eeveecraft · 13 days
You'd Think After I Made a "Stop Selling Systemmates" Post
That it would send a message that I am NOT okay with unethical sh!t like this:
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Yet another weird-ass blog, but this time, with only one post. And said blog followed us.
Do I-- do I really need to say why this is fucked up? Just, creating sentient life with the sole intention of them being your love interest, but as an extra added layer of fucked up, you purposely create them to be callous, violent, and abusive! Also, reading the tags, what the fuck do you mean, "tulpas dni," you LITERALLY followed a TULPAMANCY blog and are putting pro tulpa tags in there.
This is a troll right? Some sysmed trying to make batsh!t-looking Tulpamancy accounts to make the community look bad? Wouldn't be out of the question because they've literally tried that with "demo systems" before. Or maybe they're not a sysmed, but like, some 4chan troll who thinks this sh!t is the funniest thing since your mom jokes were invented.
Anyway, like the previous callout, I don't feel bad showing screenshots because this account literally only has one post. Still, just, block them, don't send asks or harass them, just spread awareness, block them, and limit their reach.
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eeveecraft · 16 days
Regardless of the intent, trolling or complete seriousness, it still is harmful. Either A: they are unironically trying to create and sell systemmates, which not only paints the community in a bad light, but is just super unethical. Or B: They're trolling or it's some form of parody, still giving the community a bad name because people cannot tell whether or not this account is trolling, I.e. Poe's law.
If it's supposed to be satire, it's not very obvious satire, which defeats the point. Read the bio, it says that money's to "guarantee" that the sold trafficked systemmate goes to a "safe home." Hopefully, nobody's been foolish enough to try and purchase anything from this blog, so I can't say for sure if money really is involved. Like I said, this blog only has two posts currently.
Stop "Selling" Systemmates
Hey, if I see you "selling" systemmates, consensual or not, I am going to whap you on the head with a rolled up newspaper. That sh!t is fucking YIKES.
You're "selling" PEOPLE, full fledged people, which, I don't think I have to spell out why that's so fucked up.
How the fuck do you "sell" a systemmate? I personally think system-hopping is a load of bullsh!t, and whoever is "selling" systemmates is using that belief to scam people. (No offense to spiritual systems who have those beliefs, but in this case, it's being used to scam people).
Making systemmates for the purpose of "selling" them is just... god, imagine how YOU'D feel if you were brought into existence, just to be sold to some someone you've never met.
Why the hell would you pay for a systemmate? Tulpamancy is 100% free. That is such a scam. I get selling services like setting up Pluralkit bios, commissions for systemmates, etc, but not this.
So yeah! If you're "selling" systemmates, stop it! Just stop. If I see anyone follow me who partakes in that sh!t, it's a block on sight.
Can't even believe I need to make this post.
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eeveecraft · 17 days
I honestly don't feel any shame calling this account out, so...: (Not advocating or endorsing harassment, if that's not obvious.)
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This is the most recent example of this, and this blog currently only has two posts. So yeah, this account makes it pretty clear that they're serious in doing this, and what's ESPECIALLY disturbing is how they list this systemmate's kinks and genitalia, which, to me and other people I've shown this to has huge trafficking vibes. Like, god, that is gross.
Also, calling it "adoption" sounds super dehumanizing, and how can a systemmate "consent" to being sold when they were literally created for the purpose of being sold?
Even when I commented with a rightfully warranted, "Yo, what the fuck," all the OP said in response was, "What?" then followed our blog a few days later, which is really odd. As if it's NOT really fucking weird to be "selling" systemmates.
It's possible this is a troll account to make plurals look bad, so keep that in mind.
Stop "Selling" Systemmates
Hey, if I see you "selling" systemmates, consensual or not, I am going to whap you on the head with a rolled up newspaper. That sh!t is fucking YIKES.
You're "selling" PEOPLE, full fledged people, which, I don't think I have to spell out why that's so fucked up.
How the fuck do you "sell" a systemmate? I personally think system-hopping is a load of bullsh!t, and whoever is "selling" systemmates is using that belief to scam people. (No offense to spiritual systems who have those beliefs, but in this case, it's being used to scam people).
Making systemmates for the purpose of "selling" them is just... god, imagine how YOU'D feel if you were brought into existence, just to be sold to some someone you've never met.
Why the hell would you pay for a systemmate? Tulpamancy is 100% free. That is such a scam. I get selling services like setting up Pluralkit bios, commissions for systemmates, etc, but not this.
So yeah! If you're "selling" systemmates, stop it! Just stop. If I see anyone follow me who partakes in that sh!t, it's a block on sight.
Can't even believe I need to make this post.
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eeveecraft · 17 days
Stop "Selling" Systemmates
Hey, if I see you "selling" systemmates, consensual or not, I am going to whap you on the head with a rolled up newspaper. That sh!t is fucking YIKES.
You're "selling" PEOPLE, full fledged people, which, I don't think I have to spell out why that's so fucked up.
How the fuck do you "sell" a systemmate? I personally think system-hopping is a load of bullsh!t, and whoever is "selling" systemmates is using that belief to scam people. (No offense to spiritual systems who have those beliefs, but in this case, it's being used to scam people).
Making systemmates for the purpose of "selling" them is just... god, imagine how YOU'D feel if you were brought into existence, just to be sold to some someone you've never met.
Why the hell would you pay for a systemmate? Tulpamancy is 100% free. That is such a scam. I get selling services like setting up Pluralkit bios, commissions for systemmates, etc, but not this.
So yeah! If you're "selling" systemmates, stop it! Just stop. If I see anyone follow me who partakes in that sh!t, it's a block on sight.
Can't even believe I need to make this post.
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eeveecraft · 5 months
i would just like to say thank you for the resources n such,, very useful and I can't wait to slowly discover myself and my others more. sorry if that makes no sense
I think I know who you are, so your ask makes sense. Glad the resources are being helpful!
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eeveecraft · 5 months
The Pros and Cons of Following a Single Tulpamancy Philosophy
When it comes to Tulpamancy, especially with the perception of tulpas as a concept, there are multiple philosophies that the community has created over the years. The two primary philosophies being:
1. The Child Philosophy by Cjero
2. The Friend Philosophy by The Dragonheart System (us)
Both aim to create a base set of principles on how tulpas should be viewed and therefore treated. Both philosophies were created years apart from each other when the community has overall changed quite a bit, and on different subsections of the Tulpamancy Community that hold slightly different ideals. So, it’s important to keep that in mind when comparing the two.
Cjero's child philsophy mostly focuses on treating a tulpa's development like the development of a child, but sets the connotation of a tulpa being akin to a child and therefore (even though this shouldn’t be the case) implies a lack of mutual respect and can downplay a tulpa’s ability to be independent. The way they write about protecting a tulpa from bad thoughts, or “vaccinat[ing]” them by gradually exposing them to negativity feels very infantilizing. It forgets that the tulpa is inhabiting your brain with you (a most likely adult brain), most likely has access to all your memories, and therefore is already well-aware that the out-world can majorly suck. However, it’s focus on being patient with a tulpa like a parent caring for a baby is a good message.
Our philosophy focuses on the idea of treating a tulpa like a friend from a faraway place, emphasizing equality and mutualistic exchanges, but does not account for relationships that are familial or less common. How we tackled development with this philosophy was having the idea be that your tulpa is from a foreign place, and therefore needs help getting the hang of things. But unlike a child, the tulpa is treated with a higher degree of respect and already has a vague sense of what needs to be done to adapt (like learning the local language, i.e. vocality, etc). We try to avoid the demeaning connotations this way, and from the feedback we got, everyone liked it.
Now, what are the pros and cons of just picking one and sticking with it? Well, for cons, you limit your viewpoint. You limit the ability to take what you like that best suits your system’s needs. Maybe you like the level of delicacy and care the child philosophy emphasizes, but are not a fan of the infantilizing of the tulpa. Maybe you enjoy the emphasis on mutualistic friendship with the friend philosophy, but your relationship with your tulpa wouldn’t really work as a friendship. If you stick with only one, you may very likely find that there are things missing that you wish were there. Another con: these philosophies can become outdated. The Child Philosophy very much reflects a different time in the community where equality was not as much of a focus, and despite how hard we tried to make The Friend Philosophy timeless, I wouldn’t be shocked if it also inevitably becomes dated and does more harm than good. If you stick with a stagnant ideology in a changing world, you’ll likely fall behind and suffer for it.
For pros: choosing one philosophy is definitely simpler, as each philosophy is contained in a single post. Another pro is that each philosophy is subjective and you don’t have to follow them to a T. But overall, I’d say deliberately choosing a single philosophy to follow has more downsides than upsides.
Note: I found some more philosophies later on after writing most of this, but they’re mostly metaphysical/religious, which wasn’t what I was going for when talking about Tulpamancy philosophies. We don’t really cover metaphysical/religious topics here, but I wanted to leave this addendum in case you want to check them out yourself.
What was the point of this post? I don’t know. I was bored and felt like checking on these two philosophies and decided to compare them. At the end of the day, these philosophies serve as guidelines, not strict rules, and you can use them as starting points for your own philosophy. What matters is that you treat your tulpa like a person. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, and this is proof that this blog isn’t dead.
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eeveecraft · 5 months
Please please please let me have your url
Uh, no? The fuck.
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eeveecraft · 7 months
Make sure this is anonymous
Thank You so much for that post about creating head mates! I'm someone who did this unconsciously as a kid not knowing people could be upset about it. I still live with my childhood imaginated friends and I'm someone who has C PTSD and uncontrolled daily changes of worldview perception and some parts of temperament. So no I don't have any diagnosis for this and I'm not trying to get it. But yeah please please stop haring on people who are endos or have created head mates etc etc. It's not that easy to decide everyone who have done x is a faker or everyone who experienced y is a real system and to be real system all of your head mates have to be traumagenic. No it's not true both exist because I can feel it my my mind. Thank You for that post.
It's always a little strange to see posts we wrote a while ago randomly start circulating again, but you're welcome. I'm glad the words we wrote however long ago still matter now.
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eeveecraft · 9 months
I am fucking sorry to be reblogging syscourse on this blog, but I want to draw attention to something:
you are white . you are privledged enough to have never experienced a government that silences you or kills you .
Oh. My. Fucking. God. I cannot begin to express how fucking disrespectful this is to queer and disabled people, just BLATANTLY fucking ableist and queerphobic. White or not, disabled and queer people have been fucking killed by the government in places like America and the UK for a WHILE. The AIDS epidemic essentially killed an entire fucking GENERATION of queer people, many of whom were white. The government could've done something, but they saw it as a bigger benefit to watch innocent people die.
Countless disabled people in the US are failed by the US healthcare system and some are just left to either die or be landed in lifelong fucking debt for just existing. Did you know that if you're on disability benefits like SSDI that you can't even CAMPAIGN for any government positions? That is a textbook example of being silenced: run for a position of any remote power and risk starving on the goddamn streets.
I could list more examples, but I don't deem it necessary because the take is just... that fucking bad.
So to fucking say that just because a system like Cambrian is white that they've never been fucked by the government is such a brainrotted, fucked, ableist, queerphobic as all goddamn hell take. Genuinely: fuck you. It's no secret to say that POC are treated far worse than white people, but that doesn't mean every white person on the planet is immune to government oppression, and to ignore that is just... holy fucking sh!t. You can simultaneously say that POC are oppressed without sh!tting on non-POC minorities.
Minorities are stronger by sticking together and having each other's backs, so to just throw your allies under the bus like that and invalidate any potential horrors they've been through is exactly what the oppressors fucking want.
I'm not interested in commenting on any other part of the reblog chain, but that one comment just got me fucking riled and I felt compelled to highlight how gross it was.
So I just want to tackle this: (click on the image to see it clearly, idk why it's blurry in the Tumblr preview thingee)
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This is a quote from an interview we did with radio journalist Laura Klivens.
We are also mentally ill - depression, anxiety, PTSD/C-PTSD.
We struggle to take care of ourselves sometimes because of our mental illnesses, particularly the depression and food-related PTSD.
When we were talking with Laura, we discussed that, though those bits didn't make it to the final paper.
We weren't making a broad statement that all people with mental illnesses are completely utterly incapable of ever taking care of themselves.
We were talking about how if it's a mental illness, it must cause some level of distress and/or dysfunction. It must make it harder to function. NOT that it's always 100% impossible. This quote, taken out of the context of the full discussion, certainly sounds like we're saying people with mental illnesses are all always too bad off to take care of themselves. But that's not what we meant, and we obviously didn't mean it that way given that we're mentally ill ourselves. And the interview even discusses our depression in depth! So obviously we didn't mean it the way that sysmedsaresexist is saying.
Also, you can be a Tibetan Buddhist but not be from Tibet nor speak Tibetan. And imho if we're talking about the harm the word "tulpa" does to the people from Tibet, I prefer listening to people from Tibet over people who aren't even from the same part of the world as Tibet nor do they even share a border with Tibet.
Green: SE Asia.
Circled in red: Tibet. (Roughly, hard to get it accurate on mobile but it's close enough.)
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eeveecraft · 9 months
Friendly reminder that systemmate creation (i.e. Tulpamancy) is something literally any human can do without realizing it. From the 2018 Tulpamancy community census, literally about a third of all tulpas are unintentionally created, many of which are imaginary friends the host made as a child that stuck around well into the host’s adult life.
Even if the host had no idea what they were doing as a kid, they still went through the process of tulpa creation because playing with, thinking about, and thereby interacting with a thought until it becomes sentient is literally the core of Tulpamancy. Anyone can do it. Tulpa creation is a fundamental human experience, no single culture can claim something literally anyone can do without realizing it. It’d be like if a culture tried claiming that dreaming was exclusive to their culture and bashed any other person for doing it.
Tulpamancy is a fundamental human experience.
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eeveecraft · 9 months
I was meaning to make this post a fair bit of time ago, but I have mentally just been feeling like:
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Anyway! So, I have had conversations with people about the "tulpa = appropriation" discourse, people who were actually civil and legitimately wanted a good-faith discussion. After like, a lengthy back and forth, we came to a compromise about tulpa as a word. Some of the people who aren't personally okay with tulpa at least want people to do a better job at making tulpa distinct from its etymological origins.
What do I mean by this? Apparently, a lot of people to this day still confuse modern Tulpamancy with paranormal tulpas when they first happen upon the topic, and therefore, people are misinformed about tulpa originating from Tibetan Buddhism. You can see the harm in that, and that is something my systemmates and I agree that needs to change. And one way this can be done is to have the Tulpamancy community do a better job at drawing the distinction between paranormal tulpa and modern tulpa. What we do versus what the spooky appropriating horror fans do.
Make it so the top search results don't show paranormal tulpas, but our community, direct away from the Wikipedia page that attributes tulpas to Tibetan Buddhism, etc. I've already done this in the Tulpamancy Help channel with episode 2 that goes over the community's history, but I think we need more of that. I was encouraged to use this platform to further inspire people in the community to try this compromise and work harder to avoid the confusion of newcomers.
Language does grow and evolve over time, but it can take deliberate effort for that to happen.
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eeveecraft · 9 months
So you like pokemon. And minecraft
That's it. That's the end of the ask
Yep. The blog handle is just an evolution from an old Xbox 360 gamertag I have.
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eeveecraft · 9 months
Anon, our systemmate, Hexicronix relates to you a lot. They're also nonverbal and literally cannot speak in front no matter how much they try, which, to be fair, they're totally fine with that. Their form also has no mouth, and I wonder if that's also why the reason they can't speak.
Out of front, they communicate telepathically to us, and because that doesn't physically exist, well, you get the picture. Even in text, the most Hexicronix will do to communicate with people is either type, "...," or draw pictures to communicate:
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This was something they drew when they tried to ask someone if I should return to front like, YEARS ago.
So yeah, just wanted to add our own experiences with nonverbal systemmates!
Thanks for the nonverbal post Sophie. Honestly we have been very confused about why nonverbal was only for autistic beings when by definition it just means not being able to speak. For the record we are autistic ourselves.
Right now I’m taking the front and I’m the nonverbal headmate because of the fact I have no mouth. It’s very difficult for me to even move the body’s jaw because I’m trying to control something I normally don’t have. It’s a struggle to feed this body much less talking.
There’s apparently a term coined for nonverbal headmates called nulverbum but honestly it doesn’t roll off the tongue for my host to say and the fact it’s an unfamiliar word so that means explaining things. Which I want to do less of because once again talking is an issue that I only have. I’ve been looking into AAC apps so that having any kind of communication when I front wouldn’t be so stressful.
No problem! 💖
I've noticed this really weird theme of certain groups co-opting basic English words and then gatekeeping who can use them.
Saying a headmate is nonverbal immediately communicates the necessary information about that headmate. Forcing people to make up new words like "nulverbum" to describe their experiences seems like it's just designed to make language more difficult.
Wishing you the best of luck with the AAC apps!
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eeveecraft · 10 months
[Rylazide] Hi, you! Yes, you! Go get water! Water good! You need to have water and make sure to drink lots of it and stay hydrated!
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eeveecraft · 10 months
this might be a little mean, but imo? kipandkandi IS responsible for this. they're the one who openly targeted you knowing that sysmeds were watching, and very likely vented about it over on Discord. this is why we say sysmeds and the people aligned with them cause harm and need to be cut off like a tumor from the greater plural community.
I can get why you view the situation that way. Like, yeah, that post was reblogged by known sysmeds and absolutely could've reached vitriolic sysmed spaces. If what Sophie says is true about them being in the Survivor's Network and literally being friends with a mod on there, then I can definitely see a reality where that exact situation you described occurred.
However, it's not right to automatically assume they did this, let alone deliberately. The court of public opinion likes to stick to "guilty until proven innocent," and that's a really unhealthy attitude. We can't know for sure unless they decide to admit it or somehow, evidence of them or some other bad actor actually being responsible for inciting a witch-hunt against us. Or, like I said, our blog gets nuked a second time like Sophie's did. Which, sysmeds might've learned their lesson with Sophie not to do that so we can't get whitelisted, or there just isn't enough people that hate us enough to mass-report us again.
I appreciate you for feeling angry in our stead, and it is understandable to an extent, but I really do not want to incite any kind of counter or harassment towards them without even having solid proof that they're even responsible for this. Is it possible? Absolutely. But it's also equally possible that it's not.
But you are right in saying sysmeds and sysmed-aligned (more like just more sysmeds) do cause harm to the community and I also wish they just... weren't a part of it or raiding our own spaces we made for ourselves. A group that does nothing but exclude, harass, witch-hunt, and spread blatant disinformation shouldn't be welcome in this community, but besides doing our best to spread information and debunk their quite frankly ludicrous claims, there's not much we can do. And truly, that sucks.
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eeveecraft · 10 months
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At first, I also believed that because we were also directed to that subreddit. However, we talked to Sophie on Reddit and she told us that despite getting mass-flagged she also didn't get an email explaining why she was banned, and as we know, she was terminated twice. Sophie speculated that Tumblr doesn't send an email with mass-reporting, either.
But to be absolutely thorough:
@sophieinwonderland, you said to us in Reddit PMs that you didn't receive an email from Tumblr when you were mass-flagged the first time, but did you receive one the second time your account was terminated? I would ask for evidence, but the evidence literally would be not getting an email from Tumblr about your account termination during February of last year. I'm not sure how you'd be able to prove it.
That's why I said we still don't know for 100% sure. If what Sophie speculates is true: that you don't get an email if your account was terminated as a result of mass-flagging specifically, then unless either sysmeds admit to doing it or Tumblr magically says something, both scenarios are equally as likely.
Also, you said that the account was not terminated on purpose. Would a scenario of an account being terminated by mass-flagging and Tumblr bots automatically terminating the account without a human reviewing the reports count as an unintentional thing on Tumblr's end? Because if so, then again, it's still unclear.
Because what you're implying is that if our account was mass-flagged, then a human reviewed the reports, agreed with them, then terminated the account. But obviously, that's not what happened. If a bot just went, "Oh, that's a lot of reports, better terminate this account just in case," then yeah, that's not intentional on Tumblr's behalf because they didn't manually review those reports. It was just a bot going off.
Like, it might be possible that unless your account was manually terminated by a human at Tumblr that you just... don't get an email. Doesn't matter if it's a glitch or a bot falsely terminating an account due to mass-flagging.
Guess Who's Back
That's right. It's us, the Dragonheart System. We're fucking back.
[Rylazide] Hi, everyone, I hope everyone is okay and is having a good day!
Anyway, to cut a long story short, our blog got terminated without warning:
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Just... out of the blue, no warning, no reason given. As you can imagine, I was kinda freaked out, but I calmed down and contacted support.
We were stuck, waiting for Tumblr to do something for multiple days, and as you can imagine, it wasn't fun, not knowing whether or not 4+ years of our system's history, informative posts, and more were just... gone for good! Well, they're not.
And from some people who were looking out for us (you know who you are, thank you for being thoughtful towards us) basically let us know that sh!t kind of hit the fan in the Plurality space on Tumblr because of it. This is because the timing of our account termination was just... too suspicious. Literally soon before our blog got fucked, I reblogged a reblog from Sophie about that one system who said some pretty sh!tty things about us in an attempt to counter this post, and all my addition to the post was was just asking Sophie if she could provide evidence for her claims. Because what she was saying about that system would explain a lot of their behavior in the "tulpa = appropriation" discourse and would basically out them as a fake endogenic-supporter, but then... our account was nuked after that reblog was made.
Look, I'm going to be straight with every system here:
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Tumblr Trust and Safety never stated WHY our account got terminated. Not when our account was initially terminated, nor when it was reinstated. In posts on both our Youtube and Plural.Cafe accounts, I said it could've been possible that we were mass-reported by sysmeds. I said this because that's exactly what happened to @sophieinwonderland over a year ago, and given the timing, it's not a crazy assumption to make because of the circumstances and history preceding it.
It just seemed a little odd for our account out of the 4+ years we've had it to be nuked during the height of what can metaphorically be described as a war in the #tulpa tags. Especially after we criticized the 'counter' to our original post, or the post by that one syscourse blog we have blocked to name-drop us could've absolutely stirred a bunch of sysmeds to witch-hunt us. It's happened before, it absolutely can happen again.
But, I can't say for sure because Tumblr decided to be frustratingly vague. However, I think a good way to know for sure is to see if these sysmed fucks try that sh!t again, then we'll know for sure. Because again, when Sophie's account was brought back the first time, sysmeds got it taken down a second time. It was so bad that Sophie had to personally ask Tumblr Trust and Safety to whitelist her account from mass-flagging. If we get terminated a second time, we're going to do the same thing Sophie did.
Also, please, please do NOT go after the system who originally criticized my post. After Sophie called them out for potentially being the reason our account got terminated and for spreading disinformation, they were apparently so stressed that they got hospitalized because they have trauma over having disinformation spread about them (you'd think they wouldn't do that if they personally know how harmful it is, but sadly, the abused are more likely than the average person to continue the cycle of abuse and become abusers themselves. It's really sad.).
Does it excuse them saying blatantly false things, spreading harmful disinformation about several users, and potentially (cannot confirm) encouraging sysmeds to mass-report our blog by name-dropping us and saying things that would absolutely encourage sysmeds to mass-report and silence us? Nope. There's no excuse. I don't care how traumatized they are, being traumatized is NO excuse to turn around and do the same to others. Plain and simple.
But still, it sucks that this happened to them, and I hope they're okay. Like, sure, I fucking hate sysmeds, anti-endos, whatever the fuck, I hate the harm they've done to not only us, but so many other people, and how they actively tear the community apart when we need to stick together and look out for each other. However, I don't wish any harm on sysmeds, only that they eventually let go of that bitterness and learn that what they did was wrong and stop doing it. We don't need to stoop to their level; they're just a loud minority that doesn't have any actual footing to stand on besides pure emotion and bigotry.
Anyway, I'm rambling and am going to shut up now. I'm sorry our account getting fucked caused such a stir in the community. Let's just hope it doesn't happen again.
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eeveecraft · 10 months
I’d also like to add my own thoughts to her take because unlike this anon, I’ve actually read her original take.
I don’t 100% agree with her take. Like, yes, I agree that thought-crimes don’t exist (and should stay that way) and the complicated nuance between otherkinity, Plurality, and VR, but on the other hand, when it comes to things like porn addiction, they can lead to actual harm of people and animals when the addiction bottoms out, and seeking out what she is okay with is part of that downward spiral. Not doing anything about those thoughts or further feeding the addiction with illegal content can eventually lead to literal criminal acts. If a person is having thoughts about something like that, they need to seek professional help before it spirals into something far more damaging and illegal.
With something like a porn addiction (which is shockingly common at about 10% apparently), there is the natural cycle of seeking a stronger exposure to hit the same dopamine high as before, and with porn addiction, that can lead to a person seeking more and more taboo content. NOTE: this does NOT automatically mean that everyone who has a porn addiction eventually becomes a groomer/pedophile/zoophile, but it happens with the most severe cases, especially people who were groomed in childhood to be hypersexual and into that disgusting sh!t. And eventually, to satisfy their addiction, they start partaking in sexual content that involves literal crimes and harm of others. Part of that addicted to criminal pipeline is consuming things like fictional pedophilia and zoophilia content (which even then, being in possession of even fictional material of this type is illegal in some places like Canada), even if no actual people/animals are hurt.
And again, I want to make this EXTRA goddamn clear that I don’t mean every system who uses VR to do the thing with feral nonhuman systemmates is automatically a zoophile or will go out and permanently scar an animal, but regrettably, it can lead to that. I don’t think being attracted to your nonhuman feral systemmates is automatically zoophilia because the difference is: human body, human brain, (hopefully) adult human capacity to consent. Now, it would be if this attraction went beyond human body-inhabiting systemmates into actual physical animals.
Also, can we stop throwing accusations at her without evidence? Can that anon prove she supports radqueers, we already know she doesn’t actually support zoophilia from her actual take, and can that anon actually show evidence of her actually admitting that she’s racist? Because from the looks of it, whatever spaces this anon frequents constantly slanders her with baseless accusations.
Because if they’re saying she’s racist for using tulpa, then congratulations! That means every goddamn English speaker is racist for using vocabulary that was derived from other languages, which makes up the VAST majority of the English language! Foreign etymology =/= racist. But then again, I might be asking too much from that anon if they’re a sysmed because as we know, sysmeds and actual evidence are like oil and water.
It is absolutely wild to me that there’s a user out there with over 1k followers who is regularly just… admitting to being racist? And supporting radqueers and honest-to-god zoophilia?? And centering the experiences of privileged people over those who are actually marginalized and hugely affected by racist language???
And somehow this person hasn’t been cancelled or shunned by the community, and instead has people in their inbox like “uwu sorry you deal with so much shit”
When in fact they are literally being a racist, disrespectful, incendiary, and bigoted asshole online.
Idk man it’s really been making me lose hope for the pro endo community. Which sucks because this has been my home for years! I’m literally endogenic and I made my thoughtforms using guides from r/tulpas! Where can we have community with other endogenic systems who like… aren’t racist??
I’ll be honest it did take a while for me to switch my labels. I first learned about endogenic plurality through tulpamancy and I identified as a tulpa system for a few years before I knew that the language was hurtful. But as soon as I learned about it, I did the work to educate myself and my thoughtforms, and I don’t see what’s the big deal? Like why are people so adamant about tulpa and tulpamancy as labels? Isn’t not being racist more important??
I wish I knew about more pro endos who are taking this seriously. I feel like I’m losing my mind here.
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