#yelling triangles
megafunk · 10 months
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MOCK ARTICLE: The most extraordinary choir
read here -> https://toyhou.se/~literature/149232.the-most-extraordinary-choir
Synopsis: This article talks about a world-famous tale of a man and his choir made up entirely of Ervas. Whether the story is fact or fiction is up to the reader to decide.
Ervas are a commonly found livestock animal that is omnipresent on the continent. Imagine a goat/sheep, but somehow louder and incredibly stupid. They are very social and vocal animals and almost seem to marvel in the (negative) attention that they get.
I enjoy thinking about the world of Eraden and imagining all of the stories, real or not, that take place within it. This is the first one that I wrote and 'published' on my Toyhouse. It's very amateurish and my writing needs many improvements, but it's still dear to me.
I plan on making more similar articles, and writing short stories about the world and the characters that inhabit it. There is so much to tell a and I'm excited to share all of it :D
Any questions, ask away!
Eraden TH
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sunlightrays · 3 months
How I didn't realize I was poly before 21 even though my go-to reaction to love triangle drama in media is "Why don't they just all date" is beyond me.
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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scribefindegil · 1 year
at my friend's housewarming party yesterday I met someone who has a BURLESQUE DIMPLE COSPLAY which tbh I think is what he deserves
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marisatomay · 1 year
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okay i’m also mad that nope wasn’t nominated for like anything at the oscars as evidenced by by post about being mad that was being reblogged here but let’s not come for the one nominee that literally invented a whole new camera and new filming techniques to capture actors at supersonic flight at imax quality from the inside of a cockpit. you don’t have to like it to respect the amount of effort and ingenuity that went into the production.
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g1ngerbeer · 13 days
actually i DO like tlovm percys stupid spiky hair because it makes him look younger and its important to rememebr that no matter how self assured he tries to act he is 22 years old and scared all the time. also realistically he would be cutting his hair himself and hes probably only passable at it and i dont think he could maintain the sort of haircut that lets him do the aristocracy sidesweep thing like he has in the kickstarter art especially not long-term while adventuring. also its seagull-colored and that makes me happy (i like seagulls)
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sennqu · 2 years
May i ask you why you think Henry is Mike’s rival?
Oh, yeah, of course! This is probably my most off the wall theory and isn't really something I've thought much about so it'd be good to talk about it. Thanks for asking ^o^
first, here is an excerpt from a post I made a while back where i randomly, terrifyingly stumbled into this "theory":
Henry waited until Mike was just about to leave to start enacting his plan. Why didn't he do it earlier? In my extremely humble, extremely ridiculous bordering on crackfic opinion... it's because Henry knew Mike Wheeler would never let Will go back to Hawkins if Mike knew exactly what was going on. So Henry had to wait. He knew El would try to stop him. And he knew that Mike with Will in tow will try to help and go back to Hawkins. And in the one week it'll take them to get there, Henry will be ready to welcome Will back home.
Anyway, haha. To continue, my "theory" is partly due to my understanding that Henry functions as a character to pit against the other characters (in this case, El, Will, and Mike) in order to address their arcs. Like how I think that Eddie died for Dustin's arc and Max fell into a coma for Lucas and El's arc, I think it's also likely that Henry largely exists for the character arcs of El, Will, and Mike.
Henry is El's nemesis, the supernatural antagonist she "created" and must defeat to get her happy ending. Henry is Will's foil, with the parallels and mirrors between them throughout S4. and Henry is Mike's rival, as in, the guy Mike is fighting with over Will. Basically I am operating under the framework that Mike - Will - Henry are in a subtextual love triangle.
Because what we know about Henry so far is that he has not once tried to kill Will. Will even mentions that "he" wants to kill everyone but Will. And add in the fact that in S2, the Mind Flayer / Henry's biggest obstacle to fully possessing Will was Mike. It was Mike who figured out that Will was being possessed, and it was Mike who figured out the idea for the shed, it was Mike's monologue that largely helped Will break out of his possession enough to send a message in code, etc etc. Reading between the lines, S2 was a battle between these two characters for Will. And of course, Mike proved victorious. However, we end S2 with Mike choosing El over Will. This breaks Will's heart. This makes Henry angry.
S3 largely revolves around El vs. Mind Flayer so I am skipping that for now. but I also have a little bit to talk about this in my Henry theory posts. The links can be found on my pinned!
We resume to S4 with the more overt love triangle of Will - Mike - El. And Henry's introduction to the plot. Now, from our understanding of the narrative, El is going to break up with Mike. which would leave him free to pursue Will. But, this is where our subtextual love triangle comes into play. Mike's biggest fear is losing the people he loves and the one he loves the most and fears losing the most is Will. We spend S4 with Mike and Will rebuilding their bestfriendship. We enter S5 with their emotional bonds at their height (Will's romantic heartache aside) from Mike's side, so what would make Mike fear losing Will again? The threat of the UD and Henry. Like, metaphorically, Mike’s fear is going to be losing Will to Henry.
Sorry it's so longwinded but that's basically the gist of it! Oh and also:
Henry has powers and Mike doesn't (special vs. normal, Mike’s insecurity).
(In my theories I posit that) Henry kept Will alive in the UD while Mike just gave up (see: quarry scene) when he lost El.
Henry and Will have a psychic bond, Mike and Will have "I didn't say anything", "You didn't have to"
Alright I think that's all the ridiculousness and thought I can muster for this theory rn lmao I still have a lot to think about it. Again, some relevant links in my pinned ^o^ you probably didn't expect to get this long of an answer so thank you for reading!
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 1 month
X-men 97 is frustrating bc I'm really enjoying the dramatic emotional subplots right up to the point I am INFURIATED by them bc it feels like they're arguing over nothing when the clear and obvious solution is RIGHT THERE
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monay-monn · 2 months
need people desperately to listen to me yap about my pcs
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sigery · 3 months
I'm all for self inserts and character/oc content, but it annoys me so much when people tag A/B when the story is A/oc & B/oc
If the story is about a poly 'V' stop tagging the ends together. Like A/oc/B is fine, but if A & B aren't dating as well do not use A/B
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haaam-guuuurl · 1 year
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Songs slap, tho
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californiannostalgia · 9 months
laurel and susanna's kids all have at least some portion of the moms in them: laurel's get-shit-done mindset and susanna's vision for finding magic in the everyday. (they also have the temper and the strong feelings that they dive headfirst into, not to mention this immense pressure of living up to a legacy they love. but that's part of what makes them a little impossible to look away from. they commit pretty intensely, and they make you want to commit too.)
belly's got it in spades, but so does jeremiah, steven, and conrad. they take chances and pull through. they try to do right by each other. they listen and are scathingly honest and gentle with each other, with comfortable familiarity. they care so much. they've got this magic of the summer they love, and they invite other people into it so they get to feel it too. it's what they've done every year, during this one season of open possibilities and love and grief and every messy thing in between, and they will have it for the rest of their lives, memories and habits and the joyfulness.
these four kids have got a sense of family between them that's real special. I would like this show to end with their summer still as magical as they always remember it: together, and having fun.
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hellonoblesky · 8 months
Heartstopper? Yes, Hannibal did stop several hearts, that is a thing he did. It is in fact a vital part of the show
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ohmyfairies · 1 year
I’ll never understand how CC wrote Tessa, Jem and Will as the most perfect potential polyam love triangle and then wrote Cristina, Mark and Kieran as an absolute mess that clearly should’ve ended as just Mark/Cristina
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
AND ANOTHER THING how the fuck are you going to have Steve say he's crawling forward and THEN put him in the same spot where he was in s2?????
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Josh is to Dino what Dino is Wonwoo
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