lifeofsommer-blog 3 years
Ever seen a confident person and thought, how can I achieve the same level of confidence?
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lifeofsommer-blog 3 years
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lifeofsommer-blog 3 years
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/f7LBLgDAxGQ)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/rx-gpWUmBqM)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/Awa3_c7irHQ)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/gD6LCQgbWL0)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/ipKBbSzZI2c)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/hToCr7vXLY4)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
(Via: https://youtu.be/azoCCdKnG88)
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lifeofsommer-blog 4 years
Ever wondered why you struggle to express yourself?
(Via: https://youtu.be/1fktwygqmMM)
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lifeofsommer-blog 7 years
Once you have defeated the beast of procastination once you can do it again - Rafael Eliassen
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1wbtExejUA)
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lifeofsommer-blog 7 years
How to End An Argument INSTANTLY
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lifeofsommer-blog 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU_jTFtdLlg)
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lifeofsommer-blog 8 years
From Oppression Comes Light
漏 Erik Whitehead
Depression is oppression. It's a deadly hidden message Defined by self-hate. It seals its prisoner's fate. It holds you captive and throws out the key. It stabs and jabs just to see you bleed, Inflicting wounds that scar for life. Destruction is its mother and death its wife. You can cry, but it will always ignore your screams. It terrorizes your soul and haunts your dreams. It sends you false hope through a bottle or pill. It destroys your goals and inflicts its will. You can't run, nor can you hide. By its rules you will abide Until it celebrates that you have died. Open your eyes, or you will be its prey. It will blur your vision in the most twisted way. It will seek your destruction and call for your head. You will lie and wait but never rest in your bed. Peace will come to those who want peace, But as long as you feed him, you will see the beast. You can't run, nor can you hide, But if you conquer the beast, you will survive. Prayer and hope can lead the way. Cling on to every word you pray. Hope is in truth. Hate is in lies. Pray for your soul and open your eyes.
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lifeofsommer-blog 8 years
As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions.
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lifeofsommer-blog 8 years
Some people ignore them.
Some fixate on them.
To most, they are just part of life. Something you have to deal with between running to the bank and the grocery store. Like Mary鈥檚 gossip, or Frank鈥檚 casual racism.
They鈥檝e always been a part of life here. Before the first settler stepped onto the rocky beaches, before any person dared to brave the forests, maybe before any animal called out for company. It鈥檚 even possible that a fern might have seen, if it had eyes, another fern, with the same twist in its stem and the same second down on the right crunchy leaf, bend in a way it would precipitously bend. That same fern were it possessed of a brain and sentience, would have felt a terror inexpressible.
Time runs thin around here, past and present colliding in tiny ripples, occasionally causing bubbles to surface with wet smacks.
Dangerous waters; use caution.
However, the danger doesn鈥檛 deter all. People sail where there鈥檚 money, love, and inspiration. Some even come because of the danger, and just like tourists on the black rocks, are swept away out of their element and into something they can鈥檛 fathom.
People around here know the risks they run. It鈥檚 quite well documented, especially early in history, when there was less to distract. Was that three death knocks, or just Tom鈥檚 son driving around with the bass turned up? Is that your doppelganger winding its way up the road? Could you even notice with the crowd? That scraggly looking bum might be you in a few years, riddled with cancer. How can you heed the signs when you can鈥檛 see them?
Of course some signs are easier to grasp than others. If you can鈥檛 shake the feeling you are walking with yourself, if your door is open time and time again, if you see a woman in your house that doesn鈥檛 live there you are more likely to notice. We require our bumps in the night to both bump and occur in the night. They must grab our attention and take us on a trip we desperately don鈥檛 and do want to be on. We want thrills, not messages. Chills, not predictions.
Due to this, it is actually very rare that we recognize forerunners, even less to recognize them for what they are. You aren鈥檛 afraid of things you can鈥檛 see, hear, or touch. Right? What鈥檚 the harm if you don鈥檛 see the bright glowing light racing off toward a dying loved one? What鈥檚 the point of knocking when you ignore any and all knocks save the pizza delivery boy? What鈥檚 the point of a future you peeking through the window while you obliviously continue to watch Netflix?
Maybe there is no point.
Maybe these things just happen. Maybe these things must happen regardless of witnesses, perhaps regardless of those they seem to warn. Maybe they are pale, rote instruments going through the motions; unthinking, and unfeeling.
If that is the case, why was the man who looked very similar to me, except for the hole through his right eye, looking through the glass and smiling just now?
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