threewordusername · 1 hour
my fragile mind remains
conflicted and overwhelmed;
strings of fate tug
every which way.
know that what will come
is of our own volition, and
i will not leave you alone.
if you died here,
i would carry you home.
"beyond superficial."
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threewordusername · 15 hours
in the orchard, towering beasts
sway in rhythm. casting a shadow
over my meager self, they smile.
for their wisdom is transcendent,
their love boundless -
it's both tragic and beautiful.
the fruits of your labor
surely blossom, here;
i inhale the pleasant fragrance,
a sweet pleasure on my palate.
share with me
this shady spot,
a reprieve from it all.
"eternal life."
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threewordusername · 15 hours
cumulonimbus clouds
hover overhead, posturing
to release the frustrations
of the sky.
a torrential rain
bears down upon me.
submerged underwater,
my body flails in distress.
there is beauty in the chaos -
lately, when i fall asleep,
i dream of the cold grasp
of solitude.
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threewordusername · 15 hours
the idolization of modern icons
tears away pieces
of our humanity,
chiseling away
bit by bit.
we worship digital deities who
appeal to our fantasies,
permutations of
red, green, and blue.
will you stand your ground
or be washed away with the tide?
"the age of information."
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threewordusername · 2 days
words may never truly express
the gratitude i feel
to have travelled to
the depths of despair.
after all,
it brought me you.
the combination of unlikely events
flutter in effect, endlessly changing
the possibility of what could be.
even then, i'm still content.
it brought me you.
isn't that enough, then?
tribulations and uncertainties:
i shed my past "self"
in the aftermath.
it was all worth it,
"it brought me you."
for s.
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threewordusername · 3 days
today's cup
of honey-laced morning tea
kisses my lips.
the faint smell of
my cologne
hugs my chest.
i know. it'll no longer be you.
sitting at my desk,
i contemplate, settling to
write obscure words
nobody may truly understand.
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threewordusername · 3 days
vulnerable: a state
i often find myself in,
peek through the cracks;
discover what lies
i am not sure what you'll find.
"pandora's box."
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threewordusername · 3 days
is the faint radiance
of a lamp's golden glow;
perched on a side table,
it stares, almost
goading me into accepting
the familiar comfort
of my bed.
is it time to retire
for tonight,
and leave my pen
for tomorrow?
"the fatigue of composition."
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threewordusername · 3 days
we are a product of love.
six-word poem.
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threewordusername · 4 days
piercing through the darkness,
the morning sun smiles.
it caresses my face
and my limbs,
like a parent adoring
their newborn child.
i feel rejuvenated, almost reborn:
the inner turmoil which
consumed me
has taken its toll
and finally departed;
now, is it possible to start anew?
"the break of dawn."
no matter what challenges you may face in life, you never have to do so alone. you have the strength needed to persevere on your own, but pay heed to the people that care about you.
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threewordusername · 5 days
shrouded by the fear
of denial and ostracization,
we go along with the norms
of a collective entity;
one who resembles all,
conforming to the masses,
is a poor soul who
lacks individuality.
yet, it is only natural:
it is much easier to lie
and masquerade
than to expose your true self
to external judgment -
become a brilliant star
among man-made satellites.
"the cosmos."
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threewordusername · 5 days
words unspoken marinate,
potent spells of
uncertainty and possibility.
life passes by,
while those unknowing
have missed the opportunity
to hear your true thoughts.
please, expel the
words which brew
in the confines of
your heart.
tell someone you love them.
"say what's on your mind, right now."
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threewordusername · 5 days
you must explore the beauty
which lies within yourself -
we daydream of a greater self,
hurling our bodies under
massive mountains of
self-disdain and criticism.
success takes many forms.
we are all exploring life
in our own way,
no destination needed.
all that is left is to find faith;
reach out and set yourself free
from the misbeliefs
which bind you.
"broken shackles."
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threewordusername · 5 days
for now, leave the past behind.
six-word poem.
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threewordusername · 6 days
age indicates experience:
for most, a life is led
of deceit, loss, and
aimless wandering.
we are simply figurines
dancing in the palm
of an unknown power -
the system is not as it seems.
superficial-seeming scars,
hidden by political veils
of blanket misdirections,
run deep.
oh, they run deep.
"the portrayal of surreality."
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threewordusername · 8 days
the faint aroma of
paperback books and
dust-lined surfaces
permeates the room.
every word i read,
every page i turn,
it all points to
a simple conclusion:
the miracle of creating art
lies in the ability to harness
excruciating pain and torment
to create something beautiful.
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threewordusername · 9 days
the demons overcome me at night.
six-word poem.
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