fight-the-corn · 4 days
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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fight-the-corn · 3 months
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fight-the-corn · 3 months
sbi x reader part 7
I was terrified. The moment the door closed, I was waiting for the hammer to drop, my breathing immediately picking up. But my dad just walked away. What? I was confused. Was I not going to get punished? He walked to the kitchen and I trailed after him, hanging back. He just walked over to the alcohol cabinet and poured himself a drink. Then, he say down at the kitchen island, facing away from me.
Did I seriously get out of a punishment? The tension in my muscles slowly started to dissipate until he set the glass down and turned, crossing his arms.
"You've been gone for a while."
"Yes sir, when the Crafts found me they said I had been in bad condition, I was unconscious for three days. Otherwise I would've returned earlier. "
"I don't remember asking for an excuse."
I incline my head. "I'm sorry sir."
"Your mother is upstairs. Go get her, then come back down here. "
This was where the punishment was coming, and it was going to be bad, I could already tell. I walked up the stairs quickly, no use delaying the inevitable, it would only make it worse. I knocked on my mom's door, telling her dad had asked for her downstairs. Then I walked back down with her behind me.
Dad handed her a glass of whiskey as she entered the kitchen. "Wanna know where shes been all this time?"
My mom raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "So she's back. Where?"
"Apparently the whore took up residence with a family of four guys. You can guess what she's been doing this whole time. "
I went to interject. "No, it's not like that! They just took care of me, I had gotten frostbite and I was literally freezing on the street after you kicked me out! I was unconscious for almost the whole time! I wasn't sleeping with them! "
"A likely story. Either way, you're about to regret it. Don't pull that shit again."
Before I could respond, a hand cracked against my face. I felt a fist drive into my ribs. My arms were yanked behind me, I was forced into a painful position.
"It's gonna be a long night, princess, buckle up."
Meanwhile, the Crafts were debating their options. As soon as Phil got back to the car, Techno spoke up. "We all know she's going to be beaten to a pulp in there. Why did we let her just go home?"
Phil responded with a calm voice but a displeased face. "We can't force her to stay Tech. As much as I don't want to send her to those monsters, we can't do anything until she lets us. She should trust us, plus it's not a good idea to make her life decisions for her."
Wilbur spoke up. "She doesn't even know we're an option though! We'd gladly take care of her but she doesn't know to come to us! "
Tommy was quiet, which was unusual. When he spoke, he didn't speak in his normal loud voice. "I think we should tell her we could be an option. The foster homes where you'd be hurt but you had nowhere to go were the worst. She should at least be able to spend the bad nights with us."
"We can't just tell her we know though! I only know because I saw the bruises as the Blade. "
"We can just offer her sanctuary. She can choose whether or not to use it. As we build trust, we can talk about a more permanent solution with her. Don't push her for anything though." Phil spoke. In the end, they agreed on that plan.
Wilbur shot her a quick text saying "we loved having u! Feel free to swing by any time u need us, no matter how early or late! :)" and that was that for the time being.
My whole body hurt. I was sore in places that shouldn't be sore, bruises all over me. It hurt to walk, to stand, to exist. I wanted to cry. I think that was the worst it has ever been. I wasn't sure if my arm was fractured or not, not like I could get it checked. I wrapped it as best I could with what I had, then peeked at my phone. I saw the text from Wilbur and smiled. I let myself hope that, since they knew, they could help me. Maybe I could get out of this hellhole. Deep down, I knew it wasn't true, but a girl can hope, which is exactly what I planned on doing.
It was a Tuesday, so I had to go to school. I went back to the routine that I was so used to, the everyday lifestyle from before. Make breakfast, out of the house by the time mom and dad were up. Go to school. Do the shit that needed to be done. Class, homework, repeat. I had my lab in chem, but I hadn't gotten to write a pre-lab for it, so I was behind everyone. I had two tests that I hadn't been able to study for, so I'm like 90% sure I failed them both. Overall, it was stressful. I missed the Crafts. I wished more than anything that I had a family to fall back on. They were so lucky.
At least I was able to slip by my parents after school. I made dinner, then went to my room, having downed whatever scraps I could sneak, not wanting to risk an argument and possibly beating tonight. Laying in my bed, working, I slipped into a rhythm of work. I was only pulled out when I heard a knock at my window. I went to the window to see Blade, right on my second story balcony.
After I got over my jumpscare of seeing him, I opened the door, letting him in.
"Hi, I'm so glad you came by! I had to thank you for the other night, I'm so sorry I bothered you so late, but you probably saved my life with that favor. Thank you for getting me to a safe place."
He just nodded. "Why were you outside in the first place? "
"Um, I got in a fight with my parents. so I left."
He crossed his arms. "Don't bullshit me. You were kicked out."
I sighed. "Yeah. I was kicked out."
"You know, if that happens again, just call the Crafts. They loved you. They'd rather take you in again than let you freeze."
"Are you sure? They're so nice, I don't want to take advantage of that."
"You're not. They offered. I just said I'd pass along the message."
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. They liked me? They wanted me around? That was more than I had ever hoped. At least I knew he wasn't lying, because this was literally Techno.
"How do you even know them so well?" Probably not the best idea, playing dumb, but I kind of wanted to push a little bit. Learn a bit more.
"We're close. They know a lot about me, and I know a lot about them. We've gotten each other out of some bad situations before. I trust them."
I nod. "How much did you tell them about me? Really? They said not much, but they seemed to know quite a bit about my living situation."
"I told them you're parents didn't seem very nice, and I didn't know the extent of it but I knew you were being hurt. "
At least he wasnt lying to me. He reminded me of techno, even after only knowing him for a short time. He had the same blunt responses to questions, where it seemed clear that he wasn't lying, but he wasn't trying to cushion or sugarcoat anything either. I appreciated it.
"Well, again, I wanted to say thank you for getting me to a safe place. I really appreciate it. I probably would've had a very long night if you hadn't picked up. Um, I'm not sure how the favor business works, so do I owe you one for that? Because it was pretty big. A lot bigger than just letting you stay here for 10 minutes. "
"Nah. We're even now."
I nod. "Ok. Um, can I ask why you came by? Not to be impolite, I'm just curious. "
"Just checkin on you."
"Oh." I was surprised, I didn't expect that. "Thanks?"
" No problem. so you're ok, right? "
"Sorry, I'll reword that. You're not okay, clearly, but if it ever gets too much, call me or go to the Crafts. Seriously."
"It's nothing I can't handle."
"Its nothing you should have to handle."
"Its okay. I'm used to it."
For the first time, his tone changed from monotone to slightly agitated. "You shouldn't be!"
I bite my cheek at the change, immediately backing down. "Okay. I'll call you if I need anything."
"Don't just say that to make me happy. I'm sorry for raisin' my voice at you. But do call. We're here. "
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Uh, I'm gonna head out now though. Still gotta patrol tonight. "
"Alright. Bye! And thank you again!"
Part of me was screaming not to trust them, they were villains. But a tiny bit of me just wanted to call, and ask for help, because I knew that they were kind and patient and everything I had ever dreamed of in a family. It's fine, I tell myself. I'll survive. I have until now.
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fight-the-corn · 4 months
sbi x reader part 6
After I talked with Phil and Techno, I went to the living room and grabbed a book. Techno joined me soon after. I was curled up in an armchair by the fire, while he laid along the sofa. The quiet was nice, but also cruel. Part of me just enjoyed being around him, being near him. He had a calming presence. The other part of me was too focused on what was going to happen when they dropped me off.
Techno called me out before I even noticed I had stopped reading. In his monotone voice, which I honestly found relaxing, he suddenly spoke. "Are you okay?"
I almost jumped. But I didnt. " Yeah, why? "
"You look super stressed. Like, super stressed. And you haven't flipped a page in a while."
I had no response. I couldn't explain. Maybe I should apologize? "I'm sorry."
Now he just looks confused. "What're you apologizin' for?"
Shit. Usually I'm not questioned this much. I say sorry and that's that. "Um, I wasn't focusing on what I should have been focusing on?"
He looked skeptical. "Are you asking me or telling me? Either way, it doesn't matter. You don't have to do anything. If you don't wanna read, just don't read. Or choose a new book if that one's boring."
I nod quietly and go to the shelves to get a new book. I choose a bigger one, so hopefully it'll go unnoticed if I don't put for a while again. I glance over at Techno. His nose is in his book, but I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly what I was doing the whole time I was in here anyways.I
About fifteen minutes later, Wilbur comes in and flops down onto the rug, groaning dramatically. I immediately sit up. Techno doesn't react at all.
Tentatively, I ask Wilbur, "are you okay?"
He rolls over and looks up at me, pointing and groaning. "How dare you leave so soon! My trust in you has been betrayed, I thought you loved us!"
Fuck. I didn't want to offend them by leaving, not when they had been so kind to me. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you felt disrespected, I thought I should get home-"
I was cut off by Techno. "Olivia, he's not mad. He's just dramatic. Don't stress. I what you want to do. You're welcome to stay longer, but no pressure if you want to go home."
I chew my lip. I really want to stay. Like, really badly. But the longer I stay away, the worse the punishment was going to be. "I can still visit you if you'd like?" Inside I was praying that they'd say yes, they were all so sweet. Who'd have thought the supervillains had a better family dynamic than my family?
"Darling, I thought that was a given. We're going to miss you, of course we want to see you!"
I smile, relaxing without noticing it. Techno noticed it though. He was pretty sure Wilbur did too. He had told his family that she was abused at home, none of them knew why she was fighting so hard to go back home. However, none of them wanted to force her to stay either. They came to a consensus that they'd keep an eye on her, both as supervillains and the Craft family.
Within the next hour, Tommy had woken and learned the news. He wasn't too happy, but he couldn't stop it, so everyone loaded up in the car. The job of DJing was offered to me, but I politely declined. I was worried they wouldn't like my music, so Wilbur, who had gotten shotgun, was the DJ. We listened to music the whole way, it was rather quiet. I was trying to hide my anxiety, but I'm sure they picked up that something was wrong.
Finally, Phil pulled into my driveway. To my surprise and horror, they all went to get out of the car.
"Um, my parents are kind of private people, so I think it would be best if only one person came? If that's okay?"
"I'll go." Phil spoke up. Techno looked like he was going to protest but was shot down by a stern look from Phil.
Phil and I got out and walked up to my door. I knocked, somewhat tentatively. Almost immediately, I heard footsteps approach and the door opened. My dad answered the door. I shrank back at the sight of him. Not too much, I didn't want Phil to notice or worry. (Clearly, I didn't succeed, but there was no need for me to know that.)
Fortunately or unfortunately, he was sober. He reached out to hug me, ignoring as I blanched at the idea of touch, neither of us seeing the disapproving look from Phil. He talked to Phil for a bit, thanking him. Phil told him it was no problem, his family loved me, I was a wonderful guest, etc. I was blushing, not used to being spoken of so highly. After about five minutes of Phil making no move to leave, just talking more, my dad finally made an excuse.
"Well, thank you so much for dropping her off, we'll let you get back to your day now! We'll see you around, I'm sure!"
With that, he pulled me in the house and closed the door, sealing my fate.
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fight-the-corn · 4 months
tcfsv sbi x reader part 5
Techno. Phil's "third son". That is the Blade, right there. I'd know the man who saved my life anywhere.
I can't let him know I know. That could end very badly. So I smile, say "hello" and "nice to meet you". I introduced myself, let him think he tricked me. I sit with them quietly, listening to them talk, answering questions every now and then when it's required. And I process the new information.
After some time, the family dispersed. I went back to the room I was staying in. I knew I couldn't stay for much longer, that would be rude, but I would stay here for as long as I could. Maybe it was selfish of me, but I wanted to be looked at the way this family looked at each other. Lovingly.
That night, Phil knocked on my door. He told me that they were going to have dinner before they had to go work. I was welcome to join.
I went down happily, hoping on basking in the family's positive energy for one last night before I left. Techno and I set the table while Wilbur and Tommy bickered. Then we all sat as Phil brought over the plates of lasagna he had made.
I mostly listened as the conversation flowed, laughing more than I ever remember laughing in my life. I loved Tommy's joyful young energy, Wilbur's sarcastic jokes and snarky comments, and Techno's dry but witty lines that weren't common, but were hilarious when he used them. Phil mediated but joked right along side everyone. God, I was going to miss this. The longer I stayed, the less I wanted to go back to the life I knew before.
Soon, dinner came to an end. They had to leave for work. I offered to clean up, but Phil denied, saying they'd take care of it when they got home. However, I think we both knew I'd do it as soon as they left. They were rushing out the door then, even Tommy. I was curious what work they had where they brought their child.
I cleaned the kitchen then opened my phone to scroll. On the news, I saw a villain fight was live. I clicked the link to watch the live. Hang on. That was Blade. No, that was Techno. Suddenly, it clicked. Work. They were supervillains. That was their job. That meant...
The healer, Apollo's, bright blond hair was recognizable to the point where I wonder why I hadn't made the connection earlier. Tommy? And the smile on Siren was so clearly the one I had just sat across from as I ate, that was Wilbur, so that left the Angel of Death as Phil. God, I would never have thought. They were so kind, so gentle, nothing that I would have expected of a supervillain family.
Then, I realized. They are a supervillain family. They were repaying a favor they owed me. This wasn't a thing they would just do. This was only repaying one kindness with another. And I had been there for for days. I needed to leave. I resolved to head out the next morning, to not overstay my welcome any longer.
I went to bed before they got home. When I got up in the morning, I found I was the third awake. Techno and Phil were speaking in low voices in the kitchen when I went down. They stopped when I entered. I greeted them and was greeted in return, and passed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. I thanked them. It was quiet for a moment. Then, I broke the silence.
"I was going to go home today, if that's okay?"
Phil looked suprised. "You sure mate? You're welcome to stay here for as long as you want, you know that right?"
"Yeah, I was just thinking my parents are probably worried."
Techno huffs. I hold myself back from wincing. I forgot he knew what my family was like, and could definitely see through the lie. Oh well. He won't call me on it.
We clearly aren't on the same wavelength. "You sure? You turned up with a lot of weird bruises. You can stay if you want. At least until you're fully healed."
I shake my head. "It's fine. I'll be fine. I can handle it myself, but thank you so much for your guys' kindness."
Phil smiles. "Of course, little one."
Normally, I'd complain about the nickname. But the way he says it, there's no malice or underlying jab. It's just...nice. My heart hurts. I'm going to miss them so much.
Techno speaks a moment later. "At least wait until Wil and Tommy are up. They'll want to say goodbye. We can all drop you off."
"Oh, no, it's okay, I can get home myself -"
Phil cuts me off. "It's fine mate, I want to meet your parents anyways. They must be wonderful people to have raised such a lovely kid."
He knows too. I could just tell, with the tone of his voice. But I can't say no. So I nod, and pray to whoever may be out there that my parents will at least act like they're fit to raise a child for the next day or so.
But deep down, a part of me hopes they dont, because this family doesn't seem like the type to abandon someone in a place like that.
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fight-the-corn · 4 months
sbi (tcfsv) x reader part 4
The next time I woke up, I was in a soft bed. I looked around the room. I didn't recognize it at all. What had happened? Then, I remember my mom kicking me out. I remember sitting in the snow. I remember the Blade picking me up and bring warm. I remember the cold. Holy shit. Was I in a random hotel somewhere? I look around. It didn't look like a hotel. I stand up, slightly wobbly. What time was it? What day was it? Where the hell am I? I quickly walk to the hall. I'm still in my clothes from when I left, but now I had a warm bathrobe wrapped around me too.
I opened the door and realized that I was in a house. Who's house could I be in? I walked out into the hall, towards a staircase. I decided I should probably go down, I might find someone. It was slightly dark in the house, but not like a nighttime dark, more like a stormy or cloudy dark. When I send down the stairs, I found an empty living room, so I walked past it. I heard noise further down the hall so I kept padding along. I found a kitchen and I saw a man in it. He was unfamiliar. All of a sudden, I realized: I don't know the rules of this house. Would I get in trouble for being here? Am I allowed to be in the kitchen? Was I even allowed to have left my room? I was debating going into the kitchen when a head poked around the corner. He saw me and smiled.
"Hey mate! I thought I heard someone coming! Come on in, I'll make you something! How are you feeling?"
He seemed nice at first glance. He had longer blond hair, and a friendly demeanor. He was older, old enough to be my dad, if I had to guess. The thought made me nervous. I didn't want to upset him this quickly, so I followed quietly, sitting down at a smaller dining table.
"I was just making some food, are you hungry? I have plenty extra. By the way, I'm Phil."
" Oh, I'm ok. I'll be fine. And nice to meet you, I'm Olivia."
I was still trying to be as quiet and polite as possible. He was quiet while he finished cooking, then turned with two plates, setting one in front of me and the other before him.
"So, mate, how are you feeling? "
"I'm very well, thank you for letting me stay here. May I ask how long I've been here for?"
Phil smiled, but it has some pity in it. "Three days. You gave us quite a scare when you showed up. "
My eyes widen. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I've completely overstayed my welcome, I'm so sorry for any trouble I've caused you, thank you so much for letting me stay, I'll be out of your hair now." I stood up quickly.
"Mate, relax. Please sit. You're fine. We know the Blade, when he told us he had a half dead teen girl who needed a place to stay, we were happy to take you in. You're welcome to stay for as long as you want. "
I slowly sit back down. "What do you mean half dead?"
"You showed up with frostbite on your hands and feet, and lots of minor injuries on you that I have no idea how you got. If I had to guess, you had a mild concussion as well. You were passed out from hypothermia as well."
"Did you have to buy anything? I don't have a lot of money, but I can pay you back if you give me some time-"
"Nope, you don't have to do that. We didn't have to buy anything, just wrapped you up in warm things and gave your body time to heal. And again, we would love it if you stayed here for a while, you seem very nice and we want to make sure you're recovering well."
I nod. "Thank you, again, thank you so much. I don't think I would have made it through the night of you hadn't taken me in."
Phil smiled sadly. "You definitely wouldn't have. If I can ask, why were you outside in the first place?"
I started chewing on my lower lip. "Did the Blade tell you anything about me before he left?"
"Nope, told us he owed you a favor and you called it in asking for a warm place. He wanted to make sure you were ok, but he didn't tell us much. "
"Oh, ok." I pause for a second, debating how much I should tell him. He seems nice but I don't want him to call CPS or anything. "Um, I got in a big fight with my mom, and I ended up leaving."
He looked at me critically for a second, like he didn't believe me. "Not the smartest choice, mate, I have to say. especially in 15 degree weather. "
I hung my head. "I realize that now."
All of a sudden, we were interrupted by quick footsteps down the hall. A blond boy, looking about my age, maybe a bit older, ran in, chased by a brunette man. Both of them stop when they see me.
"WOMAN ALERT!" The boy yells.
"Tommy!" The brunette hisses, slapping a hand over the younger's mouth. Then, he turns to me and says, "Hello! I'm Wilbur, this is Tommy. Sorry, he's never talked to a girl before." Suddenly he jerks his hand back. "Ow! You dick! Dad, he bit me!"
"You're a bitch Wilbur. I've talked to many girls before." He grins at me. "I have millions of wives."
I giggle. "Congratulations."
Phil speaks up. "These are 2 of my 3 sons, Wilbur and Tommy. Boys, this is Olivia. I don't believe you've met Techno. Actually, Tommy, go tell him to come down and be social for a bit."
Tommy grins mischievously. "Oh, he'll love that."
That makes me nervous. I glance at Phil. "If he doesn't want to, that's fine, I can meet him later. No issue, I don't mind, I don't want to trouble him."
Wilbur was the one to wave me off. "Don't worry about it. He'll be happy to see that you're awake. It'll be good for him to come down too."
Tommy runs off to grab Techno, and I'm sitting with Wilbur and Phil. Wilbur smiles mischievously. "So, Olivia, how old are you?"
"I'm sixteen."
The smirk dropped off Wilbur's face. Did I say something wrong?
"I'm sorry, is that bad? I can be mature, I won't act like a kid or anything."
"No! No. You're fine. I just thought you'd be... Older, that's all."
Wilbur was still looking a bit bothered, but I chose not to bring it up any more. All of a sudden, Tommy came in leading a large man with pink hair, who looked a lot like...
The Blade?
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fight-the-corn · 4 months
TCFSV SBI x reader part 3
Seasons changed from Autumn to winter. Times has still been rough for me. I hadn't seen The Blade for about a month and a half. I was still bruised, still breaking, but I kept his words at heart. I knew he could take care of the people that had caused me so much pain, but I was scared. Scared of losing them-they were all I knew. Scared of the responsibility of living in my own at sixteen, scared I might be out into the foster system. There were too many things that scared me about the situation. I just didn't know what to do.
December 7th was when my world changed.
It was a relatively normal day for me so far. I got out of bed, went to school, came home. It had been snowing for the past few days. The roads were banked with at least a foot. It was cold, very cold. The weather app would say something like 15 degrees, but it felt like hell had frozen over. For me, maybe it had. Maybe I was trapped in with the creatures of the night.
I got home to yelling. Again, nothing unusual. Slipped up to my room. Did my homework. By the time I finished, it was about 6pm? 7pm? I don't remember. I went downstairs to get some food. That's where I went wrong.
My mom was standing in the kitchen. I greeted her quietly, eyes down. She didn't respond.
"May I have some food, mother?"
She looked up. Her eyes were rimmed red. She was clearly high at the moment.
"You-you fuck... Fucking whore!" She slurred. She grabbed my wrist. This itself wasn't where I had an issue. I was used to this behavior.
"Mother, do you need something? Can I help you with anything?"
" get out of my house. We have friends over tonight. They'll be using your room. "
"What? Mother, it's freezing outside! I can't spend the night out there!"
"You can and you will. You sure as hell won't be in this house tonight. "
She threw a coat at me. "Out!"
She shoved me towards the door. I stumbled, still in shock. "you're kicking me out? It's 15 degrees!"
She didn't respond, just walked to the door in front of me and opened it.
"If you don't leave right now, it'll be worse. And if you hang around here, I'm calling the cops. Now fuck off."
Techno wasn't worried about her. He didn't think about her. He didn't think about the fear in her eyes of the bruises on her face. If Wilbur or Tommy teased him, he'd say he just didn't want to owe anyone anything. Phil would look at him smiling. One time he tried to lecture Techno on emotions and how they were important and totally fine. He didn't stand for that. He was not attached to the girl. It's not like he was ready to take out the pair of assholes who called themselves parents at any second, as soon as she gave the okay. Totally not. He just didn't like that she had to live a life like that. so he gave her the Syndicate number.
Now, the Syndicate number is somewhat of a business number. Phil had the phone that it called, but he usually left it in the kitchen, so if it rang, whoever was closest would pick it up. Usually, the Syndicate used it for buisness, tip offs, and favors. It rarely rang.
So Techno stepped back. Didn't visit again. Tried to leave it be until she decided what she wanted. It wasn't until December 7th, at around 10 pm, did the Syndicate phone go off.
It was getting late. It had been dark for at least 4 hours. It had felt like the temperature was continually dropping for the first three hours. Now, it just hurt. Everything hurt. I was shaking but I wasn't cold. I sat down against a wall for a minute, then decided I needed to keep moving. When I tried to stand, I couldn't move my muscles. My fingers were starting to turn blue. It hit me then, if I stayed out, I wouldn't survive the night. I wanted to cry. I was scared. Lonely. Cold. I had no plan. I didn't know what to do.
Then, I remembered the favor.
It just so happened that Wilbur wanted some hot chocolate. He was hearing up milk when the Syndicate phone rang. Not startled, but slightly surprised, he went to answer it. They weren't awaiting any calls. What surprised him even more was the voice on the other end after he spoke.
"Hello, may I ask who's calling?"
"Can I please speak to Blade?"
It must be the girl that Techno had given a favor to. He hadn't said much about her, just that he owed her a favor and she was under his protection. She sounded young. And cold. He could hear her teeth chattering on the other end of the line.
"May I ask who's calling?"
"I'm Olivia."
" Alright, give me one sec. "
Wilbur went to walk up the stairs. Techno was in his room. Wilbur knocked on the door, and smugly looked at Techno.
"You have a call."
" What? "
"A certain girl called asking for you. You may want to get it?"
Techno stood and quickly walked down stairs. Wilbur followed, wanting to see if unfold.
"Hello? "
Techno spoke into the phone. Wilbur could hear her voice through the phone.
"Is this Blade?"
"Yes. What do you need."
"Um, can I call in my favor? "
" I don't know, can you?"
"is that a yes or a no? If it's a no, um, that's ok, I'm sorry I bothered-"
"Its a yes. What do you need."
"Oh. Um, can I ask for you to set me up with a warm place for the night? Or is that too much?"
Wilbur stopped smirking. A warm place? Really? She had access to all the Syndicate resources and she asked for one night somewhere warm? What was this?
"Nah, that's not too much. We can do that. What are you thinking? Hotel?"
" Um, I'm not particular. I don't want to trouble you. Just somewhere to go where my fingers won't be blue anymore. "
She sounded like she was trying to make a joke, but even through the phone Wilbur could hear the fearful undertones. Wilbur froze. He saw Techno did too. Was she outside? In this weather? With the wind and the snow?
"Can I ask where you are right now, Olivia?" Techno speaks into the phone, voice more urgent.
"I'm on Logsteadshire road. "
" Outside? "
"And how long have you been there?"
"About 2 hours? Maybe 3?"
Wilbur spoke up now, whispering to Techno. "i'll get a guest room ready. Bring her here. "
Techno nods.
"I'm coming to get you. I need you to walk around, don't stop until I get to you, okay?"
" I can't stand up though. I'm too cold. "
Techno swears under his breath, rushing to the car. "Ok. Can you try?"
" it's ok, I'm sleepy. I'll just take a nap until you get here. "
"No, Olivia, I need you to try to stand, okay? At least keep talking to me."
" Ok. Actually, I changed my mind. You don't need to come get me. "
Technoblade was already speeding towards where you were, but he asks why to try to keep you talking. "Why is that?"
" I'm not even that cold anymore. "
This makes him press the gas harder.
"Then can you try to stand up?"
" Mmmmhmmm. "
It was quiet for a second.
"My legs aren't working. I can't feel them."
"That's ok, I'm almost to you. Then, we'll get you to a nice warm fire, and you'll have lots of blankets, okay?"
"Mkay. That sounds nice."
He turns the corner on to Logsteadshire Road, slowing his speed to look for you. You come into view, huddled in the snow. He jumps out of the car, quickly walking over to you. He reached down, picking you up. God, you're freezing. He sets you in the passenger seat, then goes around and gets himself in. You're still talking into the phone, so he reached over and buckled you up, then took the phone gently out of your hand.
"Hi Olivia. I'm here."
"Blade! I didn't know if you were going to come!"
"I owed you a favor, of course I came. We have a good place for you, we'll be there soon. You're gonna be okay."
"Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this, I'm sorry for bothering you. "
"It's fine. Just rest, you're safe."
Soon, he looks over, and she's asleep in the passenger seat. Quietly, under his breath, he mutters, " I'm glad you did call. "
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fight-the-corn · 4 months
TCSFV SBI x reader
The next time I saw him, I really didn't know why he was there. In my room. Again. This time, I'd had another tough night. It wasn't as bad as some of the other nights. I was still healing from a few days ago - I think I sprained my wrist when I tried to catch myself after a particularly bad push. A previous black eye was in the process of healing, which unfortunately meant I had greenish yellow bruising around my eye. I looked like shit, and I knew it. Not a problem though, because nobody would be seeing me, or so I thought.
I walked into my bedroom, and immediately saw the Blade in my bed, leaning against the headboard, sitting on top of the covers. I gasp and do a double take from surprise, then realized it was only him.
"Another hero fight?"
His response took me by surprise. Why would he come here of his own accord? After a moment of processing, I asked him.
He looked up. "Wanted to talk to you."
He shrugged. "Looked into you. You're pretty interesting."
"What's that supposed to mean? Both of those statements - why would you look into me and what makes me interesting? "
He just looked at me. The mask was not only unsettling, it also made reading his expressions very hard.
"Are you joking or do you seriously want an answer? "
"Of course I want an answer, why else would I ask?"
"Well, I was in your house a week ago. Wanted to make sure you didn't report anything. Also wanted to check out your background so there wasn't just some rando who saw me doing weird stuff. "
"Did I pass?"
"Ok." There's an awkward pause for a second.
"If I passed, why did you come back?"
He raised an eyebrow. "I still owe you that favor, don't I? Wanted to see if you'd thought about it at all."
"Oh. No, I haven't. Do I have a deadline? "
"Nah. Favors last forever, until they're repaid. We just don't like owing people favors. "
"That's understandable. Can I ask, what do people use favors for, usually? I just don't know what to do with it. "
He looked at me with a knowing look. "It's not uncommon for people to use their favors to get out of situations that are less than ideal. Whether that be setting up a new life with fake documents and a place to live, a little extra cash, or taking care of some people, you understand?"
His comment reminded me of the company I was in at the moment. A person who was a dangerous villain, one who killed. It also reminded me that he saw my injuries. I unconsciously reached up and touched my face, feeling a tender part of my jaw and ghosting my fingers over my eye.
I realized he was waiting for an answer. "Um, thank you, I'll keep that in mind, but I don't think I'm gonna use my favor yet."
He doesn't respond, just nods.
"One more question though, sorry."
"Um, if I decide to use a favor, how would I get in touch with you to ask?"
He's quiet and unmoving for a second. I start to backtrack, worried I made a mistake asking. "I mean, it's fine if there's not a way, don't worry about it..."
He replies "No, there's a way. I'll give you the phone number for the Syndicate. Share it with anyone, and you're dead. It doesn't matter who picks up, just ask for me and you'll get through. "
I nod. "Thank you."
He gets up off the bed. "Look kid. I'm glad we got that sorted, but seriously, don't let them treat you like this. " He motions to your face, I'm all of its bruises glory. "Have some self respect." Before I can respond , he's out the window.
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fight-the-corn · 5 months
syndicate!sbi (tcfsv) x abused reader
It had been a rough night. I hadn't eaten all day, and my mom had been pissed off about something or other. To Top it all off, she was drunk off her ass too. Because of this, I was now struggling to my room, multiple new bruises and burn marks from cigarettes. Thank God my dad was out for the night, at least I only have her to deal with. I get to my door, open it with a sigh of relief, and collapse into my room. I lay on the floor for a second before I feel a hand over my mouth. My eyes widen in panic, struggling to turn and see who the hell is in my room.
"Shut up and be still or you'll regret it" a metallic voice speaks from behind me.
I do my best to nod. No use fighting. A voice changer means one of three things. Hero, villain, or vigilante. Heros don't ever patrol this part of town. I'm alone with either a villain or vigilante. After a second the voice speaks again.
"Look, I'm not going to hurt you if you don't give me a reason to, but if you scream when I let go, I won't refrain from killing you. Got it?"
I nod again. vigilantes don't usually threaten your life. That leaves one left. I have a villain in my room. The arms holding me down slowly let go. I don't scream. I slowly turn around. The Blade stands behind me. I do a double take.
"Not to be rude, but why are you here?" I ask, still trying to gain my breath.
" hero fight went downhill. Layin' low for now. Your window was the closest. "
Great. Great. Great. Ok, what do I do. Can I kick him out? Will he be offended? Probably.
"Um, are you okay? Do you... Need anything? I don't know, what should I do with you here?" I ask, still unsure.
He raised an eyebrow. "I'm fine. You don't look like you could say the same."
Fuck. He saw. Not that I could hide it.
"oh, I'm good! Just a little clumsy, is all. It's ok. " I put on a fake smile, praying that he wouldn't question it.
"You must be a special kind of clumsy if you can call face first into someone's hand hard enough to leave a mark." He gave me a look that said "don't bullshit me".
"look, just leave it alone. Please? "
he didn't say anything, just nodded. After a few seconds of silence he spoke again.
"i'll head out in five of so minutes. "
" thanks for not turning me in. "
"no problem "
"Look. Now I owe you one, for not reporting me."
My eyes widen . "No! No, that's not why I did this. You don't have to do that."
" too late. I already did. "
And with that, he was out the window.
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fight-the-corn · 7 months
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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fight-the-corn · 1 year
Avengers x soulmate reader chapter nine
Unfortunately, no matter how well the situation had been dealt with, it still left you on edge for the rest of the day. You were a lot jumpier than normal, and it didn't go unnoticed. Natasha was especially aware of it, and decided to take it in herself to figure out what was going on. She realized that you had been acting anxious all morning, playing with your fingers and chewing the inside of your cheek. Then, you left with Tony for an hour to get your stuff and came back much more anxious, so obvious that even Thor was picking up on it and asking if you were ok. She knew that you hadn't offered to introduce your new soul mates to your parents, so she had figured that the relationship wasn't ideal, but now she realized that it might be worse than she had previously thought. Tony might be annoying and an asshole sometimes, but he wouldn't hurt the people that he loved, so Nat knew it wasn't him, especially because you were gravitating towards him for the rest of the day. She wanted to ask about your family life to confirm her suspicions,but she didn't want to stress you out more. So, she went with the next best option. Tony.
She figured the best time to approach him would be when he was working alone in his lab.
"Hey Tony, can I talk to you real quick?"
" Sure thing, Nat, what's up? "
"What's y/n's family situation?"
He set down his tools.
" Why do you ask? "
"She was nervous this morning before she left. When she came back from seeing her parents for the first time in like 2 weeks, she was the most jumpy I've seen her, aside from when she panicked after breaking that plate. I would ask her but I don't want to stress her out more. What's going on with her family?"
Tony sighed and motioned for Natasha to sit.
"I think it's better if you get the full story from her when she's ready, but you're overall right. She doesn't have a great relationship with her parents, and after meeting them today, I don't blame her. I'd say give her some time to get over this then talk to her about it. I want her to be in control of what everyone knows."
" ok Tony, thanks. Don't go to bed too late. " Natasha said as she started to get up and walk out.
"No promises!"
Natasha was torn. She wanted to respect you and your privacy, but she also wanted to know what you were going through so she knew how to better help you. She didn't want to violate your trust, but then again, you didn't have to know...
She decided to go pay a quick visit to your parents.
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fight-the-corn · 1 year
when I say that all I have is Christ, I don't mean it like a sad thing, I mean it like a gift, the most precious thing possible! 🌌🥺
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fight-the-corn · 1 year
Avengers x soulmate reader chapter eight
AN: I'm sorry I've been gone for so long! I'm finally back! I'm hoping to post a couple updates soon, but idk how motivated I'll be! Merry Christmas everyone!
You had been living with the Avengers for almost a week, wearing Natasha's clothes. Tony had told you in private that there was no reason for you to go back to your house, and it had been tempting to try. Unfortunately, you had some keepsakes that were very important to you and you had to go back and get them, or you would never rest easy. Little things like photos with your old friends that you could never forget were worth the world to you.
Today was the day you decided to go. Tony insisted on coming with you, because what kind of a soulmate would be be if he let his little soulmate into a place that would traumatize her with one wrong move alone? He had agreed not to take any of the other Avengers, just telling them you and he were going out.
Arriving at your house, you took a deep breath.
"Tony is here. I am safe. He won't let me get hurt.". You repeated to yourself over and over, convincing yourself it was true as you walked up to the front door. You raised your hand to knock, took a deep breath, glanced back at Tony who have you a reassuring smile from the bottom of the steps, then knocked there times.
You heard footsteps, before the door was thrown open.
"Finally decided you were good enough for this family huh? Get in here.". Your father grabbed your wrist and roughly dragged you into the room. Within 3 seconds, he was pinned on the wall with Tony's hand on his throat.
" You don't get to touch her like that. You show her the respect that she deserves. Clear? " Tony wasn't planning on taking any shit from your dad.
"And who might you be?" Your father growled. " has the little whore finally gotten someone to hire her? She's an annoying little slut, don't you think? "
"I'd say nice to meet you, but that would be as far from the truth as possible. My name is Tony Stark, and I am her soulmate. She is not a 'little whore' or a 'slut' and I would advise you against referring to her as such in the future. We will grab her things, then be out of your hair for the rest of your lives, so let her get her things without a problem and I won't hurt you.
"But why do you want her? Have you seen her?" Your mom asked. "I mean, you're Tony Stark, you can get any hot model or woman in general! Why would you want this girl, with flab and frizzy hair? "
Instead of responding to her, Tony turned to you. "Go grab whatever you want princess, i'll chat with your parents."
You nodded, and within ten minutes you had your bag packed and ready to go, leave this life forever. You were holding back tears, anxious that your parents had finally made him see that you weren't worth it.
However, when you walked in the room, you were surprised to see Tony standing with his arms crossed and your parents looking... Guilty?
You looked at him and nodded that you were ready to go and he silently guided you out. You made it to the car and got situated while he started driving before asking him.
"Hey Tony?"
" yeah princess? "
"What did you and my parents talk about?"
" I just told them the truth. You are a wonderful girl who is very loved in her new home, and they had no right to treat you how they did. I told them that they had wasted all the years they had had with you and it's possible that they would never see you again. I told them that you had finally found a place where you were valued and I hope that they regret their past actions. "
You didn't know how to respond. Your eyes started to fill with tears of happiness and love, feeling like the most special girl in the world to have lucked out with these soulmates.
Tony pulled you out of your thoughts. "Was that ok? Did I cross a line? I'm sorry princess."
You shook your head. "I love you Tony ." you said. " thank you. "
"Of course baby. Anything for you.". He kissed your head , and the rest of the drive home was quiet.
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fight-the-corn · 2 years
Human: Ughhhh, I need to crack my back!
Alien: what? Isn't that bad?
Human: Hang on... *twists and many little pops are heard*
Human: Its fine, I do it all the time
Alien: Tf?? How is ur species still alive?
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fight-the-corn · 2 years
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fight-the-corn · 2 years
Maverick, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Rooster: Hey. Hangman: Hi. Phoenix: Hello. Bob: Hey. Maverick: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only. Y/N: We were out of Doritos.
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fight-the-corn · 2 years
Bob: Can I offer you a nice stick in this trying time?
Maverick: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate.
Rooster, seeing a banana on the car seat: What the FUCK?? Rooster, buckling the banana up: Fucking buckle UP, it’s the LAW!
Hangman:  I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking
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