mondeskinder · 6 years
Fresh branches delicately pervading crumbling concrete, reaching out further as they surpass the obsolete walls of yesterday to greet tomorrow with joyous laughter, white specks soaked in hope, faith. Entwined bars coated in rust no longer suffocating buds awaiting to bloom, finally liberating the vivid colours of freedom and progess; their youth ripened midst the preceding agony that is breaking out of the narrowing cage.
For a little while the sky glows in beyond blues above nourishing soil yet to be exhausted; new roots firmly embedded, juvenile sprouts evolving as fragile leaves spread to gradually occupy the entirety of this newfound space and explore foreign diversities. Altered, unique growth. Seemingly limitless change.
Though soon the inspiring baby blue will fade into a pale azure throwning ruthlessly above hardened ground, the air polluted by dust of familiarity nonchalantly resting in each and every corner. Structures that had been so exhilarating at first had withered to ordinary security, protecting a now sufficiently matured life.
A new home. A new choice to be made; to stay in the comfortingly mundane environment or to take another risk - transcending once again, grasping yet undiscovered spheres of self.
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mondeskinder · 6 years
Would You Rather..
I was tagged by my lovely friend @the-smell-of-stories 💛 (I love you so much for always tagging me in this stuff even if I take longer, I appreciate it a lot!!)
Rules: bold the word you pick and tag 10 people
• musicals or plays
• lemonade or ice tea
• strawberries or raspberries
• winter or summer
• pandas or koalas
• planets or constellations
• pastels or neons
• diners or cafes
• unicorns or dragons
• gemstones or crystals
• hummingbirds or owls
• fireworks or sparklers
• sunflowers or hydrangeas
• brunch or happy hour
• sweet or sour
• rome or amsterdam
• classic or modern art
• fairy lights or candles
• sun or moon
• polka dots or stripes
• macaroons or croissants
• glitter or matte
• road trip or camping trip
• coloring books or watercolors
• honey & lemon or milk & sugar
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mondeskinder · 6 years
Golden sunsets melting through her ribcage
Tender heart suffocated by lingering darkess
Passionate strokes staining her souls canvas
Broken thoughts healing on a new page
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mondeskinder · 6 years
CARNATION: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
Oh god this is hard.. I think Panic! at the Disco, Harry Styles or Bangtan.
CALLA LILLY: If you died right now, which song would you want to be played at your funeral
This is even harder ugh.. This is Gospel by Panic! (If you love me let me GOOOOOOO~ ..This question is literally the reason why it took me so long to do this I was struggling)
LOCUST: What was your favourite book as a child?
Morag und der magische Kristall by D.A. Nelson (honestly it's just such a cute book I read it like 5 times)
@the-smell-of-stories thank you so much for tagging me again and sorry I took so long 💛 I would like you to answer DAFFODIL, AZALEA and DANDELION (because guess what, you are)
Flower Ask
DAISY:How old were you when you had your first kiss?
CARNATION:If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
JASMINE:What color looks best on you?
FOXGLOVE:Name three facts about your family?
ALLIUM:What’s the best thing you can cook?
ORANGE BLOSSOM:If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you?
CALLA LILY:If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral?
POINSETTIA:Favorite holiday dish?
OXLIP:Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
PRIMROSE:Favorite kind of soup?
DAFFODIL:What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?
ROSE:Are you currently in love with someone?
AMSONIA:Would you ever become a vegan?
PEONY:What’s your favorite hot beverage?
TULIP:For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?
MYRTLE:Do you like going on airplanes?
HIBISCUS:Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?
ZINNIA:Who was your best friend when you were six years old?
POPPY:What color was your childhood home?
HYDRANGEA:Starbucks order?
VIOLET:Do you like where you’re from?
LOCUST:What was your favorite book as a child?
RHODODENDRON:What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE:Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?
MAGNOLIA:Favorite kind of candy?
ASTER:Would you rather be cold or hot?
MARIGOLD:Do you listen to what’s on the radio?
HELICONIA:Do you like when it rains?
AZALEA:What’s a movie you cried while watching?
DANDELION:Do you think you’re important?
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mondeskinder · 6 years
@the-smell-of-stories me
i really need to stop saying ‘mood’ to literally everything. first it was ‘relatable’ then it was ‘same’ - i need to actually give thoughtful responses to someone instead of instantly relying on the word crutch of just throwing ‘mood’ out there as if it’s a replacement for thoughtful human interaction
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mondeskinder · 6 years
me: I never listened to embarassing music
music: *starts playing*
also part of growing up is realizing that the embarrassing music you liked in your early teen years still goes hard as hell
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mondeskinder · 6 years
@the-smell-of-stories way too accurate 😅 But we can do this 💪💛
Personality: I DON’T GIVE A FUCK
Anxiety: I do
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mondeskinder · 6 years
This beautiful human being: @the-smell-of-stories won’t stop being cute af and tagging me so here we are again~
Rule: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Emily / 안유나
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 165 cm / 5′5
Sexuality: not labeled (I just love who I love)
Phone Wallpaper: a cute drawing of a koala (to remind me of my best friend)
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
I’d rather call it a weird father figure complex so no
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
At the age of 28, most likely
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
Wherever my best friend is
Coolest Halloween costume: zombie (looking dead on the outside to conceal that I’m actually dead inside)
Favourite 90′s show: Whose Line Is It Anyway? (still love it so much)
Have you ever been stood up?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
No and honestly am not planning to be
Favorite pair of shoes: my black fake chucks (I’m broke)
Favorite fruit: mango, strawberries
Favorite book: idk tbh.. I really liked The Humans by Matt Haig
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: let my fear control me
As always I have no idea who to tag so if you want to join feel free to do so!
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mondeskinder · 6 years
Potentially Unpopular Writing Opinion:
Reading how-to books and posts is not as valuable as the knowledge gained by sitting down and actually writing.
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mondeskinder · 6 years
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“seeking brightness and positivity, the one to always face the sun”
The sun gradually melting away behind the horizon, tangerine rays tinging the room in their comforting colours, seeping through every crack; the thick warm light coating pine stools and round tables, throwing presaging dark shades onto the floor beneath them. Timid clinks as I cautiously place neat mugs back into their drawer, accompanied by the creaking of the front door caused by the last customers leaving the cafe after flashing me a bright smile, friendliness barely covering up their hidden pity.
That is all you are: pitiful.
In order to supress my thoughts, I hastily shoved my headphones into my ears, turning up the volume to the maximum.
If I can’t mute them, I can at least overpower them.
A swift spin as I grab the dishtowel to simulate enthusiasm before I begin to clean every surface with exaggerated nitpicking, hoping this time he’ll be satisfied. As the music flooded my body to numb my mind, it drifted off into different dimensions, worlds without worries or mistakes, where worth was something you couldn’t lose to numbers on your test papers or in your bank account.
A blunt pain spread from the back of my head as the smack hit me, ripping me out of my thoughts as quickly as he had pulled the melodies out of my ears. “Yah! Answer me when I talk to you instead of listening to this crap!”
“I-I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.” A deep bow to conceal the remaining shock on my face as well as my shaking hands.
“This better be the last time or you’re fired! Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” My gaze fixed on his shiny, new shoes, I didn’t see the push coming, bumping against the table as I stumbled backwards in surprise. A shrieking noise cut through the silence as a vase shattered on the ground, the water expanding into a small puddle around the patchwork of flowers and shards.
He let out a sharp sigh, observing me with a spiteful gaze burning into my skin - a look a greedy king would give a peasant begging him for money.
“You really are useless, aren’t you? Clean up the mess you made. When I come in tomorrow morning I want this place spick and span.”
“Yes, sir.”
A scoff and he was gone, throwing the door shut behind him in a loud bang.
Even though I was certain he wouldn’t come back, I didn’t dare to put in my headphones again; my head still pulsating where he’d hit me. The adrenaline pumping through my veins, I didn’t notice a splinter had injured my hand until red drops faded into the clear water, staining the cloth. I threw away all of it: the dish towel, the fragments of glass, even the flowers.
This was a place where things aren’t supposed to bloom, and the ones that did withered quickly.
The clack as I locked the door lifted a massive weight off my shoulders, nearly pulling me into the illusion of bliss. The usually unbearable heat of august had worn out to a soothing mildness, just enough to not freeze without a jacket. I slipped off my shoes, carrying them in my unharmed hand, allowing my toes to bury themselves in the sand as I headed closer towards the sea. A delicate breeze stroking across my hair, almost like a tender mother embracing her child after a long day apart. The serene water caressed the beach beneath it and gently swallowed my feet now and then, letting them sink further into the refreshing coldness of soft mud. Staring out to the fragile line limiting the sight of eternal blue, I noticed my view turned blurry as hot tears streamed down my cheeks - the salty drops eager to fall and reuinte with their roots.
Bottled emotions defeating me, pain extended from my chest and throughout my body like cancer, creeping into every last corner of my being. Helplessly accepting the despair crash down on me, it felt as if I was run over by a truck several times - I tried to withhold my sobs; of no avail.
“Are you okay?”
I flinched, shaking off the considerate hand on my shoulder as well as the worried tone in the strangers voice.
“None of your business”, I spat out without even facing him.
I have had enough pity for today.
He seemed to hesitate. “I know, but.. I though maybe I could help?”
Anger flaring up inside of me, I whirled around; my glare drilling itself into his kind eyes. “And who do you think you are to be able to help me? Nobody can help me. Just leave me alone and pull your good Samarithan act on somebody else.”
Aware of the sharp coldness in my voice, I expected him to give up; already waiting for him to turn around and trudge away in annoyance, shaking his head about my heedless behaviour. But instead he continued to stare back at me, the corner of his mouth twitching into the attempt of an understanding smile.
“I have something for you.”
His eager, nearly excited steps carried him further away too quickly to notice my confused expression. I ignored my curiousity, sitting down in front of a dune and fixing my gaze on the subtle surge again, not looking at him even when I recognized his figure approaching from the corner of my eye.
He was reaching out his hand, wanting to give me something I couldn’t see, completely disregarding him in childish stubborness. After a few seconds he gently placed the unknown object next to me, leaving without another word. As soon as he had vanished, my glance snapped to my left.
A sunflower.
“Seriously? What kind of bullshit is this?” An exasperated laugh escaped my mouth while I got up, abandoning it in wrath.
It was only a few minutes later that I turned around to take it with me, constantly reassuring myself:
I’ll only take this to compensate for the flowers.
Already seeing the bright yellow spot on the cafe’s doorstep, I let out a deep sigh, rolling my eyes at his persistence.
Like the past few days I grabbed the sunflower in annoyance, opening the trashcan only for hesitation to intoxicate my intention and finally shoving it into the vase next to the other ones in unadmitted defeat.
At least the customers like them.
Tying the apron around my waist with a tight knot, I mentally prepared myself for the daily gush of customers trying to fight the merciless summer heat with cold drinks and straw hats, their pathetic glances and belittling comments whispered behind my back. Just when I was carefully pouring new coffee beans into the grinder, the jolly tinkle of the wind chime over the entrance merged with their rattling.
“I’m sorry we haven’t opened ye-”
Turning around to confront the customer with a overly friendly countenance, politely asking them to leave, the words got stuck in my throat as my breath stuttered.
A compassionate beam predominating his whole face, he casually walked closer towards the counter. “I’m glad you do enjoy them enough to display them.”
My glance fleetly snapped to the flowers in embarassment, then back to him.
“The costumers like them.”
“I - as a costumer myself - completely agree with that.” A lighthearted chuckle.
Concealing my fluster, I put on an icy mask again.
“You need to stop leaving these here.”
“I will once they fulfill their purpose.”
With a frustrated groan, I realized he wasn’t the one to give in easily.
“Who are you anyways?”
An amused grin pulled up the corners of his lips.
“I’m Hoseok, nice to meet you!”
He good-heartedly reached out his hand - I didn’t take it.
“Why are you here?”
“I want to show you something.”
“I have to work.”
“You don’t have to.”
I couldn’t hold back an offended snort. “This is ridiculous. Why would I even trust you?”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
His mischievous tone lead me to shoot a threatening glare at him before letting my gaze wander off to the landscape continuously drifting past us. While the familiar view of the sea had vanished behind grassy hills, the meadow now seemed to be a constant companion, the vibrant carpet of flowers only interrupted by a few patches of forest now and then. Dazzling rays soaking the scenery in prismatic radiance, yet their heat managed to crawl inside the car - slowly but surely suffocating the both of us.
“Gosh I’m sweating”, I confessed, fanning myself with my shirt to cool down a bit.
“Well have some air then.”
Before I was even able to open my mouth and form a question, my window rolled down, letting the air invade the carriage in uncontrolled gusts of wind.
“Hoseok!” Quickly closing it again, I stared at him in disbelief before recognizing my appearance in the side-view mirror.
“Look, now my hair is a complete mess!”, I whined, only to recieve a playful giggle as an answer.
“It’s refreshing, isn’t it?”
Too startled by his seemingly everlasting positivity, I was unable to find a witty answer in time - as a result silence spread between us during the rest of the drive until he unexpectedly pulled over, turning off the engine and giving me an encouraging smile.
“You have now arrived at your destination.” The robotic voice he used to mock the GPS educed a small laugh from me.
“You wanted to show me a field in the middle of nowhere?”
He cheekily wiggled his eyebrows. “You’ll see.”
I shook my head in disbelief, not realizing the grin expanding on my face. “You are unbelievable.”
“Ta-Da!” He agitatedly proclaimed, finally removing his hands from my eyes.
Opening them, I was greeted by a blinding luminosity forcing me to blink several times until the image gradually sharpened again. “A field?”
“Not any kind of field! A sunflower field!!”
I frowned. “What is it with you and sunfl-”
“C'mon!” He cut me off mid-sentence, enthusiastically grabbing my wrist and pulling me after him and into the ocean of flowers. Most of them taller than us, we lost ourselves in the midst of their leaves and stems, their huge heads nodding amiably in a slight breeze; it almost seemed like they were agreeing to our invasion, greeting us in their home.
“Where even are we?”
“I have no idea”, he chuckled. “But it’s definitely an incredibly beautiful place.”
My gaze followed his up into the brisk blue of a clear sky contrasting the deep, fiery yellow of the petals illuminated above our heads; creating the illusion of having shrunken.
Forcing myself to look away, I caught the satisfied smile spreading across his face.
“The world can be fascinating from a different point of view.”
I had to switch the old vase with a new, bigger one for it to be able to contain the whole spray. Every time I walked by them, the corners of my mouth rose unnoticeably.
He picked me up after closing time with a bright beam and two cones stuffed with ice cream in his hands, passing me one of them. Enjoying the last sunbeams glistening above the calm sea, we walked along its side; lighthearted jokes causing our laughter to interrupt the tranquil silence surrounding us.
“How is work going?”
I gulped. It was the first time he’d asked that.
“It’s.. good.”
Instantaneously I could feel his worried eyes observing me, well aware that that wasn’t the truth.
“Are you sure?”
“It’s just.. I seem to make a lot of mistakes so my boss often gets angry at me.”
A short laugh escaped his mouth. “Mistakes shouldn’t be condemned. They’re the only way you can learn and improve.”
The wood crackling auspiciously as flames continued to bury their blazing teeth into it, feasting on the remaining logs. We sat next to each other on the sand, our naked feet buried in the mass of tiny pebbles, watching the bonfire flaring wildly while the calming sound of the waves put our minds at ease.
Soon my gaze drifted off, only to get stuck on him; watching his expression light up when talking about something he loved, a set of white teeth flashing through lively laughter. I was fascinated by the way he so effortlessly was able to love this world, to love life with such purity and sincerety that one would think he had never experienced any hardships; and even more, that he remained like this despite them.
“Have you never been sad? Like, really really sad?”
A small smile flickered across his face. “Of course. Everyone probably has. But just because we don’t see the beauty in things anymore doesn’t mean it’s not there. It just means we forgot how to look.”
The doorstep in front of the café was empty that day. I knew he hadn’t forgotten - Hoseok wasn’t the type to simply forget; something was wrong.
I entered the café in a rush, trying to repress my anxiety while explaining to my boss why exactly I couldn’t work today - my mom is sick again and I have to take care of her; a lie that slipped off my tounge with shocking ease, even though I could still feel his hand stinging on my cheek from the last time I had canceled.
“Are you mental? You can just cop out again!”
“It’s really important. Thank you for your understanding.“
As I rushed closer towards the exit, I could hear him fuming in anger behind me. "If you leave now you’re fired!"I stopped in the door frame, looking back at his furious frown while a content smile formed on my face. "Go to hell.”
My worries grew as I heard the storm approaching. Waves surging to huge walls, crashing against the wooden groins with thrilling strength as the wind lashed across the beach, grains of sand biting into my skin like needles.None of it mattered. Hoseok mattered.
A faint figure appearing in the distance, I found him staring out into the chaos with an apathetic expression.“Hoseok! Oh my god what are you doing out here?!”“Thinking.” Contradicting my fearful, tense self and the rumbling, gloomy clouds progressively moving closer, he seemed calm, peaceful.
“The storm is almost here, we need to go inside!” Desperately my fingers clinged onto his wrist, striving to pull him away yet he didn’t move. “Please!” Panic ascending, I felt tears collecting in my eyes.
“You came here because you were wondering, didn’t you? Because you still don’t understand.”
“I can understand later but please let’s just find a safe place for now!” The first lightning illuminated the lilac-grey clouds, a deep thunder following shortly after. Only now he looked at me, his usually gleaming eyes tinged in a fusion of affection and sorrow. “You don’t need the sunflowers anymore to show you the way to the sun. You don’t need me anymore to show you the way to happiness.”
A lump clogging my throat, I felt two heated trickles running down my cheeks. “I have begun to rediscover happiness because of you and yes, maybe I can walk the rest of the way alone. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I don’t need you.”
He broke off eye contact, lowering his gaze to hide the emotions exposed in them.
“But I want you, Hoseok. Even though I have found other sources, my own sources of joy. Now that I am no longer forced to be with you, I am choosing to be with you. Whether you like it or not.”
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mondeskinder · 6 years
I just realized I got tagged again by my wonderful friend @the-smell-of-stories ! Thanks love 💛
only use song titles from the artist/band of your choice
cleverly answer the questions
tag 10 people
Artist: The 1975
What’s your gender: Woman
How do you feel: Lostmyhead
If you could go anywhere: Paris
Favourite mode of transportation: An Encounter
Your best friend: I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
Favorite time of the day: 12
If your life was a TV show: UGH!
Relationship status: A Change of Heart
Your fear: Heart Out
Jeez this was frustrating.. I hope all of the titles I chose make sense and come across like I want them to.. Anyways if you don’t know The 1975 please check them out! You won’t regret it.
Also as always I have no idea who to tag, so if you’re reading this and want to try it out yourself: Feel free to join in!
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mondeskinder · 6 years
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Tender glances wandering along the horizon, a faint line separating two shades of the same blue where sky touched sea; two worlds colliding in peaceful harmony, the created illusion of unity contradicting their distinct tempers. Calm, protective, wise azure merging with wild, lively, carefree aqua, both of them equally as moody and mysterious - silky clouds intertwined with salty waves. Velvet soughs interrupting vacant silence in a steady pattern of back and forth, ebb and flow; water desperately stretching out its foamy limbs towards my feet yet being unable to reach them. Curling in my toes, tiny grains of sand tingled against bare skin. A content smile growing as wind caressed hair and dunes with brisk fingers; refreshing, welcoming, comforting. Boats in the distance, warm mahagony browns and stiff white sails standing out from a blue-green palette fondly swaying them in artificial safety, lurking to break their shells and swallow remaining pieces in a flood of fury. Fishermen drifting further away from land, rescue, allowing misguiding serenity to fool them despite an inevitable familiarity with threatening shifts of temper; a more endurable reality to prefer.
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mondeskinder · 6 years
@the-smell-of-stories omg bubu 😭 It's a Yes from me 😂💛💛
*marries u but only as a friend*
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mondeskinder · 6 years
the sun and the moon
As he looked at her, the universe blossomed; not only stars but constellations, thousands of connections allowing the ridiculous idea of fate. Shades of blue and purple swirling on a velvety nothingness as the white dots shined so vividly, sparkling with untold promises and unknown destinies. The boy realized that she was one of these stars; shining, burning, dying in order to iluminate other’s realities. He reached out his hand to catch her, but she fled, having lost trust after people used her radiance so carelessly. So he hid in the darkness, patiently waiting until the girl had lost her light. And as she noticed her light was gone, the girl came to realize that without it she did not fit into the colorful fairytale anymore and the other celestials told her without her glow she was useless. Devasted, the girl hid in the darkness and cried until the boy found her. He gave her a gift; his heart, in which he’d contained all of her brightness, in a flashing brilliance she’d never seen before. With his heart in her hands, she grew to become the sun, shining brighter than all the other stars. And he passed away, a tender smile on his face. The girls tears were soaked in grief and gratefulness, falling onto his body with a dull, milky gleam and as her tears ran dry, he turned into the moon. Since then, he continues to remind the girl of her own brightness each night and die each morning to let her shine.
[ a short story I wrote connected to Cygnus ]
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mondeskinder · 6 years
Choreografeels - Hoseok Fanfiction
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“1-2-3-jump-5-6..” You let out a sigh of frustration, burying your hands in your hair. It felt like the 50th time you failed at this particular part. “This choreo is the death of me..”, you mumbled into the silence, going back to your starting position. The squealing of your shoes on the laminate flooring echoed in the empty room as you tried again. “1-2-3-jump-5-6 and 7 and 8. 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5.. Argh, left foot you idiot!”
You took a deep breath and leaned against the mirror, staring into your own eyes. “Look, Y/N, I know it’s late and you’re exhausted and hungry but we both know you have to get this choreography down til tomorrow or you’re fucked. So get your shit together. You’re a BigHit trainee, if you can’t even dance this how are you supposed to debut? Just dance it right, god dammit!” So you kept on trying but despite all your hard work you kept on failing. The anger growing inside you, you danced and danced and danced, totally forgetting the time. And finally, after 3 hours of restless movement, you got it right. Satisfied with yourself, you layed down on the hard floor, breathing heavily, your clothes soaked with sweat, wanting to rest a minute to calm down before going back to your dorm. You made the mistake of closing your eyes and eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.
You flinched as the sound of a door falling into its lock woke you up, your whole body was aching from both the hard training and floor. “Can’t you be quiet?”, you grumbled still half asleep, not caring about politeness nor formal language.
“So that’s how you talk to your elders now?”, a slightly familiar voice answered.
Eyes widened, you sat up quickly to see who it was and as you did, your heartbeat fastened even more. “S-Sunbae..”
J-Hope stood about a meter away from you in a loose black shirt and sweatpants, his training bag in the one hand, his phone in the other. He gave you a slight smile as you continued to stare at him in disbelief.
“How long are you gonna sit there and stare at me? I wanted to practice and you’re slightly in my way like that..” He took off his shoes and opened his training bag, pulling out a pair of Nikes - obviously his dancing shoes. Some thin strings from his currently black hair fell out of place as he crouched down to tie them, only to stand up again seconds later and looking at you with a friendly, yet awaiting expression.
“Oh, sorry..” You got up in a rush, trying to hide your blushing with a deep bow.
But just as you were about to leave, the door suddenly flew open, your manager standing in the doorframe. His hands clenched to fists he trudged in your direction, obviously furious. You tried to back away but he’d already grabbed your shoulder, pressing you against the wall behind you.
“Where the fuck were you last night? Why weren’t you at the dorm?!”, he spat out, burying his fingers in your flesh. You whimpered, trying to explain, but he didn’t even listen, smashing your body against the wall once more. “Don’t you know what happens when you break the rules? Should I remind you..” He raised his hand, his whole arm tensed, about to slap you. You closed your eyes, preparing for the burning pain as he got interrupted.
“It was my fault. I told her to wait here for me but I had another important appointment and forgot to tell her. So she apparently waited here for me the whole night. I apologize for the difficulties I caused.”
Your managers hand sank in slow motion as he turned around to Hoseok, a deep growl coming out of his throat. “You..” He harshly let go of you, taking a few steps forward until he stood right in front of Bangtans main dancer. But J-Hope didn’t even blink, he just stared back into his eyes with the most serious expression you’d ever seen on his face.
“Don’t cause trouble with my trainees”, the manager pressed out between his teeth, his index finger roughly jabbing the interferers chest. After some seconds of silence, he left the practice room again, smashing the door behind him.
As soon as the door had closed, J-Hope let out a sigh. He went up to you, observing you worriedly. “Are you okay?”, he asked softly, his hand resting on the shoulder that had been spared of the managers strong grip to comfort you.
You, who hadn’t looked up since your superior left, nodded slightly. “Th-Thank you”, you stuttered, still in shock.
He smiled a little. “It’s okay. I just can’t stand violence..” Seeming to have drifted off deep into his thoughts, he silently stared into nothing for a few seconds before he looked at you once again. “Did you really stay here all night?”
“Y-Yeah..” You avoided eye-contact out of embarassment. “I had to get this choreography down and I guess I fell asleep while taking a little break.”
“Show me.”
“Huh?” Looking up in surprise, you could see him giving you an encouraging smile.
“Show me the choreography! I can help you and maybe even give you some tips for improving.”
“I don’t know..”
“Well then I have no choice”, he said and lifted up his chin, clearing his throat as he looked down at you. “As your sunbae I officially command you to show me that choreography you’re having trouble with.”
Not even waiting for an answer, he grabbed your wrist and happily pulled you to the center of the room, sitting down about a meter in front of you. You sighed, feeling your heartbeat fasten as you got more and more nervous, knowing how talented and experienced he was.
After a while of silently convincing yourself you finally played the music and started dancing. Your initially insecure steps soon turned into strong moves, dancing your heart and soul out to hopefully satisfy the 94-liner watching you. His dark eyes attentively observed your movements as he kept staring at you, his deep concentration causing him to subconsciously biting his lip. You didn’t recognize it at first but when you did your heart missed a beat and you endet up making a mistake. “Aish!”, you stopped dancing.
He laughed a little. “It’s okay, I think I’ve seen enough anyways. We have a lot to work on.”
You stared at your feet, both embarrassed and disappointed he wasn’t as content as you wanted him to be. J-Hope got up in one fluent movement, placing himself oddly close to you. “First”, he raised one finger, looking at you through the mirror. “Don’t let people know when you make mistakes. No screaming, no sighing, no insecure side-smiling.. Most important of all: no interrupting or stopping in mid-dance. No matter what happens you have to keep on dancing. You may know that you made a mistake but the people watching you mainly don’t or at least won’t notice if you cover it up well. Okay?”
You nodded determinedly.
“Second: You obviously put all your strength and energy into this dance - which is good - but don’t let other people see how exhausting it is. You have to pay more attention to your facial expression.”
He lifted up the corners of his mouth with two fingers and “Ching!” a bright smile appeared on his face. You couldn’t help but smile too, happy Hoseok was contagious.
“You still seem pretty insecure with the dance so I thought you could teach me to solidify it. At least that usually works for me..”
You raised your eyebrows. “Are you sure you don’t just want to learn it for your own purposes? Everybody knows you love girl group dances.”
He started laughing, looking at you with a mixture of amusment and disbelief. “Is that what the trainees talk about me in the changing rooms? That’s disappointing. But now you can change my imagine into BigHits trainee hero since I saved you!” The both of you started laughing, your skin began to tingle where he casually touched your arm. “Sure”, you giggled.
“Wait.. I didn’t even ask you what your name is, did I? Ahh pabo”, he lightly hit his head. “Such a nice forehead and still it seems like there’s not much behind it”, he joked.
“I’m Y/N”, you smiled at him.
“Y/N.. That’s a really nice name! Well then, Y/N, are you ready to teach me that choreography?”
Like you’d expected, J-Hope learned quickly and after about an hour, he already knew the choreography better than you did. The slight touches when he readjusted certain positions or movements gave you goosebumps, even though they seemed to be totally ordinary to him. You kept on practicing harder for another 30 minutes, the both of you were sweaty and totally out of breath when he interrupted you once again.
He slightly shook his head, coming closer to correct your posture. “Why do your hips always turn a little to the right? Can’t they just keep on pointing forward?” You prepared for the contact but still couldn’t help but freeze as his hands softly changed the pose. But something was different this time, he stood closer than usual. You could feel his body leaning against yours, the heat radiating off of him, his unsteady breathing. His scent - a mixture of sweat and his cologne - surrounded you and he grinned a little, murmuring a deep, breathy “Better.” against your neck.
You jumped when you heard someone opening the door, Hoseok calmly but grudgingly letting go of you while the two of you turned around to see who it was. Jungkook stood in the doorway, his irritated stare switching between you and J-Hope. “Hyung?”, he called over his shoulder without taking his eyes off of the both of you. Some seconds later Jimin appeared behind the awkward Maknae, scooping past him into the room.
“Hobi, you know you shouldn’t flirt with the trainees”, he giggled, letting his sportsbag fall next to yours, followed by Jungkook.
“I was just helping her with choreography, no need to get jealous”, J-Hope answered while they inspected you carefully. Blushing, you bowed deeply to greet them.
“Uh-huh and that she’s exactly your type is obviously a total coincidence”, the 95-liner grinned.
“Yah, stop, you’re making her uncomfortable.” Hoseok protectively put his arm around your shoulder. At that moment, the door opened once again, the rest of Bangtan walking in.
“Guys, look! WE HAVE A NEW FRIEND!”, Taehyung announced excitedly.
“Ugh who of you brought trainees here? They’re always so loud..”, Yoongi growled.
J-Hope sighed a little annoyed. He leaned closer to you, whispering in your ear: “You’ll leave the room and go left right left, wait for me there. I’ll follow you in 10 minutes.” Without waiting for your answer, he turned to the boys. “Y/N will leave us now, she has some important appointments.”
You bowed once again to say goodbye, quickly grabbing your stuff and leaving the room. You didn’t even walk two steps when you heard Taehyung scream: “HYUNG SHE IS SO CUTE IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!” and you couldn’t help but chuckle. Following your sunbaes instructions, you waited at the right place, both scared and curious why he’d not just let you leave. You reached a point of waiting where you got really impatient, but at that exact moment he came around the corner, smiling as he saw you’d actually done as he said. “Hey, sorry they were mocking about us, they just like to tease people.. They don’t really mean it.” His voice was soft, just like his gaze, as he tucked your hair behind your ear. “I just wanted you to know that if you ever need help, you can always come to me. I’m your guardian angel now.”
You gulped when he leaned even closer, only millimeters between your noses, looking you in the eyes. “And don’t forget to improve my image”, he whispered with a grin. You could feel his hand slipping in your pocket, leaving a note. “And don’t keep me waiting too long.” A wink, a tap on your nose and he was gone.
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mondeskinder · 6 years
Sooo I just got tagged by my lovely friend @the-smell-of-stories to do this and - even though this is not my usual content - I will because I love her sm and she deserves the world 💛
10 Songs I Am Recently Obsessed With:
My My My! - Troye Sivan
This Is Home - Cavetown
예뻤어 (You Were Beautiful) - Day6
Miss Jackson - Panic At The Disco
Someone To Stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic
피카부 (Peek-A-Boo) - Red Velvet
Bye Baby - 10cm x Chen
Woman - Harry Styles
Burned Out - Dodie
Rainism - Rain/비 (lowkey embarassing to admit but it’s such a bop tbh)
I usually like a lot of songs because of their choreographies so I tried to avoid that here and just go by sound and lyrics.. I tried 🙈
(Also I have no friends to tag so.. Anyone who sees this feel free to do this!)
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mondeskinder · 6 years
FINAL: The Choice - Min Yoongi Fanfiction
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Chapter 10: Music
5 Years Later
The inside of the stadium was pitch black, too dark for them to see us standing in formation on the centered podium surrounded by what seemed to be millions of ARMY bombs waving towards us in a synchronised rhythm, like a sea of stars spreading across the sold out arena. A choir of 40,000 voices uniting, screaming for us, supporting us, loving us. I tried to surpress the smile pulling on the corners of my mouth, knowing I had to look fierce for the last perfomance of this concert. I should be used to it by now, but an increase of heartbeat, a gentle tingling in my stomach, exhilarating electricty running thought my body - none of the symptoms I had percieved as temporary had faded.
The lights switched on, piercing my eyes who adjusted to the sudden change as high-pitched screams rumbled in my ears. The sound of the playback ultimately drowning them, we began moving; the fanchants spending us new energy to do our best and fight against our exhausted bodies. Sleep didn’t matter. Moments like these would never come back, and - aware of that - we decided to savor each possible second.
The song stopped as usual, allowing them to sing along. I pulled out my in-ear in order to listen carefully, to soak it all up and create another beautiful memory. Six wide smiles met mine as my gaze wandered along the members next to me, my grip tightening around the mic in my hand as I patiently waited for the song to finish. We bowed, they cheered.
“Everyone, I am so thankful towards you. Being able to produce music and share it with you is truly everything I could’ve asked for. Thank you so much for allowing me to live my dream. I love you all.”
My words echoed through the wide space, resonating in my chest.
“We love you! We love you!” Their cheers grew, causing a lump to form in my throat.
Yoongi-ah, you actually made it.
“Holly! Dad’s home!”
A small giggle escaped my mouth as I bent down to pet the tiny creature, letting my fingers ruffle through brown locks as she happily leaned against my leg, nearly jumping onto me in excitement.
“Did you really miss me that much?”, I grinned. She answered me with a quick bark, joyfully wagging her tail while she ran around me in circles, curiously sniffing due to the new scents of another concert hall, more outfits I’ll only have worn this once, different fireworks and confetti. I sat down my bag and let my coat slide off my shoulders, thoughtlessly placing it on one of the kitchen stools and at the same time slipping off my shoes in one fluid movement as drowsy steps guided me into the bathroom. Freeing my wrist from the silver Rolex, I quickly checked the time. 2:57 a.m.
“Yoongi, you’re getting old”, I murmured to myself, letting out a long sigh; remebering myself a few years earlier, the way I was able to successfully go several days without any sleep - a huge contrast to the present, my heavy eyelids caused by just one concert. We have to be stronger each comeback, even if our bodies weaken.
You can rest when they aren’t asking for you anymore.
Suddenly, a different, long forgotten voice entered my head.
You’ll die in your mid-thirties if you continue torturing your body like this.
A short laugh escaped my mouth, drenched in a mixture of melancholy and warmth. She still popped up in my thoughts like this, now and then. Not like she did in the past, haunting me in my dreams, causing both pain and apathy. By now she was a rare presence, only randomly reappearing when I unexpectedly remember certain moments, details, leaving behind a feeling of bliss and a smile on my face. And even though I was alone in my bathroom, running my fingers through my messy hair as I heard Holly’s footsteeps toddling through the hollow apartment, I couldn’t hold back a mumbled “Try me”, because maybe, just maybe, she would hear it and shake her head at my stubbornness.
A milky stream of moonlight emphasized both the numerous wrinkles and folds in the sheets in my unmade bed and dark circles permamently sitting under my eyes like stamps, contradicting my pale skin. I opened a window, making sure the sounds of the street - cars driving by, a drunk guy laughing excessively, a distant bass from the club nearby - would keep my mind from wandering too much and actually allowing me to fall asleep. The bed felt huge and empty, but Holly managed to replace the coldness with comforting heat as she curled up into a tiny ball next to my feet and keep me company. The fanchants still resounding in my ears, I slowly drifted off into unconsciousness.
In the end, I became happy like that.
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