#zhong chenle timestamps
ronjunnie · 15 days
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see my sea (m) (20k)
eleventh (18.2k)
i still love you (17.4k)
tuition and fees (17.4k)
furthering away in the sky (6.1k)
koala (1.0k)
1:52 pm
3:00 pm
5:18 pm
8:24 am
8:53 pm
12:18 am
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blue-jisungs · 5 months
author’s note. guys i love chenle sm like you don’t understand :(
also i passed my driving exam so yippe!!! to celebrate here u go !!!
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[ 12:18am ] chenle walked into the room, placing his bags gently on the floor. not wanting to wake you up, he slowly manoeuvred around the furniture in the dark. refusing to turn on his flash light, he sloppily but quickly changed into pyjamas and joined you in bed.
slowly – but above all gently, as if you were made out of the finest porcelain – he wrapped his arms around your sleeping figure. his heart was full, finally home after so long apart.
“le?” you mumbled drowsily, rubbing your eyes. he just buried his head in your neck, taking in your embrace “hi baby”
“hi angel… go back to sleep” he mumbled, lips curling upwards subconsciously. shortly enough, after snuggling closer into him, your quiet snores filled the room; along with your chest moving up and down regularly.
chenle placed a tender kiss on your cheek, eyes dropping too.
“missed you or whatever” he murmured, falling asleep with you in his arms after months of waiting.
masterlist <3
taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @w3bqrl
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jukipptx · 7 months
heyy can u do when u secretly learn mandarin for chenle and when he finds out he teases u about it lovingly? tyy if u do 🫶
this one was a bit hard 😭😭😭 but your idea was so cute i haaaaad to try 😭😭😭 hope you like it 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
chenle did everything for you. he picked you up everywhere, he ordered food everyday, he bought you pretty expensive gifts, he carried you from the sofa to the bed, he did everything so you could live on auto pilot. he always said he wasn’t romantic ??? but he was the most loving boy you’ve ever met. his love language was taking care of you. so you thought that it was time for you to take care of him.
you had tried several times, but he would never let you do anything. you would try to make breakfast, but he always woke up first on purpose. you tried to make the bed, but he tackled you during your attempt. you tried to wash the dishes, but he distracted you with kisses and kissed you all the way to the sofa. he always said he was fine and that he invited you to live in his place just to have some peace and fun and quoting him “live happily like a baby” 🙄 so it took you some time to figure out what you would do to help. you thought maybe you wouldn’t try to help, but you would surprise him somehow and do something nice.
so next month chenle’s family was visiting for a few days, they also gave him some days off, so he decided it was time for you all to meet 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 so you decided that you would start learning chinese so chenle wouldn’t have to translate every single thing during the meeting (it was so serious to you omg). it would be a very hard challenge, it took you years to start to understand korean, but you would give it a try because you just loved him so much and everything he did for you. you still had a month till the visit was happening, so you got to work.
you struggled so much omg 😭😭😭 they said it would be easier if you already knew korean, but it wasn’t!!! also it was being super hard to hide from chenle. he almost caught you like a hundred times while watching videos.
“what are you doing?” he creeped behind you and smirked. you just locked your phone quickly. “nothing, don’t be nosy.” you just rolled your eyes, pretending you weren’t nervous.
when the day came, you were also soooo nervous. what if you didn’t understand anything at all???? what if it’s harder to understand a real chinese person than a chinese teacher????!!!! when chenle spoke on the phone with chinese members, you tried to overhear, but it was so hard. he spoke too fast and sooo lazily. you never understood a thing. you were only hoping for a miracle when meeting his mother. fortunately enough, miracles do happen sometimes.
her mother greeted him in chinese. they hugged and shared a few words, and you could also somehow understand that she was scolding him for ??? being so skinny ???
then she looked at you, gave you a big smile and hugged you hard as well. whilst hugging you, she told you how she was so happy to finally meet you, how you were so pretty, and she also started scolding you for being so skinny. you actually understood all of it!!!! 😭😭😭 you simply responded with a smile and a “thank you” in chinese.
when chenle was about to translate you stopped him with a proud look on your face.
“what my mom is trying to say is-“ he started but you interrupted.
“oh i understood.” you smiled at her and then told her “i’ve been learning chinese.” she just smiled back and held your hand lovingly. chenle just smirked and kept quiet. you kneeeeew the teasing would come eventually.
when his mother left, it started. it took him exactly 5 seconds to start. the second he closed the door, you could hear him mock you.
“oh i understood.” he mocked you. then he hugged you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. he planted little quick kisses in your cheeks.
“stop it.” you tried to break free from his hold, but it was stupid to try. he was way stronger than you. he started walking towards the sofa and inevitably dragged you along.
“you were so cute, i almost cried.” he held you tighter, even lifting you a little from the ground. then he sat down on the sofa and pulled you in his lap. he squealed which made you jump a little. “i’m sorry, i just can’t believe how cute that was.” he kept on hugging, and started swinging you from left to right.
“stooooooop.” you threw your head back, letting it rest in his shoulder. he took this opportunity to kiss you soundly on your cheek. you wiped it and he gasped dramatically, but then he went back to teasing.
“aigooo baby you’re so cute i might cry.” he pressed his cheek on your cheek and started jumping in his seat with a big smile on his face.
“stop teasing or i’ll regret it.” you threatened with a serious voice. he just squealed some more.
“no but that was really nice, really really. thank you baby. my mom was so happy. you’re such a nice and cute person. i love you.” he kissed you on the cheek again.
“love you too.” you turned and kissed him too 😭😭😭😭
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moonlezn · 9 months
Jo Malone & Pinot Noir
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chenle x leitora gênero: fluff; friends to lovers. Chenle reconhece que ser amigo de infância teria suas vantagens: te conhece bem, sabe como te agradar e te faria feliz como ninguém; no entanto, até hoje a confissão está presa na garganta.  parte 2 parte 3 wc: 1.2k a/n: essa aqui nasceu de um devaneio caótico com a @ncdreaming​. eu sou lelé pelo chenle. ele não queria parecer emocionado, mas falhou, viu? espero que gostem. :)
você: po aí 
você: nem p apresentar né
você: os de vdd eu sei quem são
Chenle revirou os olhos ao ler tuas respostas ao seu mais novo story, que contava com a menção ao instagram de mark, seu colega da faculdade. Foram almoçar juntos antes de iniciar um projeto cuja data de entrega se aproximava, e resolveu postar pra registrar o momento descontraído do outro. 
Sentiu seu interior borbulhar de ciúmes e respondeu com um emoji de sobrancelha levantada, sem coragem de falar a verdade. Quando o assunto era você, o chinês de confiança quase inabalável perdia a postura. Ele reconhecia que ser amigo de infância teria suas vantagens: te conhecia bem, sabia como te agradar e te faria feliz como ninguém; no entanto, até hoje a confissão estava presa na garganta. 
Nos últimos meses, esse lance tinha tomado proporções intoleráveis, e o menino começou até a evitar sair com você para festas, pois odiava ver o tanto de babaca que te dava mole. Era agoniante perceber seus risinhos forçados, acompanhados dos carinhos sedutores nos ombros de um qualquer… detestava ficar passando vontade.
Abrindo o arquivo, viu você acompanhada de Jaemin e Hyuck, no supermercado. O último escondeu o rosto com um hangloose e deu uma risadinha, enquanto o primeiro só tirou os olhos do celular pra fazer um biquinho e exibir uma piscadela. 
você: chama ele p hj
você: o jaemin disse q n liga
você: [vídeo]
Chenle xingou os amigos mentalmente. amigos da onça, isso sim. Os dois estavam bem cientes de como ele te enxergava, ainda assim deixariam um pseudo interesse amoroso, parceiro dele, ir na resenha e possivelmente pegar a mulher que queria para si?
Inspirou fundo, contou até dez, e a irritação momentânea passou. Recobrando a sobriedade, decidiu-se: essa enrolação acabaria hoje mesmo, no bendito jantar – para qual não convidara mark, obviamente. 
Despedindo-se do colega após finalizar a tarefa, entrou na X6 e suspirou pesado, jogando a mochila no banco do carona. Precisava bolar um plano de ataque. Caso chegasse na casa de Jaemin despreparado, a coragem repentina poderia evaporar.
Dirigiu calmamente pela cidade, necessitava colocar a cabeça no lugar e pensar em como chegaria em você. Tinha receio de parecer emocionado, mas, principalmente, não queria assustá-la. Com todo o estresse atrelado à tentativa de esconder os sentimentos, ele nunca se permitiu reparar o tanto que te queria. Como seria bom se vocês ficassem, puta merda. Agora vislumbrava com clareza o quanto era doido pra te ter assim; pretendia, todavia, fazer tudo com calma e deixar que você se ajustasse a ideia de vocês dois juntos. 
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Chenle não mediu esforços para se apresentar bem. Teriam apenas uma noite de pizza e vinhos, então seria desnecessário, e suspeito, usar peças mais refinadas; sabia, porém, como suas roupas casuais mexiam contigo. Vestiu-se de forma simples, all black, dando o toque final com teu moletom favorito dele, além do Jo Malone que também gostava – sempre elogiava seu cheiro. Dando-se por satisfeito, partiu em direção a tua casa, que não era longe dali. Haviam combinado a carona uns dias antes, você não precisou insistir pra que ele aceitasse.
“Tá cheiroso, Lele.” Disse ao entrar no carro, inclinando-se para depositar um beijinho carinhoso na bochecha do rapaz, que torceu o rosto bem a tempo do canto da boca roubar o contato. 
“Valeu, gatinha.” Sorriu trêfego, mesmo esforçando-se para fingir que nada tinha acontecido. O rubor na tua face acabou camuflado na meia-luz da bmw, e ele deu partida, retomando o caminho até o destino. 
Rapidamente chegaram, e o jovem se preparou para estacionar o carro largo numa vaga complicada, mas bem em frente à casa de Jaemin. Tirando o cinto de segurança, apoiou o braço direito no banco do carona e virou o pescoço pra trás. Sua mão esquerda se mantivera no volante, conduzindo facilmente. Teus olhos acompanhavam cada movimento, observando o cabelo desalinhado, a mandíbula definida e o pescoço exposto... tão lindo.
“Teu carro não tem câmera traseira?” Indagou rindo fraco, não imaginava que o chinês fazia de propósito. Ele bem sabia que julgava o ato atraente. 
“Que mané câmera, bebê.” Deixou o apelido escapar. “O pai sabe o que tá fazendo.” Completou, parando o automóvel com sucesso. “Tá maluco, sei muito!” 
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Mirando-se no espelho do banheiro, percebeu os lábios arroxeados pela bebida que lhe deixara leve. Tô meio alegrinha, concluiu para si mesma. Saindo do cômodo, notou o corredor escuro e logo franziu o cenho. Jurava que a luz estava acesa antes de entrar ali. 
“Procurando alguma coisa?” Surpreendeu-se com a voz mansa do melhor amigo, que enlaçou as mãos na tua cintura, sem permitir que o visse de frente. 
“Não, eu tava…” Ele pousou o queixo sobre um dos teus ombros, o bendito perfume atingiu teus sentidos e te impediu de racionar. “sei lá, nem lembro.”
“Vamo’ ali rapidinho?” Sinalizou com a cabeça, mas pegou teu dedo mindinho com o próprio, te conduzindo para entrar na varanda iluminada somente pelo luar. 
Chenle entrou primeiro e te observou cerrar a porta balcão. Sentou-se em um dos bancos altos e te trouxe para mais perto de si, posicionando-a entre suas pernas. Levantou uma de suas mãos para acariciar tua bochecha macia, fixando os olhos nos teus, em total silêncio. Você não se reconhecia capaz de desviar o olhar, e muito menos de se afastar do menino para voltar pros amigos. As conversas abafadas no andar de baixo já não eram mais importantes. 
Com toque sedutor, dedos cálidos seguiram até tua nuca, aproximando os rostos mais um pouquinho. Questionava-se se o tempo estava passando mais devagar, ou se Chenle mexia-se com lentidão. A verdade era que ele não queria que aquilo fosse imaginação, nem que terminasse.
Você apertou as pálpebras pesadas, então Lele aproveitou para afagar a ponta do teu nariz com o próprio. Estavam tão perto, isso estava te matando. Ele não tinha pressa alguma, testaria teus limites somente por provocação; não previu, entretanto, que você tomaria iniciativa.
“Me beija, Lele.” Declarou num sussurro suplicante, completamente envolvida.  
“Posso?” A voz grave perguntou baixinho. Não te beijaria sem uma resposta, mas, te esperando, não resistiu roçar delicadamente os lábios. 
Com isso, atingiu teu máximo. Capturou os lábios carnudinhos dele nos teus com paixão, e descobriu que era muito superior ao que já havia fantasiado. Beijavam-se vagarosamente, o gosto de lar e Pinot Noir nas línguas desfazendo qualquer pudor restante. As digitais acariciando teu quadril te incendiavam, enquanto as outras ainda te guiavam pelo pescoço; as suas, ora agarravam com força o capuz, ora os braços musculosos. 
“Duvido que outro te beijaria assim.” Murmurou no selinho demorado, como se te confiasse um segredo. Estava entorpecido não mais pelo vinho, mas por você. Como não recebeu resposta, afastou-se minimamente e indagou: “Fala pra mim. Quem, hm?” Mordiscou o lábio sensível.
“Só você, Lele.” Mal compreendia a própria fala, só ansiava voltar a beijá-lo. E o fez.
Contudo, ouviram um burburinho bem próximo da varanda. Exigiu muito de Chenle se separar de você e fazer de conta que estavam apenas trocando uma ideia esse tempo todo. 
“Vocês estão bem?” Hyuck estava debruçado na porta, inclinando a cabeça para dentro da varanda. “Geral já tá indo embora.”
“Sim, sim, já vamo’ descer.” Você anunciou, admirando as unhas recém feitas, disfarçando o melhor que podia. 
Assim que o moreno fechou a porta novamente, você e chenle trocaram um olhar arteiro e reprimiram as risadas baixas, querendo discrição. Ele depositou vários selinhos cheios de carinho entre os sorrisos, sem acreditar que quase haviam sido pegos. 
A volta pra casa foi diferente, definitivamente. O polegar do chinês afagando sua coxa ao dirigir, e os risinhos ao se olharem nos sinais vermelhos, e a despedida prolongada dentro da X6 denunciavam: não importava quanto tempo havia passado, eles tinham apenas acabado de começar. 
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lqfiles · 2 years
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(8:23) boyfriend duties.
"i told you to stop doing that." the husky voice of the boy next to you who had kept his gaze on you for the past minute, spoke with a hint of disappointment. your own eyes diverted to stare back at the one's of the guy who's heavy stare hadn't stopped. "it's just dead skin, chenle. i won't die." you retorted back with a sheepish grin, heart fluttering a bit because of your boyfriend's worried look that was apparent in his eyes and the way his eyebrows arched down. "it's not just dead skin, (—). it's dead skin that could rip your healthy skin anytime if you continue to peel on it like that." he warned, subtly reaching his hand out so your maths teacher wouldn't notice the conversation that was going on at the back. you chuckled, teasingly pulling your hand away from him and hiding it behind your back. he took notice of the playful grin on your lips and let out a deep sigh which made you giggle in return. "stop playing around, i'm worried." chenle muttered, eyes back on the worksheet that had been passed around.
"huh? what was that last part?" you asked, lurching slightly his way after you gave the worksheet to the person in the seat next to you. chenle scoffed. the two of you had only recently started dating and he emphasised that he wasn't one to openly display or express his love, and to not take it too personal if he never says the 'romantic three words'. chenle himself couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth without much thoughts, too embarrassed to even repeat it. "you heard me." he rolled his eyes before they landed back on your figure. the first thing he noticed was the huge grin you were trying to suppress, making him feel flustered. the second thing he noticed was the slight colour change of your cheeks. he stared longer than he intended to, shaking his head eventually to gain focus. "whatever, it shouldn't be a surprise to you that i worry and care about you (—), you're my girlfriend, as your boyfriend it's my duty to take care of you." he said as his eyes stayed stuck on the piece of paper in front of him, but you caught how the corner of his lip started twitching upwards. you realised how this was the first time since he had confessed to you that he had expressed his love and worry about you. the words replayed in your head, sending a small tingling feeling to the pits of your stomach. this shouldn't affect you that much. but as chenle had taken ahold of your hand and placed it into his own warm one before tying a plaster around your finger, and drawing a small emoticon on it, you wondered how on earth you managed to get such a gentleman to be in love with you out of million others.
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dawn-in-neocity · 4 months
cw: alcohol mention/consumption !
your favorite thing about holiday drinking was the slow, dazed pace of the alcohol washing over you. it wasn’t the nauseating feeling of shooting back cheap vodka, or the blubbering tears that wine brought forth.
it was the warmth of champagne bubbles and bailey’s hot chocolate mixing with the warm gooey affection you felt whenever you looked at your loved ones. your boyfriend chenle in particular.
setting your empty flute down, you march over to where he is and wrap both arms around his shoulders. he immediately wraps his around you yet shyly chuckles at the suddenness of it. “i love you lele,” you mutter.
“i love you too, my baby,” he says back despite the flush in his cheeks at all your mutual friends seeing him absolutely melt for you.
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3raaaachachacha · 11 months
3:49 pm
Zhong Chenle x female reader / 500 words / angst / fluff
Warnings: mentions of insecurities
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"Babe?" You mumbled against your boyfriend's chest, "Can I talk to you about something that's been on my mind for a little while?" Chenle chuckled at your shyness before holding onto you and allowing you to continue.
"I don't know where to start, or how to say this, but I'm just going to go with it. Honestly, when I got myself into this relationship, I didn't realize it was going to be this hard," You said honestly to your boyfriend as you laid in bed together, "I love you, Chenle, I really do, but your parents are so involved in our relationship that it feels as if I'm always being judged or whatever I do is never good enough."
"I promise you, it's not like that! I know it may seem that way, but it's really not," Chenle tried to explain as he held you tightly, lips brushing against your temple.
"How can you be so sure? All the arguments you have with your family, always fall back on me. Your parents are upset are you for spending money on me and they tell you it's not worth the money to come and see me? How can I not think it's about me?"
Chenle didn't say anything because deep down, he knew you were right, but he never wanted to admit it because he loved you. He loved you no matter what got in the way, and as selfish as it was of him sometimes, he didn't want you to know the truth. He didn't want to see you hurting.
"I know we have cultural differences, but I think this is a little more than that?" You sighed as you sat up and looked down at him, "I spoke to my friends and they said the same, it's partially culture related, but the rest is your family being very full on? I don't even know. I don't want you to hate me for telling you how I feel or what I think."
"Hey," Chenle cooed as he sat up, fingers brushing away the stray tear that fell, "I don't hate you, I could never!"
You cried a little harder at his words as you fell into his arms and held him tightly, "I know you may not see this as progress baby, but it really is. Every day I'm trying, I feel like I'm getting somewhere to changing their mind slowly about something," He tried to explain, holding back his tears at your shaking body, "I know it's not ideal and I know you can't help but feel invalid, but please understand my situation too and know that not a second of the day goes by without me fighting for us.
You nodded against his chest in understanding. Despite not totally agreeing with where things are at, you could at least give it a bit more time before making a decision about what to do next. At the end of the day, your love for one another is what's important.
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- Admin 🌶️
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gimmehyuck · 2 years
genre. it’s just fluff with boyfriend chenle
word count. 453
warnings. none.
also, kinda sorta based on a dream i had.
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both you and your boyfriends schedules lined up allowing you both to have today off.
therefore, it was a lazy day at home for you.
that being said, it was also a lazy day at home for chenle as well. and you know more than most that the one thing chenle does not do well with… is a lazy day at home.
which is how you’ve both found yourselves laying on the couch with your heads at opposite ends, scrolling through your social media accounts to simply pass the time.
it was a comfortable silence that settled over your shared apartment.
well, comfortable for only you that is, if the continuous dramatic sighs that came from the boy adjacent to you were any indication.
on the fifth high pitched sigh in the span of a minute, you let out your own to copy his, promptly lowering your phone screen to your chest and quirking an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
he laid with one arm across his chest, his phone dangling limply from his fingers, the other folded behind his head, and he was staring directly at you.
“can i help you with something?” you joked with him, and then you cracked a smile at his answering pout.
“i’m bored…” he huffed, tone dramatic by eyes screaming playful.
“of course you are,” you said before making a show of reaching to pick up your phone again.
“and!” he exclaimed quickly, your hand pausing midair. “i’m so… uncomfortable.”
you raised your eyebrow again at that, silently telling him to elaborate.
“i’m uncomfortable over here… you know, on this side of the couch.” he averted his eyes to the ceiling, a light blush dusting his cheeks and his sudden shyness made you smile.
you extended your arms out, motioning forward with your hands for him to come lay down with you on your side of the couch and he beamed at getting what he wanted. crawling over, he plopped himself to lay next to you.
you threw your arms and legs over his chest and legs in a full body hug and it made him laugh.
“my little koala,” he said finally after he stopped his laughing, and he ran his fingers through your hair gently.
you could hear his steady heartbeat from your place on his chest and it was soothing to you. chenle picked up his phone this time and pulled up tiktok, and you moved yourself slightly to be at a better angle to watch with him. he kissed the top of your head, and then immediately laughed at the first video that showed up on his feed.
and for the rest of the day, neither of you could say you were bored.
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markiemelon · 2 years
no warnings! ☁︎ bf!chenle x gn!reader ☁︎ short little blurb :p
—{5:47pm} *࿐ ⋆.ೃ࿔*
“baby!!! awww i missed you so much!!!” you gasped, running in for a hug.
“i missed you too!!!” chenle held his arms out, waiting for you to run into his embrace…until he was pushed aside, budged by your shoulder as you ran right passed him.
“daegal!!! you cutie!!! did you miss me???” you smothered daegal in kisses, holding her up to your face.
chenle stood there and watched, feeling defeated.
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zcls · 2 years
first kiss, z.cl
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synopsis you and chenle have been friends since you could begin to speak; every memory has him attached to it. when he asks you to teach him how to kiss before his first date with the girl of his dreams, although you’ve never kissed anyone before, you agree. after a kiss or two— feelings come to the forefront. genre gn!reader x chenle, childhood friends to lovers!au,  warnings very small angst (?), mentions of comparing oneself to someone else, making out, kissing chenle for the first time! chenle is a bit handsy when it comes to kissing; nothing too serious! word count 2.7k
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chenle was utterly infatuated; not with you, but with someone else. you saw it in his eyes whenever he spoke about the girl that he had been talking to for the past three weeks. you saw it in the spring in his step whenever he walked through your door for saturday movie nights that you two had shared every weekend since you were fourteen, and through the way he canceled on you the previous saturday because he was taking her out on an extravagant date. he viewed her as entirely perfect and although you had never met her in person— you started to see her as perfect too.
the problem with seeing her as perfect from all that you heard from your best friend’s point of view lied within the fact that your heart had been in his palms since your first day of freshman year of high school, when he locked his arm with yours, reassuring you that you would be okay; that he would be by your side through it all. his smile was warm, his eyes were a galaxy full of love for you—a friendly love— and stars all combined. you fell right then, and since, you haven’t been able to pick yourself back up; you haven’t been able to fully piece yourself back together.
now, you sit next to chenle as he types on his phone, an adoring smile plastering his visage that you had come to love so much. the hearty chuckle that escaped his heart-shaped lips caused your heart to ache— you only wished you could make him display such emotions. only in your dreams, that’s the only place where you could make him as happy as she did. 
“y/n?” chenle asked, tearing himself away from his phone for a brief second to look over at you, who was shaking unknowingly, from the upset that filled your heart and the thoughts that played throughout your head as if a broken record.
“yes, chenle?” you questioned, turning around to face him. his eyes were still full of that friendly love, but there was a glint of concern that now filled his orbs. your heart ached more at the sight, knowing he could somewhat feel the pain that plagued your heart and filled your every thought. you wondered how he knew you so well; to be able to look at you and instantly know that something was out of the ordinary. 
he knew you like the back of his hand though, truth be told. he knew the way your hands trembled when you were upset and how the movements of your hands changed when you were happy; you would do things softer, in a quicker motion, especially when you wrote in your journal. he knew that your lip quivered when you were about to break down in tears and how your eye twitched when you were angry. he knew everything about you, although you didn’t notice— he always paid attention to you, to everything about you.
he also knew that you hated when others asked about how you were feeling— you hated the intrusion. chenle knew that you’d come to him eventually; that you would explain how you are feeling and why you feel such a way. that was the beauty about your friendship; communication was always there.
so, he was going to ask you the next thing that appeared within his mind. he wanted to know how to kiss— how to give someone a genuine kiss, like how they’re portrayed in movies. he wanted his first kiss with the girl he’d been texting to be absolutely perfect, and you were just the person to go to. you were his best friend; you always helped him in times of need and you were always there with him, no matter what. 
“do you know how to kiss someone?” he questioned, “like, the right way?” he asked, his face seeming full of anxiety. he had never asked anyone such a question and asking the person he’s had by his side since he was just a little boy seemed to make him even more fearful. he tapped his knee, wishing that he didn’t screw anything up within his relationship with you.  
“you don’t know how to kiss her, do you?” you asked, tilting your head to the side, smiling at the boy in front of you whose cheeks were now tainted with crimson.
“i was kinda—,” began the boy, cheeks turning darker at each thought; the pure embarrassment of asking his best friend what was about to escape his champagne colored lips, “wondering if you could show me how to kiss her?”
you nearly choked on your own saliva at his words, heart beating faster and faster each second after. you were at a loss for words. your best friend was asking you, his best friend since the two of you were kids, to teach him how to kiss. hell, you’ve never had your first kiss before. you had no idea what you were supposed to do anyway, so how could you be of help to chenle at all? you felt as if you would only make the situation worse— for both him and your heart.
“you want me to kiss you?” you questioned, now playing softly with the hem of your shirt to distract you from your thoughts. he was all you could think about; from the top of his head where his soft hairs lie to his heels that press him firmly to the ground when he stands. each and every aspect of him filled your mind; it was as if the only thing in the world to exist within your brain was him. for that split moment, you really didn't mind.
"i want to kiss you to test the waters—," chenle said, clearing his throat and looking the other way to avoid any type of awkward eye contact with you, although he knew it wouldn't be that awkward. you were his best friend, after all, you always were there to help him learn new things. "you're my best friend, y/n. it wouldn't be weird at all."
you sighed softly, nodding your head to the boy and seeing his eyes light up with the gleam that you found yourself madly in love with. you saw the entire galaxy within the sole irises of his mahogany orbs and at times, it was almost as if you couldn't pull yourself from staring into them. you were so enamored by the way his eyes showed his emotions when his face didn't need to. each feature about him was perfect, and you wished your brain was merely a camera to capture each moment of him so you could never forget— so he was always there through euphoric memories within your brain when he wasn't in front of you.
without noticing, as you were lost in thought about the boy in front of you, chenle moved himself closer to you so your knees were now touching and you were facing one another. you couldn't help but smile at the goofy look on his face; he always looked so silly when it came to new things, like the time you two went on your first rollercoaster together and held hands the entire way through. he had the silliest of smiles plastered on his visage, but you could see the happiness placed there, too.
in that moment, you realized— chenle was always there for your firsts of something. he was there the first time you ever rode your bike without training wheels, the first time you drove your car with your license. he was there to be your first dance at homecoming your freshman year of high school, and your last during prom when your senior year caught up with you. he was there for you when you got your first pet, and there throughout the nights you sobbed when it left. he was always there to turn to; he was always, without complaint, by your side.
“instead of blabbering on, kiss me already, chenle.” you said finally, trying to loosen the muscles in your body that were tense at the thought of your lips touching. “you won’t learn anything for her if you keep sitting there, you know.”
chuckling at your works, chenle leaned in closer to you, cupping his hands around your face. he smiled softly at you, caressing your cheeks gently with his thumbs. you couldn’t help the swarm of butterflies within your stomach, he was just so beautiful.
from the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs to the way he looks at the things he loves; it was all beautiful. from his head to his feet, from the air above his head to the ground below him— nothing could get any more beautiful than that. you swore that there has never been a being in the world more beautiful—or just as beautiful— as him, and you believed entirely that there would never be enough.
he made you see the world in ways that you would have never seen it before him. the world is certainly not as beautiful as it may seem; as it ranges in beauty and fair ugliness— chenle was surely the true beauty in this cruel, yet, ugly world. no words could possibly describe how truly wonderful he is in your eyes. everything he does, everything he touches— it holds some type of beauty because it has touched him.
the smiles that kisses his lips daily, the reason for light. the laughs that he lets out when he's happy, the reason for happiness. the way he holds your hand when you’re anxious, the way he doesn’t care about what others think of your friendship; the reason to keep trying. the small smiles he gives you when he looks up from his phone and sees you glancing at him; the reason to keep your heart open.
chenle’s lips touched yours, causing you to let out a gasp at his warm touch. his lips were soft and tasted of vanilla, causing you to wonder if he was the one who took your vanilla chapstick from your glovebox. his kiss was an eager one, full of willingness to learn for the girl he liked so very much, and that caused your heart to only become sore at the thought. 
he pulled away and looked at you with warm, comforting eyes that also held worry within them. he pursed his lips. “was that good?” he questioned.
you could only nod in response, quietly hoping that he would kiss you again. you felt your heart beating against your ribcage, and you knew that you wanted his lips connected to yours once more. it was as if you entered your own special heaven with his lips attached to yours and with that; it was a heaven you never wanted to leave.
chenle’s thoughts were preoccupied though, with thoughts of you, and just how right it felt kissing you in that moment. you and chenle—the most exciting bunch around. meeting only at age three at a playground and becoming instantly close, you both felt as if you had known each other your entire life.
you went to parties together, you laughed and cried together; you did everything with one another. he helped you study when you were completely lost, always cheering you on with the you're doing great’s and the occasional you got this!’ speeches.
he helped you when things felt like they were crashing down; he made things stable. he made it feel like things were going to get better, with time, at least. he always reminded you how it was okay to make mistakes and that no matter what, you're human. no amount of failures could make you less of a human; they only make you stronger.
late night's with your hands intertwined watching television, he couldn't help but admire how lovely you are— how lucky he is to call you his best friend. the things you did were always in a platonic manner, seeming how you, of course, were merely silent about love and how you wanted to pursue it. he never knew what you wanted, due to the fact that you never initiated anything with him out of your sheer timidness, which caused him to run and stick with people who he didn’t even want anything romantic with. all that because he was waiting— waiting hopelessly for you.
he realized then that he was in love with you, too— that the looks he gave you weren’t out of concern, but out of love. he realized that the things he wrote in his journal about you, including the songs, weren’t just a phase of a young boy feeling puppy love, but rather a boy who was growing up and feeling the love of the most important person in his life. 
“can i kiss you again?” chenle asked softly, rubbing the back of his neck as the words escaped his lips. his shyness caught your attention, causing your stomach to erupt with butterflies and euphoria.
“of course, chenle,” you began, “you can kiss me again.” you didn’t even have to finish your sentence before his lips were connected to yours once more. but this time, his kiss was filled with more fervor than what it was to begin with. it was as if he was no longer kissing you for practice, but as if he asked to kiss you again to genuinely kiss you. 
your lips molded perfectly together as you kissed, his hands rubbing the outer part of your thighs. you then moved yourself to straddle his lap, having him chuckle against your lips at the movement. you had no idea what you were doing, honestly, there was nothing except passion filling your brain. you wanted to kiss him until you could no longer breathe— you wanted to kiss him until the world ended and you hoped that if it did, you could find a possible way to kiss him again.
as you straddled his lap, his hands found their way underneath your shirt to softly caress your waist. you felt yourself fall more in love with the boy in front of you, whom you were currently making out with. you would have never ever thought you’d be in this position with chenle, your best friend, who you believed was in love with someone else.
you pulled away to look at him, your eyes glimmering with love and lust to kiss him once again. you couldn’t help but think— why were you two in this position? was it because he saw you as someone he could potentially be with, or was it because it was his way of practicing for the girl he was supposed to see in the upcoming days?
“chenle,” you breathed as the boy leaned his forehead to touch yours; a meaningless gesture to some, but you felt your heart swell up. it was romantic, and you couldn’t get enough.
“yeah, baby?” he asked, causing you to feel dizzy at the nickname that he rarely gave you unless you were upset and he was calming you down. 
“was that—,” you begin, catching yourself shaking slightly at the thought of the words that were just about to fall from your lips, “for practice? you know, for your date in a few days?”
chenle only laughed at you, his mellifluous laugh filled the air as you stared back at him. he was so beautiful when he laughed— he always looked as if he was the happiest being alive when he did so, and nothing made you happier than seeing his inexplicable happiness.
“i wouldn’t have kissed you again if it weren’t for you.” he said, now caressing your hips with his thumbs since you didn’t leave your previous position of atop his lap. “i realized halfway through our first kiss that you are the only person i ever want to kiss.”
you felt your cheeks heat up with crimson; “you want to only kiss me?” you inquired, causing the boy to shake his head before leaning down and kissing you again.
“more than you’ll ever know,” he said softly against your lips— leaving your heart in flutters.
you no longer had to worry about chenle and his short-lived relationships with others, because you knew now that his heart was yours, entirely yours. as the tears brimmed your mahogany eyes, you reached for his hand and kissed it gently. with his hand in yours, you sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, adoration filling the air.
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philly-interlude · 10 months
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[3:07 AM]
w: dramatic (i.e crying, sobbing, insecurity(?))
"who's that woman?" you cut him off mid-sentence, him freezing at the question, "chenle i'm asking you a question" your eyes didn't leave the ground. unnoticeably, chenle took a deep breath before answering, "she's no one, y/n, she-" his words were cut off once again when you snapped your head up to look directly into his eyes, his shaking eyes.
"no one? no one?! chenle- you bloody kissed that woman which i saw with my own aching eyes! you..." shook your head disbelieving the scene you saw earlier, your tears ricocheted, more massive this time, "why? what got into your mind that you did that chenle?!" you yelled.
"i was drunk" chenle excused, "drunk?! i know you when you're hell drunk chenle zhong. drunk?! you are obviously sober, sober as- as a son of a gun!" you wanted to curse so bad as you hit him hard on his chest where his beating heart was, the heart where you don't even know if you're still there.
you sobbed hardly, feeling your soul crumble upon love, your tears never stopped streaming down your reddened cheeks. "what did i do wrong? what do i lack of?" almost like a whisper, you looked at him in the eyes, "tell me chenle. did i do something wrong that's why you did that? am i that ugly that you found another girl? do i lack of the things you wanted? what, because i, too, don't know the reason!"
chenle sighed, "you are too sensitive for my liking, i just realized" he briefly explained, yet little that you know, his heart was breaking apart. you looked down with a bitter smile, "then i'm sorry. i'm sorry for being born weak, i'm sorry for the type of girl i grow into, i- i'm sorry..." he hates seeing you cry, he does, but how can he alleviate the pain especially because of the scene you saw?
rain started pouring from the night sky, the man in front of you wanting to comfort and embrace you with care and tenderness, nonetheless, his mind controlled his body. in the middle of the pouring rain, you spoke your heart out.
"y/n it's fucking raining-" he urged, his hands grabbing your arm, but you didn't budge which made him stand back in front of you, "i didn't know why i decided to love you back and love you more than you know. all i perceived was i wanted to try and see if love could make me strong, however, love had just made me weaker" you mumbled.
slowly, you looked up at him. "what about you? have you become weak when you actually loved me? or...did you not really love me?" it only told the truth when he grabbed the back of your neck as he kissed you passionately.
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[8:53 pm] “Huh? What are you doing here? I thought we were staying at your place tonight.” You said when the door opened and Chenle stood there, with Daegal in his arms.
“We are! Ready to go?” He asked, checking to see if he could carry any bags for you.
“But, why are you here then? It must have been at least a 20 minute walk.” You pouted when he took your bag from your hand.
“So? Daegal needed a walk and we need to get groceries on the way as well.” He shrugged and let Daegal down to hold your hand instead.
“Did you walk all the way over here just to walk together back to you?” You asked while locking your door and following him out of your apartment complex.
“Of course, who knows what might happen this late at night, if you walked alone,” he said, suddenly showing a confident smile: “just call me the best boyfriend in the world, I know I am.”
“I’ll admit it, I have the best boyfriend in the world, now let’s go before you get too cocky.”
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yeoniia · 2 years
⚝──⭒─ [17:21]
"so tasty~!" you exclaimed while taking a bite of the ramen boyfriend! Chenle cooked for you. Feeling a stare you looked up meeting Chenle's eyes, "stop looking at me like that it's scary!" you exclaimed while taking another bite of the tasty ramen. "i love you" Chenle muttered loud enough for you to hear....
happy pride month loves <33
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jukipptx · 6 months
omg i love your 'why series', please do a chenle version <3
Thank you baby 🩷🩷🩷 here you go 😘🌹 I think I only have Jaemin left????
Requests are OPEN 🎀
why chenle??? because he won’t take no for an answer, but without being stubborn??? like you don’t wanna go out to dinner with him? ok then you both will stay in, but you haaave to hang out tonight yes or yes. because he says he’s not romantic, but he will never come home empty handed, could be chocolate, could be flowers, could be anything; he once came home with a puppy (daegal). because he will roll his eyes when you pucker your lips, but he will kiss you anyways and even harder than you expected. because he will scold you for not wearing a jacket, but he will give you his as he continues to scold you. because he would buy you all the things you said were nice at the mall even though you told him not to. because even if he’s mad at you, he would make sure to text you in the morning and ask if you’re okay. because he’s a bit possessive???? but in a 😍 type of way??? he won’t let go of your hand, he won’t let go of your shoulders, he won’t let go of your waist 🤪🤪🤪 why chenle???? because!!!!!
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haechanhues · 8 months
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pairing : ot22 x reader. sm rookies! shohei/eunseok/seunghan x reader. sungtaro x reader.
genre : fluff + angst + suggestive content throughout. 
warnings : suggestive content from a certain point. implications of bullying, swearing. toxic relationships. further warnings at every preview, written chapter etc please tell me if there are warnings I may have missed. everything in this fic is fictional. 
summary : in which a girl farewells every boy she’s ever loved (or at least had romantic feelings for) in order to prove that her feelings for one particular boy are very real and unwavering. 
status : ongoing
taglist : @matchahyuck @haisuken @dinonuguaegi @replayenthusiast @90s-belladonna @scftharu @ahnneyong @liliansun
main masterlist
author’s note : now pls bear with me, this is kind of a concept that rattles me a little bit so pay attention to the previews which are listed as ‘phones’. timestamps aren’t necessarily important unless stated. i’ve had this idea in my head for 3+ years now and i've written about 13 chapters and i just cannot hold on any longer so here it is. 
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profile 1 | profile 2 | profile 3 | profile 4 | moodboard
prologue :
P H O N E (1)
chapter one : hong seunghan
chapter two : osaki shotaro
chapter three : moon taeil
chapter four : matsushima shohei
chapter five : jung jaehyun
P H O N E (2)
chapter six : chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
chapter seven : park jisung
chapter eight : lee jeno
chapter nine : lee taeyong
chapter ten : jung sungchan
P H O N E (3)
chapter eleven : yuta nakamato
P H O N E (6)
chapter twelve : wong kunhang
chapter thirteen : kim doyoung
P H O N E (7)
chapter fourteen : song eunseok
chapter fifteen : na jaemin
chapter sixteen : lee donghyuck
chapter seventeen : mark lee
chapter eighteen : zhong chenle
chapter nineteen : liu yangyang
chapter twenty : johnny suh
chapter twenty one : dong sicheng
P H O N E (8)
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mins-fins · 2 months
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💌 NCT 127 ꜜ
skyline highlights! — (series; ongoing)
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
the course of true love — (long fic; work in progress)
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
1, 2, 3 — (series; ongoing) signed, agent zero — (series; ongoing) sonatine — (long fic; work in progress)
pearls — (drabble) 20:20 pm — (timestamp) the spiderweb theory — (smau series; work in progress) endless nameless — (smau series; ongoing) there's nothing left for you — (drabble) remember summer days — (long fic; work in progress)
two slow dancers — (drabble) bygone days — (drabble)
21:29 pm — (timestamp) operation ἐκλείπω (long fic; work in progress) oh fuck you cupid! — (long fic; work in progress)
where do we go — (drabble) 02:09 am — (timestamp) oh fuck you cupid! — (long fic; work in progress) 06:10 am — (timestamp) june 20th — (drabble) missa solemnis — (drabble) should've been me — (drabble) boyfriend texts (smau oneshot) star — (drabble) haunted — (drabble) alright nancy drew! — (long fic; work in progress) send in the clowns — (long fic; work in progress)
junie — (drabble) you have one new voicemail from! — (oneshot) oh fuck you cupid! — (long fic; work in progress) 00:17 am — (timestamp) express moon — (long fic; work in progress) rose color — (long fic; work in progress)
audere est facere — (long fic; work in progress) unapologetically in love — (smau oneshot) you have one new voicemail from! — (oneshot) a day for love — (long fic; work in progress)
orbit of yours — (long fic) sincerely, a lovestruck fool — (long fic; work in progress)
💌 WAYV ꜜ
farewell, neverland — (long fic; work in progress)
to the one i call love — (long fic; work in progress)
boyfriend texts — (smau oneshot) closure — (drabble) parenting chronicles — (long fic; work in progress) not now kitty cat! — (long fic; work in progress) easy there detective — (long fic; work in progress)
pareidolia — (drabble)
buttercup — (smau series; work in progress) dal segno — (drabble) all flights are delayed — (long fic) r.i.p 2 my youth! — (long fic; work in progress)
dancing swords — (long fic; work in progress) r.i.p 2 my youth! — (long fic; work in progress)
perfect moment — (smau series; work in progress) drop the controller! — (smau series; ongoing) space science — (drabble) delicate — (drabble; work in progress) r.i.p 2 my youth! (long fic; work in progress)
nothing here yet..
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