thebookterra · 3 years
LIFE HACKS - Workarounds for Writing with ADHD (or any other distraction)
Getting Around Executive Function Malfunction - Make a to-do list - Number it - Random.org - set a timer for a number you like (I like primes so I do 17 or 31 or something) - do the task until A) the timer goes off or B) you are able to focus on it
Getting Around Not Wanting To Work - Have multiple projects going so you can procrastinate one by working on another - Reward yourself for progress... I like stickers so I have a sticker calendar. 1 sticker per X number of words written or 1 sticker per task
Getting Around Plotting Being Boring - Figure out your villains - Plan four plot twists - Make a list of scenes you really want to write so you can work towards them - Write the scenes you can think of first - Copy and Paste into a Frakendraft - Fill in bridge scenes where needed - You can also pants your way through, that works for some people, but I get frustrated rewriting and doing six drafts of edits because I meandered through the book so I'm a planster. - HERE is a beat sheet if you want one
Getting Around Time Blindness - Set a timer - Make a play list as long as the time you need to write/work/plot/ect and listen to it until it is done (this is good for setting your brain up to remember where it is because that playlist = that book and you can work until the last song). - Alarms on your phone to break your concentration when you get hyperfocused but need to do things like eat, sleep, parent, walk the dog, ect.
Getting Around Object Permanence and Memory Issues - Post-it Notes! Your to-do list, your notes for writing, your goals for the week, your motivational quotes... put them on notes in front of your writing space where you can see them. - Plot your book with post-it notes and put on a whiteboard. Take the whiteboard out when you are working, put it away when you are not. - HERE is a video of me in my pjs with my best friend plotting out her book with post-it notes so you can see how I do it.
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thebookterra · 3 years
Hello I am begging you guys please boost this if you can, this keeps happening an I am so tired of it
TW- death row
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Somewhere close to where I live there is this man named Pervis Payne and he is suppose to be executed in 29 days please boost this. In Tennessee specifically shelby Tennessee he is suppose to be executed. During his trial and during his time of being on death row he has faced racism, and been told things like "you think your black now just wait until we fry you."
He has so much proof of being innocent but won't be let off death row. Police has said that he was in a drug fueled frenzy with no evidence and REFUSE to do DNA testing or drug testing. He done nothing wrong but is being called a animal.
He has a proven intellectual disability where he shouldn't be on death row at all. I don't care at all what your account is about just please spread awareness knowing that stuff like this is happening where I live to innocent black people just like me is disgusting.
If you can please @ your mutuals. This man deserve freedom.
Here are things you can do
Petition to allow to do DNA testing
Call (615)-741-2001 and press 1 to leave a voice mail granting a stay of pervis payne execution (if it doesn't go to voice-mail there should be someone who answers and you can do the same thing)
I sadly can't find anymore at the moment but if you do please share also some petitions are fake so please be careful.
Also realize that he is probably going to be executed in 28 days now since his execution is on April 9
@angiebug101 @mypimpademia @lucyheartfilias-wife @thatweirdoagainbitches
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thebookterra · 3 years
could you list down your followings? or like recommend some blogs that are similar to yours :) thank you!
Hello! I have quite a few blogs that I follow, so I figured I’d list the ones I visit most by category. (These are all in the writeblr community, but some of them focus on different things than I do.) If anyone has any blog recommendations, please leave tag them in the comments below!
Writing Advice Blogs
Writing Advice & Work In Progress
Original Character Creation & Prompt Blogs
Script Blogs I Follow
If you enjoy my blog and wish for it to continue being updated frequently and for me to continue putting my energy toward answering your questions, please consider Buying Me A Coffee.
I’d also really appreciate it if you would check out my separate blog dedicated to my current work in progress.
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thebookterra · 3 years
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thebookterra · 4 years
Beta Readers
Beta readers are an important part of the development process of a story. They aren’t required, but they help you get an outside perspective of your story, and figure out how readers may feel about it. 
Before You Pick Your Beta Reader
Make sure you’ve given your story a through editing!! Beta Readers aren’t editors. They shouldn’t be editing your craft or style, just reading it like a reader. Make sure you improved on any stylistic, grammar, or craft choices before you give your manuscript to your betas.
Choosing Your Beta Readers
Surprisingly, when choosing beta readers, it’s actual better to choose people who aren’t writers. You want beta readers who are just readers, preferably typical readers of your genre. Betas shouldn’t try to “fix” your story; they should simply read it and give honest feedback about how the story made them feel, the parts they like, and the parts they didn’t.
Questions to Ask Your Beta Readers
Did the story hold your interest from the very beginning? If not, why not?
Did you get oriented fairly quickly at the beginning as to whose story it is, and where and when it’s taking place? If not, why not?
Could you relate to the main character? 
Did the setting interest you and did the descriptions seem vivid and real to you? 
Was there a point at which you felt the story lagged or you became less than excited about finding out what was going to happen next? Where, exactly? 
Were there any parts that confused you? Or even frustrated or annoyed you? Which parts, and why? 
Which parts were exciting and should be elaborated on, with more details?
Did you notice any discrepancies or inconsistencies in time sequences, places, character details, or other details? 
Were the characters believable? Are there any characters you think could be made more interesting or more likable?
Did you get confused about who’s who in the characters? Were there too many characters to keep track of? Too few? Are any of the names of characters too similar? 
Are there any characters you particularly disliked? Why?
Did the dialogue keep your interest and sound natural to you? If not, whose dialogue did you think sounded artificial or not like that person would speak?
Did you feel there was too much description or exposition? Not enough? Maybe too much dialogue in parts?
Was there enough conflict, tension, and intrigue to keep your interest? 
Was the ending satisfying? Believable? 
Did you notice any obvious, repeating grammatical, spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors? Examples?
Do you think the writing style suits the genre? If not, why not?
In your opinion, what are the main strengths of the story? The main weaknesses of the story?
Anything additional you want to add?
εїз Happy Writing, Creative Minds  εїз
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thebookterra · 4 years
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disclaimer: I am east asian. if anyone who is not white sees anything wrong with my phrasing, inaccuracies, or insensitivity, or something I missed, please feel free to add on. I’m just one person with one perspective; none of what I say should be taken as The Singular way to draw an Asian character. if you havent done so already, please take the effort to expand your view of Asian culture outside this one tutorial.
if a white person reblogs this and adds something stupid I’m going to bite and kick you like a wild animal
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thebookterra · 4 years
(Kapitel / Chapter) 16
Am Nachmittag fanden wir einen Fluss, in dem wir uns vom Schweiß und Dreck der letzten Tage befreiten, und Louira bat mich, ihr Haar auszuwaschen. 
In the afternoon we found a river in which we could wash off the sweat and dirt of the last few days, and Louira asked me to wash her hair.
@deanilise @deangirlsince07 @dea-stiel  @sammyimpala-67 @id-rather-be-in-the-tardis @lily-evanspotter  @crack--attack @ladystiltskin67 @litterarumnebula @dammitsammy  @pumpkinsplicer
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thebookterra · 4 years
When writing a blind character, what are some things to avoid?
Ah! So this is definitely a bit of a broad question, but I can give a few basics:
Blind people don’t actually give a shit about touching faces, so please, please stear clear of that. The only exceptions may be the same way sighted lovers may caress each other’s faces and parents may hold a child’s face in an emotional moment, but it’s just like a sighted lover or parent would, nothing more.
Please avoid giving your character a cure. One of the most crushing things as a disabled reader is to finally have a disabled character, but for them to end up with a fantastic magic cure half-way through. It rarely makes for a good story, and often a much better story is that person’s journey in understanding themselves as equal and learning that they aren’t broken and useless and can do whatever they want, overcoming internalized ableism rather than “overcoming the disability.”
Few blind people actually wear sunglasses or eye coverings, so your character probably won’t either if the likelyhood says anything. Chances are they will not be part of that minority, so probably better not to do that.
Something similar can be said for characters with white or cloudy eyes. The vast majority of blind people will not have very abnormal-looking eyes, so chances are your character will not be part of that minority.
Another very similar thing should be noted about the level of vision they will have. Somewhere between 80 and 90% of blind people have some level of remaining vision, weather it be little more than light perception or enough that they were forced to use their eyes a lot growing up and weren’t taught braille or to use a cane because they could get by well enough not to die most of the time.
So these are just the first several things I can think of at the moment, but definitely feel free to ask about more things!
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thebookterra · 4 years
(Kapitel /Chapter) 15
Als wir das Zimmer am nächsten Morgen verließen und der Alte der Wirtin den Schlüssel zurückgab, setzte das Jucken ein. 
When we left the room in the next morning, and the Old Man returned the key to the innkeeper, the itching started.
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thebookterra · 4 years
How a society handles crime can say a lot about it’s culture. Consider the following when you are developing your setting:
What crimes are punished the most severely?
Are people presumed guilty or innocent?
Who decides the outcome of trials?
Does the law apply to everyone or are some (such as royalty) above it?
Does the death penalty exist? If so, how are people killed?
How harsh are punishments in general?
Are certain groups punished more harshly or leniently than others (e.g. the rich getting lighter punishments)?
Are people debating whether certain things (e.g. recreational drugs) should be legal?
What kinds of accusations can have a long term impact on someone’s reputation even if they are ultimately found innocent?
Do prisons prioritize punishment or rehabilitation?
How humane are the conditions in prisons? If they aren’t very good, does this bother the general populace?
Once released from prison, how hard is it for people to return to their old lives? How hard is it for them to get new jobs?
Are certain groups seen as more likely to commit crimes?
What is the most commonly committed crime?
What laws exist but are rarely enforced for one reason or another?
Does the society have any especially strange/unique laws that would surprise an outsider?
What behaviors used to be crimes but aren’t anymore? Are they still frowned upon to a degree?
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thebookterra · 4 years
10 Facts I’ve Learned About Murder:
I was lucky enough to talk to an actual pathologist and figured I’d put together a list of highlights that may be vaguely interesting or useful for writers (this is particularly relevant for crime writers, but some of this may come up in other genres). 
Heads up, while there’s no super gory descriptions if you’re REALLY squeamish it may not be for you:
1. Hyoid Bone
The hyoid bone is located in your neck, sort of hidden under your chin. To give you a sense of how easy it is to damage this bone, it was described to me as being a little bit stronger than a wish bone. As a general rule, manual strangulation WILL fracture the hyoid bone.
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thebookterra · 4 years
Hi!  // Hey :)
Ich präsentiere euch zur Feier meiner Rückkehr (XD) einen zweiten kleinen Schnipsel aus meinem WIP, den ich auch auf Instagram gepostet habe (ihr findet mich dort unter @betweensome_lines).
In honour of my return (XD) I present to you the second snippet from my WIP, that I also posted on instagram (you can find me there under @betweensome_lines).
“Bevor ich hierhergekommen bin hat mein Bruder meine besten Stifte geklaut und offen liegen lassen, sodass sie ausgetrocknet sind. ‘Du kleiner Scheißkerl.’ Das ist das letzte, was ich zu ihm gesagt hab.” Ihre Stimme war hart, doch etwas in ihrem Tonfall, der Art, wie sie zitternd einatmete, wie das spöttische Schnauben viel abfälliger klang als sonst, hinderte mich daran, mich ihr zuzuwenden. Ich hatte zu große Angst, ihre Maske fallen zu sehen und ich wusste nicht, was ich im Angesicht von Siris gebrochenem Herzen tun würde.
“Before I came here, my brother stole my best felt pens and left them to dry out. ‘You little shit.’ That’s the last thing I said to him.” Her voice was hard, but something in her tone, the way she trembly inhaled, how her derisive huff sounded so much more derogatory than usual, prevented me from turning towards her. I was too afraid to see her mask fall, and I didn’t know what I would do in the face of her broken heart.
@dammitsammy @deangirlsince07 @dea-stiel @deanilise @id-rather-be-in-the-tardis @sammyimpala-67 @crack--attack @ladystiltskin67 @lily-evanspotter @litterarumnebula
Wenn ich dich zur tag-Liste hinzufügen oder davon entfernen soll, gib Bescheid :) // If you would like to be added / removed from the tag list, just tell me :D
Außerdem werde ich bald anfangen, meine Charaktere vorzustellen; sobald ich mich für ein gutes Format entschieden habe. Falls du also irgendwelche speziellen Fragen und Interessen oder irgendwelche Ideen und Tipps für mich hast, wie ich gute Charakter-Vorstellungs-Posts machen soll - ich bin dankbar für jeden Input :)
Also, I’m gonna start introducing my characters as soon as I figure out a good format to do that. So, if you have a special interest or any ideas / tips on how I could make good character-presentation-posts, I’m thankful for any input :D <3
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thebookterra · 4 years
@deangirlsince07 @dea-stiel @deanilise @sammyimpala-67 @id-rather-be-in-the-tardis @lily-evanspotter @dammitsammy @crack--attack @ladystiltskin67 @litterarumnebula
(Kapitel/Chapter) 14
Den letzten Teil des Weges legten wir auf einer befestigten Straße zurück.
The last part of the way we traveled on a made road.
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thebookterra · 4 years
(Kapitel/Chapter) 14
Den letzten Teil des Weges legten wir auf einer befestigten Straße zurück.
The last part of the way we traveled on a made road.
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thebookterra · 4 years
Leute, ich bin wieder da, und ab jetzt poste ich die ersten Sätze in einzelnen Posts. Viel Spaß! :)
Hey guys, I'm back and going to start posting those first sentences in separate posts! Have fun :)
Ich fange einfach mal an. / Anyways, I’ll just start.
Der Krieg ist seit bald zehn Jahren vorbei.
The war has been over for almost ten years.
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thebookterra · 4 years
Blease tell me more about the beard thing bc if I were to make a campaign I'd fucking love for that to be a thing
My HC for Dwarf Beards and Gender Presentation
So the first thing you need to know is the average dwarf will have a primary braid and a secondary pair of braids to either side of it.  These two sets of braids denote different things so
Primary Braid
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The Primary Braid is the large braid down the center of the beard.  Traditionally there are three recognized genders in Dwarven Society, though they do acknowledge an individual’s desire to express themselves in new ways.  A traditional 3-strand braid denotes male preferred pronouns, a 4-strand braid denotes female preferred pronouns, and a 2-strand twist denotes a non-binary dwarf with gender-neutral pronouns.  These are entirely based on gender expression and not related to sex or genitalia of the dwarf, which is considered a private matter that matters to no one but the dwarf and their mate.
It is possible for a dwarf not to have a primary braid, but this style is considered a time of transition or change in a dwarf’s life, and gender-neutral pronouns should be used until otherwise stated.  Some dwarves cut off their primary braid when moving away from their home so as to reevaluate and reinvent themselves in their new residence, but it is not something all dwarves do.
The majority of dwarves use he/him pronouns outside of all-dwarven societies due to gender stigma against female presenting dwarves by other species, but in an all-dwarven society the mix of genders will be fairly even.
To save timelines I put the rest under the cut, but I talk about more below!
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thebookterra · 4 years
In my fantasy world, one of the ways for trans people to alter their bodies is via a potion (NOT an instant sex-change potion, more like HRT except it's a magic liquid you drink. This isn't the question, I'm trans so I'm not too worried about the concept being badly executed.) I'm at a bit of a loss at what to actually call it - I absolutely don't want to call it a sex-change potion, but terms like gender affirmation or sex realignment or hormone replacement sound too modern for the setting.
I asked some of the other ScriptFam mods about this for ideas because I was coming up blank, so credit where due (I’m sorry I am forgetting which folks helped with what ideas… @ other ScriptFolks, feel free to claim whatever you came up with). 
How about naming it after a deity or divine figure? 
Another option would be to name it after something in nature that changes or goes through a cycle of some kind. 
A constellation you only see for part of the year, or a deity of the spring time. 
Something in nature that helps something else to come about, like the rain, or sun rays. 
Something with a Latin name, maybe?
You could also name it after a person who would have first concocted the potion, or the first person who would have used it.
Followers, feel free to add?
- mod nat
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