#zhongli being thinking about family is wholesome my heart
myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 years
Summary: This would simply be another part of life for him to look forward to experiencing first hand in his new life as a mortal.
Zhongli x GN!Reader
Long so under cut.
Adepti rarely, with mortals or other adepti, settle down. Often they live their long years alone, surrounded by friends should they seek company.
Morax thought himself the same. That he'd keep living on and on for thousands of years with his fellow adepti and never want more.
But he wants more. He wants to sleep unbound by duty to his people. He wants to wander without question of his holy presence. He wants to live his life free, though if he had said that aloud he knows he'd hear laughter on the breeze.
So he retires his dragon form and wanders amoung his people as now one of 'his' people. The thought makes him laugh and although living life as a mortal now has it's hardships he cannot simply brush away, he's happier.
He finds joy in listening to his- the people of Liyue up close, hearing of their struggles and helping his new kin.
Though as the years go by and he does not age, the people still accept him as an adeptis- or perhaps half adeptis depending on who you ask.
After all who else would you trust with adeptal matters than one of their own kind? So they don't question it alongside why he knows so much about Morax and Liyue's history in general.
And Zhongli is content. A little frustrated he could not pull off being mortal entirely, but content.
Until he isn't.
He finds himself drawn to the idea of love and pursues a relationship with someone who cares for him regardless of his past identity. They hold a place in his heart he knows that will remain even when they pass before him.
Zhongli thinks the moon and stars of them and cherishes every moment. The way their laughter rings pleasantly through his ears. How they hold themselves confident in clothes they find comfort in. How warm they are against him when they hold each other close before parting for work.
And Zhongli is content again. Satisfied with being by their side until their inevitable end. Joyful even at the possibility of watching them grow old even when he himself will not, not for hundreds of years. Yes, Zhongli is content.
Until he isn't.
Many gurgling babies and toddling children in the arms of exhausted but smiling adults and cheery elderly. The next generation that'll one day take over the course of the country they'll grow up in should they stay.
As he watches them play and chase one another, his mind begins to wander. Was 'he' like this when he was young? He doesn't remember. He's a dragon-was a dragon and dragons rarely stayed past hatchling's adolescence.
Did he have siblings? Did his family love him? He doesn't know but his mind cannot let the thought go. Because now he knows what he wants now more than his retirement, more than anything:
A family to call his own.
The adepti will always be his family, though strained due to many seeing him as their superior even if he has long left the role. But he wants his own so much he dreams of it.
A life with them by his side.
He wants a home near the city, not too large but not too small.
A study with tall bookcases for all of their books and collection of precious treasures. He'll have few dedicated shelves filled with items crafted by their children.
On his desk he'll have a few pictures of his spouse and their children, with wide smiles and loose teeth, to look at when he has to bring his work home.
In the garden he'll have his darling's favorite flowers alongside silk flowers, and if he's able, glaze lillies and a large cuihua tree they planted themselves.
On the days he has off he'll watch his children play seated beside his love on a bench, worn out from chasing them in their little game.
He'll split household duties with them to ease the burden. Though his mind pauses.
Who would stay at home and care for their young?
Would it be his love? Himself? Perhaps they'll both work? The details don't matter as much but he finds he likes the idea of staying home with them to care for their young.
Perhaps he will still work, his contract with the funeral parlor is quite good and flexible. He could work half of the week so he can be at home with them as much as possible.
He knows he has little experience caring for children, the closest he had to raising a child would be Ganyu, though he took little part in raising her at all. But he had little worries about this fact.
This would simply be another part of life for him to look forward to experiencing first hand in his new life as a mortal. Regardless of if they made children themselves using adeptal arts or adopted, he'll find he'll love and care for them all the same.
But there was no need to rush things, they had all the time in the world.
He looks down at the ring on his finger with a fond smile.
Yes, they had all the time in the world.
Edited: June 24th 2022
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cyverrieee · 2 years
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Genshin impact |Gamer Au
Archons Version
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— Ei
Channel name is probably Raiden Sh0gun
Games genre she plays: Action, Multiplayer, Puzzle, Adventure
Calls her fandom/fans Lightning clouds
A gaming channel
Purple themes duh
Her theme consist of lightning, birds, clouds, stars etc
She mostly plays multiplayer games
Will forced anyone to play with her
Gamer queen
Does "Chill and talk" streams
Will stream at like 8 pm at night
Thoma has to be there when Ei cooks
Doesnt swear (mostly says fudge, heck, frick)
✨Family friendly✨
Loves milk, dango, and any sweets
When she moved into her new apartment, she asked her fans that they can send her anything for decorations for her gaming room and oh my she was touched when there was a literally clay figurine of her and a chibi raiden figurine too
She doesnt spend her money, only about 1k. If shes in dire help then she will maybe
Miko was the one that made her food
9.9/10 would def watch but forget soon
— Zhongli
Channel name will probably be Golden Morax
Game Genre: any
Calls his fandom/fans: Gemstones
His theme probably consist of gems, tea, mountains
Does alot of chill streams
Plays very calming games
Dossnt swear because he believes kids watches him so he wanted to be a good role model for them
Doesnt know how to do politics for being 20+
ASMR collab when they said, Zhongli replied with "I do not know"
Replies with the most heart warming comments
Zhongli made a "Venting stream" once and it became the 3rd most popular streams in his channel
Zhongli does his best to comfort in the venting stream
Big calm man
10/10 would watch but then switch then return
— Venti
Channel name might be Windborn songs (idk)
Game Genres: any
Calls his fandom/fans: Wind spirits
His theme would consist of green, wind, clouds, trees, cottage core?
Makes alot of just talking streams
Made a video about rating wine he tasted from bottom to top (it was a whole 1 hour video)
Does ALOT of drinking streams with Kaeya and Rosaria
Used swear ALOT but when he realized literal 9 year olds watch him he stopped, hes not all bad (he still swears but cuts himself off)
Venti made a stream where you can tell your most biggest troubles and stuff (like zhonglis venting stream) and he would try his best for encouragement and comfort
He was literally so shocked when one of his fans said that "i used to think that drinking was okay when i was 7 years old" i think he got emotionally traumatized
Does alot of youtube shorts with his friends
Everyone needs a venti
100/10 def would watch
— Nahida
Channel name is probably Nahinara because she finds it cute
Game Genres: anything that caught her attention
Calls her fandom/fans: lil leaflets
Her theme would be full of nature and flowers
Does chill streams
Is very very cute and wholesome
Family friendly 100%
Would say "bam bam baam!" As her welcoming phrase
Loves her fans
Has the most haters which makes her sad sometimes
Is in love with chocolate/sweets like Ei
999999/10 would recommend
Thats all i guess <3
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pipwife · 2 years
I'm not sure if distractions are wanted but if so any favourite Genshin Fics?
The entire knowledge I have about the game is wiki based but the fandom produces some amazing smut and dead dove fic; but also a ton of fic, so I'm always looking for recs
Also on the topic of fics yours are v good and uh I've probably started skewing your hit ratios bc I've got abunch bookmarked to reread bc I'm v much the autistic who re-reads with my favourite fics a ton
ajdnshndnsd thank you !!!! 🥺😭💕 i'm so glad you're enjoying them! :D that makes me happy to hear uwaa~
i've only read a few genshin fics so far, but i'm happy to share!! 👀 so far i've been so spoiled with how much "gross" content there's been like... thank you for my life genshin fandom LMAO its such a breath of fresh air after being in the toh fandom.... ive been living underground and i finally get to see the sun again ASDHSNFJEJFJ
most of the fics will be zhongchi i think because that's my current addiction but hopefully there'll be some you like! xD
posting fic recs under readmore because i'm shy hehe
coming in clutch - pwp, eggpreg, dragon zhongli has a Wholesome, Family-Friendly Good Time with his ol' chum tartag- i'm kidding they bone nasty while zhongli is pregnant with an egg. the title makes me choke its so funny
two star dick - childe and zhongli have broken up (tragic!) but luckily childe gets drunk and sends zhongli an Unsolicited Photograph (hilarious!) and it results in angsty pronz. i laughed a lot through this one
⭐️ get in the bunny costume, zhongli - OHOHOHO THIS FIC.... THISSS FIC, BROH...... it's pure filth, wretched filth, and i adore it. its the perfect kind of evil smut that i adore AND IT RESULTS IN EMOTIONAL CULMINATION WHERE CHILDE FACES THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS MISDEEDS? EXCELLENT. this is the one i recommend the most tbh
in which zhongli encourages brotherly love - you can, uh, guess from the title (and my whole everything) what happens in this one AMDJSNDJSJD mind the tags but this ones a goodie if youre into that! xD
recreate the sea - young xingqiu wants to seduce mr zhongli.... he, uh. gets what he wants. and a little more too 😨🥰 (i read this one a while ago but i remember really liking it)
don't let him see - childe gets noncon'd in front of his brother. then it escalates. 👌 warning for underage, noncon, and mindbreak/drugging
frame the wallflower - longform zhongchi fic with modern au sugar daddy childe and sugar baby zhongli! it was the first fic i read after actually playing the game and has a special place in my heart. plus background kaeluc >:) and i think some bdsm stuff? it reads very much like a good romance novel which i think is why i like it so much xD
i hope you find something you like in there! :D thanks for asking hehe~
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Okay so after pulling Childe (and getting him to almost lvl 90 the same day lmao but I ran out of exp books) I started thinking about Chaeya x reader and I have to share my brainrot with someone so here you go:
Childe suddenly shows up to Mondstadt one day, supposedly to check out the Windblume Festival, but it had already been over for a few days before he arrived
You walk in on him and Kaeya glaring daggers at each other in the middle of the street, Kaeya sending terse smiles and veiled threats while Childe is nearly vibrating with the effort to keep himself from stabbing Kaeya in broad daylight. Who cares if he's a captain of the Knights? This guy's pissing him off
When you make your presence known it's like a switch flipped inside the two of them and they both turn to you like "ah yes here is the love of my life :)"
"Childe? What are you doing here?"
"Aw, can't I come say hi to a friend?" He replies, flashing you a grin.
"In that case, you've said your hellos," Kaeya interjects. He drapes an arm across your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. "They'll be coming with me now."
"I'm not just here to say hello." Childe steps toward you, sending a cold smile in Kaeya's direction. "I'm here to spend the day with them. Now, if you'll excuse us…"
You sigh as you realize that you have to be the peacekeeper here otherwise who knows what these two will do to each other?
To stop them from fighting and to lighten the tension in the air, you jokingly say, "Alright you two, settle down. I have two hands."
Even though you clearly meant it as a joke the boys each immediately grab one of your hands and you end up sandwiched between them for the rest of the day while they engage in Friendly Banter™ but don't you worry it's totally lighthearted and doesn't really mean anything (:
You are exhausted from babysitting these two grown ass men at the end of the day
Fast forward a few weeks and Kaeya invites Childe to have a Civil Discussion about their mutual feelings towards you
Bc while Kaeya would be perfectly content (he tells himself) with burying his feelings and letting someone else sweep you off your feet if it means you get to be happy and safe
He absolutely cannot let you fall into the hands of the Fatui, especially not a Harbinger
He's already lost his family because of the Fatui, he's not going to lose you too
These two somehow manage to make it through their chat without stabbing each other, which is a miracle
They decide to confess to you together and let you decide who to keep
The day comes when they both planned to confess to you. They somehow both kept their promise of not confessing before the other person which is also quite the miracle (maybe they signed a contract with Zhongli as the mediator lmao)
Anyway, they take you out to the cliff next to Stone Gate bc no one ever goes up there lmao so they won't be interrupted
(Kaeya lets Childe go first bc he thinks he would be able to deliver a more romantic confession than this two brain cell Fatui Harbinger)
Idk how to break it to you Kaeya but your poetry sucks (jk jk pls still come home I need your constellations 🥺)
After hearing two heartfelt confessions from your two favorite people, you had to take a moment to process what just happened
They both like you??? Wtf???? And here you were losing sleep over how you'd handle your crush on both the Cavalry Captain and the Harbinger
So if course you suggest a poly relationship. After all, you had two hands ;)
The boys didn't quite know how to handle your response, but after explaining it to them they both agree to give it a shot
So that's how you managed to capture the heart of these two idiots
And with your help they eventually realized that, huh, maybe the other person isn't so bad. They're actually kinda hot, ngl 👀
From then on, all the evil in Teyvat knew to not mess with you if they valued their existence. Your boyfriends aren't known to show mercy against those who hurt their loved ones
Ahaha this was long but I hope you enjoyed it!! If I have more brainrot to share I shall return with a part 2
Being completely honest. I really like Childe + Kaeya. Zhongli + Childe is really nice and wholesome but no one really writes smug Zhongli (THE. LOST. FUCKING. POTENTIAL???) but I care about fake smug Childe being paired with actually smug bastard Kaeya. But then you throw a reader in and holy shit, have I mentioned how much I love poly relationships?? I'm so honoured you came to me of all people to brainrot;; I also love the idea of reader acting as a wingman for two separate characters.
Dude, I can literally astral project and see this in my mind. I fully commit to the idea that Childe is an overgrown child and Kaeya acts like one when he gets pissed lol. Yo, if they signed a contract with Zhongli I can feel evil dad Zhongli hovering behind them anytime they try to make a move. But I was also not a fan of Kaeya's poetry. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I hate big acts of affection. Or just any act of affection that oversteps above platonic cause I would not be writing poetry for my friends unless it was a joke. It makes my spine turn to liquid. I'm gonna be real, even tho I just said that, I'm super down to hold anyone's hand or link arms. I'm gonna use "I have two hands" one day.
I can totally see their relationship starting with I love this person and I want to fuck this other person. There is no in-between. Then it slowly develops and what are these feelings I'm having??
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heyooo! does this count as more than one character? cause if it does feel free to ignore<3 could i request a drabble with zhongli whos s/o treats qiqi like her daughter?? hbhsjjh im in absolute brainrot for this idea
Hey dear! I'm so sorry that it took me so awfully long to finish this but I couldn't come up with a plot that did your idea justice for quite a while. This is honestly such an adorable request (thank you for sharing it with me! <3) and I wanted to write something wholesome and cute for this, so I really hope I managed to pull that off. I hope you like what I came up with. Have a good day/night and take care. <3
Family Ties – Zhongli x gn!reader (ft. Qiqi)
The sound of chirping birds and cheerful voices filled the air. It was a beautiful day in Liyue Harbor, the balmy breeze making the sun’s heat more bearable for the little girl by your side. She was resting on a bench beneath the parasol you had exclusively bought for her, making sure that she could spend some time outside even on sunnier days without getting uncomfortable too quickly. At first, she had been reluctant about the whole idea but as of recently, she often grabbed your hand and dragged you into the tiny backyard of your residence to either watch the finches that gathered around the bird bath you had set up or simply to relax after collecting herbs for Bubu Pharmacy.
You couldn’t remember when exactly you had started to care so much about her. In the beginning, she had been nothing more than casual acquaintance, one of Baizhu’s employees that you only saw from time to time when you visited the pharmacy to buy herbs and medicine. Most of the time, Qiqi couldn’t even remember you when you returned a few weeks later to stock up on herbs – until one day, she greeted you with an unusually cheerful “Hello, (Y/N)”.
You wondered if maybe that had been the turning point in your relationship. Later on, when you had asked her about remembering your name, she had told you about her notebook and showed you the pages she had filled with her messy handwriting. Pages filled with notes about you and your kindness and how you smiled at her every time you visited Bubu Pharmacy. She wanted to remember you, and up to this day, she still made sure to take notes about everything you did together because she never wanted to forget any second she spent with you.
“Look,” Qiqi said, her voice snapping you out of your thoughts. She was pointing at the bird bath where a bunch of different birds had gathered, refreshing themselves in the cool water. “The birds are back.”
“Seems like they really enjoy themselves,” you said. “Do you want to get a closer look at them? You just need to be careful not to startle them or else they’ll fly away.”
Qiqi nodded, already jumping to her feet and slowly making her way towards the bird bath. You watched as she cocked her head to the side, a curious expression in her eyes as she examined the chirping birds.
You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Qiqi was such a pure and gentle soul, and you had really taken her to your heart over the past few months, no matter how often others had told you not to get too attached to the girl.
“Is it weird that I treat her as if she were my daughter?” you asked, contorting your face when you realized how stupid your question sounded. Zhongli who was sitting right beside you, absent-mindedly flipping through a book while he enjoyed the mild summer evening, turned his head to look at you. A gentle expression formed in his eyes when he met your concerned gaze. “No,” he replied quietly and reached out to interlace his fingers with yours. He let his eyes wander, a soft smile flashing over his face as he watched Qiqi for a moment. She was still looking at the birds, her hand stretched out, hoping that one of the tiny birds would land in her palm, just as she had seen it in one of the books you had gifted her recently.
“No,” he repeated. “It’s not weird at all. In fact, I think it’s wonderful that you give her the opportunity to have a family. She has experienced horrible things in the past and even though she can’t remember most of it, it has made a lasting impression her. It’s good that she’s surrounded by people who truly care about her.”
You leaned in and rested your head on his shoulder, indulging in the peaceful feeling that always welled up in you when he was near. He kissed the top of your head. “Being a family isn’t only about blood relations,” he mused. “It’s about trust and love, and you decided to give Qiqi a home, to give her your love and that is what makes her a part of our family.”
He was right. Qiqi was a part of your family. And you would do anything in your power to protect her and her happiness, no matter what happened.
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
I just finished Klee's quest and I'm crying she's so cute I really hope it gets expanded upon in the next update 🥺🥺🥺, what're your opinions on her? - Lucky
Klee’s quest was really cute haha, I wish we got to see her and Razor interact but alas, the world isn’t ready for that. Everyday I cry when I think about how long it will be before we see Part 2 to story quests. I hope1.5 comes with part 2 since I think the schedule for genshin was 1.4 was the mondstadt festival, 1.5 was..something, and 1.6 was Inazuma. But I’m not sure how much I trust leaks aside from characters. 
Okay, I know I mentioned this in my last post [link] where I talked about voices lines and actors but I HATED the english dub for Klee. It really killed the character for me and I hate Timmie with some next level passion. Maybe I just have some sort of vendetta to children but I only saw the trailer for Klee which was in english. But when she bumps into you during her story quest, she calls you “big sister/big brother” and that was the first voiceline that refers to you that way and it absolutely shot me in the heart and I was smitten. I went from hating her to absolutely loving and I MUST PROTECT?? It’s a language difference but fuck, being called older sister/brother in cn (plus, literally no one calls me that since only my family speaks Chinese to me) got me real deep. 
But I actually love her backpack and hat. I really want one but I don’t know where to buy it or if I have the funds for it haha. I hate playing caster’s so as much as I want to run around and blow shit up I can’t do it. It’s too slow and awkward for me even if she does really nice damage. I like that she’s basically a walking bomb and Kaeya even made her rules to follow. That was so cute. This is why I need more interactions between characters because I can guarantee you, if her story quest was just on Klee I would not like her this much. 
Also, I love her and Albedo and the wholesome relationship they have?? That’s so fucking cute and I love it. 
SIDE NOTE: [spoilers for part 2 of the lantern festival quest] 
Doing part 2 of the lantern quest, I always get so fucking happy when I see Xiao’s model. I ONCE AGAIN ASK, WHY THE FUCK CAN WE NOT REPLAY STORY QUESTS OR HAVE PLAYABLE CHARACTER’S MODEL IN GAME?? They don’t even have to do anything, just let me see them.
But KAEYA?? WTF, WHERE DID U COME FROM?? I fucking love character’s appearing in other stories together, especially if it’s so out of left field. I legit screamed when Diluc appeared in Venti’s quest. I’m still upset I finished Venti’s quest, I could have made Diluc stand in that bar forever. This is why I will never touch Childe, Zhongli, and Ganyu’s story quest. 
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i can’t fucking wait for 1.4. Please...I know I can only replay main story quests but can we please have an archive for event story quests? Let me hear Kaeya in 4 different languages please. I am secretly blessed because no one plays in chinese so every yt video for cutscenes is played in English or Japanese. Ngl, I straight up quit the game in the middle of our conversation just to replay it in 4 languages. I am very dedicated to this peacock. 
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