thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
The Simple Truth: 15 Hours in a Car
March 9th, 2015
12:51 AM
Well, there’s no internet. So that kind of sucks, and I think that’s pretty sad, because that just goes to show how deprived I am of any time that lacks modern day technology. However, I also think now would be an awesome opportunity to get some blogging done, or at least start on some drafts. But, since there’s no internet, I can’t do that. So instead, I’m going to log my time in the car, maybe work on some possible ideas for posts, as well as participate in some other mind-numbing activities to pass the next 14 hours. It should be fun.
1:27 AM
Zack asked me to record that we filled up at 279 miles.
2:42 AM
I’m exhausted. Like, entirely and completely exhausted. I tried closing my eyes for a few minutes, but with the amount of caffeine in my system that isn’t about to work. Instead, I put the music up real loud and I’m just trying to relax myself into some sort of comatose state of mind where I physically can’t keep my eyes open. Meanwhile, on the computer, my fingers are doing the work of a monotonous activity for me, because for whatever reason I thought looking at a LED screen would do me some good in the realm of trying to sleep on this god forsaken 14 hour fucking ride.
I may be kind of cranky.
4:14 AM
Not really so cranky anymore. Still exhausted, but I’m hanging in and we are keeping ourselves pretty well occupied with music and conversation, so that’s really nice. He’s all hyped up on vyvanse, and I’ve got about 600 mg of caffeine in my system right now. We’ve been talking about his friends down there, and I am still pretty nervous about meeting everyone. Thanks to a certain person in our lives, I have developed a colored reputation with some people down here, including one of Zack’s closer friends. It’s a bit nerve-wracking, but I’m hoping it will be tolerable. Unfortunately, it has crossed my mind that if people down here completely reject me, I might have to reconsider this move. I’m worried that this person might have that much power over peoples opinions of me, although I have no idea how relevant that is in Zack’s life separate from them. I’m really anticipating that it won’t be a problem, but it is still on my mind. But I digress; the trip is coming along. Slowly but surely. Still a little bit crank, but I’m doing the best that I can.
7:46 AM
I’m so cranky. I’m so fucking cranky. I want to punch the next person that talks to me before I have my next cup of coffee. It’s a very real fear of mine that we’re going to arrive at Zack’s friend’s house and I’m just going to scream at someone before they let me go to bed. This is bad. Super bad. And I’m too damn tired to write anything that’s really worth reading. So here’s my little update. Enjoy it, cause I’m sure as hell not enjoying this shit. (Sorry for all the cussing, I’m super fucking cranky.)
8:11 AM
Just got some food in my system. I’m still completely exhausted, but I feel at least somewhat like a normal person, which is awesome compared to feeling like you just got spit out from the pits of hell. It’s raining right now, and I think that’s kind of funny because of how much Zack stressed to me about how much it rains down here. We aren’t exactly there yet, but we’re close. About 400/900+ miles left to go.
9:44 AM
I just woke up from a nap. We’re in Atlanta. It’s really pretty here, and we’re on a road right now that’s right next to the airport so we get to see a lot of low-flying planes. I’m hungry.
1:34 PM
I slept for a couple of hours, so I’m feeling much, much better. And I apologize for the earlier logs. I was very cranky. Anyways, we are about an hour away so we’re coming in on the home stretch. This was painful, but not as bad as I expected it to be. And I did it on one redbull, some coffee and no Adderall! I’m honestly shocked that Zack is still functioning properly because if I hadn’t fallen asleep for a couple of hours, I would be in much worse of sorts. I can’t believe 14 hours pretty much flew by. I can’t believe that the first chapter in the rest of my life is finally right in front of me. This feels pretty amazing.
1:42 PM
We made it!
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
The Simple Truth: Kisses
I've always adored kisses.
The way they look; soft, how it looks as two lips meet each other briefly and then gently fall back upon the comfort of their own state, knowing they will meet their other pair in the nearby future.
The way they feel; with his hand on the nape of your neck, pressing your lips deeper into the crevice of his own and reassuring you of his love with every passing breath he loans into your heart.
The way they taste; illustrating a memorable sense and depicting it into the depths of your mind as the moment comes and goes, all the while reminding you of what it once felt like to imagine that very moment years before it was ever to be experienced.
They are the most memorable of moments, and the most intense occasion of intimacy to be shared between two lovers. Being the epitome of what enables a person to be a paramour, they are more personal than sex, they are more beautiful than raw forms of physicality. They can be passionate, gentle, mesmerizing or enchanting, but they will always be the truest expression of love.
Perfect passion forms at the lips of the souls in love and consummates at the introduction of two hearts beating swiftly for one another. It continues through every-day life, meeting periodically between the morning rush and the evening turn-down. Though perfect passion does not end. Passion, as it is with kisses, comes in many forms.
However, perfect passion, though may not be derived from, is the counterpart of perfect love. And what more do we need in life than to find perfect love? There is no better pastime. There is no purer bliss. There is no superior reality than to be kissed with perfect passion by the man or woman who loves you perfectly.
And thus is the reason I have always adored kisses.
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
The Simple Truth: Life Post 1
When there's nothing to write about, write about what you know.
Well, what I know is my life. And even that I'm not entirely sure of.
For example, a month ago I was stuck in a miserable job working almost no hours. I had just dropped out of high school and was a nervous wreck about starting college without having graduated (granted I had made it part of the way through my senior year, so I got lucky on that end). Well, things change. Life is never what you expect it to be, therefore you should never expect it to go a certain way. I was stuck in a rut for the longest time, and lately, well, everything seems to be making its own way into the perfect alignment in my life.
Today I took the second and third parts (out of four) of my GED test, passing now two of those four tests with honors; something I never would have achieved had I stayed in normal high school. As if that hadn't given me enough of a sense of achievement, I also got a job today. Granted, it's a shitty retail job, but I'm making over minimum wage, as well as working full time, something that I've never done before. So as of today, I'm on track to getting my high school diploma equivalent, I've got a full time job, I'm moving to Alabama with my amazing boyfriend, and I'm enrolled in college courses.
It's daunting, though. I'm kind of sitting here, as I've stated once before, thinking "When did I get here? When did I become an adult?". It's daunting. It's intimidating. However, it's also completely incredible. I finally have things that no body can touch, no body can take from me. For the first time in my 19 years of living, I feel like I have [at least most of the] control over my life.
It wasn't easy, and for anyone out there who is struggling, I can tell you one thing for certain: life does not get easier. It gets harder, and harder, and harder every single day. The trick is learning how to cope with life and learning that the only people in the world that can stop you from achieving all of your dreams are the demons that you hold within your own self. Life may not get easier, but it sure as hell gets a lot better. And isn't that what makes it all worth it?
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
My Pinterest. I aspire to be a wedding planner one day, so that is the main theme of it, however there are a lot of specific categories that can be applied to every day life! 
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
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Reusable Dryer Sheets {Tutorial}
Found at: viewfromthefridge 
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
The Simple Truth: What Happens When You Decide to Move 5 Months Before You Need To
Anxiety. A lot of it. And if you already have anxiety? Forget about it. Zack (my boyfriend) and I decided that this was what we wanted several months before we are due to move. 
I've already started packing. 
Seriously, there is an entire corner of my room that I am currently looking at that totals up to 5 boxes, a hookah, and a bag full of books. We aren't expected to move until July, or even August if we decide to stay for an extra month. 
As if the packing weren't enough, almost every single day we are talking about something life changing, like kids, or marriage, or both, or the fact that I already have a son so that means at 22 years old, if he decides to be with me, then he decides to be a father. Like I said, we have already decided that this is going to happen, so all of those things are things that we need to address. 
It's overwhelming though, to be 19 years old and thinking like "Wait, 2 years ago, wasn't I still a kid?". It's exhausting, and exciting, and nerve wracking, and calming all at once to know that the next few years of your life are going to be spent with someone you love and care about. 
The biggest issue with having this all decided several months before you're expected to move is that it gives you WAY too much time to just sit and think about everything that could either go extremely well, or extremely, well, not well. 
If you are planning on moving in with a significant other, please feel free to inbox me, anonymously or not, and definitely follow me! I'll be posting a lot about this process, and I would love any feed back from absolutely anyone <3
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
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DIY on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/165896615
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
The best kind of relationship is when they’re not only your lover, but your best friend too.
(via makemestfu)
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
So, for my first post I thought it might be a nice idea to fill everyone in on what’s going on; who I am and what I’ll be blogging about.
This all started almost exactly a year ago. I had recently turned 18 and needed a job to support my dead beat boyfriend of, guess what, two weeks. And no, I’m...
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thesimpletruth-life · 9 years
My high school experience was, just like everyone else’s, NOT what you see in the movies. I wasn’t prom queen, I didn’t have a million boys asking me out on dates, and I didn’t get straight A’s. Heck, I didn’t even go to just one high school.
I went to five. One for each insufferable year of high...
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