#yeah I couldn’t fit toriel and asgore into that last one I’m so sorry
leshyleaf · 2 years
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Part 2 of my totally super duper bike au inspired by y’all’s comments n reblogs lawl
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yastaghr · 4 years
Rounded Going Round
@kirinsaga commissioned me (During @sansy-fresh Art Drive) to do a little one-shot with some pregnant #sanster angst! You can find the finished work on Ao3 here:
Sans tried hard not to wince when yet another door slammed behind him. It was hard not to take it personally after the first five times. He'd totally given up by the 11th. He'd stopped counting at 23. This was somewhere in the depressing realm beyond that.
It took him some time to gather himself enough to walk through the lobby of the hotel. He knew there were tears streaming down his face. He could feel them as they impacted with his gravid belly. His shirt was probably more like a lantern than a cover up now, but he had to walk through this lobby with all the confidence and ease he could. This hotel was deep in human territory, and a monster showing signs of weakness (heh. He was a living sign of weakness and he knew it) was in serious danger of being jumped. He did not want to become another hate crime statistic today. He couldn't bear to do that to Gaster, not on top of everything else.
Once he was not in that lobby Sans almost ran to the nearest alleyway. He needed to be safe somewhere where he could cry and cry and cry and not have to worry about people staring at him or judging him. Heh. He, the former Judge of the Underground, was afraid of being judged. How the tables turned.
He ducked behind the overflowing dumpster of the Thai-Spanish fusion restaurant, skidded on a smear of Thai iced tea flan, and crashed into the brick wall of the alley. He picked himself up out of mess of cultures and foods, shivered at the feeling of something leaking down the back of his neck, and teleported straight into the bathroom of the flat Gaster and he shared. Blue magic filled the room. It turned on the shower all the way to warm, untied his soiled dress shoes, stripped off his stinking khaki pants and blue button-up shirt, and locked the door. He did not want Gaster to see him like this. He needed to be clean first. He just did.
As he climbed in the shower, Sans reflected on the face of the human as he was told, for whatever numbered time it was this week, that the position he was applying for had already been filled and, while appreciated, his resume was surplus to requirements. Not every human had phrased it the same way, of course. Some were much more open about their speciesism. It was, after all, still legal. But one thing they all had in common was a certain amount of glee as they watched him fall apart.
Even now Sans couldn't stop the tears from coming. And why would he? It was healthy to express your emotions, and, moreover, he was pregnant and a monster. They both got a pass. Or at least…they did among those who actually cared about monsters. And pregnant people. To bad he hasn't been dealing with either of those.
Sans grabbed the bottle of body wash and poured a generous dollop of the stuff onto his body poof. The smell of cinnamon filled the air. Like always, it soothed him. The smell of cinnamon always brought him back to the first time he and Gaster had walked into the Snowdin Shop. The shopkeeper had just finished baking a fresh load of cinnabunnies. They’d tasted like absolute perfection, warm and sweet on his to- damn it. Now he wanted cinnabunnies. He’d have to text his lover once he got out of the shower. Denying his cravings only made him miserable.
At least he could relieve some of that misery right now. He scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed at the stains of mixed-culture food that covered his body. He stopped just short of rubbing his bones raw. Gaster always got so worried when Sans did that, and it always took so long to heal. He really couldn’t afford the wound right now. Heh. Figuratively and literally.
Finally Sans could look at his own bones and not see the multicolored stains. He was back to being clean, which was good because the hot water had just run out. He rinsed off the soap, turned off the water, and went to grab his towel.
A familiar hole-y hand passed him one of the biggest ones. Sans jumped back, slipped, and ended up sitting on the wet floor of the tub with a thud. A cracked skull instantly peeked through the curtains, worry evident in every line of his expression. Gaster apologized profusely. “I am so sorry for scaring you, Sans. I thought I’d made enough noise to alert you, but the sound of the shower is highly likely to have drowned it out. Do you need any assistance?”
Sans chuckled. Yeah, that was his Gaster. Always quick to apologize over the slightest reason. “it’s okay, g. you didn’t scare this old bag of bones too bad. but, i, ah...might need a little bit of a hand up? this belly really gets in the way.”
Gaster quickly set aside the towel and helped him up. “Of course, Sans. Come here, let me dry you off while you tell me about your day. I wasn’t expecting you home for another hour or two. Did something happen?”
Sans tells him about his day in detail, leaving out not one rejection, tear, or alleyway. Gaster nodded along, but Sans could tell he wasn’t as worried as he had been the last few weeks. His large, round eye sockets narrowed. “gaster. aren’t you paying attention? i still haven’t found a job, and the baby will be due in a few weeks, and-”
Gaster smiled up at him excitedly. “-It will be fine, Sans! I just finished setting up the party in the living room. The others will be arriving in a few hours, but I really wanted you to be the first to know. Come get dressed so I can show you!”
Sans sighed, but slipped into a clean t-shirt he had stolen from Gaster’s pile and some old gym shorts. He shuffled his feet into his signature pink slippers and shlepped after Gaster. He was lead into the living room. When they got there, his jaw dropped. There were balloons and streamers, cheerful music was playing from the speakers, the smell of baking treats wafted from the oven, and a custom cake sat proudly on the counter. Sans gravitated towards it. The cake was blue on the sides and had a night sky of sparklers scattered across the flat top. It also had, in white lettering against the dark background, a message. It read, “Home Loan Acquired!”
Sans felt tears roll down his zygomatic process. He wiped them away and turned to Gaster. The other took a step back from the upset fury radiating off of Sans.
“how could you. we can’t afford all this, not and still make the payments. and we don’t have a home loan! that human bank said they wouldn’t lend to us unless we both had a job, and i keep getting turned away! this is all...all…” Sans broke down into tears. Why did this hurt so much?
Gaster wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back gently. “It’s okay, Sans. I should have told you sooner. I was talking with King Asgore today over lunch, and I happened to mention our difficulties with the loan. He was sad that the human banks were being so prejudiced, but not overly surprised. I, on the other hand, was struck dumb when he offered to give us a loan from the Royal Bank. I tried to protest, but he insisted. He said that’s why they set up the Royal Bank in the first place: to help out monsters in positions like ours. So we do have a home loan, and at a much better rate than the humans were offering us. And there is no requirement for you to find work. He was very upset that they would force something like that on us, especially with you so pregnant. Queen Toriel could barely function while she was carrying Prince Azriel. So we don’t have to worry! We can get the house of our dreams and be moved in before the baby comes.”
Now Sans’ tears were ones of happiness. “i can’t believe this. it’s a dream, right? there’s no way we could be this lucky.”
Gaster nuzzled his forehead. There was a huge smile on his face. “It is real, love. We’re really going to do it. In a few days we’ll be adding books to the shelves in our new living room. We can pick out the perfect dining room set. You can read me the instructions while I build our new crib. Are you happy about it?”
The pregnant Sans nodded, the tears still flowing as hormones got behind the emotion and shoved. “i am. i’m so happy i just…” He breathed in a huge sigh of relief. No more rejections from speciesist humans. “i’m just so happy.”
Gaster smiled, squeezed him carefully, then released him from the hug. “That’s good. Now, do you want to help me set up the extra bean-bags in the living room for all our guests? I...may have gone critical in my excitement. There will be 14 people joining us to celebrate. The Royal family, of course, and your brother and his fiancee. Dr. Alphys and Undyne, obviously, and my followers. They’d feel so sad if they were left out.”
Sans chuckled. “good thing we’re going to be moving into a big house. we’ve got too many friends to fit in a small one.”
His husband laughed his clarion laugh. “Good indeed. Now, do you want to...actually, why don’t you work on the food while I move furniture? We can never be too careful. Our little one’s life hangs on the balance.”
“sure thing, drama queen,” Sans said fondly. “i’ll get started on some more snacks.”
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puppyenergy · 5 years
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@rickenrolled​ you’re an absolute mad man i love you. here’s all my answers. long ass post beneath the cut
1. Who’s your favourite character from UT?
i love them all but if i had to pick one then chara
2. Who’s your least favourite character from UT?
3. Your opinion about UT fandon:
very sweet, lots of smart and lovely and creative and gay people. could do without all the transphobes and incest/pedo shippers tho but like, theyre kinda everywhere aren’t they. like flies! smack
4. What’s your favourite quote?
“you never gained LOVE, but you gained love. does that make sense? maybe not.“
5. What’s your favourite soundtrack?
death by glamour
6. Pacifist, neutral or genocide?
7. Why did you decide to play UT?
when it came out, my first exposure to it was thru supporting a friend who had recently started a youtube channel and they did a playthru of undertale! i ended up being unable to wait for them to finish it and just went and bought the game myself so i could play it. i was just so invested, i couldn’t wait for them to upload asklghskl
8. Favourite battle?
9. Favourite scene?
GOD I CAN’T CHOOSE JUST ONE SCENE. fuck. you can’t do this to me.
10. Your first letter to Mettaton was:
“legs” probably sldkghsd i don’t remember
11. Your reaction when you saw Omega Flowey for the first time:
12. Your headcanon about Frisk’s gender:
they’re nonbinary but i specifically headcanon them as agender! i also rlly dig genderfluid frisk as well bc same.
13. Which UT character reminds you of yourself?
mostly frisk but also chara and also mettaton
oh and all the dogs
14. Which UT character reminds you of your best friend?
TEMMIE. we are dog and cat solidarity.
15. Would you smooch a ghost?
i already have!
16. Which UT character would be your best friend? Why?
all of them. i will befriend them all.
17. Do you remember your first killed character? Who was that?
toriel ;_; i reset & redid the entire game for her, i felt so bad
18. Did you do sth in game you regret?
killing toriel lmao
19. Which ending was your first?
20. Your favourite land in UT and why: (Snowdin, Waterfall or Hotland)
snowdin is my favorite... it’s just so home-y. i rlly love snow, it brings a lot of happy memories. the christmas aesthetic does as well. and it’s also where you meet sans & papyrus & all the dogs. it’s just such a happy place.
21. Your favourite place in UT and why: (Undyne’s house for example)
i just rlly love snowdin ok. every area in snowdin. i still remember my little gasp!! when i found out that the snow on frisk’s head is always a different shape every time you go thru that slide-y puzzle.
22. Your headcanon about River person’s gender:
“it doesn’t really matter.”
23. Your headcanon about one of the UT characters:
papyrus is nonbinary!
24. Butterscouch or cinnamon pie?
25. Your opinion/headcanon about six human souls:
i always connect the deltarune characters to the six human souls for some reason. kris is the cyan soul, susie is the purple soul, ralsei is the green soul, lancer is the blue soul, noelle is the yellow soul, and then im not sure who would be the orange soul... ofc only one of them is actually human but that’s always an association i made asdlghsd
26. With who would you go on a date?
none of them tbh sdkglhskdlgha i would go on hangouts with them tho!
27. Marry, fuck, kiss and kill:
marry: napstablook fuck: mettaton kiss: all of them getting kisses from me!!! mwah kill: none :(
28. Do you wanna have a bad time?
no!! i wanna have a fun time. a sillay ol’ time.
29. Your favourite UT au:
there’s this one unfinished comic someone made a while ago i don’t even remember what it was called but it was about two charas or smth??? idek if that counts as an au but tbh that comic is the origin of my love for feral chara
30. Your least favourite UT au:
all of the ones where anyone is misgendered or there’s incest/pedo/abuse in it it just automatically makes it a bad au.
31. Would you want to fall into underground?
i mean, yeah. where’s the hole. i’m on my way.
32. Describe or draw your undersona:
the puppy is specific to dfta
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my other undersona is dragon kid. he’s a human & monster fusion with a rough past. he’s also adopted. the cat is his sibling.
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33. One reason why you love UT:
toby said Hello LGBT Community
34. One reasom why you hate UT:
frisk’s design is,, u kno
35. If you could choose one type of food from UT, what would it be?
dog salads for days!
36. Your favourite amalgamate:
snowdrake’s mother & endogeny
37. Your headcanon about Gaster: who do you think Gaster is to Sans and Papyrus? (Father, brother, uncle etc)
i like to headcanon him as their dad
38. Your opinion about bad puns:
they’re good, ok.
39. Do you draw fanarts from UT? If yes, then what do you like the most to draw?
yes i do asklghsdkgl i could probably draw chara/frisk/asriel forever and be ok with it
40. Which of human souls fits you the most?
red, baby
41. What would be the first thing you would to show to Sans, Papyrus or the rest of characters in human world? Why?
the stars!!! they’ve been wishing on rocks for too long. time to see the real thing.
42. Which song reminds you of UT or one of the UT characters? Why?
skglhslkhg i make playlists just for this tbh. i have a playlist for mettaton, chara, frisk, asriel, undertale in general, and then one for both chara & frisk. too many songs to talk about rn so here’s the most recent one i added to chara’s playlist:
my favorite lyric is “we are horrible but not bad”
43. Your opinion on underloid:
i. i’m not sure what that is askdlghsdk
OH I JUST LOOKED IT UP ITS UNDERTALE VOCALOID??? i’ve never listened to it before but tbh that’s real cool
44. Do you forgive Asgore for what he’s done?
no lol
45. Did you pay for Tem’s college?
I DIDNT, IM SORRY TEM... i just dont have the patience to sell all that residue
46. Have you seen any youtube letsplay of UT?
i swear i’ve seen them all now. i watch them when i need some free serotonin. u_u
47. Do you listen to any fanmade songs? If so, then which are your favourite?
i don’t rlly listen to any but i have a few saved! i rlly love the fucking checker dance & death by glamour mashup
48. What are your favourite theories?
narra!chara if you can even CALL that a theory man it’s literally canon
i also rlly like the theory that ut sans is actually from deltarune, and also maybe a darkner.
49. Who is your favourite enemy? (Not including boss monsters)
50. Do you have any headcanons about Chara’s past? (Why they hate humanity, why did they fell to the underground etc)
i think they had some pretty shitty ppl in their life until they met the dreemurrs, probably.
51. Who is your favourite dog?
52. What was your reaction to true lab?
fear and a lot of emotion
53. Your fabourite voice acting:
myself sakldhgklsh
54. At the end of pacifist run did you stay with your friends or did you come back to your family?
i always send frisk to stay with toriel bc as their player guardian i would not feel comfortable with myself if i just left a child stranded on their own. it was the same in oneshot. if i’m ur temporary game dad then i’m leaving u in a safe place before the game ends ok.
55. Who is older - Sans or Papyrus?
56. Your OTP(s):
57. Your NOTP(s):
any of the incest/pedo ones. especially with fr4ns & ch4sriel i’m gonna get real stabby.
58. Your BROTP(s):
chara/frisk haa
59. Your favourite puzzle:
i like the shooty spaceship ones!
60. Which battle was the hardest for you?
fingers in his ass.... fingers in his ass.... asgore he likes b
61. Did you still hate Flowey after you discovered his true indentity?
i never hated flowey, ok. and also no.
62. The saddest moment:
“the next day.”
“the next day.”
“the human died.”
63. Which ending is your favourite?
true pacifist, pls
64. How old do you think Frisk is?
9, maybe? i always change my mind on this asdlghsdk. they’re just a baby. age is baby.
65. Any post pacifist run headcanons?
both chara & asriel get revived. always.
66. Your favourite NPC:
the trans woman lionness npc who mettaton gives his dress to
67. Humans or monsters?
68. The funniest situation:
my brain is failing me but i fucking love the idea that frisk is just walking away from undyne during her battle sequence and she’s just CLANK CLANK CLANK in her armor stomping after but ugh has to stop and wait while frisk gets a phonecall and UGH has to check on sans who fell asleep at his post.
69. Skeletonfucker, robotfucker, goatfucker or kinkshaming?
listen i KNOW i said i’d fuck mettaton but i’m NOT a robotfucker.
70. When playing for the first time how many candies did you take?
one! i wanted to be a good boy.
but then i just went ham,
71. Did you kill or spare Flowey at the end of the game?
spare and i got emotional with how he reacted
72. If you had to be one of the main characters, which would you choose?
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73. If you had to kill one of the main characters which would you choose?
i wouldn’t kill any of them!! i love them all. i refuse.
74. Which character(s) would you like to cosplay?
HMM. i could probably pull off frisk the best.
75. Your favourite Burgerpants’ quote?
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for-a-flower · 6 years
The Truth
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          Hours later, Asgore Dreemurr returned to the garden in full armor and a purple cape.  The flower turned to face him as he approached with a frown on his face.  "Seeing you like this . . . I wish things could be different," Asgore said.  "But I have been asking some of the monsters for suggestions and . . . none of them know what to do."
          "It's okay, dad.  It's not your fault,” said Asriel.
          Asgore stepped closer to the flower.  "And . . . even if I do not want to talk about it . . . it is only fair that you know what happened."  The king sat down beside the flower with a thump.  He paused a few seconds, pulling himself together before he started to explain.  "Toriel . . . was upset.  Because I . . . I told everyone in the kingdom that any human who enters this place must die.  I told them I would gathered enough human souls to break the barrier."  The flower listened quietly.
          Asgore looked away, his gaze focusing on the covered throne, which sat in shadows at the throne room’s far wall.  "Your mother asked me not to.  She begged me to find another way.  But . . . I had made a promise to my people.  And even though it was made in a fit of rage . . . I could not back out."  Asgore looked at his son, worry in his kind, brown eyes.  "The monsters needed hope.  They were so sad.  I know I may not have made the best promise, but I knew it would give them hope again . . . at least for a little while.  I had hoped Tori would understand . . . but . . ."
          "She didn't?" said Asriel.
          Asgore shook his head.  "She said that she would not speak to me unless I thought of another way.  And I did try . . . but there does not seem to be one."
          The flower tilted his head.  "Why wait so long?" he said.  "Why wait here and hope seven humans fall in just so you can kill them?  What if they're too nice for you to make yourself?”  Asriel leaned closer to his father.  “Look . . . you only need to kill one in order to pass through the barrier.  You can take that soul and use its power to find six more.  Then come back and . . ."
           Asgore raised a hand to stop him there.  "No, Asriel.  I do not want power.  I just . . . want the monsters to be free."
          "But you can't have one without the other," said the flower.  The king sighed, his gaze shifting down to the ground before him.  Asriel continued.  "What if . . . seven humans never fall down?  What will you do then?"
          This time Asgore’s tone shifted to an even softer, reluctant voice when he gave a reply.  "Six already have."
          "Oh . . .”  Asriel found this information to be disturbing.  It meant his dad had already destroyed six humans who fell into the underground.  Asriel scowled.  “So, you have six human souls already?  Just go and get one more.  It can't be that hard if you’ve already killed six," said the flower.
          The king shook his head, his hands resting in his lap as he sat by the flower.  "I . . . do not want to kill anymore."
          "But you're almost there.  How will monsters have their freedom if you don't do anything?"
          Asgore sighed.  "I do not know.  But I will not use the ones I have already . . . to gain power and go through the barrier . . . just to find and kill one more.  I . . . would rather wait.  It cannot be too much longer.  Besides . . . I made more than one promise."
          The flower sighed.  "I don't think that'll get you anywhere but . . . nothing I can do about it."
          There was a pause of silence before Asgore stood up again.  "I should water the garden," he said.  "It has been a few days since the last time."  He walked to the corner he had put the lantern earlier.  It sat near a water bucket, which the king took in his hand.  The flower watched Asgore begin watering the Golden Flowers around him.
          "So . . . I was thinking,” said Asriel.  “We should have a routine . . . something that I can expect or look forward to each day since . . . I can't exactly go places.”
          The king’s expression lightened some.  "Hm . . . that is a good idea.  What would you like to do?"
          "I was hoping you might have a few ideas."
          Asgore thought a few seconds as water splashed against the bright petals of flowers in front of him.  "Well, we could have tea . . . or play a game of catch . . ."  When Asriel didn't respond, Asgore paused to look at him from a few steps away.  
          The flower was staring . . . eyes narrowed.  “Do I look like I can do any of those things?” he asked.
          "Oh . . . never mind."  The king continued watering the flowers.  He was nervous about this.  It was obvious.  Asriel could hear the unsure tone in Asgore’s voice and could see the way his large hands trembled a little as he held the watering can.
          "I mostly just want someone to talk to," said the flower.  "Maybe we can tell each other stories."
          Asgore’s movements slowed when he spoke again, though he was still focusing on the flowers.  "Speaking of stories . . . would you mind telling me what happened after you left through the barrier?"
          Asriel paused.  He hadn’t expected his father to ask him about this so soon.  "I meant made up stories,” said the flower.  “But . . . I guess I can explain first.”  Asriel began with a small voice while Asgore neared the flower’s position.  "After I left the underground and approached the village, the humans saw me and the whole village attacked.  During their efforts to kill me, I just wanted to go home.”  Asriel frowned.  “But Chara wanted me to stay . . . wanted me to kill all the humans in the village to defend myself.  I couldn't make myself do it.  I held back and . . . left to come back here . . . ignoring Chara's wishes."  The flower glanced down.  "But the humans had already done a lot of damage.  It was hard to get back.  It took a lot of strength.  I . . . remember falling in this garden . . . right in front of you and mom.  Then things were dark.  I guess when I died, Chara's soul moved on.  She's . . . not part of me anymore.  And . . . I'm kind of glad . . ."  The flower looked up just as Asgore reached him, accidentally pouring water on top of him.
          The king paused with surprise.  "Oops!"  The flower was soaking wet, drooping over as water droplets ran down his yellow petals.  "Sorry, I was occupied with my thoughts," Asgore said.  He set down the water bucket.
          Asriel sighed and tried to shake some of the water from his petalled head. "I would like to know were Chara went though.  I know she's not the best person in the world but . . . she's my best friend.  And . . . I still think she can be a better person."
          Asgore pulled a soft rag from a pocket in his robe and knelt down to brush off some water from the flower's petals.  "I suppose that is true," he said.  When he was finished, the king stood up, peering down with a smile.  "There you are!  Nice and dry."
          The flower looked slightly annoyed.  "Thanks."
          Asgore was quick to change the subject back again.  "What you mentioned about telling stories . . . I like that idea.  I am happy to talk to someone else too for a change," said the king.  "We could also make up riddles or . . . tell jokes?"
          The flower's face lit up a bit.  "That's a great idea."
          "I can meet you here in the garden every morning and evening until we decide on something else.  I do have responsibilities to the kingdom that I must fulfill during the rest of the time but . . . this will be a nice change."  Asgore turned to head out.  He crossed the garden then paused to look back.  "Should I tell the kingdom about you?  Or would you rather them not to know?"
          "Go ahead and tell them.  Maybe some of them will want to talk to me and they can keep me company while you're away," said Asriel.
          "Do you not want any time to yourself?"
          "Yeah . . . but I have enough of that during the night.  I think I can keep myself occupied for that amount of time on my own,” said the flower.
          Asgore smiled and nodded.  "I will tell them then.  It would be hard for me to keep you a secret.  I will be back in a few hours.  Take care."  The king reluctantly turned to step through the metal gate into the hallway beyond, his cape flowing as he rounded the corner.
          The flower sighed.  He tried to move again by tilting his head left, right, forward, backward . . . nothing.  He yanked against his own, little stem a couple times.  Still nothing.  It seemed to be useless to him.  All it did was hold him to the ground and help him stay upright.  Asriel tried moving as if he had legs and toes.  He could feel something through his stem.  It was the dirt around him.  But he wasn’t sure how to move his stem or roots.  The flower sighed.  "I wouldn't try if I knew it was impossible," he told himself.  "I mean . . . I can already do a lot of things normal flowers can't.  There has to be a way to move around too."  He tried to move forward several more times but nothing happened.  He frowned.   "I . . . think."
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Death to Justice (LostTale prologue)
Man oh man....this is a year old and I just feel like it’s a bit cringy QwQ For those that don’t follow my DeviantArt, I decided to post the things I’ve typed here as well, and what better thing to post first than the prologue to my main AU, LostTale? I do hope you enjoy it! I will be posting the LostTale AU at some point as well, and I am working on Bestial Purity rn :3 so enjoy!
Death to Justice
We stood there for a long time, the golden hallway lit by an eerie light. "Isn't a beautiful day outside?" I ask, staring at the human across the hall. I watched as she gripped the knife in her hand a little tighter. That's right you shit....you know what's going to happen... I thought and my smirk grew a little bigger. "Birds are singing....flowers are blooming...."
She took two steps forward. I raised a hand, ready for her to charge. "On days like this...." She raised the knife. "Kids like you...." She then charged. "SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL." I gripped her soul and tossed her to the side of the wall, listening to her grunt in pain. That's right...you deserve this....
"Heh.....that all you got you stupid comedian?" I growled as my eye glowed and tossed him again. She cackled loudly as I tossed her again. "Tsk, you're so-"
Sans!!!! I flinched and blinked. For a brief moment, I saw two of the human in front of me, one with this mad glint in her eyes, the other with tears. Sans help!!! I ignored it, perhaps it was my old memories playing tricks on me. The person in front of me was no longer my friend.
"You filthy brother killer....no...you killed everyone!!!" I threw some magic bones her way but she deflected them with her knife so easily it made me sick. "You deserve to rot for this! I'll kill you myself!"
"Is that a promise~?" She teased and I flinched at the mad tone in her voice. "Ooo I think he's serious now....." Another flicker, this time in their LVL.
One? No...it's 19. I saw it....Is she screwing with me?! I just barely dodged a lunge and glanced into mad, glowing red eyes.
"Oh so close skeleton~!" She grinned and another flicker.
Please stop! Sans please run!
"Trying to screw me up with mind games kiddo?" I summoned a blaster and snarled. "SCREW THIS!" I fired the blaster and she dodged, but just barely, blood dripping from her arm. I would make this devil child pay!
Papyrus panted as he made it to the castle. Fighting could be heard deep within. Brother....Frisk....no.... He turned to the others, close behind him. "We must hurry!"
"It sounds like they're already fighting...." Undyne whispered, holding Alphys close. "If we get too close to them we'll be done for."
"B-but we have t-t-t-to! We have to t-tell Sans!" Alphys said shakily. "If we d-don't, he'll-"
"SANS! YOU MUST STOP!" Papyrus ran off and Undyne followed after, carrying Alphys.
I gripped the ground as an attack made me slide to dodge. "Grr...."
"What's the matter funny man? Cat got your tongue now~?" The human taunted me and walked forward.
Sans.....Sans no..... I heard it again, her voice, but not her voice.
What is going on?! I stood shakily and readied another attack when she lunged suddenly. I dodged, but only just, my coat getting cut open by the sharp knife in her hand. Shit! I rolled on the floor and stood back up.
"STOP SCREWING WITH ME!!!" I shouted and used another blaster, to no avail. "You're a murderer.....this is-"
"No laughing matter?" The girl cackled and began moving oddly. She moved and swayed like a possessed doll. "But it is~! Messing with you Sans brings me joy and her agony! You can't hear her screaming....begging.....maybe I should let you? Even a little?"
"SHUT UP!" I used my magic to toss her again and she hit the wall hard, her other arm breaking. I heard fits of giggles, but also a sudden scream of agony. Wh....what?
Sans! Kill.....me! Can't stop.....hurry!
Kill? I don't... I dodged a sudden swing, forced to gaze into mad, gleeful eyes. Yet buried in those red eyes were blue ones filled with sadness and pain.
"He can't and won't! He doesn't have the 'guts' to do it!" She cackled and knocked me to the side, cutting my cheek with the knife. I watched blood drip to the floor and growled as she stepped closer. "He can't do it.....you have to watch him die...." The knife raised and I closed my eyes.
"WE NEED TO HURRY!" Papyrus ran further down the hall, coming upon a closed door. "Closed?!" He tried to open it when he heard Sans scream. "BROTHER!"
Blood dripped slowly on the floor. I opened my eyes to see the knife embedded into her chest, blood staining her sweater. "Fr....Frisk?"
"YOU FOOL!" I blinked and turned to see another kid behind her, wearing a yellow and green striped sweater. "Dying for HIM?! He nearly ended you!"
"S....ans......" I caught her as she collapsed and tried to remove the knife, only for her to whimper. "Sans......sorry...."
"Wh-what are you sorry for?" I asked, my voice was trembling. I was so confused, but it was then I heard my brother's voice just outside the locked door. "Papyrus? He's...alive?"
"Yes...everyone...alive...." She wheezed in pain. "I stopped Chara.....but only just. He....he would have killed them all....but I stopped him..."
"But I saw you-"
"Illusions....he tricked you.....I couldn't hold him....anymore..." She coughed and blood splattered my cheek. "Sans...it hurts....."
"I'm sorry....I can't...." I didn't know what to do. Things were changing to fast, and a small child....my friend....was dying in my arms. "Frisk I-" Her soul glowed faintly above her chest and shivered. "Frisk?"
"T....ake it.....my soul...." She whispered, her voice soft and shaky. "Use it.....destroy the barrier.....free everyone..." Tears streamed down her face, and mine followed after her. "Pl...ease Sans....." She looked at my hoodie, stained with her blood. "Hee hee...I love blue....I wanted one too....." She looked again and I took her hand gently. "Sans....promise.....to say bye for....for me...."
"No! There must be another way!" I knew better of course. But I couldn't just watch her die! My magic wasn't strong enough to heal. All it could do was harm. I took the soul gently, it felt warm. Her eyes shimmered with tears. "Frisk...no...."
"S....sorry Sans.....I love....you....big....bro...." She didn't finish. She slumped so suddenly, and her heart just....stopped. Unlike us, humans don't turn to dust when they die. They linger. Like a reminder. A reminder of one thing.
That I failed. I FAILED. I placed her down and stood, holding her soul. I absorbed it into mine and felt a swell of power flood me. It was warm and gentle, and my right eye glowed red. I turned to the boy, Chara,  and grinned.
"Aww did the poor skelly lose someone~? What are you gonna d-" I held my hand up and a small blaster sunk teeth into his chest. "Gck?!"
"What did you say?" I whispered. My entire being thrummed with power, but my heart and soul were filled with rage. Pure, blinding rage. I would make this child suffer for what he did to Frisk....to my friend....my little sister. "Fuck LVL and fuck EXP. YOU'RE DEAD." I began to toss Chara around, rage filling my every move. I couldn't help it. I screamed. I screamed louder and louder with every slam, every impalement, every crunch of bone and every drop of blood.
This unbridled rage...this blinding HATE. Where was it really coming from? The time I've watched my brother and friends die? Or just the death of one child? Knowing she cannot 'reset' ever again? Holding her as she breathed her last? Listening to her pleas and ignoring them? It was all those things and so much more, I felt like it was choking me slowly. Chara cackled as I let him fall. "What's so funny now huh?!"
"Y-you.....are hilarious...so much hate....could turn a soul black...." He coughed up blood and stood as best he could. "You should have heard her screams....her pleading for you to stop, only for you...to KILL HER!" My eyes burned with power and bones rose from the floor, impaling him all over his body. He looked more like a bloody lump of flesh than a human. He coughed and gagged, his voice gurgling in his throat. "LVL......5....." He sputtered before dying. I didn't care....I couldn't.
I walked back to Frisk, brushing her hair from her face. I closed her vacant eyes and stood there for who knows how long. I vaguely heard the others running in and I slowly turned as they came.
"BROTHER?!" Papyrus knelt next to me, hand on my shoulder. I must have looked like a wreck. I didn't care.
"Oh my god...."
"Fr-Frisk...." Alphys and Undyne held one another as Papyrus tried to hug me. I moved away at first. I didn't want anyone taking Frisk from me! But when he embraced me again, I felt myself shaking.
"Brother....it's ok....it's ok...." With those words, I broke.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When we reached the surface, we buried Frisk at the top of Mt Ebbot. After some begging from Toriel, her sweater was now wrapped around me like a scarf. It was all I really had aside from all of our memories. Memories that would never fade due to a reset....that would linger forever. God it hurt. "So...what now?" Toriel asked.
"I suppose we just try to go out there and see the world?" Asgore suggested. One by one everyone walked away, whispering goodbyes to Frisk as they went. I swear Toriel wanted to kill me at first, but she hugged me close.
"It isn't your fault Sans. You tried...I know that much. I never should have forced that promise onto you." She said and left. I still stood there, the cool wind brushing through me and chilling me despite my hoodie.
"Brother, we should go-"
"You go Paps." He stopped and turned as I started to walk the opposite way. "I...don't deserve to be with anyone there."
"Brother that's insane!" Papyrus tried to come after me but I couldn't do it. I raised a bone wall around me and he stopped. "Sans....brother...please don't go alone."
"Insane you said?" I whispered and chuckled a little. "Yeah...perhaps I did go insane. LVL 5....I killed that kid Papyrus. His blood is on my hands, regardless of what happened." I turned to face him, my hood covering my face from his view and my scarf shielding everything else. "I've murdered a human, whereas you haven't. I just....can't go with you Papyrus."
"Brother that is stupid! Please reconsider!" I shook my head. I just couldn't. Her screams of pain....her childish and gleeful laugh...it all filled my mind. My promise to Toriel, our 'date' at Grillby's and the MTT Hotel. Her last words to her 'big brother.'
"I'm not fit to be anyone's brother Papyrus. Not anymore." I told him. "Please go with the others and just....leave me." I turned and started going down the mountain, ignoring his pleas. Sorry Paps....it has to be this way. As I walked, I found a small patch of blue flowers in a little clearing. I sat down in them, sighing softly. Blue huh?
"Hey Sans!"
"I love your hoodie!"
"You do eh kiddo?"
"Yup! Blue is my favorite color you know! I want one too!"
"I'll see what I can do kid."
"Yay!" The memory filtered into my mind and I fell to my knees. I held out my soul, now a mix of red and blue.
"Frisk.....I will find a way to make this right...." I gripped a flower tightly in my hand, and watched as it seemed to bleed through my fingers. "I swear on my soul I will." I stood slowly and looked out into the foreboding forest beyond this patch. I felt my power swell again and I felt a blaster behind me. My eyes glowed in the dark and I began to walk into the shadows, to my own personal exile and Hell. "I swear I will.....no matter the cost."
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rhodirachel · 7 years
Ribbons | 16 | An Undertale Fanfiction
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Formerly known as “New Years Present”
Frisk deals with battles time and time again- her PTSD from the Underground, the constant hate between Humans and Monsters, and more. What will happen if she sinks too deep in something she cannot grasp?
Part of my/an original Undertale AU, REMTale.
Rating: M
Words: 4007
Relationships: Papyton, Frans, Alphyne
Warnings: Possession, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression
The rain hits the window and the patio out back.
The air outside is muggy, but cold. There is a looming fog in the distance; ethereal wisps in the mountains.
Everything, and nothing, is silent.
A thousand thoughts run through my head, but in here- in this world…
Right now, it is ineffably mute.
I close the curtain that exposes the outside world, walking across the hall and to the front door.
Asgore stands there, suit jacket in hand.
I’m not strong enough for this.
Of course you aren’t, Frisk.
The rain keeps dripping on the window as we drive; drive to a place we haven’t been to since. That we haven’t physically been to since, anyway.
Hours it had been in the morning before the funeral, and yet I felt nothing during those hours. As if my SOUL wasn’t even cracked- because it wasn’t there anymore.
As time flies by, time also stops, however.
Or so I say to myself as I stand at my mother’s house.
The grass is damp, and the sidewalk wet as Asgore and I make our way into the house. Last minute, Asgore decided it was best to have her cremated and put into an urn. Asgore said he couldn’t see her again after the first time, and we decided to change the ceremony to fit the fact that she was cremated now.
As I walk into the living room of the house, it screams at me. It screams at me the feeling of wanting to remember. To regress back to a time when nothing was as broken. It screams at me the feeling of wanting to forget. To disappear, to drown my thoughts and thus my memories.
Could I disappear? Leave, and never turn back?
If so, then why do my feet feel as if they’re sunken in what’s now dried cement?
My heart is too heavily anchored to leave.
There’s something about it. Something about how the homeland in which our scars are made is the land in which it feels as if we cannot ever leave. Is it because we are used to it? Is it because the pain has become irrationally bittersweet? Like a drug, a drug that you’ve become addicted to?
Or maybe it’s familiarity. Maybe it’s a discomforting comfort. We have grown into its earth because we have become so attached to those memories, to that place.
Whatever it is, it is what is stopping me right now.
It wasn’t very long after we had made it to the house until the others began to show up, as well. It was like being in the Underground again, seeing everyone. Many of the families who had lost their children in the fire came to pay their respects to Toriel, as well as there we friends like Muffett and Grillby who came. I saw Sans, Alphys, Papyrus, and Mettaton all walk in earlier as well. Even though they are supposed to be like family to me, or at least half of them, I couldn’t handle seeing any of them and left to another place in the house. I had seen out of a glance Undyne’s face, but as I saw her as well my heart sunk and an irrefutable sigh left my body.
I decide to go upstairs into my bedroom. Everything seems in place except for the little things I had taken with me when I left. Even though this was the bedroom I called my own ever since coming out of the Underground, it feels so strange to me. As if I hadn’t been here for a very long time. Like there was a different person that was at the end of this bedroom, leaning on the door frame.
That’s exactly how it felt.
The smaller but many feelings that are inevitably enveloped by this big one are in itself obscure. Ineffable. But yet, all together, give me such a deep sickness that it is impossible to ignore. It sits deep in my stomach, however feeling like it’s digging a hole right through my very being.
Nothing really feels right anymore. Is it right to say that? I don’t feel like it is. Yet it still rings true.
There’s a common sense inside me that tells me I should talk to someone. To go and tell Undyne exactly how I’m feeling right now, or how every time I look at Asgore now all I feel is this desperate calling to tell him everything. Yet my heart and stomach hiss at the notion. I can’t bring myself to tell them these thoughts, my deepest thoughts. I don’t know why I can’t, but it’s as if my heart has already made thousands of reasons why I shouldn’t. I can’t list a single one, however.
Maybe it’s because I’m scared to tell them?
Maybe I’ve become too closed off?
Do I not want to burden them?
Do I think I deserve this as some sort of punishment?
All of these questions ring to be true and false to me. There is a constant clash, a constant nag that I cannot shake.
I wish so badly, so so badly for it to shake.
I begin to hear more and more voices downstairs, and I take it as my signal to head down as well. I’ve never been to a regular funeral before, since the Dreemurr family and I buried Asriel on our own, so as I walk down and see all black and Monster crests, it feels so unorthodox to me. Like it’s a ragged, wicked puzzle piece amidst the stash of others. However I, myself, am dressed accordingly.
Asgore notices me coming from down the stairs, and give a thin smile before walking away. I do the same.
I notice other people begin to notice me too, with weird, varied looks. Some seem pitiful, some seem sad, or in a melancholy disbelief. Some others... I can’t really tell what they’re trying to say with the eyes that hover over me.
I look over to the side of the room to see Undyne hunched over the kitchen counter, doing something. Deciding to walk over her, I see that she has a drink in her hand.
“Hey, are you okay?” I ask.
Undyne looks to me, her face deadpan before realising it’s me.
“Hey Frisk,” she sighs. “Yeah. I’m alright I guess. Even though I feel like you shouldn’t be the one asking those questions, but the other way around.”
I don’t say anything as I simply look at the ground. I’m too exhausted. After a small moment, I muster all my energy to shrug my shoulders.
Nothing can be worse than this. Can it? Can anything ever be worse than this? The memories fresh in my mind of my mother and I playing in our garden; of her soft hands braiding my hair- or baking our pies- tainted by the very moment I saw her soulless pupils. Tainted by this moment- right here, right now. The moment in which I wear a black dress and bury my mother’s corpse. The moment in which people cannot look me in the eye. Yes; that taints.
Every heartache, every stride, every plea and adventure is overwhelmed by this recent tsunami. A polluted tsunami. Can it ever be cleaned? Will it always be this way? I feel as if it might.
It hurts my heart. It hurts my SOUL. I can feel it quaking.
“Hey- Frisk… Frisk!”
My head shoots up with wide eyes as I stare into Undyne’s. She snaps her fingers in front of me to make sure I’m actually giving her attention before saying something.
“Geez, punk. I lost you there for a moment. Are you going to be okay?”
I nod my head, and I begin to make my way towards the door as people file out as well- about to begin the procession.
We all walk out into the garden. All the way to the back of the garden, in the center of that, is where they decided to put Toriel’s urn. At first there was a spicket, but they had decided to remove it to be able to put her there instead.
I can’t take my eyes off the urn as it sits there, right in front of the hole it’s about to be placed in. Not until someone rests their hand on my arm, and I wearily move my head to see who it is.
It was a lady that had rested her hand on me; she had scales almost like Undyne, but different. They seemed similar, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it until she said something.
“Hello, Frisk, it’s really nice to meet you. I’m David’s mom.”
It hit you. This was Monster Kid’s mom- one of the children who had died with Toriel in the fire.
Her face was solemn, as if there was no light in her world. No spark or twinkle in her eye to reside there.
“I would just like to give my condolences. And I would also like to thank you for running in there,” she croaked, tearing up. “There are just so many years- you know? So-s so many years lost…”
I started to tear up as I looked away for a moment, trying to stop myself from crying before looking back at her. “I know. And I’m sorry that I couldn’t get there in time for any of them.”
Her eyes widen in disbelief and once again she rests another hand on my shoulder. “Frisk. Look at me. I might not be someone that you even remotely know, but know this: it is not your fault. You did your best.”
I nod my head and let a polite smile rest on my face as she turns and leaves.
It is your fault.
It is my fault.
Your best is never good enough, isn’t it Frisk?
No. No, it really isn’t.
The Monsters leading the procession begin to lower the urn into the ground. An entire being, their memories, themselves, lowered into the ground.
My throat closes up as the garden around me loses its focus.
I can’t move my feet. I can’t move my body at all.
I can feel tears falling down my face as the scene plays over and over in my mind. I can’t move my arms to wipe my tears away- I’m frozen.
I can feel the dirt hit my face over and over as I’m buried alive.
I try to scream, but my throat emits no sound.
I can feel it again,
I hear something from afar. I can… feel something… I think.
Nothing compares to this though.
I can finally scream out in my dream as I break into a sob, my entire body going numb from an originally blinding pain- leaving my entire body to feel empty. I can feel it again as another piece of my SOUL breaks off, materializing into dust.
I can feel my body shaking. Then, I can feel my body shaking again. It’s different though, this time. It’s forceful, and not out of pain.
“Frisk. Frisk!”
The sounds around me feel like I’m under pressure- in a water tank. Everything hurts, and yet everything is numb. As if everything was nothing, and nothing was everything.
I can’t control my breathing in the slightest, and I can’t stop breathing heavily even though it hurts indescribably.
Please don’t please don’t, please don’t let it happen again-
I can’t calm myself as I feel more shaking and more shouting and more shaking and I can’t breathe and-
Everything comes crashing down around me- my dream, my wicked, wretched dream, and him. The person I’ve had been told was one to love; one that was killing me.
I begin to stumble as everything shifts back to reality. The world around me is dizzy, and the pain will not go away. An inordinate pain surrounds my very being- washing over the former benumbing. All that surrounds me begins to blur as I shriek a surrender to pain; beginning to fall to the ground as yet another piece of my SOUL breaks off.
Something prohibits me from falling to the ground. I am too immobile, too weak to move- to even look up to see who it is that is holding me. Soon enough though, the scent is enough to give it away. The delicate, smoky scent of a burning flame. The aroma of tomatoes and home. I know whose arms I am in.
He lowers me down to the carpet. The carpet? When did he move me?
What had happened when I was gone?
He holds my back, rubbing it, keeping me close to his chest.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”
He begins to rock slightly back and forth; all sense leaves me as I tug on his suit shirt with my two hands and sob ludicrously into the fabric. Is this what it feels like, to be held again? By anyone? It’s been so long since the feeling.
There is sudden silence as my crying stops. Amidst the now stiff room, my voice breaks in a sudden whisper.
“Don’t let me go.”
He seems to grip me tighter. When he does, I feel a sense of security. Like all made sense for a moment. But soon enough, his hold loosens- my body slowly slipping to the carpet.
I stay still on the ground. There’s a part of me that can’t move- but an even greater part of me that simply doesn’t want to anymore.
Through the corner of my eye, I see him staring back at me. There’s something in his eyes. Maybe sympathy- I’m not sure.
I can feel tears prickling at the corner of my eyes, but not a sound leaves my pressed lips. My heart drops, and turns cold.
He slowly turns around, walking away from me.
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
And with that, I hear the front door open and close.
I lay here still. Something inside of me wonders how long I’ve been gone for, but the rest of me can barely produce enough energy to care.
He left. Just like that. He said sorry, but was he really? Was it easy for him- to let me go and walk away?
It keeps playing through my head. As if it shouldn’t have ended that way. Like the moment was stale- or incomplete. Jagged, and unfinished.
I can’t sit here anymore. It’s eating at me- the feelings that swirl inside me.
With a push, I slowly get up from where I was laying. I don’t bother to look for a clock, and with a push of the front door I see people leaving the garden. The ceremony had apparently already ended; Looking over to the garden, I can see the fresh patch of dirt in the area that Toriel’s urn was buried.
Gazing over the landscape, I can spot a few people from the crowds. Asgore is standing by one of the bushes, a line of people shuffling past him as they shake his hand. I can only assume they’re giving their condolences. In the line, I can see Papyrus and Mettaton, dressed up in the familiar black attire. Papyrus looks deeply downtrodden, while Mettaton looks mildly uncomfortable.
There are a few other deeply familiar faces before I spot Undyne and Alphys in the midst of the crowd. They seem to be bickering about something, but from this far away I can’t hear anything that they’re saying. It isn’t until Undyne throws her hands up in the air in only what I can assume is rage, and storms off, that I go over to speak to her.
“Undyne, what’s wrong?” I worried.
Undyne let out a loud huff, her teeth and fists clenching. “I just, I just don’t even want to talk about it right now. Just Alphys pulling shit again.”
I frown in frustration, ignorant to knowing how to comfort Undyne at a time like this.
“I’m… really, really sorry.” I lamented.
Undyne pats my shoulder, her smile molded from thin lines. “It’s okay. Hey, do you think we should maybe go to Asgore now? I really think he needs some people right now.”
Turning my head to the side, I see Asgore standing by Toriel’s grave, uncomfortably still. The only thing I can feel at the moment as I look at him is a cumbersome feeling; I lost someone, too- my own mother, yet I still can’t seem to think that I feel what he feels. Now, in this belligerent moment.
However, Undyne steps towards him without a second thought- unlike myself.
“Hey,” Undyne says in a benign tone, lightly putting her hand on Asgore’s shoulder.
Asgore looks towards her and feigns a smile, his head then fixating back onto the earth in which Toriel lay. There’s something inside me, a guilt perhaps, that pangs inside me because I can’t even bring myself to walk over to him- to be there for him. It stings; yet my feet seem to be buried in the ground below me, like another urn.
We all turn around to spot Grillby, Snowden’s restaurant owner. He, like the rest, also dons all black.
“Hey Grillby,” I reply. “Are you okay?”
Grillby’s eyes widen slightly behind his glasses. “O-oh, yeah I’m… well, I am as okay as I can be right now.”
I nod slightly in agreement, and he began to stutter at the beginning of his next sentence, “I, w-well, I was wondering if you guys would like to come back to my restaurant. To all spend some time together. There are already a lot of people who are going, so I thought I’d ask you guys as well.”
I glance over to Undyne and Asgore, waiting for their reaction.
“Sure, I’ll go… Unless you don’t want to go, Asgore,” Undyne murmurs.
Asgore sighs before resting himself on the ground, sitting in front of Toriel’s grave.
“I think I’ll stay. But I want you guys to go, okay? Don’t stay just because of me. I think I would prefer to be alone right now, anyway.”
Undyne and I look at each other and then to Asgore again with apologetic eyes before following what he asked of us. There is no way either of us would reject him- not right now.
“So, how has your business been doing up on the Underground?” Undyne inquired.
Grillby smiled. “It’s been going pretty well, actually. Obviously it’s mainly just Monsters that stop by, but the business is well.”
That was about it for the conversation as we drove to the restaurant. Honestly, there wasn’t that much to say, either. How do you say anything at a time like this?
My mind shuts down, as if I’m completely frozen in time.
In moments like these, I feel like these are the only times I can feel at peace. These are the times when I can feel numb, unthinking.
“Frisk. Hey, Frisk..?”
I finally snap out of my initial gaze, peering over at Undyne. “I’m sorry, I was just out of it, I guess.”
“It’s okay,” Undyne reassures. “We’re here now, though.”
I nod and get out of the car along with them, us then walking into the restaurant together. The setting was almost identical to Grillby’s old restaurant in Snowden, and it brought a sense of nostalgia that was both peculiar as well as slightly welcoming.
Grillby was right when he said lots of people came. I can see just about everyone here, however the crowds began to make me squeamish somewhat.
“Hey, Undyne?” I whispered to her amongst the crowds.
“Can we just- get a table or booth to ourselves? There are just so many people here…”
“Oh, sure. I don’t mind,” Undyne said, giving a faint smile.
Undyne and I were luckily able to find a booth near the bar that was open, so we had sat down and ordered something to drink. As we sit, I glance around the room quietly. I don’t remember there ever being a time in my life where I was uncomfortable with being near too many people, being too close to them, yet here I am feeling it now. The feeling alone makes me uneasy- on top of the one from the mass crowds.
As I’m looking, I notice him.
Sans sits at the bar, alone. I can tell he has a drink in his hand, but he’s so hunched over I can’t tell what exactly it is. As almost if he could detect I was looking at him, he takes a swift look as to what was behind him before settling his eyes on mine in instinct. His pupils dim, almost to the purest of blacks, before quickly turning back around in his seat again.
Once again can I feel the sore, throbbing pains from my SOUL.
My vision settles on the floor before blurring intrinsically, rendering myself and my conscious dissonant from the world around me.
How can one just leave? Just like that? As if they had died, as well?
It almost is as if he is dead to me. Tears well in my eyes at the thought.
His embrace. That embrace alone was the most comfortable feeling I’ve had in a long time. But yet, ever so fleeting, it’s gone. Just like him. Just like Toriel.
It pains me too much to think about it for a second longer; here I am, though, a second more.
“You know, we just need to give up on this whole thing together. Humans and Monsters will never work together- it’s just not ‘gonna happen. We shouldn’t even go and find the guys that did this. What’s going to happen to them, you know? That’s right, nothing. The place is burnt to hell. That’s about it.”
My attention focuses on those words, my entire body freezing from the Monster who said it. A humanoid-turtle, sitting and hunched at the bar, shakes his head from his words and the news airing on the television above him.
I look over at Undyne, feeling guilty I hadn’t said anything to her this entire time. I can immediately tell her agitated face, as she tries to get up from the booth.
“Listen here you old f-”
Undyne shifts to look at me, her face in bewilderment at my sudden call.
“Don’t. Please, sit back down.”
She hesitated for a moment, honestly considering confronting the Monster at the bar. Listening to my plea, though, she sat back down in the booth.
“Frisk, what are you talking about? That guy- are you just going to let him get away with saying something like that?”
I feel lifeless at her words. As if I should feel something- but I can’t.
“He’s right.”
Undyne’s eyes widen as the words leave my mouth. My eyes begin to focus on the news that airs, however. News that, every day, tells of racism against Monsters. Terrorism against Monsters. Human Elitism. Violence. Crime.
“He’s right. All of it is right. And there’s nothing we can do about it.”
Copyright 2017 © rhodirachel. All rights reserved.
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elsa12tmnt · 7 years
Undertale Ship Month - Frans
AU where Sans remembers other timelines. Sorry that this is so short.
Sacrifice for the Cause (Frans Oneshot)
 Sans considered himself an abnormal monster. Well, truly, it was in one respect. He had a freak ability that he shouldn't have possessed. He knew he shouldn't. It was cruel to bestow upon someone, especially without reason. How could it be given to someone without determination? It shouldn't have been possible. Yet it was.
 He had the ability to remember different timelines. When the world got reset, when the word got destroyed, when the world got SAVED, he remembered it all. It was such a secret, private piece of himself that he never shared it with anyone, for fear of being considered crazy. That had happened in the past.  But, as of now, no other being knew of his ability. Well, that excluded Frisk of course - his anomaly.
In all honestly, Sans would rather not refer to them as such, but the name, unfortunately, fit. Through the years, he had experienced horrors in between resets from Flowey the flower, though he could never track him down as the guilty party. At that time, Flowey was "the anomaly". Now, that life goal – finding him – had closure. He knew who was responsible now, and, thankfully, Flowey would never again be a concern. Now, it was much different. The thing that caused him anxiety had changed. And it all started when Frisk fell into the Underground. The first time, that was.
 Sans felt that, now, the purpose of his existence was to stop the dreaded True Reset from happening ever again. As he had mentioned once to Chara (another phenomenon that Frisk had explained to him) ever since they had fallen, he was dedicated to keeping them happy. Happiness meant contentment. Contentment meant no reset. He knew all too well that when Frisk felt heartbroken, depressed, and lonely, they wouldn't cut. They wouldn't cry. Then would reset. It was how they coped.
 Sans considered himself successful at his job. Currently, he was maintaining a record of 5 years with no reset. Seeing Papyrus, Alphys, Toriel, Undyne, Asgore, and the others so happy on the surface was rejuvenating, and kept him going whenever he was unsure of himself and his capabilities. The harder things to recover from had always been moments when he had to abandon his own preferences, and wants for his life, so Frisk could continue to be satisfied with the surface. That particular day, he was at Grillby's, reflecting on a horrible turn of events. Actually, it was more like grieving over it.
 The previous year, Frisk had asked Sans out on a date – a serious one. He felt nothing romantic towards them, but because of his job, he was stuck with it. The relationship came with a gigantic price, however. Even since Sans and Toriel had gotten to know each other through their exchanges across the Ruins door, he had developed feelings... for the goat mom. Up above ground, they had teased and flirted with each other. It had been one of the few things that gave him pleasure as he coped with the stress he faced on a regular basis. That is, until Frisk asked him out. Of course, he could not tell them no.
 So when the couple announced their "status", Toriel had a bone-chilling conversation with him. "Sans, I..I just wanted to let you know," she had said, "that I am sorry. For being a fool." He had been surprised. A fool to what? "This whole time...," she said, tearing up, "I had...romantic feelings for you."
 "Tori..." He had started to respond, but the shock of the moment, the happiness, the disappointment, the anger at himself for missing his chance, kept him silent. "I was planning to ask you on a proper date soon enough, and well, I guess I assumed..." She had drawn in a long breath, fighting back wells of tears, "that our age difference would not have been an issue for you. But, it seems that you are attracted to a much, much, younger generation." Her head had hung, and her voice had been filled with sadness.
 Regret. Sans had been full of it in that moment. He loved Tori; he couldn't bear to break her heart this way. When she had said much, much, younger generation, she meant it in all extremes. Toriel was a boss monster and, therefore, lived for much longer than anyone else. Of course this would make her feel the way she had felt. Sans felt extreme guilt for being the cause of her spilled tears.
 "If it weren't for you being my friend, and Frisk being my child," she had bravely continued, "I could see myself fighting against them for your attention, but... given these circumstances...it would most definitely be wrong of me to do so." Sans' gaze and hers met. She sadly smiled. "Well, I guess it wasn't meant to be." At those words, Sans' heart broke in two.
 "Although it pained me to tell you about my feelings towards you, I felt you should know." She turned in the opposite direction. Sans had so badly wanted to outstretch his hand to her and tell her this was all wrong, he didn't love Frisk, but he couldn't. He was forbidden to do so. "Good luck, Sans. May the two of you be happy together." She had walked away after that final comment.
 That moment had hurt Sans. It left a scar, that, for him, served as a reminder of who everyone was at the mercy of. Frisk. Despite his pain and heartbreak, he was still expected to function as normal, as well as play the role of half a happy couple. It truly had knocked him down. But that was not the horrible turn of events. No, the turn of events was much worse.
 Six months after that disastrous conversation, Toriel and Asgore had rejoined as a couple.
 Sans was full of general frustration. With what, or whom, was he frustrated with however? Better phrased, who was to blame for his predicament? Sitting on the bar stool, he tried to figure out the answer to that question. He couldn't blame Toriel, nor Asgore – neither had know about his interest in Tori, or were even allowed to, he realized. Though he could easily blame himself, for not stating how he felt, and going out with Frisk, Sans believed that that was not right, either. He knew his anomaly too well – when they felt a lot of negative emotion, well... To put down Frisk's request at a date was to put monsterkind at risk of being trapped underground again. The timeline being reset was something Sans could not stand to let happen. If it wasn't one of those three, then who was responsible?
 Sighing, Sans checked his phone for a message from Frisk. He had been waiting at Grillby's originally because they had asked him to meet them there. For what, they hadn't said. It had been 10 minutes since their most recent text, and, concerned that perhaps something upsetting had slowed them while on their way, he sent a quick message. "Hey kid. You all right?" Luckily, Frisk took the majority of his check-ins as part of the concerned boyfriend trope. Before dating, Sans would have to be more subtle when trying to find out what was bothering his anomaly.
 Quickly, a responding message popped up on his screen. "Yeah. Just got trapped in the snow for a bit. I'm almost there." Sans, thankfully, sighed in relief. The kid was good. For now, everyone was safe.
 After Sans ordered a meal – what he recalled to be Frisk's favorite – and a side of fries, Frisk arrived. He turned to look at them, as they took the seat next to him eagerly. Their eyes were shining with happiness as they looked at him, but as usual, their mouth barely stretched into a smile. In all the 5 years he'd know Frisk, and possibly including the 14 years in which he didn't, they had never been known to move their mouth very much to show any kind of emotions. Unless Frisk was extremely sad, or angry, or happy, their mouth stayed in its usual straight line. Despite this, Sans was at ease when he studied Frisk's expression. "hey, kid," he greeted. Their face seemed cheerful enough.
 Frisk thanked him for the food, and took a couple bites. After about a couple seconds, their eyes went dull. Frisk turned to Sans, and he noticed the rapid change. Sans was immediately concerned. Did something happen? Would he have to defuse another one of their situations? What was making them upset?
 Frisk said to Sans, quietly, "Sans... I have... something I want to ask you." They hung their head. "I've been wondering if, well, how..."Frisk swallowed nervously. Suspicious of the question, his eyebrows raised. What are you thinking, kid? Spit it out, he thought.
 Frisk looked up at him again, drawing a breath. "I want your honest opinion Sans," they said. "How do you feel about me?" Feel about you? Feel about you? Sans was shocked by the question. Hadn't he put excessive effort and time into pleasing this kid, romantic or not? Hadn't he done everything he could to make his anomaly happy with how things were? Yet, somehow, it hadn't been enough for them?
 "I mean, I asked you out on a date last year because... when you're around me, somehow, life is just... better. Everyone, everything, just seems happier and more alive. Except for... well, you yourself."
 You yourself? You yourself. Sans was slightly offended by that statement. His eyelids drooped; his eyebrows dropped. However, that was nothing compared to Frisk's next, sassier remark.
 "See, what I'm saying is," Frisk added, "is that when it comes to love and showing affection, it doesn't really feel genuine on your part." Sans was silent as a stone; his face had "hardened" after hearing this. Frisk's face, however, had softened instead. The young adult's eyes gleamed with slight amusement as Frisk said their next words: "Sure, everything around you is good and fine, but you seem to lack a little, oh, what's the word... passion."
 Suddenly it hit him. As hard as taking a brick to the face. It hit him who. Was. Responsible. For his predicament. Who was truly at fault. Not Asgore. Not Toriel. Not even Sans. Rather. Frisk. When he had this epiphany, deep inside Sans, stirred anger. He tasted hatred on his tongue, as blazing as fire. He was furious with them. Why should they demand so much of his time and energy? Why should they force him to give up the love of his life, and then expect a genuine romantic relationship? At that moment, Sans thought, Frisk doesn't deserve love. Especially not mine. Frisk deserves hate. My hate.
 "you wanna know my honest opinion of you, kid?" His eyesockets went dark. "i absolutely detest you. ever since you fell, i’ve made it my job to keep you happy, satisfied, content... all so you wouldn't feel pathetic and reset to deal with your stupid problems, yet, what do i get in return? pain, sorrow, a forced relationship. how cruel. and then, let's add, your complaints that i'm not doing enough for you. well, kid, i don't owe you a single thing! you should be thankful i promised tori i'd spare your SOUL, otherwise you’d be dead where you stand, kid!"
 Short of breath, he paused. Frisk's eyes were wide and full of fear. Hurt. They were clearly shocked. Sans realized what he had said. What he had done to Frisk. And now, the price that would have to be paid.
 Well, here come the reset. He sighed, mentally preparing himself for it. He closed his eyes...
 But it never came. Instead, he heard Frisk say, "Is that really how you feel about me?"
 Sans' eyes opened in surprise. Of any possible response, the one he had least expected was that question. But. He felt everything was going down the toilet anyway. He knew his anomaly. Frisk wouldn't be able to handle the tension and would reset shortly. "yeah. that's pretty much the whole truth right there," Sans said, defeated.
 Frisk was pensive for a moment. Then, they smiled. Sans was beyond confused and puzzled; he was plain incredulous. What could he have said that made them, of all things, smile?
 "If that's true, then...I want to say... thank you." "For what?" "Well, for everything." Sans' eyesockets widened, genuinely surprised by this comment. Frisk then shocked him even more. Their eyes lit up as they...grinned. A true grin. Unlike their usual strained stretch of the lips that, for them, was a symbol of pure joy, this was a traditional grin, so wide that part of their teeth were visible. Sans was so surprised to see this he nearly fell off his stool. Randomly, the thought that a true smile could enhance someone's looks struck him.
 Frisk continued to talk. "If you trying to stop me from true reseting, and all the while, hating me, is really the reason why I felt so...happy for the past five years, well..." Frisk looked a little shy. And slightly guilty. "I owe you a huge debt. These past years have been, by far, the best of my entire life – or maybe better said, existence." They giggled. Giggled? That was wildly out of character for them.
 "Speaking seriously, however..." Rapidly, their expression went back to standard. A small part of Sans felt disappointed. Frisk sighed. "It must've been horrible for you – torture even – to have to go through that. And, despite how you feel about me, I care about you, Sans. So, I want to pay you back. With a promise. Well, if you're willing to take it, of course." Their eyes traveled to look downward, face full of sorrow and shame. Not wanting to hurt their feelings further, curious to know what the promise was, and, secretly wishing for them to smile again, he said, "go ahead kid. i'm all ears, i guess."
 Frisk took a deep breath. They raised their left hand and, making eye contact with Sans, said, "I, Frisk Dreemurr, solemly swear... that from here, on out..." They swallowed. Whatever they were going to say next must have been difficult. Yet, they were determined to spit out the words to their promise. "...to never reset, again. Most of all, I promise Sans..." Their eyes flickered up at him. Sans was already caught off-guard by the first promise. What was Frisk going to say next? "...that he will never more have to change the world around him to keep me happy. I free him from those obligations. Instead, I swear to handle my emotions in a more...healthy manner. If necessary, I'll tell him everything. Like a confidant."
 They dropped their hand and placed both it and its counterpart in their lap. "That is, if you're OK with that..."
 Sans grinned. He gave them a huge hug. Frisk went wide-eyed, but they happily accepted. A wave of relief and happiness flushed over them both, and they held the hug for a moment. Then, it broke. Frisk gave Sans a "smile" – their typical smile, that is – and said, "Oh, and if you're not comfortable with us being together, we can break up if you want. I know you said you hated me, and it might be easier for you if I give you space and stuff..."
 Sans considered this for a moment. Would he really be gaining anything by accepting that offer? Well, no. Not really. Toriel was lost to him forever, simply another man's woman. And today's revelations about Frisk's character had been a huge surprise to him. And anyway, besides Flowey, the only person in the world that understood his ability to remember past timelines was Frisk. Would anyone else ever understand, or even believe? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to get to know them a little better this way, as part of a relationship.
 "nah, kid. that's ok. i don't really hate you anymore anyway, not after that promise you made. i was just upset," he said. "besides, what better excuse to support you than doing my job as a boyfriend?"
 Frisk's eyes brightened. "R-Really?" Quickly, the eyes went serious again, as if to disguise their feelings about his answer. "Oh, OK. If that's what you want." Sans couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
 As Frisk got up to leave, Sans said, "Wait." Frisk focused their attention on him, eyes awake. Sans felt a bit nervous about what he was going to ask. "umm, well. i've been thinking of you as my anomaly for a while now, since i was, y'know. looking out for you and stuff. and you're an anomaly in the time space continuum." He blushed, but Frisk's acceptance of it put him at ease. And hey, he finally admitted the truth to himself. "heh. would you mind if i...called you that ever?"
 Frisk gave a gentle smile. "Of course not Sans. That's OK with me." They got up, placed money on the counter top for the meal he had bought them, and left Grillby's. Sans sighed. He felt much better about his situation with Toriel. He could get over it entirely soon enough. With some help of course. From his new datefriend.
 Sure, it would take some work, and some getting used to. And yeah, sure, technically, they had been dating for six months already. But Sans felt that, with time, he could learn to love Frisk. And the most exciting part was that, starting today, he could truly start his life on the surface. After all, Frisk promised.
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Backed into a Corner (Lost and Found Arc)
About six or so hours later, they all woke up, ready to interrogate Frisk and Chara. Both of the hybrids woke up none too happy, for they knew they couldn't go anywhere. Frisk was especially livid about the barrier still being up; he started roaring loudly, waking everyone up fully. Chara was ready to have a fit as well, seeing she was still trapped.
"YOU!" She started, flashing her creepy face to the fullest.
Asriel's head pounded, thanks to the extreme volume of how loud Frisk and Chara were being. Then Sans, being very angry about being woken up, smacked Frisk and Chara's heads together.
Asriel's head pounded, thanks to the extreme volume of how loud Frisk and Chara were being. Then Sans, being very angry about being woken up, smacked Frisk and Chara's heads together.
"Shut...the FUCK...UP!!" Sans demanded.
"It's 6-something in the morning! No one needs to hear you yell!"
"Fuck you, comedian! You and Asriel did this to Frisk and I!"
"Yeah, well guess what?" Asriel said with his scleras turning black, his horns getting longer, and his face gaining black markings.
"That barrier I made? You can't destory it because you don't have enough souls! And no human souls, no broken barrier. Plain and simple. Which means now you HAVE to tell us."
"What makes you think we have to tell you anything?" Frisk snarled, starting to look feral as the prince of monsters got smug.
"Oh, not much. Just the fact that your freedom depends on your honesty."
"What?! You better let us out if you know what's good for you! I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't release us before hand, YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!"
Frisk was immediately checkmated. He remembered that even though the magicians who created the original barrier were dead for years, their creation stood strong until Asriel did away with it.
"I still say you need to let Chara and I go. Now."
"I refuse to lower that barrier unless you give us what we want. I mean, like, unless you actually ENJOY being trapped in that barrier. I mean, think about it. Being forced to remain in that same spot forever. Must be pretty degrading and debilitating, am I right, or am I right?"
"Well, fuck you, too, Rei!" Chara said sarcastically.
"I don't need the barrier lowered. Nope! Leave me here; I'll take dignity over freedom any day."
"With all due respect Princess Dreemurr, it seems as if you're sacrificing both of those things." Gaster hypothesized.
"Chara, this has gone on long enough, young lady." Asgore boomed.
"Oh well for me, then, dad!" Chara snapped.
"You'd rather be left to die than talk about your problem?"
"Chara, just tell us already!" Alphys said, getting fed up.
"This is a safe place!"
"Whatever eatin' you punks up can't be that bad!"
"Now do you get it, you two?" Toriel beseeched.
"There are people that are on your side. Just let us help you fight whatever is troubling you both."
"What was that?!"
"You say I need to seek help for my problems, but all you can do is ignore yours because you think you're fucking perfect. WELL, NEWSFLASH, MOM: YOU'RE NOT! And to make things worse, you think you can atone for what you did back then by being sorry. Yeah, I did some fucked up shit, but at least I was properly disgusted with myself, mom. You, on the other hand, I forgave you for dad's sake. And that's because I know you don't really care about what you did back then. You're just lonely, and you don't want people to leave you in your life because you're afraid of what people will think of you. And because of that, you put on that whole classy act, just to make yourself look good."
Everyone had a stunned silence. They couldn't believe Chara was really talking to Toriel like this. The older boss monster raised and ignited her arms, keeping her head low, and asked Chara something not too endearing.
"Why do you not like watching things burn, Chara?" She calmly asked with immeasurable, yet restrained, rage.
Chara had a small twinge the second she heard Toriel say those words. It's true, she wasn't happy about having a campfire before they fell asleep, but Toriel hit Chara where it hurt most of all. Then, an extremely bad memeory played through Chara's head. It involved her mother getting slaughtered by the villagers, being stabbed initially, then burned at a stake, due to being a magician. Afterwards, the memory fast-forwarded to being forced to watch as her home went up in flames. Suddenly, she snapped out of it, coming back to reality. Her breath became labored out of fear as she spoke.
"That...is none...of your concern, mother." She said, trembling.
Toriel let her true sadistic self come out, finally forcing Chara's hand at brutal honesty. Frisk got scared too, for Toriel got close to him.
"Asriel, shrink the barrier a bit."
Her son shrunk the barrier enough for it to split into two, causing Chara and Frisk to be separated. She approached Frisk and started licking her lips, causing Frisk to tuck his tail between his legs while his eyes turned yellow.
"Aw, what's the matter, you two? Scared of little ol' me? You know why you're scared? It's because I remember exactly why you're like this. Unfortunately, regarding that, YOU have to be the one to speak the truth, not me."
"Mom, that's a low blow, especially for you." Chara said, trying to resist her mother.
"Doesn't matter. Why is your pyrophobia 'none of my concern', Chara?"
"Because it isn't any of your concern! That's why!"
"Fine. But Frisk, why are you scared? You look like the perfect figure for an old woman like me. I could use someone to spruce my body up whenever I want."
Frisk trembled as he started seeing Rhonda in place of the boss monster.
"No...please. Please don't touch me. I don't want that." Frisk begged, starting to cry.
Everyone realized what Toriel was doing. She was trying to force the truth out of them by means of memories that were so painful, they'd be forced to reveal everything without a means to make anyone forget, or kill themselves. Everyone joined in on Toriel's efforts.
"Why wouldn't you, Frisk?" Asgore said, hanging his head low.
"I mean, think about it. Sleeping with an older woman is actually the ideal dream of a man your age. You should want Toriel more than Chara. I mean, after all, think of her experience, and besides, you secretly wanted it with that green lady. You didn't fight back until she got your pants off."
"Yeah, Frisk. You hesitated because you thought that she'd say you raped her, didn't you?" Undyne said with a smug look.
Frisk trembled and held himself.
"What about Chara, though? Perhaps she would...ah, I see. Burning at a stake?"
Chara instantly felt betrayed by Asgore.
"STOP." She demanded.
"I'm gonna take a guess and say your mom got burned to death for being a wizard. Then everyone else tried to kill you for being her daughter." Alphys said, trying to feign her heartlessness.
You sons of bitches." Frisk said, sharing the feeling of being betrayed.
"If you motherfuckers don't back off, then I SWEAR I'LL K-"
"We just want to know a bit about why you feel like this, you two." Papyurs said, unable to be cruel for that moment.
"Maybe if you were honest about why exactly you feel this way, it wouldn't feel as painful as it does right now. All we want is to understand. You can tell us. We won't judge. We promise. Besides, we're not the only ones who want know why you're acting like this."
Frisk got caught off guard the second Papyrus said that last sentence.
"Papyrus? What are you talking about?"
Suddenly, a good deal of the monsters from Mount Ebott came out of hiding. Frisk was surprised they got here. But he was even more shocked at his parents arrival. Erica and Soichiro came out of hiding with their head held low. Erica kept her hand to her chest, feeling somewhat pained.
"No. Mom. Dad. Why? Why are you here?"
"Sweetie. Why won't you tell us what's wrong?" Erica asked, heartbroken.
"We just want to help you, Frisk. Please let us. We're begging you." Soichiro said, crying.
"Dad. Mom. I'm so sorry you had to get involved."
"If you're really sorry, then tell us the truth."
Frisk and Chara snapped at that moment. They took the kindest souls in their lives, and made them see what was going on. They gave up in that moment.
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