#yes this is referencing the time i accidentally called one of my friends angel in a twitter reply
echokelly · 1 year
seeing my friends in such a tender light is gonna backfire on me again i stg
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jflashandclash · 2 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Flynn: Silenced IV
   Oh, My Wonderous Flynn,
I miss you.
She hates you.
Hates when I talk about you. Fear wracks me each time I incur her iced envy, fear that she’ll eat my dreams and inhale my memories—more—she’s already has
Sweet as poisoned honey, kind as Rohypnol before the trauma, patient and methodical as a farmer gavaging a goose to rupture its liver for consumption.[1] Ever present. As a child, to think how I sang jubilation to the omnipresent, encompassing God, one that coddled and defended the innocent from the sadism of the universe. And now, to be tormented with true omnipresence and true circumscription: her eyes ever-watching, her hands ever-touching, her mouth ever-murmuring those lascivious slither of suggestions.
           Oh, Flynn, my love, Flynn.
           I fear
           I hate her. She desired my love so violently that she earned my ire.
           She’s coming.
         And the message cut off. The handwriting was unmistakably Jack’s. No one would dare to call her, “my love” or “my wondrous” other than Jack. She’d made sure to that.
         There was poetic scribbling in the corners, tucked into the other side of the crumpled, folded paper:
 Like a full body straight jacket. You grant me my sanity and take away my freedom, my voice—what sick torture is this?
 Flynn trembled at the pit in her stomach. The paper shook so much that she was shocked Prometheus could read it. “Who,” she said, her voice hardly above a growl, “is he talking about?”
Prometheus leaned over her extended hand, skimming. His grey eyes went from glazed disinterest to surprised concern. “Oh, I did not foresee this… I would have thought it would be Luke or Axel or, even, Lucille…”
He and the other titans hadn’t rested much recently. Flynn had seen to it: no one rested while Jack was missing. She’d killed several Romans in a rage-fit while interrogating them. All maritime troops were scouring the oceans for any sign of Jack even… even if that sign was a corpse.
Then this. Pontus, the Titan of the Sea, drifted the bottled letter to the only recruit who wouldn’t think it was a trick. Pax had run shrieking to Axel and Flynn had intercepted him.
Since the ambush on Alabaster’s laboratory, Flynn had learned that Jack wasn’t helpless, that they could burn the world together with his angelic song as their theme. He could still accidentally make an ice cream pallor look like the end of MacBeth if left unattended. But, he wasn’t prone to becoming a damsel, not the way this note detailed. Other than the moments he broke down murdering Apollo’s children and the moments after Thalia pushed Luke off a cliff, she’d never heard him spew such hatred.
After weeks of sleepless nights—of punching Jack’s bed banisters until she crumbled to tears or until Pax came in to hug her, of Luke surfacing out of Kronos to panic over his friend—this was the first message they received and it was a distress call.
Flynn would destroy whoever hurt him. Kind as Rohypnol before the trauma. Nausea, so deeply repressed she could only feel it as a rock in her abdomen, resurfaced. She thought about her uncle, and the day she discovered she could use words and actions on him the same way he’d used words and actions to teach her the casualness of violence.
         “None of your dramatics. Who is it?” she snarled. The lack of sleep and constant tension had frayed her patience.
         “Calm now, Flynn. I believe he’s referencing…” Prometheus frowned. He brushed some invisible lint off his tuxedo. He and Morpheus had gotten into a competition to be the most stylish in Camp Othrys, much to Krios’ delight and Kronos’ irritation. “Yes, my niece. Calypso.”
         “Your niece? A titaness? Where can I find her?”
         “It’s not that simple, Flynn. Mortals can’t just go there. Demigods can’t just go there—”
         “Then make it that simple.” There were few things Flynn cared about in this world: Jack and her Nǎinai. One would die without the other, as Nǎinai’s health had already deteriorated over the weeks without Jack’s healing song.
         Before Prometheus could do more than deepen his frown, someone squeaked from the doorway. The Titan’s lodging had walls made of black marble and obsidian. A bustling of twisted hair poked out from around the dark stone. The electric wall torch glinted off a yellow eye. (Titans didn’t like modern technology, but Matthias was determined to update their archaic preferences, usually with occasional explosions of glitter.)
         Someone gently encouraged Pax forward. He, Axel, Lucille, and Luke stepped into the room. Axel wore his Maya war paint and a Greek breastplate. Ever since the ambush, Pax had gathered darts to tack onto a Batbelt, as he called it. That and the massive black jacket—that apparently some hobo had traded for Pax’s new winter jacket, convincing Pax he’d look more menacing—made him look ready for a stealth mission. Lucille, herself, looked like the glass figurine of a war goddess. Her blonde hair was pulled into a perfect bun and her leather armor made her look smaller rather than larger.
         The ballerina was an unlikely warrior, but Flynn knew her ferocity in battle. Their combined charm speak could probably convince Zeus to slice off his own gonads—an excellent hypothesis that both of them wanted to test. Maybe, if they tossed those into the ocean, they’d get a love goddess that wasn’t as shitty as their mother.[2]
         “We want to help,” Lucille said. “Pax said you got word from Jack. A cry for help.”
         “One that didn’t rhyme. That’s the scary part,” Pax mumbled.
         “Ajax,” Axel said.
         “What? He made our chore list rhyme and in iambic pentameter just to show me what it was!”
         “Focus.” Axel jammed his hands into his nonexistent pockets, frowned, and folded his hands over his biceps. “We need to get Jack back—”
“—ha. Ha. Jack Back…. I miss him,” Pax said, “What kind of a band would we be without a lead singer?”
         Luke, sweat-soaked and shaking, nodded at the back of the group. He scowled at Flynn. Without Jack around, Luke viewed her as an unhinged liability. There was something only she could give him: bouts of sanity. Flynn could charmspeak Kronos into a slumber. The fear for his best friend had given Luke a renewed surge to fight Kronos off. “He’s important to the camp. Moral has crashed and they started throwing goats during the monster meditation sessions. And not in the happy way.”
         Typically, Flynn preferred working alone. Seeing her “sons,” her actual half-sister, and their shitbag leader brought her some comfort. Even if this Calypso could somehow stop Flynn, she probably couldn’t stop the group of them.
         Flynn tapped her fingers along the blades she kept in her hair. Pax was still too gentle for this. As he’d grown, he reminded her more and more of Jack’s tenderness. She and Jack were so proud that Pax tried to hang someone with a cable during the ambush. Pity the cable must have broken. She and Jack took Pax and Axel to the circus and for ice cream as a private celebration away from the party, but neither boy seemed festive at the massacre.
         Luke’s shaky scowl slipped to Prometheus. This was distinctly Luke. If it was Kronos, he wouldn’t have cared about Jack. She could further tell from the way his cheek twitched—likely from biting it. One of the nights she’d decided to puppet Luke as a toy, she’d discovered the deep scars on the inside of his mouth. “How do we get him? I—I can’t go, but I want this handled.” They knew he could slip any moment. No point starting an operation only to have Kronos cancel it.
         Prometheus sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Calypso is not… she is not a battle to be fought. A chess master who has lacked a proper contender for centuries? Yes. Convincing her to surrender someone is like convincing a gardener to part with their prized flower. And, she can be very convincing.”
         “So can we,” Lucille said. She hesitated a hand over Flynn’s shoulder. Instead of patting it, she gave Flynn a thumbs up. Flynn both appreciated the gesture and Lucille’s restraint from actually touching her.
         “Lucille is right. Between the two of us, she can’t say no, titaness or not,” Flynn said, and, oh, was she crafting a creative list of ideas for Calypso.
         Prometheus shook his head. “It would be unwise to attack her head on or to attempt charm speak her on her own island. The best route would be for me to go alone.”
         The room deflated. Axel’s shoulder sagged. Pax’s lower lip trembled.
         Lucille frowned. “Is she a charm speaker?”
         Prometheus considered this question. “She has a way with words. Her island is her magical fortress. Even I don’t know exactly how things work there. But, she has respected orders from the gods before and she is Atlas’ daughter—”
         “So was that bitch, Zoe,” Flynn growled. The prophecy Selena supplied them, about a child dying by her father’s hand, was supposed to apply to Chiron dying at Kronos’ hand, not to Zoe. Her death meant far less to them, other than proving to Luke that Thalia was fully brainwashed by the gods. The titans should know that familial connections meant nothing in the Greek world.
         Prometheus opened his mouth for more words—words that Flynn didn’t trust to lead to action. Fortunately, Luke cut him off. He pointed to Flynn. “Take her. She’s the strongest out of all of u—out of them. In the event that your crafty counsel goes poorly, she is the best back up.” Luke glared. “That’s an order, Prometheus.”
         And, Flynn knew how much Titans enjoyed orders.
         Prometheus didn’t protest, as Krios of Hyperion would have. He stared through Luke, his eyes hollow with the ambience of omnipotence. “Very well.” Before Lucille, Pax, or Axel could counter the decision, he hovered a hand above Flynn’s shoulder.
         She closed her eyes a heartbeat before the room vibrated and radiated into something her mind couldn’t process. Others had survived witnessing the Titan’s mode of travel, but Matthias said he’d never have Taco Bell again afterwards. Hopefully Lucille and the boys had shut their eyes in time. Even behind closed eyes, the light’s brilliance made the darkness of nothing tinted red.
         As they disintegrated, Flynn considered their opponent: one of Atlas’ daughters. Atlas himself had been underwhelming, but Flynn didn’t like to underestimate an adversary. She preferred to hit hard and fast, so she didn’t need to ask or answer questions later.    
         The brilliance outside dimmed from blistering red to reasonable warmth. A breeze cradled her chin. The charm at the end of her hair blades swayed, gently tugging at her bun. Everything smelled salty and fresh.
         Water soaked through her shoes and into the ends of her jeans. Her heart leapt at the melancholic strum of a guitar.
         Flynn opened her eyes to a blinding paradise island: rolling meadows, a beach, a cavern off in the distance.
And, there he was.
         “Flynn,” Prometheus warned.
         The music stopped. The makeshift guitar dropped silently into the sand, leaving the island with nothing but the rhythmic flush of the water.  
         Everything else blurred to nothing.
His messy, red flag of hair had been trimmed down, much shorter than he preferred. He wore all white—a color Jack despised. He ran towards them, waving his hands, uncannily silent. Other than when he slept, Flynn had never heard him this quiet. Flynn didn’t plan to see Jack first. Her legs responded with a lack of discipline that made the stagiest in her scream with alarm. This could have been a trap. This could have—
Jack jerked to a violent stop, his feet slipping out from under him. Flynn snatched out her hair blades. He might have been shot in the back or, in a more comically, invisibly clotheslined. Before Flynn could stop her momentum and duck for cover, she saw what kept him silenced.
There was a thin white collar around his neck. The material ran taut back inland. His ragged breath choked on a similarly silky white gag. Tears streamed down to soak the fabric. He grabbed at her with the desperation of a drowning victim, floundering against his leash. His eyes bulged and his brow furrowed with the noiseless sobs.
This was how you disarmed a child of Apollo.
Flynn dropped to her knees beside Jack. She slashed a stiletto through his leash. As the blade cut, the strings rewove themselves, like she’d been trying to cut light.
“Release him,” she snarled, jamming her stilettos back into her hair.
The fabric exploded into frays. The leash thinned and warped until the material could no longer stand the tension Jack exerted onto it.
Jack flopped forward against her. This close, the contrast of white fabric and bruised skin was stark. Considering how rapidly Jack normally healed, he must have been twisting and struggling against the binding recently. The sight of him, sobbing into her shoulder, quenched her stomach with a nauseating rage. The way he gripped at her, like she too could dissolve into sand, the way he pressed his gagged mouth to hers—
She dug her nails into the fabric between his lips. “Release him.”
         It exploded off, revealing red imprints in his skin. His mouth moved to repeat her name with each breath, with each kiss, with each vibration of a sob. There was no noise other than the rustling of his skin against hers. Too quiet. No vocalization or humming.
         He smelled different: a perfect harmony of salt water and flowers and spices. Probably like Calypso.
         Less gentle than she wanted, Flynn grabbed Jack’s shoulders to shove him back. “What’s wrong with your voice?”
         He froze. Jack swallowed, more tears streaming down his cheeks. Rolling onto his side, he dragged his finger along the sand.
         He drew a stick figure torso atop that stupid Jesus Fish symbol that was on all the cars in her and Jack’s little Baptist town. A mermaid. She might not have understood the reference had Jack not forced her to watch The Little Mermaid so they could have matching Halloween costumes. Jack got to be a redheaded merman and she got to be a mariner that disemboweled a sea witch with a ship’s  figurehead. Acceptable and potentially very relevant.
         “A sea witch stole your voice?” she asked, begrudgingly happy that he orchestrated a family day for them to play charades. It might come in more combat handy than she could have predicted.
         “A sea witch that is currently present.”
         Flynn hadn’t forgotten Prometheus, but Jack startled and cowered against her as the Titan settled a large hand on either of their shoulders. Likely to comfort Jack and to restrain her.
         A woman stood along the beach. Her delicate hands covered her mouth in disbelief. Tears streaked her face. Flynn knew not to trust that glow of innocence. The most dangerous people in the world thought they were doing something that was moral. Morality and ethics gave people righteousness, the ability to feel justified in subverting others.
Flynn needed no such excuses.
         “Wait,” Prometheus breathed. “Calypso,” he greeted, “Dear me. A leash? A gag? Cousin, what is this?”
         Her hands shook. Her almond-colored eyes were crestfallen as she reached out towards Jack to trace his face in the air.
         Jack flinched. His breath turned to panicked panting.
         “Prometheus—no—if you’re here… and you brought her…” With her hair braid tucked to the side and her white dress fluttering in the island breeze, she looked like a forlorn Southern belle. Calypso’s lip quivered. “Are the titans no more merciful than the gods? Do they have such jealousy when a goddess takes a mortal bedfellow? Will you deprive me of him how Artemis stole Orion from Eos? Or how they robbed Demeter?”
The rage spread from inside Flynn’s stomach into her chest. That was the angle she was taking.
         Prometheus released Jack to rub his forehead. “Calypso, you didn’t tie and gag Odysseus, Columbus, Doris Miller, or any of the other dozens of men you’ve had here.”
         She clenched one fist. “He… he kept trying to swim out to sea, and it kept making him ill, so I had to keep him tether to the shore unless I was there as escort. And, he threatened to make me sick with his voice, to use as leverage to let him go. His voice is powerful. He managed to sing through some of my weaving. I needed double assurance—I know his fate! He’s safer here. He’ll be better off here. If only he knew, he’d agree.”
         “I tire of this parley, Prometheus,” Flynn growled. She was experiencing one of the few hesitations she had: indecision on how to mutilate your enemy. Prometheus’s grip tightened on her shoulder. When they returned to Mount Othrys, she’d have to remind him why no one but Jack and Pax were allowed to touch her.
         “Calypso, you are no decreer of the Fates, and, by Zeus’ order, no lover of yours will remain here forever. Do you want Kronos, after his rise to power, to make your fate a worse one?” Although Prometheus gave no physical indication, the threat lay heavy on his words. “You are holding his host’s best friend as prisoner.”
         Calypso’s expression contorted, though Flynn couldn’t tell if it was from fear or rage. Her gaze flicked to the trembling mass in Flynn’s arms.
         “You will be cursed, Jack,” she cried, “You will both know the torment of the Fields of Punishment and you will know the curse of dismembered immortality. If you stay here, you’ll avoid both fates. You, Prometheus, of all titans, should know that is not an offer to be taken lightly!”
         Prometheus’ grip slackened.
Jack’s shudders turned violent.
Flynn refused to risk Prometheus sympathizing with this sea witch. First, she would rid Calypso of her tongue, as she had deprived Jack of his voice. Flynn opened her mouth to speak.
         “I will transport you back, without Jack, if you say a word,” Prometheus said softly into her ear.
         Flynn scowled up at him, tightening her hold on Jack.
         Prometheus wasn’t looking at her. He’d straightened, gaze set on Calypso. “Calypso, you must promise to detain no more heroes like this. If not, when the titans win the war, I’ll assure no more companions are sent and you are forgotten. Do not harm my humans like this again. They may only stay off their own volition. If they should choose to leave, let them leave of their own free will. And for Kronos’ sake, provide them a raft, in case you get any more dinky heroes like Jack.”
         Calypso stood eerily still. With the sunrays and sway of trees behind her, she could have been a mirage. Her sobs quieted. Her fists clenched. She closed her eyes, perfect skin temporarily wrinkled with consternation. After an exhale, she relaxed her fingers and opened her eyes. She withdrew a thick thread from her collar, one that matched the red of Jack’s hair. “Is he not frail because he is ill?” she asked, softly, while snapping the thread in half.
         Jack’s next inhale came with a throaty whimper. He withdrew from Flynn, his eyes wide with alarm. The son of Apollo twisted to face Calypso, snarling, “No, you judgmental bitch, I’m just gangly! You stained-glass gas chamber! You—you—!” His voice cracked, hoarse from disuse.
         Prometheus shushed him. “While an apt description, I doubt Calypso knows what a gas chamber is.”
         There were a countable number of times that Flynn heard Jack swear and never so fluidly. He normally stumbled over them with the robotic stammer of a grandparent using modern slang.
         Tears streamed down Calypso’s cheeks anew. A sob rose with each breath. She refused to look at Jack, keeping her gaze level with Prometheus. As though Jack hadn’t said anything, she demanded, “I will agree to your terms, but only after I have known their love! I’ll let them leave, I’ll give them a raft, but only after I love them and they love me in return.”
         “Paralytic spider dressed as a Whore of Babylon—!” although hoarse and quiet, Jack’s voice picked up a tune. He was trying to sing.
         Prometheus pressed a hand over his mouth.
         With Jack’s weakened condition, Flynn wondered if he and she could overpower Prometheus to kill this brat.
         “Fine! Fine!” Prometheus said. His impatience made Flynn think they could. “After you’ve—ow! Jack.”
         From the way Prometheus jerked his hand back and Jack twisted away from him, more into Flynn, Jack must have bitten him. “Do not steal my voice from me,” Jack hissed. He nuzzled into Flynn’s chest. “Don’t let them take my voice from me again.” This time, he was begging her.
         Flynn’s scowl deepened.
         “Just a few more minutes.” Prometheus looked hurt. For being a titan of forethought, Flynn wanted to snarl at him for his thoughtlessness. They didn’t know how long Jack had been gagged. She wondered if Jack would struggle with being shushed.
The titan raised his gaze back to Calypso. “Agreed—after you’ve known their love. But then you better give them a route to leave. All we need is Luke showing up here and being too stupid to build a boat and it ruining our whole war effort.”
         “If she was dead, we wouldn’t need to worry about it,” Flynn said, expecting Prometheus to try silencing her. Had he tried, she would have done more than bitten him. She knew he could regrow limbs.
         Calypso fully acknowledged Flynn for the first time, examining her. There were two typical reactions Flynn received from onlookers. Either people noticed her curves first and scanned up in anticipation only to spot her face with horror, or they saw the withered, burned disfigurement of her face and nothing else. Calypso was different. She took in Flynn’s deformities with disgust and slowly worked her way down, surveying her clothing and her body.
         “Mangled, barren Flynn,” she whispered, “who provides him neither marriage nor child. Neither loyalty nor warmth.”
         Flynn had no interest exchanging pettiness. She never hid any of this from Jack and had hardened any self-hatred or shame she had into weapons instead of vulnerabilities. Before Flynn could utilize them, Jack snarled, “Be silent, you queen of thieves—no—no—that’s too cool a title for you! You Distributor of Asphyxiation! How dare you speak to her.”
Although his hands still clenched her, Jack stood up straighter and drew his shoulders back. When he scowled at Calypso, his eyes seemed clearer and his focus direct. Flynn wondered how long ago he’d run out of medication. “Don’t kill her, Flynn,” Jack said, “She’s just a fucked up, miserable soul. She’ll be sadder alive.”
Calypso covered her mouth again, choking on more sobs.
“No one is killing anyone,” Prometheus said, “Calypso, do we have a deal?”
The lady of Ogygia refused to look at them. She waved a hand in answer as though she could erase their presence off the island.
Flynn couldn’t tell if it was Calypso’s will or Prometheus’ that altered reality. She wasn’t even sure if she lucked into blinking at the right time or if she held her eyes closed out of reflex against the brilliant light.
All she knew was that Jack was home.
Author’s note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! One more instillation of the Silenced series left! Thank those of you for still reading despite my Covid hiatus. I hope you’re all doing well and you and your families are safe!
[1] If this sounds horrifying, don’t look up Fouie Gras.
[2] I still can’t get over that Aphrodite was born from Kronos’ castrated dick. Do you think that’s part of Luke’s plan? To capture Aphrodite and demand his dick back?
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Hi :) I... really wanna read a fanfic or two but I can't find one I vibe with xD So... do you know one that's not too long (around 100k words maybe), has hurt and comfort, smut (am I allowed to ask about that?? Ahhhh) and a happy ending? Top!lock would be a bonus but it's not necessary. And if it's a nice AU (like... any kind but no crossovers pls), it would be perfect! :D By the way, I found your blog only a few hours ago and I already feel really comfy and Idk, kinda at home here ^-^
Hi Nonny!!!
Welcome to my corner of the Tumblrsphere!!! I’m so happy you’ve found me, LOL, because I love all my followers and friends! <3
First of all, I think it’s super cute that “not too long” to you is “around 100K” LOL LOL LOL!!! <3 That said, I’d argue all my fic recs are fabulous, LOL. But again, I’m stupidly proud of the wonderful lists I’ve accumulated, because it satisfies my organization kink LOL. And yes, you’re ALWAYS allowed to ask for smut here LOL. 
ANYWAY, so I’m gonna use this ask as an excuse to post up a long-overdue part two to my 50 to 100K fic list! But first, here’s some past lists for the genres you’re looking for:
Toplock (Mar 2020)
Please Check PG 3 for all my AU fic lists. There’s a lot :)
Hurt / Comfort Pt. 1: Under 5K Words 
Hurt / Comfort Pt. 2: 5K to 10K Words
Fandom Favourites / Popular Fics
I hope those will get you started! So now, here’s the main event!! Hope you enjoy them!
50 - 100 K WORDS Pt. 2 (Novel Length)
See also:
Fics Under 2000 w.
Fics Under 2000 w. Pt. 2
Fics Under 2000 w. Pt. 3
E-Rated Johnlock for Newcomers Pt 1 (Short Fics under 20K)
Novella Length Fics: 25 to 50K (Aug. 2019)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. (May 2019)
Long S3/Post-S3 Fics (20K+ w.) [Apr 2020]
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017)
Smut-Free Fics Over 50K (Aug 2019)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
Never Change a Running System by Lorelei_Lee (E, 54,246 w. || Pre-TRF, Romance, Humour, Drama, Sex Toys, Anal, Rimming, Masturbation, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Public Sex, First Kiss / Time, Virgin Sherlock / Loss of Virginity, Accidental Voyeurism, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Experiments, Naive Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Straight With an Exception John, Hand Jobs) – Sherlock discovers his sexuality – with far-reaching consequences for John.
A Hundred Crimson Sols by elldotsee (E, 55,536 w. || Astronauts AU || Mars Exploration / Space Travel, Slow Burn, Shy Sherlock, Scientist Sherlock / Biomed Engineer John, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, UST, Angst with Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, Suicidal Ideation, Zero-G Sex) – Will Holmes is a chemical researcher recognized widely for his contributions to the new Mars exploration program. Thanks to his ground-breaking developments, the IMMC (International Mars Mission Corporation) is one step closer to Martian colonization. Will and his team of scientists are headed out on the first of three manned missions before the first group of settlers arrive. Three days before launch, one of the crew has to be replaced. Will panics because...new people. The replacement is of course one John Watson, biomedical engineer and space hottie who was pretty sure he had retired from actual space exploration and was now content to work in the nice, quiet research lab. Can the crew survive this TOTALLY ROUTINE trip? Will they be able to endure each other for the looooooong trip in close quarters? Gonna be a wild ride... prepare for blast off. Part 1 of the SpaceBois go to Space series
The Thing Is by TSylvestris (E, 56,743 w. || Case Fic, Dev. Rel., Anal/Oral, Blow Jobs, Meddling Mycroft, Drama, Romance, Humour, Casual Encounters, Pining Idiots, Possessive Sherlock, Orgasm Delay, Rough / Alley Sex, Public Sex, John Whump, Drugged John, Emotional Love Making, Awkward Relationship, Marriage of Convenience, Switchlock) – The problem with living with Sherlock, John thought, was that you never, never, ever knew the significance of anything. Like your flatmate's nose buried in your hair. Whilst you're in bed. Part 1 of Nitroglycerine
One Little Change by jadztone (E, 58,312 w. || ASiB Divergence, Fake Relationship, Bed Sharing, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Bi John / Gay Demisexual Sherlock, Switchlock, Alternating POV, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Case Fic, Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Love Making, Butt Plugs, Cuddles) – Our story begins right after John and Sherlock's first meeting with Irene Adler in September. It splits off into an AU that imagines them taking a case where they act as bait to hook a killer targeting closeted gays in secret relationships. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, many things happen that have our boys wondering if maybe they have a chance with each other. Then Irene fakes her death on Christmas Eve, and things get a lot more complicated - especially since they still have a killer to catch.
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w. || Notting Hilll AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant -- but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
The Burning by SrebrnaFH (M, 60,658 w. || Reverse Reichenbach, Suicide, Depression, Hurt Sherlock / John, Separation, BAMF John, Good Big Brother Mycroft, Angst, Implied/Referenced Torture, Fake Character Death, Rescue Mission, Reconciliation / Reunion, Hospitalization, Marriage Proposal, Illnesses, Physical Therapy, Happily Ever After) – Something went very, very wrong. John had seemed, if not happy, then reasonably content with his life. Sherlock had never predicted something like THIS might have happened. Not in his worst nightmares. He was the lousiest friend ever, apparently. At least Mycroft found him something to occupy his mind with, so that he didn't have to go back to 221B and stare at the walls and the chair, where John Watson would never sit again.
This Thing All Things Devours by cypress_tree (E, 63,844 w., 15 Ch. || In Time AU || Science Fiction, Dystopian Universe, First Meetings, Action / Adventure, Romance) – In 2169, time is money—literally. Humans are genetically engineered to stop aging at 25, when the numbers on their arm start counting down from one year. When that time is up, they die. The only way to get more time is to earn it, borrow it, or steal it.John Watson lives day-to-day in the crowded slums of Zone 13. He never imagined living any differently—until he meets the practically-immortal Sherlock, and helps him on a case to track a local time-thief...
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths...
Hell Sent, Heaven Bound by ConsultingHound (M, 64,381 w, 16 Ch. || Angels / Demons AU ||  Fallen Angel Sherlock / Angel Cop John, Alternate First Meeting, Slow Burn, Case Fic, John & Lestrade are Friends Before Sherlock, BAMF John, Mind Palace John, Friends to Lovers, John in Denial, Sherlock Picks Out John’s Clothing, Clubbing / Dancing, Mildly Jealous John, Awkwardness, Kidnapping, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Sacrifice, Worried / Anxious Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Immortal to Mortal) – Ex-War healer and current angelic guard John Watson is not having the best day. He overslept, he’s underpaid, and now there’s someone tagging the Council’s building walls. However things may be about to get interesting: there’s an unusual stranger hanging around (the definition of tall, dark, and handsome), a literal underground cult is brewing, and rumblings are coming from hell. Can he keep his neighbourhood safe, how and why is he being connected to all this, and who the hell is Sherlock Holmes?
White Knight by DiscordantWords (M, 69,840 w., 13 Ch. || S4 Compliant/Post S4, Marriage For a Case, Jealous John, Pining John, Janine / Sherlock Fake Relationship, Serial Killers, Case Fic, Undercover as a Couple, Weddings, John is a Mess, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Jealousy, Drunkenness, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience. Standing there amidst Janine's chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it. Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
Just To Hold You Close by sussexbound (E, 70,841 w., 18 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, Sherlock POV, ASD Sherlock, PTSD John, Demisexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Cuddling/Snuggling, Platonic Cuddling, Enthusiastic Consent, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Sexual Tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddle Negotiations, For a Case Until It Isn’t, Hair Petting, Sexual Negotiation, Anxiety, Trust Issues, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Frottage, Hand/Blow Jobs, Referenced Self Harm / Abuse / Suicidal Ideation, First Kiss/Time, Anal) – When a woman is murdered and the last person to see her alive is recently invalided army vet turned reluctant (and prickly) professional cuddler, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes is pulled into a world of intimacy and intrigue he never could have imagined. John is a conundrum and mystery: frank yet reserved, tender yet angry, open yet afraid. Sherlock is instantly drawn into his orbit, and begins to feel and desire things he never has before.
The Vapor Variant by 88thParallel (M, 72,684 w., 18 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-THoB, John Whump, Protective Sherlock, Guilty Sherlock, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Suspense, Virus, Sickfic, Big Brother Mycroft) – They stood face to face in the middle of a clearing. The dim light of the moon barely allowed Sherlock to see the glassy terror in John’s eyes and the sweat that glistened off his forehead. His nose was bleeding again, blood dripping in a slow stream from his right nostril. They were both gasping for air, John’s eyes locked on Sherlock’s. There was no recognition there, just wild animal fear. Time stood still for an eternal few seconds, and Sherlock took a shaky breath. “John—”Spell broken, John spun and bolted back into the woods. Still heaving for air, Sherlock took off after him.
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w., 18 Ch. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
The Monument of Memory by J_Baillier (M, 79,663 w., 14 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It Fic / S4 is Canon, Angst, Family Drama, Guilt, Case Fic, John Loves Sherlock, Complicated Feelings, Mentalism / Hypnosis, Murder, Grieving John, Sherlock is a Bit Not Good, Team Work, Trust Issues, BAMF John, Psychological Trauma, Protective John, Autistic-Spectrum Sherlock, Parentlock, John POV) –  A genius traumatised by a past he's only beginning to recall. The psychopath sister that time forgot. A missing woman and a mentalist who may or may not be a murderer. And, in the middle of it all, stands John Watson.
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
The Summer Boy by khorazir (T, 94,706 w., 6 Ch. || Post S3/Post TAB/Alternate S4, Friends to Lovers, Flashbacks, Sussex, Bullying, 1980′s Kid Sherlock, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Inexperienced Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Pining Sherlock, Background Case Fic) – About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock. Part 1 of the The Summer Boy series
Northwest Passage by Kryptaria (E, 95,157 w., 27 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Canadian AU ||  BAMF!John, Canadian John, PTSD, Anal / Oral Sex, Rimming, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Drug Rehab, Falling in Love, Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Violin, Panic Attacks, Switching, Anxious / Protective Sherlock, Hugs for Comfort, Suicide Mentions, Healing Each Other) – Seven years ago, Captain John Watson of the Canadian Forces Medical Service withdrew from society, seeking a simple, isolated life in the distant northern wilderness of Canada. Though he survives from one day to the next, he doesn't truly live until someone from his dark past calls in a favor and turns his world upside-down with the introduction of Sherlock Holmes." Part 1 of Tales from the Northwest
31_Days_of_Porn_Challenge_2017 Series by distantstarlight (E, 96,540 w. across 31 stories || Prompt Ficlets, Assorted Kinks, PWP) – A collection in response to the 31 Days of Porn Challenge issued by AtlinMerrik! Thanks for doing that because this has been buttload of fun (that joke never gets old). All stories will be brief stand-alone one-shots.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) – Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
Given In Evidence by verityburns (M, 97,884 w., 19 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Angst, Drama, Case Fic, Romance, BAMF!John, Submissive Sherlock, First Kiss, Humour) – Coming back from the dead can be a complicated business. With a new case on the horizon, rebuilding a life is one thing... rebuilding a friendship quite another. For Sherlock and John, things may never be just the same...
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(Last update 4/27/20)
Key: Fluff (❀) Angst (☆) Smut (☾) Completed Series (✓) Incomplete Series (✗)
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↳ One Shots
And Back Again by novilunar II ☆ ☾
Summary: Jimin wishes he could stay away from Jungkook. (FWB!AU)
Length of story: 3.1k words
Warnings: None
The Good Doctor by snarcsics II ☾
Summary: Jungkook’s your basic sex addict. Troubled, distant, angry, and somewhat cocky, however Jimin suspects that was there long before Jungkook became an addict.
Length of story: 11.4k words
Warnings: Sex addiction
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
↳ Series
cause when you look like that, never ever wanted to be so bad by centurystorm II ☾ ✓
Summary: The TA for Jungkook’s chemistry class is fine as hell but no way is that why he enjoys chem class. (Lies, all lies). AKA the “oh no you spilled a chemical and now you have to use the emergency lab shower” AU. (College!AU)
Length of story: 2 parts/11.4k words
Warnings: Top!Jungkook, bottom!Taehyung, oral sex, blowjobs, semi public sex, spanking, dirty talk, anal sex, anal fingering, come eating
flowers love the sun by bootaeful II ❀ ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: Taehyung, a beautiful mortal, had caught the eye of Jungkook, a god. Based on the Greek myth of Apollo and his mortal lover Hyacinthus.
Length of story: 2 parts/12.2k words
Warnings: Blood, death
Preach by bruhnam299 II ☆ ☾ ✓
Summary: It had been of their kingdom’s tradition to have a young lad or lass selected for the princes of the kingdom, for purposes justifiable by the princes themselves. They say that upon selection, you live a life of royalty just as the kings and queens do. Taehyung does not believe this; he knows that his life will be one of a sex slave if he were ever to be selected.
Length of story: 3 parts/12.9k words
Warnings: Top!Jungkook, bottom!Taehyung, dom/sub, anal sex, oral sex
Not My Delivery by winter_taebum II ❀ ☾ ✓
Summary: In which Jungkook believed that the person ringing his doorbell was his best friend Jimin along with the pet cat that he was 'supposed' to adopt. Jungkook was never really a 'cat' kind of person but he was willing to have a go at looking after a new furry playmate. Besides, whether it be cats or dogs, he was an animal lover in general. That being said, what shows up in front of his front door instead was neither of that but a beautiful man with breathtakingly sharp feline features and glowing skin instead..Jungkook stares blankly at the stranger in front of his door and what came next was jaw dropping. "Are you my master?" The beautiful male purrs.
Length of story: 3 parts/19.3k words
Warnings: Top!Jungkook, bottom!Taehyung, praise kink, barebacking, master/pet, anal sex, anal fingering, dry orgasm, orgasm delay/denial 
  ↳ One Shots
You Make Me Ssstutter by hauntedaffair II ❀
Summary: “For here or to go?” Taehyung asked sweetly. “Yes.” Jeongguk blurted.…Fuck my life. Jeongguk could almost cry. Burn me in hellfire right now. Taehyung is a cute barista and Jeongguk experiences multiple mental breakdowns. (Coffee Shop!AU)
Length of story: 1.6k words
Warnings: None
Hate Me, Love Me (Everybody Wants to Kiss Me) by parmajeon II ☾
Summary: Jeon Jeongguk never wanted to kiss someone while knocking the living daylights out of them so badly before. (Or: jeongguk is stuck between saying 'fuck you' and 'fight me' and ends up saying 'fuck me' to taehyung in the middle of a fight). (High School!AU, Enemies to Lovers!AU)
Length of story: 2.7k words
Warnings: Slight smut
Love Is Easy by xsmallathenabug II ❀
Summary: Taehyung accidentally says “I love you” to the guy on the other line while ordering a pizza and gets a “Love you too” followed by a "I hope you’re not expecting a discount on the pizza just cause we confessed our undying love for each other.”
Length of story: 2.9k words
Warnings: None
Badabing-Badaboom (We Should Fall in Love Baby) by bruhnam299 II ❀
Summary: Taehyung is so utterly confused. Jimin is a gym enthusiast (who drags Taehyung to his doom). And Jungkook isn't following up on the latest dating etiquette on how to do feelings (or ask someone out). Like. At all. Yugyeom gets pulled into all of this shit (and remains disloyal 'till the end).
Length of story: 3.1k words
Warnings: Scent kink
Let Me Lie Tangent to Your Curves by parmajeon II ❀
Summary: Taehyung didn't think grocery shopping would be that eventful until he almost gets arrested and finds himself face-to-face with an angel. (Aka the au where Taehyung gets his hand stuck in a car window after trying to carry out a heist and its midnight and hes alone in the parking lot and shit shit shit the owner is approaching and he's super hot??)
Length of story: 3.1k words
Warnings: None
Hit Me Like a Tidal Wave by parmajeon II ❀
Summary: Taehyung is a lifeguard at a beach and Jeongguk is an innocent beach-goer. Cue Jeonguk almost drowning, Taehyung actually drowning, and what should have been mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Length of story: 3.4k words
Warnings: None
Take Me Home by puddlesofme II ❀ ☆
Summary: “It’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and I tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly I accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
Length of story: 4k words
Warnings: None
Until the End of the World by parmajeon II ☆
Summary: Taehyung and Jeongguk are best friends, and that's all they'll ever be. (College!AU)
Length of story: 4.3k words
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Time’s Ticking by parmajeon II ❀ ☾
Summary: Jeongguk might have magic older than time itself, but Taehyung’s tongue works its own kind of magic. (or: the au where jeongguk is literally the fountain of youth and explorer Tae decides he's gotta suck his dick to reap the benefits). (College!AU)
Length of story: 5.2k words
Warnings: None
Date Me by flywithtaetae II ❀ ♡
Summary: Taehyung flirts with the cute high school boy and relishes in the flustered reaction he gets for almost an entire year. But when the following year comes along, he finds himself choking on his own words. (Coffee Shop!AU)
Length of story: 5.4k words 
Warnings: None
Snow by gukvee,  jeons_v II ❀
Summary: Taehyung is obsessed with snow filters and he bumps into Jeongguk in a grocery store with his face shoved into his mobile phone screen.
Length of story: 6.1k words
Warnings: None
Stuffed Drumsticks and Cotton Candy Kisses by parmajeon II ❀ ☾
Summary: Taehyung is really good at precision-based games and Jeongguk is really good at strength-based games. Together, they amass a terrifying number of prizes before being kicked out of the carnival.
Length of story: 6.5k words
Warnings: Slight smut
Snap Streak (author unknown) II ❀
Summary: "who dat qt boi on ur story?" Aka: in which Kim Taehyung discovers the love of his life on Park Jimin's snapchat story.
Length of story: 7k words
Warnings: Sexual content (not smut)
Melt in Your Mouth (Not in Your Hands) by mindheist II (+ Jimin) ☾
Summary: What happens at a rave stays at a rave—except this one.
Length of story: 7.4k words
Warnings: Mentions of drugs and drinking
The Dawn Before the Sun Rises by internetpistol II ❀
Summary: It all started when Kim Taehyung almost impaled Jeon Jungkook with a pink umbrella. (College!AU)
Length of story: 8.1k words
Warnings: Mentions of sex
We Only Have Red Bull to Thank by parmajeon II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: “But lately,” Taehyung’s mind flashes back to the instance where Jeongguk had literally brought them outside when Taehyung suggested they ‘go out.’ “It’s not the same anymore. We’re on two different wavelengths and it’s fucking weird considering most friendships like this are ruined after the two people date, not before one of them even gets to confess.” (Or: 5 times when Taehyung tries to confess and Jeongguk just doesn't get it + the 1 time he does)
Length of story: 8.6k words
Warnings: None
You’re My Type by dom_joonie II ❀
Summary: “Taehyung turns away from the commotion to look up at the blue sky, but before he can tilt his head all the way back a six-pack catches his eye and, of course, everything goes south from there.” In which Taehyung has a crush on the lifeguard of the local pool, and his thirst cannot be contained. Especially not when eye-candy like THAT is walking around.
Length of story: 8.7k words
Warnings: Drinking, sexual/suggestive content
Been There All Night by Bangtanbananas II ☆ ☾
Summary: Taehyung never planned to fall head over heels for Jeon Jungkook but it just sort of...happened. And he didn't realize the extent of his feelings until Park Jimin walked into their lives and ruined everything. Or the lawyer au where Taehyung gets jealous and becomes a petty bitch. (Office!AU, Lawyer!AU)
Length of story: 9.1k words
Warnings: Drinking
Jingle My Bells by parmajeon II ❀
Summary: When Jungkook met Taehyung on the Polar Express, he didn't expect to see him twelve years later on campus yelling, "Santa Watch Team! Please sign up!”
Length of story: 9.4k words
Warnings: None
Drink Up Baby (It’s Poison) (author unknown) II ❀
Summary: Love thy enemy or better yet, make them fall in love with you (Harry Potter!AU).
Length of story: 10.9k words
Warnings: Drinking
If You Love Me, Let Me Go by buttstrife II ☆ ☾
Summary: They’re alone in Jungkook’s bedroom. There’s a song playing faintly from the speakers of Jungkook’s phone. The lyrics go like this: Oh, my heart hurts so good. I love you, babe, so bad, so bad. Taehyung is his love, his best friend, his soulmate – Jungkook is sure of it. Taehyung is a famous actor/model, and Jungkook is one of many who fall for him.
Length of story: 11.5k words
Warnings: Drugs, mentions of drinking, major character death
Hercules by GinForInk II ❀ ☾
Summary: Taehyung forgets his strength kink until Jungkook picks him up during a group project meeting.
Length of story: 11.6k words
Warnings: Implied/referenced homophobia, light masochism
dating for dummies by sugasus II ❀
Summary: In which Twitter is evil, Jeon Jungkook is a bit tsundere, Park Jimin is satan and Kim Taehyung may or may not have a boyfriend.
Length of story: 12k words
Warnings: None
oh, for the love of god by florations II ❀ ☆
Summary: What could go wrong with falling in love with your best friend? Not a lot, to be honest. That happens to people all the time. But what if said best friend is the God of Love and you're the God of Death? Then a lot. A lot of things could go wrong. Or conversely: What the fuck, Jeon Jeongguk. 
Length of story: 12.6k words
Warnings: None
maps to you by antiking II ❀
Summary: There is a dick on his face. There is a big, bold dick drawn onto his face in black permanent marker, and though Jungkook scrubs and scrubs and scrubs until his forehead is red, he only succeeds in smudging it around. He pumps a fistful of soap onto the towel and renews his efforts with twice the vigor. He has hagwon later today, and he’d rather step on Legos than go there like this. Maybe, he thinks, pausing for a second to examine the state of the dick, his parents will allow him to skip just this once. Does this count as a medical emergency? Jungkook isn’t sure, but his hands are shaky and the towel is shaky and he’s growing more panicked by the second because it won’t come off. He’s going to die. He’s going to die of public humiliation in front of everyone, and then he’s going to come back to life and kill his soulmate, because who the fuck draws a dick on their forehead knowing full well that it’ll show up on someone else, too? (Soulmate!AU, College!AU)
Length of story: 13.1k words
Warnings: Suggestive content
Let Me Hear You Scream by parmejeon II (+ Yoonmin) ❀
Summary: “We both rode as singles on this giant roller coaster and I didn’t realize how afraid of heights I really was and you don’t seem scared so please let me hold your hand for emotional support.”
Length of story: 13.1k words
Warnings: Suggestive content
you’re my earth (the center of my day) by taetastic II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: He likes watching the colors dance in Taehyung's wings when they catch on the light of the sunrise, and the golden glow of his fingers when he brushes them over flowers and plants. (Fantasy!AU, Werewolf!AU, Fairy!AU). 
Length of story: 14.3k words
Warnings: Blood, violence, death
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes) by taekookmusings II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: Taehyung never thought he'd fall in love with his roommate. Then again, he never thought his roommate would have been a literal gift from god either. (College!AU)
Length of story: 15.8k words
Warnings: Drinking
Let My Body Do The Work by seikou II ☆ ☾
Summary: Seriously, this is agonizing. He didn’t ask for this. His goal isn’t this and yet he finds himself moving his arms to Jungkook’s prompting and misery really loves Taehyung’s company. Gym is frustrating. (College!AU)
Length of story: 17.2k words
Warnings: None
I was told there’d be cookies by mintsoda II ❀
Summary: “Taehyung, this is a very special present I have here,’ Namjoon holds it up for Taehyung to see and Taehyung blinks at it, bottom lip jutted out a little, 'I would like you to deliver it for me. Could you do that for me, Taehyungie?' 'Really? Me? It's my turn finally?' he asks a little too fast, taking the box out of Namjoon's hands to observe it carefully but with a pinch of curiosity. 'What's in there?' 'It's something very important, please be careful with it. It’s for a young man called Jeon Jungkook. It’s a special gift, something really, really precious, you see?" When Christmas elf Taehyung accompanies Santa to the human world on his first ever present shower – Santa forgets to take Taehyung back home with him. Luckily for him, his first present delivery is for aspiring baseball player Jeon Jungkook who, as he finds out, must have had a very peculiar Christmas wish: milk and Taehyung's favourite cookies. (Elf!AU)
Length of story: 18.1k words
Warnings: None
Toads and Periwinkle by Kavbj II ❀ ☾ ♡
Summary: Jungkook’s kinda cursed (like really cursed) and Taehyung’s kinda a witch (like really not a great one but he tries).
Length of story: 18.2k words
Warnings: None
Body Ache by lethallergic II ☆ ☾
Summary: If you listen closely, there are two boys connected so deeply their hearts beat as one. (Or the one where Taehyung desperately needs an accompanist and Jungkook appears to be his only option.) (
Length of story: 18.8k words
Warnings: Smoking
Here Fishy Fishy by Kavbj II ❀ ☆ ☾ ♡
Summary: Taehyung's a real fish out of water (no like, for real) and Jungkook just saved him from drowning. (College!AU, Merman!AU)
Length of story: 21.5k words
Warnings: None
Shark in the Water by mindheist II ❀ ♡
Summary: As far as fairy tales go, this one doesn’t have a lot of fairies. Tales, yes. Tails, that is. Just the one. One (1) tail.
Length of story: 30.6k words
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, suggestive content
Frooty Loopy (author unknown) II ❀ ☾ ♡
Summary: "We both reached for the last box of Froot Loops and I don't care that we're both adults I will fight you.” In which Taehyung fights Jungkook to the death for a box of artificially flavored and colored loops.
Length of story: 31k words
Warnings: Mentions of smoking/drugs, drinking
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↳ One Shots
Friends Won’t Let Friends be Sexually Frustrated by staycute1234 II ☾
Summary: Jimin runs into Jungkook on the basketball courts, the younger male leaving him in a sexually frustrated mess. Thankfully his roommate, Taehyung, helps him out. (College!AU)
Length of story: 3k words
Warnings: None
In The Same Boat by pornographicpenguin II ☾
Summary: "You want to what?" "Dock," Jimin says. Taehyung blinks. "You mean like...with a boat?"
Length of story: 3.8k words
Warnings: Docking
call me (whenever you want me) by jhopeg II ❀ ☆ ☾
Summary: Jimin should’ve known that mixing alcohol with his feelings was never a good idea. Because he sure as hell didn’t need to accidentally call a guy (whose voice was incredibly hot) offering sex to him. Over the phone. (College!AU, FWB!AU).
Length of story: 23.3k words
Warnings: Drinking, top!tae, bottom!jimin
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
↳ One Shots
assembly required (author unknown) II ❀
Summary: "It's like 3am and I'm exhausted and I can hear you raging next door about failing to put together an Ikea bed so here I am helping you and holy shit you're cute.” (College!AU)
Length of story: 3.9k words
Warnings: None
Movie Night by sungmin II (+ Taehyung) ☾
Summary: "Maybe we could try messing with one of the other members." He can almost hear Jimin's ears perk up. "What do you mean? Like a prank?" "No," Yoongi says, "I mean like mess around with one of them. You know, fluster him. Make him sweat a little at the very least."
Length of story: 4.5k words
Warnings: None
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
↳ Series
Brownies? (author unknown) II ❀ ☾ ✓
Summary: There was an unspoken rule in the music industry, never accept food from fans. So it was no surprise to Min Yoongi when he saw Kim Taehyung happily accepting just that. Or: Taehyung eats poisoned food that gives him fox ears and a tail and Yoongi has a good time.
Length of story: 2 parts/16.9k words
Warnings: Fox hybrid!Taehyung, hand jobs, blow jobs, rimming, praise kink, top!Yoongi, bottom!Taehyung, hyung kink (slight), anal fingering, anal sex, cum play, butt plugs, cum swallowing, masturbation
  ↳ One Shots
First Time at the Rodeo by parmejeon II ❀
Summary: Yoongi doesn't like loud and obnoxious people. Or people at all, actually. Enter Kim Taehyung with wide pants and a smile that could rival the sun's.
Length of story: 1.3k words
Warnings: None
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
↳ Series
The Curse of Curves by snotboy II ☾ ✓
Summary: An explanation as to why Jungkook had a boner during the Billboard video.
Length of story: 2 parts/2.8k words
Warnings: None
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
↳ One Shots
Truth or Dare (Cause I double dare you) by 2kitsune II ☾
Summary: Hoseok and Taehyung are forced to kiss, again. “So, you want to do a friend with benefits kind of thing?” Hoseok asks. “No,” Taehyung starts, eyes firmly stuck on the single window they have in their room. “We’ll just be friends who occasionally kiss,” He pauses, and his gaze flicks back to Hoseok, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips. “If that’s okay with you.”
Length of story: 7.3k words
Warnings: None
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
↳ One Shots
Bet You Won’t by Iridescentpulse II ❀ ☾
Summary: Seokjin choked on the rice he was trying to eat, eyes wide and the tips of his ears burning. He turned his startled gaze toward Taehyung, who just sat grinning at his friend struggling to breathe. Jimin quickly handed him his own drink, and after a few gulps, his throat was clear, but his brain struggled to grasp what the younger man had just said - "I'm sorry, could you run that by me again?" “I dare you to take a selfie while having sex with Namjoon." Taehyung dares Seokjin to take a selfie while having sex with Namjoon, and the group chat ends up getting more than it bargained for. (College!AU)
Length of story: 2.9k words
Warnings: None
  ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Multiple Members
↳ One Shots
go all day, go all night (i’m a beast) by sungmin II (Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi & Hoseok) ☾
Summary: It’s safe to say that Jimin is a bit of an exhibitionist.
Length of story: 10.2k words
Warnings: Foursome, food kink, asphyxiation.
74 notes · View notes
I won’t lie, I’ve wanted to put off this post.
There are a few things I need to get off my chest and a few elephants I need to address before I can really talk about my boy Raphael.
 If you’ve ever spent five minutes in the Good Omens tag, then you’ve heard of the “Crowley is Raphael” headcanon. It’s compelling to some people because the Archangel Raphael is a healer who looks out for humanity and snakes have a traditional connection to healing. Not to mention we don’t see Raphael in the show.
When I first saw this headcanon, I thought it was an interesting “what if.” However, it’s a “what if” that presents complications. Crowley doesn’t perfectly align with Raphael’s lore, which I’ll be getting into today. It also presents a bit of a paradox. There would need to be a pretty good explanation for why we humans know about Raphael and why we consider him one of the Big Four Archangels (ie Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) if he’s fallen.
I’m not here to try and change minds. I’m here to enthuse about angels. So, if you like the Raphael headcanon, please understand that you need to find a good solution to a few roadblocks to make it work. I also hope the information I’ll provide is helpful.
If you headcanon Crowley as a different named angel, any named angel, I’m happy to talk lore and give information. Again, not here to change minds. At the end of the day, I just want more excuses to talk about angels without people assuming I’m religious. Also, I sometimes worry that the Raphael headcanon will drown out other voices/ideas and, well, that’s just not cool. The wonderful thing about fan communities is creativity and the stifling of creative expression is always something to be mourned.
My personal take? I think Crowley was a worker bee angel who very accidentally got where he is today. I also kind of like the idea that he was one of the fallen angels who taught humanity about astronomy/astrology as mentioned in the Book of Enoch, but my preference is that Crowley was essentially a nobody. It’s more satisfying to me to think that a nobody became the serpent in Eden and what not. If you disagree, that’s fine.
Okay, I’ve delayed things long enough. Let’s focus on Raphael, Archangel MD. Who is he and what is he about?
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Raphael (God has healed) is one of only three angels that are named in any canonical text, the other two being Michael and Gabriel. This alone makes him the third most important angel we have.
He is first mentioned in the Book of Tobit, a text that is outside of the Hebrew canon and Christians are split on (Catholics say canon, Protestants say not canon). In the Book of Tobit, Raphael heals Tobit’s blindness and acts as a travel companion to Tobit’s son Tobias. He disguises himself as a a human, claiming to be a relative named Azarias (Yahweh helps). After a long journey and some miracles, Raphael reveals that he is one of the seven Archangels who sit by God’s throne.
After the big reveal, Tobias and Raphael reach their destination. Tobias wants to marry a woman named Sarah, but the demon Asmodeus keeps killing her husbands before they can consummate the marriage (rude). Raphael tells Tobias to smoke the demon out by burning a fish’s liver and heart. It works and the two humans can get married.   
Raphael is attributed as a doctor angel in a few other places. The Zohar states that Raphael is the one who is in charge of healing the earth and is a protector of humans. In other stories, Raphael helped Abraham heal from his circumcision, fixed Jacob’s leg after some celestial wrestling, and gave Noah a book of medicine.  
In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Raphael is further established as an angel of healing. After the fallen angels mucked things up on earth, Raphael was tasked with fixing the planet. Along with this, Enoch names him as a Watcher and a guide to Sheol, the underworld.
Being a very important angel, Raphael is referenced to a number of times in other stories.
It’s thought that Raphael’s equivalent in Islam is Israfil, the angel who will blow the trumpet to announce the Days of Resurrection. Some believe that he tutored Muhammad before Gabriel delivered the Qur’an and that he cries three times a day over the vision of Hell. What’s fascinating is how Israfil is depicted. He’s gigantic, hairy, covered in mouths and tongues, and has four wings: one to cover his body, one to shield him from God, one that stretches east, and another that stretches west.
Here’s what I’m wondering, are the mouths separate from the tongues or does he just stick all his tongues out of all his mouths?
The Midrash Konen says that Raphael was once the angel Labbiel. Before God created humans, there was huge argument in Heaven over whether or not humanity was a good idea at all. Labbiel and a number of other angels supported God’s desire to make humans. Because God is God, He got final say. The angels who disagreed with God were burned (rude) and Labbiel got a promotion and a name change.
In Jewish mysticism, Raphael along with the other Big Four (Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel) observe all the bloodshed in the world and watch over the Four Rivers of Paradise.
In the Testament of Solomon, King Solomon needed help building the Temple, so God sent Raphael. Raphael gave him a magic ring engraved with a pentagram (the Seal of Solomon). This ring had the power to control demons and so Solomon completed the temple thanks to demonic slave labor.
Some traditions place Raphael as a guardian of the Tree of Life, which grants immortality. He also oversees evening winds and is a champion of science and knowledge.
Raphael’s angelic rank is...tricky. He’s called the chief of Virtues, second sphere angels who ensure that miracles are preformed on earth (so, in Good Omens, are these the angels who told Aziraphale he was preforming too many frivolous miracles? I like to think so. Virtues do outrank Principalities after all.).  However, he is also called a Seraph, a Cherub, a Power, and a Dominion.
I’m going to go with the rank my pal Johnny Milton gave him, which is Seraph. I also just really like Seraphim. They’re second to Thrones in my book.
Well, I invoked Milton, so now it’s time to talk about Paradise Lost.
First, Raphael is an important character in Paradise Lost because he is sent to go visit Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and tell them what’s what. Second, I’m pretty sure Adam has a crush on Raphael.
When Raphael is introduced, Milton spends a lot of time describing how beautiful Raphael’s six wings are and just how hot Raphael is in general. He’s so hot that his “glorious shape” is proof alone that he’s from Heaven and not Hell. Raphael tells Adam and Eve that he’s there to answer some of their questions. Eve decides to leave Adam and Raphael alone, presumably because Adam won’t stop making heart-eyes at the angel and it’s embarrassing.
Well, the narration says it is because Eve wants Adam to explain everything to her later, but I like my read better. It’s way less sexist and more fun.
So, Adam and Raphael sit and down to eat and this is A Big Deal. Scholars have argued for millennia on whether or not angels have physical bodies and if they operate like human ones. I’ll do a separate post on this another time, but this whole scene with Raphael is Milton making his stance known -- angels have bodies and they need to eat.
Milton also takes the opportunity to be much more woke than anyone expected. Adam gushes about how amazing sex is and asks Raphael if angels do it. After blushing, Raphael says yes.  Angel sex is the kind of sex that has no lust. It is instead a celebration of love among pure entities. Some scholars believe that Milton wrote this to argue that sex can be enjoyed without shame and sex can be beautiful.
Adam asks Raphael several more questions about Heaven and the nature of existence, which Raphael does his best to answer. One question is about the movement of the stars and Raphael teaches him some quick astronomy.
(I’ve seen several people comment that Raphael has a connection to the cosmos and this is the only piece of evidence that I can find. Did everyone get this from Paradise Lost? I’m genuinely curious.)
Regardless, Raphael being the “sociable angel” tries his best to explain God in a way that Adam can understand. None of the other angels have tried to get on Adam’s level like this, so it makes him stand out. Most importantly, Raphael tells Adam about the war in Heaven and Lucifer’s fall.
This conversation takes place in Books V-VIII. So, this lasts a while.
When Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden, God sends an angel to tell Adam how much life is going to suck from now on. You’d expect it to be Raphael, but sadly, it’s Michael. Michael is a much more distant angel, so it really drives home that Adam and Eve no longer have that same personal relationship with the divine.
Also, they can never ask their angel friend TMI questions about Heaven sex or admire his hotness ever again. And that’s why they call it Paradise Lost.
Dumb jokes aside, Raphael has very much earned Milton’s title of “sociable angel.” As both doctor and angel, he is closely tied to human affairs and has excellent bedside manner.
Could he be Crowley? That’s ultimately up to you. This Internet Person says no, but I’m just an Internet Person.
Sources for this post can be found under the “My Resources” tab. Check out the “Who Am I” tab for more info on this blog and the author.
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Buffy S2E11 Ted
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?  
Yes, three times
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?          
6 (50%)
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Episode Quality:
Storytelling was good. Content was rough. 
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
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Passing the Bechdel:
Willow and Buffy pass in a group. Buffy and Joyce pass. They pass at the end discussing movies. 
Female Characters:
Buffy Summers
Joyce Summers
Jenny Calendar
Male Characters:
Detective Stein
Other Notes:
I get everyone’s human (minus the vamps, hardy har har) and all that, but Joyce is in charge of the well being of a child and should really put her daughter first. That doesn’t mean not dating at all, but it does mean doing it responsibly. Especially since this is the first guy (we assume) that Joyce has dated since Buffy’s dad she shouldn’t have brought him home until she was ready for them to meet and then had a sit down conversation with Buffy preparing for that meeting. That’s some irresponsible parenting to just expect Buffy to roll with there, Joyce. Editor’s Note: gonna have to disagree here; Buffy is not a small child, she shouldn’t need a Special Talk in order to prepare for the fact that her mother is dating someone. Sure, it’d be nice to have a heads-up before finding a strange man in your home (because it is also BUFFY’S home, her safe space - this aspect of her discomfort does make sense to me), but the whole idea that kids cannot handle their parents moving on into new relationships and must be gently coddled instead of just dealing with the fact that the parent is a whole person with a life beyond parenting them is an infantilising cliche which I particularly hate. Joyce shouldn’t expect Buffy to just instantly click with Ted (especially since Ted comes on creepy-strong), but Buffy should also have the basic human decency to just be civil to new acquaintances until she has a genuine reason not to be. We need to kill the idea that ‘children will always be jealous and hostile toward new parental partners, they’re just Like That’.
Freud was bullshit. Stop referencing Freud. 
Xander, stop being a shit friend. Realize Buffy needs some time without Ted and say so when confronted with the outing. 
Still a fan of them showing Jenny having to deal with the body possession and danger and it affecting her relationship with Giles. I’m glad it didn’t go away after the end of the The Dark Ages either. 
When Ted starts to overriding Joyce’s parenting decisions (even when it’s just a minigolf score) she should stand in and tell him to back off. And, later, when Buffy says that he threatened her physically, it’s unacceptable for her to not have her back. 
Buffy needs to get a lawyer. 
So I do appreciate everyone having Buffy’s back now, but it’s a little late for that. 
Funny side note, Anthony Head was in a play called ‘The Death of a Salesman’ and that’s just hysterical to me. 
You know how I was praising Jenny making Giles give her space and not forgiving him right away? I take it back. It’s not that I’m unhappy that they reconciled at the end of the episode, but they should have done it by acknowledging what had happened and talking through it, and Jenny working on her healing. Not them getting back together because of an accidental bow misfire. Editor’s Note: Seconded. Jenny talking about still needing time and to not feel like she has to spontaneously ‘be better’ just so that Giles can stop feeling guilty was a GREAT piece of emotionally-real storytelling, but her just ditching that by episode’s end really ruins the power of it. Y’had a good thing for a second there, show, and then you went ‘never mind, Man’s Feelings are more important after all’. 
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I feel like the drugged food was thrown in to give everyone (and especially Joyce) a pass on treating Buffy so bad throughout this episode. It’s a cop out. Buffy came forward to Joyce and told her that Ted threatened to hit her, and her mom didn’t believe her. While I know that there are situations where battered women don’t protect their children from abusers, Ted didn’t try to physically hurt her until later. Neither Joyce nor her friends protected her and at some point they should have been made to answer for that. That being said, this episode did have sharp storytelling in that I was actually afraid for a bit there. So kudos for that. 
Editor’s Note: this is an episode that I have a lot of trouble with, for the probably-obvious reason of it being a very familiar scenario that plays out in far too many people’s real lives (though usually without drugged food (which I agree is a cop-out), and of course, without evil robots). On the one hand, the various true-to-life elements are sharply confronting, and in that way they do the job of shining a light on real experiences in a way that could feel validating and helpful to viewers. On the other hand, this content has extreme potential to be triggering, and that makes the flubbed elements of its handling really irresponsible (especially when your story is aimed at young people who might be in the midst of such a situation, rather than adults who have hopefully been able to move past it, emotionally and/or physically). This is one of the reasons I am particularly displeased with the Hate The New Boyfriend Because He’s Not My REAL Dad! routine at the beginning of the episode, because it sets Buffy up as being legitimately unreasonable in a story where her being the only reasonable person becomes immediately relevant as the narrative unfolds; it legitimises the idea of her concerns being dismissed by people who already saw her being immature and rude. I hate the drugged food cop-out, because it seems to be used as a flimsy method to excuse Joyce’s behaviour in particular, instead of exploring the way that a parent can be manipulated/coerced/gaslighted by an abusive partner, and how they can either be genuinely fooled or drawn into complicity in the abuse of their child(ren). The idea of children in these situations saying that it was like their mother was drugged, the way she would defend the boyfriend’s actions, disbelieve the children when they tried to tell her what was really happening, etc, that’s a concept that people could really cite, but playing it straight, making it actual drugs? Just lets Joyce off the hook (and she is very, very on the hook for so much bad parenting, in this episode and others - plenty of what happens with Ted is not her fault, but the story still makes no effort to have her acknowledge where she did go wrong and be a supportive parent to Buffy; Buffy ends up very much the responsible adult in the relationship by episode’s end, but not in a narratively self-aware manner). To top it off, I feel that the whole ‘Buffy thinks she killed a man’ portion of the episode is a HUUUGE misplay, as it muddies the abuse element of the story and suddenly makes it into a moral dilemma for Buffy, and the air of judgment about Buffy defending herself from an abuser is incredibly unsavoury in the context of the rest of the episode. Basically, I appreciate pieces of how this episode gets to the core of realistic experiences, but I take major issue with the way it jumbles its ideas together and never fully explores such a serious subject, and I feel that it’s more likely to leave survivors of such abusive situations feeling confused and uncomfortable (at best), rather than validated and understood. Obviously, some people will feel differently, but I do say all this as someone to whom the episode content (sans drugs and robots) is personally familiar; I’m not basing my opinion on pure conjecture. 
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sweetpxsin · 7 years
Lai Guanlin Fuckboi!
I never even wrote Guanlin’s fuckboi series I’m legit the worst ^^’’’’
•I don’t know what it is about Guanlin but he just really strikes me as the jock type of fuckboi
•Like the one that has girls piled up just to watch him practice and practically waiting in line to wipe off his sweat
•He could careless for relationships and really just wants the heated makeout sessions
•Rumor has it he’s already made out with the whole cheerleading team and girl dance team
•He doesn’t even bother on building up the girls hope because it’s quote on quote too much work
•Also because he’s too busy with basketball practice and studies to even care
•But that all changed when during a game he fell on his ankle weirdly and had sprained it
•He was brought to the school nurse to by Seonho aw the little chick caring for his hyung
•You were part of student council and part of it was to run the nurse's office because half of the time they were literally never fricken there like actually where were they  or is that just my school...
•Anyways Senho came in running holding Guanlin like he was a princess and Guanlin was letting out a string of profanities because the running was not helping out his ankle at all
•When he barges into the room you're literally scared for your life but quickly understand the situation and motion for him to place Guanlin on the empty bed
•Senho literally drops Guanlin’s ass in that bed his arms are hurting so much from carrying him poor chick
•Guanlin swears once more but before he could actually directed anything at Seonho, he books it out yelling goodbye to you
•However his whole demeanor changes when he notices you
•Like his eyes are practically burning into your soul as he watches your every movement
•You couldn’t help but scoff because you knew what type of person Guanlin was and you really didn’t wanna help him but you had no choice
•”What’s wrong with you?”
•”I sprained my ankle sweetheart.”
•You smile at him sweetly with a hit on sarcasm as you take his foot into your hand and move it slightly
•”Does that hurt?”
•”Dang, sweetheart what you think.” Although he’s face obviously still showed pain he kept that stupid little smirk on his face and you literally wanted to wipe it off his almost perfect looking face
•So you let go of his foot abruptly and a whole  new string of profanities leaves his lips and he’s low key glaring at you as you get the things you need
•But at the same time he’s checking you out because not once has he seen you around the school and he totally finds you hot
•Once you elevate his leg and place ice on his ankle he decided to make some bs excuse to get you closer to him
•”Darling I don’t think I’m feeling too well.”
•”Well ain’t that a shame.”
•The sarcasm in your face was practically music to his ears as he watched you take the thermometer out
•His plan was playing out perfectly as he watched you lean in and touch his forehead while handing him the thermometer
•Instead of taking the thermometer he kind of pulls your wrist so that your fall over him
•Suprise suprise you do and you're not even shocked with what had happened
•You're more annoyed for the fact you let it happen but you had a way in getting back at him
•You let him capture your gaze and slowly lead you downwards
•But as soon as the smirk returns to his face you halt in your tracks and glare your eyes at him
•”Nice try Guanlin but I’m not as easy your average pick in girls.”
•You pull back patting him on his chest before sitting back on the chair crossing your legs before your attention is taken by your phone
•Once he snaps out of his state of shock he couldn’t help but smirk and turn his gaze towards you
•You were an interesting one to him considering no girl has ever rejected Lai Guanlin
•The next day you were in the nurse's office once again because you're in AP so you could do your homework without the teacher's help
•half way through the day Guanlin walked in with crutches before settling himself on the closet bed towards you
•He held his hand out towards you holding a slip of paper
•”if it’s your number keep it.” You mumbled walking towards him
•”aye come on now don’t be so harsh.”
•rolling your eyes you took the slip reading that Guanlin was to stay in the nurse's office for the rest of the school day
•You mentally groaned taking the slip and scribbling the information onto the sign in sheet for him
•As much as you wanted to return to your homework you had to take care of him
•You elevates his leg and placed ice on it and placed a cup of water near his bed before finally returning to your seat to do your work
•Guanlin couldn’t help but watch you with interest (considering you were the only one there with him)
•He liked the way your teeth would tug on your lips as you thought about a question and the way your hands would run through your silky smooth hair
•if he was being honest you were actually one of the few girls he actually thought were attractive
•Which only made him want you more
• woah Guanlin slow your roll mate you're only 16 I’m literally one year younger rip lmfao
•anyways he reaches in his bag and starts to do his homework because he not bout that do your homework at home life
•Also because he lowkey wants to impress you by showing you he’s not just a fuckboi
•But while he’s in the midst of trying to do algebra he gets annoyed because he can’t do a certain problem lol me all the everyday and I’m prob gonna fail my algebra quiz tomorrow whoops
•You lift your head up when you hear him grunt in annoyance and kinda chuckle in amusement watching him struggle with his homework
•You stood up and walked him to see what the problem was and you literally had to hold yourself back from laughing
•”You can’t solve 12-10.86=0.99(m-10)?” You ask teasingly causing Guanlin to cover up his work protectively
•”I can I’m just thinking.”
•”Than show me.”
•After about 4 minutes of struggling he finally gave up and asked for your help
•You basically asked him a whole bunch of questions that led him into the steps he was supposed to do
•the answer is m=11.15 repeating btw
•You pulled your chair towards his bed and sat there doing your homework on your lap just in case he had needed anymore help
•At that point Guanlin just thought you were an actually breathing angel
•You were smart, caring, and the best part you had a touch of sarcasm to you
•A lot different from the bland, giggly and mindless preppy girls he had always managed to score on a day to basis
•You had a personality he wasn’t used too and he wanted more than just a heated makeout session from you
•Since then it became a daily thing for you to take care of Guanlin and be his tutor for a while
•When his ankle had gotten better you had to admit you were going to miss his stupidly and cockiness
•Okay you take that back he wasn’t stupid, he just took much longer to grasp concepts in math and physics
•Anyway when he stopped going to the nurse's office you got pretty bored since student usually only went out to skip a class.
•Once day you were absentmindedly twirling the pencil in your hands when the door opened snapping you out of your daze
•You looked at the door to see Guanlin standing there in his basketball uniform and you could only raise a brow in suspicion
•”What you ‘accidently’ hurt your ankle again because you missed me.” You mocked even though in reality you missed him
•He shot you his famous cheeky smirk before shaking his head
•”Wanna watch my practice. I know it gets pretty boring in here without me.”
•”I’m not even gonna sit here and lie it is pretty boring so I guess I’ll watch your practice.”
•You stood up not missing Guanlin’s gummy smile that he only showed his friends and you
•Honestly he looked more like a precious child rather than a fuckboi when he showed you that smile and it made you soft
•You followed after him letting him guide you a certain area of the bleachers so that his fans wouldn’t annoy you
•This didn’t go unnoticed by his hyungs as they teased him referencing you as his princess
•”Omg did Guanlin actually escort his princess to an exclusive place of the bleachers so that his fans wouldn’t mess with her?” Jisung gushed.
•Of course Guanlin ended up “accidentally” passed the ball at Jisung face
•During practice Guanlin would occasionally look at you after he made a basket
•And he wasn’t actually discreet about it either, his gummy smile would show and he’d look at you almost looking for approve
•You couldn’t help but smile a little because he was being so cute and looked like a little kid compared to his fuckboi demeanor
•After practice he rushed towards you with a paper towel in his hand, a cheeky smile on his lips as he handed you it
•Instead of answering he bend down your height pushing up his bangs
•”Seriously?” You asked back playfully before obliging and patting off his sweat for him
•Once again his hyungs were fangirling in the back making both of you roll your eyes in reply
•But on the inside both of you were absolutely losing it, your hearts beating out of your chest
•Okayyy maybe you both had caught feels maybe is an understatement
•Taking the moment to his advantage Guanlin cleared his throat taking your hand in his
•”I know I’m not your type but maybe wanna give us a try?”
•He swallowed dryly not happy with his own confession, his face flushed red as he shyly scratched the back of his head
•You couldn’t help but chuckle a little in amusement at his obvious discontent of his confession
•”You sure you’re happy with that confession Lin-Lin?”
•He took your sarcasm as yes because not once have you ever called him a nickname
•”I’d be more happy if I could call you mine?”
•”Promise never to use cheesy pickup lines again.”
•He pulled you into a tight hug smiling widely
•”You love it cutie.”
•Que Hyungs screaming and fangirling
•BUT dating Guanlin would consist of sweaty hugs after basketball practices, him making you wipe of his sweat, cheesy pickup lines, laughs and shit load of cuteness
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My Friend has been Falsely Accused of Tracing So I Will Defend Him
Okay I accidentally deleted the blog I posted this one because I’m a dumbass, so I’ll just repost it here even though I don’t use this blog anymore, but apparently I still have followers. Bless caches because I was able to get this back from google caches so I don’t have to retype everything. I added further evidence and refutes to claims that were not in my original post btw.
Anyways, I am making this post to help out my good friend @5ru9 aka Falco who has been recently accused of tracing/copy pasting other people’s / official art!
I’ve known Falco for over 3 years, and we’ve grown as artists together. Once in a while we give each other advice on art (thanks for the mech and armor advice and teaching me how you line and color!), but most of the time we just meme each other.
Anyways, a lot of people have pointed out that they’ve seen him livestream before, and he’s already posted some of his block outs and other wips as proof that he does not trace in his post here:
To further prove his claim with solid evidence, I shall present to you!
Times he’s asked for advice on his art, or I randomly decided to mention things I notice in his WIPs!
Exhibit A-1:
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A Tenkai Knight he made up! I pointed out a few things I thought were awkward about the perspective in his WIP.
Exhibit A-2:
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He started working on this way back in July and didn’t finish it until much later because he was working on several other pieces at the same time. I suggested lowering the eyebrows and drawing the eyes a bit narrower to get more of the playful expression he was aiming for. In his final piece here, you can see that Falco continued to refine the piece.
By the way! The reason he sometimes posts a lot of detailed artworks one shortly after the other is because he sometimes works on multiple pieces at once! And then finishes coloring them around the same time.
Exhibit A-3
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Falco and I spent good time trying to figure out why he felt like something was wrong with his sketch! I thought maybe it was the trapezius and I decided to red line (or blue line i guess) it so it’d be easier for him to see approximately where i thought the line should go to fix it.
Exhibit A-4:
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The gif-ing process turned white bg into blue… anyways! Falco showed me an early version of his Tenkai Knights OC that he eventually used in an April Fool’s joke to pass off as a new character in the series. He mastered the tenkai style enough that at first glance, people really did believe it was official! Like you had to get a good look to realize Shiyu was not really a real new character! Btw I had to go into my old twitter acc to find this…. (Edit: the gif wasn’t working bc it was too big so i had to make it smaller… and choppier and stuff to fit the mb max)
Well now that brings us into!!!
Exhibit B
Some of his old art!! (I’m so sorry falco i’ll be exposing your ancient art to ppl now)
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Here you can see his progress from 2014 Tenkai fan art to early 2015! It starts looking more and more like the official art, which is what he was going for.
For reference, here’s what the character Ceylan Jones/Washizaki looks like:
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I blocked out fan art by everyone except falco (which i marked) that shows up in this google search. Everything else is official art. The two fan arts by falco you see here are more recent, the angel one being from 2016 and the chicken one from 2017 (i think he also made a version with sonic instead of the chicken? lol). They’re both on his dA accounts btw! The 2017 one really looks like official art, doesn’t it? But it’s his artwork! He practiced a LOT to reach that point, and I hope the earlier arts I showed above this one are enough to convince you in his art progression! Side note: i only used images w/ceylan because 1. i’m biased because ceylan is my favorite character and 2. he drew ceylan a lot because ceylan is his favorite character Also you can see his handle change from s3iwashi to burningbraven. 5ru9 is is a pretty recent handle.
And now for the last one,
Exhibit C
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This is my favorite character from a Chinese series called AOTU World! His name is Grey, or 格瑞。I commissioned Falco to draw Grey for me, and let me tell you it would be IMPOSSIBLE for him to have copied any of this. Why? Because the donghua is 3D and the manhua’s art is very inconsistent!
Let me show you the reference pictures I gave him to work with!
They’re all in my gdrive folder here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CqwH5KS-pHX0ZqLHQpoIZBi6W-gsU_Tz
This is all official art from the manhua, except the 3D model is from the donghua. Look at how inconsistent the references are! There’s no way he could have copy and pasted or traced this! Grey doesn’t even do this particular pose anywhere. lol. I told Falco “give him a cool sword pose”. (I’m sorry for being so vague, Falco! But it turned out great!!) The style he ended up drawing in was a mixture of all of them.
Btw!! here’s the blockout and the sketch he sent me before I sent my payment for the commission!! You can see his construction in the block out!! The arm construction and leg construction is light, but it’s there. You can also see the block out below the sketch. Notice he actually fixed the leg length from block out -> sketch?
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LOOK, thte actual drawing doesn’t even match the sprites that closely. Pay attention to the collar especially. The whole frankensteining the image and then painting over it thing is just way more effort than drawing it himself. They don’t even match that well in the overlays. Like wow it’s such a crime to try and stay on model.
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Doesn’t the fact that you have to edit the sprites to match his artwork prove that you’re just a tryhard in making up fake evidence and not a tryhard enough at art since you think it’s so impossible for people to draw characters on model?
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Yes he referenced the broom and possibly the heels from this image, but your overlays for the leg and arms are disingenuous and you know it. The leg positions are different, and the overlay doesn’t even match up. Face tracing also makes no sense. You literally stretched the mouth to try and make it fit but it still doesn’t fit. Do you really think it’s that hard to draw mouths and eyes in the DR style? DR faces are really simple to emulate. Also you fool, if you follow Falco’s artwork enough, you’d realize the way he draws bodies is actually rather consistent even as he does different styles. Especially when it comes to hands. His way of drawing hands is how I recognize his art and know right away it’s his art and not official art or a trace (also his coloring style). The heels he drew are also reminiscient of how he typically draws shoes/feet. he draws them bulkier. The other art has dainty heels. At most he referenced how backside works because he’s used to drawing sneakers.
Also come on, if all you referenced from an image was a broom because you liked the style (his is also clearly drawn by himself since you can’t overlay it on the other one. like i said he mostly used the style as a reference for how-to-broom) and you referenced pieces from many other images, are you going to list every single thing you referenced? While yeah it’d be nice to, it’s a little ridiculous to expect all 5-20 references whenever they post the image. It’s a thing where, if someone asks, you’d tell them, but it’s too much to list all of it. This isn’t a 20 page thesis.
If it’s such a crime, then holy shit sue all those people who parody other people’s comics and sue everyone who dares!!! to ever draw something remotely similar to someone else. Dang.
Art doesn’t live in a vacuum.
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Okay, this one is just plain stupid. You distorted the sprite to match it up with his, but what would be the point for him to distort it just to trace? Also if he traced, can you explain the rest of the fingers that are drawn nicely but clearly different from the sprite? Also the thumbs don’t even match up. His faces more downward while the sprite is facing more forward. Also explain the turned body in Falco’s sketch, then!! And the hair! OH WAIT YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN IT BY ANY OTHER WAY THAN HE DREW IT HIMSELF!!! BECAUSE NO SPRITES MATCH IT AND YOU CAN’T FIND ANY SPRITES TO DISTORT ENOUGH TO EVEN GET CLOSE TO MAKING FAKE EVIDENCE FOR IT.
By the way, the style he drew it in is closer to the drv3 than this sprite. while it’s pretty much the same style as the older games, drv3′s art is more refined than the older games. Falco’s art is also more refined as you can see. (wow not only did falco’s art improved from back when we first met; even professional artists improve. shocker. /s)
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Dude what the hell? The overlays don’t even match up even ifi you tried to frankenstein them. And these are really common poses at really common angles, and once again, must every single thing we reference from be listed in the description of every place we post an image? Let me just list all 30 videos and 50 images i used as reference for one of my prints. jfc.
As for the saihara animation based on the digimon opening animation? It was pretty clear to everyone that it’s some kind of parody. Many people when making parody animations don’t mention the original video either?? It’s a fun thing for fans of the franchise to recognize the reference themselves. Yes he could have said it was the digimon opening on the description, but at least he didn’t say he thought of the idea himself? And if you talk to him about the animation, he will openly tell you it’s from digimon. And the fact that you think it’s a trace despite how much the overlays do NOT work out is practically proof that you’re just doing this maliciously and hoping that saying he traces enough with shoddy evidence will make people believe you.
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I was gonna ignore this one because it was the same as a lot of the others, but you literally erased Falco’s face line so it would match the sprite, and you covered the bigger boobs Falco gave her, and totally ignored that the angle doesn’t even match properly. Like you covered parts of his sketch in your overlay just to make it look more like it matches, but if you actually fucking overlayed it correctly, even with squashing it, it won’t fit. (Also sorry to point this out Falco, but the circles on your goggle lenses are too small compared to the sprite; Maybe if you actually traced like this person claims you’re doing, they’d be perfectly like the sprite. OH BUT WAIT YOU DREW IT YOURSELF SO OF COURSE THERE’S SOME DIFFERENCES. JUST LIKE HOW EVEN THOUGH ALL YOUR OTHER WORKS ARE REALLY CLOSE TO THE STYLE AND PRETTY MUCH ON MODEL, THEY’RE NOT EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE SPRITES! SHOCKER...!)
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HOLY FUCK. I already pointed out and gave evidence that Falco started on the Nier Automata drawing waaaaaaay before he posted the actual picture. The 2 sketches are sketches! They don’t take a super long time. I busted out 10 inktobers in 1 day. (thumbnails of my artwork below)
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Look I even even lined and colored 5 fairly detailed chibis in 1 day (i did the sketches earlier though. btw i hand drew the plaid on ray. it was annoying)
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At the moment I have 5 wips. They’ll likely all be done around the same time. I know Falco often has multiple wips as well, and sometimes he also finishes some of them close to each other. Some artists (like my friend Fish) can pump out extremely detailed paintings in less than a day. WOW some artists can draw at a fairly fast rate. WHO KNEW? (manga artists in weekly magazines pump out 15-20 pages of manga in a week)
He’s still developing a style; he’s mostly doing style mimics of series he likes in the mean time.
At the moment he’s mostly experimenting with the drv3 style, but he was practicing p5 earlier. By the way, he DESIGNED a phantom outfit for mishima. Who the heck would he copy that from? He made it up because he loved mishima and wanted to make him part of the gang in some AU fan art. Mishima doesn’t have artwork like this for him to trace, so it should be obvious it’s his own work.
And the pokemon and crash bandicoot ones are actually not that close. The pokemon one looks like a good attempt at imitating the pokemon style, but since he hasn’t practiced it enough, you can tell it’s a little off model because, well, he drew it himself and doesn’t practice the pokemon style a lot. Same with the crash one. Had it been a trace, with his level of control over his lines (which you can’t refute), it would have been much closer.
And you act like it’s a crime to imitate others’ art style. It’s really not. What is wrong with you? Do you want to slow down animation production by only letting the character designer draw everything? Or do you want animation where the art has 0 semblance of consistency because all the artists draw in vastly different styles? lol. What do you have against artists that try to stay on model?
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Oh, I KNOW. Why don’t I do that same pose with my own hands?
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Just because YOU don’t know basic anatomy and can’t tell a middle finger from a pinky, doesn’t mean everyone else is as incompetent as you. He wasn’t doing the rock-on hand pose (sry idk if that pose actually has a name lol), and he’s drawn the rock-on hand pose properly before.
Closing statement
I believe I covered a lot of things and provided a lot of evidence here that Falco and his other friends did not cover in his defense against the false accusations.
I even added more counter arguments in this repost because apparently my original post wasn’t enough to convince people.
Perhaps the person calling him out meant well (no, I doubt it because they made a new side blog just to diss him because they knew if they did it on their actual blog, they’d be called out for being a jerk), but they did not do enough digging to find out if their claims were true or not (and they probably know well enough that they MADE UP THEIR EVIDENCE).
If you’re going to make a call out post, please make triple sure sure of everything before you accuse people. Talk to them first. Talk to those who know them too.
Many jobs require you to be able to draw characters exactly in the style given. Animators for example! There are multiple animators working on one series, and they all need the skill to draw consistently! Some games also have teams that need to be able to draw in the same style so they don’t have to leave everything up to one person. Comic artists often have assistants that help them draw background characters, but those background characters can’t be too different from the main style either.
As for the people who believed the call out post before, it’s perfectly understandable. I am also guilty of falling for similar posts in the past. Due to that, I decided it was best to double check before retweeting (i say retweet because i use twitter far more than tumblr these days. heck i almost never post anything on this blog) things, and if i wasn’t sure, I would just leave it be.
I hope my post was able to convince you on Falco’s innocence and all his hard work. And if you already believed him but checked out this post anyways… Thanks! ObligatoryPleaseWatchAotuWorld.
And again:
Art does NOT exist in a vacuum. All artists are influenced by each other and MANY artists, especially professionals, use a lot of references, whether it be from photographers, their own pictures, others’ artwork, life, or whatever. We all use many different resources. If you’re going to say that’s wrong, you just dismissed millions of artists in the world.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
Who's the new commander/wife in s3? And yes, please give me s3 spoilers! Also, do you have any thoughts about mayday? How I wish we got to see more of it
EDIT: added in the Mayday stuff cos I forgot the first time around.
Like the actors? Christopher Meloni and Elizabeth Reaser, and they’re playing the Winslows who host the Waterfords in DC. (Which I’m not sure if you’ve seen all the hubbub about the DC trip but there are loads of pics of them shooting one of those scenes. You’ve probably seen them. Like with the Handmaids’ mouths stapled shut? Fred looking all Evil Supreme Leader-y with Serena and June alongside him.). Meloni is “powerful and magnetic” and Reaser is supposedly a “friend and inspiration” to Serena. Whatever the fuck all that means. It could be good, it could be bad. (Personally, I can’t stand either of those actors but meh. Maybe they’ll be okay.) And DC, not Boston, is Gilead central… and so Fred’s not really as important as he thinks. 
Off-topic: To be honest, I find this odd. We see frequently that all the dudes responsible for the rise/creation of Gilead are in Boston and it was formed IN Boston (Putnam, Pryce, Waterford, Cushing?, Lawrence, (Nick), etc.) so how there is a ANOTHER HIGHER level group of SOJ in DC is a little stupid, imo. It doesn’t make sense how that core group (the literal architects of the entire system) are off in Boston while the other guys (who we’ve literally never seen nor heard of before, even in flashbacks–bad storytelling, show) are top dogs in DC. Seems like yet another plot contrivance. Now, fair enough, that I think it’s sort of funny that Fred is still in Boston rather than with the big brass in DC cos he THINKS he’s so much smarter/better/etc than all these other guys but the fact he’s not there just shows that as much as he was one of the Gilead OGs, he’s too incompetent to be trusted at the highest level of government. HA HA FRED. Ya moron. I get that there’s never a guarantee that the evil people that come up with a totalitarian society are in charge of said society when it comes to fruition, but it’s a general trend throughout history. The fact all these guys would give up top billing of the SOJ to some punks from DC seems… a bit off. But then, hey, maybe said punks were the other part of the SOJ that Fred was talking about to Serena when he suggested bombing congress.
As for a few more, June flips out at one point, turning on other Handmaids (Brianna is holding her back.) It’s against a Handmaid who is a “true believer” in Gilead. I’m going to take an educated guess (based on where they’re filming) this is the lead up to the mass hanging. I guess I should mention: the Handmaids are gonna have to hang a bunch of people. Like a salvaging, but with hanging instead of stoning or beating.
June gets dressed up like a Martha.
June apparently works with Lawrence. It’s assumed she’ll be his Handmaid although the production, especially the DC scene, seem to imply she’s back with the Waterfords.
Serena’s mother shows up.
Luke & Moira are fighting against Gileadean ideology in Canada. Cos obviously it would come up here too. I always thought it was too happy-happy that Canada wasn’t experiencing ANY fallout from a worldwide birthrate crisis. Like, we may be more liberal than the US, but what happens there, spreads here fairly quickly. Like we have some Trumpian/Tea Party-esque politicians and racist/homophobic/xenophobic/misogynistic activist groups too, with a lot of power. And a lot of ignorant regular people to boot. The fact Canada was portrayed as like this utopia free from Gilead’s evilness just seemed unrealistic to me. While I do believe it would take a bit longer to take root here, the building blocks are already here and ripe for the pickin’. 
(I also have a huge issue with how unrealistically and healthy they portrayed the economy in Canada without their main US trading partner. We’d collapse if the US economy collapsed, at least for a time until we figured a way around it. Oil alone would go crazy. It wouldn’t be all life as normal. What Serena saw in 2x09 was literally what I see everyday here and I find it super hard to swallow that our lives would just go on as if nothing happened if the USA fell into massive civil war and was overthrown by a theocratic “republic”. 
And I also have a HUGE issue with how rosy they portrayed refugee and asylum seeking here. It’s just as bad as elsewhere, with all the same struggles that European countries (for example) are facing right now. Like if Gilead was an actual thing, Canada would be having a fucking mASSIVE humanitarian crisis along the border. We had a taste of it when Trump was elected and loads of people fled across the border. We could barely handle THAT, let alone hundreds of thousands of Americans swarming in to safety.) So, yeah, that’s a really long way of saying THANK FUCK the show is going to start to deal with some of the reality of the situation north of the border. They already showed Mexico breaking down and there’s no reason Canada wouldn’t too if the birthrate crisis is indeed as catastrophic as it’s presented by Serena/Fred/Gilead.
Emily makes it to Canada with Nichole. It’s all happy families. At least from the set photos the whole gang is there: Luke, Moira, Emily, Sylvia, Nichole. Not sure about Oliver or Erin. Now, the photo was likely taken when they weren’t filming which is why they’re all so fucking smiley and happy laughing together. That’s probably just the actors. But it could be shooting. I didn’t actually save the photos and I’m not sure where they are now. I think reddit?
Aunt Lydia is alive and will get some backstory and her character is gonna change. Somehow, somewhat, unclear how much. All cos of what Emily did to her.
Lots of stuff about Nichole, the whole Gilead vs. Canada thing, etc etc. 
I totally forgot to add about Mayday!
Personally… and first off: I much prefer the name “Mayday” to that weirdass co-opted “female railroad” or whatever shit they called it in the show when Moira was getting out. That was just in poor taste and completely uncreative. You don’t have to call it a railroad at all, tbh. It could be an extension of Mayday, or it could be called something entirely different. Sometimes the THT writers really drop the ball.
As for Mayday… I am not even convinced it exists as such? When I was reading the book, I liked the theory that Emily was sort of … not crazy, but misinformed or exaggerating. The only we really hear about Mayday in the book is through her and there’s no real evidence it exists as a cohesive organization. 
In the show, it’s like we’ve been fed this Mayday idea… but again, not seen anything particularly solid in terms of evidence it exists as a large organized resistance effort. 
We see Emily talk about it but she never seems to get anything from it and everything she does is through her own agency. Mayday never helps her.
We see June ask Alma about it. But Alma doesn’t really say much.
We see Nick, kind of doing his own thing and organizing shit for June, specifically. (We never see him do anything for any other woman except the one he’s banging. Snerk.) 
We see Lillie somehow get a complex explosive and blow shit up. Obviously that came from somewhere and it’s not the sort of thing a Handmaid can just make herself. There has to be a “terrorist cell” (as Gilead would consider it) within Gilead that siphons off weapons to a small rebel faction and passed it to her.
We know there’s a war still going on because Fred talks about the front so there are obviously large pockets that are actively and violently resisting Gilead within the continental US. IIRC the map they showed, the fighting tends to be along international borders and in the west and Florida? I can’t really remember the map exactly. There’s no real evidence that these people at war are also running an underground resistance network within Gilead strongholds like Boston. But other than sympathetic Guardians, Eyes, Angels, they could be the ones supplying weapons.
We see the butcher hand June the package from Moira. Somehow there is a network that passed this along.
We see the Guardian give June the way out of the hospital to the butcher’s truck. This could be Nick’s doing alone, not a network.
We see the butcher/delivery dude who brings June to the Globe. Again, this could solely be Nick as well, but we don’t know.
We see there’s Omar, who seems more like someone who accidentally fell into it rather than an active participant. We also learn that “Mayday” has supposedly safe houses within Gilead, but we never see them.
We see the pilot who helps people escape to Canada.
We hear of “Rachel” often, especially wrt Jezebels. I don’t think we ever see Rachel however. It could be code, it could be a person, it could be a group of people. Considering the gravity of the name Rachel in Gilead, I would put my money on this being a code name cos the writers don’t just throw little things like that around. Especially since Moira, who lived and worked at Jezebels, claims she doesn’t know a “Rachel”. Sure, she could just be protecting June or she could actually be telling the truth. I find it really interesting that the consulate worker in Toronto is called Rachel as well. While I don’t think the two are connected, I’m just surprised at all the references to Rachels in THT, esp with the story of Rachel & Leah (+ Bilhah, Zilpah, etc.) being such a massive cornerstone to the entire society.
We see the Marthas have a very complex network that is referenced multiple times and is known to Commanders, and they’ve done very little to address it for some reason.
We see Serena get both cigarettes and a pregnancy test, both of which are illegal technically although nobody seems to take issue with Serena’s smoking. I would assume this is unrelated to Mayday and more akin to Jezebels (and its sex trafficking) as the illegal underbelly of Gilead that everyone knows exists and everyone uses but nobody talks about. The black market likely has no connection. But it’s still something that requires a large chain of procurement and distribution, and secret knowledge of how to access it.
I’ve probably missed some other examples…
None of this really speaks to a larger web, imo. I can easily see these as individual cells, sometimes connected, rather than ruled by some grand master command somewhere nonspecific and so far unseen. Resistance usually doesn’t begin with a cohesive structure but small cells that see a need to rebel or at least protect/assist victims. It’s also MUCH safer that way and harder to dismantle the entire thing if cells are independent. (I used to be fascinated with the so-called “eco-terrorist” culture.) 
And I would say Mayday, if it exists, relies on Econopeople, specifically Economen and Guardians who have “normal” jobs and freedom of movement within Gilead. But we’ve been shown SO VERY LITTLE about the lives of Econopeople (the majority). I mean, it makes sense since this is the Handmaid’s Tale, not the Economan’s Tale… still, it’s very abrupt to build a giant resistance network suddenly and not have shown anything of real substance about it in 2 seasons.
Other than Lawrence, there’s no indication that any other Commanders or Wives are involved in any resistance but I think we’re supposed to believe some are. So it’ll be curious what side these new characters fall on, whether Mrs. Winslow is an “inspiration” in terms of resistance or compliance. I think we all assume she’ll be on the side of resistance and inspire Serena to take that path (although I think June and Nichole and her own awful husband should be inspo enough lol). I’m not so sure since this is THT and I am absolutely terrible at predicting anything, lol. I can see THT going the opposite direction just as easily. I hope not, but hey.
I think for simplicity within a TV show, they’ll flatten it to a single resistance organisation. 
Quite frankly, I wish we had already seen more of Mayday, if it exists. I feel a bit annoyed that it’s been 23 episodes and other than a few hints, we’ve never seen a significant exploration of any of it. Like how on earth June is supposed to just be a Martha…? I just… I don’t know. Who knows.
Since we know this season is going to be all about Team Resistance, obviously they’ll go into more detail. I just wish we had seen more ahead of time. Although to be perfectly frank, I also really enjoyed the “Emily is sorta crazy and Mayday doesn’t quite exist” theory too.
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