fly-invisible · 2 years
I lost my best friend 3 years ago- not lost as in dead but lost as in we only text each other on our birthdays now. Movies and books don't tell you that a friendship dying is like the sinking of a ship, you try to get higher and higher and hold onto the rails and unanswered texts, the captain tries to steer it to safety and salvage pieces of two broken hearts until you're left with memories of what once was. We were friends for a decade and knew each other's diaries by heart, I still remember her phone number and the way she took her coffee. Seeing her in streets is like breathing in a scent you forgot you knew but it immediately takes you back to a summer in '07.
Movies and books also don't tell you that friendships don't just end after one fight or incident, it's like the rusting of a bridge, the slow decay of flesh and bones and secrets. It took weeks, months- until one day I woke up and I realized I hadn't thought of her in a while. And I wrote a poem that day and I titled it 'The dying of a best friend' and I put all my love for her in a tiny box with my half of the matching pendant of a dolphin we had and stored them in a corner of my heart under the heading Grief. Where else can one hide unspent love?
It's been 3 years since I lost my best friend, lost as in I still carry our secrets in a tiny box but we only text each other on our birthdays.
-Ritika Jyala, excerpt from The world is a sphere of ice and our hands are made of fire
Edit: here's the visualizer for this piece
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fly-invisible · 3 years
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(Chen Chen, Chapter VIII / Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray / Markus Zusak, I Am the Messenger / Holly Black, The Cruel Prince / Anne Carson, Glass, Irony and God / Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest)
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fly-invisible · 3 years
“Just between us” Sirius promised Remus after he found out Remus was a werewolf in their dormitory one winter morning.
“Just between us” Remus muttered to Sirius the first time they kissed, hidden away in a dark corridor.
“Just between us” James said, grinning at the marauders when they all turned human again after their first full moon together.
“Just between us” Regulus whispered to Kreacher in the cave, just before he drank the poison and was dragged into the lake.
“Just between us” Peter swore to James and Lily as they made him their secret keeper.
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fly-invisible · 3 years
something which came into my mind, completely breaking my heart after so much time has passed, is the resemblance in the story of A Little Life and the Marauders from Harry Potter.
James Potter as Malcolm
Sirius Black as Willem
Peter Pettigrew as JB
and finally Remus Lupin as Jude
The ones that wanted to live the longest died first while the ones who longed death especially after their loved ones passed died last.
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fly-invisible · 3 years
i will never understand why americans write dates like that. it hurts my brain. it's just pure logic to go from day to month to year
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fly-invisible · 3 years
I have heard about so many people reading a little life and feeling equally as touched as I currently feel. It was such an out-of-world experience that I canot really fathom what exactly happened when I finished its last pages. All I know is that I thought about it, specifically Jude, every day since I started reading this book. Occasionally I just start crying. Because in everything I see, I see him, at this point I start hearing him in everything I hear. Pink in the night by Mitski and I know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right can I try again; Want you back by 5sos I still dream for you; Arcade by Duncan Laurence loving you is a losing game. And even though it hurts, I also feel a kind of peace as well as a disturbance but all I know right now is that I never felt like this before, I never saw the world as I see it now and I never perceived life the way I do now. Jude St Francis.
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fly-invisible · 3 years
Isak and Sana’s friendship - throughout the years
The last one gets really really long because I couldn’t stop - I kinda have so many more of these so remind me to do a part 2 sometime <3 if you like of course :)
when Isak and Sana have to prepare for their final exams in third year, Even helps Isak plan a big study session at their apartment. 
there are colourful cushions all over the floor with books stacked in a pile. 
Even has freshly baked brownies placed in the centre, 
and calming music playing in the background. 
Isak claps his hands, raises one eye brow at Sana and exclaims “lets do this” 
they spend the afternoon quizzing each other, yelling at their text books and eating all the sugar Even throws at them before deciding they’ve had enough and going out for pizza
When they graduate, the two hug (something rare for both of them) 
but they struggle to let go, 
when they do Isak blinks his eyes 
and Sana laughs at him for crying 
I just got a fucking eyelash in my eye okay?!
mmhmm that’s it Isabel
but Isak doesn’t know that Sana is struggling not to cry either. Thank god she chose to wear waterproof mascara today. 
Even forces the two to get together as he takes over a million photos of them
Eveeeeeen I think you got enough
Isak are you crying?
fy faen
Turns out the bio dream team ended up both studying at the university of Oslo
Isak is studying med, Sana is studying politics, but still….
somehow they manage to compete and challenge each other for the better
I can’t do this Sana, I give up. Why did I even bother, I am an idiot. I should just drop out
oh okay I didn’t realise you were a coward
you too scared of work huh?
sana nei I-
wanna do something easy?
but I just
or do you want to work hard and accomplish your dream like the nerd I know you are?
well when you put it like that
okay give me your book, I bet I can answer more questions than you
Isak grins
your on Sanasol
When Isak asks Even to marry him (by hiding the ring in their bottle of kardammome and insisting Even makes him a kardamomme sandwich even tho it tastes like balls) Sana is the first person he calls after screaming with the boy squad for an hour
You learnt to tie your shoe laces? well Isak that’s-
nei Sana he said YES
she pauses for a few seconds before whispering “you did it?” 
He said yes?
well of course he said yes, that boy looks at you like your god or something
that’s cos I am
okay stop 
she smiles on the other end, her heart growing five sizes at the thought of her two best friends deciding to spend the rest of their lives together
congratulations Isak, I am so happy for you…you- you deserve this. 
Isak is gonna cry
yeah Isabel?
will you-okay don’t laugh but- will you be our maid of honour?
Sana is speechless
wh-why me?
are you kidding? Sana it all began with you…you and your 10%
her beautiful laugh chimes down the phone
your practically my fairy godmother
oh my gosh say that again and you’ll have to find another maid of honour
well Eskild is keen for the job actually
Sana laughs 
fine i’ll do it
you’ll do it?
i’ll be honoured Isak
When Isak and Even bring home a baby girl from the hospital, Sana stands back as boy squad, girl squad, and the kollektivet fight over holding the tiny human. 
Okay give her to uncle Mags!
Magnus you have literally just held her for 45 minutes, i get her for two seconds and you ask for her back? piss off, Eva says as she presses her face against the small little head
Language! not in front of the baby Noora says horrified,
Vilde grins i’m gonna make her the cutest little aerobics outfit
Is baby aerobics even a thing? Jonas asks as he grabs for the baby
nei back off! Eva says
your being a baby hog Eva 
Eskild shakes his head disapprovingly
now give her to her gurumother
we told you that is not a thing Isak laughs 
I like it Even grins causing Isak to whack him playfully
Mahdi finally manages to steal little evak from Eva and holds her up to his face
hello angel
oh great now we’ll never get her Jonas groans
Sana is standing in the back staring intently at the cute cartoon animals Even painted on the wall
are you going to hold her? Isak’s voice startles her 
um what - uh nah I- I held her before
no you didn’t
yeah um i did
Isak gives her his snake glare
you don’t like my baby?
what? nei I
what’s wrong with my baby Sana?
oh my god
my baby not good enough for her aunt Sana
okay look
hold my baby Sana
Isak- kids are just…I like kids
you like kids?
yes I just
don’t like my kid
fy faen she breathes
LANGUAGE Noora shouts
Isak laughs 
Even Linn held her, why won’t you
okay fine oh my god
She marches over to where Vilde and Eva are tickling the child which is gazing up with big blue eyes laughing at virtually nothing
give me the child she says
Vilde looks up are you sure
Sana rolls her eyes yes i’m sure
she picks up the baby awkwardly and stares at it
she doesn’t get the appeal
Hi baby she says the baby opens it’s mouth and drools
you don’t do much do you?
the baby crinkles it’s eyes in a smile the way Even does and grows red like Isak does when he is embarrassed (which is a lot)
suddenly Sana grows warm. she sits down with the little girl in her arms and smiles at her 
well your not too bad I guess
suddenly she hears a flash from across the room
she looks up to see Even grinning behind a camera
GOT IT he says proudly high fiving Isak
Sana rolls her eyes you two are the worse she says 
she shakes her head at the baby 
your dads are so lame
the baby hums in agreement
i feel bad for you 
the baby pouts
i do and look at those guys over there
she lifts the baby up to show her Mahdi and Magnus playing with a stuffed duck and a stuffed bunny
and then you have Vilde and Eva
she gestures to the girls who are giggling over the baby sock with their arms around each other 
the baby coos
don’t it’s not cute
the baby tilts it’s head in interest
it’s not
the baby isn’t convinced
anyway then you have Noora and Eskild
the babies eyes follow where Sana is pointing
nei Eskild this is plastic, the baby can’t have plastic
oh my gosh Noora you are such a fun sucker 
excuse me?
i’m the fun gurumother you’re gonna be the old hag she tricks into giving her money
You are going to poison her!
Sana rolls her eyes
a mess I tell ya
The baby looks over at Chris who is choreographing a dance routine to the nursery rhyme playing from the music box Noora gave the baby
Sana smiles, yeah okay she’s special, she says 
the baby nods 
Jonas and Linn are in the corner discussing capitalism 
the baby raises her nonexistent eyebrows 
yeah okay I was surprised about that development too
then she finally lets the little girl look at her parents who are laughing at Magnus and Mahdi and trying to tell Noora and Esklid to chillI 
hope you realise how lucky you are Sana says pulling the baby close
I mean they are all crazy, but stick with me kid and i’ll help you through
The baby smiles, she likes that idea
the boys walk over to Sana after a few minutes
hows aunt Sana doing? Even asks
we have an understanding
She loves you Isak smiles, he loves seeing two of his favourite girls together like this
Even picks up his daughter “Okay Lily Flower time for lunch”
Isak grins brightly at seeing his baby in his mans arms
everyone is grinning actually
especially Sana
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fly-invisible · 3 years
while going through hardships
seemingly beneath you,
we get overwhelmed so easily
that it seems glamorous edging on them
while forgetting that it is not more than that
the layers unfold and show 
the darkness that with all of your hunger 
you have been devouring on
like all of us do, like none of us do.
that is the beauty of being human,
this is the foolishness of being here that is us,
following the sheering glamour 
which seems to leave traces of bruises,
lavish enough to not notice 
until we realize the flames 
which have been burning all along,
feeding off on us as much as we feed off on them,
as that is our beauty and this is what makes us human.
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fly-invisible · 3 years
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‘Every single scene that Saoirse and I would wrestle in — that was our suggestion. Sometimes she’d be like, “God I really want to hit you.” And I’d be like, “Me too.” And then we’d have a little wrestle and a hug. That was genuine.’
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fly-invisible · 4 years
“Do not awaken galaxies inside of someone if you are not even fond of stars.”
— Lucy Quin (via wnq-writers)
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fly-invisible · 4 years
The making of “Best Years”
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fly-invisible · 4 years
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another day
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fly-invisible · 4 years
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                                            FINE LINE + SINGLES
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fly-invisible · 4 years
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The magic of May
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fly-invisible · 4 years
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𝖭𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝
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fly-invisible · 4 years
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Laura Harrier as Camille Washington in Hollywood (2020–)
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fly-invisible · 4 years
Is that what we will see when we enter heaven?
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