angelomorphix · 10 months
Ectogenesis. Artificial reproduction of the future.
The idea of creating an artificial human being dates as far back as the Middle Ages, and was closely intertwined with alchemy and hermetic philosophy. These, in turn, were often based on Christianity, where there was a treatment of God as androgynous. Moreover, the very first mention of an artificial man with no particular sex appeared in the European tradition by the hermetic philosophy. In the treatises of the alchemists who drew upon it, the process of man's artificial creation is analogous to the man-made alloying of perfect metals.
As the philosopher Henri Bergson noted, one of the main things that distinguishes humans from other animals is the separation of technology from the body. And reproduction is no exception here. Thus, the entire reproductive system in the world of angelomorphism will be taken outside the body into incubators - artificial wombs. In artificial wombs, the application of the knowledge accumulated by humans will allow humanity to be forever deprived of sex, and society to be cleansed of the vices of the social sex. And now this topic is slowly gaining momentum: there are studies stating that the cost of artificial incubation (ectogenesis) will be less than the cost of natural childbirth for women. Accordingly, the consequences of this will definitely be much less.
In 2018, the journal Scientific Reports published a paper that found that with each pregnancy a mother's telomeres become older than them of her peers without children. This difference was estimated by scientists to be up to four to six years. Although telomeres are known to shorten with age in all people, certain phenomena, such as high body mass index (including pregnancy) and severe stress, easily accelerate this process. The study also examined women's epigenetic age: a measurement based on DNA isolated from white blood cells. The results echoed what telomeres showed, and each additional pregnancy was associated with an increase of 0.5 to 2 years in internal aging.
On top of all that, incubator reproduction makes any discussion of abortion meaningless. An incubator, unlike a living female human being, has no rights or choices. The incubator solves absolutely all the social and biological problems associated with reproduction. This method is the only one that would help mankind completely forget what death in pregnancy and childbirth, abnormal children, reproductive violence and unwanted pregnancies are. At the moment, such experiments are generally considered unethical by the international community. But it begs the question, what is more unethical: to allow many women around the world to die every day because of childbearing, or to use fetal material for the ultimate solution to the problem of reproduction?
Shulamit Firestone, one of the authors of the seminal works of the feminist movement, described in her writings the need for a radical solution to the problems posed by changing the reproductive organization of society, moving reproduction to incubators, in order to free women from the need to determine their role in society by biology, because female bodily autonomy is in principle incompatible with female reproductive biology. Her "first requirement for any alternative system" was "to free women from the tyranny of biology by any means available." "The reproductive organization of society," she wrote in her writings, "is always the real basis on which we can work out an explanation of the whole superstructure of political, economic and legal institutions. And as we understand it, since sex has no purpose other than reproduction, then with a change in the reproductive organization of society, the existence of sex will lose all meaning.
However, despite everything, the situation is improving: in 2022, the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering created an "embryo culturing device" based on artificial intelligence.Previously, researchers controlled fetal development in the laboratory uterus manually, but Chinese scientists managed to program the world's first smart monitoring system. The system is able to check the indicators of the environment in which the embryo develops: temperature, the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen, and the concentration of nutrients. In 2021, the University of Virginia Medical School succeeded in growing a mouse embryo from stem cells that began to form a heart and nervous system. The same year, Israeli scientists managed to grow mouse embryos in a kind of incubator. Two other research teams report in Nature a breakthrough in the creation of artificial human embryos. These teams succeeded in forcing normal skin cells and stem cells to self-assemble into formations similar to early human embryos.
Consequently, such experiments conducted for experimental purposes, are now ending up quite fruitfully. Artificial reproduction technology has all the chances to appear in its final form and then begin to be tested en masse. In 2004, scientists in Japan managed to create a viable cell by fusing two oocytes taken from different female mice, the division of which led to the formation of a viable embryo, which developed into an adult, and which lived longer than normal congeners for 186 days. As the scientists noted in their February 2010 publication in the journal Human Reproduction, all resulting female mice compared with normal mice were significantly smaller in size and weight.
Presumably, male genes increase the growth potential of muscle and skeleton in the body of the cub, while shortening its life. It has been proven that individuals of all species with less testosterone are more prone to longevity, but here we are already talking about the genetic level. Without signs not only of puberty, but also of hormonal bursts in the embryonic period, human bodies will apparently be close to androgynous and even to the outlines of adolescent bodies, since they will be significantly smaller in size if ectogenesis (artificial reproduction with an incubator) and parthenogenesis (growing an embryo without male genetic material) is performed. This has been successfully confirmed by the above experiments of Japanese scientists on mice. It remains to be seen whether time will show how this experience will affect and transform humans - however, there is every reason to believe that the changes will only be for the better.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
The Metaphysical
God is completely unknown.
We know nothing about God, but we have an intrinsic gut feeling that the universe is far from all that really exists. We also know nothing about God, but we affirm the necessity of his presence in our metaphysics so that our whole value system can be self-sufficient and not depend on any of the religions and worldviews that now form the foundation of social life and prevent humanity from being liberated. So when we say that God is totally unknown, we are affirming a God who cannot be comprehended in any way, and in doing so we are setting aside all existing ideas about God. The only self-evident thing we can say for sure is that God has no gender.
God forms in and of himself the whole world.
By discarding existing notions, we manifest our own picture of the world based on inner intuition, which organically complements the ideology of our movement. Knowing nothing about God except the intuition that he exists, we claim that God shapes the world within itself out of itself. In this way we give the world a value far greater than that of the clay pot as seen by the major religions of humankind.
God is the world and contains it within himself, but he also exists outside the world, space and time.
Since God forms the world out of himself and contains it within himself, God is the world, and the world is a direct extension of God. But God, who formed the world within himself, is still as superior to the inner world, being outside of time and space, existing within the world.
The world is real in relation to itself just as a dream is real in relation to itself.
Taking the world as one of dreams does not in any way diminish its reality, for in a realistic dream we can still live, act on our inner gut, and make the right decisions. The desire to escape from the dream only puts one in a loop of constant escape from one dream to another, while the absolute unwillingness to do anything makes any progressive reforms aimed at improving the quality of being in the world unwelcome as well.
God is as real about the world as the dreamer is real about his dreams.
Just as to the deep realistic dreamer the real world seems unreal, so to us the existence of God as that reality that transcends our world may seem unreal. But we argue that God is as real about the world as a sleeper is real about his dreams, meaning that each of us is the one God who watches his own dream.
The world and all forms of life in it are tangible extensions of God.
Assuming that God is the world, and the world is a direct extension of God, we affirm that accordingly all life forms in the world are extensions of God.
Each self is a continuation of: the common self of all life forms; the unconscious world; God.
As all forms of life are extensions of God, in reverse order, each individual is an extension of his species, each species is an extension of the evolution of living organisms, all living organisms are extensions of the world, and the world is a direct extension of God. Who were we before we were born, and who will we be when our physical bodies die? The best answer is that we were everyone and everywhere.
Each self is in the here and now exactly as much as it is in every other self and in the totally unknown God.
Understanding that our Self is not confined to our body or to the material world, but is everywhere, like a single ocean divided by islands, and even right now in God as the supreme reality outside the world, gives us the advantage of not having to seek salvation in another world, and not having to make the effort to escape it into a higher reality, because we are already everywhere and everywhere, and our goal is to form our own ideal world wherever we have the opportunity.
God does not intervene in the inner workings of the world, such as the laws of nature or evolution. The world exists according to its own internal laws. By asserting that the world and each of us is an extension of God, we nevertheless manifest that God, as a reality outside the world, has no effect on what happens inside the world, where the internal laws of the world apply.
Evolution and the inner processes of the world are not the result of God's will.
Thus, all of the inner history of the world, all of evolution, and all of life's forms, though a direct extension of God, are not the result of God's will as an out-of-world reality.
The world, divine at its core, is not divine in its forms and manifestations.
A world that is an extension of God, and thus fundamentally divine, is not divine in its inner processes and forms of manifestation, because the inner processes of the world are the result of the will of the world itself and not of God as an out-of-world reality, whereas the fact that the world was formed was the will of God as an out-of-world reality. The inner laws of the world are foolish and unconscious, and it can be said that they were all just a way to create intelligent life forms that, as an extension of God, will be able to change the world and themselves already as they see fit. We cannot abandon the ship of this world, but we can make it fit for acceptable life.
Nature, acting by crude laws, produces many forms of life, forced to multiply suffering as in a nightmare dream. The presence of sex is a direct consequence of evolution, a consequence of the crude processes of the inner world.
The existence of sex and the current reproductive organization of society creates the deepest injustice. All who are close to being sexless, who cannot accept their social sex or their gendered or sexual bodies, are discriminated against by sexually mature people of both social genders. Women are forced to suffer all their lives for the ability to give birth and then in the throes of giving birth to lifelong suffering creatures. Natural reproduction is a source of oppression and suffering for women. Perfect equality of perceptions with equal bodily circumstances - which would also mean equal treatment between people regardless of gender and age - is impossible with different body designs. Angelomorphism proposes a unified design of the sexless angelomorphic (angel-like) body.
The goal of Angelomorphism as a movement is to abolish social and biological sex, to create all the necessary conditions for the transformation of humanity into an angel-like race, which we call angelomorphs.
The abolition of the social sex is impossible without the abolition of the biological sex. Overcoming global problems is possible by artificially continuing human evolution. We must strive to create new beings more beautiful than the current generations of humans. The trait of the new humans is defined in Scripture: "They shall not marry and trespass, but live as angels of God. The more steps humanity takes to eliminate gender differences, the greater the chance of soaring on angelic wings from the ladder of evolution.
Technology is the way to lead humanity to angel-like, sexlessness, freedom, and unity of consciousness.
Angelomorphy suggests that technological abolition of sex and changing the architecture of society's reproductive system in favor of artificial reproduction will have the strongest emancipatory effect on the oppressed populations, improve the overall standard and quality of life, and a unified body model and voluntary united consciousness will qualitatively change the system of social relations.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
Angelomorphism and Christianity
We wanted gender to be abolished.
Our infernal plan for a sexless being
In piety's dreams of piety is fulfilled.
Some people that using data from previous chapters, are tempted to say that any contact between the sexes should be categorically discouraged. At one time Christians came to similar conclusions when they decreed that original sin was the sin of Adam and Eve's sexual relations.
Aurelius Augustine definitively linked original sin to sexual attraction through lust. Between 395 and 430 he states three times that lust through sexual intercourse transmits original sin. Beginning with the children of Adam and Eve, it is bequeathed to man through the sexual act. The earliest Christian congregations attached great importance to it, much more than the present-day catholic churches do.
For the true church, virginity has always been preferred, but since the church is not a closed cult for ideal people, the earliest Christians decided not to impose virginity and monasticism on everyone. In fact, that is why there are laymen and those who do not have families, but devote their lives to God. White marriage, that is, marriage without sexual relations, is preferable to marriage where such relations exist, although modern Christianity tries to make concessions, if not to all, then at least to heteronormative couples.
It should be noted that while Christianity tabooed any sexuality, that is, any manifestation of the activity of your sex as something that has its own sexual desires and willfulness distinct from your own desires, feminist movements prefer to distinguish between same-sex and unwanted sexual relations with the opposite sex. Both positions are dictated by an awareness of the determinability of internal and therefore social processes (the personal = the social) by the fact that there are genders.
However, feminism is wholly materialistic, and although it has popular occult practices among young girls, this fascination is rather related to its opposition to the Christian worldview, which is demonized thanks to the policies of the Catholic churches. In reality, the Christians of antiquity were the ones who professed the most correct attitude toward women in their communities, where, unlike in pagan society, they were not reduced to a mere reproductive function. For Christian women, secular marriage was not an obligatory act.
"They turned their eyes to their members and felt in them a movement of lust they had not known. They could not help but be confused, for it was the same movement of the flesh that pushes animals to copulation, a manifestation of "the consequence of sin" and "the flesh resisting the spirit." The Holy Apostle, in his Epistle to the Romans, distinguishes the two sides of man's existence as the law of the mind and the law of sin found in the members (cf.: Rom. 7:23), and in his Epistle to the Galatians, as spirit and flesh: the flesh desires against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh (Gal. 5:17). If we compare the life of the world today with the life and teachings of Christ, it is clear and obvious that most people's lives are the exact opposite of Christ's.
God's words at the creation of the world, "be fruitful and multiply," also did not carry the meaning ascribed to them by the canonical interpretation of the Bible. The Hebrew words have a similar meaning, the former meaning "be fruitful" (fruitful, bearing fruit), while "multiply" can be translated more as "increase, multiply. We can see the analogy with spiritual growth and self-improvement, for immediately thereafter God wills people to reign over all earthly creatures. However, modern churches twist this phrase by commanding people to have more and more children and raise them in the traditional social order.Christ says that women can overcome the limitations society has placed on their gender by becoming spiritually androgynous.
It is worth noting that in the writings of Clement of Alexandria we find the postulate that the same transformation is necessary for men, who "will not enter the kingdom of heaven until they cease to be men." Through these lines we see that Christianity does not condemn men's desire for liberation from both social and biological gender.
The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, on the other hand, said, "When you have made man and woman one, so that man is not male and woman is not female-then you will enter the kingdom of heaven." The motif of the deprivation of sex, and consequently of corruptibility, the restoration of the soul to its original sexless state is a well-known Gnostic theme. The Gnostics interpret the essence of the demiurge as the androgyny, who created humans in his own image, but at the same time, divided them in two, into male and female.
Also, Russian Christian scopists of the 19th century believed that, at Christ's coming, he would give scoped humanity a new way to multiply without sin. Therefore, by removing their "sinful genitals," they were certain that humanity would not disappear but would be transformed. They believed that Paradise on earth is ensured by one thing and one thing only: universal castration. The presence of sex and the sexuality that follows is the only thing that prevents the establishment of world justice.
"There is something sacrilegious and terrible about carnal union. It is terrible, as terrible as a corpse." - wrote the famous Christian writer Leo Tolstoy in February 1870. His obsession with sex and depravity make it impossible for him to have a relationship with a woman as a human being. "A fraternal relationship with a woman," as he called it. There is a strong connection between sexuality and aggressiveness. This is especially noticeable at the stage of manifestation of sexual desire. This was written about in more detail in the chapter on sexlessness.
Another famous writer F. Dostoevsky wrote: "Man strives to be transformed into Christ as his ideal. <...> We will be - faces, without ceasing to merge with everything, without encroaching or marrying, and in different ranks. Everything will then feel and know itself forever. <...> Man is a creature on earth, only evolving, therefore, not complete, but transitional. We know only one feature of the future nature of the future being: "they neither marry nor trespass, but live as angels of God. For his words, moreover, Leo Tolstoy received condemnation from the Russian Orthodox Church, and accusations of heresy.
St. Gregory of Nyssa wrote: "If anyone has difficulty in asking about the mode of origin of men, whether it was not necessary for man to have the assistance of marriage, then let us also ask him about the mode of being of angels: why do they form innumerable multitudes, being both one essence and numerous? For we give the proper answer to the objector: how could man be without marriage, when we say: just as the angels exist without marriage. And that man before the crime was like the angels, proves this restoration of him again to the same likeness." The topic of humanity's transition to an angelic state has been touched on since the very beginning of the birth of Christianity.
There are indeed many passages in the Bible that are of interest to us, here are some of them:
There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (Gal 3:28).
Let them all be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, [so] let them also be one in us. (John 17:21)
"And to the woman He said, 'I will make your pregnancy painful: in suffering you will bear children. Thou shalt desire thy husband, and he shall have dominion over thee." (Gen. 3:16) - Here we can see that already at that time people were aware of all the negative aspects of sex and sexuality, and they explained it through the fall into sin.There is also an interesting passage in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: "For the Son of God became man in order to make us God. ( §460)
Clive Lewis states the purpose of the Christian life from an Anglican perspective: "The commandment 'Be perfect' is not merely an idealistically high-minded call. Nor is it an order to do the impossible. The point is that He is going to transform us into beings who can do this command. He said (in the Bible) that we are "gods" (Psalm 81:6), and He will prove His words right. If only we let Him - we can stop Him if we want to - He will turn the weakest, most unworthy of us into a god or goddess, into a dazzling, luminous, immortal being, pulsating with such energy, such joy, wisdom, and love as we cannot now imagine."
The present churches, however, are not interested in this. Their merger with governmental institutions has not resulted in anything good, and now people who consider themselves Christians often lose any idea of perfection of body and spirit because of such influence, delving deeper into worldly life. And they also speak of a very unmerciful attitude toward people much closer in their morality to Christians at the time of their appearance.
The bottom line is that if we go deeper into the history of Christianity, in many ways Christians have always been negative about sex, social gender, marriage, and natural reproduction, and they have always had popular ideas about the transformation of man into a more exalted being in direct communion with God. However, modern Christians are as far removed from this as the other movements mentioned earlier in our texts.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
Neuroisocracy: Polity and Communication
"Signs of transhumanity: sexlessness, artificial reproduction, distributed individuality, and body enhancement with implants." - A prominent representative of the FM-2030 transhumanist movement
Here we will talk about theoretically possible communication and political structure in Angelomorphic society - neural network isocracy, or simply neuroisocracy.
Correct information exchange for better organization of society in the world and its best transformation without unity of consciousness is impossible, but is possible with implementation of interpersonal network technology (distributed individuality by means of Brainet extended neurocommunication technology), which will allow uniting our selves on information level, similar to how it already exists on the foundation level of the universe, based on metaphysical foundations of Angelomorphy and some research. In particular, research suggests that each of us is a kind of alter ego of every other person and of the universe as such.
According to Doctor of Philosophy D. Dubrovsky, overcoming the accumulating global problems is possible by continuing anthropogenesis, changing the biological nature of man. The famous science fiction writer S. Lem was of the same opinion. The philosopher Peter Singer stated that there is a biologically conditioned tendency toward egoism, gender stratification, and hierarchical membership of society, rooted in the very nature of human society and counteracting any attempts at egalitarian social reform. To resolve this problem, new genetic and neurological technologies must be employed to modify aspects of our nature. A new system of communication will become not only a new form of communication, but, as in the case of a new form of reproductive organization of society, an important component of the new political order of the heirs of the human species.
The emergence of the human mind is closely linked to the integration of human beings into human society. Human society is qualitatively different from communities of other mammals because of the ability of humans to create and develop language. It performs two functions: the exchange of information between individuals and the creation of models of reality. These two functions at the level of social integration are analogous to the functions of the nervous system at the level of integration of cells into a multicellular organism.
In the material of language, people create new symbolic models of reality (in particular, scientific and metaphysical theories) that nature has not created at the level of our nervous system. Language is like an extension of the human brain. Moreover, it is a single extension of the brain of all members of society. It is a collective model of reality, which is perfected by all members of society and passed on from generation to generation. It has long been noted that human society can be viewed as a single organism. The body of this organism is the totality of all people and things made by them. Its "physiology" is the culture of society and, above all, language.
Brainet can work as a new type of computational architecture, such as a kind of biological computer, where each member of the distributed network acts as a separate neuron of the whole brain. Brainet is rhizomic, i.e. decentralized between all participants, without a single center, but communicating through distributed networks between selves (living subjects), various systems, databases, etc. The network in the future will be invasive and will grow into the brain while the fetus is still in the womb of the incubator. It should be done exactly at the embryonic stage due to the fact that this is the moment when brain dimorphism is manifested, and for perfect data transfer and perfect mutual understanding the brains should develop approximately equally, and the perception of the Network by the brain should be as natural as possible, as if it were its inseparable part.
It is also only possible to do this with incubator breeding, for obvious reasons.If everything in the world is connected and changeable, then your individuality is also a stream of temporal data, and if there is data coming to you, in particular from other subjects via brain networks, this does not deprive you of a conditioned self.
The example of two Siamese twins from Canada, who were born in 2006 with connected brains, a common thalamus and nervous system, whereby they could communicate with thoughts, sense each other through a common nervous system, and so on, but they had strikingly different personalities, which was noted by their parents.
Trans-personal brain-network, i.e. Self with + sign, when preserving conditional self, you are also distributed throughout the whole rhizomic network, which allows creating, among other things, the most effective ways to manage internal processes of society, technology, and of course information, qualitatively improving it.
From neurocommunication we move to a possible form of political order - to neuroisocracy, as polity under angelomorphism - to a new res publica of new people. According to the philosopher C. Apel, in a society of perfect communication everything is agreed to by all and any decision is the result of the discourses of all participants in communication. Isocracy itself is when each member of society controls the whole system. This means equality before the law and equality in governance. Isocracy extends the concept of liberal rights and their embodiment in a democratic form of government to include the right of ownership of oneself, and of natural resources as a source of public revenue. Protected by constitutional guarantees, isocracy is independent of the vagaries of opinion, a secular and republican form of government. In terms of organizational structure, isocracy stands for a federalist network and a Mutuelist economic order. One might think of it as a direct democracy. Neuro-means that certain previously described neuro-technologies are used to implement such governance. It is essentially a perfected form of networked direct democracy.
The political system would be a fully decentralized system. P2P (peer to peer) implies equality of participants throughout the system. The economy, most likely organized through free cooperation with a common task to create the common good, will be based on equal cooperative production with collegial management and equal ownership - common ownership of producers and consumers. Open cooperatives based on public resources, which differ from collective capitalism and from state economies in their commitment to the creation and expansion of common goods for society, will be places of association and creation, and perhaps even of large families.
We also envision the rejection of all total institutions like prisons, as well as mental hospitals and schools in their modern totalist sense. In parallel with the development of direct networking, a detailed study of the brain is required in order to understand better what real abnormalities may exist in it and whether it is possible to influence them, i.e. we can say that with the development of technology in any case psychiatry will become a full science, without the present prescription of drugs by selection. Education as a whole will make a serious leap upward with development. Prisons, on the other hand, as a disciplinary institution, became obsolete long ago, but still exist as a terrible atavism. There is nothing adequate in the fact that a person is imprisoned for many years in horrible conditions for violating mostly contrived laws from above. In an angelomorphic society, extremely serious crimes can be punished by rewriting a person's identity, but any disciplinary punishments that create a completely unhealthy society these days must be eliminated.
Ant colonies have already been mentioned before, but it is worth dwelling on them again. Each ant colony consists of many sterile females and one or more fertile queens. In fact, the queen's only role is to lay eggs.The queen here is analogous to the artificial intelligence incubator systems of Angelomorphic society, while the entire society is not sterile females, but beings that are asexual and incapable of reproduction.
Neither the queen nor any of the other members of the colony are in a position to assess what to do in any given situation, and none of them commands their congeners. In Angelomorphic society, a similar social paradigm is very likely when neural network communication systems are implemented.
And since we have touched on natural species and their similarities to the future society we are describing, the following points can also be remembered. According to some philosophers, industrial and post-industrial society does not suit man and his nature, it is extremely difficult for man to feel fulfilled here, because man is still essentially a primate, and according to these philosophers he should return to his natural primate life. There may be some truth in this, but that is not what we want to say. By continuing the evolution of man artificially, to his becoming an angelomorph, we change both his nature and his natural needs and stimuli. That is, the natural environment of the angelomorph is no longer the natural environment for the old primitive man, and the new environment of the future is more than natural and desirable for him. If we place an angelomorph and the old man in the conditions of the primitive Stone Age, it is likely that the angelomorph will not feel in his environment, and will simply die out for lack of the same incubators, or if possible make an attempt to reproduce his natural environment. And we think that the economic structure will also be changed in a natural way, because if for humans capitalism at this stage of development is a natural economy, although maybe less natural than hunting and gathering, then for angelomorphs a completely different form of economic and political structure will be natural.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
Gender and Sexlessness
The existence of men and women is deeply unethical. Testosterone and male genes shorten a man's lifespan while making him more aggressive, while women are forced to suffer all their lives for the ability to give birth and then in the throes of giving birth to similarly suffering lifelong beings. Natural reproduction is a source of oppression and suffering for women. Gender lays the foundation for the subjugation of the female corporeality through mutual sexuality dominated by the male, and sexuality in turn shapes gender and stratifies society. Evidence from other primates of male sexual coercion indicates that sexual conflicts of interest precede the manifestation of humanity. Prominent scientist R. Dawkins also used the expression "exploitation of women" in the context of animal sexual reproduction.
Any body with sex is essentially just a prison of flesh, controlling the mind imprisoned in it. For example, studies show that breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the world, and having more children naturally is associated with high oxidative stress, which leads to accelerated aging and postmenopausal health problems. The male body, on the other hand, is no more preferable because of testosterone (the male hormone). This hormone causes men to have aggressive outbursts and affects their thinking, determining it in one direction or another, making them age early and die earlier due to heart problems, provoking aggressive sexual behavior in them. The initial filling of the brain is determined at the moment of conception, when everything begins with the emergence of the chromosomal sex of the future human being. Therefore, it is impossible in a biological sense to become "male" or "female. The two sexes, two different organisms, are equally imperfect. With minds trapped forever in the cell of the body, occasionally encouraged by hormonal releases into the brain.
Sex (biological) is like a parasite, living with the host organism in deep symbiosis. Through its host it establishes itself in its bloodthirsty and voluptuous instinct, through which the parasite continues its existence in eternity. Any model of politically correct sexual behavior will be subverted by the demonic nature of this parasitic sex, seeking the infernal pleasures of blood and destruction. All this has been sufficiently substantiated by de Sade, Baudelaire, and Huysmans. There is a strong connection between sexuality and aggression. This is especially noticeable at the stage of the manifestation of sexual desire. The predominance of the parasitic will is the predominance of gross material ugliness over the human spirit.
Nature is only interested in species, not in individuals. Choices not made by us according to the scheme of our biological species are presented to us ready as our own. From nature's point of view, sexual relations in the nuclear family are generally no different from rape by outsiders, which seems to explain why most rape of children is committed within their own family circle. Therefore, even pornography does not create an image of women as objects of use, it only reflects and reinforces the already popular sexual fantasies of men and some women, affected from within by the parasite of the biological sex. It is also worth remembering studies that have found that when men look at erotic photos, they activate the parts of the brain that are usually activated when using objects, not those responsible for communicating with people. Again, this is dictated by the specifics of the functioning of this gender.
Social sex (gender) is the social expression of (hetero)sexuality as a consequence of belonging to the biological sex. The social expression of sexuality is received by undergoing gender socialization (initiation from a child into one of the two social genders) and manifests itself in clothing, relations between the sexes, children's treatment of adults, norms of behavior, etc., representing conditioned reflexes.
Anyone who is close to being sexless, who cannot accept their social sex or their gendered or sexual body, is discriminated against by sexually mature people of both social genders. Any "-gender" indicates a desire to remain and persist within a binary gender paradigm that is fundamentally unfair. To accept any label as a rebellion against gender binarity is to start counting from that very binarity, ignoring the biological foundation of gender as the basis for the existence of gender, and as the basis of all systemic injustice.
Scientists suggest that the brain inevitably uses stereotypes as energy-saving heuristics in the course of its work. If this is true, then we also cannot eliminate gender - because there will always be stereotypes that correspond to statistically repeated empirical data about biological males and females. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have discovered that our bodies produce sex hormones not only during puberty, but also shortly after birth. These hormones are simply necessary to tune the brain. Already by the eighth week of pregnancy, the testes of the male fetus secrete almost as much testosterone as they will in puberty or adulthood.
A study of sexual relationships in gewedoche is strong evidence that hormones mean a lot. Although they do not have enough DHT to form their external genitalia, the amount of testosterone they receive in utero and at puberty is quite high. Gvedoche are traditionally raised as girls (seemingly not even male gender socialization) and yet, without options, as they grow up, they choose male gender.
Analysis of more than two thousand brain images revealed gender-related differences. The pattern of differences matched the gene expression patterns of the sex chromosomes. This suggests that the development and maintenance of sex differences in the brain is directly influenced by gene activity. The ratio of sex hormones during the embryonic period determines the organization of the central nervous system according to one of the two sex designs of the organism. Even those studies that show that there are virtually no brain differences between the sexes ironically agree that there are traits that elicit more attention in one sex than in the other.
Our brains perform a complete "simulation" of other people's visible experiences, ignoring experiences not understandable to the gender design of your body specifically. A well-known object of fear for many men is female physiology, which is the most prominent example of an incomprehensible experience of another person's body design. The Alien film series is one of the most vivid demonstrations of such male fear, with xenomorphs jutting out of human bodies, ripping them to shreds, all juicy with blood, slime, and other repulsive details. In reverse, this is also true for women, who have a deep-seated fear of male physiology and of men in general. Our brains are simply unable to simulate something that is not in our bodies, which means they will perceive it as incomprehensible and frightening. What organisms can discern in the world around them depends on their design, that is, on the structural organization of their bodies, and on the operation of the functional cycles that link them with their environment. Angelomorphism proposes a unified design of the sexless angelomorphic (angelfish) body.
The body's design is never "the sum of its parts, but a new whole, a gestalt," which we perceive as ourselves. Our bodies not only have the design of our species, but specifically two designs of different sexes. Orthoesthesia--the perfect equality of perceptions under equal bodily circumstances--which would also mean equal treatment between people regardless of gender and age--is, as we see it, no longer possible.
The philosopher Peter Singer has argued that there is a biologically conditioned tendency toward egoism, gender stratification, and hierarchical membership of society, rooted in the very nature of human society and counteracting any attempt at social reform.
To resolve this problem, new genetic and neurological technologies must be deployed to modify aspects of our nature.
Shulamit Firestone, one of the authors of the seminal works of the feminist movement, described in her writings the need for a radical solution to the problems raised by moving reproduction to incubators that operate separately from women's bodies, in order to free women from the need to determine their role in society by biology, because female bodily autonomy is in principle incompatible with female reproductive biology. Her "first requirement for any alternative system" was "to free women from the tyranny of biology by any means available and to distribute the role of childbirth and parenting throughout society as a whole, among men as well as women." "The reproductive organization of society," she wrote in her writings, "is always the real basis on which we can work out an explanation of the whole superstructure of political, economic, and legal institutions. And as we understand it, since sex has no purpose other than reproduction, then with a complete change in the reproductive organization of society, the existence of sex will lose all meaning.
Technology is the way to lead humanity to angel-like sexlessness freedom and unity of consciousness. The entire reproductive system will be taken outside the body into incubators, artificial wombs. In artificial wombs, knowledge will allow humanity to be forever deprived of sex, and society to be cleansed of the evils of social sex. Without puberty people's bodies will be androgynous, perhaps resembling teenagers, because with embryogenesis without male genetic material people will be significantly smaller and feminine, with a longer life span.
Will there be a place for intimacy in a sexless world? If we work fundamentally in this direction, it is possible to make the human body more sensitive over its entire area, which will make intimacy of a different kind possible, and also the latest technology can make completely different forms of intimacy real.
The abolition of social sex is impossible without the abolition of biological sex. The goal of Angelomorphism is the abolition of social and biological sex. Gender and gender as its corollary impede a positive reorganization of our species' reproductive system, and thus a radical social change. The more steps humanity takes to eliminate gender differences, the more chance we have of flying off the evolutionary ladder on angelic wings. Our goal is to make people more like angels.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
An appeal to all who are close to being sexless.
I would like to dedicate this text to all those who are close to sexlessness, who cannot accept their social sex or their sexually or sexually active bodies, who are discriminated against by mature people of both social sexes.
If you are experiencing these feelings, you probably know that most of them come around the beginning of puberty. You don't have to see yourself as male or female, you don't want to associate your sex chromosome-marked shell with your mind in any way. This is the first step toward understanding that different designs and different body formation can indeed damage the full development of the human mind.
When you are a child, your bodies are practically equal to each other, you don't feel the fundamental difference between them embedded in the presence of sex. It is therefore perfectly natural that you resist such a change. Children are not as required to observe the rituals of gender socialization, children are free from the surges of sex hormones already inherent in young men and women.
There is more than one problem you may encounter if you are already grown up and maintain dissociation from your gendered body. A gendered society will not perceive you better even than those who choose to make the transgender transition. Medical surgeries, the corresponding diagnosis in the ICD, medications - everything is created for transgender people who are still not trying to leave the boundaries of binarity.
Nowhere are trans*non-binary transitions provided, with the rarest of exceptions, which society will accept with much more reluctance, because a person who has changed from one gender to another and tried to transform their body for this purpose will be much easier for them to accept as their part. Such a practice for those who, though they cannot erase their chromosomes completely, but want to simply lose even the mere outlines of one or the other gender on the physical level, is virtually non-existent for lack of the necessary diagnosis in those.
The right of people to do something with their bodies or not to do something with their bodies is decided by a psychiatric committee. However, while the WHO has long considered transgenderism a reason to prescribe surgery and hormone therapy, there is no indication for a condition that is meant to be "non-binary. Meanwhile, compared to hormone replacement therapy, even the simple removal of some secondary or primary sex characteristics is not as painful for the body, and the possible consequences of this are easier to correct than those that occur during transgender transition. These too are usually corrected by some combination of hormones, which will not be rejected by the body and have such negative effects on internal organs.
Moreover, all of the current socio-political discourses related to the study of gender binarity are mostly uninterested in promoting the idea of transgender transitions for non-binary people. At the same time, the rights of people from among those who have switched from one of society's two accepted gender identities to the other, changing their bodies in order to do so properly, are ubiquitous on the social agenda.
The queer community is much more interested in playing with identities and micro-identities, while the modern radfemic community absolutely denies people the right to any interference with their bodies, promoting a conservative idea of "naturalness. Any "-genderness" indicates a desire to remain and persist within a binary gender paradigm that is fundamentally unfair. By engaging in language games with non-binary labels, however, we find ourselves trapped once again in the realm of gender. To accept any label as a rebellion against gender binarity is to start counting from that binarity, ignoring the biological foundation of gender as the basis of gender, and as the basis of all systemic injustice.
These theories are devaluing the sociological meaning of the term "gender" and hide the real gender issue from people. After all, if one argues that gender is simply a self-perception, then the struggle for a sexless future becomes meaningless. How can this contribute to the evolution of society into a post-gender society, which both the queer and radfem movements allegedly seek to achieve through different methodologies?
The reproductive system, and the presence of it in the species, was originally the basis of the social structure. Given this, in order to achieve this goal it is necessary to undertake a complete withdrawal from the system of gender, rather than an enumeration of a multitude of identities, repulsed by the phenomenon of binarity. Or an attempt to reject gender while preserving the cause of gender, as we see with the TERF.
It is impossible to consider both the problem (gender) separately from its root (gender) and to try to destroy the problem without uprooting the root. And it is those who go beyond binarity, experiencing dissonance with being in a body that has gender, who have the greatest potential to resolve the situation correctly. Such people need to far more rights than are currently available, including to their own bodies, because they, like the potential reader, could become the acting force of radical postgenderism. Even the very meaning of the word "radical" clearly indicates that the cause of fundamental social inequality must undergo key abolition.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
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