#yunho roommate au
spacequokka · 2 years
Take It
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Pairing: Yunho x She/Her (third pov, no use of y/n or names) f. Wooyoung Genre: Roommate AU, Friends to FWB, Smut Rating: R this is the filthiest thing i’ve ever written good luck Summary: It wasn’t that Yunho hated having her as a roommate. On paper, she was great. She kept the apartment clean, regularly did laundry, and cooked often. He just wished he could get the mental picture of her curves, tattoos, and piercings out of his head. Word Count: 14.0k i’m so sorry 😭🥺 Warnings: roomie has tats and piercings, shameless flirts ahoy!, one quote from the Bible, two counts of solo masturbation, size kink, bratty reader, choking, rough sex, spanking, oral sex (f/m receiving), throat fucking, overstimulation, breath play, edging, do you have any idea how hard it was to make mr. sunshine angry, anal play (plug), body oil, tit fucking, voyeurism, unprotected vaginal sex, mentions of riding her like a horse, squirting, creampie, honestly it’s a lot
Banner by the ever so talented @iibonniee​. Written for my dear @pirateprincessblog​. Tagging @sanjoongie​ as thanks for reading it and giving me great feedback. I recommend Naked and Desire for this one. Yeah.
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It wasn’t that Yunho hated having her as a roommate. On paper, she was great. She kept the apartment clean, regularly did laundry, and cooked often. She set up everything for auto-billing, so he never had to worry about late fees. It was just…how could he put it? She was too much to handle as a person. The textbook embodiment of a free spirit. One raised to do whatever she wanted when she felt like it. Which included wearing as little clothing as possible when at home. Raised in a conservative home, it was certainly a culture shock when he first caught her dancing around the living room in just a t-shirt and panties, but he didn’t complain. Again, she was the perfect roommate financially, and he needed that stability.
He just wished he could get the mental picture of her curves, tattoos, and piercings out of his head.
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Yunho’s alarm clock yanked him from sleep, in which he dreamed of a woman’s small hands roaming his body. Though he didn’t see her face, he knew who it might have been. The tribal locus mandala tattoos gave it away. Ever since he let his beautiful roommate give him a massage, her hands haunted his sleep, from which he woke with a hard-on. Today wasn’t any different.
After taking a few minutes to collect himself, he rose from the bed. It was early enough, and he hoped like hell she was still in bed. She was much worse when she was half-asleep.
He stuck his head out of his door and checked the hallway. Clear. Holding his breath, he listened for any movement in the apartment and let out a quiet sigh of relief when nothing but the creaks of the building met his ears. Great. He could get breakfast and coffee in peace then. He stepped out of his room, eyes set on the clear path to the kitchen.
“Morning, Yunnie.” His roommate muttered as she brushed past. On instinct, his eyes dropped to her body. As usual, she didn’t disappoint. Today’s apparel is a flimsy cotton crop top, no bra, and sleep shorts that barely contained her plump ass cheeks. Her belly piercing sparkled in the sliver of sunlight that made it into the hallway, and the ink of the tattoo that wound around her body from her hips to her shoulder seemed to glisten as he drank in her appearance.
Sin. The woman was sin incarnate.
As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he forced his gaze up to the ceiling and mentally cursed her for being so stealthy. He was never safe with her in the apartment. How could he ever let his guard down, if even for a second? Maybe he wouldn’t be so affected by her if he went out and got laid or something. Anything would be better than the constant urge to fuck her senseless and ruin his living arrangement.
‘No, nope. Don’t go there.’
Instead, he focused on the day’s tasks. He had a bunch of things to get done today, and the sooner he got out of that hellhole he called home, the faster he could get it over with. After pulling himself together again for the second time that morning, Yunho reluctantly followed her to the kitchen. As she filled the electric kettle with water, he pulled out bowls and spoons for cereal. They worked together silently; her making instant coffee and him filling the bowls before moving them to the small dining table near the window.
“So, busy day today?” She murmured after a sip of the steaming liquid.
Yunho nodded as he directed his gaze out the window. “Yep. Gotta finish some designs and send them off for approval. A few meetings and a call. I think I have to pick up a proposal.”
“Sounds tough.” She licked her lips and even though he wasn’t looking directly at her, he felt it. “I don’t see why you won’t move to a bigger company with more employees. I’ve seen your portfolio, Yun. You could get hired on the spot.”
He smirked, unwilling to admit he liked the way she praised his talent. “Yeah, but I don’t want to abandon my friends. We’ve worked hard to get this company off the ground.”
“That’s admirable. You’re a great person.” She nodded before going back to her coffee. It was moments like this that nearly broke Yunho’s resolve to stay away. When she wasn’t being a menace to his libido, his roommate could get really soft on him, so much so that he wanted to hold her, if for no other reason than for comfort. But, as always, the soft moment was cut short. The little minx yawned, stretching her hands up above her head. Yunho immediately zeroed in on the way her top rose, revealing the soft curves of her breasts. For the first time since she’d moved in, Yunho realized something.
Her nipples were pierced, too.
His brain blew a fuse. Belly, tongue, nipples… Just what else did she have pierced? She had to have a clit piercing. The imagery of it nearly sent him to the moon.
“You good, Yunnie?” She asked with a snap of her fingers in his face. He blinked and returned to Earth, instantly aware of the growing situation in his sweatpants. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. His hands itched to touch her and he couldn’t bring himself to stop staring at her in horror.
“Yeah, uh—I gotta go.” His voice was gruff, and he hated how she clearly affected him. He jumped up from the table but didn’t expect her to do the same, stepping in the way.
“You didn’t finish your food.” She pouted. “You’ll be hungry earlier and we know how you get when you’re hungry.”
Him hungry didn’t have shit on him being horny.
“I’ll be fine.” He nearly put his hands on her shoulders but caught himself. “I have snacks at my desk. Or I can bug Mingi to grab something from the food cart for me.”
“I don’t get to eat breakfast with you much anymore. You sure you can’t stay?” She batted her eyelashes at him, but he wasn’t about to fold. Instead, he stepped around her, intent on keeping her in front of him, just in case. But that was a mistake. She turned at just the right moment, reaching for heaven knew what on the table, and her ass pressed against him, all but filling his lap.
The cat was out of the bag.
Her head snapped to look at him, eyes wide with surprise. The expression melted into something much more dangerous, something he didn’t need to have confirmed. Need. Her lips parted, and he knew if he stayed a second longer, he’d make a mistake. Without another word, Yunho backed away and took off to his room. He snatched up clothes for work and ran into the bathroom. A cold shower was in order.
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Friday was guys’ night. Usually, they’d go out and party, but after a demanding week in the office, most of them just wanted to chill and play video games. Which was fine with Yunho until they decided to hang out at his place. He didn’t mind having them over. It's just that the guys would shamelessly flirt with his roommate and she, also a massive flirt, would dish it right back. Wooyoung had asked on several occasions if it’d be okay to sleep with her. While Yunho knew he couldn’t stop them if they really chose to, he still felt it inappropriate for any of them to mess around with someone he lived with. If things went badly, it could compromise his home life.
Or at least that’s what he told himself.
They were camped out in the living room. He and Jongho were up against Mingi and Yeosang in Smash Brothers. The other four were engrossed in a game of poker while they waited for their turn. Everyone had their drink and food of choice as music with great bass played from across the room. Yunho’d been against letting San turn the stereo on, mostly because it was his roommate’s electronic of choice, but as they relaxed and fell into their gaming marathon, he could see why she favored it. The sound was better than the system he had in his car.
It was when he had the upper hand over Yeosang when disaster struck. He thought he heard the jingle of keys at the front door, but wasn’t sure with the music going. The front door opened and Yunho felt his soul leave his body. Oh, god no…
Wooyoung was the first to shout his roommate’s name, all too eager to abandon the table to sweep her up in a hug. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
She laughed and kissed his cheek. “Well, where the fuck have you been? It isn’t like you don’t know where I live.”
“Your roommate doesn’t let us come over anymore.” Yunho’s ears burned at his words. “He’s being selfish and keeping you all to himself.”
“Oh, really?” He hated that tone in her voice, just knowing things were only going to get worse before they got better. She was a brat, through and through. “The way he avoids me, I’d think I wasn’t welcome here. Maybe it’s you he’s keeping all to himself.”
Jongho looked at Yunho out of the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow, but Yunho ignored it. Giving her a reaction was the worst he could do.
Wooyoung hummed and pulled away, but kept his arm around her waist. “Can you blame him, though? You look hot as fuck right now.” Yunho didn’t have to look at her. He saw what she had on when she left earlier. The wine red dress was barely a scrap of fabric, held onto her body with strings. The slits up the sides were high enough for a good gust of wind to reveal she’d gone commando. Its neckline dipped so low he could nearly see the jewel on her navel as she explained where she was going and how long she’d be gone. It was only then he saw that it’d been a setup. She knew if he felt it was safe, he’d invite his friends over. He’d been played yet again. Anyone else would’ve ripped the dress off her and fucked her silly in front of everyone. But he was better than that.
“No, I guess not. And thanks.” She shrugged off her coat, finally stepping away to hang it up. “I’m gonna grab something to eat then get out of your hair.”
“What?” Seonghwa looked up from his hand. “Why?”
“Oh, no.” San protested as he too left the table to go to her, steering her right back to Wooyoung’s side. Ever the perfect wingman. “No, no no. Stay out here. We have food and drinks.”
“And games,” Wooyoung added, voice low and husky as he leaned in. “I know you like dancing.”
Yunho groaned inwardly, completely uncomfortable with their closeness. But it would be okay. All he had to do was quickly finish the match so they’d have to separate. Easy as that. Except that it wasn’t. With his attention divided between the game and picking up on Wooyoung’s increasingly raunchy conversation with her, his team lost the lead they had. Mingi and Yeosang caught up and forced the game to a tiebreaker.
“C’mon, Yunho. Get it together.” Jongho grunted after elbowing him sharply in the ribs. “Just ignore them.”
The control he had on his anger started to slip. He didn’t know what pissed him off more: the assumption he cared that much, or that Wooyoung didn’t back off if it was possible he did. Or maybe it was the impending loss of the game. How Seonghwa and Hongjoong had stopped their conversation to watch him closely as Wooyoung said something to make her laugh. Still, he refused to give in. Yunho poured his full focus into the game, completely tuning out everyone, even the music, as he concentrated on the fight. Jongho was defeated, but Yunho picked up the slack, quickly taking down Mingi and just barely knocking out the last of Yeosang’s health. Though Jongho cheered, Yunho pushed himself off the couch and made a beeline for the fridge.
“Your turn!” Mingi called out to no one in particular, but he had his eyes on Wooyoung and Yunho’s roomie. “Get your butt over here.”
Wooyoung’s gaze shifted between the TV, her, and back before his lips settled into a telling pout. “I don’t wanna play anymore. At least, not that.” His fingertips trailed over her shoulder and down her arm. Yunho opened his beer, cringing at how loud it seemed to be in that moment. Naturally, all eyes turned to him, but he simply sipped from the can, doing it as loudly as possible with a goofy expression. The group seemed to relax a little.
“It’s fine,” Hongjoong moved to the couch. “We can play one-on-one. Unless one of you wanna fill in for him?”
“I’m good to go again.” Mingi held up a hand, then chugged the rest of his beer. “Shoulda known he’d punk out.”
“Hey!” Wooyoung barked. “I have priorities.” San nodded in agreement.
“Right, right.” Yeosang waved him off before picking a new character. Yunho stayed where he was, sitting on the counter near the sink. It wasn’t like him to be anywhere but in the center of the room, keeping the party going and the mood positive. Yet, he just didn’t feel like partying anymore. He wanted to go to his room and watch YouTube or play League of Legends, anything to take his mind off the way Wooyoung’s hand caressed her skin in ways he couldn’t. Part of him was even jealous Wooyoung had the balls to do it right in front of him.
The night wore on with the game changing from Smash to something someone brought with them. Yunho turned his attention to his phone, doom scrolling through his social media apps before settling on YouTube shorts. Time fell away after that and he stopped paying attention to everyone in the room. It wasn’t until he heard a loud, short moan that he clued back in. Wooyoung had her pinned to the counter, face in her neck. From his position, Yunho couldn’t tell for sure what was going on, but it was more than he needed to see.
Wooyoung looked up but didn’t move away from her. He locked eyes with Yunho and winked.
Yunho’s control shattered.
“Alright,” Yunho called out as he jumped down, throwing his can into the trash with a loud clang as it hit the pile of other cans. “It’s getting late and I’m getting tired.”
The group groaned, but no one argued with him. It was a miracle they’d gotten to stay this long. Wooyoung pulled away from her and went to work with the others to clean up. By the time everything was picked up and the guys were gone, Yunho was a barely contained mess of energy. Once the door locked behind San, who stopped to wave at her one last time, Yunho went back to the kitchen where she was leaning against the counter, slowly peeling a banana.
“It’d be nice if you didn’t try to fuck my friends.”
“I’m not trying to fuck them, Yunnie.” She shrugged and eyed him as she took the banana in her mouth. He watched her as she bit off a sizable chunk. “If I were, you wouldn’t use a weak ass word like ‘try.’”
“Right. So then why give Wooyoung any encouragement when you know that’s all he wants from you?”
She laughed and finished the banana. After she’d chewed and swallowed, she pushed away from the counter and went to him. “You’re not that oblivious, are you? Tell me you’re just joking.” She came to a stop once she was toe to toe with him. “Because of you, Yunho. You’ve been avoiding me all week. If we have a problem, we need to talk about it. You blushing and running off whenever I come in the room won’t solve it.”
“There’s nothing wrong—”
“With popping a boner at the table while staring at your roomie’s tits? I agree.” She put her hands on her hips. “Why are you so awkward around me? We’ve been living together for almost a year now. I thought you’d have been used to me by now.”
How was he supposed to explain that she tested him in ways PornHub giving him a free premium account could never? Instead, he went back to his original point.
“If you’re gonna flirt with them, please don’t do it in my face. It makes me uncomfortable.” He gave her his best pout.
Something flickered in her eyes and she was pressing closer, pushing him against the sink before he could react. Her hands flattened on his chest as she stood on her toes, mouth angled up towards his. It’d be nothing to close the distance between them and kiss her, to take the things he’s fought so hard to stay away from. When he didn’t give her what she wanted, her eyes narrowed as a frown curved her beautiful lips.
“Fine. You wanna know why?” Her voice was low, soft and silky like the dress she had on. “I did it because I knew it’d get your attention. I have no attraction for him or anyone else, but I know you. You won’t say anything unless I really push your buttons.”
“And what do you want my attention for?”
Her answer was sliding her thigh between his and bringing their hips together. “You get three guesses, and the first two don’t count.”
It took a full minute for his mind to process the sensation of her body against his. Her spicy scent flooded his senses as her finger drew small circles on his chest. Small, just like her hands. The tattooed ones from his dreams. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as the heat between them increased, going from a mild burn to an all-out inferno.
Then she broke the spell she’d put on him by asking, “When will you stop pretending I’m not good enough to fuck?”
He mustered all of his willpower, put his hands on her hips, and pushed her away as gently as he could. He should’ve known. She was a fucking tease who knew his secrets. Knew he was becoming a slave to her sex despite never having a taste of her. She didn’t mean anything she said. She couldn’t have. Yunho was thoroughly convinced her actions were just part of a joke at his expense. Something she’d likely share a laugh with Wooyoung over after they fucked each other’s brains out.
Yunho balled up his fists and turned away from her. “Like I said, if you’re gonna mess around with them, don’t do it here.”
He didn’t bother to wait for her to acknowledge his request. Honestly, he didn’t want to spend another minute in the room with her. Not when he was seconds from stripping her naked and giving her what she wanted from Wooyoung. He knew he could do better.
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Well, that didn’t go as planned. She leaned against the counter where he’d been minutes before and tried to see where it all went wrong. She had him where she wanted him, and unless she’d gone blind in the last hour, it was clear he wanted her.
Maybe what she thought was lust was something else for him. Everyone had their own way of showing attraction. Then she was second-guessing everything. If she was wrong about him, then she needed to apologize before it was too late to repair the damage. If she had to, she’d even confess her own attraction and explain as best she could.
Yeah, that was the right thing to do.
She dragged her feet as she shuffled down the hall to Yunho’s door. She gnawed on her bottom lip as she rehearsed her apology. With a deep breath, she lifted her hand to knock, pausing when she heard Yunho’s muffled sigh. It derailed her whole train of thought. The sound repeated, and she leaned closer to press her ear against the door.
He had his fan going as usual, but along with the sighs that made her press her thighs together, there was a faint squelch with a steady rhythm. Over and over. At first, she couldn’t place it until she heard the soft clink of his bracelets join the symphony.
Well, then her apology would have to wait. As she started to pull away from the door, his dulcet voice whispered her name. Her mind went blank for a second as she pictured him spread out on his bed, pants hastily shoved down around his thighs as he cupped his balls with one hand and went to town beating his meat with the other.
All while thinking of her. The revelation was positively life-changing. She covered her mouth and tip-toed to her room. Apparently, she just needed a better tactic.
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Yunho realized his dear friends had the collective memory of Twitter where they could recall some dumbass promise he’d made weeks ago to go clubbing with them, but somehow forgot the fiasco of the last time they hung out at his place. Here he was yet again looking at their pouty faces as they tried to bargain their way into his apartment to wait while he got ready to leave. Of course, he was currently in a shirt and some sweatpants—he had no intention of leaving unless it was under the threat of death.
“I don’t wanna,” Yunho whined as he pressed against the door, doing his best to keep Mingi from wiggling his foot into the crack he spoke through.
“But you promised!” Hongjoong cried as he tried to help push against the door. “You turned down my birthday party at the Cheesecake Factory.”
“I know I did, but we never agreed on when I’d make it up to you.” Yunho turned around and pressed his back to the door. At this rate, the chain link on the door would give out. That was something else he didn’t want to have to replace. “Guys, please. Not tonight.”
“Why?” Wooyoung asked, “Are you too busy entertaining her?”
Yunho nearly ripped the door off the hinges when he removed the chain. “You little shit, you can stand out in the fucking hall.”
“Gladly,” he said with a wickedly satisfied smile as the others slipped past him and into the apartment. Once again, Yunho fell for another game of manipulation. Ugh. He didn’t bother to be nice when shutting the door in Wooyoung’s face.
The guys collapsed in various places in the living room except for Hongjoong, who stood with his hands on his hips. “Well?”
“Well, what?” Yunho repeated, utterly lost.
Hongjoong flicked his hands towards the hallway. “Go get changed! You can’t go out looking like someone threw you away.”
Yunho groaned and covered his face with his hands. “Dude, please. Please don’t make me go. I just wanna stay at home and—”
“Jack off while thinking of your roommate?” San interrupted. “Who doesn’t?”
“You can stand out in the hall with your other brain cell.” Yunho pointed to the front door.
San didn’t object as he got to his feet and put his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “They hated Jesus because He told them the truth.”
Yunho went to retort, but Hongjoong grabbed his shoulders. “Ignore them. They’re being brattier than usual. I need you to go change so we can get going. I don’t want to miss happy hour.”
Seonghwa snorted and spoke without looking up from his phone. “Some pretty bartender is on duty tonight.”
“Do I need to be there for that?” Yunho gave them a look.
“Of course you do!” Jongho smiled, clearly finding unbridled joy at the whole situation. “You drink the most of all of us.”
“I don’t want to spend my Saturday with my face in the toilet.” Yunho crossed his arms. He needed a stronger argument than that if he really wanted to get out of it. But what could he say? “Guys—”
“You can’t hog the toilet like that, Yunnie. We only have one between the two of us.” Never in his life did he ever need the ground to swallow him whole. Like a stiff, poorly made android, Yunho turned to find his roommate trotting into the room wearing her slinky pajamas and a robe. “Hey, guys.”
“Hi!” They waved back, each with more enthusiasm than was necessary, in his opinion. Great, she had them all wrapped around her pinky.
“So, what’s on tonight’s agenda?” She asked as she pulled a cup from the cabinet and rooted around in the fridge for some juice.
“We’re trying to get Yunho to come out with us,” Yeosang answered bluntly, ignoring the daggers Yunho stared him down with. “He promised Joong and now he’s backing out.”
“I’m not! I just don’t want to go out tonight.” Yunho protested, but really no one was listening. The group jumped into the conversation, bombarding her with complaints and explanations she didn’t ask for. Worse was how she ate up their attention, casually sipping from her little yellow cup as Mingi listed all the reasons it was important for a person to keep their promises and what might happen to them should they refuse to do so. Really, though. Yunho didn’t see how not going to the club one time would lead him down a horrible path to crime and homelessness.
“Well,” she began once they’d gotten quiet, “in my opinion, it seems you’re just looking for numbers. The more people with you, the more likely you are to get noticed.” She bit her bottom lip and shrugged. “I’m not doing anything tonight. I can go with you, if you want.”
Hongjoong’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “That’s actually better. You’re wild as hell.”
“Why, thank you.” She smiled and batted her eyelashes. “Gimme like fifteen minutes. Lucky for you, I already showered.”
This was a fucking train wreck. Yunho was speechless, if not brain dead, as he watched her skip to her room with the biggest grin ever. Her? Out with Wooyoung and his little sidekick dancing and drinking? There’d be nothing stopping them from veering off to fuck behind a dumpster, or worse, their apartment. For fuck’s sake.
He let his head drop as the inevitable reared its ugly head. “I’ll go.”
Mingi barked out a laugh. “Of course you will.”
Roughly thirty minutes later, they were all downstairs, staring at Seonghwa’s Pathfinder with a collective look of confusion. Right, so the thing could only seat eight adults and with Yunho’s roommate, they had nine. Yunho’s attempt to call the outing a bust got shut down before he could open his mouth.
“One of us will have to lap up then,” Hongjoong announced triumphantly, having come too far to give up now.
“It’d make sense to have her sit on someone’s lap, as she’s the lightest.” Yeosang tapped his chin.
“I’m fine with that,” she nodded as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her jacket. “Who’s willing to—”
Wooyoung was in her face before she could even ask the question. Yunho swore he liked Wooyoung, that he thought he was a decent guy when sex wasn’t involved, but at the moment, it didn’t seem like a bad idea to choke him out and leave him on the steps of the building. Yunho grabbed Wooyoung’s jacket collar and pulled him away from her. “You can sit with me. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’d keep his damn hands to himself.”
“Wow,” Jongho frowned, “tell us how you really feel.”
“Then it’s settled!” Seonghwa cut in, guiding Wooyoung to the other side of the SUV. “Everyone get in. Parking’s gonna be a pain in the ass as it is.” To Yunho’s relief, no one argued with that. Yeosang, Wooyoung, and San took the third seat in the back. Mingi and Jongho took the second row with Yunho while Seonghwa drove and Hongjoong nabbed the front.
“Come on, then.” Yunho grumbled as everyone settled in and put on their seat belts. She took his hand, and he was surprised at how soft and dainty it felt as he guided her in and onto his lap. He hated she didn’t have a seat belt, swearing to himself that he’d hold on to her tightly no matter what. Once she was settled, he rested his hands on her hips. “I’ll need to hold you, okay? No funny stuff, I swear.”
He caught a glimpse of her eye roll in the window’s reflection right before the lights in the cabin dimmed and left them at the mercy of the glow of the dashboard. “I know,” she whispered.
Music drowned out the chatter amongst them as Seonghwa pulled off. The sudden acceleration made her slide back in his lap, bringing her bare back against his chest. His first instinct was to wrap his arms around her and brace for an impact that wouldn’t come. While he was proud of his reaction, she was up against him in a way that reminded him of their last failed breakfast. Before it’d only been a brush of her against him, now he also had the weight to add to his fantasies. He hated to admit he loved how she fit against him. Her curves fit against him like puzzle pieces, even when she squirmed and his dick came to rest between her ass cheeks.
Yunho looked at the others. No one noticed the way he’d suddenly gone rigid as she continued to wiggle in his lap. He leaned forward and hissed against her ear, “Be still.”
“Your belt is digging into my back.” She hissed back, and he was beyond grateful that Hongjoong was too into his own story about how the bartender had flirted with him the last time he’d gone to the club to hear them. “Who the fuck wears belt buckles to clubs any-damn-way?”
“It may be a foreign concept to the people you fuck, but I like to dance and need my pants to stay on me.” He pinched her waist, then pulled her closer. “If you keep still, it won’t bother you. We should be there in no time.”
“Easy for you to say. Your spine isn’t being destroyed by some gaudy ass belt.”
“My belt is not gaudy. Maybe if you wore more clothes, you’d have more cushion to help you in situations like this.”
“You know what? You’re right. Damn me for not covering up from head to toe like a fucking nun just because you couldn’t spare a few hours out with your damn friends.” She turned to the window and his lips brushed against her cheek. “I could’ve stayed at home, got myself off, and went to sleep, but no.” Those last few words swirled around in Yunho’s brain like a hurricane, sweeping away all of his common sense as they drained down through his body to his dick. She noticed immediately and chuckled lowly. “At least I’m not the only one.”
The car hit a pothole, and the bump lifted her off his lap just enough for her return to make him groan. He wasn’t hurt, but as his dick got harder, he wished he was. The last thing he wanted to do was add fuel to the fire and make the tension between them worse, especially when it was clear that if the choice was to save face or expose them both, she’d gladly go down with the ship.
“Admit it, Yunnie.” She pressed down harder. “You think about this, don’t you?” He wanted to play dumb, to act like he didn’t know what she was on about, but she punctuated her question with a swirl of her hips that made him suck in air while bracing against the door with his other hand on her hip.
“Don’t do this.” He gritted out through his teeth. He glanced around and found the others still in their own world with the exception of Jongho, who was flicking through Instagram on his phone. “Please.”
“Then admit it.” She did it again, and he just knew he’d end up with blue balls by the end of the night. Regret. He was a ball of regret for not sticking to his guns and staying the fuck at home. With regret came annoyance, or perhaps anger. It wasn’t that she was being a brat. No, it was how he was letting her be one towards him. Anyone else? He wouldn’t care. But for some reason, it vexed him that she was always pushing his buttons, always looking for a reaction as if she knew the things he kept hidden from her.
Always wanting him to lose control.
He wrapped one arm around her middle and forced her to be still as his other hand left the car door and went to her throat. No pressure was needed. The sudden change in his demeanor was more than enough. When he was sure he had her attention, he whispered in her ear. “You want me to admit something? How about this? I love taming brats like you. I like making them fall apart just so I can put them back together how I want them. I don’t give in because I know you couldn’t handle half the things I want to do to you, kitten. Now, if you don’t mind, be still or else I’ll use this ‘gaudy’ belt to show you I’m not fucking playing.”
All the tension drained from her body as she melted against him. At first he wasn’t sure if it was another one of her tricks, but as the minutes ticked by and she didn’t start squirming again, he began to relax. With her still, he was able to drag his mind elsewhere to calm his body down before he had to get out of the car. Later, he could revisit this moment and try to understand what the hell had just happened. Was she toying with him, or was this genuine?
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By the time he got out of the shower, it was nearly four in the morning. ‘Never again,’ he vowed to himself. If he had to fake his death to get out of going to the club with them, with her, then so be it. While having her there had allowed him to dodge the hangover bullet, it put him on mandatory babysitting duty. He’d forgotten the main reason he’d gone along in the first place: to keep Wooyoung and his insufferable hormones away from her. Couple that with her being a horny drunk after three drinks and it was a fucking mess.
When it was clear that Yunho wasn’t going to fuck off so Wooyoung could make his move, he’d had to deal with two brats, one trying to fuck her while the other tried to fuck him. He owed San his gently used soul for distracting Wooyoung with a group of girls, allowing him to get his roommate to down some water so she’d calm the fuck down before she came all over his thigh. Since Wooyoung and San disappeared with the girls, there’d been room on the ride back for him to sit without his lap buddy.
He wanted nothing more than to dive into his bed and call it a night, but he worried about her. She was stumbling a little when they got through the door and insisted she could make it to her room on her own. He knew she’d feel like shit whenever she woke up. Maybe he should give her some water and pain relief to take when she woke up?
He’d ask first, just in case.
Yunho approached her door and immediately picked up on the incessant buzzing coming from behind it. Thanks to the free PornHub Premium, he knew exactly what was going on and could damn near picture it. As always, her straightforward and shameless nature sliced through him with a breathless moan.
The sound struck him with a heat that flowed down his spine like water from a hot shower. He sucked in his breath and held it, afraid he’d been caught out as his mind raced to remember why he was at the door in the first place.
“Fuck me, Yunho. Just like that.”
His feet turned into cement bricks. She wasn’t exactly loud, but she had to know he was still awake, right? The bathroom was between their rooms so they could hear with the shower cut on and off. Was she doing this on purpose? Teasing him yet again? What was her end goal with this? Get him hard and then what? Fuck her? Or was she still drunk and lost in her own mind? Did she really want him or just dick in general?
Gah, it was so frustrating! Worse still was that her arousal and the way she moaned his name was effectively destroying his will to stay away. If she wasn’t wasted, he might’ve actually asked her if she really wanted him, might’ve actually said fuck it all and dicked her down, roommate or not. The tension was starting to get out of hand, more than he’d ever had to deal with in his life. If this was a test, it was beginning to look like he’d fail.
With that final thought, he pushed his pajama pants down enough to free his length. He swore to himself he wasn’t weak for doing this. As he spit into his hand and began to stroke himself, hissing through his teeth to keep himself from moaning with her, he promised he wouldn’t do it again after this one time. Just once. Just cum with her once. Her moans got louder and came more frequently. She was close. He focused his grip and strokes to the head of his dick as his free hand cupped his balls and squeezed. He closed his eyes and pictured her on her bed, eyes closed and beautiful legs spread wide as she fucked one of her dildos deep into her soaked cunt. Her pierced nipples bouncing with each thrust. Oh, but what if she held one while she fucked herself? He liked that image better. Her pinching and pulling on one nipple as she fucked herself stupid thinking of him, craving his dick. He bet she’d feel amazing wrapped around him. He could see her cunt taking him deep, with her clit pierced—
That did it. Yunho bit into his lip, nearly drawing blood as he jerked himself to completion, coating his hand without spilling anything on the floor. He wasn’t even sure if she came, but he couldn’t stick around to find out. A quick trip to the bathroom allowed him to wash up quickly, during which he hoped like hell she’d passed out for the night.
There’d be no living this down if she hadn’t.
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It’d been one of those days, the kind that dragged on forever and everything that could go wrong did. Work was a phenomenal pain in the ass with the current project they were working on. The client was picky as hell but had money, so Hongjoong was determined to make it work. Of course, that meant everyone having to pull their weight and then some, leaving Yunho feeling more stressed out than usual. By the time he was finally allowed to go home for the day, his temper was on a hairline trigger.
All he wanted to do was go home, shower, and play games until he passed out. Eating was optional.
He parked in his designated spot, and no sooner than he’d opened his car door, an old lady was in his face with a scowl. “I assume you live in apartment 202?”
Yunho didn’t have it in him to put on a smile. “I parked in this spot, didn’t I?” He cringed at hearing how rude the words were and tried again. “Yes, I do.”
“Well,” the little old bat put her hands on her hips while her toy dog yipped by her ankles, “tell your girlfriend that it’s indecent to walk around naked with the windows open. You’re only on the second floor and people can see her from the dog park! I had to send my husband home so he wouldn’t be lured into looking at that hussy.”
Yunho’s jaw went slack. Was he really surprised? No, of course not. This was normal shit for her. But this was the first time someone’d complained to his face about it. “I, uh… I’ll talk to her about it.”
“Oh, you’d better. I’ve already talked to the office about her and they sent someone up. If she keeps this up, you’ll be evicted!” She spat and turned away without a second glance. It took a minute or two for the words to sink in before Yunho groaned and let his forehead rest on the steering wheel. The day really wouldn’t stop giving, would it? Against his wishes, Yunho stopped by the office where the landlord confirmed she spoke to his roommate and issued a warning. Despite her being in her own apartment, it was still indecent exposure. The next incident would involve the cops, which could result in eviction for everyone on the lease.
When Yunho was finally standing in front of their apartment door, he was barely holding it together. The stress and anger were choking him, but he was determined not to yell. He’d keep his cool and talk it out like adults. If she didn’t see how serious the situation was, then he’d look into getting a new roommate. Yeah, it’d suck to lose the financial security, but it was better than losing the roof over his damn head. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door.
Music greeted him before she did. She was vacuuming the living room as she danced along to a raunchy song. In one of his t-shirts. It was a tall white tee, loose enough to hide her figure but sheer enough for him to see the parts he could only imagine.
“Why do you have on my shirt?” It wasn’t what he intended to ask, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her body.
She jumped and pressed the off switch with her foot. “Sorry, what?”
He pointed at her. “Why are you wearing my shirt? And why the hell would you dance around naked with the windows open?”
She rolled her eyes. “Like I tried to explain to Meredith, I didn’t know people could see me from down there. I never look up here when I’m down there! And why the fuck would you look through someone else’s windows, anyway? He’s as much to blame as—”
Yunho shook his head and gestured with his hands for her to stop. “Nuh, uh. Nope. Zip it. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care how you were raised, okay? We do not flash our fucking neighbors! Period. Non-negotiable.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “And the shirt?”
“All of my clothes are in the wash. I nabbed one of your shirts from the dryer when the office knocked on the door.” She gave a half-hearted shrug as she pulled on the hem of the shirt. “Forgot to take it off.”
It wasn’t that he minded her wearing his shirt. It wasn’t that she didn’t ask if she could. It was that she looked so fucking delectable in it. He couldn’t think straight when all he could picture was taking it off her. The words were out before he thought it through. “So, take it off.”
For a minute, time stood still. She eyed him with curiosity, head tilted to the side as she contemplated his words. He waited for her to get a move on, to go to the dryer and get something else to wear. Surely, not everything she owned was wet. Instead, a sly smile spread across her glossy lips.
“Make me.”
He blinked. “What?”
She put her hands on her hips, molding the shirt against the front of her body. “I said…make me.”
The sexual tension crackled in the air between them, hot and electric as he approached her. Their bodies were just barely touching when he looked down into her eyes. “I’m gonna give you one last chance. Go take off the shirt, or else.”
She merely licked her lips slowly before pressing her body against his. “Is your hearing getting bad, Yunnie? This shirt isn’t coming off unless you make me.”
And that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“With pleasure.” Yunho grabbed her upper arm and pulled her behind him as he rounded the couch. She sputtered and babbled out curses, but nothing along the lines of no or stop. That’s all he wanted to hear from her. Surrender. Everything else would be ignored. He pushed her over the back of the couch, bending her over so that her ass was accessible. “I’d say I’m sorry for being heavy-handed, but I’m really not.”
The first swat startled her. She figured this was coming, but he wasn’t kidding about being heavy-handed. One hand could palm her entire asscheek, and the sting from it rippled up her spine and down her thigh. She had to take it seriously and brace herself on the cushions of the couch to keep from being knocked over it to the other side. He didn’t give her a second to breathe either, immediately following up with a slap to the other cheek. And so it began, her first spanking in over a year. He alternated each spank, listening to her muffled grunts and whimpers and adjusting the force when he deemed her to be too quiet.
The t-shirt did little to cushion the blow, and it seemed like it was his intention to remind her of that. With or without the shirt, he’d make her listen. With or without the shirt, she’d always drive him crazy, make him lose his mind. He didn’t even bother to count. It wasn’t about the numbers, anyway. Before long, her whimpers turned to sniffles, and she finally broke.
“Yunho, please!” He held off the second he heard his name slip from her lips. “I’ll—I’ll take off the shirt.”
He was quick to help her stand on her feet. Her face was impassive as she worked to dry her face. Anyone else would mistake her for being unaffected, but he noticed the little tells like the way her bottom lip barely quivered before she bit it or how her hands shook as she grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up and off—
Why he was still mesmerized upon seeing her naked, he’d never understand. His eyes roamed her body hungrily, drinking in every inch of skin he could see. She held out the shirt. “Do you want to see the back, too?”
Stunned. Speechless. Words one wouldn’t normally use to describe Yunho but somehow applied at that moment. He absently took the shirt, and she faced away from him, giving him an uninterrupted view of her tattoo. His eyes trailed down her body to her ass, tinted red with his handprints. She looked over her shoulder at him and reached back to spread her cheeks. Nestled deep in her ass was a jeweled butt plug. How in the fuck did he miss that?
His dick started to swell at the sight and there wasn’t shit he could do to stop it.
“You’re so anxious around me all the time, Yunnie.” She sniffled and spoke up a little louder, a little firmer. “Always holding back from what you really want. But you shouldn’t have to. Not with me. If you want it, want me, just take it.”
Yunho shuddered as he balled up his fists and shut his eyes. It’d be too easy to give in. Too easy to take what she offered. He could resist. Even now, he was strong enough to walk away. He open his eyes and found her still facing away from him, with her head tilted back as one hand moved between her legs.
“Please, fuck me, Yunho.”
He was on her in seconds, one hand trailing down her body to join the one already pressed to her clit as the other cupped a breast. “You’re not worried this will ruin everything? What if—”
She leaned back against him and pressed against his hands. “I don’t like to worry about things. There’s only so much I can control.” One of her hands curled around his neck and pulled him closer. “I know I’ve wanted you since I moved in, since I caught you coming out the bathroom in just a towel. You’re so fucking big all over, baby.” She pressed her ass against his erection and swirled her hips to the music. Without meaning to, he began to dance with her, following her rhythm.
“When’s the last time you got tested?” He asked when his hand grazed her belly ring.
“A couple weeks ago,” she answered breezily, holding his neck steady when he stiffened. “I was feeling really weak and was thinking of letting Wooyoung fuck me since it didn’t seem like you were interested.”
His hand shot up to her neck, and he forced her to look up at him. “What?”
“I-I never did! You would’ve known the second I did because Wooyoung can’t hold water.” She pouted but didn’t resist his hold on her throat. Instead, she kept dancing, kept brushing her ass all over his hard dick like her life depended on it. She closed her eyes and said, “I haven’t fucked anyone since I moved in. I never felt comfortable enough to bring anyone home and I don’t trust anyone enough to go back to their place.”
“Show me.” He demanded with a faint squeeze, then released her. “Show me the results.” She silently picked up her phone from the side table in the hall and flicked through her emails. When she found what she was looking for, she held out the phone for him. True to her word, the lab results came from the clinic down the street, signed off by the same doctor who treated him for strep throat the last time he was sick. He handed the phone back. “What about birth control?”
Her eyes widened as reality set in. He wanted to fuck her and fully intended to. Her voice cracked as she answered. “I’ve had an IUD for two years now. It lasts for five.”
He stalked towards her, eyes dark and lips pressed into a grim smile. She held her ground, refusing to step back when he got to her. One of his hands caught her chin and angled her face up towards his as the other came to rest on her hip. “So, this is how it’s gonna go.” His voice was deeper than before and made her press her thighs together in anticipation. “If I touch you, no one else will be allowed to as long as we’re fucking. I don’t share. Understood?” It wasn’t a complete lie. He hadn’t shared anyone since college with Mingi.
She was already weak in the knees as she nodded.
He shook his head. “You should know better, kitten. Try again.”
“I understand,” she whispered, mouth suddenly dry, though her pussy didn’t have that problem. “Crystal clear. No one can touch me but you.”
“We’re finally on the same page,” he matched her whisper as he leaned in, eyes fixed on her mouth, and she just knew he was going to kiss her. She held her breath, and it made her light-headed as she waited patiently for their lips to connect. Just when she felt the barest of sensation of his lips, he pulled away.
The disappointment on her lovely face was nothing short of satisfying. “I don’t reward brats. If you want a kiss, you’ll have to earn it. Act up even once and you’ll never get one from me. Deal?”
“Deal.” Her answer was immediate and the fire in her eyes promised it’d be something to go down in the history books. He was more than ready to test her limits.
“Knees.” He snapped his fingers, and she dropped down. He hoped she was grateful he chose to start on the carpet and not somewhere with hard tile like the kitchen. “So eager for this,” he murmured as he put a hand on her head, marveling at how he could get a good grip. “I had a trying day at work and have to come home to your usual bullshit. I shouldn’t give you anything. Should leave you right here.” She opened her mouth, and he promptly pushed his clothed erection against her face.
Yunho surrounded her. Every breath she could get carried his scent, a mix of the fabric softener they used in the wash and his skin. She adjusted her jaw and found the curve of his balls just under her bottom lip. The smug look on his face was gone in a second when she closed her mouth around them, soaking his pants with her spit as she hummed, driving up the heat he felt from her hot mouth. He cursed and pulled away with a frown that didn’t quite match the surprised lust in his eyes.
“Go ahead then.” His voice was gruff as his fingertips pressed into her skull. “Take it out. Wanna see how much you can take down your throat.”
Her hands shook as she unzipped his pants and pulled them down enough to free his length. Just as she imagined, her roommate had been blessed with a monster. That dick print she caught when he was in a towel didn’t lie. Two hands wrapped around it weren’t enough to cover it fully and it was heavy. Her body practically vibrated in anticipation. She squeezed a few times, delighted with the way he sucked in a breath and held it as his dick pulsed in response. Placing one hand around the base, she gathered spit in her mouth and spread it on her hand from the base of her palm to her fingertips. She palmed the rest of his dick until she was satisfied with how her hand glided smoothly up and down the shaft.
“Look at that,” he hissed through his teeth, eyes fixed on her hands. “Your hands look so small on it. Is that why you use toys? Because those fingers couldn’t possibly fill you up and get you off the way you want?” Incensed by his teasing, she tightened her grip as she stroked up towards the tip. The little act of rebellion worked as his eyes fluttered shut and he let out a low moan that left her itching to fill her cunt with her fingers. “You think you’re funny?” He pushed his thumb into her mouth and pressed down on her tongue. Once they made eye contact, he continued, “I thought I told you I tame brats, kitten.”
It was a threat that turned into a promise when he pushed away from her and went to his room. For a minute, she was sure he was really about to walk away from her until she heard a faint clink of metal. Her mind immediately went to handcuffs, but when he rounded the corner with the belt from hell, she had her moment of doubt.
“Wait, what is that for?” She started to rise from the floor, but he was quick to pounce, wrestling her over onto her stomach and pulling her arms behind her back. With the first loop of the leather around her forearms, she stopped flailing and went still so he could finish. As tough as she pretended to be, she couldn’t take another hit on her tender ass.
When he was happy with his work, he pulled her back onto her knees and toed off his shoes. He reached into his pocket and produced a small silver bell, and pushed it into her hand. Once she took it, he stroked his dick and put his hand back on her head. “Ring the bell when you need a break.”
When, not if.
He tapped the head against her lips. “Open up for me.” When she parted her lips, he eased into her mouth, careful not to give too much at once. He knew it was a lot to take and wanted the experience to be good for them both. Her mouth was warm and wet, just like he knew her pussy would be, and if he wasn’t careful, he’d cum too soon. Neither of them wanted that, so he went took his time pushing in until she gagged then pulling back. With just the tip in her mouth, he brushed his thumb over her cheek and pressed forward again, this time relishing the feel of the ball of metal on her tongue as it traced the vein alongside the underside of his cock.
On and on it went, back and forth, in and out. Slowly getting her accustomed to his size with increasingly deeper thrusts that began to reach her throat. The first time she was able to swallow around the head without choking, pride overwhelmed him as he pulled out and rewarded her with a soft kiss.
“You’re doing so well for me, kitten. So glad you’re mine now.” He brushed her nose with his own, then stood up and went back to it. The praise made her shiver as she fed on his pride, happy to please him. This time she was fired up, ready to show him she could do more, take more. She relaxed her throat and took more of him in each stroke, kept her mouth wet enough to make the slurps compete with the music still playing. The hand on her head moved to her other cheek, and he cradled her face as he fucked it, eyes closed as he bit down on his bottom lip.
He was determined not to moan, not just yet. It was too soon.
But she wanted to hear him. Needed that more than her next breath. She hallowed her cheeks and sucked hard as he pulled back, making his knees buckle and he nearly lost his balance. “Fuck!” He hissed as he steadied himself using her shoulders. When he was sure he wouldn’t fall over from the leftover tingles, he glared at her. “Don’t forget to use the bell.”
Yunho let loose, hips moving steadily as he started fucking his dick down her throat. The squelches of her sucking nearly matched his pants and groans of pleasure. The feeling was incredible, beyond his wildest dreams. His eyes closed for a second before he forced them open and looked down at her. Her eyes were open and focused on him. There was a little sparkle in her eyes that seemed to egg him on, daring him even now to let go for her. Tears lined her eyes as her throat constricted around the tip and the sight, along with the sound of her briefly gagging, was enough for him to cum.
She suckled softly as his dick pulsed with each shot. The feel of his heartbeat on her tongue was a wild turn on that left her clenching, wishing she had one of her fat, vibrating toys to fuck herself on. His cum was salty and just shy of being bitter, but that could be fixed with time, if he’d let her help him. She noted the way her legs began to ache from being on the floor and realized she needed to go back to training herself to endure the position for long periods. Hopefully, her roommate would be willing to make use of her.
It took a minute or two for Yunho to catch his breath as his soul returned to his body. It’d been a while since he’d gotten head that good from someone he’d wanted to fuck so badly. The suckling sensation on his rapidly softening and thus increasingly sensitive dick didn’t stop like it should’ve. He looked down at her and found one of those mischievous looks as she went back to work, this time moving her head on her own. Though the sensitivity was nearly unbearable, Yunho couldn’t bring himself to pull away. If she was so willing, so hungry for his cock, then who was he to take it away? Especially as the pain blurred the line of pleasure and his knees threatened to give out on him. She was the perfect little cock sleeve when she obeyed. Just the thought of missing out on pleasure this amazing for so long brought back his irritation as he dug his fingers into her hair and gently dragged his dick out of her mouth.
“Holy shit,” he exhaled as his arousal got a second wind. “Who knew your mouth was that amazing?” His legs trembled as he leaned over and removed the belt and pulled her to her feet. His large hands cradled her face as he pressed his lips to hers, tongue exploring every inch of her mouth in search of any remnants of himself. She fisted his shirt and pulled on it as she ate up his sweet kisses and gentle touches. “Wish you’d be this good to me all the time,” he continued. “You can be so frustrating and hard to handle.”
“I’ll,” she gasped into his mouth, “I can be good for you, Yunnie. I swear.”
“Mm. We’ll see.” He chuckled darkly as he kept a hold on her head and walked her to the couch. Her ass pressed against the back of the couch and he bent her backwards over it. She let out a little yelp as her shoulders met the seat cushions. With her ass and legs in the air, Yunho got on his knees and held her in place by wrapping his arms around her thighs and holding them open.
“Please don’t let me fall on my fucking head, Yunho.” She whispered with a tight grip on the cushion.
He looked down at her face, eyes wide with worry, and bit his lip to keep from laughing outright. “Don’t worry, kitten. I’ve got you.” He tightened his hold to prove his point. For Yunho, it was the moment of truth. Months of wondering, often being so close to outright asking but ultimately deciding against it in case it was too personal. Her lower lips parted like a flower in bloom, revealing the truth.
She did, in fact, have a clit piercing. A cute little hoop that caught the light and twinkled like a star. He’d never been with a woman that had one before and was curious what it’d like to be to play with it. He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, noting the tantalizing mix of perfume, lotion, and her dripping arousal.
The anticipation was unbearable. It felt like he was inspecting her. What would happen if he didn’t like the piercing? Or her smell? The shame of him getting up and turning her down would be—Her mind went blank the second his warm tongue parted her folds from the bottom and slowly dragged up to her clit. One of her hands left the cushion to grab his wrist as her body tensed up. He pulled back and smacked his lips, tasting her as if he were judging wine.
“Hm. Slightly sweet.” He went in for another sample, this time tracing his tongue around her entrance until she was panting and the grip on his wrist tightened. He watched her facial expressions change through the spectrum of emotions when he finally relented and pressed his tongue inside her. Her sweet voice called out his name as her body stiffened again and her thighs threatened to close around his head. She was beyond sensitive, especially around her little piercing. With an evil delight, he continued to taste and play with her body, guiding her to peaks he’d deny by pulling away when her cries turned to loud gasps and moans.
“Yunho, please!” She was a mess, and she knew it. How his jaw wasn’t tired from going on for so long was an unsolved mystery, but she was at the end of her rope. As much as she loved a man who ate pussy with such enthusiasm and attention, her position wasn’t ideal and the sensitivity bordered on torture. She slapped at his arm, nearly wishing she had the bell. “I-I can’t take it anymore.”
His eyes opened slowly, and he pulled away from her cunt, lips glossy with her essence. He’d never admit he—as she’d put it—got lost in the sauce, mind hazy as he simply enjoyed the rush of dopamine from having such a responsive partner who was vocal and freely gave him praise for every little thing he did. After a demanding day at work and the confrontation when he got home, it was admittedly nice to feel appreciated and wanted. Even from his bratty roommate.
A couple of blinks and he got to his feet, not bothering to wipe his mouth. “Tapping out again? As thirsty as you get, I thought you’d be able to last a little longer.” He took his time coming around the couch, merely pointing at her when she started to move from that position. “Thought you’d be able to take whatever I gave you, kitten.” Her pout was the best answer she had to give him. It wasn’t like he’d accept celibacy as an excuse if he heard her buzzing in her room every night for the past week. He stood over her, stroking his dick leisurely as he licked his lips. “I’ll give you what you want.”
A morbid sort of curiosity filled her as he reached behind his head and pulled off his shirt in one move. He followed that up with dropping his pants, finally joining her birthday suit party. He kneeled on the couch, focused on picking up where he left off as his semi-hard dick brushed her nose. She playfully palmed his thighs, even drumming on them with a little giggle before her eyes rolled back as she moaned. Yunho held her hips in place, using the back of the couch as a perch for his arms, effectively pinning her in place. Her body shook against him when he suckled on her clit. If he wasn’t careful, he could get addicted to her. He guided his dick to her lips, and she happily took him in her mouth, needing something to soothe her as he worked.
He groaned into her folds and fought to keep his hips still, aware of the weight and strain they were putting on her neck. With the arm wrapped around her hips, he brought his hand up to the untouched plug in her ass. With care, he toyed with it, gently tapping on it, pressing it in deeper and pulling it back, never fully removing it as her cries of pleasure got louder. He watched her entrance spasm whenever the plug was pushed in and it occurred to him that maybe she needed double penetration to cum. To test his theory, he plunged his middle and ring fingers inside her pussy and gently curled them, stroking her walls as he gave a hard suck to her clit.
His dick fell out of her mouth as she came screaming, twisting and twitching as she fought to pull away from his hands and mouth. With a triumphant grin, he allowed her a reprieve, carefully turning her body so she could rest on her back as she came down from her high. He didn’t leave her side, instead lightly tracing his fingers over her body from her breasts to her thighs and enjoying the way his touch triggered after shocks that she weakly tried to fight off. With her eyes closed, brow tensed as she gasped for air, he thought she was even more beautiful.
“I’ll be right back,” he murmured as he got to his feet. She gave him a thumbs up but otherwise didn’t move. He grabbed a few water bottles from the fridge and a bag of grapes. When he got back, she was staring at the ceiling. “Are you okay?”
She looked at him and nodded with a mile wide grin. “You know it.”
“Good, good.” He opened a bottle and held out a hand to her. She took it and he pulled her up to a sitting position so she could take the bottle. “Drink and eat. Don’t want you passing out.”
“You mean from having me upside down for so long?” She giggled as she took a swig of the cold liquid. “Not that I’m complaining. That was a first for me.”
He drank from his own bottle with a lazy smile. “Hard to imagine. I get the impression you’ve done it all before. You like to explore.”
She nodded. “Yeah, but I’m not really trusting though. Something like that is only done with someone you’d trust your life with. Ya know, cause one wrong move and—” She made a slicing motion at her neck.
Yunho couldn’t school his face to hide his surprise and pride. “So, you trust me with your life?”
Her cheeks darkened at the realization, and she went back to her water. They sat in comfortable silence; him mulling over her words as she over thought them. Trust was an important thing to have in any sort of relationship, sexual or not. For Yunho, it was a major thing to earn, and he wanted to make sure he remained deserving of it. On the other hand, she worried she’d said too much. What if it put him off and he made this a one-time thing? Sure, he’d said pretty much the opposite in the beginning, but it was clear he didn’t want strings attached. She could do that if it helped him be comfortable enough to continue living together. Nerves got the better of her, and she needed to feel comfortable again.
“For what it’s worth,” he cut through her spiraling thoughts, “I trust you with my life, too.”
She scoffed and rolled over onto her side, facing him. “You’re just saying that. I just sucked your soul out through your dick and now you’re happy with me again. If that’s all it took, you should’ve let me do it sooner, you know?”
“No, I’m not.” He put down his water. “And if you weren’t such a pain in the ass, dancing around naked, then I wouldn’t have to be upset with you. And while we’re at it,” he pinned her with a glare, “in the future, close the curtains.”
She smacked her lips and sat up. “Oh sure. State the fucking obvious after the fact. I’ve already explained myself.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded, taking in her increasing bratty behavior and stood up. She watched him leave the room again, this time turning down the hall towards her room. She waited, listening intently as he shuffled stuff around before reappearing with a bottle of her favorite baby oil. “If you’re in the mood to mouth off, we can continue.”
She pressed her legs together as she processed his words. “Continue? But we both came and—”
He dropped the bottle on the couch next to her and moved his water bottle to the floor. “Who said I was done?”
She sat up straighter, eyes roaming all over his body. Could she go again? A faint squeeze of her core wasn’t painful, so yes. Okay, then. She watched him drag the coffee table away from the couch, leaving plenty of space on the rug under it. When he was satisfied with the new distance, he pulled her up from the couch and took her spot.
“Knees, kitten.” He pointed at the space between his feet. She flashed him a seductive smirk as she took the spot in front of him.
“You must really love getting head.” She rubbed her hands over his thighs, marveling at their thickness with a few squeezes. “I’m getting the impression I’ve found myself a pillow princess.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek. “Is that so?” He nodded and picked up the oil. The cap opened with a soft click barely heard over the ending of the song playing. He poured himself a handful and put the bottle down, then rubbed his hands together. His large hands engulfed each of her breasts, massaging it into her skin at his leisure. He paid attention to her nipples, captivated by the bar piercings. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined doing this.”
She squeezed his thighs as he toyed with her, pressing forward against his hands, which he took as a sign to add more pressure. “You-you just wanted to play with my tits? Ahh…That’s not surprising.” He let go of her breasts and guided her hands to his cock. “You do look at them a lot.”
“You also like to show them off.” He countered with a quiet hiss as she fisted his length and returned to oiling her breasts. When his palms slid over her skin with little resistance, he leaned back on the couch. “There. Now you can take over.” She looked at him, a little lost at first, then it dawned on her. Oh. Taking one breast in each hand, she sandwiched his dick between them as he added more oil over the tip. He groaned when she started moving them up and down, nearly suffocating his dick in a tight, squishy vice that once again made him wonder what it’d be like to be inside her.
Then Yunho’s phone rang.
He ignored it the first time, as he couldn’t think of anything important that could wait until later. The second time it rang, it broke his concentration and made him lose what could have been an amazing orgasm. He pointed at his pants on the floor and said, “Give me my phone, please.” She fished it out of the pockets and handed it to him right as it started to ring again. She caught a glimpse of the name flashing on the screen and had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep a straight face.
Yunho answered it and put it on speaker. “What do you want?”
“Rude.” Wooyoung’s voice dripped with mock hurt. “Is that how you were raised? To answer the phone for your friend so coldly?”
Yunho’s fingers dug into the cushion as he thrusted up. “Shit,” he whispered, then frowned at his phone. “Call me back later. I’m busy.”
“Busy doing what? Jacking off to her again?” Wooyoung cackled. She watched Yunho’s cheeks and ears flush pink and suddenly he was unable to look at her.
“Bye, asshole.”
“No!” Wooyoung shouted. “Wait a minute! We’re going out and Joong wants to come pick you up.”
Yunho was quick to shut it down. “Nope. Not interested.” She smiled at him and teased the tip of his dick with her tongue. The sight alone was enough to make him moan softly and run the back of his hand along her cheek.
“What the fuck was that?” There was shuffling on Wooyoung’s end. “Holy shit, are you really getting off right now?”
“Goodbye, Woo—”
“Or did you finally man up and fuck her?” Silence fell over them as she froze and stared at the phone with Yunho. Sometimes Wooyoung was a little too smart for his own good. And of course, Wooyoung took the silence as a sign of affirmative and chuckled. “Can’t believe you beat me to it. Can you hear me, baby girl? Has he fucked you yet? I promise you I’m better.”
She didn’t dare speak with the way Yunho was staring at her, watching her with an expression she’d never seen before. When it was clear there’d be no response from her, Yunho put his hands over hers and pushed up into the slick space between her plush tits, gliding against her skin in a way that triggered a soft moan from her.
“Oh, fuck.” Wooyoung hissed and more shuffling followed. “Lemme hear that again. Make her do that again.”
Yunho moved his thumbs so they pressed into her nipples and thrusted again, this time brushing her chin and lips. She moaned again, eyes focused on his hoping he understood the sounds she made were solely because of him. He appreciated the reassurance as he rocked against her as his dick got harder and his balls started to tighten. If they kept at it, he could cum like this and he wouldn’t have minded.
“Shit,” Wooyoung’s voice was low and husky as he started to pant. “If he can’t fuck you right, you can come to me, baby. I bet he’s being selfish, isn’t he? Making you do all the work, leaving that fat pussy neglected. I’d gladly let you ride my face, my tongue, then stuff you full of cock just like I promised the other night.”
Yunho stiffened at the memory of Wooyoung pressed against her, crowding her in the kitchen as he whispered in her ear. He’d tried not to think about what could’ve been said but now he knew. And it pissed him off all over again.
Yunho picked up his phone. “You’ll never get to fuck her.” He hung up and tossed his phone aside. “Asshole.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet as he stood up. “Stay away from him if he’s gonna keep hounding you for pussy.”
She shivered at the authority in his tone. “Y-yes, sir.”
He tilted his head at the title but didn’t fight it. He often let his subs choose their names for him. His hand cupped the back of her neck and pulled her in for a sloppy kiss, tongue exploring her mouth until she was squirming against him. He pulled back with a wet smack and took her hand in his as he led her back around the couch. Back to where it all started. With his hands on her hips, he turned her away from him and bent her over the back of the couch. “Are you wet enough to take me, kitten?” He pressed a finger between her folds, going from her entrance down to her clit. “Yeah, you are. Did hearing his voice get you like this?”
She felt him pumping his dick against her ass and quickly shook her head. “Fuck no. I’m always wet for you. Only you.” The last word broke off with a moan as the fat head of his dick replaced his finger, simply gliding over her pussy thanks to the oil that remained on it. She trembled each time it pressed against her swollen clit. He took note of her response and circled her clit a few times, briefly distracted with the way her piercing felt against him. “Please, Yunho, please. I need you.”
“Don’t worry,” he murmured positioning himself at her entrance then gathering her hair into a ponytail. “I’ll fuck you just right.” With his free hand on her waist to keep her steady, Yunho took his time sliding into her heat, eyes shut tight as he concentrated on not blowing his load or splitting her in half. She appreciated his restraint because while her toys saw consistent use, they weren’t as big as he was. With her plug in, the fit was tight but incredible, especially when he bottomed out and let out a loud groan. “Fucking hell.” He whispered her name over and over as the hand on her waist brushed up and down her spine as if to calm her when he was the one trying not to cum.
“Take your time,” she giggled in between pants of air, her pussy squeezing his dick with every pass of his hand down her back. “I’m in no rush.”
For the first time in days, Yunho let out a breathy laugh. She really was the perfect roommate. Once his heart rate calmed down and he could move his hips without feeling overstimulated, he was ready to put in work. He pulled back slowly and eased back in the same way, savoring the feel of her fluttering walls gripping his dick. “Fuck, this pussy’s amazing.” He didn’t intend for the words to slip out, but he couldn’t take them back. Her hips lifted at the praise, improving the angle for each thrust as the sound of skin on skin got louder. Once he had a steady rhythm built up and she was moaning his name like it’d save her life, he moved his hand from her waist to the front of her throat and kicked her legs apart. “Keep yourself up.”
She hadn’t even noticed she was starting to fall onto her forearms. When she was propped up on her arms again, he started railing her hard, repeatedly bottoming out as if his life depended on it. With the way he filled her, finding her spot wasn’t an issue for him. Yet he didn’t let that stop him from swirling his hips and creating a sensation so intense it made her toes curl as bolts of pleasure shot up her spine. Never in her life had she had someone ride her like this, fuck her so hard and so deep that she saw stars and could barely get her arms to keep her torso up for him. Now she knew what race horses felt like and was glad to have Yunho be her jockey.
He kept himself distracted with her moans, working to adjust his strokes so that she remained a moaning, mindless mess under him while he did his best to fuck her into oblivion. This is what she needed, he was sure. With the way she creamed his cock and moaned like a porn star, it was hard to believe she’d ever had better. Wooyoung was enthusiastic, but he could never fill her like this, make her cry with pleasure as pleasure built up in her smaller body and threatened to overflow for him. Her moans were music to his ears, something he’d never get tired of. So as long as she wanted it, he’d make sure his dick would always be her first and only option.
When her legs started to buckle and her arms refused to work, she knew she was done for. “Y-yunho, I’m gonna—” Her voice was weak, hoarse from the near constant use of the past hour or so. Yunho’s mind was faraway, concentrating so hard he didn’t realize she’d spoken until he felt warmth running down his thighs as her moans broke off into quiet whines as she began to shake. He looked down at their feet and saw liquid dripping freely from between her legs as she collapsed over the couch.
“Did you just—oh, fuck!” Yunho’s mind broke at the thought of her squirting—fucking squirting—for him as proof that he’d given her great dick. Concentration blow to hell, he thrust in deep and filled her with cum, hands on her hips as his own surged with each wave of his orgasm. The tension drained from his body as his balls emptied inside her. The euphoria that overtook him was intense, more than enough to leave him stumbling when he finally pulled out. He took a second to catch his breath, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to the base of her spine as he caressed her ass, still tinted red with his hand prints. “Fucking amazing. You took that like a champ.”
She laughed as he helped her to her feet and pulled her against him. “You thought I couldn’t?”
He shook his head and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Never a doubt. Do you think we both could fit in the shower?”
She gave him a sly look. “I’m not sure, but I bet we could make it work.”
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captain-joongz · 5 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
Tumblr media
ot8/multiple members
♤ in the same class as ateez by @essenteez
◇ murphy's law by @atzfilm
alien!ateez, soulmate au
♧ into the aurora by @honeyhotteoks
idol!ateez x non-idol!reader
☆ inception by @remedyx
dragon!ateez, kings!ateez
♤ hotel california + paradise gardens by @mint-yooxgi
demon!ateez, yandere, supernatural au
◇ morning mist by @mint-yooxgi
dragon au, fated lovers
♧ deep down. by @seventhcallisto
a/b/o, idol au, 9th member au
☆ in love and lore by @shadowynn
demon!ateez, soulmates au, supernatural au
♤ dew drops at dawn by @sunmoonjune
demon!ateez, soulmates
◇ breed by @sanjoongie
alien!ateez, sexual experiments
♧ oh my *** by @ohmyamor
guardian angel!ateez
☆ first flight to hong kong by @byuntrash101
flight attendant!reader, kind of sex work, since reader gets paid
♤ circus by @lani-heart
hybrid!ateez, writer!journalist!reader
◇ wider by @seventhcallisto
9th member au, bf!ateez
♧ the best friend's code by @tenelkadjowrites
hongjoong, seonghwa x reader, best friends to lovers
☆ we ransacked the city by @tenelkadjowrites
hongjoong, seonghwa x reader, rich kids au, menaces to society united
♤ be the light by @written-in-flowers
seonghwa, hongjoong x reader, historical au, royalty au
◇ sex and embers and frost by @sanjoongie
dragon!seonghwa, san x bunny!reader
♧ between friends by @anyamaris
seonghwa, hongjoong x reader, best friends au
☆ my filthy boy by @potatomountain
bf!woo x reader x witch/hybrid!ateez, coven shenanigans
♤ compromise by @cyberpxnk
bf!seonghwa x reader x footballer!yunho, infidelity with a twist
◇ it's you by @holybibly
best friends to lovers, threesome
♧ sharing is caring by @ja3hwa
seonghwa, hongjoong, san x reader
☆ ateez as royals who fall for you (hyung line) + (maknae line) by @eightmakesonebraincell
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
hongjoong x san x chan x hyunjin x juyeon x reader
kim hongjoong
◇ red by @nateezfics
established relationship, public sex, bathroom sex
♧ forbidden fruit by @nateezfics
greek mythology au, hades!hongjoong
☆ deal by @hongism
roommates to lovers, sassy joong
♤ marigold by @yoongiseesawmp3
frat boy!hongjoong, best friends to lovers
◇ tell me to stop by @tenelkadjowrites
best friends to lovers
♧ declaration by @tenelkadjowrites
virgin!hongjoong, roommates to lovers
☆ shells by @last-words-ofashootingstar
mermaid!hongjoong, yandere
♤ project d by @setsugekka
exes to lovers, infidelity, racing au
◇ off the table by @setsugekka
established relationship, morning sex
♧ the dressing room by @imaginidol
idol!hongjoong, best friends to fucking (?) for "stress relief"
☆ paint me yours by @moonseonghwa
artist!hongjoong, fwb au
♤ ohmami by @bambikisss
bad boy!hongjoong, racer au (mentioned), best friends to lovers
◇ hideaway by @minisugakoobies
stoner!frat boy!hongjoong, strangers to lovers
♧ what lies beneath by @noramoons
siren!hongjoong, a little angsty but wholesome
park seonghwa
☆ better check twice by @essenteez
accidental nude au, brother's best friend!seonghwa
♤ attention by @tenelkadjowrites
camboy!seonghwa x inexperienced reader
◇ essence by @whatudowhennooneseesyou
siren!seonghwa, dark, yandere, mommy!seonghwa
♧ the thing about pretty boys by @wonusite
friends to lovers, seonghwa proving he got it
ATEEZ rec list pt.2 BTS, TxT, Stray Kids, Seventeen, NCT rec list
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atozfic · 9 months
splish splash.
pairing. san x seonghwa x wooyoung x yunho x fem!reader synopsis. they’re out to prove who’s the best at the breast-stroke- gets dragged off stage as the people boo over such a terrible pun. warnings. no use of y/n, swim team au, lifeguard!reader, pro-swimmers!sanhwawooho, they’re all wearing speedos :), smut ( porn with unnecesary plot, degradation, m+f oral sex, piv sex, anal sex, double penetration, triple penetration bc u got 3 holes for a reason sweetcheeks, mxm interactions, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, hair pulling, way more warnings that there’s honestly no point listing, just know this is pure filth that covers most bases of stereotypical fanfiction smut, mother in christ what have i written? ) no verbal consent is given throughout this but all parties are willing participants !! word count. 20k+ ( of literal porn. i need to leave this physical terrain bc i am not worthy of existing after writing this i fear. ) hyde’s input. hey girlie pops, long time no see.
it’s crazy, what some people will do for money.
take, for example, your roommate. she’s a smart girl. a beautiful one, too. with a promising future in criminal law, once she gets herself that pesky little degree. and, yet, she’s funding her tuition with money she earns distributing high-end drugs on campus. rather counter-productive, most would agree. or, in a far less extreme version, there’s that overly-hyper frat boy, who can always be found doing the dumbest dares at a party, all for a few bucks and a keg of beer.
and then there is you.
you would have arrived home twenty minutes ago at this point, had things gone to plan, a backlog of neglected assignments and a baby bonsai tree in need of watering desperately awaiting your return. yet here you are, stuck in your ugly flip-flops and uncomfortably stale shorts, whistle around your neck and a look of exhaustion on your face.
the swimming pool had closed, technically, an hour and a half ago. the sports centre seems to believe, however, that certain members of the college swim team reserve the right to use the pool for however long they require and desire, even if it is at your expense. if you were being paid overtime, perhaps you’d have a more positive outlook on things and less of a frown creasing on your forehead.
if the swimmers weren’t so irritating, maybe you’d enjoy the view.
“all that height, and for what?” the sophomore boy’s voice- jung wooyoung? you aren’t overly familiar with him, seeing him only in sporadic flashes when you pass each other on campus or at some uncivilised frat party- echos through the large room, his hair a wet mess. if you were gaining anything from being here, you’d perhaps muster up the energy to remind the boy of how a swim cap is necessary at all times in the water. “can’t even out-swim me with those long legs!”
“wanna know what my long legs are for?” jeong yunho, a junior with the face of an angel and the body proportions of a sinner, pipes up from across the olympic length pool. unlike the other boy, a crimson cap keeps his own locks out of sight. “climbing up the stairs to go fuck your mom!”
it’s impossible to stifle your laughter, no matter how hard you try to just play it off as a tickle at the back of your throat, a cough forcing its way out. when your eyes meet those of the glaring senior, however, you’re wishing you hadn’t made a sound.
“even the lifeguard can’t take you seriously, yunho,” park seonghwa speaks, eyes not leaving yours as his muscled arms work to pull himself out of the water, before letting his well-rounded behind sit down on the edge. a breath hitches in your throat as his gloriously muscled thighs come into view, drops of water cascading down them in a pattern set to hypnotise you, keep you staring a little longer than is good for your health. “bet she’s heard all about you and the boner incident of 2019.”
truthfully, you have no clue what the dark haired male is on about. that doesn’t stop you from laughing again though, this time a little out of malice and a lot because it’s quite endearing to see a loudmouth like jeong yunho be silenced so easily, head bowed and ears a little rosier with embarrassment.
this small moment of peace is soon shattered by the reality that these boys can’t spend more than ten minutes in a room- particularly one that includes a pool- without arguing. while one boasts about his speed, the other begins to jab at his lack of endurance, and the remaining of the three reminds them all of the fact he holds the most medals amongst them.
“are they always like this?” you jump, surprised by the cold drop of water that lands on your exposed thigh, all courtesy of the boy who’s invited himself to sit down next to you on the bench.
“not always,” you bite at the inside of your cheek, willing yourself to not look at san in all his wet glory. you’re afraid that, once you start looking at him, you won’t be able to stop. it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve fallen victim to the crime that is his enchanting smile. “guess they’re feeling a little feistier than usual, with the district championship just around the corner. rumour has it one of you guys is risking his scholarship if he’s not in the top three.”
are you and san close?
that’s a good question. see, by social standards, you’re not strangers. you share several classes, you attend the same parties, you’ve even texted a few times- mostly on the days one of you miss class (read as: san misses class thanks to his swim-meets) and you need a copy of any notes taken that lesson.
but, you aren’t exactly friends either. you don’t go out of your ways to spend time together, you don’t know more than the surface level about one another, you don’t check-in with each other.
so, is acquaintances the best word to describe you two?
that depends on how common it is for an acquaintance to suck another acquaintance’s cock. granted, there had been a lot of alcohol in the mix, on both ends, with you drinking to forget a botched assignment and san drinking to forget how badly his voice had apparently cracked in front of his crush.
a few weeks have passed since the incident and things haven’t exactly been the same. you’ve missed class twice and ended up contacting heather- a sweet girl who sits down by the front and seems to live with her hand raised in the air- for any notes. likewise, san has found himself declining party invitations, the knowledge that you would be there all too prevalent in the front of his mind.
the irony is that neither of you quite know the reason why you’re avoiding each other, you just are.
or, were, until san had walked in with his swim team buddies- if they could even be considered that- and spotted you in your lifeguard attire. he hadn’t been as slick as he thought he was, sneaking glances at you between laps and even gaining an undeniable smile each time he watched you blow that stupid whistle at some misbehaving kids.
he was slicker with the fact he didn’t need to be here, at this hour. but, he figured staying gave him the chance to stare at you a little longer and, maybe, think up an excuse to talk to you.
“i should-”
“i missed-”
you both speak at the same time, minutes after watching the three musketeers disappear into the locker rooms, with the smallest of them continuing to dig at them for not being able to out-swim him despite their ample amount of height. san’s quick to signal you to go first, a dimple making itself known on his face and reminding you of the deadliest part of him: the false innocence that drips off him like warm candy.
sweet, sticky, making a mess all over the place.
“i should probably start cleaning up.” it turns out san also isn’t discreet when it comes to hiding the disappointment in his face, because no sooner than those words leave your mouth, the dimple is gone and he’s sat a little straighter, a little more ridged, like when the professor points him out in the middle of the class and the golden boy can’t stomach all the attention being on him. “but, what were you gonna say?”
“oh,” and it’s like he’s just remembered that yes, there is something he wants to say. “i missed you in class yesterday.”
it catches you off guard, leaving you to almost drop the whistle you’ve been fiddling between your fingers for the past few minutes. something about sitting so close to him while both of you are dressed so scantily has you feeling unnerved, like you need to run away as fast as possible, yet also wanting to plant yourself right in his lap.
“i didn’t think,” you’re cut off by your own throat, dry and desperate for a drink under his intense gaze. san is a walking contradiction, you think, with his sharp cheekbones and soft heart, his intense eyes and his easy-going smile. his presence gives you never-ending whiplash, never sure if he’s more angel than devil. “i didn’t think you noticed.”
“how could i not? there was no one to laugh with me at professor nam and his weird toe-shoes!” his laugh is infectious, willing your own to make an appearance. 
the sound of distant muffled yelling fills the air of the swimming pool and it isn’t hard to recognise wooyoung’s high-pitched laughter amongst it. clearly, their childish arguing has carried on into the changing rooms. it surprises you in no way, already more than used to their antics.
their rivalry is one for the ages, all of them constantly bumping heads for the spot of the top swimmer on campus, their sports scholarships becoming their pride and joy.
you suppose it doesn’t help that all four boys run in different circles, only really crossing paths when faced with swim-meets and days of practice. the senior, park seonghwa, runs with the richer kids of the college, all sharing their trust-funds and god complexes as a common interest. you’re not overly familiar with them, though you’re certain he and a particular blue-haired boy are rarely seen apart. jeong yunho, the tallest, is in with the jocks, which is mostly just because his taller friend is the captain of the basketball team. and jung wooyoung tends to surround himself with the stoners from the school, something you’d learned from kang yeosang, a dealer you shared a couple classes with back in your first semester.
san, ever the golden boy, drifts between a couple different groups but he can usually be found alone and enjoying his own company, if not being followed by a flock of his own little fan-club, men and women alike begging for just an ounce of his time.
your name echos around the room. your head snaps to the side and you find that san is now closer, staring at you in a way that’s making your insides knot up. you’ve seen that look only once before, and it done nothing but leave your knees and your ego bruised. “were you listening to me?”
“what? uh, yeah, i was,” you’re quick to lie, knowing it’s about to backfire when he breaks out in a challenging grin.
“really? what did i say?” he only allows you to stumble over words for a minute before cutting off your incomprehensible speaking when he grabs at your chin and tilts your head up, staring straight into your eyes. “that’s what i thought. you were too busy getting lost in that pretty little head of yours to pay attention to me.”
you stutter over a noise and settle for that as your response, though entirely incomprehensible and nonsensical. the way he continues to stare at you feels cruel, demons dancing around in those pretty eyes of his. demons that are telling him to tease, torture, torment the fragile eyes staring back at him, the same ones he’d delighted in watching fill up with tears a few weeks back, the pressure of his crown slamming against the back of your tight throat entirely overwhelming you to the point of crying, tears dripping down your cheeks and mixing with your own drool pooling over the swell of his balls.
“need me to repeat myself?” you’re slow to catch up to the fact he’s speaking again, and even slower to notice the hand resting on your knee. at first, you think you’re imagining things, the feather light tracing of nails over your soft skin a mere figment of your imagination. but, no, your eyes flash down to glimpse and his hand is there, fingers dancing over your naked skin like it’s their own personal stage and he’s intending to put on the show of a lifetime. he speaks your name. “questions are meant to be answered.”
“i-” san picks the perfect time to apply pressure on you, hand gripping the flesh on the lower end of your thigh. goosebumps spring to life at the feeling of his cold ring on your damp skin. it takes a shaky breath to try compose yourself but you do eventually manage to get a reply out. “sorry... please say it again.”
“huh,” he pauses to contemplate, slowly leaning his face closer to your own, giving you all the time to pull back if you want to. you stay still and his minty breath infects your senses while the hand on your leg replaces your thigh with your face, the grip he has on it forcing blunt nails to nip at your skin. normally, you’d worry about the marks it’s going to leave behind. right now, you want him to grip tighter, dig deeper into your flesh till he’s drawing blood and licking it off your cheeks. “how the fuck do you still sound so cute begging?”
“is that,” his other hand curls around the back of you, finding a resting place on your hip. the window of opportunity you once had to pull back or run away is slammed shut the moment he tugs you a little closer, the side of your body crashing into his naked chest. “what you said earlier?”
“oh, no.” san almost sounds like he’s cooing, a mocking tone in his voice that has your thighs clenching in a way you’re sure he notices. his eye flickering down to glance at them confirms your suspicions, the smirk taking over his features the metaphorical cherry on top. “i was just talking about how i’ve still not returned the favour.”
mind blanking out on you, you stare back at him in what you can only imagine to be a dumb-founded look, mouth slightly agape and teasing your answer.
what follows, however, is a resounding silence on your end.
“c’mon, princess, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten what happened the last time i got you alone.”
forget? it’s all you’ve been able to think of every time you’ve seen him since, whether he was a figure in the corner of your eye during class or making his way down the campus car-park in search of his beaten up mustang.
each time, like an old record player, your mind plays on loop the way he looked staring down at you, long legs spread enough to fit you between them, closing in on you to trap you in place each time you swallowed him a little deeper; replaying the symphony of whiny moans and airy breaths you’d pulled from him, lips swollen and red from trying too hard to hold back his cries of pleasure; reviving the memory of his vice grip on your hair, tugging at the roots to tilt you back into the perfect angle for his hips to piston into your warm mouth, meeting his own crescendo in one final pathetic whimper of your name.
a whimper that’s pushed you over the edge several times since, fingers soaked in your own sins and mouth biting down on your pillow to keep your poor sleeping roommate oblivious to your actions.
“no,” an answer escapes you alongside a shaky breath, something about the way he’s slowly trailing his fingers down your neck and the intensity he’s staring at you with hypnotising you into forgetting all about the boisterous boys and their changing-rooms chanting. “haven’t forgot.”
it’s his turn to stay quiet and you begin to wonder if he’s recalling it too, if he’s reminding himself of how easily your bodies melted together, like candle-wax meeting a flame. the question of if he’s thought about the exact scene, hands stuffed down his pants while a dull ache builds in his wrist, burns the tip of your tongue.
but his eyes burn you more.
they’re usually wide, bright, full of that bubbly nature san is known all over for. but, if what people say is true and the eyes are the mirror to one’s soul, then san’s soul must be a dark pit made up of lustful glares and hooded eyelids, resting so low his eyes almost appear shut.
“then, don’t you agree that it’s my turn to have a taste?”
it’s the question to end all questions, no time to even think of forming an answer when his fingertips are dancing over your skin so rhythmically, like a practiced choreography when they curl and wrap themselves around your neck. they rest there for a heartbeat, and then another, before you feel it begin.
the pressure is dull, at first, and you think you’re imagining it. but it grows, like a seed under the sun, blossoms into thorns squeezing around your airways, a deformed rose made from the red marks his fingers will be sure to leave behind.
you try to breath in, only for it to get caught somewhere between your lips and his tightening hold.
“you’re too fucking pretty, you know?” the hand on your hip has found a new home on your cheek, palm warm and thumb rough as he swipes it over your bottom lip. “all i can ever think about around you, even when you were drooling all over my balls.”
you want to answer, you really do. but between the hand around your throat and the heat shooting straight for your core, burning up in a puddle of arousal, you can’t. all you can do is watch the man before you, raven hair a beautiful mess just begging for some fingers to be ran through it and stare promising to ruin you in the best way possible.
the silence pleases him.
“y’know, it’s so hard to get you alone. always got someone wanting to talk to you, stealing your attention. do you even know how many stupid parties i had to attend to finally get the chance to talk to you?” san pauses, like he’s waiting for you to relay an answer, guess a number. he loosens up the grip on your neck, teasing your skin with a few soothing strokes of his slender fingers, lulling you into a state bordering insanity. “no answer, angel? or are you lost in that pretty little head again?”
“i’m,” your voice is but a whisper, raspy with your new found thirst. “trying to figure out what you want from me.”
if it’s the wrong or right thing to say, you’re soon to find out, the sharp faced boy releasing a dangerously low chuckle as he takes a hold of your chin. like a pretty doll, you move any time and any way his fingers command you to, finding yourself staring right up into his eyes, a swirl of melting caramel that reminds you of how sweet yet sultry every inch of him is. lips near touching, he refuses to break eye contact as he speaks up once more, sealing both your fates when his breath hits your face.
“then let me show you what i want.”
his mouth comes down on yours like it’s the answers to all your prayers and, yet, all your nightmares.
it excites you how easily he works his lips over your own, captivating every inch of you when he tilts his head to the right and deepens the kiss. the rhythm to his kiss is a mismatch of beats, where one moment your lips are moving in a sensual waltz, grazing tongues and dipping heads to get rid of that inch of a space remaining between your bodies, and the next moment your tongues are tangled in a tango, the kind where his teeth send blood rushing to your lips with every bite he drags over them and his hand drags shivers down your spine as it makes its way down your body.
yet it terrifies you how willingly you succumb to san’s touch, intoxicated by whatever witchcraft he currently holds over you. there’s a deadliness to the way his lips part from your own only to begin a seamless descent down your jaw and the expanse of your neck, a poisonous element to the way his hand once again finds itself clutching the meat of your thigh.
the moment his fingertips meet the bottom of your shorts, you’re wishing you’d never slipped them on in the first place, every fibre of your being growing angsty under the weight of his suddenly halted hand. it stays still for an immeasurable amount of time, grazing over the bottom of your shorts occasionally while he continues to mouth at your neck.
like mosses and the great sea, san parts your legs with little to no effort, creating a pathway for his fingers to travel further up your thigh. blunt fingernails drag up your skin, a trail of goosebumps being left behind, a visible marking of where he’s touching you.
his movements halt too soon for your liking, too much distance between his lithe fingers and your body’s very core.
“have you figured out what i want yet, pretty?” his voice is a stark difference to the usual light-hearted, almost squeak-like tone you’ve grown used to hearing from the smiley boy. right now, there’s no trace of humour in the thick rasp and there’s no time for smiling while he’s glaring down at you through hooded eyes.
something compels you to nod your head, even though you’re a little too lost in the thoughts concerning what you want, rather than what the devil incarnate by your side wants.
“you have?” the words come out in a layer of amazement, and you have to wonder if it’s because of the lie you’ve just told or the way your legs have closed in around his hand, trapping it between them. “i want to know what you want, though.”
you want his thumb to stop stroking over the flesh of your inner thigh.
you want his eyes to stop gazing down at you like you’re the perfect prey.
you want him to stop teetering your impending pleasure on a string.
you want-
“you.” is all you manage to breath out.
it seems to do the trick, however, your point getting very much across to him. a softness flickers over his features, brows unfurling and smirk curling up into a full smile for what feels like an eternity, but is actually no more than a couple of seconds before his devilish aura is back.
lips meet lips again, the desperation and force behind each stroke of his tongue against yours the same as before. san, much to your delight, seems to grow just as impatient as you’ve been since the moment he welcomed himself into the empty space next to you on the bench.
one hand still resting between your thighs, his other seizes the opportunity to drag your body closer, so close that you have no choice but to swing one leg over him and slot yourself in his lap.
there was one time, in the middle of what you’ve deemed to be the most boring lecture ever, that you had thought about what it would feel like to sit in choi san’s lap. unintentionally, of course, for how could anyone look over at him in those grey sweatpants, legs manspreading like it was nobody’s business and pen tapping away at the table in front of him, and not daydream about being perched in his lap, head resting somewhere between his shoulder and his soft hair?
you’d imagined him to be the embodiment of soft and comfortable, warm and reassuring the way he’d lazily lay an arm over your hip to make sure there’s no risk of you slipping out of your new seat. you never, for the life of you, imagined you’d feel the outline of his dick resting against your ass the first time you finally claimed your throne.
choosing to not dwell on the heavy feeling of him pressed against you, you choose instead to focus on the way his lips trail away from yours and make their descent towards the top of your chest.
his hand abandons post between your thighs and rises to the surface, where long fingers begin to pull at the straps of your red swimsuit, successfully manoeuvring the nylon material till it’s bunched around your midriff and your breasts are exposed to the damp air of the swimming hall. 
with no want left to play around, he dives right in to dragging his lips down the upper swell of your left breast. you imagine he can feel the beating of your racing heart beneath the goosebump littered skin. it doesn’t take long for his tongue to enter the scene, skilfully flicking over your hardened nipple a couple times before enveloping his mouth around the bud.
one, two, three sucks and he’s moving on to your right breast. there’s no lead up, this time, simply his mouth finding delight in toying with your body while he busies his hand with your left side, thumb and pointer finger rolling and tugging and spreading the remnants of his saliva over your heated skin.
the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and has you arching your own, is the faintest pressure of his teeth biting down on you. it dances on a thin line between pleasurable and painful, exhilarating enough to make you throw your head back as a moan slips past your lips. it echoes in the empty room, replaying your own sound for both of you to hear again and again before the chain is broken by a giggle.
his giggle.
“why are,” he picks the right time to trail his fingers down your body, dragging your swimsuit with them till it sits uncomfortably tight around the top of your hipbones, skintight fabric digging into the damp skin. “you laughing?”
“has anyone ever told you how pretty your tits are?” it’s crude and heartwarming all at once, quite like the man who says it and the little smile he shoots up in your direction as he rolls his tongue over your nipple once again.
“no, i can’t say they have.” the hands that have been resting on his shoulder, grasping them in a vice grip in fear of slipping off of him and and directly onto the concrete floor, gain enough confidence for you let one slide around to the back of his neck and thread your fingertips in the back of his locks, hair as soft as you’ve always imagined it to be. “you’re the first.”
“i’ll wear that title with honour,” he seems to delight in the way you’re carding through his hair, eyes closing while he tilts his head back further into your touch. a delighted sigh follows. “has anyone ever asked you to sit on their face?”
“again, no.”
“another honourable title for me, i guess.” san’s giving you whiplash, with all this switching between being his usual goofy self and the man that minutes before was speaking profanities on how you’d looked choking on his dick. he peaks his eyes open again, slowly, adjusting to the bright lights he stares up at each time he’s doing the backstroke. when he has the nerves to smile at you, all dreamy eyed and relaxed sitting beneath your body on the bench. “now, can you please stand up and get naked so you can fuck yourself on my tongue?”
this time, it’s your laugh that echoes in the air.
“stop, i’m being serious!” he seems to whine his way through his words, bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly in a way you’re certain is going to drive you insane. “i can’t go another second like this, you literally sitting on my dick, without blowing my load. and i really don’t feel like having to explain to coach kwon why my team speedos are stained in cum.”
“you’re so-” you give up on trying to find a single word to describe him, knowing there’s no word that can quite capture choi san’s essence. “okay, okay, fine, but you kind of need to let go of me for me to, y’know, stand up.”
“oh, sorry bout that.” san’s sheepish smile shouldn’t be this cute, not when it’s followed by him removing his hands from your half-naked body.
reluctant, your feet meet the ground and you stand up from his lap. he seems to move quicker than you, no hesitation to be seen as he twists his body around and lays along the bench on his back, eyes all the while watching you expectantly.
your fingers are far from as nimble as his, and there’s a shake to them, meaning you’re a lot less slick with how you pull the swimsuit off yourself. you opt for killing two birds with one stone, dragging your shorts down alongside the red suit, till both are pooled around your feet and you’re begging with every cell in your body that you look more graceful than you feel, stepping out of the leg holes.
in all honesty, you’re more embarrassed with the fact he’d watched you remove your clothes than with how you’re now stood naked, legs a little shaky and the wetness gathering between your folds you’re suddenly so much more aware of, the cool air fighting against your pulsating heat.
“well?” san speaks with expectation, legs bent at the knee while the balls of his feet rest on the edge of the bench. “are you gonna just stand there or you gonna sit on my face?”
“are you... sure you want me to?” even you feel the idiocy behind asking such a thing, when he’s laying right there with eyes full of glee and a raging boner pressed against his hip, nothing but the familiar colours of your college to stop you from seeing him all his naked glory. still, you can’t help elaborating. “i mean, the bench isn’t exactly sturdy and, i mean, what if i slip off of you?”
“y/n, are you joking? you have to be joking!” his offence is playful enough to ease a little of the hesitation inside of you. “do you see these puppies, baby? these are my mad gains from flailing my silly little arms around in a pool six days a week!”
you think this can’t be real as you watch the golden boy of the school put on a show, flexing his arms in an effort to display his muscles and voicing the most ridiculous words that not even he seems to be taking seriously, a bubble of laughter popping in every sentence.
“i’m not gonna let you slip, now hurry up!” again with the whining.
“god, you’re so desperate!”
“for you? always.”
the following minute is made up of wobbled steps and a poor attempt at amping yourself up, repeating mantra after mantra in your head that you are the sex goddess and no man is going to make you feel nervous. not even if that man has a jaw one could slice diamonds with.
he’s got a firm grasp of your thighs before you’ve even got the chance to get comfortable, legs a little shaky as you hover over his naked chest and will your knees to find grip on the bench beneath them.
“come closer, my tongue’s not that long!” san’s pulling you up, closer, all the way to where his wanton mouth awaits you. as if to give you a preview of what awaits you, the kisses from before reduced to nothing, his tongue pops out to run over the smooth of his bottom lip. you repeat the process of trying to find balance, a position in which you don’t need to worry about toppling overboard. though, with the way his finger squeeze into your thigh, you doubt you’ll have to worry about that truly happening. “comfortable?”
“as i’ll ever be.”
“all the people that would die to be in your position, and you say that?” he tsks, tongue hitting off the roof of his mouth before a blow of air hits against your folds and, though it’s faint from the distance still between his mouth and where he wants it to be, it sends a jolt of excitement up your spine. “i’ll just have to make sure i over-perform, make you more eager for next time.”
neither of you choose to dwell on the words next time.
him, too occupied with getting his first taste, tongue licking a strip up your core and coming to a stop as the tip of it bumps against your clit.
you, too busy having the air knocked out of your lungs, hand unconsciously finding safety in gripping his hair as you lurch forward momentarily, mouth falling open in a quiet gasp that echoes around and around.
“hmm, make sure you hold on tight.” you know he’s teasing you, with his words, and with his eyes, and with his mouth that seems to find enjoyment in trailing itself over your clitoral hood and up your pubic bone. “you smell mouthwatering, you know? enough to make a man go feral.”
the chance to reply never comes, not when san makes his way back down to your clit and greets it with the stroke of his flattened tongue. every tiny nerve sparks to life under his touch and you feel yourself grow wetter, a wave of warm arousal leaking out of your hole. his tongue dives down to welcome it, not allowing more than a single drop- landing on his chin- to go to waste.
you don’t even notice the lack of his grip around your left leg until you feel it: the first few seconds of his fingertips probing around your soaked cunt, coating themselves in your liquid pleasure until it’s dripping down the back of his hand.
the first finger to enter your hole is gentle, tentative to the way your body receives him, his pointer and ring finger keeping your folds spread and allowing him the full view of the middle one slowly disappearing from sight, burying itself in the warmth of your pussy. distracted, his mouth pulls back and his head meets the bench again while his eyes soak in the sight above him, flickering up to catch your reaction when another finger enters you, this time with a lot less care as it forces you open around it.
“so pretty,” he mutters the words, more to himself than to you, delighting as he witnesses you struggling to bite back a pathetic moan when his digits curl within you. he repeats the action a couple times, flicking his wrist back and forth, fingers brushing over your tight walls each time and culminating in a curl that has him pressing against the spongy-like flesh inside. “so, so pretty.”
your hips begin to rut against his hand, meeting every one of his thrusts with perfect timing that has him reaching deeper, further, better places inside of you. all the while he’s just watching and admiring the furrow in your brow and the way the swells of your breast bounce in sync with you.
your pussy clenches tighter and his fingers fight to reach deeper before spreading themselves wider in an attempt to scissor you open. he’s giving it his all, a third finger slipping in despite the dull ache setting in his wrist while he coaxes you closer and closer to the tipping point.
san takes just as easy as he gives, and it’s that fact alone that drives him to pull his hand back, fingers withdrawing from you and the pleasure you’re pursuing.
“why’d you-” you heave through heavy breaths, brain fuzzy from the unvoiced orgasm you were so close to having, every nerve ready to tingle, every muscle ready to tremble, every toe ready to curl. “stop?”
“because,” the wet smack of his fingers hitting against your clit is louder than the whimper that drops from your mouth. san hears both, however, and grins, quickly landing another smack against your engorged clit. “the goal is to make you cum on my face, not my fingers. consider them the appetiser, something to awaken your senses.”
his tongue licks in an upward motion, starting from the tip of your taint and ending at your clit, and you get deja-vu to just minutes before, when you’d first felt his tongue on your melting skin, the saliva it leaves in a trail behind it serving to cool you down. a shiver runs up your spine as he blows air onto your cunt, the pressure of it doing wonders to stimulate your clit.
“would you stop?”
“look who’s whining now.” san, despite what he says, does as you ask and puts an end what feels like unending teasing- really, it’s hardly been a minute but the pulsing of your heat and the loss of a climax leave you no room to think about something as abstract as time.
his lips make a victorious return, wrapping themselves around your clit and sucking against the pulsing nub. every so often, he delivers a couple kitten licks- ups and downs, sides to sides, figure eights- before swiftly returning to kissing your most intimate parts.
in an attempt to make your toes curl, he dips lower and teases the tips of his tongue over your entrance, wet muscle moving over wet skin and tastebuds covering themselves in your essence, till the moans echoing off the walls are indistinguishable between san’s and your own.
“you can move,” he grunts into you after a few minutes of repeated alternating between kissing your clit and tonguing at your hole. it’s muffled with the way he’s holding you down against his face and you feel his lips brush against your lower ones as he speaks. “need you to move. wanna see you use me, pretty.”
and, who are you to deny the man?
you’re hesitant at first, just like you were all those weeks ago as you sank to your knees for him. you test the waters and give a single roll of your hips. it feels good, great, especially when paired with his own efforts at dragging his tongue over you.
it takes a few more attempts, and san’s patience wearing thin to the point he resorts to grabbing a firm hold of your arse cheeks and planting you flat on his mouth, tongue flat and eyes staring up at you in a demand to move, goddamn it. 
move you most certainly do, grinding down on his tongue like you’ve done many a time with different men’s cocks. it’s messy, sloppy in the way that his spit mingles with your wetness, a cocktail of fluids sliding down his throat, and painting his lips, and dribbling down his chin as he eats you like a man starved that’s alas getting a taste of the sweetest fruit.
the rhythm of your hips is thrown off when the man beneath you switches from having you grinding down onto his flattened tongue to slipping the muscle inside of your hole, thrusting it as far as up as the length of it allows him to. with every time your body comes crashing down on his mouth, the tip of his nose bumps against your clit, forcing you to angle yourself upwards to gain more of the friction.
hands find hair, lips part in unabashed moans, thighs shake with the oncoming of an orgasmic state of mind.
the moment builds too quickly, too unexpectedly, like the ghost of your stolen climax is back with a vengeance and set on ensuring there will be no denying it this time.
“s-shit,” your eyes squeeze shut, too scared to look down at his ecstasy filled eyes in fear of it being what finally tips you over the edge. “i’m gonna- ah- gonna cum.”
san pays no mind to your warning. if anything, he takes it as a challenge, an invisible timer beginning in his head and forcing him to see how quickly he can get you to unravel all over his face. he’s getting everything he asked for, your naked body a mess above him as you fuck yourself on his tongue and your hands, with minds of their own, sliding up to grab and squeeze at your tits.
he watches how the pastel blue nail polish clashes with the darkened colour of your abused nipples, fingers working to pinch, and twist, and pull at them as you lose yourself in the moment.
when you cum, it’s with rolled-back eyes and shaky thighs, his hands gripping at you tighter to steady you as you sway above him, his tongue working at coaxing you through your high.
he licks up every drop of cum he can manage, until you’re cringing in overstimulation and reaching down to push him away. he let’s you move him, mouth moving to trail a couple kisses over your inner thigh, something akin to lipstick stains- yet so much dirtier in nature- being left behind on your soft flesh.
“told you i wouldn’t let you fall,” he’s the first to speak, partly because he correctly thinks you’re incapable of forming anything coherent in the afterglow of your orgasm, but mostly because he wants- no, needs to hear you praise him.
needs to hear you praise him like he’d done for you that night, eyes still hooded and chest visibly heaving as he finished processing watching you swallow every spurt of hot cum he’d shot down your throat. the praise never comes.
well, at least not from you.
at first he thinks he’s imagining the sound of clapping. it’s slow, and booming, and tinted with the slightest hint of sarcasm. it grows louder though, far too loud for it to just be in his imagination. the stilling of your body, going rigid as you fall back onto his chest, the sticky remnants of your orgasm cold against his heated skin, confirms that you hear the clapping too.
“bravo, choi. always thought your reputation with the ladies was a little overhyped, but i stand corrected.”
never has he hated the sight of park seonghwa so much, not even in the times they’ve been head-to-head in the final lap and the older male’s offensively bright swim-cap is all san can see every time he twists his head to catch a breath of air.
the three swimmers stand on the opposite end of the swimming pool, all in various stages of undress.
there’s wooyoung, who looks like he’s not so much as dried himself with a towel, still dressed in his team swimwear. and yunho, who’s got a towel wrapped around his waist messily, hair damp against his forehead and likely smelling of the cheap shampoo provided in the locker-room showers. lastly, seonghwa, who’s seemingly fully dressed spar for one of those irritating long coats san always sees him trailing around campus in.
one look into your panicked eyes is enough for san to spring into action, fumbling to sit himself up and pull your body flush against his, facing your naked back in the direction of his rivals.
he bites back a groan as you shift in his lap, unknowingly- or maybe you do know- pressing your soaked centre against his erection, which already strains inside the confines of the nylon material, leaving very little to the imagination.
“do you mind?” he’s glad the words come out clearly, booming across the pool at them and their unwavering staring.
“not at all.”
san holds you tighter against him, eyeing at your discarded swimsuit on the floor as he listens to a shuffle of footsteps. assuming the three men have made their way back into the locker-room, he’s speechless when he looks up to find them approaching the bench, seonghwa leading the trio with a secure grip on the back of wooyoung’s neck, whose eyes can’t seem to leave the floor, while yunho trails a little behind them, one hand grasping onto the towel around him.
“get your hands off her!” he leans back, pulling you with him, in an attempt to stray out of seonghwa’s reach as he extends his hand out. he fails, however, and the tips of seonghwa’s elongated fingers brush over your shoulder.
a shiver runs down you, one that san feels, the unexpected touch tickling your nerves.
“she’s a grown up,” the eldest of the men muses as he builds a rhythm out of how his fingers soother over your sweat slicked skin. “who i’m sure can speak for herself if she wants my hands off her.”
out of all the men, seonghwa has always been the one san despised most. between the constant boasting of wealth- money he acquired through labor, though not the working kind- and the disrespect he’s never had a problem showing towards others, he never fails to strike a nerve, awakening a dark part of san’s brain that activates his fight or flight response. by far, however, his arrogance is the worst, that sense of entitlement that drives him to think everything and everyone is a piece of clay for him to mold and manipulate till they fit his ideal shape.
the rich boy’s hand smoothes over your naked shoulder and san can’t resist glaring up at him.
“c’mon san, now’s hardly the time to be modest,” behind the oldest swimmer, yunho and wooyoung seem to be battling an inner conflict, yunho fighting to keep his towel in place and wooyoung fighting to keep the shame off his face while his dick visibly strains against the confines of his chlorine-covered swimwear. “not after the show you two just put on.”
“we didn’t,” it’s the first time you manage to speak since covering san’s tongue in your cum, breathing at last steady and face hidden from everyone’s view, much to san’s despair. “know you were watching.”
“and, if you had known, would you have stopped?” yunho is the one asking the question and, suddenly, san’s so much more aware of what exactly he’s hiding underneath his towel.
you give no answer.
“of course she wouldn’t,” seonghwa answers for you, hand moving to grasp the back of your neck. with no warning, he grips a little too tight for comfort and and yanks you backwards, till you’re staring right into san’s eyes and the only thing keeping you perched in his lap is seonghwa’s body pressed flat against yours. “there’s nothing a whore loves more than an audience, right?”
if put on trial in a court of law and sworn to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, over whether or not you’d just clenched around nothing at park seonghwa’s degrading name, you’d plead that you never did such a thing.
you’d be found guilty.
“poor woo nearly came untouched just watching you two. isn’t that right?” the eldest turns to stare back at where you imagine wooyoung to be. “pretty boy nearly whined just at the thought of being in san’s position, a mouth full of cunt and someone using him like the fuck-toy he is.”
the air grows thick, between you, and san, and every other living being in the room. it feels like the walls are closing in on themselves with every second that passes, the sweat dripping down your back and coming to a rest between your arse cheeks evidence that the space is heating up. or maybe it’s just your body, hardly processing the high it’s just come down from and there’s already another source for a new-found arousal, a source in the shape of three muscular men stood behind you and one beneath you, eyes wary as he gazes into your own, like he wants to ask if you’re okay but all the blood is too busy circulating in his crotch for his brain to be productive.
“now, i hardly think it’s very nice of you to get our wooyoung all riled up and not even offer to help him out.” you decide you’re being lulled into a false sense of safety the second you feel the pressure of seonghwa’s hand leave your skin. behind you, there’s a shuffling of footsteps that call you to crane your neck and catch a glimpse of what exactly is going on but san’s eyes beg you to keep staring into his, to count the galaxies that dance within them while he grips at your waist. “so the chance to offer is off the table and you’re simply going to do as told. doesn’t that sound easier, hmm? no having to make pesky decisions, just spread those legs and follow orders.”
at last, you get your first glimpse at jung wooyoung.
he sits down on the bench, no more than a breath of space between where you and san are perched. he’s a vision in himself, shoulders hunched and embarrassed face the same shade of red as the tip of his cock, an angry looking bulbous head poking out the top of far-too-tight speedos.
san’s grip tightens the longer you stare at the other boy, gaze dancing over the shape of his body and mouth-watering as, for the first time, you see the appeal of jung wooyoung. never before have you understood why eyes follow him in the hallways, like he’s more than just another pretty boy on campus- something that’s in abundance. but you see it now, understand the appeal of his stand-out nose; and the veins that run down his arms; and floppy style to his hair, that seems to be calling out to have your fingers running through it. 
with no prior warning, the grip on your hips tightens even more, till san is digging crescents into the soft skin and he’s lifting you, off of his lap and right into wooyoung’s.
the usually boisterous boy’s eyes meet yours, no longer filled with that spark of defiance and, instead, glazed over in tears, a quiet pleading being exchanged between you.
only, you’re unsure what he’s begging of you.
“are you going to just sit there,” seonghwa speaks up, boredom in his tone that has you picturing him rolling his eyes and picking at his manicured nails. “or are you going to help the poor pup cum?”
“what?!” that certainly helps you find your voice, and the guts to turn around and look at the man.
you find him stood closer than you imagined, with tailored trousers hugging his thighs and a perfectly ironed shirt tucked into them, the last few messy buttons the only indication he’d rushed to dress himself. eyes looking past him, you find more of a friendly aura in yunho, who, despite fighting a battle against the towel wrapped around his figure, manages to shoot a smile at you.
and then there’s san, who stands with muscled arms crossed over his chest and a painfully obvious boner resting in the confines of his swimwear, though he’s done a better job at keeping himself concealed than the boy beneath you. his face appears indifferent, yet the twitch in his eye speaks of a tamed anger, a frustration he’s yet to unleash on the men who’d interrupted him amidst his feast.
“are you now deaf along with being dumb or something?” the eldest pulls your attention back to him with little effort, a smirk meeting the glare you shoot his way. “you made that brat hard, now do your job and fix the mess you’ve made.”
words of protest get lost in a surprised gasp as the boy in question takes your hand in his, veiny hand guiding you down to a veiny shaft. wooyoung wraps both of your fingers over his leaking cock, his holding yours in place around him while he ruts his hips up once, twice into your hold, the action sending his swimwear even further down the his length and exposing nearly the full sight of it to the swimming hall.
you don’t mean to compare, yet you’re incapable of ignoring the fact that while wooyoung may be on the slightly shorter side compared to san, he’s certainly leading in the thickness department, with a mushroomed head and the prettiest trail of trimmed hairs leading down his pelvis.
he guides you over his shaft a number of times, a little less shy now as he outwardly whines when your thumb runs over his tip, wiping away the fat bead of precum resting upon it. at some point, he moves his hand away, needing both of his free to lean back on the bench, yet yours keeps moving at it’s own volition, stroking him in a pattern of threes, interrupting every trio with a swipe over his tip or a fondle of his still-concealed balls.
“please,” the whine in his voice is so unlike the jung wooyoung you’ve watched week after week, hurling abuse and echoing boasts of his own talents while keeping himself afloat in the swimming pool.
“he asked nicely.” you’d just about forgotten about everyone else in the room, until seonghwa’s irritatingly unbothered voice serves to remind you of his presence. “rule number one: good behaviour is rewarded.”
“what do i,” you interrupt your own question to glance over wooyoung once more. “do?” you pinch your thigh, skin stinging as nails bite it, and confirm with yourself that this is not a dream but, in fact, very much real.
jung wooyoung is hard and begging you to do something.
“i don’t care how you do it, just put one of your holes to good use for once and make him cum.”
there’s still an echo of seonghwa’s voice by the time you successfully manage to rid wooyoung of his swimwear, the damp fabric clinging to the warm skin and the taut muscles of his thighs. the boy isn’t much help either, seemingly reduced to nothing but a writhing, panting mess instead of someone competent enough to raise himself off the bench just enough for you to undress him.
the sight is mesmerising, one you’re certain will remain ingrained in your memory till the day you die: wooyoung, disheveled and untouched, with his achingly hard cock pressed flat against his lower stomach, his swimmer-thighs spread with a set of balls between them that you find yourself near salivating over as a trickle of his own precum runs down them.
“your cock’s...” you begin to speak, yet trail off as your digits wrap themselves around his shaft, just to delight in the way his breath jumps when you drag your hand upwards and give a soft squeeze as you reach the head. “so pretty, woo.”
“youngie.” seonghwa cuts in from behind you. “he prefers to be called youngie when he’s getting his cock teased.”
“yeah, youngie?” you try it out.
instantly, he nods and something akin to a whimper flies out of him.
fascinated by his shaky breaths and his pretty chest, where warm, tanned skin appears to be near glowing under the swimming halls bright lights as his cheeks flush a palette full of reds and pinks, your eyes are completely fixed on him. there’s something vulnerable and breakable about the way he’s looking at your with the widest of eyes, his eyebrows furrowed and bottom lip receiving countless abuse from his teeth.
never have you been so desperate to push someone past their own limits.
officially running on nothing but pure instincts, you close your mind off to thoughts, like how the boy you’d spent weeks avoiding and missing is stood only metres away, witnessing the way the tip of your finger teases over the slit of his sport rival’s cock. or like how park seonghwa, perhaps the campus’ most infamous trust-fund baby, seems to have complete control of the situation at hand, yourself and jung wooyoung nothing but idolised dolls he’s moving into whatever obscene position he wants you in.
instead, you focus on how wooyoung’s eyes roll back and he lets out a gasp when you gather up fluids from within your salivating mouth and part your own lips, watching how your own spit drips onto his lower stomach, and your hand, and his painfully hard cock.
the saliva serves not only as a visual pleasure, something that’s awakening inside of you at the sight of it leaving you with whole new kind of excitement bubbling along your body, but as a physical pleasure for wooyoung, who seems to have no protest to how much easier it is to slide your hand up his length with the added lubrication of your own spit. 
“fuck...” he curses under his breath and his hands find purchase on your body, one gripping your hip while the other grabs at your forehand, like he’s scared you’ll release the grip you have on him and strip away the sweet release of friction. “don’t just focus on the tip- shit, ah- play with my balls too.”
“wooyoung!” ready to oblige, ready to give the pretty faced boy anything he demanded of you, you’ve no time to think of a reply before the ringmaster of this circus reminds you of his overlooking presence behind your back. “stop speaking like an ungrateful brat and take what you’re given. or else... well, i’m sure you don’t need reminding of what happens to pups that misbehave.”
the way jung wooyoung’s whole body grows rigid beneath you, paired with the countless times park seonghwa has butted in to speak on the boy’s sexual preferences, leaves you with the sense that the two are not only acquainted with how each other’s bodies move underwater..
“s-sorry,” this is not the voice of boastful jung wooyoung, who near bounces down the college halls and airdrops nudes in class because he’s bored. this is a voice that’s soft and meek. like a beady-eyed puppy, so quick to submit to it’s owner. “just feels too good. i’m sorry”
“yeah, you will be sorry.” seonghwa’s hand is cold against your back and it lulls a shiver out of you as fingers trickle down your spine like water off a duck’s wings. part of you hates him for stealing wooyoung’s attention off of you just as you were beginning to revel in it, a larger part of you wants to know why the sternness in his voice is enough to have your clit aching to be touched. “spitfire, be a good cocksleave and sit on his dick.”
“ok, stop!” a sense of shame comes over you when it takes hearing san’s outburst to remember the fact he’s watching the scene unfold. “don’t you think you’re taking this too far now, park seonghwa? i know you and wooyoung have your... agreement on how you treat each other, but don’t drag someone else into it. not when she never even asked for this.”
“you had your tongue tasting the eighth wonder of the world on that bench twenty minutes ago, both of you knowing there was a chance you’d be caught, and you want to tell me no one was asking for this?”
“that was private! you guys are the ones who-”
“there’s no such thing as privacy in a public area. besides, it’s hardly like she’s not enjoying this. if anything, i think spitfire doesn’t like the way you’re getting in the way of her teaching youngie a lesson in obedience.” you’re naive to think no one would notice the way you’ve began to grind down on wooyoung’s cock, stealing whimpers out of him as the soaked lips of your pussy rubbed up against him and holding back your own moans each time his tip meets the bundle of nerves that make up your clit. “choi, if you’re that much of a pissy pants that can’t enjoy himself even just this once in life, then feel free to leave. i’m sure the four of us will be too occupied to notice your absence.”
you’re not paying close enough attention to figure out if san’s newfound silence is due to his departure, or if he’s simply too stunned to speak, your eyes focused on nothing and no one but the boy at your mercy.
the initial burn of wooyoung breaching your entry reminds you of how long it’s been since you’d been stretched open by something other than someone’s cold fingers or wagging tongue. it’s been more or less three long months of juggling test after test, assignments piling up on your desktop and a relationship with your now ex-boyfriend being tossed completely into the gutter.
not once had you thought your return to the world of sexual bliss would be in front of an audience, much less at the very place you work.
doubting that it’s been as long for him as it has for you, wooyoung still spares nothing when it comes to reacting to your touch. with eyes squeezing shut, head rolling back, abdomen muscles flexing along side every shaken intake of breath, the boy puts on a show so pornographic it puts the professionals to shame. a whine exits his lips, lips that carry marks of his own teeth and look like they’re in need of a healthy dose of chapstick, and look so disgustingly kissable that your own tingle at the thought.
all those rumours of jung wooyoung being a camboy rush to the forefront of your mind, feeling truer than ever when your eyes take in the bob of his adam’s apple, and the perfectly timed run of his tongue over his lower lip, and the pretty way in which the prominent veins in his hands looks as he clamps his grip down on your hips.
he’s a sight worth paying for. 
“are you okay?” not the first thing you’d imagined saying after sinking all the way down on his cock, the need to check up on him taking over before you’d even noticed it’s existence.
“yeah...” he sighs his way through the word, eyes still closed and grip still very much tight on your skin, blunt fingertips likely leaving crescent moons you’ll find yourself staring at for days to come, memories of this moment replaying in a rose-tinted haze. “just need a second, you- you feel good, fuck me.”
“i’m kinda already doing that, youngie.” you giggle, like a lovesick adolescent speaking to their crush of the week, but the boy’s instant smile upon hearing it puts out the fire of shame building in the pit of your stomach.
“hmm,” he hums back, acknowledging your words without giving you the satisfaction of hearing him tell you how you’re correct. “are you okay?”
wooyoung flips the question on you and it parallels with the way he pulls the rains in physically, lithe hips thrusting upwards in search of feeling more, reaching deeper inside of you. in the back of your mind you already picture a look of displeasure on park seonghwa’s face, scowling lips loading up to berate you and demand you take repossession of jung wooyoung’s sanity.
“yeah, i’m-” with the eldest man in mind, you stop and compose yourself, as well as you can while wooyoung’s mouthing at your neck, your collarbones, the tops of your breasts. “i’m wondering who told you you were allowed to touch me?”
control is easily regained, all it takes is your hand squeezing around jung wooyoung’s throat and your soaked walls clenching around his aching cock and he’s melting like ice cream on a warm summer’s day, leaving behind a sticky mess.
satisfaction and pleasure come crashing in tandem, wave after wave moving in motion with each lethargic roll of your body against the swimmer’s, who seems to be a quicker learner than you’d believed him to be, hands flying off your body like it was made up of hot stones and, instead, now holding a firm and grounding grip of the bench beneath you both.
“harder.” you feel a hint of emotion within park seonghwa’s voice this time he speaks. it’s fleeting, and hard to make out quite what feeling it is he’s experiencing, but it’s there and it’s certainly a step up from the usual shameless, egotistical, megalomaniac tone he takes on. “squeeze his throat tighter.”
under the possession of his commanding tone, you find yourself caving into his command, fingers pressing a little harder into wooyoung’s warm skin. the boy gulps down whatever pride he has and delivers a pleasured whine. you grind down harder and an evil, twisted part of you you’ve never met before longs to laugh at the way he so desperately is struggling to keep his composure, fighting back the urge to meet your hips with his own upward thrusts.
so, you do. 
“hear that, youngie?” seonghwa’s voice becomes less grating each time you hear it, once an unwelcome and intrusive thought but now a second voice and a valued player in a game of wreck the wooyoung. “you’re being laughed at. isn’t that just pathetic?”
“y-yes, fuck-” he falls victim to your walls clenching around him, gripping his cock in a vice grip. the image of confidence withers away so easily to reveal a teary-eyed, pretty-faced, cum-desperate man. “i’m pathetic.”
“yeah, you are.” seonghwa circles his way around the rocking bench, no longer out of view hidden behind your back but, instead, staring you down with piercing eyes that cut through you like a knife to hot butter. “he’s getting close. never lasts long, really, even seen him cum untouched just from giving me head. but that’s okay, isn’t it youngie? you’re a slut for having your sack drained, huh?”
the swimmer beneath you has never looked redder than he does right now, secrets of his sexual nature getting exposed to the people he likely considers his biggest athletic competition. though you probably should, you don’t push him away when his face finds safety in the crook of your neck, parted lips covering your burning skin in sticky drool.
“don’t let him fool you guys, he’s into the degrading nature of it all. trust me.” you wonder if it should concern you the way seonghwa speaks about jung wooyoung as though he’s nothing but a pet, a possession of which he just so happens to have complete control over. you’re more concerned with the fact it excites you. “call him a good boy, i dare you.”
the words haven’t even formed in your throat and the boy between your thighs is gripping onto your waist a little tighter, lips near pouting and eyes screwed shut in uncontrollable pleasure, burning down his spine and threatening to push him over the edge of sexual bliss.
you consider having mercy, the inexperienced side of you thinking the boy looks like he’s full of shame and embarrassment. the throbbing of his rock hard cock repeatedly stuffing your aching cunt reminds you he’s getting off on the humiliation.
“is he a good boy, though?” you stare up at park seonghwa, not even sparing a whimpering wooyoung any attention as he begins a rambled protest to defend his good behaviour. “i mean, i don’t remember telling him he could touch me. do you, hwa?”
the hands that grip you tightly let go quick, like your skin were an unexpectedly warm stove, scorching his skin right off him.
“i don’t remember either,” the eldest’s agreement has you reeling in a way you never expected, filling you with a new found sense of control.
a control that is ripped away far too quickly, like park seonghwa sensed you growing falsely confident over the situation at hand.
like a shark circling it’s prey, the tall man makes his way back around the bench, each fall of his shoe-covered feet echoing in the quiet swim hall. click, click, click, and he’s right at your back, not a word uttered as the soft of his palm lands on the nape of your neck. achingly slow does it travel down the expanse of your back, not a single noise filling the space other than the rise and fall of your body on top of wooyoung’s and the same boy’s poorly contained moans and mewls of pleasure.
the silence is interrupted by your own shocked gasp, mouth falling agape in shock as your movements come to a complete halt. his hands, no longer soft and delicate, grip you in an iron-tight hold, fingers greedy as they dig into your meaty flesh with no mercy or regard for the pain it may inflict on you.
“no, get up,” like a switch was flipped in as little as a minute, park seonghwa’s voice has lost all sense of the excitement it had whilst he spoke on jung wooyoung’s dirty endeavours and has returned back to the cold, callous, commanding tone it had originally.
he sounds angry, feels angry in the way the fingers of his free hand tangle themselves in the hair at the back of your head and give a harsh tug, forcing your head back till you’re met with his scowling face and perfectly groomed hair, even in it’s dampened state it seems to frame his face perfectly.
“what?” you babble out, dumbstruck, much like the desperate boy beneath you who’s began to mutter apology after apology between pleadings of please no don’t do this and i promise i’ll behave, i’ll keep my hands to myself.
none of it works.
“you heard me. get. up.” the fingers on your waist tug, pull, drag you away from the quivering mess that has become of jung wooyoung, who near sobs as the cool air hits his now painfully hard cock, tip redder than the bottom of your favourite heels and a vein more prominent under his sensitive skin than the ones on his muscular arms. you’re not given much of a chance to process what’s happening before seonghwa speaks again. “wooyoung, up, now. you’re not getting to cum, so get off the bench and make room for someone else.”
the boy makes no further attempt to protest, cheeks painted pink in shame and chest shining with sweat as he shakily rises to his feet, head hung low when you watch him walk out of your line of sight.
then, your knees meet the floor.
park seonghwa chuckles as you go down, hands finding grip in your hair and forcing you to sit up right. heart beating faster, your mind begins to race with questions of what comes next, who comes next.
what dirty desires are about to be unveiled within you, forced into the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the swimming hall?
“jeong, you’re up,” seonghwa’s knee digs into your back and his fingers tug until your scalp begins to sting a little. you don’t want to like it but, in life, you don’t always get what you want.
there’s a series of shuffles behind you, followed by heavy footsteps. there’s no rush, yet no hesitation, just calm and collected footsteps of someone making their way over to do god knows what with you.
when jeong yunho, with his towel that’s looking a lot tighter around his crotch still around his waist, steps into frame, an inexplicable sense of comfort washes over you.
maybe it’s the way he smiles down at you, or the fact his hands brush seonghwa’s off of you, or the way his fingers take a hold of your chin once he’s seated in front of you.
maybe it’s just the fact he’s jeong yunho, campus himbo with a reputation for walking girls home at night just to make sure they’re safe and for singing britney spears with no shame each time the karaoke mic gets passed around.
whatever it is, it’s turning you on.
your knees are burning with fresh pain as park seonghwa shoves you closer to the mammoth of a man and you can’t help but swallow down the ball of anxiety growing in your throat.
everything about jeong yunho’s demeanour has always seemed large, with powerful arms that drag his body through the weight of water and large hands that effortlessly carry countless textbooks through the university halls; a tall frame that helps him stand out in any crowd and a personality loud enough to set off alarms; his thighs a muscular stairway leading up to a well rounded, remarkably defined posterior. it’s safe to say he’s carried a reputation for some time, one that consists of whispers between girls on campus who recount just how well endowed he really is. 7 inches, 9 inches, 12 inches, you’ve heard it all, each girl claiming it to be bigger than the last.
unfortunately, there’s no ruler at your disposal to uncover the truth of the rumours, but you confirm he’s certainly large as you watch him undo the towel. larger than you’ve ever seen before, with a thickness to match, and two heavy looking balls decorating the base.
he wraps a hand around it and you watch how he gives a light squeeze at the head, slowly sliding down the length of it till he reaches the tuft of groomed hairs on his pelvic bone. one of his hands alone holds half of his cock, leaving you almost certain you’d need to use both hands on him.
“d’you want it, sweetheart?” his words are teasing but his voice is soft, a complete one-eighty to the verbal berating you’ve been receiving- and enjoying- from park seonghwa.
you’re sure he notices the way you clench your thighs as he slaps his cock once, then twice against his stomach, the precum leaking out on to his tanned skinned.
there’s an itch inside your throat, one you imagine only he can scratch.
“you wanna taste it?” he’s still speaking to you through the arousal that fogs over your brain, commanding your tongue to swipe over your bottom lip as you burn your gaze at the glistening liquid on his warm skin, tastebuds aching to have him paint them in white.
you nod your head.
his own throws itself back, a chuckle rupturing out of his chest as he continues to tease himself with his hand.
“fuck, yeah, bet you can’t wait to taste my cock, feel it stab the back of your tight throat.” a smile should never look so sweet while it’s part of the same mouth spewing out such filth. somehow, jeong yunho makes it work. “gonna get it nice and wet for me, yeah? make it sloppy, i love it when a pretty thing like you gets all messy over my cock.”
the knee that’s suddenly digging it’s way into your back has no mercy. you wince, pull in a sharp breath and inch just that little bit closer to the bench. like a glove fits a hand, you slip right in between the muscled tree trunks that make up jeong yunho’s thighs. 
you wonder, if only momentarily, what sweet a death it would be to be crushed between them, taut muscles constricting the flow of air to your lungs like a boa with its prey.
but there’s a far more preferable way to be choked by the man before you, body carved out in such definition you fear michael angelo himself stands in admiration of it.
his hand snakes its way around your body, warm and heavy and imposing with the grip it settles for at the base of your neck. in spite of the sharp stab coming from behind- where you have no doubt one park seonghwa stands with disgruntled impatience written all over his irritatingly perfect face- there is no doubt in your mind that the man in front of you holds the reigns. with eyes of honey and lips of velvet, he peers down at you with a tendered expression, saying nothing yet everything with the gentle, repeated sooth of his thumb over your skin.
you need no verbal instructions this time around.
a hand grips the base of him as the other squeezes the flesh of your own thigh, piercing your skin with just enough pressure to assure you this is the reality you find yourself in, rather than some twisted, substance influenced dream.
the first taste is the sweetest, tongue a missionary sent into the foreign land of his body to discover the way he reacts as you drag it over the tip. he gives nothing but a squeeze to the back of your neck; and that crumbles you under his control.
with a few more kitten licks- for good luck, if anything,- the show begins with the parting of your lips, the widening of your mouth, the burning of your skin as you struggle with your ability to swallow him whole. you make it no further than a third of his length before he’s tugging gently on your roots and bringing you back to the surface of existence.
“breathe, okay,” his voice is gentle, calming your nerves yet sending your heart into a fit of patternless beats. “inhale, exhale, got it? through the nose, that’s gonna help you relax.”
doing as he says, you swallow three whole breaths. shaky, ragged, each feeling hollow in your chest in comparison to the weight of his cock on your tongue.
“pretty girl,” he practically coos, hand cupping your chin as his thumb smoothes over the swell of your bottom lip. it’s tender, sweet, and almost enough to make you forget the sight of his engorged cock that sits angrily between his tree-trunk shaped thighs, crying out for the return of your mouth’s affection. “someone’s gotta teach you to not be greedy, hmm? small little mouth of yours is no fit for me, don’t go choking on it.”
heat flashes between your thighs, your heartbeat dropping right down to your clit and leaving you with a burning ache, the kind only a gentleman like this could soothe. your fingers may have to do, however, if the stubborn arsehole behind you would be so kind as to let you enjoy yourself.
the way park seonghwa curls his hand round the front of your neck and flexes his nimble fingers- that goddamn family heirloom ring a punishing cold to your warm skin, near brandishing you as touched by some nepotism child- when you do so little as clench your thighs together to relieve the pressure, or lack-there-of, between your thighs tells you he’ll grant you no such fun.
“you’d need to have something big enough for her to choke on,” san, precious san. still here, still somewhere beneath this god-forsaken tin-can roof swimming pool, watching you bruise your knees and your ego for another man, another one of his team-mates. what must he think of you? has he lost whatever respect he may have had? does he think he’d been just another body to exchange fluids with, that night at the party? if you could just see his face, you’d not need to wonder all these things. his eyes, they always give him away, too earnest and pure for his own good.
“shut it, choi,” yunho’s bark isn’t half as loud as seonghwa’s booming commands have been, and are nowhere near as malignant. if anything, the gentle giant is humoured by his team-mate’s words, as if he knows they’re a preposterous thing to say about him. then again, you can’t imagine any man remaining humble about themselves if they were so well-endowed. “or do you wanna crack out the measuring tape again and remind yourself of just how much of me there is to choke on?”
it takes a few moments for the spotlight to return to you, a gradual shift from playful to lust driven energy encapsulating the broad frame of the man before. he cups your cheek, feather-light touch smoothing over your skin while his eyes burrow daggers into your soul.
why must his shoulders be so wide? it almost angers you as much as it sends a wave of heat between your legs.
almost, but not quite.
“‘s cute,” he half mumbles, distracted by the sight you paint below him on your knees, bruises already forming and thighs clenching for some relief of pressure. “your little pussy’s all wet just from having my cock in your mouth.”
“i think you’re forgetting she was bouncing on woo’s dick a few minutes ago, yunho,” the devil on your shoulder won’t let you rest, hand snaking through the threads of your hair and tugging on your roots. not enough to hurt, just enough to sting. “have some modesty.”
“sure, let’s act like i’m not the one who had her cumming all over my face a while ago.” san mumbles a string of words you wish you could unhear, face heating up as the shame burns through your bloodstream.
how had you gotten here?
you’re allowed no such freedom to ponder over previous actions as jeong yunho’s all encompassing frame works to remind you of where you find yourself: on your knees dressed in nothing but your own shame- shame which seems to slip off of you, piece by piece, baring you shamelessly to this pack of wolf-eyed boys’ for their eyes to feast upon.
strong, veiny hands reach out and drag you forwards, just an inch yet it’s all you need to feel the weight of park seonghwa’s domineering figure float off of you, rendering you under the control of this much larger, far smilier looking man. “eyes on me, okay? don’t wanna miss the way i’m about to make them roll back.”
there begins a game of push and pull, where jeong yunho pushes you closer and closer to his evident arousal, all the while teasing you as he pulls his hips back, keeping your waiting mouth open and empty, and oh-so frustrated at the feeling of being so close yet so far away from his dripping tip.
the first real taste you get of him does, in fact, nearly have your eyes rolling back. a kitten lick, barely there yet fully felt, running over the underside of his cock, a taste of salted skin, and musky sweat, and stale chlorine mixing in with the warmth of him flooding your senses. his reaction is no more composed than yours, blatantly parting his lips in a gasp and bucking his hips up, forwards, any direction they need follow to chase after your mouth.
happy to comply, you take pride in tasting him a second time, this time right over the growing drop of pre-cum pebbling on his tip. white flashes behind your closing eyes as his grip in your hair tightens, a pulse of heat firing straight down your spine as your mind floods with images of what it must be like to watch this man, this gentleman, this figure that so wholly encompasses what it means to be a himbo in this day and age lose his cool and revolt into his most carnal, basal instincts to take whatever pleasure he needs from you with a reckless abandon, burrow his throbbing cock down your throat till the beat of his heart takes over your own.
instead, you settle for wrapping your lips around him, at last, and letting him guide you just that little bit down his length. the weight of him feels nice, a strange sense of comfort birthing in your bones as you grow used to feel of him taking up your palate. his breaths seem to run in tandem with the inches he sinks deep between your parted lips.
a deep breath, he lowers you further, till your left cheek begins to bulge out.
tongue pinned to the floor of your mouth, you make use of it as best you can, rolling it over the bottom of his shaft and earning yourself a plethora of gratifying sounds, each deep and desperate and crooning straight out of jeong yunho’s broad chest. 
another deep breath, another inch.
for all the false dominance you wield over the situation, with the heat of your mouth and spill of your own saliva slickening his cock, his real and visceral dominance doubles it by tenfold, with a hand on the back of your neck, guiding your every move, and a knowing, gentle look cast downwards at you from where he sits propped on the bench, thighs a heavy mass to case your body between. a silly little voice in your head whispers a seductive tale of how easily this man could get you in a headlock and suffocate your fragile windpipes. a wave of heat, this one going right down to your core and forcing you to pay attention to it, shifting awkwardly and clenching the muscles in your own legs in hopes of getting some pitiful amount of pressure.
all breathing stops as he hits the back of your throat.
hands pulling tight, a biting pain ripping through your hair and a tired gag creeping out of your constricting throat, yunho holds you still and strong, as unmoving as the mountains that fill the horizon from your bedroom window.
he’s not even fully in, an arguably obscene amount of him still awaiting some form of attention beyond the spill of the spit filling up your mouth. but there’s nowhere for it to go, not within your mouth at least, and so you manoeuvre your hand up and grip the neglected inches, the tip of your pinkie teasingly brushing over the swell of his balls.
he lurches forward, gasping in a breath of air at last. “fucking christ- shit,” he grits his teeth. “her mouth’s warm.”
“well, obviously. this your first time getting a blowjob or something, jeong?” god, the reminder of seonghwa being here, somewhere behind you, fox eyes judging your every move and keeping his cool, no matter how hard you’d seen his cock straining in those ridiculous pant-suit trousers he sports. it’s sickening.
“yeah, yunho, watch out before you have a repeat of 2019.”
if the taller jeong wants to snap at the other, you never find out, instead dedicating yourself to the glory of worshipping him between your parted lips and tight throat, jaw ready to lock itself in place so long as it keeps him inside.
you treat him differently than you’d treated san that night. you’d been tipsy then, buzzing off the colourful shots of who-knows-what you’d been conned into downing a half hours before, mind hazy as you kneeled between him and teased your tongue over every crevice of him it could reach, dripping him in drool and working an ache into your overused tongue by the time you got watched him spill over the edge of ecstasy. that wasn’t even about san’s pleasure, no real care put into getting him off, your own selfish need to indulge in the pleasure of feeling, tasting, worshipping him taking precedence.
but, right now, you’re overwhelmingly sober, mind hazed only by a cloud of inexplicable lust that rolled in the moment san shot you his stupid smile, and you care about making jeong yunho cum. in fact, it’s the only thing on your mind as you bob your head up and down, letting his own hand guide your pace.  
“shh, shh,” he’s hushing your own struggles for breath and carding his fingers through the tresses of your hair, his legs clamping down on either side of you, pinning you in your rightful place. “taking it so good, baby. so fucking good.”
good’s not good enough.
you want to leave him mind-blown, exhausted, unhinged. you want him clenching his jaw, and baring his teeth, and stuttering over any praise he tries to give you. in fact, you need it, need that thrill-driven lust of collapsing the sanity of a man as broad and strong and capable as him.
so you pick up the pace, fight against the steady up-and-down of his grip and try to take just that little bit more of him in your mouth and down your throat, till you’ve no doubt there’s a visible bulge of where he sits down your windpipe. you think back on what he said- i love it when a pretty thing like you gets all messy over my cock- and work towards doing just that, mouth a fountain of over-flowing spit that paints lines down your chin and over his heavy balls. the hand at his base lightly drags the tips of its nails over his burning skin and you physically feel the way his cock jumps in your mouth, head twitching as his hips involuntarily jolt forwards.
eyes as wide as a deer in headlights, you glance up to stare into his own, only to find they’re rolling back in his head, too caught up in the headiness of having your mouth on him to visually focus. it’s erotic, tracing your eyes over the protruding vein in his neck and the unrhythmic heaving of his chest- like every breath he pulls is a rare gift and a miracle- and the straining of his muscled thighs that hold back his urge to buck freely into your mouth, use you as nothing but a hole to get himself off with.
your free hand stakes claim over your own sexual frustration, nimble fingers rubbing tight, slow circles over your clit in an attempt to just ease that heat burning you from the inside out.
“she’s touching herself, jeong,” not even the irritating, grating voice of park seonghwa’s unwanted commentary can take away the kick you’re getting out of working this man into a frenzy. “are you just going to let her, without your permiss-”
“shut up, park,” yunho is wrecked, voice divulging so far from that loud, boyish charm into a dark, broken sort of gruffed out thing, echoing straight out of his chest. but, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen to the other man, doesn’t force his eyes open to glance down in a hazed daze to witness your pathetic attempts to work your fingers over yourself.
only, he doesn’t tell you to stop.
he just... watches. and then smiles, squeezes out what can only be described as a broken whine, and tilts his head back once more, relinquishing all control of his body over to you. the scene divulging into a chorus of mumbled words, fuck and please and yes becoming the only word yunho knows, the only three you hear. 
only as he cums does jeong yunho regain that bit of self-control he’s lost, ripping your mouth off him- a stuttered mumble of i wanna paint that pretty face- and erupting in a mess of grunted moans, cock twitching in his palm as rope after rope of white, hot fluid shoots out of it. it’s messy, and disgusting, and sticky, marking the skin on your cheeks, nestling in your hair, dripping over your shut eyelashes.
the last drops land in your parted mouth as his grasp shakes and you regain the right to wrap your lips around his mushroomed tip.
lips stained in pearly white, cheeks and neck matching too. the throb of your neglected cunt, clenching itself around nothing but the mere thought of having jeong yunho stuff you full, break you in two and leave you spent.
the man in question is in a no better state, head thrown back and chest a heaving mess glistening with the shine of his own sweat. his mouth hangs open, near heaving in breaths of air and his hands, adopting a mind of their own, grip harder in your hair and hold you firmly in place, tongue laving over his sensitive tip, pushing him closer and closer to the ledge of overstimulation.
“fuck- uh, fucking look at you,” sweet voice, foul words. two fingers drag over your cheek, coating themselves in the sticky substance he’s painted you in. “drooling all over me.”
he’s right, you are drooling. down your chin, an uncomfortable damp coat covers your overheating skin as you continue to stretch your lips around his length, ready to rip another thigh-shuddering orgasm out of the man.
yunho grants you no such pleasure.
instead, a grip tugs back on your hair and, before you can feebly attempt to catch your fleeing breath, he’s pulling you up into his lap, straddling you across the well-defined muscles of his thigh. those big, capable hands he pushes himself through pools, and rivers, and all other bodies of water manipulate your limbs however he likes, a rag-doll free for him to toy with for as long as he sees fit.
“yun-” you don’t even manage to say his name properly, not when he grinds you down into his lap, smothering his tanned skin in your juices. the friction runs straight for your pulsing clit and you’re rendered to sinking into his welcoming arms, head collapsing into the crook of his neck, parted lips panting up a storm against his sweated skin.
“that nice for you, angel?” the soft words, the rough hands, the perfect roll of your hips. you feel like you could sob, break apart completely. yunho tracing a hand up the curve of your spine and soothing his long fingers over a knot in you back doesn’t help your case. “bet it is. little bit of release to all that tension you’ve been feeling, yeah?”
you think you nod.
it’s hard to tell.
sparks fly within your loins, heating you from the inside out. yunho, at some point, has wound his fist into the tresses of your hair, nails scrapping along your scalp. it’s pleasurable, all over, soothing you into a state of utter relaxation, a being with no purpose other than to take whatever this mass of warmth and muscles and width offers you.
his hand makes a fist and gently tugs, forcing a whine out of you as you’re faced with the bright lights once more. traces of his own cum stain the very place your face had lay. it’s erotic to see, drying up your tongue with a need to lick it clean.
“no, no, focus, right here,” a single finger taps at your cheek, followed by the tilting of your chin that forces you to stare back at the hungry eyes of jeong yunho. “eyes on me. want a front row seat to watching your eyes roll back.”
god, he’s filthy, and delicate, and that just makes him all that more filthy.
swiping his digits through the remnants of his sticky cum, he makes sure you’re staring right back at him as those same fingers snake their way down between your grinding bodies and burrow themselves deep in your soaked heat. shallow pumps of his hand fuck his cum-coated fingers deeper, long and lithe enough he barely needs to move to have you feeling him all over, everywhere.
by the time he curls them, pressing against that spongy wall, you’re just about ready to cry.
“think she’s gonna cum,” oh god, no, why must he remind you of your audience? why does it no longer frighten you to have eyes watching you be defiled but, rather, have you clenching around him tighter, chasing that fever-like ecstasy the man means to deliver? “she’s gripping my fingers so tight- shit, almost makes me wanna bust my load just thinking how warm her pussy would feel round my cock.”
“don’t let her cum,” you vow, some day, to wring the neck of park seonghwa. “just cause she’s gone all cockdrunk doesn’t mean she’s earnt-”
“shut up, hwa,” the boy’s thumb pokes up and you can’t help the way you grind down into it, smothering your clit in whatever pressure you can get. “pretty baby’s more than earned it. stop being bitter that i’m the one who’s gonna give her it.”
give you it, he does.
three fingers deep, the cocktail of your wetness mixing with his cum-cated digits aiding the ebb and flow of his rhythm, jeong yunho has your toes curling, eyes rolling, thighs shaking. you blackout, for only a moment, lost in the wilderness of pleasure.
the aftershocks are barely kicking in when you’re suddenly ripped away from yunho’s hold. the sounds of your beating heart and heaving chest muffle the disgruntled exchange of words between the swim-team, inhibiting your ability to stay clued-in on the events that surround you. all you know is that when your body meets the bench once more, on all wobbly fours, jeong yunho no longer sits tall and proud.
a sharp sting hits your rear- a smack, that echoes in the empty space of the swimming hall. the only appropriate response is the shriek you let out, twisted in your own conflicting emotions of pain, and pleasure, and painful pleasure. a second smack meets the other cheek. this time, there’s no doubt a wanton whine escapes you.
“since the rest of them can’t take orders,” you’d already known it was seonghwa whose hands were suddenly all over you, pinning you in a position of submission. the sound of his grandiose voice sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine, top to tail. “i’ll have to do it myself.”
with no word of warning, he smooths his hands down the globes of your ass, teases the crease of skin where your inner thigh meets your dripping heat, and fucks two whole fingers into your sensitive core. knuckles deep, they sit still upon initial intrusion, basking in the warmth of you and coating themselves in the essence from an orgasm you’ve yet to even fully recover from and the cum yunho’d scooped off your own face.
then, at last, when your nails dig marks into the wood below, he curls them a come-hither motion.
with shame painted on your skin, you toss your head back and release an inhumane cry, eyes hazily gazing up at the horrendous white lights above. “oh god!”
“not quite. i do appreciate the flattery though,” there’s no need to glance over your shoulder to know that pompous, trust-fund baby is wearing the most earth-shattering smirk, some stupid strand of his perfectly groomed hair dangling over one of his eyes, like some 90s heartthrob boy-band member. you do it anyway.
park seonghwa is an unfairly attractive man, sporting a beauty so ethereal it almost makes you angry.
that anger seems to dampen the wetter he gets you.
his touch is slow, but by no means is it gentle. calculated and malevolent, he plays with your insides like they’re nothing but the strings to your puppet. a curl of his fingers and one of your hands shoots forward. the torturously slow pace that he pumps his digits in and out, and your jaw falls slack. his thumb bumps and grinds against your throbbing clit, and your elbows give out, sending you crashing face-first down onto the bench.
his free hand presses down on your lower back, bending you deeper, hiking your ass up higher in the air. and, at first, you think you’re imagining it, that trickle of warmth against your other entrance, believing it nothing but a trick of your melting brain.
you’re who-knows how many hours deep in a whirlwind of pleasure and penetrative stares, people have been driven to the brink of insanity over far less in the past.
but then seonghwa’s fingers leave your cunt, warm and wet trails following their journey over your skin. there’s no imaginative mind great enough in this universe to conjure up that initial shock to feeling how he prods and pokes at your puckered hole, lubricating it with the dirty mixture of both you and yunho’s cum and his very own spit.
the tip of his pointer finger ventures onward first, breaking through the surface of your tight muscles in a shallow intrusion.
the feeling has you frozen, frightened, intrigued. eyes widening, moans dying, pussy pulsating in an empty need.
“don’t go getting shy on us now, spitfire,” the collective language he uses brings back the weight of all the boys’ eyes on you. hesitantly, you angle your face off the bench, and regret it the instant you meet the brown comfort of his eyes. “fun’s just starting. ain’t that right, san?”
a tense energy takes over the large room, with san’s shoulders tensing, and yunho’s feet fidgeting, and wooyoung’s cheeks blushing. seonghwa seems impervious to the shift, whether voluntarily or not, and instead invites himself to further exploring the limits of your body.
he’s kind enough to spare a bit of care into the way his finger sinks deeper into your unexplored hole. another dribble of his hot saliva lands messily onto you, aiding the slip and slide of his hand. two, or three, or four strokes of his finger and you’re submitting to the intrusion, hips rutting higher and presenting yourself more to the man.
“come here,” the command calls over your body and, at first, you think its aimed at you. so you try scooting further back, only to be halted by seonghwa speaking once again. “yeah you, choi. come get under her.”
for the first time since this all began, you’re on the precipice of saying no.
they’d listen, all of them. wouldn’t push you, pressure you or force you to keep going, not if you truly voiced your negation. even park seonghwa, as big an arsehole as he may be, would have no qualms ending his fun and agreeing to never speak of this again.
and it’s not that you don’t want choi san under you. far from it, as you’ve already made pretty clear earlier, thighs his personal ear-warmers while his tongue delved deep for your honey-suckle glory. you’re hardly uncomfortable at the thought of him under you, chest rising repeatedly in frantic breaths and legs bent at the knee to give him just the right leverage to fuck up into your messy cunt-
it’s not till he’s three feet away from you, hands fidgeting by his side, eyes looking anywhere but you and your compromising position, and the world’s most obnoxiously boner-strained tent in his swimming gear that realisation washes over you. you’re hesitating because of him, because of his possible discomfort.
what if he wants to say no? what if he doesn’t want to get under you? what if his eyes will never look into your own again, too shocked and disgusted by all the things you’ve let be done to you? by his own team-mates/rivals, too?
hell, you’ve shocked yourself even, never in a million years had you pictured a day you’d be at the mercy of some rich prick, overdressed for every occasion and looking like a vogue-cover-model reject. but when he’s edging another finger into the already-tight squeeze of your ass, and pushing your buttons just enough to nudge you towards an edge that never seems to arrive, how could you ever dream of being anywhere else?
a hand touches your cheek.
soft. tender. it takes the extra time to soothe the pads of its fingers against your burning cheek.
“you feeling okay?” san’s quiet tone, meant only for you, is enough to move you to near-tears. you crave his hug. the position you find yourself in only allows you to reach out and grasp at where his knee bends as he crouches down to your level. it’s all the same, san knows. san understands. his own hand lands on top of yours, messily threading digits.
“she’s literally stuffed with another man’s cum and you’re worried about her? well aren’t you just the sweetest.” a cheap remark from seonghwa.
san purposefully ignores it, and everything about the man, instead choosing to keep his focus on what matters.
“think you could make some room for me down there?” your nose wrinkles at his choice of words.
his giggle echoes.
“no, no, not... like that,” he guides you as he talks, grip moving to your shoulders and coaxing you up into a seating position. somewhere along the way, seonghwa’s hands leave you. he doesn’t stray too far, however, and your back soon collides against his chest. “here, pretty. want you to make space for me down here.”
within seconds, choi san’s back in his rightful place: splayed out beneath you, body fit snug between your parted legs and hair an unruly, sweated mess against his forehead.
no clothing sits between you both, blessing you with the mouthwatering drag of his cock through your folds. hard, and red, and leaking at the tip, a slight curve to the right, dribbling precum against his well-toned stomach. you’re biting your lip before you fully register your own thoughts, body a mind of its own as you grind down onto him.
control is limited and fleeting, that of which seonghwa reminds you without uttering so much as a word. instead, he clamps a harsh grip down on either side of your hips, rucks you up to where he needs you and guides you down onto san’s cock.
it’s thick, imposing and something that seonghwa blesses you no time to ease into things. instead, you’re slammed down, san buried to the hilt inside of you.
“hey there,” delicate fingers skim up the tense muscles in your thigh and find pleasure in delivering a teasing tickle to your sides. “come here often?”
the cheeky grin, the double entendre, the way san looks so goddamn proud of himself for saying it. you can’t help it, you wind up giggling uncontrollably.
wrong choice. bad idea. danger zone.
san contorts in pain, and lust, and something else you’ve never seen behind his eyes before, hissing through his teeth like some feral cat. his eyes match that of a feline too. “you trying to squeeze my dick off or something?”
you compose yourself upon the reminder of that san can feel you tensing around him, pull in a deep breath and find your voice again, at last. “or... something.”
maybe you’re a little out of breath. maybe you’re a little hoarse. it doesn’t seem to matter to the boy below, his only response being to cant his hips up and lick at the fire burning in your insides.
“you two are disgusting,” once again, park seonghwa wins gold in the nobody-asked-for-you-bum-ass-opinion olympics. let’s see if he’ll continue his winning streak and go for gold in the hypocrite-athon too!
the hands on your sides begin you guide you, with seonghwa squeezing his perfectly manicured nails into your plush skin and bouncing you down onto san. up, down, up and down, repeated strokes like the ones their hands deliver each time they breach the surface.
it’s easy, this pleasure. it’s a gift, hand-delivered by two god-like men that sandwich you between them- one a mass that fills you, the other a weight that controls you. liberating in every sense, you can’t help the way your head rolls back to find purchase on one of seonghwa’s shoulders, completely melting into the ways he winds you over san.
“shit, yes, you feel,” san’s no better than you, mouth agape and hands unsteady as they trace every inch of skin they can reach: the dimples of your back, the swell of your breasts, the hood of your clit. his hips are the only steady thing about him, not a falter in the way they grind up to kiss your dripping pussy with his cock. “so good. so warm, tight. love it.”
a hand curls round your front, travels up between your breast and over your sternum. it settled for a grip a round your throat, no pressure applied, it simply exists against your windpipe, a silent threat.
“look what you do to him, hmm,” a squeeze around your neck. seonghwa’s warm breath fans against your ear, taunting you. “look what you’re doing to them.”
through your glossed-over gaze, you trail your way past the sight of san and all his captivating beauty, settling instead on the equally erotic, not-at-all surprising image that stands just past where his head rests at the edge of the wooden bench.
a sweaty wooyoung, bent at the waist and whining up a storm, while a far more composed yunho pounds his hips into the boy’s arse.
your walls clench and san whimpers, a string of curses and pleads leaving him.
“think you’re finally ready for me?” the devil on your shoulder- at your back, more truly,- smirks into your skin, careless enough to not even feign it being anything but a rhetoric question. ready or not, park seonghwa is going to finally get his own fill of the thrill, his own satisfaction, beyond mere observation and controlling.
the spill of your own wetness slips down your thighs as san continues to fuck himself deep. it doesn’t travel far as seonghwa coats himself in you, wetting his fingers before they slip back inside your ass. a few generous, tempting pumps into your ring of muscles, fingers spreading a little further apart each time, till he decides that’s enough, he’s ready, you’re ready.
the unbuckling of a belt.
an unzipping of trousers.
trousers bunched down muscled thighs.
the first cut may be the deepest, but you highly doubt it’s as deep as seonghwa feels feeding his cock into your arse, stretching you apart to make way for him. a part of you feels like it can’t breathe, impaled on both these men who sit so deep inside you, you fear you’ll feel the ghost of their touch for weeks to come.
but what does it matter, really, when seonghwa pulls you back against him and whispers filth against your ear? 
this is all you’re good for. cock-drunk whore. gonna let us cum inside?
and san’s coaxing you down to trail his mouth over your chest, the tongue flicking over your nipple a terrible juxtapose to his crooning words?
taking it so well, baby. so tight, and perfect, and god. ‘s that what baby needs, huh, for me to touch her little clit?
the two men find a rhythm, a synchronised routine to how they pull and push you around. their thrusts ebb and flow, no moment existing where you sit empty. they treat your body like they treat the pool, swimming through your waves of pleasure and effortlessly advancing to the finishing line, the winning stroke. then, san’s hand meets your cheek and your thoughts are dragged underwater, muffling the sounds of everyone else- the shlickt sound that echoes with each inch of cock fucked into you, the high-pitched whimpers of a fucked out wooyoung, the slapping of skin against skin- as he pulls you in for a kiss.
it’s a hungry one, all teeth and tongue and swollen lips. you pull away more breathless than before and fighting back a big dopey grin, toes curling as the swell of one of their cocks hits a nice spot inside you, body too on fire to know just exactly where the new wave of heat is coming from.
“h-how d’you do it, hm?” it’s almost a whisper, something meant only for your ears, yet you hear him loud and clear, voice stuttering off in a mess of whines and moans. “still got that pretty-girl smile, even while getting fucked silly.”
it almost makes you shy, till you remember what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with. you settle for a quick, short answer. mostly because you fear you’re losing the ability to think in full-sentences, much less speak one out loud. “can multitask.”
like your own words are the key to pandora’s box, your eyes widen, and your mouth dries, and your heart reels as a new desire burrows itself somewhere between the parts of you owned by san and the parts owned by seonghwa. the desire makes room for more, for someone more, and, without much chance for second-thoughts or hesitation, you find what little stability you can manage with one hand pressing down onto san’s toned chest and reach forward with your free hand.
fingers, light as a feather, curl around wooyoung’s solid shaft. the man’s hips stutter at the unexpected contact, eyes flying open to glance down in time to watch you reach out your tongue, licking up the droplets of precum that threaten to spill from his mushroomed tip.
“please, god, please!” he’s beyond the point of sense, poor baby, struggling to keep up with yunho’s hips’ repeated slamming into his tight ass. so, you can’t really blame him or shame him for the way he hastily rips his hand through your hair, tugging your mouth as far down his cock as the angle allows.
a few hairs rip from your skull in his grip. you reward him with a pleasant hum, moans muffled with the mouth-full he’s providing you. 
“shit- look at that,” seonghwa pipes up from behind you, the motion of his hips never faulting or failing as he continues to take part in the filthiest three-way tango known to man, hands bouncing you down to meet each raise of san’s hips, plundering the other man’s cock deep, deep, deep, till he’s kissing your cervix and you’re seeing stars before your eyes. “should cup youngie’s- fucking christ- his balls, san, cup ‘em.”
you’re vaguely aware of his compliance, hand lifting off whatever part of you it was touching- your nipple, your hip, your jaw, it’s hard to tell when you feel like san’s everywhere, all over you, part of you- to graze the set of well-groomed spheres that threaten to slap your chin each time wooyoung thrusts forward.
barely two seconds, hardly any pressure against them, and the youngest of the four is nearly in tears, wailing and begging over broken whines that it’s too much, can’t take it, don’t stop.
there’s a ringing in your ear. because everything is becoming too much: wooyoung in your mouth, san rutting up into you and seonghwa’s hands clawing and pulling your body back into each of his overpowered thrusts. the boy in front of you is the first to fall apart, twitching in your mouth and, without a warning, choking you on the cum he shoots down your throat. a hand pulls you back, just enough to paint your face in the final drops released from wooyoung.
one of the other men is next, a string of curses and grunts filling the air. there’s a new stickiness between your legs, gooey white staining your skin. it’s all building up, and up, and up, until you topple over and are sent reeling into wave after wave of blinding pressure, toes cramping up and muscles spasming as you shoot off into another astral field, creaming around san and chocking seonghwa’s cock.
you don’t register the release of your hips nor the crash-down of your body. one moment, you’re pressed back against seonghwa, mouth dropped open in a silent scream for merciless pleasure, and the next you’re cradled in san’s warm embrace, a crooning tone to the way he hushes and calms you, unheard i got yous, and did so good for us, babys, and just let me hold yous falling on deaf ears.
for a moment in your own history, time ceases to exist.
there’s no ticking of the large clock on the wall, reminding you of how long ago your shift had ended. there’s no thoughts of your plant friend drying out in the staleness of your room, desperately awaiting you to revive it with some h2o. there’s no consequences awaiting your actions, no shame to be feared and leaving you unable to look any of the four swimmers in the eye ever again.
instead of being crashed against choi san’s body, a mixture of his, yours, and several other people’s bodily fluids serving as the adhesive that keeps you stuck together in your mess, you’re floating in space, not quite alive but not quite dead, just there. 
nerves tingling, body aching, mind switched off.
four, or five, or ten, maybe even fifteen minutes pass by the time you regain focus on your surroundings.
your name, whispered. it’s his voice that pulls you back, sweet and soft and oh so like the san you’re used to, the one that sends teasing winks your way when your eyes happen to meet his in class, and the one who has the prettiest notes you’ve ever seen, a colour-scheme for his every highlight and the cutest of doodles to go along with the topic on the paper.
the one who’s hand is currently brushing through your hair, fingers careful as they catch on the tangles near the split ends.
“hmm,” you swear you want to say his name, say more than that, but there’s an ache in your jaw that hinders you from even attempting, your voice-box likely having taken a beaten in the throws of your pleasured moans.
“you okay there?” he giggles over the end of the sentence, and you feel your slowing heartbeat stutter at the sound.
he feels you nod into the crook of his neck and lets his free hand find perch against your hip, moments before giving it a light squeeze. 
he’s warm, and pleasant, and soft.
and moving you both into an up-right position, hands splaying flat against your back and keeping you secure against him, your legs wrapping around his slender waist. you drift off again, between time and space, and come to at the first drop of water that lands on your back.
one drop, two drops, and then a downpour of heat crashing onto both of you.
you can tell from the colour of the pinkish tiles along the communal shower floor that you’re in the women’s changing room, and mentally note to thank him, even if he’s not aware, for bringing you somewhere you won’t have to shamefully stumble out of in the nude, your change of clothes safely tucked away within one of the lockers.
“i’m gonna put you down now, okay?” he speaks so gently that it overwhelms you, answering him only with an affirmative nod of your head.
neither of you speak while he lathers shampoo into your hair, nor when he’s dragging his soap covered hands over the cum that stains your skin, wiping it away and leaving nothing but suds where the liquid once was. he doesn’t speak while covering your eyes with his hands, blocking the sting of the shampoo. you don’t speak when you inch closer, head falling forward to rest against his chest.
when he does eventually speak again, both of your fingertips are wrinkled and bodies are clean, the water of the shower serving as nothing but a way to keep warm.
“you’re, uh, not” the echo of his voice in the empty lockers feels so much more intimate than how his cries sounded by the pool. “doing anything on wednesday, right?”
too lazy to move, you angle your face to stare up at him from his chest and take a moment to just stare, look at the way his hair is sticking to his forehead, at the way his eyes are back to being wide, at the way the marks you’d littered along his neck are becoming more prominent.
“how’d you know?” your question confirms his own, and a tenseness you’d not noticed melts off of his shoulders.
“wednesday is race day. you never work race days.”
it’s such an odd detail to have noticed, and it’s making you question everything you thought you knew about your relationship with san. do acquaintances remember each other’s schedules? do acquaintances bring each other soothing teas when they notice the other developing flu symptoms? do acquaintances waste time pulling faces at each other in lectures they should probably be paying attention to.
“i’m not taking part in the race this time, by choice. my grades are good enough, don’t need to worry about winning some championship to keep my education.” san is speaking unpromptly at this point, rambling in a way you’ve only seen him do when he’s nervous, or excited, or both. “it’s okay if you don’t want to, or you have better things to do or places to be! but, i was just thinking, maybe you’d wanna spend some time with me? there’s this medieval market down on main-street, it’s meant to be really cool, and i just think it would be even cooler to go with you? but, again, you don’t have to. forget it, actually, i’m being stupid and assuming you’re not doing something with your friends or your-”
the kiss you interrupt him with is far more innocent than the one you shared earlier, no hands rushing to touch and tongues desperate to taste, just two sets of lips moving as one.
you pull back and he chases after you, lips landing another peck before you’re grasping his cheek in your hold and forcing him back.
“i think you could have asked me to come help clean your apartment for you and i’d still say yes, just to spend my day with you,” you say, and he smiles as if on instinct, unable to stop it even if he tried.
“good, cause i already bought us two tickets and i really didn’t wanna have to go alone.” there’s drops of water dancing on his eyelashes, and laziness in his every movement, and you’re both still very much naked, but none of that seems to matter when he gives you another peck, like he’s awakened an addiction and your lips are now his favourite vice. “but, now that you mention it, my apartment could do with some cleaning. and i bet you’d look amazing in a maid outfit.”
a slap echoes in the showers.
“hey! don’t worry, i’ll be wearing a matching one!”
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minkiverse · 1 month
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Park Seonghwa - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
Next up we have the Captain himself!~ I feel like Joong is always written so interestingly because for one, he is part of the demon line but he is also a silly lil goof my shorty in blue 😩😩 Just so you know, I have not read many series for individual Ateez members (feel free to recommend any!!!), so most of these will be one-shots or drabbles. As always, I hope you enjoy and support these authors!!
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please review all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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Wanbelyn - @songmingisthighs ⛈️💗🍑 SMAU ✧ Dad!Hongjoong ✧ Doctor AU
expect to see this author on almost all the masterlists because their SMAU 🤌🤌🤌 like you couldn't pry my phone out of my hands when i'm reading these fics 😭😭 this one is the first i got to follow along with as they updated so i am emotionally attached to wanbelyn!joong, the mc, and kijoong MY BABY 😭😭
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This World - @hongism 🔥⛈️💗Outlaw AU ✧ Ateez Lore
The Captain's Favorite - @edenesth ⛈️💗 Pirate AU
Untitled - @sanspuppet 🔥
Ruin Me - @sxcret-garden 🔥
Untitled - @yourfatherlucifer 🔥
marigold - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥💗 College AU
Invisible Man Hongjoong - @justaaveragereader 🔥 Slasher AU
Morning Haze - @nateezfics 🔥
wetting your lips - @k-hotchoisan 🔥 Sugar Daddy AU
the shoe on the other foot - @bro-atz 🔥 Idol AU
tone - @puddingyun 🔥Idol AU
he's kinda hot - @ohmyamor 🔥⛈️💗 Demon AU
yours, mine, & everything in between - @sungbeam 💗
friends to lovers to strangers - @bro-atz 🔥⛈️ Composer AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 College AU
on me - @hongism ✨🔥
listen ok 😭😭 sub!joong is such a rare treat that i kinda lose it when i see it but this fic is just so well written and its sensual and intimate and how joong is written is just 😩😩😩
Pretty Pink - @nateezfics ✨🔥
the teasing 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the edging 🤤🤤 the overstim 😩😩😩 this is just really well written smut its so fucking hot you just need to read it!!!👏👏
a wild ride - @bombuni 🔥 College AU
13:00 - @kwanisms 🔥Idol AU
bla bla bla - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥⛈️ Idol AU
Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes - @last-words-ofashootingstar 🔥⛈️ Rockstar AU
I'm The One - @sorryimananti-romantic ⛈️💗 Royalty AU
you're my desire - @hongism 🔥
bonnie & clyde - @byuntrash101 🔥 Gang AU
duck curtains - @ichorai 💗 Roommate AU
Coachella Rut - @meltingmidas 🔥 Idol AU
Wings and Thorns - @k-hotchoisan 🔥Angels & Demons AU
deal - @hongism 🔥 Roommate AU
while you were sleeping - @seonghwaddict 💗 Producer AU
Mist - @hongthoven 🔥⛈️
boyfriend!texts - @lololololchips 🍑 Idol AU
Business Call - @nateezfics 🔥 CEO AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
féconder - @yeosgoa ✨🔥 Witch AU
listen okay there is few things hotter than sex potion/sex pollen/anything that makes them so fucking horny they can't think ok ok and this is just desperate joong fucking mc into oblivion its incredible 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
403 notes · View notes
sungbeam · 3 months
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nonidol!jeong yunho x f!reader
yunho might have been the superstar out of the two of you, but you have always been the center of his universe. (you — it's always been you.)
▷ genre, warnings. bffs2l, childhood friends 2 lovers, pining, popstar/singer au, swearing, fluff, humor, angst, hurt/comfort, kissing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of anxiety/nervousness, they physically cannot be apart for too long sorry they've got Attachment Issues low-key..., one kiss (is all it takes—)
▷ word count. 16.3k (guys,, this was supposed to be only like 6-8k i swear 😭)
▷ associated tunes. keep smiling (demxntia), gone too long (lullaboy), tear in my heart (twenty-one pilots)
a/n: hope u guys like this :'))) i had one of the scenes from here stuck in my brain for awhile and so i had to build the rest of the fic around it, and it turned into this monster, so uhm yes... also much love to @jaehunnyy tysm for reading thru it for me 💖
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THE DAY YUNHO'S ALBUM hit the Billboard Hot 100, you knew that you were going to need a lot more hands on deck than just you, your roommate, and Jeong Yunho himself.
“There's not enough albums, not enough time in the day, not enough of you!” You exclaimed with your fingers shoved into your hair as you took in the landscape of chaos before you on your living room floor. “Yunho, why couldn't you be ambidextrous?”
His eyes widened, body frozen where he was shoving a slice of beef jerky into his mouth. “Mwe? Pwhy are pyu yellinh ap mwe por?”
“I'm not yelling at you; I'm just wondering why you weren't born with eight arms instead of just two.” There were simply too many albums for him to sign before his agent came to pick them up in two hours, and there were also too few albums for the amount of demand. You always knew your best friend would make it big one day, but you also thought he would have had a whole team by that time.
Technically, you were his team—you, your roommate Trinity, and Mingi who was at his grandmother's for the long weekend. Mingi was five texts away from driving back down to help you guys four hours ago though. But his family needed him right now, and Yunho was firm in ensuring Mingi didn't have to come down and help. We got this, he'd said. It'll be easy, he also said.
Sure. Easy.
“We can't just forge his signature?” Trinity joked in a sleep-deprived daze as she leaned back against the couch cushions. Her mouth opened wide in a yawn. “I'm kidding. Let's not ruin his career.”
Yunho swallowed his bite. “That would be nice.” He cleaned his fingers on the Wet Wipe he had handy by his thigh, then picked up his black Sharpie, spinning the writing utensil between his fingers. “Now where were we? Album number fifty-six—?”
This had taken place just four months after Yunho released his second album, Aurora. It had been nearly a year and a half since Yunho debuted himself onto the music scene, and it was about time people finally began to recognize your best friend for all that he was—multi-talented, charismatic, handsome (on some occasions; you wouldn’t let him catch you slipping up there, though).
Within the next year and a half, Yunho skyrocketed into further altitudes of fame.
There were plenty of changes that occurred, many evolutions to Yunho's team and additions to his discography, but you were always a part of it. Even with your own career dealings, you would drop anything to be there for him, and him for you. Between the morning show interviews and late night recording sessions, there were also the research presentations and study session pick-me-ups.
“Are you sure you don't wanna come with?” You asked from where you were stationed in front of the bathroom mirror, putting on the final touches for your look this evening.
You could hear Trinity's fingers clacking away at her keyboard at the speed of light through her open bedroom door. “I'd love to, but I unfortunately did screw myself over by procrastinating on this paper. Have fun though, and tell Yunho congrats for me.”
Tonight was the album release party for Yunho's third full studio album entitled Youth. It was something he had been working on for years now, only recently having become satisfied with the tracks he chose and produced for it. Due to his sudden rise in fame, the release party was said to be hosting a myriad of big name celebrities and figures in the music industry. And of course, you. You were no one special, in hindsight, but Yunho couldn't begin to imagine celebrating a milestone without you by his side.
By eight o'clock, you were ready to head out.
You bid Trinity goodbye as you hustled out the front door of your apartment and down to the street below. Yunho and Mingi and everyone else would already be at the party; you would arrive on your own via Uber. You wished you could've been with him to get ready like all the other times, but your schedule had been unfortunate as of late. You were lucky enough to have gotten off of work this early.
As you sat in the backseat of your ride, you anxiously fidgeted with your phone in your lap.
(You were, without a doubt, excited to arrive at the party. Due to yours and Yunho's ever-busy and ever-conflicting schedules nowadays—yours because of work and PhD candidacy stuff, Yunho's because of rehearsals for his upcoming world tour—it had been awhile since you were able to hang out in person. You missed your gentle giant of a best friend.)
A loud vibration from it made your heart leap into your throat, and your face lit up in the dark with the incoming notification.
rockstar 🤟: pls tell me you've left the house
You snorted and typed out a swift reply. If I told you I was still in my pajamas…
rockstar 🤟: then i would call u a liar cuz u don't go to work in pjs, weirdo rockstar 🤟: just getting antsy tbh rockstar 🤟: need my star here w me :’)))
You couldn't help the touched pout that came to your face. I'm almost there, don't worry. And who are you calling a star when that's you? He always got a little sappy when he was nervous.
rockstar 🤟: im literally not having fun here without u hurry up :// your phone: isn't this UR album release party 😭 yun, why aren't u having fun? rockstar 🤟: just hurry up your phone: aish okok 🤧 eta 8min mr. impatient
You knew it was the jitters making him say things like that. Once you got there, you hoped you could help reassure him that he could stop worrying for just a second to enjoy himself. Even if Yunho worried about the album and what people thought, you were just as nervous. You hadn't even heard the entire thing—he’d been cheeky and didn't tell you he added a song to it last minute, but you'd listened to everything else.
You just hoped that people would continue to celebrate him and give him the love he deserved.
When your Uber driver pulled into the drop off loop at the front of the venue, you thanked him on your way out and threw the strap of your small purse over your shoulder. Already, however, as you were met with the residuals of flashing camera lenses and frantic paparazzi calls just a little ways down the driveway, the anxiety slowly began to settle in the pit of your stomach.
You could see the celebrities going up the entrance with people asking them to pose for their cameras, to say a word into their recorders.
Immediately, you turned on your heel and began slipping your way to a side entrance. The last thing you wanted was for dozens upon dozens of people to be staring at you, wondering who you were and why you were important. There were definitely people who knew you—you were plastered all over Yunho's social media because that was just what best friends did. But compared to everyone else walking up that driveway? Not a chance. You were nobody, and that was ay-okay to you.
Just as you thanked one of the employees coming out the side door for letting you in, you felt your phone buzz in your hand again, this time with an incoming call.
You picked it up and squeezed it between your ear and shoulder. “You're gonna need to speak up—the kitchen is super loud.”
“You're here finally!” Yunho said to you through the phone. “I was starting to get worried.”
You chuckled as you ducked out of the kitchen and into the main lobby to get to the elevators. The party was taking place somewhere on the seventh floor… if you could get there without getting lost. “Hey Yun, do me a favor?”
“Calm down, man.”
The elevator sang its arrival and you stepped inside to the sound of Yunho sucking in a deep breath, then exhaling slowly. “I am calm… wait, are you in the lobby? Let me come down and get y—”
“I just got in the elevator, so don't worry—and I really don't think you should be leaving your own party, rockstar,” you teased. “Man, Mingi and Hwa really pulled out all the stops for this place,” you marveled quietly as you gave the elevator carriage a thorough look. It was made of marble and mirrors, every surface polished and crisp, like that of a tailored suit if tailored suits were made of crystals.
“Yeah, it's really great,” he agreed. “Remember the release party we threw for Crescent?”
A fond laugh tumbled out of your lips as you stepped out of the elevator and onto the seventh floor. Your mind filled with memories of his debut album's release party hosted in yours and Trinity's living room with three extra large Domino's pizzas, root beer floats, and a cheap disco ball. It had been a party for four that night—you, Yunho, Mingi, and Trinity—but your friends didn't need the fancy shit to have fun. “Definitely leagues away from this.”
There was a bouncer at the far end of the hallway, and you were certain now that you were in the right place.
“I kind of miss it,” Yunho murmured. You heard the sound on his end shift, simultaneous to watching the doors in front of you crack open and see Yunho's head pop out into the empty hallway.
“I kind of miss it, too,” you said into the phone, your eyes locked on his and a smile blooming over your features at the sight of your best friend, in the flesh.
There was a tender gleam in his eyes as he took you in and said something in a low tone to the bouncer. He stepped out into the hallway, letting the doors behind him shut fully.
“Slowpoke,” was his greeting to you as he scooped you into his embrace. The smell of his cologne was something familiar and delicious, and permeated your senses.
“Worrywart,” you quipped back, wrapping your arms around him to reciprocate.
When you both pulled back, he kept you at arm's length so he could take a better look at you. “I can't believe you're calling me the worrywart! I do recall that one night when Aurora hit the Top 100—”
You silenced him with a look and a playful punch to his shoulder. You pressed your lips together to suppress a smile as he tilted his head back in a jovial laugh. “Quiet, you. For once, I can't believe you're more nervous than I am.”
He gave a sheepish grin, fussing with the unbuttoned collar of his dress shirt, adjusting the chain he wore on his collarbones so the clasp sat right at the hollow of his throat.
You softened. Oh, he was really nervous.
“This album's just big for me; you know that,” he said, almost like he was trying to brush it off.
“I do.” The two of you began slowly making your way back towards the party doors. “Though, I'm excited to hear this mystery song that you snuck on there. I'm sure everyone will fall in love with the album, just like I did.”
He peered over at you then, and you couldn't understand why you were unable to read his expression then. It was… different. “Really?”
You blinked. “Of course,” you replied automatically. “I mean,” you added, “it's you, Yun. What's not to love?”
Yunho seemed speechless for a second, but moments later, he was breaking into a soft-cornered smile. “You always know what to say, Yn. Come on, there are some people who are dying to meet you.”
“Dying to meet me?” You laughed as the bouncer let the two of you into the party.
The party room was a rented out lounge space with wraparound windows that looked out at the skyline in the valley below. The main lights were kept low and warm, illuminating strategic places throughout the space to highlight the prohibition-like interior design. It was something out of a 1920s speakeasy with its velvet couches and dark mahogany wood finishes.
Yunho took you over toward the side of the room to get food first. There was a variety of snacks and small bites on the buffet table, and there was a bar counter shoved into the far corner where a bartender served drinks.
“I've pretty much socialized with everyone in this room already,” Yunho murmured to you as he shoved his hands into his pockets and grinned. “Meaning I can bug you for the rest of the night.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “There has to be, like, fifty people here. We still have the whole party left.”
“Yeah, but I have more fun with you anyway,” he said with a shrug. He reached for one of the little serving cups that held a little roll of rice armed with a slice of wagyu beef on top, all wrapped together with a strip of nori. “Now these—these are fucking amazing, dude. You have to try one.”
You snorted, but grabbed one of the little cups. “How many of these have you eaten already, Yun?”
He tapped his cup against yours like he was clinking glasses together. He chuckled, averting his gaze. “We don't have to talk about that…” His eyes caught onto someone nearby, and he perked up, shoving the entire bite into his mouth so he had a free hand to flag down whoever it was. “Mmh!”
You nearly choked on your own bite as you watched your best friend, who's cheeks were stuffed like a chipmunk's, flap his arm around in the air to get this person's attention because his mouth was currently occupied.
You turned your head to see who he was waving over, and nearly choked again, having to cup your hand over your mouth to prevent rice from falling out. Your eyes widened an alarming amount. “Mmno—!” You mumbled through your bite.
“What? I can't hear you,” he snickered. “Hongjoong hyung! There's someone I want you to meet.”
You made a crazed gesture—no, no, I'm not ready! How dare you ambush me with social interac—you swallowed the food in your mouth as Hongjoong made his way over. You had never met the famed Kim Hongjoong—legendary producer, prodigy musician, favorite model to ever strut down the Paris Fashion Week Runway. He dropped off the grid for a brief three-month hiatus until he suddenly reappeared, but in your best friend's Instagram story. At some point, Yunho had met Hongjoong and won his favor. Then again, it was easy for Yunho to win over anyone's favor.
No one really knew why Hongjoong disappeared like he had, but some speculate it had something to do with his new relationship status: single.
You were always starstruck seeing Hongjoong on Yunho and Mingi's social media, as well as Hongjoong's own platforms. Tonight was no exception.
Hongjoong's hair of the season was a simple light brown that complimented his skin tone and the warmth in his smile. You were used to seeing him in more extravagant garb, but tonight, he chose something very simple, but chic like Yunho.
Yunho and Hongjoong clasped hands in greeting. “What's up, man?” The latter chirped, eyes flickering over to you as you attempted to behave normally.
Yunho gestured toward you, his eyes twinkling as he swept his arm around your shoulders to bring you forward. “This is Yn. Yn, this is Hongjoong. He's the one who produced the album—”
“Now, don't downplay your own efforts, Yunho,” Hongjoong cut in with a knowing look. “You produced so much of it on your own; I fine-tuned and made a couple tracks, but the rest was all you, man.”
“I always tell him he's far too humble,” you agreed.
Hongjoong sent you a smile, extending his hand out. “Great minds think alike, Yn. It's very nice to meet the person this guy doesn't ever stop talking about.”
You laughed good-naturedly and saw Yunho's flushed sheepishness out of the corner of your eye. You shook Hongjoong's hand with a firm, confident grip. “Nice to meet you, too. You're—you’re incredible, by the way. I remember when Yunho posted a photo with you, and I literally screamed his ear off over the phone.”
Yunho winced and held a hand up to his ear, as if remembering the physical sensation of that phone call. “Yup, definitely damaged my eardrum that day.”
“Well, thank you; I'm flattered,” Hongjoong replied pleasantly. “So I'm assuming you've probably heard as much of the album as I have then?”
“I'm sure you've heard the whole thing,” you said. “Yunho has withheld one of the tracks from me, but I've listened to all the rest.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Oh? Which track did—oh.” As he and Yunho made eye contact, you watched as a silent understanding passed between them, and Hongjoong's mouth tugged upward in a teasing smile. “That song.”
You blinked. “What does that mean?”
Hongjoong flourished his hand as if to wave away the thought. “He just wanted it to be perfect, so we were working on it up to the last second. Nothing terribly concerning.”
Ah. You relaxed, but the curiosity still lingered in your mind's eye. “I'm sure it's great, nonetheless.”
“Oh yeah, you're gonna love—”
“Oh-kay! That's enough about the song,” Yunho chuckled nervously as he grabbed your shoulders and began steering you away from a clearly amused Hongjoong. “Let's go say hi to Mingi, hm?”
You threw him a look from over your shoulder, but went along with him toward wherever he'd seen Mingi wandering around. “What has gotten into you tonight?” You teased, though, you also hoped to know why he was so jittery. He wasn't even this nervous about dropping his debut album.
Yunho showed you a bright smile, the same kind of golden-retriever expression that the media knew him well for. It would have been enough if you didn't know him. “Again, it's an important album to me. And the song I added last minute is on the deluxe version, so I wasn't really confident in putting it on the original release.”
“Ah,” you murmured. You reached up to pat the hand that rested on your left shoulder reassuringly. “I'm sure it really is a great song, Yun, and I'm not just saying that. You can make an awful omelet, but you can't make an awful song.”
Your best friend bursted into laughter at the latter comment, and your heart soared to see the genuine smile on his face now. That was your Yunho shining through. “You're right—if I can't scramble eggs, at least I can write a song.”
Over the next hour and a half, Yunho took you on a tour around the room, jumping from friend to friend to introduce you to more of his world. For the most part, however, it felt like an excuse for you to bond with all his friends in teasing him about something or other. But he seemed content enough to see you getting along well with the other people close to him.
He had met plenty of your friends at your work, so it was only fair that you got the same opportunity.
At some point while you were with Wooyoung and San discussing all of the rehearsals for Yunho's upcoming world tour, Hongjoong summoned everyone's attention to announce that it was time to listen to the album. It would be a rather casual affair with the Youth album playing in the background of the party, but you were certain people would minimize their conversations to listen in.
You craned your neck to peer around the crowd to see where Yunho had gone off to. “Wait, guys, did you see where Yunho went?”
Wooyoung and San joined your search, but quickly hustled you into a nearby booth to sit and enjoy the album with your drinks. “He'll find us,” Wooyoung assured you as the three of you slipped into the leather seats. “He wouldn't miss this.”
“He'll at least be here by the last song,” San said offhandedly, his eyebrows wagging up and down.
Your lips parted, your face morphing into feigned offense. “Wait. Did he let you guys listen to the deluxe edition song, too?”
“Maybe,” Wooyoung giggled.
San cooed at your pout. “Awwh, don't take it to heart, Yn-ie. It was supposed to be a surprise for you.”
You raised your drink to your lips, sighing before taking a sip. “Everybody talks about this damn song as if he wrote it for me.”
Unbeknownst to you, the two others at the table exchanged pointed looks between one another when you were looking away. It was a wonder how Yunho was able to keep this all a secret from you. Though, even San and Wooyoung knew how busy you could get nowadays, so perhaps it really was just that easy. Plus, they had all at one point or another been privy to Yunho’s feelings—
“Speak of the Devil,” you perked up at the sight of your best friend emerging from the crowd with the others—Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi, Jongho (vocal coach and album feature), and Yeosang (PR management)—in tow behind him. “We were wondering where you had gone off to.”
Yunho grinned as the lot of them squished into the circular seating arrangement with you, San, and Wooyoung. “Sorry, had to go round everyone up. The album should be queued up and ready to go.” He chose to sit on the end of the booth to your right while everyone else filled it up from the other side.
You offered him a sip of your drink, and he gladly took the glass from you. “So San and Woo were just telling me about how their tour prep is coming. You guys are leaving—what was it—two weeks from now?”
He hummed, smacking his lips as he set the glass back down on the table. “Yeah, it should be just about two weeks,” he said. His arm came up to rest against the back of the booth seat behind you. “You know, you can still come to the first stop with us…” This was said with a very pointed look at you from Yunho, followed by similar expressions from everyone else around the table.
“And you know that day’s when my supervisor holds quarterly meetings that are mandatory,” you shot back. As much as you hated the timing, the day that Yunho and the team planned to fly to their first stop on his world tour, you were required to be present for a very important meeting at work.
The Youth World Tour was something Yunho had been looking forward to and preparing for a long time. Besides working on the Youth album itself, his working hours extended over the past year or so to get ready for this major milestone. You would definitely be able to meet up with them at one of the tour stops, you just weren’t sure which one yet.
Things at your workplace were a little rocky as of late due to shifting management, but you would play it by ear. For your best friend, of course you would make it work somehow.
Your ears pricked up at the sound of strings strumming overhead and your heart leapt out of your ribcage for a moment. “Oh my god, I love this song.”
“You and me both, Yn,” Hongjoong chuckled across the table from you, reaching over so you could bump fists with him, “you’ve got good taste.”
“You’re only saying that because you wrote this one specifically,” Yunho sputtered out a laugh while rolling his eyes.
“It’s a good message,” you said, picking up your drink to take a generous gulp of it. There was a little left at the bottom of the martini glass and you swirled the liquid around before handing it over to Yunho to finish. “I think this one will definitely make it onto my work playlist.”
Yunho draped the back of his hand over his forehead, setting the now empty glass on the table. “Wow, relegated to the work playlist. Is that all I am to you?”
“You are a mood maker,” you pointed out with a teasing smile.
“Bro, you're complaining as if Yn doesn't put her work playlist on for everything she does.” Mingi arched his brows over the rims of his sunglasses. (Why was he wearing sunglasses indoors and at night? You didn't know; he said something about looking cool.)
Wooyoung chuckled. “What? So let's say you're trying to sleep—”
“Yah, I have a different playlist for that! I'm not completely unreasonable.”
“Completely,” Yunho and Mingi said at the same time, then looked at each other with wide, excited eyes. They bursted out laughing at once, too, leaving you to deadpan at the two clowns to your eleven o'clock and three o'clock.
You sighed. “I hate you guys.”
That only made them laugh louder, spurring on the others to crack smiles and for you to do the same.
Yunho calmed slightly, his cheeks hurting from smiling. “Aw, you walked right into that one, Yn.”
“So you're saying you are, in some capacity, unreasonable—oh my god, don't hurt me!” Mingi shrieked as he shoved Yeosang's body in front of him like a human shield as you lurched forward and threatened to grab him.
Yeosang sent Mingi a dirty look as he wrestled out of his neighbor's hold. “Dude.”
“Jongho, protect me.”
The vocal coach popped the olive from his martini into his mouth. “If you can't handle the heat, hyung, stay out of the kitchen.”
You nodded, raising your pointer finger up. “Exactly.”
For the next hour, you and your friends shared good company and conversation, while also commenting on, praising, and enjoying the tunes from Yunho's Youth album. There were a good thirteen songs featured on the album, and while most of them were inspired by real life, you remembered the days and nights when Yunho would break out the white board under his bed to draw out a concept map of the storyline he'd created in his head for some songs. It was like a miniature Easter egg hunt for fans to piece together from album to album.
When the clock hit nearly midnight, you recognized the song that marked the end of the conventional album—track number thirteen, 22. It was a song that reflected and lamented on his early stages of adulthood, all the goods and bads, all the hopes and dreams he had left. It was something that tied the regular album with a satisfying bow, but you were also giddy to hear the secret fourteenth deluxe track.
But as his ethereal voice from 22 faded out, the same guitar chords from the first song of the album began to play.
Everyone at the table paused in confusion.
“Uhh, I thought you were revealing the hidden track tonight, Yunho?” Seonghwa asked from across the table.
Yunho tilted his body out of the booth to peer into the sound booth at the very back of the lounge, a furrow in his brow. “I thought I was, too,” he said as he stood up. “I’ll be back in a sec.”
Before anyone else could say anything, Yunho disappeared past the door to the sound booth. You frowned as Hongjoong excused himself to catch up with him, mumbling something about helping with any technical difficulties.
In retrospect, it wouldn't be the biggest deal if you didn't get to hear the song tonight. You would simply listen to it when the deluxe album dropped in about a week, but you wouldn't deny that you were a little disappointed. Everyone else at this table had already listened to it—why had Yunho not shared it with you yet? Did he think you would judge him or not like it? You didn't think you were ever so harsh a critic, but that would explain why he was so nervous all night.
Regardless, you remained positive.
When Yunho and Hongjoong returned to the table, the rest of you all looked on to them expectantly.
“Something wacky is going on with the system right now and won't play the file for the hidden track,” Hongjoong huffed. He passed Yunho a sidelong glance, and you saw how Yunho avoided his friend's eyes like the plague. “Sorry to disappoint, Yn.”
Everyone's attention whipped toward you, and you straightened like a deer caught in headlights. “Oh, uhm, it's no biggie,” you said. You glanced over at Yunho who, if anything, seemed guilty. Or maybe it was just something apologetic. “Really—I can wait for it to drop officially.”
You didn't like how the air seemed to shift during this exchange, as if all the other boys were sitting on the edges of their seats, faces morphed into mixed ranges of confusion and disbelief.
You cleared your throat. “Anyone want more drinks?”
As the night waned and the party came to a close, you found yourself being helped into another Uber car to head home. After the supposed tech glitch, the remainder of the party passed by without a hitch. At the very end, Yunho popped open a theatrical bottle of champagne for all his guests to close out the celebration.
The backseat door closed just as Yunho ducked in with you, his hand waving out the window to San, Wooyoung, and Jongho passing by along the curb.
The alcohol had gradually made its way to your brain, and there was a light buzzing at the base of your skull that made you feel all warm and fuzzy. You yawned, leaning your head against Yunho's shoulder.
He chuckled, one of his hands coming up to gently pat your head. “Tired?”
“Mhm,” you hummed as your eyelids fluttered closed. “You didn't have to lie, y'know.”
You felt his shoulder tense under your cheek. If only you could feel the rapid beating in his chest, then he'd be as good as done.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” he replied innocently, nimble fingers running over the chain links of his wristwatch.
Your eyes cracked open slowly. “Yunho.”
A beat passed, then he sighed. “Are you mad?” He asked quietly and his hand nearest to you found yours as he began to mindlessly inspect the chipped nail polish on your fingertips.
“No, silly. Why would I be mad?” When he didn't respond right away, you let out an exhale of your own. “I mean, I could tell you were nervous about me listening to the song all night. And if you weren't ready for me to listen to it yet, then I totally get that, and I'm okay with waiting. I just would rather you tell me that instead of make Hongjoong lie for you.”
He stopped playing with your fingers. “I'm sorry, for the record. Thank you for understanding.”
You hummed in reply.
The drive continued on with the accompaniment of a random radio station playing on low volume. You weren't going to fall asleep just yet with the alcohol still working its way through your system, but you kept your eyes closed nonetheless.
“I missed you, you know?” Were his first words to break the next silence.
A small smile wormed its way onto your face. “I missed you, too. I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever.”
He chuckled, the low sound rumbling through his chest and into your ear. “Texting can only take us so far. Isn't that crazy? We can't even survive a week without hanging out, but we're… we're about to be separated for so much longer timewise and distance-wise.”
You grumbled. “Don't remind me—wait. Has it really only been a week?” You peeked one eye open, a frown coming to your lips. “No way.”
Yunho smiled, shaking his head. “Believe it or not, stargirl. It's been only a week.”
“You're telling me.”
“How are we going to survive?” You pondered aloud, genuinely. If you couldn't fly out to see him within the first handful of tour stops, you and Yunho at the soonest wouldn't be able to see each other for three weeks. And if you couldn't escape your work duties and your PhD responsibilities, then it would be longer than that. “You're gonna have a closer relationship with your Valorant account than me.”
Yunho snorted. “I already have a closer relationship with my Valorant account than you.”
“Shucks.” You breathed out. “Guess I'll just text Hongjoong then. You know what he told me tonight when we were exchanging numbers? All eight of you nerds have a group chat and he gets ignored like a mom in a family chatroom.”
Your comment made a laugh tumble out of Yunho's mouth. “Did he make that analogy?”
“No, Seonghwa did when he overheard.”
A wheeze. “That tracks.” Yunho licked his lips as he turned his head slightly to glance down at you leaning on his shoulder. With his free hand, he warmed his palm over your head like he could keep you here forever. “So what's this about texting Joong?”
You shifted your position to get more comfortable and clung to his arm to press yourself closer. There was still a little ways to go before you reached your apartment. “I told him offhandedly that I wanna pick up a new hobby… something about crocheting or something, and apparently that guy is like… amazing at everything, so he's gonna help me out.”
“Ah.” The sound was quiet. “I'm glad you guys got along.”
You smiled to yourself. “Me too. He's really cool.”
“Not cooler than me though, right?”
You blindly reached over to pat his chest in warm reassurance. “Don't worry, big guy. I guess you're still the coolest guy I know.”
He clicked his tongue at you with a weak chiding, “Yah. You only guess? Don't tell Mingi that.”
“Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.”
The Uber eventually pulled up along the curb outside your apartment complex. You lifted your head up from Yunho's shoulder and woke yourself up with a good stretch of your limbs.
He helped you out of the car, handing you your purse when you finally got your bearings. “Are you sure I can't walk you up? You look like your knees are about to buckle,” he chuckled.
You shook your head. The cool evening air was helping your brain to sober up. “No, no. Don't worry about it—I’m not as drunk as that one year.”
“Dear heart, how could I forget,” he teased. “Mingi still has the recording of when you begged to be bridal carried.”
Your face warmed at his mention of that memory and you wrinkled your nose at him. “I was gonna say ‘I love you’ along with goodnight, but I suppose not.”
Yunho froze. “What?”
Maybe you really weren't sobering up, because you didn't catch his strange reaction. “Nevermind,” you said flippantly. “Love you, Yun. Good night. Get home safe!”
He seemed to unfreeze, his lungs filling with breath again. A soft smile melted onto his pretty lips as he looked on toward you with a warm fondness. “Love you, too. Good night, Yn.”
He remained where he was outside the car door as he watched you dig your keys out from your purse and open the complex door. When you had one foot inside, you stopped, and turned back to him with a big grin on your face. “Hey!”
“Hey?” He laughed.
“I'm proud of you.”
For the thousandth time tonight, you made him lose his breath, his hold on reality. He swallowed—he wanted to kiss you. “I love you. Get some rest, stargirl.”
You waved to him in reply and he waved back. Then you disappeared through the door and left him there, his heart full and beating fast, the longing in his chest weighing heavier than before.
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When you and Yunho were thirteen, you spent the longest period of time away from each other for the rest of your lives. It measured to about one summer break long when Yunho flew to South Korea to spend the entire vacation there and you could do nothing but chat with him via good, old fashioned e-mail.
Now that the two of you were older, even a couple days dragged on like an eternity. And because of your clashing and stacked schedules, a couple days almost always bled into a week.
A week since the release of Youth marked the inevitable release of its deluxe edition and the ever mysterious fourteenth track.
“Yn, wait, can you just help me finish this set of primers?”
You were this close to escaping the lab before one of your colleagues caught you. Taking a deep breath, you resolved to turn back and help them out. One less thing to worry about later, right? You could still listen to the track once you got home.
Except you couldn't, at least not right away. You saw the email on the bus ride home:
Hello TAs! One of your peers has unfortunately been involved in a motorbike accident early this evening. We have been informed that they will recover to full health, but because they are hospitalized, we will need to redistribute responsibilities regarding grades and as to who will cover their TA sections…
You skimmed down the email's contents, knowing you wouldn't be the one filling in as an actual TA. Because you were a first year graduate student in your first quarter, you opted to start off with grading work for now. But even if you didn't have to deal with a whole section of undergraduates, you could feel the blood drain from your face.
“You've gotta be shitting me,” you said, then slapped your hand over your mouth once you realized you'd said that aloud. You mouthed a sheepish “sorry” to a parent and her child nearby, then ducked your head to look at the contents once more.
There was no way they wanted—no, needed—all of those graded by tonight.
This was cruel and unusual punishment, but you knew you were going to do it anyway.
By the time you finished grading, shoveled dinner into your mouth, and took a therapeutically scalding hot shower, it was sometime past two in the morning. Thank fuck it was Saturday.
It was less than twelve hours later that you settled into the passenger seat of Yunho's Lexus sedan with a pair of shades covering your dehydrated, puffy eyes from the world and whatever paparazzi was stalking his car. Yunho glanced over at you with barely concealed amusement. “Well, good morning, princess.”
“You can't see it but I'm glaring at you,” you grunted as you strapped yourself in with the seatbelt. “I can't believe you wake up before noon now.”
“Unfortunately,” he chuckled, peeling his car away from the curb. After an unsatisfactory six hours of sleep, Yunho had woken you up with the obnoxiously loud sound of your phone ringing. You managed to negotiate for him to pick you up in two hours rather than half an hour—and now here you were. You never truly considered yourself a breakfast person and you would have happily slept all the way to lunch, but even through the exhaustion, you wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see you.
He would be gone by the end of the week, after all.
You leaned your head back against the headrest. “I used to have to lure you out of bed with the smell of bacon. Remember when you ate that entire plate of raw-ass bacon and pancake batter that Mingi made?”
Yunho let out a loud laugh that made you smile. He glanced over at you. “Bro,” he sighed, shaking his head, “you know I'll eat anything. Oh my gosh, I will never forget the horrified look on your face when you came out of the bathroom and found out what happened.”
“You looked like a kicked puppy when I told you that you shouldn't have eaten raw bacon,” you snorted. You'd felt so awful that Yunho was such a good eater who didn't complain; he didn't have any negative side effects afterward, thankfully, but you swore to never let Mingi in the kitchen or to let Mingi feed Yunho ever again, so long as you lived.
There was a café a few minutes drive from your apartment complex that the two of you liked to go to. It was a little hole in the wall, located on the second floor above a pet shelter, and the entrance could only be accessed through the stairs in the next-door alleyway.
Yunho adjusted the beanie over his bangs and you shifted your sunglasses up to the top of your head as you entered the establishment. There were a few people seated in the area to the right, but something you liked about this place was its hidden gem quality. (And the drinks and food they served, of course.)
“Hi, welcome in!” The barista behind the counter called before ducking behind the espresso machine. “Give me two seconds, and I'll be right with you.”
“No worries, take your time,” Yunho chirped back as he scoured the menu, eyes squinting and tongue darting out to wet his lips.
You had a general idea of what you wanted already, and you let Yunho know what it was before slipping off into the restroom.
By the time you emerged from the back hallway where the washrooms were, Yunho had finished ordering and was standing by one of the open two-seater tables by the far window with the soft autumn sunlight painting over his features. For a second, you stood at the opening of the hallway, just admiring him. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep making you envision the sunlight dancing around him as he sat down in one of the seats.
Heat rushed up your neck as your eyes met across the café. Gazes locked, you stood frozen, but a smile bloomed on your best friend's face like the coming of spring. It was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen.
And then he made a face, cocking his head to the side like a puppy with a question. 'Why are you just standing there?’ He seemed to ask.
You shook yourself out of whatever strange daze you'd slipped into, then walked over to join him.
“You okay?” He asked as you took the seat across from him, a teasing lilt to his voice, yet there was still concern in the curve of his mouth.
You waved said concern away. “Yeah. I think I'm still waking up or something.”
“Ah,” he nodded in understanding. He frowned. “What time did you go to sleep last night?”
“Like… some time past two.” On cue, you let out a large yawn, lifting your sleeve up to cover your mouth. “It's okay. I'll just sleep early tonight or something. One of the other TAs got into an accident, so we just had to do some make-up work and I just happened to get home late as it was.”
You could already see the guilt manifest on his face for waking you up, and you were swift to add, “I'll be fine with food and coffee, so 's alright. What about you? How'd you sleep last night?”
“I slept decently,” he replied, leaning forward to rest his cheek against his fist. “I didn't end up dropping the deluxe album, so it was a little more restful than—”
Your brain took a second to catch up. The… the deluxe album… oh. Your eyes went from half-mast to wide open. “You—you didn't release the deluxe? Sorry, I was so busy yesterday that I didn't check my socials.”
“Don't worry about it,” he said with a sheepish smile. “But yeah, I told my manager that I still wasn't ready to release it to the public just yet. I don't know when I'll postpone it to, but it probably won't come out until while I'm on tour.”
Ah. There was that disappointment settling in the pit of your stomach again. This wasn't about you, but why did it seem like he was avoiding your eventual listening to this song? He was almost always sending you audio files without prompting, so what made this one different?
Nonetheless, it wasn't your song. You would respect Yunho's privacy if he wanted to keep this one to himself and his friends.
You unconsciously rubbed your arm. “Oh okay. Yeah, I mean—take your time, Yun. I'm glad you don't feel pressured to release it when you aren't ready.”
His expression softened to something tender that made your chest feel fuzzy. “You'll listen to it soon, I promise.”
The barista called out Yunho's order number, and your friend stood up to go retrieve it. You sighed as you fiddled with the sleeve of your shirt and peered over your shoulder as a pair of newcomers asked him for his autograph and a picture. You watched the pleasant smile spread on Yunho's face as he conversed with them as easy as breathing air, alongside the faint blush over his cheekbones.
No, you didn't know what had gotten into you this morning.
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“No, no. You have to loop it through this piece here—yeah, there you go.”
You were so concentrated on following Hongjoong's directions that you didn't even register the sound of Yunho's front door opening and closing. Hongjoong clicked his tongue and scooted closer so he could direct your hands and the crochet hook himself.
“Uhm… hey?”
Both yours and Hongjoong's heads whipped up at the sound of Yunho's confusion. He stood at the entrance to the living room area where, scattered all around you and Hongjoong, were clothes, toiletries, and other essentials laid out for Yunho to throw into his bags.
Tonight marked the evening before Yunho and the team were to set off on the Youth World Tour. Tomorrow, they would fly out sometime in the afternoon, which meant that you would have time to send them off before heading to work and class. However, because you hadn't seen Yunho since this past Saturday when he dragged your ass out of bed for breakfast, you invited yourself over to his apartment to oversee his packing. Hongjoong just so happened to be swinging by Yunho's apartment and you asked if he was up for an impromptu crocheting lesson.
Hongjoong arrived some time while Yunho ran out to the Chinese place down the block to grab dinner, and the two of you had been hunched over the ball of yarn and hook ever since.
“Oh, you're back!” You exclaimed. In your distracted state, Hongjoong took the opportunity to take the crochet piece from you and subtly fix the mistakes you made.
Yunho's brows creased, eyes darting from you to Hongjoong as he slowly placed the takeout bags on the semi-cleared coffee table. “Yeah… Joong, when did you get here?”
You leaned forward to help clear off the rest of the coffee table and to also assist in unpacking all of the takeout containers. Yunho shucked the baseball cap he was wearing off to the side, carding a hand through his dark locks.
“Like… seven minutes ago,” he replied cheekily. His mouth curled into something mischievous as he locked eyes with Yunho. “I can leave, though, if you wanted to be alone—”
“I'm messing with you,” he snickered as he handed you the yarn and hook. “I only came by to drop off the emergency backup files hard drive and to give Yn-ie a sneak peek of her crocheting lessons to come.”
(Yunho's eyes narrowed a millimeter. Yn-ie?)
You set the unfinished crochet square down on the couch to walk Hongjoong to the door. “Are we still on for tomorrow, by the way?”
“What's tomorrow?” Yunho twisted around where he was seated on the floor to watch you and Hongjoong make your way to the front door.
“You,” said Hongjoong with raised eyebrows at your best friend, “are going on a plane with everyone else. Because I'm not leaving until the day after tomorrow, Yn and I are bonding over lunch after we see you all off.”
You and Hongjoong finished up finalizing plans in the doorway, followed by amiable farewells. Yunho called out a “good night” to his friend as Hongjoong slipped out the door, and left you and him to the apartment by yourselves.
You claimed the spot on the floor next to him and accepted the pair of wooden chopsticks he extended to you. “I'm sorry if I wasn't supposed to invite him in. I probably should've asked,” you said sheepishly as you snapped the chopsticks apart.
“Oh, no, he's been over quite a few times, so it's all good,” he replied swiftly. “I just didn't expect you two to be so close.” He added a laugh at the end that sounded more nervous to him than it was supposed to.
“We've been texting back and forth, but I guess so. Nothing like the two of you,” you jested, lifting your eyebrows up and bumping your elbow against his.
Yunho grinned. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“You guys spend all that time together in the studio—WHA—NO! Keep those hands to yourself!” You shrieked, rolling out of the way to dodge his hands that threatened to tickle you into submission. Yunho had thrown his head back in a carefree laugh, a beautiful expression in itself, that had you reciprocating.
When you were sure he wasn't going to attack you (affectionately), you scooted back over to your original spot next to him. He smiled to himself at the sidelong glance you casted him, and he went and grabbed one carton of rice for himself and the other for you.
“Thank you for dinner, by the way,” you told him as you opened up your carton, his somehow already opened and spilling over with food.
You once again caught him with his mouth full, and Yunho swallowed the bite of food he had before replying. “Yeah, man. Of course.”
“I swear that I will definitely get the next meal we have—”
“Yn.” He touched the back of his hand against your arm to draw your attention to him. “You literally were the one to make sure I made it out of college alive, like, I can never thank you enough for how much you did for me then and continue to do for me now.”
You swallowed, suddenly blown back by the way he looked at you right now. “I did it because I care about you, Yun. It's not something I expect to be repaid for.”
“I know,” he said with a nod, lips pulled into a tender smile that made your stomach do flips. This was the look no one else got to see from him. Sure, he could fill stadiums of people who would see his big, bright grin that shone brighter than the sun, but… but this one, this smile, was yours. “That goes the same toward this meal, okay?”
Yunho notched his finger under your chin and tilted your head up slightly to meet his eyes. “Don't worry about it.”
You set your carton of rice and chopsticks on the table, he copied your movements, and you wrapped each other in your mutual embraces. The startling realization that you wouldn't see him for longer than a week from tomorrow onward rushed toward you like the coming of a tide to shore. Before you knew it, the water was up to your knees, and you—what were you going to do without him here?
“I miss you already,” you whispered.
You felt him squeeze you tighter, nose pressed against the side of your neck. “I won't be gone too long.” A promise.
“Thank god Seonghwa and Wooyoung can cook.” At the sound of his snort from above your head, you squawked out in your defense, “Who else is gonna make you bacon and pancakes in the morning when you’re dead tired?”
“Hey! I can fry bacon, I’ll have you know!”
You pulled away from him so he could see the look of pure disbelief on your face. “Okay, rockstar. I believe you.”
He scrunched his nose up at you. “That’s not very convincing.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
Yunho scoffed, reaching over to flick your nose. You let out a sound of indignation and rubbed your nose, a scowl on your face at Yunho’s very pleased expression. And even if you were currently conspiring on how to get back at him, you couldn’t help but resolve something right that second—you would do everything in your power to see his show in two weeks’ time—to see Yunho in two weeks’ time.
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The thing about cheap plane tickets was that the cheaper you bought them, the less “amenities” that it came with. The one you’d purchased specifically for two weeks in the future did not allow you a refund. This meant that if something were to arise, you would be a good several hundred dollars poorer, and your plans to surprise Yunho at his show would fall completely through the floor.
Good thing you weren’t about to let that happen, right? …Right?
“You’re sick.” Those were your roommate Trinity’s first words to you as you stumbled out of your bedroom and found her perched on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. She fixed you with an unimpressed look as she stirred around her morning coffee.
“I’m not—” Your own response was cut off by one very untimely cough into your elbow. You wrinkled your nose at the metallic taste at the back of your throat. Great. “—sick.”
“And I’m Oprah,” she deadpanned.
“You could be.” Did you really sound as much like a dying walrus as you thought you did? Holy shit.
She stood up from her stool, setting her coffee cup on the counter, then walked over to you to direct you back into your room. “I’m not permitting you exit from this apartment until you're better. Back to bed with you.”
“No buts! If you wanna still be able to fly by the end of this week, then you have to get better, Yn.”
You really, unfortunately, could not argue with that. Nearly a week and a half had passed since Yunho started touring. Opening night had been a massive success, as you’d seen the broadcast and read the reviews on social media. In the concert photos and videos slowly being released online, there was no doubt in your mind that Yunho belonged onstage. He was radiant as a diamond in each depiction of him, and he sounded better and better each night.
Suffice to say, you were beyond proud and happy for him.
In order to make your surprise successful, you informed Yunho’s team of your plans so they could help you get into the concert once you arrived. Your part consisted mainly of finishing all of your work ahead of schedule so you weren’t swamped when you got back. It was nearing the end of the term, meaning there was lots to grade and study, but when you had a goal, you were determined.
The only downside was that, between the long days and nights of work, your body couldn’t fight against the swift rush of early winter air that swept through the city in the past week. Your working hours stretched out longer and longer until your body just… gave up. Or at least, it was giving up.
After calling in sick to your workplace, you crashed back into bed for what you hoped to be a restful nap. Maybe when you woke up, this would all just turn out to be a 24-hour fever.
(It was not a 24-hour fever.)
You didn't even know what time it was when you woke up groggy and your head pounding like there was an active construction site taking place in your skull. Your bedroom was dark, and the world outside your window was also dark. The sound of your phone ringing drilled into your cranium, and you groaned as you felt around your mess of blankets and sheets for wherever that damned thing was—
“Hello?” You croaked into the receiver when you finally grabbed ahold of your phone.
There was a pause on the other end, and you were about to ask who it was when they responded. “Oh my god. You're sick.”
Your heart leapt into your throat at the sound of your best friend's voice and you shoved your face into the pillow. “I'm not sick.”
“Yn, sweetheart, you literally have the sexy sick voice.”
“You think I'm sexy?” You asked in a drowsy, unwell daze. “But anyways, I'm not—” You lifted your face into your elbow in time to practically hack out your lungs. You groaned. “Okay, maybe I am sick.”
Could things get any worse?
You could hear the frown in his voice. “You sound like my worst nightmare.”
“Am I sexy or your worst nightmare? You need to pick an adjective.” You whimpered as you struggled to pull yourself up into a sitting position.
“At least I know it did nothing to that attitude of yours,” he laughed. He sobered for a moment when he heard you groan as the blood rushed to your head. “Hey, do you have meds with you? I can order some and have them there in half an hour.”
You waved him off, even though he wouldn't be able to see. “No, it's okay. I should have taken an ibuprofen before I crashed. I'm sure we've got extra Nyquil around here somewhere…”
You attempted to stand up, a swear falling from your mouth as the vertigo hit you and sent you tumbling back down onto the edge of the bed.
“Yn, I'm sending you medicine—and dinner. That one bistro near your apartment is still open, right? I'll let Trinity know that deliveries are on the—Yn?”
You lifted your head and broke out of your return to unconsciousness. “Hm? Sorry… I did not hear anything you just said.” You rubbed your hand down your face and scooped your phone up to make your way out of your room. You somehow made it to the door, and you leaned against the doorjamb as you pushed out into the dark hallway. “You don't have to send anything, Yun. Trinity's studying for her law school finals, so I don't wanna bother her. Plus…”
You opened up the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and bit back a sigh of disappointment. No cold medicine. There was pain medication, at least, so that should hopefully help you fall asleep again.
At your lack of words, Yunho asked, “No medicine?”
“No, I have some medicine,” you countered. “Just—not the right ones.” Before you could swallow any pills, you hacked out another lung into your elbow; you swore your coughs were sounding worse and worse.
“You know what? I'm flying home—”
You slammed the pill bottle on the bathroom counter. “Don't—what? Yunho, do not fly home. It's literally just a little—” You coughed, “—cold. You have another show in two days. If you show up on my doorstep, I'm not opening the door.”
From the silence on his end, you knew he wasn't in total agreement with you. Maybe the bottle slamming was a little much, but his statement had surprised you. It didn't make sense for him to drop everything for you when you were experiencing something so trivial as a cold.
Not unkindly, you said to him, “I appreciate the concern, but you have bigger things to worry about and care about.”
“You will always be the most important thing I care about.”
His admission was so sincere that your heart gave a violent palpitation in your chest. You struggled to swallow, and it wasn't just because your throat was sore. “And I feel the same way about you,” you murmured, “but I can take care of myself, okay? I'll be back to normal in no time.”
You heard a sigh from his end. “I know; you're right. I just… wish I was there with you right now.”
You could understand that—it was how you felt. But some things couldn't be helped, and Yunho needed to be where he was and you needed to be where you were. You could hold down the fort while he was gone taking over the world by storm.
You closed the bathroom door to give an extra barrier between your voice and where Trinity was studying in her room. After knocking back a couple painkillers, you seated yourself on the floor with your back against the bathtub and your knees pulled up to your chest. “You know what's kind of ironic?” You coughed into your elbow and wrestled down another one bubbling up in your throat. You shouldn't have been speaking so much, but you could deal with the repercussions later. “I think I freaked out when you said you were going to fly home, not just because that's insane, but also because I was going to surprise you by flying out to your show in a couple days.”
He sucked in a breath. “You were gonna come surprise me?”
“Yeah,” you muttered, swiping at your nose and tucking your chin to your knees. Then you had to go and screw it all up, and you couldn't even get your money back. You pretty much accepted that you weren't going to be better by the time the day rolled around, especially not for travel. “I'm sorry I couldn't come see you.”
“No, don't be sorry!” He cooed. “I'm—I’m really sorry you're sick and I'm sad you couldn't make it, but… but think of it this way, hm? As soon as you get better, I'll fly you out to whatever city I'm in and we can hang out and you can come to the concert. All you have to do is get better for me.”
You didn't know if your schedule would allow after this setback, but you were going to remain optimistic. With a small glimmer of hope peering through your chest, you replied, “Okay.”
“Okay,” he said, and you could hear the fond smile in his voice.
“By the way,” you began, and had to clear your throat from how congested it was getting. Maybe some hot tea would do you good. You clambered to your feet to get out of this bathroom and do just that. “Was there a reason you called originally or was it just to say hi?”
A beat of hesitation passed between your question and his answer. “Ah…” There was a wince in his voice, “I, uhm, called because I wanted to know if you'd seen something online, but obviously you haven't 'cause you were asleep, but…”
Seen something online? Your movements with your electric kettle paused. Had someone posted something about Yunho? “What is it, Yun?” Who's ass did you need to beat?
“Seonghwa hyung found out that someone leaked the hidden track online a few hours ago.”
You leaned your cheek against your palm, eyebrows knitting together. “Shit, dude. I'm so sorry,” you said with a frown. That meant some rando on the internet had hacked into someone's files and leaked the song.
A sharp exhale from Yunho's end. “Yeah, I dunno. We're working on getting it taken down right now, but in the event it can't be done soon enough, I think I'm just gonna release the deluxe version in a couple hours.”
It seemed by his response that it wasn't the hacking that was his primary concern. Leaked, unreleased songs happened to every major artist in the industry, and it had most definitely happened to Yunho before this. But this time… this time felt different. You knew how hesitant he was to release this, and having the track get released to the public on terms that weren't his? Well, that just wasn't fair.
“You don't,” you said softly, reaching for a mug in the top cabinet to plop your tea bag into, “have to release it officially right now. You can still wait until you're comfortable.”
You heard sounds of shuffling on his end, followed by the sound of a door opening. You thought you heard Yeosang's voice as he murmured something to Yunho. The exchange was swift, but it reminded you that your time with your best friend here was limited.
“Do you need to go?” You asked, trying to cover up your hope that he didn't have to with nonchalance.
He hummed. “It's okay, I have a few minutes left. They want me to 'okay’ a couple things out on set, but that can wait. Uhm… as for what you said about releasing it—I,” he sighed, “I think this was the push I needed to finally drop it, y'know? I think either way I was going to be scared for—for people to hear it—for you to hear it. But uhm… yeah. That's all I wanted to say. I think it'll probably be released whenever you wake up.”
You poured the hot water of your tea bag, setting the kettle down gently. Letting the steam rise up to help clear your congestion, you could finally think a little clearer now. “I'm sorry this didn't happen on your terms.”
“I appreciate that. I hope you like the song—I… I really hope you like the song.”
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. “I'm going to like the song, rockstar. You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”
He let out a small laugh and the sound of his happiness, however big or small, made your chest feel heavy. “I’ve missed you so much,” he rasped out. “So much.”
You pressed your forehead to your fist, willing the prickling feeling of tears at bay. “I wish I was there—I’ve wished I was there with you the moment you left. But I'm so, so proud of you. I know I've said this before, but you belong on that stage, Yunho. I'll be there… I'm always there in spirit.”
“You can't say that and expect me not to fly my ass home right now.”
You sputtered out a laugh, which was probably a bad idea, because it led to an utter disaster of a coughing fit. When you finally managed to get a reign on things, you picked up your mug of tea and took a couple ginger sips. It was still piping hot, but whatever scalding temperature it was at somehow soothed your throat and your head.
You set the cup down. “Again, I'll be there in no time, I promise.”
“You swear on your life?”
You sighed, but you pressed your lips into a smile. “I swear on my life.”
Yunho's departure from this call was imminent, and so you made further promises to get plenty of rest and to take care of yourself. You only did so when he promised to do the same for himself. Just after you both hung up, you received a text message from him: Stay up for five more minutes!! The delivery's almost there.
You huffed out a rough-sounding laugh, and bit your tongue around a smile. Of course he had still ordered you stuff. You shook your head to settle on one of the kitchen stools to nurse your tea and wait for the delivery to get here.
When the driver was safely out of bounds of your door, you poked your head out into the hallway to grab the paper bags seated on your doorstep. You had only expected medicine and maybe dinner, but not only were there cold medicines, orange juice, and hot soup from the bistro down the street, but there was a bouquet of flowers there, too.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you pulled everything into the safety of your apartment. Damn Jeong Yunho and his gestures. It didn't mean anything—they were just Get Well Soon flowers, but why did you kind of wish they were more than that?
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The Youth album's fourteenth track entitled your space hit the charts at number two. By the time you woke up, still sick as hell, the track had been officially released for about eight hours. You rolled over in bed to guzzle down half a bottle of water and cold medicine, then grabbed your phone.
It seemed that social media blew up while you were asleep. The deluxe drop was trending under a couple different tags, and based on initial skims, you were happy to report that most had everything good to say about it.
Though, some of the commentary made you pause. He has to be seeing someone, said one user. Look at these lyrics. These could only be produced by a man in love.
You had to swipe out of the app at that point. Instead, you went over to yours, Yunho's, and Mingi's group chat together where Mingi and Yunho had waged a meme war while you were asleep after Mingi wished you a “Get Better Soon” message. You sent back your own meme in response and opened your music streaming app to find track fourteen.
The boys would probably all be asleep by now, so they wouldn't respond any time soon.
You found your space exactly where you thought it would be, at the very bottom of the deluxe album. You sat yourself up against your headboard, plugged your earbuds in, then hit play.
If only you knew how much it would rock your world.
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Hongjoong was never wrong about his hunches. It had been about a week and a half since you came down with an awful cold and couldn't make it to your intended surprise show, and slightly less than that since the deluxe album dropped. Even before the tour started, life was a whirlwind, but now that the tour was only ramping up further from this point, it had been nothing short of a total rush.
Different cities every week, at least two nights a city—all of it took a toll on both the staff and artist involved. Hongjoong's hunch, however, regarded the artist in particular as he watched said artist keep his smile up to say goodnight to the remainder of the stadium workers who lingered for cleanup. Yesterday was their last show date in this city, and today, Yunho and his team had come by to help load everything up for transport to their next destination. Tomorrow, they would fly out and be in the next city to begin preparing for the next round.
But as Yunho began making his way toward the exit where Hongjoong was waiting for him, it was impossible to miss the immediate exhaustion that flooded his features. He carded a hand through his hair as he checked his phone, then pocketed it in the back pocket of his pants.
“Hey,” Yunho nodded to Hongjoong as he met him at the exit and they both walked out into the chilly evening together. There was already a car waiting at the curb to take them back to their hotel—there was still so much that needed to be done before they left for the airport tomorrow.
“Hey,” he said back. “Everything okay?”
Yunho glanced over at him. “Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine; just tired. I think it's a good thing I started packing before we came here earlier,” he mused. For him to pack early? A miracle.
Hongjoong bobbed his head in understanding. “Yeah, I get that, but that's not really—you know you can be honest with me, right? I know this has all been… a lot.” And Hongjoong would understand; he had been in the public eye for so long now, and all of that could be so incredibly draining. From catering to fans and journalists and sponsors, it could be difficult finding himself amongst all that mess.
Plus, Yunho had the added bit of being away from home for a very long time. From what Hongjoong understood, Yunho only used to tour relatively close to home, and when it was farther, it was during his school breaks. He also knew that you were an integral part of Yunho's sanity, and that even before he reached this level of fame, you were his rock, his anchor, his ground control.
Being away from you for so long was beginning to show. When Hongjoong brought it up offhandedly to Mingi, Mingi was swift to agree.
“I—” Yunho began as he slipped into the passenger seat and Hongjoong into the back of the car. He murmured a soft greeting to the driver before strapping himself in with a seatbelt. “—it definitely has been hard,” he admitted with a sigh. “I don't know, Joong. You know that rush you get while onstage, but it just comes crashing down a couple hours later? Like the adrenaline leaves you all at once and all you crave for is home?”
Hongjoong pursed his lips, watching Yunho lean the side of his head against the window as he watched the world pass by. “Yeah, I do,” he said quietly. “The moments between all the rush and excitement, you're no longer distracted from how much it all is.”
A nod. “Yeah.”
“You miss her?” It was less of a question and more so a statement. Hongjoong's hunches were never incorrect. It was both a blessing and a curse.
Yunho's quiet was answer enough.
Hongjoong played around with the back of his phone case. He knew you had listened to the song—he’d asked Yunho and you'd texted Hongjoong, too. Yunho reported that you gushed about the song and affirmed him in all his choices and lyricism as always, but he was certain that you didn't get it. But when you had run to Hongjoong questioning your own feelings and if Yunho had been scared to tell you if he was in love with someone, Hongjoong could confidently say that you did get it, just not one hundred percent.
There was still miscommunication in the message, but he knew that was only something that the two of you could sort out.
“Have you guys talked since last week?”
“Yeah, we have. She's been…” He pushed a breath out of his mouth, “... She's been working her ass off trying to make up for the amount of time she was sick. I don't even know how she isn't getting sick again. I mean—all the shit she has to weather through—I wish I could help.”
And he couldn't, not like how he wanted to, not from so far away. Maybe that was what was eating him up inside the most, besides the fact he believed his feelings to be unrequited.
The car pulled up to the back entrance of the hotel Yunho and his team were staying at for the time being. The two of them thanked the driver on their way out, and they were swiftly greeted by employees coming out of the back for their breaks.
When they reached the warmth of their hotel floor's hallway, Yunho said to Hongjoong, “I miss her so much.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his Youth World Tour hoodie, eyes lined in silver. “I worry about her so much, too. I'm sure she worries just as much about me and I know that she's more than capable about taking care of herself—’cause god, she was the one who kept me afloat all these years, and I—”
I love her.
He slapped his key card against the reader and shoved into his hotel room with Hongjoong trailing after with a sympathetic frown on his face.
“It just feels wrong sometimes when I can't be with her. Is that crazy?”
Hongjoong settled a warm hand on Yunho's shoulder as the latter sat down on the edge of his bed. “It's not crazy,” he said. He'd felt like that about a person, once upon a time. After everything Hongjoong had gone through with his last relationship, one might think he didn't believe in love, but he was still clawing for it. He wanted something that he could see manifesting between you and Yunho. He wanted to help you reach that.
He sighed and sat down next to him. “It's completely valid to feel this way, y'know? She's been a huge part of your life and your passions, and for you to see all this without her seems incomplete.”
Yunho nodded. “Yeah.”
“You can go home whenever you want, you realize that?” Hongjoong asked. “We have time built into each week to give you rest days, man. We can make that work.” It might be a little tiring for so much travel, but one trip back wouldn't hurt, especially when it could help his mental state more than simply powering through.
“I know,” he replied. “I don't… I just feel like I want her to see that I can do this, that she didn't put her trust and energy into someone who would fall so fast—”
“Do you seriously believe she would think about you that way?”
Yunho's expression shuddered, and he let out a shaky breath as he shook his head.
Hongjoong arched his brow. “Exactly. She would never fault you for needing a break. Being human is not a sign of weakness, Yunho. She's your best friend—I think she has more forgiveness and compassion for you than that.”
Yunho swallowed. Of course what Hongjoong said was right. You wouldn't look at him any different if he needed a break; it was just a thing about being kinder to himself. But sometimes it was hard to put that into perspective, and perhaps he just needed someone to do that for him.
With no good choice made without a decent night of sleep, Hongjoong bid Yunho goodnight.
As soon as Hongjoong slipped out of his friend's room, he sighed and mentally calculated what time it would be where you were. You should have been awake.
And awake, you definitely were.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't been listening to the song your space on repeat for the past week and a half. Even as you sat in one of the campus dining halls doing work and eating your crappy sandwich for lunch, your headphones were spilling with your best friend's gorgeous croons.
You questioned everything at the same time. You'd figured out two days after you first heard it that you were in love with your best friend.
The lyrics had resonated with you, and you had come to the startling conclusion that you felt the song's meaning toward Yunho.
All you could do since was freak the fuck out and tell Yunho that the song was incredible. You didn't know who the song was for or about, but you knew it was important to him because of how scared he was to release it. Had he been scared to tell you he was in love with someone? Why?
Sometimes you found yourself tearing apart the lyrics like a rabid trash panda.
I couldn't ever leave you behind They couldn't ever take me away Baby, if I could pick a heaven on Earth It would be anywhere in your space.
You broke away from your work and sandwich to the sound of a text notification. Suddenly remembering how loud your vibration ringer was, you silenced it, then opened up Hongjoong's message: I know you're probably moping and eating a shitty sandwich—what. You glanced down at said shitty sandwich that sat in its equally sad plastic container. How did he know…? —and he's not doing well either. He's miserable, dude.
Everything slowed for you, and it was no longer about your so-called epiphany. You felt your entire body and mood drop at the news. You'd seen social media posts commenting on Yunho's stage presence and brightness never fading, but there were always the one or two who noted something along the lines of him seeming too tired or that perhaps he didn't have enough stamina for this.
The latter comments made your blood pressure spike, but there was, unfortunately, some truth to it. You just didn't think it was this bad.
You pressed the backs of your knuckles against your eyes. You hadn't been doing the best, clearly, and you knew that it was largely because you missed him. Being away from someone you considered home for so long meant that you were bound to get homesick.
You didn't know what to do. There was so much work to be done, and you had just caught up. On top of that, you were short a few hundred dollars from the last time you tried to fly out.
Another message buzzed in from Hongjoong: I think you guys really need to talk.
The organ in your chest rattled around in its cage; it longed to be with its partner. You were starting to understand that now.
The song playing in your ear was slowly petering out, and all you could hear was his voice.
And I've kinda been wanting to ask if we can Skip the 'why’ and get to the 'our’ Because baby, I love your space But I love ours more.
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Yunho had not flown home that week. Some emergencies had sprung up as soon as they landed in their new city, and all bets were off to be able to go home. All that he could do was buckle down and get comfortable. Even so, he knew how to make the best out of a situation.
As he stood at the very center of the main stage, he held a hand up to shield his eyes from the bright spotlights shining down on him now.
“Is that better?” Hongjoong's voice echoed throughout the near-empty stadium.
From one of the balconies, Jongho cupped his hands up around his mouth to scream at the top of his lungs, “LOOKS GOOD, HYUNG!”
“Jongho,” Yunho chuckled into his microphone, “did someone not get you a headset, bro?”
A beat passed, and then, “NO.”
Mildly amused laughter cropped up around the stadium in reaction to the youngest's troubles. It was little moments like these where Yunho could forget for one second just how tiring all of this amounted to become. His smile was genuine, and his tongue darted out to trace his teeth—
“Jeong Yunho, put your damn tongue away.”
Yunho's eyes went as wide as saucers, his expression morphing into something like childlike surprise as he immediately retracted his tongue into his mouth. But in the split second it took his brain to process the words that had been said, he also recognized the voice who'd said them. From the big screen, any one of the staff members or you could see the way his face stretched into the widest grin possible, his eyes lighting up like spotlights.
He lifted the mic in his hand up to his lips as he tilted his eyes up to the sound and lighting box far up in the stands. From where he was onstage, he could just make out the shape of you in the box next to Hongjoong—the sneaky bastard. “Ln Yn, get your ass down here right now,” he said, hardly able to contain the excitement in his voice.
You didn't need to be told twice.
You raced down the stadium steps from the box, your legs carrying you as fast as humanly possible without falling. Yunho leapt off the stage and left his microphone behind to meet you in the middle.
Somewhere between the pit and mezzanine, you flew into his arms and he caught you, spinning you around. The glee on both of your faces was enough to make everyone stop and appreciate the tangible love before them. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you pursed your lips to subdue them. You squeezed him as tight as you possibly could; his arms held you firmly around your waist, head tucked into the joint between your neck and shoulder.
“You're here,” he croaked with tears in his voice now. You heard him sniffle, and only held him tighter. He felt the added strength and let out a sob. “I missed you so much.”
Oh, for fuck's sake—you started bawling like a baby. “I—” you sucked in a breath, “—I heard—so I booked a flight—”
This only caused his body to tremble harder. “Oh god… Yn… I…”
You sniffled and brushed your hand over the back of his head in an attempt to get both of you to calm down. “Hey, don't worry about it, okay? It doesn't matter; you know I'd drop everything for you.” When his only response was to press his wet eyes against the heat of your neck, you blinked away your tears. “Plus, I missed you, too, rockstar.”
Yunho let out a watery laugh, gently setting you down onto solid ground. You both looked like a hot mess and a half: snot dripping out of your noses, eyes red and drowned in salty tears. The adrenaline rush from the surprise had trickled out of your system, but your heartbeat continued to rattle around in your chest with reckless abandon. His messy, damp hair; the wobbly shine in his dark brown irises; the way he smiled at you with that something on his face… he was everything to you.
“Glad to know the feeling's mutual,” he said, nudging you with his elbow, then pawing at his eyes to wipe the tears away.
“Good to see you, Yn!” San piped up from the stage with his microphone. He had picked up Yunho's microphone from where he'd abandoned it to come meet you.
You laughed, lifting a hand up in a wave. “Hey, San! Hi everyone!”
Chimes of greetings from all the other boys and staff members cropped up from all around the arena.
Yunho brushed a hand through his hair and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Did all you fuckers know about this?”
Mingi was perched on the ledge of the stage. His grin seemed to be the widest after watching your reunion. He tugged the microphone attached to his earpiece closer to his mouth. “Don't tell us you're not grateful now.”
“Nah, I'm just surprised Wooyoung was able to keep his mouth shut.”
Wooyoung didn't need a microphone to let you all know of his offense. You could hear his squawk of disapproval all the way from where you stood—crazy how acoustics worked.
Yunho heard your laugh from beside him, and he glanced over at you to catch the fond look on your face. He hadn't stopped smiling for the past five minutes, and it didn't matter how much his cheeks hurt. You were here; that was all that mattered.
“This place is—” you marveled as the two of you began walking down the stairs together toward the stage. The backs of your hands brushed against one another, breaths away from touching, from lacing, from being together. “—huge. It's so much more—” You felt your lip wobble again, “I don't even know why I'm getting emotional. It's all you dreamed of as a kid, wasn't it?”
The tears pricked at the edges of his eyes again, and the two of you looked back at each other with equally wet eyes and bright smiles. “Yeah,” he nodded, swiping at his eyes.
“You deserve it.”
“All thanks to you,” he said with a sniffle, hugging you to him again. You were solid and real beneath his fingertips—he was so happy you were here. This was where you belonged; none of this felt right without you.
When you finally reached the bottom of the pit, Yunho had to run back up to the stage, and you went through the aisles until you found your perfect seat. It wasn't long before Mingi bounded up the steps to come join you. He brought you in for a long awaited hug of his own.
“What's good, Yn?” He asked with a soft chuckle as he pulled away and settled in the seat to your left.
Just ahead, Yunho appeared onstage with his microphone in hand, and the two of you lifted your hands in sync to wave to your best friend.
You adjusted your bag in your lap, and clasped a hand on Mingi's shoulder. “This is surreal. Does it feel surreal?”
Mingi's lips pulled into a smile as nostalgia made his vision cloudy. “It does, every single time. I'm glad you're finally here—we’re all very happy that you're here now.”
You bumped your head against his shoulder and let it rest there for a moment, and his hand came up to gently pat your head to tell you he understood. You didn't need to say anything.
For the next hour and a half, you and Mingi got to watch Yunho and everyone else run through the last of the day's lighting checks. Periodically, someone else from Yunho's personal team would come and sit with the two of you, then leave quickly when they had something else on their to-do list.
At last, when the session wrapped up and everyone was sent to go home for an early night, you rushed down to meet with Yunho again.
He waited for you to be at his side before leading you down toward backstage. “There's a couple things I need to grab in my dressing room before we can head back to the hotel.” A thought suddenly interrupted his thoughts and his eyes widened. “Do you have accommodations? Please tell me you do.”
“Don't worry—I promise I'm not sleeping on the streets,” you teased. You'd figured all of that out pretty last minute with Hongjoong and Mingi's help.
Yunho nodded, a smile coming to his face. “Okay, good. I was gonna offer my room and I could sleep on the pullout couch.”
The thought of sleeping in the same room as him made your skin warm, and if you hadn't realized your feelings for him before, you would be confused as to why you were so flustered at the thought now. It wouldn't be the first time you had a sleepover. But this would be… different. Oh lord.
The backstage hallways were scarce and dimly lit in order to save energy, but it was enough to guide you and Yunho's way to the star dressing room. You swallowed as you reached the door—the facade plastered with a pretty, gold star with his name on it—and followed him inside.
“Hey, Yun?” You asked him as you lingered by the door and he rushed around to grab his things. The room was decently spacious, and definitely larger than all the other ones from his past tours.
“Could we… talk about something?”
He glanced back over his shoulder as he threw things into his bag. “Yeah, ‘course.”
You toed at the polished ground, fingers twisting and wringing in front of you. “It’s about the song. The, uhm, the your space one.”
His movements paused. He looked up and connected gazes with you through the vanity mirror in front of him. Yunho cleared his throat and ducked his head to zip up his bag. “What—what about it?” He asked, shouldering his bag and meeting you back at the door.
He seemed unable to look you in the eyes directly now as he closed the door behind the both of you as you stepped out into the empty hallway.
“I just,” you stammered. Blood rushed up to your face and you could hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears. “I needed to know—I didn’t need to know—it’s your life and your song, and you have every right to have feelings for someone without me knowing. And I think I’m asking this for selfish reasons, but… are you seeing someone?”
The question caught him off guard, his eyes blowing wide open. “Wh—no. No, I am not seeing anyone. Why do you ask?”
“The song—I know I shouldn’t be indulging in what people on the internet say, much less in the opinions of those who don’t even know you, but I couldn’t help but agree with them when they say the lyrics, the—the feeling of the song—you’re in love, and I—” Your breath caught in your throat as you choked on the words lodged there: And I am in love with you.
Yunho pushed an exhale out of his mouth and stepped toward you. So much shone in his eyes right then, and it didn’t matter how much light there was in this damn hallway, his eyes would always glitter like twin diamonds. “I am in love with someone. Yn, I’m in love with you,” he said. “I thought that the song would make it obvious, which is why I was so scared for you to hear it, but I realize now that this was just something I should have said outright.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest and it wasn’t from the nerves anymore. God, your knees felt like buckling from the force of the tenderness in his eyes alone. “You’re—you’re in love with me?”
“I am,” he nodded. He slowly reached for your hands and clasped them within his own. “I’ve been in love with you since that day you ran out of Science Olympiad practice to come to my audition; I’ve been in love with you from the moment you yelled at me for not being ambidextrous and I had beef jerky in my mouth—”
“I did not yell at you!”
He broke out into a cheeky, yet fond grin, his hand coming up to cup the side of your face with his hand. “I’ve been in love with you for so long that I can’t imagine what life was like before I was in love with you—and yes, you did yell, but you can yell at me as much as you like, and I would still be head-over-heels for you.”
Your lip curled in on itself at all of his words, at everything he was revealing to you now. You wished you had known—oh, god, you wish you had known. You didn’t know if things would have been different, but for some reason, you had a feeling that all paths might have led here nonetheless.
You squeezed his hand between your own now. “You’re everything to me, Jeong Yunho,” you rasped out, unable to put strength behind your voice for fear of all of the emotion about to spill out. “And I’m so stupid for taking so long to figure it all out, but I’m in love with you, too, and I’d be damned if I let another day pass without you knowing that.”
Something washed over him in that moment, and he laughed, leaning over to cup the back of your neck and rest his forehead against your own. It was ridiculous, the fact that both of you were giggling and smiling at such a precipice of emotion, but it felt right.
You could feel the warmth of his breath against your lips as he murmured, “Fuck, I wanna kiss you so bad.”
“Then come kiss me, rockstar,” you said, looping your arms around his neck. You drew him down to your mouth and felt his body mold against your own. Every crevice and curve slotted so perfectly with one another, and the heavy longing in your chest slowly eased.
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“You guys have been incredible for me tonight—” Yunho beamed as he walked toward the front, center stage and looped the electric guitar strap over his head to the sound of the roaring crowd, “—so I've got a little surprise for you.”
One of the staff members had set out a mic stand and bottle water for him, and he approached both items to fit the microphone into place. Tonight was the Friday night concert being held in this city, and the energy was dialed to one thousand in all the best ways.
He held onto the microphone with one hand. “This song is dedicated to—written for—my best friend in the world, the love of my life, my stargirl. I'm sure you know it—you crazies debuted it at number two on the charts—this is your space.”
His smile tugged up wider at the reaction he received. If anyone in the crowd didn't know the song, they were about to fall in love.
Yunho laughed, shaking his head, as he began checking to make sure his guitar was tuned with practiced, nimble fingers. “Oh, by the way—” he pointed up at the accessory he wore, the crocheted headband holding his hair up and out of his face, with a row of stars across its band, “—she made this for me. Isn't it cute?”
The stadium echoed in choruses of “aw” and cheers.
He could only duck his head with a smile, eyes twinkling with fondness and tenderness at the thought of you. You were in the crowd, but you could be up here with him in spirit. “Yeah, that was me, too.”
After you and Yunho left the stadium yesterday, hands intertwined and a new page in your relationship turned, you’d gone back to his hotel to share a restful evening in one another’s presences. You revealed later that night that you spent the four or five days you were bedridden practicing your crocheting skills until you were able to make him a headband. A row of three stars studded the length of it—stars for your rockstar.
Yunho struck his fingers down the strings of his guitar with a gentle rocking motion from his opposite hand to let the sound reverberate around the stadium. The crowd cried in love as his soulful, beautiful voice filled their ears with love of his own. And as his fans filed out of the stadium for the night and headed home, Yunho could finally return to his home. Because you were here now… no matter how far, no matter the distance, the two of you would always find a way to be in the other's space.
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a/n: pls remember to reblog, comment, and send asks if you enjoyed!
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759 notes · View notes
starlitmark · 10 months
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Summary: Maybe you shouldn’t have pressed his buttons so hard… Pairing: brother’s best friend!Yunho x fem!reader Genre: smut Tropes: brother’s best friend au Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language, some crying  Smut Warnings: hate sex, choking, degradation, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, sub-dropping Word Count: 1,408 Note: we’ve reached the end of Arousal August! I hope you’ve all enjoyed this <3 thank you again to the amazing @mejuii for beta/proofing this!!
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Your relationship with Yunho has always been, we’ll say, strained. You can’t stand him despite him being your brother’s best friend and roommate. Something about his stupidly handsome face makes you want to scream. You had come over to their shared apartment with the understanding that Mingi would be there. He had told you he didn’t have anything to do today and that you would have your weekly sibling date today. Yet here you are with no Mingi on the premise. You can hear Yunho in his room doing who knows what. Weighing your options, you end up walking down the short hallway toward his room. You don’t even bother knocking on the doorframe when you get there. Taking one rather nasty look at Yunho, you sigh before speaking.
“Where’s Mingi?” you ask with a sharp tone.
“Hell, if I know. He’s not here, so you can see yourself out. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” he hisses, not looking up from his laptop.
“Very funny, Yunho. I know you know where he is.” You bite back.
“You’re so fucking nosey. Why don’t you just fucking leave?”
You dare to step into his room and give him a glare from where you were standing. You’re challenging him. He never does anything when Mingi’s around. Now that his best friend isn’t, you want to see if he will. With a smirk plastered on your lips, you walk further into the room and right over to his bookshelf.
“You read some shit books.” You state, running your finger along the spines of the books, “If you want something good to read, I guess I could give you better mat-”
Your words are stolen from your lips when you feel a hand grab your shoulder and spin you around. Yunho is not but a foot from your face. There’s a flame in his eye as he has you there pinned against the wall. After the initial shock, you’re back to where you were. You’re absolutely having too much fun pushing his buttons.
“Damn, Yunho. If you wanted to get me pinned to the wall, you could’ve just asked. Though, I doubt you’d be able to take care of me.” You provoke.
Yunho all but growls and wraps a hand around your throat. He doesn’t put any pressure on your neck, but the presence alone has your heart racing.
“I’m fucking tired of your little attitude,” he says far too calmly.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You fight back, still not daring to move. 
“You want proof I can take care of you?” He offers, slightly putting pressure on the sides of your neck.
“You mean just for me to be right about you not knowing how to? I’d love to.”
Before you can process it, you’re clothes are gone, and you’re pinned down to Yunho’s bed. One of his large hands is wrapped around your throat, causing you to reel in the sensation it’s causing. The other is holding your hip to ensure you don’t squirm too much. Yunho is thrusting into you at an animalistic pace, making you see stars even more. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan, though. How you’re holding your noises back, you have no idea.
“Come on, don’t you wanna let those moans out? Sound like a fucking slut while I fuck you?” he growls.
You shake your head, not trusting your voice in the slightest. 
“What? Can’t use your words? Are you too far gone that you can’t fucking speak?” He chuckles, “If I had known fucking you would get you to shut up, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”
His grip on your throat tightens as his thrusts become harsher. That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. You let out a loud moan, and once that one escapes, they don’t stop coming. You beg and plead for anything. Yunho is still degrading you with his filthy words that your brain can’t comprehend at the moment. You doubt you’re saying anything intelligible at the moment, anyway. In hopes of getting yourself closer to your high, you attempt to roll your hips into his thrusts. Instead, you’re greeted with a sharp slap to your thigh before his hand reclaims its place on your hip.
“Fuckin’ slut.” he bites, “You take what I give you, understand?”
You nod.
“Use your fucking words. You seem to never shut up any other time.”
“Please!” you beg, tears springing from your eyes, “Please, Yunho! I’m so so close!” you manage to say between moans. 
“You think I’ll- fuck- I’ll let you cum that easily, whore?”
“Yunho, please.” you moan, “Want you to cum inside me.” 
“Oh, is that right?” he asks condescendingly.
“Please!” you beg again, scratching his shoulders.
That’s all it takes to trigger his orgasm. His hips stutter as he cums deep inside you. His sounds, combined with the sloppy thrusts, trigger your high. Your walls flutter around him, and your nails dig deeper into his broad shoulders. He pulls out in one sharp movement and watches how his cum leaks out of you. 
He’s about to walk out of the room when he feels a disturbance in the air. When he turns around, he sees you on the brink of tears sitting on his bed. He isn’t sure what overtakes him, but he immediately swoops you up in his arms and holds you close. You cry quietly for a few moments. Murmuring something about not doing a good job. All Yunho can do is rub your back gently and coax you back into reality.
“You did so well. It was insensitive of me to walk away so soon after,” he says gently. It’s a tone he’s never used with you before.
“You hate me.” You comment weakly, “I don’t blame you for walking away.”
“I don’t,” he states plainly.
“You don’t? Why are you so mean to me whenever-”
He wipes a stray tear from your cheek, “I don’t have an explanation for that. Maybe I was deflecting what I really felt in fear of what Mingi might say.” “I’m a grown woman. I can decide who I date without Mingi’s permission.” You chuckle slightly.
“I know. I know.” he says softly, pressing a kiss into your hair, “Are you fully back with me now?”
“Mhm. I’m processing how sticky I feel now,” you admit.
Yunho chuckles, and you feel the sound vibrate through his chest. 
“Let’s get cleaned up and change the sheets. Then, does cuddling sound good to you?”
“More than.” you smile at him.
After a peaceful shower together and cleaning up the bedroom (including opening a window and lighting a scented candle), you curl up under Yunho’s arm and rest your head against his chest. It’s peace like you’ve never known another person before. It’s ironic how the person you swore you hate is the person you found yourself most at peace with. Then, you hear the front door click open and shut. Neither of you is fully awake, though, not enough to process what the sound was. Just as you open your eyes and process what that sound is, your brother is already busting through Yunho’s previously closed bedroom door. Yunho scrambles to protect your decency, which happens to be tossing himself on top of you. You squeal at the sudden movement.
“You two finally fucked it out?” Mingi asks, sounding hopeful, “It’s been goddamn years of that stupid tension!”
He walks out, forgetting to close the door behind him. Your new boyfriend sighs and gets out of bed to close the door. Just as the door is about to click shut, you hear your brother call through his door.
“If you hurt her or knock her up, I’m reserving the right to murder you still!”
You’re half tempted to walk in there and beat his ass for making that comment, but you can’t find the willpower to get out of Yunho’s comfy bed to do so. Yunho shakes his head and closes the door fully. Climbing back into bed, he wraps his arms around you again.
“How do you think he’ll react when he finds out we fuck raw?”
“Jeong Yunho!”
You smack his chest, and he lets out a bright giggle. Maybe all you really needed was to fuck it out all this time. You never hated him. You’re hopelessly and irrevocably in love with him.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @sanjoongie @jaehunnyy @ericssmile @anyamaris @almondmilkeu @shinestarhwaa
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okshu · 4 months
𝗐͟𝗐͟𝗐﹕﹙ATEEZ FIC RECS﹚ ➛ ⛧
all fics of ateez that i read and went "omg wow". the authors are really talented too so make sure to check out their other works.
▨ LEGEND ㄑ ꮺ favs . f,a,s - fluff, angst, smut
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홍중 ─── kim hongjoong
i. guns and roses by @baekhvuns [s,ꮺ ] [mafia, enemies to lovers; 6.4k.] ii. love tailored by @arafilez [f] [e2l, fashion designer!khj x ceo!reader; 8.5k] iii. look after you by @mingigoo [f,s] [nurse fem reader x struggling musician hongjoong, enemies to lovers (kind of), some angst, smut, fluff, hospital au; 10.3k] iv. promise by @daesukiii [a,f] [angst, some fluff, hurt/minimal comfort, e for everyone, established relationship; 1.8k] v. ugh, as if by @ennysbookstore [s] [one-shot, punk!hongjoong x feminine!reader, enemies to lovers (kinda); 11.13k]
성화 ─── park seonghwa
i. sleep-talker by @mingigoo [f, s, ꮺ] [roommates au, vacation au, one bed trope, forced proximity au; 10.2k] ii. the duke and his general by @baekhvuns [a,s] [royalty, arranged marriage au, romcom, miniseries; 61k] iii. mr and mrs park by @baekhvuns [f,a,s] [mafia, romcom, e2l, single parent au, 50k] iv. bodyguard by @baekhvuns [f,a,s] [romcom, bodyguard au + forbidden relationship au; 37.8k] v. misguided by @flurrys-creativity [f,a]
윤호 ─── jeong yunho
i. come fly with me by @hwaightme [f, ꮺ] [love at first sight, bit of angst, slice of life; 9k] ii. bedfellows by @sungbeam [f] [one bed trope, frnds who cuddle; 1.1k]
여상 ─── kang yeosang
i. crash landing on you by @atozfic [f, a, s, ꮺ] [mild enemies to friends to lovers, fake dating au, nepobaby!yeosang, student reader; 20.3k] ii. 7:29 P.M. by @edenesth [a, comfort] [timestamp]
산 ─── choi san
i. this youth of craziness by @baekhvuns [f, s, ꮺ] [slice of life, drama, romcom & travel dreams; 40k] ii. when he's (drunk) too much by @atinybitofau [f, a] [headcannons]
민기 ─── song mingi
i. butterflies by @hwaslayer [f, s, ꮺ] [established relationship/marriage, parents au; 3.2k] ii. 23:47 by @lvlystars [f]
우영 ─── jung wooyoung
i. 3.20 a.m. by @strawberryseonghwaz [f] ii. bf texts w/ wooyoung by @beenbaanbuun [f] iii. change of heart by @hotteoki [f, ꮺ] [suitor!wooyoung x princess!reader, arranged marriage, medieval era, strangers to lovers] iv. 21:23 P.M. by @adoringsan v. i don't want to by @sanjoongie [f, ꮺ] [office au, single parent au, rivals to lovers; 1k]
종호 ─── choi jongho
i. scoot over, choi by @seonghwaddict [f, ꮺ] [one bed trope, slight fluff, slight enemies to lovers but they're not quite at the lovers part yet, agent jongho and reader; 0.6k] ii. falling and sleeping by @seonghwaddict [f] [crack, friends to lovers; 1.5k]
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𖥔 OT8 // POLY ˖͢
i. ateez in the multiverse by @hotteoki [ f, ꮺ ] [ headcannons ] ii. splish splash by @atozfic [s] [no use of y/n, swim team au, lifeguard!reader, pro-swimmers!sanhwawooho; 20k+] iii. asking bf!ateez to draw you a flower by @eightmakesonebraincell [ f ] [ text imagines ] iv. world episode fin:will by @arafilez [f,a,s] [ series ] v. happy death day by @flurrys-creativity [s] vi. ateez as mafia member who fall for you [ one . two . christmas sp ] by @eightmakesonebraincell [ f ] [ headcannons ]
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copyright to respective authors, don't forget to reblog their works ^^ okshu
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i-luvsang · 6 months
as your college neighbors — ateez hyung line
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pairing : ateez hyung line x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : fluff, neighbor!au, college!au ➖⟢ cw : food mentions, a tiny bit of feeling insecure in yeo's part ➖⟢ wc : 0.9K
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[ 🦪 ] hongjoong — oftentimes, your apartment is like a refuge to him. he gets moments of quiet, so long as the other boys haven’t crashed there for their fun times. even better, though, he gets you. even if you’re off to class three minutes after he’s arrived, the sight of you packing your backpack the same way you always do is a  comfort enough for him amongst the chaos that’s swirling around him. you smile at him before swinging open the front door, reminding him that he’s free to any of the food in your kitchen (except the last few garlic cloves that you’re saving for a recipe). you make him laugh like you always do. as if he’d find reason to help himself to your waning supply of fresh garlic. little do you know, he picked up more garlic at the grocery store yesterday because he noticed you running out of it last time he was here, and he knows how much you use it in your cooking. he’ll be gone by the time you get back, he’s got classes in the evening, but you’ll see the extra ingredients right before you start to make dinner and it’ll make you smile, maybe even kiss him on the cheek next time he comes over like you do sometimes. it makes him wonder what he is to you, but no matter what, your smile alone is everything he could ever ask for.
[ 🦪 ] seonghwa — he worries, that’s all. now your fridge is full of food and it’s all from him. it started with his leftovers, after he made too much food for him and his roommate hongjoong. he didn’t even notice that you popped into his head before any of the other boys to share with this time. surely, he still give them food, but they’re stuck with the leftovers. for the record, the leftovers are amazing, and you were more than grateful for them. but at some point, as hongjoong rests on your couch for some peace of mind, you realize the dishes in your fridge are no longer leftovers from last night. you ask hongjoong if he wants any bibimbap to munch on before remembering outloud he probably ate that for dinner last night. he denies it; he ate out last night with seonghwa, yunho, and mingi. that’s how you find out that this morning’s “leftover” delivery was made just for you and it turns out that half the dishes you get for free are too. you confront seonghwa, trying to tell him not to spend all the time and money it must take for these meals on you. he tells you it’s no big deal, but now you’re always asking hwa over just so you can make him a meal. sitting in your space, looking at you from across your small dining table, seonghwa is convinced that he’s met an angel.
[ 🦪 ] yunho — he loves it when you text him that you’re on the way over. that way he can look out his bedroom window and catch sight of you walking in through the apartment complex’s front door. what he loves even more is you seated on the edge of his bed (or even better, you all the way up on it, your back resting against his pillows). something about you in his space, all comfortable and sweet looking, has his heart doing backflips. in his mind, you belong there, with him. you fit in with his things somehow, just as if it’s the only thing that could be right. sure, he loves to visit your apartment, to see you in the place where you’re most at home. it’s just that he finds pride in the fact that you look like you’re at home in his place too. it makes him happy that his space can be somewhere that you can let out a deep sigh and feel okay grabbing a snack from the kitchen after class because you came straight here from campus. call him “delusional,” as wooyoung might, but it makes him feel like you’re kinda, just a little bit, his.
[ 🦪 ] yeosang — he only comes over when one of the other guys is too, because, to be so honest, he’s too shy to go over by himself. but he loves being your neighbor. he loves knowing you’re right down the hall, he loves when you knock on his door and he opens it to the sight of you in your pajamas and a shy smile on your face. his heart drops just a bit when you ask him if san is around because secretly, so secretly, he wishes you would knock on the door looking so pretty just for him. but he thinks it makes sense. who wouldn’t want to be around san, one of the sweetest, brightest, most affectionate people out there? yeosang’s awkward and unable to show you physically or verbaly that he kind of adores you. san has no trouble with that, and yeosang sees the way it makes you smile. he wants to make you smile like that. regardless, he tells you that san went out with seonghwa and jongho and expects to lovely smile on your face to slip just a little. instead, it grows a bit, not because san’s gone, but because all you need from him is to return the textbook you borrowed and you really came because you want spend time with yeosang. you want to know him, because his awkwardness is so incredibly endearing and you don’t hear his voice as often as you’d like since you’re never alone with him. that day he finds out he’s good at making you smile, too.
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hongism · 6 months
brought to you by bee (@atzfilm) and caly (@hongism)
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tis the season for fics that have absolutely nothing to do with christmas and everything to do with other tomfoolery! (aka we spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how to make our concepts be christmas-themed just to forgo the idea of christmas altogether...) from aliens to fae to the ex-turned-sugar-daddy, tune in this winter season for shenanigans... and it's snowing! ❄
all fics are rated m and not intended for underage audiences. please heed individual warnings attributed to each work.
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written by atzfilm pairing: k.yeosang x reader genre: alien au, secret relationship summary: earth abandoned centuries ago, you travel the cosmos alone. you land on a smaller planet, meeting an exiled dweller that calls himself yeosang.
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written by hongism pairing: c.san x reader genre: college au, established relationship summary: one busy semester is all it took for you and san to find yourselves struggling to find footing in the storm that is your relationship, yet rather than let go, he asked for one more week, one more day, one last chance to help get you back to shore
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written by atzfilm pairing: c.jongho x reader genre: faeries au, enemies to lovers summary: with your kingdoms having been at war for centuries, it's only fitting that you would be kidnapped and locked in the room with your sworn enemy – choi jongho.
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written by hongism pairing: s.mingi x reader genre: witches/warlocks au, strangers to lovers summary: the new apothecary in your small village is harboring a dark secret, you're certain of it, if only because he bears a starkly familiar crest on his shop sign - one that denotes the presence of magic.
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written by atzfilm pairing: j.yunho x reader genre: sugar daddy au, exes to lovers summary: just out of your college with a freshly printed degree, you set out for a job that would fit your somewhat high standards. after a brief scroll through a sugar daddy website and a meeting set-up, you sit across from the one man you didn't expect to see — jeong yunho, your ex-boyfriend and apparently, a millionaire looking for someone to spoil.
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written by hongism pairing: k.hongjoong x reader genre: royalty au, first love summary: sillage — the scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone; the trace of someone's perfume — it hardly takes much to fall
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written by atzfilm pairing: p.seonghwa x reader genre: blind date au, friends to lovers summary: after failing over and over on every date you've gone on, your friends finally resort to setting you up on a blind date in the hopes of making things go right.
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written by hongism pairing: j.wooyoung x reader genre: roommates au, fake dating summary: you imagine that you've cut yourself a rather decent deal in bagging jung wooyoung as your roommate, and yet, things that seem a little too good to be true have a way of cracking at the seems all too easily.
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fics created and written by atzfilm and hongism, 2023. all rights belong to owners. do not copy, emulate, translate, or alter the works in any fashion without permission.
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yoongis-property · 9 months
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last update: 09.06.2023
m- mature , f- fluff , a- angst , ☆- personal favorite
e2l- enemies to lovers, s2l- strangers to lovers, f2l- friends to lovers, bf2l- best friends to lovers, cf2l- childhood friends to lovers, fwb2l- friends with benefits to lovers, ex2l- exes to lovers, i2l- idiots to lovers
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click here for seonghwa masterlist
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⇢ A LITTLE SOMETHIMG MORE by @flurrys-creativity (established realtionship!au, a, m)
❝ Why didn’t you pick up your damn phone?” Hongjoong hissed, on the verge of exploding, “I called three times already.”.. ❞
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⇢ MARIGOLD by @yoongiseesawmp3 (frat boy!hj, bf2l, f, m, light a)
❝ annoying frat boy!hongjoong. your best friend and the bane of your existence is probably the love of your life, and you’re not sure how to tell him. your mutual friend seonghwa knows about your true feelings for hongjoong, and he does everything in his power to get you two together. one halloween party, one rainy car ride and one emotional rollercoaster later, you finally get a taste of what you’ve been waiting so long for. ❞
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⇢ PIRATE KING by @cybrsan (pirate!au, m)
❝ You are playing a dangerous game with an even more dangerous man, and you don’t know how much longer it can go on before everything falls apart around you. ❞
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⇢ TELL ME TO STOP by @tenelkadjowrites (bf2l, m, ☆)
❝ Having been best friends with Hongjoong since childhood, you thought a camping trip might help breach the growing distance between the two of you. However, when a storm sweeps Hongjoong’s tent away, you find yourself in rather cramped quarters with him when he has to share your tent. ❞
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⇢ THE BEST FRIENDS CODE by @tenelkadjowrites (m, bf2l) feat. hwa
❝ Hongjoong swears up and down that if you don’t touch each other, it won’t ruin the friendship...and what is the harm in blowing off some steam? ❞
seonghwa is in part 2 and part 3
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⇢ THIS WORLD by @hongism​ (dystopian!au, m)
​ ❝ What he’s given you is essentially one chance and night. Nothing more and nothing less. ❞
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⇢ TOUCH ME NOW by @slut4hwa​ (m)
❝ it wasn’t on purpose of course. the topic was already there so it kind of just slipped out.“yeah i’ve always wanted to know how squirting feels-” you blurted it out. fuck. ❞
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⇢ WHAT HAPPENS IN A BLACKOUT by @tenelkadjowrites (kinda e2l, m)
❝ Stuck in an elevator with Hongjoong, the person you hate the most, you aren’t ready for when things take an unexpected turn. ❞
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YOURE HONGJOONGS BIAS by @jnginlov​ (idol!au, f)
❝ when you and your group go on idol radio to promote your latest comeback, you don’t anticipate one of the hosts to be completely enraptured by you ❞
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⇢ KILLING ME by @yoongiseesawmp3 (frat boy!yh, m, a) 
❝ after last year, yunho swore he would never live in a frat house ever again. that doesn’t mean he’s leaving the frat, though, so he moves into an apartment just down the street. and you? well you need somewhere cheap and walkable to campus, and yunho is leasing a room. so that’s how you end up living with the human embodiment of sunshine and puppies, but the more time you spend with yunho the more you realize he may have a darker side lurking beneath the surface. ❞
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⇢ LIKE A DREAM by @cheollipop (established relationship, m, f) feat. mingi
❝ with only the orange hues of the lamp illuminating the room, they have you for the first time, and it feels just like a dream. ❞
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⇢ OUT OF THE WOODS by @sluttywoozi (vacation!au, one bed trope, f2l, f, light m, ☆)
❝ You’ve been driving Yunho nuts lately and he just can’t figure out why. He hates being annoyed with his friends, so he’s been avoiding you. It’s difficult to stay away when you’re locked together in a cabin with seven of your closest friends, though. ❞
pt. 2
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⇢ SUMMER NIGHTS by @honeyhotteoks (roommate!au, bf2l, m, f)
❝ he's your best friend and roommate, but during the heat of summer and the confinement of quarantine, you just can't seem to help yourselves. ❞
pt. 2
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⇢ THE DRILL by @byuntrash101​ (m)
❝ yunho cant seem to pick up anyone at the club. for two main reasons, two problems if you will. the first one: his rizz level is negative and the second one... well it's bigger. much, much bigger. a huge problem wooyoung has named "the drill" ❞
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⇢ THIS NIGHT TOGETHER by @honeyhotteoks (werewolf!au, m, f, a) feat. mingi
❝ you’re finally getting your dream job, working with some of the best dancers in the business, but a job change means a break in your healthcare coverage and suppressants these days are expensive. going into heat at the studio pretty much seems like the worst case scenario, but you find yourself in the care of two alphas who won’t let you go through it alone. ❞
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⇢ TUTOR BOY by @cas-skz (m)
❝ After begging your tutor to help you with your last assignment, he agrees to help in return for a favor. He proves that even the most innocent looking people, aren’t so innocent. ❞
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⇢ TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE by @songmingisthighs (f2l, m) feat. mingi
❝ Mingi’s sweater felt comfortable on you, it was warm and it smelled like him. Not just his perfume, but his own scent.. ❞
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⇢ YOUR FAN, YUNHO by @hwaightme (game developer!reader, f)
❝ a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if yunho was stanning you. ❞
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⇢ FREAKS by @mingigoo (bf2l, m, a)
❝ after being friends for ten years, your triad friendship with Yeosang and Wooyoung is falling apart, all because of a simple game—spin the bottle. ❞
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⇢ I´M IN LOVE by @anyamaris (m)
❝ You wake in a dream to be met with a dream inside a dream. ❞
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⇢ OBSESSIVE by @mingigoo (e2l, fwb!au, college!au, m, f, light a)
❝ You tried to pay no mind to your brother’s friends and their flirty antics, but it always confused you when only one of them seemed disinterested in you. Even though you’d never admit it, he intrigued you—to the point where when you kissed drunkenly at party, you wanted more. And you were going to get it. ❞
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⇢ FIRST THINGS FIRST by @sluttywoozi (college!au, f2l, m, f)
❝ San had hoped you were coming to the party tonight but he never expected it to end like this. ❞
pt. 2
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⇢ HEARTWORM by @atinyidea (college!au, f2l, f, light a, light m)
❝ n. a relationship or friendship that you can’t get out of your head, which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished, like an abandoned campsite whose smouldering embers still have the power to start a forest fire. ❞
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⇢ HEISTS AND CELEBRATIONS by @cheollipop (criminal!au, m) feat. woo
❝ with the stolen necklace secured around your neck, wooyoung slumped back in his seat, fingers gripping the steering wheel while his eyes remained focused on the overhead mirror, watching his two partners celebrate another successful heist in the back of his van. ❞
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⇢ IN THE QUIET SPACES by @honeyhotteoks (established realtionship!au, f, m)
❝ a quiet morning snowed in at the cabin with san ❞
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⇢ IT'S SWEATPANTS SEASON, OH MY! by @thisthatpinkvenom​ (jock!san, established relationship!au, college!au, f, m)
❝ autumn has arrived; the season of pumpkin spice lattes, corn and—unfortunately for you—grey sweatpants. those pesky little things have attached themselves to your boyfriend's legs like glue, and you're having a hard time keeping your mind out of the gutter. ❞
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⇢ LET`S FUCK by @ughsimpp (m)
❝ hearing your close girlfriends talk about how their mans made them orgasm is an interesting topic but you couldn't really relate with them. in your past relationships (like 2), none of your ex's could ever make you reach that high. you kept quiet and listened as your friends continued to talk. ❞
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⇢ MILKY WAY by @ad0rechuu (sm!au, idol!reader, f, a) feat. hwa & mingi
❝ It’s not everyday that your friends childhood friend turns out to be the girl that you literally have a fan account for, but for Seonghwa, San and Mingi it’s become a reality. being able to get close to your bias is great! even if she does have a raging crush on someone else… ❞
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⇢ ODD EYE by @luvteez​ (sm!au, soulmate!au, college!au, f, a)
❝ when the public finds out that rookie idol choi san has a soulmate, he’s forced to retire from the entertainment industry and stays low as a full time university student and part time barista. never does he intend on finding his soulmate, but fate seems to have other plans for him. enter: you. ❞
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⇢ OH HE´S GOOD by @yoongiseesawmp3 (m, f, ☆)
❝ san, a non-believer, has one of the best voices in the church choir, and maybe one of the best voices in the world. fresh off a break up, you’re not looking for anything serious, and he isn’t either... but someone definitely falls faster and harder than they should. ❞
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⇢ ONE MORE REP by @cheollipop (personal trainers!au, f2l, m) feat. woo
❝ san got a little too excited watching you exercise in purple – his favourite colour – and wooyoung was nothing if not a tease. turning their attention back to you, they didn't expect to see you equally worked-up. ❞
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⇢ PARTY OF THREE by @cybrsan (established realtionship!au, m) feat. woo
❝ Things take an unexpected turn when Wooyoung walks in on you and San. ❞
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⇢ POP QUIZ by @yoongiseesawmp3 (college!au, f)
❝ who knew being late to class one day would lead to you kissing the cute ta a few days later? not you. but who’s complaining? also not you. ❞
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⇢ AFTER LIKE by @sluttywoozi​ (plug!mg, light a, m, f)
❝ Mingi has been your plug for nearly three years now. You've always liked him well enough, but something has changed between you. What happens after like? ❞
part 2
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⇢ ALL IN by @tenelkadjowrites (bf2l, m, ☆)
❝ A night of drunken debauchery with your best friend in Las Vegas leads to something you never could imagine. ❞
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⇢ DITTO by @sluttywoozi (f2l, f, m)
❝ You've liked Mingi for a while now, but every time you try to hang out one on one, it turns into a group thing. Will you be able to act normal now that you've finally gotten him alone? ❞
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⇢ DREAMER by @mingigoo (college!au, bf2l, m, f)
❝ you couldn’t live without your best friend, Mingi. You did everything together, and whenever you needed a shoulder to lean on, he was there. But when something suddenly changes how you see him, you’re not so sure you can stay friends. You wanted more. ❞
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⇢ LIKE A DREAM by @cheollipop (established relationship, m, f) feat. yunho
❝ with only the orange hues of the lamp illuminating the room, they have you for the first time, and it feels just like a dream. ❞
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⇢ MILKY WAY by @ad0rechuu (sm!au, idol!reader, f, a) feat. san & hwa
❝ It’s not everyday that your friends childhood friend turns out to be the girl that you literally have a fan account for, but for Seonghwa, San and Mingi it’s become a reality. being able to get close to your bias is great! even if she does have a raging crush on someone else… ❞
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⇢ MIND OVER MATTER by @mingisaddctn (bf2l, m)
❝ the two things you can be sure in life is that 1. you will die and 2. you've never wanted to suck a dick so bad. ❞
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⇢ ONCE by @tenelkadjowrites (roommate!au, m)
❝ After accidentally sending a naked photo of yourself to your roommate Mingi, things take a turn. ❞
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⇢ ONE QUESTION by @tenelkadjowrites (best friends!au, m) feat. hwa
❝ I was wondering how long it was into the friendship before the two of you realized that you want to sleep together?” ❞
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⇢ SHY CAPTAIN by @rosy-wooyoung (basketball captain!mg, college!au, f, ☆)
❝ “Are those credits really unavoidable?” you asked your friend as you counted the number of credits you earned for the past two years. “Yeah,” she answered and you huffed. “If you don’t take part in any extracurricular activities, you won’t get enough credits to pass the year. It’s written in the rules.” ❞
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⇢ SLOWLY, I´M GOING DOWN by @yutasbellybuttonpiercing​ (college!au, m)
❝ mingi hates studying, but what he hates way more than that is being perceived as stupid. what mingi loves on the other hand, are pretty people getting flustered about his voice.
or mingi shows you exactly what he hates and loves. ❞
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⇢ THIS NIGHT TOGETHER by @honeyhotteoks (werewolf!au, m, f, a) feat. yunho
❝ you’re finally getting your dream job, working with some of the best dancers in the business, but a job change means a break in your healthcare coverage and suppressants these days are expensive. going into heat at the studio pretty much seems like the worst case scenario, but you find yourself in the care of two alphas who won’t let you go through it alone. ❞
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⇢ TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE by @songmingisthighs (f2l, m) feat. yunho
❝ Mingi’s sweater felt comfortable on you, it was warm and it smelled like him. Not just his perfume, but his own scent.. ❞
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⇢ USE IT by @a-soft-hornytiny​ (m)
❝ Mingi has a huge dick but is shy about it and has no idea what to do with it. ❞
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⇢ WE FELL IN LOVE IN AUGUST by @mingigoo (best friends brother!au, m, f)
❝ Believing that you were destined to be with your best friend seonghwa all your life, his little brother Mingi was never a thought in your mind. After reuniting with the brothers after years of being abroad, you had your mind set to get together with seonghwa—until Mingi stole your heart without warning. ❞
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⇢ GENTLE by @cheollipop (hybrid!au, m, f) feat. hwa
❝ desperate and whiny, your heat pheromones triggered wooyoung's feral instincts, forcing seonghwa to step in and teach him how to treat you properly. ❞
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⇢ HEISTS AND CELEBRATIONS by @cheollipop (criminal!au, m) feat. san
❝ with the stolen necklace secured around your neck, wooyoung slumped back in his seat, fingers gripping the steering wheel while his eyes remained focused on the overhead mirror, watching his two partners celebrate another successful heist in the back of his van. ❞
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⇢ MADE FOR THIS by @yoongiseesawmp3 (f2l, f, m, ☆)
❝ you’re volunteering for this year’s vacation bible school, and wooyoung’s little brother just so happens to be in your group. is it wrong of him to use kyungmin as his wing man? eh, who cares. wooyoung is just determined to get you to fall for him before the week is over, and he’ll do whatever it takes. ❞
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⇢ MIDNIGHT KISSES by @mingigoo (bf2l, single parent!reader, m, f, light a, ☆)
❝ you weren’t sure how well you could raise your daughter as a single mother, but your best friend, Wooyoung, has been there every step of the way with no strings attached. When you decide that it’s time to try and date again, he realizes too late that his love for you doesn’t just stop at friendship. ❞
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⇢ ONE MORE REP by @cheollipop (personal trainers!au, f2l, m) feat. san
❝ san got a little too excited watching you exercise in purple – his favourite colour – and wooyoung was nothing if not a tease. turning their attention back to you, they didn't expect to see you equally worked-up. ❞
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⇢ TRY ME by @tenelkadjowrites (coworker!au, m, f, light a)
❝ Having to work with Wooyoung while your marriage is crumbling is frustrating. He’s a cocky brat and barely completes what he needs to. But when you find out your husband cheated on you, Wooyoung proves his worth in another way. ❞
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⇢ PARTY OF THREE by @cybrsan (established realtionship!au, m) feat. san
❝ Things take an unexpected turn when Wooyoung walks in on you and San. ❞
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⇢ PILLOW TALK by @jungkxook (fwb!au, m, f)
❝ so maybe asking your best friend to take your virginity is wrong for a number of reasons, but you swear you’re still just friends. nothing more, nor less ❞
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⇢ SMILE FOR THE CAMERA by @yoongiseesawmp3 (youtuber!woo, brothers best friend!au, f)
❝ wooyoung is best friends with your brother, yeosang, so you get to see him a lot. that would be fine if you weren’t totally head over heels in love with him. now yeosang is onto you and you have to keep him from running his big mouth to wooyoung about your big fat crush. ❞
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⇢ GET CLOSE TO ME by @honeyhotteoks (kinds e2l, m)
❝ you’re pretty sure he hates you. and you know you hate him, until a night out turns upside down. ❞
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⇢ ...RAMEN BEFORE YOU GO by @mingigoo​ (neighbor!au, m, f)
❝ you thought things couldn’t get worse after finding a cat in the dumpster behind the liquor store, but now here you were, alone in your new apartment, staring at that damn cat that somehow got stuck behind the washing machine. You needed some strong hands….but the minute you met him, you didn’t want him to leave. Do you want some ramen before you go? ❞
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⇢ PATIENCE by @sxcret-garden (established relationship, m)
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⇢ HOTEL CALIFORNIA by @mint-yooxgi​ (yandere!au, a, m , f)
❝ You can check out any time you’d like, but you can never leave ❞
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692 notes · View notes
eoieopda · 6 months
sudden + (a)cute | jyh
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jeong yunho’s got a serious case of downbaditis — oh, and also a cold.
pairing: jeong yunho x reader au: hurt/comfort, sick fic, friends to something type: drabble (f) word count: 2k rating: pg13 — still, minors do not have my consent to interact. cw: gn!reader; illness (obviously); ft. clueless roommate!mingi a/n: my inaugural ateez fic! inspired by my own sick day today + my own personal love sickness re: jeong yunho, lmao. a/n 2: reposting for the fourth time because it's not in the fucking tags, lmao. 📍permanent taglist(s). @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @bahng-chrizz
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You realize too late that days off and the “do not disturb” feature should go hand-in-hand.
Because you didn’t think to silence your notifications, some form of unsolicited contact slips through the cracks. Just like that, your Netflix binge is unceremoniously halted; hopes are dashed; and your phone vibrates so many fucking times in quick succession that it starts scooting its way across your coffee table, hellbent.
With a grunt of abject displeasure, you tear your half-glazed eyes off the television screen ahead. They flick down to the source of the sound to identify the caller before you commit to sitting upright off the couch. It’s a lost cause, not unlike your eagerly-awaited plans to do nothing. The nuisance lays face-down against the tabletop, buzzing relentlessly as it runs out of real estate.
Tragically, you don’t have a choice.
Before your phone can drive itself over the edge Thelma-and-Louise style, your hand darts out to catch it. You glower as your fingers curl around it, sharp tongue ready to lash out at the co-worker you told no fewer than 809 times that you were giving yourself a long weekend.
“For fuck’s sake, Yeosang,” you mutter to yourself.
Pulling the phone up to your face for closer inspection, you realize with a scoff that it’s not an incoming call at all. 
It’s — one, two, three, four, five six, seven — eight rapid-fire texts and counting, all of which were sent within seconds of one another; and none of which came from the lovable doofus in the office next to yours.
You Know? [10:03 AM]: Tell… You Know? [10:03 AM]: My…. You Know? [10:03 AM]: Story….. ! You Know? [10:03 AM]: 🤧 You Know? [10:04 AM]: 😷 You Know? [10:04 AM]: 🏨 You Know? [10:04 AM]: ☠️ You Know? [10:04 AM]: 🪦
Immediately, your tight-lipped scowl cracks wide open.
Different doofus.
In the time it takes for you to convince your phone’s facial identification that you are, in fact, a human being, the bombardment continues.
You Know? [10:05 AM]: 👼🏻
This one pulls an unexpected chuckle out of you that’s still ringing out when you tap on his contact card and start dialing.
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With your hands full and your wrists weighed down with plastic pharmacy bags, it takes three tries to barge into your best friend’s apartment like you own the place. Having underestimated your own clumsy strength, you watch in mild-to-moderate horror as the door flies open, cringing as you await the sound of the knob smashing into the hallway wall.
You get a yelp instead, followed shortly by a huffy, “Aish!”
The newest addition to the apartment steps into view with a pink mark in the center of his forehead. His eyes are as wide as they can get, both blinking slowly. As he rubs gingerly at the blooming bump, you wonder if the look on his face is any more dazed than usual. It must be, you conclude. He wasn’t expecting you any more than you were expecting him.
“Sorry!” You squeak, shuffling the tupperware in your grip from one hand to another. Your warmed palm reaches out to pat his forearm apologetically. “Are you okay?”
Mingi shrugs, already over the heart attack you’ve given him. Now, it’s intrigue that lights up his face. His eyes scan over the goods you’re toting. Soon enough, they stick on the samgyetang that’s scorching through its plastic confines to your fingertips.
As it turns out, Yunho’s new roommate is just as blatant as the previous one.
Where the hell does he find these people?
“You brought me soup?” He beams, teeth and tone both as bright as the fucking sun.
Your mouth opens to respond, but all that comes out is some useless sound that vaguely resembles a groan. You bite your lips together, searching for some way to let him down gently. In the end, you come up with exactly nothing.
“I —”
Withdrawing your hand from his arm, you gesture over your shoulder in the direction of Yunho’s bedroom. “It’s for, um… He’s —”
Mingi looks to where you’re pointing. His eyebrows raise, signaling his arrival at confused. “Yunho’s home?”
Jesus Christ.
“You didn’t… notice?” Your tone matches his. So does the altitude of your eyebrows, you assume.
For far too many seconds, the pair of you eye each other in stupefied silence. The person who would normally interject to save you from this hell doesn’t arrive to do so, leaving you without an escape route.
This is what happens when you find all your roommates on the internet.
“So, I should — Um.” You wave once again towards your friend’s door. “Yeah.”
You bow — you’re not sure why — and shuffle a step backwards, turning slowly on your heel the second you’ve created enough distance. 
Propelled by your own awkwardness, you rocket away from your friend’s roommate and fling open your second door in as many minutes. You shut it behind you with your eyes closed tight. For good measure, you keep your back pressed to the wood, as if your own embarrassment is something you could ever lock out.
“Took you long enough,” comes the rattle of Pestilence itself.
Without unclenching any part of your body, you mutter, “I had my second run-in with your Craigslist roommate, and it went exactly as well as the first. You need a better screening process — seriously.”
A loud laugh is quickly replaced by a cough that you feel in your own chest. Frowning, you open your eyes to take in the lump in front of you; and within seconds, you have to fight off your own laughter.
Sprawled out over an unmade bed, Yunho sports an outfit you couldn’t defend if your life depended on it. Dark brown waves peek out from underneath a beanie, leaving only his eyes to crinkle up at you above a black surgical mask. Even without his mouth visible, there isn’t a doubt in your mind that he’s grinning at you.
Well, damn.
You could stand there all day, basking in the way he looks at you, but you don’t let yourself revel in it. Cheeks already burning, you can’t risk getting caught swooning. 
You’ve embarrassed yourself enough, haven’t you?
To avoid detection, you shake your head to clear it and beg yourself to focus on the absurdity before you. In doing so, you note immediately that Yunho didn’t bother with a shirt; however, he did opt for gym shorts. They clash wildly with the pair of fuzzy, striped socks on his feet. That discovery flusters you to no end because they’re yours.
“You’re dressed for, like, three conflicting seasons,” you muse, gesturing from head to toe with your free hand. The plastic bags you’ve been wearing like bracelets rustle with the movement. “Couldn’t decide on a climate?”
“Hey!” His whine is muffled by his mask, though his congestion certainly doesn’t help. “One-third of me is freezing.”
Before you can nudge his right leg out of the way, Yunho moves it for you, freeing up the corner of his mattress for you to sit down. In fact, he takes all his limbs with him; summons all his strength to sit upright in front of you. You quickly avert your eyes from his flushed chest and focus on your stupid little soup, as if it’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
When Yunho clocks what you’re holding, he damn near gasps. His eagerness barrels through his hoarseness, making your heart flutter. “Is that your mom’s samgyetang?”
“It’s her recipe,” you correct him. “She’s visiting friends in Sydney, remember?”
For someone with a skull full of snot, Yunho’s quicker on the uptake than you would’ve thought to give him credit for. His eyes crinkle even further into a smile as they flit between your hands and your face — and shit, do they sparkle. 
Before he can confirm that you not only brought him soup but hand-made it, you wrestle your arm free from the non-recyclable trap cutting off your circulation. 
“I — uh, didn’t know which of the five thousand types of decongestants to bring you.” 
You shove no less than four of them towards him, smiling sheepishly.
“Choose your fighter.”
It’s something you thought for sure he’d laugh at, that stupid little joke, but Yunho is uncharacteristically quiet. He just stares down at the over-the-counter medications in his hands, wearing a look you’ve never seen before. One that suggests you’ve given him your beating heart instead of Guadenesin, wrapped it in a bow instead of a kilometer-long pharmacy receipt.
It’s not a look you know what to do with, so you shut up and do your best to ride out your galloping pulse.
Without looking up from your offering, Yunho eventually says, “I didn’t even tell Craigslist Roommate that I was sick. He would’ve grabbed Albothyl or something equally useless and called it a day.”
“That tracks.” You nod. A small smile works its way over your lips. “For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have trusted him with your sinuses, either.”
Another pause settles in the space between you. It’s not uncomfortable, sitting quietly with your person, but you can’t help wondering after that wrinkle between his brows.
“I didn’t even think to ask him,” he admits, like he’s forgotten that he’s your first call, too.
Some sort of realization must hit him like a lightning strike because Yunho suddenly looks up from his hands. That’s all it takes to stir up the butterflies in your stomach. Unfortunately, it takes far more effort from you to ignore them.
“You made me soup,” he sighs, sounding disappointed. 
Or frustrated. 
Both — or maybe neither?
Whatever it is, it makes your palms sweat more than you ever plan to admit, so you simply nod again.
“I made you soup,” comes your unhelpful echo.
You offer a reminder that neither of you needs, “You’re sick.”
More silence and staring.
Then, a conclusion that nobody asked for: “You’re sick, and you should therefore have soup.”
Yunho drops his face into his hands, groaning loudly. The various layers of interference make him twice as difficult to understand, but you don’t miss a single, spilling word. 
“I’m sick, and you made me soup; and I can’t kiss you about it because then you’ll be sick; and I don’t even know how to make you soup.”
Stunned to silence, you just sit there — blinking dumbly, all the while— like it’s the only thing you know how to do.
That’s not true.
You know what you want to do, and now you know you’re not alone in that. Most importantly, you know that acting on any of it will cost you several days of sneezing your brains out.
The groan you let out is twice as loud as Yunho’s was and three times’ as frustrated. It erupts out of you, and when you’ve expelled it fully, you crumple into a heap at the foot of his bed, thoroughly defeated. You curse him through the hands that now cover your face, “You rat bastard.”
Yunho snorts. “Excuse me?”
“What even is this timing?” You tear one hand away from your face and land a light smack on his knee. “You really waited to tell me any of this until you were contagious? Be fucking for real.”
His laugh shakes his shoulders, leaves him in the form of squeaks.
“The nerve of you, Jeong Yunho.”
The mattress dips when he drops himself into the space in front of you. Propped up on his elbow, he looks at you with one eyebrow raised.
“You bought out a pharmacy and made me soup,” he counters. “You brought this on yourself.”
You roll your eyes, although it does nothing to distract from the way you’re giggling.
“Did you not wanna get kissed?” Yunho challenges, “Because that’s how you get kissed.” 
With a grin, his knuckles nudge yours, returning your earlier knock far more affectionately than you sent it. “Babo.”
“You’re the babo,” you sniff. 
Despite your childish rebuttal, you take the opportunity to slip your hand fully into his. It’s not the first time, by any means, but the difference is clear; and when you squeeze gently, you feel it come right back.
With your laughter faded out, you sigh, “Yunho?”
He hums in acknowledgement, likely too exhausted by your ill-timed antics to power up a proper response.
“Can you please eat your stupid soup and get better already?”
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hanni-bae44 · 26 days
Title: Die For You (Seonghwa) Part 1
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▶︎၊၊||။|။ 00:10 | Playing: Die For You by The Weeknd
Pairing- Seonghwa x Reader x Wooyoung
Genre- University AU, angst, fluff (warnings: alcohol, insecurities, mature language, mentions of sex)
Word Count- 3.9k
Summary- Between your best friend who doesn't love you back and the guy that does, things get messy as you try to figure out what exactly your heart wants.
It was impossible not to fall for Seonghwa. 
You still remembered the first time you met him freshman year. You’d left your dorm room door open so that the roach spray your roommate wasn’t supposed to use could air out when he barged in, asking for people to join the university’s dance club. You found him unusual for that but soon forgot about him as life went on. It wouldn’t be until the next semester after that when your friend—Yunho— invited Seonghwa to your group’s study session that you really got to know him and like him. The more he hung out with your friends, the more you realized how outgoing, hardworking, and talented he was. And before you knew it, you fell for him. And you fell hard. 
You couldn’t exactly pinpoint the moment when you realized your feelings but it was somewhere along the moments when he’d go the extra mile to make sure you didn’t skip your meals or when he’d make sure you got home safe. He was a good friend and cared for you like no one else ever has and sometimes that made you reconsider if it was just him being nice, or if it actually meant something more. 
There were so many times you’d come close to telling him how you felt. But everytime, you’d chicken out. And you felt like maybe that was the reason why he was out on the dance floor right now with that pretty girl and not you. It was almost pathetic how in love with him you were as you took yourself to the bar for a drink just because you saw him dancing with her.
Seonghwa was so special to you. And the thought of losing him made you feel sick. But the thought of telling him how you felt and having him reject you also made you feel sick. So you were torn. But what if maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way? Maybe he was just like you, and too scared to ruin the friendship. Maybe he was trying to find a distraction. Just sex.
But you knew better based on how his eyes traced her body. The way he gazed at her told you that he liked her. And you didn’t blame him. You’d walk past her briefly earlier and she was even more dead drop gorgeous up close. Her skin was clear even through the shitty dim lights and her makeup was flawless, no caked foundation in sight. She was wearing a black mini dress that stopped at her mid-thigh and these pretty high heels that only accentuated her long legs. The fabric hugged her in all the right places too and it left little to the imagination. It left you wondering if she was Seonghwa’s type and if he’d be leaving with her tonight. And the thought of that broke your heart.
You should be happy for Seonghwa, he was your best friend after all. He deserved to be happy with her if that was what he wanted. But at the same time, you couldn’t be happy. Not when you knew that the moment he found someone else to share his life with, you would be the one out. And that meant you wouldn't be the first one he texted when he woke up anymore or the one he FaceTimed when he couldn’t fall asleep. The reality of your friendship settled in quick and the fact that it could be fleeting tugged at your heart. 
Midterms just wrapped up and you were supposed to be having fun right now yet here you were sulking next to the bartender like the classic girl in the movies that just got cheated on by her husband of ten years. Except you didn’t get cheated on, you were just wallowing in sadness, wishing you had confessed to Seonghwa sooner. Maybe it was just your wishful thinking, but all those late night FaceTime calls had to mean something… Right?
You’d been swirling your drink for minutes now as you wistfully glanced back at Seonghwa. You downed the rest of your whisky sour before waving to the bartender for another one. While waiting for your next drink, your eyes scanned the sea of bodies dancing against each other to pop music. You briefly made eye contact with Yunho and he flashed a warm smile at you before making his way towards you.
“What’s up with you Y/N, you’ve been sitting here for way too long. Dance with me, come on,’’ Yunho tried to pull you off the stool but you didn't move, not in the mood to dance anymore.
“Yunho,” you started, “I don’t know what to do.” And immediately after seeing your downturned lips, your friend occupied the empty stool next to yours. Yunho was the only one in your friend group that knew about your crush on Seonghwa.
“What’s wrong?” Yunho asked and it was genuine in the way he actually cared. 
“Do you think she’s pretty?” you asked, gesturing over to the girl Seonghwa was flirting with through the crowd of bodies. The music was loud and annoying but it wasn’t so bad that you couldn’t hear each other speak. So you continued to talk.
Yunho raised a brow and sighed. “Well, she’s not ugly.” He stated the obvious but there was a hint of hesitation in his voice that made you wonder what he actually thought of her. Because she truly was pretty. “Is that why you’re here drinking and not having fun? Because you’re jealous?”
“Can you blame me? Do you think I should tell him how I feel? I just don’t want to lose him forever just because I was too scared to say anything and have him fall for her.” The bartender then slid you your drink and you pulled out some cash from your purse to pay. You downed your drink in a flash, hissing at the burn in your throat soon after. 
“That’s up to you,” Yunho exasperated, and it was obvious he didn’t feel comfortable interfering with your friendship with Seonghwa in case it went south. “But I wouldn’t do it. You guys are in a good place right now,” his eyes drifted over to Seonghwa once again and he paused, “but since he has someone, why don’t you try looking for someone here too? To get him off your mind?”
Your eyes lit up the moment you realized what he was trying to say. “You’re suggesting I make him jealous?”
Yunho pinched his temple. “No, that’s not what I meant. What I’m trying to say is that you should meet someone new. Someone who you aren’t close with so in case things go bad, you won’t be ruining a good friendship.”
“You think confessing will ruin our friendship?” you sulked. Yunho was way too easy to read.
“It could ruin things. Just think about it? There’s a lot of people here around our age, just pick someone and try to talk to them. Who knows what'll happen.” He raised his brows suggestively, as if your main goal was to get laid.
“I want someone who will take me seriously, but I hate trying to flirt with guys,” you groaned. “Small talk is a waste of time and all they want is sex in the end. And even if they don’t expect sex like that guy you set me up with, the conversations are so boring. All dates are the same with the same lame ass questions back and forth as if it's a Q&A." you sighed, recalling that time you agreed to go on a blind date with a guy Yunho chose for you. It was with one of his friends on his dance team and although he was nice, you wanted to rip your hairs out from how boring the conversation was. Apparently you had a thing for ‘unavailable guys’ and 'men who don’t like you back'. Because according to Yunho, the guy he had set you up with was a ‘real gentleman’ and you were ‘too blind’ to see it. 
Regardless, you could tell Yunho was fed up with your mindset. “You find everything good ‘boring’. Are you sure you even want a relationship? You barely give anyone a chance,” Yunho deadpanned. And even though you found what he said to be true, you rolled your eyes. “But right now, don’t expect anything, just go walk up to someone and talk to them, you never know where the night will lead.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, not wanting to see anyone romantically but Seonghwa. “I still think I should tell Seonghwa how I feel tonight." You took a deep breath, then wiped your sweaty palms on your jeans. 
“Are you sure you want to do that now?” Yunho swallowed. “Just wait until after your birthday, yeah?”
You raised a brow. “Why?” 
“Just wait. Let’s just enjoy your birthday next week first before making any impulsive decisions,” he smiled. And you couldn’t help but feel like there was something he was not telling you. 
You became confused now because what difference did it make if you confessed to Seonghwa tonight versus next week? If he liked you back, then that’d be great. If he didn’t, then that’d fine too. You just wanted to tell him before it was too late.
But then the realization hits you. And you frowned. “You think he doesn’t like me..."
Yunho pursed his lips and it was obvious what his answer was before he even opened his mouth. “I’m sorry. But yeah. And if you tell him now and he doesn’t like you back, your birthday will probably just be tainted with those memories.”
You hated how Yunho had a point and sulked even more as you continued to rant to him about how you felt. You didn’t even realize how much of your heart you had spilled out until you glanced down at your watch. And right as you did, you heard your other friend’s voice pierce through the loud music and you peered up.
“Hey Yunho, Y/N!” Mingi yelled again as he neared. “Some of the guys from Delta Sigma Pi are at the bar down the street and drinks are on Wooyoung, let’s go!" Mingi insisted before walking back to your other friends on the dance floor.
Yunho glanced over at you with a solemn tight lipped smile and you both exchanged a nonverbal ‘let’s go’ before jumping off the wooden stools. You barely got to dance at the club tonight and a part of you felt like you wasted a good outfit. Maybe it would pay off at the bar Mingi was talking about. And maybe you could make Seonghwa pay attention to you a bit more if he was tagging along too. 
As the rest of the guys rounded up to leave, you stuck to Yunho and tried not to make it so obvious that you were upset. You honestly didn’t expect Seonghwa to join the group since he looked so infatuated and busy with the girl earlier but he did. Which made a part of you felt like you still had a chance. 
The moment you made it out of the club, the cool air of the night attacked your skin. Although you were wearing skinny jeans that covered your legs, your top was just a corset that barely covered anything. You were freezing cold as you crossed your arms over your chest. Nevertheless, you began to chat with Yunho while waiting for Seonghwa who was still inside the club. But when Mingi yelled at the both of you to hurry up, Yunho jogged up to where the majority of your friends were. And you stayed behind.
You trailed slowly behind your friends, waiting for Seonghwa. You stared at the sidewalk as your mind began to envision. This would be the perfect moment to confess to him, you thought. You two would both be walking alone in the city and you could just say it. And if luck was on your side tonight, he would say it back. 
The sound of Seonghwa's footsteps made you look up and you greeted him with a smile full of hope.
“Aw, you waited for me,” Seonghwa said when he finally came out of the club. There was a hint of cheeriness in his voice and something about him looked different. He was glowing and seemed more joyful than usual.
“Of course I did,” you replied with, and you couldn’t help but admire how pretty happiness looked on him.
You both began walking towards your friends ahead. The more time you were outside in the cold, the more you began to shiver. Seonghwa noticed this and sighed before talking off his jacket to drape it over your shoulders. “There. You really should start bringing a jacket whenever we go out at night or else you’ll catch a cold again,” he scolded.
“You sound more like my mom everyday. All you do is nag,” you rolled your eyes jokingly. You slipped your arms through the jacket and you tried to be subtle in the way you breathed in his scent. The one that lingered of his cologne and body. Because little did Seonghwa know, you purposely never brought a jacket because you knew he’d lend you his in a heartbeat anyway. And that was the ultimate goal.
He then nudged your side. “So did you have fun drinking by yourself? You’re usually on the dance floor the whole time, what was up with you today?” 
“Just still tired from my two midterms earlier this morning,” you lied. Biting the inside of your cheek, you contemplated if you wanted to ask him about the girl or not. And then it just slipped out. “So did you get her number?” 
“The girl you were flirting with earlier?”
“Oh, you mean Seolhyun. I already have her number,” he replied simply as if you were supposed to know who she was. 
“Oh,” you muttered, hating how weak you sounded. You stared at the concrete sidewalk ahead.  
“Why do you ask?” 
“Just curious,” you shrugged. “You seemed so close to her.”
“Yeah we’re kind of close I guess. She just joined the dance team last month so I still don’t know her that well yet,” he seemed to be in a train of thought and paused for a couple seconds before he smiled, “I didn’t expect to see her today at the club with her friends you know? But it was nice seeing her.” He then threw an arm around your shoulder as he pulled you closer to his side. “I think you’ll like her. You should get to know her, it would be nice if two of my favorite girls got along,” Seonghwa said and you chewed on your bottom lip to stop yourself from saying something backhanded because you were in a sour mood now. 
Why was she his favorite girl too? This was worse than you thought. Earlier, you thought maybe she was just a random girl. But now that you knew that she was his friend, things weren't looking good. It would only be a matter of time before he fell for her, you just knew it. The hope that he would like you back from earlier disappeared into thin air and a part of your heart sank.
Seonghwa (who failed to read the air or the fact that there was now a frown on your face) was still as chirpy as ever as he began to talk about the dance team after his hands came back to his side. 
While he rambled, you suddenly remembered how Yunho mentioned last month that there was a new girl on the dance team. And then it clicked. Did Yunho know about Seonghwa and Seolhyun being close all along? Yunho was acting so weird earlier, almost as if he was trying to hide the fact that he knew her. He was trying so hard to get you to go off with another guy too. It all made sense now. And you frustratingly made a mental note to talk to him later. 
“Y/N?” Seonghwa's voice called out, pulling you out of your daze. 
“Were you even listening to me?” 
You were not. And before you could even stop yourself, the “do you like her?” question left your mouth and you hated how jealous you sounded. “Do you like Seolhyun I mean,” you clarified and Seonghwa just stared at you blankly as if he was contemplating telling you.
A couple seconds of silence would pass by before he mumbled, “yeah, I do.”
And just like that, your heart managed to shatter into a hundred pieces and he didn’t even get the chance to reject you yet. You felt like something died in your throat. An “oh,” was all you managed to get out before a stretch of silence followed.
“She’s really amazing,” Seonghwa began as he admired the city lights in front of him. He was oblivious to the fact that you were uninterested, too busy talking about Seolhyun as he smiled ear to ear. A part of you died inside as you realized how enamored he was with her. “I meant it when I said you should get to know her, you know? She’s a good person. She's an amazing dancer and she has a good heart too. She’s an environmental science major and she even volunteers at this cute animal shelter near campus when she has time and she loves dogs. She has this one...”
At some point, you tuned out most of his words.
“She sounds great,” you'd say as you put on a smile. You didn’t even think he noticed the pain in your eyes as he just kept going on and on about Seolhyun. You felt yourself shrink as he continued to go on about how wonderful she was. Because weren’t you wonderful too? He’s known you for two years and he’s known her for what? A month? What did she have that you didn’t?
Despite how you truly felt though, you played the supportive best friend. Because what other option did you have? 
It would be a while of listening to Seonghwa talk about his crush before you guys finally reached the bar. And that was when you heard the voice of your other friend, your savior on a day like this.
“Seonghwa! Y/N! Hurry up,” Yunho hollered back at the two of you from the entrance. You flashed a smile at Yunho and mentally thanked him because if you had to hear one more thing about how captivating Seolhyun was on the stage, you were sure your mind would’ve actually exploded. 
After making it inside, you avoided Seonghwa for the most part and made it your mission to drag Yunho (who was currently talking with Mingi and Yeosang) to the side so you could talk to him. You settled for a spot near the restrooms before letting go of Yunho’s hand. Good thing this was a chill bar and not a nightclub like earlier, because the music was way more bearable for a conversation. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that Seonghwa likes that new dance girl?” You lightly smacked Yunho’s chest. “You’re so fake.”
His eyes widened and it was obvious he was surprised you found out. “I just didn’t want to make you more upset,” he pleaded, “I’m sorry, okay? You didn’t confess to him already, did you?”
“No, thankfully I didn't. I’m just so annoyed. He kept telling me about how great she is and I hate how he likes her and not me. It’s not fair. I knew him first,” you sulked and Yunho pulled you into his arms. 
“Hey, you have your good qualities, don’t compare yourself. Now come on, let’s forget about Seonghwa. I have someone to introduce you to,” he insisted as he pulled back from the hug. His hands were on your shoulders now and he insisted that you’d love the guy he wanted you to meet. Apparently he has a 'fun personality' so you wouldn't get bored talking to him which made you rolled your eyes. Despite this, you didn’t protest since you figured fuck it, what could hurt? Seonghwa already indirectly rejected you anyway, might as well fuck around and try to make him jealous.
You ended up going with Yunho to the area where his friends were earlier to meet this special guy he had in mind for you.
“Get to know him and don't be so mean, okay?" Yunho began to say as you neared the guys. "Don’t put any expectations on the night either and keep it casual. He’s fun and a social guy so don’t worry, you’ll like him,” Yunho assured you. And you wonder why he was so adamant about this because weren’t you ‘picky as hell’? (A thing Yunho said you should reconsider not being if you didn’t want to grow old and still be single.)
When you finally approached his friends, you realized that some of them were in your classes throughout the years. And a part of you felt a bit more comfortable around them in a way, knowing that they weren’t complete strangers.
“This is Wooyoung, he's the guy I've been telling you about,” Yunho introduced, raising his brow at you. He then continued to introduce you to the rest of his friends from the business fraternity. And as he did so, a part of you began to realize that this was Yunho’s plan all along. That he had planned to set you up with Wooyoung before you even got here. Because now that you thought about it, he has mentioned Wooyoung before last week, but you were too busy going on about Seonghwa that day to care.
Now that Seonghwa liked someone else however, you supposed you should open yourself up more and at least try to move on. And it wasn't hard to do so as you continued to chat with Yunho’s friends, especially with the one who was named Wooyoung. He was stupidly attractive and the way he looked at you was so intense sometimes, you actually got flustered. If only Yunho had just shown you a picture of this guy last week. Maybe then you would’ve been more excited to meet him. And while briefly talking to him, you realize that he was indeed a funny guy. No where like the previous nice guy Yunho had set you up with.
A while later, Yunho would encourage his friends to get drinks, so obviously trying to get you and Wooyoung alone. (But not before shooting you a good luck wink of course, which only made you playfully roll your eyes.) 
Once it was just the two of you, Wooyoung took the initiative to step closer. “Hi.” He began with a smile. “Yunho has told me alot about you.”
“Oh really?” you deadpanned, finding his choice of borderline pick up lines amusing. You wonder how many girls he had said that to before and you refrained from scoffing. “Like what?” you entertained him, now pursing your lips. 
“Come on,” he smiled, somehow not put off by your attitude yet. “I’ll tell you about it over drinks.” 
[ Series Masterlist | ⇨ Part 2 ]
Taglist- @thunderous-wolf @kookley77-blog @huachengsbestie01 @tinyteezer
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xerotiny99 · 2 months
―⚜ province one: wicked games.
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Smut with plot. | Long chapters. | No use of [y/n]. | Detailed and graphic smut. | All smut-shots are in female reader's perspective. | Includes series and standalones.
[Misread the map? Go back to start here]
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1.] Attention: Jeong Yunho x Female Reader
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#1 Our Precious [slice of life au, college au, polygamy, reverse harem] ╰┈➤ sexcapades of a sophomore year college student while living with eight roommates who are equally freaky as her. What started off as pure physical arrangement soon turns to something more. Storyline following "Moon Angel" (female reader) and her eight "roommates".
1.] 2 AM Call: Jeong Yunho x Reader 2.] Game Night Gone Wrong: Jeong Yunho x Reader x Park Seonghwa 3.] Trouble in Paradise: Jeong Yunho x Reader 4.] Win Me a Bear: Choi Jongho x Reader 5.] House of Cards: Ateex Ot8 x Reader [no smut] 6.] The Lewd Rituals of a Typical Day: Park Seonghwa x Reader x Jeong Yunho x Kang Yeosang 6.1] Feed Me Please, Daddy: Park Seonghwa x Reader 6.2] Down on My Knees: Kang Yeosang x Reader
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#2 Guns & Roses [Mafia au] ╰┈➤ a florist, a cop, and a mafia boss; sounds good right? As if nothing could go wrong. Well, think again. Storyline based on mafia au, Jeong Yunho - Mafia boss, Female Reader (Kang Yeonhwa) - Florist, Park Seonghwa - Cop.
1.] Under the Stars, Beyond the Sea: Jeong Yunho x Reader
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#3 Loving Professor Jeong [professor au] ╰┈➤ when the love-hate relationship between your favourite professor goes south. Storyline based on professor au, and reverse harem.
1.] Antiserum D: Jeong Yunho x Reader
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#4 No Saint No Saviour [psychopath au] ╰┈➤ True evil, above all, is seductive. Yoon Dajung’s (reader) life gets weaved with certain people she never should’ve trusted. Ateez as Psychopaths; really dark and mature.
1.] Room for Two: Choi Jongho x Reader
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Ethel Cain Series [2/4] ╰┈➤ my adaptations of ethel cain's songs into short imagines; follow dark themes.
1.] Knuckle Velvet: Jeong Yunho x Reader 2.] Strangers: Jeong Yunho x Reader
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1.] Room for Two: Choi Jongho x Reader - wattpad request. 2.] Chasing Stars in the Dark: Jeong Yunho x Reader - wattpad request.
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bangtanintotheroom · 4 months
Plug & Play (M)(Teaser)
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• Pairing: Guitarist!Hongjoong x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Rock Band!AU, Smut, Strangers to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words (teaser): 742
• Summary: Tonight is the night that you quit being a bystander and make a move towards the guitarist on stage with the devilish smile.
• Warnings/themes: a rock show! 🎸, swearing, drinking, pining, Y/N is a horny bean, Hongjoong and his dangerous smiles 🫠, Yeosang the wingman, flirting, making out, semi-public sex, oral (f. receiving), dirty talk, fingering, hitting it from the back, fingers in mouth, finger sucking, protected sex (be responsible!), clothed sex, multiple orgasms
• Notes: Welp, it’s happened; I fell for yet another leader 🙃 which culminated in me going feral over his recent guitar solo and needing to write something related to it. So here it is! I should have this uploaded by Thursday morning, the latest, since I’ll be out of town for a few days. We’re trucking along pretty quickly, so I have faith! 💕
• Teaser Notes: Teasers are a WIP and will not fully reflect the final draft, warnings and themes are subject to change. If you want to be tagged when the final draft is released, either leave a reply or shoot me an ask!
• Taglist: @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @firesighgirl @swga-ficrecs @hyunjinsjeans
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“I’m gonna fuck him.”
Yeosang stared at you from behind the counter, wondering if he heard you right amidst the clinking glasses and rock music.
“Excuse me?”
“I said, I’m gonna fuck him, Yeo.”
You rolled your eyes, rotating ninety degrees to point at the object of your desire on stage.
There was little surprise on your end at the scoff you heard from behind.
“You’re still on that mission?”
Your head whipped around incredulously. “Yes! Why are you shocked by this?”
Yeosang’s expression reeked of indifference as he wiped some bottles down.
“Because I thought you would have given up by now.”
“I don’t give up easily, dude—” Your eyes watched as a certain someone tuned their guitar strings. “—especially when I really want something.”
And you really wanted the man you had in your sights.
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“Here you go.”
“Thanks. Are you new here?”
Your head shook at Seonghwa’s question. “No, I don’t even work here. Just helping my friend out while he gets slammed with customers.”
The pretty guitarist smiled softly.
“That’s very nice of you.”
Your cheeks couldn’t help but warm a tiny bit, shooting him the same look. “Thank you. He has to listen to enough of my ranting at home, might as well ease his pain somehow.”
Yunho blinked curiously before asking, “You’re roommates?”
He made a sound of understanding, yet another voice cut in before he could say anything.
“Thought you looked familiar.”
You focused your sight on Hongjoong, recognition on his attractive face that had your heart beating a little faster.
“Yeah—” His mouth quirked. “—thought I saw you hanging around Yeosang the last few times we were here.”
Oof. You weren’t sure how to react to him basically saying that he recognized you from afar. It wasn’t a bad thing, at all, considering your end goal, but you were surprised he even remembered with the amount of people in this building.
All you could muster was a scratch of the back of your neck, trying not to fluster further under his gaze.
“Haha, that’s me, always bugging him.”
Hongjoong gave a soft laugh, eyes scrunching in humor. It only made you more bashful, trying your best not to rub the toe of your boot into the ground.
Noticing that Yunho was roped into a conversation with the others now, it just left you alone with the lead guitarist.
A window of opportunity!
But for some reason, you couldn’t muster the words to continue speaking with him. Even though he continued to acknowledge you with his gaze, your eyes averted to watch the stage behind the dining tables.
Your ears perked up, looking up to see Hongjoong eyeing you with curiosity.
“What’s your name?”
A lifesaver.
You had to hold back the large grin you wanted to give, settling for a polite smile instead.
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You turned around, hearing the door shut and lock before Hongjoong approached you, lips curled akin to someone ready to indulge in the sweetest dessert of their life.
“Is this a much better spot?”
Your mouth twisted in humor, nodding as you replied with delight, “Much better.”
The both of you looked into each other’s eyes, bodies thrumming with energy that was ready to be unleashed at any moment. Although, no one made a move for a moment.
That is, until Hongjoong chose to take a step forward, leaving the tiniest of spaces between you two.
Having him so close directly in front of you had even more of an effect than before, his fresh scent invading your nostrils while your heart pumped faster. It got worse when a hand came up to brush some hair behind your ear, his touch making you bite your lip.
Hongjoong noticed your shift and chuckled, “Nervous?”
You shook your head.
“No, just…excited.”
His grin only widened at your admission, sliding his hand down gently cradle your jaw.
“Same. Didn’t think I’d ever get to be up close and personal with Yeosang’s pretty friend.”
Although you were melting inside at the compliment, your eyebrow raised in amazement.
“So why didn’t you make a move first?”
You hoped to trip him up, but the guitarist didn’t seem fazed, straight teeth almost blinding you.
“I wanted to see how badly you wanted me.”
His low response brought a mixture of exasperation and lust to you, your eyes rolling as you huffed, “You rockstars and your egos.”
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2024. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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captain-joongz · 5 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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jeong yunho
♤ the drill by @byuntrash101
big dick!yunho, kinda fluffy and sweet
kang yeosang
◇ let's play a game by @anyamaris
yeosang x reader x soobin (txt), friends to lovers, primal play
choi san
♧ howling to your moon by @essenteez
established relationship, smut
☆ oh he's good by @yoongiseesawmp3
part of church boy series, bad boy (?) san kinda
♤ pornstar!san by @orgverse
camboy/camgirl au, live stream sex, hinted ateez x reader
◇ incubus: coming of age by @byuntrash101
incubus!san, kinda slowburn
♧ moll by @last-words-ofashootingstar
1920s mafia, corrupt police officer!san, dark, yandere, manipulation
song mingi
☆ roommate by @essenteez
roommates to lovers, horny mingi
♤ a taste of desire by @solfiera
college au, brother's best friend!mingi
jeong wooyoung
◇ not on my watch by @remedyx
christmas time, getting together thanks to mistletoe, fluffy
♧ 5 weeks by @setsugekka
idol!wooyoung x stylist!reader, coworkers to lovers, woo is an annoying little shit (affectionate)
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 BTS, TxT, Stray Kids, Seventeen, NCT rec list
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atinycafe · 11 months
COMMON MASTERLIST — ateez blurbs
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collection of my blurbs under the cut ٩(๑ `︿´๑)۶
multiple members
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- longing for your owners!ot8!ateez, who had left hybrid!you alone at home, you reach for the phone seeking comfort. - hyungline!ateez headcanons about the first time u meet them - atz headcanons about reader being unusually silent when drunk - atz headcanons about reader hugging a pillow 2 sleep - atz headcanons about making out with them on a chase atlantic beat - atz headcanons on them using "tiny" during sex [nsfw]
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- biker!seonghwa vs bimbo!reader [suggestive] - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help)
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- a long-awaited reunion in hongjoong's creative studio leads to soft moment - hurt 2 comfort with hongjoong [light angst] - hongjoong and your first subdrop [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - primal play with predator!joong [nsfw] - soft sex w joong [nsfw]
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- during a late-night math session, you're visited by spiderman!yunho - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help) - yunho fucks your nightmare away [nsfw] - choking kink w yunho [nsfw] - some boxer!yunho timestamps
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- you admit something to vampire!yeosang [suggestive] - prince!yeosang rubs oil in your hair (cuz he loves brown girls) - yeosang and his oral fixation aka he loves boobies [nsfw]
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- babying and doing san's eyebrows - ceo!san leaves u alone in ur bed 4 a meeting - sangi taking care of sick you - phone sex with daddy!san [nsfw] - pregnant reader faints [slight angst] - emperor!san x empress!reader
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- mingi taking care of drunk you - sangi taking care of sick you (i have a thing 4 mingi taking care of me and i think it shows) - roommate!mingi is a big pervert [nsfw]
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- wooyoung playfully interrupts your asmr session, expressing his jealousy in a dramatic yet affectionate manner. - hybrid!wooyo plays a little game with you in your bathtub [nsfw] - overstimulation w meandom!woo [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - zombie au - zombie au pt 2
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- exbf!jongho misses u but u... miss him too? - jongho teases u
other groups
- spoonfuls of ice cream [brother's best friend!eunseok] - yandere school (+18) tropes [riize, atz, tbz, txt]
other works can be found here
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