jiminsjam · 6 years
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Bucky Barnes | Sebastian Stan 
How You Get The Girl:  Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song, Bucky realizes what he’s lost and now he’s trying to win her back. (Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader)
Expecting:  You and your husband, Sebastian, are having a baby. (Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader)
I Might Be In Love With You:  After denying your feelings for too long, you are certain you have fallen in love with a certain super soldier. (Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader)
Let Go:  Based on the song ‘Let it go’ by James Bay, you and your lover try to make things work but it just isn’t meant to be. (Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader)
Stressed Out:  You have your finals coming up and you are hella stressed. Luckily, your loving boyfriend steps in to save the day. (Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader)
Home:  Your nightmares have haunted you ever since you were a kid. You try anything and everything in your power to stop them, but you couldn’t. Until he comes in. (Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader)
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Clark Kent | Henry Cavill
Little Kent:  After Clark comes back home, he finds himself. Only a little smaller. (Clark Kent x Female!Reader)
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jiminsjam · 6 years
How You Get The Girl
Summary: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song, Bucky realizes what he’s lost and now he’s trying to win her back.
Word Count: 2.5K
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, FLUFF, Swearing.
Author’s Note: *in Hela’s voice* I have missed this.
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Reader's POV
I take another big spoonful of ice cream and as I try to eat it, I literally choke myself with it because of how big the scoop was. Tears flow down my eyes, continuously, one after another as I kept my eyes fixed on the '10 Things I Hate About You' playing in the big TV screen of my living room.
All of a sudden, my phone rings on the table in front of me. Groaning out loud, I lean far over to grab my phone, accepting the call.
"He... Hello?" I say, my voice sound groggy and so hoarse, proving that I haven't been taking care of myself.
"Open your door." Her voice speaks through the phone and I can tell she's pissed.
"Open the fucking door, Y/N." She yells again in the phone, cutting my previous sentence. I end the call, groaning loudly into the blanket that was on my lap before finally going and opening the front door.
She is standing before me, her hands crossed over her chest. I can barely keep my eyes open but finding my voice, I reply her, "H-Hi, Wanda." I smile at her and judging her by her face, I can tell at the moment my smile is the worst smile she's ever seen.
"Wan, chillz." I do a peace sign, plopping down on one of the chairs of the dining table.
"Y/N, do me a favour," She exhales a large amount of air, "AND TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER! YOU STINK!" She yells, I almost thought she woke the neighbors up.
"No." I simply say, not being in a mood to shower.
"Just because Barnes broke up with you a two months ago doesn't mean that you have to cry and eat and not shower the whole time!" She shouts at me again. I am on the verge of tears by hearing his name after so long. I don't hold my tears back and start crying with my face in my palms. I feel Wanda's arms over my shoulders, holding me close, "Don't cry, Y/N. I didn't mean to shout."
I lift my face from my hands, looking at her, but she appears blurry before my eyes. I cry even harder, "He left me all alone, Wan! He dumped me!" I say, hugging her tightly.
"Y/N, look at me." She crouches before me so she can look me in the eye, "Go shower. I will clean all this up and then we'll go to target and grab some food, okay?" She says, her voice so calm as if she's talking to a baby.
"Okay." I wipe my tears, nodding my head.
"Good girl." She slaps both of her hands on my shoulders before getting to fix my unruly house and life.
"Wanda, here catch!" I throw a jar of Nutella which she effortlessly catches and puts it in the shopping trolley. Its probably been exactly fifteen minutes since we've been here and our trolley is already half full, full of snacks and whatnot. We walk further down the snack isle and grab honestly whatever I can get my hands on. Wanda, being Wanda, is putting everything back on the shelves after I put it in the trolley. She's grabbing greens, fruits and eggs so she can cook something for me that's not poison for my body.
"Y/N, stop taking unnecessary things." She groans behind me, pushing the trolley.
I turn around, sticking my tongue out to her. She rolls her eyes in reply just when I turn around, I crash with someone and almost fall on my butt but he catches me right in time. I stand back on my feet and when my head tilts up to look at him, I see a familiar pair of blue eyes staring back at me.
He smiles at me, and tilts his body slightly to the side, waving to Wanda. Then his gaze is back on me, "Hi." Bucky says.
How dare he smile?
My throat runs dry, my body lacks water and my skin has gotten worse at the sight of him, standing before me and acting like it's all cool. I turn my gaze away from him, walking past him, disappearing from his view.
Bucky's POV
I walk into Avengers facility and straight into my room. I lean my back against the door, and exhale a large breath I didn't realize I was holding since I saw her.
I saw her today.
She doesn't look like the Y/N I remember. She has lost so much weight, her eyes are red and bloodshot and her lips are cracked and chapped. At that very moment, all I ever wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and tell her how much I have missed her. But judging by her reaction, she wasn't very happy to see me. And I do't blame her. After what I did.
I lie down on my bed, closing my eyes and drown in my own sorrows when suddenly a knock on the door makes me jolt awake from the bed, "Come in." Raising my voice a little higher than usual because of frustration.
"Hey, Buck." Steve poked his head, through the opening of the door before coming in and sitting on the bed beside me, "You look like someone stole your plums." Steve jokes and I laugh. Or at least, try to.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"I saw Y/N at Target today." I press my lips in a thin line, looking down at my lap and fiddling with my fingers.
"And?" He asks back. But I am pretty sure he knows what my answer will be.
"She didn't say a word. Just walked past me." I answer him.
"Buck, you can't blame the girl for doing so, ya know?" I look up at Steve. He pauses for a brief second before continuing, "You left her alone when she needed you the most. Without any explanation-"
I cut him off, defending myself, "I was only trying to-"
"I know, I know. You were trying to protect her." He cuts me off again, rolling his eyes, "But for how long will you throw away relationships just because you are trying to protect the people you love? Wanda is there with her. She's helping Y/N. For how long?" I nod my head at his words, implying that I understand what he's trying to say, "You gotta do something, Buck. You are miserable, she's too. Moreover, you love the girl." He cocks a brow at me and the last sentence seemed more like a question.
"I do." I reply sincerely,I stand up from my bed and pace back and forth in front of Steve "I have never done this before, Steve. What do I have to do?" I ask, running my fingers through my hair.
He just smirks in reply.
Reader's POV
-The Next Morning-
"I miss him so much, Wan." Its nine in the morning and I am already crying over what happened last night. I know I didn't reply him, or even look at him properly, but he's the guy I was falling in love with and it hurts. Luckily, I have my angel of a best friend by my side to help my ass through it. Also, its raining outside. My mood's gloomy, so's the weather. What a way to start the day!
"Its gonna be okay" She coos in my hair, running her hands through my hair.
"Wan?" I break away from the hug and look up at her.
"Hmm?" She asks, wiping my tears.
I know, she would never want to do what I am about to ask her for my own good but I have thought through it and I know what I want, "I want you to erase my mind..." I keep my voice low.
She gasps at my words, frantically shaking her head, "No, no, no, no. I can't"
"Wan, please-"
She cuts me off, saying, "No, I can't, Y/N. You know, I can do anything for you but not this."
Just as I am about to speak up, the door bell rings. Wanda gets up from the bed, giving me apologetic eyes before rushing to get the door.
I sit on my bed, fiddling with the sheet covering my legs and wait for her to return. Almost ten minutes passes, she doesn't. The door rings one more time. Frowning, I get out of the covers, putting my fluffy sandals on and head downstairs.
"Wan, who is it?" I notice Wanda standing by the door, biting her fingernails, "What's going on?" I ask, heading for the door.
She tries to stop me but when I open the door, my movements immediately come to a halt, "Buck-y." My voice cracks at the sight of him.
Damn, what's the looking glass for?
Its raining and he's drenched. I know the rain doesn't bother him or anything but why would he walk all the way from the Facility to my house in such a heavy rain, "Are you insane?!" I shout at hi, seeing his ghostly appearance in front of me.
"Y/N." He is panting, as water drips from his face, ignoring my words, "I love you." He says, almost immediately.
At the moment, I don't even know what to do. I felt my body stopped functioning and my breath is stuck at my throat, "What..?" I say, almost in a manner as if I didn't hear him.
"I love you, Y/N. Take me back." He says, again. I look behind me and Wanda is nowhere in sight.
I sigh and I know, I will regret about what I am about to do but I still say it, "Come in."
"Here's your coffee." I hand him the first coffee I made in two months and I don't even care if it's gross. He has to drink it.
"Thank you." He says, taking a long sip.
I don't sit beside him on the couch. I want to but I don't. I take a sip of my own coffee and almost spit it out, "What the fuck? How can you drink this?" I gag, pouring it all down the drain.
I hear him laugh from the living room. I roll my eyes and go back to face him again, "Why are you here, Bucky?" I ask, keeping my voice strong and confident as if I don't want to jump in my arms eight now and kiss he heck out of him.
"I am sorry, Y/N." He says, not making eye contact with me.
"Okay." I say. Okay, did I just say 'Okay'?
"Y/N, I know I hurt you and I am so sorry. Just give me one chance and I'll make it up to you, I swear." He stand up from the couch and closes in on me. He's so close that I feel his warm breath on my face and I am seconds away from kissing him.
But I fake a cough, taking a step back, "No." I simply state, "You made your choice, Buck. You don't want to be with me and that's fine, I get it. You don't have to make up with me just because you are pitying on me." I cross my arms over my chest, looking away from him and trying not to cry.
"Y/N, I am in love with you." He says, taking a step toward me again, whereas I take a step back, "Just let me prove that you mean the world to me." He brings his flesh hand forth to touch my cheeks and when I try to take a step back, I can't. The kitchen counter is on the way and I am stuck against it.
His fingers caresses my cheek and I try to ignore his touch as if the contact is not putting my cheek on fire. I am pretty sure my cheeks are red.
"Okay." I give in, exhaling a large breath, "One chance."
He breaks into a smile, bringing his face forth and placing his lips on my cheek, "I won't let you down." With that, he leaves my house, leaving me a tense mess.
"That wasn't awkward at all." Suddenly, Wanda appears in the living room, cocking a brow at me.
"Tell me about it." I let my shoulders relax.
-The Next Day-
"Y/N, there something for you." Wanda closes the door and walking into the kitchen, placing the bouquet of red roses and a brown packet on the kitchen counter. She picks up the card that was with the roses and reads it out out, "Got your favorites. I love you - bb" She grins at me after reading the text and I snatch the card from her, reading it over and over again, like memorizing it.
"He's so cute, though." She says, scooping a little cookie dough batter in her finger and eating it.
"I know." I blush slightly, biting my lip.
"Oh, open this." She hands me the brown parcel. I tear the paper up and take out a picture frame. Its the one from when we went to Disneyland. I am kissing him on his cheek and I remember I asked this lady to take a picture of us. It was the best day of my life.
"Lemme see." I hand the picture over to her, and she goes, "AWWW!!!" She says, looking at me.
"Do you think should I take him back?" I ask, running my fingers through the roses.
"Honey, we both know you are dying to." She says, in a sarcastic voice, "Why don't you call him and ask him to come over tonight?" She winks at me, eating more of the cookie dough.
I blush at her words. I am gonna do it. Maybe not today, but I will.
But then I realize, "Don't finish the cookie dough!"
A whole week went by and he kept sending flowers and chocolates and kept reminding me how it used to be. He himself came to see me once or twice and I was happy seeing him at my doorstep.
But tonight, I was finally going to call him over. I take my phone and scroll through my contacts before stopping at his. I press the call button and wait for him to pick up, “Hello?” I say, after he does.
“Y/N.” His voice sounds rushed, “Are you okay?” He asks
“I am fine. But um..” I pause for a second before finally saying the words, “Do you wanna come over tonight?”
Bucky’s POV
I lay beside her on her bed, with her head resting on my bare chest as I stroke her hair. None of us speak, we just enjoy being in each others arms after so long.
I never thought she would call me in the first place and ask me to spend the night with her. But she did. 
She looks up at me, smiling, “I love you too, Barnes.” She tilts her head up to capture her lips with mine for a slow, passionate kiss.
A little effort and that’s how I got the girl. 
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jiminsjam · 6 years
Little Kent
Summary: After Clark comes back home, he finds himself. Only a little smaller.
Word Count: 0.7K
Pairing: Clark Kent x Female!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF
Author’s Note: Okay so, there might be a mistake. I don’t know the time difference between Dawn of Justice and Justice League. I was told its 1.5 years. If it’s wrong, please don’t attack me AAH! But here ya go!
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Reader's POV
I sit inside my office at the Daily Planet, typing away for one of my latest articles. After a few clicks and spelling mistakes, I get a few papers printed just when a knock on the door makes me turn around.
"Y/N, there's a call for you." Perry peeks through the door, eyeing me closely. I frown at his behavior as he takes a deep breath, "Its Bruce Wayne."
I rush outside to the phone booth. My hand were shaking the entire time. I quickly pick up the phone, thinking 'What does he want?'
"Y/N?" His heavy voice says through the phone.
"Yes, Bruce?" Keeping my voice low, I ask.
"We need your help."
"Can you please drive faster?" I panic, gripping the ends of my hair to calm myself down.
After about five minutes, the driver speaks up from the front seat, "We are here."
Frantically opening the car door, I see him.
My blood runs cold seeing him like this. Alive. It seems like I lost my voice.
He is holding Bruce up by his neck, whispering something which I cannot make out. Bruce struggles to free himself from Clark's grip but fails. Just as Clark is about to land his move on Bruce, I find my voice speaking up.
"Clark." I call out. He looks down, his eyes wide seeing me in front of him. Effortlessly, he swings Bruce and he crashes to the ground, winching in pain. He slowly comes down to the ground, standing before me. I take slow steps towards him, tears blurring my vision.  "Don't do this. Please."
Quickening my pace, I go over to him, standing on my toes and wrapping my arms around his shoulders, "Y/N." My name rolls from his mouth like honey. I nod as he buries his face into my neck.
A tear escapes my eyes, rolling down my cheek, "Just go, Clark. Just go."
And with that, he tightens his grip on my waist, flying us out of the scene.
"You are wearing the ring." He says, still facing the sunset and running his long fingers along the leaves of his farm.
I wrap my arms around his torso, resting my face on his right shoulder, saying, "You smell great." I blush at my own sentence.
Clark frowns down at me, faking offence, "Didn't I before?"
I laugh, walking to stand by his side as me wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. He doesn't say anything. Neither do I. We just stand there peacefully but after sometime, Clark speaks up, "You called Mom?" He smiles big.
"Of course, I did."
He lowers his head down, cupping my face with his large hands and placing his lips on top of mine. I smile within the kiss but continue doing so until the sound of Martha's truck makes us pull apart. She opens the car door, frantically running down to the field. Clark runs towards her, wrapping his arms around her.
Martha reaction says it all. She's so shocked but so happy at the same time seeing her son in front of her. I stood by the truck, smiling to myself, seeing both of them so happy that I didn't notice someone sitting inside the truck as well.
"Mama!!" He stands up on his seat, reaching his tiny hands out for me. I smiled at my boy, Jonathan. Holding him under his arms, I pulled him up through the window.
"Wweare wer you, Mama?" He says, pouting at me.
"I had work, honey. I am sorry." I apologize, making a fake sad face. "I have someone for you to meet!" I reply.
"Who, Mama?" I hold him tightly by his small waist and standing by the car door for Clark to notice me. When he turns his gaze back to me and Jon, his eyes go wide in shock.
"Y/N, is this..." He doesn't find words to say.
I nod, as he walks closer, "Clark, Meet Jonathan Kent."
"Mama, he's bhery toll!" Jon exclaims and Clark laughs. So do I.
"How old is he, Y/N?" Clark asks.
"11 months." I say.
"May I?" Clark brings his hands forth to hold him. I nod frantically and hand Jon over to Clark. "He looks so much like me, Y/N" Clark says, almost tearing up.
"Martha almost named him Clark Kent Jr." I laugh at the memory.
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything." He hugs me with his free hand, still holding Jon.
"But now you have to leave again." I sadly say.
"I will come back to you. I promise." He reassures, kissing my forehead.
We stay in each other's arms for a moment until Jon speaks up, "Who is he, Mama? He is so strong." He says, punching Clark's shoulder with his little hands.
We just laugh at our son who's brought so much happiness, in our life, in my life since he has been here.
He's my Superboy.
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jiminsjam · 6 years
This is so attractive goddamn 
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clark kent + civilian clothing
requested by @clarkskenting
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jiminsjam · 6 years
Summary: You and your husband, Sebastian, are having a baby.
Word Count: 2.3K
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Language, Pregnancy, Tears
Author’s Note: Out of all the imagines I have ever written, this is so far the best one. I really hope you love reading this as much as I loved writing it. THIS HAS SO MUCH FLUFF, Y’ALL GONNA MELT!! ENJOY!
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Reader's POV -Five Months Ago-
"You are early. How was work today, honey?" Sebastian asked me, as I plopped down on the bed beside him. He kept the book he was reading on the night stand, cupped half of my face and kissed me.
He pulled away, smiling at me, "Very. Exhausting." I snuggled into his chest, inhaling his scent.
It was true. I loved my job more than anything, my boss was a really nice person and I enjoyed what I was doing so my work didn't bore or exhaust me at all. I left for work at nine this morning. My husband, Sebastian, dropped me and went to the set of his new movie afterwards. I usually drive myself but as you can tell my day started off really lazily.
Afterwards, throughout the whole day, I felt dizzy and couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. My concentration was diverted by the smallest things and minor things frustrated me. My body felt so heavy, especially my thighs and a sudden headache was killing me.
My ride home was worse. The atmosphere inside the Uber made me very nauseous. I dug into my hand bag, took the water bottle out and drank a generous amount. There I was, at home. With Sebastian. Snuggling into him.
But then, the feeling of puking hit me again. I covered my mouth with my hand, and ran like The Flash to the bathroom. I knelt in front of the toilet as all the food from my stomach punched itself out of my body. I heard Sebastian's footsteps follow me. Struggling to hold my hair back, he entered the bathroom the right moment and held my hair back for me. His hand rested on my shoulder while his thumb drew circles. I got up, walked to the sink as he flushed the toilet. I rinsed my mouth with a mouthwash quickly. I turned around, leaning against the sink to support my balance.
Sebastian stood in front of me, his brows furrowed in confusion, "Did you drink too much?" He sounded a little mad, of course.
"No, I didn't drink." I answered truthfully.
I reached out my hand for him. He held me steady by my shoulders as we walked to the bed. He asked, "Then what's wrong? You didn't seem fine when you entered." He noticed. He was very concerned.
I sat down on the bed, he knelt down in front of me, "Honey, you gotta tell me what's wrong?"
"What was the date when we went to dinner with Evans and Mackie?" I ran my hands through my hair. It hurt like hell.
He quickly rushed to the other side of the bed, grabbed his phone to check the date, "15th April." He answered, walking over to me.
"I am late." He frowned, not understanding. "My period. Its late."
"Are you alright? Does your stomach hurt?" He looked at me with puppy eyes.
"No, Seb, you don't understand!!" I yelled, standing up. "My period's late, I have been feeling so dizzing, my head hurts like a bitch, and I just threw up!" I was shouting at that time. He just wasn't understanding and my hormones were making me go crazy.
"Honey, calm down." He pressed me to his chest as I started sobbing. "Baby, baby, please. Shhh." He cooed in my ear, running his fingers through my hair.
"Seb, I might be pregnant."
Fifteen minutes after the drama I caused at home, Sebastian and I were on our way to a drugstore. I covered my face well so no one would recognize me, while Seb wore a black hoddie and made sure his face was hidden as well.
He drove for ten minutes and we were in front of a pharmacy. We rushed inside, to the pregnancy section as I started to looking through the different types of tests.
"Is this good?" I held a packet of pregnancy test in my hand, waving it in front of his face, "It says 99% accurate."
"Babe, I wouldn't know. I have never been pregnant before." He giggled.
"True." I adjusted the scarf covering my face and turned back to what I was doing. Sebastian looked around to make sure there weren't any paparazzi around, or it would be a big mess.
"Yup, I am taking three of these. Let's go."
Sebastian stood by the bathroom door, his hand crossed over his chest. I kept the tests on the sink and read out the last piece of instruction. I nodded, looking at him, "It says to wait for three minutes." He nodded in understanding, and exhaled a large breath.
I sat down on the toilet seat. He looked down at his feet while I looked at him, "Seb." I called him. He worriedly rushed to me, cupping the half of my face, "You okay?" He asked.
"What if... I am pregnant? What will we do then?" I looked up at him to meet his concerned eyes.
His long fingers grazed my cheek, he exhaled a deep breath, "I mean, I never thought that we would... be pregnant." He laughed, making me chuckle as well, "But whatever happens, you should know, I will never stop loving you. You are my everything. I want to take care of this little thing we made together. I will try to be the best Dad to him... or her. I want the baby." He smiled.
I sighed loudly, nodding, "You will undoubtedly be the best Dad. I love you so much." He pressed his forehead against mine. We stayed like that for sometime, it felt nice. Then the timer on my phone went off which he quickly grabbed to turn off.
I reached for one of the tests. My hands were shaking, my mind was a mess. I held it in front of me, trying to see what's shown. Sebastian saw the look on my face, "What is it?" I grab the other two, but they had the same answer too.
I nodded, "Its positive."
Sleeping when you are seven months pregnant can be difficult. I cannot sleep on my sides and obviously not on my stomach. I had to sleep very straight and had to make sure the baby didn't feel uncomfortable.
My head hurts at the moment. A slight groan leaves my lips, But I noticed something warm on my belly. I open my eyes ever-so-slightly to find Sebastian sitting up talking to my belly. His long, petite fingers grazed up and down, side to side on the now swollen skin on my belly.
"Baby, you have no idea how much you mean to me. You haven't even been born yet and still you have stolen all of my heart. See, I never thought of having a baby. I had found the love of my life and I felt like my life was complete. But when your mother said we were having you, I was terrified. I was so scared, you have no idea." He chuckles, continuing, "I thought what if I am not the best Dad in the world? What if I chicken out in the end and your mother has to do everything alone? What if I fail to raise you properly? I thought, I thought so much. But then seeing your mother so happy with you inside her, it gave me a new hope, you know. Of course, it was her first time too. But she didn't seem scared. She was- is so happy. I tried to think like her. I turned my fear in happiness and its the best thing I have ever felt. Your mother and I made a small version of ourselves inside of her and its so incredible, isn't it?"
He keeps talking, his curly long hair falling on his forehead. His words brings tears of happiness to my eyes, but I don't cry. I listen instead, "Only two months more from now, I can't wait to see you. I think, no, I know I will cry when I hold you in my arms for the first time. I will shower you with so much kisses and hugs and love. You will be the happiest princess in the world. My princess." He breathes for a while, "Oh let me tell you a story, your mother and I had a bet. If you were a boy, she would get to name him. If you were a girl, I would get to name you." He's smiling. He's so happy that he won. I get a glance of him smiling, he's beautiful, "So, naturally, I won. Guess we make a pretty good team, huh? Anyway, I told her I already have a name. Its a surprise for her. She's still sleeping...." I realize what's going to happen. I shut my eyes quickly and pretend to be asleep. He sighs in relaxation, seeing that I am still asleep, "I want to name you Chris. Short for Christine." Ohh my....
"Your mother and I went on a blind date together when I first met her. A blind date is when you don't know who your date is or what they look like. Although, I will never let you go on a blind date with some stupid boy. So, I was saying, your uncle, Chris Evans, sent us on a blind date. He's the reason why I met your mother. To be honest, I stopped believing in love after I had some problems with the previous girlfriend of mine but Chris said, the girl I was going on a date with, was worth it. I remember when I came home, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I told Chris your mother will have all of my babies." He laughs. A tear almost escapes my eyes. I have never heard this story before. I want to cry, but I would hate myself for interrupting their father-daughter moment. I try my best not to cry, "Do you think your mother will like the name? I hope she does, this name means so much to me." I love it Sebastian, I love it so much...
"Okay, I have been talking to you for the past two hours. My princess needs her beauty sleep. Sleep tight, my angel. Daddy loves you so much." He's done. He presses his lips to my stomach and softly kisses it, then bringing my t-shirt over to cover it.
He brings his lips closer to my ear, whispering "Thank you so much, Y/N for making me the happiest man alive. Thank you for giving me my little baby girl. Thank you for everything, Y/N." He kisses my forehead. He buries his head on my shoulder, holding me close to him.
After he's asleep, I turn around so he couldn't see my face.
I smile. I smile so big that my cheeks hurt.
Sebastian's POV -Two Months Later-
"Sebastian." She calls me.
"Sebastian." She calls me again, I slowly shift on the bed.
"Sebastian!!!" She screams. "It's hurting!" I jolt out of the bed, standing on my feet, like I never fell asleep.
"Oh my God. OH MY GOD! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!" I run around the room, frantically putting my t-shirt and pants on.
"Seb, you can celebrate later! We have to leave!" She says in a loud voice. I quickly grab the bag which Y/N had already prepared about a week ago, in case of emergencies. I toss the bag over my shoulder, making sure it doesn't fall off.
I run to Y/N's side of the bed, scooping her up in my arms, "You can't carry me! I am heavy!" She says.
"Watch me."
-Two hours later-
She is holding my hand so tight, it hurts. But I let her.
She is screaming. She's so scared.
I might be more scared than she is. My legs are like jelly, feeling like I would collapse any moment now.
Any moment now...
"Okay, Y/N," The nurse says, I hold my breath, "One big push. You got this."
She grabs my hand tighter than ever. My free hand runs over her forehead. I am pretty sure the room is freezing but she's so sweaty. She's hurting. I hate to see her like this.
"Its alright, baby. Push, Y/N!" I run my fingers through her hair over and over again.
A loud gasp leaves her lips as her head falls to the soft pillow. She's a breathing, sweating mess. I kiss her on the forehead, she keeps her eyes closed. She's exhausted.
"Its a girl!" The doctor says, enthusiastically. Tears pool in my eyes. Y/N's a mom. I am a Dad. I am so happy.
"You did it, Y/N! You did it!" I say, wrapping my arms around her.
"No, Sebastian. We... did... it." She weakly smiles.
"Mr Stan, would you like to snip her up?" I nod. I kiss her on the forehead once again before heading towards her. My little Chris. The doctor is holding her. I look at her. She's breathtaking. She's gorgeous. She's so, so beautiful.
The nurse hands me a pair of umbilical scissors. I take her. I slowly snip the cord off. I don't want to hurt my baby. I never want to hurt her.
Another nurse comes over with a pink towel, wrapping her with it. The doctor gives her to me. I am shaking. He reassures its alright. I hold her in my arms for the first time. I cry. I walk towards Y/N sitting on the hospital bed beside her. I look at her, she looks at me then back to her.
"Chris." I tell her. "Short for Christine."
Tears fall down her cheek. She smiles. She tells me its perfect. She loves the name. I love her so much.
I turn my gaze back to Christine. She opens her large eyes. I cry again, "She has my eyes, Y/N. She has my eyes."
She cries too, "She looks like you." She says.
"She's so perfect." I tell her. "You have made the prettiest baby I have ever seen." I say, proudly.
"Both of us have." She smiles.
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jiminsjam · 6 years
Not Taking Requests
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(^^^^ V. HOT POTATO!!)
Hello, Everyone!
So, I have started writing on this blog for only a few days and the support I have gotten from you people is insane!
I also want to mention that a few of you requested imagines and I am SO THANKFUL FOR IT! It means you like my writing and trust me with your ideas. But I won’t be taking requests for now. I want to focus on my ideas for a while so I get better with what I write. 
After sometime, requests shall re-open and I want to write anything and everything you want.
Again, thank you for the support 💕💕
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jiminsjam · 6 years
Stressed Out
Summary: You have your finals coming up and you are hella stressed. Luckily, your loving boyfriend steps in to save the day.
Word Count: 0.7K
Requested: Yes :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Language (maybe), Mentions of Nudity (Nothing too much)
Author’s Note: I apologize for my imagines being so short but I hope you enjoy  reading. And please check my next post if you are about to request an imagine :)
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(GIF credits to owner)
You paced back and forth in your room with your History notebook in hand, continuously reading the same line again and again "The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt from 323 to 30 B.C and-" Until you heard a knock on your door.
"Come on." You said, still not looking up from the notebook.
"Doll, you alright in there?" He asked. "You have been studying for seven hours now. You need to rest." You saw Bucky entered the room, concern evident in his voice.
"I just need to remember this answer, Buck. I-" He walked over to you, gently taking the notebook from your hand.
"Bucky, give that back!" He held the book high enough so you couldn't reach it. One of the few cons of having an Eiffel Tower in the form of a boyfriend. "I need to-"
He cut you off, throwing the notebook in some corner of the room, "You can study later. You still have two whole weeks left!" He cupped your soft cheeks with his large hands, with an assuring look, "And I will help you. You will nail your exams!" He smiled.
"You sure?" You pouted.
He smiled wider, with you looking so cute in front of him, "I promise, Doll." He brought his lips to yours, firmly kissing it, "Let's take a bubble bath."
"So, how was today's mission?" You asked him, sitting on the toilet seat as Bucky prepared the bath with your favourite bath bomb.
"Nothing usual. Steve was surprisingly..." He pecked you on the lips, "Very feisty today." He frowned but smiled and held his hand out for you, "Come on." Which you gladly took.
You slowly and carefully put one foot inside the bathtub, followed by the other. Moving your hands up to your hair, you pulled the hairpin out as your hair fell down, ruffling it with your fingers to spread it out evenly. You noticed, by the corner of your eyes, that Bucky checked you out up and down, lower lip between his teeth.
"Stop undressing me with your eyes cause I am already undressed." You giggled at your own joke, looking at him. And boy, he looked like something! His hair was a curly mess, which you loved so much. His undressed body had a few droplets of water here and there, and his body was glowing under the bathroom lights.
"You can say it, that 'Bucky, you are so hot.'" He smirked at me, pulling me out of my wild thoughts.
"Bucky, you are-" You leaned forward holding his hands with yours, pressing his lips against your own, "So freaking hot." You smiled, "Now, come on. Get in."
He entered the bath quickly, sat down, letting himself drown in the bubbly water. You sat in front of him, your back facing him. His flesh arm scooped you by your waist, pulling you closer to him. You rested your head on his metal shoulder, looking up to face him, "Thanks for this, James. I needed this."
He smiled at his name rolling off your tongue as his metal fingers ran through your hair, calming your tensed mind, "So did I."
You clutched your towel to your chest, as he kept kissing you passionately. These little ways of showing that he cared made you love him even more. The little kisses, the bubble bath, the touches. Never in a thousand years you thought you would find someone like him. But you did, and words couldn't express how happy you were with him.
After he was finished, he left you breathless. It took a moment for you to catch your breath and match his gaze, "I should wear something, then we can cuddle."
"No need of clothes." He tugged your towel and his one as well. His towel fell to the floor, followed by his.
He led you to bed, your head rested on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat. Sometimes, when you felt anxious or stressed or even angry, you hugged him tight, listening how his heart beat under the thick skin. It helped you calm your senses, and feel much better. You never told Bucky about this. You thought he would probably think that you are a creep but little did you know, he knew about this secret of yours and he loved it so much.
You snuggled your body closer to his, feeling the warmth of his skin. A slight crease was between your eyebrows, as small puffs of air left your lips, indicating you were trying to get some sleep. He kissed the top of your head, playing with your hair, "I love you so much, my doll. I hope you know that." He whispered to you.
"I love you too." You replied in a small voice afterwards both of you dozed off to sleep, tardiness catching up to you.
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jiminsjam · 6 years
hello can i request for an imagine where the reader is a student in uni and she’s going through her final year exam and she’s really stressed and worried and Bucky just comforts her and assured that she’ll be okay? thx u
This is a really cute idea! Thanks for requesting 💘
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jiminsjam · 6 years
hello!!! just wanted to say that i really really really really really LOVE your imagines!!! have a great day
This is so nice of you, you have no idea how much this means 💕💕 And I hope you have a great day too 😄😄
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jiminsjam · 6 years
Summary: Your nightmares have haunted you ever since you were a kid. You try anything and everything in your power to stop them, but you couldn’t. Until he comes in.
Word Count: 1.5K
Requested: Yes :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Language (maybe), Angst, Emotional, Mentions of Torture
Author’s Note: My first ever imagine had like 90 notes in it and WOW! That’s a lot for someone who’s writing is so crap. So, thank you so much for reading and showing all this love!
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(GIF credits to owner)
"No! NO!"
Your screams echoed throughout your dark, chilly room. You gripped the silk sheets on your bed so hard that your knuckles were white. Sweat trailed down your forehead and tears flowed down your cheek.
The images of your past torturing and haunting in the form of nightmares was not new. You used to get them whenever you hoped to get a good night sleep. One night of sleep! That's all you asked for. Tony and Bruce knew about your little problem. They worked tirelessly to get you the cure but it just wasn't working.  
You kept screaming and screaming. The pain, the feeling was so real. You eyes jolted open, you sat up straight. The moonlight shone through the large windows of your room. Your hand went up to your hairs, untangling the knots.
You couldn't help it anymore. You burst out into tears. You let it all out. You didn't choose this life, it wasn't your fault. At that point, you cried so loudly, your head started paining. You had had enough. You wiped your face with the back of your hand, getting out of the covers.
You had to let all your pain out. And there's only one place to do that.
The Gym.
You roamed around the room in your sports bra and tights, putting your boxing gloves on. You secured them tightly, walking towards the punching bag that was already hanging up from the ceiling. Bringing your hands in front of your face, you start punching the bag. You didn't stop. You expressed all of your emotions in the form anger. You were certain that you had only punched the bag about thirty times when it punctured and all the sand inside of it started gushing out. You exhale a large breath, falling to the floor.
"You know," You heard a voice speaking from behind of you. You smiled big, immediately recognizing who it was, "That punching bag was Steve's favorite." He chuckled.
"Bucky, I didn't hear you coming." You stood up and took your gloves out.
"You aren't sleeping." He said.
"Neither are you."
"I couldn't sleep." He told you. Just then realization hits you. You woke him up again.
"I woke you. Didn't I?" You guiltily asked.
Bucky just shook his head, "Hey, its alright. I used to get them too remember?" He walks towards you and places his hands on your shoulder, "But helped me get through it. Now let me help you."
You nodded.
You walked into his room with him right behind you, you hear him close the door, "Your room smells really nice. Its crazy I haven't been here in a long time." You chuckled.
"Uh, it smells of me." He said. Blood rushed to your cheeks from his confession,  you looked down at your feet, mentally slapping yourself.
"Y/N, here!" You shot your head up and saw a t-shirt flying towards you. You effortlessly catch it, running your fingers along the fabric, "I figured you might need it. The bathroom's... ah...-"
"I know where the bathroom is, James." You smiled at him and walked inside the attached bathroom in his room.  
Bucky paced around the room, fiddling with his fingers. He was nervous. He had you, the girl who he had a massive crush on, in his bathroom and he felt like he was gonna faint.  
"Alright, Alright Bucky, compose yourself." He whispers to himself, his hands tugging the roots of his hair lightly.
He walked back and forth again and again, distracted but then suddenly, he heard a voice, "Bucky, you okay?" He turned around to see you. You stood in front of the bathroom door, wearing his white t-shirt. He noticed how the hem of the shirt stopped just above your knee and you didn't bother wearing pants. Your Y/H/C hair was down and the dim lights in his room made your skin practically glow. You looked breathtaking and that moment he knew he had fallen in love with you.
"Bucky," You say, pulling him out of his thoughts, "You are staring." He was trying so hard not to run over to you and kiss the damn life out of you. But he kept his calm, trying not to be too much of a creep. But he was failing badly, "Umm, I am so sorry."
"Its fine. I am just teasing." You said. You awkwardly walked over to his bed, constantly tugging the hem of his t-shirt. You thought it would be a good idea to go bare legs but you really wished you had worn your pants. You felt under dressed compared to him. You sat on his bed and hurriedly went under the covers, "Come on, Bucky." You patted the empty space next to you.
He pulled the blankets and lied down beside you. You did too, facing him, sandwiching your hands between your face and the pillow. His head was rested on his hand. For some odd reason you both were staring at each other, but it didn't seem weird or anything. You liked staring at him while he liked staring at you.
"Why are we staring at each other?" You joked, making him giggle. His laughter sounded like honey to your ears.
"Honestly, I have no idea." He said.
His eyes moved around your face before he said, "Come closer."
You hesitated at first. You liked Bucky. You really did. But he never really made a move and you were too scared to burden him with your problems. You were too scared to get attached cause once you did, it would be hard to let go.
You move closer to him, placing your head on his flesh arm, "It doesn't hurt, does it?"
"No, of course not!" He said, without a second thought.
"Good." You snuggled more into him. His metal hand went up to your hair. He was nervous that he would hurt you. But as he ran his fingers through it your hair, the softness of his fingers immediately brought the tiredness in your eyes as you yawned. He noticed it comforted you, so he kept doing it. In your sleepy state, you wrapped your free arm around his torso and closed your eyes. In years, for the first time, you felt so relaxed.
It almost felt like home.
You woke up to the warm feeling of Bucky's arms securely wrapped around your body. There was something about him, whether its the softness of his hands or the fact that he smells like love, made you so drawn to him. You noticed he was lying in the same position as you saw him before falling asleep.
"His body must be on fire." You thought to yourself, biting your lip lower lip.
But then, you notice something. Something major. You slept so amazing last night. You didn't get any nightmares or visions, or anything at all! You smiled at yourself. The work that Tony and Bruce couldn't do, Bucky did and the thought made you beyond happy.
You noticed Bucky move underneath you. You probably woke him up, "Good morning, Y/N." He smiled. It was almost as bright as the sun shining outside. You smiled big at him. You felt so happy and so... relaxed.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, as creases frown between his brows.
"So. Good! I didn't get any nightmares or whatever, if that's what you are wondering." You happily said.
"I am glad I could be of some use." He said. You noticed you were still lying on his arm. You quickly sat up, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear, "You didn't move a slight since last night. Your arm must be so sore."
"You looked so peaceful, Didn't want to wake you up." He sat up straight, rested himself against the headboard.
"Thank you, Bucky. This is the first time in years I have slept so well. All because of you. I don't have words to thank you." You confessed earning a big smile from him.
"I think there's a way you can thank me."
"Anything." You replied, nodding your head. He brought his face closer to yours, his flesh arm cupping your cheek. He's so close you could see the blueness of his eyes and its so blue. He licked his lip before pressing it firmly to yours. The kiss was so gently, like he was scared he would harm you. You puckered your lips, kissing him back. His lips slowly worked yours. It was so compassionate and so full of love.
Just as you were about to pull out, the bedroom door burst open, revealing the one and only, Sam Wilson, "Wake up- OH MY GOD!" He exclaimed, turning back.
You both quickly pull away, Bucky glared at Sam, "I am sorry to interrupt your make out session but Tony would like your presence in the conference room. I was about to go to Y/N's room but I guess this saved me a trip."
Bucky threw a pillow at Sam, yelling "We'll be out. Get out now, you asshole." He laughed, shutting the door on his way out.
"That was..." You try to speak, breaking the tension filling the air.
"Stupid! Completely stupid! Do you know for how long I wanted to kis-" He stopped midway, looking at you. You were blushing hard, trying not to smile, "Kiss you?"
"Oh yeah. I think me too."
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jiminsjam · 6 years
hello! Can you make an imagine where the reader has a nightmare and then goes to the gym to relieve her stress? but then Bucky comes in and comforts her and helps her sleep. Thank you :-)
This is such an adorable idea! I will get writing as soon as I can. Thank you for requesting! 
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jiminsjam · 6 years
Let Go
Summary: Based on the song ‘Let it go’ by James Bay, you and your lover try to make things work but it just isn’t meant to be.
Word Count: 0.9K
Requested: Yes :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fighting, Language, Angst, Emotional/ Heartbreaks
Author’s Note: Second Imagine, WOOHOO! Happy reading!
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(GIF credits to owner)
From walking home and talking loads Seeing shows in evening clothes with you From nervous touch and getting drunk To staying up and waking up with you
You and Bucky had been dating for the past two years. He was the love of your life. He was everything you wanted in a man. He was smart, strong, brave and not to mention, incredibly handsome. 
You both were really happy and so in love. Every night, after work, he would walk you home to make sure you were safe. You would tell him about your day and what a bitch your boss was. He would laugh, saying how adorable you looked when you were angry. 
On weekends, you two would go on fancy dates, wearing your best clothes. You two would go to the movies. During the show, he would sneak glances at you, admire how beautiful you were. Afterwards, you would get drunk until you couldn’t stand properly. Bucky, being the sweetest boyfriend, would drive you home. Sometimes he would take you to his home. The fancy clothes that you wore wouldn’t hold any significance as they would end up on his bedroom floor. 
The next morning, sun’s rays would shine on your face as you would struggle with headaches. Bucky would be there. Right beside you. Helping you up, he would feed you your breakfast, shower with you, make love you and the list goes on.
He loved this. He loved every moment with you.
Now we're sleeping near the edge Holding something we don't need All this delusion in our heads is gonna bring us to our knees
But as time passed, the love between you two decreased. He stopped picking you from work. You two would hardly communicate. He was always busy with the missions with Avengers and was rarely home. But when he was, you two would kiss or make love. He wouldn’t whisper sweet things in your ear as you fell asleep on his chest. But rather, you would sleep on one side of the bed and he on the other. You would clutch your teddy bear, the one he got you for your last birthday, and cry yourself to sleep.
The delusion in both of your minds would eat you alive. At the beginning of your relationship, you thought you both would stay together forever. But soon realize, you can’t keep going anymore. Its way too difficult, stressful. 
It’s Toxic.
So come on, let it go, just let it be Why don't you be you, and I'll be me? Everything that's broke, leave it to the breeze Why don't you be you, and I'll be me? And I'll be me
After realization hits you, you planned on letting it go. It was the fifth night in row when he wasn’t home. He informed that he would be back by tonight. With that hope, you waited and waited until night fell.
He came. You told him how you felt. You explained carefully. You didn’t want this anymore. You weren’t happy. Neither was he. You told him that both of you should part ways, live their lives but reassured to be friends. Tears fell from his eyes.
You didn’t love him anymore.
From throwing clothes across the floor To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you If this is all we're living for Why are we doing it, doing it, doing it anymore?
You remember the first time you both made love. It was beautiful. Heck, it was magical! You remember every single bit of it. Every touch, every kiss, every breath, every thrust. 
But love turned ugly. 
You two would fight. Physically and Mentally. You would hit his chest, hard, slap him for lying continuously. This one time he grabbed your arm with his metal arm which resulted in dark, red marks. 
After the incident, he hated his arm more than ever. He hated himself for hurting you, as if he weren’t doing enough already.
I used to recognize myself It's funny how reflections change When we're becoming something else I think it's time to walk away
When you were sleeping, Bucky would sneak in the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. He looked in the mirror and saw a stranger staring back at him. He wasn’t himself anymore. His hair was so greasy, his lips cracked, eyes blood shot, dark bags under his beautiful blue eyes. 
He hated this version of himself. It reminded him of his days locked inside the HYDRA facility. He laughed in the mirror. He thought it was funny what a stressful relationship would do to you. He thought about you. Your words about going separate ways. 
Maybe you were right.
Maybe it was time to walk away. 
Tryna fit your hand inside of mine When we know it just don't belong Cause no force on earth could make it feel right, no no Tryna push this problem up the hill When it's just too heavy to hold I think now's the time to let it slide
You wouldn’t feel the spark anymore. It was dull and dark. It was full of sorrow. They thought they fixed each other. They thought they completed each other. 
But, oh poor souls in love, they were so wrong. 
It was clear that there was someone out there. For you. Who could make you happy like Bucky did. With whom you will move on and live a happy life.
Bucky knew this wasn��t the life he deserved. The ones he loved always slipped away. He thought it was his fault. He blamed himself. He always did. 
No force on this Earth could bring this together, make it right.
You tried, He tried. But in the end, it got too difficult to hold on. Sometimes, maybe letting things go could give you more happiness than holding on.
Come on, let it go, just let it be Why don't you be you, and I'll be me? And I'll be me 
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jiminsjam · 6 years
hey!! i was wondering if you are able to do a very angsty song imagine based on ‘Let It Go’ by James Bay? thank you and have a nice day!! :-)
Yes, of course! Thank you for requesting!
0 notes
jiminsjam · 6 years
I Might Be In Love With You
Summary: After denying your feelings for too long, you are certain you have fallen in love with a certain super soldier.
Word Count: 2K
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: Jealousy, Language, Angst, Smut (nothing too deep)
Author’s Note: This is my first imagine in here and hopefully I will be writing more. I am still learning to use Tumblr (LOL) so bear with me. Also, thank you for reading. ENJOY!
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(GIF credits to owner)
The alarm you had set on your phone last night rung loudly for what seemed like the millionth time, echoing through your room in the Avengers Upstate. You aggressively reached for the phone on the night stand and tried to snooze it again. Just when your head hit the pillows, a light knock on the door made you look up.
“Y/N, its already six am. You gotta wake up now. Come on.” His voice said through the other side of the door.
You buried your face in the pillows to muffle your voice so he wouldn’t hear you, “Fucking Steven!”
“I heard you, you know.” He chuckled. Of course, he did.
“Whatever Rogers. I will be out in five minutes!” You yelled, getting out of the covers. “Wait for me.”
“Looks like someone is having a bad morning today.” Steve said as you both walked to the gym in the building together.
This had become your everyday morning routine. Steve has been your workout partner for a few months now and honestly, you liked working out with him. Being an Avenger meant growing stronger each day and staying in great shape. Steve was just the guy for it. He taught you some of his fighting moves and forced you to get outta bed every morning so that you don’t get lazy. You had to admit waking up at six in the morning wasn’t something you liked. But you knew, this was better for you and you made sure to thank Steve for keeping up with your tantrums.
“Hello! Earth to Y/N!” He waved his hand in front of your face, pulling you out of your thoughts. “You alright?” You nodded, assuring him that it was nothing. 
After a long walk from your room, you both enter the gym, finding it completely empty as usual. You ran inside and started to stretch. Steve waited until you were done so you could get started on the fighting.
“So, Blondie, what are we learning today?” Standing in front of him, hands on your hips, you ask him.
He thought for a moment or at least pretended to before looking at you, “Honestly, I didn’t plan anything for today. Let’s just work on our defending, okay?”
“Fine by me.” 
You got in your position, so does he. Suddenly, he threw punches at you as you effortlessly dodged them. His left leg comes flying to your face but just in time, you managed to lean far back. He missed. 
You attacked this time. You threw punched, tried kicks and back flips. He dodged all of them. 
“Damn, he’s good at this.” You thought.
It doesn’t take much time for you to come up with a plan to bring him down.
Go for the legs.
You got an opportunity to catch him off-guard and kicked his right leg as hard as you could. Successfully, he fell to the floor but then.... so did you. Your feet slipped in the process. You fell on top of him, both of your faces just inches away.
You looked into his eyes and they are just so blue. You were panting. He was too. You couldn’t help but laugh out loudly because of the Great Fall of Steven Rogers. You face falls in his neck and you continued to laugh. He couldn’t help but laugh too. You both were a laughing mess when you hear someone fake coughing behind you to catch your attention.
“I hope I am not interrupting anything.” You looked up to see Bucky standing by the door. You quickly gathered yourself and stood up, offering your hand to Steve. 
“She brought me down again.” Steve told Bucky with a smile. He was proud of you.
“Good.” Bucky almost ignored you both. He had a strange look on his face. He was frowning and seemed so annoyed the whole time. 
“Well Y/N, you can-” He raised his voice a little louder for Bucky to hear, “Stay a little longer to practice.” He emphasized the word and smirked at you. “But I gotta go. See ya.” 
There he was at it again. He left the gym, grinning at you. 
Steve knew about your stupid little crush on his best friend. He tried so hard for you and Bucky to get together and talk to each other but Bucky never seemed to be interested. So, you stopped trying. 
You thought it was only a crush and you would get over it, but your heart didn’t seem to agree. Every time he walked into the room, he would leave you breathless. Every time you looked at you with his perfect blue eyes, your heart would skip a beat. Every time he touched you, just a slightest bit, goosebumps would rise on your skin. Every time he spoke to you, his raspy voice would sound like music to your ears.
These little things made you fall in love with him every day. As much as you liked the feeling, you couldn’t let it lead you on. He’s been to distant from you for the past few months and it ate you up alive. You always thought about where you went wrong that made him hate you. 
“Good Morning, Bucky.” You told him, trying to make conversation. But you couldn’t as his back was facing you this whole time. 
“Mornin’“ He said, wrapping a long piece of cloth on his hands for boxing, not even bothering to look at you.
“You need a partner for practicing? I’m free now.” You smiled even though he couldn’t see your face. 
Then finally he turned around, and peeled the tight t-shirt off his well build body and threw it at one corner of the gym. You chocked on your breath, swallowing hard as he stood there, looking... so good.
He walked towards you, you stiffened. Numbness took over your body and you felt you couldn’t move. He was so close now, you could practically feel his breath falling on your face, “No, Y/N, I am good, Why don’t you after Steve? I am sure his waiting for you in his bedroom.” With that, he stormed out of the gym.
“Okay, what the fuck just happened?” You said to yourself.
You had ENOUGH! You showered after the gym and were determined that you would confront Bucky about his odd behavior towards you. You were on your way to his room but to your luck, you found him in the hallway.  
“We need to talk.” You say, standing upto him.
“So talk.” He says, looking at you. No emotion in his voice.
“Why are you ignoring me?” You asked him, directly. “Or in other words, Why are you being such a bitch to me?” 
“I am not.” He simply stated. You felt your blood boil at his words. Just as you were about to throw a sassy remark at him, Steve appeared out of no where. 
Way to ruin the moment, Steve!
“Y/N, do you wanna go for a movie?” He said. I am tryna talk here!
“Yes.” Bucky turned to him, giving a fake smile, “Of course, she does.” 
Then again, repeating his actions he left me alone again. 
“Woah, what’s up with him?” Steve asked, walking towards me.
“Slow Down! What’s wrong?” He asked, completely clueless about what the heck was going on.
“Bucky has been acting so distant with me lately. I tried to talk to him about it and then you appeared outta no where. He saw you, acted like nothing happened and stormed off.” You crossed your arms and huffed. 
He looked at you like there were two horns on your head, then started laughing hysterically. 
“Its not funny, Steve!” You shoved his chest, pushing him away.
“He’s jealous, Y/N.” What?
“The fuck you sayin’?” My eyes widened at his words.
“Y/N,” He breathed before continuing, “We have been best friends for over a hundred years. I am sure I would know when he’s in love with someone.” He grinned at me.
Then, me being me, I started laughing. Again. Louder this time. 
“Bucky Barnes? In love with me?” I laughed.
After I was done laughing for five minutes straight, he looked at me with a poker face. 
“What are you implying, Steve?” 
He smirked.
“I would like to thank everyone for coming. It was very short noticed-” Tony looked your way, flashing a cheeky smile, “But I am glad you people could make it.”
“Steve, you have five seconds to explain what the fuck you and Tony are doing!” You whisper-yelled to Steve, making sure no one hears you.
“We are gonna make Buck jealous.” He almost sings, smirking at you again.
“Just wait and see.”
Just then, Bucky entered the room. His gaze fell on you, he almost smiled. But then, he saw Steve sitting beside you. He lowered his head and walked towards the bar. 
“Hey Buck!” Steve called him from across the room. NO, THIS IS BAD! “Come sit with us!” He loudly said, over the music.
“Don’t do that!” You whispered, angrily. “Don’t call him here!” 
Too late. He walked towards your table where you, Nat, Steve, and then Bucky were sitting. He sat opposite to you and Steve, beside Nat, smiling. 
“Y/N, you look so beautiful tonight.” Steve had one arm draped around your shoulder, his fingers slowly running up and down your shoulder. 
You glared at him but it changed to a smile soon, “Thank you, Steve.” 
“You are welcome, gorgeous.” 
You raised your head to look at Bucky who’s face and ears were now blood red and he was fuming with anger. While, Nat sipped her Martini, trying so hard not to laugh at our situation. 
There was this awkward silence\ tension in the air but Bucky breaks it, “Nat, you wanna go get a drink?” He held his hand out for her. 
Nat awkwardly looked at Steve and back at you. You could tell she couldn’t say no his request. 
You glared at Steve, shoving him by the chest as he fell on the couch, “I told you he didn’t like me!” 
He sat up again, closer to you than you thought, “Y/N, kiss me.”
“Do it!!” 
You brought your lips closer to his. He huffed, cupped your face and kissed the hell outta you. You broke the kiss, looking him in the eye when suddenly a glass crashed from a distance. 
It was Bucky.
He saw you and Steve kissing.
This wouldn’t end well.
“Bucky, wait!”
And there you were. Running after him from the party he just left. Or running away from a party which was especially arranged to make him jealous. 
You felt like your brain was going to explode because of the whole drama going on. That moment, you hated Steve so much. But internally, you were happy that you and Bucky were going somewhere (probably).
“Bucky, please!! Listen to me.” Then he finally turned around.
“What’s there to listen now, huh, Y/N?” He tauntingly said, walking towards you. 
Seeing him almost hovering over you, your feet took steps backwards, but then your back hit the wall, making you stiff in your position, “Bucky, he kissed me to make you jealous.” You sighed, biting your lower lip. Bucky seemed like his eyes would pop out of the socket at your confession. “This whole... This whole party was planned by Tony and Steve to make you jealous. I am sorry. Steve-”
“Wait, Steve planned all this? To make me jealous?” He asked, still hovering over you.
“Yes! I told him not to!” You said, looking up at his beautiful face. Gah, he is so beautiful that sometimes you wanna cry seeing his face. “Did it work? The plan?” You shyly asked.
“Fuck yes!”
You woke up to a strange feeling of coolness surrounding. You sat up straight, yawning a little. Last night’s events playing like a tape in your head. You smiled, looking down at his peaceful self.
There he was. Sleeping right beside you.
He looked so precious. His brown hair was falling on his face. You reached your hand out to tug the strand of hair behind his face, admiring his sleepy state. Lowering your head, you placed your lips on his forehead, kissing it softly.
Bucky groaned a little but his expression changed, seeing you. He smiled.
“Good Morning, Sunshine.” You said, laying back down, facing him.
“Good Morning, Doll.” He smiled one of his million dollar smiles.
He brought his face up to yours and kissed you, It was nothing to dramatic but it was of love and full of passion. He lied down, still smiling like a child on Christmas Morning.
“I know it might be too soon to say this,” You breathed before continuing, “But I might be in love with you.” 
“I AM in love with you, Y/N.” 
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jiminsjam · 6 years
reading fics in bed like
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jiminsjam · 6 years
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