misfortunes because of it. So you should take some time to work on your coping with

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paulkwauk · 2 years
Count the days but be there when things happen. Live in the moments and don't just let them pass.
Paul Kwauk
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paulkwauk · 2 years
“Truth is, it doesn’t matter which way you fight, as long as it works.”
Cobra Kai Season 4 | Official Trailer | Netflix
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Healthy Things To Do After Waking Up
Drink Water
When you open your eyes from your deep slumber, your throat feels a bit dry and this is natural. So what you do is to drink some water for that. The purpose of this to deal with that oral dryness, have oxygen into your system, and quench your thirst. But, when you wake up, you also need to lubricate parts of your body. That’s so none of them would have friction with one another and cause you to have injuries. Drinking water is also for the lubrication of the joints or improving one’s synovial fluid. So do this daily. You don’t even have to drink a lot first thing when you wake up too. A glass or two is likely enough.
Do Some Stretching
Doing some dynamic and static stretching can be quite helpful. It means moving parts of your body and thus your muscles and keeping them steady in certain positions. Doing these can get you to stretch better and thus have improved range of motion. Also, it may have your muscles ready to take on physical tasks for the day. You can say that such can help you with your muscle flexibility and strength. Also, it’s for warming up or making your temperature raise for a bit and also increase the flow of blood in your muscles. Basically, when you’d perform these things, you get the benefit of being able to avoid injuries and improve your readiness to do mundane tasks and even challenging ones.
Have Some Mindfulness
After you realize that you’re awake, think about being alive and feel your senses. Make sense of everything around you. This includes your self or parts of your body and how you think. Aside from that, it’s what you’re doing and the things that are in your surroundings. The benefit of doing this is that you could get your mind in sync with reality. Other than that, it would help you better respond to whatever you would face throughout the day.
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Only when you reveal yourself to others when they will know why you're you.
Paul Kwauk
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Establish Deep Connection With People
Establish Deep Connection With People
You must make an effort to connect with people. That is to make friends and strengthen your bonds with those you’re already familiar with. When you have plenty of connections, you also have many chances of being able to get aid in times of trouble. Of course, you could also make your life meaningful. After all, you gain experience from being with people and hearing their stories. You get the

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paulkwauk · 2 years
Try To Overcome Adversity
Try To Overcome Adversity
Hardships happen to people from time to time. It’s inevitable for everyone. But, despite this, you ought to fight back when you’re stressed out or troubled. It’s because it’s the only way for you to recover or get your life back on track. Misfortunes wouldn’t be so hard when you would be able to take charge of your life. No matter what bad luck comes your way, handle yourself better. In that way,

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paulkwauk · 2 years
Start Prepping For Aging
Start Prepping For Aging
Instead of thinking about the near future, you may want to consider the years ahead too. It’s good to prepare for possible disasters but it’s also smart to be ready for aging. Being an old person means being vulnerable. So you have to prepare for that too. After all, when you reach old age, you’re not going to be strong as you are now. So you might as well take steps to do something about

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paulkwauk · 2 years
Prepare For Old Age Too
Don’t forget that you’re a human being and will definitely get older as time goes by. Because of this, you must make preparations for your senior years too. Even if you’re not sure that you’re going to get there, you ought to be ready. That is because there’s also the possibility that you might live for a very long time. so make this one a part of your readiness.
Familiarize Yourself With The Aging Process
From time to time, orient yourself with what happens when a person becomes old. This means knowing what usually occurs when men and women reach a certain age. Of course, there’s the weakening of the mind and body brought about by the normal wear and tear. There’s also unemployment, retiring, increased medical expenses, the use of assistive devices, and the likes. But you shouldn’t overwhelm yourself with these things. Rather, expose yourself to them for a while. You can do that by reading about geriatric issues and visiting old people within your area. You’re likely to learn a lot by trying this one.
Invest in Assistive Devices
You might be able to estimate how you’ll end up as an old person based on your lifestyle. Of course, you’re likely going to have better joint mobility or connective tissue problems because of being athletic as a young person. There’s also the matter of eyesight that becomes problematic in a lot of seniors. Because of this, you either invest in things for assistive technology. That’s so you will have those that could help you manage every day or even during emergencies as an old person.
Some of the ones that are most commonly used by old people are as follows:
Wheelchair, Crutches, and Walkers to address possible mobility problems
Microphones, and Headphones for communication assistance when there would be speech and hearing issues later
Transfer devices or vehicles to transport yourself with ease when you can’t use your lower limbs anymore
But, again, don’t buy these things right away. You may want to gather these close to when you’d feel you’re going to need them. After all, these might be made of metal or plastic but such materials get worn-out in time too. So it’s better to use new or slightly used than old things in the future.
Make Your Mindset Ready For Aging
Now, you need to prepare your brain for getting old. That is in terms of accepting the fact that a person gets old and what happens then when an individual is already aged. When you’re more accommodating to this reality, you will be able to live your life better and manage with whatever comes your way.
In the future, you know that you’re likely going to feel more lonely. You might have feelings of loneliness sometimes and it’s probably going to be worse later. That’s because some of your family, friends, and relatives are going to end dead in the future. So you have to be prepared to lose those who are closest to you and think more about appreciating your time with them. In that way, you’ll feel less attached to the idea of losing them and more connected to the way of the world. So it’s healthy to think early about grieving sometimes to get your mentality ready.
Work On Your Functionality Early
This means working on your endurance, speed, power, flexibility, and the likes. While you’re still able to train, go ahead and do that. When you do, though, imagine training your body to be prepared to face an older version of yourself. In the future, you’re likely going to be slower and weaker. You might get tired easily and turn less flexible too. At least work on different parts of your body to make sure they manage daily activities and some demanding tasks later on when you become a senior.
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Educate yourself. When a question about a certain topic pops up, google it. Watch movies and documentaries. When something sparks your interest, read about it. Read read read. Study, learn, stimulate your brain. Don’t just rely on the school system, educate that beautiful mind of yours.
Unknown (via quotemadness)
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Learn To Choose What To Fight For And Sacrifice
You cannot have everything in this world. You can only have some. But, with that capacity to own some, you have a choice in choosing what to posses—for the most part. In some cases, you’re compelled to have or let go due to situations that you have no control over. For those where you can choose to decide on or own something, it is important that you select well. You might not be able to perfect everything but you can certainly work on reducing your mistakes, regrets, and the likes. It’s just the way it is. So sacrificing is a common thing that you never get used to and so is fighting for something. You only have to decide when and where to push on and surrender. Likewise, you have to be prepared for your decision. That is to say, know and accept the pros and cons.
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paulkwauk · 2 years
You can only sacrifice so much in this life so choose what to give up.
Paul Kwauk
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Begin Escrima Training and Keep Going
Begin Escrima Training and Keep Going
If you’re fond of movies like Star Wars because of lightsaber fights, try escrima. That’s because the said discipline involves a lot of twirling and fancy movements. But it isn’t all about doing impressive things. This type of stick fighting is very practical. That is to say, it can be for self-defense. For fitness and functionality, it’s one of the best martial arts that anyone could

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paulkwauk · 2 years
Be Honest With Yourself When Training
If you want to experience progress in a specific discipline then you ought to be honest with yourself. That is to say, you should be true to yourself when it comes to your assessment of self. In how you’re doing, you need to be truthful. That’s because it’s in being so where you discover your strengths and weaknesses. You find where you’re good at and then develop them. You discover your flaws and then work on them.
What this means in fitness and functional training is that you ought to do your workouts and go about your nutrition right. You need to plan what you’re going to do and how you’re going to eat. But you also need to make sure that you see them through. That’s so they would work, provide you with your desired outcomes, and avoid injuries plus health problems in the process.
You have to establish what weight and type of physique that you want to have. Once you know these things, you should then look for your workout program and also your calorie and nutrient requirements based on your goals. As for your nutrition, try to know just how much you have to eat and what you should be eating. But you need to make certain that you keep track of your food consumption. This would be so that you could almost always reach your nutritional goals. Still, you must work on limiting your intake of certain food items. That is while making sure that you hit your nutrient needs. This is for weight management, muscle recovery, and maintenance of the various systems of your body.
Sometimes, you have to treat yourself to a lot of food. That is to cater to your unconscious side’s desire to preserve your body. But you must be sure not to overdo it. After all, you still have to ensure that you stay within your caloric budget. Make sure to write down not only your calorie consumption but also the nutrients. That means the macronutrients and the micronutrients. But, if you’re having a hard time with the micronutrients, tracking your macros only is fine. Now, for your convenience, you could try to download apps like “MyFitnessPal” and “Lose It!” That’s so you could do the recording with the utmost ease.
Working Out
This involves knowing what to do, doing it, and making sure that you track yourself and rest when you should. Doing things at random can be quite unproductive. It may work for a while but wouldn’t help you with your long-term goals. So know if you’re going to do cardio, weight training, both, or other activities for your weight management, bodybuilding, or functional improvement. Then you should stick to whatever it is that you planned on doing. Keep doing something for 20 days or so and you will be able to create a habit. Be honest if you’d fail and just try again. There’s no sense in denying failures. Appreciate and do something about them.
Look for an app that lets you track your workout progress or list down what you did every time you would exercise. Compare your previous performance with your current one. Continue to do that so that you would see positive outcomes later on. Also, when you would input your data, be truthful and include only what you did. Count things like your repetitions, sets, time, and intensity. Try to track which parts of your muscles you’re working on. Make sure that you don’t overdo any of them to cause injuries to yourself.
If you can’t handle a certain resistance level, admit it. Pushing yourself way beyond your limit can prove to be disastrous. Rather, if you want to push yourself, make sure that you’re really convinced that you could do it. Also, have some protective gear on you. That is to say, put on things like a belt plus elbow and knee pads for support.
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paulkwauk · 2 years
Believe not to make things easier but possible.
Pau Kwauk
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paulkwauk · 2 years
What I need in my life RIGHT NOW.
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