#yeah i forgive ben he's still my baby
furoruisa · 2 years
Wuou you all Fab and Ben having a conversation about the past!! Wuou wuou
Damn Fabiola making Ben realize he can change and not being a jerk
Also Ben opened up to her... waaaaa 💕
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Chapter 5: The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters will fluctuate between past and present. This is chapter five of my "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" series. (I'm so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: References to sex, Cursing (a few times), Drinking, Drug Use, Soldier Boy might be, is, really, absolutely, a little OOC, Possible spoilers for season three.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. Reader is described as "curvy" occasionally. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal Monologue is in first person and is in italics
Series Masterlist
Present Day
"Hey'ya Kitten!" Legend smiles wide when he opens the front door of his apartment. "Where have you been baby? How's retirement?" He leans forward for a kiss and you turn your cheek to the side.
Always the flirt.
"Exciting. Is it alright if I come in?"
"Of course! I always have time for my favorite hero." He ushers you into his home.
It was one day after Agent Butcher and Hughie had dropped by your apartment looking for information on Soldier Boy. One sleepless night later you realized that the only way you were going to find Countess was through Legend. And despite his flirtatious attitude, you liked your former handler.
The apartment looks the same as it always has. Memorabilia from what he thought was the good old days hangs on the walls, a black leather couch sags in the center of the living room, and a red faded high backed armchair stands in the corner like a silent guardian. The smell of old cologne, pot, and alcohol soaks through the air and into your nose as you turn to examine the inhabitant.
Legend looks decidedly older. Sometimes you forgot that you didn't age the same way other people did, but then you'd meet someone from the past and it would remind you all over again. He's wearing the same smoking jacket with patched elbows, sunglasses, and ascot, that you saw him wearing over ten years ago. But Legend was classic.
"You hurt my feelings by not calling." He breezes having a seat on one of the couches, and fluffing more of the offensive smell through your nose, but you don't make a face. "What's it been ten years?"
"Something like that." You smile tightly and sit down on the armchair.
It wasn't that you didn't like seeing Legend. He might have been a crazy son of a bitch, but he was a good handler. He knew everything about everyone and he helped you get through Ben's death, not to mention he helped you create your new life when you broke away from Payback.
"You want some?" Legend holds out a mirror where a single white line of cocaine sits. "Or are you still sober?"
"I never did cocaine. And yeah, I'm still trying to stay on the wagon."
"Don't know how you do it."
"Me either." You say it partly to yourself, because it was true. You didn't know how you got through the past 40 years without a drink. Before, it wasn't that you partied as hard as Ben or the others did. It was more the drinking than drugs you imbibed in. Yes, you'd smoked the occasional blunt, but you didn't want to lose control if you tried anything stronger. You didn't like losing control, you prided yourself on keeping it together.
Ben had lost control more than once, and each time he'd show up at your apartment just like he had when he was a kid and he was hiding from his father, falling asleep beside you like nothing had changed. You never understood how he could be so vulnerable when it was just the two of you, but when he was in public he was different. Sometimes you hated that, because in those quiet moments you saw the boy you fell in love with, but when you were out in public you saw the man he became.
You remember all the times he lost control. The worst was when he threw a car through a house when trying to stop some kids in the street and killed an older man. Ben hadn't gone to the funeral, but you had. You sat on the back pew and watched the family mourn. Only a little boy in the front row had noticed you, and you had offered a kind smile, before walking back through the streets and leaving an envelope of cash in the family's mailbox. You knew the money couldn't replace the person they lost, but you couldn't think of anything else to do.
"So, are you here because you want to come out of retirement?" Legend snorts the line on the mirror without looking up. "Might be a good thing."
You laugh to yourself. "I like retirement too much to go back to Vought. Too wild out there nowadays with the supervillains and all that Compound V bullshit." You lean back in the armchair, crossing your legs in front of you.
"I could make you a star!" He looks up at you. "You're still as sexy as ever."
"And you're still a dirty old man." You tease, rolling your eyes at him and earning a chortle from Legend.  "I don't think my powers are cutesy enough for television. I’m not like Starlight.” You snort thinking about the current blonde member of The Seven that had become America’s Sweetheart, a title that you were happy you never wore.
"Who said anything about your powers babe? It's all about the body."
"Fine, fine." He shakes his head. "I saw your last art show, very nice. Bought something for the country house."
"That's very kind of you." You smile with pride. Your last show had been a series you titled "Moods of the Forest," which meant that you had camped out under the stars for a solid month up North drinking in the silence of the woods. It was a nice way for you to clear your head and catch up on your reading, but it had done little to ease the thoughts of the past. "Those were some of my favorites. It was hard to part with them."
"You're very talented." He compliments.
"Thank You. I'd hope so. I've been painting for almost 90 years." Your memory flashes back to when Ben gave you paint for your birthday and the months that followed as you practiced. All the days you spent painting in the park and along the streets of Philadelphia, sometimes with Ben following behind and teasing you, but you knew he loved how much you were painting, loved how much you enjoyed the gift. The happiness and warmth of the memories is doused by a bucket of cold water as you remember the last time you saw him. The echo of the last words you spoke to him and the words he shouted at you ringing in your ears.
The chill sobers you and makes you remember why you were here talking to Legend.
"I have something important to ask you." You look up at Legend. "Do you know where Crimson Countess is?"
Legend doesn't answer immediately. The spike of his pulse with the mention of Countess' name is loud in your ears. "Did you want a scotch? I think I need one." He avoids your gaze.
He stands from the couch and moves over to the table in the corner that has a collection of multicolored bottles that you wish you could drink from, but you restrain yourself. You hear the sound of the glass being poured and as he turns he takes a sip as if rousing the courage to tell you.
"Y/n if this is you finally going after her, now might not be the best time." He swirls the glass in his hand, the amber liquid sloshing against the sides. "I thought you were past all that-"
"It's not like that I-“  Your lips press together in a tight line, considering your next words. "Some men came to my apartment the other day looking for me. They were asking me about Ben."
"You told them you were dead right? The story we came up with?" Legend looks worried.
"Yeah. Don't think they bought it." You shrug.
"Did they give you their names?"
"They said they were with the CIA. Agent Butcher and a guy named Hughie-"
"Butcher? Dark hair, British accent, asshole?" Legend's glass pauses half-way to his mouth.
"Yeah. How did you-"
Legend sighs. "He used to be with the CIA, was on a task force that was used to hunt down supes. I helped them find a few over the years."
"Hunt them down?"
"Butcher's got a bone to pick with supes. Homelander especially." Legend sits back on the couch nursing his scotch.
At the mention of Vought’s most popular hero you pause. You didn’t know too much about Homelander, just that he emerged as Vought’s Golden Boy a few years after Ben died and he was supposed to be indestructible. You wondered if he was as indestructible as you.
“Did something to his wife.” Legend waves a hand like it doesn’t matter. "But they were asking you about Soldier Boy?"
"Yeah, they wanted to know about the relationship I had with him and how he died-" You foot taps against the ground, fighting the urge to pour yourself a drink.
Legend looks worried. "Maybe you should get out of town for a few days-"
Can Butcher really be that dangerous? He didn't seem like much the other day and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to handle me. Most supes couldn't.
"Not because of Butcher, he's a dick, but I mean everything with Soldier Boy." Legend takes a sip from the glass. "If you start thinking about him again, you're going to be in the same place you were last time."
Deep down you know he's right, ever since Butcher and Hughie showed up on your doorstep, Ben was all you thought about. The hole you dug yourself into when you and Ben fought and then he died was deep and dark, and it was already beginning to open under your feet.
You didn’t know if talking to Countess would help close it, but maybe you needed closure, maybe you needed to hear it from her how he died. The last thing you wanted was to go to Stan Edgar. He'd already shown up once, but you thought you had convinced him with your story. Occasionally he would show up to one of your art shows, browsing through the canvases, and asking you about the inspiration of them. You never liked when he showed up in your life, because after all these years he hadn't changed, he was still a snake obsessed with power and being on top.
"I know." You sigh, clutching your hands together in your lap. "But I want to talk to her. Maybe it's time. There was always something that unsettled me about how Ben died and she's the one who saw it. Plus Noir isn’t very talkative these days, Gunpowder is dead, and I’d rather drink cyanide than listen to those two TNT idiots.”
Learning that Gunpowder was dead was a shock. You'd lost contact with him, but you thought it was suspicious that he died so soon before Butcher and Hughie came to see you. You knew that Gunpowder was still doing his rounds in the gun expos and conventions, boasting about the good all days and preaching about the dangers of gun control.
It was ironic for him to be against it when you'd personally seen him kill several people who pissed him off and for no good reason.
If anything he shouldn't be allowed near a gun.
When you knew him he was still a kid, but even then he was already adopting the ridiculous macho attitude that Ben had.
Must have stuck.
"I still don’t think it's a good idea." Legend finishes his glass of Scotch. "But let me find it.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me kitten. I don't think I'm doing you a favor." He grunts moving through the apartment, while your eyes trace the photos. Several of them were of Ben at movie premieres, another showed the whole Payback team, and finally just Ben and Legend. He was wearing his ridiculous helmet, the one you used to tease him about. You always thought it was a shame that they covered up his handsome face.
You had a box of photos under your bed that held similar images, but most of yours were of Ben and you not wearing your supe suits. The ones from your childhood needed to be handled with care, but you enjoyed looking at them, before you saw the hardness in Ben's eyes and the set of his jaw. Those early photos showed you the boy you fell in love with.
"Here." He hands you a slip of paper that holds his untidy scrawl as you stand from the chair.
"Thank you." You turn to go, but stop. "Should I be worried about Butcher?"
"I'd stay out of his way. He kills supes for fun."
"But if Ben's already dead then what does he want?"
Legend shrugs. "Can't be good."
"Just be careful." Legend puts his hand on your shoulder. "I know that everything that happened with Soldier Boy really threw you-"
"I know. But I have to know. I have to hear what she has to say." You sigh looking up at him. It touched your heart that he cared so much. Legend never got close to his clients in the past, but for some reason he was always more willing to help you. It was him that talked you out of the hole when Ben died.
"It was good to see you. Take care of yourself." You try not to see the weariness in his eyes, the way the wrinkles have grown and stretched over the years, how the gray of his hair has spread. One listen with your supe hearing meant that you could hear his blood pumping through his veins, but it wasn’t at the same vigor as it once was. It was difficult to see age on the people you knew, the day that you and Ben both figured out that you weren't aging anymore had been bittersweet. You were happy that Ben wouldn’t die either, but it meant you’d lose your family. However, Ben’s inability to age meant that you weren't alone.
You frown to yourself. Sometimes you’d thought that meant something, that the universe finally threw you a bone and it was some cosmic sign that you and Ben were supposed to be together-
What a crock of shit.
But despite his death the past few years you hadn't been alone even though you had expected it.
"Good to see you too kitten. Don't be a stranger."
When you finally make it to the street below, you kick your leg over your motorcycle, but pause.
I could just go home and work on my pieces for my next show. Go home and pretend those men never showed up and forget all about Ben. The guilt and anger that rises with his name is familiar, but you brush it away. This might be the only chance I have of finding out what happened to him. You think about Countess and the scrap of paper in your pocket. But it won't be easy.
Thank you so much for reading! Likes and reblogs are always appreciated, but not required. Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series :)
Taglist: @roseblue373 @anundyingfidelity @cheynovak @cassiecasluciluce @muhahaha303 @deans-spinster-witch @kayleighmeister
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walkingstackofbooks · 22 days
I was thinking last night about how it would have affected Julian if he'd arrived a few seconds too late to that Cargo Bay in Hard Time and Miles had died in front of him (because that's always a fun (distressing) scene to imagine 👀) and that kind of spiralled into a whole canon-divergent 'verse...
Because then I got to The Quickening, and while I don't think Kira and Dax would have let a more emotionally-vulnerable Julian actually stay on the planet by himself for that whole time, if they did (or if he refused to beam up/ threw away his badge so they couldn't find him/ idk otherwise made it so they had to leave him) (because if anything he's going to be even MORE convinced he has to save every life he possibly can) it would obviously be even more devastating.
And I can imagine that, after all that time that Julian has spent with Ekoria and looking after her, Trevean might ask if Julian's going to take her baby or leave him to be raised on Teplan. In the canon universe Julian's obviously like *nervous laughter* "no I think he'll be better off with you... I could not raise a child" but in this 'verse he's entered his Feeling-All-The-Loneliness-Feels phase early and so is like "fuck I can't raise a kid but also I Literally Cannot Leave This Child It Would Kill Me" and so he takes Ekoria's baby back to DS9.
He takes his kid to the medical conference he goes to with Jake which, valid, but then they get the distress call from Ajilon Prime* and he's like "I can't take my baby to a warzone" and Jake's like "I'll look after him, it sounds like these people need you" and Julian's pretty torn but also he does Need To Save People so they go and, uh. Like I think reactions are pretty mixed about the baby but Julian is literally a Lifesaver so no-one's gonna complain too much and some of the patients want to hold Maris (the kid's called Maris after Ekoria's husband I decided) and it's sweet, y'know, to have a moment outside of the war and pain with this tiny lil bab.
[*Umm yeah this was just me jumping to the most fun (traumatic) events to imagine as I tried to go to sleep so forgive me but...]
Obviously Jake doesn't go off to the runabout with the kid so he still gets lost and when he returns Julian's cradling the baby and idk but my heart just imagining the scene where Julian's like "I should never have brought you here, what was I thinking?" is just MORE with him having his own son there too.
And then we skip to IPS/BIL and Julian's in the prison camp not knowing if his baby is alive and then coming back to realise the changeling has been parenting his son for a month (and having to run multiple test on Maris to check if his baby is actually his or if Maris is a changeling too) and also no-one even noticed he was missing even though apparently his kid had been crying like all the time (and fuck, how fucked up is that going to leave Maris because that sort of thing affects kids when it happens that young, right? anxietyyyy)
(also Miles would have noticed I wasn't me, Julian thinks. because he needs more reasons to feel sad.)
And then DBIP in this 'verse makes me UNHINGED because IMAGINE a Julian Bashir who hit his depression point a season earlier but has been teetering along okay since Maris came along now that he has this whole little life to look after and he will do Anything for his child. (okay apart from stay away from warzones when there are people to save but you know. basically anything)
Anyway yeah so Julian's got Maris with him in Sisko's office when Jadzia turns up with his parents and he is FAR less able to cope than canon Julian is because 1. more emotional instability, but mostly 2. he is a Dad with a Kid and NOPE he cannot have his parents anywhere near his baby that is Not Happening.
He has his oh, my god moment and then hands Maris to Sisko being like "Your grandson is lovely, Commander" and Ben and Jadzia are like ??? but play along and Julian finds some quarters for his parents and by the time they've got there with all the small talk of "hah, for a second there I thought you'd be telling us we have grandkids! when are you going to settle down with a nice girl, Jules?" he's ready to burst but his kid's still with Sisko so he just excuses himself with "I've got to work" and hurries back...
Dax and Sisko totally haven't been gossiping about him and they're all like "So what was that about? Grandson??" and he's like "You saw how they kept calling me Jules, right? I haven't gone by that name since I was 15. And my dad saying he had to convince me to do medicine?? He hated the idea of me being a doctor. I had to study for Starfleet in secret because he just couldn't let go of the idea of his son being a famous tennis player. And now he's convinced himself my career was all his idea!" and is getting angrier and sadder and Maris starts crying and so he's hushing him like "it's okay, i'm sorry, i'm not angry with you, i love you, you're safe, i'm not going to hurt you" -- just idle things he's not really thinking about
Ofc Sisko and Dax are immediately on it like, "Why are you saying that? Did your parents hurt you...?"
And Julian's like a deer in the headlights, and awkwardly replying, "Not, like... My father didn't get as angry with me once I was seven and had grown up a bit, got more capable.. and I hit my growth spurt when I was 14, I got bigger than him, he didn't really do anything after that."
And Sisko tells him, "that's not really an answer."
Julian: "Isn't it?"
And then Sisko gets Kira involved to kick his parents off the station and you think the augment reveal isn't going to happen because Julian deserves a break and his parents are gone and can't fuck it up anymore ...
BUT, nah: Zimmerman - realising he's not going to get his precious interviews after all - decides to bug Julian's parents (because what's privacy when you have a job to do?). And then Rom realises that Zimmerman is cocking up a load of things on the LMH deliberately because he doesn't want to replace the EMH* and looks into Zimmerman's files and finds the report he's going to send and blackmails the guy* (there's gotta be a rule of acquisition about that right?) into not sending the report.
[*Not my idea -- this was the original plan for the episode, though with Miles, not Rom.]
Also after all this Julian really feels like he needs to punch something he goes to Quark's to viciously hurl sharp pointy objects at a board because that's the next best thing -- but also he hasn't exactly done that since Miles, and why is the fucking dartboard still up anyway it's not like anyone else ever uses it so he has another minor breakdown over that and tries to rip it down until Leeta drags him into a storeroom.
(oh yeah I totally think Leeta would have broken up with him when he turned up with a baby -- like not in a mean way, just in a "i'm sorry Julian, I love you, but I'm not ready for a kid (and also you did just leave me for a month without sending a message and you definitely didn't think about me before agreeing to adopt the kid, did you?)" kind of way, y'know? but they're still friends and she still definitely cares for him.)
(idk when rom tells julian what he did to zimmerman but when he does he's also awkwardly like "oh and i wish you and leeta all the best and julian's like ???? and rom's like "i saw you with her in the storeroom earlier. she called you sweetheart" or something and has assumed they're back together.)
And that's as far as I got but I just had to write it up so far because it has haunted me all day and I just need to get it out there.
Thanks for reading my stream of thoughts 💔
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anaiscrazy · 8 months
Forgive me
Elvis Presley x Fem! Reader
Requested by gracerose68
Summary: A pregnant Reader finds out Elvis is having an affair, they almost end the relationship, but it’s already too late
Y/n was a girl who was accepted and loved my Elvis and his friends and family. Everyone loved her, she just seemed to fit in perfectly with his family. She was eight months pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. The day Elvis found out he was super excited to be a father. He talked obout it almost every hour of the day. What would there name be? Would it be a girl or a boy? Would they be smart? Would he be a good father? You could tell he was just the happiest man on earth to be the father of her child. One day you where sitting in the living room and opened her copy of her favorite magazine to see the headline “Elvis Presley has affair with Susan Henning while Filming his 68 comeback special” She couldn’t believe your eyes. Elvis wouldn’t do that to her would he? You couldn’t believe that he would do something so awful. Then she looked at a picture of Susan that was featured in the article. She was beautiful. Way more beautiful than her, she thought. “Elvis!” She called to her husband who was doing something in the other room. “Yes darlin’ what is it?” He asked. “Look at this article” she said pointing to it, as he sat down and gave her a worried look before saying “well ya can’t believe all the things ya see on those magazines, they just try to lie to you to get you to buy it that’s all darlin” She relaxes her tense shoulders “yeah you’re right” she said reasoning to herself, he was a good man, he would never cheat on her would he?
The next day they invited the Memphis mafia to a cookout in Graceland. She didn’t want to get in the water since she was so far into her pregnancy, so she just stuck her toes in, swaying them in the water as she looked at her reflection. Elvis sat beside her ”Hey darlin’” he said before dipping his toes in as well. She heard someone talking about something behind you, she couldn’t tell exactly who it was, but he said something along the lines of “I cant believe Y/n didn’t find out about Elvis’ affair, she would’ve probably freaked out” she felt sick in the stomach. How? Why? Why would he do this to her. “I’m gonna go inside” she said before going inside and started sobbing in the room they shared. Elvis sensed something is wrong and began to knock on the door to the room. “Darlin’?!, baby doll are you all right?” After a few minuets of letting him knock she opens the door to see him. Though she barely could through her tear flooded eyes. “Oh baby doll why are you cryin’?” “I dunno” she lied. She knew why she was crying. “It’s probably just your hormones goin’ up and down ‘cause you’re pregnant” he reasoned. “Y-yeah, probably” she agreed calming down slightly. A few days go by and Y/n hasn’t been herself Elvis started to notice and wanted to know what was going on. “Darlin’ why’ve you Ben actin’ all weird lately?” He questioned. “Really Elvis? Really do you want to know? It’s because you had an affair, and with a girl a lot prettier than me” Elvis denied. Though y/n continued yelling at him “why?!” She began to break down int tears, people started to notice and began comforting her. Elvis finally admits to his having an affair and she begins to calm down, before breaking down once more. All she could get out was “w-water, broke” Elvis began to get the doctors, he knew that he couldn’t get to the doctor in time to do anything he felt helpless. The doctors got there as she began to go into labor, pushing. The doctor said that it would be best to be in the bath. Everyone rushed to run her one, and she peeled off her clothes and got in, shaking, still. One of the nurses escorts Elvis downstairs while she has birth, it was a beautiful baby, the nurse gave her to her. She looked at him. Even this small, she could tell that she would have Elvis’ smile. A few days later when she could fully get up and move around she resumed the argument that she had started days earlier. “How could you do this to me?” “Please forgive me darlin’ I promise I’ll be a better husband for ya darlin’ please baby I will I promise please” he begged. “Oh fine just come here” she pulled him into a long deep kiss, releasing all the tension and anger. “Just never do anything like that ever again Elvis” “oh I promise not to darlin’” he said relieved that she was going to take him back.
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Help from an Old Friend - Benny Miller x F! Reader
A/N: Hello! This is the sequel to the angsty little piece I wrote for @kesskirata​ called Words Unsaid. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Benny Miller x F! Reader 
Warnings: 18 + for language, angst, mentions of cemeteries and death. 
Part One - Words Unsaid 
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There was something peaceful about death. Your steps were softened by the dew on the freshly mowed grass, the stillness that came walking amongst those who’d passed on. The headstone before you was fresh, the ground beneath only just beginning to grow over with the new seed. The bench beside it is cold like everything else here and you take a deep breath, trying to stifle your tears. 
“It’s been a few weeks,” you rub your hands together, “I’m sorry about that, things have been a little stressful.” Your hand shakes when you place it over the tombstone, “Ben would want me to keep visiting each week.” The tears sting your eyes, Benny, your sweet love was still in a coma, it’d been four weeks and with each tick of the clock, your hope of him waking up seemed to seep away. 
“He would be here if he could,” you wipe at your eyes, “he’s just sleeping at the moment.” You glance around at the other headstones, the care their loved ones take to keep them clean, and the flowers refreshed. “Maybe you could help me, Tom, help lead him home to me. I bet if anyone could get him to listen and wake up, it would be you. I’ve been talking to him, reading him books, but nothing. I” you stifle the sob, “I just want him back.” 
You sit there in your grief, crying over the grave of a dead man, praying in your heart that there won’t be another. “God, you must think I’m crazy. But if you can hear me, Tom, bring him home, please.” With a nod, you put a hand on the top of the stone, patting it twice before walking off back towards the truck. The shrill sound of your phone interrupts the silence and you almost drop it scrambling to get it out of your pocket. 
Before you can even get the words out, Will beats you to it, “he’s awake.” Your head snaps around looking back towards the grave and giving him a silent thank you. 
“I’m on my way.” 
The ward is a flurry of activity when you arrive, nurses, and doctors rush around and you could almost find yourself lost in the activity but one voice rings out louder than all the others. “I don’t want any more fucking tests, I swear to god if you don’t find my girl in the next thirty seconds I am walking out of here!” Benny’s voice rings loud and clear and you push through the sea of people, and run through the door. 
It’s almost comical the standoff between the doctor and your love, both of them glaring at one another. “Mr. Miller, you’ve been in a coma for four weeks, we need to do a scan of your brain to make sure nothing was damaged.” 
“No!” Benny shouts, “what you need to do is find my girl, I need to see her here before you take me back for any more tests. You don’t understand how bad I fucked up, I need to touch her, she has to forgive me.” Your heart cracks and Will looks away from the situation to see you hovering in the doorway, relief spreading across his face. 
“You don’t need to wait anymore, brother,” he claps a hand on Ben’s shoulder, “she’s here.” 
The room goes silent, and all eyes turn to look at you but all you can focus on is Benny, his eyes welled up with tears as he shakily holds out his hand, “Baby?” Suddenly, the air is sucked back into your lungs and you cross the distance, taking his hand and pressing it to your face. The room clears until all you can hear is the short click of the door, your body sinking onto the edge of the bed. 
“I’m here,” you whisper, brushing the blonde curls clinging to his forehead, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Where were you?” his voice is soft, and he reaches his other hand to pull you closer, foreheads pressed together. “I woke up and you weren’t here.” 
“I had to go home, take a shower, eat something and then I stopped and checked on Tom.” 
Benny pulls you back, “Tom?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, “I thought you’d be worried if you didn’t visit for so long.” 
He shakes his head, a smile cracking along his face, “Tom is the reason I woke up.” 
“What?” you whisper, feeling him pull you closer, his lips hovering beneath yours. 
“I could hear you, baby,” he runs his nose along your cheek, “I could hear every word but I couldn’t wake up. It’s like I was stuck, and then Tom appeared, he looked good, strong. He told me that he came to bring me home, that I wasn’t allowed to join him yet, you were waiting for me and I needed to be there for you.” 
The tears splatter his cheeks and he uses his thumbs to brush them away. He swallows before lowering his voice, “I’m so fucking sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you. That girl, it meant nothing, you have to know how much I love you. I’m so sorry,” now it’s his turn to cry, the sob crawling out his throat. 
“Oh Benny,” you press your lips to his own, “I forgive you, I love you so fucking much.” He wastes no time in deepening the kiss, his lips latched to your own with as much love and passion that he could pour in. When you pull back, he raises a brow, his hand coming down to rub your neck, keeping you close. 
“Promise me,” you urge, “you will never do this again, I need you to take care of yourself Ben. I plan to have a very long and happy life with you.” 
He grins, giving you a nod before pulling you down for a kiss, “yes, ma’am.”
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
spam yellowjackets post
oh ok lottie you shouldn’t be peeing blood wtf
mari you’re 100% dying this ep i’m sure of it. but also good god i just wanna give her a hug
wait. wait what the fuck. what the fuck?!?! NUGGET?
‘jeff did not come thru on the phone sex thing’ van omfg i adore you
ok thank you van for being yourself i love you also the messed up hair in this scene is just. yes.
lisa just giving lottie a ‘bitch wtf is going on’ look i love her so much
tai and van acting like an old married couple WOAH TRANSITION GODDAMN hold up why does van look a lil evil rn
oh rlly so now we come up w the leather eating jesus a bit late for that huh?
NAT THATS YOUR GF NO but also yay nat/ben bff bonding i love it
she is jealous of lottie bc she wants to date lottie
don’t eat him pls
oh she’s so dead. mari you are so dead-
fuck callie and jeff goddamnit
this cop is a piece of shit i hate him
oh my god callie i love you so much
goddamnit why is misty so good at her job. this is so fucked up
‘we all need things we can’t have shauna’ *taivan camera focus*
hey woah why are we insulting natalie and shauna here MISTY STOP KILLING PEOPLE
i need ben to survive i will sob so hard if he doesn’t.
holy shit he’s actually apologizing. no don’t forgive him that fast omfg. damnit nat cmon.
misty explain what she did to jessica and then lottie’s shocked face + van’s ‘hands tied joke’ omfg yes
oh their finding out who the blackmailer was
walter no walter no walter no walter no walter no
jeff’s gonna do something not good
ok it’s a nightmare? but still what the fuck
callie i love you
OH HE KNOWS ABOUT THE BABY. oh i’m gonna cry. i’m gonna fucking sob.
misty watch your fucking mouth-oh hey tai’s asleep. on nvm she not.
fuckkkkk tai….
oh my god van is the ONLY sane person here
lottie dude we have to talk about it listen to ur wife
oh my god stop killing people please
also like some part of me is worried nat or van or two are gonna die but also like their NOT?
so now it’s just ben akilah and javi pls don’t die
shit natalie ik you survive but like fuck
oh my god nat way to be a badass while shauna is abt to kill you but also not THE FUCKING TIME like it’s gonna work but DUDE
jesus this is horrible why are they all doing this jesus christ this isn’t ok JAVI NO.
goddamn the one time she gets screentime in the last few eps she’s being fucking hunted
the only way i’m not sobbing rn is bc i know she survives bc we see older her. it’s fine everything’s fine. nat’s gonna kill someone tho. i’m sure of it. but fuck.
lottie no. lottie no. nope no. STOP. also van is gonna die. but no.
‘misty. ya did actually kill someone.’ yeah mood. OK LOTTIE SHE HAS CANCER
yeah van’s dying. or it’ll cure cancer.
he found javi’s hideout? lordy this is creepy as fuck
yo he’s talking what??? i love him
oh he’s dying. FUCK.
MISTY STOP WHAT THE FUCK oh god misty. god travis is going to never recover.
fuck. dude even shauna and van look disturbed.
nat pls punch someone. cmon. you deserve it.
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qwertyheidi · 3 years
Jesse: Hey, bestie. So listen, why don't you and I pop in some sweet holly high this evening, get our cuddle on.
Y/N: Look, I really want to get my sweet kisses on but I haven't been feeling very sexy lately. I think I have a bun in the oven. Don't tell anyone, especially Slender.
Jesse, watching Y/N walking away: Yeah, sure. You're secret safe wi-
Jesse, now besides Jane while walking: Oh my god, Y/N's pregnant!
Jane to Jeff and BEN, who are passing by: Oh my god, Y/N's pregnant!
Jeff: It's only a matter of time.
BEN: For what?
Jeff: Y/N to get pregnant.
BEN, lightly slapping Slenderman's back as he and Jeff continued walking: Congratulations!
Slenderman stopped and stood still: For what?
BEN in the distance: You're lover's preggo, you're gonna be a baby daddy!
(please forgive me for making this, my brain's high right now. jesse's just my human oc btw)
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333sth · 3 years
dove. (frankie morales)
chapter ii. previous. series masterlist.
pairing: frankie morales x ofc (’dove’) no use of y/n
warnings: ptsd/military service, violence, injury detail, language, angsty.
summary: santi’s hunch is no longer a hunch, but only will knows how close they are to finding frankie’s girl. 
rating: mature wc: 1.8k 
When a strong hand had clamped around her shoulder, Dove’s instinct was to break it. It wasn’t menacing; they were just waiting at the bar to be served.
A burly, middle-aged man was towering beside her, clutching a beer bottle that looked miniature in his thick grasp. His arms, still holding the shadow of what was once impressive muscle, were littered with military tattoos. Dove could spot a stick-and-poke from a mile off.
“I recognise that,” He gestures to her neck, where a small Delta Force tattoo was usually disguised by her long hair. “You ex-forces? Delta?” 
She wanted to kick herself. The sticky atmosphere had gotten the better of her and she’d thrown her hair into a ponytail without thinking.
“Yeah, but that isn’t exactly public knowledge ‘round here.” She murmurs. 
Across the room, Roni throws her head back in exaggerated laughter. A group of men, who looked barely out of their teen years, had come over to make some desperate attempts at getting laid. Dove had excused herself to buy the next round after one of them had cracked a mortifying joke about liking older women.
“That’s understandable.” The man held out his hand, which she took hesitantly. ��My name’s Mark, I just retired out here. Served for twenty three years.” He chuckled gruffly, his voice thick from cigarettes. “I got jack shit to show for it, mind you.”
“Tell me about it.” She laughs, but she doesn’t offer her name. 
Mark notices as the conversation lulls. “I trained with a guy who made Delta. Santiago Garcia - we called him Pope, ‘cause he just had that way about him. You probably knew him.”
Dove swallows, chest lurching. “Sounds familiar… You know how it is though, the nicknames all blur into one eventually.”
That’s a lie, you never forget your teammates’ names. Mark knows it and so does Dove. Thankfully, he doesn’t push a conversation she clearly doesn’t want to have, and raises his bottle to her.
“Well, it was nice to meet you anyway. Enjoy yourself out here.”
“You too, Mark.” She tries to smile, but her lips press into a thin line that probably looks more like a grimace.
Mark had called Santiago the following day, the alcohol-blurred memory peaking his interest once he remembered his old friend’s plea a few months back. He’d asked around for any heads-up if any ex-Delta women around their age popped up. Mark had thought the man was delusional when he’d heard. If she was Delta Force, she wouldn’t be found unless she wanted to be. 
Apparently, he was wrong. Maybe even the best of the best got rusty after a while.
The town Dove had been spotted in was questionable to Santiago. It was too cosmopolitan for a woman who was starting over. However, after a onceover on a map of Mexico, Santi spotted its smaller neighbour. He’d never heard of it, which meant it must be the place. Small population, right on the coast, with enough amenities and business to get by without any trouble.
“And, man, she had a wicked scar on her throat. Sort of shit you’d only see on a Delta.” Mark had added, with a chuckle. “I can’t imagine that ain’t your girl.”
‘Dove isn’t my girl,’ Santi wanted to bite back instinctually. He bit his tongue, and instead offered, “It sounds like her. I can’t thank you enough, brother.”
Santiago only told Will what he knew about Dove. He had the mind to retain that information no matter what this trip threw at them. Plus, he trusted him with his life, plus a couple other lives that came to mind. Call it insurance, if things went south.
Plus, Will didn’t have Tom’s mouth, or twisted morality. Tom was more than willing to accept that Dove would miss out on their prospective fortune, that the ‘hunch’ would have to wait until Lorea was dealt with. Santiago knew his brothers well enough to know Benny would throw a hissy fit if they knew where Dove was and she wasn’t included. She’d spent enough time stitching up their war-torn skin and shoving them out of bullets to deserve a cut.
So, Pope told a little white lie. They had a stop in Mexico to meet with a contact. 
Frankie had murmured, “Better be worth it, stuck in this shitty car with you fuckers for ten hours.” 
Santiago resisted the urge to agree. God, he hoped it would be worth it too. He hoped he wasn’t driving them into a dead end, a bluff on Mark’s part. Or even worse, invading Dove’s beautiful new life without them. That would destroy everything; Dove, the boys, Frankie. What if she had settled down? What if he pulled into that idyllic beach bar she wanted and she’s there, a baby with the same brilliant eyes balanced on her hip? She was never sure about kids. A vivid mental picture of the wrong diamond, glistening on her ring finger in the afternoon sun, and the wrong man pecking her lips, made Santi physically wince. 
Fish would never forgive him. Will and Benny would never forgive him. He’d never forgive himself. 
It was a long, apprehensive drive. Santi’s eyes were drying, squinting against the headlights that occasionally glared past them. His jaw had been clenched for the last few hours as his anxiety grew, nothing but open road to stare at while he contemplated over and over as to whether it was the right decision. It didn’t help that Frankie never really slept like the others did on the move. While the other boys passed out, Frankie’s soft eyes continued scanning the scene flying past the window. It was like he stayed awake to watch Pope’s back, as if they were still in combat, or as an unspoken act of kindness to keep him company. 
Really, Frankie was a terrible sleeper. Santi remembered that from the early days, before he and Dove gave it up and became an item. He was the last to drift off and first to wake up, always restless. Once Dove started tip-toeing over to his cot in the night, he became the worst snorer in the division. Always splayed on his front, one arm tossed over Dove’s waist and the other under his pillow. She’d kick him in the night so he’d roll over and shut up, but it never lasted long. 
One night, Benny had enough, and groaned to Dove, “Put us out of our fuckin’ misery and smother him with your pillow, for the love of God.”
Dove had snapped back, “Fuck off, Benny, just ‘cause you aren’t getting any of the action doesn’t mean you have to get all bitter.”
“I’ve told you guys - I’m more than willing to join in-”
“Ben.” Frankie grumbled into her shoulder. It was gruff with sleep but still menacing enough to make the hairs on Dove’s arms stand on end.
Before a pillow smacked into his head, Benny guffawed, “Oh, so he is alive after all.”
Wringing a soft rag for polishing glasses between her fingertips, Dove descends the wooden steps at the entrance of the bar. The last huddle of regulars holler behind her, wrapping up their weekend drinks as the evening creeps closer to the early hours; Dove always notices the time when moths start colliding with the lanterns.
Roni rises from a crouch on the ground, dropping a paintbrush into a can with a clatter. “See, your own little touch!” 
The wooden panels that constructed the side of the bar, usually concealed by a stack of cardboard beer boxes, is decorated with little doves. Despite studying criminology, mainly for the satisfaction of her parents, Roni loved painting and insisted on brightening the exterior of their beach shack.
Dove cracks a half-smile. “It’s lovely, Ron. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” She beams, throwing the half-empty cans into the nearby bins. She pauses, glancing hesitantly at the older woman over her shoulder,  “Dove’s not your real name, right?”
“No, no. Nickname from when I was nursing overseas.” Dove chuckles, before adding, “Feels more like my real name than my Christian one nowadays.”
Roni passes Dove on the steps as she returns to the bar, “It suits you. You’re always graceful, but… you’re fucking fast.”
Dove laughs with her, ignoring the familiar clench in her chest. It’s exactly what Frankie used to say. The difference is Roni notices when she almost drops a glass, or her tray of drinks starts to wobble, and Dove is there to catch it with such fluidity Roni never saw her coming. Even the way Dove’s knife slices through fruit like each piece is a slab of melted butter. Frankie witnessed the extreme of that, the stealth and grace that usually ensured the enemy was dead before the others had even thought to raise their guns. Still, he admired her the same way Roni was right now. It was like awe.
It’s probably because he loved her effortlessly, every single aspect of her being without a glimmer of doubt or judgement. And now he wasn’t here.
The group of regulars stumbling down the steps break Dove from her thoughts, chortling and wishing her goodnight. One of the older men turns and jerks his thumb towards the road, “You might wanna tell them you’re closing, bonita.”
Before the road becomes the sand, there is a small, dusty wasteland that doubles as a makeshift car park. A vehicle is parked, glaring headlights facing towards the ocean and forming peculiar, alien-like beams in the dark. She’s definitely getting rusty; she’d barely registered the idling truck.
“I’ll sort ‘em out, Miguel, don’t you worry.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” He jokes, waving to her. “Buenos noches, Dove.”
Military habits are practically impossible to shake, and immediately, Dove’s mind launches into overdrive. She raises her hand above her eyes, squinting against the blinding white LEDs in an attempt to make out a registration plate or even a recognisable model. Her mind is fine-tuned to memorise; most of the locals’ cars are already catalogued in her memory, but this isn’t one of them.
Maybe they’re tourists, ready to push their luck with the opening times. That’s the reasonable side of Dove’s mind. The irrational, dark edges whisper, ‘What if someone found you?’ By someone, it means someone bad. Someone she wronged during her service, an enemy or straggler that got away. Even a civilian that might have been caught in the crossfire. She thought about those ghosts often. Hell, some of them she could still name. When she can’t sleep, sometimes she lists them, pictures their faces if she can recall them, just in case they ever came back.
She inhales a sharp gust of ocean air through her nostrils, welcoming the clarity that spreads through her mind. Parting her lips (the lips Frankie always teased were in a permanent pout), she released the breath slowly, trying to relax the stressed scrunch in her features.
“Your face is gonna get stuck like that someday.”
The voice is familiar. A deep, breathy chuckle, barrel-toned and gravelly. It sounds like home.
taglist: @mishasminion360
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hearts-hunger · 3 years
sunday morning || frankie morales x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: You partied a little too hard with the boys last night; lucky for you, you married a man who’s really good at taking care of you while you’re hungover.
Pairings: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, pure fluff. Big dork energy Frankie.
Word Count: 1.8k (short but sweet)
Warnings: Nothing serious, but just to be safe: mentions of alcohol/getting drunk, hangovers, and related side effects; allusions to PTSD
A/N: Y’all remember that post where I said I thought Frankie would be really good at taking care of you while you’re hungover? Well, I couldn’t get it out of my head, so I wrote a fic about it :) let me know what you think! ♡
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“Rise and shine, pretty girl.”
You rolled away from the sound of Frankie’s voice and buried your face in a pillow, unconvinced by even his gravelly drawl that waking would be preferable to sleeping. Your stomach was rocky, your mouth was almost concerningly dry, and there wasn’t a place on your body that didn’t ache like you’d been run over by a truck. You gave an unsociable grunt when he put a warm hand on your arm.
“My poor baby,” he said sincerely, running his hand up and down your arm to soothe you. “That tequila doesn’t agree with you as much the morning after, huh?”
You huffed. “No kidding.”
You’d had the boys over last night for dinner, which had turned into rummaging through the liquor cabinet, which had turned into you and Santi trying to drink each other under the table. You weren’t sure who’d won, but if your headache was any indication, you’d given it the good old college try.
“How are you awake right now?” you asked. If you remembered correctly, Frankie and Ben had polished off the bottle of Jack Daniels while Will had a few beers and watched you all descend into idiocy.
Frankie hummed in agreement. “My body’s conditioned for superior performance.”
You snorted; he gave a pleased chuckle and put his arm around you, pulling you back against his chest.
“Come on and have breakfast, at least,” he said. 
You groaned. “No way. I’m gonna yack.”
He pulled back a little at that, but knowing him, he wasn’t trying to get away from you - he was just getting prepared to haul you to the bathroom. 
“Are you?” he asked. “Or are you just being grumpy?”
“I... haven’t decided.”
He huffed a laugh. “Fine. But you’ll feel better if you eat something, or at least have some water.”
You rolled over to face him and tangled your legs together in the blankets, nosing against his scruffy jaw. He kissed you, chastely, in the exact way of a man trying not to get roped into morning sex with his super-hungover wife.
“Come on,” you said, though you couldn’t decide whether you wanted him to get more passionate or not, given that every movement made you ache like you were eighty years old.
“You just said a second ago you were gonna lose your lunch,” he pointed out.
You buried your face against his chest. “Yeah.”
He rubbed your back, his big hand going slowly over the places he knew you held the most tension. “I’ll make you a deal. You come have something to eat, and I’ll take a shower with you, ok?”
You considered that. “Will you wash my hair for me?”
“Sure,” he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
You stayed snuggled up against him for a few more minutes, and he went through his little routine he usually did at night, brushing his fingers through your hair and scratching gently up and down your back while he hummed old 70’s love songs. 
“I’m gonna go get started on breakfast,” he said finally, pressing a kiss to your head and gently disentangling himself from you. “There’s Tylenol and water on the nightstand. And if you’re not out when breakfast is done, I’ll toss you over my shoulder and haul you out there myself.”
“Romantic,” you said wryly.
He grinned down at you. “Yeah. Lucky you.”
You tipped your face up for one more kiss, and he obliged you. He gave your thigh a firm pat before he left.
“I want bacon!” you called.
You could just imagine him rolling his eyes. “Sí, claro, claro.”
You took your time getting out of bed; it was chilly in your small house that rainy morning, and you rummaged around in Frankie’s shirt drawer for that soft, well-worn overshirt you borrowed from time to time. You took the medicine he’d left out for you and made your way to the kitchen - you noticed with a wash of gratitude that he’d tidied up after the mess you all made last night - following the sound of Bob Seger and the smell of breakfast.
Frankie was dancing and singing to himself as he cooked, using his spatula as a microphone to belt out “come back baby, rock ‘n roll never forgets!”. He was truly a horrible dancer, but he was so cute, and he sure did look good in those jeans as he swayed his hips to the beat. You smiled to yourself and enjoyed watching him for a minute before you came up behind him and put your arms around his waist, dancing with him.
“Hey there, mama,” he said, as sensually as someone could with a strip of bacon in their mouth. He turned to face you and fed you the other half of his bacon, still singing about rock ‘n roll.
“You took your medicine?” he asked.
You nodded. “And now I want coffee. Please.”
He grinned. “Demanding little thing, aren’t you?” You let him go so he could dance his way over to the coffee pot; you laughed, and he smiled at you like you’d hung the moon.
When you had your coffee in hand, you tried and failed to boost yourself up on the counter opposite the stove. Well, you didn’t really try so much as envision trying, and you knew you were way too sore for that.
“What’s wrong?” Frankie asked, seeing the disgruntled look on your face.
“I can’t get up on the counter.”
He looked amused. “Do you want some help?” Without waiting for an answer, he picked you up at the waist and sat you on the counter like it was nothing.
“You’re so sexy,” you said dreamily, leaning close for a kiss. He put his hands on the counter on either side of you and stood between your knees, spatula still in one hand, and kissed you like you’d wanted him to earlier.
“Where was all this passion and zest for your wife when we were in bed?” you teased.
He smiled against your mouth. “I was trying to think of some incentive for you to get up and have one of my amazing, world-famous omelets,” he said. “That, and you hadn’t brushed your teeth yet.”
You gave him a playful shove. “Frankie!”
He laughed. “I’m sorry, baby, but I would have gotten drunk on the taste of tequila alone if I kissed you much longer.” He mollified you with several more kisses, and before long, he’d earned your forgiveness.
“How’s your omelet coming?” you asked, a little dazedly.
“Oh, shit!” He swung around with comic speed to rescue the omelet on the stove.
“Crisis averted,” he said, sliding it onto a plate. “But I’ll give you the next one, because this one did get a little toasty.”
When both omelets were made, you stayed up on the counter and he stood beside you while you had breakfast together. You had spent countless Sunday mornings like this before, and you didn’t think you would ever tire of it. You were, thankfully, able to enjoy it despite your hangover; he had been right, earlier, and you were starting to feel better now that you’d eaten and the medicine was starting to kick in.
“You sure do love me, huh?” you asked.
His smile was a little bemused. “Yeah, of course I do.”
You reached out to brush his curls back; he hadn’t put on his ball cap yet, and his hair was still fluffy and a little bit mussed, just like you liked it.
“Thank you for taking good care of me,” you said.
He turned his head and kissed your wrist. “I love you, Mrs. Morales.”
You smiled, feeling the same warmth you did every time he called you that. “I love you too.”
Frankie filled the dishwasher while you got the shower ready, and you went ahead and got in while you waited for him. He laughed when you peeked your head out as he was undressing, covering himself in an endearing bit of modesty.
“Don’t ogle me like that,” he laughed, his cheeks pinking a little.
You grinned. “Fine.” You let him undress in peace. “But I’m ogling you as soon as you get in.”
You didn’t have to wait long, and all of his shyness was gone as he stepped under the warm spray and scrubbed a hand through his hair. Like he always did, he’d kept on the macrame bracelet Santi had given him years ago, and you found it alluring that the little band of string bound tight around his wrist was the only scrap of fabric on him.
“Come here,” he said, soaping his hands up with your shampoo. “Let’s get all those tangles out of your pretty hair.”
You stood in front of him while he washed your hair, closing your eyes and enjoying the feel of his fingers as he worked through the tangles from the night before. He was gentle and dutiful, and you had the thought, as you often did, that you were lucky beyond measure to have someone you could be so vulnerable with who treated you with such care.
He put his hands on either side of your head and kissed you slowly. “You’re so beautiful.”
You opened your eyes to see him watching you with incredible tenderness, and you would have blushed if it hadn’t been so warm in the shower.
“You are too,” you said, meaning it. 
You reached your hand up to trace his features softened with love and peace, so different than they had been when you met. Back then he had still been rough from his last tour, only a few months home after a year serving in some place you still didn’t know the name of. He was as kind then as he was now, but he was hurt and weary and used to the weight of the world on his shoulders. That haunted look had come back for a while after Colombia, but you knew him, and you knew what it looked like when he started to heal.
“I like it when you sing Bob Seger,” you said, your voice a little tight. “And I like it when you dance around our kitchen.”
He smiled with all the warmth and affection in the world. “Don’t worry, pretty girl,” he said, knowing what you meant. “You’ve got a whole lifetime to watch me make a fool of myself trying to dance and carry a tune.”
You leaned into his touch and let him kiss you, following his gentle pull to draw you close to him. 
“I love you, Frankie,” you said. Tucked close to him, held safely in his arms, you felt more at home than you had anywhere else before you met him.
He gave a contented sigh, like every hurt and every care had been lifted from him. “Mi cariño, mi amor,” he said gently, like he always did. “I love you too.”
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taglist: @punkgeekchic​, @tv-saved-the-teenage-girl​
let me know if you want to be added to my pedro pascal character taglist!
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safehaventmr · 3 years
Getting back to you
NSFW!! 18 +
It was crazy.
You thought he was dead for six months straight and than he was just there, standing in front of you all, looking even better and taller than in your memories.   But you couldn’t sleep. You were too afraid to wake up in the morning, with him gone again.
So you raise from your bed, tiptoeing to where he was sleeping. He wasn’t sleeping in the big room you all shared. He had been here for months and owned a separate room. You slid through the half open door and shut it behind you.
“Gally? Gally are you awake?”, you whisper into the dark with him sitting straight up in his bed. “I am now.”, he gasps, turning on the light next to him. “What’s the matter Y/N? You really should get some sleep.” “I know. I just can’t.”, you whisper, getting closer to him. “Why?”, he asks, looking at you concerned.  “I just... I am afraid you are gone when I wake up again.”, he starts to smile, lifting his blanket a little bit “Come here.”, he whispers. You cuddle into his arms, just like you used to do when you were in the Glade. But with the turn that he wasn’t wearing a shirt right now. He always wore a shirt when you slept in his hammock in the Glade. He pulls you closer and you let his hand run over his bare chest, stroking a scar. “Is that from the spear?”, you whisper, he nods “Reminds me of what I have done, everyday.” “That wasn’t you Gally. You were stunk. Out of your mind and...” “Still I killed Chuck while trying to kill Thomas.”, he says, looking sad “He will never forgive me. How could he if I can’t forgive myself`" “Gally!” “No! I killed that poor child and...”, you cut him off by kissing him. It wasn't reasonable but it was what felt right that second.  He got to that kiss really quick, pulling you onto his lap. The kiss deepens and with every move you make, you can feel him growing bigger.
“Y/N.”, he gasps “Don’t talk.”, you answer, kissing him again. He pulls you closer, making you feel his hard member pulsing. You let your head roll back when he starts to kiss your neck. “You know, when you left me to die and this guys here picked me up, there were long nights of pain. The only thing that kept my mind straight was the thought of you. You kissing me goodbye, you moaning.” “How do you know what my moaning sounds like?”, you look at him curios. “Well let’s say you aren’t really quit. Everyone in the Glade was abled to hear you and Ben when you did it. I have to admit I enjoyed hearing you but I always thought about how you would sound when it was me instead of him.”, he kisses your collarbone now. “But I guess I’m about to find out.”.
With a simple move he lays you on your back, being right above you. His hands wandering down your body. “You are so freaking beautiful.”, he whispers, pulling up the shirt you are wearing, kissing down your body softly. You let a soft moan slip your lips, making him shiver. He kisses down your stomach, pushing your pants down, throwing it to the floor, before kissing the inside of your thighs. He softly gets closer to your core. His warm breath hitting you.  He starts to kiss your lower lips, letting his tongue inside you, making your back arch. “Shuck, Gally.”, your breath grows heavy while he seems to really enjoy doing this. He gets one finger inside you, pumping very carefully but effective, making you moan, forgetting everything. “Gally...” “Yeah, Baby?” “I’m about to...”, he chuckles “Please. I want to feel you. Please. Fuck me.”, he stops what he was doing. “I never heard you asking Ben to fuck you.” “Please Gally.”, he looks up to you, getting rid of his pants before lining up at your entrance. “You really want this?”, he asks “Just fuck me.”, he pushes into you and he is bigger than he looked like. You gasp for air when he starts to thrust you. His hands push your hands into the sheets underneath you. He has a good pace making you moan louder with every thrust. “Shit, Baby, you are freaking hot.”, he looks at you, admiring you, taking everything in he sees. “Do me harder, please.”, you gasp, he smiles nodding “As you wish.”, he starts to hit into you harder and faster, making you squeak in pure pleasure.  “Gally.”, you are roughly even abled to speak. He stops mid thrusting, looking into your eyes. You look at him shocked “Please, Gally, keep going.” “Ask me to.”, he growls, his voice deep and husky “Gally, will you please make me cum?”, he smiles , pulling you closer by your hips, pulling you up, making you sit on his lap again.  “With pleasure, baby.”, he starts to thrust into you again with deadly precision. He hits that spot again and again, making you hit your high way too hard. “Shit. Gally.” “Cum for me.”, he gasps, making you shiver, while having the best high of your life. “Gally...”, your head falls to your neck once again. The side of that is enough for him to finish too. He pulls you close to himself, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck. “Shit, Baby. That was even better than I thought it would be.”, he gasps, kissing your cheek all softly. He keeps you like this for a moment, looking at you, admiring you, before laying you down carefully, cleaning up the mess.  “Don’t ever walk away from me again.”, he whispers, laying next to you, pulling you onto his chest.
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aficwhore · 3 years
Truth Is (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2: In the Moonlight
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Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!reader
Summary: After Benny’s fight, Chipmunk and Frankie bicker and have a heated argument, leading to something unexpected. When the moment passes the gang goes back to ‘Chip’s’ place to prepare for Colombia in the morning. Fish and ‘Chip’ reunite in the moonlight, but not for long. 
Word count: 4.9K
Warnings: explicit language, blood, violence, guns/weapons, lots of angst and emotions, infidelity, smut, sexual innuendos, drinking, mentions of drugs, talk of death, and talk of mental health(PTSD and depression).
A/N: I was so excited to start this new part, I had no exact plan on how I want it to go, but I went with what I was feeling in the moment. On a Side note THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS, you all are so special to me <3.
“And the winner is!” The announcer yelled, his voice echoing through the arena, pausing just enough to make us anxious, “Ben Miller!” He then raised the hand which held Benny’s arm, to showcase the successor.
In seconds you could hear Will, “Yeah! That’s my baby brother!” followed by proud roars, ours being the loudest in the crowd. I jumped from my seat and started jumping up and down. Too distracted by my glee, I didn’t notice Frankie had stood up from next to me. Once I saw him from the corner of my eye, he picked me up, jumping with me pressed to him, Santi and Tom cheering and playfully slapping each other and Will. 
Though the whole room was bursting with noise and people, when I made eye contact with Francisco, it felt like the whole world stopped. As if we were the only ones here. His smile slowly dropped into a face conflicted with lust and other emotions, I guess mine did the same. He slowly released me, placing me back on my feet, his eyes still bore into mine. 
After a few seconds, his eyes flickered down to my lips. He leaned closer to me, attempting to bring his lips to mine. Feeling my heart stop when his lips lightly brushed mine, I quickly pull away, before our lips could fully meet. Clearing my throat, “We should hurry up and congratulate Benny, then we can all go rest at my house.” 
Fish’s expression read nothing but confusion and sadness. “I-uh, yeah sure.” I swiftly turned to find the boys, but they had already started to make their way through the crowd and back to the locker room. 
My body began to buzz with emotions, not knowing how to feel in this moment. I didn't quite understand why I pulled away, I wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but something didn’t feel right. The timing maybe, or even just the setting, or maybe the fact that I haven’t had closure from that one night many months ago. 
Trying to snap out of my thoughts, I walked a little faster to catch up, hopefully leaving Frankie behind so I could shake this feeling. As I swiftly made it back into the locker room I saw the rest of them surrounding Benny on the bench and making jokes, while Will held a towel to his face, collecting the blood dripping from his split eyebrow.
“Chippy!” the younger Miller exclaimed when his eyes made contact with mine. “Sad to see I didn’t lose?” he questioned with a smirk playing on his lips. 
Shaking my head and laughing, I glided over to him, taking over for Will, and pulling the towel away, examining the cut. “You may have won, but this sure does look nasty Benny Boy.” I light heartedly explained.
“Then it’s a good thing you’re here to patch me up.” He chuckled, a small pleading look in his eyes.
I quickly turned to Will “If I’m gonna fix this, I’m gonna need a first aid kit.” All he did was nod before trailing off the grab one. 
Before I could realize Frankie was in the room with us I heard, “You did great out there kid.” He gave him a nod of approval. “Honestly was surprised, the other guy was a lot bigger than you, which I didn’t think was possible.” 
Benny burst into laughter, Frankie, Santi, and Tom joining in as Will came back and handed me the kit. “Alright boys, I think we should give Mr. BigShot here, a break.” I suggested, opening the kit and pulling out some alcohol pads, gauze, and some bandaids. They all nodded and filed out the back door into the parking lot.
As I began to dab at Benny’s eyebrow, he flinched. “So, you gonna finally tell Fish about everything? You know, since now you guys are kinda talking again?”
“Ben...No, I can’t. You know that. Only you and your brother know.” I explained, attempting to use butterfly tape to seal the cut closed. Carefully, I secured the tape with a bandaid over it, making sure to be gentle as Benny sat perfectly still in front of me, staring at me.
“Fish would be understanding, maybe even regretful with how he acted. If you just told him, he would realize how dumb everything was!” The kid chirped in a hopeful tone.
With a frustrated sigh, I spoke. “No Benny, I don’t think it’s worth it, because I’m not over how he handled it all.” I turned away from him, picking up the trash from the first aid kit.
He tried to convince me again, reaching up for my shoulder. “But you won't even give it a chance, what if-” 
“No! I already said no! Leave it alone! If I want to, then I will do it when I want to!” I shouted, letting my anger out. I yanked out of his grip, causing a sad look to appear on his slightly tattered face. He stayed silent, making me feel quite bad for raising my voice. “Look hun, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. Just so many emotions were awoken today. You can’t blame me.”
He quietly shook his head and stood up. Towering over me, he stepped towards me and wrapped his big and long arms around me, securing me in a well-needed hug. “I’m sorry, I pushed it, I shouldn’t have. I get it, you need time to process and heal. Don’t apologize, I love you Chip.” 
“I love you too B.” I hugged him back for a brief moment. “But please, for the love of all things holy, go take a shower.” I tilted back smiling up at him, reaching up and pinching my nose shut to make fun of him.
“That’s rude.” He scoffed with a smile on his lips. “I’ll see you tonight at your’s, right?” He asked as he gathered his things, heading off to the showers.
I nodded, waving and spinning around to leave out the back. When I walked through the door, I was greeted with Frankie. He was leaning against the wall next to the door. I glanced around, in hopes to find the others, but they all had vanished.
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you.” He spoke, pushing himself off the wall and towards me. I nonchalantly crossed my arms, still looking around.
“What about the others?” I inquired, wanting to avoid this conversation.
“They left, I told them I would drive you home and meet them there after they grab everything.” He revealed, taking in an encouraging breath. “But I wanted to talk to you about something, about us. To be exact.” He paused, stretching his hand out, behind his neck. As he began to sheepishly rub the back of his neck, he continued. “Look, I know things happened very badly, and I could’ve listened. And if I did, maybe we would- I don’t know, maybe we would still be together. But if you just told me the truth-”
“Excuse me? I know you are not trying to apologize and then still say its my fault I didn’t tell you everything?” I interrupted angrily. 
His body tensed, I could physically see the anger arising in him. “Would you just shut up and let me talk?” He spat, making me slightly jump in my skin. “This is another reason why things happened the way they did, you don’t know when to stop and be quiet.”
“You know what, fuck you.” I reacted, “Want to know what I was keeping from you? Want to finally know the goddamned truth? Well Dr. Philips is my fucking therapist.” His face contorted with confusion. “I was getting help, because I was getting worse again. The nightmares came back, and so did the depression, but I was too ashamed of telling anyone. So Fuck off Frankie.” 
Twisting around, I began to make my way out to the street. “Nena (babygirl), damn it, please, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t know.” He pleaded from behind me. 
Completely ignoring him, I kept walking in the direction of my apartment, even though it was blocks, maybe even miles away. When I heard his footsteps get closer, I sped up, trying to lose him once again. Then finally, it was quiet, except the sound of my own feet on the sidewalk and the bustle of the city.
After walking for a few more minutes, my anger calmed, until I heard a car pull up and drive slowly next to me. 
“Por favor (please), get in the car.” Francisco’s voice came from the window of the car. I acted as if I didn’t hear anyone and kept walking, facing straight ahead. “Stop being stubborn and get in! You can’t walk all the way home, it’s going to get dark!”
I rolled my eyes, still ignoring him. Then I no longer could hear the car, which piqued my curiosity, had he really given up that easily? I slowed my pace and as I turned my head to glance behind me, I was lifted into the air. “Hey! Put me down! Help! Help!” I screamed.
“Would you cut it out!” Frankie shouted, struggling to hold on to me as I swung and flailed in his arms. 
“I’m being kidnapped! Someone help!” I kept yelling. “Save me-” My voice being muted as he clamped a firm hand over my mouth, continuing to drag me into his car. As he was forcing me to sit in the passenger side, he yelped. “I know you did not just bite me!”
I huffed, “Well if you weren't trying to abduct me, I wouldn't have to!” His hand reached over me to buckle the seat belt around me, I leaned forward, attempting to bite him again. 
“What are you?! A fucking piranha?!” He screeched, yanking back.
Though he pulled back, his face was still inches away from mine. Our eyes met again. Our feud seemed to melt away with each passing second that his eyes bore into mine. I no longer wanted to put up a fight. Every inch of me ached for me to forgive him and make up, but I couldn’t. No matter how badly I wished to, I knew that our split wasn’t my fault, nor his, but its both of our faults for being so stubborn. 
“Baby,” He spoke softly, pulling me back to reality. His gorgeous brown eyes still locked on mine. His lips lay slightly open, fanning his breath across my face. His breath smelled like mint, it mixed with his scent. He always smelled woodsy, like pine and bergamot. I had missed his intoxicating smell for so long, that I wanted to revel in it, even just for a few seconds. 
I reached out my hand, letting it carefully caress his cheek, his stubble rough against my palm. He didn’t move, he stayed just a hand’s length away, allowing me to sweep my fingers along his cheek, down his neck, and to the collar of the shirt he wore. I gripped the ring of fabric and tugged him forward, crashing his pillowy lips against mine. 
It wasn’t a sweet kiss, it was a needy, rough kiss. Our teeth clashed as our lips parted, inviting each other in. Our tongues swept across each other as one of his hands tangled into my hair and the other gripping my jaw, coaxing me to open up more for him.
It felt like sweet relief, longing and pining had been all forgotten. The man I missed so much, was right in front of me, touching me, kissing me, which I dreamed of for nights on end. 
When I let go of his shirt and began to trail my hand lower, Frankie released my jaw and stopped my hand. He broke the kiss, offering a light chuckle when I whined at the loss of contact. 
“You have no idea how much I missed that. How much I missed you. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t respect your boundaries and that you weren’t ready to tell me.” He whispered with worry, placing his forehead on mine, rubbing his nose against my nose. I closed my eyes taking in the feeling. He laced his fingers with mine, with the hand that still held it to his chest. 
“I know Francisco, I’m sorry too. I should’ve told you, I could've still had you all these past months if I just got over myself and came clean.” I choked out, trying to keep calm.
He squeezed my hand, “Its okay, it’s over now. Please tell me its over.” It sounded like he was close to crying.
I nodded quickly, not wanting to speak, because if I did, I know my voice would crack with emotion. 
He remained crouched halfway into the passenger side, forehead to forehead with me. “Amor (love), they're going to make it to my house before I do.” I giggled, regretting my words moments later when we split. He nodded with a smile, stepped back and shut my door. He hurried around and got back in, starting the engine and making his way to my apartment. 
During the drive he reached over, taking my hand in his, and glancing over every once in a while to make sure I was okay. 
We sat in comfortable silence, until he spoke up. “I still have to run by my place and grab my things, do you mind if we stop on the way?” 
“Not at all.” I responded, bringing up our joined hands, to kiss the back of his. 
We rushed to his place, I stayed in the car as he ran in and gathered what he needed. It all seemed a blur, the euphoria from the event minutes before clouding my brain. 
When we made it back to my place it was dark and everyone was already inside, I guess one of the Miller’s used their spare key to get in. I helped Frankie grab his bags and head inside with them. As we walked through the door, the rest of the team was huddled on my couch, scarfing down pizza which I assume Benny bought. They glanced up and waved quickly before going back to eating and watching whatever they were playing on the TV. I set Fish’s stuff down with the other’s and walked further into the living room to find that the boys had laid out their blankets and pillows for the night already. 
I sat on the floor in front of the boys and grabbed a slice of pizza while Frankie set up his own area to sleep. When he finished, he strolled over and sat next to me. 
For the rest of the movie they guys were watching, we ate and chatted until we got tired and were ready for bed. I made sure to pick up the mess we made and helped the boys get comfy. When they were all laid down and falling fast asleep like children, I smiled to myself as I turned off the lights and headed to my room to turn in for the night. 
I tiptoed quietly, careful not to wake them as I walked to the laundry room and changed into my sleep clothes. Right as I made it back to my room, a hand reached out and covered my mouth to muffle the startled scream I was about to let out. 
“Its me, its just me.” Frankie’s voice contrasted with the silence of the room. I relaxed, turning around to face him. It was dark but I could still see some of his features with the help of the moonlight coming through the windows. 
His eyes crinkled with a smile, his teeth shining brightly. I couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss him. This kiss was loving and gentle. His lips moved against mine as I let my arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. Feeling him flush against me, made my skin become hot with want and need. 
He seemed to notice because he deepened the kiss, pushing me further into my room and shutting the door behind us. In seconds he spun us around and pressed me against the wall. He tilted his head back to look at me, not daring to move, except his arm.
His cool hand trailed up my thigh, dragging my sleepshirt with it. His fingers leave goosebumps in their wake. The material bunching on my hip, revealing the shorts I had on. I felt breathless from his touch as his index finger dipped into the waistband, lightly tugging on it. “Please tell me you need this as much as I do cariño.” He pauses with his nose nudging the side of my jaw, waiting for a response.
“Yes, pl-please, just touch me Frankie.” I stuttered, feeling my heart beat harder for him. In an instant, he drug the shorts down my legs, following them, and kissing the skin they surpassed. Once they were off and tossed away, he began his journey back up, but stopping at my stomach. I gasped as he kissed and licked at the hem of my panties, tasting the fabric and soft tummy underneath.
Through his eyelashes, he looked up and met my admiring gaze. My skin burned with desire, as if his touch was the only cure.
With little effort he wrapped one of his hands around my calf, pulling it up, and placing it over his shoulder, causing me to push my weight against the wall behind me. A small smirk finds its way to his face as he moves my panties to the side. Feeling vulnerable and exposed, I carded my hand through his hair, silently begging him to touch me.
“Paciencia mi amor (Patience my love).” his breath ghosted over my wet core, making me whimper with need. And at that moment he dipped down, placing a sloppy kiss where I wanted him most.
He placed another open mouth kiss on my mound, letting his tongue peak out and part me. My breath hitched when I felt his warm tongue flick at my aching clit. He did it again, causing me to buck my hips, asking for more friction. As he continued, slowly beginning to roll and suck on the bundle of nerves, he ran his hands up the back of my thighs, gripping my ass and pulling more of my weight onto his shoulders. 
He sucked harder, bringing a hand forward, and dipping his fingers into my wetness. “Fuck, I missed your sweet taste.” He murmured from between my legs, scissoring me open with his fingers. A moan escaped my lips, not loud, but enough to spur Frankie on. He started to go faster, working me closer and closer to the edge. His hot breath encompassing my wet heat when he would open his mouth to lick a broad stripe up my slit.
Losing focus on all things other than the man situated at my cunt, I could feel him swiping his tongue across my lips, as if he was spelling something. His movements were too intricate for me to understand, if he was spelling. 
I could feel a mix of my arousal and his spit start to drip down my thigh, sending a shiver up my spine. He broke away from my wetness, and chased the leaking fluid, catching it with his tongue, licking and sucking up the trail slowly, teasing me, making me wait longer for a release. 
My head started to spin with lust, nothing but quiet whimpers and his name leaving my mouth. “Please, stop teasing m-” I was cut off by him curling his fingers and speeding up. He placed his mouth back on me, determined to make me finish. I tugged his hair on accident, the pleasure surging through my body.
He moaned into me from my actions, vibrations radiating through me, allowing the coil in my stomach to tighten quickly. “Yes, don’t stop,” I moaned, trying to keep my voice low. Even though my body burned for me to scream in ecstasy, there were four other men in my living room asleep.
He curled his fingers again, hitting my g-spot. A loud moan eludes me, I quickly bring my hand, free of his hair, up to my lips, biting the skin on the back, in hopes of muffling my noises.
Just as I thought I had it under control, the coil tightened to its max, and snapped. I felt my legs rush with heat and wetness. MY legs threatened to give out as Frankie kept going, prolonging the white, hot, orgasm ripping through me. He gripped my ass again, holding me up, he could feel my legs tremble around him. 
Feeling a little too sensitive I slightly jerked away, slowing coming down from cloud nine. He took this as a sign to stop, he pulled back, placed a gentle kiss to my lips for the last time. He peered up at me, watching my relaxed face come back to reality, and stroking my thighs. 
As my breathing calmed, I looked down, finding my handsome Frankie, staring at me with adoration in his eyes and a smile on his face. I picked my leg off his shoulder, leaned over and grabbed his face in my hands, tugging him up to meet me, embracing him in a passionate and strong kiss. 
I could taste myself on his lips, his face wet with my slick, letting our lips glide smoothly against each other. He placed his hands back on my ass, walking back towards the bed, and me still pressed to him.
His knees backed into the edge of the frame, but he still stood tall. I broke the kiss, a seductive smile on my lips. I grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, showing my bare chest to him. I tossed the shirt away and stepped out of my soaked panties, kicking them into the abyss of the dark room.
Frankie watched me intently, never taking his eyes off my frame. I came close to him, my fingers playing with this shirt. In seconds he tore off his shirt and began to yank his shorts and underwear down. Once they pooled at his feet, I leaned into him, kissing his jaw, nipping at the skin while my hand found his naked member, hard and leaking. His breath caught in his throat when I lightly stroked him. 
“I’m not go-going to last long baby, its been too long.” He choked out, struggling to keep his cool. I nodded, placing one last kiss to his neck. I stepped next to him, to get on the bed. I got on my knees, looking back to make sure he was watching me. As we made eye contact, I slowly bent forward, stretching my arms out straight in front of me. I guided my chest down and into the mattress, leaving my ass in the air and on display for him. 
I relaxed my face into the covers, feeling him touching my thighs and ass, lightly pinching the skin as he traveled up the skin. 
“Mierda (shit), all for me?” he questioned with a playful slap to my right cheek, luring a soft moan from me.
“Yes, all for you Frankie, always.” I responded, shaking my ass, hoping he would fuck me soon. The bed dipped behind my knees as he joined me. Thats when I felt his hard cock pressed to my cunt. He tapped himself on my clit, causing me to surge forward at the contact. 
He chuckled, “Are you sure princesa?” as he ran his head through my folds, eliciting a moan from me.
“Yes, Jesus Frankie, just fuck me already.” I growled frustratedly.
At my command, he lined himself up at my entrance and pushed into me. The stretch was borderline painful, it had been months since I'd taken him, and he was already bigger than all my exes.
Once he bottomed out, he gripped my hip and snaked his free arm around me, pulling me up and flush against his chest. He began to kiss and suck my neck, slowly rocking into me. His hand stayed at the base of my neck, splayed across my collarbones, pressing me into him. 
“Faster,” I whined, feeling him move quicker and more deliberately. His breath tickled my ear as he groaned, feeling me tightly wrapped around him.
As his pace quickened, I reached a hand behind me and braced it on his upper thigh, attempting to meet his hips. With a particularly aimed thrust, I moaned fairly loud, being consumed by the pleasure.
“Shh,” He spoke between grunts, “Unless you want the boys to know that I'm balls deep in you, filling you up with my cock.” He gave a hard thrust, never losing his pace. My free hand slapped my mouth, covering my cries.
Our hips sped up, meeting more passionately, with more meaning. With every thrust, all problems between us seemed to dissipate. I no longer cared about all things before tonight. All that mattered was him, us, and this moment. Being connected to him again never felt so good.
All that could be heard in the silence was the snap of his hips against mine, the small noises we let escape us, and the quiet creak of the bed below us. The moonlight illuminated our entangled bodies, the sweat gleaming in the night. 
The coil in my stomach tightening again, the waves of pleasure threatening to spill over the edge. Frankie had to be getting close, his thrusts became more erratic. He reached his hand from hip, down to my clit, rubbing in tight circles, trying to bring me to the brink with him.
“Fuck you're so tight, w-where do you-” He questioned until I cut him off.
“Cum in me baby.” I moaned, feeling my orgasm take over, the waves of bliss crashing down, taking me with it. Whiteness blinded my vision as my body convulsed against his chest. 
He thrusted a few more times before he let out a broken grunt, pumping his load into me, mixing our hot releases together, letting them seep out and down our legs. 
I turned my head to the side, reaching back and grabbing the back of Frankie’s head, pulling him into a kiss as we calmed down. The smell of sex filling our senses. He slowly pulled out causing me to whine at the loss of him. 
When we finally recovered, he got off the bed, taking me with him to the bathroom. He sat me on the sink, opened the cabinet underneath and grabbed a cloth, coming back up to wet it. Then he gently spread my thighs apart, cleaning up the remnants of the act. He then cleaned himself.
“You should go to the bathroom while I grab our pajamas.” He spoke softly, pressing a kiss to my lips and turned to scavenge for our clothes we had lost in the dark corners of my room. 
I hopped off the counter and sat on the toilet. I went to the bathroom, but began to feel exhausted. My eyelids felt heavy, drooping over my eyes.
Frankie came back in, only dressed in his boxers, my clothes in his hand. “I know love, let’s get you dressed so we can sleep.” He whispered, helping me up and helped me get dressed. His face had an unreadable expression, what could he be thinking? All was forgotten when he picked me up bridal style and led us to my bed, he pulled the covers back and laid me down, tucking me in. 
He wondered around the bed and got in behind me. He pulled me to his chest as sleep began to drag me under. His arm laid across my body and his hand splayed across my chest, feeling my heartbeat. Thats all I could process as I fell more deeply into slumber.
It may have been a dream but I felt him lean over, kiss my temple and whisper “I’m sorry for everything.” And everything went peacefully dark.
I couldn't tell how long I was asleep until someone began to shake me. “Chip, get up, it’s time to leave.” I groaned, not wanting to get out of the comfort of my bed and the comfort of Frankie next to me, or so I thought. 
My eyes snapped open to find Ben crouched next to the bed, face to face with me. I jolted up with surprise, quickly looking around to find Frankie, only to be disappointed. 
“Woah woah! Calm down, it’s Benny.” The man child looked frightened. 
I sighed, maybe it was a good thing Fish wasn’t in here, it could make a lot of questions amongst the team arise. But when did he leave? 
“Oh sorry Ben, I-I was sleeping too hard,” I lied. 
“It seems so,” he chuckled “Breakfast is ready, everyone is up and ready.” He explained. I nodded and he left, allowing me privacy to change. I quickly threw on my cargo pants and shirt, rushing to grab my packed bags. I brushed my teeth and hair in a hurry. I headed straight past everyone in the kitchen, out the door to throw my things in the truck.
When I came back in, everyone was staring at me. But I only made eye contact with one of them, Frankie. And the look on his face pained me, his expression was full of regret.
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*if your user has a strike through, it wouldn’t let me tag you*
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction - BONUS MOMENTS
Surprise!!! I'm back with a select few bonus #bamelia moments!! I just couldn't let the love story of Ben and Amelia die, I hope you don't mind. Love Always, Steph xx
PSA: To all new readers, you don't have to read the series (link below) to understand this, however it would help so that you can understand the preconceived emotions behind the chapter!
Champions Again | di nuovo campioni
warnings; none word count; 1865 writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. link to fic masterlist here
They had done it, again. The Chelsea boys were lifting their second team trophy for the year, they had just won the Supercup. This was Amelia’s first competition final with the Premier League giants and if she had her way, this wouldn't be last. She was beginning to get addicted to the feeling of winning, of proving to every little girl out there and every sexist male she had ever come across, that anything boys can do, girls can do better. She was letting her results speak for themselves, she was making history and there was nothing that could bring her down from the ninth cloud she was currently riding.
As proud as she was over her own achievements, she was equally as proud of her friends. Whilst she wasn’t part of their Champions League victory, she knew that this moment was just as special to the team that just loved to win. The scenes before her were ones she hoped she would never forget - the look on Jorgi’s face as he lifted his third trophy of the last few months, the crinkles beside Mason’s eyes as he grinned at the camera that was desperate to capture every moment of the evening, the tinge of pink on the apples of Ben’s cheeks as he stood with his hands on his hips while he watched Amelia give her first post-match tactical analysis to the Sky Sports reporter - proud that she was his girl. These were the moments that made Amelia forget all of the hard times, or rather made her realise that all of the hard times were worth it to see her friends, her team, her man smile.
With every great victory comes an even greater after party, and even though the Super Cup final coincided with the start of the season, the boys still believed that they deserved an afterparty to celebrate. Captain Cesar Azpilicueta had kindly offered the grounds of his Surrey home to host the bunch of rowdy boys, and their onslaught on mates and partners on the Sunday afternoon between the Super Cup final and the first match of the Premier League 21/22 season. Whilst they were under strict instruction from the higher powers of Chelsea Football Club (namely; Thomas Tuchel) to keep the drinking to a minimum and to keep themselves out of trouble, the boys were allowed to be boys for one more night.
“Benj, what are you wearing? I don’t know if I should wear a sundress or denim shorts! Please, I need help!” I shouted out to Ben who was currently somewhere in his large house.
“Why would my outfit be able to help you with that decision” I could hear his voice getting closer, his footsteps getting louder as he began to ascend the stairs up to the main bedroom that I had slowly started to take over in the last couple months.
“An opinion is all I’m after - stop being cheeky mate” I shoot back at him as I begin to stand up from my place in front of his wardrobe. It was still his wardrobe, he hadn’t asked me to move in yet so it was still technically his even if it was half full with my clothes. As I got to my feet, I turned to see him leaning in the doorway with his arms and ankles crossed over each other. Wearing a tee shirt and some denim shorts himself with a cap covering his ungelled hair - a request from me because it was much easier for me to run my hands through if it wasn’t laden with gel...and because it gave me an excuse to push it out of his face whenever I felt like it (which was often).
“I wouldn’t mind if you stayed in that outfit to be fair, however, that would also mean we would be skipping this afterparty altogether and be spending the afternoon celebrating in an entirely different manner” He states staring at me while I’m currently standing with my hands on my hips, staring at the shorts and tank top combo I have laid out on his bed - again, his bed not ours - he hasn’t asked me to move in yet so it was technically his even if it did have the new bed sheets I purchased a couple weeks back with the matching throw cushions on it. The barely-there outfit that I was currently sporting and that had him licking his lips as he pushed himself off of the doorway to walk to me and wrap his arms around my body from behind was a bralette and a pair of his Chelsea shorts.
“Ok sorted, you’re in denim shorts so I’m going to wear mine too. Done ok move get off me I need to change or we’re going to be late” I exclaimed as I pushed him off me with my hips. A bad move? Absolutely not. I got to feel all of him against me and remind him of what he gets to come home to every evening, if he choses.
“Wow what's the rush now Mils? Why are you walking around like you’ve got ants in your pants?” He questioned as he tightened his grip on me and turned me so I was facing him, looking up into his curious baby blues.
“And don’t say nothing, I’ve picked up on all of your tells already” He further questioned as he could see the wheels begin to turn behind my eyes, desperate to come up with an excuse to mask my jitters so I wouldn’t have to tell him the truth.
“I regret ever letting you become friends with Fede, he’s spilling all of my secrets...Ok fine. I’m nervous to see Jack. I haven’t seen him since...ya’know and I haven't spoken to him since I gave him a telling off before international break and Ben I promise you I haven't thought about him once but I’m still worried that there's unresolved anger there from him and I don’t want to get into it again just when we’re getting back into the groove of us and it’ll impact your friendsh-” my rambling was cut off by his lips, which were simultaneously reminding me to breathe between my words and leaving me breathless at the same time. He always did have a way with his lips, the power they held over me was unmatched by anything.
“Calm down love, I promise it’ll be okay. Jack and I have had it out already, a long chat on international duties which may have only been prompted because Mase and Dec locked us in the kit room after our first session, sorted it all out.” Ben reassured me as he began to rub his thumbs over my cheeks and his hands held both sides of my face.
“I do know he wants to apologise to you though - so don’t be surprised if he tries to do that early on in the evening. You know just how awkward he can be so he’ll probably spring it on you before you’ve even put your bag down.”
“Oh great, I’m gonna need to do a couple shots before we leave the house - you’re good to drive right?” I said as I walked from his grasp and down the stairs to grab the bottle of vodka for some good old fashioned dutch courage.
Ben was right about Jack, he had approached the couple only moments after they had arrived at Azpi’s house. Amelia had spotted him making his way towards them so she began to walk in a different direction to Ben, stretching their interlocked hands and letting him go as she mumbled something about needing to put her bag down. Ben really knew both of them too well. Jack gave Ben a hug hello, still in the grovelling stage of repairing their friendship.
“Hey bro, how’s it goin?” Jack spoke as he pulled away from Ben.
“Yeah bro all’s good with me, how are you? Congrats on the move again, million dollar geez you are, aren’t ya? Don’t forget me when you're mingling with Messi in a couple years” Ben joked back with the boy who has been literally a brother to him for the last few years.
“Ahhh you’re jokin me, could never forget a brother could I? We’re basically blood at this point I reckon. Where’d Mils run off ta?” Jack questioned with his arm around Ben’s neck, both of the boys looking out into the garden for the girl in question.
“Right here super Jack” Amelia spoke from behind them. During their brief discussion, Amelia had put her bag down and ran inside to grab herself a drink before walking out to face the music of Jack’s apology. Overhearing how lighthearted he was with Ben, coupled with the reassurance that Ben had provided her earlier in the evening plus the two or three vodka shots she had downed in their kitchen before coming to the afterparty had meant that she left her worries at the door.
“Mils, darlin', you already know what's coming but I truly am sorry...to both of ya ya’know. Benny, we’ve already had it out and it took me ages to get over that black eye but please believe me when I tell ya I am so sorry for treating you that way Amelia. From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry and I regret nothing more than how I made you feel.” Jack could feel himself getting teary whilst thinking about how he made the girl feel, how he made his best mate and chosen brother feel, how he really put a spanner in the works of their blossoming relationship.
“Jack, I’m not going to say it was ok because it wasn't. But it wasn’t just your fault, I also played a part in it that has me cursing myself every day for ruining things with Benj. I forgive you, Jacky.” Amelia spoke while reaching up and wrapping her arms around Jack’s neck to give him one of her signature squeezy hugs, to truly convey that she was moving on from their tumultuous past and hoped that he could stop beating himself up over it and do the same.
Jack had left the couple to return to the table and grab himself a refill of his drink. Ben’s arm had found its natural position around Amelia’s shoulders as they both stood there looking out at their friends. However, Ben was looking down at Amelia. Without missing a beat and keeping her eyes focused out on the yard, Amelia spoke only loud enough for Ben to hear.
“So, you gave Jack a black eye over me huh? That’s hot”
Amelia took a few steps forward before turning to look at the expression on Ben’s face as she continued to walk away from him, backwards. The slight shock turned into a full on smirk as he walked towards her eager to close the gap between them with a kiss. He knew she loved him with her whole heart, but he hoped that she would understand just how much he loved her right back.
The Proposal | la proposta
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retroellie · 3 years
The Last of Us Headcannons
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Summary: Headcannons about TLOU2 characters 
A/N: I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a bit, I’ve ben stressed so I thought I’d write for my comfort characters lmao 
Warnings: Slight NSFW mentions, TLOU2 spoilers 
Word count: 2.4K
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-This girl is the best girlfriend i swear
-She will always tell you she loves you when she leaves or even if she goes into the other room
-She’s lost a lot of people so she’s always telling you how much she loves you just in case
-Helping her when she has nightmares, especially after joel's death
-”Please don’t leave me.”
-“Ellie, I’m not going anywhere.” 
-She’s definitely a lover of old music
-80s and early 90s was definitely her favorite eras music and movies wise
-Gifting her records you found in abandoned buildings
-She draws you a lot, especially when you aren’t paying attention
-One time she couldn’t sleep so she drew you, she thought you looked peaceful asleep. That drawing is probably her favorite she’s ever done.
-You basically live with her in the garage she lives in
-Winters are always cold in the garage so y’all are basically attached to each other
-You both are cuddled up watching movies with tons of blankets on
-This girl is horny all the time, like if yall are alone she’s on top of you
-Dancing together at the dances
-This girl is so clingy omfg
-Ellie worries about the looks and comment yall get when showing affection in public so she tends to tone down her clinginess
-Joel loves you, point blank period
-When ellie tells you what joel did for her, you didn’t know if you should be happy or sad
-They were gonna take ellie away from you, you probably would've done the same
-”My life would have mattered.”
-”Your life matters to me.”
-You tried to make her feel better about it though, telling her that there would still be bad people and infected in the world
-Neck kisses from the back, my heart is melting holy shit
-She asks maria to put you on routes with her cause mama you are not going without her
-Puns, just puns all the time and you love it
-Definitely calls you babe and baby, you always make fun of her for it but she knows you loves it
-Yall make fun of each other but it’s all in good fun she will never take it too far
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-You’re this mans baby idc
-No one hurts you or they will get tracked down and their knee caps will be gone
-Joel knows full well you can take care of yourself but he just gets so mad
-This man is so soft for you
-He tries to spoil you the best way he can, going out of his way to get you presents from abandon stores
-Teaches you how to play guitar
-He will have you sit in his lap and play the chords
-”Is it sounding better?”
-He just nods and kisses along your back
-He will sing you to sleep if you ask him
-This man has shown you some good ass music, yall sometimes just lay in bed and listen to old records
-He loves the way you look in his shirts, this man melts or bends you over the kitchen table
-He doesn’t cry often but this man is hurt
-The first time you saw him cry was when he broke down to you about ellie and the fireflies and what he did
-It hurt him a lot to admit it but he was so relieved that he could let go and someone be on his side for once
-Tells you all about sarah and how she would like you
-”She would’ve loved you.”
-”Yeah, casue i’m the coolest.”
-”You're a nerd.” He chuckled out
-He would happily tell you about life before the infection, what it was like to not have to look over your shoulder all the time
-He would never tell you about his time in boston
-He didn’t want to scare you, so you never asked but you had a good idea of what happened because of tommy
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while dinner is on the stove
-Forehead kisses in the morning when he has to leave for rounds and your dead to the world
-Calls you Babygirl and princess, IDK HE JUST SEEMS LIKE THE TYPE OKAY
-His voice in the morning>>>>>>
-Will watch you dance from a far while at dances
-Takes you out on little dates, he doesn’t even care about the stares yall (The age gap)
-He is prepared for anything to happen so he loves you like it’s his last day
-Talks about having kids with you but is okay if you don’t want them, i mean he’s not sure if he wants another one but hell, He said he wasn’t going to date anymore but here we are
-If you want kids he doesn't care hold old he is, he will try and try and try to give you a child 
-”Damn it i got my period.” 
-”Well then I reckon we gotta try again, huh baby girl.” He says with a smirk 
-This man has a daddy kink and that’s all i gotta say about that umm anyways
-He is madly in love with you and he shows it, he has lost too many people and he has the mindset of “Good things don’t last forever”
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-I love this man with all my heart, he’s my baby
-He’s very caring and will hold you anytime you need to be held
-He just wants to help people and make the world a little easier for them so he overworks himself to the max trying to keep everything in jackson in order
-”Tommy, it’s 3 am and you got rounds in the morning. Come to bed.”
-”Yeah i'll be in there in a minute, i just gotta figure out the food supply situation.”
-Having to drag his ass to bed
-He loves cuddling, he loves feeling close to you
- Your the fighter of the relationship, tommy doesn’t like to fight if he doesn’t have too so he lets you deal with the violent stuff
-Although tommy loves his brother, he has a hard time forgiving him for the violence he exposed him too
-He feels very undeserving of you and everything good in his life., you have to constantly reassure him that he is a good person and is doing a great job
-He does have nightmares of being in Boston but you were always there for him, he was so thankful for you.
-He loves your cooking, like it can be the most simple thing ever and he’d be like 
-”This is the best Cereal i have ever had, who taught you to cook like this?”
-He has mommy issues, like his mother wasn’t really around so he has a lot of issues with that ig
-He is the best kisser i said what i said
-He’s very passionate and possessive, it’s cute
-He gives you his jackets all the time, he thinks you look so cute in them
- This man is literally the softest i can’t
-He doesn’t cut his hair just because one time you told him you liked it long
-”Jeez honey, your hair is getting pretty long.”
-”Shoot, do I need to cut it again.”
-”No...I like it long, it flatters your face.”
-”I will literally never touch my hair again ever again now that you said that, Okay”
-You have expanded this mans music taste
-He only ever listened to country cause i mean he’s a simple man but then you came along
-You got him a walkman just so he can listen to the music you recommend him
-He tells ellie all about you and asks her for help because he doesn’t want to mess up anything
-He’s not good in relationships and he believes he’s not a very attractive man so he doesn’t really try but he sees himself marrying you
-Spoiler he asks you to marry him because he can’t see himself without you, he doesn’t want to imagine how the world would be so dark without you in it
-He’s not into cute nicknames so he’ll just call you honey
-After joel's death, he was broken and you didn’t think you can even put him back together, but your willing to try
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-I think you would be dina’s first girlfriend but she would love you with all her heart 
-She kissed you at the dance and everything kinda clicked from there 
-She would sneak over to you house in the middle of the night 
-”Jesus, i could've killed you.”
-”But you didn’t silly, come on i’m cold lemme in.” 
-”You're gonna be the death of me dina.” 
-Your rounds with her were never boring, it was always an adventure with her 
-Making out behind building because she couldn’t wait till yall got home 
-This girl will tease you until your bright read in the face
-She will definitely love kissing you, like she will just randomly kiss you 
-She will try to smash you literally anywhere, when she’s wanting to do the nasty it doesn’t matter where you are she will pull you into a random room or bathroom
-She never bores you in bed too, she’s always up to do new things especially since your her first girlfriend 
-When she found out she was pregnant she wanted to give this child the best life so yall decided to move out into a farmhouse 
- Having a kid didn’t really change how she loves you
-She’s still crazy and wild but now she just has a kid on her hip
-You guys were co parents so you both would hunt and take care of JJ 
-You guys would do almost anything to make that kid laugh even if that was dancing like lunatics for an hour straight 
-You guys almost never get alone time so just laying in bed without the kid felt nice 
-Yall are cottagecore lesbians idc, yall are the best parents and i said what i said 
-From behind hugs and kisses, she will grab your hips and kiss your neck until you have no choice but to rip her clothes off 
-Vintage records and slow dancing with JJ 
-I feel like being in a relationship with dina feels like a vintage song about love 
-There's lots of dancing in this relationship because dina loves dancing 
-She’s always afraid that you will feel left out in the family though since your not JJs real parent but you always tell her you don’t mind and you love JJ just like how Jesse would 
-She finds it so hot when your all protective parent when it comes to JJ, as soon as he falls asleep mama yall wont get any sleep 
-Yall are the best parents, dina will fight anyone who hurts JJ and you make him feel loved 
-When he gets older you guys try to tell him about Jesse without making you seem like the outsider of the family if that makes sense 
-Taking care of the animals and plants as a family and reading books about how to while laying in bed 
-Dina makes the best food and she tries to teach you but it just doesn’t add up to what she does 
-Okay we don’t know much about her sister but by the picture we saw she looks hella cool and i think you would be like best friends with her 
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- yall sleep on this man i swear, so this one is to all my jesse stans are there 
-He’s kinky, that’s all 
-He knows he’s hot and he’s super cocky about it 
-He’s not much of a cuddler ngl but he will fall asleep and wake up spooning you 
-Your really close to his mom, like she loves you so much 
-He’s very reckless and your kinda the opposite so you kinda tone him down abit so you think that’s why his mom likes you so much 
-Jesse isn’t much of a dancer and he doesn’t really listen to music but he does like to play video games 
-You always pick him up video games randomly and gets so excited 
-You force him to dance with you at dances and he’s so awkward about it 
-”I hate this.” 
-”Awe you love it.” 
-Always trying to grope you while dancing, like will have his hands on your ass and theres kids behind you like sir stoppp but like keep going 
-”Hey! watch those hands.” 
-”I have no idea what your talking about”
-You and dina are pretty good friends like even after their weird relationship, she’s happy for the both of you 
-Okay so let's pretend jesse didn’t die and he is alive and well 
-When he finds out dina is pregnant he freaks out, he’s still pretty young so he’s terrified he won’t be good enough 
-When the baby comes though he’s so excited, when he’s in the infirmary with dina your happy for him but you can’t help but feel an outsider 
-Dina is so sweet and tries to make you feel better 
-”You're gonna be the coolest step parent ever. I’m glad my son gets such a badass step mom damn.” 
-Dina does move out of jackson still though so yall only get JJ every other week, that was the agreement 
-He cooks in the morning for you and JJ while yall are laying in bed 
-I’m sorry but he’s literally the coolest dad, his entire life changes because of that kid 
-When JJ leaves to go over to his moms house Jesse won’t let you get out of bed, this mf hasn’t got any in a week
-He gets a bunch of cook books so he can better his ability to cook for little JJ 
-You guys decorate JJs room together and it’s the cutest thing ever 
-He takes you to romantic places in the abandon city when yall are on rounds together 
-Jesse has a lot of friends but he would much rather hang out with you 
-Yall call each other stupid and dumb a lot but it’s never used as an insult its just for fun 
-”Damn it, why do i always get the nasty ones.” 
-”Because your stupid, dummy.” 
-”That’s right, i forgot.” 
-Your guys bed is never made, you guys don’t even bother at this point. Like either the kid messes it up or you guys mess it up so what's the point 
-He picks you up when he hugs you, literally pick you up from the waist and lift you up 
!Credits to gif owners!
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The Lucky Australian
Authors note: strong language
~~ 26 Can't Keep The Rain ~~
Is there something you'd like to do tonight?
I got some bridges to burn
I'd like to fly away tonight
For whatever it's worth
Keep the salt out of my eyes, Can you
Keep the heat in the air?
Maybe i'm making the whole thing up
Maybe you're not even there
 “Bro, stop eating my food!”
“But it’s so tasty!” Ben whined
“Why are you still here?” Raphi scoffed
Ben folded his arms and sat back in his seat to look at Raphi.
“Because you missed me, don’t lie! Who else would keep you thin?”
Raphi rolled his eyes.
“Can you like, go back to bed or something?!” Raphi said.
 Aurora opened the door to their banter, her and Pickles walking to the kitchen, after being unleashed Pickles ran straight to Ben.
“Aww puppy!! Did you miss me? Yes you did!” ruffling Pickle’s fur and exciting her.
“Was the vet mean to you? Did he give you a scary needle?” Ben continued in his baby voice as Pickles wagged her tail happily.
“She’s fine, the arthritis injection will help a lot,” Aurora said.
Raphi came to stand beside her, as they both looked at Ben and Pickles.
“How is she though?”
“Yeah, she’s just getting older, nothing they can do about that besides make her as comfortable as possible. It’s hard to tell with her because she has a high pain threshold and never stops moving” Aurora replied.
“Oh your so brave, yes you are!” Ben cooed feeding Pickles some bacon.
Aurora rolled her eyes and smiled.
“We could always leave him behind with Pickles” Raphi suggested.
“Get fucked! Whose gonna scare off all your potential suitors?”
“You’re the worst wingman ever, Ben” Raphi looked at him. Ben only smiled in response.
“I’m picky like that, I only want the best dick for you!” He laughed.
“Right you two, we need to get our hangovers in order. Book the hotel and then…we ride at nightfall!” Aurora instructed.
 Aurora couldn’t escape Henry, no matter how she tried. Almost everywhere was an article on him and his new girlfriend. One photo and her world had ended; there was no coming back from this. Henry really did not need her, nor did he love her, he so easily threw everything away they ever shared and moving on didn’t seem a hinderance to him.
Now, she was angry.
Fuck that guy, who the fuck was he? He was just some nerd that got fucking lucky and became actor who happened to land a few good roles. Sure there were a few people who thought he could act, but mostly he was just pretty to look at. He never loved her. He never asked why she had decided what she did, he just made it all about him. he was right, there would be plenty of women willing to have his kid, only because he Henry Cavill. If he hadn’t found love by now, it was his doing, in all his failed relationships, the common denominator had been him.
Aurora had been willing to forgive him and try to work it out, but besides the one text message it had been radio silence. She knew he didn’t care, why would he? He has half of London and most of the world to fuck whoever he wanted, that had been evident in the paparazzi snap. His smiling face enamoured with the woman he was holding.
She felt physically sick. How the fuck, did she fall for that shit in the first place? She was smart and well adjusted and at the smallest amount of attention from him, she fell into a simping mess. She had basically told him her whole life story within months of meeting him. The false sense of security making her think he loved her, all he did was manipulate her into getting what he wanted. Why the fuck did she even wear her wedding dress to the Oscars?
Because he had wanted it.
Never mind the fact that it had sentimental value or the she would look like a fucking idiot, or that people would judge her, mocking her about marrying someone so unattainable. She should’ve taken the other dress she bought, should’ve made up her mind and stuck with it, but no, she had to believe him and play pretend for him, for a day that wouldn’t happen. Even though most people thought it was cute, she didn’t escape the bowels of the Internet, she saw what had been written about her, how they deemed her desperate or clingy. She had taken the brunt of the embarrassment on his behalf.
And now, here he was again, making a fool out of her, parading around the streets of London with some other poor sucker that he would just pull in and discard when the shine wore off.
At least she hadn’t told him she loved him; she had been steadfast in that.
Hearing a knock at her bedroom door, Aurora turned around to see Raphi entering the room.
“I can’t decide what to wear!” she said simply
“Short and sparkly and the queens will love it, you know this”
“Yeah, but, so I go black or white sequins?”
“Oh fuck no! Biiiiitch, you go red”
And with a flourish of his hand he dived into the closet and pulled out a dress.
“I forgot I had that!” Aurora smiled as she pulled out stilettos to match.
“Oh God, Raphi…that’s not what he meant!” Aurora put her face in her hands as she laughed at him.
“What did he mean?” Raphi asked, evidently confused
“Think about it, we’re in a gay club and he asks you if you need a hand..” Ben waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Realisation dawned on Raphi’s face.
“Yea, that!” Ben laughed.
“But, ewww...i was in the bathroom!”
They settled back into a conversation as the music blared, Raphi staring at Ben.
“Im sorry, are we too boring for you?”
Aurora looked at the phone in his hand and Ben looked at Raphi.
“It’s a girl!” She squealed as she grabbed the phone from him, keeping it out of his eager hands.
“Its a girl?” Raphi mimicked.
“It’s a girl” Aurora confirmed
“Oh baby, I miss you so much, I can’t wait for you to come home and be away form those wretched, bad influences!” Aurora dramatically stated.
“I take great pride in being a bad influence!” Raphi said.
“It doesn’t say that at all!” Ben successfully grabbed his phone back from Aurora as she pouted at him. She looked at Raphi.
“Ben has a girlfriend, Ben has a girlfriend!” they sang in unison together.
“What are you, like fucking 12?” He got up from the table and walked to the bar.
“Oooh he big mad now!” Raphi remarked.
Ben returned with a fresh round for them, just as ‘Dirrty’ started playing. Raphi took a few snapchats of them all on the dance floor, Ben showcasing his two left feet as Aurora laughed at him, holding her drink in the air as she partied alongside them.
On the other side of the hemisphere Henry stared at his phone. Aurora didn’t seem to have a care in the world as he cycled through the snaps, the last one stopping his heart.
There she stood, in an impossibly short red sequined dress that was strapless with a corset shape it ruched at the sides and hugged her tighter than he ever did, she was all legs and boobs, with her arm resting on another mans shoulder, his arm around her waist as they both stared in opposite directions.
Jealousy and anger exploding in his chest, who the fuck was this guy and why are his arms around Aurora?
Blood pumped through his ears, his thunderous heart deafening him.
He looked up to see Nik, momentarily forgetting he was in public. He showed Nik the image.
“Wow” Nik raised his eyebrows in appreciation.
“Why is she with another man?”
Nik rolled his eyes.
“You dumped her. Besides, it could be a friend”
“No man is her friend when she’s in a dress like that!” Henry seethed.
As soon as he got home, he was calling her. Break up be damned, he needed to know who this guy was and why she moved on so fast and so easily. Henry had never been this irate in his life, how dare she flaunt this new guy when he was still heartbroken over her.
“HELLO” Aurora answered, the blaring of the music pumping through the phone. Relief and happiness seeped into his veins at the sound of her voice.
“WHO IS HE?” His voice boomed.
“Who the fuck-?” Aurora must’ve pulled the phone back to look at the caller.
“Henry?” she asked
“Yeah, remember me?”
“The fuck? Hold on”
Henry heard the ebb of music quieten as she moved out of whatever club she was in.
“What are-“
“WHO THE FUCK IS HE?” Henry's thunderous voice echoed on the line
“The fuck are you on about?”
“The guy in your snapchats who you seem so happy with, who is he?”
Aurora was silenced.
“How do you know about my snapchat? You don’t have one!”
Henry stared at the walls in his home. He had forgotten about that detail.
“I got one”
“To keep tabs on me?”
“You didn’t answer me”
“Why the fuck should I answer you Henry? You quite clearly have moved on, but someone else is not allowed to play with your toys?” Her tone was acidic, burning Henry with every word she spoke.
“I didn’t know that woman”
Aurora laughed at him
“You didn’t even know her? That doesn’t make me feel any better”
“No, as in I didn’t know her, she was just some drunk woman who wouldn’t leave me alone.”
“Uh huh, sure Henry. If you’re going to lie, make it believable!”
“I DIDN’T FUCK HER! I haven’t been with anyone since you, obviously we didn’t mean anything because here you are, in the tiniest dress I’ve ever seen with some guy I don’t know!”
Henry remained silenced on the phone.
“You told me there were plenty of women out there for you!”
“I- I didn’t mean that!”
“YOU’RE A FUCKING LIAR!” she screamed down the phone.
They both stayed on the phone, unwilling to give up the only means of communications they’ve had in months.
“His name is Ben. He is an old high school friend who looks after Pickles any time I’m away, like all those times I traveled to you. He also happens to have a girlfriend it seems. So no Henry, I haven’t been with anyone since yourself!”
Relief flooded his system, as territorial as it seemed, he was glad no one had been with her, he wasn’t sure his heart could take it.
 “Aurora, please believe me when I tell you, I didn’t know that woman, I didn’t take her home or go home with her. I was at the pub with my brothers and she wouldn’t leave me alone. She followed me outside and tried to get me to go home with her. I walked her back to the pub to find her friends she was that hammered.”
“There just happened to be a pap hanging around, right? How long did it take you to concoct this bullshit?”
“Aurora, please-“ his voice cracked, all the emotion of the last few months, all the nights he was alone, without her. All the days he thought of her, all the times he needed her.
“I went home alone that night, as I have been every day since you left!” He felt a tear roll down his cheek. She was silent on the other end.
“The more you talk, the less it means!”
“Stop it, Aurora!”
“NO, Henry. NO. You don’t get to talk, you don’t get to say you miss me, you don’t have that right, not after everything you said, not after how you made me feel!” Aurora’s breath was ragged now.
He stood rooted to the spot.
“Why am I considered a leper of society because I don’t want kids?”
Henry had no answers for her. Everything he thought he had wanted was turned inside out when he met her. He had months to think, about his life, about what he wanted, and all he knew, all he was sure of, was he wanted her.
Aurora sighed.
“Fuck it, there’s no point to this. Goodbye Henry”
“AURORA WAIT-“ He yelled into the phone.
“What? You’re ruining my night” He could hear the annoyance in her voice.
“I miss you”
“That’s it?” She asked.
“No. Aurora, can we please really talk about this? Can I call you tomorrow morning?”
After a short pause, she answered. “Make it afternoon. Anything else?”
“Yes, where has that dress been hiding all this time?”
”In the back of my closet”
With that, she ended the call.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 3 years
March of the Black Queen (A Borhap Boys SMUT)
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Part 18 of The Queen Repertoire Series
Notes: I am so going to hell for this, but if you're reading this then so are you so...see you there!
I swear this life is a fucking curse!
I’ve always had my fair share of bad luck but this was ridiculous on so many levels. My so-called boyfriend of five months decided it would be just great to rail the shit out of our neighbor in our bed. Motherfucker never even told me he was GAY! I packed my things as he sobbed and said he was ‘sorry’ and explained how he’d been trapped in the closet his whole life (asshole parents). I told him I would forgive him in time, but for now, I needed a few days to get over the sting of it all. I left our apartment and drove to my best friend's place.
I’ve known Joe forever and he always knew what to do to get me out of a funk. He was basically a happy virus that infected every part of me.
He answered the door and his face when from having a sunshiny smile to a very irate look. “What the fuck did he do?”
“More like who the fuck did he do,” I said entering his apartment and explaining as best I could what had gone down without outing my ex (not exactly my sexuality to reveal after all). “Do I even need to ask if I can crash here until I find my own place?”
“You can stay here forever if you want,” he said embracing me. Joe gives the best hugs on the planet, and fuck anyone who disagrees with that. “The guestroom is all yours, go unpack while I call in the cavalry.”
“Seriously?” I arched an eyebrow at him.
“They care about you too, you know,” he said. I rolled my eyes and left to unpack. Sometime later multiple voices filled the air. The Borhap Cavalry had rolled in. I put on a happy face and made my way to the living room. I’d barely entered when a body slammed into me.
“I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM I SWEAR!” Rami said crushing me in his arms.
“Relax, my King,” I said. “It was an inevitable thing...nothing for you to lose your shit over.”
He stepped back still not convinced. “But—.”
“But nada, my King,” I said. “A pure-warmhearted Pharaoh such as yourself doesn’t belong in prison anyway.”
He sighed but nodded before taking his place on the sofa. On the coffee table were a couple of pizzas and beer to wash them down. I sighed.
“You guys are too good to me,” I said going in for a slice of (Y/F/P). We ate in silence for a while, each of the guys comforting me every now and then. Once we were done eating though...things got a lot louder.
“Truth or Dare, right now, who’s in?!” Joe asked, shouting slightly (he was a bit drunk so…). The guys shrugged.
“Eh, what the hell,” I said.
“Y/N/N TRUTH OR DARE?!” he asked excitedly.
“Um, I dunno, dare I guess,” I said. “You know to break the ice.”
Joe got an evil smirk on his face.
“What?” I asked.
“I dare you to play the Game,” I damn near choked on my beer.
“YOU FUCKER!” I snapped at him.
“What’s the Game?” Gwilym asked.
Joe laughed.
“It’s a stupid thing we did back in college,” I said turning to Joe. “A thing you promised never to speak of!”
“Oh, come on,” Joe said. “You gotta admit, this is exactly what you need right now.”
I groaned. “I hate you so much right now.”
He took out his phone. “Your time starts now.”
“What exactly does she have to do?” Ben asked.
“You’ll see,” Joe smirked earning a middle finger from me.
A couple minutes later Ben excused himself to use the little boy's room. I groaned under my breath. Too easy…
Round 1- Ben:
I excused myself a moment later, claiming to need something from my room. I stopped in front of the bathroom and knocked slightly. “Ben?”
“Yeah?” he answered through the door. I could hear his full stream going but...the opportunity was too perfect.
“Can I come in?” I asked.
“Um...just give me a moment,” I could hear him flush and then the sink turned on. I was nervous but did what I had to to be ready. I thought of him...of his strong hands and his length. I was suddenly very grateful that I had changed out of my cut-off shorts and into my pajama shorts. I shoved my hand in and began rubbing circles around myself. I let out a small whimper and I almost didn’t hear the doorknob turn. The door opened and Ben stood there, mouth agape as he stared at my hand. I quickly pulled it out. “Uh...did..uh...do you need something?”
“No,” I said. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to play a game,”
He looked at me confused so I stepped up and brought my lips to his. My kiss stunned him but not as much as my touch did. I reached down and rubbed at his length through his jeans.
He pulled back gasping. “Are you bloody serious right now?”
I nodded and brought my lips to the skin of his neck. “Come on, Ben...play with me,” I whispered wrapping my arms around him. He cursed and picked me up. He placed me on the sink and slammed the door shut. I yanked my shirt off and hopped down to rid myself of my shorts and panties. I hopped back up as Ben started to do the same. Once he was free of his pants he tugged on himself and stepped closer to me. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands pecking him on his lips. He kissed me back before pushing in. I bit back a moan as Ben let out a grunt.
“You feel so fucking good, love,” he muttered as he started to move. To say he knew what to do to get me to scream and writhe would be an understatement. He thrust into me as though for him it had been quite a while since he last had mind-blowing, toe-curling sex.
“Mm, fuck...I really did need this,” I moaned holding onto him as he slammed into me hitting my sweet spot. “FUCK! Ben! Right there, right there!”
Ben smirked. “Only if you moan my name again.”
“Ben,” I moaned as he slammed into me again. “BEN!”
I suddenly felt my body begin to tense up and I knew… ”Fuck Ben...I’m almost there!”
“It’s alright,” he said. “Come for me darling,” he pecked me on my lips. “Come on my dick.” He muttered.
Suddenly my body became still and I was screaming his name as I soaked his cock in my juices. Ben continued as I collapsed on the counter. Eventually, his body stiffened and he filled me up with a grunt that melted into a moan.
“You...are...bloody...amazing at that,” he said breathlessly.
“I’m amazing? Ben, I haven’t screamed that loud in years.” I said.
“Well then you���re ex is bloody miserable at sex,” he chuckled. “You deserve to scream like that each and every time you’re fucked, and I’m glad I was able to do it this time.” He reached down and pulled himself out of me. “Who knows...maybe I can do it again one day.”
I chuckled. “Maybe.”
I hopped down and cleaned myself up before getting dressed. We went back to the living room where Joe was smirking at us.
“Consider the Game commenceth,” I said.
“Ben, on a scale of one to ten, how was it?” he asked.
“One-fucking-thousand mate,” he said. Both Rami and Gwilym looked at us confused.
“Don’t worry you two, you’ll have your turn soon enough,” I said smirking at them.
We continued to hang out and when the sun began to set we agreed it was time for a movie. But first Gwil wanted to check in with his girlfriend. He disappeared into the kitchen with his phone.
“Joe do I really..?” I whispered.
“You know the rules babe,” he said.
“But he has a girlfriend,” I argued.
“Yeah,” Joe said. “A girlfriend that’s been giving him a lot of shit lately.”
Round 2- Gwilym:
I sighed decided it was useless to argue with Joe. A moment later I stood up and started towards the kitchen. Gwil was sitting at the dining table while on the phone and it did not look good.
“Darling, I swear I’ll be home by next week,” he said. “I know but...this isn’t exactly a small project you know...and these men are basically family to me I can’t just...Darling..? Darling..? FUCK!” he hung up and threw his phone onto the small dining table.
I stepped in awkwardly. “Hey, uh, is everything okay?”
“She’s threatened to leave me unless I go home tonight,” he said glumly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I sighed.
“Don’t be,” he said. “We’d sort of been crumbling for a while...we’ve been wanting to take the next step and have a baby and all that but...I have work. And it’s not like I’m working a regular nine-to-five I could quit just like that I’m...I’m living my dream.”
I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. “It’s gonna be okay Gwil,” I said. “Everything usually works out in the end.”
“Do you think it’ll work out for me?” he asked.
“I know it will,” I muttered pecking him on his scruffy cheek. “Any woman would be damn lucky to be with you,” I said pulling. “Hell, I feel lucky just knowing you.”
He smiled slightly at that. “I wouldn’t say I feel lucky knowing you,” he said. I looked at him slightly confused. “It wouldn’t be enough...I’m blessed to know you.” My lips were on his in an instant. His facial hair tickled me slightly, and I let out a small giggle. Gwil in turned smiled and wrapped his arms around me deepening the kiss. I climbed onto his lap and straddled him.
“God, what the fuck are we doing?” Gwil said before moving to kiss the skin of my neck.
“I dunno but I don’t want it to stop...do you?”
“No,” he said continuing his work on my neck. I started grinding on the bulge growing in his pants. He moaned. I continued moving my hips along the bulge until eventually, Gwil needed more.
He took me off of him and started undoing the button and zipper on his pants. I quickly pulled my shorts and panties down and looked up to see Gwil with his pants and boxers around his ankles and his length in his hand as he stared at me.
“Ready to play?” I muttered damn near purring the words. In response, Gwil wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I hovered for a moment before sliding down onto his length. “HOLY SHIT!” Like the rest of him, his length was long and thick. Gwil hissed at the motion. After a while, I began to move.
Gwil pulled my shirt over my head a little while into it and began massaging my breast. I pulled his shirt off as well as I continued to move up and down his length. Now completely exposed to one another he brought his mouth to my breasts and started playing with my nipple. The feeling made me moan and move faster. Gwil grunted and brought his hands to my hips. He went in deep but not too hard.
You see while Ben was rough and damn near frantic Gwil took care of me. He made sure he wasn’t hurting me and did all he could to give us both a hell of an experience.
He picked me up after what felt like a lifetime of me riding him and laid me on the ground. He continued his caring ways as he thrust into me. I reached down and squeezed his (insanely perfect) fat-bottomed ass. He groaned at that and unintentionally thrust into my sweet spot. I moaned holding on to him.
He moved inside me hitting that same spot over and over again. “Gwil...I’m gonna…”
“It’s okay, darling,” he said. “D-Did you want me to cum on your stomach or..?”
“No,” I said getting closer to reaching my peak. “No, I want you inside me...please do it inside me.”
He looked slightly panicked. “What if I...fuck...what if I put a baby in you?”
I smiled. “Then I guess we’ll have to have a baby together.”
Suddenly a wave splashed over me making me arch my back and causing my toes to curl. I moaned and tightened around Gwil. He continued to thrust eventually letting out a loud moan as he shot his seed inside me. His body trembled as he came down from his high. He pecked me gently on my lips.
We cuddled there for a moment before standing up to get dressed. Gwil grabbed a paper towel and cleaned my cunt showing that his caring in sex didn’t stop at aftercare. I blushed and proceeded to get dressed. “Gwil?”
“Hm?” He looked up at me as he zipped up his pants.
“After the Game, do you think we could ever..?” And that’s when he cupped my face and kissed me. We pulled and were both smiling like idiots.
“I love you,” he muttered. My heart raced and I pecked him before saying…
“I love you too.”
Hand in hand we walked back into the living room having missed a good chunk of the movie.
“Jurassic Park again, really?” I said sitting next to Joe.
“Don’t avoid the subject Y/N/N,” Joe said. “Gwil, how’d it go?”
“About a million out of ten I’d say,” he smiled.
We continued to watch the movie which ended once the sun was fully gone. We agreed on watching one more movie before calling it a night and the temperature dropped to freezing levels (by Southern California standards I mean). I noticed Rami shivering.
Round 3- Rami:
I got up and ran to my room to get my favorite blanket. I grabbed it and went back to the living room sitting down beside Rami. “Here,” I motioned him to get under it.
“Oh, no I’m—.”
“I wasn’t asking, my King,” I said. He sighed and pulled the blanket over himself.
“Thanks,” he said.
For the last movie, we decided on one of my faves (come at me, I dare you!) Breaking Dawn Part 2. At first, it was just another innocent night with me and my boys. Then Rob and Kristen started having rough vampire sex. That plus the music made me relax into Rami.
“Wow, that’s actually kind of...hot,” Rami said.
“You know I’m willing to bet there are a lot of girls out there who imagine themselves like that with Benjamin,” I said. “Your Benjamin, I mean, not...okay probably our Ben too but...you know what I mean.”
“You think?” he looked at me questioningly.
I nodded. “I bet they even touch themselves while they do it too,” I muttered bringing my hand down to his leg. “Bet they even moan his name or even your name.” I started rubbing his length through the fabric of his pants. His eyes grew wide as he gasped.
“What the fuck are you..?”
I smirked up at him. “Time to play...my King.” I undid the button and zipper on his pants and brought my hand to his length which was already semi-hard. I ran my hand up and down his shaft feeling it grow more and more.
“Fuck,” he muttered. I smiled and brought my lips to his jaw. I kissed him softly, trailing up to his ear.
“Did you want to play here or..?”
“Behind the couch,” he said. “I-I don’t want them to see.”
“Yeah, ‘cause we sure as hell can’t hear anything,” Joe joked.
“Fuck off,” Rami said.
“Seriously though, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before,” Joe said. “You don’t have to be so nervous. ‘Side’s it’ll probably be better than the show those walking glitter bombs are putting on.”
Well, Joe did have a point.
Rami suddenly picked me up and placed me on the floor. “Let’s play, buttercup,” he muttered (in his Snafu accent no less)before pulling my shirt over my head. We stripped each other eagerly before Rami turned me so that I was on my knees. Like Freddie before him, Rami was really blessed in the dick department. As he positioned himself at my entrance (keeping the blanket on us at all times) I questioned for a moment how that would ever fit inside me. He made it work though.
I gasped as he stretched me.
“Huh-How the fuck are you all insanely big?” I asked stunned at how well endowed these four drastically different men were. Joe, Gwil, and Ben just chuckled at that.
The next few minutes were filled with our moans and slapping sounds as Rami thrust into me. I was basically bent over the couch between Joe and Gwil so as Rami took me from behind I could clearly see them with their hands on their lengths. Joe reached down and massaged my breast.
“Joey,” I moaned. “It’s not your turn yet.”
“I know,” he groaned, his other hand moving faster along his cock. “Fuck.”
Meanwhile, Rami reached around me and started rubbing my clit. “Oh fuck…” I moaned.
“That’s right Buttercup,” Rami muttered in my ear. “Cum for me. Cum all over this dick.”
My back arched and I tightened around him. “RAAMMIII!!!”
Unlike the others, he pulled out and jerked off onto my back. “FUUCCKK!!” he groaned as he painted my back.
“Hands down the best lay I’ve ever had,” Rami said breathlessly. “Million outta ten for sure.”
Round 4- Joe:
“J-Joey?” I said looking up at him.
“All ready for you Y/N/N,” he said motioning me to get up on the couch with him. Legs shaking I stood up and sank down onto his length. I road him harder than I did Gwil, mainly because it was the final round and lord knows the last was the most important in the Game.
Joe kissed my breast as he held me close.
“Fuck, it’s been so long,” he moaned.
“Not for me,” I smirked. I looked over and Gwil was still jerking himself. Looking around I found that Rami had collapsed on the floor (exhausted) and Ben was watching us with his length in his hand. I turned back to Joe kissed him once and picked up my pace. Joe chuckled.
“Someone’s having a good time,” he teased. I moaned.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” I said.
“As you wish,” he smirked before flipping me over. He rammed into me pushing me slightly forward so that my mouth was inches above Gwil’s cock. “You wanna suck it?”
I moaned and nodded.
“Go ahead,” Joe said.
I grabbed Gwil’s length and kissed the tip before sliding it into my mouth. Gwil hissed and his fists balled up.
I was getting lost in sucking when I heard Ben ask Joe, “Mate, do you mind?”
“Hang on a second Ben, I’m getting close,” Joe said. Sure enough a moment he threw his head back and slammed into me one last time before bursting inside me. He moaned and shook as he emptied himself. He then pulled out and another length was shoved inside me.
I pulled back from Gwil and looked behind me to see Ben thrusting into me, our skin smacking together.
I was on cloud nine.
Once Ben came for the second time I found myself getting close to bursting. I crawled onto Gwil and slid onto his length.
“I-I’m almost there,” I said riding him.
“Allow me then,” he said grabbing onto my hips and slamming up into me.
“OH FUCK!” He moved fast and hard. “Fuck! Gwil! Yes, yes, yes...right there, right there!”
Tension brewed within me and before I knew it I was tight around his length, soaking him in my juices. I threw my head back and screamed as I came hard. I collapsed on top of him and straddled him as he continued thrusting.
“Fuck! FUCK!” Gwil cursed bursting inside me.
We all collapsed in bliss, the movie long forgotten, and all of us spent beyond belief.
Now I've got a belly full You can be my sugar baby You can be my honey chile, yes
“So does anyone win in this game?” Ben asked.
Joe chuckled. “Y/N/N is...the winner is the person who screams the loudest.”
“I won last time too,” I said. “Thanks to Joe...I dunno if it’s a ginger thing or what but...damn!”
“Pretty sure it’s a Deacon thing,” Joe said.
“Oh yes, it’s definitely a Deacon thing darling,” Rami said in his Freddie accent.
I laughed. “You’re all idiots,” I looked up at Gwil who was currently my pillow. “But I love you.”
He smiled. “We love you too.”
“And we definitely have to play again someday,” Joe added.
“Not sure that’ll be possible with me and Gwil dating and all,” I said.
“Wait wuh?” Joe gawked at us.
“Are you serious?” Ben asked.
Rami just smiled.
Gwil and I laughed and kissed for the final time.
Taglist: @fairestkillerqueenofall @onceuponadetectivedemigod @boherahpsody @thebohemianpenguin @ihatethespacebars @rose-de-jaune @xxkellsvixen19xx @valeriecarolinaw @5sos-wdw @hearttshapeddboxx @pleasingiswhatweaimfor @hatemylifesofuckingmuch @painandpleasure86 @haileynicoleseavey17 @queenlover1997 @mrsmazzello @hannafuckingsucks @zwiezraczek @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @tinywildeace
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frederickthegreat · 4 years
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing 
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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