#you can love time alone while still being an extrovert. you may not want to talk with people but still be an extrovert
moodyseal · 2 months
I was talking with a middle-aged lady at the bus stop this morning and after I complained about not knowing whether I was extroverted or introverted because of some conflicting tendencies I have she looked at me for a moment and went "You're not introverted, you're probably just shy", and I thought it was absurd at first—because HOW can be a person be shy if they're extroverted? Doesn't that go against the concept of extraversion itself?—but then I thought about it some more and actually she may be right. One trait doesn't necessarily exclude the other, and if you're the type of person who jokes about being "closed-off with strangers but a chatterbox with friends" it may be worth considering whether this tendency of yours is really a sign of introvertion or whether it's just a stress response to your fear of rejection
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byunpum · 1 year
I can be a better father
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Child y/n x Child spider
Warning: Sad, jake being a bad parent, tsu'tey being the peer we all love. Neytiri being a sweetheart.
Note: I had a previous version, but I wanted to make this one from scratch. But if you want to read more about "bad dad jake" HERE. I hope you like it a lot, I really enjoyed making this oneshot.
Request: (anonymous) Idk if your the one who did Jake having a daughter from a one night stand thing and him and her having a strain relationship , I was thinking if Tsu'tey is alive and him seeing her and Spider being literally outcast and kinda neglected by the humans for one reayor another he kinda adopted both of them as his own ( and proybe bit petty for Jake being the way he is he do things better) Like reader just call Jake Jake and not dad but have a good relationship with their half siblings ( they call Tsu'tey dad and he may be rough he dose care about his kids )
Avatar masterlist | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
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If there was one thing tsu'tey liked to do in the afternoons, it was to go hunting alone. Walking through the jungle, with his bow and enjoying the silence that the jungle provided. He was very comfortable in various branches and bushes, the austrapede was right before his eyes, standing still while eating grass. Just as he was about to shoot, he saw the animal raise its head in alertness and run away. At the same time, he heard a noise coming from his feet. Looking down, he found a small creature. Little Y/N. He relaxed his shoulders, and lowered his bow. Watching as the girl was still literally sitting on her feet with a fruit. The girl was moving the fruit up and down and tapping it on the ground in order to break it.
"y/n" tsu'tey speaks softly, watching as the little girl looks up to see her favorite person. "Tsu…look!!!" speaks the little girl, lifting the fruit in the air. Tsu'tey laughs a little, and kneels down so that she can be at the same height as the little girl. The girl gets up from the ground, and automatically approaches the na'vi. Showing her the fruit. " I want….hunger" y/n speaks, in a very basic na'vi language. The poor thing was trying to learn to speak na'vi and English at the same time. Tsu'tey takes the fruit in her hands, the fruit was very big for a little girl. "What are you doing here alone?" asks tsu'tey stroking the little girl's hands, noticing that she had some scratches and her clothes were all dirty. Out of nowhere, a noise calls her attention…looking up to some bushes ahead. Tsu'tey takes the girl by the arm. Hugging her in order to protect her. "Y/N!!! LOOK…I FOUND MORE!!!" shouts spider, running to the direction where the girl was. Tsu'tey's heart calmed down, as he saw the other human child passing by in the village.
The child run, and bumped into tsu'tey's arm which had them reached out for the child to hug him. "spider…what are you doing here?" asks Tsutey, he knew that spider spoke the na'vi language better and was more extroverted than y/n. "We were hungry and went out hunting" says spider, playfully gesturing with his wooden bow, which tsu'tey had given him as a gift a couple of months ago. "you guys are hungry…wow" says tsu'tey, watching as y/n settles more on his chest. Tsu'tey noticed that spider was also dirty and his tired little face was showing. "Are you tired?" asks tsu'tey, wiping some of spider's hair. They both nod their heads. "How about we go to my hut and I help you cut this fruit?" says Tsutey, the children got happy and started jumping up and down. Tsu'tey stood up and began to guide both little ones home. He didn't have to worry much, both children knew the way very well.
It was not the first time tsu'tey had encountered these two human children. Left alone in the jungle, without parental supervision. This made him uncomfortable and annoyed him. He knew that spider was the son of the man who had hurt his clan, his planet. And he also knew that Y/N was the daughter of jake, well…of the human version of jake. He knew the whole story, neytiri had told him. At first it all seemed strange to him, but with time he could understand. What he couldn't understand was why jakesully didn't love you and always rejected you in some way. Y/n was still his daughter…whatever it was. But apparently he didn't understand this, which caused the man to care much more about the young children. They were both 5 years old, and he could not stop worrying about the welfare of both children. At first it was difficult for him to get close to the two children, but he got used to it.
"Ok…sit over there…and I'll help you cut that fruit" says tsu'tey watching the children running around the hut. Laughing and playing as they sat down where tsu'tey had ordered them to. The man reached for a container of water and a cloth. He had to clean the children up a bit, it pained him to see them so careless. He sat down next to spider, while y/n sat on his lap. "Tsu…I want a giant piece" says spider, yelling a little. Tsu'tey tapped him on the glass of his mask. "Spider…don't scream…I'm right here beside you" says tsu'tey laughing as he watched the boy get up to start playing with some toys tsu'tey had. He made some wooden toys for when they would visit him at his home. "Let's see…you know what you have to do. Hold your breath, pull up your mask and put the fruit in your mouth" says tsu'tey handing a piece to y/n. She was sitting on his lap all this time, quietly.
After the children eat their fruit, he cleans the children. Cleaning their hands, face, combing some of their hair. He even put some beads in their hair, according to him to make them look more of the clan. "How about if I make you some new clothes?" said tsu'tey. The children were so happy, spider grabbed y/n's hand, inviting her to play with him. Tsu'tey enjoyed the view, watching the children play and run around the hut. This felt so good, he always wanted a family. It all seemed so far from reality…he had gotten the idea that he was never going to find his mate. And that he would never have a family. So he enjoyed these moments with the children. After a fun afternoon for him, he decided to take the children to their respective homes. That was the ugly place which humans called 'laboratory'. Tsu'tey had the children carried in his arms, spider was on his neck holding his head, while y/n was on his left arm. The child was holding a little flower she had found on the road. "Y/N!!!" a somewhat loud voice was heard from the distance, tsu'tey watched as jake approached him. The man approached tsu'tey, and tried to take y/n in his arms. But the little girl clung to tsu'tey's arms. "Come here…we have to go home. Where had you gone?" asks jake, his tone of voice sounding annoyed. "They were in the jungle…both children" says tsu'tey holding both children tighter. "I think they ran away from me and…" jake started to give an explanation.
"There is no excuse…you have to be more aware of them. If you don't want y/n, at least watch out for their safety," tsu'tey says even more annoyed. Jake remains silent, he knew his friend was right. Jake did love you, but he didn't have the same connection he had with his children. He was never there during your pregnancy, or in your first years of life. So to him…y/n was just another child. Tsu'tey carefully handed both children to jake. "Take them to a safe place…please" tsu'tey talks, while releasing the little ones. They didn't want to get away from him. Spider was whining and y/n was starting to cry. Tsu'tey gave him a little kiss on the crown of his head and said goodbye to the children. Watching as jake tried to soothe them. It broke his heart, how he wished he could stay with them. But how could that be possible? He could pick up spider, he had no one. But y/n? She had her father…he couldn't go and ask her…that would never happen.
That same week, the children continued to hang out in their hut. Playing and spending all day with him. He practically had two new little tails. He would feed them, which was a difficult task because of the oxygen masks. He also taught them what they needed to know to survive in Pandora. And he gave them lots of love…who would have thought that a man like tsu'tey could be so loving. He combed and cared for his children. He liked to think of them as his…his little babies. Everyone in the clan was surprised to see tsu'tey with two human children, treating them as if they were his own. They talked and said comments but he didn't care. Someone had to take care of these two orphans and he was doing it. While jake and norm were in their own worlds…neytiri noticed tsu'tey's new behavior toward the human children.
Unlike jake, neytiri cared about you. She always tried to take care of you, when you were in the family hut. After all, you were half-sister to her children. It was the middle of the day…and she was sitting in the hut, looking after and watching her young children play. And in that group was y/n…playing with lo'ak. She watched as the little girl ran up, screaming. "'Dad…daddy!!!'" says y/n. Running toward the entrance, neytiri turns around expecting to see her mate. But she was surprised to see tsu'tey standing in the doorframe. The man had a basket full of vegetables, and was kneeling down waiting for the little girl's hug. The girl hugs him with all her heart, as he lifts her into the air, settling her in his arms. Walking to where neytiri was. "Hello…neytiri. I brought something for the family" says tsu'tey, he seemed to be very happy. "Thank you…I am grateful" says neytiri, accepting the basket and watching as her friend sat down next to her. All the children went to greet them, he lovingly greeted them one by one.
Neytiri appreciated the treatment and love tsu'tey had for her children. That's how it should be…after all he was practically her brother. After greeting all the children, Y/n hugged tsu'tey again and settled on her lap. "my pretty flower…how are you? Have you eaten?" asks tsu'tey, adjusting the girl's hair. "Yes… neyney gave me a nice meal" says the little girl lifting up her dirty shirt to show her stomach. Both adults laugh, neytiri reaches over and touches the little girl's stomach tickling it. She liked that nickname the little y/n had given her, neyney….sounded so adorable. "That sounds perfect…look I brought you something?" says Tsutey, pulling something out of a little pouch on his waist. Neteyam had come over, sitting right next to you on tsu'tey's lap. "Is that clothes?" asks the little neteyam, squeezing his sister. "yes, it's for y/n…it's just like kiri's" says tsu'tey, untangling the clothes. Stretching it out to show it to everyone, neytiri was surprised. It was small, but it was very beautiful. With feathers, and very delicate stones.
" My,my,my!!!" y/n speak, raising her arms so she could take her clothes. "Kiri…why don't you help your sister change" neytiri says, while kiri took y/n's hand. Behind the two of them, there was neteyam. "We have to put a bracelet on her" shouts the boy, both adults laugh. Tsu'tey was surprised at how attached the children were to y/n, even neytiri. So the problem was…jake. "She calls you dad," neytiri says, not mincing words. As she looked at what was in the basket. "She just calls 'jake' to her father…" neytiri was about to keep talking, when tsu'tey interrupts her. "Neytiri… being a parent is something you earn. And I think I have done an excellent job with those children." Tsu'tey says, he was proud of his words, for he knew they were true. "I know… and I am very proud of you. I'm aware that my partner doesn't give her the attention that child needs… so you've earned that title," the woman speaks. They both stand in silence for a while.
"I think I would be a better father to her? And also for the boy?" speaks tsu'tey, neytiri now looks at him with concern. She didn't know what to tell him now, this was a difficult situation. "You mean…you want to adopt them?" asks neytiri, she wanted to be sure she had listened well. "Yes, I want them to be my children. I will take complete care of them and Jake won't have to worry about anything…they will be in good hands."
Neytiri knows deep down that this is for the best. Although it was hard to believe, tsu'tey had accepted the presence of those human children. Maybe he felt sorry for them, since they spent all day alone. If Y/N was not with neytiri, she was alone with spider doing what things. She knew tsu'tey would be an excellent father, and she would support him. "I'll talk to jake…but I'm not promising anything" says neytiri, seeing how on tsu'tey's face a big smile was drawn. "She will still come and she will be with her brothers…I just want her to be safe" tsu'tey tries to convince neytiri. The woman puts a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Calm down…I will do what I can" neytiri speaks. They both looked up, when they heard the children approaching. Y/N had the na'vi clothes that tsu'tey had made for him. She also had a few accessories that her siblings had put on her. Y/N runs to neytiri, wrapping her small arms around her neck. "Let me see…you look very pretty. Do you like it?" says neytiri, arranging several pieces of the outfit. "Yessssss!!!" shouts the excited little girl. "Mom…did you see that I put my bracelet on y/n…it looks better on her" says neteyam, arranging more of the piece on her sister's arm.
"They did a great job," tsu'tey says. Neytiri fixes the girl's hair, while her brothers play with her. "Hey…how do you say?" orders neytiri looking at you with a serious look. "Thank you" y/n gets shy, while thanking tsu'tey. The latter reaches over and caresses a cheek of the little one. He could already feel the excitement, hopefully jake would accept. He felt grateful to know that someone cared for her, neytiri was doing a great job in taking care of her. And if he kept the little girl, he would bring y/n every day to spend time with her. He could tell they had a nice relationship. After a while, the man said goodbye to everyone, neytiri told him that she was going to stay with y/n and not to worry. He had to go to the lab to look for spider. He had also prepared an outfit for his little boy.
When he got to the lab, he knocked on the door. Norm let spider out, the man took good care of him. But not well enough, children need to be given love and time. And these people weren't doing that. He waited patiently for his boy to come out. According to Norm, Spider was asleep and he had to get him up. After about 5 minutes, the little boy came out, sleepy. Tsu'tey carries him, and the little boy hugs him. "I brought you a surprise," says tsu'tey, lowering the boy to the ground. As he pulled out a bundle, in which his new outfit was wrapped. Spider was so happy, tsu'tey's eyes lit up at the sight of the little boy's face. So excited, for such a simple gesture. Spider took the gift and ran inside the lab to change. "Wait for me here!!!" shouts the boy tsu'tey laughs and sits down on the metal stairs to wait for the boy. He is convinced that it was a good idea to create their own na'vi clothing, this way they will be cleaner and feel more comfortable.
The day happened just as he had planned it. If everything went well…Jake would agree to let him stay and take care of y/n. If he was a smart man he would agree to let him stay and take care of them. If he was a smart man he would agree right away. Tsu'tey began to clear away the mess he had in his hut. There were a few toys that the children had left in the morning, he was so happy. After a while, he heard someone enter his hut, "Hello…" tsu'tey spoke, noticing that it was Jake who had arrived. He quickly interrupts him. "You think you can just go to neytiri and ask her for me to give y/n to you. That's not how it works" says jake, he was a bit annoyed. This put tsu'tey on alert, how dare he complain to him if he didn't even want to and didn't even pay attention to y/n. "Are you listening to yourself… I'm the one who takes care of those children. I'm the one who feeds them, takes care of them and watches over them. You don't even pay attention to y/n" tsu'tey raises his voice, he is so upset. He wanted to hit this man right now, but he was controlling himself. Just then, neytiri arrives at the hut. She was agitated and you could see her worried face.
"Norm lost the children!!!" says neytiri worriedly. The woman had taken y/n to the lab in the afternoon. She handed her over to Norm, since y/n couldn't sleep all night in the hut, the oxygen wouldn't last long. But couple of minutes later, lo'ak came running to his mother saying that when he went to play with his sister and didn't find her and that norm was looking for her. And that with her was spider. Neytiri quickly tried to explain everything to the men in front of her, she felt that she had interrupted something that was about to end very badly. Hearing that spider and y/n were lost, he quickly ran, pushing jake aside and going to the lab area. Neytiri didn't even look at Jake and took off after his friend. Jake followed some time later.
Tsu'tey arrived at the lab upset, norm was in his avatar body holding a flashlight. Tsu'tey grabbed norm's shoulders, he had to tell him where the children were. "No…they said they were going to play nearby, they said something about some flowers" norm spoke quickly, tsu'tey could be quite an intimidating man. As soon as norm mentioned flowers, tsu'tey knew where both children are. He relaxed a little, but not at all, the road to that place could be quite dangerous at night. Tsu'tey started walking, ignoring some complaints from jake and some questions from neytiri. They decided to follow the man without any protests. The path was quite close, it was a place where tsu'tey used to take the children to play. A nice meadow that had a lot of flowers, bright. It was a beautiful place, but it could be a bit dangerous for two five year olds.
Arriving at the meadow tsu'tey saw two small figures in the dark, he approached slowly accompanied by jake, neytiri and norm. "And what are you two doing here?" speaks tsu'tey with a calm and sweet voice. Causing both children to look up, running a little towards the man. Tsu'tey wrapped his arms around them, sighing with relief. "I thought something serious happened to you guys…you shouldn't be here at night" says tsu'tey, looking annoyed at the children. "We're sorry!!!" says both children, holding hands. Jake walks over to where the children are, carrying them. "Well…we have to go" says jake, neytiri stood next to tsu'tey…she knew he was upset. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I tried…but he's kind of stubborn" neytiri speaks. "He doesn't know how to take care of them…. y/n. He…" tsu'tey turns away from neytiri and starts walking home.
He could feel several tears running down his cheeks. He felt anger and insufficient… he only wanted the best for these children. He himself felt strange, to feel compassion and affection for human children. He arrived at his hut, and quickly lay down in his hammock. He had to get used to the idea that he could never have his own family, that he would never be able to take enough care of these children, because they did not belong to him and although he did not like the idea, they already had their own parents. He settled down, trying to relieve himself of his feelings. He almost got his sleep, but finally after a long time he was able to sleep. The night passed quickly, and as usual he got up early. Wiping his face, not noticing anything else around him.
Out of nowhere he felt someone moving something in his hut. Turning his eyes slowly, he saw a spider looking in the basket where the toys were. Then he saw y/n sitting down, she was playing with one of the wooden ikran. He couldn't believe it, what was going on? Why were the kids here so early in the morning? "Norm said he'll bring you an oxygen capsule later…so the kids can sleep in there" speaks jake…he was on the other side of the hut. Sitting on the floor. Tsu'tey is surprised, and pulls back. "What?" tsu'tey was surprised, he didn't understand what was going on. ""You're so right….I'm a bad father to Y/N"" speaks jake. Both men talk, and begin to set the record straight. Jake knew that he wasn't the best thing for Y/N, and that he neglected her too much.
He had talked to neytiri at night, she talked to him. That it was best for Y/N to be with tsu'tey. Jake had been thinking about it all night, it was the best thing to do. Besides, he wouldn't be far from her…besides, his daughter didn't call him father. To her, her father was the man in front of her, the one who had taken care of her for the last two years. Like Y/N, Jake talked to Norm…he told him that Spider should go with Tsu'tey, that he was the best thing for these children. Jake said goodbye to both children, and walked away without looking back. Although he didn't want to admit it, it hurt him a little to admit that he was a bad father and that it was too late now.
Left alone with both children, tsu'tey sits still stunned by the situation. He could not believe it, eywa had heard his prayers. His heart wanted to burst out of his chest, he was so happy. The little girl approaches her father, and hands him the toy. She had a cute smile on her face. "You know you will stay with me…I-I will be your daddy" says tsu'tey, taking the hand of spider, who had come closer. Both children nodded their heads. "I promise I will take care of you…I promise" both children hug their new father tightly. Even though they always knew…that he was their father.
ps. Thank you for leaving your request, I know it took me a long time to reply. I have had some problems with my laptop, but I will be answering them this week little by little. But don't think I have forgotten you.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Hi I was wondering if I could request transformers prime Optimus with a daughter who’s a monster truck and she’s just the complete opposite of him, like she’s energetic and outgoing but she’ll get serious in situations if she needs to. But the kids LOVE her especially miko and she just likes having out with the kids
First request of the year! This is an interesting Buddy concept that I'm looking forward to seeing more in the future. If this is not what you wanted please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus Prime with a daughter who's extroverted and alt mode is a monster truck
SFW, Platonic, familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy isn’t exactly related to Optimus.
Or Orion Pax as a matter of fact.
Alpha Trion once called it ‘history repeating itself’.
Orion had found Buddy as a sparkling in one of the dirtier allies.
He felt sorry for the poor thing and decided to at least help them with some fueling.
“Hello there little one.”—Orion Pax
“I know a place where we can get fuel. Do you want to join me?”--Orion
“What do you want?”--Buddy
“Nothing. You looked like you needed fuel. Care to join me?”--Orion
“…okay, Mr…”--Buddy
“Just Orion, Orion Pax. And what may be your designation?”--Orion
It was just supposed to be a bit of fueling, nothing more. The next thing he knew he was tucking the little one in his habsuite.
It certainly was a story to tell Alpha Trion the next day. Alpha Trion was just happy that Buddy and Orion had found each other. The older mech in the beginning thought Buddy was as introverted as Pax was. It turned out that wasn’t the case at all.
Buddy in fact, was a near opposite of his pupil yet held onto some of his quirks. Buddy would express more of her feelings and thoughts on subjects without fear of being talked down. Sometimes a little too fearless.
“Orion, I don’t like that mech.”--Buddy
“He looks sketchy.”--Buddy
“Buddy they are right next to you.”--Orion
She was an extremely passionate individual who also had a soft spot for reading up on data pads in the long halls of Iacon. Something both her and her father ended up enjoying doing together.
“Orion? Buddy? Where are you?”—Ratchet
Orion popping from behind.
“Hello there Ratchet.”--Orion
“Gah! Pax! What are you—what where’s Buddy?”—Ratchet
Buddy from the top shelf.
“Hi Uncle Ratchet!”--Buddy
“GAH! Buddy get down from there!”--Ratchet
Ratchet loved Buddy as his new niece, but by Primus could she sit still for more than a couple of seconds! Buddy loved talking Ratchet’s audials off on days she would be under his supervision while Pax was out.
He said he hated it.
That was a lie.
“Hey Ratchet, did you know there was an amusement park a couple kilometres from the district?”--Buddy
“Can we go?”--Buddy
“If we had enough to get into a place like that, we would have the last years medical equipment and not the ones from four years ago.”--Ratchet
“…But one day we will go there.”--Ratchet
“You think so?”--Buddy
“Sometimes you just have to hope Kid. Now pass me my wrench.”--Ratchet
“On it, Dr. of Doom.”--Buddy
“Don’t call me that!”--Ratchet
“Sure thing Doc-bot.”--Buddy
He quite enjoyed the company during these hard times.
Soon enough Buddy began assisting Ratchet as his unofficial official nurse/ assistant in his makeshift clinics.
Megatronus met Buddy by accident.
Orion was going to meet up Megatronus after he dropped Buddy off in the archives in Iacon with Alpha Trion. The problem was that Alpha Trion had to leave for an important meeting leaving Buddy alone to their own devices.
So naturally she wanted to follow where Pax was going. But she knew that she wasn’t supposed to be following… but then again, she needed to be around trust adults, so she was really just following the rules!
Buddy was having a hard time trying to find an opening to get into the arena, so she decided to take a different route. She ‘borrowed’ a med kit and snuck into the area where the gladiators were held.
Her plan was to sneak in pretending she was a new medic to fix the gladiators then sneak back into crowds and find her father.
She passed by so many wounded and mean looking mechs.
One, however, caught her optics.
A hulking mountain of gunmetal was the correct way to describe the mech in front of her. The mech was slumped against the wall with several energon leaks coming from his frame.
At the rate it was pouring, at the rate anyone would come and help…
Buddy knelt before the mech and began melding the ripped mesh. The mech stirred under Buddy’s touch as she began to talk softly to the mech trying to get him to stay conscious.
“You took quite a beating, didn’t you?”--Buddy
“I bet the other guy is in worse shape than you are!”--Buddy
“Hey, hey, Big Guy optics on me. We don’t need you going into stasis lock now do we?”--Buddy
“Not much of a talker, are you? That’s okay, my father isn’t either. If you want, I can talk for the both of us, is that okay?”--Buddy
“My designation… is Megatronus.”--Megatronus
“Oh! That’s a nice designation! I’m Buddy!”--Buddy
The mech was quiet for the most part but he would engage in some pleasant exchanges. As soon as she was done with the patch work, she thought about her father.
The older mech offered to help her find him after the arena was closed.
Buddy agreed and stayed in the back patching up more mechs in the arena. By the time night had rolled in Buddy had befriended more than half of the fighters in the area.
“Orion this is my friend Megatronus!”--Buddy
“I know.”--Orion
“We know each other.”--Megatronus
“Oh! That makes things easier then!”--Buddy
“Buddy why are you here in the fighter quarters?”--Orion
“Well that’s a long story for another time…”--Buddy
“Another time!”--Buddy
After that meeting Buddy would sometimes sneak into the arena with her med kits and work on the injuries of her gladiator family.
They all loved having Buddy over.
Buddy was a reminder of the innocence and kindness that Cybertron still had.
They would all exchange stories of their glorious fights and help her hide in case inspectors came in.
“The inspectors coming!”--Soundwave
“Quick Buddy!”--Megatronus
“On it!”--Buddy
Buddy latching onto Soundwave’s back.
“Hmmm… Looks like you got yourself an upgrade, hope to see you in the arena with it soon.”--Inspector
“He is gone now.”--Soundwave
“Wow! I can believe that worked!”--Buddy
Everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
Until the day Megatronus began focusing more on his speeches than to help her hide from the guards.
Until the day Soundwave stopped talking.
Until the day Orion Pax and Megatronus stood in front of the Senate.
Until the day that Megatronus went by Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons.
Until the day Megatron no longer wanted to see her.
Until the day her Orion Pax was taken away from her and replaced with Optimus Prime.
As much as she wanted to resent both of them for changing so quickly, but in the end her love for Orion—Optimus was greater than the love of whatever was left of her beloved Uncles.
Prime didn’t want Buddy fighting in the war.
But after a series of well-built discussions, Buddy managed to get a position as a scout.
That was where she met her unofficial official younger brother Bumblebee.
“Hi! I’m Bumblebee!”--Bumblebee
“You’re my brother now.”--Buddy
“Wait what?”--Bumblebee
“No take backs. Now come on we’ve got some routes to scout.”--Buddy
“…I’m so confused…”--Bumblebee
“Welcome to the club.”--Buddy
She always held an audial open for any news on Megatron and Soundwave. As much as she told everyone she didn’t care for them, there was still part of her that still loved them both.
Timeskip to the arrival of Earth and meeting the kids.
The kids absolutely love Buddy.
Miko has unofficial officially adopted Buddy as her sister.
“Hello there!”--Buddy
“You’re a Monster Truck!?”--Miko
“Umm… yes?”--Buddy
“And you like rock music!?”--Miko
“I do! It has such nice—”--Budyd
“Your my new sister now.”--Miko
“Wait what?”--Buddy
“No take backs. Come on I have a complete record of my own music for you to hear.”--Miko
“I’m so confused…”--Buddy
“Beep bep (Welcome to the club.)”—Bumblebee
Buddy and Miko sneaked off to Dune bash together in her Monster Truck mode. They love singing along to heavy metal and rock music together.
Bulkhead isn’t jealous.
Raf likes the height he gains when Buddy drives him around.
Raf’s favorite place to be with Buddy is perched on her shoulder while they both watch what Ratchet is doing.
“What is he doing?”--Raf
“Don’t know…”--Buddy
“Will you two please quiet down! You can watch but please!”--Ratchet
“Got it Doc-bot!”--Buddy
“Don’t call me that!”--Ratchet
Jack was the last one to get used to Buddy’s loud antics.
Early on labeling her as Robot Miko.
But it took one dangerous encounter with Archnid to have him rethink about Buddy.
Buddy covered in energon with Jack in one servo
“What happened!?”--Arcee
“No one died.”--Buddy
“What kind of answer is that?!”--Arcee
The two often were found in a corner in the base telling stories and talking about the latest news around the base or ‘school’.
Buddy has told the kids’ parents and guardians multiple times that she would die for them.
While the sentiment is appreciated no one likes the phrasing. Especially as Buddy takes so much after her father.
“Megatron! This stops now! One shall stand and one shall fall, and I’m not backing down.”--Buddy
Proud and concern truck noises
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000-pawz · 10 days
how woonhak loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think woonhak would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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three words to describe woonhak are "intimate, intense, and safe".
woonhak can be quite... chaotic when he truly has a crush on someone. with both his sun and venus being in sagittarius, he views love with an open-mind and an open-heart. he doesn't necessarily have a "type" per say, and i wouldn't really say he knows exactly what he's looking for. he's completely guided by his feelings and the spur of the moment. he is definitely a victim of the friends-to-lovers pipeline >< i feel like he ends up crushing on his friends because of that connection they have already formed.
with his venus conjunction mars, woonhak is very popular, sociable, and sensitive. when woonhak likes you, you will know and so will everyone else. he’s a big imaginative dreamer when it comes to love and because of his moon in pisces, he feels very deeply. he can't hide his feelings! he can come across as "emotionally weak" simply becomes he succumbs to his emotions so easily, so woonhak would be head over heels for anyone he has a crush on. i get the feeling that he will confess in literally the first week of liking someone. ><
now, he is a scorpio mars. he craves that intense connection with his partner and can be quite a spontaneous lover. he's pretty impulsive in the pursuit of love and he will always see the best in people. therefore, he can look at people through rose-tinted glasses, similarly to jaehyun (enfp sag suns </3) he simply follows his gut, no matter what.
while he seeks deep and authentic relationships, he falls in love easily. he can sometimes idealize his partner and feed into his own delusions about them, seeing them as this perfect person who was put on this earth just for him. this can cause tension when he struggles to balance his dreamy, spacey nature with the reality of the situation. you may be his perfect match, but everyone has flaws of course!
woonhak doesn't dream of the "settle down" type of love. he wants those new and exciting experiences and feelings. he'd like fun and thrilling dates like riding rollercoasters at amusement parks, jetskiing, hiking, and stuff like that. please do not make him take a class or sit still... his attention span isn't long enough for that!!!
he is an incredibly compassionate lover and loves helping his partner. with his pisces moon, he provides comfort and solace to those he cherishes and puts his partner's well-being before his own. he is huuuuggeee on emotional intimacy because he is so intensely empathetic and he's an amazing listener as well <3
sometimes he can be overwhelmed by his own feelings and the feelings of others. if you are having a bad day, he will be grumpy too. if you are crying, he will cry with you. if you are excited, he's even more excited! he's very influenced by his environment so what you put in will be what he puts out.
because he has a scorpio mercury, woonhak can be your best hypeman and give amazing pep talks, but he ways of going about it is kind of funny. if you had a bad encounter with a classmate, woonhak will literally dog on that person in order to lift you up and make you feel better. whoever you hate, he hates too ><
the thing that makes woonhak so complex is that, although he is a big extrovert and loves being around his partner, he also needs alone time. if he is too overwhelmed or feeling insecure, he can go into hermit mode. when he gets like this, he can be hot-tempered and sharp-mouthed. on the other end of things, he can also fall into depression and find himself spiraling with his own thoughts. give him time to work things out on his own and trust that he will confide in you when he's ready. if he's at his worse and doesn't feel emotionally supported, he may detach himself and pull away slowly.
another thing is that because of his pisces-sag moon-venus, he can get a little obsessive and jealous. his mind can turn into a one-rail track of just his partner and he can sort of put them on a pedestal. because he craves such a deep, intense connection, this can come across as overbearing or "too much" for those who are not on his level of emotional complexity. i see him as most compatible with people who can provide stability for him, or people who can match him at that emotional level.
when it comes to conflict, woonhak tries to avoid it as much as possible. he struggles with being assertive and setting boundaries, so this can lead to some problems. with his scorpio mars, he tends to keep his cool on the surface, but let things stew and holds grudges until it leads to emotional outbursts. when this happens, it's important for his partner to not undermine his feelings. don't say that he's overreacting because he will shut down.
with healthy communication, woonhak can be really passionate and deep. he would probably utilize "i-statements" like "when you did this, i felt..." and would seriously listen to you and how you felt about the situation as well. he won't ever lie to you when communicating because he always says exactly what he means. be honest, patient, and understanding when communicating and problems will be resolved smoothly!!!
to make woonhak feel loved, you must provide him with a lot of reassurance. remind him that his feelings matter!!! although he can be pretty impulsive, he is still self-aware. he knows that he is very emotional and he can sometimes get embarrassed about it. reassure him that it's okay to feel as deeply as he does! that's why so many people love him <3 let him rest his head in your lap while you play with his hair and massage his scalp, give him lots of kisses, and remind him that he doesn't have to hide true self around you. ^___^
woonhak cannot be with someone who dismisses his emotions or is too critical of his feelings. he thrives in spaces that respect, support, and encourage his sensitivity. a good partner for him would be someone who is nurturing, patient, and understanding. he feels most secure when he feels completely understood and accepted for who he is. <333
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
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joanyio · 2 years
weak hero class 1 rant because it’s 4am and im in my feelings and idk how else to deal with them *cracks knuckles* please don’t expect me to be coherent
it’s because of a twitter thread i made and i just wanted to elaborate more
if you didn’t click the link here’s what i said “this montage gets me every time because you realize sooho’s bright personality hid the fact that he was just as alone as sieun was, always sleeping at school for working part-time a lot, probably the reason why he had no friends, also refers to himself as the hyung with his peers. then the montage sequence ends with sieun being considerate, not turning the lights on like he did before and studying in the dark to not disturb sleeping sooho. the same day sieun wakes him up to have lunch together and they unexpectedly click.. in a way it was a friendship built from understanding how differently they lived but also similarly alone, and having each other made their lives a little brighter and i think that’s beautiful.”
also this hyunwook interview..
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i can’t seem to stop overthinking about the little detail that sooho refers to himself as the hyung (형 - older brother) with his same-aged peers (동갑). in korea, age is a huge deal and it dictates most of their social cues, who to respect and how much respect is given. and i can just imagine how arrogant his peers might find him for referring to himself as the hyung, it’s like he acts all high and mighty amongst them.
am not puting all clips of him doing this but i remember the incident with baseball kids in the first ep he told them to bring the passed out dude to the nurse’s office and said “형이 이름 말하면 뒤진다,” literally means “if you say hyung’s (my) name, you’re dead.” (and they aren’t even his same-aged friends because someone murmured “but we’re older than him..” still, they’re high schoolers all the same) in ep 2 “형이라고 부르고싶냐?” literally means “do you wanna call me hyung now?” (or “do you wanna give me respect now?”) in ep 3 while playing pool he said “형이 하는거 잘 봐라,” literally means “watch carefully how hyung does (i do) it.”
[edit: i remembered another instance. in ep 1, yeongbin’s group bothering sieun again in the classroom. sooho was disturbed from his sleep, “why are guys so chatty these days? 형 잠도 못 자게. 형 자도 돼? 응?” literally goes “hyung (i) can’t even sleep (with u mfs being loud). can hyung (i) sleep? hmm?” official subs: “someone’s trying to sleep here. can i sleep in peace? please?”]
i think he does it because he knows he was forced to grow up fast due to his living situation, and in his eyes this made his same-aged peers /more/ childlike(?) and immature compared to him, who’s already grown up and has adult big boy responsibilities to worry about than silly little exams and high school social hierarchy. he’s extroverted and has a sunshine personality, blunt and honest to anyone he talks to. he always knows what to say to kids his age to feel shame for the bullshit they pull. even with older people, the baseball kids, to gilsu “나이 먹고 그게 자랑이야?”
so yeah sleeping a lot at school due to working part-time for hours may have contributed to him not having friends (hello he follows like 5 people in instagram, such a skinny ratio with his 1k+ followers) but also he probably found it hard to relate and saw no reason to put effort in hanging out with them outside inevitable campus interactions. until sieun. sieun who sooho calls a weirdo, who’s really interesting, whose eyes say how empty he must feel inside but you can see the fire in them. sooho probably thought sieun would never initiate a conversation with him but he did approach him for lunch that one time. and finds himself enjoying the company. now he grew to love showing sieun that there’s more to life than studying hard and preparing for college. it’s all mundane things, eating, gaming, karaokeing, playing pool, “let’s drive all night long,” friendship and the kind of company that their families and other people couldn’t give.
sooho’s all sun and bright but he hasn’t found his person until sieun came along. both of them were very self-sacrificial, ready to risk it all and harm anyone to protect each other. i might just forever ache for sooho ending up on his deathbed after going apeshit seeing sieun hide the injury he got on sooho’s behalf.. and sieun throwing away his whole future when he went and hurt everyone who did that to sooho..
it hits different after i read the equivalent chapters in the webtoon because the suho-sieun-focused friendship story was prolonged for the drama adaptation. sooho was kinda not that interesting in the webtoon so i loved everything they changed and added for his character in the drama. but also like im upset because now im endlessly attached to him.. [edit: in case i piss off webtoon!suho lovers, it’s a personal preference. i love him too but i just cant help but be more emotionally attached to drama!suho] like fuck why did they have to write such a tragic friendship story between highschoolers im fucking done
end of rant ugh i hate myself for this
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aoioozora · 20 days
Hey there! I was surprised that your OC Ivy is actually Indian as well! Can you tell me something more about her? :)
Hi! Thank you for your ask :))
I'm actually Indian too, so I totally wanted to make an Indian OC! I never really saw any until yours and I was pretty surprised too. I must say it gave me some motivation to make my own.
Anyway, here's Ivy! (I'm still figuring out her lore, so some of these MAY change in future lol)
About my COD OC, Ivy "Vampire" Valentina Salvador de Almeida
Ivy is the only daughter of Salvador and Helen de Almeida.
She was born in India, in the state of Goa, on the outskirts of Madgaon and lived there for a few years before moving down south to Karnataka, where she spent her formative years. Her teenage and adult years were spent in Liverpool, England.
She can speak Konkani and English fluently, while she has partial fluency in Portuguese and Kannada
She's a devout Roman Catholic
Her personality type is ENFJ
She's a tall girl standing at 5'7"/170 cm! Always stood at the back of the line for school assemblies. She inherited her height from her dad.
She's a WO2 Drill Sergeant in the British Army and serves in the Infantry Training Center where she trains infantrymen in basic and advanced skills.
She's nicknamed 'Vampire' from her slightly long canine teeth, all natural.
Being an extrovert, she enjoys company and doesn't like being alone.
She's normally quiet, but if she does speak, she's charismatic, genuine, and charming, and this often got her into quite some leadership positions in school and university, and allows her to very easily make friends.
Drinking makes her talkative, and even flirtatious, but she'll have to drink quite a lot to get to that point.
She has a strong sense of justice, and cannot stand it if innocent people are needlessly harmed. Being a drill sergeant gives her a little power to execute justice if needed.
She's optimistic to a fault, often getting bogged down by reality sometimes.
Her restless, adventurous spirit makes her hate being in one place. She enjoys travelling and doing highly thrilling activities like bungee jumping. She can also be quite reckless; give her a motorcycle and she'll be popping wheelies and even drifting.
Being an only-child, she can be quite selfish and bossy, though most of it was beaten out of her during her basic training.
Likes and Dislikes
She enjoys cooking and baking and can make a variety of dishes.
She loves reading historical accounts and all sorts of fiction, especially thrillers and mysteries. Her favourite novel is 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. She also enjoys Dostoevsky's novels
Her favourite Indian food is Mysore masala dosa and English food is Scotch egg
She hates milk tea and extremely spicy food (her Indian card is always at the risk of being revoked)
She loves anything that has garlic in it, though her favourite would be garlic bread
Her favourite dessert is apple pie
An area that has her whole heart is the Western Ghats
Her favourite color is phtahlo green
English Ivy
Her father is an adventurous man, so he took his family hopping around a lot from Goa to Karnataka, and eventually to England, where his wife got a job as a nurse.
Ivy and family moved to England when she was around fifteen years old, and settled in Liverpool.
Getting used to England's cold and gloom was a nightmare for poor coast born Ivy who loves the sun and heat. She can comfortably tolerate 30-35 degrees C like most Indians, but absolutely suffers through English winters despite eventually getting used to it.
Her years in Liverpool eventually bestowed upon her the glorious Scouse accent, though hers has an Indian lilt to it.
She had a hard time adjusting in English society, especially as an extrovert and a teenager, and often felt unwelcome in school. However, her university years were much more pleasant.
Do not talk to her about the Indian food in England. She will not hesitate to begin her TED talk.
If there's anything she actually does like about England, it's the abundance of pubs. She loves to drink, but considering how reckless she is known to be, she's surprisingly a responsible drinker and rarely lets herself get blackout drunk.
I've yet to think about her interactions with TF141, but that's all about her for now!
Wow, I really did infodump on you lmao. I hope it was an interesting read ^^ I'm excited to develop her some more and make more Ivy content <3
Thank you again for your ask! Have a great day/night :)
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esta-elavaris · 8 months
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Flufftober Day 20: Wearing Each Other's Clothing - Boromir/OC [1,186 words]
My Flufftober '23 masterpost can be found here, and my currently ongoing main fic about these two is here 💜✨
Just a note on my fills for these two, considering their fic is still underway - two of the three fills planned will feature them as an established couple (which they are not yet in the main fic), as is the case in this one. The remaining one is an AU of them meeting in a different way. I'm writing the established couple fills from a standpoint of it taking place in a perfect utopian future, so what happens here has no bearing on what may or may not happen in the actual fic. There are no spoilers in that sense!
All of that being said...it was so much fun to write this while the main fic is still slow burning. We stray ever so slightly towards NSFW territory here, but no actual smut. I don't want to write that for them until we reach that point in the main fic.
Tagging @scyllas-revenge as promised 💜
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Given that Sybil’s husband was far more extroverted than she – not that such a thing was difficult to achieve – it came as no surprise to her that there were evenings where she retired to their chambers for the evening long before he did. If anything, she viewed the number of times he did return with haste as a mark of his favour, if the notion of being alone with her could pry him so readily away from his men and their spirited swapping of war stories.
She quickly developed a routine she rather enjoyed for the nights in which she had to entertain herself, as it was something she was hardly a stranger to before they met. Shirking her gown for comfier garb, she’d huddle down on the furs before the hearth with a hot cup of tea at her side and a book in hand, warming her feet before the fire as she sank into whatever tale awaited between the pages.
It was a mark of victory, she thought, in their relationship that he did not resent her for not seeking company to the extent he did, and that she did not lament over the end of her solitude when he would come to her. For there was never any reading thereafter. That probably helped with the lack of resentment, she supposed – not because the books were bad, but because he was very good. In every way.
By the time she heard him enter the antechamber to their rooms, she was quite content to close the book. Not without a bit of teasing first, however.
Sprawled like a cat before the fire, she reclined back, her bare legs stretching out before her, her borrowed shirt coincidentally rumpled at her mid-thigh. From there, she held the book aloft over her head, angling it towards the light of the fire and doing a passable job at pretending she still had any interest in it. She had to hope Boromir would not pause in their sitting room before he came through, for her arms would soon start to ache.
He was either merry or tipsy – perhaps both – as he entered their bedroom, greeting her warmly before he even saw her.
“How are you this night, my love?”
“I’m well. I’m almost at the end of this chapter.”
“Should I take my leave?” he teased. “There was nothing-”
Sybil allowed her eyes to pass over two more sentences before she ‘noticed’ how he’d stop mid-speech upon finally looking at her. Closing the book, she slowly sat up. The shirt dwarfed her, and one side of the neckline slid down her left shoulder as she sat up. That bit hadn’t been planned, but it did add to the effect rather nicely, her curls tumbling forward as she straightened.
To say the look on her husband’s face was heated would be like comparing the fire at her side to a single candle flame.
“You haven’t finished your sentence,” she prompted.
“Did I not?” there was a rueful glint to his gaze. “I’ve forgotten.”
“Have you?”
“Why is that? Are you unwell?”
He chuckled lowly. Rather than joining her, he moved to sit at the edge of their bed where he might observe her clearly in her entirety.
“Yes, husband?”
“Is that my shirt?”
She languidly crossed one leg over the other, and found his eyes were pinned to every single motion. Bera had often liked to chuckle of how men tired of their wives within weeks of the wedding. Bera had been very, very wrong.
Or maybe Sybil had just been very, very lucky.
“It’s rather comfortable,” she answered.
“It’s far too big for you.”
His eyes were still on her legs.
“Does it not suit me?”
“I didn’t say that,” he smirked, and then added after a moment’s thought, meeting her gaze then. “Of course, I would have to see it properly to come to a final opinion on the matter.”
Sybil felt her cheeks blaze – which she worried ruined the effect of her little game, right up until it brought a handsome, boyish grin to his face. For he did so like when she blushed, and it remained easy to induce. For him more than any other.
But she had started this little game, and so she would not be cowed. Sliding the book aside, she mustered all the grace she had to rise smoothly to her feet – for losing her balance and stumbling back into the fire would ruin the direction she very much hoped this night was taking. The shirt fell almost to her knee once she’d risen, but if anything the movement left her more exposed, the fire behind her casting every detail of her form in shadow beneath the thin white shirt.
Boromir’s smile remained, but it was no longer boyish.
She decided to push it. For why not? Extending her arms – which had the coincidental effect of causing the hem of the shirt to rise to near-scandalous heights – she turned slowly beneath his gaze.
“Well?” she prompted when she was done.
“Hm,” he replied. “A closer look is still needed, I think.”
“It’s a cool night,” she feigned hesitation, casting a glance back towards the fire. “I don’t wish to grow cold.”
He chuckled lowly, leaning forward on his elbows as he regarded her like she was a banquet meal.
“My love, I give you my solemn vow that you shall be very warm indeed.”
Before she was even fully within arm’s reach he was jolting forward and pulling her nearer, teaching her to never underestimate his agility as she was drawn into his lap atop the bed. With one hand planted firmly at the small of her back, keeping her in place, he slid backwards a little so that there was no risk of her tumbling back onto the floor.
Sybil's legs were forced wide apart in an effort to straddle him, and his free hand quickly found one of the thighs he'd just been admiring so, smoothing up and down the soft expanse of skin with a sword-roughened grasp. He was right. There was no risk of her growing cold. Arms wrapping around his neck for closeness just as much as purchase, she pressed herself against him and sighed her dellight as he kissed her. Boromir kissed the same way he did everything - decisively, boldly, and fiercely. With a want that staggered her every time. Had she been daft enough to doubt the intensity of his desire for her, one kiss would have dispelled those doubts outright as she squirmed beneath his roaming hands, his beard tickling her skin as he began to kiss his way down her neck, to the shoulder exposed by his shirt.
But when she moved to pull the shirt off to clear his way, he pulled back.
"No," he breathed, a gleam in his eye. "Not yet. Leave it on."
It was at least an hour before he even bothered to take his shirt back – and it became one of his favourites thereafter...although Sybil could never quite manage to see him in it without blushing at the sight. So he made sure to wear it often.
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Links: AO3 -- FF.net -- flufftober masterpost -- dividers by cafekitsune
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thedragonchilde · 1 month
Ship meme spam continued
1. Who most initiates PDA?
If the moment is otherwise right, Domon is likely to go for it with little notice or regard for things like being in public! (Don't get me wrong, he can get flustered, especially in the beginning, but "is this a socially appropriate time and place" does not factor into it for him.)
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Aside from Domon waking up at the crack of dawn out of habit?
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
You might assume exclusively the former, and you'd be surprised
4. How did they first meet?
With a goddamn sucker punch, that's how
5. What is their love language?
They're both pretty heavy on physical touch, as one might guess. Chibodee also responds shockingly well to words of affirmation
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
In retrospect, Chibodee will cop to having had a crush since Guyana, though the gals will tell you he was fixated from the first match. But in love? That came with a heartsick sort of gut punch as he found himself hoping that Domon and Rain worked things out even though it hurt to watch, because seeing Domon so upset over her hurt so much worse. Very bittersweet "I want my beloved to be happy".
Domon realizes much later, and more or less all at once. It's a small moment that sets it off, but one that gives him the fleeting thought "I'd be happy to have someone like this by my side", which turns into "...I already do, right here" → "not in that way" → "maybe in that way??" From there the epiphany hits like lightning and he almost can't process it.
7. Who is more sentimental?
Might have to give this to Domon "Manly Tears" Kasshu
8. What’s one way their personalities complement one another?
Okay so "complement" implies not similar traits, but rather different traits that fit together. In that case, I'd say the way their attitudes are sort of the inverse of each other: Domon is serious and melancholy, but deep down is trusting and wants to believe the best of people, where Chibodee keeps things light and devil-may-care, but he's a little more world-weary, a little more easily discouraged. In that way they work as a grounding balance for each other.
9. How are their personalities different?
I mean, Domon's kind of an introvert, isn't he? Or at least easily overstimulated by the pressures of socializing. Whereas in the other corner we've got Chibodee "Social Butterfly" Crockett who almost seems uneasy when alone for very long. There's also an understated city mouse/country mouse thing going on.
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
The obvious would be sparring and other sports, but also like… sometimes they just chat. Chibodee's a talker anyway, Domon is still relearning how to socialize with peers, and there are some cool experiences to share between them.
On that note, hiking. If Domon hadn't already been into nature, he sure is now.
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
Chibodee moreso at first, and even then not a whole lot because Domon starts out awkward and tsundere. Once he's more comfortable, they're pretty evenly matched! (Mind you, this does depend on the type of physical affection. Hugs and hand-holding come more naturally, where kisses are more loaded even when they're less physical contact.)
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Chibodee's a talker, and this is no exception, but dare I say Domon goes for quality over quantity ;)
13. Which member steals borrows the other one's clothing?
Not sure about actually wearing each other's stuff, but I can see a potentially mutual "our stuff got mixed up and I have your x so I'm just gonna,,, hang onto it while we're apart"
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Oh my god Domon would ninja-disappear from a party so fast
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
They both have their moments, and "voice of reason" is overstating things, but goddamn if Chibodee doesn't go off half-cocked sometimes
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
No dragging here; Domon just shrugs and goes "You're gonna regret it"
17. Who fell in love first?
18. What song fits them perfectly?
Song? I've got a whole playlist!
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
There's plenty to keep them busy, but they can certainly go harder (maybe too hard) on the training to blow off stress. Of course they do what they can to keep in contact, and uhhhh they do attempt video/cybersex. It's a hot mess. Honestly, someone should capitalize on the precepts of the Mobile Trace system to enable long-distance physical contact, it would be revolutionary.
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Domon is never living down the way they met, just saying.
21. Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
They both have to work on listening, or specifically when to listen. Given that they both have a bad habit of shutting themselves down when they should be reaching out, the opening is not always obvious.
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
Tricky, but probably Chibodee, being a little more conscious of his image. He's certainly the one who reacts more strongly to embarrassment, anyway.
23. Who overthinks the most?
They both vacillate between "overthink/don't think at all" at times, but this one goes to broody Domon by a long shot
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?
Not only are they both competitive, they actively bring that side out in each other!
25. Who’s the most stubborn?
Oh, now this one's hard!
26. How do they comfort each other?
This is one of those instances where physical touch is very important, just tangibly knowing they're not alone. Letting the other vent (whether physically or verbally) too. Encouraging words are usually called for, even if they're clumsy.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Sunrise is definitely associated with Domon. Hearts too. Chibodee is stars and neon lights and bourbon.
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
Well, I mean, they share a friend group! As far as family, Chibodee is trying his damnedest to get Dr Kasshu to like him, and Domon… well, the gals already know him, but that doesn't mean they won't give him the shovel talk all the same.
29. What is their sex life like?
As I've said before, very intense and a little spiritual, thanks in part to Shuffle Alliance empathy, and “communicating with your fists” translating to other physicality. Their sessions tend to be loud and long (not to say that there are never wham-bam rounds), and you'd be forgiven for finding them half-dressed and out of breath and not knowing whether they'd just banged or sparred.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Chibodee absolutely kisses Domon's scars, just putting that out there right now. On the other side, don't think Domon hasn't realized the reaction he gets when he goes for the jaw
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
You're not gonna get the smoothest sailing with such a high-energy dynamic, but even when it's hard they're ride or die
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
By separating and cooling off, for starters. It really depends on how serious the argument.
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
They're both prone, I think, though as Chibodee's been getting them most of his life he's more or less prepared when Domon wakes up screaming - hands off until the fight-or-flight wears off, then grounding touch, low voice, cold water, and let him cry it out.
34. Do they give each other nicknames?
Well, 'King of Hearts' could certainly take on a flirty tone–
35. What movies do they enjoy watching most?
Here's where I make the joke about how their son gets his name from the Rocky movies
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
I mean, that's basically in canon
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May I put in a request for Headcannons of your oc's with characters you ship them with?
Of course!!
Prompt: my ocs x canon!
Charcters/ships: Rose Tea x Dark Choco, Fig Brie x Cappuccino, mulberry thorn x pitaya dragon, black iris x elder faerie, and crème caramel x second watcher!
Ship names: blood rose, Courtdate, dragons princess, inky silver, never hunt alone. TW: mentions of fantasy racism, and disability due to accident, mention of arranged marriage(between adults)
A/N this’ll be a long one folks so buckle up!!
Bloodrose: Dark Choco and Rose Tea have been aware of one another since they were children. their parents had a very good relationship. Their parents wanted to try and have them marry one anther once they grew up (only if both of them wanted to of course) but they never got that chance. Rose became the duchess of the kingdom of Tribia. While choco abandoned the cacao kingdom. They met again while he was trying with other members of the cookies of darkness to break into a museum which he thought had something they needed. Rose who was in the exhibit at the time, not knowing who they were or what they wanted kindly informed them, that everything there was in fact a replica. Rose obviously didn't recognize choco, due to the last time she saw him being about 25 years ago and when he was still the young prince, but choco recognized her instantly. due to funnily enough, the way she smelled. That sounds creepy but rose due to the type of cookie she is, smells very strongly of roses, similar to how while lily smells strongly of lilies. Choco remembered a few things about her, mainly her odd mannerisms around other cookies. Choco introduced himself under a false name. Later on, Choco applied to be one of the guards for her. not only to get more information from her, but to see if she would recognize him again. My au focuses on their relationship a bit so that's where I will leave it for bloodrose. :)
Courtdate: Fig Brie cookie and Cappuccino cookie met while he was in law school they started dating during college, then later on got married. They have been married for over 8 years now. Fig works as a court reporter while cappuccino works as a prosecutor. Fig brie cookie isn't actually a cookie, she's a cake, (Similar to Schwarzwalder) she just looks more cookie like, cappuccino is aware of this and doesn't really care. Cappuccino is more introverted while Brie is more extroverted, Very black cat meets golden retriever! Cappuccino is really overprotective over brie due to Fantasy racism. (cakes aren't treated well in canon and that doesn't change in this au) they are an already established relationship in my au :) and play a small role :3
dragons princess: Mulberry and Pitaya get a wonderful start to their relationship, IE Pitaya starts beefing with one of her guards and like any normal princess, knocks them out. They get better I swear!! Pitaya wakes up to mulberry putting ice on their cheek, pitaya is into strong women...so safe to say they start smitten, due to and I quote "She isn't afraid of me, and has a great punch!" Mulberry apologizes for punching them asking them if they are alright, and making them something to eat. as they get to know each other better due to pitaya insisting on helping her out of the dragons valley, they find out she's supposed to get married to someone she hasn't even met before. Pitaya. Doesn't like this. So later that day, pitaya wakes her up, and explains in their extremely subtle way that they are in fact a dragon and they can fake a kidnapping, to get her out of this marriage. Mulberry originally thinks they are kidding, until they show her their wings and tail. Mulberry agrees to this plan, and they pull it off! In the au takes place after this event, so mulberry and pitaya are "Dragon married" idk how to put it, mates? eh, and she resides in the dragons valley. :)
inky silver: morticia and gomez core <3 we love old people in love, and thats what they are! Elder faerie and Black Iris have been married for a couple hundred years at this point, and Iris still looks like she's in her 30s. Due to being vampire <3 they're just very loving towards one another and take on a parental role to while lily when she first comes to the fairy kingdom! Black iris is more reserved, staying behind the curtin, helping him make choices. when they were younger, Iris had just been turned and got chased into beast yeast...she was scared and couldn't go out in the sun anymore. so when Elder Faerie took her in she was grateful. She never hid the fact she was quote "A blood sucking beast" Faerie didn't care though. He uses his wings to cover iris during the day or, has stuff held at night so she can join! Again minor- major role here, since the fairy kingdom wont show up for a while in my au!
never hunt alone: This is the ship between Creme Caramel and Second watcher. Creme was born and raised in the cacao kingdom, her sister is actually caramel arrow cookie. She grew up along side both her sister and the second watcher. Creme caramel was trained to be one of the more ruthless warriors, not to stay in the cacao kingdom but to clean up loose ends after the war. While second watcher became a watcher! After a particularity bad mission Cacao told Creme she could not continue hunting, at for a while and when she got back, she couldn't go alone. Creme, now has to walk with a cane, but her faithful comrade Watcher doesn't let her feel useless, Their relationship similar to Rose tea and Choco builds throughout the AU!
Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wall of text!
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brrtchu · 3 months
Part 2 - Another Sonic AU
Last time was a demonstration on how I wanted the characters to interact. Now that I have a clearer head, I want to talk about the characters themselves. I don’t got a main character yet, but it might as well be Sonic because who doesn’t represent my AU better than him?
I hand you a piece of paper with text all over it from my classified folders. The letters seem jumbled and insane, but you read ahead anyways. You wonder; this dimension could be interesting…
Pink Sonic; Primarily Sonic The Hedgehog; Goes by Pink star, coral pink, and The Lone Rider.
*Currently 18 years old, first found when he was 12 years old; Some pieces of text can be old or recent based on earlier studies.
*Currently lives in the “Western” Islands
Pink Sonic is mostly compliant when it comes to working with other team members, but he has a hard time communicating to them and often jumps into action by himself. Due to his speed, he can finish the job quite easily, but it’s strenuous when it comes to bigger battles. So he has to rely on other team members but all the while making sure they’re holding up. He’s concerned for everyone’s safety in the matter, which indicates that he has a bit of trust issues if he can’t focus his own fights. Even if he knows his teammates are able to, it seems he has a hard time understanding that.
For most part, after battles or even on free time, he doesn’t do much. He mostly finds a quiet space to stand there and admire his atmosphere. Really shows that he’s one to be down to earth or likes relaxing. But this constant isolation only makes his friends want to spend more time with him. He also shows a lot of humility.
He wants to always be alone, and is completely honest about it. He is practical, trustworthy, and doesn’t understand humor very well— but if he does, he reciprocates. He can respond well to being friendly with others and doesn’t struggle with making friends. One strange component though, he doesn’t actually consider the people that surround him as “friends”, merely just “acquaintances.” Mostly because he doesn’t want to get attached or feel that they should be attached to him. It’s a weird coping mechanism that may be unhealthy. Meaning that he is self-reliant.
Pink Sonic was found wondering the world in a spiritual realm. Apart from this planet (haven’t figured out the name yet) but he was still present. Like a veil between two worlds. He had met others before him who left to come down to the planet. But there was a twist, he wouldn’t know where he was going, what time period, who he was, what was all before this, and who he’ll become. It was one risk to take. To live. Willingly but fearfully and beautifully made. This was the moment that Pink Sonic was dubbed as the “Pink Star” by a rare chance he had been born on Earth but by unforeseen circumstances of which all of his Royal Family and relatives were killed except for him. And as he grew up, his one and only best friend who he loved— betrayed him for her country. Almost to the point of murder against him, due to his royal bloodline.
Pink Sonic continued to struggle, enduring every cost and chance of living. He still doesn’t know why he wants to live but he managed to escape her clutches barely. Pink Sonic spends most of his life living in the wilderness. He even made a camp for himself, not even knowing that he’s in the Western territory. When he was caught, the Western community welcomed him and ushered him to come stay with them. Wanting to learn who he was and what he did. It took a very long time for Pink Sonic to get used to the people there while being accustomed to their culture and ways. He continued to be homeless but helped the people there for free. Surprisingly, whenever he got his hands onto some dirty work; he looked radiant afterwards and smelled more like cherry blossoms than ever.
Quickly, he was adopted by an extrovert his age named CowBoy Tails. This was when he was introduced to his new “friends”.
Everything was going good for him. That’s what I thought at least…
I’ll add reference sheet at a later date.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere!Tmnt 2012 Michelangelo/Mikey with a darling whos really quiet and shy but once you get to know her, shes really talkative and fun person to be around?
Oh, woah, you just described me- Of course! I'll see how I can make this work. Aged up as usual! Concept as not specified.
Yandere! 2012! Michelangelo with Introvert! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior (But it's Mikey so there isn't anything too bad), Obsession, Implied stalking, Trouble with boundaries, Mentioned jealousy, Clingy behavior, Slight delusional behavior.
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- Michelangelo is definitely an extrovert.
- Mikey can be silly to the point of suffocating at times which may put you off when you two first meet.
- However, to others, Mikey can be quite lovable even if he has trouble with boundaries.
- The youngest turtle of the group has ways of getting people to feel comfortable around him.
- He wants to make a good impression on you, acting silly and offering to cook for you.
- He acts so innocent/cute you may even cave and give him your number to contact you.
- Out of all the 2012 turtles, Michelangelo is probably the most obsessive/clingy.
- When you're really quiet, Mikey tries his best to be gentle around you.
- Although he's naturally loud so you'll still be subjected to his silly antics even if he's trying to be gentler around you.
- Even if you stayed quiet Mikey probably would still fall for you.
- When you get to know the mutant more and start talking more, Mikey picks up on it.
- You start becoming more talkative and fun to be around.
- Mikey loves this side of you too.
- You're much more open to his silly behavior now!
- It makes him so happy he can be more playful towards you.
- Except there's also downsides to you opening up around him.
- By this point he's already obsessed.
- 2012 Michelangelo when obsessed usually leads to him being clingy and refusing to leave you alone.
- In comes all the texts and calls.
- Along with the constant need for hugs (maybe a kiss too, however he's not forceful.).
- While Mikey is normally extroverted, he'd still become obsessed over someone who's more introverted.
- Just know he acts like a puppy when he loves someone dearly.
- He'll follow you around, stalk your social media, etc.
- He wants to know everything his crush is doing!
- Being a Yandere with delusional behavior he thinks he's perfect for you!
- Despite the whole... mutant turtle part.
- In fact you not being social might aid him.
- He isn't possessive but he can get jealous.
- If you meet someone new, Mikey wants to be the one who introduces you.
- That on its own causes problems but at least he's happy.
- Overall, Mikey gets along with just about anybody who is his obsession.
- Even if you start quiet but open up afterwards... Mikey's still happy.
- Either way he'll still claim he's the best for you and loves you the most out of everyone.
- "Hey... it's okay to be a little quiet! I still think you're kind of cute even if you don't talk much!"
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sangoqueenkoko · 7 months
beautiful day to you, i come here with a writing request if you so wish to take on it :] i was thinking about kaeya training a recent-vision-user reader to be part of the knights of favonius but they have an inexplicable rivalry, cue annoying kaeya making smug remarks about being reader's boss despite the fact that reader could probably beat him up with enough training. ( also if you're okay writing gendered readers, i think male reader could be very neat ^_^ ) ty !
Ouuuuuu great idea, and good evening/morning/day/afternoon to you! And I have no problem with gendered readers :D
Hope you like it, I’m a little rusty after motivation block.
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oh, ho, this should be interesting
Fluff, or something like that
Summary: So you recently got a vision! Hooray! But... Kaeya, the reader's boss, teaches you how to use the newly founded power for your Knights of Favonius training. Snarky remarks ensue.
Warnings? Male reader! (L/N) - Last Name. He may be OOC, but I don't use him enough to know what he's like. apologise.
[here is the information I used about vision personalities!]
Contains a mention of Jean, and Kaeya of course!
I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. mental slump and no motivation 🙃 And it is shorter than I had originally planned for it to be. again.
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You got your vision! Yippee!
And the gods have granted you a vision of Pyro!
Fire personalities are the most passionate people you could find, they do every single thing with huge amounts of willpower, energy, and love, amongst other things. They are very optimistic and will usually see the good side of things. Pyro vision holders are most extroverted, but they dislike being alone. They are very VERY easy to read as well, in contrast to Cryo for instance. Opposites attract.
Such as Kaeya, whom since you gaining your vision, promised to teach you how to use it. But him being your boss.. he sort of has to help.
They share being hard to read, with electro and hydro. Why? Because many of them are pretty much immune to emotions, being unaffected by them, or totally ignorant of what they are, and so on.
“Okay, so you finally got your vision. Hope it’s what you wanted” Kaeya smirked as you both walked out of the city gates to start training. Because neither of you would want to damage anything in the city. You’ll have to withstand Jean’s wrath.
“Pyro, right? It matches that fiery attitude of yours”
“Uh-huh sure” you mused, “at least I can melt your hatred with my desires. I can’t believe Jean made you train me.”
He walked in front of you, and stood still, stopping you from walking. You looked up at him. There was a notable height difference between you both. He lifted your chin up with his index finger, a cocky smirk on his face, “now listen here, Mister (L/N), we’re out here to train, not give each other snide remarks, got it?”
You only hummed in reaponse, “got it?” He repeated.
“Yeah, I gue-” he cut you off with a clearing of the throat, you knew what that meant, “yes, Captain Kaeya.”
Kaeya chose your training for today to be in Starfell Valley, seeing as it has different types of terrains to work on, and you wanted to show him what you can really do, without his speculation clouding reality. You have a vision of Pyro after all, you like to be active in fights and show people what you can really do.
Time to shine.
Your first experience with fighting with Kaeya felt like a warm-up, but to you, it also felt... childish. No adrenaline pumping, no nearly losing breath while running after the target, and no obstacle avoidance. Just.. some light touches. And this went on for a little while, which you didn't like.
"Ugh!" you sighed, "This is so haphazard! Please Kaeya, can we do something that's more entertaining? Like, I don't know, actual training?" You hated standing still, not being able to burn some energy. You always noticed when you're around Kaeya that he likes to be slow and take his time, and you assumed that he did this just to annoy you. And it did annoy you.
"Oh-ho" Kaeya mused with a light chuckle as he strode to your side, it was like he teleported to your side, you didn't realise straight away that he was so close to you because you may or may not have been mindlessly gazing at him, "dearest (Y/N), does one not realise that good things come to those that wait? Trust me when I say I know what I am doing, and you will get there eventually."
You grumbled to yourself before saying confidently, "I bet with enough training, I could easily beat you up. Maybe even to a pulp!"
He lightly scoffed at the thought, "Oh-ho, this should be interesting. Dearest (Y/N), I would love to see you try."
Let's just say you did manage to get to the point where you could easily fight him and beat him a few times, and when Jean came to review how the training was going, she picked up on the sly remarks between the both of you. Even a certain type of tension.
And that also went on for such a while longer.
Jean eventually had to split you both up for a while so you could calm down and cool off.
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lilicohirukoma · 1 year
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Ⅰ. ▕   C R O W N     P R I N C E S S     Z I U L A the daughter of Emperor Kuzco “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust
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Crown Princess Ziula is 17 years old, her birthday is on May 6th. Ziula is a fun loving girl, priortizing her happiness over serious matters. Don’t get it wrong, she understands why they must be done but she rushes to get important things over with and then will throw a pool party in honor of how hard she worked. She is an extroverted girl who needs to feel appreciated in order to keep functioning. Stubborness is one of her main flaws, she just finds it very difficult to admit she was wrong about something and is not known for apologizing, verbally at least. She is a great dancer and used to be on the cheer team but had to quit because she kept doing her own thing instead of following choreography.
Ziula, believe it or not, is the current Student Council President of Pendragon High. She does a good job, especially talented in organizing and planning events. The more serious matters are entrusted to her vice-president, Su Huang. They are best friends which was started by them both being daughters of Emperors and they’ve evolved into a great duo of enthusiasm and professionalism. Their dads have also become friends through their daughters, family day is always a blast with all four of them together!
Her dad is Emperor Kuzco and her mother is Empress Malina, a famous journalist. She has a younger brother named Manu who is 5 years younger than her. Their dad insisted on being active in raising his children, not wanting to hand them over to caretakers like he was. She gets along great with both her parents, her brother is annoying but she does care for him and is a protective big sister. Summer vacations were spent with Pacha and his family, just like he taught Kuzco he made sure she was kind and considered other people’s feelings.
Ziula is on the short side at 5′2 but ignores this when she can, she’d rather parkour around the kitchen than ask anyone for help. She has long black hair and dark brown eyes. She influenced the school into having relaxed uniform rules, as long as you wear something red it’s counted as a uniform. For the students who don’t care much for fashion and/or appearance there is still the standard uniform they wear but not for Ziula! She is always seen in a red dress, sandals and lots of gold and teal jewelry.
Fun facts about Ziula are: she is left handed, she has a huge collection of Llama plushies and she despises physical touch.
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The Exciting Adventures of Getting Lost
In hindsight it really wasn't a smart idea, two Crown Princesses who have never walked anywhere without being escorted going into the forest alone. It started when the school suggested a bonding activity for students, a forest hike! The Student Council was excited for this plan, Ziula and Su Huang immediately got to working on it. First, at the urging of Su Huang, they handled the logistics like: How many students? Which teacher will join? When and at what time? Then they got to the route, a map was given to them but the princesses didn't have a lot of experience with reading maps. They made the foolish decision of just quickly going to look through the forest to contextualize the map. ''Here's the entry to the forest, you have the map Su Huang?'' Ziula looked back at her best friend, who was in a gorgeous red hanfu and thus not dressed for the occassion. Ziula wasn't either, in a flowy red dress with sandals, exposing her legs and parts of her feet for all sorts of plants and sticks to poke at her skin. It'd be fine, they'd just take a little look around and they'll be back at school in no time. ''Yes I have it right here'' was said in Su Huang's usual calm tone. Heading their way in they just follow a path, they converse about student council stuff without looking at their surroundings and which way they were headed. After a short while they stopped at a small pond, Su Huang looked down at the map but couldn't place exactly where they were. Ziula felt deja vu coming on, of course she'd get lost in the forest just like her dad; Here's to hoping she wouldn't have to face any crocodiles or jaguars. Su Huang noticed her friends shift in demeanor and spoke up: ''If we stay calm we'll easily find our way back, panic is the cause of most accidents.'' She sounded just like her dad, Ziula thought. ''That's easy for you to say Su, your dad didn't torture you as a kid with the story of how he was lost in the forest, I had nightmares because of it!'' she sighed and started fidgeting with her fingers, ''of course my mom told him off about it but the harm was done.'' Su Huang was sitting on a tree trunk while thoroughly studying the map, biting her lip slightly when she felt her dress getting stuck to yet another tree branch. Ziula was pacing back and forth, mumbling about how her dad was never gonna let her live this down. ''We need to think about food distribution Su!'' holding her backpack she pulled all sorts of sugary sweets that she had no business carrying around. ''May I ask why you are carrying an entire candy store with you?'' Su Huang briefly looked up with a puzzled expression, her best friend evenly splitting it all down perfectly. ''I am always ready for survival! My dad prepared me! He said being hungry was the worst part and I'm not gonna start eating grass yet.'' she exclaimed while starting on a chocolate candy bar, laying on the ground which was uncomfortable with sticks cracking under the pressure. ''Do you think people have noticed our abscence yet?'' she whines from the ground, Su Huang looks down at her with mild amusement. ''I'm sure they have, I think it's best if we stay here.'' Truly, she just didn't feel like dragging her best friend around multiple miles in the forest. What they guessed roughly an hour had passed and no help seemed to arrive. ''That's it!'' Ziula got up, multliple plants and sticks which were stuck on her dramatically fell off. ''We are going to find our own way out!'' she proclaimed, grabbing her friends hand and hastily gathering their stuff. ''I know you're the mastermind of many awful ideas but this one I really doubt'' Su Huang tried to reclaim her hand but it might've well been handcuffed to Ziula. ''I know what I'm doing! I spent my summers with Pacha and his family, I'll figure it out!'' stubbornly she made her way down a randomly chosen path. Not wanting to get seperated Su Huang just accepted her fate and followed her friend. As they walked into the unknown suddenly a familiar voice was heard. ''Ziula hello!'' she turned her head and found one of the school's teachers Kronk standing there. ''Kronk! Help we are lost!'' Ziula blurted out, ''We are? I could've sworn I knew exactly where I was.'' Kronk said confused, looking around. ''Yeah no I'm pretty sure I know this place.'' The girls were relieved, they were covered in dirt and leaves but they were happy to see their trusted teacher. ''What are you doing in the forest sir?'' Su Huang was curious and had this strange feeling their mission was about to be obsolete. ''Well the school board is trying to organize a student bonding activity and I suggested a hike! So now I'm planning the route, would you two like to join the last bit?'' her suspicions were right, they did this all for nothing. Ziula's mouth was agape, staring at the tall man in shock. ''We... we... we DID THIS ALL FOR NOTHING?!'' she had enough and her friend had to hold her back from causing any further damage to herself. Kronk escorted the girls back to the school, which was a sight to see for all the students. The elegant Ziula and the graceful Su Huang looking like they fought bears to survive for months. A picture was snapped and quickly went viral online, it's now popularly used as a reaction image for when someone has gone through it. It reached both of their fathers, the Emperor of China was slightly amused, he thought this was a good lesson for Su Huang to have learned. Emperor Kuzco was less collected about it, laughing so hard he fell out of his throne. Just like Ziula suspected he would never let her live it down, now it's one of his favorite stories to tell people even though he wasn't even there. He exaggerates the story in ridiculous manner, Ziula had to fight a jaguar with her hands tied behind her back and Su Huang had tamed a crocodile and rode on its back to safety! No one of course believes him but it was his way of showing his love for his daughter.
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And that’s a wrap folks! I had a lot of fun making more of Ziula and hope you had fun reading. Feel free to send me an ask with any questions about her! Shoutout to everyone who voted on the poll and special shoutout to @vicapuleti​, she always helps me with my characters and helped A LOT with this one
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haliaiii · 8 months
tell us more abt sam and val plsplspls they are the backbone of our society i love hearing abt them
ofc ofc!! i love talking about them lmao
The story itself is called Retrograde and Sam and Val are the two main characters!
(Brace yourself it's kinda long!)
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Personality wise he's pretty reserved, doesn't really say much unless needed, he's more open with people he's close to
Though he may look moody, he's actually just awkward
Currently he's working as a bounty hunter to pay his rent and keep the license but really it's just a title and he just goes around accepting odd jobs that pay him
He doesn't kill people so he instead chooses to beat them up real bad and turn them in
Val isn't his real name, it's just a nickname. Barely anyone knows his real name aside from one or two people.
Doesn't have the best past (original i know but its plot relevant) but he's working through his mistakes and trying to make amends with himself and others
He was found drifting in the river on the verge of death but was miraculously revived by a doctor who ran a small clinic nearby
He got into bounty hunting because he could get a license that works as a valid form of id so he can rent an apartment and have a bank account while also being able to hide his identity (loopholes)
His eyes are actually not normal and are in fact a genetic condition he was born with! He gets a lotta stares and comments for it but he doesn't really care atp
Actually ridiculously good at dancing, he won a lot of competitions for ballroom dancing when he was in highschool and he could've gone professional if it weren't for certain other reasons
Because of his weirdly unique talent, he's really agile which makes him good at close hand combat
He's the one who drives both him and Sam around because he's the only one who has a hoverbike and can drive
Things he likes:
Ballet performances
The spicy shrimp noodles from his favorite thai restaurant
Cheesy romcoms (a secret)
Driving his hoverbike 30 miles above the speed limit
Things he doesn't like
Large crowds
Bugs (especially spiders)
People who don't respond to text messages
Messy eaters
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He's gonna have a longer description cause he's pretty plot relevant for the beginning
He's a pretty easy going guy, in many ways the opposite Val
Easy to get along with, most of the time he's pretty chill so he doesn't find it too hard to talk to people
Not really an extrovert tho, somewhere in the middle but still social if that makes sense
Val found him in an underground cave sleeping in a pod like thing while on a bounty
Somehow he managed to open the pod and wake Sam up, only to find out he has no recollection of anything that's happened to him nor who he is or his name
They decided to call him 'Sam' for now because it was printed on the tag hanging from his left ear
The last thing Sam remembers before waking up is a giant flash and burning buildings
Based on the weird room, sleeping pod, and the weird suit he's wearing, the two figure out that Sam's been asleep for a lot longer than he thought (more than 500 years)
He's actually from the Previous Era, which was an old civilization a lot more technologically advanced than the Current Era but was destroyed by a cataclysmic explosion (wonder what caused it?)
So Sam is technically many many years old atp but is still mentally the same age as Val
As you can guess he doesn't really take this very well
Turns out there was another pod next to Sam's pod that's been opened meaning that he may not be alone
Sam decides he wants to recover his lost memories and find out what happened to him and also find the person in the other pod, or at least what happened to them
Since he has no idea what the current era is like he enlists Val's help in exchange for helping him pay his rent.
He decides to keep his true identity a secret to not draw attention
He's actually really good at fighting and can hold up with Val pretty well so the two become partners
He's got these strange metal implants inside him, the most visible one around his neck which he's a bit self conscious about.
He doesn't know why it's there but it might have something to do with the blue ring above his head
The halo only turns off when he sleeps/lies down but seems to be above his head no matter what (he doesn't like it cause it draws a lot of attention)
His eyes are really unnatural and actually glow in the dark, another thing that freaks him out
His hair is naturally coral pink and not dyed (which is also a bit strange but not as much as the other things in his opinion)
Sam can't really read well, he's not sure if it's because he never learnt to read or the language has changed so much since he went to sleep, he's also not great at math
Kinda thanks to this he's also not great at budgeting and sometimes spends a lot of money on useless things that piques his interest (which causes him and val to do more bounties, much to val's dismay)
Even though he can be kind of an idiot sometimes, he does his best to fix his mistakes and make it up to people
Weapon of choice is dual guns!
Things he likes:
Sweet drinks (he's got a bad addiction to boba, milkshakes, and smoothies)
Arcade games (sucks at the fighting games but really good at rhythm games)
Astronomy (he knows nearly every constellation and its position by memory, it's kinda scary)
Action movies
Things he doesn't like:
Narrow hallways and closed spaces
Horror movies
Bugs (they're both screwed i know)
Some other fun facts !!
They live together in Val's apartment, they alternate sleeping on the couch and bed since Val felt bad
Even though Val said he'd only help Sam if he helped pay his rent, he actually didn't mind helping him for free and only added that because Sam insisted
Val is the only one who can cook out of the two, however that doesn't mean he's good at it, so they usually just order out most of the time
The world they live in is a mix between futuristic and post apocalyptic, yeah there's still technology but it's not as great as it was before
Part of this was because after the collapse of the previous era, rebuilding took a crazy long time and there was a big power struggle until the current government took control
There was a 4 year long civil war that happened and ended around 5 years before Sam woke up
There's currently a large supply shortage so for the past few decades so some technology has regressed
Their world is technically an alternate universe of our world, the divergent point happened around the late 1940s, I could go into it more but it's not that plot relevant but it is the reason they don't have a lot of today's modern technology despite it being many years into the future
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harus-simp · 11 months
Secret location
-Kamden x reader-
Warning:none, just fluff <3
Requested: Would u be able to write something fluffy and soft and cute for kamden, idk if u saw some of the clips from his fanmeet, specifically the vcr and like him confessing. Thank you (Anonymous)
Could u write a fic of Kamden confessing? Please and thank u (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anons, I decided to combine these two asks because they were kinda similar so I hope you don't mind
Hope you enjoy it :))
Being too different from one another felt like it was impossible to approach you in kamden's eyes. But who would have thought that a place would have made you connect so much?
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Ah, young love,some times easy, some times confusing and difficult. But what can we expect from this early life stage honestly.
Today we'll take the case of Na Kamden, a high school student that was utterly in love with one of his classmates, y/l y/n.
It was complicated for kamden to even strike up a normal conversation to even cross his mind to confess to you.
He was more on the quiet side, an introverted who enjoyed simple things such as flowers and nature, the chirping of birds, to name but a few.
You on the other side were one of the most popular girls on school,quite an extrovert that loved to be surrounded by nice people and that enjoyed going out a lot.
You were opposite to each other, not that similar, so someone could think that your paths wouldn't cross at all. But maybe those voices didn't know actually nothing about your future.
Another day were our silent pou was just admiring you from afar. In spite of being on the same classroom you two were complete strangers to each other, at least that is what kamden thought.
You did know who he was, you knew all your classmates. But you hadn't interacted properly before.
He always sat on the same row as you but on a corner, were he could appreciate your features and all your little actions.
Kamden wasn't the most out going person, but he did have friends. However his breaks were spent alone on what he liked to call his personal save space. On the school gardens there was a place that wasn't known by anyone, so he went there to spend some time with nature.
This day however, was different from the rest. He went there as always and placed himself near the little lake to eat something. Everything normal, nothing new.
What was new to him was the sound of footsteps getting closer. How did someone found this place? More important, who was the one approximating?
When he turned around his curiosity was soon replaced by nerves when he realised that someone was you.
"Oh, sorry I didn't knew someone was here, should I leave? I didn't want to disturb you"you said in the gentlest voice he had ever heard.
"Oh n-no don't worry, you can be here if you want"
Shit. Not only did he stuttered but his voice also got progressively lower, almost like a whisper.
"Oh thank you so much, I really needed a place that brought me at peace"
He nodded while letting you settle down next to him, but still keeping certain distance between both of you.
"Ahm, kamden right? We are from the same class, I don't know if you recognise me hehe. Y/n"you said while extending your hand
On the other hand, kamden was freaking out because fuck you knew who he was, how was that possible?
He stared at your hand hesitating at first but finally shaking it softly.
"Yes, I know who you are y/n, I mean everyone knows it"
"Oh, right haha"
But that awkward laugh made him realise that something was wrong. If he learned something from being quiet it was to be observant.
"Is... is something bothering you?"
You didn't know what came to you but seeing how he looked concerned for you gave him an image of a reliable person, someone that saw you for who you were. So you decided to tell him, what was the worst thing that could happen?
"It's just...I'm actually tired of being the center of attention. And I know that may sound like I'm being too eccentric but I genuinely don't like this lifestyle"
You took a breath and continued.
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my sister, I know that, but she was much better with popularity than I am and I just didn't want to disappoint her".
Kamden listened to you attentively and as he saw how you were starting to get sad, with a lot of courage he tried to comfort you.
"I don't think you could disappoint her y/n, if she's your sister she would support you no matter what path you choose. And taking into account your own feelings is not eccentric in my opinion"
You looked back at him while he was speaking and couldn't help but get captivated by him, by his way of talking and how he was trying to comfort you (which you found adorable btw).
"Thank you kamden, I really needed to hear that. Do you come here frequently?"
"Yes, on every break"
"Oh, I see. Then I hope we can see each other more often, bye"
And just like that you left him there feeling all fuzzy and flustered.
And since then you had started to talk more to him on classes and going almost every day to your now secret location to spend time together.
Slowly but yet firmly you had started to enjoy a lot his company and to fall little by little for him.
There was this specific day when you were playing with each other and you just randomly decided to take of his glasses. Best decision you had ever made.
You could actually notice how attractive he was, his long lashes, his soft plump lips, his silky black hair, his...
Omg. Why had no one talked about him yet? He was literally stunning.
"You are really handsome kam"you blurted out taking him by surprise.
"Oh um, thanks. You are also really pretty"
"Thanks"you answered giggling at his antics.
Yeah, that's were you caught feelings for him, moments like this literally made you feel so happy and he made you feel special que like you really mattered. You felt at ease and comfortable around him, you felt...YOU.
Oh, how you would love this instant lasted forever.
After lots and lots of thinking and basically insisting from his friends he made his decision, he was gonna confess to you. Everytime you looked at him with those sparkly eyes or you brushed your hands with his made it impossible for him to keep all his emotions well hidden. He felt incredibly overwhelming by you, he needed to let everything out.
Now, did he know how was he gonna confess? Absolutely not. But that's were his friends were helping him.
On a Saturday he asked you to hang out together on the same hidden spot although school was closed, but taking into account the meaning of that place for both of you he knew he just had to say it there.
And the hangout went on smoothly and without any major problems, but it was getting late and he knew that it was time to go home, so this was the moment to finally speak what was on his mind.
"Um, y/n, can I tell you something?"
You looked at him curiously.
"Yeah sure"
"Okay, I don't know if you'll get mad at me or maybe things get awkward between us but I need to get this off my chest. I- I've been having a crush on you for a while now, even before you approached me here and I just needed to let you know"
At the lack of response and the look of shock on your face he seemed to start retreating from his words.
"I'm sorry if that seems weird, um you can forget I said it if you wa-"
He was interrupted by your lips giving him a sweet and long peck making him melt instantly and grab your waist delicately.
You smiled onto the kiss and separated from him smiling softly at him.
"I like you too silly"
Those words made kamden smile nervously at you and just his his head on your shoulder to not let you see the redness on his cheeks (you saw it either way lol)
"Thank God, I don't know what I would have done if you hated me or something"
"Well you don't have to worry about it anymore pretty boy"you said carrasing his hair
And just with that simple confession your love story together started and you could finally get away from your life as the center of the room. You could finally enjoy the little things you so much wanted hand in hand with your new lover ❤️
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superman--yoosung · 10 months
hi hello! (◍ ´꒳` ◍) i happened to stumble upon your Genshin matchup event so i was wondering if i could participate?
— pronoun preference(s): she/they
— gender preference: male
— ballpark age preference: adult, but not Diluc please
— personality + morals/beliefs: i'm generally easygoing and patient, and often mistaken for an extrovert because of how friendly i can be. i've been told i'm very easy and calming to be around, however, i love my alone time more than socialising. i also have a bad habit of nagging people when i'm worried about them but can rarely spare a thought for myself ^^; i believe in what goes around comes around, both in its negative and positive meaning, so i try to do what i think is right while not wasting energy on stupid/mean people (sometimes it's hard though sigh)
— likes + dislikes: i love languages, and folktales (especially those that have eerie or unsettling undertones to it, same goes for books). i'm majoring in english right now as well! i also love, writing, dogs, flowers and stargazing.
as for dislikes, i don't like cold weather, extremely loud places like large concerts, and being stuck in someone else's rythm (them deciding on everything, listening to only them talk etc.)
— what vision you think you would have and why: perhaps electro because i feel like i'm often in my own dream world that i'm trying to lightly assimilate into my life.
— embarrassing moment from your life: as a kid i used to think you can actually fly with your umbrella like Mary Poppins if you jumped from a high enough place (places i jumped from include: a big oak, a greenhouse roof and a piano)
— additional info: i can speak four languages (three fluently, one is still under work xD), think i'm good at singing although i'm actually not but sing aloud anyway, and really want to visit a big desert or a tundra and just look at a humongous sea of stars!
that's all, thank you so much! hopefully this wasn't too much info, i apologise if it was ^^; and naturally, no need to do this if you don't feel like it. take care and have a lovely day <3
Hello! Thank you for sending in your ask!! This was really fun to do since you have so many interesting small details!!
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Your matchup is.................................................
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Alhaitham !!
Your interests and expertise just align so well. It was inevitable that you eventually crossed paths, and the rest was history!
..... Sort of. Your personalities don't seem similar at first - others outside of your friend groups expect you to be far too extroverted for Alhaitham, who would much rather spend his time quietly on the things that interest him. But unbeknownst to them, that's exactly how you feel, too - why spend energy and time on folks and topics whose presence and example fail to bring positive influence into your sphere?
Perhaps that's what kept Alhaitham coming back to you - that kindred spirit, that appreciation for simpler joys in life, that depthless yearning to learn about what you love.
Either way, what began as a shared love of languages and academic pursuits eventually morphed into something more between the two of you.
Fun details:
Electro + Dendro on the field means you two create some powerful reactions in battle!
When the weather gets cold, he'll always have your favorite warm drink ready and waiting by the time you get home. He won't let you wear his cape to stay cozy, though, so if you want it you'll have to steal it!
You probably get along with Alhaitham's friends better than he does!
Your evenings are usually spent quietly pursuing your interests in each other's presence; Alhaitham on one end of the couch reading a book, and you on the other finishing a paper or reciting new vocab for a language you're learning (and by the way, he'll chime in with a correction or critique now and then, too, because - of course he would)
You may nag him from time to time, and he'll usually follow your advice without question, as long as it's reasonable - but he'll always use that rational mind of his to point out when you've done so to your own detriment!
If you've forgotten to take care of yourself, he'll remind you to do so - he'll ask if you've eaten your meals, if you're sleeping well, whether you need to blow off some steam, etc. He tends to do so without a filter, though, so he tends to be blunt about it.
You, and only you, are allowed to regularly use his spare pair of noise-cancelling headphones.
If you suggest a visit to the desert or tundra or even just to go stargazing, he'll be happy to plan the entire trip with you - it gives him a reason to use his vacation days, and more importantly, it'll put a smile on your face for a week.
Your wild imagination is something that amuses him. Though he'll always logically point out the flaws in your daydreams, it's partly just to see your reaction. If you met as children, he definitely tagged along in your jumping shenanigans, but only to say "I told you so" when they inevitably didn't go how you hoped.
He doesn't make it a secret that he values your opinions, both academically and personally. He values your input and always takes it into account.
And what does he loves about you most? A simple question with a simpler answer: Your mind, which is both capable of highly logical thought as well as the most unrealistic of dreams. A juxtaposition he finds enthralling. He does also like to admire your frame in the moonlight, too, underneath all of those stars you so love - how the shadows cast along your shoulders, how your hair reflects the night's light.
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~~I hope this is to your liking. I was very close to picking Zhongli for you because I thought he would be able to tell you the best folktales, but in the end I went with Alhaitham because I thought you shared some important views/interests. Have a good day~!
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