kyler-xoxo · 2 years
pick. - eddie
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FEM aligned DNI or you WILL BE BLOCKED
request!! : hi!! i love you’re writing so much! i was wondering if you can make an imagine where reader and eddie, from stranger things, are childhood best friends. they’ve always had a thing for the other but don’t confess till it’s too late? i’m in desperate need of some angst
“i have a gift for you.” y/n said with a smile. eddie’s brows furrowed, smile on his face. “oh? what is it?” he asked. y/n got up from eddie’s bed and walked to his bag by eddie’s desk, digging through it.
after about a minute, he pulled out a small box. he then walked over to eddie, plopping down beside the man and holding it out to him. “i know it’s not much, but.. happy birthday, ed’s.” y/n spoke. eddie eagerly took the box, sitting up straight and crossing his legs.
when he pulled off the top of the box, it revealed a guitar pick. “your.. your favorite pick..” eddie mumbled. it was connected to a chain, making a rattling noise when eddie picked it up. “turn it over.” y/n said, biting his lip nervously.
EM + (your first initial)w
eddie’s eyes widened at their initials, a small blush forming on his cheeks. he looked to y/n with a bright smile.
“y/n! y/n, come on!” eddie yelled. he and dustin had made it back through the gate when he noticed y/n had paused, looking off to the side as he gripped onto the bedsheets he was hanging off of.
“y/n, you’re so close! come on!” dustin screamed. “y/n, hurry up! please!” eddie begged, him and dustin jumping up and down frantically while screaming at the man on the other side of the gate. y/n looked between them and the door the bats were trying to break through.
y/n slipped back down the sheets, staring up at eddie. he wasn’t going to run. he was so fucking tired of running. he ran over to eddie’s couch, hearing as the two on the other side were screaming in protest.
“y/n, what’re you doing? no! y/n!” eddie screamed before y/n sliced through the make-shift rope with a sword. the bedsheet fell into dustin’s hands. “y/n!” dustin yelled. they watched as y/n picked up the mattress from the floor, throwing it across the room and away from the gate.
he was trying to keep eddie and dustin from coming back.
“y/n, stop! please! think about this, please!” eddie cried out. “y/n stop! stop, stop, stop!” dustin yelled, gripping his head in frustration. y/n slipped his head through the sling of the sword, which now rested against his back and he grabbed the shield with nails going through it.
“y/n, what’re you doing?!” eddie yelled. y/n looked up at him, smiling. “i’m buying more time.” he said, before disappearing from their line of sight. “no! y/n!” eddie screamed.
y/n raced out of eddie’s trailer, the bats quickly taking notice and screeching at him as he grabbed a bike from the ground. “oh my god, oh my god.” he mumbled to himself, mounting the bike and racing off. all the bags screeched, flying after him as he raced through the trailer park.
“i’m gonna fucking die!”
y/n panted as he rode, standing up on the bike to go faster. “come and get me, you motherfuckers!” y/n yelled out, glancing back at the swarm chasing him. “fuck me, fuck, oh my fuck!”
eddie looked around the room before throwing the mattress across the room, grabbing a chair, placing it below the gate. “dustin, i need you to stay here-“ “eddie, no-“ “dustin! just fucking stay here!” eddie yelled, dustin going quiet.
eddie then climbed onto the chair, hopping up and grabbing onto the gate.
y/n yelped as a bat knocked into him, throwing him off of the bike and flying across the gravel. he groaned, trying to sit up.
eddie yelled as he fell threw the gate, landing on the ground with a snapping noise. he screamed, quickly grabbing onto his leg. ���eddie?! eddie, are you okay?” dustin screamed. “i’m fine!” eddie yelled, quickly getting up with determination.
y/n stood up and began running from the bats that were swarming around him before he slowed to a stop. all that flashed in his head was eddie.
his eddie.
he was going to do everything he could to protect him.
he turned towards the swarm, yielding the sword in one hand and the shield in the other. he rolled his neck. “fuck it.” he stood his ground before the bats started flying towards him and he yelled, shielding himself.
eddie stumbled out of the trailer. “y/n? y/n! y/n?!” he called out, looking around and starting off towards the noise of the bats. he seen all the bags swarming in one area. “y/n!” he screamed.
y/n stood in the middle, waiting for them to make the first move. one flew at him and he smacked it with the shield, only for another to attack his side. he grunted before smacking it away, repeating this action until something wrapped around his throat and he was thrown to the ground with a yelp.
bats pinned down his legs and hands, a tail wrapped around his throat. “e-ed’s.” he croaked out, trying to pull against the restraints. two bats landed at his sides and he screamed in pain as they bit into him.
the swarm fell from the sky.
eddie rushed over, as fast as he could with a broken leg, seeing y/n laying motionless on the floor. “y/n!” he cried out, dropping to his knees in front of him.
y/n had wounds all over from the bats biting into him. he was bleeding out. “that bad?” y/n joked, swallowing thickly. “no! no, no! you’re fine. it’s fine! we just need a hospital.” eddie cried, brushing the hair from y/n’s face.
y/n leaned into the touch, eyes closing for a moment. “okay..” he spoke softly. eddie started pulling y/n up, who groaned. “i just.. i need a second. okay?” he struggled with his words. eddie squeezed his eyes shut, settling y/n’s head in his lap.
y/n flinched at the sound of eddie’s broken voice. when y/n finally opened his eyes, they landed on the chain around eddie’s neck. he smiled softly, eyes meeting eddie’s.
“i didn’t run this time..” eddie watched as y/n was trailing his every feature. he didn’t tease him. he didn’t make a snarky comment. he just smiled in return, letting him as tears poured from his eyes.
“you’re gonna.. you’re gonna have to tell my siblings, okay? mike and nance-” y/n spoke. “no! no, you’re gonna do it yourself-“ “i’m not. and it’s okay, ed’s. i need you to promise to look after them and all the other little shits.” y/n said with a laugh.
eddie let out a sob, squeezing y/n’s hands. “promise me, ed’s.” “i’m.. im going to look after..” he couldn’t finish his sentence, cupping y/n’s cheek. “good..”
it was silent for a moment, only eddie’s cries being heard. “i love you.”
“i love you. i love you, man.” eddie cried. he wasn’t going to add the “too”. he didn’t wanna seem like he was agreeing. he needed y/n to know that he loved him.
y/n looked at the chain again. it was now or never.
he reached up, pulling on it and brought their lips together. they closed their eyes, tears escaping. when they pulled away, eddie rested their foreheads together.
a sob erupted from eddie’s throat as he felt y/n’s body go limp. “y/n? y/n, please.. you can’t leave me, man.. y/n!”
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kyler-xoxo · 2 years
pool party. - TVDU/ jeremy gilbert
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FEM aligned DNI or you WILL BE BLOCKED
y/n flinched as he heard the doorbell ring and ran down stairs, opening the door to be greeted by elena and jeremy. “jer-bear!” y/n grinned, pulling the younger into a hug. jeremy blushed, hugging back. “hey man.” he replied, before they pulled away.
“elena.” y/n said with a smile, hugging her. “wow, i love the equal enthusiasm.” she said, playfully rolling her eyes. “why thank you.” y/n wiggled his eyebrows. he showed them to the backyard, where there were snacks and drinks for everyone.
after about 30 minutes, everyone was there. “why’re they here?” stefan asked, pointing to the mikaelson family. “cause i invited them.” y/n spoke, looking at stefan as though he was stupid. stefan returned the look. “it’s just a friendly party! they’ll behave.” y/n said, patting stefan’s shoulder with reassurance.
y/n stood by the pool’s edge, watching as damon and kol were about to jump in. “imagine if i, like.. put vervain in there.” y/n said. everyone froze, slowly turning to y/n. “what? i’m kidding!” he said, offended that no one laughed.
damon dipped a toe in, testing it. “really?! i said i was kidding!” damon then jumped in, followed by everyone else.
y/n walked out of the bathroom, gasping when he bumped into jeremy. “hey jer-“ “please don’t.” jeremy said with a laugh, knowing the older was gonna use his nickname. y/n pouted. “don’t you love my names for you?” he asked.
“not when it’s jer-bear.” jeremy replied. y/n placed his hands on jeremy’s hips, pulling him closer. “mm, what about pretty boy?” he asked just above a whisper. jeremy’s whole face went red and y/n chuckled. “yeah, i think that works better.” he said before pulling away and walking back outside, leaving a flustered jeremy.
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kyler-xoxo · 2 years
rule number 9. -Lee
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FEM aligned DNI or you WILL BE BLOCKED
lee then walked over. “we are killing it.” he spoke. y/n blushed slightly, looking down at the tickets in his hands. he’d always had a crush on his little sister’s best friend. “yeah.” elle replied, psyched. “but we do have one problem.” lee said.
y/n looked down at him. he stood at 6’4 while lee was 5’10. “the girls are asking for flynn, and i have a solution.” lee said with a smirk. he looked to y/n, blushing when making eye contact.
elle popped her head out the curtain, y/n’s head popping out just above hers. they observed the crowd, vivian checking her breath and all of the girls excited.
they both then walked out towards the ticket booth. elle pulled out jake’s name plate, y/n replacing it with the name “flynn”, all the girls growing more excited. “alrighty! as promised, the next kisser is flynn!” elle called out as her older brother finished putting in the name plate.
vivian frowned when she spotted lee, blindfolded and on stage. lee gave a smile to the crowd he could not see. “uh, hold on. that is not flynn.” vivian spoke in the british accent. “it is indeed the amazing lee flynn.” y/n spoke, mimicking her accent.
all the boo’s from the crowd made lee’s smile dropped. “oh!” vivian said with a smile, before ripping her ticket as the smile dropped and she walked off. “the only reason i ever talked to that dork was to make sure he’d get his brother to come to the booth tonight.” mia spoke, her and her goons giggling.
y/n felt his fist tighten, glancing at lee to see his head looking down. he was hurt. “let’s go.” mia said, and her goons followed.
y/n’s fist clenched and unclenched, looking at lee. how could they not see how fucking amazing he was?
y/n huffed. “screw it.” he said, before turning and hopping onto the stage. he walked in front of lee, gently grasping his face in his hands. “wha-“ lee was cut off by y/n’s lips meeting his, everyone gasping and nathan pulling out his phone to snap picks.
when they pulled away, lee pulled off his blindfold and stared up at y/n. “i, uh.. i’m sorry..” y/n mumbled. lee then smiled, bringing their lips back together.
elle stood by the ticket booth, mouth dropped open.
“rule number 9, guys! please!”
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kyler-xoxo · 2 years
boy next door. - alex
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FEM aligned DNI or you WILL BE BLOCKED
he closed the door, walking to the kitchen. y/n opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice, both of his parents turning to him. “oh! y/n.” his mom spoke.
“please, don’t stop on my account.” y/n gave a smile, before rolling his eyes and taking a sip from his drink. “see? he’s such a little shit! always making snarky replies. lucky i don’t smack him straight-“
“don’t ever lay a fucking hand on him!” and there they were, back to fighting. about him, now. he sighed, walking up to his room and making a point of slamming his door.
he leaned back against the door, eyes squeezing shut. he was so fucking tired of this. the yelling seemed to only get louder by the second.
he opened his eyes, looking around before his eyes landed on the window. he thought about it, before walking over. he looked out the window, eyes furrowing.
there was a boy around his age, sitting on his own roof. their roofs were almost touching, windows facing each other. y/n slid open the window, catching the other boy’s attention.
“hey.” y/n spoke softly. “uh.. hi?” the other boy spoke almost nervously. “you mind if i..?” y/n asked. “no. no, go ahead.” the boy replied. y/n climbed out of his window, before sitting down.
“i’m y/n.” “alex.” “why’re you out here?” y/n asked, looking up at the sky. the stars were shining bright. alex looked at y/n, before doing the same. “you, uh.. you wouldn’t wanna know.” alex chuckled dryly.
“really? try me.” y/n spoke, looking to alex. he was blonde, blue eyes, and was wearing plaid pj pants with an oversized hoodie. “i just came out to my parents.” alex confessed, fiddling with his hands.
“yeah? how’d they take it?” y/n asked, watching as alex hugged his legs to his chest. “not good, honestly.” it was silent for a moment. “i haven’t even came out to my parents. don’t think i ever could.” y/n finally spoke.
“you’re gay too?” alex asked, shocked. y/n looked at him and nodding, chuckling. “yeah. is that so shocking?” “kinda? you just look so.. straight.” alex joked, both boys laughing. “ima try to not take that personally.”
“sorry, sorry.” alex spoke. “yeah.. when you have a dad like mine, you kinda gotta keep the whole.. straight thing, i guess.” “oh.. shit, sorry man.” alex replied. “naw, don’t worry about it. i’m sorry you coming out didn’t go well.” y/n replied.
both boys flinched when they heard a crash. “don’t ever fucking come back!” y/n heard his mom scream before a car drove away. y/n sighed, rubbing his face. “your parents?” alex asked. y/n nodded, before looking to alex.
“hey, wanna go grab a bite or something?”
the two boys walked into the 7/11, noticing only the cashier was in there. “okay, okay. cherry or blueberry slush?” y/n asked after their laughter died down. “trick question. coke.” alex replied.
y/n’s eyes widened, clapping with a bright smile. “congratulations!” he exclaimed before they both laughed, grabbing cups and filling them with coke slush.
they grabbed a few snacks and got to the counter. y/n pulled out his wallet, handing the man his card. “hey, what? no, let me pay-“ “sorry, blondie but i can’t do that.” y/n replied, thanking the cashier before they headed out.
“fine, but i’m totally paying you back next time.” alex pouted. “next time?” y/n asked with a smirk. alex blushed a bright red. “i-i mean.. if there is a next time-“ “relax, i’m messing with you. of course there’ll be a next time.” y/n laughed, alex awkwardly laughing along.
as they were walking, they started talking about their hobbies. “wait so you’re in a band? that’s so cool, man!” y/n replied. alex smiled. “yeah, yeah it really is. all the guys are really cool.”
“all of them?” “yeah. reggie, luke, and bobby.” “so i’ve got competition?” y/n asked daringly, looking up at the sky as they walked. alex went wide eyed in surprised, choking on his slushy. y/n’s hand went up, gently patting his back while laughing.
eventually they arrived in front of their houses. they quickly climbed up the sides of their houses as quietly as possible. “i had a nice night with you, alex.” y/n spoke with a gentle smile.
“yeah.. yeah, so did i, y/n.” alex replied, running a hand through his hair as if he wasn’t freaking out on the inside. “see you tomorrow, blondie.” y/n spoke with a wink, sliding open his window. “s-see ya..” alex stuttered, though the other boy was already closing his window.
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kyler-xoxo · 2 years
muffin man. - seth
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FEM aligned DNI or you WILL BE BLOCKED
he smiled when seeing the group of boys. “hello, everyone. how’re your days going?” y/n spoke. seth blushed when hearing it, heart pounding. it was soft and sweet. “it’s going good, thank you.” one of the girl’s of the group, emily spoke.
“what would you guys like?” y/n asked. he noticed a few of the boys sniffing the air and smiling. “just made blueberry muffins.” y/n explained. “we want milk cake !” Quil spoke excitedly, Embry nodding quickly.
y/n chuckled, ringing up a few slices of milk cake. “the rest of you?” after everyone had ordered, seth was left. y/n smiled when seeing him. cute. seth nervously stepped up to the counter, glancing repeatedly at the flour streak on y/n’s face.
the rest of the boys snickered when hearing seth’s heart pounding. “um.. i would like some of those blueberry muffins, please.” he stuttered. y/n grinned. “alright.” after ringing it all up, emily paid before they all sat down.
seth watched as y/n got everyone’s order’s, and even watched as y/n cut a piece of the milk bread. “jeez, seth. you in love or something?” leah asked. seth burned a bright red, frowning. “what? no! shut up, leah.” he grumbled.
y/n walked over, handing everyone their things. just as he was about to walk away, he gave seth a smile and a wink. their eyes locked, and seth felt his whole world slow as he watched the man walk away. seth burned brighter, if it was even possible, and couldn’t help the smile showing. everyone perked up at seth’s next thought.
it’s like.. gravity. your whole center shifts. suddenly, it's not the earth holding you here. you would do anything, be anything he needs. A friend, a brother, a protector. a lover.
a few days later, and the pack was back at the bakery. everyone quickly ordered, and when seth stepped up he felt a weird feeling overwhelm him. he contained a laugh when he seen the flour streak.
“i would.. i would like some blueberry muffins, please.” seth spoke. y/n smiled, ringing it up. “would you like some hot chocolate with that? on the house.” y/n asked. seth blushed, and nodded.
he went and sat with the others. “no fair! why does seth get a free drink?!” quil whined quietly. “oh stop. the man obviously likes seth.” emily said, giggling when she seen seth flare up.
y/n came out a few minutes later with everyone’s stuff. when handing seth his drink, their hands brushed. y/n suddenly felt as though his whole world slowed, he and seth’s eyes locking.
y/n cleared his throat. “enjoy.” he spoke, eyes still on seth before walking away. the other’s watched till the man was in the back, before all eyes were on seth.
“seth’s totally in love with the muffin man!”
“the muffin man?!”
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kyler-xoxo · 2 years
change. - seth
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FEM aligned DNI or you WILL BE BLOCKED
“it’s my little brother! he’s.. he’s missing!” bella spoke. it sounded as though she was about to hyperventilate. “when did you last see him?” jacob asked, running outside towards the other’s. “a-a couple hours ago. he said he was just gonna go on a walk! but he’s not answering his phone and we’ve looked everywhere!” bella explained.
after the call, jacob explained everything to the pack. they agreed to look, though some not being very excited about helping the vampire girl.. yet again. jacob and seth set off together, transforming and rushing off to bella’s. maybe they could get something to catch a scent.
they arrived, seeing bella standing there with edward. “we need something to catch a scent.” jacob quickly spoke. bella handed him y/n’s hoodie he had just been wearing that morning. jacob sniffed it, and when seth did the same, his body was overwhelmed with this weird sensation.
he quickly shook it off, before he and jacob were off looking for the scent. they found themselves in a field with flowers. they looked around, not finding anything. “i’ll go to that abandoned house, you go to that barn.” jacob instructed. seth nodded, before they both split.
seth transformed back into his human form, before stepping into the barn. he grabbed his phone and put on the flash. “y/n? y/n, you in here?” seth called out. y/n felt himself freeze as he heard the voice.
seth heard a noise, turning to see someone quickly hide. “i’m not gonna hurt you! i’m a friend of jacob’s.” seth quickly explained, taking a step forward. “n-no! stay back!” y/n yelped, hiding further into his spot.
“what’s wrong?” seth asked. “i’m.. please, just stay back!” y/n repeated. y/n screamed as he felt his arm snap. “fuck!” he screamed in pain. seth quickly ran over. “no!-“ y/n was cut off when he transformed. seth stared in shock. y/n was now a beautiful, almost completely black wolf.
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y/n whimpered, backing away from seth. “hey! hey, calm down. listen, i’m one too! there’s nothing to be afraid of.” seth spoke softly, slowly stepping closer. y/n slowly relaxed when hearing seth’s voice and words. seth’s hand made it’s way to the top of y/n’s head and rubbed. y/n hesitated, before nuzzling into the touch. y/n had this weird feeling. seth giggled as y/n nuzzled into his side.
seth pulled out his phone, calling the others. jacob soon ran in, startling y/n back into human form. jacob and seth were shocked, quickly giving y/n something to cover himself. seth helped y/n stand as jacob explained why y/n shifted and about how they’re also shifters.
seth wrapped a blanket around y/n. “but.. this doesn’t make sense. neither renee or charlie are shifters.” y/n spoke, confused. “unless one of this isn’t really your parent.” seth spoke. jacob elbowed him, and y/n’s brows furrowed.
when bella arrived, she quickly hugged her younger brother. “jesus! i was so worried about you, you idiot!” bella yelled, her hug tightening. y/n hugged back, inhaling her scent. he quickly relaxed. “bella.. we should talk.” jacob spoke up.
edward handed y/n clothes, before everyone turned away from him. as he changed, jacob explained the situation. “y/n is one of us. a shifter. we don’t know how, or why, but he is.” bella was shocked. if y/n was one, shouldn’t she also be one? they definitely need to have a talk with their parents..
after y/n finished getting dressed, he hugged his sister from behind. “you’re awfully clingy.” bella joked. “am not..” he grumbled, hugging tighter. “he’ll be like that for a couple weeks as he gets used to transforming.” jacob explained. “great.” bella spoke, rolling her eyes jokingly.
“fine, i’ll just go hug dad.” y/n grumbled, pulling away from her and pouting. seth laughed, and y/n perked up. he looked at seth and finally got a good look at him. their eyes locked and it felt like both of their worlds slowed.
it’s like.. gravity. your whole center shifts. suddenly, it's not the earth holding you here. you would do anything, be anything he needs. A friend, a brother, a protector. a lover.
both of the boys blush, quickly looking away. edward quirks a brow, smirking as he listens to their thoughts. he decides to keep it to himself as everyone piles into his car.
charlie sighs, rubbing his face. “your, uh.. renee isn’t your mother, no. your real mother died giving birth to you.” he began explaining. y/n’s brows furrow, but he lets his dad continue.
“renee and i had broken up, and after a year i had found a woman. her name was River. she soon became pregnant with you. but, like i said before, she died when giving birth to you. renee and i eventually got back together and she accepted you as her own.” charlie explained.
y/n was silent. y/n stared at the table in front of him, before standing abruptly and leaving. “y/n. y/n!” charlie called out. y/n ran out of the house, transforming and running off. “jacob, he’s not in the right mindset. he just transformed. he could hurt someone.” edward explained.
“i’ll go-“ “no, i’ll go.” seth interrupted. everyone looked at him confused. “i, uh.. i think i kinda imprinted on him.” seth spoke awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. everyone’s eyes went wide, before agreeing he should go. seth ran off, following the scent.
y/n stared out at the ocean, hugging his knees to his chest. he didn’t flinch when someone sat beside him. he relaxed when inhaling the scent, turning to see seth. “hey.” “hey.”
y/n turned to look back at the ocean. “that was some.. pretty heavy stuff.” seth spoke. y/n laughed, nodding. “yeah.. yeah.” y/n agreed. seth smiled when he realized he made y/n laugh.
“my dad.. he recently died. you can always come to me, just wanted to let you know.” seth spoke. y/n looked at him, giving a soft smile. “thanks. maybe you can give me a lesson on this whole.. wolf thing.” he said. seth smiled brightly. “hell yeah!”
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