I saw that you have You are Umasou as your pfp!
Have you watched the second movie? Asking because I haven’t seen it (or find it) myself 😅
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The Neverending Story
(Speaking of dark children’s books…)
A couple of months ago, we watched the 1984 film adaptation of The Neverending Story, and it was bad and just made me desperately want to reread the book, so I did.
I first read the book when I was about eight years old, at the recommendation of my best friend; it was her favorite book. I can’t even begin to describe how this book made me feel back then. It was the only time I remember where I stopped reading a book for a while (it was probably only a couple of days, but it felt longer) because I was genuinely afraid to see what would happen next. It’s incredibly intense and bleak and terrifying and tackles mindscrewy existential themes, including humanity and losing one’s humanity; there’s a sense of imaginative whimsy to it too - arrays of quirky fantasy creatures and reality working by whimsical, arbitrary rules - but the atmosphere is one of looming, oppressive dread throughout.
Keep reading
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So The Laughing Salesman is one of the darkest, meanest anime series of the 80’s and is usually about people’s lives getting DESTROYED by the Salesman’s weird, twisted solutions to their problems, but in episode 28 a young salaryman is just afraid of his overly mean boss, the Salesman is like “just get into knitting!” and this is the outcome of that. The only “dark twist” is that the mom disapproves, that’s it. Nobody dies or loses their mind or turns into an owl or any weird shit. The Salesman just hooks a couple of dudes up and says “gay rights” and leaves
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if you're up for requests on things to look into, how about the webseries Ratboy Genius? I'd say the Dreams: Minecraft saga followed by the Fan Art Tribute video would be the best way to get a feel for the series.
Wow thank you for your request! I’m looking him up and from what I can tell he seems to be some sort of fictional youtuber that creates different seires, i’m unsure if theyre connected or not but I’m super intrigued! :D
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Moomin Masterlist
Moomin Books
69/72 Series: here and here
90′s Series:
English: here and here
Japanese with English sub
Moomintroll and the Comet
Die Muminfamilie
Moomin Soundtracks: 
Japanese Soundtracks
Moomin Voices/Muminröster
Comet in Moominland:
Finnish with Eng sub
Japanese with Eng sub
Moomins on the Riviera: Finnish and English
Moomins and the Comet Chase: German
Moomins and Midsummer Madness: German
Moomin’s Tale
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huh somehow i knew everything featured on this blog... crazy how the world spins this way.... anyway you should check out Monster by Naoki Urasawa, its v good and unknown
I’ve never heard of Monster before :00
I’ll definetly check it out thank you for the suggestion! :3
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joining the fandom for a really old/obscure anime
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Today’s Hidden Gem is... OFF
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Ok so this one makes me a little nervous because OFF actually has a really faithful cult following that produces a lot of fan content, and I feel like if there’s an active fan base that produces regular content then it’s not actually that obscure right?
But screw it- nobody’s heard of this goddamn game and it’s frustrating so we gonna talk about it
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OFF is an rpg maker indie game from the early 2000’s by a french artist named Mortis Ghost. In the game, you as the player, are a separate entity from the protagonist, The Batter, an entity sent from god to purify the three zones. Basically you control The Batter through the zones, killing ghosts and freeing the Elsens from their authoritarian overlords.
Oh so that’s what you’re lead to believe. I don’t want to spoil too much but this game really takes you for a ride. It’s surreal, dark, and outright disturbing at times.
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I think outright what makes OFF such a unique game is its world. The physics and concepts, the characters you meet, it’s so, magical? It really is unlike any other game I’ve played. The game itself is an experience.
The dialogue too, is really well crafted. This might be, thanks to the people who translated it from french, and put the English patch online for free. Honestly, where would we be without people like that?
So yeah, it’s a free game, online everywhere, so there’s nothing stopping you from playing it. The older graphics might be holding you back, but don’t let it! It’s a beautiful game in its own way. From it’s compelling character designs and dialogue, to its puzzle mechanics, OFF remains a masterpiece.
Please give it a try. It’s free.
Download link- https://www.zchr.org/off.html
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Today’s Hidden Gem is... Unico
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Osamu Tezuka, (most notebly known for the creation of Astro Boy, Black Jack, Kimba the White Lion, and Metropolis) was commissioned by Sanrio (the company behind Hello Kitty) in the late 70’s to create a new character to brand and merchandise. What followed though was not merely an iconically lovable character; but also two manga volumes, two movies, and a pilot of one of the darkest franchises of children’s media even to this day.
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Unico is a baby unicorn with the amazing power to make people he loves happy, as long as they love him back. His nature is incredibly kind and naive, and deep within his core he wishes to make friends and not be alone.
Eventually this causes the gods (aphrodite in the manga) to grow jealous of his powers, saying only they should have the ability to make people happy. So they call to the West Wind and demand her to kidnap Unico and abandon him on the Hill of Oblivion, where he’ll be alone forever.
The West Wind pities for Unico, and so she disobeys her orders, and takes Unico to some far away land where she hopes he’ll never be found. It’s only after Unico uses his powers to make soneone happy, that the Gods can spot his location, and causes the West Wind to take him to somewhere else. Each time she wipes Unico’s memories of his previous friends in order to releive him of the pain of leaving.
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This is what sets up the facinating episodic nature of Unico. The chapters of the manga specifically were made to be read out of order, since each one Unico meets an entirely new cast of likable characters. It enables flexibility and total creative control. And it works.
The characters Unico meets throughout his journey are all encredibly likable, with there own motivation and goals. Usually, it’s only by meeting Unico can they’re able to develop. It teaches alot of good lessons about loving others and being kind.
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But don’t let the cutesy stuff trick you. Unico is DARK. Especially considering it was for children in the 70’s
In the first movie, The Fantastic Adventures of Unico, one of Unico’s friends who was just turned into a human, was tricked by this demon lord into following him home, and drinking lots of alchohal until she passes out, when some sexually violent implications are given
Don’t worry though, he doesn’t actually get to do what he was intending, and Unico kicks his butt too
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Though the first movie remains faithful too the source material, the second movie, Unico and the Island of Magic, is my personal favorite. The villain is this really cool concept that some what paralells Unico’s development, snd becuase we stay with the same cast of characters throughout the story it really gives these ideas the chance they need to blossom.
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All in all- Unico is a really fantastic and surreal adventure about love and friendship! It may be for children, but it really is a great story. I reccomend it for everyone!
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HEY GUYS ( o u o) so as you can see I havn’t posted in a while because the presseure was alot and I figured everybody would forget about this blog if I never updated it
You just HAD to keep bEING SUPORTIVE and KIND and CARING and you all kept reblogging and liking and ;u; gosh you guys are great
So I just wanted to let you know I’m working on some new post for this blog ^^ I’m having some difficulties gathering footage for some of this stuff so bare with me and I’ll post soon
ALSO ANOTHER REMIND My inbox is still open if any of you have shows you want me to talk about that you feel deserve more recognition
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I wrote this essay on my main blog- it’s not exactly an overview and it’s got alot of spoilers in it but I’m reblogging this because Space Patrol Luluco is so underated and obscure so instead of writing a whole seperate thing I’m just going to take this moment to say that Space Patrol Luluco is an amazing shit post comedy- alot of the jokes might be lost on veiwers who have never seen any other properties by studio Trigger
but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep warching till the end the conclusion lf the show is fantastic and thrilling and it has an amazing message
Plus the show is incredibly short each episode is seven minutes long and theres only thirteen episodes you could watch the whole thing in like a few hours
I really recomend it!!
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What Space Patrol Luluco meant to me, as an aeromantic middle schooler
H hhiii everybody, this is an essay I wanted to write. I know this is an art account, but the last time I wrote a half assed paper about Osomatsu’s 24th season two episode you guys like it? So maybe, just maybe, you guys would be ok with reading another, this time something more personal, about what I beleive is a completely underrated show and how it changed my life! :D
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Space Patrol Luluco is a 13 episode shit post about a 13 year old girl name Luluco (fuckadoodle doo) who take her father’s place in the Okikubo division of the Space Patrol after he’s turned into a frozen brain splinter by her Space Pirate Mother. (more on that later)
What the series is most known for is being one huge fucking inside joke for fans of Studio Trigger. The 13 episodes are divided into 5 mini seasons, each ending on the third episode so that that there’s never a fourth episode, since Trigger is known for their infamously bad fourth episodes. The show even confirms that all Trigger properties belong in the same universe just on different planets, Luluco even meets some notable characters from other shows. It’s a really neat show for fans of the studio.
But for me, I’ve always seen the show as something much more personal than that, especially as an aeromantic middle schooler.
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The show throughout seasons 1-3 carries this subplot of Luluco’s crush on this apathetic good looking boy name Nova; and to be honest when I was first watching it I found this subplot cringey and unappealing.
As a bit of a disclaimer, my aeromanticism was a coping mechanism due to some bad experiences involving being stalked and manipulated by a boy I knew for seven years. (i’m not joking, fourth grade to tenth grade) For most people aeromanticism isn’t a phase, and I’m not trying to imply in anyway that that’s what it is, but for me, it was a phase. Romance made me incredibly uncomfortable, because I was convinced that all love is shallow especially premature teen age love. I believed the standard of love we had created for ourselves was impossible to actually achieve. Especially impossible, and pointless, for middle school love.
And that’s how I felt about Luluco’s crush for Nova. It wasn’t special, it wasn’t deep, it wasn’t love. But it all changed in the series’s climax, because my outlook on Luluco’s crush was the exact intention of the writer’s. The audience was meant to view her love as insignificant, because that was the exact view of the series’s main antagonist too.
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Another thing I’ve always loved about all of Trigger’s properties are their insane plot twists. (or at least the ones I’ve seen have plot twists) In episode one of season four of Space Patrol Luluco it’s revealed that the commanding chief of the entire space patrol force is a Blackholien, an alien species that only finds joy from stealing everything the universe has to offer; but because he’s so bored of stealing things of value, he sets about trying to steal the most worthless object in the entire universe- a middle school crush. Nova, the boy Luluco loves, is revealed to be a Nothingling, a being incapable of having a personality or feelings. The Blackholien humiliates Luluco by showing everyone that she only loves Nova for his looks, because that’s all he is. Then, Nova steals Luluco’s love from her body and the shock of this kills her.
Now, watching this for the first time, this really got my attention. In the next fucking episode, Luluco isn’t even in the opening anymore, because she’s dead. She spends the whole episode in hell, until she realizes something. It doesn’t matter to her that her love seems immature and shallow, because to her, it’s real.
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Pulling back from the show for a moment, I’d like to say that we live in a society where we hate little girls. We do. If something is fucking stupid but is geared toward boys we withstand it. But if something is fucking stupid and geared toward little girls we hate on it, relentlessly. I felt that pressure alot as a child. Until I reached high school I was a tomboy, because I didn’t want to be seen as feminine. Subconsciously, I saw it as weak and something to outgrow. But it wasn’t until freshmen year that I realized that I’m ok with being girly. I can be feminine and powerful at the same time.
I got a little off topic there but what I’m trying to say is that these themes are very present all through out the show Space Patrol Luluco, except it focuses less on gender expression and more on age but still it’s kind of the same. There are arc words within the series, such as how instead of stealing people only use the term “shoplift.” And how the Blackholien at every chance he gets calls Luluco a worthless middleschooler, belittling her for her age and her optimism.
I rewatched the series recently, and seeing it from a different perspective, with a romantic partner in my life, I’ve really come to understand Nova and Luluco’s relationship. Back in season one, after spending sometime with Nova Luluco experiences this big bang, and it’s meant to be this metaphor for the emotions blooming within her. Later, after Luluco comes back to life and confesses her feelings to Nova he experiences a big bang too, and for the first time ever he can feel emotions, and he falls in love with Luluco, and to me, that is the most romantic beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
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As someone who has personally experienced what it’s like to feel incapable of love to finding my soulmate, it’s incredibly empowering. And that’s the real purpose of Space Patrol Luluco. Good art shows people different perspectives of the world, and years ago that’s exactly what it did for me. And I don’t care if love is stupid anymore I just know what it is I feel, and that’s what Luluco is for. To teach little girls like me that it’s ok to have dumb middle school crushes.
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Today’s Hidden Gem Is... You Are Umasou
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You Are Umasou is like my all time favorite movie- it’s actually the whole reason I started this blog in the first place! It’s such a heartwarming yet dark unique perfect story I just skjfjskshdbsj
I’m sorry the poster is in bad quality, this movie has no US release but the whole thing is avalible on youtube I reccomend it more than anything else
If you need more convincing though, I shall elaborate :3
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You are Umasou is a 2010 japanese children’s film based on a picture book seires by the same name. The story centers around parenting, and the trancendent nature of a parent’s love for their child vs their instinctive nature. This might sound cheesy, but the delivery of this theme is down right inspiring and just good story telling. The pacing of the plot is fantastic and the world itself feels rich with life and adventure.
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The actual plot of the film centers around a dinosaur name Heart, who is a t-rex that was raised by herbovoires who as an adult raises a herbovoire himself. He struggles with his instictive need to eat meat and his self worth of being a father, and he undergoes great character development.
The characters themselves have really simple and unique designs, and though that might seem like a turn off to some, it allows for some really kick ass animation.
I’m not kidding, there are alot of action sceens in this film that down right took my breath away.
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It’s an expressive, creative, and soulful movie, and I just feel so much love from the creators in every frame. It’s an absolute must watch.
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Today’s Hidden Gem is... Popee the Performer
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Ok so back in 2001 a japanese childrens’ network started randomly airing these five minute shorts with no explanation about a guy named Popee who wants to become a circus leader
And it was fucking bizzare
The show is oozing with grututous violence and disturbing imagery, but it presents all of it in this light hearted looney toons esq comedy
And it fucking works
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The art is putting you off so let me explain
This is early 2000’s cgi at it’s finest, and the entire show was conceived and created by Ryuji and Wakako Masuda, a loving married couple- this surreal dessert wasteland is their passion project, and the love and effort into the characters shows
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The entire show has no dialogue- meaning every point of the plot and aspect of the characters is explained completely visually
And it’s done really well
The visual direction of the framing and the actions of the character lead to some really hilarious moments and some outragous shenanigans
The entire show is on youtube and it’s only 39 episodes, it’s easilly accecible and an open experience to all languages
I reccomend it to everyone :3c
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Two posts in and I’m already a failure
Who am I kidding I can’t fucking run a side blog I can barely rune a main blog nonetheless a DAILY BLOG
I’m just gunna post whenever somethin needs archiving don’t look at me
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Today’s Hidden Gem is... 17776
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17776 is a webcomic created by SBNation writer and all around cool guy Jon Bois
Using text, google earth, and some pretty cool html effect Bois creates an amazing science fiction experience that deal with universal themes of Existentialism and Nihilism
My best suggestion to you is to go into this experience raw, it’s a very unique concept with a lot of confusing idea that are explained really naturally through the dialogue
It may take time for all of your questions to be answered, but they’re answered when they need to be
The page you’re about to go to disapears at a certain point and you will never see it again
Scroll slowly, read carefully
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If you still need some convincing before reading this, I’ll elaborate
The story takes place through the dialogues of several other characters all throughout the u.s. as an exploration of the question “What would happen if everyone stopped dying? What if everyone lived forever?”
It explores the different possibilities and roles people take, interestingly all through the lense of football, which is used as a narrative tool to connect all of these people together
Did I mention it’s a comedy?
It makes me really emotional but it’s really meant to be a comedy
I can’t describe the humor, it’s like this, dry, Saddness??
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Though there are a lot of characters, the development of the story lies with our three main protagonists-
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Nine is the main main main character
He serves as the knowledge of the audience as he explores this new future
He’s existential, anxious, and hopeful; he believes in power of humanity to develop and grow
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The other two to this trio are Ten and Juice, both of whom serve as informative guides to nine and the reader
Ten is responsibile, rational, and well mannered
Juice is Juice
Together these three characters form the emotional core of this story as they debate and discuss the state of the world and the state of humanity as a whole
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It’s an amazing unique story
A blend of humor, philosophy, science fiction, jazz, and football
With lovable characters, an original plot, and an over arching message on the value of life
And it deserves to be more popular
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Today’s Hidden Gem Is...
English Translation: My Ordinary Life
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Are you a fan of Surreal Humor??
Of non sexualized female protagonists??
Of flawless on point animation???
Then this is the show for you
Nichijou was originally a manga by obscure comedy legend Keichi Airawa
His simple yet recognizable style is responsible for iconic images such as this
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The manga itself focuses around the seemlingly seperate yet interconnected lives of several high school girls as they find themselves in bizarre and comical situations
It deals with themes of growing up, accepting who you are, and finding hope in ironically depressing situations
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Yukko: An optimistic moronic girl with horrible luck
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Mio: A rational girl with anger issues and a passion for art
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Mai: Bizzare
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Nano: A robot who just wants to live the life of a normal teenage girl
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It was picked up for an anime adaption by Kyoko Animation back in 2012
And holy shit does it deliver
Sadly, Though Kyoko Animation are God’s of their craft, they’re marketing is subpar and their prices are outrageous
Because of the fact that Nichijou was released after a natural disaster in japan for about 90 dollar two episode blue rays, it was ultimately a failure
But after five years of copy right hell, Nichijou was finally purchased by Funimation and official translation are currently avalible on blue ray
So in the end it’s a happy ending
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Dear Tumblr Kids,
Got an interest? A Passion? An obsession?
Tired of having your favorite shows go under appreciated, unknown, unloved?
Everyday I’m gunna post an unknown show/fandom/shit that deserves more love and attention
I will have submissions open so I will take requests to shout out your favorite shows!
I’m also thinking of putting together an archive show finder thing, so if you’re in the mood for checking on some niche shit it’ll be easy as pie to find the right one for you
I’m not good at Tumblr, but nobody else seems to want this job, and somebody fucking has to
Thanks for reading! Send me your shit!
- Love, pathetic
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