#you don't have to create excuses
dr-stxrk · 9 months
every time someone on the fandom says harvey specter isn't a genius and he got where he is by working hard only, i laugh. it's literally an inside joke, harvey being smarter than everyone in the room i mean. harvey DID work his ass off to be who he is, but that doesn't mean he isn't smart as fuck. he hired mike, a fraud, on the spot just to ease his boredom that comes from being smarter than everyone else. that was literally the first episode, and also it's a running gag of the show ("how does other people feel like?"). i know people compare mike's genius with harvey's when they're saying that, but i don't think people understand that having an eidetic memory doesn't automatically make you a genius. there's a reason modern tests consist of knowledge and commentary questions both. also, the early show is filled with scenes of mike working his ass off. mike and harvey's geniuses are just different kinds. yes, having an eidetic memory feels like a cheat, but that's how every person with a talent feels like when you don't have it. it makes me feel negatively amazed when people say "well yeah harvey is better because he wasn't a genius like mike." my guy, harvey has more experience, that's the word you're looking for.
(also, a side note: if you guys think being a test genius is all there is to become a better/good lawyer or get ahead in life, just remember all the other associates that passed the bar and graduated from harvard who will never be significant or never make it to partner. mike's memory makes him extremely valuable in research and finding loopholes i'm not about to deny that, but don't forget that anyone else can do that in due time; mike simply does it way faster. and then, together with harvey, they come up with ideas on how to use this newfound knowledge, and that's where the real genius lies.)
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hussyknee · 4 months
I'm really not a villain enjoyer. I love anti-heroes and anti-villains. But I can't see fictional evil separate from real evil. As in not that enjoying dark fiction means you condone it, but that all fiction holds up some kind of mirror to the world as it is. Killing innocent people doesn't make you an iconic lesbian girlboss it just makes you part of the mundane and stultifying black rot of the universe.
"But characters struggling with honour and goodness and the egoism of being good are so boring." Cool well some of us actually struggle with that stuff on the daily because being a good person is complicated and harder than being an edgelord.
Sure you can use fiction to explore the darkness of human nature and learn empathy, but the world doesn't actually suffer from a deficit of empathy for powerful and privileged people who do heinous stuff. You could literally kill a thousand babies in broad daylight and they'll find a way to blame your childhood trauma for it as long as you're white, cisgender, abled and attractive, and you'll be their poor little meow meow by the end of the week. Don't act like you're advocating for Quasimodo when you're just making Elon Musk hot, smart and gay.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
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That is all thank you
ANSWERED: Art credit for da first Ren meme goes to @meo-eiru!!
BUT HELPPPPP THESE ARE SO FUNNY JDSGJH T_T The Moth meme + Uno meme had me CACKLING lmaoooooooo
#This has been happening a lot recently (and is by no means directed to OP) but!! Just a reminder to credit artists if you use their art!!#And it's always better to ask for permission beforehand; some artists don't like havin their art shared / reposted / reuploaded / etc.#They put in effort to create content for you to consume; so it's only fair to give them da proper credit and exposure in return!!#''Credits to the original creator'' and ''I found the image on google / pinterest / etc.'' isn't a good enough excuse >.<#If you can't find the creator; don't share it. And at the very least try to reverse image search to locate the source#But!!!! With all that being said:#Everyone is welcome to use the official 14DWY sprites/game assets without asking for my permission or giving credit!#I personally think it's ok because game assets can be found /within/ the game itself; it's not like folks have to go on a search hunt--#--to find a specific artist. They can find the art/asset within the game without having to do the extra steps.#If that makes any sense??#Like the 14DWY style is fairly recognisable if you're familiar with the game; folks don't need to reverse image search for anything.#Anyways I'm done ranting in da tags#I might make this an actual post in the future because; again; this has been happening a lot recently in the 14dwy tag/my askbox#and all these talented artists don't deserve this ;n;#Plus it shouldn't be my job to be the one giving credit..... T_T /lh /nm#OKOK I'm done for realsies now#Thank you OP for making these memes!! And sorry for ranting on what's supposed to be a lighthearted post dghjdgjhsg ^^;#💜 — 14dwy memes.#💌 — answered.#💖 — 14 days with queue.
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Andy on set in New Jersey (3/22/23) 📸 : HiThereItsBecca
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
More from the Maleficent one please?
Druig stretched out his wings to cushion his landing. It was familiar, landing among the crags of a cliff side lush with vegetation. He had gotten quite used to the treetop nests woven from branches and leaves.
Thena's nest had been picked out painstakingly. She chose a spot high up, fairly away from most other fae. The quartz in the rock face had ripples that would let an acceptable amount of light into the chamber, while also not requiring her to hide away from the sun. She had already begun the task of arranging glowing moss and flowers along the walls.
Druig set down the fruit he had went out to fetch specifically for his sister. He had been feeling negligent, as of late, spending all his time with Makkari, the mate of his dreams. Thena liked Makkari, of course, and they spent time together around the group fires and all. But he felt he was missing something.
Thena was smiling all the time, her wings were fluttering constantly, like a fledgling eager to take off with every breeze. He had even caught her humming to herself as she collected berries the other day.
"Here," he murmured, tossing a mango gently in her direction. She caught it, but she was preoccupied with her task of arranging some white moon lilies along her walls. He cleared his throat before taking a bite for himself, "looks good in 'ere."
Finally Thena turned around, also admiring her hard work to make the cliffside inlet a home. It was looking like a real nest of an Isle fae. "I believe so."
Druig kept his eyes on her as she took a delicate bite of the mango's ripe red skin. He still couldn't place what seemed different about her, but he was determined to uncover it. "So, how'd you find this spot?"
Thena sat herself on the edge of her bed--her nest within her nest. It was a plush pile of mosses and leaves, enough to soften around her body and keep her from the stone floor of the place. She had even fashioned a pillow out of several bromilliads. "I had help."
That was all his sister had to say on the matter, but Druig knew more than she thought he did. As if he would miss the border patrol fae who had been lingering around her since they arrived. He had been a guide and a guardian for them, sure. But Druig could see more.
He could see the way Thena smiled around him, or how he fed her fruits while the rest of the flock was partaking in roast fish and molluscs. He could see them flying off at dawn, wings pitch white and pitch black respectively.
It didn't surprise him that the fae named Gilgamesh had helped her find the perfect spot. He was a strong flyer, with long wings, probably used the updrafts from the springs below to scour the whole cliff for the perfect spot.
"Hm?" Thena looked at him, prompting him to speak his mind. The two of them didn't always need the exchange of words, but she was asking him specifically.
Druig slurped at the pit of his mango loudly. Thena glared at him and he threw his head back in a laugh. "So, where is he, 'en?"
She tilted her head.
Druig raised his eyebrows, "your prospective mate?"
Thena thought herself so hard to read, and maybe to a stranger that was true. But Druig could see clear through his sister. He saw the twitch of her eyes and the angle of her head and the way her wings rustled behind her. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
"Sure y'do," he murmured, finishing off his mango pit and tossing it down in a pile of leaves he would take with him. "He seems nice enough. Friendly guy, good flyer, I'm sure he'd fight for ye if he had to-"
"Druig, no one is fighting anyone," she said with such a tone it hissed from between her fangs. "I have no such...prospects."
Druig looked up at the ceiling of the cavernous nest. It was spacious--loverboy had found her a really good spot. He looked at the veins running through the white quarts, at the flowers Thena had hung and at the wisteria hanging over her nest like snowfall. "Gilgamesh."
All he had to do was utter his name and Thena's shoulders raised, her wings trembling on her back. She set aside the remaining half of her mango to glare at him.
But he was no longer a fledgling testing out his boundaries. She couldn't scare him out of this one (even with that tone). "Feels as if I never see you two apart, nowadays."
"I'm sure you're mistaken about that."
Druig grinned, though. He kind of liked rising to his sister's challenge. He liked riling Ikaris too, but with him it devolved so quickly. Thena was more of a match of wits. "So I don't see you sittin' 'round the gathering fire, just waitin' for him?"
Thena didn't even rise to that bait. Not enough.
"I don't," Druig shrugged, adjusting his own pitch black wings on his back, smaller and lighter than hers, "see you two whispering all the time?"
She rolled her eyes. He was getting to her.
Druig raised a brow; this, he genuinely wanted to know about. "I didn't see him with his arm 'round your back one night after you went down to the springs?"
Thena's back straightened.
"T," Druig made a solemn plea. He didn't like having to talk about this kind of thing. Thena was his sister, as well as the only mother he had any memory of. "You can handle yourself, I know. But...if this seagull is takin' liberties-"
"Druig," she cut him off again, with an even more firm tone than before. She was as good as screaming at him, as far as he was concerned. "Enough."
That was still enough to make him feel like his horns were coiling even tighter against the sides of his head.
"Gilgamesh is not guilty of anything untoward," she stood from her bed to chastise him properly. "And even asking if he has proves that you do not know him."
Druig avoided looking directly in her eyes. They were still wing and wing for who was taller than whom, but he deliberately drew up his posture and made his shoulders wider than hers. "Then maybe I should get to know him."
It was a reasonable argument, but Thena wavered. She kept her expression the same, but something about it made her falter. "No."
"Why not?" he prodded. If some strong arm fae was gonna try his hand at courting his sister he had a right to know! Ikaris would feel the same, but when he pieced together the puzzle was up to the spirits and the skies themselves.
"Drop it," she growled at him, returning to her decorating to busy her hands.
Druig leaned to look past her, tilting his head. "Oi."
She ignored him.
"Oi," he repeated more firmly, walking closer to her bed. She turned, splaying out her wing to keep him away. He pointed from a distance, "wassat?"
She raised her brow at his lack of diction, but she did look behind her at what had drawn his attention. Her shoulders flinched and when she turned back, her expression was completely unreadable. "What."
"That," he repeated, but she raised her wings to block even his pointing finger. He huffed, "come on."
"There is nothing to see," she repeated, but the fact that she maintained her posture of using her wings to shield his view was damming.
"If there were something there, it would be none of your concern."
Druig's eyebrows raised so high he felt his hair rustle against his horns. His sister was well and truly ruffled over whatever this was. He pulled his wings back.
"Don't you dare," she glowered.
He let loose one strong wing beat. It displaced most of the newer and less secured fixtures of the nest. He would grovel for forgiveness and help put them all back later. But his eyes caught the sight of a pitch black - actually, there was a warm brown undertone to it - feather catching the air just for a second.
Thena snatched it close to her chest and pointed, "out!"
Druig was stunned. He'd had an inkling of what was happening between his sister and the guardian fae. Maybe he could have imagined they were courting in secret, had exchanged a trinket or two. But...but a feather?!
"Out!" Thena repeated, clutching the feather against her heart and urging him out of her nest as if they were still budding fae learning to control themselves.
"No way," Druig shook his head. He would cower in fear of his terrifying sister later. He stepped closer. "His feather is in your nest?"
Thena attempted not to dignify his question with a response, but he was horrified to see colour rise in her ghostly pale cheeks.
It was particularly condemning evidence. It was where she was to lay her head! This was beyond sneaking a kiss or a hand or even light preening.
Druig felt his blood run cold, "has he declared himself?"
He wasn't an old fae of old tradition, but he had some decency. And to his further horror, Thena's shoulders curled somewhat inward, "it's not-"
"I'll kill 'im," Druig snarled, turning and nearly able to take off until he felt his sister's hand bunch up the back of his tunic. "Oi!"
"Druig," Thena pleaded more quietly. That was also as good as screaming at him. She pulled him back into the nest, still holding the feather. "Neither of us has...nothing has happened."
He didn't want to think about what 'nothing' could mean. But he stared at his sister, unusually sheepish as her wings unfurled slightly. "This isn't just some matter of you two tradin' a li'l lip, T. You have his feather in your bleedin' nest and where's he?--has he got your feather on 'im?!"
She looked away, and Druig felt that same feeling bubble up in his throat. He had no business concerning himself with his sister's mating desires. She was her own fae. But the thought of some stud flying around knowing he had an open invitation to his sister's nest and couldn't even pay the same courtesy of displaying that he was unavailable-
"Druig," Thena repeated, pulling him from his thoughts. She smiled, patting his shoulder, and then roughly plucking out a downy feather, "stop."
He sighed. She would just pull out more if he didn't. He relaxed his wings on his back and lowered his shoulders. "When did this happen, eh?"
Thena looked away again, cradling that feather so bloody lovingly. "I couldn't say when exactly. Perhaps we simply...found our way to understanding one another."
That felt so much worse to hear. It sounded like a lame 'magic makes eggs and that's how baby fae are made' explanation. Druig gritted his teeth and scratched the hair between his horns in the back. "Are you, y'know...?"
Thena looked at him blankly. Bloody woman! Druig looked away from the woman who raised him, warmth rising throughout his face. "If he's ever hurt you-"
"Nothing of the sort."
At least he didn't have to bash his head through the wall of her nest just yet. Druig rubbed his hand over his face with a sigh. "Does Ikaris know?"
"Do you think he does?"
Right, a foolhardy question. Ikaris wouldn't know until the day Thena landed with Gilgamesh in front of them, hand in hand, actively preening his wings.
Druig tilted his head again. He could ask questions until he was blue in the face, but Thena wouldn't give up any truly personal details. And he didn't truly want to know them. "Are you happy?"
She smiled at him, like she did when he was a hatchling first learning to ride air currents, or climb in height without them. She nodded.
"Right, good 'nough," he muttered, saying all he desired on the matter. He was quite ready to dispose of their snacks and take his leave. He turned back to her, pointing again. "But I mean it, if he ever-"
"Hey Thena, I-oh!"
Thena beamed at the arrival of the man of the hour. Druig stepped aside, completely devoid of the desire to get in between the lovebirds. He watched her nearly lean in to embrace him but stop herself. Likewise, he could see Gilgamesh's hand float upwards but avoid settling on her back between her wings. At least they had some decency.
"Sorry to interrupt," Gilgamesh said gently. He had a soft voice, for such an intimidating fighter. "I just got back--Makkari's looking for you, actually."
Druig resisted the urge to fly off right that very second. He eyed Gilgamesh cautiously, "s'all right, I was just, uh, givin' T a hand."
Gilgamesh looked around the nest, openly admiring the progress made. "It looks beautiful in here!"
Thena looked so delighted that Druig wished he could fake throwing up (not that she wouldn't throw him from the cliff for it).
"Did you eat?" Druig heard her ask him quietly.
He shook his head.
She nodded, her wings subconsciously rising on her back. Druig could remember a time when she dreaded meal gatherings because of how bitter the fish were here. She looked at him, "after you."
He huffed. She was making sure he didn't have time to linger behind her and give Gilgamesh a piece of his mind. "Aye."
Druig walked past them both, ready to fly ahead of both of them. But the evening sun hit the rock face just so, and he got a glimpse of something sparkling.
Delicate and stark white, folded between the layers of his robes, sat a pristine white feather. Gilgamesh caught him looking and tugged at the top layer of his tunic, concealing the feather once again. He looked nervous.
They both knew Druig had seen, there was no concealing that. But Druig just nodded to him before dropping off the cliff and opening his wings. He would ask him about it later. Or he would ask Thena about it when she was in more of a sharing mood. Or he would tell Ikaris and their middle brother would do all the work of threatening to drown Gilgamesh for meddling in their sister's life.
Or...he could keep it to himself. He drifted quietly, glancing up as two much larger winged flyers passed above him. Gilgamesh flew at Thena's pace, the two of them bending and swerving around one another's air currents, as if dancing. Druig faked gagging on something at the sweetness of it.
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mars-ipan · 1 month
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more solo magma doodles. this time featuring fortune, the very original and not-at-all-based-on-anything tiefling paladin i'm going to be playing in a new campaign this summer :]
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I really hate it when someone says or does something mean and unfair and I try to address how wrong it is, and all they can react as "hey this is just internet and we are also strangers move on why are you getting so worked up about words in the iNtErNeT fRoM sTrAnGeR grow up pls I can be a mean unfair bitch for no reason to StRaNgErS on the InTeRnEt 🥺🥺🥺"
Like, the fact that we are not sharing physical space doesn't cancel the fact that what you just did not only didn't make rational sense, but was mean? And you are not supposed to be a rude bitch to "strangers" either? How are you a mature, secure adult if the only way you can handle the fact of misjudging someone and being rude is to try to gaslight them with that "you're overreacting uwu" thing? I am reacting just right, by pointing out an unfair action for being unfair, I am physically unable to react more rationally.
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animeandcatholicism · 5 months
Radical Ideas
I always laugh when people say that someone is their "brother" or "sister" due to their ethnicity and for lack of a better term "race". It's so dumb because one, just because you share a language and a history does not make you somehow kindred and have inviolable bonds. I have more in common with people from the Midwest and the South than I do from my ancestral lands, the majority being Germany, Ireland and the British Isles in general.
The people who are of Slavic descent in These United States might share a common tongue with their distant relatives but not much else, maybe some religious and cultural practices but besides that. Even Hispanics and Latinos in the US who have family in their mother country, maybe one or two generations removed are different than how they would have been twenty, thirty years ago.
It's just weird that people become so insecure and fall into tribalism when it does not really benefit them or others to be like this. It really does not to try to be in one way in the home and one way in public, accept that you're going to both loose and gain traits from cultural exchange, it's a part of human culture that has been happening since ever. As long as humans have existed, cultural exchange and really change has existed. Trying to conserve something that simply doesn't exist or to propagate it, is extremely dumb.
For example, it's weird to have all African Americans embrace each other as one big "family" not only because they often and conveniently exclude groups like the North Africans like Egyptians and the Copts since they're "just Arabs" but, the collective history of all of these various cultures is so vast and complex that someone from Chad, another from Nigeria and finally someone from Ethiopia don't really have a baseline except, they're all from the African Continent. Their: culture, religion, languages and so much more are so distinct, that they're cousins in a general sense not siblings. Sure, geographic regions like how Europe has geographic regions (the Nords, Francs, Anglos, Slavs of all sorts) but, not this weird cope of a unified identity (I mean if the Island of England has England, Scotland, Wales and the Cornish, plus the fact that no one in England can really decide where the North starts and the South ends there's no way you have larger populations of larger land masses agreeing on a singular unified identity).
I believe this to be both a consequence of diaspora of various minorities and also a certain insecurity when attempting to affirm their own unique cultural identity. For example, I have a friend who's a Filipino and when he was living in Westminster, California (which is where a bunch of Asians of all stripes have settled initially as refugees) now have amalgamated into this weird monoidentity buuut, it's unique only to Westminster, it does not exist in the larger US or even the international community. When I lived in the Twin Cities, I worked at the postal service and again the Twin Cities are a big place for the relocation of refugees and asylum seekers. But, the Hmong stuck with the Hmong, the Ethiopians with the Ethiopians, Tibetans with Tibetans, ect. This was with the first and second generation and probably with the third generation things start to break down and they will integrate with the general population of the area, it's simple ethnographic trends. The only way you prevent this is with groups like the Amish where they simply refuse to integrate or they're just stuck in a relatively isolated area. In a rapidly connecting world people are going to adapt and you can't just set up these arbitrary barriers to make yourself feel special, then you'd be no better than those weird people wanting an ethnostate.
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savage-rhi · 6 months
The existence of billionaires is preventing our potential Mozarts from flourishing.
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syb-la-tortue · 2 years
if you see this, you might be a little lost
hello, Syb here, haven’t logged into this account in years, but I’ve noticed this account still get new followers regularly? somehow? how did you even find this place?? XD
my active account on tumblr is SybLaTortue, and yes, it is sadly permanently flagged and I can’t get my cute turtle icon over there and the blog is unsearchable and I have to censor the sexy stuff and it sucks, but I’m not gonna move blog and start posting here unless SybLaTortue gets truly deleted
so like sure, in case of disaster you might find me here, but if you wanna see my art and send me asks on tumblr, SybLaTortue (without the dashes!) is where you’ll find that!
I am also on twitter, where art is posted without censoring (when I post a cropped art on tumblr I’ll always put a link to the twitter mirror) and patreon if you want to support me and see some art months before I post it on here~
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garrettwrites · 1 year
I don't care about how beautiful or ugly AI pictures are.
Before you read this, keep in mind that I have taken History and Culture of the Arts classes (from ancient history to the days of today), History of Drawing classes, as well as studying on my free time because this quite literally my area of expertise. I am also finalizing my license degree in the artes field.
Art in it's many forms is a form of communication. It doesn't matter if it's paintings, illustrations, video games, books, architecture, sculpting, pottery, you name it. It's how each artist/writer/musician views and shares the world, how each person has an unique approach reflecting their own life experiences and tastes.
It's how one writer drafts poetry upon the ocean, while another fears it, and a third one merely views it as a body of salty water. How one artist tenderly paints the hands of a portrait while another slaps a couple of brush strokes on it and calls it a day. How some do a lot of messy and sketchy charcoal lines, while others prefer a pretty and rendered piece. How some prefer the melody of the violin, while others the beat of the drums. It's how you draw backgrounds, what backgrounds, people, which people.
The details you choose to put in - a flower pressed into the background, with no importance to the picture or environment but still consciously put there, for a reason or another; the way a character shows their emotions, in ways we rarely think about but the author knows intimately; how a game developer hides little easter eggs in their game and delights in those who find them and get the reference...
How we still talk to Homero after he's been dead for millennia. How we see ruins from civilizations past, where people once had their first love, first tragedy, last breath. How now we use digital art to depict animals, the same way ancient humans used stone to carve them upon walls.
A machine has no thought. It copies without meaning. You cannot talk to it or marvel at the details it puts in, because they are mindless. The machine puts in a rose because the artists it references also put in roses. It draws a blue ocean when you write prompts for mermaids because mermaid = water = blue. It takes from the humans before it and doesn't adapt it or build upon it, for it cannot combine two completely different - and at first sight irrelevant - things on its own without it having been done before. This is not Detroit: Become Human. The AI is not alive or intelligent. It's a tool, the same way your phone or microwave are.
I love pretty art. In fact, as someone finishing my license in the arts field, I would consider myself quite elitist. I have a strong love for Pre-Raphaelite and Noveau art, and classical architecture. I would suck Alphonse Mucha and John William Waterhouse's dicks if they so commanded, if I could get a small napkin drawing from them afterwards. I don't like XX century art movements like cubism or dadaism. I find them ugly, and they go completely against my aesthetics.
But as much as I hate those, the artists who made them had a story to tell. They had hands and a brain. They put it forward in their own way, with their own language, based on their own likes and dislikes, happy and tragic memories.
A machine has none of the touch.
Art is not the same as working in the mines or in the sewers. It's a human connection. It has been here before we even called ourselves human, it has been here when there was more than one human species walking the planet (for the homo sapiens wasn't always alone). There ir no need to replace it.
Does AI artwork has it's uses? Well, I believe so. I believe there could be ways to make it work. A tool is a tool, after all. But I have yet to see it being used in a ""good"", innovative, useful way.
There is no TLDR. I cannot contain what I just wrote in few words. It would defeat the purpose.
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one-half-guy · 1 month
I don't know how well you know SA1, but consider: Twinkle Park's rule of "cute couples get in free" with Silver and Espio plus Blaze and Gold👀 (they ended up on a double date and none of them know how that happened lmao)
I had to look up to see what Twinkle Park is like because I legit didn't remember gosh, I am so rusty
At first glance, bomb-throwing robots and spiky balls aside, Twinkle Park is pretty much like a real life amusement park: there's a rollercoaster, a hall of mirrors, bumper cars, a carousel, etc... Buuuut then you realize they are a little... Hmmmmm... Deadly radical. They're a little deadly radical: the bumper cars descent slide will surely be with the car a meter above the floor, the access to the rollercoaster is a bit complicated, the hall of mirrors is full of traps, KAKAKAKAAK, plus, there are badniks and spiky balls in almost every corner of that park AKAKAKAKAKAKA
I mean, that does seem the standart judging by the fact it is just there amid Station Square and by the other carnival stages, like in Sonic Rush and Advance (although it's hard to say if those were or weren't created by Eggman)
That taken into account, Espio, Silver and Blaze probably would be very chill and enjoy the park, I bet Silver would be even the most excited with the presence of badniks as the challenge in destroying them, but poor Gold would panick for sure, the regret for falling to the bait until they get her to the only calm ride, the carousel... Which is also surrounded by big spiky balls 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the girl can't take a break, she is never falling for this bait again 🤣🤣 In a second thought Blaze's not chill as her girlfriend is not chill, she's full focused in protec her
For how it happened though, for Espilver case I imagine it's possible that a day, after they finish a case around Station Square, they come around the entrance to the park and Espio considers it could be a nice activity to do with his lover, especially if it's free to cute couples, aka them, Silver just shrugged and agreed with a "why not?" CUT to him have fun galore destroying some bomb-throwing robots
For Goldaze it's harder... Maybe Gold heard of the place through Amy and managed to convince Blaze in a free day (She then swears the next time she's gonna put more thought before take Amy's suggestions... She doesn't, no shenanigan is enough) or maybe it was one of that one in a million cases and Gold was lucky to meet Blaze exactly there... Anyway, if that's their very first date, or one of their first dates, bet Espio and Silver are gonna make help them to find a ride they both can enjoy nothing less than their main goal (what is a hard mission... Even harder with badniks and spiky balls almost everywhere).
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sebdoeswords · 11 days
You know what, I'm just gonna come out and say it: I hate the term queerbait.
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
need to somehow find the courage to tell my manager tomorrow that i do NOT want to be put on eight hours overtime shifts a week for four weeks in a row
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Yo the writing in this movie is weak as shit
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Like, the animation looks good and there are some fun segments, but why is the writing so fucking WEAK???
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This is fuckin' embarrassing.
41 years since Miyazaki's Castle of Cagliostro established Lupin could be likeable, and you have somehow made a movie in which Lupin threatens a girl with sexual assault and then also there is a sympathetic Nazi character?????
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And she's next to the Lupin characters, who are so dynamic and alive! She looks like an unfinished 3D model base this is nothing.
And, more importantly, will someone please explain to me why this horrendously-written character is present for the climax instead of anyone in the Lupin gang???
Like, let me be absolutely fucking clear: All this girl actually does in the movie is nearly cause a second Holocaust. Literally, her actions are the thing that allows the Third Reich to nearly regain power. That is the only thing she actually succeeds in. She fails at every other thing she tries to do!
And I don't care that she feels bad about it! I don't care that she did it accidentally! The fact is, this is literally the only impact the writers gave her in the story! The only explicitly Jewish character that survives the movie! They just! Didn't catch the optics on that, I guess! They don't give her something heroic to do later in the film that has any tangible weight to it, either! The old Nazi character does that! They just plum forgot about Laetitia I guess! Too bad she takes up 60% of the screentime in this film!
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I mean, this movie starts with a Nazi shooting a Jewish man in the head, and then that Nazi raises that man's granddaughter as his own in order to trick her into doing Nazi shit for him. In the first scene he interacts with her in a parental capacity, it is clear that she fears being beaten by his metal cane. That Nazi then goes on to be framed in a sympathetic and undeniably warm light by the film. He actually does more for the good guys than Laetitia does! His death is given way more weight than the Jewish character he kills at the beginning.
Gods, this is shit. This is so fucking disrespectful.
I mean, if Laetitia was a golden retriever, the plot would have changed literally not at all.
In fact, it would have absolutely been an improvement because then her actions, characterization, and relationships with the other characters would have made sense. She would have been way more likeable too!
GENTLEMEN, If your female character could easily be replaced by a lamp, a prized possession, or a Pomeranian, then you have fucked up.
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"Arf! Arf arf! Grrrrrr!!!", "MANGY DOG!!"
And Laetitia is, no mistaking, the main character of this film. THIS film. You know? The film called Lupin that is supposed to be about Lupin except it's actually about the world's most generic girl reacting to Lupin??
And all this focus on Laetitia comes at the expense of time with the Lupin gang!
Fujiko has like 4 lines!
Goemon has like, 6!
Anyway, the main value of this movie is that Jigen is so so so so hot. But damn. I do think he could've still been hot in a non-shitty film. 🤔🤔🤔
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#lupin iii#lupin#original#lupin the third the first#lupin iii the first#hey! why does this suck so bad???#it is so easy to make Lupin likable just don't have him threaten to rape anyone it's just so easy#Mr Miyazaki managed to create a non-misogynistic Lupin in 1979!!! we have the technology! this movie came out in 2020! there's no excuse!#I guess she helps them get past those three trials when they're going to get the super weapon#but all that actually ends up doing is allowing the Nazis to take the super weapons so???#there's no reason one of the gang couldn't read ancient languages or pull out a translation dictionary. she didn't need to be there.#someone please tell me there's other good lupin iii content because Jesus Christ#my girlfriend pointed out that it seems as though the writers were trying to do a doctor who kind of thing#like what is it like to be a character that is helped by lupin and his gang?#the thing is you do still need a fucking character#archeology is not a character trait. you have to write your female characters with more than an inch of depth. fuck OFF#i hate this fucking character so much#and it is fully the fault of the writers. presumably men. if women wrote this movie i have no fucking idea what their problem was#there's a point where fujiko leaves Lupin in the hands of the bad guys. which would be pretty standard except they are literal nazis!!!#also fujiko definitely does do work for the Nazis. like it seems maybe she's trying to rip them off but it's not clear!#that should be clear!!!#also lupin is like 'you and i do what we do bc it's in our DNA! We can't help it!' and like. hm.#I mean that's weak on a good day but if your villains are Nazis it becomes a weird time to validate the concept of biological determinism
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
I love season 9 for how real it is in its portrayal of everyday tragedies and it is very much so the case with Joan's ending too. Her ending is bittersweet because on one hand, Strange adores her and he *is* the best person she could have married (just to be clear--a far better match for her than Morse). But on the other hand, for Joan, marrying him is if not accepting defeat then certainly accepting a reasoned compromise against the societal pressures she fought so hard against for so long.
Her job means the world to her and yet we don't see or hear any mention of it in s9. She'd said she didn't want to end up in her parents' marriage with a two up two down and a pram in the hall and yet that is the house in Kidlington, where they are moving to because of her copper fiancé's job with her full blessing.
And the tragedy of it is that if there is one person who would listen to her hesitations and do his best to understand and accommodate, it's Strange. But. He is a excellent prospect for her in how kind and loving and stable he is, and there is a limit to these things you know? The society has roles for a wife and a husband and as a woman of that era you have to be very careful in the battles you choose -- if you push too much you can very quickly realise that you found and crossed the line with no way back. And so she doesn't trust him enough to be honest with him--or to ask for anything for herself. It's just a little sad in just how real it is.
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