teacupwritings · 4 years
Bakugou spending his birthday with his s/o!
Bakugou Katsiku birthday headcannons! Whoooo I managed to finish this today! I love my little garbage man🥺. He has my heart and I just wanted to do a little something special for him.
I had to rewrite this like ten times cuz it wouldnt save and my wifi is garbage
Pairings : bakugou x reader
Characters: bakugou
Request: open! 
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++ you kinda/sorta snuck into his dorm at four in the morning in order to wish him a happy birthday
++ “Happy Birthday Katsuki!”
++ how the fuck were you this loud, this early in the morning? 
++ he almost punched you in the throat out of reflex 
++ he looked like a fucking mess
++ his hair was all tangled and the bags under his eyes make him look like some zombie
++ but you still think he looks like the finest peice of ass
++ “ how the fuck did you even get in here? ”
++ “ how about we just skip all of the uninportant details, it’s your birthday! So wake up! I wanna make today extra special!”
++ eventually you explain to him that your gonna need his help baking his own birthday cake
++ it was still to early to process anything so he just went along with it
++ you just sat there waiting for him to get ready
++ you were just vibing on his bed tbh
++ it was almost as if you didn’t just sucsessfully pick his lock and sneak into his dorm without getting caught
++ but there was nothing could stand in your way
++ not even a simple door lock!
++ you have been planning this for almost a year
++ you aren’t even sure why
++ maybe it was because you felt kinda guilty for forgeting his birthday last year?
++ it really makes you feel like a shorty person smh
++ but in your defence it wasn’t like he told anyone about it anyways!
++ he always just expected people to know
++ but at least now you were prepared, and i mean PREPARED
++ ballons, streamers, banners, and other party essencials
++ you name em we got em
++ other student’s pitched in a bit and it made you so damn happy
++ of course it took a while to gain all of the supplies but that didn’t matter at the moment
++ you weren’t the only one in on this though
++ kirishima and the rest of the bakusquad would be in charge of decorating and cooking
++ your only job was to keep him happy and distracted until his party :)
++ thats gonna be kinda difficult 
++ angry hoe 😤
++ the party wasn’t really a surprise
++ you didn’t want him to blow anything up so you told him ahead of time
++ he was a bit hesitant but eventually he agreed
++ It was around 4:30am when you finally managed to get him out of bed and ready for the day 
++ “ Come onnnnnn, I’m boredddd! ”
++ he does that little *shut the fuck up* glare 
++ you don’t usually stay silent when it comes to bakugou but today was the only exception
++ you stay quiet because its his birthday, and ONLY because its his birthday 
++ once he was done getting ready you dragged him to the kitchen 
++ he was wearing a T-shirt and Jeans
++ “Really?”
++ “What?!”
++ “No nothing, just thought you were gonna dress up a bit more for your birthday.”
++ “it doesn’t fucking matter.”
++ “okayyy”
++ nobody is awake so the two of you have to be extremely quiet while baking
++ you thought that wouldn’t be a problem
++ but it turns out bakugou is like Gordon Ramsey when it comes to cooking
 ++ poor thing is going to explode when he sees you poring flour into a bowl without taking measurements 
++ your not sure but you think you can see murder in his eyes when he looks at you
++ he takes a couple of deep breaths trying to calm down
++ when he does he finally walks over
++ small explosions are cackleing at his finger tips 
++ oh shit
++ he tries to his hand under some metal bowl on the counter
++ as much as he hates the shitty bastards sleeping upstairs he didn’t want to get into trouble for waking everyone up
++ he gives you a forced but reassuring smile 
++ “ I got this. ”
++ you could just tell he was angry
++ as much as he wants to wack you upside the head, he knows your doing this for him ;-;
++ isn’t that fucking romantic? 
++ this bitch ISN’T going to blow your head off 🥺
++ he just makes you sit and watch and you are in awe
++ how could someone so aggressive be so good at something like baking
++ occasionally he lets you mix the batter but you even seem to mess that up too
++ he doesn’t want to make you feel bad so he gives you small bits of praise here and there
++ “ tch, good job..”
++ “ awwww thank you katsuki! ”
++ he doesn’t really compliment you a lot
++ your not really sure why
++ maybe its an ego thing idk 
++ but when he does you heart kinda just goes whoa ;)
++ eventually you guys are done and you talk for awhile
++ you are feeling extra affectionate today for some reason
++ so here you are clinging to bakugou like a damn koala
++ with the heat from the stove and your body pressed up against him, he feels like he is going to have a heat stroke
++ “ get off of me shitty girl/boy it’s like one hundred degrees in here. ” 
++ you ignore him and stay hooked 
++ you couldn’t really controll yourself 
++ he smelled like the perfect mix of caramel and burning wood
++ eventually the two of you get bored so you decide to just play a board game in the living space 
++ Checkers is his personal favorite so the two of you play for a while 
++ he wins every time ;-;
++ each time he wins you notice his smirk grow by the second
++ that fucking smug bastard
++ you were about to go on a rant explaining how the game was ‘rigged’ and ‘unfair’ 
++ but the damn oven timer stopped you
++ when the cake was finished being baked the two of you iced it 
++ you were thinking of putting icing on his cheek
++ kinda like those shitty hallmark movies?
++ but you decide against it
++ because you value your life
++ after fininishing cleaning up the mess the two of you left and putting the cake in the fridge you decide it was time to show Katsuki his gift
++ since you are a broke highschooler money was kinda a problem, especially when it came to gifts
++ but like I said you were preparing for a whole year
++ the two of you make it to your dorm and you tell him to sit on the floor and close his eyes
++ he found that kinda sus but doesn’t say anything about it anyways
++ you sit down next to him and gently place the item in his hands
++ his face fell as soon as he saw it
++ “...what the fuck is this? ”
++ “ its a hedgehog silly! isn’t it cute! “
++ “ I know it’s a fucking hedgehog dumbass, I mean what exactly am I supposed to do with this...thing? ”
++ “ i don’t know it’s up to you, and don’t worry I already talked with aizawa and he is cool with it! I also have all of his things in the closet so you dont have to worry about where to put him, or food, or anything! ”
++ he didn’t really understand why you were so happy about a small spikey animal
++ “ What possessed you and made you think this was a fucking good idea? ”
++ ouch that one hurt
++ “ I don’t know! It was so cute and it reminded me of you! If you don’t like it I could return it if you don’t like it though-”
++ it was cute, not even bakugou could disagree 
++ even tho he is a heartless bastsrd, he couldn’t lie he has a soft spot for animals
++ and plus a hedgehog is the perfect animal to keep him company
++ he leans over and gives you a little peck on the cheeck when he noticed you frowning
++ “ Don’t worry about it, I like it.”
++ your mood went from 0 to 100 real quick
++ you were so happy you almost doubled over and dropped dead
++ the two of you decided to stay in your dorm and play with the small animal for an hour or until everyone decided to wake up
++ small family things™
++ for the rest of the day bakugou wouldn’t let go of ‘katsuki jr’ even when the party already started
++ he loves that little hedgehog 
++ almost as much as he loves you ;)
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teacupwritings · 4 years
my hero academia e-boy makeover headcanons
wowie ths has been in my head for weeks but i thought it would be a funny idea to turn my favorite boys into e-boys after watching a shit ton of tik-tok. So please enjoy! School got canceled because of corona so send in some request and I’ll do those instead of homework ;)
Pairings : bakugou x reader, midoriya x reader, todoroki x reader
Characters: bakugou, todoroki, and izuku
Request: open duh
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++ he is kinda surprised that you came to him for something like this 
++ he doesn’t even know what an e-boy is 
++ so why the hell are you trying to turn him into one?
++ Before we start with our e-boy transformation he just needs to do a tiny bit of research
++ He got  even more confused when he asked you for a definition
++ “You know there soft on the inside! And hard on the outside! but also...like...I honestly don’t know what to classify these people as.” 
++ “ Then...whats the difference between this and an emo teenager? ”
++ eventually the two of you spent about an hour trying to figure out what is an e-boy and why they exist 
++ Now Shoto is just 10 times more confused
++ he doesn’t admit it though. 
++ you guys just start off with stripes and the chains
++ At first Shoto doesn’t really understand why these people wear so many layers
++ Like why do you have to wear a long sleeved shirt under a short sleeve tee?
++ If it weren’t for his quirk this poor boy would be dying from heat stroke
++ “I mean what is the end goal for e-boys? What are they trying to get?”
++ “...laid?”
++ “that...makes sense?”
++ it really doesn’t
++ “do you have any skinny jeans?”
++ “No...why?”
++ the two of you went on a shopping spree and bought the TIGHTEST jeans you can find
++ “they don’t fit...”
++ “we’ll make them fit!”
++ sometimes you forget his thighs are BUFF
++ big and meaty
++ you didn’t really need to do much to his hair because that middle part is *cheef kiss*
++ whew, he is just so pretty
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++ okay but what the actual fuck is going on
++ when the two of you started with Bakugou’s ‘makeover’ you have already went through just about two containers of hair styling gel
++ his hair kinda just kept on going “poof”
++ but we gotta get this e-boy middle part, ya know 
++ “ Why the fuck does my hair feel so damn stiff! ”
++ “ Shut up and sit still! I’m almost done! ”
++ If he is being one-hundred percent honest with himself he would admit that he actually enjoys it when you play with his hair 
++ he would sort of lean into your touch BUT of course your gonna call him out
++ Now he is just sitting completely  still because he is a sweaty stubborn bastard. 
++ Eventually the two of you get in an argument over the fact that it looks like Bakugou hasn’t seen a hair brush in weeks
++ but after hours of hairspray and PURE DEDICATION you finished his hair. 
++ Bakugou was a little bit hesitant to let you touch his face, but you peer pressured him into letting you add a lil makeup
++ what he doesn’t know is you have no idea what your doing ;)
++ first you apply his eyeliner
++ It looks pretty good...I guess?
++ although if we are being honest now he is looking more sleep deprived than Shinsou
++ or maybe your terrible eyeliner skills could be excused as you helping out Bakugou with his raccoon cosplay
++ to make him look ‘cute af’ we are going to add a little bit of color
++ during this process your hand sorta slipped and you kida-sorta maybe added a shit ton of blush
++ now he looks more pink than a fat middle-schooler that was forced to take a lap around the gym
++ makeup really isn’t your strong suit 
++ “ Now were gonna apply a face tattoo, every good e-boy has a face tattoo!”
++ “ Oh fuck no! “
++ you have never seen that poor boy run so fast in his life. 
++ Luckily for you the multiple layers of clothing on him slowed him down
++ As you were chasing him Baku-Bitch managed to ruin his hair, so the two of you just settled for a bucket hat. 
++ “ So, how do you feel about your transformation? ” 
++ “ I feel like a 2013 scene kid. ” >:/
++ after hours of pestering and blackmail you finally pestered Bakugou into making a tik-tok
++ “ What do I get out of this anyways?! ”
++ “ You get a shit ton of clout and mad hoes ” ;)
++ he wouldn’t talk to you for a week after this ‘little incident’ 
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++ You are low-key terrifying this poor boy
++ “ I-I don’t think I want this... ”
++ “ Well this isn’t about what you want! ”
++ “ I don’t think anybody wants this...”
++ to start things you you decided to give him some lessons on how to ACT like an e-boy
++ to be honest he wasn’t really doing to well
++ “so e-boys have different poses and different types of laughs, that you HAVE to master!”
++ he is so scared and confused
++ he has no idea how you manage to talk him into this
++ “why do I have to lick my lips exactly?”
++ “Cause that’s what the people want!”
++ we finna make them moist
++ *cue izuku smacking his lips like an idiot*
++ eventually you dropped the entire lip stuff and moved in to the trademark e-boy laugh
++ “ So like...ahaha?”
++ “NO! It has to be softer! more like...ahaha, your gentle but you have to let them know your rough with that laugh...like your a fucking top and you’ll choke them!”
++ okay maybe that last part was a bit much but how else will he learn? 
++ “I don’t think I understand...” 
++ you decided it would be best to just ignore the laugh and focus on body language
++ “Okay so you got to do a lot of lip biting too.”
++ “ uh, why?”
++ “Because its, hot?”
++ Yeah...nothing was really working out 
++ you gave up after the first hour of trying
++ its fine we still love him
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teacupwritings · 4 years
im on some weird shit because im crying about mirio so i want a mirio headcanon. mirio with a s/o who super clumsy
Ahh cute! I was waiting for someone to request my sweetest baby boy, he deserves the world so imma make this headcannon as fluffy as I can
- this deleted as soon as i was almost done writing it so I literally cried all over my laptop while writing the ending of this, so pleseeee enjoy!
Also I’m going to call out @jaideite for hating on Mirio and calling him weird, we don’t Stan 🙃 jk don’t attack me with your 1k followers 
Characters: Mirio 
Request: open duh
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++ is genuinely shocked at the amount of times you fall on a daily basis
++ he low-key finds it endearing 
++ it takes real skill to choke on air, fall up stairs, and trip over nothing in his opinion
++ have you ever seen one of those shitty cliche teenage romance movies? 
++ The ones where the main protagonist was always tripping over their own feet into the love interest’s arms?
++ its literally like they got nothing better to do with their lives smh
++ yeah but those just about sum up your’s and Mirio’s relationship for as long as you guys could remember
++ don’t even get started on the first day you met
++ your first encounter with Mirio was extremely…I mean EXTREMELY awkward
++ it was your first day at UA and you were running late 
++ like you most usually were 
++  your uniform was unironed and badly tucked in and all that jazz
++ you overall looked like you got into an argument with a homeless man behind a 7/11 dumpster 
++ so much for first impressions
++ and it was all because you forgot today was a Monday and not a Saturday so you didn’t set your alarm
++ or maybe that was just the lie you were trying your best to come up with to explain to your teacher why you were late on the first day of school
++ you weren’t too late but you still had to make a stop at your locker 
++ so as you were running down the hallway there was an conveniently placed book bag on the floor in the middle of the overly crowded area 
++ and you being the oh so graceful person you are managed to trip over said book bag
++ Mirio has always had this sort of hero complex and we all know this
++ so when he saw you about to make a mockery of yourself in front of your soon to be classmates he decided it would be a good idea to swoop in and save the day
++ he activated his quirk and made it as quickly as he could to your aid
++ unfortunately for him he managed to get the lower half of his body stuck in the ground and he lost his pants in the span of five seconds
++ poor baby still didn’t know how to use his quirk
++ cue Tamaki standing in the background dying of second hand embarrassment 
++ on the bright side he did catch you sorta and you were fine 
++ for the most part
++ minus the fact that you rammed your nose into his perfect forehead and had to spend half of first block in recovery girls office
++ he came to apologize as soon as he could well i mean after he found his clothing
++ “ I really should have planned that one out huh? How are you feeling now?”
++ “ Pretty good.”
++ you really don’t know when to stop running your mouth
++ “ How do YOU feel after half of the school saw your willy on the first day?”
++ “My…What?”
++ “…”
++ “…”
++ sometimes you need to know when enough talking is enough
++ as he got stronger through out his years at UA the two of you became super close he promised himself that he would always catch you if you fall
++ and honestly it was a damn challenge 
++ but ever since his quirk began advancing he has always been there for you
++ you found it pretty cute ngl 
++ he doesn’t really trust you when it comes to cooking or anything that has to do with the kitchen 
++ it seems you forget that things that have been heated up are actually hot 
++ like the time you were baking cookies and grabbed the pan with your bare hands 
++ of course this ended with you on the brink of tears and Mirio kissing your palms promising it would get better soon 
++ don’t even get me started with sharp objects 
++ no matter what you could be doing weather it be cooking or arts and crafts you would always manage to unintentionally harm yourself in some sort of way 
++ so now Mirio keeps all-might band-aids on him 24/7
++ just in case you can never be too careful
++ sometimes he gets really fed up when the two of you are training 
++ he wants you to become as good of a hero as him and you really can’t do that with falling on your face half of the time
++ he is always having these private training sessions with you
++ mainly focusing on your balance and running 
++ soon enough he decides pick up lines are beneficial to your relationship
++ “ I guess you couldn’t help but fall for my good looks.” ;)
++ you almost threw up a little
++ “ that one was almost as funny as the last time you told me…the same exact joke.”
++ he was a big dork but you still love him
———— spoilers for bnha season 4
++ when he lost his quirk he still kept his promise to you that he would always catch you when you fell
++ “ you gotta take it easy Mirio your still recovering.”
++ he doesn’t care
++ as long as he could continue to ‘save’ people, you specifically he was happy.
++ even without a quirk
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teacupwritings · 4 years
Yo okie, what about some headcannons with Bakugou, Todo, and Shinsou realizing that they have a crush and just being totally whipped for her 💕💕
Awe my first actual request! as soon as I saw this i got instant inspiration so I hope you enjoy! Also feel free to drop a request in my inbox makes me happy :)
Characters: bakugou, todoroki, and Shinsou
Request: open duh
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- he is honestly so confused
- of all the people he could have a crush on it had to be you
- he doesn’t even know how this shit even works
- like…is he even allowed to have emotions?
- he is fueled by nothing but pure rage
- so I guess everyone is as shocked as he is when they see him constantly smiling in your direction
- how in the world could he find someone so damn cute
- he is so soft when it comes to you
- …well I mean…as soft as Bakugou can get
- you are also one of the only people that can make him laugh
- and it is one of the most rare sounds that roam the halls of UA
- maybe that’s why he likes you so much
- the two of you will still argue constantly
- but once in a while he would let you think you won
- you guys would also have some of the weirdest conversations and he would just be so confused
- “Bro, do you think canabalism could like…I don’t know end world hunger?”
- “dude! Just think about it for a sec! All of our problems would be solv-“
- “if I hear another damn word come out of that pretty little mouth of yours your dead.”
- “you think my mouth is pretty.” :)
- “sorry…”
- great now you made him feel bad
- every time he thinks he may have hurt your feeling he would just shower you in gifts he doesn’t have the money for
- and we all know damn well he isn’t going to apologize
- he is too stubborn for that shit
- “you really didn’t need to get me this-“
- “just shut up and take it!”
- “I mean if you say so!”
- the gifts would always consist of small charms for some bracelet he got you a while back
-and occasionally he would give you those funko pop things you are always collecting
- every once in a while he will slip up and compliment you
- and then when people call him out he denies it 100 percent
- he also enjoys spending time with you watching all of your favorite shitty shows and movies
- as much as he hates to admit it he is alright with doing anything as long as it’s with you
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- awe isn’t he the cutest
- Shoto exe has stopped working
- He lowkey admires you 
- like from a distance of course
- because most of the time he would keep to himself
- but in all honestly, he really did not mind hanging out with you
- you were one of the only students in UA that he actually felt comfortable enough to take to the Todoroki household
- its absolute chaos but we don’t talk about it
- now the two of you just hang out at his do- the two of you would have study dates 24/7 
- he would even go as far as making tea for you
- that’s like the only thing he could make on his own
- he would also serve it to you in his special all might mug and its just precious
- he is a fanboy at heart
- he isn’t the best cook but you’ll just heat up ramen in the microwave if you get hungry
- privileged 
- when the two of you say “study date” it is basically an excuse to hang out. 
- the two of you would do some book club type shit 
- and sometimes you would watch shitty cliche romance movies
- you don’t really like them 
- but Shoto gets a kick out of them or sum
- Don’t even get me started on gifts 
- he would take you to the mall all the time 
- shopping sprees with Endeavor’s credit card
- you don’t really ask for anything you kind of just make small comments here and there
- “Shoto, did you see that?! Its so cute!” 
- “Yeah…It’s pretty cute.”
- As soon as you leave to use the bathroom or get some drinks from the food court, he would literally run and buy you whatever you were looking at
- he would surprise you with it as soon as you question whats in the bag
- after that you ambush him with hugs and thanks
- now he is just…super flustered 
- “It really isn’t a big deal.”
- sometimes you forget he is rich
- he will get you anything as long as it makes you happy :)
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- the two of you never really acknowledged each other until he figured out the two of you both wanted to join the hero course 
- after that you would train with each other all the time
- sometimes when you guys are training with each other he will use his brainwashing quirk on you (of course with his consent)  
- you always end up losing because you literally cannot keep your mouth shut
- he will make you do the stupidest shit  
- just to get a quick laugh out of it
- you managed to get out of his trance once but that was only because you had allergies and sneezed 
- he was kinda shocked but he let it slide as a mistake
- he never actually realized he had feelings for you until he noticed how much he actually missed you when you were out for about a week
- it was all the little things too
- like all of your useless conversations together and the way you would laugh at your own jokes
- now he doesn’t want to leave your side 
- sometimes he would walk down the halls quietly and when he sees you he will greet you with a hug
- every once in a while you would have sleep overs and you would just listen to each other rant till 3 in the morning
- he just loves to hear whats on your mind 
- on days like these you would wake up with bags under your eyes so the two of you spend the morning putting concealer under each others eyes so you don’t make it to school looking homeless
- During class he would pass you notes 
- whatever he writes is always a surprise it could either be the sweetest poem or one of the most cursed things you you have read in your entire life
- He is also extremely broke so don’t be expecting too many gifts
- he still makes you cute little scarves and hats here and there
- because he enjoys knitting shut up
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teacupwritings · 4 years
headcanon time! you know who this alo. anyways, i want a hedcannon on how shoto and katsuki deal with an overly loud and energetic s/o. bye bitch.
Ahhh okay so my first HC on this account, sorry it’s kinda short! my request are always open so feel free to ya know leave something in my ibox! Thank you ^^^
Bakugou and Todoroki with a loud and energetic s/o.
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- the two of you are one um…strange duo
- but it works?
- nobody expected the two of you to be so close
- he has always leaned toward the more somewhat timid crowd when it came to making friends
- but you kinda just popped up out of nowhere and BOOM
- in the beginning it was well…awkward
- you carried most of the conversations and he just ignored
- these conversation topics ranged from your favorite music to shitty shower thoughts
- “hey Shoto! Quick question, how much cash do you think a prostitute makes like…per month? Like not that I’m planing anything, it’s just like what if this hero thing don’t work out, ya know?”
- “uh-“
- the rest of the conversation consist of him smiling awkwardly and nodding his head slowly as you continued rambling
- you are always trying to get this boy to smile
- like no joke your everyday goal is to make him smile at least once
- “Todoroki I swar I’m trying my best here, but you gotta bear with me.”
- “I don’t understand why you are trying so hard, your not even that funny.”
- “haha! Ouch that one kinda hurt! Aren’t you the cutest!”
- todoroki is kinda petty but you don’t really care
- “hot babe! How bout a little smile huh? It would really make my day-“
-when he actually smiles for the first time
- *cue loud squealing*
- “what the fuck was that?!”
- “what?”
- “I didn’t know you could actually do that!”
- “I-“
- and sometimes you just make him super flustered and he just doesn’t know what to say ahgkeakjsfy
- on the plus side he eventually warms up to you
- and when he does the two of you just act like absolute idiots
- like random fits of laughter coming from the back of the class every so often
- and everyone is so shook like …
- Todoroki knows how laugh?!
- even if some most of your conversations consist of you ranting and telling jokes while he sits there like a lost and extremely confused puppy
- sometimes he lets out a small chuckle to make you feel better about your shitty and impulsive jokes
- you guys still enjoy each others company tho
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- what the actual fuck
- why the hell are you so loud? It’s like 7 in the morning
- Bakugou was in no mood to deal with your shit today or any day for that matter
- he should have just stayed home today
- now he has to deal with you and your loud mouth for the rest of the day
- “Don’t you ever shut up! You shitty girl!” 
- Arguments with Bakugou are absolutely terrifying specifically for bystanders
- especially because you two sit across the room from each other
- everyone in class 1-A kinda just has to sit through it
- and Aizawa knows damn well not to interfere
- things got a little out of hand last time he got involved 
- whenever you are not screaming and talking his ear off he knows damn well something is wrong
- he isn’t the best at comforting people but during times like this he would give you awkward back pats
- and very occasionally a hug
-  even tho it is like super awkward and tense it’s something
- As much as he hates to admit it sometimes he likes your energy and ego
- don’t even get me started on games you guys are two of the most competitive and loudest people in UA
- even when it comes to the smallest thing like connect four or Mario cart
- but other than that you two are pretty chill together
- especially when you aren’t nagging and plotting each others death
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