thoughtreservoir · 7 years
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Letting go
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
That magical, marvelous, miraculous love, brought back to life.
A breath in the lungs, I lunge. Her lips, her skin. I have sinned, I admit. O, that kiss... She wins, I can't quit.
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
Well, if our signs aren't always spot on. 😉
The Signs as Criminals
Aries: Pickpocket
Taurus: Drug Dealer
Gemini: Burglar
Cancer: Fraud
Leo: Hacker
Virgo: Cult Leader
Libra: Stalker
Scorpio: Con Artist
Sagittarius: Murderer
Capricorn: Assassin
Aquarius: Money Launderer
Pisces: Violent Protest Leader
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
Even if it puts them out, even if it hurts.
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
I miss you I miss the sound of your laugh—carefree and light, Like a favorite song I hadn’t heard in awhile. I miss your smile, beaming brighter than a thousand suns… Lighting up the darkest of places, Infectious in its intensity I miss the feel of your lips on mine Perfect and full I miss it The way the moment I ventured to kiss you A match lit in a methane filled room The intensity with which you’d grab me Hungry As if you’d been craving me All this time that we were apart… I miss dancing with you Alone together in a crowded room The music mesmerizing Our bodies moving in perfect synchronization Swaying to the beat Every nerve ending ablaze Electricity crackling between us I miss the way you looked at me that night Your eyes never leaving mine Two lost souls seeking the North Star Existing in an eclipse And discovering, for the first time, The moon again. I miss the way we made everything feel like an adventure I miss the way we made everything brand new I miss the peace you brought me Like a warm fire on a cold day Like coming home… Your existence a ray of hope That I might not be alone in this world. Soothing my fears Of a future unknown Of a future alone.
Unknown (via wildech1ld)
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
She wanted something real...
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
My tears, alas! They fall from the sky. For I am a god. And it rains when I cry.
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
one day you will start dreaming about my eyes and my lips and my smile and the way I said your name and you will start looking for me in crowds and listening for my voice in full rooms just like how I once looked for you. one day you will start to miss me and my poetic words and my paper thin bones but do not search for me because one day you will realize what you let go but I will have already been gone
and I hope it absolutely destroys you, e.m (via b0thers)
Sometimes, it's the words of another.
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
No means no
Difficulties may arise Yes, I may be close by your side But no. No contact. I tried to not abide They threw me back inside So, no. No contact. I won't go back Please, respect that. No. No contact. They give you a mat Take your clothes, Fact. So, no. No Contact. If only you knew The things they do to you. Youd be like, "NO! No Contact!" If you love me like you say you do And the words spoken are true Then, no. No contact. You know I love you. I wanted your love, too. But, no. Too compact. No. Contact. It sucks, but it's a must. If we want a life for us. Trust. No contact. My heart breaks With each passing day Of, no. No contact. But I must stay away From that treacherous place. So, no. No contact. 💏💋 💔💔💔
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
Why yourself?
I read your fucking poem. How pathetic to change it like that. That right there is the manipulation piece, only not for me, for everybody. Like you say, only we know what goes on, and how true, but why the fuck? I'm not pulling this shit with you.
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
Why not?
Romeo and Juliet that shit, bitch. 😘😱💉💉💉🔪🔫
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
The torment never stops Like waves crashing into rocks To what end, what cost? I'm, again, at a loss I scramble for answers, clues Is this really the life I choose? When two souls become broken, battered, bruised Who am I, abused or amused? But, fuck! I'm just so fucking confused. I feel like a fool How could I violate such a simple rule? Not another night or day. It's fucking jail! I must stay away! 😵
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thoughtreservoir · 7 years
Thoughts swirl in my head
I'd rather be dead.
Than in jail
Or without you.
No contact?
My heart no longer in tact
Withdrawals make it worse
If only you really understood the curse
I have sacrificed so much
To share a life, its tough
My mind needs silence
So much I have learned.
Your lies, ive come to despise.
You alone, will bring my demisee.
And still, you are all I want.
Even your gaslighting.
I try to be strong.
But through the manipulation and deception,
I sing your song.
Yes. I am crazy.
Fucking insane.
My fire, your oxygen fuels.
Or you are the fire, and I am the wood.
Either way, blues traveler. I'm burning for you.
And forever I will continue to.
By the way, the experts see the truth.
I want you. I want all of you.
But your npd refuses. You want you.
Ive no fight left.
Even jail becomes alluring
When I realize ive nothing out here without you.
I start hallucinating how great it could be.
So, please. give me reason to believe.
Prove it to me.
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thoughtreservoir · 8 years
Sounds like every time I open up, I get shut down.
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thoughtreservoir · 10 years
I hate when I just want to sit on tumblr, but I have to take a huge shit.
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thoughtreservoir · 10 years
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