#yvette hollow
teekapoa · 6 months
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yvetteiswhy · 2 years
Meta Knight figure!!
I made him myself, completely out of pipe cleaners. The mask is made of foam with a felt covering, and is attached in the back using a small accessory belt thingy I found at the craft store so it is detachable!!
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karmirage · 9 months
anyways. kind of weird to me that krakoan-age monet puts her back in a) the form and b) the codename that is specifically associated with her brother stripping her of her bodily autonomy etc etc etc. like it's fucking weird. and to have the m twins subjected to that shit too...
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thelegacylegacy · 2 months
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Thousands of kilometers away, in Forgotten Hollow, two vampires were having a private “party”.
Y: Thybalt… Lux has been ignoring me for months…
T: you know how your son is, Yvette
Y: I know, but I miss him! I think I’m going to find him and talk to him again
A few days later, Yvette de Lioncourt had found where Lux was hiding.
Y: good evening, my dear son
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vendetta-if · 2 years
okay I just read the ask about yvette and oh my she's not even an asshole then! She was going to abort and choose her career and victor but he wanted the kid. Do we explore the perspective that what she chose is completely reasonable? Because omg that kind of makes it messed up for Victor to tell baby mc who her mom is and not just say she has no mom because he wanted a kid and knew the mom would never be in the picture. You might feel differently about Victor but thats honestly a pretty bad choice to tell baby mc they have a mom at all :( (like an understandable parenting mistake but definitely a mistake and I still love Victor even the best dads make mistakes)
Viktor did tell MC that their mom died a long time ago, but then, MC accidentally found an old picture of Viktor and Yvette together while still wearing their costumes when they helped Viktor sorting his old photo albums (Viktor loved to take pictures and immortalize memories that way ever since he was a little boy).
So, Viktor just decided to come clean because there’s no way little MC would believe that one of the most famous superheroes in the city who often appears on TV and social media (and who’s supposedly their mom as well) is dead. Maybe deep down inside, Viktor is also a bit relieved to finally be able to stop lying to MC about something so crucial.
But then, to protect little MC from the harsh truth that their mom doesn’t want to be in their life, he ended up lying again saying that she hasn’t visited them because she really cared for them and that she was worried about bringing unwanted attention and dangers to MC and him.
And MC believed that until the unfortunate meeting in the comic store where MC found out in the worst way possible that their mom doesn’t really want them.
And yes, Viktor is a good dad, but he’s definitely not perfect and makes mistakes. Maybe if only he had come clean to MC from the beginning about Yvette… would it makes things better? Would things be different about how MC feels about her? But he also couldn’t bear thinking about how it would make his little precious baby feels.
So, he took what was supposed to be an easy way out and lied about it. After all, Yvette is not interested at all in being in MC’s life right? And as long as MC and Yvette never meet each other, his white lie would be okay.
I know a lot of people dislike or even hate Yvette, and I do understand, if not for choosing her career over MC, then it’ll be for what she did to MC in the store. She kinda made MC and Viktor as the butt of the joke in trying to deny MC claiming to be her child and also tried to use her empathy ability (well, soft words for literal emotional manipulation) on little MC to make them still like her despite being laughed at by a lot of people because of her.
She is not really a good person. She’s somewhat self-centered and her powers just enable her narcissistic tendencies even more. She’s also superficial and doesn’t really actually care much about saving people, only for the fame and wealth and attention from becoming a famous superhero (I think this is made even clearer in her backstory on how she first met Viktor that I wrote for Patreon because it’s written from her perspective).
But personally, for me, I’ve always felt… neutral, apathetic, or even pity towards her, especially now in her older years. She really couldn’t find anyone else she felt as strongly for as she did for Viktor. And she could never go back to Viktor again and try to make amends because he’s already dead.
Her biological child most likely hates her for what she did and she could understand why. Her life has turned hollow and shallow inside despite her being more famous and rich than she was a decade ago. This is supposed to be her goal, what she sacrificed her love for, but she still feels empty inside. And most importantly, she’s alone and she’s lonely. Almost all of the people surrounding her are as fake and superficial as she was and still kinda is.
She doesn’t even have anyone to pass her legacy and success and reputation that she worked so hard to build to once she retires from the superhero scene, which is one of the reasons she took in Skylar as her protégé in the first place.
Maybe I also feel some pity for her because I subconsciously know things about her that she might not even want to admit to herself or that she buries deep down. Such as her regret for not taking Viktor’s offer.
She sometimes finds herself daydreaming about what her life would be if she had accepted Viktor’s offer and settled down peacefully and happily with the man who really loved her and who she truly loved in return and becoming a mother instead of choosing to pursue her fame and wealth and career. Lately, as she grows older, these daydreams comes to her even more often. Maybe that added with her desperation about being the next target is what finally pushed her to gather her courage to meet MC again…
Oh, also, just to make things clearer, she did want to abort and still be with Viktor (although I don’t think Viktor would still be able to be in a relationship with her after that), but she also intended to keep their relationship a secret and not get married and act single in public for as long as possible, maybe until she retires if that’s even possible 😂, which Viktor (or anyone else tbh) would also not like.
Because she knows her fanbase and she knows the image that the Constellation Agency and she has curated and built for ‘Mirage’. She knows she would lose a portion of her fanbase if it’s revealed that she has a partner all this time, or much worse, has a kid. And it might be a pretty big hit to her career and the Agency wouldn’t like that.
But she did choose to give birth to MC in the end out of her love for Viktor. They actually separated pretty amicably and Viktor never bad-mouthed her to MC or his family. In fact, it was his request to Luka and Grandpa and Grandma to just let Yvette continues on with her life and career without them trying to retaliate in any way. A request that they still honor even after his death.
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idv-fifis-toybox · 6 months
I am a slow worker UEUEUE but also seeing this in my drafts is pain and there are. way too many skins in the whole thing LOL so im just dumping those that have requests atm! Skins under the cut
Waterfire II: Operation Dagger
S-Tier: Soixante Quinze ( The Voidwalker, Rue ) ( bonus, Cent Vingt-Cinq, R, it was too perfect )
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A-Tier: Jack Rose (The Executioner, Exe)
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B-Tier: Gimlet (The Hitman, Zane Bracken)
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S-Tier: Bloody Mary ( The Vedette, Vanadis )
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Waterfire III: Troupe Disaster
B-Tier: Trial of Fire ( The Knife Thrower, Flynn Smith )
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B-Tier: Trial of Water (The Puppeteer, Rosalyn Darling)
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B-Tier: Trial of Silence ( The Novelist, Orfeo )
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B-Tier: Spotlight ( The Lampsmith, Wayne Strickland )
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S-Tier: Saraste (The Tailor, Angel Drew)
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A-Tier: Agent Clubs ( The Veteran, Lyra Blake )
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The Slumbering Realm
S-Tier: Ukiyo (The Samurai, Shiori Aikin )
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A-Tier: Directions (The Cameraman, Akihiko Sato)
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A-Tier: Tickets (The Gardening Fool, Basil Vines)
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B-Tier: Busy Passenger (The Activist, Peterson “August” Drew)
B-Tier: Lost Passenger (The Scion, Ian Varon)
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B-Tier: Regretful Passenger ( The Glass Artist, Delilah Fowler )
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A-Tier: Train Conductor ( The Showman, Phineas Smith )
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The Purgatory
Note: this is about another afterlife, the Seven Evokers (based on the seven deadly sins) are the Seven ‘Kings’/‘Queens’ of the realm, second to the god of the realm who is not within the packages. The two A-tiers are the direct servants of their Evokers
S-Tier: Gula (The Falcon Tamer, Yvette)
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A-Tier: Insatiable  (The Baker, Beth Anastazja )
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 A-Tier: Lullaby (The Upside Down Artist, Amy Kazuichi)
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A-Tier: Hollow Praise (The Radio Host, Laurence Godfrey)
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A-Tier: Double-edged (The Cultivator, Eiji Narukami)
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A-Tier: Bloodlust (The Nurse, “Lazarus”)
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A-Tier: Blackened Knight (The Vet, Luke Watson )
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S-Tier: Luxuria ( The Radio Hostess, Adeline Deniere )
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A-Tier: Desire ( The Living Mannequin, Miss Manni )
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A-Tier: Lady Rose ( The Huntress, Ellie )
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S-Tier: Avarita ( The Scholar, Romero Gray )
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OoTP, Chapter 7 - The Sack of DA
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader
Warnings: none?
Word Count: ~2,500
Note: it had to happen, Malfoy is still a massive butthead, don't blame me...
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The days following the term resuming were, in a word, horrific. You rose Monday morning and were greeted in the Great Hall by a swarm of Gryffindors passing around a battered issue of the Daily Prophet, and your heart sunk. Ginny was nowhere in sight, but the teachers' table carried the same intense chatter.
"What's happened?" you whispered to Hermione. She said nothing, but passed you the newspaper so you could read the headline. It took a moment to process what you'd read - Death Eaters, an escape from Azkaban, ten Death Eaters. Hermione remained silent, rose abruptly, and hurried out of the Great Hall.
A few tension-filled days later, and you learned that the old toad had put Hagrid on probation. The only thing worse than that was that no one knew when the next meeting of Dumbledore's Army could be. An odd coldness had settled between yourself and Draco, spurred by his smugness and malicious pleasure regarding Hagrid's status. During the Herbology lesson that followed, Professor Sprout beamed through her lecture on Screechsnaps; apparently Draco had done an excellent job with the puffapods over the break. The small victory seemed hollow, though.
Care of Magical Creatures was even worse. Umbridge insisted on interrupting every few minutes to ask a mind-numbingly stupid question, rarely related to the lesson plan, and then Hagrid would stumble through a response that only ever half-answered her question.
You did, eventually, run into Ginny in the Owlery, and managed to ask her how Mr. Weasley was getting on.
“Oh, he’s doing much better, thanks!” she said, grinning. Her breath fogged instantly in the chilled air at the top of the tower. “He’s home now, driving Mum crazy.”
“Well that’s good, I’m glad to hear it.” You looked casually over your shoulder. “Do you know when…?” you trailed off, eyebrows raised.
Ginny caught your meaning and nodded. “Pretty sure soon, he’s been busy with, erm, remedial Potions.”
Your mouth fell open. That was surprising. Harry wasn’t Snape’s favorite, no one was, but surely he couldn’t be that bad. Especially not with Hermione around to whisper corrections every few minutes, which you knew she had a habit of doing since having been paired with her one very, very long DA meeting. “Wow,” was all you managed to say.
Ginny frowned, “Yeah he’s not thrilled about it either.”
You laughed sardonically. “Well if he needs any help in Herbology,” not sure where that came from, you trailed off, uncomfortable.
Ginny looked at you quizzically.
You sighed. “I’ve got a bit of an odd question. What do you think of Draco Malfoy?”
Her face screwed up in disgust. “Why d’you want to know about him?”
“Well,” you hesitated, deciding on a half-truth, “he’s in my Herbology 5, and I don’t quite know what to make of him.”
“He’s a bully, and a git. And an idiot.”
“I was afraid you’d say that.”
She patted your arm sympathetically. “Your determination to like everyone is admirable, but trust me - that one’s a lost cause.” You smiled weakly at the compliment. “I’ve got to go, see you later!”
Ginny trotted down the icy stairs as fast as she could manage, leaving you in the cold with only more questions than before.
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Valentine’s Day came and went, and you and Donna observed with increasing amusement as Herbert attempted on three separate occasions to invite Yvette to Hogsmeade, presumably on a date. The first time, sitting in the Great Hall over breakfast, she attempted to invite a few other people along. The second, after History of Magic, she hadn’t heard him properly and agreed that yes, they should study veritaserum for potions in the library today. The third, from across the common room, she replied that she planned to spend the whole Saturday gearing up for the next quidditch game against Gryffindor.
Herbert watched, dumbfounded, as Yvette moved on casually to discussing the practice schedule with Zacharias Smith.
Donna patted him on the shoulder. “Maybe for the best though. Valentine’s Day is way too much pressure for a first date.”
The Saturday morning of the long awaited match, when you woke Yvette and the rest of the quidditch team had already left for breakfast, so you and Donna bundled up and met Herbert in the common room. At the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall, the team sat eating in unhappy silence. Devon Summerby sneezed loudly over his breakfast.
“What’s got you lot in a twist?” Herbert asked as the three of you sat down.
Zacharius Smith flinched. “I guess Gryffindor’s last practice was exceptionally pitiful. Which would be great for us, except-”
“Except,” Yvette interrupted, seething, “Summerby caught a cold. What was it this time? Forget your cloak for Care of Magical Creatures?”
Devon Summerby’s voice came out nasal and stressed, “How many times are you gonna make me say I’m sorry?”
“As many times as needed to win the match,” Zacharias snapped. “And I’d ask you to step in, Y/N, but Hooch says he’s well enough to play.”
Then the Gryffindor team sat down at their table in similarly poor spirits.
Adding insult to injury, Draco Malfoy and his gaggle of goonies followed, taking a long and all too satisfied look around. He never met your eye.
“Well,” he said, smug, “this certainly promises to be quite the show. Do try not to embarrass yourselves too much.” Finally his gaze met yours, lingering uncomfortably. He looked away and said to his lackeys, “Crabbe, Goyle, let’s go.”
You scowled at his back as he led his ‘friends’ out to the courtyard. Donna clocked the look and raised an eyebrow.
Across the room, Ron Weasley had turned a shade of green. Ginny patted him on the back in an attempt at encouragement.
The match was nothing to write home about. Yvette, Zacharias and Cadawaller snuck upwards of fifteen goals past Ron Weasley, but Devon Summerby missed the snitch as it passed under his nose twice, eliciting screams of outrage from the Hufflepuff spectators. In the end, Ginny caught the snitch, closing the gap, and Hufflepuff won but only barely.
During the entire match, the Slytherin attendees could be heard singing another insulting refrain of “Weasley Is Our King,” and you didn’t need to wonder who had led the chorus.
After dinner, Donna cornered you in the common room amidst a half-hearted celebration.
“Please tell me,” she began in a whisper, “that Slytherin you were tutoring wasn’t Draco ‘My-Father-Will-Hear-About-This’ Malfoy?”
“I never noticed how perceptive you are, you should really-”
“Y/N. Be serious. He’s insufferable; why are you helping him?”
You shrugged, unsure of your own feelings. “He’s not that bad when there’s not an audience.”
“Oh, so you’ve been spending quality time alone with him too? Don’t tell me you’ve got a crush now?”
Once she said it, you couldn’t unhear it. Was it a crush? Your gut churned; you weren’t sure.
You answered, “I don’t know, ok? Yeah half the time I wanna punch him in the face, but the other half? I don’t know.”
Donna frowned, looked around to see if anyone had been listening. “Look, I don’t care if you’ve got a crush on the rich bad boy, but I wish you’d told me. I wish you’d told me when you started tutoring him. And I wish you’d told me about the study club.”
“I told you I didn’t think I could-”
Yvette threw an arm around each of you. “Whatever it is you’re whispering about can wait. Please help me save this party.”
The argument halted before it could begin, you spent the remainder of your evening enchanting chestnuts to roast themselves and explode into confetti.
The Great Hall was abuzz with chatter the next morning, nothing new, but about halfway through your breakfast you watched as Umbridge stomped over to the Gryffindor table.
“This can’t be good,” Herbert muttered as the whole table tried to eavesdrop.
Whatever it was must’ve been something truly magnificent as, for maybe the first time ever, she was speechless. She sputtered for a moment, then stomped back up the aisle, something tucked under her arm.
Exactly one hour later, a new Educational Decree went up, banning a certain news publication, and Herbert proudly appeared in the common room with said publication.
This edition of The Quibbler featured an interview from none other than Harry Potter himself.
Wanda Clemm and Ezra Roberts corralled him into an arm chair and demanded he read the article aloud. He obliged. It was a tell-all account of what happened during the games last year, so well written it had captivated everyone in the common room who sat at the edges of their seats.
It also named the Death Eaters that had been unmasked by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named himself: Peter Pettigrew, not dead after all; Avery; Macnair; Crabbe; Goyle; and… Malfoy.
So. This is what he’d meant when he said their families went ‘way back.’ That they were more like ‘colleagues’ than friends. Their fathers were all Death Eaters together, like some sick social club. Disgust rose in your throat - but he never seemed particularly fond of them, maybe, just maybe there was still hope?
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In the month that followed, Dumbledore’s Army continued to meet with renewed vigor. No longer were these secret meetings merely a replacement for the joke Defense Against the Dark Arts had become, but something far more immediate. Finally, after months of asking about it, Harry Potter announced it was time to learn the Patronus Charm.
He kept on trying to emphasize the importance of being able to produce it under attack from Dementors, but was respectfully ignored as the wispy white animals took over the room.
Donna had no trouble at all thinking of a happy memory and letting it fill her up to the brim. A massive, slobbering St. Bernard leapt from her wand and nipped at the wisps from failed charms.
Herbert followed close behind. From his wand, an osprey, a fish-hawk, took flight.
You had far more trouble, as did Yvette. You shared a disappointed look. For some disconcerting reason, every happy memory you could think of was overshadowed by some feeling of disappointment. Seeing the dragons during the tournament - Cedric’s death. Hagrid returning with tiny versions of those dragons - Umbridge putting him on probation. Christmas at home with mum and Julien - a painful reminder of your father’s passing. Racing across a frigid pond to a crystalline forest with an unexpected friend - the hot, uneasy feeling you got in the pit of your stomach at the sight of him now.
All tainted, all failed.
Then, Yvette’s patronus burst forth, a beautiful dun mare galloping through the air, and the frustration you felt boiled over.
You groaned, shoved your wand in your back pocket, and stomped over to the edge of the room. There were a few others having equal trouble, like Seamus, but it was his first meeting. He hadn’t been training under Harry’s (and Hermione’s at times) excellent tutelage for months as you had. Harry was across the room, coaching Neville and trying to coax more than a faint wisp from the spell.
This was ridiculous.
You were training under Harry ‘the Chosen One’ Potter. Preparing for an all too possible, almost inevitable, magical war. And your closest friends were doing even better than you; they’d be just fine.
You abandoned fragmented warm and fuzzy memories, and instead tried to let the confidence of watching your friends, Ginny and Luna too, succeed fill you up. Then, you attempted to cast the Patronus Charm, just one more time before giving up.
Slowly, confidently, a grey wolf lined in silver came padding out of your wand. Its head held high, it circled around behind you to stand at your side, content to observe the wandering patronuses around the room. That was interesting.
“Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing, eh Y/N?” Herbert joked at you.
Sarcastically, you replied, “Oh, very funny.”
Across the room, a nervous voice stuttered, “Harry Potter… she… she…”
You recognized the house elf - he was always wearing multiple knit hats, gloves, socks, which he was still wearing as he tried desperately to impart some information to Harry, who was leaning over him in concern.
The room grew terribly still and the silvery wisps dissipated along with the images of animals as spells fizzled out. Your stomach sank to your feet once Harry finally deciphered the house elf’s meaning - Umbridge. Your worst nightmare. Everyone’s worst nightmare.
Harry looked around incredulously, then shouted, “RUN!”
Your friends wasted no time - Donna grabbed your wrist to pull you along - and bolted for the exit. In the corridor, members of Dumbledore’s Army scattered like sparrows out of a roost, and Barnabas the Barmy giggled wildly to himself in his portrait. Herbert, at the lead, pivoted hard and followed Hannah towards the library.
Behind you, an unmistakable voice laughed cruelly. Surely, Draco wouldn’t have aligned himself with that toad. Surely.
You didn’t have time to ponder, for a meter or two from the library doors your friends slowed and tried to catch their breath before ambling off nonchalantly, branching into the stacks.
For a moment you thought it may have worked, you’d caught your breath and had picked a book at random to idly page through. Then, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle burst through the doors.
“Really!” Madame Pince exclaimed.
Draco held up a hand, commanding and smug. “We are here by official instruction of the High Inquisitor. I’d hate to have to tell her how you interfered.”
Madame Pince paled at his words, and went back to the papers on her desk.
Then they moved through the library, in almost predatory unison. You tried to keep a subtle eye on Draco, moving when he moved, angling for the exit. This was not a confrontation you looked forward to. But it was all for naught. You rounded a corner you shouldn’t have and came face to face with Malfoy. He took a suspicious step back.
“Tell me,” he said, voice low and threatening, “you weren’t hanging around Potter,” he spat out the name like a curse, like the taste of it was foul, “and that louse Weasley, and that mudblood Granger.”
Oh. Several key pieces of information clicked into place in your head. Ginny’s opinion of him, the Slytherin password, the way he’d said ‘goblins’ talking about Gringotts. So many signs. And you’d missed every one.
You stepped back on a foot, fists held to your sides, and returned his wrathful glare.
The Slytherin girl barged through the doors, stealing the attention. “We’ve got the list,” she purred, “Round them up.”
Malfoy turned back to you, and in the second it took you considered disarming him. Stunning him maybe. You were getting detention up to your ears anyway. And you'd like to see if you could do it.
But then, Crabbe came round the corner with Herbert, Goyle had Donna by the arm, and the saccharine girl caught Yvette as she tried to edge out of the room.
Still looking at you, Malfoy commanded, “Take these to Professor Umbridge. I’ll finish here.”
Fuming, you followed your friends to certain doom, leaving Malfoy behind, certain which side you both fell on.
~~~ Taglist ~~~
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myfaveisfuckable · 11 months
Matchups for v2 round 1
(polls drop July 15 (or so))
Tengen/Rengoku (demon slayer) vs Natsuo Todoroki/ Shigaraki (bnha)
Ochaco/Kirishima (bnha) vs Anakin/commander Fox (star wars)
Ichigo/hollow Ichigo (bleach) vs high school bicycle racing club polycules team (yowamushi pedal, wind breaker)
Mitski/Mirko/inko (bnha) vs odasaku/yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Hinata/Haku (Naruto) vs Mrs White/Yvette (clue 1985)
Asuma/kakashi (Naruto) vs dave/tavros (Homestuck)
Zabuza/kisame (Naruto) vs tenjouin fubuki/manjoume jun (Yu-Gi-Oh GX)
Yor (spy x family)/Haru (fugou keiji) vs rabi ray Rana/sabal (far cry 4)
Curator (the stanley parable)/administrator (TF2) vs medic (TF2)/medical officer Danby (Subnautica)
Yor (spy x family)/morinozuka (Ouran) (academy au) vs matmodean (wheel of time)
Tsume/Tsunade (Naruto) vs Mario/donkey Kong (Mario movie 2023)
Robert chase/chi park (house md) vs winter schnee/Robyn Hill (RWBY)
Phina/linde (fire emblem) vs mal Cobb/eames (inception)
Fierce deity/ghirahim (the legend of Zelda) vs Tamika flynn/Janice palmer
Joseph/god (Christianity) vs garet/the wise one (golden sun)
Isaac/the roof of his house (golden sun) vs ichika/kanade (project sekai)
Jazz/prowl (the transformers) vs Bellamy/Bartolomeo/Cavendish (one piece)
Leon/kazuichi (Danganronpa) vs johnny/the fridge guy (Johnny the homicidal maniac)
The original char aznable/casval daikun (Gundam) vs vera misham/wocky kitaki (ace attorney)
Setsu/yuriko/raqio (gnosia) vs Cecil Gershwin Palmer (wtnv) Carlos Ramirez (Dresden files)
Anna/Daniel (FNAF AR:special delivery) vs Sam (fantasy high)/aelwyn (the seven)
Luis/ness (FNAF AR: special delivery) vs all of the Beatles (irl)/light yagami (death note)/penguins of Madagascar minus skipper (penguins of Madagascar, etc)
Hellucard/guardian angel (eddsworld) vs Danny Fenton (Danny phantom)/randy Cunningham (Randy Cunningham ninth grade ninja
Rincewind the wizzard/twoflower (discworld) vs calendar man/condiment king (dc comics)
Queen ripple/drawcia (Kirby) vs John silver/scroop (treasure planet)
Dante (Devil may cry)/Raiden (metal gear) vs Sesshomaru/hojou (Inuyasha)
Jon connington/Myles toyne (asoiaf) vs lazy/shoji (dairanger)
Gaon/zyuran (zenkaiger) vs jade/terezi (Homestuck)
Tumblr/Reddit vs anzu/tsukasa/junta (romantic killer)
Anzu/saki (romantic killer) vs Peter Parker (spiderman (specifically toby MacGuire)/Spencer Reid (criminal minds)
Captain smollet (treasure planet)/Jane (Disney Tarzan) vs hope/echo (the 100)
Atsushi/Yanagida (Osomatsu-san) vs junta/makoto (romantic killer)
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aro-ortega · 10 months
tag navigation masterlist
my writing / my art
my original characters + setting (light of the sea) - kieran calaer / hamish fairbairn (jay) / natalie barnett / joanna barnett / lyra schenk / lucas cassidy / chester bishop (blue) / eleanor grant (artie) / nai'im al-amin / gimble / gustavo / stowaway
kenelm wist / honey ogden / jodi patton
ana tolia / beltran
bf art 💛 / nsfw 🔞 / mira / enika / suzana / weaver / jay / fang / kerry / capheous / sahscka / hollis / rosalind / plasma
fallen hero - sidestep / ortega (julia / ricardo / aro ortega) / anathema / chen / herald / argent / mortum / puppet / ace / rat king / boris / rosie / hollow ground / nocturne / jake
sidestep & anathema / chargestep / steelstep / flystep / argentstep / mortumstep / chargesteel / chargesteelstep / chargeflystep / chargentstep
vanya mikhailov - marta / vanya x ricardo / vanya x chen / vanya x ricardo x chen / vanya & ace / three of hearts
milo park - puppet neil / milo x ricardo / milo x argent / milo x ricardo x argent / milo x mortum
sasja jespersen - puppet john / sasja x julia / sasja x daniel / sasja x hadley / sasja x daniel x hadley / sasja x argent
chuck kelley - puppet wade / chuck & ricardo / chuck x argent / chuck & daniel
xander wyatt - puppet yvette / xander x ricardo
teddy harlan - puppet ruby / teddy x julia / teddy x argent / teddy x argent x julia
josef richter - puppet addison / joe & julia / joe x chen
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Nyx Imelda is based on Nyx from Disney Fairies. She is a 28 year old fairy, museum security, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of flight and scouting. Nyx is portrayed by Yvette Monreal and she is open.
Nyx didn’t have an easy job. From the day that she came to be, a weight was placed upon her shoulders --- a weight that sometimes felt too heavy to bear, and she never had a choice. It was exhausting, physically and mentally, being one of few meant to protect the entirety of her community. Always on the lookout for outside threats, be it humans, cougars and everything in-between. She was what stood between her kind and the collapse of all they’d ever known, and she would do whatever it took to keep Pixie Hollow a safe haven... no matter how drastic the measures. It followed her off duty, into nightmares, into paranoia over every distant howl. Over time she came to the harsh realization that if she didn’t desensitize herself from what had to be done, it would completely destroy her That led some to believing Nyx didn’t care, when the truth was she cared far too much. Her heart was not cold, it was guarded. What fairies like Fawn didn’t understand was when she brought dangerous animals into their world in attempt to save them, she put everyone else at risk. Nyx didn't want to hurt wildlife any more than her, but she had to look after their kind and if something happened to any of them, their blood was on her hands. She didn’t have the luxury of being soft. In that sense, Evermore was a relief. A complete and total shock to the system and the most alarming thing that had happened to her yet... but it was no longer her job to keep her eyes peeled. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to relax when as far as she knew, danger was lurking at every corner, but what other options did she have? It was a hard habit to shake, especially not knowing what exactly it was that brought them here in the first place. She got a job as a security job at the local museum, as she needed to pay rent here and it was the only thing she knew. The strangest part might’ve been blending in with humans after years of hearing horror stories of what they would do, ready to aim and fire at any that discovered them back at home. Or maybe it was the way she couldn’t remember the last few months of her life before coming to in this quaint little town. All she knew was she wasn’t as foolish as some of the others, and she wasn’t about to let her guard down for anyone. And if that made her cold-hearted, so be it.
❀ Maximus Stoddard: His morals are strong. He seems to share similar sentiment about most things. In another life, maybe they could’ve been good friends, but Nyx has to keep him at a distance for her own safety. ❀ Cruz Ramirez: It’s hard to imagine anyone like that could be dangerous. Cruz just seems so genuine, sometimes she finds herself questioning if humans are that good at deceiving, or they’re just not all bad after all.  ❀ Shea Ziehl: Nyx has a strong feeling there’s something different about her, though she can’t put her finger on it. Shea might be the hottest woman she’s ever met... but she’s keeping her distance.
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bones-weary · 4 months
My Final Request || SRRP
It wasn't unusual for the Lady Yvette Toussaint to call upon Bones for a task. After all, she owned him. No, sorry--"indentured servant" was the proper phrase. He just had to do whatever she wanted until he could earn enough to buy his freedom.
Little did she know, he was getting close. Blackmailing Mr. Smee into doing his bidding had been extremely successful, and he was seeing tremendous dividends from the fine Lady Whistledown for acquiring a gentry mouthpiece. Just a few more tasks and he'd be free.
Soon enough, she wouldn't be calling on him like this anymore.
He entered her chambers, where she had summoned him. While he had been expecting her to bark some sort of trivial order, he instead found her at the standing mirror, looking through it pensively. He opened his mouth to speak, but she moved first, waving her hand in a motion he knew meant to lock the door.
That was his first indication something was wrong.
He silently shut the door behind him before locking it. Then he turned to her.
"What do you want?" He asked, bluntly. With doors closed like this, he didn't need to put up the pretense of fealty or respect. She knew his boorish past, just as he knew her hollowed heart.
Piercing blue eyes darted to meet his in the reflection of the mirror.
"I need you to do a job."
His mouth twitched into a frown. "What kind of job?"
"The kind that ends in a freshly dug mound."
He gave a small scoff and a click of his tongue, looking away from her. He knew exactly what it meant. It had been many years since she's demanded the death of an inconvenience. The second Lady de la Croix, the Baron himself--a pile of bodies on which Yvette could climb her way to the top. While Bones was not fool enough to think she had overcome this bloodlust, he'd perhaps foolishly hoped there wouldn't be a need for it.
One like Bones could not dare to dream.
"Who?" He finally asked.
"I assume you've seen Laurette flaunting about with the kitchen boy."
Bones frowned. "Kingsley?" He didn't know the lad very well, but over the course of this last month, many of the Kings' servants had come into contact with the servants of the households, if only from the back and forth of trying to please a large crowd of aristocracy.
"That's the one," she replied simply, as if she were pointing out a person at a dinner party, and not proclaiming the murder of an innocent.
His brow furrowed. Up until this point, she had only ever requested he get rid of nobles, empty out vacant titles that Yvette and her family might snatch up for themselves. Never before had she asked for a commoner. "I don't understand--why?"
Yvette finally turned away from the mirror to face him. "Laurette is on the cusp of courting a great match, perhaps even a Duke, but she is getting distracted. He needs to go."
"But--what harm is a little distraction? She's still participating in the season, attending all of the events. Are you worried she'll elope with him?"
A twinge of disgust shot across her face, and she scoffed. "We cannot allow it to even be a possibility. Laurette is on a dangerous path, very near following in the footsteps of her mother."
Bones winced slightly and looked away. He'd played an instrumental role in the death of the Baron's second wife, whom was being cheated on with Yvette's sister. The plan had been simple: with the Lady de la Croix gone, the mistress would then become the wife and take the title for herself. But at the last moment, shortly after Laurette was born, the newly appointed Lady de la Croix got cold feet, and disappeared into the night.
Yvette had been devastated, but Bones was left with a hollowness that would always remain. He'd killed a person, and nothing came of it. Even in his worst days as a pirate, he'd never been so callous and cruel. He had killed, but there had always been a justification, whether self-defense or survival. This was nothing. Deadly means to a deadened end.
Yvette took his silence as acceptance, and continued on. "There will be no poison. This needs to be completed before the opening of the final ball."
His stomach churned and his teeth grit, before blurting out, "No!"
A palpable silence followed. Her eyes bore holes through him, but he held her gaze, determined and steadfast in his refusal.
"You heard me. I won't do it. I'm done being a gravedigger for corpses that never needed to exist. You don't know if anyone will actually propose, and a young boy's life doesn't need to violently end so you can--"
His words were replaced by a guttural gurgle in the back of his throat, pain suddenly shooting through every inch of his body. His insides broiled with a fiery rage, as if his very bones were being stretched, threatening to pierce through him. When he looked up, he could see through his tears Yvette standing there, with her hand raised casting a spell.
She told the world she was a divination specialist, much like her sister before and niece after. Bones was the only one who knew that her true magic was much darker still. She would "predict" the illnesses and downfalls of many, only to fulfill those prophecies with her own necromantic subterfuge. Now that darkness was pointed at him.
"Do you forget to whom you belong?"
She twisted her wrist and another wave of excruciating pain swept through him, bringing him to his knees. He managed to snap out an arm to hold him steady, keeping him from collapsing completely. Horrid grunts and gurgles sounded through grit teeth, but he bared them to her, using whatever strength he had to lift his head and meet her gaze.
"So-- what? I-it's either do what you say or I die? Is that it?" He growled, before spitting at her feet. "Do it, then! Cover up your own murders for once, you cowardly bitch--" The last word choked in his throat.
But just as quickly and powerfully as it had seized him, its grip subsided, leaving him only when a dull throb across the whole of his body. The sudden relief elicit a gasp from him, followed by confused panting.
"No, I don't think I will," she said simply as she released the spell. "I have an alternative proposition for you."
He couldn't bring himself to speak, limbs still shaking in recovery. Once more, she took his silence as a sign to continue.
"In exchange for this deed done, I will give you that which you've always sought--your freedom."
He grimaced. He'd nearly saved up what he needed and now he'd have to cross the finish line dragging behind the corpse of an innocent young boy?"
"Fuck off," he growled, reaching up to wipe some of the excess spittle off his face.
"More so than that," she continued, completely ignoring him, "I'm willing to offer you in cash the sum total we agreed upon for your release. Furthermore, I will provide you departure out of London and pay for your travel wherever you may choose to go."
Bones froze. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. In truth, he hadn't planned much ahead when he'd thought about his eventual freedom. Yes, he'd have spent every coin he had on it, but being his own man would make that worth it.
But freedom didn't put food on your plate. It didn't put a roof over your head. Even if he managed to find another job immediately, he would be living in squalor for God knows how long, with very little means to build himself back up.
If he accepted her proposal, he would have twice the amount of money he began with and a one way ticket to build a brand new life wherever he desired. He wouldn't have to work. He wouldn't have to suffer. He wouldn't have to endure the way he'd always endured for over five decades of his life.
It was everything he ever wanted.
And Yvette knew it.
Panting softly, he sat back on his legs, muscles still groaning in pain. Suddenly, long, delicate fingers were placed under his chin, tilting his head upwards. Once more, his gaze met with blue eyes, now much softer in the way they bore down on him, like a mother looking onto beloved son.
No, that wasn't right. It wasn't a love, but rather the pity of a person about to put down their sick animal. Her empty, sympathetic smile sent chills down his spine, which he wished once more would pierce through his skin.
"Mr. Bonhomme," she said, sweetly, a title she only ever used when they were out in public, where decorum was needed. "This is my final request to you. Will you do it?"
He wanted to fight. To tell her to fuck off, to kill him, that he was done doing her dirty work. To whip his head and bite her fingers and wipe that terrible smile off her face.
But he didn't. Because the truth was, he was tired of fighting. All his life he had fought to survive, on the hopes that someday he might be able to live freely. Now, that dream was finally within reach.
A shaky exhale passed through quivering lips that parted to say--
"Yes, my Lady."
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teekapoa · 6 months
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Yvette & Isiah have becomed bestfriends to lovers
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shadowqueen402 · 8 months
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Here is the Aria's sixth cousin! Meet Logan Campbell! He is the seventh oldest of the eight grandchildren.
Oliver Campbell (née Montgomery) (father)
Yvette Campbell (mother)
Siblings: Mia Campbell (older sister)
Richard Montgomery (paternal grandfather)
Hazel Montgomery (paternal grandmother)
Finn Campbell (maternal grandfather)
Evelyn Campbell (maternal grandmother)
Other relatives:
Katherine Campbell (née Montgomery) (paternal aunt)
Scarlett Campbell (née Montgomery) (paternal aunt)
Esme Montgomery (paternal aunt)
Gordon Montgomery (paternal uncle)
James Montgomery (paternal uncle)
Thomas Campbell (maternal uncle)
Owen Campbell (maternal uncle)
Roy Montgomery (née Campbell) (maternal uncle)
Isla Montgomery (née Campbell) (maternal aunt)
Heather Montgomery (née Campbell) (maternal aunt)
Ethan Campbell (cousin)
George Campbell (cousin)
Aria Montgomery (cousin)
Irvin Montgomery (cousin)
Josephine Campbell (cousin)
Freya Montgomery (cousin)
Jonas Montgomery (née Olson) (cousin-in-law, deceased)
Interesting facts about Logan:
Logan's name is of Scottish origin, meaning "small hollow".
Logan top favorite three things to do are the following; gossiping with his grandmothers, playing video games, and pulling harmless yet hilarious pranks on others. He's played video games to the point that he studied the lore of every video game he played growing up.
At his school, he is a member of the Martial Arts club. He is neither the President nor Vice President. He hopes to learn more self-defense moves.
Logan hates Prim despite knowing that 'hate' is a strong word. He never forgave Prim for what she did to Roy and Esme. If he were to meet Prim, he would set a bunch of clever traps to defeat her. (Think of Kevin McCallister from Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost In New York.)
He has an impressive talent for being able to tell if someone is lying. Nobody is spared from this, not even his own family.
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thelegacylegacy · 2 months
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Lux couldn’t believe his mother had found him.
Yvette tried to convince him to stop this nonsense of living among humans and having that stupid vegetarian diet, but he was firm and told her he didn’t want to go back to Forgotten Hollow.
They fought and, for the first time ever, Lux didn’t let her disrespect him and argued back.
Yvette decided to try another time and left, leaving an angry Lux behind.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
If she knows how empty the pursuit of hero fame and glory end up being for her, why does MC's mom taking up Skylar and teaching them the same things that led to her hollow life?
I think it’s a bit for a selfish reason. As she gets older, she realizes that this cannot last forever. One day, she’s going to die and sure, she’ll be immortalized as one of the legendary superheroes to ever grace Elysium City. But years after her death, her name will start to be forgotten and soon she’ll only be another of the many statues that lines the Hall of Constellations… and all of the sacrifices she has made will be for naught.
If she truly wants her fame to ‘live forever’, she knows that she needs someone to carry her legacy, so her name will at least still be spoken in the lips of another. It should’ve been MC, her true child, but she knows there’s slim chance of that going well. Also, Luka has been preventing any of her efforts to reconnect with MC after Viktor’s death.
So, another way is to mentor another rising star and that is Skylar. Skylar is not only a good candidate because they’re just starting to get famous, but their family is also very important and prominent in the city.
I think most of Yvette’s feeling of emptiness is also mostly caused by Viktor’s death and not being able to find another person as perfect as he was, or at least that’s what she wants to believe. I’ve said this in the Forum, but if Viktor didn’t die so prematurely, she would’ve most likely tried to reconnect with him sooner or later.
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askstorykids-hq · 1 year
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Welcome to Addersfield, home of Illedale University. Let’s see what information we have about you for the town hall’s records, shall we?
Name: Cécilia Kingsley Rakoczi
Parent(s): The Headless Horseman Film/Show: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Face: Daniela Nieves Age: 21 Major (if student): Classical Music Composition Occupation: Pianist/Pipe Organist
Name: Fidelis Ohmsford
Parent(s): Sophie Piper, grandfather - Gaxton Film/Show: Halloweentown, Onward Face: Brittany Snow Age: 20 Major (if student): History Minor: Spellcrafting Occupation: Student Archivist - Magic Archive Museum
Name: Quinn Teach
Parent(s): Blackbeard Film/Show: Pirates of the Caribbean Face: Yvette Monreal Age: 23 Major (if student): n/a Occupation: n/a
Name: Samantha Werewolf
Parent(s): Wayne & Wanda Film/Show: Hotel Transylvania Face: Brianne Tju Age: 20 Major (if student): Music Occupation: n/a
Rory, Furby, Flynn, and Destini, you have 24 hours to send in your blog URL/post in-character on your multimuse. The follow notice for a new blog will be posted as soon as possible. Thank you for your application and welcome to the group!
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