tattvayogashala · 8 months
The Essence of Ashtanga Yoga
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Ashtanga Yoga, a profound and transformative practice that combines movement, breath, and mindfulness to create a harmonious union of the body, mind, and soul. In this detailed guide, we delve into the origins, principles, benefits, and step-by-step approach of Ashtanga Yoga. At [Tattvaa Yogashala], we are dedicated to sharing the wisdom of Ashtanga Yoga, and we invite you to explore this ancient practice with us.
Understanding Ashtanga Yoga
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The Origins and Philosophy
Ashtanga Yoga, rooted in the ancient teachings of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, is a dynamic and systematic approach to yoga that emphasizes eight limbs or branches, each contributing to a holistic transformation. [Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh] The practice was popularized by the legendary yoga guru Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, who believed that through dedicated practice, individuals can achieve a state of physical and mental balance.
The Eight Limbs
Ashtanga Yoga is structured around the Eight Limbs, which guide practitioners towards self-realization and inner harmony:
Yamas (Ethical Principles): These are moral guidelines that shape how we interact with the world, including principles of non-violence, truthfulness, and self-control.
Niyamas (Self-Discipline): Niyamas encourage personal growth through practices like cleanliness, [200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh] contentment, and self-study.
Asanas (Physical Postures): Asanas develop strength, flexibility, and balance in the body, while also preparing the practitioner for meditation.
Pranayama (Breath Control): Pranayama techniques cultivate awareness of the breath, promoting better oxygenation and energy flow.
Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal): This limb teaches detachment from external distractions, allowing the practitioner to turn inward.
Dharana (Concentration): Dharana [300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh] involves focusing the mind on a single point, training the mind's concentration.
Dhyana (Meditation): Dhyana deepens the state of concentration, leading to a meditative absorption and heightened awareness.
Samadhi (Union): Samadhi is the ultimate goal, representing a state of blissful union with the universe, where the practitioner experiences transcendence.
Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga
Physical Well-being
Enhanced Flexibility: The dynamic asana practice of Ashtanga Yoga promotes flexibility, [500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh] lengthening muscles and preventing stiffness.
Strength and Endurance: Regular practice builds core strength and overall muscular endurance, supporting a healthy posture.
Improved Circulation: The rhythmic flow of asanas enhances blood circulation, ensuring a well-nourished body.
Detoxification: Sweating during practice helps eliminate toxins from the body, improving overall health.
Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance
Stress Reduction: Mindful movement and focused breathing in Ashtanga Yoga reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Enhanced Focus: The practice sharpens mental focus and cultivates a calm and centered mind. [Yoga School in Rishikesh]
Emotional Resilience: Ashtanga Yoga nurtures emotional intelligence and resilience, allowing practitioners to navigate challenges with equanimity.
Spiritual Growth
Connection with Self: Ashtanga Yoga fosters self-awareness and self-acceptance, nurturing a deep connection within.
Transcendence: Through meditation and spiritual practices, the practitioner experiences moments of transcendence and oneness.
Practicing Ashtanga Yoga
Primary Series
The Ashtanga Yoga practice is divided into different series of asanas, with the Primary Series being the foundation. This series is designed to purify and align the body, preparing it for deeper practices. It includes standing poses, [Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh] seated poses, and a closing sequence.
Breath and Movement
The hallmark of Ashtanga Yoga is the synchronization of breath and movement. Each asana is linked with a specific breath, creating a seamless flow. The Ujjayi breath, a victorious breath technique, is used to maintain a steady rhythm throughout the practice.
Mysore Style
In Mysore-style classes, [200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh] students practice independently within a group setting. The teacher provides individualized guidance and adjustments, allowing practitioners to progress at their own pace.
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tattvayogashala · 8 months
Ashtanga Yoga Alignment
Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic and physically demanding style of yoga that emphasizes the synchronization of breath and movement. Proper alignment is crucial in Ashtanga yoga to ensure a safe and effective practice. Here are some key alignment principles to keep in mind:
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Foundation and Grounding: Start by establishing a strong and stable foundation. In standing poses, distribute your weight evenly through the four corners of your feet. Engage the muscles of your legs and feet to create a sense of grounding.
Spinal Alignment: Maintain a neutral and elongated spine in most poses. Engage your core muscles to support the spine and prevent excessive arching or rounding.
Engage Bandhas: Bandhas are energetic locks within the body that help enhance stability and create a flow of energy. The main bandhas in Ashtanga yoga are Mula Bandha (root lock) and Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock). 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh Engaging these bandhas provides support and strength throughout the practice.
Breath Awareness: Link your breath with movement. Inhale to lengthen and create space, and exhale to deepen into a pose or transition. Ujjayi pranayama, a specific breathing technique, is often used to cultivate a steady and focused breath.
Drishti (Gaze): Each pose in Ashtanga yoga has a specific drishti or gazing point. Focusing your gaze helps to steady your mind and promote concentration. Gazing points can be towards the hands, feet, or upward, depending on the pose.
Alignment Cues for Specific Poses:
In Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), focus on maintaining a straight line from your wrists to your hips in Plank Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana) and engaging your core.
In Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana), hinge from the hips with a flat back, and let your head and neck relax.
In Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana), ensure your front knee is aligned over your ankle, and your hips are squared.
In Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), keep your legs straight and extended, with your hips open to the side.
In seated poses, sit on a folded blanket if needed to help tilt the pelvis forward, allowing for a natural curve in the lower back Yoga School in Rishikesh.
Practice Mindfully: Listen to your body and modify poses as needed to accommodate your own flexibility and strength. Avoid pushing yourself into a position that causes pain or discomfort.
Remember, alignment in yoga is not just about physical form, but also about cultivating awareness, mindfulness, and a sense of connection between your body, breath, and mind. If possible, consider practicing under the guidance of an experienced Ashtanga yoga teacher to receive personalized alignment cues and adjustments.
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh | Yoga Teacher Training in India
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tattvayogashala · 9 months
Exploring Rishikesh: The World Yoga Capital
Are you ready to embark on a journey to the serene and spiritual heart of India? Welcome to Rishikesh, a place where the ancient practice of yoga meets the tranquil beauty of the Himalayas. Nestled along the banks of the sacred Ganges River, Rishikesh has earned its reputation as the "World Yoga Capital." In this article, we will delve into the rich tapestry of Rishikesh's yogic heritage, the transformative power of its landscapes, and the soul-stirring experiences that await those who seek enlightenment and rejuvenation.
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Table of Contents
The Spiritual Significance of Rishikesh
Yoga: More Than Just Physical Exercise
Tracing Rishikesh's Yogic Legacy
The Allure of Yoga Retreats
Nature's Symphony: Rishikesh's Scenic Beauty
Exploring Ashrams: Pathway to Inner Harmony
Ganges: A Conduit of Spiritual Cleansing
Yoga and Science: The Harmonious Blend
Culinary Delights for the Soul
Thriving Arts and Culture Scene
Adventure Awaits: Beyond Yoga
Community and Camaraderie
Yoga's Global Outreach from Rishikesh
Preserving Authenticity in a Modernizing World
Nestled at the foothills of the majestic Himalayas, Rishikesh beckons with an air of mystique and reverence. It is a place where yogis, spiritual seekers, and wellness enthusiasts converge to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. As you step onto its hallowed grounds, you'll immediately sense the serene atmosphere and the palpable energy that make Rishikesh a sanctuary for the mind, body, and soul.
The Spiritual Significance of Rishikesh
Rishikesh's spiritual significance dates back centuries. It is believed that meditation in this sacred land leads to a deeper connection with one's inner self. The town's name itself is derived from the words "Rishi," meaning sage, and "Kesh," referring to hair—symbolizing the place where sages once meditated.
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Yoga: More Than Just Physical Exercise
Contrary to common perception, yoga is more than a series of physical postures. It is a holistic practice that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Rishikesh, with its tranquil ambiance, provides the perfect backdrop for practitioners to delve into the true essence of yoga.
Tracing Rishikesh's Yogic Legacy
Rishikesh's yogic legacy is interwoven with tales of renowned sages and their profound teachings. The town's ashrams, such as the Parmarth Niketan and the Sivananda Ashram, serve as living repositories of ancient wisdom.
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The Allure of Yoga Retreats
Yoga retreats in Rishikesh offer immersive experiences for enthusiasts of all levels. These retreats provide a structured environment where individuals can deepen their practice, engage in meditation, and learn from seasoned yogis.
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
Nature's Symphony: Rishikesh's Scenic Beauty
Beyond its spiritual aura, Rishikesh captivates with its natural beauty. The Ganges flows gently, surrounded by lush forests and towering peaks. The melodious sounds of birdsong and flowing water create a symphony that resonates with the rhythm of life.
Exploring Ashrams: Pathway to Inner Harmony
Ashrams are the epicenter of spiritual learning in Rishikesh. Here, seekers can engage in yoga, meditation, and philosophical discourses to harmonize their inner and outer worlds.
Ganges: A Conduit of Spiritual Cleansing
The Ganges is more than a river—it is a spiritual lifeline. Pilgrims gather on its banks to partake in ritualistic bathing, believing that its waters cleanse them of physical and spiritual impurities.
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Yoga and Science: The Harmonious Blend
Modern scientific research has begun to validate what yogis have known for ages. The practice of yoga has been shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being.
Culinary Delights for the Soul
Rishikesh offers not only nourishment for the soul but also for the palate. Vegetarian cuisine, in alignment with yogic principles, is a sensory delight that nourishes the body and mind.
Thriving Arts and Culture Scene
Beyond its yogic offerings, Rishikesh boasts a vibrant arts and culture scene. Music, dance, and visual arts fuse together, providing a creative outlet for both locals and visitors.
Adventure Awaits: Beyond Yoga
For adventure enthusiasts, Rishikesh presents a plethora of options. From white-water rafting on the Ganges to trekking through the Himalayan trails, there's no shortage of adrenaline-pumping activities.
Community and Camaraderie
Rishikesh fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among its visitors. The shared pursuit of spiritual growth and self-awareness creates lasting bonds that transcend cultural and geographical boundaries.
Yoga's Global Outreach from Rishikesh
The teachings of Rishikesh's yoga reverberate across the globe. Practitioners and gurus who have studied here carry forth the torch of wisdom, spreading the transformative power of yoga to every corner of the world.
Preserving Authenticity in a Modernizing World
As Rishikesh adapts to the modern world, there's a delicate balance to be struck between preserving its authentic spiritual heritage and embracing progress. The town's continued reverence for its roots sets an example for other sacred sites.
In the lap of the Himalayas, where the Ganges flows and yogic wisdom thrives, Rishikesh stands as a beacon of spiritual illumination. It is a place where the seeker becomes the seer, where the journey inward is as profound as the vistas that stretch outward. Embarking on a sojourn to Rishikesh is more than a physical travel; it is a voyage of the soul.
Is Rishikesh only for experienced yogis? Rishikesh welcomes practitioners of all levels, from beginners to advanced yogis. There are teachings and retreats suitable for everyone.
When is the best time to visit Rishikesh for a yoga retreat? The months from September to April offer pleasant weather, making it an ideal time for a yoga retreat in Rishikesh.
Are there any age restrictions for participating in yoga retreats? Most yoga retreats in Rishikesh do not have strict age restrictions. However, it's advisable to check with the specific retreat organizers.
Can I visit Rishikesh solely for adventure activities? Absolutely! Rishikesh offers a range of adventure sports, from rafting to trekking, providing a perfect blend of thrill
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tattvayogashala · 9 months
Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Tattvaa Yogashala is a well-known yoga school located in Rishikesh, India. Rishikesh is often referred to as the "Yoga Capital of the World" and is a popular destination for individuals seeking authentic yoga teacher training and spiritual experiences. Tattvaa Yogashala is among the many yoga schools in Rishikesh that offer comprehensive yoga teacher training programs.
The school likely offers various yoga teacher training courses, ranging from the foundational 200-hour training to more advanced programs. These programs typically cover a wide range of topics including yoga philosophy, asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breath control), meditation, anatomy, teaching methodology, and more. The aim of these courses is to provide participants with a deep understanding of yoga practices, philosophy, and the skills required to teach yoga effectively to others.
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Tattvaa Yogashala, like many reputable yoga schools, might have experienced and knowledgeable instructors who guide students through the training process, ensuring a well-rounded education in both the physical and philosophical aspects of yoga. Students might also have the opportunity to engage in daily yoga classes, group discussions, workshops, and practical teaching sessions to gain hands-on experience.
Before enrolling in any yoga teacher training program, it's advisable to research the school thoroughly. Look into the credentials of the instructors, read reviews or testimonials from past students, and ensure that the curriculum aligns with your goals and interests as a potential yoga teacher. It's also important to consider factors such as the school's facilities, location, and overall atmosphere.
Remember that undergoing a yoga teacher training program is a transformative and intensive experience, so choosing the right school that resonates with you is crucial for a successful and enriching journey.
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Transform your practice and become an expert yogi with our immersive 500-hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Explore the depths of yoga and unlock your full potential. Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our Yoga-Alliance Certified Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️Pranayama TTC ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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"Immerse yourself in the ancient art of yoga and become a certified teacher with our 300-hour training program at Tattvaa Yogashala , nestled in the breathtaking beauty of Rishikesh." Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our Yoga-Alliance Certified Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️Pranayama TTC ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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At The School of Tattvaa Yogashala, we offer knowledge of yoga to practitioners who are ready to take it to the next level. We find ourselves unable to be on track or not knowing where to go next or even where to start. We often wished we had someone to guide our steps like a GURU. Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our Yoga-Alliance Certified Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️Pranayama TTC ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Unlock the power of yoga and elevate your practice with our top-rated 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training - Learn from expert instructors and discover a whole new level of physical and mental well-being. Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our Yoga-Alliance Certified Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️Pranayama TTC ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Our 100 Hour #Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in #Rishikesh is a comprehensive program that provides a strong foundation in traditional Hatha Yoga practices. Led by experienced yoga teachers, this course covers asanas, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, and teaching methodology. Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our Yoga-Alliance Certified Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️Pranayama TTC ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Benefits Of Halasana (Plow Pose)
Modulates the functioning of all internal organs therefore keeps them healthy.
Aids digestions, alleviate constipation and dyspepsia.
Invigorate immune system.
Rejuvenate adrenal glands and spleen.
Improves the functioning of pancreas, liver and kidney.
Beneficial for the organs of the female reproductive system.
Regulates the production of insulin thus prevents diabetes.
Enhances blood circulation in the spinal column and tones spinal nerves.
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Get ready to breathe new life into your yoga practice with our world-class Pranayama Teacher Training at Tattva Yogashala Rishikesh. Learn the art of breath control and unlock your true potential. Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our Yoga Alliance Certified Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Website: https://tinyurl.com/bdcm5stf ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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"Unlock your full potential and deepen your yoga practice with our Master Level Yoga TTC at Tattvaa Yogashala - where ancient wisdom meets modern knowledge." Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our #YogaAllianceCertifie Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
Thanks so much for giving us your take on how we are doing. We're glad that students like you are having a great experience at Tattvaa Yogashala.🙏🏻 Join our Yoga-Alliance certified courses today and become a certified yoga teacher. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️Pranayam TTC ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️500-Hour Hatha Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Hatha Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Hatha Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Hatha Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ✔️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ✔️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Yogi Kamal Singh, one of the best Ashtanga yoga teachers in India, is known for his motivating yoga classes at Tattvaa Yogashala - Rishikesh. A yoga class with Yogi Kamal includes powerful adjustments which safely teach students the depths of each asana. Yogi Kamal Singh is a native of Rishikesh, born and raised in the Yoga Capital of the World. Following the strict instructions from his Guru, he travelled the country for five years, studying with yoga masters all over India. He holds numerous yoga certificates from organisations such as Bihar School of Yoga, Sivananda, Satyananda Academies etc. He also earned a Masters Degree in Yoga Studies from Garhwal University. Get In Touch With Yogi Kamal Singh Ji at Tattvaa Yogashala In Rishikesh! +91-9068806322
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
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Bhujangasana Or (Cobra Stretch) Benefits of Bhujangasana *Strengthens the spine *Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen *Tones the buttocks *Stimulates abdominal organs *Helps relieve stress and fatigue *Opens the heart and lungs *Soothes sciatica *Therapeutic for asthma *The male and female reproductive system improves *Irregular menstrual cycle problems are rectified too .
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
The 500-hour Ashtanga yoga teacher training in India (RYT 500) is a meaningful yoga course that, upon successful completion, guarantees and certifies the fact that the student who has experienced such training has fulfilled all the needed conditions as demanded by USA Yoga Alliance thereby making him qualified and certified to teach anywhere around the world. Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our #YogaAllianceCertifie Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. Connect With Us- ➡️ Call/WhatsApp: +91-​9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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tattvayogashala · 1 year
Thank you for your kind words and sharing your #experience with us! It is always gratifying to hear when our efforts have made an impact and we cannot be more thankful 🙏. We look forward to continuously connecting with all of you through yoga and helping you on your journey.🧘‍♀️ Join us today on our journey to stimulate Happiness, Self-Love, And Positivity with our #YogaAllianceCertifie Courses. Come and join us for: ➡️Yoga Retreat ➡️500-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️300-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️200-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC ➡️100-Hour Ashtanga Yoga TTC And many more great learning experiences. For more information ➡️ Call / WhatsApp: +91-9068806322 ➡️ Email us at: [email protected]
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