#you timeless wonder
greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
(decided today that one of my favorite things about ten reasons is the absence of time in it.
like theres the understanding its a Modern AU given that they text and there is one football reference in there to a more current player but that is...the extent of it.
theres almost no contemporary references in the fic that give the reader an idea of what year it even is, or time period. 2000s? late 90s? 2010s? 2020's? WHO KNOWS!
and i think thats very taylor swift/1989 of me.)
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“Sing, let your heart soar! Sing forever!
Sad and so happy! Feelings flow over
Now our world is full of all kinds of colors
Closing my eyes, I still can see the stars…”
Overmorrow -FIN-
[start from the beginning]
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THE ONE SOULMATE ASK IS MAKING ME BUZZ IN MY SEAT, imagine the one soulmate universe where your soulmate’s signature appears on your arm.
Like as a child you remember seeing “Ajax” written in a messy handwriting, one that always made you giggle when you saw it.
You knew the name was Snezhnayan, your parents having told you so. You often heard stories about Snezhnaya and the people from the nation, always curious what this Ajax would be like.
But one day it changed, not in the way you expected. You knew that the mark would change overtime to match your partner’s signature, but it didn’t change like that. One day you just woke up and your arm said Ajax and a second name.
You couldn’t read the name, it was in a language you didn’t recognize, only later in life learned it was Abyssal. You never understood why a second name, in Abyss, appeared on your arm or why Ajax’s signature eventually changed to Tartaglia.
It wasn’t until you finally got the funds to travel to Snezhnaya and eventually met Ajax that he could explain things.
It was awkward, the Harbinger stumbling over his words for the first time in years until he sighed and showed you Foul Legacy. You were scared at first, the Abyssal creature curiously sniffing you and trilling at you. You calmed when it saw the writings on your wrist, happily crooning as it showed your it’s own arm, your name written in a pale white so it could show up on the creature’s arm.
rambled for a bit too long but I JSUT OUGHHH had to get all my thoughts out, i hope i dont mind 🙏🙏🙏😭😭 (also will be forever upset that when I bought the genshin art book IT SIDNT COME WITH THE SIGNED CARD FROM TART) [📺]
oh oh OH but could you imagine Ajax's reaction? when he first acquires Foul Legacy he's absolutely terrified of what his soulmate's reaction will be to his Abyssal side- he wouldn't be surprised if you screamed and ran away when he eventually met you. he knows his soulmate is probably concerned enough by the name change- what would you think if you found out he was not only a Fatuus, but also harboring a bloodthirsty monster from the Abyss? so for the longest time he hides his arm from Foul Legacy, focusing on working up the ranks of the Fatui until he becomes a Harbinger. he never understands why Legacy becomes so excited if he even so much as glimpse's Ajax's arm from inside his mind, chirping and chittering and urging him to show the name- Abyssal creatures don't have soulmates
one day he's training in his Foul Legacy form, the beast allowing him to manipulate his stronger, armored body as usual when Ajax happens to glance down at his wrist. suddenly he gasps, everything but the arm vanishing back into his own mortal body out of shock as he stares at the name written in shining silver, identical to the one on his own skin. the armor dissipates into stars, leaving Ajax staring at the same name on his arm, the black ink standing out on his pale, freckled skin. Foul Legacy purrs soothingly in his mind, reassuring him that it's alright, he doesn't blame Ajax for wanting to keep his soulmate hidden from the Abyss, and Ajax wants nothing more than to give the monster a big, apologetic hug
when you finally manage to get to Snezhnaya and meet Ajax, staring firmly into his eyes, he's pleased to see that there are not one, but two names on your wrist; his own and one written in a script he recognizes but can't understand, and in his head Foul Legacy's singing, trills sounding similar to "that's me! that's my name!", and Ajax grins at you with the first genuine smile he's had in years
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celestetcetera · 6 months
Isn’t it interesting that the no-things have an easier time copying alien concepts over human concepts?
They understand the complexity of the Doctor’s origins just fine. They comprehend the Flux event. They seem to get regeneration enough not to misrepresent the Doctor’s current face (though part of that is plot convenience).
It’s the human things – the things from within our universe – that they struggle with. A consistent shape. Object permanence. The amount of knowledge a human can keep in her mind at once. Doublethink. Slowness.
They understand the Doctor much better than Donna. And doesn’t that make perfect sense? After all, they’re both from outside our universe.
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catgirljaneway · 6 months
I am a whole lesbian but older harry kim in timeless? 👀 i'd make an exception
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age-of-moonknight · 5 months
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Timeless (Vol. 3/2023), #1.
Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly; Penciler and Inker: Juann Cabal; Colorist: Edgar Delgado; Letterer: Travis Lantham
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Timeless vol. 3#Timeless 2023#Timeless#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Power Man#Luke Cage#Khonshu#and this is not a compliment for that blasted overblown seagull but rather Mr. Cabal’s work because despite my dislike of the character#I /do/ really like this «Celestial Khonshu» design as he gets all fancy and tries to recruit his own Silver Surfer#to completely swerve to a more philosophical note#and one that may make more sense when you see exactly what happens to the trash bird (turn back now if uninterested#in discussions of portrayals of G-d in contemporary media…and yes even I’m wondering why I’m doing this#in the tags of a comic book panel post so in general just don’t mind me hahaha):#I get why some people are rankled when characters use language asserting themselves to be G-d#particularly when the authorial intent is clearly to comment on the nature of a singular all-powerful all-loving Ruler and Judge of creatio#and it’s…not always benevolent but perhaps even mocking (it never feels good when people don’t want to discuss/question/#interact in good faith with something that people have devoted their entire lives to but instead just want to jeer.#To reiterate everyone’s definitely entitled to any qualms they might have about belief systems and religious institutions#and how those entities have traditionally treated groups of peoples for example#but a willingness to discuss those legitimate concerns and how to move beyond them just might be more constructive than#making strawmen to mock entire demographics and what’s important to them)#ANYWAY all this to say there are times however where I’ve seen monotheists not even be bothered by attempts at mockery#because those attempts can be flipped around into comments of «gee yeah we sure are lucky that G-d doesn’t have those#human flaws you gave Him in your strawman representation!»#like….Khonshu the absolutely craven despicable manipulative power-grabber committing a little blasphemy here just makes it all the more#satisfying when a singular man blasts a hole through that bird’s bony chest#if you’re anything less than the humanly unobtainable ideal of absolute perfection and declare yourself above all…you’re going down HARD
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tricoufamily · 1 year
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
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illidan · 3 months
can everyone listen to greyfoo’s world of whatever/spacebar clown album with me rq
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frogmascquerade · 5 months
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genav0s · 1 year
to the anon who asked about avos’ name meaning your ask completely disappeared from my inbox so here’s a screenshot of my response lmao
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briannaswords · 10 months
time curious time, gave me no compasses, gave me no signs / sometimes there's no proof, you just know
one single thread of gold tied me to you / cause I believe that we were supposed to find this, so even in a different life, you still would've been mine
all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me / and somehow I know that you and I would have found each other
time, mystical time, cutting me open then healing me fine / time breaks down your mind and body
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gayfranzkafka · 11 months
(insane post incoming) okay i've been a taylor swift re-recordings hater since the beginning but the Speak Now re-recording is making me INSANE i think it's partially just that i'm having a weird time emotionally anyway but like "Timeless" made me TEAR UP like bro WHAT like something about it being soooo essentially of that era but new like the novelty of it BONKED me over the head with a reminder of what it felt like to hear all those songs off Speak Now for the first time when i just had this IDEA of what love was & hadn't actually experienced it yet (& wouldn't for many years!!) like way before i even knew i was a lesbian just listening to taylor sing "enchanted" alone in my bedroom wondering who the guy she was singing about was & if she ever saw him again (because i was #blessed to not have internet access and therefor not know it was the dude from owl city she was singing about alsdfhaklsdhfasdh) & i remember just pouring through the little lyric booklet & its pictures & intro & mostly it was just me & the music & this picture of her in a ballgown in my head & this made up but hopeful romantic idea of what love is and like S C R E A M
#anyway i'm doing fine in case you're wondering#not to overshare but i think it's like. also because in my relationship rn we are like having to work through some things & like not even#anything out of the ordinary like just compatibility stuff that comes up for any longterm couple but we started talking about like spending#the rest of our lives together in very hypothetical way but still like really early in the relationship & now my gf is more like 'okay i#do really want to date you but i want to focus on working through these things & it feels overwhelming to talk about the longterm future rn#like not even in a way where i don't trust them & us to work through this but i'm just like. at the end of the day i guess i AM a romantic#& do have this idealized version of love that i believe in like i think that can be a bad thing (part of what kept me with my abusive hs ex#& i think it can also be a strength like i think it's NICE that i can still so clearly see & believe in a future with my gf even when we ar#working through hard stuff & when they feel overwhelmed but like. it's like is that DUMB or just like. i feel my feelings in a really inten#*intense way that i DO think is (sigh) like taylor a LITTLE BIT & it's like oh what does it mean for other people to not necessarily share#my same relationship to love like even the people you love will have a different relationship to love than you if that makes sense which li#*like duh but is also feeling like a mindfuck rn ANYWAY in conclusion i don't think my feelings are REALLY just about speak now but i DO#also think Speak Now WAS this formative text for me & represents/influenced the way i relate to love and like. SIGH. well i am thinking#about it. and i DID listen to 'timeless' on repeat & feel so emotional over it i literally felt like i was going to throw up <3#and it's objectively like not even THAT good of a song asdlfjashdfasdfahsdf#anyway hiiiii how is everyone
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
Am re-reading Hogg's Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner and I know it's not a new or original thought but it's just striking to me again how young George (younger) and his brother Robert must have been during the tennis match and Black Bull mob scenes.
If the 'famous session' refers to the 1703 session of parliament (or even if it refers to the previous year's sitting which Queensberry also oversaw), and if old Dalcastle married in 1687 (or later), then at most George could have been 16 and his brother 15, and it's probable that both boys are younger.
I don't remember too many of the details from the first time I read this book so will have to finish it before I make any further judgement. However I don't think it detracts from Robert's culpability or nastiness in any way to take into account his probable age in the earlier portion of the narrative. I think makes for a more interesting reading when forcibly reminded that he's a young teenager. Even taking into account different social mores and expectations placed on children in both the period in which the novel is set, and the early 19th century when it was written, it seems to me that that's an element that will still have particular significance for readers in the 21st century, regardless of one's personal experience with extreme forms of Presbyterianism.
#I mean it's probably been said before I haven't read much analysis of the novel in a while- or at least not of the psychology aspect#But I do feel that the image you first get in your head is that Robert is at least in his late teens and early 20s#at the time of the tennis match nonsense- I.e. a grown up demonic genius albeit with a chip on his shoulder#I'd say he's probably about 14?#Idk if anybody else remembers being 14 but oh boy does that make sense#I mean he's still a very unpleasant teenage boy don't get me wrong but nonetheless#In our day and age even grown adults are regularly affected by all kinds of brainrot and conspiracy theory stuff#We live in the internet age but I'm not entirely sure that there aren't comparisons to be drawn#Between unpleasant child Robert - called a wonderful boy by his parents; convinced he is Elect#highly book smart but deeply aware that there is something wrong about his family#Being tempted continually by visions of the Devil and raised in an age of constant civil and religious debate and strife#Where every side is utterly convinced of the complete moral validity and right of their own particular views#And some kid today coming out with all sorts of absolute nonsense as a result of being exposed to internet brainrot#Be it fascism or misogyny or even political views that I agree with but can become dogma and conspiracy theory in the wrong hands#In particular Robert's been raised in a very dogmatic household but also told exceptions will be made for him because he's special#Also something something late 17th century print culture boom and propaganda wars vs 21st century internet etc is this anything#I'm not necessarily saying this is a story for our times all I'm saying is there are timeless qualities in it#(Obviously that's what makes it a classic it's just I tend to notice more the portrayals of ill-made marriage#or Edinburgh mob violence and was less interested in the psychology of Mummy's Little Fanatic on the first reading)#Possibly the early part of the novel accidentally gives the impression that Robert is slightly older#because of throwaway lines like George mistaking him for a student of divinity#Even if Robert had been attending the university though that doesn't track#Based on what I remember of early 16th century norms and what little I know of late 18th century stuff#It would be perfectly normal for university students in Scotland in this period to start around the age of 14#Some went even earlier- I definitely remember coming across lads who matriculated at the age of 12 or 13 or younger#Idk maybe I was the only one who had that particular image of him as a young adult in my head#Maybe I was the only one who was too stupid to work this out earlier and it affected my reading#But still if there's one thing I'm taking away from this re-read it's going to be 'Dear god that is a 13/14/15 year old boy'#That being said don't want to overdo it; as a former teenage girl I used to hate when reading the Crucible and people were all#Oh that's just OBVIOUSLY what all teenage girls are like so not trying to compartmentalise boys; but at the same time o.O
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yes, that's exactly the difference! and particularly in the talks about quality--it was really strange to hear people talk about the quality standard being so low when i personally grew up in the junior section with really well-written and designed books that still hold up upon rereads. of course there are books that don't appeal to me at my age now: i read a book recently by an author i used to love and it was almost as if i could physically see the difference between my life experience and the intended demographic, but at the same time there are still a lot of books i read back then that are still fully capable of taking my breath away.
i know at thirteen would not have picked a book with this cover up from the library without the prior knowledge that this was sophie and fitz!!! because i was a child with Taste^tm and almost always judged books by their covers (which, tbh, i still do! is that saying actually meant to apply to books too because if so, the entire graphic design industry says a collective ouch). especially when so much of what i read was from artists like Kazu Kibuishi haha, there was a lot of criteria i remember having! so i was absolutely disappointed when i saw the graphic novel cover reveal and it was just like any of the ones that you'd see on the side of the shelves at the end of the week when all of the older kids had taken all the interesting books, and then you ended reading the entire Geronimo Stilton series in like half a year (there was a borrow limit) instead.
to backtrack a bit though, from an artist's standpoint i don't think it's terrible! i don't think it's badly designed or maliciously designed--i think it's the job i probably would have done if i were hired to do something like that without any prior knowledge of the series. i don't even know what's in the first issue to make sense of what scene they "should" have illustrated for the cover, so it was kind of just like.... well that's a thing. that happened. and i talked to my friends about it privately instead of posting because in what way would it be productive to complain publicly about how mediocre a book cover is, but then people started bringing up the children's media arguments again and it was just so frustrating to me. i'm sure they didn't mean to belittle children's media, but it was just like... i am struggling to articulate but just a why are you here, in the children's media playpen, saying "yeah these plastic toy guns mass-bought from dollar tree suck but it's okay the toys don't have to be manufactured with great quality because the kids won't care!" like to some degree yes but there are also i didn't spend my days searching for the best quality my little pony toys for nothing? if that makes sense.
(2/2) i am concluding that long thing with um. i have just eaten a piece of the most truly awful mango i have ever had. is this what the mango haters mean when they say they don't like it. this tastes like coconut
(and also thank you for adding your tags to my post! i am glad you did because i hope it helped people look at it with a more attentive eye and didn't let them take my words at Face Value. and my brain is now melting from all of that writing haha but yes, as much as there is a huge difference between the majority of us and the age of the intended audience, kids also deserve quality things and that was what i was trying to get at! + hope you are doing well and that you have a lovely day)
Thanks! I'm doing alright and hope you're having a lovely time as well. You articulated yourself very well in this, so I don't want to detract from that with a long response. But you make several great points, and I agree that I don't think I would've picked up this book as a kid without already being invested in keeper. Which isn't meant to criticize or be rude to those behind it, just acknowledgement that the cover is what draws you in to a book, and that doesn't have the elements I look for or typically find appealing--or in this case what I found appealing at that age, as my tastes have changed.
Based on what I know, I do think the scene they chose is an appropriate one and makes a lot of sense! It's the huge transition in Sophie's life, leaping to this new world where "magic" is real and there's so much fantasy and otherworldly yet mundane things to discover. It completely flips her world upside down, but that's not really reflected in the image itself. It's just two tweens smiling with a burst of light; I think that could've been represented better, but I don't have the technical skill or knowledge to do a truly thorough and meaningful critique.
But getting to your overall point: children deserve good media, you're right. I don't think anyone here (at least that I saw) was truly trying to make that argument, but there can be a fine line that takes some awareness that you walk in these kinds of conversations. The distinction between not liking it because it's not for you, and not liking it because it's lower quality regardless of it's for you is an important one--I don't know if I've worded that well, but I hope you get my meaning.
I think something like this may also remind many of us of the trends we seen in books overall recently: the booktok book. The appeal to tropes and popularity instead of creativity and care taken with the medium. More generic and impersonal designs, which one could argue the cover is. So perhaps the cover isn't bad, but in it we can see evidence of a wider trend and how it could continue, and that's bad.
There's a lot of ways to look at this and things that can be considered. At the end of the day, children deserve good media and that cover doesn't seem fully representative of the story---in my opinion, but I don't have much familiarity with graphic novels so take it with a grain of salt. And your welcome, I hope my additions help as well! I feel like I've inevitably forgotten something or left something unsaid because of the length, but if anyone thinks I've missed something or wants to continue this conversation further, my ask box is open! (just please be respectful, I'm a real actual person)
also oh shit just remembered there's two mangoes in the kitchen i sure hope they haven't gone bad because i totally forgot about them
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 6 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 6 🕺🏼
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🤌🏻 luz-camara-y-accion Follow
So my dad left before I was born. Apparently the second my mom told him she was pregnant with me, he just ran off.
Anyway to this day I am wondering… what if he’s still out there? What if he found another woman and had another child?
What I am saying is that, imagine if I suddenly bump into someone who almost looks like me, is also from Italy and then turns out to be my half-sibling or something.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Would be so wild lol
That reminds me, when I was smaller I randomly got the feeling I had an older brother or something. But I feel like it was just an ”only child wishing they had siblings” thing.
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
I always have such weird dreams. I need to write them down more.
🏍️ entre-dos-mundos Follow
Did you dream about me? 😉
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
You wish 😉
🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Hey! This website has guidelines and you’re breaking them!
I’m giving you a warning before reporting you.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
And I’m giving you another warning before I block you, weirdo who reblogs my posts
🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
You can’t! I have not found it, but I am sure there is a rule to not block people without reason. Blocking someone without reason is against the law!
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Hello. There is something weird with Tumblr. I am trying to click on some blogs and it says they are ”ghost blogs” or that they ”do not exist”. But they clearly do exist! Is something wrong with the system?
🙍🏻‍♂️ my-name-is-tomas Follow
I’m having the same issue 😢
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
Did anyone elses’ guardian give them ”the talk” by using flower metaphors? I’m trying to figure out how (not) normal my childhood was, and if anyone else can never see daisys the same way ever again.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Mine did not give me any. Rather she just expected me to know. I got to learn by reading and hearing girls talk in school.
Also when I got my period and told her, she sighed and scolded me for being so ”late” 🤨 (I was 13 how is that late)
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Haha. Uh.
So I got the talk when I was 12. Age I got my period? 11.
Did not know what it was. Thought I did something wrong. Refused to tell her because ”she would never understand and probably scold me for not being careful” or something.
She found out on her own, probably because she noticed a stain somewhere, and I was almost crying, begging her to not be mad and she was like ”😐 I knew this would happen, so I don’t see a reason to be mad. I just didn’t know it would happen so soon 😐”. She then gave me pads and told me to use them whenever this happened. She also gave me a small smile and stroked my hair slowly. Then she said ”I should have known you were an early bloomer… 🙂”
I had no idea what that meant until a YEAR later when when she finally gave me the talk. And then it was all in metaphors of flowers.
#what was up with her and flowers seriously
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Most delusional crushes you’ve had?
I’ll start: Someone on the internet who wrote nice posts and who I was so obsessed with meeting, to the point where I ran around trying to search for her whenever I heard she was nearby.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Omg same
📸 felicityfornow Follow
… you’re welcome?
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
People tell me so many dirty jokes that at this point I’m assuming that everything is a dirty joke when it not even is.
📸 felicityfornow Follow
I’m sorry, I feel like this is my fault…
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Was that a dirty joke?
#seriously I need to know #I can’t keep track of what is and what isn’t
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Hey! I have a brand new fic I posted today!
Check it out! 💫
Posting every saturday🪐
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
It's so fun how easy I could find my friends here 😂 Half of them didn't even have to say they had tumblr, I found them anyway.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Wish I could say the same, but people refuse to tell me and I can't seem to figure it out.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Strawberry boy when he can't figure out who runs the tumblr blog even with clear signs of who it might be:
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🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Hey! Only Luna can call me that!
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
If I'm the only one allowed, why did you name your blog that?
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
So like. I dream about the future and stuff.
I dreamed that I was pregnant.
And like. That may happen at some point. In the future. But my dreams that predict the future are often stuff that happens basically the next day.
Not that it… would make sense for me to be pregnant right now…
Or, well…
I’m buying a test.
#vilu gets real #SO glad my dad is not on Tumblr he would freak if he saw this
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I usually joke about myself being the most distracted person in the world, but at times it feels like everyone looks down on me for it. I know that is not the case, but sometimes I feel like it.
Because I am like that, I easily forget stuff, and having to have people remind me, it sometimes feels like people don’t take me as seriously? Like they see me more as a child than someone their age. I mean, sometimes I feel like my friends act like I am their baby sister just tagging along and ”not knowing as much”. And I know they don’t actually see me like that. I know that’s just how I feel. But… ugh. I wish I could concentrate more on things, I wish I could not forget stuff so easily. I wish I could keep my mind focused on what people want me to focus on, and yet my brain does not let me.
I wish I didn’t feel like I somehow missed a manual on how you’re supposed to act in life. Why does everyone know how to behave in social situations except for me?
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Hey Luna? I know you tagged this with ”may delete later” and all that, but I need to assure you, yes, that is only in your head about us seeing you as ”someone younger who does not know as much”. We do not see you like that!
In all honestly… we’re all on the same page when it comes to ”maturity” I would say. Trust me when I say, I can be very distracted too. You just have not seen it yet, but trust me.
I guess I can sort of relate to ”not knowing how to act in social situations”, but I guess when there’s more of us, we act in our own way that we then percieve as ”normal” but then we meet someone else who never would act that way.
Anyway, we love you Luna, and you’re not alone with thoughts like this 💜
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Luna I need you to know, if you ever feel ”childish”, just know I am way more childish than you.
Seriously, I’ve been in situations where I go out of them feeling like I acted like a toddler and everyone else was so mature and cool in comparison.
You should just KNOW about all the antics I’ve had that you haven’t witnessed. If there is someone who does not know how to act in social situations it’s me.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Luna sometimes I’ve felt like I am younger than YOU. Seriously. I don’t know how anyone has ever seen me as mature 🤣
And I may joke that you’re distracted, but I never look down on you for it 🩵 Because you’re also at the same time very focused on what you want, when you get an idea there is no stopping you! And I admire that so much about you 💖
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Oh my gosh, guys… I really was about to go delete my vent post because I made it under such a spontaneous rush and then it felt weird to just write all of that.
But I feel really happy by your messages, and that I am not alone 😅 💕💕
I still wish I wasn’t distracted in the way I am, though.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
HELP, it’s so wild finding this post now like 4 years later?
I’m happy I never feel that insecure about why I can be so distracted and all over the place anymore. Because I did look into it and I did get an explanation 👏🏼 And honestly I really should have done that earlier because 😅😅 there was some CLEAR signs.
But it did feel validating hearing people had similar thoughts as me, especially about feeling like you’re more ”childish” than what society expects you to be.
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
People are asking why my ”childhood rival” is my childhood rival and if we are still rivals:
Basically I was born 2 days before her and, while I of course do not remember this, I have been told we met the first time in the hospital when I came for my 48 hour checkup. I really imagine newborn me seeing her screaming her lungs out after just being born and thinking ”what a drama queen”.
Idk, we just provoked each other by existing. There is a picture of us on a playdate when we were around 9 months old, and I chew on her arm. I guess the adults thought this was cute and that we played, but I am sure that I was attacking her.
From the memories I do have, we have had epic fights like on the christmas party where we caused a mayhem, we fell down from a tree together during a wrestle game, we poked and teased each other so much at school that an assigned teacher had to be a guard at recess so that we would not interact… and then there was all the things that happened when we were teens…
Is she still my rival? Yeah. But I guess it’s ”playful teasing” now more than actively hating her.
If I hated her, I’d ignore her. And we have never been able to ignore each other.
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Shut up you nut 💜
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