Argues with emotions instead of facts. Super sweet when you first meet, but as you get to know them you discover they have a sarcastic side.
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One of those people who are naturally really smart. Doesn’t try hard in schools but gets good grades anyway. Initially seems very quiet, but once you get to know them there are many jokes to be shared. Doesn’t have a lot of friends, but they are really close to the ones they do have.
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The most hardworking guy I know. Dedicates himself to his job and loves it. Has a secret very funny and loving side that most people don’t get to see. Doesn’t laugh often, but has a distinct laugh when you really hit his funny bone.
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The most sarcastic sense of humor. Very self-deprecating and expects their friends to do the same. Doesn’t try that hard in school (a.k.a does all their work the night before it’s due) but somehow still does really well. Only funny with their inner circle of friends.
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Really quiet at first, but once you get to know them you discover that they are actually really funny. Has a lot of inside jokes with friends. Holds their friends close to their heart and will be devastated if they feel betrayed or if their friend talks behind their back.
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Literally friends with everyone. Nice to everyone. Never seen them get mad before. Will try to include everyone in a group, even the quiet people. Once picked up a piece of trash off the ground and threw it away just because they’re nice.
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Usually pretty serious, but when they laugh, they laugh hard. Has many friends. Cares a lot about school and grades, although they don’t seem to try that hard to get good grades. Not the best at replying to texts.
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Has SO many friends, I think she’s friends with the whole school. Easy to talk to. Laughs a lot. Magically is really good at talking to teachers. Everyone knows her name. Holds on to grudges.
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She’s hardworking. Passionate about ice-skating and playing the violin. Doesn’t do the best in school but it’s because she’s so dedicated to ice-skating. Good to do silly things with (like play around with the filters in photobooth).
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Constantly has friends over at her house. Whenever there’s a party or meetup, it would be at her house. Had a lot of friends but not with the stereotypical ‘popular’ group. Wanted to be with the popular group. Self-conscious about her looks and doesn’t post pictures of herself often.
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Energetic. Always ready to go to the gym to play tennis. She was super easy to talk to and down to do almost anything I wanted and very compassionate. She was studying medicine and would stay up late doing her homework. She told me she didn’t feel like an Aries.
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Loves to laugh, even at herself. Always comes out of a store with bags in her hands, and always has the most bags. Very social and doesn’t want to be left out of events. Dances and parties HARD.
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