disappointmentpastry · 2 months
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How are you
I have one very interesting life changing book pdf link and just wanted to share it with you may i
hi hiiii <3
i'm doing great, thanks for asking, and I hope you are too! omg this is so unexpected; yes please do share the link! i look forward to reading the book!
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Blaise: Why are you like this?
Y/n: I used too much 'no more tears' shampoo in 2007 and haven't felt a single emotion since
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like the universe-
            coarse and heavy and stinging in my teeth when it settles in my mouth. it itches in my cheeks when it settles in the cavity of my mouth; 
            it tastes like the silver of my jewelry when as a child i decided to put an earring into my mouth to see what it tasted like 
            and as the coarse, stinging, itchy and silvery flavor seeps to every taste bud, 
            my heart lurches, adds the garnish to the flavor of regret in me. 
            it makes me taste aching, which makes it so much worse. 
What does your regret taste like?
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      to say that apollo is wrong for giving icarus what he wanted is like slandering our lady magayon for enriching the soil by her feet with the nutrients and rocks we want. 
      it is her nature to erupt to give us that gift- it is our nature to crave it and thank her for it quickly, hence we still farm close to danger zones and visit posts as legally close to her as possible- if she hurts us in that moment; it is a blame equal to both and neither at the same time.
                                                ��                             mythologically speaking.
i’m drawing icarus and apollo waltzing for my illustration class and my professor told me to make the dip more dramatic because “the sun god should not support icarus in his fall” like you fool. you absolute buffoon. you think apollo didn’t support icarus? you think apollo didn’t shine down on icarus every day, even in that accursed tower, offering him what little warmth could be found in such a prison? you think daedalus would’ve founded a temple to the sun god if he was malicious in his compliance in icarus’ death? icarus wouldn’t have flown so close if the sun wasn’t so welcoming, so loving, so captivating. if the sun was cold and uncaring, icarus would not have burned. it was not apollo’s fault icarus fell. he could not curb his warmth, just like how icarus could not curb his curiosity. apollo loved icarus as much as icarus loved him, and that is why their story is so tragic. apollo was not a malicious force in icarus’ death, the fates were, and that was out of both of their controls. do not slander his name like this.
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i need this so badly. then like, have them be both so darn oblivious just because it would be funny- and the denial would just allow us to get away with this content on mainstream ph media <33333
okay but seeing how much filipino twt is rooting and campaigning for a darna x valentina enemies to lovers with a dash of "their civillian identities are growing closer to one another and neither know about the superpowered rivalry stuff", if the 2022 darna reboot actually pursues the darna x valentina thing i will genuinely be impressed
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listen. listen. listen.
and if you’re not Filipino, please do consider that we’ve fought so hard and have been met with a foe that refuses to follow the rules of the game. in these next six years, we will be tested.
it will be difficult to love my motherland, especially after these results, but while difficult, i will FIGHT to love my motherland. my future, and my present, the now and the tomorrow of my country deserves more than this. 
my fellow filipinos, keep loving, keep fighting, and share what we have come to find in our selves prior to the release of the election results. if the elected officials will not be an appropriate voice and amplifier for us, it is within our right to push for our voices to be heard. we are a democratic country, and we will keep it so, no matter how difficult, these coming years.
hold on, love still, spread change.
why am i even studying for my degree when the possible new president of the philippines (bbm 🤮) doesn't have one and faked his credentials?
why is an actor (robin padilla), who has zero experience in governance and is actually a sexist leading the senatorial race; when have candidates who are lawyers, human rights defenders, and over all more qualified than him can't seem to make it to the top 12 (e.g. chel diokno).
why are we over-looking people who has credentials and clean track records?? ang taas-taas ng standard natin sa ibang bagay pero sa mga politiko natin, hindi?
why are we ignoring leni robredo's contributions to our country especially during the pandemic? tha fact that she was being belittled by the duterte administration but was still able to achieve things says a lot about her leadership and skills.
why are we ignoring our history?
forgetting about the people who suffered under the marcos' regime, the wealth and resources that was taken from our country. we are still suffering because of what they did and we will suffer more under the hands of another marcos.
to anyone that would say "but they built infrastructures", are you really putting more value on infrastructures than the lives that were lost? the families who still suffer because of them? the victims who were never found? the people who were tortured, raped? do you not value their lives?
also, sa dami-dami nilang utang dapat lang may pinagawa sila but majority of the money they borrowed, they used it only for themselves.
foreign investors in our country are already pulling out. the stock market slowly going down. do you know why? because they don't trust marcos. our economy will suffer.
those you are rich enough will not experience the consequences of this elections. do you know who will? the poor, the marginalized, the people who we should have been thinking about when we voted.
to my fellow filipinos, do not stop protesting this election. this is for our future. we must stand our ground and fight for what is right and what we deserve. the comelec was biased and because of that we lost a bright future.
the entire world is watching as a dictator's son take power.
i am not crying because leni lost and bbm won. i am crying because our country lost and our people will suffer.
think not for one's self but for our nation.
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after finishing a report and an event, lemme just deep dive into a new obsession for the weekend~
Non-Western Fascisms
Disclaimer that I'm certainly no expert and I'm pretty much constantly reading more about this topic so this isn't necessarily a list of the best places to start per se, it's just what I have. You should be able to access any of these that are behind paywalls through libgen or scihub.
An Outline Plan for the Reorganization of Japan (primary source)
Buddhism and Japanese Nationalism: A Sad Chronicle of Complicity
Nationalist Extremism in Early Shōwa Japan: Inoue Nisshō and the 'Blood-Pledge Corps Incident', 1932
Intellectuals and Fascism in Early Shōwa Japan
When fascism met empire in Japanese-occupied Manchuria
In the Fascist Weight Room
South Korea
Waving Israeli Flags at Right-Wing Christian Rallies in South Korea
Misogyny for Male Solidarity: Online Hate Discourse Against Women in South Korea
Relentless villains or fervent netizens?: The alt-right community in Korea, Ilbe
An Interview With Benigno Ramos (primary source)
Benigno Ramos and the Sakdal Movement
Death Squad President: Rodrigo Duterte and the Fear of Dictatorship in the Philippines
Nation-building and the Pursuit of Nationalism under Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram
Phibun Songkhram and Thai Nationalism in the Fascist Era
An uncivil state of affairs: Fascism and anti-Catholicism in Thailand, 1940-1944
Southeast Asia
Fascist assemblages in Cambodia and Myanmar
Gods, Guns, and Country
How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart
'India Has The Longest Running Fascist Movement in the World – The RSS'
Gods, Guns, and Country
When Jews Praised Mussolini and Supported Nazis: Meet Israel's First Fascists
National Revival Principles (primary source)
Sri Lanka
‘Fascists’ in saffron robes? The rise of Sri Lanka’s Buddhist ultra-nationalists
From Paper State to Caliphate: The Ideology of the Islamic State
The World According to ISIS
The “futurist” aesthetics of ISIS
'Our bodies are Turkish, our souls Islamic!' The rise of Turkey's ultra-nationalists
Grey Wolves, Turkey’s neo-fascist group that is banned in France
Rwanda: The Rationality of Genocide
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Girl & Ghost, Ghost & Girl
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the silence was overwhelming, the ghost looked out of the mirror to peek at the girl before it. the spirit more curious than the corporeal being, it spoke first.
"why don't you leave?" said the ghost.
the girl looked at the spirit coming from the glass, an amused smile curling her lips, the sort that made the spirit feel as if they had lips too, curling like hers.
"I'll leave if you do," said the girl in reply.
"will you?" the girl asked the ghost.
the ghost retreated an inch into the reflective surface and spoke no more.
the two knew their own decision now- they would do what was easy; hang around openings like mirrors or doors, never fully passing through but not too far to cripple a hasty escape.
safe was good. safe was best. safe the girl and ghost chose to be.
- #2, bits from a novel i can't seem to pen
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i just realized what my struggle is...
... and i don't like it.
somebody change the genre i'm in-
i'm open to being isekai'd somewhere a little less angst and more fluff.
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someone take my toner away from me i almost used it as hand sanitizer
- help
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am i finally painting a giant koi fish that which has been a pending study of mine since last April 2020?
am i doing it for a class that's only 2 credits worth over finishing my module for a class worth 3 credits?
also yes.
will i have regrets?
clearly, yes.
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one more time i hear that i ought be grateful i'm taking a BS course in a soft science, heads are coming OFF
face my gloves i'm ready to slap some btches down-
i had to process my classmate trauma dumping, the impact of the hypothalamus on sleep, try to praise pollock (my prof likes his work gah), explain the neutralization of mixtures in less than 80 words all in one week and my baby HUMSS brain can't-
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i tell myself in no uncertain terms-
i am different and same
both of love and of shame
opposing yet supporting
to nothing i cling
-my value only i can confirm.
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if ya'll are curious, it might be this video they're referring to : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO_Id1-WLoo
gosh, i miss those times,, anyways onto the hcs! and not me with my blatant favoritism of the kambal and maliksi hehheheheh
Before flag ceremonies (this varies from school to school, but ours has flag ceremonies EVERYDAY before going to class) there would be students hanging out on the hallways, doing homework they haven't done the night before • Basilio and Crispin would definitely copy off their Ate Alex, and if that fails, they find someone else (usually ends up in bribing Tapia). • Maliksi does this too, often bullying the twins for homework answers. • Hannah and Amie, on times they went to school hungover from a party and didn't have time or remember there's homework (they copy off the twins) The "cuttingeros" are the ones that ditches classes everytime the teacher steps out the room. Deadass can be found anywhere, the bathrooms, back of the school, near the gates, the craziest even trying to CLIMB the walls from the inside to get out for my filipino peeps, i think there's a vine about it,, idk • Maliksi and Basilio. The latter often drags Crispin into ditching class, but their bickering is so loud, Tapia found them arguing by the school walls with Maliksi already gone over the wall. I'm sure those in the "Cream of the Crop" (Top 10 or 15) like me have heard this line a million times: "Pahiram/Patingin ng gawa mo, hindi ako mangongopya, kukuha lang ako ng idea" can I borrow/see your work, I won't copy it, I'm just gonna get some ideas, and most of the time, they PLAGIARISE the damn thing like,,,, dude,,,,, • Alex,,, poor, poor Alex,,,, she has to endure her brothers' insisting that they'll just "get some ideas" and it ends up copying her work. They get a bonk on the head each though. the kambal never learned their lesson • Dominic too, but no one dares to try and approach him since one glare can send anyone backing off. • Both Tapia and Hank uses the "wala akong assignment" I don't have [the] assignment excuse, but no one buys it. • Guerrero and The Manananggal Lady i forgot her name :(( ignores the others,, king and queen shit right there • Maliksi is the type to ditch class but still retains his high grades how he does that is beyond everyone's knowledge and he uses this to his advantage. Dear god. I miss this. The "jamming session" everytime the teacher has a meeting or leaves the classroom. There's the one with the guitar sometimes there are two, one with the boom box thing the one where you sit on it and you tap the slanted side and it makes a booming sound idk, or if there's none, they improvise and use the tables instead heheheh; there are people singing and it doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it, they're having fun this is one of my favorite memories man,, I miss this • I feel like Basilio and Crispin are good with the guitar, and are hella good singers too. • The one with the boom box, or usually table is Maliksi, feeling the beat and probably breaking it in the process. • Hannah and Amie join in, sometimes even recording the entire thing. • The rest either just sleeps, or simply listens and basks in the vibe, sometimes singing along.
The "Floor Wax, Basahan rag, Walis Tingting outdoor broom i forgot what it's called, sako sack, and other cleaning supplies" gang when they're failing grades. I don't know if they still enforce this in other junior high schools, but that's what happens in ours • Basilio and Crispin (they failed that one test so they have to). • Amie she failed science We all know the people who tell the teachers, "Pupunta po kami sa banyo" we're going to the restroom, and then comes back with a FUCKING SNACK. IS THERE SOMEONE SELLING TURON a sweet fried wrapped banana snack in the Philippines IN THE FUCKING BATHROOM???? • Hannah and Amie. That's it that's the headcanon • On rare occasions, Alex does this too, except she's more discreet and buys candies instead • There's this one time Hank bless his soul buys a literal cup of noodles because Basilio ate his lunch
so yeah, i got more,,, might post a part 2!! send your own highschool experiences too if you'd like!
part 2
part 3
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