#yes i'm serious
dollya-robinprotector · 9 months
saw boonies so I was summoned. hi uwu
wobeen and bunlya would be the most adorable 🐰🐰 boonies ever
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I'm gonna send them back to their own AU before their animalistic freedom rubs me the wrong way.
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animatedjen · 8 months
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watch this (ultrawides your cutscene)
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kucinkqu · 5 months
Hal 9000.... Save me Hal 9000.... Hal 9000.. Save me...
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Ah, yes, my favourite trope. Misunderstood, overpowered children that are just kinda lonely and sad.
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difty-dift · 8 months
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It's fly!
Inktober Day 7
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mountain-lion-gremlin · 5 months
Just a by the way. This is a safe space for anyone, just as long as you aren't
harming someone
trying to be disrespectful
disregard others and who they are.
I'm nonhuman, so I'm already not accepted in many places (not to mention I'm a p-shifter too.)
If you can be chill with me, you can come on here and be safe <3
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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chaoticwistfulness · 1 year
There's a meta commentary to be made about jack (god!) doubling down on this episode on not interfering with humanity, no exceptions, and the studio/network/TPTB/canon itself not allowing jensen and co. to retcon/fix anything. dean's dead, permanently dead, he can leave heaven for a while but don't forget to remind everyone he's dead and has to go back to "the heaven he deserves" and jack/TPTB telling dean/jensen that it's time to get to the peace when you are done part of the song and dean/jensen looking like that
Jackles spn fix-it mini series when? 🤡
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switchthedragon · 6 months
Fuck it. Mort lore.
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luphins · 2 years
I fully believe that luffy would wear anything anyone gives to him. Like anything. Robin gives him a frilly dress? He's wearing it. Usopp hands him the wildest bodysuit? He's wearing it. He finds franky's speedo lying around? He's wearing it. Brook gave him his coat that's double his size? He's wearing it. As long as it doesn't restrict his movement, he's wearing it, and i respect that in a man.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 9 months
Are you a hair dryer by any chance? Then why do I want to take a bath with you so much? ;)
Holy shit 💀. This is a good pickup line for suicidal-
But seriously, this is a dark one- omg-
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progmanx · 2 years
“Mama doesn’t like kissing boys, and Papa doesn’t like kissing! A super perfect-er perfect match!”
Yor Briar is almost twenty-eight. She has never been married, engaged, or dated. It was never of interest to her, and she has far more important things to focus on. And what man could love an assassin, let alone a woman as strange as her?
Twilight has performed the role of the ideal boyfriend and fiancé for dozens of women in his decade of service. He has never made the mistake of falling in love with his cover; he doesn't quite understand how that happens at all to so many others.
By chance, or perhaps by kismet, they both piece it all together on the same evening. And, of course, Anya does too.
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pokesoniclegend · 1 year
You ever just, accidentally come up with a decent concept for a fanfiction based around essentially a crossover crackship because you saw a post/thread that essentially caused a brainrot for that specific crackship. Because that's what ended up happening.
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pendragyn · 2 years
So I have a conundrum of a spiritual nature that I don't have anyone to talk to about so I am going to throw it into the void and see if anyone has helpful advice on it. I am NOT interested in the input of non-believers and jerks will be summarily blocked.
With that said, here is some background about me and my situation: I am witchy in a vague low spell-slot / dealing with major burnout sort of way and I have very specific *to me* beliefs about spiritual things that I won't go into, but I do enjoy and believe in tarot/divination as mostly a "headology" sort of thing - a conduit of sorts, though I don't know if it's inner or outer, and I'm not sure it matters.
SO, on the night of the 14th - 15th (which is significant to me) I saw a video of @rrrrriiiiooooottttt on tiktok doing a community tarot reading, which I logically know that masses of people saw but there were parts of it that felt very personal to me.
Firstly, my mom gave me her Waite-Rider-Smith deck like 30 years ago and I am relatively familiar with the deck's imagery, but beyond that it resonated because my mom's passed and I would have discussed this with her.
Secondly, some of the specific cards felt personal too, and when I did a few readings for myself they popped up again. But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.
The reading itself was titled as "this is a message from Lucifer to you" which certainly had me smirking until it hit a nerve lol. They didn't pull cards so much as ask questions and shuffle until cards slipped from their hands in answer.
The cards in order; King of Cups and 9 Cups together, Emperor alone, King of Wands and 8 Wands, Queen of Pentacles alone, then 6 Wands, The Magician, (9 Pentacles which was mostly hidden behind other cards), Page of Swords, and Temperance all together. They interpreted it all to mean Lucifer was reaching out to work with people to overcome challenges faster than they might otherwise, see the bigger picture and find balance and abundance.
So I did a deep dive into analysing the cards they pulled, finding more stuff that resonated, and contemplated that for a couple days. Then I did my own readings on two different decks asking if a spirit was reaching out to me, yes, if it was malicious, no.
I asked if it was the pre-xian version of Lucifer and had cards falling as I shuffled, which is unusual for me. I interpreted them as a yes. (K of Pent, Strength, Ace of Pent, 6 Wands, 6 Cups)
So I asked "What now?" for lols and pulled the Queen of Cups which made me wonder if I should look for a writing mentor.
Then I asked if I should persue 3 certain writers as mentors and pulled a single card for each name, which got me the 5 Wands, The Devil lmao, and 9 Swords, all of which felt like big nos.
Lastly I asked if I should work on the magnum opus fanfic that I haven't worked on in a year and got the Lovers, which, I mean, yes, but also is a card that I actually reference in the story which knocked me for a loop lmao.
So now I'm at a loss because I've never worked with a spirit and I'm not sure how, or if I actually want to. If I could just write I would have by now lol so it's a real "Now what?" moment. The one person I'd discuss this with isn't exactly available for comment (and would probably freak tf out if she were alive lol). Anyone have experience they're willing to share, with Lucifer or any other spirits?
I am intrigued by the idea of working with a spirit, and am absolutely tickled by the thought of getting to say I made a deal with the devil, ngl, but I need some feedback from more knowledgeable people before I commit.
I don't know if anyone will see this but here's hoping. 💜
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robotics5 · 2 years
*Has my computer volume anywhere from 2 to 6, with most games being at 10% volume already and chrome being at 45*
Why yes I am an earbud user, how could you tell?
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spacehero-23 · 1 year
the way i'd sell my own mother for a copy of chain of thorns rn
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