kiyovazquez · 3 days
Memories - Macaque x Kiyo
Notes: I like to write although I may lack practice. English is not my first language so I used a translator, I'm sorry if the writing has spelling mistakes or pronouns are changed haha.
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It was a warm night with a full moon, where its silvery glow filtered through the bright lights of the city. From atop the roof, the warm wind brought echoes of pop music and muffled laughter rising from the apartments.
On an old blanket of light blue and white, Macaque lay in a carefree posture, a half-drunk can of soda in his hand. Beside him, Kiyo gazed up at the night sky; her short dark hair contrasted with the pearly color of her scaly skin.
The young goddess turned her face to her six eared demon friend and gave a half-smile.
—I can't believe you went so many years without dating— she whispered in a jocular tone. — You've got to be kidding me.
Macaque gave him an amused look back, undeterred by the teasing.
—Maybe I exaggerate a little—  said Macaque with a half-smile, before taking a sip. — There was the occasional fling, but I was more focused on getting revenge on Wukong and making his life miserable than I was on my love life.
Kiyo listened to him intently, her eyes reflecting the moonlight.
—But... —she encouraged him to continue.
Macaque let out a short laugh and sighed, as if recalling some memory of his past wanderings.
—I must admit I have a few stories to tell— he admitted mischievously. — Some antics from my youth that might interest you. But that's for another night...
Macaque laid his back on the old blanket, leaving the half-drunk can to one side. He clasped his hands behind his neck and closed his yellow eyes in a carefree attitude. He smiled sideways as he heard a soft moan come from the lips of Kiyo, who stood beside him.
—Come on, I know well your taste for bragging about your exploits— she prompted him mischievously. — I don't think a few past love stories will tarnish your reputation.
Macaque opened his healthy eye and looked at her from the corner of his eye, with a mischievous smile peeking between his lips.
—Are you jealous? — he asked mockingly. — Why so much interest in my love life?
Kiyo raised an eyebrow, unfazed by the joke. The moonlight reflected off her scales, giving her an unearthly glow.
—I'm simply intrigued to learn more about you— she replied calmly, lying down beside him on her side so she could see him. — Unless you fear not living up to your own legends.
Macaque let out a short laugh. He knew the goddess had succeeded in disarming his cunning trap. So, he took a deep breath and prepared to evoke his most secret memories to please his astute listener, who looked at him intrigued to learn more about his love interest.
—The truth is that I have only fallen in love twice— confessed Macaque in a low voice.
Kiyo arched an eyebrow in a mocking gesture, though her eyes revealed a hint of surprise. Over 500 years of existence and only having two affairs was hardly believable.
—I don't believe you— she replied mockingly.
—There is a difference between mere carnal pleasure and true love— he replied wisely.
—I must agree with you on that one— Kiyo admitted, easing his mockery. —May I know more details?
Macaque averted his gaze and his smirk faded. He reflected with a more serene and calm countenance.
—Mmmhhh... – he mumble between my lips, debating internally. — If I talk too much, it could ruin my reputation— he said in a thoughtful tone.
—Not even for me? — the girl asked. Her eyes, veiled in doubt, searched his. —I promise to keep silent.
Macaque analyzed her request. Talking about his first love with her, his only friend, didn't seem so far—fetched. However, he still wasn't sure he could trust her with his secret.
Kiyo noticed his hesitation. Her voice, suddenly softened, caressed his ears:
—We have all fallen in love with people who in the end have not been worth it, you should not be ashamed of that... —she murmur, trying to reassure his friend. — Forgive me, you shouldn't tell me if you don't feel comfortable talking about it.
Kiyo lay down next to him, contemplating the starry blanket above them. Only a few stars shone amidst the darkness of the city. Macaque pondered silently, wondering whether to finally unveil that memory buried for centuries. The warmth of his friend enveloped him, softening the old wounds of time.
In the background, a soft melody was playing from the young goddess's phone, with a metallic light blue tone. Macaque did not recognize the song, but its rapture filled his serene mood.
After a while of thoughtful silence, he spoke in a murmur:
Kiyo looked up into his friend's yellow eyes expectantly. That revelation was coming after centuries of secrecy.
—I guess he was my first love.
The goddess could not hide her surprise. Was he in love with his now nemesis? The one who once tormented her out of past grievances. Kiyo ignored the details of the story between Wukong and Macaque, ignorant of a past not yet fully revealed, only that they were great friends, brothers in the order founded by the Monkey King where together with other demons not only guarded their home, but sought to rebel against the gods. Until, after the defeat and imprisonment of Wukong for five hundred years, some grudge broke their bond. And in their last encounter, Macaque lost not only an eye, but his life at the hands of what was once his best friend and brother. He later resurfaced, thanks to Lady Bone Demon's “favor”, but what happens next is a separate story.
—But you hate Wukong now… —muttered Kiyo, still trying to assimilate that unexpected revelation.
—You said you'd keep quiet— Macaque reminded him with just a hint of annoyance at the break in his story.
He exhaled a sigh and continued. Her yellow eyes were lost in the silvery moonlight, avoiding her friend's curious gaze.
—I was an insignificant, weak and lonely demon back then. Wukong was the first to see more than that in me. He saw my hidden potential, a potential I was not even aware of yet. And I fell prey to his vision, to his trust.... I fell in love with the one who for the first time made me feel valuable. The one who saw me as something more than a shadow....
Kiyo listened hurriedly, lying on her side so as not to lose detail of the story. She watched Macaque's face, which looked remote and sorrowful at the same time. His yellow eyes were lost in the moon or wandered to another distant point, avoiding her gaze, as if he regretted even today to stir with his words those feelings buried deep down for ages. His voice held echoes of sadness, resentment and spite not entirely healed by time. Kiyo understood then that the wounds of the heart are the slowest to heal.
Kiyo waited in silence, contemplating Macaque's lost gaze, still absorbed in old memories. Shee did not want to interrupt his train of thought.
At last, in a barely audible whisper, she dared to ask:
—Did you ever tell him?
Macaque denied with an ironic grimace.
—I kept my secret out of cowardice. I was afraid my love would ruin our friendship or be unrequited. But I think he knew— a sad smile curved his lips. — Wukong had that telltale look that betrayed he was deciphering my feelings even without words, but he preferred to feign ignorance to spare us the awkwardness.
Kiyo looked at him with a mixture of compassion and regret. She did not want his friend to relive old useless pains.
Macaque noticed his regret and spoke in a calmer tone:
—After Wukong's imprisonment, I tried to remake my life outside the Brotherhood. I had the occasional carnal encounter with demons and mortals, men and women alike, but they were only fleeting moments to forget. When I saw him with that monk, something snapped in me. Jealousy and spite choked my reason. It was my undoing.
He said this last with a wry smile. He admitted his bad temper, although the spite of the one who once made him feel special and now abandoned him to his fate, was deeper.
—Wukong made me discover what's behind this facade. And in the end, he left me alone again, just like before I met him. I guess this stupid heart still hurts even today.
A sigh escaped from his chest, laden with the melancholy of unfulfilled dreams. Kiyo understood that fear of risking everything for unrequited love. And he also understood that time had not completely healed the wound of the unconfessed youthful passion for his enemy of today, for the one who was once his most precious brother and his everything.
Kiyo understood Macaque's feelings perfectly. She herself had known Wukong's love not long ago, recalling his tender words, warm embraces and sweet caresses. Even though she knew now that it was wisest to maintain a friendship, deep down she longed for the peace lavished on her by his company and their courtship that she once saw as a dream achieved.
Gently she slid her hand up to meet Macaque's, entwining their fingers in a mute comforting gesture and asking if she could take the next step.
—Wukong had the ability to make himself indispensable to those he loved— she sighed, resting her empathetic gaze on him. — I know what it's like to be made to feel unique only to be abandoned. I'm sorry you carried that pain for so long.
Macaque was surprised by that physical contact unaccustomed to such displays. A small, barely perceptible blush appeared on his cheeks and he smiled a smile of gratitude, squeezing Kiyo's hand in silent gratitude. She truly understood his suffering, and with her gesture she was giving him the warmth he so desperately needed to finally heal the wounds of the past.
—Time heals everything. It no longer hurts; only a closed scar remains. Now I focus my energy on other, more profitable goals.
—What do you mean? —Kiyo asked curiously.
—Oh, you know. Annoying grumpy little gods who sleep like hibernating bears— he replied mockingly.
Kiyo feigned indignation, punching him gently in the chest which made Macaque laugh.
—How dare you talk about me like that! —she protested with laughter.
—Calm down, I never mentioned names. If you identify yourself, it's your problema— he replied with sly mischief, causing Kiyo to blush with embarrassment.
The two continued to laugh merrily, leaving sad memories of the past to which they belonged. Their hands remained clasped in a sign of the trust and comfort they now shared with each other, aware as they were of not being too physical with even their closest confidants.
When Kiyo's song ended and a new one began, Macaque still didn't recognize the melody, completely oblivious to the current pop culture, but he could hear part of the tune.
"And even though I think about you day and night
I'm not sure if this whole love thing
Sounds quite right"
—So... —whispered Kiyo, looking away from the song and focusing on the golden eyes of his partner.— You mentioned two loves.... who was the second one?
—Mmhh? —Macaque murmured, puzzled.
—You said you fell in love twice. You already told me about Wukong, who was the other person who stole your heart?
Macaque blushed slightly and let out an enigmatic chuckle that left Kiyo intrigued. Was he teasing her?
—You'll know in time— he replied, averting his gaze again to the stars.
Kiyo was about to complain when she noticed a subtle squeeze on her hand. She looked up at Macaque and was moved by what she saw. Though he was looking up at the sky, his face wore a smile different from his sarcastic grimaces: it was warm, serene, even tender. Her golden eyes shone like stars in a peaceful countenance as her face was bathed in moonlight, letting it reflect the warmth and peace she felt inside.
Several minutes passed before Kiyo understood the hidden meaning behind her gestures. A blush covered her cheeks as she realized the obvious.
Silently, she entwined her fingers in his, returning the sentiment with the same tenderness. She was falling again.
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kiyovazquez · 24 days
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movie screenie redraws
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kiyovazquez · 1 month
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
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LMK if it was a video game (based off totk/botw)
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
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Re amo a este Wukong, fue el primer Wukong que conocí jaja
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
Little rainbow (Wukong x Kiyo)
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Los cálidos rayos del sol se filtraban en la habitación del hospital, donde dos dioses contemplaban a su pequeña criatura. Kiyo se encontraba recostada sobre blancas almohadas, con el monito acurrucado en sus brazos maternales.
El recién nacido dormía plácidamente, ajeno al mundo, apenas unas horas después de ver la luz por primera vez. Kiyo lo miraba enamorada, olvidando el cansancio de tantas horas de parto.
Con delicadeza, deslizó sus dedos por la espalda del bebé, conteniendo a duras penas las lágrimas que amenazaban por escapar. A su lado, su amado esposo la miraba en silencio, compartiendo aquel momento de gracia.
—Es tan pequeño...— musitó Kiyo, derritiéndose de ternura. Su criatura era aún más diminuta que los niños humanos, siendo tan pequeño y delgado.
—Los monos son más pequeños que los bebés humanos— observó Wukong con sabiduría, recordando a los pequeños monitos de su montaña.
Con suma delicadeza, envolvió a Kiyo en un cálido abrazo, cuidando de no causarle el menor malestar tras las horas de parto. Recargó su mentón en el hombro de su amada, uniéndose a ella en la contemplación del pequeño milagro entre sus brazos.
Sus toscas manos, endurecidas por las batallas, rozaron con infinita ternura la mejilla del bebé. Sus deditos eran más frágiles que el pétalo de una flor, y su boquita y sonrosadas mejillas despertaban una oleada de amor en lo más hondo de su alma.
—¿Has pensado ya en un nombre para él? —preguntó Kiyo después de unos minutos de silencio, buscando la mirada dorada de su amado.
—Eso es fácil —rio Wukong entre dientes, estrechando con más fuerza a su familia—. Claramente se llamará Wukong Jr, es mi viva imagen— expresó con orgullo.
La pelinegra frunció el entrecejo al escuchar tal ocurrencia. Con delicadeza acunó al bebé entre sus brazos, como protegiéndolo de aquel nombre.
—Nuestro hijo no llevará tu nombre —se negó con suavidad—. Él es su propia persona y merece un nombre propio
—Pero, mi lluvia... —se quejó Wukong con un puchero, antes de dejar escapar un suspiro resignado—. Bien, dime qué nombres tienes en mente. Espero al menos que sean más bonitos o será Wukong jr —soltó con una sonrisa burlona.
Kiyo sonrió, preparándose para crear unos segundos de suspenso antes de hablar.
—Se llamará Mixtli —anunció con orgullo. Un bufido escapó de los labios de Wukong.
—¿Mixtli? ¿Qué clase de nombre es ese?
—Significa "nube" en náhuatl —explicó Kiyo mirándolo con dulzura. — Nuestro hijo no será solo chino, también llevará en sí las raíces de mi cultura.
—Lo sé, lo sé —concedió Wukong haciendo muecas. — pero no estoy seguro...
—Pero solecito, a mí me encanta Mixtli —insistió Kiyo con un puchero. Tras reflexionar un momento, propuso. — ¿Qué tal si tiene dos nombres? elige tú su otro nombre, pero no Wukong Jr
Wukong frunció el ceño, sumido en reflexiones. Jamás había pensado en tener que nombrar a un hijo, acostumbrado a la idea de llamarlo como él. Pero deseaba honrar los orígenes de Kiyo también.
Se apartó un poco y contempló al bebé en silencio, analizando sus delicados rasgos en busca de la esencia oculta tras ellos. Poco a poco, una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro.
─Creo que tiene cara de Kai ─declaró con orgullo.
─ ¿Kai? Podrías haber elegido algo más corto ─bromeó Kiyo con tono sarcástico.
─Oye, Kai es un nombre noble... ─se quejó con dulzura─ Además, dijiste que serían dos. Kai Mixtli suena armonioso, ¿no crees?
—Pero solecito, el punto no es...
Kiyo no alcanzó a terminar cuando un llanto interrumpió sus palabras. Con delicadeza acunó a Kai, susurrándole cálidas palabras mientras lo mecía.
—Tranquilo, mami y papi están aquí... —musitaba arrullándolo. Pero los sollozos del bebé no cesaban.
Wukong los contempló en silencio y un semblante serio. Con suavidad acarició los finos cabellos del pequeño, calmando su llanto para sorpresa de todos. El silencio reino en la habitación unos momentos.
—¿Pensaste alguna vez en ser madre? —preguntó Wukong en tono reflexivo, sin apartar la vista del niño.
—No realmente, al menos no tan pronto —confesó Kiyo confundida—. Cuando nos casamos comencé a imaginarlo, pero nuestro hijo fue... Una sorpresa.
—Y... ¿No te molesta? — murmuró Wukong con una vulnerabilidad poco común en él.
Kiyo lo miró con ternura, intuyendo sus inquietudes. Sostuvo al bebé con una mano mientras la otra tomaba la mejilla de su amado.
—¿Qué es lo que realmente te preocupa, cariño? — inquirió acariciando su rostro.
Wukong suspiró hondo.
—Tengo miedo de ser mal padre —confesó al fin. — Yo no tengo padres, nací de una roca, sólo estuvieron mis maestros, pero jamás los vi como figuras paternas. Sé que podría cometer errores y lastimar a Kai sin querer. No quiero defraudarlo...— decía, alzando su mirada al pequeño fruto de su amor. Sus ojos se entrecerraron un poco. — tengo miedo de lastimarlo o ponerlo en peligro como he hecho con MK, Macaque... Con todos. No quiero que él pase por todo eso y mucho menos por mi culpa...
—Wukong, no puedo asegurarte de que serás el mejor padre, el futuro es incierto —susurró Kiyo acariciando su rostro con dulzura. — Tampoco yo sé si estaré a la altura, pero una cosa sí puedo prometerte: estaremos juntos en esto...— sonrió, buscando confortar a su esposo. — Tus dudas y temores demuestran que realmente lo amas y quieres lo mejor para él. Eso es lo verdaderamente importante. No necesitas ser el padre perfecto, sólo ser el padre que Kai merece: aquel que lo ame incondicionalmente, lo escuche, lo guíe y proteja. Y de eso estoy segura de que eres capaz...
Wukong sintió que sus miedos comenzaban a disolverse ante la mirada llena de fe y confianza de Kiyo. Ella creía en él aun cuando él mismo no lo hacía. Y si ella confiaba en que juntos podrían ser buenos padres, él también empezaba a creerlo. Sus labios se curvaron en una sincera sonrisa, entregándose de lleno a su nueva misión como protector de aquella preciosa vida que había creado junto a su esposa.
—Gracias, mi amor— murmuró, estrechándola entre sus brazos con cuidado de no aplastar al bebé. — Estar juntos es todo lo que necesito. Haré lo mejor por nuestro hijo, te lo prometo.
—Confía en mí, también tengo mucho miedo... —susurró Kiyo separándose lentamente de su abrazo para mirar el rostro de su esposo. — Pero ¿sabes qué es lo que me da fuerzas? Ver tus ojos dorados. Al mirar en ellos cada día recuerdo todo mi pasado y veo todo lo que hemos recorrido juntos. Ya no soy aquella chica triste y sola que una vez fui, ahora soy tu esposa, la madre de nuestro pequeño hijo y la diosa de la lluvia. No podría desear un futuro mejor. Tú salvaste mi vida tan solo con tu mirada...y seguir viendo esos lindos ojos todos los días solo me recuerdan lo feliz que soy actualmente y lo feliz que seguiré siendo a tu lado.
Wukong acarició su mejilla con ternura y la estrechó de nuevo entre sus brazos, ocultando el rostro en su cuello y respirando su aroma.
—Creo que en realidad nos hemos salvado mutuamente sin darnos cuenta —susurró, con la voz quebrada por la emoción, soltando un pequeño suspiro como si de esa forma, sus miedos se borran para siempre.
Kiyo sonrió dulcemente, entregándose al abrazo de Wukong con calma. Unas lágrimas de profunda felicidad se deslizaron por sus mejillas al recordar el largo camino recorrido para llegar a este momento de felicidad junto al amor de su vida. Había valido cada tropiezo, cada lágrima derramada.
Pocos segundos después, como si supiera que era el centro de atención, Kai volvió a despertar sollozando bajito y removiéndose entre sus mantas. Sus padres se separaron despacio, mirando al pequeño niño envuelto en mantas azules demandando atención.
—Creo que un buen comienzo para cualquier padre es cargar a su hijo entre sus brazos— susurró Kiyo con ternura, trasmitiéndole toda la confianza que él aún no se atrevía a darse. Extendió al pequeño bultito que sollozaba, acunándolo un instante más entre sus manos antes de depositarlo con cuidado en el pecho de Wukong.
—K-Kiyo, no creo poder...— murmuro Wukong nervioso, cortando sus palabras de inmediato cuando sintió el menudo cuerpecito de Kai acurrucarse con confianza sobre su pecho.
En silencio, el mono naranja miró con asombro al fruto de su amor. Cada respiración y movimiento del bebé lo absorbían por completo, logrando que su corazón latiera como loco. Las pequeñas manitas de Kai se agitaron buscando aferrarse a la ropa paterna, hallando en ese simple gesto el consuelo que demandaba.
Wukong contuvo el aliento, admirado por la fragilidad y perfección de tan pequeño ser. Sus miedos se desvanecieron al comprender que aquel niño ahora formaba parte de su alma. Lo envolvió con infinito cuidado entre sus brazos, maravillado al contemplarlo moverse plácidamente sobre su pecho.
—Será un honor y un privilegio ser tu padre, Kai Mixtli— susurró conmovido, sin apartar la mirada de su rostro. En ese instante supo que haría cualquier cosa con tal de verlo feliz y protegerlo por siempre. Finalmente conocía aquella palabra tan desconocida para él, paternidad.
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
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125 notes · View notes
kiyovazquez · 2 months
Apoyen mi otro blog sobre mi au de undertale (?) xd ahhh
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Flowey aun busca hacer el mal en el underground, aunque no tienes planes fijos actualmente, le gusta observar desde las sombras esperando a manipular a alguien
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
Vengo aqui para decir que Amo a tu Oc!💖💖💖 El diseño es bello y tu estilo de dibujo es genial amo los vivos colores en el! o(≧▽≦)o Es emocionante encontrar a otro artista latinoamericano (╥﹏╥)
Sigue adelante! ♡☆♡☆
muchas gracias ahhh no habia visto esto antes ahhh 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
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Wip, un dibujito que dejare para después ya que ahorita ando haciendo dibujos pendientes x"d
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kiyovazquez · 3 months
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No entiendo como en DA este dibujo tiene mucha relevancia jajaj solo me gusta como me quedaron los ojos
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kiyovazquez · 3 months
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Kiyo es amable con este Wukong ya que lo ve como una mascota tierna y por consecuencia el se enamora de ella, aunque obviamente solo es un "romance" de comedia
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kiyovazquez · 3 months
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The Warrior
I'm still alive and still hyperfixated on Lego Monkie Kid. Am I mentally okay, probably not. Macaque has very quickly become one of my favorite characters from lmk. He's just an evil little guy. I love his character design, and his backstory has me sobbing.
Character is The Six Eared Macaque from Lego Monkie Kid. LEGO Monkie Kid (Chinese: 悟空小侠) is a LEGO theme inspired by Monkey King and Journey to the West.
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kiyovazquez · 3 months
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Caballo 🗿
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kiyovazquez · 3 months
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"And now I know how Joan of Arc felt"
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kiyovazquez · 3 months
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308 notes · View notes