thelimeuknow · 2 years
I am just a beliver, I have never been naturally good at anything, I always loved the idea of believing that I can do this or that, sometimes hurt my self with words because things doesn't go as I imagine it would be, I hated the fact that I buy things that I think i can make into something but ended up just being nothing, despise the fact that I cant be true to my self, I cant complement myself with my own achievement because it's not as how I planed it will be, hated the fact that I get jealous of other people achievements because of the thought that I can do it to, sometimes cry myself to wondering if I even tried my best, I sometimes wonder if I could be a different person just for their patience and understanding of not all things can go as we plan, but i cant change who I am, so it's better if I learn to appreciate little things until my life ends.
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thelimeuknow · 2 years
I thought falling in love was only for people who are prepared to be in love, but now I know that love comes untimely, love is this mysterious emotion that can make you feel that you have everything now that you have it, but it sometimes can make you feel unfit of that feeling and I'm here to tell you that enjoy, admire every minute of falling in love, appreciate every minute of being in love, and relish every moment of being with someone that you love.
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