latte-to-go · 1 year
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latte-to-go · 1 year
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what a thing to admit is now on wattpad!
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if you'd like to read it elsewhere, you can find it over in my blog, or in ao3!
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latte-to-go · 1 year
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published on: may 24, 2023 requested by: anon (and now, @blvdmrcnry) pairing: arsène lupin iii & reader prompt: “i don't think i've ever loved someone this much.” word count: 11k+ note: part two of this request! reblogs are highly appreciated! second note: omg, this turns out to be longer than expected, but i really enjoyed writing this! thank you for tuning in!
‘Why is this place so uptight with security?!’
‘Haven’t you heard the news? They say the Gentleman Thief is coming for Souza’s diamond.’
‘What a fool!’
You hear as you grab a caipirinha from the bartender, who gives you a welcoming smile. The foreign guests laugh to themselves as they gossip among themselves. They must be Davi Souza’s competition from abroad. Rumors have been growing louder and louder over the days, as Souza’s empire threatens to fall into ruin, and surely national and international mining companies will attempt to take over his business.
You sigh. ‘How long until this actually begins?’
‘Give it a few more minutes,’ says Lupin over the communicator. ‘I see more guests arriving.’ There is a grumble from his side, and you recognize that annoyed voice anywhere, now. ‘Aw, don’t be like that, Jigen!’
‘Patience is a virtue,’ Goemon muses from his own communicator. You glance up at the ceiling, where the chandelier hangs. Supposedly, he is meant to be there, hiding, whenever it is time to come down and cut down the bulletproof glass around the Primer Rose Diamond. From this distance, you cannot spot him.
You’ve heard so much about Lupin and his gang, about their heists, but you really never thought you would end up in one. A part of you — the “amateur” side of you, when compared to Lupin’s expertise (if he ever hears me say that…) and experience as a thief — feels nervous about it. You feel like an intruder, like you’re not really meant to be here. But, a deal is a deal, and there will be four million dollars waiting for you after the heist.
So, you shrug that weight off your shoulders, for now.
Suddenly, the people in the front, standing near the stage and the little round tables, covered by gentle pink sheets made out of silk, begin to clap their hands, before the entire room follows suit. ‘Davi Souza’s here,’ you tell the gang.
You walk towards the center of the room, blending with the crowd as you continue to drink the cocktail. Up on the stage, there he is, in all his glory — Davi Souza. The middle-aged man stands proudly as he listens to the applause. He bows to the crowd, putting his hand together in gratitude. ‘Good evening, my friends! Thank you for coming to my grand home. As you all may know, today will be an astonishing auction, full of beautiful gems and jewels, as well as paintings that have been part of the Souza family for decades, if not centuries!’
Lupin whistles.
‘So, once more, thank you for joining us tonight,’ Davi bowes and begins to clap his hands, prompting the crowd to applaud. A woman in a yellow suit, which matches the owner of the estate’s, walks up to the stand, smiling charmingly to the crowd, while her colleagues begin to bring the first treasure up to the stage, resting it on a hardwood table, with a yellow silk sheet on top. The spotlights point to the treasure, reflecting its color and shine — breathtaking, you think to yourself. Even though it may look like something vulgar, you’d recognize that anywhere.
‘The first treasure is,’ the woman speaks, her voice echoing through the speakers, ‘the Golden Apple from the mythical Tree of Life.’
The Tree of Life is nothing more than a myth, a religious belief; yet, Souza knows his audience. Most of these gentlemen and ladies that are sipping on expensive champagne, wine and other beverages are religious to some degree, especially some of the Brazilian guests who share the same beliefs as Souza himself. But, most importantly, it is gold that is coating that “apple”, which can very well be a hidden gem.
‘The bid begins at one hundred thousand reais,’ the woman announces.
‘That’s almost twenty thousand dollars,’ Lupin says.
You sip the cocktail. ‘Someone’s starting small.’
‘Anxious?’ He teases you.
In the crowd, someone raises their card. ‘R$150,000.’
The woman nods, ‘R$150,000 for the gentleman.’
‘R$175,000.’ An accented voice speaks from the crowd.
The auctioneer smiles. ‘R$175,000 for the lady in green.’ She scans the room, ‘Do we have another bid? No? Then, going once, going twice, sold!’ At once, the Golden Apple is taken from the table by the staff, back to its vault. As tempting as gold can be, you suspect that everyone here is interested in the Primer Rose Diamond. You, in fact, have not bothered to scan the list of treasures and paintings.
You look down at your empty glass and turn back to the bar, placing the glass on top of the counter. ‘Would you like anything else, ma’am?’ The bartender asks you.
‘No, thank you,’ you smile.
‘I’ll have a glass of wine,’ you hear a female voice from your right. You turn, staring at the gorgeous woman that has walked up to the bar, spotting an elegant red dress that accentuates her curves and her chest. Her hair is up in a formal bun, with some of those brown locks free, framing her face.
Not wanting to waste another second, you turn on your heel to go back to the middle of the crowd. You put your arms around your body, hands under your elbows, as you stare at the stage. They have moved on to a different piece — a painting, by the looks of it. As time passes, you cannot help but feel uneasy. Sure, you have blended with crowds before, but having to wait for the treasure to appear, in the middle of strangers and suspicious-looking people, does not feel like something you would do.
Can’t they just bring the actual attraction out?
‘It appears that I am not the only one who’s bored with this auction,’ someone behind you says. You look over your shoulder, to see the same woman that had just gone to the bartender. Lo and behold, a glass of wine in her hand. The woman smiles politely at you, and, once more, you are unable to ignore her beauty. ‘It’s just a tactic to keep the guests on the edge of their seats, so to speak, of course.’
‘It does look like that’s what Souza is doing, yes,’ you agree with her, although you narrow your eyes at her.
She giggles, using her free hand to cover her mouth as she does. ‘Why are you looking at me like that? Have we met before?’
‘Not officially, but I recognize you.’ You turn to face her properly.
‘Well, that’s okay,’ Mine Fujiko tilts her head as she eyes you up and down. ‘So, what are you doing here tonight? Stealing the Primer Rose Diamond?’
You sigh, mimicking her posture and giving her a cold smile, ‘Asking questions will get you nowhere. Your charm might work on other people, but not on me.’ Because that is what you have been telling yourself these recent days, and you intend to follow through.
‘My,’ she puts a hand on her chest, ‘I am only trying to get to know a possible friend.’ You raise an eyebrow at her, as Fujiko takes a sip of her wine. ‘You only get the chance to make real friends in places like these, sometimes. Despite what you might believe to be true about me, I’ll have you know that I am honest and fair.’
Honest and fair?
‘If I were you,’ Fujiko continues, and suddenly her gaze is piercing as she stares down at you, ‘I’d stay clear of men like Lupin.’ At your expression of surprise, she smirks, ‘Word travels fast in the Underground, surely you knew that already.’ The condescending tone is more than annoying, and you begin to fight the impulse to strangle the Japanese woman. ‘They speak of nothing more than you and Lupin being partners.’
You remember the first time you met the Gentleman Thief, your target had immediately made the assumption that you two were working together. Then, Lupin had his two allies rescue you from the hands of French police, as well as Interpol and Inspector Koichi Zenigata — as you later discovered about the relationship between him and the thief.
Regardless of what rumors have been brewing, unbeknownst to you, this is still the very first time that the two of you are teaming up together. You currently have no intention of making this a tradition, nor do you expect some sort of partnership to be born.
You hear Lupin’s voice in your ear, and you remember that you have muted your communicator. You inhale deeply. ‘I’m thankful for your concern over my well-being,’ you begin, ‘but let me just quickly remind you that it is none of your business.’ You glower at the woman, ‘I’d stay clear of my sight, if I were you.’
‘You there?’
Fujiko shrugs, the arrogant quirk of her lips still present. ‘Suit yourself.’ At once, the Cat Burglar leaves, disappearing among the crowd.
Before Lupin can call for you, you press your hand discreetly against the communicator, ‘Sorry, I was sidetracked.’
‘Oh? Did any gentleman walk up to you and ask for your number?’ Lupin asks you.
You snort. ‘Better yet. Mine Fujiko in the flesh.’
The Gentleman Thief goes silent, while Jigen clicks his tongue in annoyance. It seems like your response has made him finally turn on his microphone. ‘Of course that woman is here. What would she want from you?’
It is as if you are suddenly back in that tiny, little police van, being interrogated by a dangerous man that you do not intend to cross, in any way, shape or form. ‘I have no clue. I kind of told her to mind her business.’ And I’m not exactly lying.
‘Mmph,’ from the sound of it, Jigen hardly believes you.
‘Fujiko likes to interfere,’ Goemon says suddenly, and you think he is addressing you specifically. ‘She is not to be trusted, not entirely.’
Despite his words, what she told you is still echoing through your head. What exactly did she mean about “staying clear from men like Lupin”? He does seem to have a problem with keeping his mouth shut and being professional, instead of acting like a lovebird. You have seen it, time and time again, especially when he’s around you.
Does Fujiko’s warning actually mean that you are to avoid pursuing such a man?
You groan internally. Why are you even thinking about that? Maybe, I’m the one with a problem.
‘C’mon, guys,’ Lupin nearly whines. ‘Be nice.’
Yep, you conclude, he does have a problem. He flirts vigorously and seems to trust any woman that appears in front of him, even though his friends try to call him out for that behavior. “As long as it is a beautiful woman”, huh?
‘If Fujiko is here, then it means trouble!’ Jigen insists.
‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ you are dragged out of the conversation by the sound of the auctioneer’s voice, as her smile widens in anticipation. ‘The Primer Rose Diamond.’ Inside a glass case, the Primer Rose Diamond is brought to the stage, carried by a staff member. The lights are aimed at the jewel, as it is placed on top of the table, and the crowd is astounded. The room, now filled with gasps of wonder and surprise, suddenly feels smaller. Indeed, everyone is interested in that diamond, despite not being the most expensive diamond on the planet.
‘The bid begins at eighty million reais.’ Half a million dollars above its actual value.
Yet, at once, hands raise.
‘Eighty-one million!’
‘Eighty-five million!’
‘Eighty-six million!’
The auctioneer notes down all the bets, eyes moving around the room like a predator, seeking the highest bid.
‘One hundred million,’ someone speaks from the crowd. You turn and find yourself staring back at the eyes of Mine Fujiko. Her confident smirk is still present, and you grimace, remembering your conversation. If I were you, I’d stay clear of men like Lupin. 
What is her end-goal?
That is when you notice that she does not hold a card; instead, it is an older man in a wheelchair, next to her, who holds it. He is dressed as fancy as the other guests, but the guests suddenly move away from the man, as if fearful. Dani Souza, on the stage, puts his hands together in gratitude, bowing to the crowd — no, to the man.
‘Ready, gang?’ Lupin whispers from his and Jigen’s side.
You have no time to wonder about the man’s identity, before the auctioneer wraps up the acquisition of the Primer Rose Diamond. ‘Do we have another bid? No? Then, going once, going twice, sold!’
The room goes dark, and chaos ensues.
You quickly follow the emergency lights to the right side of the building, meeting an empty hallway that is barely illuminated by those dim yellow lights. You half expect Lupin to show up behind you, take your hand in his as he did before, under the very same cloak of darkness. But, you dismiss those thoughts aside and focus on the mission.
Goemon, by now, should have jumped down from his position to steal the Primer Rose Diamond — since the two of you are the only ones inside the actual building, and your role was to be a mere observer and make sure the auction went as planned. The stars must be aligned for your success today, and you intend to keep it that way as you prepare for your second task.
The generator is turned on, and shouts of surprise can be heard all the way from the auction room. ‘The diamond!’ You can hear someone yell. You are unable to fight the smirk that blooms in your face, even as the security guards run past you, cursing.
Now, you remind yourself, to retrieve the Primer Rose Diamond.
Goemon is meant to hand it to you through the ventilation system, so that you can leave the building and join them by the escape vehicle. Supposedly, the police will keep an eye for Lupin III and his gang, since he has sent a calling card and since he never acts without his right-hand man and the samurai, and nobody will look for you.
But, something tells you that nothing is as it seems. Nothing is as easy as it is made out to be.
Word travels fast in the Underground. Those had been Fujiko’s words, when she attempted to discourage you from working with Lupin and stealing the diamond. At least, that’s what you believe to be her true intentions. Unless, her advice to stay away from Lupin had another implication.
As you are about to turn the corner, you nearly bump into someone. You find yourself looking right into the eyes of the Inspector Zenigata, as the stressed frown on his face disappears, in exchange for a confused, wide-eyed stare. He blinks as you two look at each other. ‘Excuse me, miss,’ he says politely as he begins to walk around your tense form.
You clear your throat as lowly as you can, fighting to ignore the wild beating of your heart, and move to the side. ‘By all means,’ you feign a smile at him and, when his shoulder barely brushes against yours as he moves, the man stops.
He freezes and turns to look at you closely, his eyes narrowing. ‘Wait a minute. You look familiar.’
You tilt your head, hand reaching for your hand purse. You want to look as oblivious and as confused as possible. ‘Are you sure? I don’t think we’ve met…’ Of course something like this had to happen.
‘Yes,’ he nods, ‘I think we have. I just can’t remember… wait!’
His eyes widen, and suddenly your wrist is trapped in a handcuff, the other loop in his grip. The Japanese man brings his left wrist to his face, as his eyes shine in confidence and victory — I have seen that look before, you realize. ‘Bring the squad to the right hall. I have caught one of Lupin’s partners! Over!’ The man giggles almost impishly, but then he tilts his head in confusion, ‘Though, I would’ve expected it to be—’
You don’t let him finish his hypothesis, as you pull out a tiny bottle from your purse and spray the liquid onto his opened eyes. Zenigata cries out in surprise, hissing at the pain in his eyes. ‘Damn it!’ In haste, you turn on your heel and run down the hall. ‘Come back here!’
Down the hall, which is just behind the auction room, you see a glint in the ceiling. Goemon opens the little ventilation door, looking down at you with a serious frown. ‘Trouble?’
‘Zenigata,’ that is your only word. Sooner or later, Zenigata’s men would be here. You and Goemon need to get out of there fast. Even if you hadn’t heard Zenigata specify which thief he had caught, if your interaction and the words from Fujiko meant anything, it is that everyone thinks that you and Lupin are working together — or more than just partners. You don’t think you’re safe anymore.
Due to the sudden change of plans, Goemon falls from the ventilation system, landing by your side, and carefully hands you the Primer Rose Diamond, now wrapped in a white cloth. For a moment, you just stare at it.
‘Let us go,’ Goemon says firmly.
As you begin to run away, you reach for your own communicator, ‘We have the diamond, but there’s trouble.’
Lupin hums, ‘Trouble?’
‘Zenigata found me and he has called for his squad.’
Jigen curses, ‘I see them. Lupin, let’s go.’
You swear under your breath, feeling uncomfortable with your heels. The quicker you get out of Souza’s estate, the quicker Lupin shows up, then the quicker you can take off these insufferable shoes. ‘Alright,’ you hear Lupin reply to Jigen. ‘Stay calm, you two. We’re on our way.’
However, as you near the door that leads you to freedom, you notice that it is locked. Metal bars stand in front of the door, blocking passage. You stop in your tracks, mouth open in shock. Is this it? The man next to you has other plans, however.
‘Step behind me,’ Goemon says, walking around you with a hand on the sheath of his sword. You watch, carefully and, deep down, curiously. A moment passes, as the man stands before the looming door, and then the metal bars and the door are cut to pieces, after the samurai swung his sword in what appeared to have been empty air.
Your mouth is agape. You know that the plan had been for him to cut down the bulletproof glass, but you did not actually think about it, nor did you question it. You just accepted that that could be done, because, why else would he be in Lupin’s gang?
But, witnessing a giant door and metal bars being ripped into tiny pieces by a sword as if they were nothing? Just who is he? What is that sword?
The man sheathes his weapon slowly, turning to you. ‘There is nothing that Zantetsuken cannot cut, even worthless objects such as these.’ He opens his eyes to look at you seriously, but he is taken aback by the surprise and awe in your face.
‘Incredible, Goemon,’ you murmur. ‘I didn’t know your sword—no, I didn’t know you could do that. That’s amazing!’ You are unable to hide your bewilderment. The Japanese man turns his head away, as if uninterested or unbothered, but he cannot conceal the flush that appears in his pale face.
The sound of the police sirens goes louder and louder, snapping you two back to reality. You walk up to Goemon, hand on the purse where you are keeping the Primer Rose Diamond. As the cars drive up to the driveway, the crowd of guests looking baffled, between the two of you, the broken door and the police cars, Goemon crouches slightly, hand on his beloved Zantetsuken.
‘Lupin…!’ You growl into the communicator. If I end up in jail because of you, I’ll kill you with my own hands, you make that promise to him, even if he cannot hear you. But, you try to keep yourself calm. He might double-cross you, yes, but would he double-cross his partner?
‘We’re almost there, chérie!’ The Gentleman Thief reassures you.
Goemon calls your name, noticing your fear. ‘Everything will be okay. No harm will fall upon you, as long as I am here.’ You are hit with the feeling of déjà vu, recalling your first encounter, and you nod. You feel like, no matter what, you can trust what the samurai has to say. He is the most quiet of the gang, but he is—
Honest and fair.
You gulp, and you shake your head horribly. Leave my head! 
‘I’ve got you now!’ Suddenly, you hear the voice of Inspector Zenigata behind you, who is rubbing his eye from the remaining effect of the liquid. ‘You’re surrounded. There’s nowhere to go. Now, surrender!’
Goemon shows no intention of giving himself up. As the police officers point their guns at you from behind their vehicles, the red and blue lights shining harshly into your eyes, you narrow your eyes at the Inspector. ‘Sorry, Inspector, but there is no such word in my vocabulary.’ 
An engine roars in the distance, and the officers, startled, look around their shoulders. Lupin?
‘Now!’ Goemon yell-whispers to you, crouching. Grabbing your hand carefully, he pulls you with him as the two of you run into the driveway.
Inspector Zenigata reaches out, ‘Stop right there! Stop them!’
The police officers jump back into position, aiming at you, and that is when Goemon wraps an arm around you and jumps into the air with you. You hold your breath. ‘Hold on,’ he commands you, as he unsheathes his sword. When the first policeman pulls the trigger, the others follow, but, as it had been the door, all bullets are cut in half by the mythical sword, and thanks to the incredible speed and talent of the samurai.
Is this real? You suddenly wonder if you are in some sort of scripted film, inserted into an universe that is not your own by a sleep-deprived screenwriter. As you land behind the police cars, the engine from before — roaring louder and louder — gets closer to the driveway, the headlights blinding you as you cover your eyes. The car slides to a quick halt, the left side of the vehicle suddenly facing you, instead. You spot Jigen behind the wheel, before he points his weapon out of the window.
You open the door to the backseats, sliding inside as the samurai covers you, sword out and ready to slash away any more bullets. As you get inside, Lupin, from the passenger’s seat, sits on the door, resting elbow on top of the car, as he calls for his favorite Inspector. ‘Hello, Pops! Pleasure seeing you here!’ Didn’t he send a calling card?
‘Lupin! You aren’t getting away this time!’ The ICPO Inspector roars, waving a fist in the air as he runs from the palace, approaching the cars. It is incredible how, despite (yet) not having the megaphone in his hand, his voice sounds through the air. Perhaps, practice makes perfect. Just for how many years has he been chasing after the Gentleman Thief?
‘Time to skedaddle,’ Lupin tells Jigen, not straying his eyes away from Zenigata.
Without sparing another second, the car’s wheels screech before you and the gang are out of the driveway. Bullets hit the car, the tires, but nothing can stop you. You look up at the ceiling for a moment, amazed, yet again, at the samurai’s abilities. How he can stand up there without being thrown off balance is a wonder to you, but, at this point, you are learning not to ask questions.
After many shortcuts, turns and bullets, you have finally shook the police off. Yet, you still feel partially nervous. You cannot tell if it is the fear of treason, the anxiety of working together with an infamous gang. Goemon has long joined you in the back, sitting in silence as he holds the mystical sword. Everything is so quiet on the outside, but your head is obnoxiously loud.
‘Here we are!’ Lupin exclaims happily, extending his arms out and nearly hitting Jigen in the face. The driver grumbles under his breath, but you can see the slight curve on his lips from the rearview mirror. Has it always been pointing my way? You shake your head and try to relax.
You are in the middle of nowhere, in an abandoned farmhouse — although you soon discover the interior was completely renovated and is well taken care of. You feel like that will just make you more suspicious, but perhaps the plan is to stick around for a day or two, before leaving the country. You haven’t really discussed those details with Lupin, but you assume that he has it covered.
It feels weird not being the one in charge, the one in control.
As the gang enters the living room, with Jigen almost flying towards the couch like a moth would do towards the last sliver of light, you keep standing. Something feels difficult to digest, but you are thankful when Lupin turns to you, eyes shining in delight, distracting you from your inner dilemma. ‘Alright, let us see it!’
You reach inside your purse, fingers trembling, and you hold the Primer Rose Diamond in your hand. Looking at it, you cannot help but feel as if you lied to yourself. I could’ve done this alone, a part of you thinks. Why earn four million dollars for this, for a cut, when I could’ve gotten the entire paycheck? You tear your eyes away to look at the waiting thief and his stretched out hand.
He could just take the diamond from your hand and have Jigen kill you.
Men like Lupin are arrogant and selfish. That much, you already know. He screams pride, smugness, and it strikes a wrong chord within you. At least, it did so in the beginning, because now it no longer blooms the same feelings that you held towards him in your first interactions. Instead, it leaves something else in its wake.
He will take the diamond, give you something other than the cut you have agreed upon, and you will die, one way or another.
‘Here,’ you give him the Primer Rose Diamond, shivering as his fingers brush inevitably against yours. The thief’s gaze doesn’t stray away from yours, and you hold your ground. You don’t want to show that you are scared of what’s to come. You are meant to be brave, as you have always been — even before you met the Gentleman Thief.
I’d stay clear of men like Lupin.
Lupin whistles as he looks at the diamond in his hand. ‘It’s definitely different seeing this beauty in person,’ he says. His partners look at it in thoughtful silence, but you can see that they share the same opinion. At least, about its worth. Jigen lays back, stretching his arms over his head with a contained yawn. ‘Tomorrow I’ll take it to a jeweler I know from around these parts, and the money will be ours, gentlemen. And lady!’
You roll your eyes as he grins in your direction, and you take a seat in an armchair, sitting now between the gang. ‘Good to hear,’ you sigh.
Lupin holds the Primer Rose Diamond out, an eye closed as he puts it next to your figure, comparing the two from his perspective. ‘I’d say, however, it matches you really nicely, chérie.’ You frown, and you cross your arms over your chest.
‘I should’ve known,’ Jigen starts, earning your attention. ‘It’s either a treasure for that backstabbing Fujiko, or a treasure for another one of your lovers.’ The former hitman believes you two are either together, or that Lupin is completely enamored and you are tricking him into doing whatever you please. Yet, when he says that, it doesn’t faze you; instead, it only confirms the assumption you have of Lupin’s character.
A bit of a Casanova, and a bit of a fool.
If he is using you now, then you can turn your back on him while you have your chance. If he thinks he has a chance with you of all people, then—
‘In fact!’ Jigen lunges forward, shoving his finger into Lupin’s chest. Suddenly, the descendant of one of the greatest thieves of all time doesn’t look so confident or strong; yet, you see a kicked little puppy. Goemon is not reacting to any of that. ‘Why was Fujiko there?’
Lupin shrugs, hands up in surrender. ‘I don’t know!’
‘I’m guessing she was working for someone,’ you murmur. The two turn to look at you. ‘There was a man in a wheelchair. She was standing by him. Along with some bodyguards.’
Jigen scoffs, ‘And now that his treasure has been stolen, I bet she will be coming here to take the diamond right back to him! Or, double cross him and have him come to our door!’ The gunman stands suddenly, huffing. His face is slightly flustered from the frustration. ‘I’m getting a drink!’
As he storms off, Lupin turns to you and shrugs with an awkward chuckle. Nothing is going his way, you think, even though you feel a shimmer of sympathy for Jigen. ‘I’m going to get us something to drink as well. We need to celebrate!’
‘Bring sake,’ Goemon pipes up, and he adjusts his position on the couch. He looks unfazed by Jigen’s outburst. Is this a normal occurrence? His eyes are closed, and you squint slightly in your seat.
Is he going to be the one to kill you? While your new (and hopefully temporary) boss gets you something to drink?
It could be poison, you tell yourself. Be it a gun, a sword or venom, Lupin will find a way to get rid of you.
‘Are you alright?’ The samurai asks you suddenly. He isn’t looking at you, but he is focused on you.
You swallow, hands in your lap. ‘Yes,’ you lie. It’s your other speciality — being a liar. If it helps you survive this heist, that is. Because this isn’t over. Not until you receive the paycheck you have been promised — the one you negotiated with the Gentleman Thief.
You can hear mumbles from the kitchen. An argument.
You don’t want to listen.
Your anxiety is getting worse. It would all be so much better if you would just drop dead right there and then, if Lupin would just finish the job. But, till he does, you leave. 
‘I’m going outside,’ you say, dodging Goemon’s dark eyes which are now peeled open and burning holes into you. He murmurs something which you don’t catch, and you are out of the door in an instance. Your legs feel heavy as you drag them across the wooden foundation, and you ungracefully let yourself fall on top of the bench, leaning against it.
Your most expensive dress is probably more than dirty now, but you don’t care.
The door opens behind you, but you don’t care.
You groan and put your head in your hands. Fuck. I knew taking this job would be a mistake.
Did you? Sooner or later, you would need this job, this money, and you most likely — most definitely — would’ve stuck to something small and simple. Not something as risky as the Primer Rose Diamond, something that makes you go against your own ideals. To put yourself out there, in the spotlight, goes against your very being.
What is the fun of taking a job without any challenge? The phantom sound of those words ring, as a shadow towers over you.
‘Do you mind if I sit with you?’ Lupin asks you. You didn’t expect the softness in his voice, and you suck in a breath of air. You are like an open book, you realize. You don’t like this. You want him to stay away from you. 
Instead, you turn to give him a slight, forced smile. ‘Sure. Go ahead.’ The thief sits next to you in silence. As promised, there are two drinks in his hand — one for you, one for him. ‘Have you made your peace with Jigen?’
‘He’ll come around,’ he hands you a bottle after cracking it open for you.
You two sit in silence, the empty road in front of you. The stars flicker in the sky, and you are sure you have never had the chance to glimpse upon them so clearly before. Could it be that, now dragged out of your comfort zone and of your own ideals, everything has morphed around you?
No, that’s ridiculous, you shut the thought down before it can go any further. You drop your head back to the palm of your hand, scoffing.
‘You okay?’
You shake your head. ‘I can’t believe it. I simply can’t believe it.’
‘That Jigen is secretly a grumpy old man? Don’t mind him, he’s just jealous.’
‘No, I’m talking about the heist.’
‘Oh, good! Otherwise, you’d have me jealous, chérie,’ Lupin smiles widely.
You roll your eyes, before resting your arms over your knees and leaning forward, resting upon them. ‘I can’t believe we did that. I’m still processing how Goemon got us out of there, how somehow he can break the laws of physics.’ You look down at the drink in your hand. ‘Most importantly, I’m thinking that… I did this.’
Lupin watches you seriously, the amusement suddenly draining from his face. It’s as if the mask is gone. Or, perhaps, he’s just listening very attentively.
‘I don’t do this type of thing. I don’t like to be the center of attention. I like to go in, get my target and be out of there before anyone can spot me. I don't… I don’t pull out heists like you, Lupin.’
He’s silent, before leaning towards you. You glance over, eyes falling immediately upon those lips that give you a devious smirk. ‘But?’
You frown, ignoring the blood that boldly flows to your face. You decide to blame the alcohol, and not the closeness, not the hype of a successful theft, not the intrusive thoughts that have been invading your mind for too long. ‘But, as much as it physically pains me to admit it… you were right.’ A shy smile finally graces your face, ‘This was fun.’
Lupin throws his arms up in cheerful victory. ‘See? I told you!’ He wraps an arm around your shoulders, ‘Does this mean you are tagging along for our next adventure? Because I think I’m an excellent influence on you.’
‘You’re a fool,’ you retort, ‘a fool.’
‘Yet, here you are.’
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Despite the echoes of a promise, it took you less than two days to return to Europe, taking more than a paycheck with you. As much as you earned it, you also carry a new perspective, a revolution to your previous ideals and standards. You don’t take leaps of faith, but now, it no longer sounds foolish. Instead, you come to realize that your own ways were dull, lacking creativity and thrills to keep you going.
So, you decide to adapt to new surroundings with even newer tactics.
You now sit boldly on the chairs of some of the most infamous mafia bosses, feet resting on top of desk, toying with their wives’ necklaces. You drive flashily, blowing kisses to those who chase you. Even if you still waltz right into wherever you want, stealing what you plead, you no longer hide. Everyone knows you now. As they should.
By no means are you a sudden star in the Underground. You wouldn’t dare to compare yourself to the likes of Lupin just yet, because you still believe you have a long road ahead of you. But, you know you will get there, perhaps one day competing for the title.
There is something else that distinguishes you from the rest, however. It always catches up to you, anyway.
You don’t get to the top without making enemies that would love to see you fall, those had been the words that Lupin once shared with you, when you found yourself reaching for your phone, unable to fight the eagerness to hear about his adventures — hear his voice. Indeed, he makes quite the storyteller, and you have drifted off to sleep before, just listening to that gentle voice.
It starts with a knock on your door, in your Nordic getaway.
When you open the door, gun in your hand, because it’s well past four in the morning and whoever came to your door better have a good reason to wake you up, you are suddenly knocked back, vision flashing white as you fumble backwards, hand over your cheek.
A brute stands between you and the door. As you move to aim your gun at the middle of his wrinkled forehead, he rips the gun out of your hand and slams his fist against your face. You hear your nose crack under the impact, and you feel and taste the heat of blood flowing down your nose.
As you fall to the ground, a slim figure slides inside, arms crossed over a black jumpsuit. Your vision shakes, you are about to pass out, but you grin, all teeth and no smile.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You wake up in a start, gasping in shock. Upon blinking away the confusion and tiredness — probably drugs, if you are being honest (and fair), you realize that you have been awakened to one of the oldest tricks in the book, a bucket of cold water, full of ice.
‘Oh, good,’ a voice purrs. ‘You’re awake.’
You look up to meet the heated gaze of Mine Fujiko, who smiles as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s. Next to her stands the same man who has blessed you with a broken nose. Speaking of which, it still hurts like hell.
‘Fujiko,’ you start, a warning tone in your voice. ‘What a surprise.’
She raises an eyebrow. ‘You already sound like Jigen,’ she sighs. ‘Don’t be like that, though.’
You snort, ‘Well, I’m sorry if I’m not exactly happy to see you under these circumstances. Are you now going to tell me that you didn’t just knock me out and kidnap me?’
‘It’s business, dear. Don’t take it personally.’
The tall man clears his throat. ‘Enough chit-chatting. Where is the Primer Rose Diamond?’
‘Stolen and sold,’ you reply. At least, that’s what you know — what you think has happened after the heist. What Lupin did with the treasure is none of your business, not anymore. ‘It’s not on me, in case you’re wondering. I don’t usually carry millions-worth of jewelry with me.’
We have already moved past this chapter, you tell yourself. The heist, the aftermath — all of it — is now in the past. If you don’t think of your life as a novel, divided into acts and chapters, then everything is too much, and you cannot take everything with you. You must live your life like it’s your very last, like any day someone might decide to end you.
You just hope that today isn’t it.
The man straights his back, and his eyes turn icy. Perhaps your humor isn’t appreciated in this corner of the world. Am I still in Norway? You don’t actually know how long you’ve been out. ‘It’s alright,’ Fujiko speaks up. ‘I know how we can get it back. It’ll be as easy as a piece of cake.’
‘If you think Lupin will fall for—’
‘Oh, I don’t think Lupin will fall for it,’ she smirks. ‘I know he will. He’s very predictable, you know? Because, after all—
As long as it is a beautiful woman…
Clearly, there’s a reason for your rescue.
‘—Lupin would do anything for a woman that has stolen his heart.’
The Cat Burglar’s eyes glimmer in melancholy, and you drown in the forgotten knowledge of her history with the Gentleman Thief, a story that has yet to be told but one that you have glimpsed through remarks and distant looks.
But, it makes sense. You can see why they would be together, and you smile bitterly.
‘You misunderstand,’ you shake your head. ‘I don’t have his heart. We are just partners. Were, actually.’
Do partners do what you did? The feeling still lingers upon you — alcohol flowing through your system as the world bent and twisted, painted in unfamiliar, yet not completely unknown sensations, painted in pleasure — and it won’t let go. Perhaps, that is precisely why you run; you want to get away from it all, from those memories, from that night, from that heist.
This was a mistake, you had murmured to yourself when you woke up the following day. And, you had left, right in the middle of the night, because the feeling was unbearable. It weighed on you like a dead horse, and you cannot carry that type of baggage with you. It is dangerous in the world where you now reside.
There is a noise, and you watch the man grab his communicator, pressing it against his ear. He frowns as he listens, and then he nods. When he puts the device down, you get the chance to finally see his smile.
‘The boss wants to see you.’
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Nothing is ever a coincidence. Whoever tells you otherwise is a fool.
Those were the final words of your very first partner — because you didn’t know how venomous trust was, how dangerous partnerships could be. She hadn’t been your partner, but a puppeteer. And you, her new manikin. You were still an amateur, fresh in the Underground, which made you the perfect target for people like her. Now that you look back on it, she was as vicious as Mine Fujiko.
In the end, the heist that the two of you had been making plans for — or at least you thought you two were working towards the same goal — was meant to be hers all along. You were bait, soon to become dead weight, until you miraculously survived, until you came back to your hideout to find everything drained of life, abandoned.
You never saw her again, except for that piece of paper in the middle of the kitchen table.
That was your first and, you believed, your last partnership. From then on, you learned to work alone, to rely only on yourself and on your skills.
Yet, despite your attempts to put everything behind you, despite living through each and every day as individual and unconnected chapters, those words haunt you like a damn scourge.
Even now, as you sit on a velvet chair, nose even more bloodied after your first failed attempt in escaping wherever you are, staring holes into the elderly man in front of you, the words ring in your ears.
He says your name slowly, almost spelling it out, as his fingers remain laced together over his lap. ‘Let me just tell you, I’m so very sorry for my lack of focus. Had I known you were this beautiful, I wouldn’t have told my men to use force. Perhaps, that’s what made you such a delightful thieving partner to our dear friend Lupin III, no?’
‘Spare me the flattery,’ you snap, ‘because it’ll get you nowhere now.’
He smiles coldly, and you try to picture yourself in the future — free, and hands wrapped tightly around that wrinkled neck.
‘Such fire,’ he hums. ‘That is the beauty of youth, I suppose.’ He raises a hand, golden ring reflecting the fireplace to your right. ‘Ah, but pardon my manners. My name is Dominik Gazda.’ You blink in recognition. You had heard this name before, but from where? ‘I am a busy man, you see, but, most importantly, I am very impatient. So, allow me to get straight to the point.’
The man leans forward in his wheelchair, eyes sharpening. ‘Where is the Primer Rose Diamond that you have so gracelessly stolen from my friend Souza?’
You scowl. Everyone’s eyes are on you, and Fujiko tilts her head slightly from behind her boss. ‘As I told your men before,’ you begin, ‘I don’t know, because I don’t have it anymore.’ You hiss, mimicking him and leaning forward in your seat, feeling the tight rope around your wrists scratch against your skin as you test them subtly.
I have to get out of here…! For now, though, you must fight off the panic as best as you can.
Gazda heaves a deep sigh. ‘Well, that much I reckon is the truth,’ he says. ‘Yet, you know where it could be. You know where he is.’
Word travels fast in the Underground, surely you knew that already, you remember that conversation, turning your eyes away from the Czechman, instead finding yourself in a silent eye contest with Fujiko. They speak of nothing more than you and Lupin being partners.
‘I hate to disappoint you, but I don’t know where Lupin is. We worked, what, once? And, I haven’t seen him since.’
The boss leans back, silent.
‘There is another way, Dominik,’ Fujiko suddenly begins, walking up to the desk to sit on top of it, back to you as she looks deeply into his eyes, crossing her leg over the other. You raise your eyebrow at the use of his first name, but you are quick to remind yourself that this is kind of her thing — to be seductive and destroy them from within, leaving nothing behind. ‘We can use her as bait, and get Lupin to deliver the Primer Rose Diamond to you.’
I bet she will be coming here to take the diamond right back to him, Jigen is starting to make lots of sense, in this dire moment. You only wish, now, that the two of you would have gotten along better. After all, you haven’t given him any proof that you are untrustworthy or backstabbing — unlike the Cat Burglar.
You gulp as the silence grows, as the Japanese woman’s smile widens slightly in her lips, as Gazda looks between her and you. For a moment, you think that he will listen to her. But, even then, you doubt that Lupin would come to your rescue—
No, a part of you corrects you immediately. He would. He will. He has before, why wouldn’t he do it now?
Perhaps, you would be able to escape while he is yet to come.
‘Ne,’ the boss suddenly says. Everything suddenly stills. ‘I’m starting to think this young lady enjoys wasting my time, but I won’t let her go any further.’
Fujiko blinks, ‘What do you mean?’ You almost hear something in her tone, but you are lost in your thoughts, lost in panic.
Gazda laces his fingers together, watching you thoughtfully. Calculating, cold, and merciless eyes, that freeze your body and take your breath away. ‘I have no time for worthless things, Ms. Mine. I’ve told you that before,’ he turns to caress her cheek with his thumb. ‘I thought we shared that opinion?’
The thief looks at you from the corner of her eye. You meet hers in uncovered terror, as realization sinks in. Yet, you don’t know what is going through her head — and now isn’t really the time to worry about her feelings. Right now, you feel a phantom feeling; one that you haven’t quite experienced, but one that you know that he strives for.
As to confirm your thoughts, the Czech criminal boss tilts his head, smile widening, ‘I’m afraid that although her neck is far too pretty to be broken, and her eyes too beautiful to gauge out, my mercy can’t be extended to those who are undeserving of it.’ The grin disappears in a flash, rage burning behind those eyes, ‘So, I ask you, one more time — and you better make use of this last chance — where is Lupin?! Where is my fucking diamond?!’
Your mouth opens. Yet, you find yourself to be too weak to say anything. You have given him your answer, and nothing has changed from then to now. You remain blissfully unaware of Lupin’s whereabouts, despite his best attempts to reunite with you, and you keep dreaming of the Prime Rose Diamond’s glow and color in your hands, wishing that, perhaps, yes, Lupin was right when he said that it’d look pretty around your neck.
Better a diamond necklace than a rope.
‘I have already told you all I know,’ you say. ‘I’m being truthful. I haven’t seen Lupin since Brazil, and I haven’t kept tabs on him.’ You scoff shakily, ‘I was only hired to help. I’m only a lowly thief.’
‘Lowly thief,’ he echoes. ‘That much is true. But, I’m sorry.’ He claps his hands twice. ‘I don’t believe you.’
At once, the rope that keeps your hands behind your back, tied to the chair, is gone, and two men pick you up by either arm. You move to fight back, to get out of there before you can meet your Maker, until you choke, as a piece of a cloth presses roughly against your windpipe, pushing against it and pushing, and pushing pushing pushing—
‘Spi dobře, škůdce.’ Sleep well, pest, a little voice translates for you, before everything fades to black.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
When you open your eyes, you are locked in a cage. Everything is so dark, with the exception of the dimmest of lights you have ever seen on the outside wall. You can vaguely see the stone wall around it, and you think you hear the sound of water dripping somewhere around you. But, you aren’t sure.
No, because, when you move, you feel your skin bruised, your neck choked and the crawls of your ghosts. You immediately lean back against the wall, coughing. Someone has a fetish, huh, you think drily to yourself as you try to reach up to touch the cold lock around your neck, but you can’t even do that.
You are like a doll, chained to the wall to be admired. And, soon, if you don’t get out of Gazda’s hands, you’ll be a stringless puppet.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Eating is the worst thing you have done.
You can’t do it on your own, not with your hands tied, not with your neck attached to the wall, so Gazda’s guards have to feed you themselves. There is nothing gentle about it, and oftentimes, when you refuse to eat, out of stubbornness and because you want to fight, because you want to kill them, they allow you to be empty-stomached. They let you go on for an entire day, if they so feel like it.
On the second day, when you refuse for the first time, you are left with a punch to the face — to your broken nose — and you scream in pain, and you scream to the skies above that you are going to get out of here, and you are going to make them pay, they’ll pay for this, pay, pay pay pay—
Gazda watches, instead, as they force a spoon of horrible stew down your throat. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
‘It’ll take place in two days,’ Fujiko tells you, from the other side of the cell. Her arms are crossed over her chest. You can’t see her expression clearly, but there is something that makes you chuckle.
‘So be it,’ you say slowly.
You try to imagine your escape, you try to recall the feeling of your daggers, and you try to picture the river of blood that you will create with Gazda and his army.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The day of your execution comes.
You are surprised that Gazda has let you live for five days, considering that he looked so excited to see you die from strangulation, but something tells you that he had listened to Fujiko’s plan. We can use her as bait, and get Lupin to deliver the Primer Rose Diamond to you.
‘He isn’t coming,’ you tell Gazda when you are shoved into a seat in front of him, as he eats his dinner. Fujiko is sitting by the fireplace, reading a magazine. Everything appears so casual, as if you aren’t bleeding right in front of them, as if you aren’t malnourished (the steak looks so delicious, you could go for a bit of salad right now, and the water is tempting, so tempting, give it to me, give it to me give it give it), as if you aren’t fantasizing about his death in this very moment.
‘Perhaps,’ Gazda shrugs, and he grabs his glass of wine. ‘If not, then it’s your loss, miláček. I have the perfect place to bury little insects like you.’
‘Lupin will come,’ Fujiko says from the couch. ‘I made sure he would.’
Gazda looks up at you and studies your expression. His eyebrow twitches. ‘Although I have given you the best dress for someone of your caliber,’ he begins, ‘you still look awful.’
Oh, no, I wonder why, you roll your eyes. ‘Does it make any difference to you? I’m going to die, aren’t I?’
‘Death is the most beautiful stage in the circle of life,’ he shakes his head. ‘Even then, especially then, you should look like Aphrodite herself.’ He points at you with his fork, ‘Not like a beaten up puppy, with blood running down your face.’
‘Whose fault is that?’ You grit your teeth, only to hiss when someone slaps you. You turn to glare at the bodyguard, who tells you to watch your mouth. ‘If it bothers you so much, then let’s get it sorted out. You’re the boss.’
‘I just might,’ Gazda murmurs after a pause, and Fujiko raises her head from the magazine at his statement. ‘Someone, take her to the bathroom and clean her face. Call one of my wife’s assistants if you must.’
You are grabbed by your arms, wincing as your body trembles and struggles to stand. A man pulls you roughly against his side, acting like an escort and your own personal crutch, but you know better. ‘Wouldn’t you rather I did it, Dominik?’ Fujiko pouts, earning a chuckle from the Czechman.
‘Don’t get your hands dirty, dear Fujiko. That’s what servants are for.’
The door clicks behind you, and you find yourself in a silent hallway, curtains pulled and lightbulbs softly dimmed. It doesn’t surprise you that it is nighttime, but, somehow, it is welcoming. To go out like a star in the sky in the middle of the night… The dress is a waste, though.
‘Get going,’ the guard growls. You resist the temptation to snap at him, because you certainly don’t have the strength to fight him, to move on your own. You follow him, instead, across the hallway and into the closest bathroom. A communicator buzzes. ‘Can someone come up to the upper floor? I need someone to clean Her Highness.’ 
When you enter, the first thing you see is the mirror and oh god, your face.
You don’t recognize yourself. Not the hollow cheeks, visible cheekbones, pale skin, dried blood around your nose, which is bended beyond recognition. Your collarbone is exposed, and you see the bruises around your neck. You may look beautiful, but you lack spirit. You have been stripped of your confidence, your pride and your soul. You are soon to be hanged, but your life has long departed this world — as well as your hope.
You put your hands on the counter, leaning forward to look deep into your own eyes — to search for that fire that has kept you alive until then — but ultimately giving up. Gazda has compared you to Aphrodite, in your final stage of life, but perhaps you are the closest to Persephone — once full of life, now drained of it.
The door behind you opens, but you ignore it. Gazda can dress you up as much as he wants, he can paint you like a supermodel, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are going to die. It doesn’t make death any more pleasant. If only I could make us change places, you scoff.
‘Ready for the finishing touches?’ A voice grumbles behind you.
‘Whatever,’ you sigh.
You straighten your back, turning on your heels to face the assistant, when you fumble and fall. The man grabs you before you hit the ground, ‘You alright?’ He then curses under his breath, ‘Shit. You don’t look so hot, darling.’
‘That’s fine,’ you shakily reply. ‘I’m on my way to the death row, no point in worrying about appearances. Can’t you tell your boss that? That there is no point in dressing me up like a millionaire’s widow?’
The man is silent, before sighing. ‘Well, my partner would disagree with you.’ You pause. ‘In fact, I think, under different circumstances, he would have enjoyed seeing you like this a little bit too much.’
You raise your head, narrowing your eyes in confusion when you finally get the chance to glimpse upon the assistant’s face. You open your mouth in surprise, a choked sound leaving your throat, and your body begins to tremble. ‘What—’
Jigen gives you a quirk of his lips, ‘Don’t you look surprised? Do you really think, by now, Lupin would let you die?’ Clearly, there’s a reason for your rescue. ‘He’s not letting you go that easily, and I’m afraid I’m not allowing that, either.’
‘I thought you hated me,’ it slips out of your lips before you can help it, because, well, what else would he think of you, when he has continuously accused you of plotting behind Lupin’s back, of using him?’
The smirk fades away. ‘I’ve never said that. I expected you to pull a trick like Fujiko always does. That’s all.’ He sighs, ‘I may have been wrong about you.’ Before you can say anything, he stills you and looks deeply into your eyes, your reflection barely present in the lenses of his glasses, ‘We are getting out of here. You ready?’
God, you have been thinking of nothing but escaping this place — for so long that it has become a dream that you believed to be unachievable. You bite your lip, feeling tears burning in the back of your eyes, and you nod, unable to make a sound. Jigen just stares, for a moment, and then he straightens you.
‘Let’s go,’ he says firmly.
The guard stands with his back to the door, glancing down at his watch. When he hears the door open, he turns to look over his shoulder, only to gasp and fall to the floor, upon the impact of Jigen’s gun against the back of his head. ‘How did you know where to find me?’ You ask, unable to hide your curiosity.
Jigen escorts you down the hall, pulling you close to his side — just as the man before, but no longer as harshly. Despite his rough exterior, there is something gentle about guiding you away from your captor, as his left hand digs softly against your waist to keep you upright and the other holds his .357 Magnum.
He mumbles angrily under his breath, before he answers you, ‘Fujiko told us.’ You raise your head in disbelief. ‘When it became obvious that he wasn’t letting you go one way or the other, she called Lupin.’
‘She wants to use me as bait,’ you retort.
‘Yeah, that sounds like Fujiko.’
‘You’re telling me she had a change of heart?’
‘There’s usually a motive behind her changes of heart,’ Jigen shrugs, ‘but, I couldn’t tell you this time.’
If I were you, I’d stay clear of men like Lupin.
Lupin would do anything for a woman that has stolen his heart.
You gulp, and, when the two of you turn the corner, Jigen comes to a halt, freezing next to you. ‘Where the hell do you think you’re going?’ One of Gazda’s men snaps, leaning away from the wall.
‘Uh,’ Jigen suddenly fumbles with his words. I guess he wasn’t expecting this, you think. ‘I’m taking her to my station. Did you expect me to work on her in that hideous place?!’ The only hideous thing you can spot is the horrible low ponytail he has.
The man snorts, ‘You makeup artists are really something. But, yes, that’s what we did.’ Two more men appear, nearly out of nowhere — but you haven’t been paying attention, really.
‘Let’s get you back, shall we?’ Someone reaches towards you, and you react on instinct.
You lunge for their throat, nails scratching against their skin, and the two of you fall to the floor, reaching for a weapon — any weapon — that he may carry. The guards yell in surprise, moving towards you until they hear the sound of a weapon clicking. ‘I’m not going back. I’m not going back!’ You shout as you put his own knife against his neck.
‘You heard the lady,’ Jigen says, his weapon pointed towards the remaining two guards. ‘Why not be gentlemen and comply with her wishes?’
‘The boss would never let us hear the end of it,’ one replies, and a shiver appears to go down his spine. ‘You know how he is.’
‘None of my business,’ Jigen shrugs. ‘Let us through.’
‘Fine, fine!’ The man beneath you yells through pained breaths. ‘Just get this bitch off me!’
You nearly end his life right there and then for that alone, until Jigen calls out your name. You pause, scoff, and stand — even though you shake and nearly lose your balance, you keep looking down at the man as if he is nothing but a speck of dust, an insect.
When you begin to walk away, there is a sound. You don’t know what it is, but your bodyguard does. He turns in a flash, and three gunshots echo through the air. He watches as the bodies fall to the ground, and you cower from the sound, knowing what is about to come. ‘Fools,’ he says. ‘They should’ve taken that chance.’
Then, as the alarm roars through the building, the former hitman grabs you by the shoulders. ‘We’re on the third floor. If you keep running this way, you will find a stairway. Take it, and you’ll find a balcony right in front of you.’ With that, he pushes you lightly. ‘Now, go!’
In an instance, you run.
Slowly, yes, because you are in no condition for this type of getaway — or any, really — but you aren’t going to waste any second in this shithole anymore. You don’t know what awaits you on the balcony, if at all, but you believe Jigen and you believe that he is your savior, even if under Lupin’s request.
My partner, he’d said. Never boss.
You don’t know how this side of the house is completely empty, but you keep going. You rush down the stairs, having tossed away the painful shoes that Gazda has given you, and you find a dark hallway in front of you. It is ominous, and something feels… final, but you shove your feelings away and continue on your merry way.
The windows are uncovered in this section, for whatever reason. But, you follow the moonlight coming through. The balcony doors are right in front of you, your ticket to freedom, and you feel the emotions that you have been holding off crash within you, turmoil growing and growing, until it all snaps. The tears that you could barely hold minutes ago run down your face, and your pace increases, even if pained.
I’m going to be free, you think. I’m free. I’m free!
You open the balcony door, gasping for breath, sweat coating your forehead. There is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nobody. But, you breathe in that air, you breathe in the freedom that awaits you. You are beginning to shiver, but you don’t care. You gaze towards the distance, spotting no light.
Completely isolated. As you had been in the beginning.
Before that day, before that party in France, before that heist.
Before Lupin.
You walk towards the railing, hands gripping it tightly in order to keep your balance. Your eyes never stray away from the horizon, nor the stars. You want to become one, you realize. You want to be gone from this godforsaken place, and be free, and shine as the lowly thief you have always been. Monsters like Gazda may exist, but they would never reach you.
Your name echoes in the night. You freeze, your awestruck expression falling into disbelief, before you lower your head. You’d recognize that face anywhere, that crooked smile. Your lips tremble, and you find, once again, unable to form words.
See? A part of you begins. I told you he’d come!
‘Lupin,’ you whisper, watching as he walks towards the light. He stands on the ground floor, staring up at you, still on the second-floor balcony. You cannot read his eyes, his mask, from this distance, but that is okay. You only want him closer. You want him to take you away.
Does this mean you are tagging along for our next adventure? Because I think I’m an excellent influence on you.
You’re a fool. A fool.
Yet, here you are.
‘I’m sorry I took so long,’ he apologizes, hands leaving his pockets and slowly stretching out to you. ‘It’s time to go.’
You nod once, then again, a smile finally breaking through that shock. Your hands on the railing grip, as if making sure that this is real. Your famine could be getting to you, you could be getting delusional and your dreams could have become illusions. How many times have you dreamt of your escape, being saved by Lupin? You nearly pinch yourself, too.
‘Yes,’ you say. ‘Let’s go.’
Then, time stops.
A burning feeling rushes through you, and your eyes remain fixed on the Gentleman Thief. You watch, instead, as the calm expression he carries shifts and morphs into one of terror, panic, and rage. All at once, and you easily spot those emotions in the split second that you recognize that you have been shot.
‘A pity,’ Gazda sighs. ‘You could’ve gone out like a star, but no. You chose this.’
Your hold on the railing weakens, and you feel your body tremble. You were already too weak, and the bullet seems to have been the cherry on top of the icing. You fall, hearing Lupin’s distressed call.
You hear a wire, and suddenly he is right next to you. His hands are on you, and you feel the blood leaving your new wound, you feel the bullet within you, but you decide to focus instead on his eyes. You have seen them so up close before, but now changes everything. As he holds you in his arms, bleeding out, as his eyes search your face and as they notice every single bruise and drop of blood on your body, as those eyes shift into something dangerous, you still.
You feel at peace. I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before, in that moment of peace, that revelation feels like a bucket of ice. You gulp and reach for his blue jacket, gripping it as tightly as you can. Your mouth opens, you want to say something, but nothing is coming out. Only pained breaths, horrible sounds, and you can only watch as the thief’s eyes close, taking a deep breath.
‘You think I wouldn’t know that you’d come? That you’d try to get her away without so much as a drop of sweat?’ Gazda begins. ‘You are still young, thief. And that shows.’
He doesn’t look up to listen to Gazda. You don’t know if he’s listening. It’s just you and him.
‘I bet you haven’t even complied with our deal,’ he says. ‘I’ve asked you for the Primer Rose Diamond. I’ve waited for days, and only now do you show up. No diamond in sight, but, well, no girl to be saved, either!’
‘They don’t call me Gentleman Thief for no reason,’ Lupin interrupts him and finally turns to stare at him. His voice sounds so cold. You haven’t heard it like this before, and you want to reach for his face, you want to cup his cheeks and turn him back to you. Don’t look at him, you want to say. Ignore him. Stay with me.
‘I always keep my promises. One way or another.’ You hear something next to you, a low gasp, and suddenly you are picked up. You don’t know who does it, but you fight to keep your eyes open. Lupin slowly faces away from you, eyes hardened and dead serious. You blink and try to look up at the figure who is now holding you. You’d recognize that stoic expression anywhere.
‘Goemon,’ you whisper.
‘Save your energy,’ Goemon shakes his head.
Lupin searches his pockets. ‘You wanted the Primer Rose Diamond?’ He extends his hand out, elevating the diamond towards his eye level. ‘You wanted this piece of rock that badly?’
Gazda scoffs, ‘I wouldn’t expect a thief like you to understand—’
‘Then have it.’
The Czechman pauses. The guards next to him don’t stray their weapons from Lupin and Goemon, but they, too, seem to be on edge. ‘“Just have it”, you say.’
‘Yeah.’ Lupin just tosses it. It flies across the balcony, and Gazda just barely catches it, before it could hit the floor. ‘Have your diamond.’
Gazda stares down at the Primer Rose Diamond in disbelief, before a grin blooms across his face. ‘You do keep your promises, huh? That’s a surprise.’ He raises his head, hands tight around the jewel, ‘Now, about that—’
His head goes flying back.
You had barely noticed the movement — perhaps due to your state. You don’t think you have ever seen Lupin use his weapon, because you haven’t really seen this side of him. Something vicious, dangerous and destructive. The guards all but scream, taking aim before they fall to the ground, two figures behind them.
‘There you have it,’ Lupin drops his arm. ‘You got your diamond. Now, rot with it.’
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latte-to-go · 1 year
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gift for Amara ( latte-to-go on wattpad )
graphic by dunbonnets ( dunbonnet on wattpad )
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latte-to-go · 2 years
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We’re two threads in the same stitch, remember?
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latte-to-go · 2 years
For Christmas inbox, 05. — broken for lupin iii ^^
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published on: december 25, 2021
pairing: arsène lupin iii & reader
word count: 1.1k+
‘So, this is where you’ve been.’
Those are the first words that the thief utters to you. You nearly jump out of your own skin, and the start allows for a stray snowflake to land on your exposed neck, as if it had been aiming to do so for as long as you’ve been there. The coldness makes you shiver and hiss slightly, and you grab your scarf, arranging it so your neck is now completely covered and safe from the harsh freezing temperatures of December.
Yet, you don’t respond to the man. Perhaps, you’re purposefully avoiding him.
As if to match, your blank, distant face morphs. You are scowling at something in the distance — anything at all, really.
You hear a faint sigh, followed by footsteps as the snow is crunched under his shoes. From the corner of your eye, the brightness of a street lamp disappears as a silhouette stands in its way. You can already imagine what kind of warm coat he’s spotting, not to mention the burdeaux jacket that he keeps beneath.
For a thief, he has never failed to look elegant and graceful. Just the type that you once found attractive.
“Once found”?
Who are you trying to fool, again?
‘We’ve been trying to reach you for a while,’ the man begins. ‘At first, we thought you had gotten rid of your phone so you wouldn’t be traced. You had us there for a moment, you know?’ He turns his head slightly to glance at you. But, your gaze doesn’t waver from the horizon, as you watch the river beneath and the other half of the town, that lays beyond the stone bridge. The lights flicker as if stars, and you think to yourself that the sight is familiar.
It’s as if you’ve been here before. And, you have. It feels nostalgic and bittersweet. That’s why you keep coming back.
‘It took a while. but I then realized where I could find you.’
Yes, because this has always been the spot where he finds you.
The first time hadn’t been as sweet as one might have initially thought. Two Walther P38 in the air, one of which was just as white as the snow had begun to pile up on the benches. He had appeared suddenly, causing your hostile reaction. He, too, had unhostled his own, after mentions of suspicion and murder. He was accusing you of taking someone’s life, someone he had apparently looked up to as a novice in the business. Unbeknownst to him, however, you had a jar made out of porcelain in your bag, holding that someone’s essence — earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That person had been, to you, just as special. You had come there to say your goodbyes, planning to bury the weapon and the ashes in the cold river.
Similarly to your first time, you sat on a bench, gazing into the river, only a year later. And, similarly to the first time, the grandson of the Gentleman Thief had appeared just as suddenly as before. Your expression was blank, as if you were lost in a trance or a dream. Clouds materialized and faded just as quickly, as you breathed arduously. Your hand had begun to change color from the freezing temperatures, as your skin was fully exposed. Moreover, what had startled the thief had been the redness that was peeking through the gaps of your fingers. That had been when he kneeled in front of you, a gloved hand on your arm while he pulled off the other glove with his teeth. Your eyes had fluttered when the hand — so warm — had come into contact with your flushed cheek. He had been saying something, but you can never truly recall what he said to you. The blood loss had been to blame for that, and, at the time, you were ready to embrace death.
Again, that’s why you keep coming back to that river — to spare farewells to the living and the dead.
‘Why are you here?’ You finally say.
‘You’re here for a reason. And, I just want to know why.’
You take a deep breath before muttering his question out loud, ‘Why am I here?’ Your body is tense, you realize. ‘The usual, I suppose.’ You sound distant, as well. A part of you is frightened by this, and you feel your heart pull ever so slightly as you feel his eyes on you.
‘You’re leaving,’ he finally says. ‘Why?’
‘Because I—’
—can’t be here. Can’t be with you.
You’re breaking me.
I love you.
I hate you.
I’m leaving because I—
‘—why does it matter?’ You suddenly round to look at him. Your scowl was meant to look venomous and cold, but you know your expression is twitching willingly, out of your control. ‘Why should I tell you? It’s none of your business. What I do has never been your business.’
His eyes are thoughtful and his expression is neutral. He has always managed to keep his emotions hidden from the outside world, as he should. You, too, do it. You can easily filter what you want to be shown or not to others, but, somehow, this man has broken this filter. He looks through the glass, gazes into your soul. He reads you like an open book, and knowing that makes it hurt.
‘I thought we were friends,’ he murmurs with a quirk of his lip. His voice is soft and the smile is comforting. It makes you think that maybe, he, too, feels— 
No, no, no.
‘We’re business partners, Lupin,’ you remind him. ‘Always have been. Nothing more, nothing less.’ You refuse to acknowledge how your voice may have cracked ever so slightly with those words. Lupin straightens his back, his eyes swimming between your own as he notices the blur that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. ‘What did you expect?’
There is a sudden frown on his eyebrow, but it disappears in a second. Yet, its brief existence tells you something — perhaps what you’ve been wondering.
But, you push it away. You would and will never tell him, neither will you ever allow yourself to fall into this trap.
He opens his mouth to say something. But, you won’t allow him.
‘Goodbye, Lupin,’ you tell him, holding his gaze for a moment as you finish. And, you step around him, ignoring the subtle brush of gloved fingers against your elbow as you walk away from him — as you walk away from what you have buried in the waters.
You’ll never tell him, because the clock is ticking.
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latte-to-go · 3 years
No pressure! I didn’t mean to check on the fic, I wanted to send you love!!
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omg I adore you 🥺❤️ you’re literally so so sweet!!
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latte-to-go · 3 years
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🥺❤️❤️ also omg I wanna say that I am halfway done with your request hehe! it’s taking a while because it is finals week for my summer courses and I have been studying nonstop when I am not at work. but I will hopefully have the request out by next week hehe!
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latte-to-go · 3 years
OMG YES THANK YOU 🥰 Do you have a Ko-Fi btw 👀 Cause.. I really wanna show how much I love what you write for her. Ok so my request!
It’s hard to pick one idea aah ok so Reader is one of her Maids and shes very unusually caring, like actually trying to make sure Lady D is ok other than the other servants that are mostly afraid and they kinda have started developing feelings for each other in secret when this happens: Reader sees Heisenberg for the first time and thats when she first notices that Reader gets very uncomfortable and nervous around men because she mostly experienced them to be predatory or mean towards her in the past, so she hides behind Lady D (kinda also showing her with that action how safe she actually feels with her). I’m sorry that this is so specific!!
omg, that almost brought me to tears 🥺 my kofi is madeoutofstardust or ko-fi.com/madeoutofstardust
but you don’t need to donate at all if you don’t want to! but if you do, it is so appreciated and it really means the world to me! ❤️
as for your request! it is accepted!! i’m so so excited to write it and ah, I have so many ideas! as soon as I am off work, I will get started on it! it may take me about a week or so to get it finished, unfortunately, because of work and my classes! but I will definitely try to get it finished as soon as possible! thank you for requesting! and if you ever have any other requests, feel free to send them! always happy to write any request!!
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latte-to-go · 3 years
Can I request something for Lady D please? I’m still in awe of that beautiful fic, I even dreamt about her and I think your writing has something to do with it asfgh
omg omg 🥺 yes, please! you can definitely leave a request and I will try to get it written as soon as possible!
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latte-to-go · 3 years
OMG??? I just read ‚The art of loving you‘ and I have fucking tears in my eyes right now this really hit me. It’s so beautifully written and she is so wonderfully characterized, and I could really feel Readers pain. This is amazing, the best thing I have read for her so far!! Gosh I am really struck rn
thank you so much! 🥺 that really means a lot to me! i’m so glad you enjoyed it!!
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latte-to-go · 3 years
congratulations 🥺❤️ you deserve them so much! and I can’t wait for all your future success! you deserve the very best for being so so talented!!
i've just seen that i've hit 100 followers, and oh my gosh, does that make me super happy 🥺
thank you so much for following me and sticking around! i definitely have some projects coming soon, and i'm excited to share them with you! ❤️
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firstly, i'd like to thank the mother of my children, @latte-to-go—
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latte-to-go · 3 years
Hello! How about: “I’m gonna tickle you if you don’t come over here," with Jigen? Thank you in advance!
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published on: august 4, 2021
requested by: anon
pairing: jigen daisuke & reader
prompt: “i’m gonna tickle you if you don’t come over here.”
word count: 1.3k+
It hadn’t gone according to plan — again.
Your target was a necklace of pink diamonds, whose color and brightness had somehow charmed your heart into stealing them. You rarely went after jewelry, unlike Fujiko, but you know that you’d be able to make a lot of money once you sold the diamonds individually. You remember they were a wedding gift to one of the richest families in Norway, and, honestly, what kind of thief would you be if you didn’t steal that necklace right under their noses?
Yet, something had happened and, turns out, not only was the necklace already missing, they seemed to have been expecting you.
Why does it have to be me? You thought as you escaped from the rain of bullets.
And, that led to where you are now. Sulking in the Norwegian safehouse, a blanket around you and a cup of hot chocolate in your hands. You suspected it had been Fujiko, because — c’mon, she’s always responsible for any bad heists that happens to you or the gang, and you knew she had been too curious about your heist. However, you had seen no hint that could have possibly indicated that the snake had been behind your misfortune, and you didn’t think you should constantly blame her for anything that doesn’t go your way.
‘What do we have here?’ You hear a teasing voice, and you raise your head, seeing Jigen leaning against the doorway with a small smirk on his face. He eyes your posture for a moment, before nodding his head with a thoughtful and questioning hum.
You roll your eyes with a sigh. ‘Don’t remind me.’
‘Was it already stolen?’ He asks as he approaches the couch.
‘Yeah,’ you mumble. He begins to take off his coat and scarf, and you realize that you rarely see him wearing such a bright-colored suit. You immediately push the thought away. ‘Apparently, someone already had the same idea as me, and maybe tipped off the guards for me. How generous.’
He sits down, the couch sinking slightly beneath his weight. He leans back and crosses his legs over his knee. ‘Who could have possibly tipped them off, huh?’
You snort at his tone. ‘Oh, I definitely thought the same as you do. But, I don’t know for sure.’ You sip your hot chocolate for a moment, your eyes falling back onto the snowy scenery beyond the window. ‘What’s done is done and, well, what’s gone is also gone.’
Jigen spares you a glance as he fishes for his cigarette box. His hand twitches as he’s about to pop one between his lips, and he stops. You turn to him, and he raises his hand in offering. You actually contemplate but decide against it, shaking your head. ‘Well,’ he begins as he pockets the cigarettes away, ‘more opportunities will come your way, I’m sure.’
You only hum.
Silence falls upon you, and you both stare quietly out the window. Despite the horrible sensation left behind by your failure, sitting in silence like this makes you feel at peace. It makes you wish that you had more moments like this — although, perhaps, you would never admit it out loud. After all, considering your line of work, there are constant life-threatening risks and dangers that would make anyone hesitate pursuing a romantic interest. Moreover, Jigen hasn’t talked much about his past, but, from what you had seen in some of his reactions and behaviors, as well as hints dropped by Lupin and conversations, you are confident to say that you are afraid of unrequited love, of somehow not meeting his standards or making him hurt.
You’re paranoid, you can practically hear your mother’s scolding in your head. And, maybe, she’d be right. But, for now, you’d rather remain like this for a little longer. Just two friends, sitting and gazing out the window in thought. You won’t lose anything like this.
‘So, what now?’ His sudden question brings you back to reality. You lean back, taking a deep breath.
You turn your head to look at him. You shrug. ‘I guess I’ll just find something different.’
Jigen nudges you with his elbow, a smirk on his face. ‘Cheer up,’ he says. ‘Something will come up sooner than you think, and you know it. There’s no point in sulking over diamonds.’
You shake your head, ‘Yeah, I guess that’s something only Fujiko would do.’
The gunman gets up and approaches the kitchen counter, picking up a newspaper you barely recall seeing under his wing when he came into the safehouse. He takes off his fedora, putting it on the edge of the chair. He unfolds the newspaper and leans against the counter, as his eyes swim over the paper. You find yourself staring at him — his face, now uncovered by the constant shadow of his hat, how his eyes appear heavy with all these years of caution and roughness have done to him, physically and otherwise.
It is very rare to spot Jigen without his hat. You know that it goes beyond fashion sense; in truth, the fedora allows him to conceal his face, both from the law and from his enemies. It’s something that hides his identity and his emotions, because, from what you have seen through his body language and from what you have learned, Jigen is reserved as he is open about his emotions. It is always easy to see what he thinks about a situation, about someone, if only they were to gaze into his eyes, look at his face.
You can only imagine how much more intimidating it would be for his targets — his former targets, as he is no longer pursuing the role of a hitman — if they were to come face to face with that deadly stare.
Seeing him leaning against the surface of the kitchen counter, so casually, one ankle crossed over the other, the sensation that this scenario appears too domestic makes you nervous. But, you quickly shake those thoughts away.
The paper in his hands rustles in his hands. ‘Hey,’ he looks at you suddenly. ‘Check this out.’
‘Huh?’ You only ask, feeling perhaps too worn out to even get out of the couch.
‘Come on, I promise it’s worth it,’ Jigen says. You two stare at each other for a moment before he smirks, holding the newspaper in one hand while he extends the other. He waves the finger, and the motion, on the one hand, makes you think of a crawling spider. On the other hand, it reminds you greatly of some of the playful nature of Lupin. ‘I’m gonna tickle you if you don’t come over here,’ he says with a mischievously light tone.
You blink.
He remains like that for a few more beats, the silence growing more and more awkward as time passes. You see the corner of his smirk twitch, and you tilt your head ever so slightly, giving him a slow, unamused blink.
Jigen clears his throat and adjusts his posture. You notice him unconsciously reaching for his fedora, and you know it is a habit he has when he is embarrassed and wants to hide the reddened cheeks from others. Yet, there is no tip of a fedora to grasp and bring down slightly to conceal the embarrassment. No, for now, he grabs the newspaper with both hands, once again, and adjusts it, so that it conceals part of his face.
‘Just… come here, please,’ he mumbles.
You snort. ‘Sure.’
You stand up with a sigh, leaving the blanket on the couch. ‘Just so you know, that was awfully—’
‘Let’s just pretend that didn’t happen,’ he quickly intervenes. You giggle as you approach, and from up close, you can see the blush much more clearly. Acting playfully or teasingly, in order to cheer someone up, was not really his thing, you recall. Still, your heart warms at his kind intentions.
‘So, what is it you wanted to show me?’
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latte-to-go · 3 years
quick information ━━ this is a compilation of all of my reader inserts written after 2021. as I write more, this list will grow with different fandoms but it is small for now as I get back into writing. but, I will try my best to keep this masterlist updated all the time!
if you're looking for my old masterlist with all my writing from a few years back, click here.
RESIDENT EVIL | # of stories: 1
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latte-to-go · 3 years
resident evil.
all my resident evil fics can be found in this list! the characters are organized in alphabetical order, but the fics are organized in the order that they were posted.
back to masterlist.
alcina dimitrescu.
the art of loving you ━━ sometimes, it was difficult for you to tell if what you and lady dimitrescu, or alcina as she has allowed you to call her, had was love. it remained a lingering thought in your mind as her daughters continued to call you their mother’s ‘human play-thing’ and most days, you let it not get to you. but, it was difficult to ignore that fateful night and the lady of the house had easily noticed something was upsetting her little pet.
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latte-to-go · 3 years
the art of loving you [alcina dimitrescu]
summary ━━━ sometimes, it was difficult for you to tell if what you and lady dimitrescu, or alcina as she has allowed you to call her, had was love. it remained a lingering thought in your mind as her daughters continued to call you their mother’s ‘human play-thing’ and most days, you let it not get to you. but, it was difficult to ignore that fateful night and the lady of the house had easily noticed something was upsetting her little pet.
pairing ━━━ alcina dimitrescu x reader.
words ━━━ 1612
fandom ━━━ resident evil.
warnings ━━━ pure fluff, honestly. but, it has some hints of nsfw vibes but it doesn't go into them.
author's note ━━━ lady dimitrescu owns my heart and I have spent so much time reading fanfics about her that I just needed to write one of my own. who knew a tall sexy vampire lady would be what broke my hiatus and brought me back to tumblr? but, I am here to stay and I am so excited to write more reader inserts! and to continue to fill requests! for now, my requests are open! but, I will probably write a lot more for alcina as well! so, I haven't finished resident evil village yet because of how busy I am with work and that might make the characters a little out of character! but I couldn't wait to write about alcina! hopefully, I will have the game finished soon! some things have been spoiled for me already, but a lot of the game is still unknown because I am still in the very beginning of the game where ethan just gets to the village. but, I still hope you all enjoy this one-shot! it's just fluff between the reader and our lady!
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DARK CLOUDS LOOMED AGAINST THE HORIZON, matching the catastrophic thoughts that lingered in the back of your mind as you numbly flipped the pages to the book you had tried so hard to distract yourself with. But, your mind had not retained any of the words written on the yellowed pages as your mind stayed on the woman that held every inch of your heart. With a sigh, you turned your gaze out the window instead. The window pane was cold to the touch, courtesy of the snow that remained a constant of the land.
It had only been two years since you had arrived at Castle Dimitrescu ━━ a mistake, truly. At least, at first, it had been as you stumbled across the maidens that the grandiose home belonged to. It should have been the last night of your life, but the lady of the house had taken a keen interest in you. You had not understood it at first, but you had grown attached to Alcina Dimitrescu and her… mysterious ways. Perhaps, you would even go as far as to call it love at first sight. And, you had thought she had felt the same way with her sweet words and burning touches. But, then doubt had become to creep into the dark crevices of your relationship with the woman.
It was often her daughters teased you, complaining about how they couldn’t stand to hear the beat of your heart. But, their mother had explicitly forbidden them from touching you. Though, you did not feel unsafe around them and had grown to trust and like each of them. But, their words tended to hurt whenever they referred to you as their mother’s play-thing. It was as if there was a timer on your life and it wouldn’t be long till Alcina grew bored of your presence and decided it was your time to join the dead.
“The day has come and gone and you have yet to leave our bedroom,” the regal voice belonging to Alcina echoed throughout the room, startling you at your spot in the window sill. She stood tall with her golden eyes watching your every move, making you hold your breath as you waited for her to speak. With long strides, she quickly reached the window as she looked down at you with an unreadable expression. Regardless of your height, you always dwarfed in comparison to her as she stood taller than most she came across. But, she looked even taller whilst you sat. She leaned down, placing a gentle kiss against your lips. When she pulled back, her gaze met yours. “Has something happened?”
“No,” the word quickly left your lips as your felt your cheeks burn at the sudden closeness. Her scent of her old vintage lavender perfume with hints of blood filled your nose ━━ the old mixture had become a comfort for you. With a clear of your throat, you continued to speak. “Everything is fine.”
A hum left her red lips, seemingly vibrating every sense of your being. With two fingers, she trailed against your jaw as she continued to stare at your parted lips. “You should know better than to lie to me, my darling.”
“I do not wish to bother you with my human problems,” you muttered bitterly, pushing her fingers off your skin. For a moment, her eyes flashed with an unknown emotion but she did not utter a word as she took a step back to create space between the two of you.
“So, something has happened,” Alcina commented, standing to her feet as she towered over you again. It made you feel small in every sense as a wave of tears made their presence known. Hiding them from her was futile as she continued to watch, making you sniffle as you tried to wipe them away. “Tell me, who has hurt you?”
“No one.” It wasn’t like you to throw her daughters underneath the bus because of some harsh words. After all, you needed to be stronger than that.
Her hand reached forward, wiping away the stray tear with her thumb before she caressed your cheek. It took everything in you to not lean into her touch, refusing to place a kiss against her tender skin. Despite your lack of reaction, Alcina moved closer as she took a seat on the window sill. It was difficult due to her size, but she made it work as she continued to run her thumb against your cheek. “Then, why the tears?”
She waited for you to speak, listening to the shaky breaths that left your lips as you tried to gather your thoughts. “I’ve been having doubts,” you confessed, biting the inside of your cheek as you met the woman’s eyes. “About… us.”
“What do you doubt about us?” She asked softly. And, for the first time, you could hear worry in her tone as she slowed her movements. Her sharp gaze had softened, lingering on your saddened expression.
With a deep breath, you took her hand off your cheek as you held it close. Her hands were larger than an average person’s, but you still fit perfectly in them. “I fear that you do not love me the way that I love you,” you whispered, keeping your eyes on your interlocked hands. “I feel as if I am something that you use to pass the time. Someone to warm your bed at night for the time being before you get bored and move to the next.”
“People say I’m heartless,” she started off slowly, taking your words deep into her heart as her gaze flickering to your hands as well. “They call me a monster ━━ a frightening legend that mothers tell their misbehaving children. And, for a long time, I believed in those legends that painted me as a cruel vicious beast. That is, until I met you, my darling.”
Her words made you look up, daring to meet her eyes as she stared at you unblinking. Her beauty had always taken your breath away, making her perfect to you at anything that matters. Still, you remained quiet.
“Perhaps, I did not love you at first,” Alcina confessed, ever so slightly tightening her grip on your hand as she let out a heavy sigh. “But, you came into my life like a storm and I had learned how to dance in the rain. Regardless of what you think, my love for you is true. My darling, you make me feel whole ━━ the missing piece I had unknowingly been searching for.”
“Do you really mean that?” you asked softly, barely finding your voice as you faced the woman. Her words were like honey, dripping sweetness onto your tongue as you tried your hardest to believe her.
Her free hand caressed your cheek, moving closer to you before she left a chaste kiss against your forehead. “Have I ever lied to you before?”
“No, but…”
“Cease your doubts, my love,” Alcina said, staying inches away from your lips as her breath fanned against your cheeks. She whispered your name, letting out a deep sigh as she took in your scent. “What can I do to convince you that my love for you is true? To convince you that I want to spend the rest of our days together? To convince you that my heart yearns for you and only you?”
"Alcina…” you whispered softly, closing your eyes as her lips hovered over the skin of your neck. She didn’t move, waiting for some indication from you. “I love you more than anything in this world and… I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. If you would have me, that is.”
The soft words caused Alcina to open her eyes as she faced you, showing no emotion as usual. It made it hard for you to predict her next move as you waited for her to say anything. But, then a soft smile presented itself to you as she leaned in close. “Of course I would have you, my darling,” she whispered, meeting your eyes. “I would do anything for you.”
Her words brought a smile to your lips, pushing you forward as you engulfed her lips with your own. She was quick to pull you into her lap as she held you close, kissing back with the same intensity that you gave her. It made you feel warm with her love as any doubts you had begun to vanish as she held you. There was no doubt that Alcina Dimitrescu was hopelessly in love with you as you were with her. Yet, the sweet moment had ended too soon.
There was a knock at the door, causing a deep growl to leave Alcina’s lips as she pulled away from yours. It left you breathless as the two of you looked to the door to see Cassandra. She wore a sadistic grin, moving deeper into the room as she regarded the two of you. “Forgive me for interrupting,” she cooed, stealing a glance at your flushed expression with playful vice. “But, he’s back.”
A frown marred your features, causing you to glance back at Alcina and see the irritation blooming. “Who is back?”
With a sigh, Alcina looked to you as she forced a smile to her lips. She moved forward, leaving a chaste kiss against your lips that had become stained the same color as hers. “Only a nuisance that you needn’t worry about,” she whispered softly, moving to stand to her feet. “I shall be back soon, my love.”
At her words, you smiled. “I will be here waiting for your return.”
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latte-to-go · 3 years
Summary: Losing your husband was the worst thing that had ever happened to you, but you weren’t about to let him go without trying to get him back.
Warnings: Mentions of depression, implied Stucky (though, you don’t have to see it as that), fluff, Endgame changes.
Word Count: 1,751
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago to try and cope with what happened in Endgame because it literally broke me + there were many things I didn’t like about it. And in this imagine, the compound didn’t get destroyed nor was Morgan born as it works best that way for this imagine.
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That was all you felt.
It was like all of the air had been sucked straight out of your lungs while you watched your husband take his last breaths after sacrificing himself for the sake of the universe.
You didn’t know if it was real at first, but when he failed to move despite your loud pleas and sobs that wrecked through your body, your heart tore into millions of pieces and fell into the deepest pit of your stomach where you could no longer feel a single thing. It took everything in your body to not completely crumble right then and there, but with strong arms pulling you up to your feet and into their tight embrace, you crumbled, letting out every emotion you felt through your flow of tears.
Tears of anger, grief, sadness, and every other emotion you felt tumbled down your face and soaked into the fabric of Steve Rogers suit as he held you tightly. You could hear his own sniffles, saddened with the loss of Tony, as was everyone else.
The world would never be the same without Tony Stark—everyone knew that—but none of them would feel the pain of it as much as you.
No matter what anyone said or tried in an attempt to comfort you over the loss of your husband, it meant nothing.
Tony’s funeral had felt like a complete blur for you, dozens of faces mixing together and words never really registering in your mind even if you nodded along or mumbled out a short response. You know you heard them, but your mind was completely blank as was your heart without your husband by your side, whispering in your ear that everything would be alright.
Everyone walked on eggshells around you, not wanting to make you even more sad or be at the wrath of your anger.
You felt terrible for not talking to anyone, but each time you tried, memories of Tony trying to speak his final words to you popped up into your mind and made tears brew in your eyes. You didn’t know what was to come next for you, but alone at the compound where you were meant to be picking up some things, you found yourself aimlessly wandering around the enormous building.
It was something that you and Tony would do in your spare time and when no one else was around, sometimes using that to your advantage to have some fun in the many open spaces with the full risk of being seen or caught. However, you found yourself standing in Scott’s guest room, eyes suddenly locked on some Pym Particles that were placed on his messy dresser.
You hadn’t spoken to Scott much, but he did offer you his condolences and said if you ever needed anything to let him know. The same had been said by the Pym family, having caught you off guard with the known fact Hank Pym had never been the biggest fan of any Stark, but you smiled as a thank you nonetheless. You didn’t even mean to go in Scott’s room—you thought it was Bruce’s—but a small spark inside told you it was meant to be.
Thankfully, the time machine was still around and perfectly intact, Bruce having wanted to keep it to study it for a while. No one besides him paid much attention to it anymore, everyone else having begun to move on with their lives and try to live the life Tony would’ve wanted them to. You, on the other hand, got an idea and found yourself standing in front of the time machine, two vials of Pym particles held in each of your hands, lips tight pursed together and an idea swirling around in your mind.
After Steve returned the stones and came back to live his life with Bucky after he passed the mantle of Captain America to none other than Sam Wilson, they’d all left the time machine alone. Bruce was taking some time to research the particles and how it reacted with the machine, which made you believe that’s why Scott had more of it.
You knew you shouldn’t, but every fiber in your body ached to be with Tony, to see his warm smile, to hear his intoxicating laugh, to feel his gentle touch run along your skin and make your heart flutter. His smile was your favorite thing in the world, and you craved to see it again.
Standing in front of the daunting machine, you sucked in a breath and swiftly turned it on.
You were there when they all went off the first time, taking the infinity stones from the past and returning with them a minute later. You’d watched every move Bruce made, taking note of what he pressed and turned, happy that you’d paid so much attention to it at the time.
You softly smiled to yourself, glancing to the suits that were thrown off to the side; no one planned on using them anytime soon. You quickly snatched two up and rushed up the platform, feeling the suit begin to form over Tony’s AC/DC shirt you were and jeans after you pressed the button, a quiet gasp leaving your lips when it was finished and you had the other stuffed in a case that was clutched in your hand.
You sucked in a sharp breath, glancing down to the particles; you had four with you. One to go, and one to come back. The other two were in case you actually managed to convince Tony to come back with you, but you knew there was a chance he wouldn’t believe you, but still, you wanted them.
You shook out your arms and legs, mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to attempt. There were many things that could’ve gone wrong, but the hope of seeing Tony again was enough to push you to do it.
“Y/N? You in here?” A voice called out. Your eyes widened and your head snapped to the side, shock appearing on your features when you saw Tony entering the room. The helmet of your suit slid down, revealing your face to him as he walked closer. He instantly froze, your eyes flicking behind when you saw Bruce Banner following Tony.
Bruce offered you a sheepish smile. “Hey, uh, yeah, I guess I kind of beat you to it.”
Your lips parted, looking back to Tony in utter shock.
He looked so much different, but still the same somehow. He was a little younger, wearing the same shirt you had on, but yours was more worn and faded.
Tears brewed in your eyes and you shakily stepped down from the platform, hand covering your mouth as Tony and Bruce approached you.
Your gaze shifted back to Bruce, slightly lowering your hand and brows furrowed. “But. .how? Why—?”
“I missed him, too,” Bruce admitted. “Besides, our world still needs him, but not as much as you. I’ll give you guys a few minutes.”
Your eyes softened and you sniffled, taking a small step towards Tony. You two had been together ever since he defeated Ivan Vanko and Justin Hammer, having gotten married a little after Peter Parker had managed to web himself into your lives. You’d yet to have any children of your own, always saying you would when the time was right, but things always got in the way of that.
“Oh my god,” you murmured in disbelief.
“Well, it is me. Many people feel that way when meeting me,” he said, causing you to let out a genuine chuckle at his cockiness. Tony sighed, taking your hand in his and linking your fingers together without hesitation. “I’m still not entirely sure what happened. Jolly Green Giant over there wouldn’t give me all the details, but it took some time and he told me a few things that only I would know, and while I did have my doubts, I thought it would be nice to see the future, and of course, you.”
You let out a little laugh, playfully rolling your eyes. “Seriously? That’s why you came here?”
Tony grinned. “Maybe, maybe not. I didn’t really peg you to be one to ruin the past all for—”
Your face slightly faltered when his voice abruptly stopped, concern washing over your features. You opened your mouth to speak, but your eyes followed his gaze, noticing he was staring at your wedding ring that shined on your wedding finger. He slowly looked up to meet your gaze, a small smile working its way onto his lips. “You always did have the best taste,” you softly told him.
Tony beamed, his grin widening. “Yes, I did. But. . .what do you say we get married? I know we already were, but technically that wasn’t—”
“Tony, are you trying to propose to me with the ring your future self already bought?”
“Uh, maybe?”
“You’re such an idiot,” you giggled, pulling into you to give him a hug. You were still sniffling some, but joy was overtaking you.
“But I’m your idiot, right?”
“Of course. Forever and always.” You pulled away, a content sigh leaving your lips. You still couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of you. You allowed your eyes to take in every feature of him, your smile never once faltering. You finally had him back, and he had you. “And, you know, we never actually got to have those kids we wanted. . .”
“Say no more—”
A throat suddenly cleared behind you, your eyes tripling in size at the sight of the woman. “I’m sorry, did I step on your moment?”
Your eyes instantly darted over to Bruce who was off to the side of you and Tony, fiddling with part of the machine. He innocently shrugged his shoulders, timidly grinning as Natasha Romanoff made her way into the room. “Did I forget to mention we brought Nat back, too?”
You laughed, shaking your head.
You finally had your family back.
Tony squeezed your hand, recapturing your attention. “About that family—”
You playfully rolled your eyes and moved forward without a second thought, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. You hands pressed the sides of his face, one of his arms shaking around your waist while the other firmly pressed against your back, pushing your chests’ together. You tightly held him onto him, promising to never let go of him and basking in the joy that Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff, were both home.
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