littleprince1875 · 2 years
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Lookit me!
Tagging @novelist-becca @cinnaroll @prismhibiscusrosemary @gal-pal-17 @drabbles-of-writing
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
I do not know if anyone will see this but be careful browsing the cglre/agere/etc tags friends there's a post thag starts with talking about how age regression is p3d0ph1lia and there's gore at the bottom. did not like seeing that tonight >:(
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
things i want as a little:
to smell like strawberries and vanilla
to buy cute undies without s*xualization 
big, big sweaters
pretty bandaids
the baby cutlery from ikea
teddy bear bigger than me :)
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
Green, brown, grey, yellow and pink
My stuffies, music, my babysitter, pastels, and magic
I love dress up!!
Mhm if Im not too sleepy
I do 🤭
I wear them to read and work with my hands
I love the snow!
Yeah, but it makes me super sleepy
Wolves, hamsters and puppies
Samhain aka Halloween
A little
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Daycare asks
⭐- what's your favourite shape?
🖍️- what's your favourite colour?
☔- Do you like playing in the rain?
💝- What are five things that you love?
📖- What is your favorite story?
🧮- What is your favourite number?
🎂- What is your little age?
👑- Do you like playing dress up?
⛑️- Do do you like playing pretend?
🧸- Do you have a favorite toy / stuffie?
👓- Do you wear glasses?
☃️- Do you like playing in the snow?
🛒- Do you like playing store?
🛁- Do you like bath time?
🐥- What is your favourite animal?
🧚‍♂️- Do you believe in fairies?
🎉- What is your favorite holiday?
🙈- Do you like playing peekaboo?
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
Everyone's regression looks different!
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How would you describe your regression with emojis?
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
~Rules for Tots~
☕- Eat at least 1 thing a day (snack or meal)
🥐- Brush teeth at least once a day
☕- Pack your toys away when you've finished playing with them
🥐- Drink at least 1 bottle (650mL) of water a day
☕- Give all your plushies the biggest hugs, they deserve love too
🥐- Try to have a shower each day to get all squeaky clean
☕- Make your bed in the morning if there's time! It's a good start to the day
🥐- Go to sleep before midnight, the more sleep you get, the more healing your brain and body will do
☕- Do at least half an hour of homework if you have any to do
🥐- Keep being the cutest babie ever ♡ /p
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
Counting to 10
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My friend has been teaching me how to count to 10 in Japanese, I made a little tune to remember it :) It sounds kinda cute, so this is for other regressors who would like to learn something new :)
Shi or Yon
Shichi or Nana
kyu or Ku
If you are not sure how to pronounce just type the number in English into Google translate and get the Japanese translation and click the speech icon, have fun learning :)
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
🍼 Age Regression Milk Recipes 🍼
☁️ Angel's Milk ☁️
- 1½ cups of milk
- 1 tbsp of sugar
- splash of vanilla
mix in sugar and vinilla into milk. warm up to desired temperature.
💞 Bedtime Kiss 💞
- 1½ cup of milk
- 1-2 tbsp of honey
- a shake of nutmeg
- a shake of cinnamon
heat milk until it starts to foam, around 2-3 minutes. mix in honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon. let cool.
❄️ Gingerbread House ❄️
- maple syrup
- a shake of cinnamon
- a shake of nutmeg
- a shake of ground ginger
- a splash of vanilla
- 1½ cups of milk
heat up milk, then add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and vanilla. stir in syrup and serve warm!
🦄 Alicorn Magic 🦄
- ½ cup of milk
- ⅛ cup of vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 to 5 large strawberries
- ½ cup of frozen blueberries
blend altogether until liquidy! usually isn't thin enough to drink from a bottle, so drink with a sippy cup or add milk/cream until desired consistency.
☄️ Galaxy Milk ☄️
- 2 cups milk
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 1 tbsp blue fruit punch powder
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- blue food coloring
add milk, ice, fruit punch powder, and vanilla extract to a blender. add drops of food coloring and mix until desired color. sere cold!
🍓 Strawberry Milk 🍓
- 1 cup of chopped strawberries
- ½ cup of sugar
- 1 cup of water
- 1½ cups of milk
- 3 tbsp of strawberry syrup (optional)
in a small pot, heat sugar, water, and strawberries until boiling. boil for around 10 minutes. using a fine strainer, pour mixture into a small bowl. chill 2 small glasses of strawberry liquid in refrigerator for about 10 minutes. add ¾ cup of milk to each glass, stir, and add strawberry syrup if desired.
🥛 Mango Milk 🥛
- ¼-⅓ cup chopped mango
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 pinch of saffron
combine all ingredients in blender and serve cold.
🍌 Banana Milk 🍌
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract
cut banana into slices and add all ingredients into a blender. blend for a minute, or until desired consistency, and serve cold.
🌙 Lavender Moon Milk 🌙
- ½ cup of milk
- ½ cup of boiling water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp edible lavender buds
- 2 tsp honey
- 1 decaf earl grey tea bag
mix honey and vanilla in boiling water, then add tea bag and let it steep. heat milk and lavender buds in saucepan until desired flavor and temperature. pour milk through a fine strainer to catch the lavender buds. finally, mix milk with tea and enjoy!
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
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Pick items from each category to make a cute lil outfit! 💕 Tag me if you do this so I can see! (Or reblog with it!)
shoplook: strawberrismoothie
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
Green leafy jacket
Pink unicorn shoes
Dino beanie
Wolf stuffie
This or That: Winter Walk Edition
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Hello, little one!
Look at all the snow outside! Would you like to go for a walk with me? All the trees are covered in snow and icicles, it’s just so pretty~ We can build a snowman and make snow angels together, and then have some hot chocolate when we get home. How does that sound?
We have to get ready before we go, though! Don’t want your sweet little nose getting too cold. First, why don’t you pick a jacket? You have your green jacket with lots of leaves, your red mushroom jacket, and a pastel rainbow one. Which would you like?
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Great choice, sweatpea! Now how about some boots to go with it? It’s very important to keep your feet warm and dry! Here are our choices: a space theme, pink with pretty white unicorns, or grey with green dinosaurs!
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That goes so well with your jacket~ What a fashionable kiddo! Now that we’ve got our toes nice and warm, it’s time for the fingers. Let’s pick some mittens! Would you like a pair of cute pink penguins, a funky orange monster, or a grey and blue deer?
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Last but not least, let’s get those ears covered up with a comfy hat! These choices all have a fun pompom at the top, so all you have to worry about is the pattern. Do you like the grey hat with dinosaurs, the pink unicorn, or the stripes?
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Now that’s a cozy baby! I won’t have to worry about you being cold when you’re all bundled up like that. We can just focus on having fun!
Hmm? What’s that? You want to bring a stuffie with you? Alright, but let’s make sure he doesn’t get too snowy and wet, okay? Hold on tight! Who would you like to bring with you? I think a wintery friend would be a perfect choice~ How about a penguin, polar bear, or winter wolf?
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x - x - x
It looks like we’re all set to go! Make sure to hold my hand, sweetie, and keep your stuffed friend close. I’m so proud of you for making all these choices; you did a great job! All you have to focus on now is being yourself and having fun. Let’s go!
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
hey you!
you wanna hear a secret?
your comfort character loves you soooooo much! (͒ ॢ ›⚇‹ ॢ)͒୭♡💕
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
- Your Regression -
♡ A post for all the littles that need a lil reassurance ♡
CW: Caps for a brief moment at the very end, mentions of mental illness, including EDs
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♡ 25+ yr old regressors are valid
♡ -13 yr old regressors are valid
♡ Those who regress to 8+ are valid
♡ Those who don’t use gear to regress are valid
♡ Those who use gear that doesn’t match their age range are valid
♡ Regressors who don’t regress often are valid
♡ Regressors who don’t stop regressing are valid
♡ Fat regressors are valid
♡ Skinny and midsized regressors are valid
♡ Regressors with EDs are valid
♡ Autistic regressors are valid
♡ Those who use regression as a coping mechanism are valid
♡ Those who regress for fun are valid
♡ Involuntary regressors are valid
♡ Voluntary regressors are valid
♡ Pet regressors are valid
♡ Pet regressors who regress to uncommon animals are valid
♡ Regressors who don’t have/want a CG are valid
♡ Regressors that are dependent on a CG are valid
♡ Those who don’t do much while regressed are valid (sometimes I just sit n vibe)
♡ Those who can’t stop moving while regressed are valid
♡ Regressors with DID or OSDD are valid
♡ Regressors who have anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness are valid
♡ Your regression is YOURS! It’s unique and special, just like you!
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
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Another picrew thread. Here's big me vs tiny bean me.
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
friendly reminder that
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this beautiful character
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this absolutely beauty queen from Strawberry Shortcake
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is canonically trans.
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
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You're just a tiny little babie
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littleprince1875 · 2 years
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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