#youtuber one shots
cheriladycl01 · 16 days
I'm not scared! Colby Brock x MotoGPDriver! Reader Part 5
Plot: You made a tweet about Sam and Colby and were in a podcast and they brought up Sam and Colby where you talked about the paranormal and how it doesn't really scare you because you drive motorcycles at over 200mph.
Credit to misscalliopecruz for the GIF
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Eventually the tour guides, medium and caretaker all left off site and you guys watched them leave to confirm it.
"So what are we doing first, flashlights, rem-pod, spirit box!" you ask excitedly. Both the boys laughing at how excited you were getting.
"We can just start with the REM and EMF reader in this room, then maybe whip out the Ovulis?" Sam suggests.
"That sounds good!" you smile.
The boys start to set up while you look around at all of the pictures.
"Hi!" you hear next to you, it almost sounded like Colby or Sam doing a really high pitched girlie voice in your ear. You turn round to talk to whoever had come over to you, only to find you were alone and Sam and Colby were crouched down getting the equipment out.
"Did you guys just say something..." you ask slowly walking over to them. They both looked up confused and could see you were just as confused.
"No, we've both been here getting the equipment out" Colby says standing up.
"Did you hear something?" Sam asks and you nod.
"Yeah it was like one of you were doing a really high pitched girl voice that said Hi ... like right in my ear. I thought one of you were behind me!" you explained and they started to record to explain what had just happened to you.
"Okay, we have the REM pod here in the middle of this large dining room table. Y/N is holding the EMF reading and the Ovulis next to Colby... so lets start our dining room investigation!" Sam says clapping his hands.
Just as he did the clap the EMF Reader in your hand spiked once and turned back off.
"Woah, did that just spike to red?" Colby asks looking over your shoulder and you nod.
"If whoever did that can do that again that would be amazing!" you ask and it immediately went off again.
"Woah, that's incre-" Sam starts to say, but the REM-pod started to go off.
"WOAH!" both the boys yell as Sam pans the camera to where the REM-pod is going off.
"Does that mean we are with more than one?" you ask and the EMF-reader goes off making you grin.
"I think we are here with Bianca and Drake guys" you smile looking around the room, it feels a little colder but not in a malicious way.
"I think you are right, lets get the Ovulis on and we can start to ask them some questions!" Sam directs as Colby nods and turns on the black yes or no box.
"Okay, Y/N do you want to ask first. They seem to like you the most!" Colby asks.
"Erm, Hi hello! We don't come here with any ill intentions and we just want to here you story, is that okay?" you ask and the box makes a sound before flicking to yes.
"Thank you for that, are we talking to Bianca and Drake!" Sam asks and nothing happens.
"Is this Bianca and Drake?" you repeat and the box flicks to yes.
"They are only talking to Y/N!" Colby laughs, you giggle a little bit too.
"You guys dont have to be scared of Sam or Colby, they are friends. They are the ones who brought me here to see you!" you smile and the box waits a while until it flicks to yes again.
"You guys are welcome to follow us for the rest of the night and keep us safe, will you follow us?" Colby asks and it again answers yes.
"Was that you that I saw outside earlier?" you ask thinking of the little blip you'd seen in the grounds as you'd first arrived here.
The box started to freak out, repeating no no no 3 times before a bang was heard up in the left corner near a different room. The camera pans to yours and Colbys open mouthed expression from the shock of how loud that was.
"What was that?" you ask, Sam and Colby wonder off to investigate where the noise came from, but couldn't find anything and they slowly came back.
"Nothing?" you asked looking between them and they nodded showing you the camera.
"I'm guessing that wasn't something nice I saw outside behind the house then...guess someone will have to go out there later" you say before putting your finger on your nose. Sam shortly follows before Colby looks at the both of you.
"Fuck guys!" he cries laughing before you guys end the investigation there and decide to head to the next location where you were going to attempt to use the flashlights, not only did the fans love them but you were super intrigued to see them work in real time.
You guys move into one of the upstairs bedrooms, it feels, not necessarily negative but just upsetting like something bad happened here that shouldn’t have.
You guys place the torches at either end of the room, one on each mantle facing towards each other.
“Okay, I guess we start” Colby says before Sam gasps and ruffles through the bag of objects.
“It’s mandatory now to have the cat call as well when we do these” Sam says placing a cat pall on the floor somewhere away from you guys to stop any confusion.
“If there are any spirits in this room that would like to talk to us, please turn on this blue flashlight by me” Colby asks and almost instantly the room lights up further thanks to the blue torch turning on.
“Holy shit that’s crazy! Wait like how does that work. Can I stand next to it if I keep my hands behind my back?” You ask and Sam and Colby look at each other before nodding. They film you as you inspect the torch seeing it in in fact just a regular torch, one that is on its own and seemingly doesn’t have anything about it that would make Sam or Colby seem like frauds.
“Can you please turn this torch off and then the Red torch on!” You ask and right in-front of you eye-line the torch flickers out. And as if something walked across the room to get to the other torch it turns on a few delayed seconds later.
“That’s sick!” You cry in excitement before apologising profusely to the ghost worried about insulting it with your excitement.
“Okay, are we in the room with Bianca and Drake?” Sam asks and both torches then turn on at the same time.
“Bianca are you at the blue torch?” Colby asks looking to the torch you were stood near and it turns out.
“No so Y/N is stood with Drake, and Colby is over there with Bianca” Sam instructs and both torches turn back on.
“They are very intelligent spirits, do you guys mind if we refer to you as that?” You ask politely and both turn of, meaning they didn’t mind.
“Is there something that scares you in this house” Colby asks and both the torches remain on.
“Is it Madison?” Colby pushes and both flashlights flicker as if they were on the edge of a yes and a no.
“Should we be scared of Madison?” You ask, and both stop there flickering and stay on.
“What about your ex-wife Vasilla. We know what she did” Colby asks looking in your direction and both flashlights turn on.
“Yes and no is pretty hard isn’t it?” You sigh looking around feeling sorry for the spirits answering all your questions.
“Mmm maybe it’s time for … the spirit box!” Colby says in a creepy voice making you laugh and cringe a little.
“Why’d you say it like that! Never do that again!” You cry looking over at him in shock.
“Mmmm you don’t like my creepy voice” he grins in a teasing manner coming closer to you looking down at you making you look down shaking your head with a laugh.
@richardsamboramylove55 @braveangel777 @rockwyu @jada-lockwood @itzdarling @h3arts4harry @lemonnightmare
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justfriendsbestthings · 3 months
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Baking with Wilmon ✨
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raspbrrytea · 9 months
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Mr. Hozier :)
3 hrs. Reference under cut
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source: https://youtu.be/_b9SwnSqQz4?feature=shared
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eccentricwritingbaby · 7 months
she’s a lady
charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary - based on the song 'shes a lady' by tom jones. just y/n being cool and charles being a simp lol
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Well, she's all you'd ever want
She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner
Well she always knows her place
She's got style, she's got grace, she's a winner
charles did not want to go out tonight, he really didn’t. but there was just simply no possible way he could ever say no to that wonderful face. you came prancing into the bedroom you both shared bubbling over with excitement as you began to devise your outfit plan of the night while charles just laid on the bed with dreams in his eyes. you had tumbled into his life unexpectedly yet perfectly a few years ago and fit him like a glove. you were a girl constantly sought after, therefore you played hard to get when charles began his pursuit yet ultimately fell into the drivers arms at last. but, charles did not mind the chase, he would drive, run, skip, throughout all of monaco - hell europe hell the world - if it meant at the end of the day you would be his and his only. 
“cherie?” you called out from your place in the closet. charles quickly dropped his phone, hopped off the bed and walked into the closet at your beck and call.
“oui, mon amour” he quickly replies while holding onto your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“do you like this dress for tonight? or this other one?” you briefly pointed to two different dresses, both small and revealing the only difference being the color - black or red. 
“y/n what am i going to do with you,” charles sighs while squeezing your hips. you proceed to chuckle feeling something familiar pleasurably digging into your back. 
“char, the dresses aren’t even on and you are already turned on? oh however will you last through the night,” you sigh through the last portion to give him a quick tease as you continue to sort through your dresses. 
“i really do not think i will, mon ange,” charles whispers into your ear and proceeds to give your neck a kiss while replying again, “and you know i love you in red, always,”
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa she's a lady
Talkin' about that little lady
And the lady is mine
as the two of you approached the club all of your friends were at, charles began to notice the stares that were always pointed at you. he was a large celebrity and received a lot of people staring but that was all from proclaimed shock. the men - no - boys staring at you were gawking and undressing you with their eyes. normally charles would feel quite protective, and he does at times, but in these moments as your hand tightly grips his while walking through the crowded venue, he feels only pride. people look you up and down hoping you even so much as glance in their direction yet your eyes will never leave charles, you’re his. its never been in a possessive manner, only that you and charles have been absolutely and blissfully head over heels for each other from the moment you had laid eyes on each other. 
Well, she's never in the way
Always something nice to say, oh what a blessing
I can leave her on her own
Knowing she's okay alone, and there's no messing
you sat gracefully at the vip table that charles and your friends had reserved for the night out. charles watched as you nodded along to something joris was speaking to you about, a polite smile never leaving your face. you added in small comments here and there which made joris laugh while also listening intently and honestly, something that is so rare nowadays. 
carlos’ voice pulls charles from his thoughts as he asks the question charles asks himself everyday, “how y/n said yes to you i will never understand, chico, how did you get that blessing of a woman to be with you?”
charles receives this joke quite often, with you being so perfect and all. he understands that carlos is only joking with him and therefore replies back with a grin, “because i am the charles leclerc, mate”
charles’ grin grows wider after his laugh once spotting you walking over to him, “char, im heading to the bar for another drink, you need anything?” 
your deliciously sweet tone along with the sexy and sultry outfit you had on ruined charles in one altercation, therefore leading him to quickly stutter out a, “n-no thank you, love”
“okay, ill be right back, boys,” you smile to the rest of the group and only to charles do you drop your left eye into a small wink. the boys cheer for a minute and continue to hide their bits of envy in an easy teasing to charles - who accepts the teasing with pride because if you’re going to get made fun of by friends, it might as well be for having the perfect girl. 
as you continue to the bar, men begin to approach yet you remain oblivious only carrying tunnel vision on getting your drink and heading back to your man. you ignore the looks, the attempts at flirts and god-awful pickup lines while simply getting your drink and heading back towards the vip booth. right outside the booth and in complete view and earshot of charles, a relentless man keeps trying to talk and flirt with you. 
“c’mon love, just one dance, i promise i’ll take good care of ya,” he says to you. charles is about to come rescue you, but you have other plans.
“i said no and that i have a boyfriend you fuckhead, now please go away so that i can actually enjoy my evening,” you finish the easy tell-off with a few bats to your eyelashes and the man is turned away but not without muttering a quick ‘bitch’ under his breath, “excuse me?!” you whip your head around to him once more.
“i called you a bitch, lady,” he says once more, you give a whole-hearted laugh which just confuses him further. 
“i am a lady, but i will still set you straight,” you finish off while staring at the man.
“what do you mean by that, bitch” he taunts further. and with one simple swing, the man is on the ground and you’re shaking out your soon-to-be bruised hand. charles comes rushing up to you and engulfs you into a hug. 
“mon amour, are you alright?” he quickly questions.
“i am a lady who can handle herself, char, no need to worry,” you reassure and give a kiss to his awaiting lips. 
over to the side, joris leans over to whisper to the group that witnessed it all happen, “he’s too damn lucky to have her, she’s a badass,” the men just all look at each other while nodding in agreement to his statement. charles was lucky, but you knew that you were too. there is a reason that you felt safe enough to punch the man and also easily ignore all the stares that were given, because your protector was right behind you, fueling you with confidence and ease just as you do for him. 
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa she's a lady
Talkin' about that little lady
And the lady is mine
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Day 16 of Kinktober: Finally Meeting Colby
Pairing: Colby Brock x fem!reader
Warning: protected sex, getting hickeys
A/N: sorry that i’ve been posting late I’ve been busy lately!
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I’m been messaging a youtuber name Colby Brock for a year and I’m finally going to meet him at the Trap House. We met at Playlist Live last year and we’ve been chatting since then and facetiming each other and Colby showing me his roommates including some friends of youtube friends as well.
One day, I bought a plane ticket to go to LA so I can meet Colby in person, but I didn’t tell Colby about it because I want to make it a surprise. I text the Trap House guys without Colby in it and told them when I’m landing and where my luggage is at so they can meet me. When I landed I text them that I’m in Los Angeles, Elton, Corey, Devyn, and Jake came to pick me up from the airport and we made a plan because they said to the rest of the house that they’re going to Target, so we went to Target and got some stuff they needed and I got some stuff for myself.
“Let’s put your stuff in a separate bag so Colby will kinda figures out that you’re here.” Elton says getting a separate bag ready for me.
“Okay. Are you sure this’ll work?” I ask.
“Colby tells us what you eat by the facetiming you guys do.” Corey says.
“Okay.” I said. I hope this works.
When we got to the house I get nervous, Devyn notices and tries to calm me down, I can’t believe I’m meeting Colby since we saw each other last year.
“Alright, Devyn, stay with Y/N and Corey text Devyn when it’s time for you two to go in.” Elton says with a camera on and has the Target bags in his other hand.
“Alright, you ready Y/N?” Corey asks.
“I am but still nervous.” I say.
“I’ll be here with you okay?” Devyn says rubbing her hand against on my back.
I nod. I’m ready.
Elton, Corey, and Jake goes in and Devyn and I were talking quietly so no one inside can hear us. Corey texts Devyn, it’s time to see him. Devyn takes my things and opens the door for me, the house looks so cool in real life. Colby walks out, his face looks confused but excited at the same time, I run towards him and runs towards me, we hug so tightly, I can’t believe I’m here with him.
“I can’t believe it’s you! I thought you have school today?” Colby stops hugging me and says.
“I lied, I had a flight to come here and Elton, Corey, Jake, and Devyn helped me.” I say.
“I knew it! I saw the bag of things that you eat, I knew there was something going on!” Colby says looking at the guys.
I laugh.
I get settled in the house in Colby’s room and I felt tired so I took a nap. After the nap, everyone and I went to Dave & Buster’s, Colby and I went around to other games so we can talk to each other privately.
“I still can’t believe you’re here.” Colby says while we’re walking to a game.
“I can’t believe it either.” I say following him.
“You wanna get in the photo booth?” Colby asked.
“Sure.” I smile.
We go to the photo booth and we take pictures, like us smiling, kissing, and some of the trap house boys came in and photobombed us. The pictures came out great! I send a picture of the four pictures of Colby, the roommates, and I to my parents so they can tell that Colby is real including the roommates as well. My parents believe me!
Colby and I have been talking about our personal lives for a while now and we began to kiss each other sometimes, but we’re not ready to go too far.
“You still tired?” Colby asks me.
“I am, it’s just the time zones, you know.” I tiredly say.
“I get what you’re saying Y/N/N.” He says.
Eventually, Colby introduced me to some of his youtube friends like, Brennen Taylor, which he’s kinda nice but he makes me uncomfortable.
Colby and I went on some dinner dates and some of his fans were nice but really rude at the same time. We went to some haunted places in Los Angeles as well which I really enjoy haunted places and anytime I get scared I would hold on to Colby and he would understand what I’m doing so he would hold on to me as well.
One night, Colby and I were alone, everyone went out to do a video or something but Colby and I stayed back. Colby was really touchy this night. All you can hear is me giggling by him touching me, and we start to kiss. I haven’t been kissed before so this felt special to me. Colby and I made out for a few minutes until we began to take our clothes off and Colby getting a condom for protection. He goes in and out of me and us moaning at the same time. He gives me hickeys, I moan even louder, I don’t want him to stop.
We continue our session until Colby’s door opens and it’s Sam looking horrified and Colby covers us, I look embarrassed. I hide my face in Colby’s chest, I never felt embarrassed in my life. Sam runs out of Colby’s room and Colby and I look at each other and chuckle.
“We’ll go somewhere special next time I promise.” Colby gets a strand of hair out my face.
“I’d like that.” I smile.
I’m so happy I’m with him but I hope we do something else then what we just did.
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ohandcounting · 1 year
If you don't know how to listen for things that aren't 100% obvious in music, like me, don't worry!!!! He puts everything side by side, hence the monstrosity in the thumbnail. He even uses the piano. There's even a 2-axis graph at the end!!!!
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harmshake · 9 months
The End Game
Months after their hot love affair cooled off, Amanda and Roman start to realize there’s more between them than just sizzling-good sex...
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Roman Reigns x Amanda (Fem!Black!OC) | 18+ ONLY, NSFW, drama, smut | ~15k words (Listen, I have a story to tell! 😭)
This is the final one shot chapter in the series, Let’s Play a Game. ❤️
Happy reading! Read all the chapters or my other Roman stories here, if you'd like. ✨
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"Cause we're way too in love, just to fuck and let go... Cause we're way too involved, just to cut and not call...way too in deep..."
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His big hands were stuck to her thick hips, easily holding her down, holding her close. Right where he wanted her. Amanda liked how strong his grip was on her, how his fingers dug into her soft skin, and how his hips moved with hers. One fluid motion, in and out, a slow dance that he could do for hours, even though he deliciously wore her down. 
But she wasn’t too tired to keep going. He was doing all the work, anyway, as he liked to spoil her, repositioning her thighs against his strong chest as he grinded into her, slowly, deeply, watching her moan to him with admiration in his dark brown eyes. Their eyes locked together as he searched them and she saw a satisfied smirk pull at his thick lips when he found what he was looking for…
“I’m still too much for you, baby?” he whispered, his deep voice heavy with conceit. He could see it as she squirmed beneath him, moan after moan rolling off her tongue. Amanda playfully rolled her eyes, too, and shot him a smirk back before he angled his hips up just slightly, just enough to tease himself along her g-spot, nudging it with winding strokes that made her moans fall into breathy whines. “Mmm…you ’bout to cum for me?” he asked tenderly before leaning down, burying himself deeper inside as their lips touched for a kiss.
“Yesssunhhhhh,” Amanda mumbled against his lips, her arms and legs now wrapped around his waist as she shook with his every slow, teasing, thorough thrust. “Right there, baby, unhh…I’m cumming,” she closed her eyes and whimpered on his shoulder when he moved his lips to her neck to kiss her there, too.
And as she cried out from that first glowing hot pleasure wave that washed over her, making her tremble against him, he softly growled in her ear, “Fuck, I love how this pussy grippin’ on me…who’s pussy is this, baby?”
“It’s all yours, Joe,” Amanda moaned without hesitation, her breath catching as her ecstasy snatched her up.
“What the fuck?” he spat, his luscious thrusts coming to an abrupt halt as he yanked up from her to glare at her with confused eyes.
“Oh, shit,” she blurted, both from the stupid, stupid slip-up and the very, very good orgasm that was still rolling through her body. She was tempted to grind it out by herself since he’d stopped moving, but she knew better than that. Just like she should have known better to moan her ex’s name while another man was inside her.
“Yo, what the fuck, Amanda?” Christian asked again, ripping himself out of her and pushing her thighs off his waist before he hopped off the bed altogether. The world knew him as Carmelo Hayes, but of course, she called him by his real name. Just not tonight. 
No, instead she let Joe, who the world knew as Roman Reigns, poison her mind while she was with Christian. She was ashamed to admit to herself that it wasn’t even the first time that it had happened—but it was a first for her to let her thoughts of him escape out of her mouth.
“I am so sorry, oh, my god,” was all she could say because there wasn’t much else to say. She pulled the bed sheets up around her naked body in shame, feeling exposed in more ways than one. She had fucked up and she knew he was going to hit her with a barrage of questions. And she also knew there was just one answer to all of them.
“You cheatin’ on me?” Christian asked, the betrayal on his beautiful face quickly twisting into anger as he jerked his boxers up to his waist. Amanda could see his hands trembling a little and it scared her. She’d never seen him this upset.
“No.” The single word flew out fast since it was the truth. She’d been exclusive with Christian for about three months and he was the only man she was romantic with. Yet Amanda had heard of such a thing as “emotional cheating”…and if that was a real thing…she was definitely guilty of that. 
Amanda hadn’t really spoken to Joe in over a year, not since their split last summer. And yet her heart would still do a tiny, asinine flip whenever she saw him backstage. If they ever did speak, it was tepid “pleasantries,” and only if they had to be near each other, like during in-ring segments where, as SmackDown’s ring announcer, she would introduce him to the live crowd, or if their friend groups merged at after-work parties.
But even that felt strained and forced as Amanda could feel Joe’s venom for her sting her skin if he ever bothered to look at her. The feeling was mutual as she believed it was his fault they broke up in the first place…
When she decided she needed to finally move the hell on, dating Christian was the final nail in the coffin of what remained of their relationship. For a while Amanda was grateful for the distraction because she liked Christian a lot…but apparently not enough to keep her from reminiscing about Joe…
His full, soft lips on her…his strong arms around her…his warm, hulking body pressed to hers…his deep voice in her ear…his thick dick deep enough to be in her stomach…
It made her feel sick. Didn’t matter how frustrated she was with that petty ass man…even all these months later, she was still just as horny for him. And she absolutely hated herself for it.
“I don’t believe you,” Christian said and she could tell he was trying not to raise his voice. Amanda was certain he already hated her, too, as any fond feelings they’d been nurturing instantly rotted with the mention of the wrong name. “Just be real with me. Is it Joe Joe? You seein’ him again?” he asked with his muscular arms crossed over his chest.
She felt so small with him towering over her as she sank into the bed, wishing she could find a nicer excuse to give him other than, “No. I just can’t stop thinking about him. Sex with you is great…it’s just not sex with him.”
“I swear to god I’m not! I haven’t even talked to him.”
“I’m telling you the truth!”
“You don’t just moan another fuckin' man’s name while fuckin’ your boyfriend unless he was recently fuckin’ you, too!” Christian hissed before he sucked in a big, shaky breath. He was fighting back tears and she despised that she was the cause. It made hot tears spring to Amanda’s eyes and she didn’t bother wiping at them as they fell down her cheeks.
“I haven’t been with anyone but you, I promise! I don’t know why I said that shit…I just know I was dumb to say it and I’m so sorry,” Amanda gasped in one big breath, her voice thick with remorse—and embarrassment for not having the courage to be real like he demanded. But she would not dare, not when it was clear that his name alone had done enough damage.
“Keep that bullshit apology, Amanda, ’cause I know you’re lyin’ to me. Don't think I never peeped how that nigga looks at you. But it's cool. Just stay the fuck away from me,” he replied and swiped up his clothes and shoes from the floor before turning his back to her and storming out of her hotel bedroom. She knew it would be pointless to chase after him, so instead, she hid her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed, and she listened to him get dressed and slam the door shut on his way out.
The worst part about suddenly losing her boyfriend wasn’t even that she felt terrible for breaking his heart—but that she felt terribly relieved to finally stop living a lie.
Because the truth was the demon she’d been fighting off for a while now had a name. And Amanda was ready to give in.
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Coming back to her hotel alone was an adjustment Amanda hadn’t quite made.
It had been two months since Christian dumped her, but truthfully, he wasn’t the reason she felt lonely after work. Sure, she thought about him sometimes, but no…it was always him. The same incubus haunting her thoughts and dreams. 
Because there was something about the way things crashed and burned with Joe that still didn’t sit right with her. When it weighed heavy enough on her mind on nights like tonight, it kept her awake with memories of how they used to laugh together, hold one another, and give each other orgasms that felt damn near like spiritual experiences...
And Amanda knew exactly what the problem was: Joe had the audacity to let her go like she was just some random woman.
She didn’t like to think about it too much, but being by herself in her hotel room left her with her thoughts as her only company. She realized that he’d hurt her feelings…feelings that she was afraid to admit to herself were deeper than she wanted them to be. How could her feelings not run deep for Joe when they went from those cute coworkers who’d flirt too often; to close friends who saw and text messaged each other almost every day; and finally as lovers who were inseparable between the sheets? 
And after five months together, none of that even mattered to him. 
He’d gotten her used to his radiant presence, his warmth, his smile, and now he was probably out there smiling all up in other women’s faces while she was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, studying her sad, dark brown eyes and slight frown that had been stuck on her plump lips for months. 
The blip in time that was her fun-while-it-lasted relationship with Christian did almost nothing to separate her from the year she'd spent in grief. She knew she was dead wrong to waste his time like that, but she also didn't know how else to heal. Her friends tried to make her feel better by telling her that hurt people hurt people, but she knew that was no excuse. She couldn’t take back what she did…but she also couldn’t let go of him.
And now she was ready to accept her fate: She wasn’t over Joe and…she didn’t want to be. 
She missed him. She missed everything. Like their post-work routine that they had perfected: They’d wait for the other backstage in his locker room to change out of their gear, hop on Joe’s private bus, grab dinner, and head back to his or her hotel to step into the shower together, cuddle on the couch together, and then crawl in bed together to fall asleep side by side...or not sleep.
Now she was all alone with a new routine: Strip off her dress and underwear to climb in the shower without him; moisturize her deep brown skin with mango body butter without him helping her reach her back; braid down her red auburn afro that fell to her shoulders without him telling her how cute she looked before and after she hid them beneath a cheetah-print, silk bonnet; pull on an oversized, black tee shirt that wasn't his; and order a big bowl of Massaman curry and rice from GrubHub that he wasn't here to steal bites from.
The only interaction with him she could look forward to was at work. And if it wasn’t for his cousins, Sefa, Josh, and Jon, who befriended her and often chopped it up with her before Joe would interrupt them and pull them away for Bloodline business, she was certain he wouldn’t acknowledge her existence at all. 
Which was bullshit, Amanda thought to herself as she stared blankly at the rerun of Girlfriends on the giant television screen in the hotel’s den. While she crushed on him for a long while, it was Joe who made the first move. It was he who went out of his way to make her feel comfortable with him. It was he who proposed they make their sexy little fling something more concrete.
And it was he who fucked it up for them both.
She sat her half-empty takeout bowl of curry on the coffee table and reclined on the couch, letting out a frustrated sigh. It still didn’t make sense to her how he went on a break after WrestleMania last year and never made time to see her like he promised he would. She didn’t think she was being clingy. She just wanted to see her boyfriend. And it wasn’t like she attempted to invite herself to his home. Joe explicitly told her before he left that he would see her as often as he could. 
Yet it was always something that came up or got in the way. If it wasn’t impromptu business meetings stealing the days she planned to visit, it was surprise family gatherings that she couldn’t attend because, weirdly, no flights were available on those days. And that really upset her because Joe seemed so excited for her to meet his parents…and she never got the chance.
The first three delays Amanda chalked up to Joe being a busy man. Yet when a month and a half went by and they still couldn’t figure out a way to get to one another, Amanda started to feel like it was on purpose. She hated the way that exchange had gone down: He made her feel stupid for not comprehending why he still worked on vacation, and she came off as accusatory because of it. As a result, she’d thrown her hurt in his face even when he tried to pacify her and offer a solution, like getting on video calls. 
But she wasn’t trying to hear it. To her, it was too late to make things right when all she’d heard for weeks were what sounded like his excuses. In hindsight, she saw how the distance between them fed her anxiety and made her hostile to him, which Joe noticed on that fateful phone call.
“So, what then? You rather we not talk at all than use this conversation to fix the problem?” Although Amanda could hear his subtle frustration simmering in the depths of his deep voice, he was able to keep his tone steady on the line…which angered her more as her voice rose slightly with the passion she felt for him, the passion she was convinced he abruptly lacked for her.
“It seems like that’s what’s best since it’s been over a month and there’s still a problem…” Amanda spat back. She heard him let out a sigh and then a quick, dark chuckle. They’d had a few minor miscommunications but they’d never argued before this call, yet she’d seen him butt heads with his cousins from time to time. That’s how she knew he didn’t find her words funny, but instead, it was a sign that he was growing more irritated.
“Wow, Amanda. Well, if that’s what you want, I won’t stop you. Do what’s best for you,” Joe replied calmly. That was the final blow to her.
“I will. I hope you do, too.” Once she pressed END CALL on her cell phone, she felt tears sting her eyes. It was like they were the fuel for the fire that burned inside her. She slammed her phone down on the hotel’s nightstand and let out an exasperated scream that she’d been biting back for weeks. 
She liked to believe she was a level-headed, 34-year-old woman who could rein in her irrational emotions. But something about Joe made her feel wide open. She already knew he had that kind of control over her when he could coax out the best orgasms she ever had. It was a revelation that he could also bring out the worst emotions in her.
Amanda threw away her leftover curry and brushed her teeth before she flopped onto her back in bed, her mind still spinning. She found it surreal that she hadn’t received a phone call from him since that day. Maybe it was because she owed him an apology, too, she thought, but she couldn’t bring herself to call him first.
Not when she felt embarrassed like this…embarrassed about how things ended between them…embarrassed about her lingering affection going ignored month after month…and embarrassed about her pussy still getting wet for him even when he wasn’t in the room. It happened every time she let her thoughts run rampant with regret and arousal so deep for him that she resented him all over again for not being here to play with her pussy, leaving her to do it herself. 
And tonight was once again one of those nights… 
Amanda couldn’t help but think about how Joe would walk into her hotel suite behind her, his heavy arms draped around her waist as he pinned her to his thick, warm body that hovered over her. She would feel his dick already growing hard, digging into her backside, as he leaned down to plant greedy kisses on her neck. When he was on her like that, she knew they weren’t going to make it to the bedroom... 
Instead, he would push her up against the foyer wall and bring his lips to hers. She loved how soft his lips were and how smooth his tongue was as he tasted hers before he fell to his knees to taste what was underneath her dress. The way Joe would run his tongue up and down her clit with such tenderness was the same way she ran her fingertips along it now as she spread her legs wider beneath her bedsheets and tried to mimic his technique to make her cum in his mouth. 
However, she didn’t want to cum yet…she wanted to save that for when she reminisced on how when he was finished making her scream from sucking on her pussy, he would instruct her to face the wall and put her hands on it. She’d hear the rustling sound of fabric as his joggers and boxer briefs fell to the floor, the wet sound of his spit as it lubed his long length in his hand. She was so ready for it that her heart would pound loud enough that she could hear it in her ears. 
Joe had a dick that hung between his thighs like a cucumber and she never quite got used to his size. Even though his strokes were gentle, the stretch always had her screaming even louder. “Stop all that whinin’ and take this dick…mmm, that’s it, sweetheart…feels good when I fill up this pussy, don't it?” Joe would groan in between heavy thrusts, his lips on her ear and his big hands on her petite yet wide hips to make her take him deeper, harder until she was crying his name and struggling to stand in her stilettos as his hefty body drove into her. 
“Yeah, oh my god,” she would shout to him. She did love how he filled her up to the brim. And she knew he loved how her pussy gripped him with each stroke that made her throb around him. That’s when he would start moaning back to her as her wet, clenching pussy milked his dick, his voice husky as he grunted, “You gonna make me cum, baby...fuck…”
“Cum for me, Daddy,” Amanda would purr before she felt him squeeze her almost too tight in his hands and nuzzle his nose in the crook of her neck, his warm breath labored against her skin as his fiery pleasure worked its way through him. Even though they were both still mostly clothed, his impossible heat covered her…as did his warm cum as it covered her pussy from the inside out.
He had developed a naughty habit of not pulling out after the first time she let him do it. Yet Amanda had so fallen in love with the feeling of him twitching and spilling inside her, she opted to get on birth control so he could stay close like this…and pump rope after rope of his sticky pleasure deep into her…
 It was that memory that made her arch her back off the bed as she felt her own orgasm shudder through her, her fingers buried in her fluttering pussy like how his dick would be when he came for her.
She moaned louder than she meant into the darkness of her bedroom, his name almost erupting from her throat from the deep longing in her belly. Yet even in the swells of her ecstasy, the painful reality that Joe wasn’t here to hear it made her shamefully choke it down as she collapsed back onto the bed, her heart thudding in her chest. It burned her up that she had to resort to this, something that she hadn’t done since before he got her alone in his locker room and convinced her to sit on his lap to give him that kiss that led them to this hell…
And that's why Amanda couldn’t be the first one to reach out. Didn’t matter how badly she craved him, she refused to let him in on how desperate she was for him. For fuck’s sake, she had to reserve some dignity.
Yet when she went into work the following Friday night and saw him rounding the corner of a hallway as he headed to the Gorilla Position where she stood, her heart did that tiny, annoying flip anyway. As usual. And as usual, he ignored her, even as he approached Kayla Braxton who was right next to her.
“They shootin’ this here or in the ring?” Joe gestured with his eyes to the camera crew nearby, referring to their interview scheduled in about ten minutes, and blatantly cutting in on their chat about where everyone should grab drinks tonight. Amanda had an expert poker face by now, her lips a straight line and her eyes fixed on her cell phone that she whipped out of her bra that acted as a pocket on her pocketless, backless, hot pink, mini dress.
Yet the bass in his voice still made her heart patter in her chest. As did the way his red tracksuit clung to his muscles, accentuating each one that swelled along his broad shoulders, arms, and legs when she studied him through her peripheral vision. And he smelled good, too, damnit. Like warm, bergamot musk, his signature scent. It made Amanda feel warm between her thighs and she silently cursed herself for having such a reaction when he was two feet away.
“Here. I’ll interrupt you on your way to the ring and you have to be super annoyed by it,” Kayla replied to him, oblivious as Joe to Amanda’s plight. He nodded and ran a big hand down his full yet trimmed, salt-and-pepper beard and licked his lips, and suddenly his gaze flitted to Amanda for a moment. She felt her body react against her will again as another warm thrill shimmied down her spine. It lingered even as Joe quickly returned his attention to Kayla, but from the way he tripped a little over his next sentence to her, she wondered if he felt it, too…
“Yeah, I-I can do that.” He recovered by spreading his lips into his gorgeous smile which made her want to melt.
Amanda wished she had the courage right then and there to speak up, but it felt useless. What could she possibly say to break the ice after more than a year of not talking to one another?
"I touched myself to the thought of you last night. And you look so good tonight, I wish I could touch you right now..."
Yeah, right.
Instead, she clamped her lips shut and let the moment die, watching him and Kayla converse for a minute more before she tapped her earpiece and said, "They're ready to shoot."
"Sounds good," Joe said with another nod. And another glance at Amanda. This time their eyes locked as she expected him to turn his back to her and head to his mark on the set in Gorilla. She felt that stupid thrill shake her nerves as his eyes held hers for a second before they both looked in opposite directions and he finally walked off.
She could have sworn for that second she saw that mischievous glint that she knew all too well flash in his coffee-colored eyes. It used to light up his gaze when he was in the mood to make her cum until she forgot how to tell time, the minutes effortlessly turning into hours as she fell into a place where time didn’t exist, only pleasure with him…
Amanda didn't realize she was holding her breath until her chest felt tight and she inhaled deeply through her mouth before she let out a heavy sigh.
"You okay?" Kayla asked. "Was that weird for you? It's so dumb that he won't at least say hello."
"Girl, I don't care," Amanda lied. She and Kayla had become good friends and she was the only one outside of Joe's cousins that she confided in her about the breakup. Yet she hadn't lately as she figured she'd done enough blubbering about that man. "So, um, text me after the show if you wanna Uber to the bar together," she awkwardly changed the subject back to their original conversation before she hurried to the curtains that led to the arena. She was due back ringside to announce for Joe in less than ten minutes.
It was a part of her job to do so and it never bothered her to watch him in the ring cutting his promos as he wasn't himself in those moments. He was Roman Reigns addressing the sea of people who hung on his every word. As he posed in the middle of the ring with a mic in his hand after she took a seat in the timekeeper’s area, his gaze swept the arena full of thousands of fans before briefly landing on her a few times. Each time their eyes met, her body felt warmer until she was certain she was about to sweat through her clothes. She crossed and uncrossed her bare legs, hating that he was making her fidget with only his eyes.
The audience was a noisy cacophony of half-cheers and half-boos from his mere presence, but she could barely hear them as she focused on Joe and his words that felt almost like an innuendo. 
“You think it’s over ’cause you said so? You think ’cause you run your mouth, that makes it the law? I still run this ring. I still run this show. This whole company? That's all me,” he said to the camera with his deep voice thundering through the stadium. She knew he was sticking to the script to call out Seth Rollins who became the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion last month at SummerSlam, but his tone seemed pointed at her as he said, “I get what I want when I want it, you know why? Because it’s still mine, aaaall of it. And it ain’t over until the Tribal Chief says it’s over.”
He glowered in her direction after the cameras pulled back from him to survey the crowd’s deafening reaction. Surely her mind was playing tricks on her, she thought, as this would be the most attention Joe had shown her in months…and she didn’t understand why. He’d been a pillar of nonchalance towards her until now. Maybe he did feel that same heated pull that she did…
And as she walked into the upscale lounge with Kayla and Zelina Vega at her side, there it was again. 
That smoldering pull…the bar was crowded with their coworkers who beat them here, but she could already feel Joe’s eyes on her from the left side of the room. From the corner of her eye, she saw him with a whiskey glass hiding in his large hand as he posted up with his cousins on the white leather sectional sofa. The lights were low and hazy with a purple tint and hookah smoke but when Amanda caught a glimpse of his eyes, his lusty glint was darker, headier. She looked away, feeling hot in her clothes again as his gaze seemed to follow her on her way to the bar through the throng of Los Angeles locals. 
She had to take a deep breath to cool down and collect her thoughts. That’s when she finally heard Kayla’s voice slightly shouting at her over the Solange song blaring through the overhead speakers. “Are we having wine tonight or are we drinking?” her friend repeated for the third time.
Amanda blinked and forced herself to concentrate enough to reply to their inside joke. If they wanted to keep it cute and avoid hangovers the next day, they’d order a glass or two of rosé. But if they wanted to party and get loose for the night, they’d order two Barbie shots each before sipping on whatever else they’d acquire a taste for.
“Oh, we’re drinking,” Amanda declared, feeling like she could use the help to unwind her nerves from Joe sitting less than fifteen feet away. He didn't often attend these after-hours get-togethers since their split, and his presence, his pull, was all she could focus on. 
She heard her and Zelina let out a woot before Kayla flagged down a bartender, and Amanda wished she could share in their excitement. Yet even after her first shot, her nerves had her a bit fidgety, making her feel like his eyes were still studying her.
And when Josh appeared next to her and clapped his hand on her shoulder, she nearly jumped out of her skin.
“Damn, did I scare you?” he said with a friendly grin on his face, holding back a giggle. He threw a wave at Kayla and Zelina before he said to her, “Just wanted to say hey ’cause I ain’t spoke to you all night.”
“You’re good…and hey to you, too,” Amanda replied and took another sip of her strawberry cocktail. 
“Thank you ’cause you sho’ll ain’t speak when you came in earlier. Just ignored me and my brothers. And I know you saw us.” Josh’s tone was playful and it made her crack a tiny smile. 
“I’m sorry. But you know why I didn’t approach y’all.”
“Yeah, I figured that…but maaaan, it’s time to cut alladat out,” he said and slashed his hand around in the air. He took a peek at her friends before he leaned in closer to her and said in a lower voice, “I think y’all need to just kiss and make-up already. I know he misses you.”
“Did he say that?” Amanda blurted. She was thankful Kayla was too busy talking to Zelina on the other side of them to notice. It felt like a hundred butterflies were set free in her tummy at the potential news.
Josh’s eyes appeared a little cagey before he said, “All I’mma say is…I think y’all need to talk.”
“Wait a minute. Did he send you over here?” she asked warily. 
“No,” he said quickly. “I told you, I just wanted to say hey.”
“I’m just sayin’, Amanda…y’all should work it out,” he said and held his hands up in defense. “I miss when we all used to get along,” he added and patted her on the shoulder again with a big smile before he walked back to his table. 
“Me, too,” she said under her breath. She dared to peer over her shoulder and saw him plop down next to Joe who first glared at his cousin and then at her. She snapped her head back around and took a big, anxious sip of her cocktail. When several minutes passed and her nerves hadn’t settled, she went for another sip but realized she’d downed the last of it.
“She’ll have another one of those and I’ll have another Scotch neat. You can put it on my tab.” 
His deep voice was smooth like silk and caressed her like the fabric slipping across her skin. Her body heat rapidly rose from the luscious sound of it, from his body heat radiating closely next to hers as he slid onto the barstool beside her. Amanda found the courage to meet his gaze and felt that warm thrill take over her body as his deep brown eyes bore into hers. He was unbearably beautiful with his raven hair slicked back into a tight bun that showed off his chiseled face, even though his handsome features were pulled into a stern look, a slight scowl on his full, sexy lips. 
“So. What did he say to you?” Joe asked in a low, brusque tone after the bartender placed their drinks on black napkins in front of them. He grabbed his glass and took a slow sip, his eyes still on her as he waited for her response. Amanda was nearly speechless. A year of awkwardly avoiding one another without so much as a “hello” and this was the first thing he said to her? She couldn’t believe her ears.
“Why don’t you ask him?” she curtly asked back, neglecting the cocktail he’d ordered for her. She didn’t need it anymore, not when her nerves gave way to her blood starting to sizzle in anticipation of hearing what the hell he had to say to her.
“I did and now I’m askin’ you,” Joe said coolly. 
“Why do you care?” Amanda genuinely wanted to know why talking to Josh, something she did pretty often, suddenly made him approach her now after all this time—and if the real reason he was talking to her had anything to do with the way his eyes fell on her ample breasts in her draped-front dress that bared her cleavage…
She felt that heat ripple along her skin where his eyes lingered for only a brief moment before he quickly brought his gaze back to hers. She wasn’t sure what pissed her off more: The fact that Joe could make her feel hot so easily or that he continued their conversation like he didn’t just stare at her titties.
But he remained nonchalant as he let a small smirk tug at his lips before he snickered softly and said, “I’m just askin’ a simple question. It requires a simple answer.”
The sound of his humorless laugh reminded her of their very last phone call. She wondered how he had the nerve to be irritated with her right now, especially when he was being a bit of a condescending jerk and not answering her question. 
“You’re right. It is simple. Why can’t you tell me why you all of sudden care to ask me anything when you haven’t talked to me in months?” Amanda tried once more, sitting up straight in her seat and crossing her arms over her chest when she caught his eyes flit there again.
“Alright. Fair enough.” Joe held a hand up to signify that she had a point. “To answer your question…I just didn’t want Josh all in your ear startin’ up shit. I can speak for myself.”
“You’re the one who’s over here startin' shit,” she retorted. He scrunched his nose at her words like they weren’t true, like him prying her for information on her and Josh’s conversation was any of his business—especially when there was a lot more they should talk about. She watched him take another sip of his Scotch yet he didn’t reply. “Sooo, is that all you have to say for yourself?”
“Yeah, it was.”
“Wow, what the fuck, Joe?” Amanda struggled not to raise her voice as her aggravation flooded through her. She took a peek at Kayla and Zelina to make sure they hadn’t heard that and saw them still giggling together, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing behind them between her and Joe. Before she said another word, she took a breath and decided to finally take a sip of her cocktail to steady herself.
"That’s some bullshit and you know it."
“How?” He looked at her incredulously with a grimace on his lips. He wanted to appear stoic but Amanda could tell she had struck a nerve. “What do you want me to say, huh? Sorry? That’s what you wanna hear?” He snickered again and the sound crawled under her skin as he knew that’s what she wanted to hear. From the corner of her eye, she saw him polish off the last sip in his glass, his eyes on her. She knew Joe didn’t drink often yet on the rare occasion that he did, he knew how to handle his liquor. Yet she knew he had to be drunk if he thought he could try her patience like this.
“It’s the least you could do.”
"You want me to be sorry for you dumpin’ me?" Joe said. If she listened hard enough, she could have sworn he sounded almost hurt by it, and that surprised her.
"You kinda gave me no choice when you refused to make time to see me," she said anyway. She thought if he was truly as hurt about it as she was, why did he never make an effort to get back together? 
"Here you go. Same talking points," he muttered, rolling his eyes. "I already apologized for that. And I tried to make it work but that wasn't enough for you. So I'm not sorry you decided to do you...which you absolutely did. How are things with you and Chris?" The shit-eating grin that suddenly spread on his lips made her want to smack the shit out of him.
"Fuck you," she said, avoiding his eyes as she tossed back the last sip of her drink.
"You wish."
"Excuse me?" She whipped her head back to look at him with that shit-eating grin still on his face. Did he know about her unrequited lust? Was he mocking her for it?
But then that smile slowly faded as he added, "Forget about it. Sorry I even came over here. There's your apology." Joe slurred his words a little and slid out of the barstool as he started to walk away. She'd never seen him actually drunk but that wasn't an excuse for his bullshit. And she wouldn't let him get off the hook that easily.
"That's how you wanna end this conversation? Really?" Amanda spat over her shoulder at him.
He stopped in his tracks and sighed before he faced her again. "You wanna keep fighting? Here?"
"No one is listening to us," Amanda said and shot a look at Kayla and Zelina to check and caught them snapping their heads back around to fake a conversation with each other. She was too tipsy to care at this point. "I just want to know the real reason you're talking to me. Be fuckin' honest," she added. 
"I'm always honest. But I'm not doin' this with you. Not here." He put extra bass in his voice to sound authoritative but it didn't phase her. Joe had started this and she was going to finish it.
"Then let's go over there," she said and went to stand. She felt even tipsier on her gold, open-toed stilettos and she was grateful for the straps tied around her shins to keep her in them. Amanda yanked at Joe's sleeve to make him stumble behind her until they stood in the back of the hallway near the restrooms. It wasn't much quieter, but at least there weren't people swarming in and out of the single stalls so they could have a little more privacy.
She felt her nerves again, making her heart pound as it felt unreal that they were having this moment. It was definitely the alcohol, she knew it, but as she stood before him, even as he towered over her, she felt the fuel she needed to confront him once again.
"I know this isn't the ideal setting for this but you can't...you can't just come up to me like that and act like shit is normal. Because ain't shit normal about this." She paused to find the words...and her bearings as she grabbed hold of the end table thankfully nearby. Joe reached a hand out to help steady her but retracted it once she was upright again. The fact that he thought to touch her made her head spin more than it already was.
"Yeah. It's normal for us not to talk, I get it. But I already told you. I just didn't want Josh in our business." 
"He's my frieeeenduh, Joe. And your cousin. He's in it. And he told me we should figure this out," she blurted and slapped a hand to her mouth.
"I fuckin' knew it," he looked down and muttered under his breath to himself before he caught her eyes again. "We really shouldn't do this here..." he said again but softly.
"But you do wanna talk about it? About us?" she said just as softly, trying not to let dumb hope slip into her tone.
"I'm not sure." She could hear the battle in his deep tone and it upset her. She had never been unsure about anything concerning him until he gave her a reason. And yet after a year apart, each day taught her just how damn sure she was about her feelings for him. They were scorched upon her heart, his name branded there. And he seemed to still be lukewarm on her.
"Then why did you even approach me tonight?!" she asked, frustrated and a bit heartbroken.
The way Joe's eyes landed on hers again as he parted his lips to speak before briefly falling over her body like he couldn't help it made that even dumb, hot thrill rock through her. It made her shift uncomfortably in her heels, losing her grip on the table, and she started going down. His arms were around her waist before she hit the ground, pulling her up to his chest. For a split second, Amanda almost found herself melting into his warmth, his muscles surrounding her, his scent filling her nose...but she jerked herself away, her heart racing and her pussy purring with heat. Her back hit the wall behind her which was closer than she thought, but she was grateful because it kept her on her feet as his gaze on her threatened to make her knees weak again.
"Don't touch me." The words were weak and an obvious lie but she felt she had to protect herself from further heartbreak.
"You sure about that?" That glint, that conniving little glint shone in Joe's beautiful eyes, almost teasing like he knew something she didn't. Her immediate thought was that Josh or Jon's well-meaning but chatty asses had told him what they shouldn't have because Sefa would never. Yet her immediate physical reaction was biting her bottom lip. He noticed and smirked and she quickly stopped.
"Shut up," Amanda replied, uncertain what else to say, afraid to confirm her lust, even as he slowly licked his lips and took one step with his long legs to close the space between them.
"So now you want me to shut up after fussin' at me to talk to you?" Joe chuckled darkly. He was close enough that his body heat washed over her..."Hmph. I think you want me to do a whole lot more with you than just talk. Don't you?"
"Why would you say that?!"
"I can see you tremblin' and it ain't cold in here." He suddenly slipped his hand around her waist, his fingertips grazing the patch of bare skin on her back. It made her quiver. "Want me to stop touchin' you…?" he asked, his fingertips swirling circles along her lower back.
"...W-what about you, huh? Since you think you know every fuckin' thing about me," Amanda managed to retort but found her hands pushed to his strong chest as she looked up at him. She wanted to shove him away for being such a jerk but her body wouldn't let her do it...not when his fingers dug into her skin, inching onto the globes of her round ass as he looked down at her with that heated gaze.
"I want you to take your ass into that restroom and pull your panties off."
Amanda thought she misheard since the words were so unexpected. But then he glanced down the hallway to check if any eyes were on them before he went to open the restroom door to her right and said, "Get inside. Now."
She did as she was told but she felt like she was in a daze, an excited, flustered, annoyed, delightful daze. She watched him close and lock the door behind them. "You ’bout to try and give me some dick to make things right? That's not how that works," Amanda said wearily, her body still trembling at the thought as she wrapped her arms around herself to hold it together.
He chuckled again with a hiccup as he replied, "Yeah, I know. I'm just givin' you what you want in the meantime. Now take them panties off before I make you."
"Make me, then," was all Amanda could utter before he was on her, his big hands on the sides of her face as he pressed his lips to hers for his hurried, hungry kisses that tasted like spicy Scotch and desperate desire. The heat between them imploded in a frantic collision of their mouths as she closed her eyes and flung her arms around his neck as he kissed her roughly, their teeth slightly knocking together, his bulky, warm body crashing into hers and pinning her to the door, his heavy hands then greedily running over every thick curve along her body that lit up from his touch.
Nearly fourteen lonely months made her feel like his body on hers in this public restroom was all a dream. But when Joe wedged his strong thigh between her own and pushed them apart to make space for his wandering fingers, he felt very real and she let out a very real, surprised gasp at his strength. He wasted no time as he slipped his hand beneath her skirt, his fingertips skimming along her clit in her lace thong for a second before he hooked his thumbs around the fabric and snatched them down her thighs. They barely hit the floor before he let his thick, middle fingers delve between her slick pussy lips that swiftly grew dripping wet for him as he remembered how to stroke her clit the way he knew would make her moan to him. 
“Shhhh,” Joe growled at her, his lips still mashed to hers, but she squealed again as he rubbed his thumb over her clit and slid those fingers inside her pussy. She tried to suck in another moan but it was futile when he set her on fire with how he alternated between slow and fast taps on her g-spot. She felt like she was being swallowed whole by him and his heat: His warm tongue swirling on hers, his hot body surrounding hers, his prolonged, probing caresses on her sweet spot with the base of his soft, warm fingers.
He hushed her but she could feel his warm breath on her face, hitching with what she knew was focus as he sought her orgasm which he knew would be loud. And when Amanda started to helplessly moan to him as her pussy fluttered around his fingers, he let out a pleased sigh before he teasingly said, “Be quiet…” but gently pushed in his index finger and watched her sob a long, shaky moan. He covered her mouth with sloppy, sweet kisses to absorb her orgasmic sounds that surely would alert the entire bar of what was going on in the restroom. 
But Joe felt too damn good on her to care.
"You're gonna cum on my dick like that," Joe grunted softly in her ear before pulling his fingers from her wet warmth. He then pulled down his pants and boxers to wobbly step out of them before he grabbed her thighs to balance. Her stickiness touched her from his grip as he hooked them one by one around his waist to crush her between him and the door. He knocked some of the wind out of her, the giant, tipsy brute, but Amanda didn't mind when she felt his dickhead nudging into her slick opening. She wanted to be alarmed that neither of them thought to put on a condom, seamlessly falling back into their old, naughty habit...but it allowed her feel every inch of his naked, smooth, thick dick so she didn’t complain...
"Mmmm, Joe..." the words spilled from her lips with a low sob, her hands back on his chest to cling to his jacket. He just had his fingers in her but it did nothing to prepare her for the stretch as Joe gently thrust inside, making her sharply gasp and groan in one breath. She knew he had a big dick, the biggest she ever had…but only fantasizing about the memory of how it felt versus refreshing her memory as he stuffed it inside of her had her whining like it was her first time.
"Goddamn, this pussy tight...open up for me, baby," he groaned back as she wrapped her arms around his neck, their groans mingling together on their tongues as they kissed and he slowed down even more, pushing with a few more tender strokes to make her make room for him.
She almost blurted it was because she'd been essentially saving herself for this moment, but he was one step ahead of her when he mumbled, "I can tell Chris wasn't doin' his fuckin' job because—mmmm, shit—the way you squeezin' around me already...you been needin' me," as he nestled his dick deep inside her. 
"Whyyy the fuck are you bringin' him up right now?" she slurred angrily but he made her moan again as he held her up with handfuls of her round ass as he slowly pumped in and out, making her feel full on him, drunk on him, as he caressed her g-spot each time he buried himself in her, her moans echoing throughout the small restroom. 
His mouth moved on hers as he still talked his shit, "Because your pussy is talkin' to me...tellin' me you missed this...tellin' me you're about to cum on this dick."
"Ohhh, sh-fuck," Amanda cried, her rebuttal tongue-tied by her second orgasm threatening to make her scream. She hated that his big, drunk ass was right as he squeezed her ass in his hands and grinded on her spot, making the door rattle each time he shoved her up against it as his thrusts grew deeper, harder. 
"Cum, Amanda...cum," Joe moaned softly against her neck. Hearing her name in his mouth as he pleaded for her pleasure made her pussy throb around his dick, her orgasm creeping up on her with every thrust.
The door shook once more as he fucked her into it but then the doorknob shook, the sound making Amanda's eyes pop open and shattering her orgasmic build. Another sound then intruded, a few banging knocks, before a familiar, male voice quietly but angrily said, "You guys should know better than to have sex in a goddamn restroom. I could hear you when I was in the stall next door."
"Get the fuck away from here, Mike," Joe snarled after removing his lips from her throat, but his hips didn't stop grinding up into her. She heard Mike mumble something rude as his voice trailed off, but her nerves were shaken from being busted.
"He's right. We should stop..." she whispered, her mouth falling open as she fought back a moan when Joe shook his head and made her take his next thrust.
"Fuck him. We'll stop when you cum for me again," he said but then slipped out of her, leaving her feeling empty and dizzy with need as he dropped her back down on her unsteady feet. "Come here..."
Joe took her forearm and pulled her over to the sink, his whiskey brain probably thinking if they fucked here they'd reduce the noise, she thought. "Turn around and put your hands on the counter," he demanded but grabbed her by the waist to do it for her when she took too long. She saw her doe-eyed expression as she watched his reflection behind her, hiking up her dress to her waist, unzipping his jacket, and pulling the black tee shirt beneath it over his head with the sleeves still on so she could see his tatted chest and yummy abs. He slapped his hands to her ass before he picked up his heavy dick to push back inside her. They both groaned but Amanda's was louder, and he reached a long arm in front of her to smush his hand over her mouth. "Hush. I don't want any more interruptions. I want you to cum on this dick. Right now," he demanded gruffly.
Her orgasmic build soared up quickly as Joe knew her spot, knew how to massage it with his thrusts as he gripped her ass as it bounced off his groin each time he went deep. Her first orgasm was strong, lapping at her with heat, but this was fresh fire, making Amanda sob over and over into his palm that slightly cut off her airflow and made her feel deliciously dizzy again, her eyelids fluttering closed as she hung her head down and felt her body tremble anew with luscious flames swelling and contracting around his thick dick. 
Joe felt those contractions, too, and let out a soft moan as she came to pieces, her juices spurting onto his groin and running down their thighs. "I just know Melo wasn't makin' you cum like this…this pussy only responds to me. Just like this…" he said as he dragged his length along her sweet spot and made her clench him, forcing her to cry out more muffled, panting moans as another stream of her nectar coated him and his dick, making his thrusts into her gushy, tender pussy sound squishy. She hadn’t cum this hard, let alone squirted, in ages…
Yet even in the midst of her high, he still found time to be an arrogant idiot and ruin it, she thought, and she found the time to let it infuriate her as she bit down a little on his palm to make him snatch his hand away from her mouth so she could take a deep breath and chastise him. 
"Ouch! What the hell?" Joe nearly screeched.
"Can you just shut up and fuck me?" Amanda moaned before he retaliated with the hand she bit smacking her ass hard and making her inhale sharply. Their gazes met in the mirror and she saw the same fury she felt flash across his face as he knitted his thick eyebrows together. She also saw within his dark eyes for the first time in a while the same raw passion burning like a torch in the night for her...
"That's what you want, huh? How fast? How hard?" he asked as he snatched her hips to him and picked up the pace of his hips bumping against her until he was pummeling into her. Her moans couldn't keep up with his strokes, especially when he made her throw it back on his dick to hit harder until she felt it in her stomach. She went from holding onto the counter to her upper body being splayed out on it as he pounded her out, shoving her cheek up against the mirror. He felt scarily good in her like this and he knew it, watching her in the mirror just as she squeezed her eyes shut to whimper his name. He grabbed hold of her afro that fell to her shoulders to make her look at him behind her. "What? Speak up. Mmm...now you wanna act like you don't know how to take this dick," Joe said in between rumbling groans. 
"I…I can take it...can you?" Amanda rasped, lying, and it made him breathe a snicker at her question. Yet she could feel him starting to throb inside her as his pounding thrusts lengthened—and she remembered that was his giveaway that he wouldn't last much longer. "You gonna cum for me, Daddy?" she tried him, half-shook that his old nickname tumbled out of her so naturally, half-shook that it seemed to naturally accelerate his pleasure as he tore out of her with a sexy, deep groan.
She felt his warm cum land too high on her backside and she craned her neck to see him with his head thrown back as he stroked himself, another long rope of his cum flying haphazardly onto her shoulder blades and dripping down her back to her dress. "Joe, you're getting it on my clothes!" she yelped in a rage. 
"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Here, let me get it." He stumbled back to snatch a few paper towels from the dispenser on the wall before he wadded them up in his big hands and blotted them where he made a mess. As he did it, she could feel his cum seeping through to her skin, and she jolted upright from the counter.
"No, no, you're making it worse," she hissed before she turned around to examine her dress scrunched up around her waist in the mirror. It looked like someone threw paint on it and she gasped. How the hell was she supposed to blend back in at the bar like this? "Oh my fucking god, it's everywhere," Amanda groaned. 
"My bad. You wanna wear my jacket?" he offered, already shimmying out of it. His orgasm seemed to cool him down but she felt her blood boil as it was already embarrassing to be caught fooling around, and to be covered in his cum for everyone to see or smell because he was too sloshed to aim right made her feel downright stupid.
"No! I’m just gonna go," she said, yanking down her dress and storming over to the door. 
"Amanda, take the damn jacket," Joe said behind her but she ignored him, already bracing herself to just yank open the door and make a beeline to the exit. She walked as fast as her shaky legs in her stupid heels would take her, flying past Kayla at the bar who called out to her and followed her through the crowd before she burst through the doors of the venue and stood outside.
She was breathing heavily from the damn sprint she broke into hoping to get away from everyone's prying eyes, but then tears started streaming down her face. "You forgot your purse," Kayla said behind her, dangling Amanda's gold clutch strap from her fingers, before she added, "Oh, no, babe. What did he do?"
Her friend tried to pull her into a hug but Amanda stopped her and wiped at her tears with the back of her hand. "What he always does. Make me look fuckin' stupid.”
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Showing her face at work the next afternoon was excruciating, but it wasn’t like Amanda could call out for the day. Everyone had to have heard by now about what happened at the bar last night, and hiding from it would only make her look even stupider. 
She was grateful that at least Joe didn’t work house shows. His schedule had slowed down since he lost his championship, and she didn’t think he’d make the five-hour bus trip to San Jose just to support the locker room. Not when they were all likely gossiping about them. 
She’d ducked away into the hair and makeup studio that was one of the several little rooms the arena offered as a part of the makeshift backstage area. As she sat on the padded stool, she scrolled through her Instagram feed as she waited for Kayla to write her back. She was thankful for how her friend took care of her drunk ass last night, helping her into an Uber, letting her cry on her, and riding with her to make sure she made it inside her suite. Yet when her phone pinged, it was another message from Josh.
Amanda had ignored the first three, as well as the ones from Sefa and Jon. She read them, though. They were just concerned for her after seeing how she nearly ran out of the bar. She knew they had to know the whole story from their cousin by now, or at least Josh did as his message read: You ain’t gotta talk to me, but please talk to Big Uce. Y’all gotta clear this shit up asap.
And you gotta mind your own business, Amanda thought before her, well, everyone’s stylist, Cassandra, snatched her thoughts with a wide tooth comb through her afro as she put the finishing touches on her hair for the show tonight. She’d already done her makeup with pastel hues of blues shading her eyelids and cherry red on her thick lips. The way she blew out her afro made her feel like Donna Summer when she looked up from her phone to check herself out in the Hollywood vanity mirror.
“You like it?” Cassandra asked in her cute, Puerto Rican accent, meeting her reflection’s gaze. When Amanda smiled weakly, she frowned. “You don’t like it.”
“It’s beautiful, actually. I’m just…I don’t know.” Amanda sucked in a sigh and stared down at her phone, hoping to hear from her friend. She needed her advice on how to proceed: She wanted to talk to Joe, but once again she felt like a dummy to reach out first. He had embarrassed her and, while she knew she could probably blame a lot of it on the alcohol, it made her feel like all he wanted from her was what he got between her legs…
Kayla had reminded her that she, too, wanted him in the same way, but Amanda reminded her that while that was true, she wanted him in every way in the worst way. She was ready to have that talk with him, about where they went wrong and how to fix it because her feelings for him weren’t only tied to his body, but his heart. 
Yet it didn’t feel like he reciprocated that energy with the way he brushed off having a real conversation to rail her against the restroom sink instead.
“I think I know,” Cassandra piped up and Amanda sighed again.
“Oh, I bet you do,” she groaned, ready to hear her come down on her about the incident in the bar.
“I don’t judge you, mami. I think you two will work it out at your own pace.” Cassandra was barely a decade older than her and yet something about the way she spoke to her felt motherly, especially as she ran her fingers through her hair to comfort her. It did cheer her up a little.
“Thank you, girl,” Amanda mumbled. Her phone went off again on her lap and she prayed it was finally Kayla. The number that scrolled across her screen was unsaved but her heart pounded as she knew exactly who it was. 
Can I call you?
She sent the reply quickly and he called immediately. She excused herself from Cassandra and eased up from the stool to step outside of the room. It was still a few hours before showtime so the backstage area wasn’t crowded yet, give or take a few wrestlers and crew hands, and she could hear Joe’s deep, irritatingly melodic voice fill her ear. It threatened to disarm her when she wanted to be mad with him.
“This a good time to talk?” he said.
“As good a time as any, I guess.”
“Yeah, right. You know we had no business talkin’ last night after that many drinks.”
“We didn’t really talk about much from what I recall,” Amanda murmured with slight bitterness seeping into her voice, neglecting the slight thrill that tried to crawl down her spine at the same time at the thought of him making her pussy talk to him...
“Again…we had too much to drink. I’m sorry about your dress.”
“Thanks. Is that it?”
“No. But do you even wanna hear it? You sound like you don’t wanna talk to me.” He sounded frustrated but also hurt like he did when he mentioned their breakup last night. It pierced her heart with self-awareness that made her feel guilty.
“...I do wanna talk to you. I’m just hurt,” she confessed.
“Me, too.”
“I think you already know. My cousins don’t know how to keep their mouths shut.”
“Joe. Just tell me.” She wanted to hear him say it.
“I’m sick of the games. We been playin’ them for over a year. I’m over it.” She heard Joe let out a sigh before he continued. “I know what happened last night was a mess...but it happened because I missed you. I still miss you.” 
Amanda felt that pang in her heart again but this time from disbelief. She’d been wanting to hear those words from him for so long, but before she could respond, she let her doubt speak for her. “Did you miss me or my pussy?”
“Are you bein’ serious?” Joe’s calm tone rose a bit like he was offended. “I just told you I’m done with the bullshit games, Amanda. Are you?”
She knew he was right. She was letting all the resentment and hurt she held onto for the last year sting at her. It may have made for some good, angry, drunk sex last night, but she didn’t want it to sabotage the conversation she had been yearning to have with him. She bit her tongue while she tried to muster up the words to do what she used to swear he should do before her.
“I’m sorry,” she grumbled softly. “I keep lettin' my feelings fuck with me. It’s just…it took us this long to talk. And before we could even do it, we were doin’ each other. It felt like that’s all it was gonna be and that hurt…because I feel like there’s more here.”
It came out rushing like word vomit. She indeed felt sick to be this vulnerable with him all of a sudden, but she couldn’t deny it felt good to get it out of her system. She worried maybe she bared too much as Joe went silent on the line. She leaned against the wall with her hand over her face, embarrassed all over again. 
“I’m sorry, too,” he finally said. “We were both petty but I know I dragged it. Especially when you got with Melo. That shit ate me up. You know...when you dumped me, it made me feel like you ain’t see it for us the way I did. I know why you did it, though. I made you feel neglected…and I’m sorry, Amanda. And I hope you know why I wanted to talk to you today. ’Cause you’re right…there is more between us. And I want to explore it all.”
Now it was Amanda’s turn to be silent as she fought back the tears welling in her eyes. If he was saying what she thought he was saying…
“Sweetheart,” he said gently in her ear and made a few tears roll along her cheeks to hear his old pet name for her.
“You know I want that, too,” she replied slowly. “So…where do we go from here?”
“I know we can’t exactly pick up where we left off…but I’d love to take you out. On a date. No alcohol or funny business. Just us. A fresh start, in a way.” It made her almost giggle to hear him sound bashful. “How’s that sound?”
“Just tell me when and where…”
Joe told her he’d arrange for a ride to pick her up tomorrow afternoon and bring her to Emerald Bay where he was renting a vacation beach home for the next few days. He apologized for it being an hour ride for her but promised he’d make the first hour she arrived “special” to make it up to her. 
She was hesitant to gush over him so soon, but everything in her wanted to tell him, “Anything with you is special to me.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit,” he told her before they hung up, making her smile big to herself. Amanda blotted at her cheeks and hoped she didn’t ruin her makeup, but decided to switch around and go back to Cassandra, anyway, for a small touch-up. As she did, she spotted Christian across the hallway as he stood at the catering table with Bobby as they filled their plates with fruit and cheese. 
She felt herself jolt a bit at the sight of him as she’d forgotten he worked the show tonight. She barely saw him since they split as he worked Tuesday nights and she worked Friday nights. Yet when they did house show tours, they would cross paths like this. And mercifully he kept it moving. Until now. He caught her eyes on him and a smirk danced on his lips before he hung his head and shook it.
He threw two fingers up in a little wave at her before he approached her. Amanda had a feeling she knew what he wanted to talk about, and she felt the urge to run into Cassandra’s studio before he could utter a word, but she stood her ground. If he had something to say, so did she…
“What’s up witchu?” he said nonchalantly, smacking on a piece of cheddar he just popped into his mouth.
“Nothing much. You?” she replied quickly.
“You sure? Look like you been cryin’.” She didn’t know how to read his tone. It wasn’t quite mocking, but didn’t feel quite sincere, either.
“I was. But they were happy tears.”
His eyes widened a bit as he feigned surprise and ate another piece of cheese. “Well, I’m glad to hear that…considerin’ what I heard happened last night.”
“Really, Chris?”
“I just wanted to see if you were okay,” he said, raising his hand. The look in his eyes seemed shockingly genuine out of nowhere.
“I am…thanks. Are you okay? How’ve you been?” Amanda asked timidly. She was stubborn about giving Joe an apology, but she knew she owed Christian one…
“Uh, yeah. I’ve been good, actually.” Her change in attitude seemed to catch him off guard. 
“Good. I’m glad to hear that…and, um, thanks for checkin’ on me.” She met his gaze and her heart thudded to say, “I'm sorry. You know. I don’t mean to bring it up out of the blue like this…I just know you didn’t deserve that, and I’m sorry.”
Amanda prepared herself for whatever clapback he’d sling at her because she knew she had it coming. But she’d take it because she’d been denying for too long the role she played in her own grief—and how it affected other people. She was ready to stop letting her emotions run her in the wrong direction and make things right.
“Wow…I definitely didn’t come over to talk about that,” Christian said and she nodded her head. “...But I appreciate that. For real.”
He paused before he moved in a little closer and gave her an awkward, one-armed hug while holding his plate of food. It made her smile all the same as she hugged him back. 
“Take care of yourself, alright?” he said before he let her go.
“You, too,” she replied as he shot her his pearly whites before heading back over to Bobby. She knew they weren’t going to become friends, and that was okay. Amanda was just satisfied to properly close one chapter of her life so a new chapter could begin…
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The dry heat in California was fierce today, the sun hanging in the cloudless sky as Amanda walked out from her hotel lobby. She was from Atlanta so she was no stranger to heat but this was next-level hot. Even her yellow, halter top sundress couldn’t keep her from sweating already. She was outside because got a notification that her Uber was here, and she pulled her cheetah-print luggage behind her as she scanned the curb for her ride.
When she spotted the sleek, black Range Rover, she hurried over and prayed the driver had the A/C cranked to the max. She heard a door on the other side of the truck open and she waited for the driver to come around and open the trunk so she could throw her bags in. Yet when it was Joe who appeared around the corner, her heart leaped in her chest like it always did. 
He looked beyond handsome with his dark hair pulled into a messy ponytail with his black Shady Rays atop his head so she could see his pretty, deep brown eyes on her. His intricate tribal tattoo that covered his right arm was exposed in his white tee shirt that hung onto his every muscle...as did his dark gray joggers. She had to pry her eyes away from his thick print clear as day in them as she met his gaze and made him smile.
“Hey, beautiful. Figured I’d keep you company,” Joe said and put his arms around her for a tight, long hug that made her want to swoon as she inhaled his scent. They took their time pulling apart, the hug feeling like the official kick-off to their reunion, one they didn't want to end so soon. Yet when they finally did, he looked down at her like he wanted to kiss her but refrained. 
“Is a kiss a part of the ‘funny business’?” Amanda asked quietly.
“Hmm, yeah. I think so. If we’re goin’ for a fresh start, we were friends first, remember? And friends don’t kiss,” he taunted and made her return his cute smile. He popped open the trunk and loaded it with her few but big pieces of luggage as she checked out of the hotel, per his request, to spend the next few days with him until her next house show on Wednesday.
“Oh, damn. I didn’t think we were startin' waaaay over like that,” she replied. He chuckled as he opened the door for her and let her slide into the cool backseat before him. The driver had a friendly voice as he greeted them, offering them bottled water as he pulled the truck away from the curb—and Joe pulled Amanda close to him with his arm over her shoulder. Her body flashed with tingles as she felt his fingers caress her beneath her chin as he steered her face up to meet his lips for a brief yet tender kiss. 
“That’s all you’ll get from me because from here on out, we’re havin’ the most innocent and adorable date you’ve ever been on in your life,” Joe said with his sexy smirk. 
“Such a gentleman,” Amanda laughed. “We’ll see how long that lasts...”
Yet the challenge landed solely on Amanda to behave as Joe evidently meant what he said. He planned their date in three parts: A light picnic on the peaceful shores of Emerald Bay, a private beach; a trip to the Pageant of Masters to experience living works of art as they recreated famous paintings; and dinner at the Selanne Steak Tavern where Amanda marveled at how upscale yet cozy their section of the dining room felt—which she learned was because he reserved the room for just the two of them.
It was indeed the most adorable, and well-thought-out, date she’d ever been taken on. Yet as she lounged on the beach in her black bikini after a dip, she found herself shooing away non-innocent thoughts as she admired Joe’s silky, wavy hair that was wet and clinging to his burly, muscular, half-naked body, his navy blue swim trunks barely hanging on around his hips, and revealing his dick print to her again when he came out of the glistening, clear waters to rejoin her on the oversized beach blanket where she was plucking white grapes from the charcuterie board to munch on. 
It didn't help that he dared to crawl to her on his hands and knees and nestle himself between her sandy, thick thighs…only to lie there and grab a few crackers to eat instead of her. It made her giggle, anyway, as they talked. He was such a tease and a goofball as he asked her to time him on how long he could balance a pepperoni stick on the bridge of his nose.
He was also a surprising art connoisseur. Amanda knew Joe had a love of the arts, from music to theater, but she gazed over at him in awe when he was able to name each piece of art the performers on stage brought to life when she was unfamiliar and asked. “I think this one is called ‘A Winter Scene.’ I think, don’t quote me on that,” he whispered in her ear as they sat in the dark arena in opera seats, the spotlight fixed on the stage where Japanese dancers donned vibrant kimonos as snow fell around them. 
She wasn’t sure which moved her to tears, the hauntingly beautiful sounds of the koto that filled the room, or the talented dancers portraying a brilliant resilience to a cold winter, but when she started to sniffle, she felt Joe’s hand slip onto her lap where she rested hers, lacing his big fingers with hers that looked so small with his. His gentle caress as he rubbed his thumb along her skin made her look at him again, and he planted a light kiss on her forehead to make her grin.
When they rolled up to the steak house around seven p.m., the blaring sun was graciously gone. The moonlight was soft as it touched Joe’s face when he hopped out of the Range Rover and extended his hand to help her down safely in her tall, black, strappy heels. Amanda couldn’t take her eyes off how luminous his skin looked even in the night, and how dapper he was in his baby blue suit jacket that struggled to hide his brawny shoulders and biceps. But she loved how the color brought out more of his natural glow. 
She didn’t intend on matching with him, but she just happened to pack a powder blue, silk evening gown that touched the floor yet revealed a peek of her right thigh with its high slit. She did purposefully style her afro into two big afro puff ponytails on her head since she knew it was his favorite look on her. “You look so damn good tonight that it should be a crime. Officer!” Joe called out with his hand next to his mouth and she chuckled, playfully slapping his chest. His other hand didn’t let go of hers on their way inside, and Amanda felt butterflies in her tummy. She hated to feel so sappy but she knew those same feelings had been simmering deep within her for the past year—and now they were bubbling to the surface as Joe made her feel more than just special…but loved.
The “L” word tiptoeing across her mind made her palm feel a bit sweaty in his. They’ve never said that to each other, ever. Amanda sometimes felt it was because they split before they ever got the opportunity…
Because the way they were all day was reminiscent of the soft, delightful vibes they used to be on when they first became friends and then lovers. It was easy to be themselves, share lots of laughter, shy but big grins, and fall into spells of flirting that teetered onto teasingly fondling…
It reminded Amanda of all the reasons she cared for Joe and all the reasons she missed him. She was over the moon that he missed her, too.
“Remember the time I bet you a steak dinner if I spanked you in Uno?” Joe asked after he swallowed a piece of his filet mignon. The chandelier lighting was subtle and allowed the candle on their table to illuminate their plates and faces as they gazed at each other. 
“Oh, yeah. I’ll never forget how you cheated. No one plays Uno like that but you,” she said and he breathed a cute laugh. She moved her fork around her plate as she gathered up another bite of mashed potatoes along with a piece of broccoli. “Didn’t you admit that it was all just a trick to take me out to dinner?” she asked mid-chew.
 “I don’t recall admittin’ that so bluntly, but if you must know…yeah.” He took a sip of his iced water before he added, “I was feelin’ you and I knew you were feelin’ me. But I didn’t wanna just come out and ask you on a date when I knew you worried how’d that look to Hunter.”
“And then look what happened, anyway. Now everyone has an opinion about us,” Amanda sighed. She felt Joe reach his hand across the table to put on hers. His touch made her tingle again.
“I don’t care what anyone has to say about me and you,” Joe said softly. “That shit don’t matter. What matters is how you feel about me and you.”
He looked at her like he expected her to say something like there was a secret question in his words. She knew exactly what that question was…but she was afraid to answer it so soon after they just began to amend things.
But she felt it. It swirled in her heart and made her feel warm all over from his hand still on hers, his eyes holding her gaze. There wasn’t another man alive that could make her feel this way.
“How do you feel?” Amanda asked quietly. She had her own question lingering between the lines of the one she already asked, and when Joe looked at her with slight confusion, she elaborated. “I hope this isn’t the wrong time to bring this up, but I’m curious…I think we both know I got with Chris to try and get over you. Which didn’t work. Was there a time…or a woman…that made you feel like, ‘Damn, I miss Amanda?’ Because I had plenty of those times about you…”
A small grin tugged at his sexy, pink lips as he listened to her nervously ramble her thoughts to form a question. He pulled his hand away to take another sip of water and stared at her with those enticing eyes as he said, “One woman. Only once. About five months ago. It was trash because every time I looked at her, I wanted her to be you so bad. Didn’t bother tryin’ again with anyone else because I knew it’d be the same story. I missed you the entire time…I was just a stubborn asshole.”
“Me, too,” she breathed, feeling her cheeks warm as she blushed at his confession. She was grateful her deep brown skin hid it from him.
“Pinky promise we’re off that shit now?” Joe held his long pinky finger out with another grin. Amanda grinned back as she wrapped her little one around it.
“Pinky promise.”
When they arrived back at Joe’s huge vacation beach home after dinner, Amanda already knew her way around as they’d stopped in and out earlier that day to freshen up after the beach and change into their evening wear for the museum before they had their steaks. She headed upstairs and past four bedrooms before she reached the master bedroom he let her claim. He even gave her privacy to shower and get dressed before they went out. She went now to close the bathroom door, strip, and pad to the grand waterfall shower to climb in. She didn’t really need another shower today, but something about pounding, hot water flooding over her skin soothed her and made her ready for bed.
Although, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to go to bed just yet…
After she finished bathing, she ran through the rest of her nightly routine, moisturizing her skin, brushing her teeth, and pulling on her pajamas. She skipped braiding her hair as she took down her puff ponytails and combed her fingers through it until it framed her face and sat on her shoulders, feeling cute as she looked in the mirror. 
She felt a little odd to do her entire routine with Joe downstairs when back in the day he'd be all over her offering to rub her feet with her body butter. She wondered if he was still being "innocent" or if he'd fallen asleep. Amanda quietly came down the stairs and rounded the corner of the den, and her heart instantly warmed to see his giant body nearly hanging off the little cushions of the sectional sofa.
“You still up?” Amanda called out softly as she neared the back of the sofa. It was only ten p.m. after all. She couldn’t see his face yet as it was pointed to the large, flatscreen television mounted on the wall that played the movie Love Jones. She’d seen it a hundred times and wondered if Joe was actually watching or if it was watching him as she leaned over the couch to inspect.
Suddenly, a pair of big hands flung up and around her waist, pulling her over the backrest. Amanda laughed wildly as she landed on top of Joe, his hands pinning her against him and wiggling along her sides and back to tickle her. “Stop! Stop it or I’m gonna pee!” she warned with rowdy giggles, playfully fighting back as she tried to wriggle free from his grasp.
“That’ll be what you get for sneakin’ up on me,” Joe said with a giggle of his own when she finally gained some control and straddled his lap, tickling his shirtless torso with both her hands. She was grateful she opted for a pink spaghetti-strap tank top and black Soffe shorts instead of the big tee shirt she was going to wear, or else he would have gotten the full view of her the way his hands accidentally lifted her tank. And that wouldn't be very innocent...
“Alright! Truce, truce,” she yelped when she couldn’t take anymore. He stopped attacking her with tickles but kept his hands on her waist, holding her upright as he gazed up at her. It made her skin tingle with that smoldering pull of his and she bit her lip before she said, “Don’t look at me like that, sir. You the one that said this is supposed to be an innocent date.”
“I don’t know if you noticed, but, uh, the date is over. We’re home now…” He squeezed her gently in his hands and slowly rolled his hips beneath her, making her feel him between her thighs as he grew hard behind his black sweatpants. He watched her fight back a moan as he kept grinding his hips to make his stiffness rub along her clit in her shorts before he ran a hand up her chest, palming her bralass, big breasts that fit in his delicate grip along the way to her neck. When he squeezed her again with his big fingers around her throat, they locked eyes as she let out a soft moan, putting a devilish smirk on his lips. “We can be good, though, if that’s what you want…" Joe said as he applied a little more pressure to her throat, right beneath her jaw, watching how it made her whimper to him as she closed her eyes. "...but good girls don’t moan like that ’cause they like bein’ choked.”
“Joe, you play too much,” Amanda moaned again as he gripped her throat and nudged his now fully hard bulge to her clit. She wrapped her hands around his wrist but made no effort to pull him away as he knew as well as she did that there was too much heat rising between them to stop now.
“I’m not playin’, sweetheart…” he replied before he lifted her into his arms and sat her on the sofa. She saw that mischievous glint fill his dark eyes as he slid off the cushions and to the floor. He planted himself between her thighs and slowly ran his hands up them until his fingers met her shorts that he slowly rolled down her legs. His eyes never left hers as he did, their gazes fixed on one another, her heart racing, as he spread her thighs apart and pressed soft kisses along her skin that made Amanda shiver. When he put her thighs on his broad shoulders, he leaned in closer to graze his lips on her lower lips, taking a moment to inhale her intimate scent before he said, “You know what’s crazy? I missed you so bad that I even missed how you smell. You still smell the same…and good.”
Amanda mumbled her thanks as Joe left a delicate kiss on her pussy lips as he breathed in her scent again. When his long tongue slid from between his full lips, she felt herself quiver in anticipation to be devoured by him…and he didn't disappoint as he gently split her and tasted her in one fell swoop, letting his tongue slowly crawl along her slick folds as he got his mouth reacquainted with her pussy that was sticky and wet for him before he hardly even touched her. 
The sight of him with his large hands around her thighs, his eyes closed as he concentrated on lapping at her and licking up the wetness he made, was just as sexy as the feel of him curling his tongue all over her pussy. “I missed your mouth, oh, my goood,” Amanda whined, gripping the backrest of the sofa with one hand while the other laid on her chest as she lightly pinched and pulled her nipple through her tank top.
“I missed how you taste…” Joe murmured in between pressing his mouth to her and licking in and out of her little entrance, his tongue long enough that she could feel him on her g-spot as he fucked her with it. She shook with a moan, her orgasm trying to hunt her down as she watched him pull back to bring a hand to her pussy and tease his middle finger into her. He twirled it on her g-spot, continuing the work his tongue started and making her whine softly to him. “I didn’t even think to eat this pussy the other night ’cause I was stupid and drunk,” he added in a whisper. “But I need to taste your cum, sweetheart. So, you better cum for me.”
He pushed his finger inside more as he spoke, deeper until only his knuckle was visible before he slowly pumped it in and out, twisting it with each thrust to knead her sweet spot and make her body tremor with moans that grew louder. Their eyes fastened together as he did so before Joe put his mouth back on her clit to suckle it onto his tongue, surrounding her sweetest spot with his lips and licks that made her squeeze her eyes shut as her heated orgasm finally took her down. 
“Joe! Don’t stop...unhhhh,” Amanda cried as she came, her body moving on its own as her hips bucked uncontrollably. She put a hand on the back of his head, grabbing at his ponytail to wrap around her wrist as she grinded on his tongue. Joe let her ride his face for as long as she wanted, enjoying himself as he greedily slurped on her and held her to his mouth by her thighs as he sipped on her nectar that tried to ooze down his beard until she was overwhelmed with pleasure.
She knew her face gave it away that he had her pussy reeling from his relentless tongue as her mouth hung open and her eyelids hung low, but Joe didn’t let her rest for too long. He pulled his finger from her depths to lick away the rest of her cum before he stood and tugged off his sweatpants that had no boxers underneath...just hard, long dick and taut balls that all bounced against his muscular thighs. Amanda didn’t get to see it much when they fooled around in the restroom because, like Joe said, they were being stupid and drunk, but taking it in for the first time in a long time made her pussy clench around nothing. She knew he was huge, felt that for a fact when he tore up only a day ago and she was still slightly sore, but to see all nine beautiful, chocolate brown inches of him as his blunt dickhead dripped with a thick string of pre-cum that stuck to his thigh was something magnificent to behold.
“Unnhhh, baby, damn…this pussy still tight,” Joe cooed to her when he got back on his knees and pushed into her, her pussy clamping around him along with her thighs around his waist. “You been doin’ kegel exercises?” His deep voice rasped like he was on the edge of his orgasm already, his body hunched over as he trembled slightly with each hefty thrust. It made Amanda both giggle softly and moan with him as she slipped her arms around his big body to hold him closer to her.
“No, baby. You just have a big ass dick, fuuuck.” She tried not to scream it in his ear as he broke her in again on his thick dick, his girth easily expanding her tender pussy walls as he dug deeper and deeper inside. He fit perfectly, even if he had to make himself fit, and she groaned his name as she lightly scratched her nails along his spine as he began to tap on hers.
“And you have good ass pussy. The best pussy. Got me wantin’ to cum…but not yet,” Joe moaned as he straightened up and brought her thighs together to pin them to the cushion she lay on. He used his other hand to gently roll Amanda onto her side, all while still throwing deep strokes in and out of her that felt even damn deeper once he hit from this angle. She snatched a squared, decorative pillow nearby into her hands for something to hold onto as Joe now gripped her thigh with both hands and thrust harder, but not faster. “Look at me, baby…look at us,” he commanded when she smothered her face in the pillow to scream and bite at it. She felt his big hand slip up her body and to her throat again as he made her meet his eyes with his strong grip before she stared down at his hips knocking on hers, his dick disappearing inside her and filling her stomach. "Look how good we look together, baby," he whispered.
“Unnhhh, shit, Daddy,” Amanda squeaked as he choked her just enough to make her pussy flutter once around his dick as he started to pound her out. He seemed to refuse to hurry his pace, but she didn't mind as he made her eyes roll in her head as he hammered his heavy dick into her like the strokes of the second hand of an analog clock. Slow...steady...over...and over…
“That’s right, baby…Daddy's here now. And he ain't goin' anywhere. Mmm...I make this pussy feel good, baby?” Joe said, his tone saturated with his usual haughtiness that reminded her of how he was talking that shit the other night. And even though he was absolutely right, she didn’t want him to have the last word…not this time.
“Yessss…you make me feel so good...that’s why I wanna feel you cum in me. Mmm, it feels too good, Daddy,” Amanda purred. She loved how that made his eyes widen before a moan escaped him. She knew he loved the sound of that and she was just being honest. It did feel amazing when he poured into her like that. Physically…and on a strange level, emotionally. She never let a man before or since him do that to her. It was only for Joe because she was only for him…
And as she started to feel him throbbing in her just from her mentioning it, she purred again, “I want to feel you cum in this pussy, Daddy. Right now.”
“Yeah? If you want Daddy’s cum, you have to cum again, sweetheart,” Joe grunted as his hips jerked back with another twitch of his dick. She knew he was hanging on by a thread, she could feel it…and it made her pussy flutter again as he wedged himself into her. She needed to feel his pleasure flood her so she obeyed him and shifted her thighs until she was able to squeeze them together and put pressure on her clit. She moaned gruffly as she found the right angle, making him moan, too, as he watched her flex her thick, brown thighs to match the rhythm of his thrusts. “There you go, baby…fuck, you’re so beautiful like this,” he softly growled. 
He kept his hands on her throat and thigh, encouraging her orgasm further when decided to swivel his dick slowly to tease her g-spot. “Cum for me, Daddy…cum with me.” Amanda’s needy moans touched the ceiling high above as she felt her heart thrum with warm waves of pleasure that crashed into her. She felt her pussy contract and pull around him as she came hard, her nectar spilling all over him…which made him throb and shoot his warm, stringy ropes of his cum into her. "Yesss, Daddy, give it to me...who does this dick belong to, baby?" she found the nerve to say in between spasms of her delicious climax making her shudder beneath him.
Joe shuddered, too, with the fiery orgasm that he pounded into her, his fingers gripping her so tight that she'd probably have bruises. It made her moan all the same as he moaned to her, "It's yours, baby, unhhh…and this pussy is all mine. I love this pussy...I love you.” 
Her heart thundered in her chest at his words as surely she misheard him…but when he leaned over with one hand remaining on her thigh and the other caressing her cheek, he kissed her lips softly and whispered again, “I love you, Amanda.”
“I love you, too,” she breathed between his sweet kisses, cradling his face in her hands and stroking her thumbs over his soft beard as he gave himself to her, as she gave herself to him. It reminded her of the first time all those months ago they entwined like this and how she knew then what she certainly knew now: Amanda was deeply, wildly, unequivocally in love with Joe. She had never stopped loving him.
And like the first time they shared this experience, he rested his heavy body on top of hers as they panted together and held each other in their arms. She snuggled her nose to her chest, getting high on his god scent as her fingers found themselves on his head to play with the hair of his loose ponytail.
They stayed like that for hours or until their breathing returned to normal, whichever came first. As Joe gradually pulled out and leaned back slightly to look into Amanda’s eyes, he kissed her again before he said, “I meant that, by that way.”
“I did, too,” she replied in a hushed tone. She propped herself up onto her elbows which brought her lips to his again that of course she kissed, and she gave one to the tip of his nose, too. “You know what this means now, right?” she asked.
“What’s that, sweetheart?” he said with a grin that made her light up with a smirk, too.
“This means we’re dating again. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
The laugh that rumbled through him made his shoulders shake before he hugged her tighter in his arms. “I can live with that,” Joe said. “I’ve been yours for a long time now. And you’re mine.”
Thanks for reading! 🖤
Better late than never, right? 😅
Thank you all for your patience and love for this series!
It makes me wanna cry cuz "The Quiet Game" was my first fanfic that I ever shared online and I was NERVOUS, but you all made me feel like a part of the community immediately. 🥹
I've met soooo many amazing people, friends, and writers because of my silly lil Roman smut, and I couldn't be more grateful for ya'll. 💖
This series is my baby and now it's finished. 🥲 I hope ya'll enjoy!
Tag squad 🫶🏾
@harlem11680 @mzv11 @miyuhpapayuh @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @angelreigns444 @niknakbucks92 @vebner37 @flawlessvictory2020 @dreamsinfocus @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @jeyusos-girl @nayys-world @msbigredmachine @purplehairgawdess @dayjlovesromance @solosikoasgf @mohawkmama @smuts-whore @po3ticb3auty @alyyaanna @murrylove  @papireigns-05 @thewarlordsworld @vintage-pvssy @christinabae @hennyyybarb @visionarymode @itsautomaticfaegirl @jstarr86 @bebesobrielo @urasunflower @jeygif @iguessilikewrestlingnow @seeingstarks @555sage
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they forgot ~ corpse husband
word count: 2022
request?: yes!
“Corpse husband asks his S/O why they are upset two days before their birthday and they reply, "I just got a text from my parents saying to have a happy birthday today." ”
description: in which an early birthday text sends her mood on a downward spiral just days before her actual birthday
pairing: corpse husband x female!reader
warnings: swearing, shitty parents, some self hatred/insecurities due to shitty parents
masterlist (one, two, three)
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I never liked my birthday. Cliché, I know. That’s how every sad story with a happy birthday ending starts.
I was a cliché from my high school days, too. I only had two friends, so “birthday parties” were always just the three of us in my basement watching the same movies. I tried to have an actual birthday party once for my Sweet 16. Only because my mother insisted upon it. Made me send out invitations to my entire class and decorated our house before leaving for the night so we could “have a real good time”.
No one showed up besides the usual two friends, and we ended up in the basement watching movies yet again.
That was another issue: my parents.
I know they loved me...in their own way, anyways. Most years we didn’t celebrate my birthday. Not how I would want to celebrate it, anyways. If it were up to me, we’d go out on the night of my birthday to one of my favorite restaurants and maybe have a board game night or something. Just be together as a family for my day. But that’s never how it went. My parents were always “busy” the day of my birthday. Mom made the mistake of telling me once that she forgot it was even my birthday and booked a day out with her friends. She didn’t ask if I wanted to come with them. If we ever did anything, it was usually whatever they decided with very little input from me.
I thought I was weird for disliking my birthday, until I met Corpse.
Corpse didn’t like his birthday either. When it came around the first time when we started dating, I didn’t make a big deal over it as he asked. I got him a gift and a cupcake with a candle in it, but that was it. He did the same for me - small gestures as to not make such a big deal over my birthday.
But, as time went on, Corpse started making a little bit of a bigger deal about my birthday. He’d order in take out form my favorite restaurant, make me dinner (once he also tried to make a cake for dessert), invited over a few of our friends once just to hang out for my birthday. I didn’t notice at first, and by the time I realized what he was doing, I was too happy to be upset. I was finally enjoying my birthday for the first time in...well...almost ever.
Until my parents dragged me back down to Earth.
I was getting ready for work when my phone chimed signaling I had gotten a text. I ignored it at first, figuring I’d answer whenever I finished getting ready. But when it went off a second time, just moments after the first, I figured it was important. I picked up my phone and the screen lit up, displaying two unread texts from my parents.
“Happy Birthday sweetheart. We hope you have a wonderful day.”
“We love you very much and we are so proud of you.”
It would’ve been a really sweet series of messages if it weren’t for the fact that my birthday wasn’t for another two days.
I sat down on the edge of mine and Corpse’s bed. I kept re-reading the texts until they burned into my eyeballs, the words “Happy Birthday sweetheart” standing out every time I blinked, until welling tears washed the image away.
I thought things were different. I thought I was actually becoming someone worth celebrating, or at least worst remembering my fucking birthday. But if my own parents couldn’t even be bothered to remember when their only child was born, how could anyone else be bothered to remember or care about me?
“I thought you had work.”
I jumped at the sound of the deep voice I usually loved so much. I hadn’t heard Corpse come out of his editing room. It had been another night of Corpse’s fucked up sleep schedule keeping him up from sun down to sun up. I had gotten used to our sleep schedules often conflicted, especially when my work required me to wake up semi-early in the morning. I guess I had momentarily forgotten he wasn’t in our bed while I was getting ready for work.
I quickly wiped my eyes and shoved my phone into my pocket. “Yeah, I do. I got distracted, I guess.”
I stood and made my way out of our bedroom, pausing only to give Corpse a quick kiss. I mumbled a “Goodbye, love you” as I exited our apartment, leaving before he could notice I was upset.
The day passed in a blur. I couldn’t stop thinking about the text. I hadn’t responded, which didn’t trouble my parents too much. Part of me hoped they would realize their mistake if I didn’t respond and would apologize for mixing up the dates. But that never happened. They didn’t text me back at all. Didn’t even acknowledge that I hadn’t responded. They probably hadn’t even noticed.
I couldn’t wait to get home and crawl into bed and end this shitty day. If I was lucky, Corpse also would’ve forgotten my birthday and we wouldn’t do anything to celebrate the day I was once again dreading the most.
Corpse was laying in our bed, re-watching Death Note for the hundredth time. I kicked off my shoes and shrugged off my jacket before getting into bed with him.
“I can’t believe you started without me,” I teased, trying not to let my upset show in front of him.
“There was nothing else to watch,” he responded.
“We have Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu, but there was nothing to watch?”
Corpse put a hand over my mouth and shushed me. I giggled and rested my head against his chest. I was starting to feel somewhat better after the day I had had.
He moved his hand from my mouth to my back and started running his fingertips up and down my spine. “How was work?”
I made a grunt sound in response. “It was okay, I guess.”
“Only okay?”
I shrugged. “Nothing especially good or bad happened. It was just a day.”
His hand ran from my back to my hair. I shivered from the cool feeling of his metal rings against my skin, leaving a tingling feeling in their wake. His fingers tangled through my hair as he started to play with it.
“What’s on your mind, honey?” he asked.
“Nothing,” I responded, although it didn’t come out very convincingly.
“You’ve seemed upset since before you went to work. Did something happen this morning?”
Tears started to prick my eyes again. Corpse always knew when something was wrong. It was like he had a sixth sense about when I was upset, and he wouldn’t let up until I talked about it even a little bit. It could be annoying since I was so used to just dealing with my upset and sadness myself, but it did always help me to feel better when I talked to him.
Corpse paused the show and moved so he could face me. He wiped away the fresh falling tears with his thumbs. “What happened, baby?”
“M-My parents,” I sniffled.
That was really all he needed to hear. Corpse knew about the relationship I had with my parents. He had only met them once and decided that was one too many times for him. His once soft gaze at my sad face immediately darkened when I told him. “What did they do?”
“They...they sent me a text this morning,” I said. “Two, actually. Wishing my a happy birthday and telling me they love me and they’re proud of me.”
His brows furrowed in confusion. “But...your birthday is...”
He trailed off as I started to nod. The dam officially broke within me and I began to sob. Corpse quickly pulled me to him, burying my head in his chest and allowing me to cry into his shirt. At least he loved wearing black clothing so it wasn’t like I was staining the material with my sadness.
“Th-They couldn’t even be bothered to remember,” I said. “All these years I thought...I thought I was finally becoming important enough for other people to even...remember the day I was fucking born.”
“Of course you’re important enough.”
I shook my head. “Not important enough for my own parents to remember my birthday. My own fucking parents, Corpse! They were fucking there when I was born! You’d think, of all people, the person who popped me out of her fucking vagina would remember what day she did that. But she doesn’t, and she’s never given enough of a fuck to remember that day and make it special for me. Never! So why would anyone else care that much about me when my own parents can’t?”
Corpse pulled me away from his chest and looked down at me. He wiped the tears from my face again, gently running his thumbs under my eyes and down my face to catch the tears.
“I care,” he said. “I have since the very first day that I met you. If you hadn’t told me that you didn’t like your birthday, I may have thrown you the best party I possibly could just to celebrate you.”
I couldn’t help but let out a shaky chuckle. “You hate people.”
“I love you, though. And if you wanted a party, I’d try to give you a party.”
I shook my head. “Everything you’ve done for me since we got together is more than enough.”
“You say that, but to me it feels like it’s far from being enough. Your birthday is one of very few days that I actually want to celebrate throughout the year because you are something I want to celebrate. I don’t know what I’d do if I never met you.”
“Probably be doing the same thing you’re doing now: watching Death Note all night until you fall asleep at 5am.”
He chuckled. “Okay, yes, but I wouldn’t have someone to do that with me. And that’s what means the most to me. Since I met you, I haven’t felt as alone as I once did. You make me feel so happy, (Y/N). More than I think you could ever know.”
I could feel my eyes welling up again, but this time it was happy tears. I leaned forward to kiss Corpse, before pulling away to wipe my face again. Kissing someone while you’re crying, or while your face is still wet from crying, can be slightly awkward. Not that I thought Corpse would’ve minded at all.
“You make me happy, too,” I told him. “I’m glad I found you, and that we’re building this life together and starting our own family. Well...our found family.”
“One day it’ll be a real family. Whenever I start feeling better.”
I took his hands in mine and kissed them. “I can wait. As long as I have you.”
He eventually coaxed me to lie down with him again and pressed play on the show. I tried to stay awake to watch it with him, but after working most of the day and having cried a number of times, my eyes were feeling very heavy. I had to fight against my eyelids to keep them open, but it was a losing battle. At one point I had even managed to drift off to sleep for a few seconds before a sound on the TV caused me to jolt awake.
Corpse chuckled. “Do you want me to turn it off so you can sleep?”
I shook my head. “No, that’s okay. I don’t mind listening to it while I fall asleep.”
“Falling asleep to Death Note. And I thought I was fucking weird.”
If I had the energy I would’ve playfully hit his chest. Instead, I just grunted and turned into him more.
I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled again. “Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” I mumbled before finally drifting off to sleep.
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0and0its0doctor0 · 11 months
Marry me today and everyday
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Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Warnings: This is so freaking fluffy. No warnings. Listen to the song!
Summary: Spencer has never been more nervous about anything in his life.
Word Count: 585
Spencer paced back and forth in front of the full length mirror nervously. This was going to end in disaster. He could take on the worst people in the world without being as nervous as he was right now. But this? This was making his insides twist in an unpleasant way. What if he messed everything up? There was so much at stake. He ran a hand through his curly hair and let out a huff of a sigh. He looked up when there was a knock on his hotel room door. “Come in.” He paused in his pacing and looked up as David walked into the room. “You okay kid?” He asked and Spencer shook his head. “Not really.” He admitted and David chuckled a little causing Spencer to frown.
“Take it from someone who has done this a few times. You just need to breathe and let things happen. There isn’t much you can control about this situation. Just smile and nod and it will be over before you know it.” David said, trying to calm Spencer down a little. “But what if she says no? What then? All those people. There’s a lot of people out there, Rossi.” Spencer started panicking again. “Kid she said yes already once. I don’t think she is going to let it get this far if she was just going to turn around and say no. But don’t worry the whole team is here to back you up.” He clapped Spencer on the shoulder and pulled him into a hug which Spencer surprisingly reciprocated. 
There was a light breeze that tickled Spencer’s skin and he was attributing that to his goosebumps. Not the fact he was standing in front of dozens of people half of which he didn’t even know. He fidgeted with a small puff ball that he had in his pocket for stimulation. He looked over to see Derek, Aaron and David standing by his side in their tuxedos and he bit his lip.
Derek tapped him reassuringly on the shoulder. “Breathe.” He said quietly. Spencer took in a deep breath and let it out as the music started. He looked up and saw you standing at the end of the aisle in your gorgeous wedding dress and he felt his heart skip a couple beats. His smile grew with every step you took and he felt his cheeks flushing red. “You look amazing.” He said breathlessly as you stepped up next to him. “Thanks. You do too.” You whispered back as the ceremony started. 
You turned to look at him and held your hand out as the officiant spoke. This was it. All he could think about was you saying no and running away. “I do.” You said happily and he felt his heart drop in a good way. “I do.” He replied when it was his turn. He slipped the ring on your finger and quickly wrapped you in his arms so he could kiss you passionately. If Spencer were being perfectly honest he would rather face an armed Unsub than do that a second time. Finally he pulled away from kissing you to gasp and take in a deep breath of air. “Save it for the honeymoon!” Derek called out laughing as you panted. “Shall we Mrs. Reid?” He asked and you giggled. “Of course Mr. Reid.” And you walked down the aisle holding hands. He wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. You were his now. He couldn’t be happier.
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etapereine · 5 months
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if there's one thing jonas vingegaard is going to do it's use every muscle in his fingers to hold his teammates tight when he hugs them
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Should I keep Going? (Gavi x reader)
28 day writing prompt challenge - prompts are linked here
Day 2: Washing your hair for you.
If you haven't heard this song yet, listen to it now, as it inspired today's writing.
Since the day he met you, Gavi had a slight obsession with your hair. When he met you it had been slicked back for the formal event you both attended. Later that week on your date, you left it to flow freely in its natural state, delicately framing your face. At the end of your third date, it had been a wild mess laid over his white sheets.
Whenever he got the chance (and whenever you would let him), he would run his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp on cuddly nights, and giving it a soft tug when he was feeling playful. This evening, he was thinking about you while lounging on the couch, playing FIFA online with some of his teammates. He was engrossed in the game, trying to prevent Pedri from scoring, when he felt something grab his shoulders. Gavi Jumped to his feet and let out a little yelp of surprise. He turned around to find you leaning over the back of the couch, laughing as you gripped your cage.
"Ay Pablo don't yell into the headset." "Sorry guys give me a second."
He ripped off the headphones and looked at you.
"Hi Pablito. Sorry for scaring you, but that was the funniest thing that's happened all week."
"I wasn't scared." "Mhm sure. That's why you screamed. And why your hands are still shaking. Because you weren't scared."
Gavi huffed and grabbed his headset again. falling angrily back on the couch as he pressed resume on his game.
"Hermano, we know women can be scary, but if your own girlfriend can scare you, then there's a problem."
Gavi groaned and rolled his eyes as the rest of the boys laughed. As he continued the game, you circled around to the front of the couch, laying with your head on his lap and your feet on the arm rest.
When the match ended, Gavi said his goodbyes to his teammates, and then switched the TV back to whatever show he was engrossed in earlier that day. As you scrolled on your phone, you felt Gavi slip his fingers into your hair, playing with the strands. You would normally lean into his touch, but today you pulled back, getting off his lap completely. Gavi looked at you with a look of hurt and confusion, like a little kid who had just gotten their ice cream taken away.
"Where are you going? Why'd you get up?" "My hair is dirty, Amor. I need to go wash it."
Gavi grabbed his phone and looked at the time. "It's 12:18 am. You've been working all day. You'll faint if you get in the shower, especially since you like to bathe in hell water."
"I know, but I feel really gross. I won't be able to sleep if I don't get in the shower."
"I'll do it for you." "Do what?" "Help you shower. Wash your hair."
"Pablo, I'm really tired I-" "My God I'm not trying to have shower sex. I just want to help you."
You looked up at him suspiciously. For all the maturity he displayed, he was still a teenage boy with a teenage hormone system. He put his hands up in an "I surrender" gesture, and you got off the couch, allowing him to lead you to the bathroom.
Gavi filled the tub with warm water, putting rose scented soap and oil in. He turned around so you could get undressed, and then helped you into the bath. The warm water was paradise on your aching muscles. You breathed in deeply and sighed, glad to have some relief.
Gavi moved to the other end of the shower and grabbed your hair care, as well as the bowl you used to wash your hair in the bath. He began gently running water over your hair, soaking the strands. He then poured out some shampoo and began massaging it into your scalp.
"Ah Pablo that feels amazing."
You leaned back into his touch, allowing your head to rest slightly against his shirt, creating a wet spot. He continued to lather your hair, and you leaned further back. Gavi leaned in to your exposed neck, placing a gentle kiss on the skin there. You hummed in satisfaction at the gesture. Taking this as a sign of approval, Gavi moved in closer to you. He placed his lips against your pulse and began peppering soft kisses on the skin there. He moved lower, kissing on the skin at your collar, and letting one hand fall from your head to rest against your chest. Your eyes opened and you sat straight up in the bath.
"Pablo! What did I say?"
"What? We're not having sex!"
"You're getting close."
"Am I? So I should keep going?"
"I'm kidding! I'm not trying to have sex. But you can't just be naked and wet and expect me not to touch you at all."
A/N: Hi! Day two of my Feb writing challenge for Gavi. I think this one is really cute tbh. I was going to make it smuttier but I like the idea of some healthy relationship boundaries. And this song makes me sad and sappy.
On a personal note, I'm almost ready to submit my applications. I'm really proud of myself for all the work I've gotten done despite my anxiety. See y'all tomorrow for day 3!
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imagintheworldaway · 2 years
No warning just Fluff!
Requests: OPEN 
I noticed it a few months ago. Harry and I had been going out for around a year, making it official 8 months ago and I couldn't be happier. Harry had cute little traits that intensified when we were together. Like when he got nervous, excited or frustrated he would fall over his words, most times resorting in a jumbled gibberish that I had to try and decipher. Or the scratching of the spot just below his shoulder. Once again whenever an intense emotion overtook him you could spot him scratching away at the place, however, this was down more to nerves than anything, or when he was trying to hide a secret from me. This just made me giggle and act nonchalant, finding out everything I needed to know just hours later, because no matter how much he tried he was so bad at keeping secrets. 
Then there was this new little trait I had found out about 3 months ago. At first I thought nothing of it, just a sweet gesture from a boyfriend to his adorning girlfriend. The first time I noticed it I was watching him play a Sunday 7-a-side with his friends at the small little pitch they seemed to frequent. It was only October but England being England meant that on this particular day a hat, gloves and scarf were needed. I rubbed my gloved hands together as I watched Will aim but miss the goal especially signalling halftime. I smiled as Harry jogged up to me to talk. “Hey, you guys suck” I giggled as he leant on the barrier that separated us. “Yh they do, don’t they” he said with a goofy smile. As he said this he had sneaked his hands in between mine. It took me a moment but soon the ice cold touch of his penetrated the heat of my gloves and I scrunched my eyebrows looking down. Only to see my hands cupped around his own. “You’re freezing” I half whispered, concern lacing my voice “that’s why you’re here.” he said cheekily before the whistle was blown and the players begrudgingly made their way back to the pitch, realising today was not a great day to play football. 
The next instance wasn’t even a week later. I was lounging on the sofa in my apartment whilst Harry was showering. I was mindlessly scrolling through TikTok looking at the different dramas of the week when I heard the water turn off and wet feet padding around my bathroom. “Whats this?” I heard Harry's voice from down the corridor. I lifted my head to look in the direction of my hallway and awaited the figure of my boyfriend emerging. “Soon enough he came out, a towel around his torso, holding a black tube, his wet hair flopping in front of his eyes as he squinted at the bottle. “Let me see” I said , reaching for the bottle, moving to sit crossed legged as Harry stood at the end of the sofa in front of me. “Oh it’s my hand cream, the one you like the smell of” I smiled , handing back the bottle. A look of ‘I know what it is you idiot’ crossed Harry's face as a smile quickly replaced it. “Can I have some?” he said, still examining the bottle. “Sure” I shrugged, reaching for my phone. As I looked up I saw Harry with a goofy smile and his arm outstretched passing me the tube. I just rolled my eyes and opened the bottle, taking some cream and starting to massage it into his hands. “Wow your hands are so soft” I heard him mumble, causing a light blush to grace my cheeks. 
When we went shopping a month ago it happened again. I tend to get distracted and just walk to things I think look pretty. On this day a beautiful custom bag in the centre of a display in one of my favourite shops across the street had caught my eye. I started walking towards it, to admire it closer, forgetting we had a list of things we needed to get before the shops closed. “Hey hey hey where are you going” I heard Harry's voice as a protective hand was wrapped around mine. “Oh it's fine i'm just going to go and have a look at that shop over there” i smiled at him. “It's way too crowded, I will come with you, just don’t let go” he said protectively as we navigated our way through the crowd so I could reach my destination. 
And then last week we sat at dinner with some of his friends. The dinner had finished and we all sat in idle chatter. Talia was talking about the wedding plans and Harry was stuck in conversation with Ethan on the other side of him.  “Oh and i was so torn between these two different shades for the flowers” Talia carried on as she showed me and the girls some pictures on her phone when i noticed a presence on top of my left hand. I cast my eyes down for a split second seeing Harry's right hand wrapped around my own hand. I cast my gaze back to Talia's phone as a soft smile graced my lips. I moved my hand so it wrapped around Harrys and noticed his own hand tense a little before settling into its familiar position. 
It was not just these obvious acts of affection that I had picked up on either. But whenever we went out for a walk it took less than two minutes for his hands to find mine, or for our hands to interlock over the table at dinner, being sat at one of our apartments and for us to just be sat there and his hands always found mine. I found it comforting, and the fact that this was probably a subconscious trait that he didn’t even realise he was doing made it even sweeter and special to me.
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mernolan · 10 months
wow I didn't think we'd see more clips before the movie was out but FUN FACT: I do this. I animated this scene.
When asked if I wanted more acting shots or more action shots early on in production, I said acting and ended up being assigned this ENTIRE Pickles being mom in church scene (almost! some of the reverse shots other people on the team did).
It was one of my favorite scenes to work on, probably one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie (and I'm not being biased hahaha)
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ostensiblyem · 10 months
Here’s my final for my motion graphics class, my genuine pride and joy from the entirety of last year, the title sequence I made inspired by Skyjacks! This project took ages but it was so much fun and I really enjoyed the entire process of making it so… yeah!
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
fluffy haired gamer boy ~ ranboo
word count: 2056
request?: yes!
“Oooo i saw you said you might write for Ranboo. I was wondering if I could request something. I've been having a rough few days and kinda just want some comfort fluff involving him if you could. You don't have to if you dont want to”
description: in which they’re a popular twitch streamer and their fans like to make jokes about their fellow gamer boyfriend
pairing: ranboo x gender neutral!reader
warnings: swearing, absolutely no plot other than fluff
masterlist (one, two, three)
(i just wanna note i started writing this before ranboo came out as nb and using he/they pronouns, for the sake of consistency and for the title i came up with beforehand i am using he/him pronouns and referring to him as “boyfriend”)
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Behind every popular Twitch streamer is their fluffy haired, gamer boyfriend who brings just a sense of wholesomeness to every stream they are a part of.
I laughed at this once when it was brought up by a friend of mine as we were streaming one night.
“Not me!” I said, because I was an idiot and thought I was special. Because, at this point in time, I didn’t even have any plans on getting in a relationship. Even if I did, I wasn’t going to be public with my relationship. I was so sure that if I were to date someone, they wouldn’t be famous in the same way I was and I wouldn’t want to ruin their privacy by putting them out there for my hundreds of thousands of followers to see and harass and never leave alone.
Boy, was I ever wrong.
I met Ranboo for the first time after being invited to join the Dream SMP. I wasn’t much of a Minecraft fan and had no idea about the whole “SMP” stuff that had gotten so big on Twitch, but I decided to give it a try. Even if it was just one time to say that I did it. And I had become online friends with a few of the Dream SMP members, so I felt comfortable being brought into this world for the first time.
I don’t know what it was about him, but I was drawn to Ranboo almost immediately. I could barley form a sentence whenever I was talking to him. Every time he laughed, my heart would do a flip in my chest. As much as I wasn’t into Minecraft, I started putting up with playing it more just so I could spend time with him.
The day he messaged me asking if I wanted to call, just the two of us, no streaming and no video games, I almost jumped for joy. Quite literally.
And then, when he did call, he managed to make me feel so many emotions all at once.
“Hey,” I said when I answered his Discord call. “What’s up?”
“Hey,” he responded. Even with just the one word, I could tell something was going on.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah! Yeah, everything is fine. I just...” He took a deep breath. This seriousness was starting to worry me. “I really like you, (Y/N). I’ve been enjoying getting to talk to you when we’re gaming together, but I want to have more than that. Like...more than friendship, even. And I know that’s a lot to ask when this is our first time talking outside of streaming, but I needed to tell you.”
I was silent for just a moment, before I started to laugh. I didn’t mean to, it just happened. I think I was just so shocked by his confession that I had no idea how else to react.
“Ouch,” I heard him mutter to himself.
“No!” I said, finally regaining myself. “I’m sorry, I promise I’m not laughing at you. It’s just...I feel the same way about you. I have since we met, actually.”
We both laughed together upon realizing our similar situations.
That was the start of our relationship. We kept it a secret from our audiences for the first few months. It wasn’t hard when we lived in different states, so we weren’t physically together, and we didn’t act much different when we were playing together than we had before we started dating. The cat was let out of the bag when Ranboo came to surprise me at home, not realizing i was mid-stream when he did. We thought we could get around it by me ending the stream before anyone could see him, but unfortunately we didn’t take into account that my viewers would hear him. But, our fans were ecstatic with excitement when we finally confirmed we were together, and we were slightly relieved to not have to hide anymore.
But, with the fans finding out came the usual teasing from them. Someone found the clip of me and my friend talking about how I’ll never have a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend and started circulating it on Twitter. It became a running joke in my fandom. I couldn’t escape the damn clip.
Especially when I was streaming with Ranboo.
One night while we were streaming, my chat was just constantly filled with the quote I had said from the video.
“I’m going to shut off my chat at this rate,” I commented, only half joking.
“Why? What are they saying?” Ranboo asked.
“They’ve taken an old clip from one of my streams and made it the fandom joke. My entire chat is just them quoting the clip. It’s only, like, five seconds long, but at this rate it’s the longest five seconds of my life.”
There was no response to this. We were playing a game together, and it took me a moment to realize his character wasn’t moving either.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he responded.
“Okay, sure, I totally believe that.”
He was silent again. A quick glance to my chat gave me the answer: he was trying to find the clip on Twitter.
“Do not look up the clip!” I said, although I knew I was powerless at this point. He was in a completely different state, already in the process of looking for it on Twitter. I had no way of stopping him unless I was somehow able to get to his house hours away within a matter of seconds.
“Your viewers are so mean, they’re tagging me in tweets that include the clip,” he said, a light laugh in his voice.
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
Seconds of silence passed as Ranboo watched the video. I heard him chuckle slightly, then chuckle again as I assumed the video re-started.
“Is this what they keep quoting?” he asked.
“The part where I say I won’t be getting a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend? Yeah, that’s what my chat is full of right now.”
Well, actually, at that moment my chat was full of my viewers either apologizing over the fact that he had now seen the video, or laughing about the fact that he had. Twitch chats are the worst, let me tell you.
“How long ago was this before we met?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t even remember saying it until someone tweeted the clip at me, like, the week after we announced we were dating.”
“Someone in my chat says it was a few weeks beforehand.”
“Y’all keep track of this?!” I asked my chat in disbelief. “How do you guys know that?!”
“The date on the VOD, I’d assume.”
“Okay, but still. You guys are scary.”
I managed to get the attention back to the game, mainly because we had forgotten to pause and Ranboo’s character was getting killed. I veered away from the topic of the video and tried to keep Ranboo distracted with the game. My chat, however, was a lost cause. They were still reveling in the fact that he had finally seen the clip. It seemed that this was going to be the new thing for my viewers to spam and meme me with.
When we finished playing, Ranboo said he was going to stay streaming for a bit because he was set to play with someone else. I could feel my eyes starting to burn from the strain of looking at my computer for so long (one of, if not the biggest downsides to being a streamer) so I decided to call it a night.
“I’ll call you when I’m finished streaming?” Ranboo asked.
“Yeah! I’ll be up for another while,” I responded.
The chat filled with messages about how cute we were - both positive ones and playful disgust ones.
We ended our Discord call and I said goodbye to my chat before shutting down my stream. I rubbed my tired eyes, trying to get some moisture back into them to help with the strained feeling, before getting up from my desk.
After streaming for a long time, I tried to stay away from screens for at least an hour. This included watching anything on my TV. So I decided to make something to eat, playing some music in the background so it wasn’t so quiet in my apartment. Once I finished eating, I went to get a quick shower, and then pulled on my pajamas and got into bed to start reading. I was starting to nod off when my phone started playing the tone for a Discord call. I placed my book on my nightstand and rolled over onto my side to answer it.
“You’re done playing already?” I asked.
“It was just a few rounds of Life,” he responded. “They wanted to play something else, but I wanted to call you before you went to bed.”
“Awe,” I teased.
He laughed. “Yeah, yeah. I’m cute. I know.”
I chuckled. I shifted under the covers to settle into my bed more. I had a feeling I was going to fall asleep during the call, which usually happened. I knew Ranboo would just hang up once he realized I was asleep.
“So,” he said, “you weren’t planning to have a gamer boyfriend, huh?”
I groaned and rolled my eyes, which made him laugh. “God, I hate that clip. It was funny at first, but now everyone spams me with it as if it’s the funniest shit they’ve ever seen. Like, I get it! I ended up with the exact thing I said I wasn’t going to have!”
“It’s just so ironic. Especially that you said it weeks before we met.”
I rolled onto my back and covered my face with my hands. “I had no intentions of dating when I said it. I’ve never really had a serious relationship, and I wasn’t about to have a public one with another streamer. Twitch relationships are full of all sorts of drama. Except for Ludwig and QT, but he’s a YouTube streamer now so it doesn’t count.”
“For the record, I also wasn’t planning to be in a relationship. I especially didn’t expect to meet someone through Minecraft of all games.”
I chuckled. “Really? Are you telling me Minecraft isn’t the ideal dating site?”
“No, I prefer Club Penguin. I used to get so many bitches on there.”
We laughed together. I looked up at the ceiling and felt my eyes beginning to droop. I wouldn’t have long till I was completely passed out, but I didn’t want to end the phone call just yet. I know I was streaming with him for hours beforehand, but there was a difference between talking to Ranboo while we were streaming and talking to him personally. I didn’t want to end our personal time just yet, even though my body was screaming at me that it was time for sleep.
“I’m glad you didn’t completely close your mind to the idea of - what did they call me? A fluffy haired gamer boyfriend,” he said.
I chuckled. “Yeah, that’s the term exactly.”
“What does that even mean? Why is it so specific of a distinction?”
“Well, think of some of the people you’ve played with. Like...I don’t know...Karl. He’s a wholesome gamer boy with hair that’s considered fluffy. It’s, like, a whole genre of gamer men who aren’t toxic. That’s usually the type of person that other streamers end up with. It’s like the whole golden retreiver-black cat best friend dynamic I told you about once.”
“I still don’t understand how I’m a golden retriever.”
“You don’t have to understand, you just are.”
“Anyways,” he said, “as I was saying. I’m glad that you didn’t close your mind to the idea of a fluffy hair gamer boyfriend. Otherwise I wouldn’t have stood a chance. So, I guess there is some positives to stereotypes and whatnot.”
I sleepily smiled to myself. “I guess there’s not.”
“You sound like you’re falling asleep.”
I had lost the fight in keeping my eyes open. I was just barely registering anything Ranboo was saying to me. I tried to say something back, but it just came out as incoherent mumbling. I heard him chuckle and wish me a goodnight before I let the sleep take me over.
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strawberripine · 4 months
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i recently got to be a part of @connorsnothereeither 's dnd oneshot he ran for Cantripped (you can watch/listen to it at the links below hehe) and it was so fun!! :D love when i get to be part of my friends' projects and this one was amazing :) i wanted to share the little doodle i did of everyone's fave cupid gals,,, and also share my initial reference for Darcy bc WOOF does this girl got a lot of tattoos-- anyways enjoy the art and ignore the fact that this is my first ever tumblr post lolol byeeeee~
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