#aztec culture
kiyovazquez · 3 days
Memories - Macaque x Kiyo
Notes: I like to write although I may lack practice. English is not my first language so I used a translator, I'm sorry if the writing has spelling mistakes or pronouns are changed haha.
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It was a warm night with a full moon, where its silvery glow filtered through the bright lights of the city. From atop the roof, the warm wind brought echoes of pop music and muffled laughter rising from the apartments.
On an old blanket of light blue and white, Macaque lay in a carefree posture, a half-drunk can of soda in his hand. Beside him, Kiyo gazed up at the night sky; her short dark hair contrasted with the pearly color of her scaly skin.
The young goddess turned her face to her six eared demon friend and gave a half-smile.
—I can't believe you went so many years without dating— she whispered in a jocular tone. — You've got to be kidding me.
Macaque gave him an amused look back, undeterred by the teasing.
—Maybe I exaggerate a little—  said Macaque with a half-smile, before taking a sip. — There was the occasional fling, but I was more focused on getting revenge on Wukong and making his life miserable than I was on my love life.
Kiyo listened to him intently, her eyes reflecting the moonlight.
—But... —she encouraged him to continue.
Macaque let out a short laugh and sighed, as if recalling some memory of his past wanderings.
—I must admit I have a few stories to tell— he admitted mischievously. — Some antics from my youth that might interest you. But that's for another night...
Macaque laid his back on the old blanket, leaving the half-drunk can to one side. He clasped his hands behind his neck and closed his yellow eyes in a carefree attitude. He smiled sideways as he heard a soft moan come from the lips of Kiyo, who stood beside him.
—Come on, I know well your taste for bragging about your exploits— she prompted him mischievously. — I don't think a few past love stories will tarnish your reputation.
Macaque opened his healthy eye and looked at her from the corner of his eye, with a mischievous smile peeking between his lips.
—Are you jealous? — he asked mockingly. — Why so much interest in my love life?
Kiyo raised an eyebrow, unfazed by the joke. The moonlight reflected off her scales, giving her an unearthly glow.
—I'm simply intrigued to learn more about you— she replied calmly, lying down beside him on her side so she could see him. — Unless you fear not living up to your own legends.
Macaque let out a short laugh. He knew the goddess had succeeded in disarming his cunning trap. So, he took a deep breath and prepared to evoke his most secret memories to please his astute listener, who looked at him intrigued to learn more about his love interest.
—The truth is that I have only fallen in love twice— confessed Macaque in a low voice.
Kiyo arched an eyebrow in a mocking gesture, though her eyes revealed a hint of surprise. Over 500 years of existence and only having two affairs was hardly believable.
—I don't believe you— she replied mockingly.
—There is a difference between mere carnal pleasure and true love— he replied wisely.
—I must agree with you on that one— Kiyo admitted, easing his mockery. —May I know more details?
Macaque averted his gaze and his smirk faded. He reflected with a more serene and calm countenance.
—Mmmhhh... – he mumble between my lips, debating internally. — If I talk too much, it could ruin my reputation— he said in a thoughtful tone.
—Not even for me? — the girl asked. Her eyes, veiled in doubt, searched his. —I promise to keep silent.
Macaque analyzed her request. Talking about his first love with her, his only friend, didn't seem so far—fetched. However, he still wasn't sure he could trust her with his secret.
Kiyo noticed his hesitation. Her voice, suddenly softened, caressed his ears:
—We have all fallen in love with people who in the end have not been worth it, you should not be ashamed of that... —she murmur, trying to reassure his friend. — Forgive me, you shouldn't tell me if you don't feel comfortable talking about it.
Kiyo lay down next to him, contemplating the starry blanket above them. Only a few stars shone amidst the darkness of the city. Macaque pondered silently, wondering whether to finally unveil that memory buried for centuries. The warmth of his friend enveloped him, softening the old wounds of time.
In the background, a soft melody was playing from the young goddess's phone, with a metallic light blue tone. Macaque did not recognize the song, but its rapture filled his serene mood.
After a while of thoughtful silence, he spoke in a murmur:
Kiyo looked up into his friend's yellow eyes expectantly. That revelation was coming after centuries of secrecy.
—I guess he was my first love.
The goddess could not hide her surprise. Was he in love with his now nemesis? The one who once tormented her out of past grievances. Kiyo ignored the details of the story between Wukong and Macaque, ignorant of a past not yet fully revealed, only that they were great friends, brothers in the order founded by the Monkey King where together with other demons not only guarded their home, but sought to rebel against the gods. Until, after the defeat and imprisonment of Wukong for five hundred years, some grudge broke their bond. And in their last encounter, Macaque lost not only an eye, but his life at the hands of what was once his best friend and brother. He later resurfaced, thanks to Lady Bone Demon's “favor”, but what happens next is a separate story.
—But you hate Wukong now… —muttered Kiyo, still trying to assimilate that unexpected revelation.
—You said you'd keep quiet— Macaque reminded him with just a hint of annoyance at the break in his story.
He exhaled a sigh and continued. Her yellow eyes were lost in the silvery moonlight, avoiding her friend's curious gaze.
—I was an insignificant, weak and lonely demon back then. Wukong was the first to see more than that in me. He saw my hidden potential, a potential I was not even aware of yet. And I fell prey to his vision, to his trust.... I fell in love with the one who for the first time made me feel valuable. The one who saw me as something more than a shadow....
Kiyo listened hurriedly, lying on her side so as not to lose detail of the story. She watched Macaque's face, which looked remote and sorrowful at the same time. His yellow eyes were lost in the moon or wandered to another distant point, avoiding her gaze, as if he regretted even today to stir with his words those feelings buried deep down for ages. His voice held echoes of sadness, resentment and spite not entirely healed by time. Kiyo understood then that the wounds of the heart are the slowest to heal.
Kiyo waited in silence, contemplating Macaque's lost gaze, still absorbed in old memories. Shee did not want to interrupt his train of thought.
At last, in a barely audible whisper, she dared to ask:
—Did you ever tell him?
Macaque denied with an ironic grimace.
—I kept my secret out of cowardice. I was afraid my love would ruin our friendship or be unrequited. But I think he knew— a sad smile curved his lips. — Wukong had that telltale look that betrayed he was deciphering my feelings even without words, but he preferred to feign ignorance to spare us the awkwardness.
Kiyo looked at him with a mixture of compassion and regret. She did not want his friend to relive old useless pains.
Macaque noticed his regret and spoke in a calmer tone:
—After Wukong's imprisonment, I tried to remake my life outside the Brotherhood. I had the occasional carnal encounter with demons and mortals, men and women alike, but they were only fleeting moments to forget. When I saw him with that monk, something snapped in me. Jealousy and spite choked my reason. It was my undoing.
He said this last with a wry smile. He admitted his bad temper, although the spite of the one who once made him feel special and now abandoned him to his fate, was deeper.
—Wukong made me discover what's behind this facade. And in the end, he left me alone again, just like before I met him. I guess this stupid heart still hurts even today.
A sigh escaped from his chest, laden with the melancholy of unfulfilled dreams. Kiyo understood that fear of risking everything for unrequited love. And he also understood that time had not completely healed the wound of the unconfessed youthful passion for his enemy of today, for the one who was once his most precious brother and his everything.
Kiyo understood Macaque's feelings perfectly. She herself had known Wukong's love not long ago, recalling his tender words, warm embraces and sweet caresses. Even though she knew now that it was wisest to maintain a friendship, deep down she longed for the peace lavished on her by his company and their courtship that she once saw as a dream achieved.
Gently she slid her hand up to meet Macaque's, entwining their fingers in a mute comforting gesture and asking if she could take the next step.
—Wukong had the ability to make himself indispensable to those he loved— she sighed, resting her empathetic gaze on him. — I know what it's like to be made to feel unique only to be abandoned. I'm sorry you carried that pain for so long.
Macaque was surprised by that physical contact unaccustomed to such displays. A small, barely perceptible blush appeared on his cheeks and he smiled a smile of gratitude, squeezing Kiyo's hand in silent gratitude. She truly understood his suffering, and with her gesture she was giving him the warmth he so desperately needed to finally heal the wounds of the past.
—Time heals everything. It no longer hurts; only a closed scar remains. Now I focus my energy on other, more profitable goals.
—What do you mean? —Kiyo asked curiously.
—Oh, you know. Annoying grumpy little gods who sleep like hibernating bears— he replied mockingly.
Kiyo feigned indignation, punching him gently in the chest which made Macaque laugh.
—How dare you talk about me like that! —she protested with laughter.
—Calm down, I never mentioned names. If you identify yourself, it's your problema— he replied with sly mischief, causing Kiyo to blush with embarrassment.
The two continued to laugh merrily, leaving sad memories of the past to which they belonged. Their hands remained clasped in a sign of the trust and comfort they now shared with each other, aware as they were of not being too physical with even their closest confidants.
When Kiyo's song ended and a new one began, Macaque still didn't recognize the melody, completely oblivious to the current pop culture, but he could hear part of the tune.
"And even though I think about you day and night
I'm not sure if this whole love thing
Sounds quite right"
—So... —whispered Kiyo, looking away from the song and focusing on the golden eyes of his partner.— You mentioned two loves.... who was the second one?
—Mmhh? —Macaque murmured, puzzled.
—You said you fell in love twice. You already told me about Wukong, who was the other person who stole your heart?
Macaque blushed slightly and let out an enigmatic chuckle that left Kiyo intrigued. Was he teasing her?
—You'll know in time— he replied, averting his gaze again to the stars.
Kiyo was about to complain when she noticed a subtle squeeze on her hand. She looked up at Macaque and was moved by what she saw. Though he was looking up at the sky, his face wore a smile different from his sarcastic grimaces: it was warm, serene, even tender. Her golden eyes shone like stars in a peaceful countenance as her face was bathed in moonlight, letting it reflect the warmth and peace she felt inside.
Several minutes passed before Kiyo understood the hidden meaning behind her gestures. A blush covered her cheeks as she realized the obvious.
Silently, she entwined her fingers in his, returning the sentiment with the same tenderness. She was falling again.
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mexican-postcards · 4 months
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The Aztec sun stone (Piedra del Sol), when it was located next to the Cathedral in Mexico City, 1886
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blueiskewl · 6 months
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Earthquake Reveals Aztec Snakehead Beneath Mexico City
Researchers are conserving a rare snakehead from the Aztecs that still retains its painted colors from hundreds of years ago.
An earthquake last year revealed a big surprise beneath a law school in modern-day Mexico City: a giant, colorful snakehead from the Aztec Empire.
The snakehead dates back more than 500 years, to when the Aztecs controlled the area, which at the time was part of the flourishing capital of Tenochtitlan. The sculpture was discovered after a magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck Mexico City on Sept. 19, 2022; the seismic event caused damage and changes in the topography, revealing the snakehead beneath a building that was part of a law school at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said in a Spanish-language statement.
The Aztecs built temples and pyramids and worshipped a number of deities, including Quetzalcoatl, who was often depicted as a snake. However, it's unclear if this sculpture depicts him, the archaeologists said.
The sculpted snake is 5.9 feet (1.8 meters) long, 2.8 feet (0.85 m) wide and 3.3 feet (1 m) high, and it weighs about 1.3 tons (1.2 metric tons), the INAH said. Several colors — including red, blue, black and white — are preserved on the sculpture.
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Color was preserved on about 80% of the sculpture's surface. To keep it preserved, an INAH team lifted the snakehead out of the ground with a crane and constructed a humidity chamber around the sculpture. This chamber allows the sculpture to lose humidity gradually, with its color being preserved, María Barajas Rocha, a conservationist with the INAH who worked extensively on the sculpture, said in the statement.
While other snakehead sculptures have been found at Tenochtitlan, this one is particularly important for its preserved colors, said Erika Robles Cortés, an archaeologist with the INAH.
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"Thanks to the context in which this piece was discovered, but above all, thanks to the stupendous intervention of the restorers-conservators led by Maria Barajas, it has been possible to stabilize the colors for its preservation in almost all the sculpture, which is extremely important, because the colors have helped us to conceive pre-Hispanic art from another perspective," Robles Cortés told Live Science in an email.
The sculpture's "sheer size is impressive, as well as its artistry," but the survival of the colors is remarkable, said Frances Berdan, a professor emeritus of anthropology at California State University, San Bernardino who was not involved with the excavation. "The survival of black, white, red, yellow, and blue paints is particularly interesting — one gains a good image of the visual impact of such sculptures as they were arrayed about the city center," Berdan said in an email.
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In addition to its preserved colors, the snakehead's size is notable, said Bertrand Lobjois, an associate professor of humanities at the University of Monterrey in Mexico who is not involved in the excavation. The "first time I saw this serpent head, I was dazzled by its dimensions," he said in an email.
Lobjois also praised the conservation work that allowed the colors to survive, noting that "the conservation process allows us to appreciate the naturalistic approach of figuration" the Aztec artists used.
This work is ongoing and will continue at the site into next year.
By Owen Jarus.
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gregor-the-man-man · 8 months
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Aztec Gods: Centeotl - Mixcoatl - Chalchiuhtotolin - Xiuhtecuhtli
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yaocihuatl16 · 9 months
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Korrasami 👍
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raimagnolia · 2 months
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Olrox the Aztec (commissioned by Cyborrrg_| @cyborrrg )
I wanted a piece that represented how I envisioned Olrox to look when he was human. Although the Aztec (Edit: Technically, Mēxihcah) mythos does have a "god of flowers" that represented male femininity and homosexuality, my research found the society as a whole was still very rigid about gender roles, which also passed down a conservative look onto sexual minority expression. So I imagine Olrox being a man from an oppulent enough family of the Mēxihcah Tenochcah, which allowed him access to jade jewelry (forbidden to lower economic classes), and intricate tailored apparel, yet he would be a man that's still forcibly withdrawn.
The quetzal feathers in his quetzalilpiloni (feather hair ornament), prized amongst the upperclass, are beloved decorative ornaments by the Aztecs for the beauty of their native quetzal bird; but the one he holds in his hand has an additional modern-day nod for how Olrox views himself.
His solemn expression juxtaposes the vibrancy of the rainbow feather. Because for all its natural beauty, such an expression of self just can't be seen in his society.
( below the cut are some sketches and versions that didn't make the final cut)
A comparison
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Inspirations: the male maxtlatl (loin-cloth)
The quetzalilpiloni
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More links for the artist:
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They do have great Olrox x Mizrak work and even cool and intricate OCs, too. Be sure to check them out!
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tentacion3099 · 8 months
The Aztec Death Whistle
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thebatblog · 7 months
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viagginterstellari · 2 months
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Statuettes - Templo Mayor Museum, Mexico City, 2014
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quantumgirl3 · 4 months
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The sun rises again ☀️
Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! I wanted to draw Huitzilopochtli for the ocassion, and cause is Panquetzalitztli too! I hope you like
PD. The Hummingbird helmet was based in Mexican violetear (Colibri Thalassinus). I think it suits him properly
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kiyovazquez · 2 months
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a-d-nox · 9 months
aztec asteroid observations
these observations are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (these are not the only asteroids in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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☼ 10h huitzilopochtli (52387) and/or aspecting MC people have the energy of world leaders and CEOs
☼ huitzilopochtli (52387) negatively aspecting mars aspecting people don't tend to fight fair and they certainty don't chase after others or overextend themselves in fights
☼ air huitzilopochtli (52387) and mercury-huitzilopochtli (52387) people tend to talk with their hands
☼ air and fire huitzilopochtils (52387) tend to be more extroverted (look at sign and degree for how much)
☼ sagittarius (9°, 21°) and pisces (12°, 24°) quetzalcoatl (1915) people tend to be able to make the best out of the worst in their situation - they are quick to bounce back from their mistakes
☼ fixed signed quetzalcoatl (1915) people don't tend to mess around; they like to get to the point
☼ quetzalcoatl (1915) negatively aspecting the sun people often can be very cocky about their accomplishments and act like they are god
☼ quetzalcoatl (1915) negatively aspecting the moon people have a habit of playing the victim and not taking responsibility for their actions
☼ quetzalcoatl (1915) negatively aspecting mercury, like the negative moon aspect people, often try to justify why they are right and why what happened isn't their fault
☼ quetzalcoatl (1915) retrograde people tend to have others control the area of their life the asteroid landed in
☼ earth tezcatlipoca (1980) are willing to sacrifice anything in the material world to get what they want
☼ 7h tezcatlipoca (1980) people might have a messy divorce where they criticize their partners and believe they should have gone about something in the proceedings differently
☼ tezcatlipoca (1980) conjunct mars people tend to have passionate opinions that come off to others as aggressive or overbearing
☼ tezcatlipoca (1980) trine saturn people will be remembered as the one who put in the hard work in the areas of life the two objects govern
☼ tezcatlipoca (1980) -asc, -mc, and/or -vertex people can be seen as mystics by others around them
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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blueiskewl · 7 months
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The Aztec Death Whistle ‘The Most Terrifying Sound in the World’
For those who want to celebrate Halloween like it’s 1399: Scientists are sending shivers down the internet’s collective spine by recreating an ancient “Aztec Death Whistle” that’s said to emit the “most terrifying sound in the world.”
The macabre kazoo is detailed in a new video produced by the Action Lab, a group of proud internet nerds who specialize in mind-bending experiments.
“The sound that the death whistle makes innately strikes fear into your heart,” intones presenter James J. Orgill in the clip while holding a 3D-printed version of the instrument.
The Brigham Young University engineering grad then plays an audio clip of the scream machine, which evokes a bloodcurdling, bansheelike shriek resembling a sound effect from a haunted house attraction. (We dare you not to jump!)
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Orgill points out that this is not a “human scream” but rather the sound emitted by the replica of a skull-shaped artifact originally discovered in Mexico City in 1999 by archaeologists.
It was reportedly found clutched in the hand of a headless skeleton in a temple dedicated to the wind god Ehecatl — one of many sites where the Aztecs conducted human sacrifices.
Initially thinking it was a toy, per Orgill, scientists didn’t blow into it until 15 years later, whereupon it emitted a terrifying sound.
“‘It was a startling discovery because it sounded like a screaming human,” said the burgeoning YouTube star, who dubbed it the “most terrifying sound in the world.”
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The Aztecs were able to create this nightmarish noise by modeling the death whistle after the human larynx.
When the user blows into the instrument, the wind divides in two, producing oscillating sound waves that bounce around a large chamber before leaving via a second hole.
While the purpose of the instrument remains unclear, experts have several theories, with some believing this fright flute was used to scare enemies in battle.
Others postulate that the whistle was a defense talisman used to ward off evil spirits during a sacrificial victim’s journey to the afterlife.
In order to resurrect this symphony of screams for our listening “pleasure,” Orgill blew into different Tim Burton-esque whistles that were 3D-printed by US tech firm HeyGears.
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All told, they made the raptor larynx from “Jurassic Park” sound like a kazoo.
No 3D printer, no problem: Interested parties can buy their death whistles on Amazon, which offers duplicates made of materials ranging from resin to carbon fiber.
Many advertise how closely their decibels match that of the most bone-chilling human screams.
By Ben Cost.
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speedyz3 · 6 months
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The Aztec ruins of Chaco Canyon were an absolute architectural marvel. They had started construction around 850 ad. and built a community that would thrive until they left around 1250ad. According to the guides in the area they were not sure why they left but they always knew this was a sacred place they could come back to.
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yaocihuatl16 · 3 months
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warthogreporter · 5 months
Top 5 Tezcatlipoca related drawings in the Florentine Codex
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Iconic, it's the Toxcatl Sacrifice and doesn't shy away from the blood. The way its drawn doesn't make it repulsive to me the way a lot of gore is though.
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It's him! I'm pretty sure the text above is comparing him to Jupiter, which isn't the worst comparison Tezcatlipoca gets hit with (Jupiter is fine but very much not Tezcatlipoca).
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It's him again! Back at Toxcatl to die again. It's definitely not the intention, but to me the face gives off 'I wish I wasn't here right now, not because of the sacrifice but because you're all annoying' vibes, which I find funny.
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A prayer to Tezcatlipoca that looks a little silly to me at a glance. "Toot the horn for Tezcatlipoca, now."
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Another prayer to Tezcatlipoca where I can't understand what the hell is going on with it and honestly I'm not sure understanding would change the comedic value for me.
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