viewtale · 4 years
The Best Classic Films Ever
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Looking for something to fill your days? Why not a movie marathon! Here are some of the best classic films ever that you should be watching now.
The Stranger (1946)
This 1940s film directed by Orson Welles is about a Nazi war criminal living under a fake name in Connecticut. When a war crimes commissioner comes to town, the criminal’s life is turned upside down.
The Graduate (1967)
After Ben Braddock graduates from college, he finds himself not only feeling lost, but in a love triangle with a girl and her older mother.
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Dirty Harry (1971)
Clint Eastwood stars as Dirty Harry, a man who refuses to play the rules, and this is especially true when it comes to hunting down a madman in San Francisco.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
This goofy movie is about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. This movie is a classic because there are so many jokes and many twists of adventure.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Harrison Ford stars as Indiana Jones in this classic first film of the franchise. In this adventure, Indy must get to the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis.
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Tootsie (1982)
Dustin Hoffman plays Michael Dorsey, a man who transforms himself into a woman to earn himself the role of a soap opera star.
She's Gotta Have It (1986)
In this Spike Lee film, the female lead tries to balance all three men in her life. While all of them are trying to have her commit, she’s just happy playing the field.
For more classic movies, reads and more, check out www.viewtale.com.
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viewtale · 4 years
Classic Quotes About Love, Life, and Loving Friendships
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Here are some great classic quotes that focus on all aspects of love, life and friendship that you can share with your friends and family.
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”– Friedrich Nietzsche
“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.”– Victor Hugo
“Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”– Lucille Ball
“The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate. It is focused attention.”– Richard Warren
“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart.”– Helen Keller
“Love is, in fact, an intensification of life, a completeness, a fullness, a wholeness of life.”– Thomas Merton
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
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​“Love is a friendship set to music.”– Joseph Campbell
​“In order to be happy oneself, it is necessary to make at least one other person happy.”– Theodor Reik
​“We always believe our first love is our last, and our last love our first.”– George W. Melville
“Everyone in life is gonna hurt you; you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.” – Erica Baican
“Age does not protect you from love, but love, to some extent, love protects you from age.”– Jeanne Moreau
​“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.”– Sam Keen
​“The art of love is largely the art of persistence.”– Albert Ellis
“True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.” – Erich Segal
​“Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time, we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.” – Ally Condie
​“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler
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​“Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success.” – Oscar Wilde
“Make a friend when you don't need one.” – Jamaican Proverb
​“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.” – Jim Morrison
“No friendship is an accident.” – O. Henry
​“Friends are God's way of taking care of us.” – Author unknown
​“True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.” – David Tyson
​“A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.” – Arnold H. Glasgow
“The best mirror is an old friend.” – George Herbert
“Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.” – Miles Franklin
“Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.” – Euripides
​“Friendship is the most constant, the most enduring the most basic part of love.” – Ed Cunningham
For more classic reads, check out www.viewtale.com.
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viewtale · 4 years
Inspiring Lessons from the Pages of Classic Novels
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Sure, the classics were written to entertain, but more often than not they were also written to teach, and within the pages of each classic novel lies lessons to be taken to heart. Here are three inspiring lessons from classic novels, and the quotes which brought them to light.
From The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas:
"It's never too late to turn your life in a completely new direction, and there is huge importance in just one day."
What beauty there is to be found in the idea of impermanence! You can change, your circumstances can change, life itself can change, and it’s never too late to turn things around.
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From The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde:
"Let go of your past, but don't pretend that it never happened."
Keeping with the theme of change, becoming someone new doesn’t mean forgetting who you were. Your past is in the past, but it’s important to know your history.
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From the A Series of Unfortunate Events series by Lemony Snicket:
"Being lonely is OK, and not everyone has to like you. You can't always rely on people."
It’s a tough lesson to learn, but at one point or another everyone needs to learn self reliance, as there’s no guarantee to always find someone else who can help. This doesn’t mean we can’t rely on other people on occasion, it just means we all need to be able to take care of ourselves as well.
Looking to catch up on the classics? Visit our online library at www.viewtale.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.
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viewtale · 5 years
Classic Books That Are Surprisingly Short
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Reading the classics doesn't have to be a daunting task, in fact many of the classics are so short that you could even read them in one sitting. If you’re looking to be well read but worried about the commitment, consider one of these three classics that are surprisingly short and definitely worth the read.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (180 pages) Often referred to as “The Great American Novel,” The Great Gatsby is one of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpieces, and at a mere 180 pages it’s a much smaller investment than most people think it to be. A cautionary tale of obsessive love and the demise it leads to, and so so much more.
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The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (96 pages) By all accounts The Sorrows of Young Werther is a depressing tale that shouldn’t be read if you’re looking to be uplifted, but it’s a timeless classic that’s well were the mere 96 pages it’s printed on. When Werther becomes friends with a young girl he’s fallen in love with and her fiance, things get messy rather quickly.
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War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (160 pages) The classic tale of alien invasion that sparked panic on more than one occasion when broadcast on the radio. Want to know what all the fuss was about? It’ll only take you 160 pages to find out.
Looking to catch up with the classics? Visit our online library at www.viewtale.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, and available on all your favorite devices.
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viewtale · 5 years
Inspiring Lessons from the Pages of Classic Novels
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Sure, the classics were written to entertain, but more often than not they were also written to teach, and within the pages of each classic novel lies lessons to be taken to heart. Here are three inspiring lessons from classic novels, and the quotes which brought them to light.
From The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas:
"It's never too late to turn your life in a completely new direction, and there is huge importance in just one day."
What beauty there is to be found in the idea of impermanence! You can change, your circumstances can change, life itself can change, and it’s never too late to turn things around.
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From The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde:
"Let go of your past, but don't pretend that it never happened."
Keeping with the theme of change, becoming someone new doesn’t mean forgetting who you were. Your past is in the past, but it’s important to know your history.
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From the A Series of Unfortunate Events series by Lemony Snicket:
"Being lonely is OK, and not everyone has to like you. You can't always rely on people."
It’s a tough lesson to learn, but at one point or another everyone needs to learn self reliance, as there’s no guarantee to always find someone else who can help. This doesn’t mean we can’t rely on other people on occasion, it just means we all need to be able to take care of ourselves as well.
Looking to catch up on the classics? Visit our online library at www.viewtale.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.
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viewtale · 5 years
Inspiring Lessons from the Pages of Classic Novels
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Sure, the classics were written to entertain, but more often than not they were also written to teach, and within the pages of each classic novel lies lessons to be taken to heart. Here are three inspiring lessons from classic novels, and the quotes which brought them to light.
From The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas:
"It's never too late to turn your life in a completely new direction, and there is huge importance in just one day."
What beauty there is to be found in the idea of impermanence! You can change, your circumstances can change, life itself can change, and it’s never too late to turn things around.
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From The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde:
"Let go of your past, but don't pretend that it never happened."
Keeping with the theme of change, becoming someone new doesn’t mean forgetting who you were. Your past is in the past, but it’s important to know your history.
From the A Series of Unfortunate Events series by Lemony Snicket:
"Being lonely is OK, and not everyone has to like you. You can't always rely on people."
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It’s a tough lesson to learn, but at one point or another everyone needs to learn self reliance, as there’s no guarantee to always find someone else who can help. This doesn’t mean we can’t rely on other people on occasion, it just means we all need to be able to take care of ourselves as well.
Looking to catch up on the classics? Visit our online library at www.viewtale.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.
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viewtale · 5 years
How to Start Reading the Classics
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The world of classic literature can seem like an intimidating one at times. Countless titles, each as timeless as the last, and each every bit as worth the effort to read as the next. It may be difficult to decide where to begin, but fear not! Here are four easy steps to help you start reading the classics today.
Figure out what you already like. Odds are you’ve already got some topics of interest, or perhaps even a writing style you enjoy, which means you can begin with the classics that you may be more inclined to like.
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Make a list. Once you’ve defined what you’d like to read, go ahead and make a list of the novels that fit the bill. You may find that the quantity of classics on your list will be less intimidating than you think.
Make time to read. Now that you’ve got the first book on your list, it’s important to actually make time to read it. Make it a ritual, one you enjoy, and you’ll find yourself trying to get more sessions scheduled in before you know it.\
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Don’t be afraid to move on. Not every book will be for you, and that’s ok. If one of the classics just isn’t doing it for you, there’s no shame in putting it down and moving on to the next. You can always come back to it later.
Looking to get acquainted with the classics? Visit our online library at www.viewtale.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more, accessible anytime from your favorite devices.
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viewtale · 5 years
Where to begin with the Southern Gothic
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There are few styles of genres more evocative, more well defined, and more influential than the Southern Gothic. This list is a small primer on where we think you should begin with this classic canon. Even the mere mention of the phrase conjures up a strong image, a small town in the south besieged by the heat of summer and occasional downpours, a lingering aura of death, and a group of people struggling with faith, identity, morality, and more existential concerns. These works all embody the best traits of the southern gothic, as well as some of the best writing to grace any form.
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Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor
This classic novel, centered around a returning World War Two veteran, was actually built from a series of disparate stories that O’Connor had published in various magazines. What she produced through, was undoubtedly a 20th century classic. With its rich and complex characters, shrewd deployment of black humor, and incredibly complex rendering of the dichotomy and absurdity of sin and redemption.
As I Lay, Dying by William Faulkner
In truth, this entire list could have been comprised of nothing but Faulkner works, such was the definitive nature of his take on the genre. But, this is for the stand out amongst standouts. Told from 15 separate viewpoints in Faulkner’s trademark modernist stream of consciousness prose, this examination of grief, family, and the rural south is one of the most beautifully written, evocatively rendered portraits of life anywhere, in any book.
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If you want to acquaint yourself with these classic works, or simply browse from a wide selection of classic books. Head over to www.viewtale.com where you can find a tremendous selection of eBooks and audiobooks.
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viewtale · 5 years
Interesting Facts About Bram Stoker
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Bram Stoker’s Dracula set the standard when it comes to the interpretation of the modern vampire, which in at least some way served as inspiration for such meg hits as Twilight and Interview with the Vampire. Here are three interesting facts about Bram Stoker that you may not have know.
He’s never been to Transylvania. Although the story of Dracula is loosely based in Romanian history as well as folklore, and although Stoker’s Dracula is partially set in Transylvania, a mountainous region in central Romania, Stoker, an Irish author, had never in fact visited Romania or any other part of Eastern Europe.
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He once fought with Oscar Wilde over a woman. Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker were college friends, both having attended Trinity College in Dublin. That is, until Stoker decided to marry Florence Balcombe, Oscar Wilde’s childhood sweetheart. The two managed to settle the feud and remained friends, however, and Stoker would later travel to visit Wilde while he was living in France.
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You need an escort to see his ashes. Bram Stoker died on April 20, 1912, although accounts of the cause of death remained varied, perhaps due to attempts to conceal the fact that he suffered from syphilis. Stoker was cremated, and his ashes were held for viewing at the Golders Green Crematorium, the first crematorium in London, where they remain today. His ashes can be viewed by the public, but only with an escort.
Looking to brush up on the classics? Visit our online library at www.viewtale.com for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more, accessible anytime from your favorite devices.
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viewtale · 5 years
Who tops the list of all-time authors?
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Who is the most popular author of all time? How do you measure popularity in literature? Is it the number of people who have read a particular book or the number of books a certain author has sold?
Book earnings could be a good measure, but that wouldn’t give an accurate comparison be writers from today and centuries ago.
Then you must consider that many popular authors have maybe only written a handful of books as opposed to those you have churned out hundreds over the years.
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But when it comes down to the bare facts of copies of their work sold, the names at the top of the best-selling list are not surprising.
While it’s hard to get a definitive number of units by each author which had been purchased, the list of best-selling authors gives a good overview of their popularity.
William Shakespeare tops the list, with between 2 and 4 billion copies of his works believed to have been bought. Between plays and collections of poetry, the Bard is believed to have had 42 published works.
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In second place is another British writer, but one more instantly identified with a particular genre – Agatha Christie. She is also estimated to have sold between 2 and 4 billion copies of the 80 works she has had published.
The next two names on the list are surprising in one way, and not I another. Barbara Cartland and Danielle Steele are undisputed queens of the romance and are thought to have sold the best part of two billion copies of their books. Cartland is one of the most prolific authors having written over 700 books in her lifetime.
To read classic books from some of history’s most popular authors go to www.viewtale.com.
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viewtale · 6 years
Movember: Raising Money and Awareness
Battling diseases is tough, but when it comes to men’s health, the challenge can be more about convincing men to be aware in the first place. Men are notoriously reluctant to visit the doctor or talk about their feelings, but that can often be the first step in heading off serious physical or mental conditions.
That’s the challenge that initially motivated the foundation of the Movember movement and thankfully, men’s health issues have received an unbelievable boost in the 15 years since it has been up and running.
This year is no exception and men are being encouraged to grow a mustache during the month of November to raise awareness, and money, for issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health.
The first Movember was organized by a group of friends in Australia in 2003 but has now spread around the world with thousands of men banning the razor from their top tips in November. Friends and family are asked to sponsor them with the money going to fund initiatives to address.
According to figures from Movember in the UK, the annual drive has gathered up five million supporters from across 20 different countries. Money raised has been used to fund over 1,200 men’s health initiatives.
Over $500 million has been raised by men through Movember over the years and it’s a fun and worthwhile way to address men’s health issues.
If you are interested in learning more about health issues, check out the books at www.viewtale.com.
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viewtale · 6 years
5 Reasons Why Autumn Is The Best Season
While summer’s end is always hard to experience, autumn brings a much-needed change and prepares us for the colder days ahead. It’s a transitional stage between warm and cold, resulting in a perfect blend of temperature, colors and good times! Here are 4 reason why autumn is the best season:
1. The colors
Probably the biggest reason as to why people love autumn so much, it brings with it an array of colors and leaf-crunching sounds only available in this season. The red, orange and yellow tints filling the outdoors are quite heartwarming ironically given the cool weather. Even though technically it’s a time where things are dying, the colors tell a different story and paint a magical picture. There’s definitely something hauntingly beautiful about this time of year.
2. The weather
Even though at this point we miss the hot days of summer, autumn brings a temperature that’s just right! Not too warm and not too cold, just a perfect freshness in the air for cozy sweaters, a pair of jeans, scarves, beanies, and light boots.
3. Halloween and Thanksgiving
The two best holidays leading up to Christmas come in the form of scary movies and good food! Halloween is a fun time when candy is involved and people can dress up to become someone or something else for the night while watching horror movies! A candy coma is almost definitely going to be an occurrence for weeks! Thanksgiving, on the other hand, is all about family and great food! Bring out the turkey...and the food comas!
4. Hot beverages
It seems like a perfect picture - walking down the street while holding your caffeinated beverage and hearing the crunch of the leaves with every step. Perhaps even sitting on your couch by the window with a hot tea enjoying the colorful view of the season. Move over cold summer drinks! It’s definitely a time for hot beverages to take over now. Why not even enjoy a good classic book while you’re cozy in your sweater and drinking your choice of a hot beverage? Autumn is just around the corner, so feel free to browse through our online library www.viewtale.com to find that perfect book to read while you enjoy what autumn has to offer!
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viewtale · 6 years
Enjoy reading and listening to your favorite books and music today
Any reader paying for the online EBOOK website to get the books of their choice always prefer to receive the features that most suits the whole family. If you are a big family with classic content lovers in it, then online EBOOK website like viewtale is the best choice for you. Classic content is the most suited content for the whole family because it doesn't involve horror contents. These classic EBOOKS will be the best choice to read and know more about the history of the ancient histories, facts and much more. With the single subscription plan, the total family can enjoy the EBOOKS on the go without any restriction in time and place, so surely e-book websites will be a value-added one for your reading.
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Music albums from the best musicians are available on the top book websites like viewtale, so when you complete the reading for the day, classical pieces of music will help you at the end of the day to calm your mind.
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viewtale · 6 years
Read EBOOKS online on your favorite library
People are moving in high speed along with the improvement in technology and that is one of the reasons why you can see each adult is carrying a smartphone in their hand as it comes in handy and helps people in so many aspects. This is why many of the EBOOK websites are coming into existence to help the people to read in an easy way through the smart devices rather than spending time on the nearby bookshop. With the help of the best EBOOK websites like viewtale, a reader can read their preferred content from any part of the globe. These websites are not available for the specific time so a person becoming the member of the website can access the books on the website 24*7 without any issue.
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The way to register on the online EBOOK websites like viewtale is very simple. You will be asked to sign up with the website using your mail ID in the first step. Now, you can choose the subscription plan to get into the website and that's all. You will be a given an individual login to access the content on the library on any devices like IOS and Android. If you have any issues with the books on the website, no need to worry about it as support team is available for you to respond to your queries and issues within 24 hours from your reply. You can reach the support team by filling the form on the website which will help you to reach the technical team quickly. So join today and enjoy the all your choice of content non-stop.
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viewtale · 6 years
Book review: Inside the Dream Palace: The Life and Times of New York's Legendary Chelsea Hotel by Sherill Tippins
A true classic is one that survives the phases of time and still comes out as a good read. Viewtale is a place where you can get some such unforgettable classics.
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The Chelsea Hotel, since its founding by a visionary French architect in 1884, has been an icon of American invention: a cultural dynamo and haven for the counterculture, all in one astonishing building. Sherill gives her readers an entertaining history of the Chelsea and of the successive generations of artists who have cohabited and created there, among them John Sloan, Edgar Lee Masters, Thomas Wolfe, Dylan Thomas, Arthur Miller, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Leonard Cohen, Patti Smith, Robert Mapplethorpe, Andy Warhol, Sam Shepard, Sid Vicious, and Dee Dee Ramone. It is an endlessly fascinating and thoroughly and painstakingly well researched biography of the iconic Hotel Chelsea in New York. The author follows the hotel from decade to decade and shows how events outside the hotel were influencing what was going on inside. Morever, Tippins uses the building as an occasion to look at larger social and cultural trends reflected by the Chelsea's residents.
Readers have fallen in love with the history of the hotel, and have satiated their curiosity on how this renowned building came to be. The best parts of the book were those that followed certain residents through the years - people you might not hear much about today but who were a key part of their time.
To find this and more such classics, visit Viewtale.
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viewtale · 6 years
Experience the Magic of Classics with Viewtale
Are you a classic lover? Then there is a good news for you. Viewtale brings for you a retro collection of eBooks, audiobooks and music. The classic stories on the site will take you back to the retro world. The digital library is a single platform where you will find classics representing an ecstatic form of art.
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The contribution of classics in the field of entertainment has been remarkable. They will give you the feel of retro period where books and music were the prime source of entertainment. Classics reveal the artistic work and beauty of the retro times. They had a unique charm that never fades away. The long-enduring classics is getting more recognized with passing time.
The fascinating eBooks on the site will give you an engaging touch of classics. This will fill your leisure time with emotions. You will get familiar with the evergreen hits which are heart touching even today. Audiobooks with good sound quality are also available in the library. If you want to get a close view of retro times, then audiobooks are the best option to go for.
The classic music on the website will arouse a refreshing feeling in your mind. The amazing music will be a treat for classic lovers. Another best part of the site is, it is easily accessible from any device 24/7 with just an internet connection. All you need is to sign up and enjoy your favorite content.
So what’s next? Sign up at Viewtale and take a ride to the world of classics.
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viewtale · 6 years
Enjoy “The Masks of Aygrima #2” by E. C. Blake at Viewtale
To all classic adventure novel lovers, viewtale bring forth a noteworthy one from the pen of E.C. Blake- Shadows (the second novel from the series The Masks of Aygrima). The story in the series The Masks of Aygrima is about a 15-year-old girl, Mara, the daughter of the mask maker of Aygrima. As a gifted child with the colors of magic, she is one among the gifted children. Her fate changes when she fails masking ceremony, a ceremony to be the apprentice to her father. She is sent to exile and later rescued by a group after rebelling against Autarch. The rest of story is how she identifies her unique power of magic and her keeping of the power.
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The second series of The Mask of Aygrima- Shadows is the best novel carrying the legacy of the first series packed with full of adventures. Readers who have enjoyed the first part will get a new experience with the second series. Blake beautifully describes the role of magic in the society and enthralls the readers with his masterpiece elements of writing. Mara the central part of the story is so fascinating; her hard labor to envision the power of magic is mind-blowing.
The book Shadows have no dry chapters and each page is action packed till the last page. The readers are definitely going to be fascinated by the magical system and society pictured in this sequel. Enjoy Shadows one of the great classic novel of all time from the eBook section of viewtale and drive yourself to the world of magic.
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