teacup-of-creativity · 8 months
So I noticed on my linktree when I was tweaking it that people come here from it?! I mean... I know I have it on there but SHEESH talk about unexpected lol. I almost wish they wouldn't lol!
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
Reconnecting to my Inspiration
Lately something I’ve been trying to do as I delve deeper into these revisions for my novel is reconnect with the things that inspired me at first. 
Listen, I started this novel seven years ago, back in 2016, so as I’m sure you can imagine there’s a lot about my original vision that I’ve forgotten over the years. Between the simple passage of time, and the continuous voice in my head telling my that my story wasn’t “professional” enough, or “real literature”, the course of the book shifted considerably. I tried to change it so much to fit these lofty ideas of what a book by me should be, that I forgot what it was that I WANTED to write.  
And what I want to write is GOOD, but SILLY! Silly at least to the great thinkers of this world who sit in their ivory towers and declare that “The red curtains in that short story must have symbolized something!” (I’m sure you know the kind.) But when I remembered FINALLY or maybe, more like realized for the first time, that I wasn’t writing for them, I was writing for myself and the people who enjoy what I do, a massive weight was lifted from my shoulders and a freedom and excitement to rediscover my story began to set in. But after so long, I was a little lost. I couldn’t remember all the things which had given me my catalyzing thoughts back in high school, or worse, I couldn’t remember the thoughts!
I recently started going back through all the media I could recall influenced or inspired Project Seer (that’s what we’re calling it for now), and dipping my toes back into the world and mind of 16 year old Rachel. 
A brief list of said materials I have recently rewatched (or something similar) for this very purpose is as follows:
Yona of the Dawn
The Last Kingdom,
Any lecture on feudalism I can get my hands on,
Miraculous Ladybug (just the new movie for now, we’ll see if I still have the stomach for the show later I suppose),
I JUST started rewatching Kuro Mukuro, which! Let me tell you-- is not at all something I thought I would need to help me write my medieval fantasy novel. It’s a modern mecha anime! With... Aliens?! It’s a little unclear! But the point is, it wasn’t until I actually clicked on that first episode and let it play for a minute that I remembered:
This is the show with a samurai from the sengokujidai as a main character! Feudalism is baked into the essence of the show, as this samurai character lives by his codes and morals, protecting the girl he perceives to be his princess. Another thing! A blue haired girl a little clueless to the absolute danger she has found herself mixed up in, having to constantly be guarded by a boy honoring an oath! Sound familiar?? (Probably not because I haven’t really talked about that aspect of my book yet, but I promise you, it’s in there!) How about inexplicable attraction and helping someone even if you don’t have a good reason why? A strong pining slow burn? Okay, I think you get the picture. 
Basically, all that to say-- There is so much to be gained by remembering where your ideas have come from, and by remembering to engage with the things that breed creativity in your soul. For me, the things that do that don’t always come from the most likely of places, clearly, as detailed above. But I’m learning all over not to judge a book by its cover. You never know where inspiration will strike, or what one random line from a book will spark a thought in your head that will fix an entire plot hole! (Thanks, Destroyer by Meg Smitherman!) And finding those things that will continuously inspire you, that lead you in the directions or vibes you want to go is so so SO important. 
Don’t lose sight of who you are. Don’t lose sight of what you love. Otherwise you may end up doing a deep dive and reliving your teenage years, (watching a show with a MASSIVE cliff hanger ending but no season three!) like me. 
But in all seriousness, this last almost year of my publishing journey has been so inundated with self reflection and discovery, it has been painful. But this is part of it that is actually helping me feel alive again, like myself again. And I’m really, really, REALLY, enjoying it.  
It’s making writing fun again.
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
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it's a lot of stuff...
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
Either you're frolicking in this field with me or you're frolicking in this field against me.
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
It also leaks into your writing. Like, honestly, for that’s true of whatever I’ve been reading OR watching. The style or vibe of whatever I’ve been consuming will just totally change the style of my writing. I feel like a sponge some times. It’s bizarre.  
The thing is you read too much 19th century Brit Lit and that's literally just how you start to talk. Was speaking with a friend about another friend and I said "he's very agreeable, but he lacks discernment" like that was in any way a normal way to phrase that sentiment.
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
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Someone said new meme format??
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
forget about touching grass, i need to touch THE SEA I NEED TO GO INTO THE WATER I NEED TO DIVE INTO THE SEA!!!!!!!!!!!!
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
There was a young man from Peru
Whose limericks stopped at line two
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
so embarrassing when i forget im checking someone's blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if it's just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone else's apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
* EHEM * my book. 
Most directors (it seems): The sexiest thing is sex.
Me: The sexiest thing is when two people spend weeks staring at each other in longing and then their hands brush against each other, and then they hug, but like with their whole bodies and one person puts their hand on the back of the other's head and it feels like they will never stop hugging because they've wanted it so bad, and then they kiss ONCE (1 time) but it feels earned.
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
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| Beth March Aesthetics |
There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.
- Louisa May Alcott, Little women
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teacup-of-creativity · 9 months
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I feel this in my soul
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Do you have to have the last novel in a series planned before publishing the first?
I’m not sure how many of you have heard of the Dream Maker Movement free publishing opportunity author Jamie Dalton is coordinating on tiktok, but there are two days left to apply to be chosen, and I have been stressing so hard all month about it. I didn’t know which novel I should apply with, my brand new barely started stand alone, or my completed first draft book one in a series. I spent so long stressing about that, that I forgot the series book actually still needed a lot of work. A lot. New POV chapters added in, so much more fleshed out setting and world building descriptions, a whole secondary villain added... you get the picture. 
But! My chronic brain fog being what it is, I don’t know if I could actually make all those edits in time?? To have the book ready to publish by the end of the year or early next? Idk. Jamie said to apply anyways and that the volunteer teams have their own dates and things to work around so it could still work out-- so I was ABOUT to send in my application when..
I remembered that I haven’t plotted out the third book. The second, yes, but the third?! Nope... I know some ends of major character arcs, but the actual goings ons in the world?? Not certain. Now my question is if I should even consider publishing the first book before I plot out the rest of the series. 
Is that a major no? Have y’all ever seen that work before? I just don’t want it to develop into plot holes or things that have to be shoe horned into the plot when they should have been developed by the world building way back at the beginning.
Thoughts?? Advice??  
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Reblogging for these additions I forgot before because I’m dumb. lol.
Watch me trying to make a ‘bean map’ for the first time
Working on some world building for my current WIP! 
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Watch me trying to make a ‘bean map’ for the first time
Working on some world building for my current WIP! 
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A Moment of Honesty
Hi! I’m working on a new book currently, and I know it’s all cool and normal for writers to have these blogs where they create helpful posts or share PDFs. Stuff like:  Top 5 Character Cliches to Avoid in Your YA Novel!   Or   7 Ways to Develop Your Characters Voice!  Or maybe even sharing things like My Writing Schedule or How I Reach My Word Count Every Day!  
But I’m gonna be real with y’all. I don’t know what I’m doing.  I am NOT a perfect writer, I DON’T meet my word count every day, and I CAN’T tell you how to do anything, because honestly? I’m still learning myself! 
I’m a normal girl who is dealing with some abnormal struggles, with an ancient laptop and an idea, just trying to do my best. Just trying to make some sort of living the only way I know how. Telling stories. I’m a novice in almost every sense of the word, and I honestly probably need more advice than I can give. 
So if you’re interested in following along with me on my writing a publishing journey, please do! But know that it will be messy, and slightly insane, but real. Very, very, real. And possibly fun. 
That’s all I can promise. I hope you choose to hop in this crazy train with me.  
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I would wish upon a falling star,
If they weren't trapped so very far behind the clouds, 
Everyone around can see, 
The glorious stream of the Perseids, Everyone, 
But me. 
A big wide sky so big and high, 
Full of wonder and full of life is there to see,
For everyone but me,
Because despite heaven's rain events,
My whole life's still caving in, still over cast,
This haze that is surrounding me, seems to be keeping me and only me,
Trapped in the dark;
Can't set my eyes on those celestial sparks.
This darkness that's surrounding me, seems to be keeping me and only me, so far apart.
Can't open up my heart. 
Can't fall apart. 
Who would even hear me cry, 
Who would come rushing to my side,
Where would we start? 
If no one can truly see me, through this dark night. 
While friends go far and wide tonight, 
Endless wonder in their eyes, 
They're having so much fun! 
Leaning on each other then, 
With burdens laughs and sinking sins, 
Staring at the stars, 
Shining through the dark,
My heavy skies and grey cloud lid,
Is ever slowly sinking in,
Closing me in. 
Someday I would love to escape, 
To feel the sunshine on my face or see the stars, 
Venus or Mars,
To hold another's hand in mine, 
Communicate in pantomime, our open hearts,
And open minds,
I'd carry yours, as you held mine,
We'd climb Jacob's Ladder anytime, 
Up to the moon, 
Can't be too soon,
We'd watch the comets fall from Perseus, 
Never can remember just right where he is,
And time would fly, 
Under a starlit sky,
But I'm alone and the shadow's whisper I always will, be,
No one out there would dare to hear me,
Time is soup just standing still
There's no escape. 
Storm clouds seal my fate. 
The darkness covers up all light,
Draws a thousand monsters to my night.
There can't be.
Why can't there be? 
A little time for you and I to,
Lay on our backs, look to the sky,
And watch the Perseids.
Infinity lies just outside, our, 
Simple shades of our simple lives, 
How can it be? 
When all I see is me, 
Bent and broken miserably, 
All on my own in a crowded room,
Under a clouded sky. 
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