#yandere utsugi kotoko
ariyucake · 2 years
Heyyyyy. Nice to find new blog here. Can you write yandere Malleus Draconia headcanon?
Thank you.
- - > 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
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- - > " Don't . . . don't leave me ! I really love and care for you . . . I promise I'll give you anything you want, my love . . . "
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┊He thinks you're a really interesting person, you were also very charming .
┊The only reason why he's even so obsessed with you is that because of your aura . It makes him calm whenever he's stalking you while you're either sleeping or doing something with Grim .
┊Speaking of him stalking you, let's talk about his ways of stalking you and the usual times when he stalks you . He stalks you whenever you're either sleeping or doing something with Grim . . . if anyone was with you, he wouldn't be stalking you since it'd annoy and make him jealous of that person having to be around you and get to feel your calm and soothing aura along with your sweet personality . He stalks you by either hiding in places you would never check, and most of the time, he's always there staring at your back while you sleep calmly .
┊He keeps a diary that's all about you . Whenever he couldn't write in the diary, he would write whenever he could . . . even if he's very sleepy and tired . He writes your name on every page of the diary delicately, the written name of yours would never have an ugly handwriting . He also has a few beautiful pictures of you in his diary . He basically threatened a random student to print those pictures out .
┊Malleus never steals anything from you, however . . . he sometimes steals something that you'd drop . Most of the time it was always a piece of paper written about something stupid and silly or a broken pencil . The rare things he'd get are your hair ties and money . . .
┊He thinks about you 99 % of the time, the 1 % is you dying .
┊Whenever he get's a rival in his way, he will quickly end that person . . . if it's one of the dorm leaders then there would be a huge problem in the school . . .
┊He always dreams of finally being with you . . . even tho you don't even know him well enough . He thinks you're a lovely person for him . Well . . . he has really good taste .
┊Once he finally kidnaps you, he won't ever let you out unless you need to . He'll spoil you rotten with everything and anything . And sometimes . . . you'd waste your time away doing something tho .
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- - > I em dirt
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laniemae · 16 days
Wow… I can’t believe it’s been a full year since I first watched Milgram. (Yes, I do in fact celebrate anniversaries of when I first get into something) so just wanna recap my experience watching it and how this became an obsession.
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It all began almost exactly 1 year ago where basically me and my friend were talking random shit and she bought up milgram. I had never heard of it before, hearing it I was absolutely enthralled with the concept of CHARACTERS and SYMBOLISM and TRIALS and MORALITY and GENERAL DANGANRONPA ESQ VIBES. So basically this was right up my alley and I knew I was going to watch it as soon as I could.
I was already super obsessed with Mcki-RobynsP’s danganronpa fan songs and me and my friend loved analysing them so seeing a whole music project with a very similar concept blew me away. (Didn’t know where to put this so here’s an edit I made immediately after watching the music trailer, which is a historical artifact to my life back then)
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We watched some MVs such as undercover, and a bit of throw down because I was really interested in flower symbolism and freaked out because of that. And I was also told about the whole Mikoto tiktok incident and showed me MeMe which I started laughing thinking about it. And how lots of the characters names are similar to danganronpa characters names (Mahiru shiina = Mahiru koizumi, Kotoko yuzuriha = Kotoko utsugi, Mikoto kayano = Makoto naegi) took me a bit too long to realise mikoto was spelled with an I and I still get confused.
Friend also bought up how one of the characters is a liar and how essentially his entire MV was on a stage and he was wearing masks and stuff, and Kokichi being probably one of my favourite characters of all time I was especially captivated as there was a character like him. Funnily enough kazui was nothing I expected him to be. And while looking at some of the characters I remember seeing t2 Amane and thinking “she looks like mikako (from DRA)” and looking back it this it’s interesting how that was my first impression of her.
Apparently when I was being told all this stuff the idea of it being on the internet completely flew over my head when I thought it was essentially created by the fans like SCP, despite how contradictory that was and wouldn’t make any sense, I think my brain was fucked or something. And I compared it to Splatoon and with voting stuff which can change the course of the series of events and everything.
I did go into it being partially spoiled for a few things such as Amane’s cult, Yuno’s abortion, Mikoto’s DID. But even so it didn’t ruin my enjoyment and it was still amazingly fun to watch and I binged trial 1 in a day, then a few days later watched trial 2, right before Mahiru’s MV came out.
My first impressions on the characters, I can’t exactly remember but I remember seeing Mahiru and thinking I’d hate her for all her talk about love and that she’s just a yandere. Only for TIHTBILWY to blow me away and I immediately noticed with the lines 
“Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual, Is because I love you”
How much more nuanced her character was and definitely picked up on the whole BPD coding which definitely changed my perspective on her so quickly.
Again I was in my danganronpa another phase when I was watching milgram so when I first saw Fuuta and his rants about justice I was like “is he gonna be like Tsurugi” only for… Kotoko to happen which I thought was funny. I also originally thought that Fuuta was in a gang or something and he was their leader and was beating up someone and he told the others to stop but they didn’t and the person died.
I already knew about Amane’s cult because my friend had told me and I definitely picked up on it with the whole “tough love” thing and childish depiction of abuse to the extent that it was normalised. And when the entire atmosphere changed where the instruments became organs and bells that was the spark where I knew she was going to be my favourite character, and she has been ever since. And even so the whole vibe of Magic and the song definitely stuck out to me more compared to everyone else.
Other thoughts on characters were that I had absolutely no clue what Shidou had done and was freaking out, the only thing I had to go off of was a doctor. And I was so interested in that final scene of undercover where it’s the silhouettes of the characters killing Es in the way the killed their victims. And trying to figure out who was who (yuno, fuuta and kotoko were easy to find but it took me a while to figure out the others) and I looked at the one silhouette who was on top of es and beating them with some sort of pipe and thought “wow this is incredibly violent I wonder who this is” and when I learned it was amane I freaked out but at the same time it made me love her even more because go murder girl go.
I also remember some minor experiences I had with milgram before getting into it, such as seeing the thumbnails for after pain and meme on my recommended but didn’t watch them. And one of my OCs is called Haruka and I looked up the same because I was confused wether it was a girls name or a gender neutral same and saw Haruka sakurai and simply thought “why is this guy in a straitjacket”. And Weeby Newz’ video on it which I didn’t watch but definitely saw the thumbnail for it multiple times.
And then when I watched trial 2, I had already partially known that Amane was guilty and freaked out about it, but for whatever reason when I heard the reasoning behind it I understood (but when thinking about it after a while I realised that that was stupid). And seeing a better look at her sprite I could not get over how messed up she was from her happy disposition in trial 1 and aighhh. I actually made a meme of it. (I think I also drew it but it was lost in The Great Storage Purge)
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It was also shocking to me seeing how it was kotoko who attacked the guilty prisoners and their injuries were not a result of being physically tortured and such. And also k couldn’t get out of my head that Fuuta with the eyepatch looked EXACTLY like xander from DRDT. And again I was also losing it at the visual of Amane and how it was talked about how hostile she has become. And partially disappointed by the confirmation mikoto had DID which I didn’t believe from meme and thought it was gonna be another dumb stereotype, but after a while looking at the lyrics for the double promo I started to suspect it wasn’t that and especially with what others were saying.
When it came to the trial 2 MVs, I was completely taken off guard by the vampire refrence in tear drop and at that point I didn’t even know they covered vocaloid songs. And seeing backdraft with its graffiti symbolism hugely reminded me of my OC Kayo who I have talked about here before. And with Muu I heard people talking a lot about INMF on after pain and knew it was going to be crazy when I watched it. And especially with the way more unforgivable light muu is portrayed in, the whole crazy face after murdering Rei and the bugsona along with the music made this one of my favourite songs instantly.
And here I was first watching milgram only days before I love you and oh boy was it an interesting premiere. And I vividly remembering looking at the premiere like 20 minutes before it started and saw people talking about fucking Shidou mpreg and just left until 5 minutes remained and it’s hilarious looking back at how that was one of my first experiences with the milgram fandom. Oh boy the milgram yt live chat you’re certainly a jungle.
I also remember seeing people spamming MAPPI INNO which I knew was some inside fandom joke which I had no clue what it meant so of course I gave into conformity and started saying it as well. In which I noticed inno meant innocent but it took me a long time to realise where mappi came from. I was shocked to see how dark of a tone the mv had compared to TIHTBILWY and the music as well and how it kept switching tones.
I was originally confused to what she had done and wether to forgive her or not because I interpreted the rat cake scene as she killed her bf to make him obedient. And I proceeded to yap about theories on my gc with my friend only for my other friend to get extremely confused who I ended up converting into a milgrammie.
So yeah that’s how my extreme obsession with Milgram started, a hyperfixiation which has now lasted a year straight with no signs of it stopping soon. I guess Milgram is everything I wanted in fiction and especially at the right time where I was really into danganronpa fan songs. And themes of psychology, moral philosophy, symbolism, music, murder it’s essentially like it was made for me. And how something as specific as singing murderers captivated me so much that it feels like I cannot grasp how I was before watching it. And especially with how I now have two blorbos (Amane & John) which is rare for me and especially with milgram I can easily talk about any character as they’re all so interesting to me compared to other pieces of media where it’s only a select few characters.
I vividly remember thinking “I can’t believe it’s been a week since I first watched milgram” to “I can’t believe it’s been a year since I first watched milgram” and it feels so short yet such a long time. So consider this ramble of mine a love letter to the series.
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misterredroom · 7 months
Welcome to my blog friends
As you guessed from my bio, I am a Steven Stoughton irl. My source media is the pokepasta Strangled Red (and the other parts Door’s Open and Strangled) and you may have heard of me from the FNF mods Hypno’s Lullaby or Pokepasta Perdition. Apart from irl/fictionkin, I am also otherkin.
Other irls include:
Grey (currently exclusive to FNF Hypno’s Lullaby mod) [May be irl? But I’m sure of it] 💿🪦
Alternate!Cesar Torres (Mandela Catalogue) ☎️🥀
Kevin (Spooky Month) 🍬💢
Adam Murray (Mandela Catalogue) 👁️‍🗨️🍎
Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer) 🐗🗡️
John Doe (John Doe) 👁️🦷 (has a separate blog @lil-doedoe +18 ONLY)
I also kin (but not to an irl extent like Steven):
Astarion (Baldur’s Gate 3) 🦇
Kotoko Utsugi (Danganronpa) 🎀
Ruby (Pokespe) 🧵
Kuromi (Sanrio) 😈
Medic (Team Fortress 2) 🏥
Mukuro Ikusaba (Danganronpa) ⛓
Seiko Kimura (Danganronpa) 💊
Kirumi Tojo (Danganronpa) 🕸
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck) ♉️
Giyu Tomioka (Demon Slayer) 🌊
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) 🎋
Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) 🔱
Randall Purpura (Purple) ☔️
Astolfo (FGO) 💗
Rosaria (Genshin Impact) 🛐
Lisa (Genshin Impact) (we even share the same birthday!!) 📚
Tate Frost (Purple/Frost Bite) (except he’s super fucking cunty /hj) 🪓
Maison Talo (House Hunted) (MIGHT be irl but I’m not sure yet) 🏠
Pest (Roblox Regretevator) (questioning if irl) 🪲
Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat) 💣 (also may be irl) (also has a separate blog @sp1ndlebxtch AGAIN +18/WEAPONS/VIOLENCE WARNING)
And many more to come… (these lists are subjected to change)
(More below the cut):
My otherkin types (this list subjected to change):
Alternatekin (like the Mandela Catalogue)
Cryptidkin (more specifically, Mothman)
⚠️ Warning!! ⚠️
This blog may possibly contain shocking, terrifying or suggestive content that may not be suitable for certain ages or people. Viewer discretion is advised.
If you choose to ignore this warning and enter this blog intentionally regardless of what I have said, then so be it. I’m not warning you again so don’t blame me for your negligence and inability to obey my rules.
Minors!! This also applies to you too. Don’t be looking at stuff you shouldn’t be looking at and get out of here.
Also, don’t like what you see? Then move along or just block me. I don’t want to deal with you throwing a tantrum over my stuff.
Who is welcome:
Fans of FNF Hypno’s Lullaby or Pokepasta Perdition
Irl or fictionkin
Autistic/any form of neurodivergent
Vampire lovers
Weirdcore/dreamcore/nostalgiacore (tw for derealization?)
Creepypasta/pokepasta/general horror fans
Vintage/retro/silent film lovers
Goth, Emo, EGL, anyone alt
Roblox players
If you like male yandere/crazy boy dating sims
Fellow horror villain/slasher kinnies and irls (so I feel less lonely and learn to accept myself more)
General people who aren’t fucking assholes
Racist (n@zi, ss, kkk, etc)
Antis (you hoes are so fucking rude and creepy and for what reason)
Homophobic, basic anti lgbt
Transphobe, truscum, transmed and other bs
Allow cringe culture
Anti otherkin, fictionkin, irl, etc (why are you even here?)
Anti xenos/neopronouns (they’re not that hard to use but no pressure)
Anti tulpa, endo, etc (tbh who has the time for that /s)
Minors (as I mentioned earlier, this blog contains subjects minors should NOT be looking at)
Trollers/bait accounts
If you judge others quickly/make fun of them based on their irl/kintypes or forbid someone from dating another because of their irls/kintypes (I love my partner dearly and I will make sure you understand that)
If you make fun of someone for their interests
Anti yandere people (idk if they have a name but I’ve seen them before)
Anti fujoshi/yaoi
General shitty people
Interact with caution:
Steven simps: Some of you guys are.. interesting to say the least. But PLEASE do not be weird to me because I am a person with feelings too.
Astarion simps: While not as bad as the two above me, I humbly request that you don’t obsess over me.
Ruby haters: Yes people are allowed to have opinions but don’t let it be your whole personality. And this is not a place to express how much you hate me/Ruby.
Medic simps: I’ve only seen a few but Medic simps seem to be like Steven simps. Please please PLEASE don’t be weird to me because I won’t accept your feelings.
Alt!Cesar simps: I was once a Cesar simp denying his feelings until I found out I was an irl of him. And oh my god the simps are no different than Steven simps. And for that reason I really don’t want you to be weird to me please.
Adam simps/haters: It just gets better/worse. If you’re here to slobber over me or be pissy to me I’d rather you not because I am not providing you with anything.
Giyu or Inosuke simps: Why do I keep getting the baddies /j but as per usual don’t be a creep.
John Doe simps or antis/haters: I’m sorry I can’t control this shit but I have a y/n of my own and I love them very much!!!! And if you’re here to talk about why I shouldn’t like dark media then the block button is right there.
And that’s all I have to say. Please be civil and kind on this blog and do NOT spread negativity here. Nobody has time for such trivial stuff and I know I don’t so just be fucking nice and if you see something you don’t like then just leave. I have zero time for your tears.
Have a good day and sending kisses to you all, especially a certain person out there 💋💋💋
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self-hatred-h00die · 10 months
kin list
i randomly got very obsessive abt my kins and wanted to ramble Abt them and how i relate to them, i just spent like 3 hrs on this LOL i will credit the artists tmrw i found these thru pinterest and will have to spend some time reverse image searching them tmrw
also tumblr limit wouldn't let me put pictures for all of them rip
- ame-chan/k-angel
she is literally just me no explanation needed!
- mikan tsumiki
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social anxiety, shy and fragile... constantly afraid that others hate her... overapologizes... extremely obsessive, sexualizes herself for attention, lots of trauma, likes to have control over others, sadomasochist, hides her intentions with an innocent appearance
- kosame amagai
extreme anxiety, self harms, anxiety attacks if someone yells at her, very self-sacrificial, aloof, shy demeanor
- rika (mystic messenger)
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craves love but feels suffocated by it, doesn't understand love without abuse, trauma, lashes out at others, self harms, unstable self image, leaves before her partner can leave her, likes to have control over others, manipulative, wants to get better but doesn't know how to live without her darkness, chronic feelings of emptiness
- riamu yumemi
shut-in, social anxiety, low self esteem, craves validation and approval, emotionally unstable, feels sick despite being physically healthy, mood swings, menhera
- ram (re:zero)
aloof, sarcastic, self-sacrificial, extremely devoted to her loved one, yandere
- yuri (ddlc)
social anxiety, shy, constantly afraid that others hate her, self harms, obsessive, yandere, emotionally unstable, loves horror, has unusual interests, terrified of rejection
- misa amane
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obsessive, yandere, willing to do anything for her loved one, will tolerate any abuse as long as they don't leave her, will use any means necessary, gullible, easily manipulated, little regard for her own well-being
- yuno gasai
yandere, obsessive, possessive, manipulative, violent when necessary, willing to sacrifice herself for her lover, extremely protective
- toko fukawa
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extremely anxious, inferiority complex, obsessive, stalker tendencies, eccentric, moody, pessimistic, weird
- chiaki nanami
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aloof, calm demeanor, sleepy, loves video games, friendly, very supportive of her friends, self-sacrificial, secretive
- stocking anarchy
bulimic, loves sweets, insecure about weight, angel, sarcastic, lazy, procrastinator, loves plushies, gothic style, obsessive when in love
- kotoko utsugi
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traumatized, childish, loves pink/cute things, unusual triggers, sexual trauma, projects her abuse onto others, hates adults, silly
- nagito komaeda
gentle personality, kind-hearted, inferiority complex, extremely low self esteem, strange moral code, obsessive, mentally unstable, self-destructive, either very lucky or very unlucky, trauma
- osamu dazai
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self harms, suicidal, cat-like, mischievous, silly, can be unexpectedly serious and dark
- rachel gardner
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depressed, aloof, no will to live, desensitized to horror/gore, dissociates, trauma, dark past hidden by innocent appearance
- basil (omori)
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gentle, shy, fragile, cares deeply for his friends, loves nature, loves photography, secretive, has extreme difficulty opening up to others, obsessive, anxiety
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disregardthesun · 11 months
danganronpa masterlist
Trigger Happy Havoc
Chihiro Fujisaki
Junko Enoshima
Makoto Naegi
Goodbye Despair
Hajime Hinata
Izuru Kamukura
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito Komaeda (Tsundere)
Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede Akamatsu (pregame)
Kaito Momota (pregame)
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi Oma (pregame)
Maki Harukawa (Yandere)
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi Saihara (pregame)
Ultra Despair Girls
Kotoko Utsugi
Haiji Towa
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meowmeow422 · 4 months
I see you like the warriors of hope from danganronpa
Any hcs you can share?
Finally! /hj
Quite a few, tho they may not be the best lol😅
Also, influenced by my 'Princess of Light' AU—basically a universe where Monaca met Makoto instead and was inpired by him.
Oh, and the rest of the Warriors are yanderes cause why not?
If anyone wanna check it out, here! I have some hcs that are specific for that au as well—if anyone is interested, I can post those too.
Anywho, hcs. Tw: angst, dark stuff. I'll add some silly fluff ones at the end so just scroll there if you wanna avoid the heavier drabbles
Monaca Towa
I have a feeling that Monaca is a bit like Cruella and/ or Himiko Toga. She already had some questionable tendencies that only worsen with the way she was treated; she just needed some help but we know how that ended up
Monaca def has a sibling complex. I think she always just wanted a family. No matter what, it's a fact: she was just a kid; a half-sibling was still a sibling to her, yet Haiji was absolutely disgusted by her very existence. (As someone with two older siblings I can't even imagine the pain)
I mean, just look at her wiki. The way it describes what others, what Haiji thought if her? Her own quotes? Yikes
Which is probably why she was so quickly and obsessively attached with Junko; the person who could be her sister—her family
Wanna know the 'best part'? It is canon that she knew perfectly well that Junko not only didn't actually care for them but was using them too. Ouch
Nagisa Shingetsu
Due to what his parents put him through, he abhors games where you have to grind or constantly level up.
He does however love cute casual/ mindless stuff; games where you can just turn off your brain and enjoy yourself—games where you don't need to be perfect, you can just be you
He is either completely terrified or utterly apathetic to needles. Like when the school nurse come to give the annual shot, he's either gonna break down or be like 'huh, another one.'
Pretty numb to sensations most of the time. Especially bad during exam week or if his parents have a new theory they wanna 'try out'
Kotoko Utsugi
Panics when men get into her personal space—espeacially fearful of the older/ bigger ones
Has dark tendencies too; it's unfair that she had to go through the abuse, so why not share the pain?
She'd tear some of the girls' skirt or top, or splash water onto them.
She wants other girls to be tainted so that she herself feels less dirty
When she used to act in school plays, she tried to spend as much time at rehearsals so that she didn't have to at her 'other job'
Probably has an eating disorder—mostly cause her mom keeps telling her she needs to be cute or else she is worthless
Jataro Kemuri
His obsession with hatred comes from the belief that while he is despised he is still paid attention too
Afterall, hate and love aren't opposites—they're paralells. Apathy is the true opposite
Jataro would pick being degraded and laughed at 1000× over being ignored
His worst experience was when his mom got so fed up that she didn't even get mad at him, just glared and walked away. A whole day of damning silence
Also, likely why he says random stuff; it confuses others and gives him their attention, if momentarily
Masaru Daimon
Due to his dad's addictions, Masaru flinches at the sight of a lighter
Additionally, he really hates strong smelling substances
He learnt how to patch himself and knew basic medical skills at a young age
As we've seen, he can also be self destructive; bruising himself when he feels like he's not living up to the title of 'Hero'
Lived off instant foods since his dad only gave him meager pocket change for it.
Now, onto the more light-hearted ones!
They like playing the Sims and/ or Minecraft together! Kotoko would design their characters and work with Jataro to build their house; Nagisa prefers playing free/ creative mode cause there's no goals or restrictions to abide; Masaru would likely be the only one hyped to finish certain milestones purely to brag; Monaca, well, she's gonna unleash all her pent up frustrations on those poor Sims/ mobs.
They used to have movie nights together! It was Kotoko's idea since it was an adorbs trend. Initially it was just the girls but eventually the guys joined too. They usually do it either at Monaca's place or very rarely at Jataro's.
They each have different love languages! Jataro's is physical touch, since he never recieved anything from his mother due to her disgust of him; Masaru's is words of affirmation as his dad never really said anything good about him and only talked when necessary; Kotoko's is quality time—since, prior to Monaca, people only interact/ spend time with her they have an ulterior motive; Nagisa's is acts of service—as he never had someone do something for him that didn't harm him; finally, Monaca's is gifts—she's the girl who has everything, but feels like she has nothing—a present, no matter how big or small, as long as it is genuine is precious to her
Speaking of, Monaca prob has a few gifts from the Warriors, and possibly even her other classmates, that she keeps. She says it's just for future blackmail but her heart says otherwise
Masaru is actually a pretty decent cook! He had grown tired of fast food so much he actually learnt how to make some basic meals. He sometimes even cooks for the others—mostly to impress them but still! Though he much prefers eating then preparing the meals
Jataro is awful at cooking tho—in fact, he's banned from the kitchen. He tends to get distracted and ends up putting random things into the mix
I have a feeling that all the Warriors have a 'liking' to Monaca, by different degrees however: Nagisa's is of course pupply love; Masaru thinks that they belong together since he's the Hero and she's the Princess; Kotoko probably sees her as a pure untainted angel that needs to be protected; and Jataro... well, maybe he's just confused lol
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Howdy! Hey! Welcome to the page!
This is a side account where you can put in requests for characters from your favorite shows, video games, or really whatever! (As long as I know them that is)
However there are a few ground rules I would like to establish first!
I’ll mainly do x reader or character x character
I’m alright with smut, but if you request it I may not get to writing it since I’m really iffy about what characters I’ll write with it
I will only write for the fandoms I am in or have been in. Depending on which one you request, it might take longer to get to depending on my current interest in said fandom
I can write both headcanons (scenarios? imagines? not sure what to call them honestly-) or one shots if you wish! Headcanons will be much faster for me to do and will be my default, however if you specifically want me to do a one-shot just tell me in your request!
I am so willing to write darker themes such as yandere and other various things falling into the horror genre, so don’t be scared to ask for it!
I will absolutely NOT write any form of incest or minor x adult content
I can write character x character things as well! Can be platonic or romantic!
Any requests with children or characters that I headcanon to be children will be strictly platonic (this rule will be a bit flexible depending on the fandom)
Willing to write for almost all themes fluff, angst, hurt-comfort, enemies to lovers, you name it! So if you want something specific I can do it!
Don’t be afraid to ask me further questions if you’re confused about anything!
Fandoms and Characters I Will Write For!
Looking for a specific fandom/character? Well fandoms will be in this order so check it out!
Danganronpa (All games), Super Danganronpa Another 2, A Hat In Time, Billie Bust Up, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Cuphead, Sonic the Hedgehog, Kirby, The Owl House, Ninjago, Super Paper Mario, Cookie Run, Undertale/Undertale AUs, Deltarune, Undertale Yellow, In Stars and Time, Miscellaneous (characters I like but can’t make an entire section for)
Danganronpa (All games)
Makoto Naegi
Kyoko Kirigiri
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mondo Owada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Celestia Ludenburg
Sakura Ogami
Komaru Naegi
Matsuru Daimon (platonic only)
Jataro Kemuri (platonic only)
Kotoko Utsugi (platonic only)
Nagisa Shingetsu (platonic only)
Monaca Towa (platonic only)
Hajime Hinata
Izuru Kamukura
Nagito Komaeda (+despair form)
Chiaki Nanami
Peko Pekoyama (+despair form)
Ibuki Mioda (+despair form)
Mikan Tsumiki
Nekomaru Nidai (+despair form)
Gundham Tanaka (+despair form)
Kazuichi Soda (+despair form)
Sonia Nevermind (+despair form)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (+despair form)
Kaede Akumatsu
Shuichi Saihara
Kaito Momota
Ryoma Hoshi
Kirumi Tojo
Korekiyo Shinguji
Gonta Gokuhara
Kokichi Oma
Maki Harukawa
Super Danganronpa Another 2
Yuki Maeda
Yoruko Kabuya
Yuri Kagarin
Hajime Makunouchi
Kokoro Mitsume
Emma Magarobi
Setsuka Chiebukuro
Hibiki Otonokoji
Kaede Otonokoji
Shinji Kasai
Nikei Yomiuri
Teruya Otori
Mikado Sannoji (IRL and AI)
Shobai Hashimoto
Iroha Nijue
A Hat in Time
Hat Kid (platonic only)
Bow Kid (platonic only)
Mustache Girl (platonic only)
The Conductor
DJ Grooves
The Snatcher
The Empress
Billie Bust Up
Billie (platonic only)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bendy (cartoon or demon form your pick!)
Cuphead (platonic only)
Mugman (platonic only)
Chalice (platonic only)
Cagney Carnation
King Dice
The Devil
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tails (platonic only)
Dr. Starline
Kit (platonic only)
Metal Sonic (can also do Neo Metal Sonic!)
Mecha Sonic
Silver Sonic
Orbot & Cubot
Kirby (platonic only)
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Bandana Dee (platonic only)
Shadow Kirby (platonic only)
Dark Meta Knight
Shadow Dedede
Galacta Knight
Morpho Knight
Elfilin (platonic only)
The Owl House
Gus (platonic only)
The Collector (platonic only)
King (platonic only)
Papa Titan
Ninjago (Movie as well!)
Garmadon (S1-S2, Sensei, or Oni is up to you)
Mr. E
Super Paper Mario
Count Bleck/Blumiere
Mr. L/Luigi
Cookie Run
There are way too many for me to keep this list going so just suggest any from Ovenbreak, Kingdom, or Witch’s Castle and I try to write for them. Child Characters or characters the fandom headcanons to be children are an immediate platonic only though.
Undertale/Undertale AUs
Flowey (platonic only)
Asriel (platonic only)
Chara (platonic only)
Frisk (platonic only)
Killer! Sans/Killer
Dusttale Sans/Dust
Horrortale Sans/Horror
Horrortale Papyrus/Paprika
X-Tale Sans/Cross
Underswap Sans/Swap
Underswap Papyrus/Stretch
Underfell Sans/Red
Underfell Papyrus/Edge
Lancer (platonic only)
Rouxls Kaard
Undertale Yellow
Clover (platonic only)
Kanako (platonic only)
In Stars and Time
Bonnie (platonic only)
Mr. Puzzles (SMG4)
Alright! Have fun requesting!
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windblxmes · 1 year
Hi! Can I request some yandere warriors of hope with a marine biologist care taker? Sorry if this is to complicated or I’m bothering you!
HI lol i randomly started feeling like writting soooo currently im writting this Jan 26 (Edit wrote this all in one sitting) but who knows when it’ll come out sorry if I didn’t really put in the marine bio care taker but tht is their talent :)
“BIG SIS Y/N I FINALLY FOUND YOU” that was Kotoko Utsugi. You were Y/N L/N currently surrounded by atleast a dozen of monakumas and one of the people that controlled the monakumas in Towa City. You met her and her friends the Warriors of Hope in Towa City before it became Towa City before Junko Enoshima made them into the Warriors of Hope. You met Monaca Towa first you were hired to occasionally check on the sea animals at the Towa Residence as the Ultimate Marine Biologist Caretaker and you were disturbed to see them treat the little girl that way so you started treating her with warmth and bringing her candy. One day she started talking about her friends one of them being Kotoko also Nagisa Shingetsu, Jataro Kemuri, and Masaru Daimon. One day she asked if you could come with her to meet her friends and being fond of her and wanting to see the friends she always spoke of. You became fond of them and they all became fond of you you didn’t have any power to help them but you wanted to be the best support you could for them. But you weren’t enough and they found someone who could help them Junko Enoshima. You felt awful when they went missing then the tragedy began and all of your classmates were killed. You would’ve been killed too if Junko didn’t fish you out she’s heard of you from the warriors of hope she knew if she killed you then they would stop doing what she wanted and while she wanted their despair if they stopped what they were doing she was giving up much more despair that they were doing. She couldn’t completely give up on despair in the situation though she’d atleast get your despair so instead of delivering you to thr Warriors she dropped you in a random spot in Towa to give you hope that maybe they wouldn’t find you. And you did last awhile almost 2 years you lasted longer than Junko was alive. It was easier to blend in when most people in Towa weren’t being held hostage then Junko died and they got tired of it and looking for you so they started the game and you found out through the “servant” later that you became a special target that had to be taken alive. You still went at it alone but soon they finally found you leaving you where you are at surrounded by a dozen monakumas and being squeezed by a little girl who’s apart of this game. “Big Sister let’s go see Monaca and the others” Kotoko smiled and grabbed your hand and started walking. You didn’t resist from what the servant has told you they probably wouldn’t have the monakumas kill you but they could definitely make your arms and or legs unusable so you kept following the little girl so had your hand in a death grip not wanting to let you go. You arrived in the buliding and went right up to where the other warriors were. When you got there the Warriors seemed excited to see you. You saw Jataro doing one of his “art” projects your face turned shocked. “Jataro! Put that somewhere else your scaring Big Sister” said Nagisa. Monaca rolled her wheelchair over to you she stood up and hugged you even though at her size it was more her hugging your stomach. “Big Sis Y/N you must’ve been scared out there. Don’t worry you can stay with us now” said Monaca
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Ultra Despair Girls Masterlist
Hiroko Hagakure 💋
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Jataro Kemuri 🖌
Neko Alphabet (platonic letters only)
SFW Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Yandere Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Komaru Naegi 👻
Neko Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Kotoko Utsugi 🎀
Neko Alphabet (platonic letters only)
SFW Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Yandere Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Masaru Daimon ⚽️
Neko Alphabet (platonic letters only)
SFW Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Yandere Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Monaca Towa 🌟
Neko Alphabet (platonic letters only)
SFW Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Yandere Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Nagisa Shingetsu 📚
Neko Alphabet (platonic letters only)
SFW Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Yandere Alphabet (platonic letters only)
Taichi Fujisaki 📠
Neko Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
Yuta Asahina 👟
Neko Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet
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Make sure to read this when requesting!
Requests: Closed
Time it’ll take to write:
Depends on the way I write and when I see a request so with that info it will probably take one day to two months.
I will do:
X reader(friendships, dating)
Poly relationships
I will not do:
Nsfw(or anything I guess) that deals with non consented things
Character ships(that aren’t platonic)
Any harm in a romantic setting being romanticized
Any harm coming to any of the characters will not have a detailed description
If you need more info on what I will do and what I won’t send in an ask!
Ways I’ll write:
Small oneshots
A chapter to a series(one chapter is the max for one post)
What I will do in certain writings(these are limited to that writing):
S3lf h4rm
H4rm done by others (bully1ng and 4bus3 only but these will only be mentioned)
Su1c1de(in some cases)
Tr4um4(only mentioned)
Angst to comfort
Same as angst
Kissing(not detailed)
Encouraging words
Kissing(not detailed)
Encouraging words
Mentions of things in angst
Encouraging words
Kissing(not detailed)
Maximum amount of characters I’ll write for in one post:
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Black Butler
The Promised Neverland
Assassination Classroom
Magical girl site
Genshin Impact
A Silent Voice
Doki Doki Literature Club
I might write for more in the future!
Characters I will do:
Danganronpa(all main games and a little of ultra despair girls)
Literally almost everyone to shorten this for you.
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi
Sayaka Maizono
Kyoko Kirigiri
Junko Enoshima(real Junko)
Chihiro Fujisaki
Toko Fukawa
Genocide Jack/Jill/Syo
Aoi Asahina
Celestial Ludenberg
Sakura Ogami
Goodbye Despair
Chiaki Nanami
Nagito Komaeda
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Sonia Nevermind
Mahiru Koizumi
Peko Pekoyama
Ibuki Mioda
Hiyoko Saionji
Mikan Tsumiki
Killing Harmony
Shuichi Saihara
Kaede Akamatsu
Maki Harukawa
Himiko Yumeno
Rantaro Amami
Kirumi Tojo
Angie Yonaga
Tenko Chabishira
Korekiyo Shinguji
Miu Iruma
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Ultra despair girls
Kotoko Utsugi
Komaru Naegi
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive
The Promised Neverland
Assassination Classroom
Irina Jelavić
Magical girl site
Aia Asagiri
Genshin Impact
Hu tao
Nahida(Lesser Lord Kusanali)
A Silent Voice
Doki Doki Literature Club
I will update this so please look at this before you put in a request!
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solitaireinfoacc · 5 months
☆.. ノ games
☆.. ノ animal crossing
★ ankha
☆.. ノ at dead of night
★ amy bell
☆.. ノ bad end theater
★ maiden “lucy”
★ underling
☆.. ノ corpse party
★ atsuma kayama (OC)
★ mayu suzumoto
★ yuka mochida
☆.. ノ danganronpa
★ aiko umesawa
★ akane owari
★ angie yonaga
★ celestia ludenberg
★ chiaki nanami
★ genocide jack
★ hiiyan edo (OC)
★ himiko yumeno
★ hiyoko saionji
★ ibuki mioda
★ junko enoshima
★ kaede akamatsu
★ kiyotaka ishimaru
★ koichi kizakura
★ kokichi ouma
★ kotoko utsugi
★ maki harukawa
★ miu iruma
★ natsumi kuzuryuu
★ ningya kira (OC)
★ peko pekoyama
★ petaro haru (OC)
★ ryota mitarai
★ seiko kimura
★ shina yuri (OC)
★ sonia nevermind
★ toko fukawa
★ yuta asahina
☆.. ノ doki doki literature club
★ sayori
☆.. ノ fnaf
★ ballora “clara”
★ bonbon
★ cassie
★ elizabeth afton
★ glamrock freddy
★ gregory
★ roxanne wolf
★ sundrop
☆.. ノ homestuck
★ jade harley
☆.. ノ ib
★ mary
☆.. ノ night in the woods
★ gregg lee
☆.. ノ overwatch
★ amélie lacroix "widowmaker"
★ angela ziegler "mercy"
★ elizabeth caledonia "ashe"
★ hana song “d. va”
★ kiriko kamori
★ lena oxton "tracer"
★ olivia colomar "sombra"
☆.. ノ roblox
★ anastasiya_cole
★ clairsmiles (adult and kid)
★ clerince
★ coatsofclaude
★ darvaan
★ dr_aldra
★ fiddlepat
★ G0Z
★ goodpuffer
★ jackcult
★ masqueraze
★ morgenne
★ mrrealism
★ somatikos
★ tippyship
★ unstable_day
★ vourned
☆.. ノ sally face
★ maple cohen
★ megan holmes
★ sal fisher
★ todd morrison
☆.. ノ undertale / deltarune
★ alphys
★ asriel dreemurr
★ kris 
★ muffet
★ napstablook
★ papyrus
★ temmie
☆.. ノ wii sports
★ abby
☆.. ノ yandere simulator
★ hanako yamada
★ nemesis
★ osana najimi
☆.. ノ your turn to die
★ anzu kinashi
★ gin ibushi
★ kai satou
★ mai tsurugi
★ nao egokoro
★ ranmaru kageyama
★ rio ranger
 ★ shin tsukimi
★ sou hiyori
0 notes
ariyucake · 2 years
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ┊𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
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☰ 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 . . . ┊𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐜 | 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐲, 𝐞𝐭𝐜 . ┊𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐚𝐰𝐫, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 . ┊𝐀 𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 | 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 . ┊𝐀 𝐃𝐑 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 .
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☰ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 ♡ ˎˊ˗ ┊𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 | 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 ! ┊𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 | 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 ? 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐮𝐛 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐚'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 >:𝟑 ┊𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 . ┊𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 | 𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐰𝐨𝐰𝐳𝐚 !
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☰ 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 / 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 ♡ ˎˊ˗ ┊𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐩𝐚 [ 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 ] ┊𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 ✦ ┊𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟑𝐫𝐝 ✦ ┊𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝
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☰ 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 ! ˎˊ˗ ┊𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 = 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐀𝐡𝐫𝐢 [ 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 = 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐢 ] ┊𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 = 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 ┊𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 = 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 ┊𝐌𝐁𝐓𝐈 = 𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐏 ┊𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐑 / 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 = 𝐔𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢 𝐊𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨 / 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐨 / 𝐎𝐦𝐚 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 | 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐥 / 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 / 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧
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☰ 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 ♡ ˎˊ˗
┊ #Recommendations ┊ #✏ Yora writes ! ┊ #✉ Yora's messages ! ┊ #✏ Help give Yora her pills back ! ! ┊ #Imdirt
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Our Princess
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dfGImP3
by MeowMeow422
Monaca has always been worshiped by the other Warriors, so much so she wonders are they even friends? Or is she a thing for them to covet?
Precious and loved but not someone they can be close with.
Words: 1202, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Princess of Light(Danganronpa AR)
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi
Characters: Towa Monaca, Daimon Masaru (Dangan Ronpa), Shingetsu Nagisa, Utsugi Kotoko, Warriors of Hope (Dangan Ronpa), Komaeda Nagito, Kemuri Jataro, Mentioned Naegi Komaru, mentioned Naegi Makoto
Relationships: Komaeda Nagito & Towa Monaca, Enoshima Junko & Towa Monaca, Towa Monaca & Warriors of Hope, Komaeda Nagito & Warriors of Hope, Daimon Masaru & Kemuri Jataro & Shingetsu Nagisa & Towa Monaca & Utsugi Kotoko
Additional Tags: Obsession, Obsessive Behavior, Yandere, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Character Study, Relationship Study, Dangan Ronpa Alternate Reality
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dfGImP3
0 notes
shumaiseyeliner · 3 years
Ok consider this: the WoH find a preteen/teenager alive in the world. At first, they take them in to fucking kill them but then the (pre)teen is super nice and caring to them and eventually becomes their big sibling. Komaeda is still the servant, but now big sib is their go to for help on things.
So basically, platonic big sib to yandere WoH
a/n: y’all don’t understand how much I love kotoko 💕💕
warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy mindsets, unhealthy behavior, PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS, monaca, clingy behavior, these kids deserve love i stg
towa monaca
☘︎︎ she isn’t looking for any kind of kindness from anyone, so at first she simply allows them to live because they make good cookies. However, she’s quickly attached to her darling and wants all of their time, and she gets it because of course Monaca always gets her way. It’s just something she sees as she deserves, especially when she thinks about all of the isolation she went through with her family. Monaca believes that she’s fully deserving of her darlings affection, and monopolizes it as much as she can, often pushing the other Warriors aside to get what she wants. It’s selfish, fully so, but again, no ones going against what Monaca says because she’s their leader, even if it isn’t said out loud.
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shingetsu nagisa
☘︎︎ he’s not very trusting in general and his darling is no exception to this. Nagisa doesn’t trust them in the slightest, and since he’s not used to kindness at all, it just makes him even more suspicious of them in the first place. However, I feel like he’d slowly warm up to them and actually start to yearn for the kindness that they offer to him. It becomes something that he randomly needs throughout the day, and he’ll do this thing where he just waist around for them to give him a hug or a kiss on the forehead. It’s really cute and it’s not like Nagisa really asks for a lot, just a crumb of affection is all he needs to get through the day, that’s all. Nagisa encourages affection towards the other Warriors, too, because he knows how it feels.
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utsugi kotoko
☘︎︎ honestly? She just really wants someone to cherish her in a sweet way, and the fact that her darling is so kind towards her just makes her infatuation with them all the more intense. Kotoko will often follow her darling around and openly ask for a hug or for them to carry her around on their shoulders, things like that make her extremely happy and it puts her in a good mood for the rest of the day. She’s very clingy towards her darling and often finds herself following them around when she’s supposed to be doing other things, it might get her in trouble with the other Warriors, but she doesn’t particularly care as long as she can get her daily hug or forehead kiss. She’s kind of needy, but it’s understandable why.
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kemuri jataro
☘︎︎ he kind of pushes his darling away at first because much like Nagisa he doesn’t trust them in the slightest. This quickly crumbles, though, and he becomes just as dependent on them as Kotoko is. Their affection is something he literally cannot go without, and he revels in their kindness because pretty much everyone else treats him like garbage. On the other hand, though, Jataro doesn’t feel like he deserves any of the affection he receives from them and often says this in the most self-deprecative way possible, and becomes surprised when his darling tells him not to talk like that about himself. His darling is a symbol of hope for Jataro, and he cares very deeply for them, often helping them whenever he can.
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daimon masaru
☘︎︎ he’s the most difficult out of all of them, honestly. Masaru doesn’t trust them in the slightest at first, but he’s not subtle about how he feels, and often tells them how he’s angry that Monaca let them live, things like that. This behavior stops the moment he’s given even the slightest bit of attention. He becomes addicted to any type of affection he can get out of them, and while he’d never admit it out loud, he literally begs his darling to cuddle him at the end of the day. It’s sweet, in a way, and he’s almost as needy as Kotoko is, which is definitely saying something. Masaru is the most dependent out of the Warriors and has moments where he can’t leave his darlings side. They’re all starved for affection.
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Since you said you were into Danganronpa, what about a platonic scenerio or HCs with the warriors of hope ?
Nagisa Shingetsu, Jataro Kemuri, Masaru Daimon, Kotoko Utsugi, Monaca Towa (Platonic Scenario - "The Good Teacher")
WARNING: references to child abuse, home invasion, implied desecration of corpses, fantasy violence, blood, implied non-consensual drug use.
A.N. - Excuse me while I sleep for a week.
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THE NIBBLING OF A SANDWICH being eaten was the loudest noise in the serene classroom, interrupted only by the ticktock of a round clock perched high on the wall above the door.
It took five minutes before Nagisa Shingetsu touched the food you had given him.
His eyes, blue as his horned hair, were lined with dark circles that contrasted with his pallid skin. He had spoken at length about how inappropriate it was for him to eat at his desk when you first presented the meal, but if one looked at him now, they saw nothing but a hungry boy eating his fill.
“It's nice to eat something that doesn't burn my throat,” Nagisa had thought upon tasting the fresh food with nothing hidden inside.
On your desk was a thick folder, the contents of which were so dreadful that you had avoided opening it for the past hour. A part of you wished for it to disappear by the time you looked near it again.
The door creaked open with a cautious slowness, and a young boy by the name of Jataro Kemuri poked his head through the crack to make sure there was no danger waiting to ambush him. The mask that wrapped around his head was a patchwork of leather flaps, obscuring every part of his face but his grey eyes and the straight line of his mouth.
Those same eyes raked the classroom as if worried that he had taken the path he walked every day and somehow ended up in the wrong room.
His mother liked to alternate between rushing to be rid of him for the day and forgetting to drive him here until the last minute. Judging from the half-hour still waiting to tick on the clock, it was one of the former days.
You considered calling out to Jataro but held your tongue at the memory of his dislike for loud and sudden noises, choosing to wave at him instead.
The gesture gave him the courage he needed to nudge the door open wider with his shoulder and step inside. His gaze never lifted higher than the floor until he had shambled up to your desk, but even then, it rose only to the cup of pens and pencils sitting on the corner.
Jataro kept his arms extended outwards from the front of his chest. He had pulled at the sleeves and stretched them until they were longer than his arms, falling over his hands and acting as a buffer from anything that sought to touch him.
Around his shoulders were the straps of a white backpack, the muffled rattles within it suggesting a heavy load.
“You told Kotoko she could bring her own clothes, so I thought maybe I could bring some of my art supplies.” Jataro pointed the top of his head at you when he suggested this, rocking slightly and perhaps hoping to soften the blow he expected from across the desk if he looked you in the eye.
You motioned to the adjacent wall running along the left side of the room, for it faced the outside and had a long window that poured sunlight onto the space below it. “You're welcome to draw all over these walls. The floors, too. Even the ceiling if you have a ladder.”
His head jerked up. “What?!” Jataro draped his arms over his mask, speaking in a combination of a whimper and a groan. “Are you messing with me? Figures you'd pick on me.”
You lightly shook your head. “No!” After peeking at a few of the walls in the classroom, you squinted in exaggerated disgust. “Look at this place. It's all grey and hopeless.” In addition to shrivelling your nose, you curled your lips to form a comical grimace. “We could use some colour.”
A tiny smile graced Jataro's face, and he ambled to the wall you had first suggested. “I'll give it some colour,” he mumbled. The bag slipped off his back, rode down his arm, and landed with a clunk on the floor beside the window.
The zipper on his backpack hummed as it was pulled to the opposite end, followed by the clatter of various tools spilling out around him.
A sawing noise alerted you to the sight of Jataro dragging a chisel across the wall. Chips of paint were bending away from the tool before falling to the ground, and you prepared a lie to tell if any of the other teachers or the principal asked.
Hanging from a clasp around his neck was a knee-length apron, its brown fabric splattered with dry paint and chalk powder.
You delivered a box of crayons and markers to the side of his backpack while he was engrossed in drawing humanoid figures. When you glanced in his direction several minutes later, the drawings had all been outfitted with streaks of crayon and the pungent scent of a fresh marker.
“Hey, teach! Heads up!” shouted an energetic voice.
Your eyes spun from Jataro to a basketball hurtling towards you, and your hands flew off the desk to catch it just before it would have smashed into your nose. You held the ball there for a moment then slowly lowered it with mild amusement.
The competitive smile of Masaru Daimon greeted you from the entrance as the door swung shut behind him, his hands coming up to lay a pair of headphones on his spiky, red hair.
“Gotta be faster,” you chided him in a way that was more playful than it was serious.
Masaru jumped to catch the ball when you tossed it back to him. He winced upon touching the ground, and the gravity of the fall revealed a bruise on his upper arm. Its purple and black colouration was hidden under the black hem of his short-sleeve shirt, its irregular contour matching the size of an adult fist.
You pushed your chair back as you stood.
Masaru was panting and bouncing the ball off the floor into his hands.
It was a common suspicion of yours that he ran to school, one that grew on the days when he arrived hours late with a limp or busted lip. Those days fed into your mental image of the person who gave him the injuries, but an angry excuse was all you got out of him when you raised a question.
His eyes were concentrated on the motion of the ball until you crouched in front of him. In your hand was a small bandage, which you extended to him with an open palm. The smile on his face shrank, but Masaru took the bandage.
“Gotta keep your throws strong, right?” The calm mix of sincerity and encouragement in your voice brought some of the joy back to his smile.
He bared his teeth in a bigger smile and dashed to his chair in the front row as if in a race, but he chose to dribble the ball next to his desk instead of sitting down.
You watched him with a frown that was lost in thought, eventually sighing and taking a seat at your desk.
The door thudded open as it was wrenched out of its frame and pushed to the wall, and in stepped a young girl with pink hair as long as she was tall. Her hands were clutching the strap of a duffle bag, which was decorated with heart and flower stickers.
“Kotoko!” came your pleased greeting. She whipped her head around at your call, a smile of excitement and relief overtaking any impatience when you beckoned her to your desk with a wave of your hand.
Kotoko Utsugi dashed forward and hopped onto the edge of the desk with her side facing you. She allowed her legs to dangle, for her attention was devoted to hugging the duffle bag and looking it up and down with the desire to bring its contents into the morning light.
“Some hall monitor tried to make me open my bag,” she grumbled, rolling her eyes and fiddling with the zipper. Like a candle flickering between light and dark, Kotoko wiped the discontent from her face and turned to you with a joyful laugh. “So I just told him it was girl stuff! That sent him running!”
Joining her amusement with a chuckle and a mental note to find her a more discreet method, you stood up and walked to the door. The hinges squeaked as it opened, but there were no footsteps or voices to fill the corridor. A quick scan of both directions proved it to be empty save for a couple of posters on the walls.
You nodded at Kotoko and held the door open for her, causing her to sprint across the hall to the bathroom.
You leaned back into the classroom to observe the hubbub unfolding in the third row, where Masaru had grasped fistfuls of Jataro's mask and was pulling him out of his seat. Jataro was flailing his arms in helpless defiance.
“Jataro's head is not a ball, Masaru!”
Masaru sounded a disappointed and exaggerated “aw” under the din of Jataro's protests, the amusement in his voice hinting that he had yet to let go. “But it's huge and round like one!”
His fun was brought to an end when Nagisa stepped in front of the desk with his arms crossed. Nagisa wore a stern frown that looked too much like that of a disapproving parent for Masaru's taste, and he gave Nagisa an equally scathing look in return.
“Our teacher asked you to stop.”
While you were focused on the staring contest between Masaru and Nagisa, Kotoko dashed back into the classroom with a twirl and a deep breath of excitement. “I am ready to perform!” She thrust her leg into the air and pulled her arms up in an improvised dance move.
On her legs were long socks with pink and white stripes, atop her head was a horned headband, and she had ditched the slip-on shoes for high heel boots.
From the way Kotoko was patting her hair and reaching out to nothing in pretend monologues, it was like she was wearing new, much more comfortable skin.
Masaru, with a groan of frustration, released Jataro and resumed his throwing the basketball at the wall and catching it when it bounced back.
Jataro sunk into his chair, letting out soft whines and scribbling on his desk with a marker. He trudged to his wall of drawings and slumped to his knees in front of it after a minute or two, and Nagisa watched him go with an inkling of sympathy.
You applauded Kotoko as she bowed for an imagined performance. A chorus of “thank you, thank you” came from her, the fake seriousness of her tone descending into laughter when you called for an encore.
“This actor is taking a break!” declared Kotoko, and she climbed onto her desk to stretch her arms above her head. It evolved into a vocal exercise of lowering and raising her pitch to test her control and lung capacity.
The folder on your desk reemerged as an eyesore as soon as you sat down, and you pulled it open to glower at the curriculum looking back at you.
Nagisa peered in your direction before turning and advancing to your desk. His steps were rigid and deliberate as if he were following a list of rules for how to properly approach you.
When he first reached your desk, Nagisa refrained from making eye contact with you. His arms were folded across his chest, the look in his eyes ranging from caution to curiosity. “Teacher, if I may ask a question.”
He addressed you with the reserved confidence of someone who believed themselves to be in the presence of a superior. You nodded, so he took a breath and held your gaze. “It's nearing the end of the school year. Should we not be taking a test right now?”
Casting a glance around the room, you leaned forward and whispered, “Just between the two of us, our tests are different than the ones they're passing around in the other classes.”
Nagisa looked down and narrowed his eyes, raising a finger to his chin. Still, a smile began to appear on his face at receiving what you had treated as confidential information.
You tapped the thick folder lying on your hand and reclined in your chair.
Nagisa returned to his desk, sitting a bit taller.
After minutes of sifting the endless pages and losing more energy with each word, you craved a break. Your gaze drifted to the chisel and crayons weaving shapes on the wall.
The way your shadow fell over his much smaller body caused him to drop the chisel, the tool bouncing like a seesaw in motion before ending its clatter by his feet. Jataro turned in an instant, and he kicked his legs against the floorboards in a vain attempt to scurry backwards. The resulting thwacks of his shoes on the wood were joined by the flaps of his sleeves as he swung his arms wildly.
With the look of a boy fearing for his life, he drew his arms across his face in a sloppy 'X' position. “I'm sorry!” He said the apology so fast that each one of his words bled into the next as if he were fighting the clock. “I'll get rid of it! I'm sorry!”
The mental fog of reading something horrible was still weighing on you, and you sat beside Jataro with a sigh. “Your art makes the room a lot better.”
Jataro slowly lowered his arms and peeked at you over the top of his sleeves. He turned back to the wall, hugging his legs and pulling them to his chest. “Are you gonna tell me to put it away?”
The door opened a final time to mark the arrival of Monaca Towa, her green hair dishevelled and her green eyes puffy. Instead of walking into the classroom hand-in-hand with Kotoko, she was alone and in a wheelchair. The wheelchair, with its silver joints of pristine quality, was lined with a red cushion designed for utmost comfort.
The rest of the class flocked to her side and began to bombard her with questions, while you took a slower approach and glanced at the telephone on the wall beside the door.
“What happened? Have you been crying?” Nagisa had raised his hands in front of his chest out of panic and kept asking variations of the same questions.
“Your hair looks like rats live in it!” cried Kotoko. She balled her fists and squeezed her eyes shut to avoid seeing the ragged hair any longer, turning to the bag she had dropped at her desk. “That's so not adorbs! I'll get my brush!”
Masaru was kneeling with one hand on his knee and leaning from side to side to inspect the wheels, but he soon jumped to a fighting stance. “Yeah! Do I need to beat someone up?”
Jataro was struck by awe at the mobile chair and gazed at it with eyes as wide as saucers. “Why are you wearing a car?” he shouted.
As you reached the back of the group, Monaca looked between her classmates with a pitiful mien but perked up at the sight of you.
Her face brightened for a moment before twisting with sobs as she raised her knuckles to wipe away the tears wetting her eyes. “I,” whimpered Monaca, choking so hard on her cries that she repeated the word several times and panted after each attempt. “I had an accident at home.”
“My brother,” was all she managed to say for an explanation. Its effect ripped through the other kids in a silent wave of fury as though she had given a lifelike description of the event.
You had half a mind to report your suspicions to the principal, but his last meeting with you had ended with him saying, “Don't stick your nose in something you aren't willing to lose your job over.”
* * *
MASARU WAS THE FIRST to jump up and yell, “Done!”
He held the drawing as far up as his arm would stretch, his tight grip wrinkling the paper somewhat. The look on his face was one of pride, and he sprinted to you with the enthusiasm of a runner nearing the finish line. Masaru slammed the paper onto your desk and strutted back to his seat, arms crossed behind his head.
Just as you were preparing to examine his work, the screech of a chair's feet sliding across the floorboards echoed in the classroom.
Kotoko was skipping to your desk while hugging her drawing to her chest, and on her face was a bright smile that grew with each step. She stopped at the front of the desk and clicked the heels of her boots together. Leaning forward on her toes, Kotoko placed the drawing between your hands and covered most of Masaru's drawing with her own.
She bent her knees and twirled her hands in a playful curtsy before returning to her seat. Kotoko proceeded to stick her tongue out at Masaru, which earned a look of surprise and irritation from him.
When Nagisa rose from his chair, he stacked his paper despite it having but one layer. He kept his gaze fixed on the drawing as he made rigid turns around other desks, scanning it for errors and then scanning it again to confirm that he saw what he had seen the last time.
The shame in Nagisa's face grew more apparent the closer he hauled himself to your desk. He held the drawing at a precise distance from his body, and he made sure to drop it onto your collection in a straight line rather than at an angle. “It's not my best work,” explained Nagisa, keeping his voice at a mutter, “but I assure you, I did all I could in the allotted time.”
You lowered the drawing from where you had lifted it to see his work, meaning to remind him that the assignment was not for a grade. It was intended as a fun way of passing the time until the bell rang. Nagisa had heard you when you announced this to the class, however, so your slight concern eased into understanding.
He sat down with frustration and self-doubt gnawing on his face, creasing his forehead and whitening his knuckles.
“Teacher,” sniffled Monaca before you could say anything to him.
Stretching her lips into a deep frown and putting the gleam of a sad puppy in her eyes was a look she wore comfortably, even dilating her pupils for extra effect. Monaca tugged at the wheels of her chair in an apparent inability to make them turn.
As you walked over to help, she stopped fighting with the wheelchair and watched your approach like a helpless infant awaiting rescue. “Monaca finished her drawing, and she just wanted to give it to you,” sobbed Monaca, adding a tearful whimper at the end for emphasis. “But the wheels on her chair won't move!”
You went to retrieve her drawing, but as soon as your hands came near it, the wheels lurched forward so that she could rush the paper into your grasp.
The tears that were threatening to fall had vanished from Monaca's eyes. “You fixed them!” she exclaimed with a happy gasp, clasping her hands together in front of her chest.
The look on your face was a flash of puzzlement mixed with an iota of suspicion, and you shook your head both in denial of her statement and as an expression of confusion about how the sudden recovery came to pass.
During the brief journey to your desk, your head was brimming with thoughts about whether and why Monaca had just tricked you. It muddied your concentration a bit, but the end of the school day was closing in on you.
“Speaking of that,” you remembered, counting the number of drawings on your desk. Just as you were going to probe the classroom for the missing assignment, the scratches of a pencil on paper wormed their way into your ears.
The constant scribbling was the work of Jataro, who was hunched over his drawing as if the rest of the world had ceased to exist. A backpack full of art supplies had spilled its contents onto his desk and the floor. In his hands were a ruler and a colouring pencil, but the excessive length of his sleeves caused him to hold the tools through the fabric.
An array of black and grey colouring pencils surrounded the drawing, their various shades tracing the underside of an eye and looping around the curve of the lips to perfect the shading. The usual wandering of his hands and mind was absent, replaced by the smooth twirls of pencils across a torso. His eyes never blinked as he dropped each tool in a unique place and retrieved one when needed without even glancing in its direction.
You debated whether to disturb him or not, but the ticking clock on your right pushed you to approach his desk. “Jataro? How's it going?”
He stopped the movement of his tools and looked away from the paper for the first time in half an hour. “I'm probably taking too long,” he started to reply, only to fall silent after realising that you were standing over him. The colouring pencil he had tucked into the fold of his sleeve was slowly pulled closer to him as his entire body tensed as if it were doused in icy water.
Jataro was fidgeting in his seat and keeping his eyes fixed on the ground, so you crouched and redirected your attention to his drawing.
It was a sketch of a sculpture the likes of which were fit to hang on the walls of museums and be the subject of crowds and analysis for centuries. The image of a tall figure locked in thought came together among the elements of Michelangelo's David, which were blended with Jataro's macabre twist on anatomy to form limbs that extended beyond human limits and rested at unnatural angles.
The indentations of another drawing were visible on this side of the paper, so you flipped it and beheld a mirror image of the sketch on the front of the paper. The arms were outstretched in a way that suggested they would overlap with the arms of the first sketch if placed next to each other.
Jataro took one look at the surprise blooming on your face and drooped. “I wasn't supposed to draw on the back, was I? I'm sorry,” he mumbled, eyes turning downcast.
The mirror image had all the skill and grace of the original sketch. A part of you imagined the grand sculptures standing side by side, not as pieces of paper but as monoliths carved out of marble and stone.
After giving the room a cursory scan to ensure that none of the other kids was watching, you lowered your voice to a whisper. “No one else thought to draw on the back.”
From his parallel desk on the opposite side of the classroom, Nagisa's head spun around to look at you with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. He then turned away and bowed his head in shame.
Jataro placed one hand on top of the other, watching you from his peripheral vision when you began to rise.
“I need to look this over at my desk, okay?” You grabbed the corner of Jataro's drawing, but you waited a few seconds before taking it to give him a chance to voice any complaints.
The long sleeves of his uniform were ruffled as he rubbed them together and focused his gaze on the repetitive motion of the cloth. “When you're done, can I have it back?” Under the light cascading down his masked head, you caught a glimpse of a smile finding its way onto his lips. “I wanna sculpt it later.”
With all five of the drawings collected, you spread them out across your desk in a semicircle formation.
It took several seconds of blinking and moving your head around to process all the varied images that had been shoved together in Kotoko's drawing. Among the teddy bears with sparkling fur and frilly dresses of bubblegum pink was you, a sight that caused your eyes to crinkle in bewilderment before earning a slight smile.
You glanced at Kotoko to find her looking at you, and she waved excitedly as soon as you met her gaze.
The lines in Masaru's drawing were hasty and lacked detail in many areas, jumping from one idea to the next without bothering to finish the previous ideas. Each corner was filled with crude images of different sports and exercise equipment, such as a dumbbell in the bottom left corner and a soccer ball in the top right corner. In the middle of the paper was the largest picture of them all: Masaru scoring a slam dunk.
Nagisa had depicted a series of books, with a smaller but more detailed image of himself and his classmates occupying the bottom right corner. The spacing of his drawing was methodical, evenly distributed, and careful not to have anything overlap. Eraser markings darkened and dirtied much of the paper, and a big portion of them appeared to have come from perfecting the smiles worn by his classmates.
Upon lifting Monaca's drawing off the desk to minimise the glare from the overhead lights, you saw how she was standing and holding hands with someone who bore no family resemblance to her. The person holding her hand was a blonde woman with thick pigtails that reached down to her elbows.
On either side of them were black and white bears who stood on their hind legs, their open mouths brimming with fangs arched in a permanent grin.
While your eyes attempted to unfold the mysteries of the drawings, a rumble of thunder crashed outside the Academy. The light pouring in from the window dimmed, and a grey veil fell over the grass and sidewalk outside the classroom.
The patter of rain began as soft plops, growing within a minute to heavier and speedier thumps on the glass. A gust of wind joined the cacophony of nature and swept the leaves of tall trees into a constant sway.
A few of the leaves were torn asunder and slapped the glass, which ripped Kotoko and Masaru out of their seats and to the window in a burst of excitable chatter.
Jataro raised his head to watch the light above his desk flicker like a twitchy eye. “If the power goes out, does that mean we get to stay here?”
Every other head in the room turned to you in anticipation of your answer. Kotoko and Masaru pulled their hands off the glass as they turned to you, leaving faint handprints that evaporated within seconds.
A swell of thunder rumbled as you looked away from the drawings and scanned the faces of the children, which held looks ranging from cautious optimism to intense curiosity.
You set the pen down beside the array of papers and considered many responses before settling on a neutral one. “If the storm's bad enough to cause a blackout, then it wouldn't be safe to send you home in it.”
Kotoko pressed her forehead and palms to the window. Like a preacher, she shouted, “Oh, please get worse, O Mighty Storm! Throw all the leaves and branches your rainy heart desires!”
“Maybe if we all hope for it, it'll happen!” chirped Monaca. Noticing his silence and blank expression, she eyed Jataro with a smile that pushed him in a certain direction. “Don't you hope for the storm to get worse too, Jataro?”
He rubbed his sleeves against the sides of his head, gaze turning downcast and focusing on the imperfections in the surface of his desk. “If I hope for the storm to get worse, the universe will probably do the opposite of whatever I want.”
The smile on Kotoko's face brightened, and she turned around to snap her fingers at him. “You're right! Hope for it to get better.”
Despite Jataro's best efforts to channel a supernatural ability and warp nature, the kids were sent home that day under the pitter-patter of flowing rain and the dim glow of school lights clinging to life.
* * *
THE NIGHT SKY was blackened with puffy clouds that roared and rumbled like distant beasts locked in combat, their shrieks building until a great tension was released in the form of a lightning bolt.
One had singed the stop sign outside your kitchen window half a dozen times in the past two hours. The once cherry-red gleam of the tall sign was stricken with a charred coating, and you peeked through the glass after every hit to see if it had finally snapped in twain.
Beats on your door, a sound you had dismissed as rain or the echo of thunder, were now reverberating through the walls of the house every minute. It led you to reconsider your theory about the source and leave your nighttime drink on the kitchen counter.
Instead of taking another sip, you crept to the entrance and peeked through the peephole.
A flash of lightning illuminated pink hair and a polka dot bow sitting atop it.
The pounding on your door ceased when you opened it inward, stepping back and allowing the door to swing to the side.
Kotoko stood on the doorstep in a white nightgown, her bright hair matted and sticking to her face like a wet mop. She unrolled her fists and retracted her arms from where they had been raised to strike the door. The storm had cast a shadow over the night, but enough silvery light broke through the clouds for you not to miss the small rips in her clothes.
Draped around her shoulders was a dark brown jacket, its soggy fabric appearing black under the relentless pour of the rain. The sleeves hung empty at her side, for Kotoko was hugging it to herself as if it were a blanket rather than an article of clothing. With knuckles buried and turning white from the pressure of her grip, she clutched the jacket with hands that trembled from the bite of the frigid wind.
An unending shiver was forcing itself across her body. The chatter of her teeth was halted by the fact that she clenched them as though suppressing a wail that had been climbing her throat and screaming to get out. The corners of her eyes were crinkled in pain and protest against the tears spilling over her cheeks, and Kotoko ducked her head at the sight of you.
She wore only one boot, the lack of the other leaving her left foot exposed to the cold water rushing through the streets. The lower half of the sock on her left leg was darkened and drenched in a failed attempt to shield her skin. Kotoko lifted her wet foot off the ground and winced as she bent her shaky knee to keep it in the air, holding that pose for a few seconds before lowering only her toes to the cold concrete.
You were careful not to touch her as you moved out of the doorway and ushered her into the house. A brief examination of the street proved that it was empty of all but the waves of rain blowing in the wind, many streetlights having lost their glow. The door was then pulled shut and locked to stop the growing puddle from draining into the floorboards.
Digging her fingers into her hair, Kotoko tore at the bow and hurled it against the wall after seconds of pulling out strands of hair with it. She then collapsed onto the floor and tucked her knees into her chest. Sobs came from her in uneven volumes as she hid her face in her hands, curling up into the smallest shape she could be.
It was a sound both muffled and unrestrained as if Kotoko were unsure whether it was safe to cry or not. Her willingness to weep grew with each second she was undisturbed, and the arms covering her mouth fell so that she could breathe out the full extent of her distress.
After shedding tears until no more came and inhaling until her chest twinged, the breaths rolling out from her were hoarse and parched. Kotoko was free of the desperate outpouring of wails, although a heavy sadness had taken its place.
She looked askance to find you returning from the darkness of the kitchen with a glass of water. You kneeled on the floor beside her and extended the glass, which Kotoko accepted with shaking hands and trembling lips.
Lifting a finger, you pointed down the hall. “My shower is in the first door on the right.”
Kotoko sniffled and glanced at where you had pointed. She drank more of the water, a shudder causing her to remember the soaked clothes freezing her the same way drinking a dozen milkshakes would have.
You slunk into your bedroom and had begun to ransack your dresser in search of a dry outfit for Kotoko. Some of the floorboards behind you creaked, and you turned to find Kotoko following your steps.
A crackling boom from the sky drowned the room in white light. Although the brightness vanished within half a second, the echo of the thunder fed into the constant patter of the rain for many moments after. You peered out the window and witnessed the sideways tilt of the rain as it pelted your home and others across the street, the fat droplets hitting so much like rocks that you worried about the possible coming of hail.
Reaching farther into the dresser, you presented Kotoko with one of your nightshirts. “Are you comfortable staying here for the night?” was your question, and you kneeled to her eye level when you asked it.
Kotoko accepted the nightshirt with quieting whimpers. The shaking of her hands calmed to a rare twitch, and she steadied her rapid inhaling until the occasional sniffle was all that interrupted her breathing. The tears had stopped flowing, their existence remembered by the dark lines tracing the length of her cheeks and chin.
She unclenched her jaw and with it came a sigh of despair about which she was not ready to talk. Her shoulders slumped from an untold weight, but relief poked through as she embraced the nightshirt. “I couldn't be more comfortable.”
* * *
THE LIGHTNESS of your eyelids as they opened without stinging pain or difficulty was jarring. Not having to resist the urge to fall asleep imbued you with confusion, and the lack of an alarm clock blaring in your ears allowed a cautious peace to fall over you.
Just as you were sitting up, a pair of footsteps thundered down the hall and a blur of red and white dashed into the room. The proud face of Masaru jumped onto the end of the bed. “Kotoko said you had eyebags last night, so I destroyed your clock!” The bed bounced as he shouted this, his fist rising.
You looked askance at the bedside table and confirmed that the alarm clock had been reduced to a jumble of torn wires and mangled plastic.
The question of how Masaru had entered your house slammed into you like a brick, and it was forming on your tongue when he sprinted away towards the kitchen.
The buzz of running water came from behind the closed door to the bathroom, followed by melodic humming.
The raps of an active and full washing machine shook the hall, which would have been inconspicuous if not for the curious mumbles that accompanied the noise.
Once in the corridor, the smell of freshly baked cookies wafted up your nose.
You paused and retraced your steps until the laundry room was visible again, losing another piece of calm at the sight of Jataro standing in the middle of the room. His side faced you, but his attention was directed at the washing machine running with a pile of clothes tumbling around inside it.
Jataro observed its spins with wide eyes, moving his head in an endless circle and mimicking the sounds of the thuds. His mouth was slightly open as if he were awestruck by the appliance.
The scent of baked goods was emanating from the oven and the kitchen counter, where a batch of cookies decorated a tray. Monaca, having rummaged through a drawer to slip mittens onto her hands, was pouring the contents of the tray into a green bowl.
Nagisa was standing beside her with his arms crossed. “We shouldn't still be here. We're imposing.”
Monaca tilted her head and straightened the tray before the last cookie had fallen, eyeing him with a smile that held no joy. “Imposing. That's quite an adult word, Nagisa.”
He held up his palms in surrender and gained the shocked look of someone who had been accused of a terrible crime. “You know I didn't mean it that way!”
After a few moments of silence, Nagisa turned away and resumed speaking with a quieter voice. “It's just if the school calls back with questions-” the thought he had been airing died on his tongue, as did his will to discuss it.
You slowed to a stop at the entrance to the kitchen, with Masaru sprinting past you to the counter.
Nagisa looked back at you with a facade of composure that failed to hide the way his fingers dug into his sleeves. The longer you held his gaze the more sweat gathered along his forehead, but he exhaled in silent thanks when Monaca's greeting distracted you from his crumbling mask.
“Good morning! You're up late.” Monaca closed her eyes and chuckled at her comment as though it had a special meaning known only to her. As Masaru lurched over the counter and reached for the bowl, Monaca grabbed it and raised it above her head. “You have to share, Masaru! These cookies were made for all of us.”
A groan of annoyance escaped Masaru, his smile falling. He leaned back to an upright position and crossed his arms behind his head. “Fine.” The word was drawn out in childish dissatisfaction, and he turned his gaze away from the cookies to quell his hunger for sugar.
Opening her mouth to give her smile a more endearing appearance, Monaca balled her hands into fists and raised them in a gesture of cheer. “Monaca baked cookies for you as a way of saying thank you for letting us stay!”
Nagisa glanced at her in a mixture of surprise and puzzlement, while Masaru threw his arms down in outrage and yelled, “Hang on! You said they were for all of us!”
Monaca pressed her index finger to her lower lip and turned her head slightly, looking up at the ceiling with a clueless frown. “Well, it's a gift for our teacher, so it's their choice who gets to eat it.”
Masaru whirled around and narrowed his eyes at you as if telepathically commanding you to grant him the entire bowl.
Nagisa alternated between looking out the window and peeking at you, his gaze darting to the cookies for a split second.
Monaca clasped her hands together and rested them on her lap, and the pleased look on her face was that of someone confident she would be among the chosen.
“Can I have a cookie?” asked Jataro. He had appeared next to you like a ghost from the mist and caused you to jump, your eyes racing to see him looking up at you with earnest curiosity.
On the right side of the hall, a door burst open and carried echoing laughter through the corridor. Kotoko hugged you from behind, the force of the hit as she ran into you knocking you forward a couple of steps.
You regained your balance and struggled to create a way to both diffuse the situation and remove yourself from it. “As great as a bowl of cookies for breakfast sounds, I need to go to work.” There was an unspoken “and you need to come with me” lingering at the end, a request that was understood by Nagisa and cast a look of guilt across his face.
The kitchen exploded in an uproar so potent that every voice was overlapping the others and fighting for vocal dominance.
Kotoko had yet to break the hug, and her fear of returning to a place with other adults prompted her to tighten the grip she had on you. “Anything you need to teach us -- you can teach it right here!”
Jataro began rocking back and forth on his heels, his words squeezing out of his mouth with great distress. “The janitor lady washed my drawings off the wall!”
Masaru stamped his foot on the tile floor, clenching his fists and baring his teeth in a scowl. “No way! That place is for wimps!”
While the other children spoke of personal grievances with Hope's Peak Elementary School, Monaca's yells were shrill and demanding. “Monaca! Wants! You! To! Stay! Home!” She swung her arms and shook her head in a mess of tears and fists.
At once, the desperation flooding the kitchen was redirected to Monaca in the form of complete silence from the others. This reprieve lasted but a moment and soon descended into a series of panicked shouts as her classmates surrounded Monaca, spewing apologies and assurances that her wish would be granted.
You peered at the digital clock on the microwave, and the knowledge that several hours of the school day had passed was your key to the deal compiling itself in a hurry. “If you come to school with me today, I'll buy you all ice cream before we go.”
* * *
CARRIED ON THE SPRING BREEZE were the shrill chirps of Brown-eared Bulbuls and the hoarser calls of Oriental Turtle Doves. From farther in the distance came the raps of a Japanese pygmy woodpecker, its short beak jabbing a twig again and again until it split open to reveal a caterpillar.
The sun hung unobstructed in the blue sky and shone its brilliant light across the lush grass in the park, for all the clouds had decided to hover elsewhere in the city.
A respite from the heat bearing down on them was offered when you returned from under the awning of a truck with a giant ice cream cone on its roof, each of your hands wrapped around a brown cone full of multi-flavoured ice cream. Despite having been lifted from a freezer no longer than a minute earlier, the dessert had begun to melt and drip over the edges of the cones.
Masaru and Kotoko accepted the treats like hungry travellers and splattered the ice cream on their lips in ravenous bites.
By the trees and thickets, under the shade of their lush brambles and leaves, was Jataro. He eyed a bright berry that was dangling from the jaws of a squirrel running up one of the trees. “Does that taste good, Mr Squirrel? Is it like fruity candy?”
The squirrel chittered and flicked its tail, darting into the cover of the leaves once you stepped on the corner of the swaying shadow provided by its tree.
This prompted Jataro to turn around and sneak a peek at the ice cream cone before looking away. “Is that for me? It probably isn't.”
You squinted at the leather mask he wore, and it was then, on this steaming spring day, that your distaste for his mother, who had never shown her face to you, swelled. “You must be sweating under there.”
Jataro nodded and began playing with his sleeves. “Oh, yeah. It feels like my skin is bubbling and popping like a big stew.”
Moving to the heart of the shadow, you exhaled in relief at the immediate wave of coolness that washed over your neck. “You could always take it off.”
Jataro looked as if you had told him art was outlawed around the world. “No way!” He waved his arms back and forth and jumped from foot to foot as though the grass was lava. “If you see me without my mask, your eyes will explode in your head and melt your brain!”
A groan of worry slipped out of him as he lifted his hands to his head, dropping his gaze to his shoes. “And I don't want you to die!”
His foretelling of the apocalypse that would unfold if his face saw the sun was giving him more reason to sweat, so you relented. “Okay, okay!” Still, you mustered a smile at his last comment and offered the cone to him. “At least take the ice cream.”
Jataro wrapped his sleeves around the cone with a quiet “okay” and a timid smile, not caring when the ice cream trickled onto the fabric.
“Teacher!” called Monaca, and you turned to see her waving at you from the middle of the park. She slumped in her wheelchair as soon as you spotted her to appear exhausted.
A third trip to the ice cream truck yielded the fourth and fifth cones.
No sooner than she tasted the ice cream had she pulled back and lowered the cone to just above her lap. With unfocused eyes and a lifeless frown, Monaca turned her head down and stared at the ice cream. “Monaca's favourite flavour?”
There was a quality of disbelief and slight confusion in her voice, but it was then replaced by a tone of hollow emptiness. “Whenever Big Bro Haiji gets me ice cream, he always picks the one he knows I don't like. Then I'm the bad guy for not wanting to eat it.”
The malevolence radiating from her green eyes vanished as soon as she raised her head to flash a pleased smile at you. “But you remembered my favourite flavour!” A laugh burst out of her, one so airy and joyful that it would have tricked a stranger into believing she had never housed a negative thought in her life. “You're the best teacher ever!”
Nagisa had been observing the handout of ice cream cones, but when you presented him with one, he merely blinked a few times. “Who is this for?” he asked, looking around to see if any of his classmates were empty-handed.
“It's yours.”
His eyes returned to you in an instant. Nagisa waited as if certain that he had misheard you, but the hand that was extending the ice cream cone to him did not waver.
On the rare occasions when his father allowed him to eat something that did not prevent him from sleeping, desserts were not an option because, in his father's opinion, they were a distraction from his work.
“Are you sure it's okay for me to have this?” mumbled Nagisa, his tone a combination of anxiety and doubt. “Sugar weakens your ability to concentrate, and if we take a test later, I need to be as focused as possible.” Those were his father's words, although he said them with his own voice.
You kept the ice cream cone within his reach. “No tests today. You deserve a break.”
He gripped the cone with both hands and slowly moved it closer to himself, eyes wide and brows damp with sweat.
Nagisa watched the ice cream glisten and seep as if he did not know what it was or what he was supposed to do with it. A quick look at the way Monaca bit into hers gave him the strength to adjust his hold on the cone, and he squeezed his eyes shut upon biting the dessert.
Holding a hand to your sweat-soaked forehead, you collapsed on a park bench. The breaths sailed out of you in haggard puffs, your arms coming to lay on the back of the seat.
Kotoko and Masaru clambered headlong onto the bench and flung ice cream on themselves and each other in the process.
A whine exploded out of Kotoko at the splash of ice cream that landed in her hair, which drew gales of mocking laughter from Masaru. After pouting at him for a moment, Kotoko smacked the bottom of his cone and caused it to fly upwards into his face.
Monaca parked her wheelchair next to the bench, while Nagisa volunteered to stand so that Jataro could sit beside you.
Nagisa stopped eating his ice cream and gazed at the rapid heaving of your chest. “You didn't buy one for yourself?”
It took a few seconds before you processed his question, and your answer came slurred through a disoriented breath. “My pockets are empty.”
A man shouted your name from across the park. It was the principal of Hope's Peak Elementary School, and his tired appearance sparked unrest among the children.
“Aw, man! He's here to make us go to school!” groaned Masaru, throwing his head back and clacking his headphones against the top of the bench.
Monaca and Nagisa noticed the calculating frown on your face. There was no surprise to it, nor was there any uncertainty in the speed at which you stood up.
“Wait!” yelled Kotoko, pouncing on your arm and clutching it after you took your first step in the principal's direction. “Don't go over to that old creep! Just ignore him.”
Jataro was gazing at his ice cream cone and chuckling to himself. “His face looks like a spider sucked on it.”
The principal called for you again, and his voice was elevated to a harsher shout by a degree of impatience. He would not come any closer to you and your class, however.
You kneeled to Kotoko's level and eased her hand off you while promising, “I just need to talk to him for a minute. We won't go far.”
Kotoko fixed the principal with a scowl as you walked away, raising her cone to her mouth and biting off a chunk of it.
Monaca observed your greeting to the principal with a fake smile. She pondered many a way to ruin his career and sink his reputation until his life was forfeit, but for the time being, she stayed a spectator who enjoyed her ice cream.
Stepping away from the group, Nagisa saw how your head lowered as the principal's lips continued to move. The principal glanced at the kids throughout the conversation, but his frown deepened every time he looked at you.
Just as you were turning to peek at your class, he grasped your shoulder and whispered something in your ear. The message prompted you to droop and let your attention fall to the ground.
Nagisa narrowed his eyes and clenched his ice cream cone, not realising how much force he was exerting until the cone splintered and oozed a dollop of ice cream onto his hand.
A regretful understanding crossed your face, and you nodded before trudging to the group.
When you were close enough for him to hear the grass crunching beneath your feet, Nagisa caught your eye and offered you a look of concern. “Wait with the others,” you said to him in scarcely more than a murmur, trying and failing to hide the way your mood had deflated.
The other children ceased their chatter at your arrival and turned to you.
Your gaze passed from one kid to the next until you had looked at all of them, and their unassuming smiles made the words impossible to speak without great strain. You almost failed to finish the sentence, wishing for a reason to delay it but finding none.
“I can't be your teacher anymore.”
* * *
PEEKING THROUGH the overcast sky, streaks of sunlight painted the road in splashes of red and orange. The cracked asphalt was stained pink from the people lying face down on it.
Most of your body was draped in a tattered blanket that you had pulled over your head like a cloak. The light of the evening sun caught the metal lids of cans huddled in a topless box, which you held to your chest and draped in the corners of the blanket.
The speed of your steps grew to uncoordinated staggers when you reached the edge of your property, and the clatter of the cans was greeted by all the Monokumas on the street turning their heads at you.
Every robot was frozen mid-walk as dozens of red eyes monitored your trek to the door, their round heads swivelling with the flexibility and haste of an owl. The robotic gaze was lifted once you shuffled into the house.
Notes drawn with crayons and markers were taped to the outer walls of the building, and the papers were adorned with childish illustrations of kids stabbing adults. “Stay out!” one demanded in rainbow ink. “No demons allowed!” said another, the first and final letters of the word “demons” having been written as a goat horn and a spiked tail.
While searching for a can opener in the tangle of utensils cluttering your kitchen, the rattle of a doorknob battling its lock brought your mission to a premature end.
On the opposite side of the door was a pair of teenage girls grappling with the doorknob. The brown-haired girl was armed with a megaphone that had been outfitted with an EMP generator, and she was dressed in the sailor-like uniform worn by students of St. Koa Girls Academy. Its white and blue colour scheme was in stark contrast to the dark uniform worn by the other girl, whose deep purple hair matched the purple fabric of her uniform.
The fearful chatter each girl was throwing in the air ceased when their heads lifted to meet your gaze, the dishevelled sight of you peeking through a crack in the door causing them to step back.
A flood of relief then unwound the veins bulging in the neck and arms of the brown-haired girl. The tears in her eyes started to dry, and the desperate grimace that had contorted her face fell to a hopeful smile. “You're not a kid!” she panted as if that fact was the greatest discovery of her life.
The purple-haired girl looked askance at you with her thumbnail between her teeth, biting it slightly.
You looked at their wrists and eyed the bracelets that flashed red like bombs waiting to go off. The black and white face of a Monokuma was stamped on the accessory, and its grinning fangs were all the evidence you needed to begin shutting the door before the girls could explain. “I'm not allowed to help anyone.”
A hand latched onto the edge of the door and pulled against you, digging its fingernails into the wood and struggling to wrench it open. The brown-haired girl stuck her face in the crack and focused her tearful, green eyes on you in a frantic appeal to the kindness she was hoping to reach. “Please!”
She swallowed a lump of panic lodged in her throat and steadied her voice a bit, but her hand continued to shake on the end of the door. “My name is Komaru Naegi. My brother is with the Future Foundation!” After minutes of straining her voice and tiring the muscles in her hands, Komaru rejoiced when your grip on the door loosened slightly.
Komaru took the opportunity to breathe out some of her tension and relaxed her grip as a show of trust. “He can get us out of here, but we need a place to hide.”
With a conflicted sweep of your gaze across the door and what little bit of the street was visible to you, the door opened. The rays of daylight that spilled into the entryway were poison to your sun-fearing eyes.
“Thank you! Thank you!” repeated Komaru, eyes fogging as though she might cry again.
You turned away from the direct sunlight and hobbled to the kitchen. The shadowy areas of the room were colder, and your absence from the doorway allowed the sun to illuminate the many dust particles floating in the air.
“Let's go in already. This street is crawling with Monokumas,” grumbled a low voice.
Komaru nodded with a hasty “right” and rushed to get under the roof. She glanced at her travelling companion then looked at you with wide eyes, lifting her hands to her chest and tapping her fingers together. “Oh! This is my friend Toko.”
Toko was peering around the unclean room with its raggedy couch and chipped paint as if expecting to see bloodstains on the walls and meat hooks dangling from the ceiling.
Komaru's gaze travelled to your wrist when you reached up to open a cabinet, her eyes widening. “You don't have a bracelet!”
“I never really liked jewellery.” After raising your shoulders for a shrug, you lowered them with a sigh. “Couldn't afford it.”
Toko pinched her nose as she walked deeper into the house, rearing her shoulders and crinkling her eyes at the tingle in her nostrils.
The mantel was barren except for a framed picture and a thin layer of dust rolling over it and the rest of the mantel like water. Cobwebs and dust bunnies dangled from the ceiling above the fireplace, dropping specks of grey to float down through the air and draw the occasional cough.
Nothing in the room had felt the touch of a brush or a rag in months, and the musty odour flowing through the halls was so prevalent that Komaru would not have been surprised to learn of mould in the walls.
From the sunken skin to the way you dragged yourself into the kitchen, it was as if you were undead and roaming the confines of your mausoleum.
Komaru found her eyes drawn to the picture on the mantel once again. The people in it were familiar yet different as if she were looking at a childhood photograph of a grandparent. Squinting, Komaru stepped closer to the picture.
The children who had threatened her life were all dressed in the elementary edition of the Hope's Peak Academy uniform, and they were gathered around a much cleaner and livelier version of you. A blackboard was visible in the background, its wide surface covered with drawings and crayon markings.
“Those are the same kids,” she murmured, although it took many more seconds of examining the picture to confirm it. Disbelief weighed heavier on her tongue and mind the longer she beheld their sincere happiness.
These smiles were not born in malice like those the kids threw at her. “What changed?” Komaru asked herself, and the answer came from behind.
“Someone gave them what I couldn't.”
Toko muttered an inaudible name, turning her head away from the mantel and glaring at the floor.
When she heard your footsteps returning, Komaru whipped around and pulled her arms against her body in alarm. She half expected you to scold her for snooping, but your steps were sluggish and unconcerned. You barely looked at her as you trudged past and grabbed the picture from the mantel.
Komaru watched in a mixture of confusion and curiosity as you tilted the photograph from side to side. There was an absentminded dullness to your face as if your mind was off wandering in distant fields, but when the memory came, it lifted the glaze that had fallen over your eyes.
Kotoko had looped her arms around your neck as you held her the way she said princesses were carried in all her favourite storybooks.
Jataro was hugging your left leg and looking away from the camera, a position which had taken several minutes of reassuring him that you would not break out in buboes from his touch.
Masaru had raced around the camera's view in a struggle to find the best and most awe-inspiring pose, and the winning choice was to launch himself off a desk and jump onto your back.
Monaca was sitting in front of you with her wheelchair situated in the bottom middle of the photo. This brought her the closest to the camera, which helped it capture the brightness of her smile devoid of everything but real joy.
Nagisa stood beside Monaca, and for once, he was not crossing his arms. He let them hang at his side and allowed his shoulders to relax from the rigid line he often forced them to make.
After the camera flashed, the kids' laughter was so genuine and carefree that, for one moment, all the bad in their lives had been forgotten. You had collapsed under the combined weight of Kotoko and Masaru seconds later, and the kids dogpiled you in response. “The back pain is worth it,” you had thought at the time.
Looking at it from the depths of your unkempt home with bodies littering the street and robots patrolling outside like prison guards, you could not imagine anyone in the picture laughing the same way again.
A sudden burst of knocks on the door caused you to slam the picture onto the mantel and whirl around in a rush of adrenaline. Komaru jumped and gasped, only to slap a hand across her mouth a moment later.
“Teacher?” droned a monotone voice. The knocks were soft as though something was cushioning what struck the door, and the repetition of the slow thuds brought your anxious stare down to a mindful frown.
“Get behind the couch,” was your instructions for Komaru and Toko, delivered after a quiet sigh of acceptance. You began marching to the door with no intention of stopping, which led to the duo sharing looks of alarm before diving behind the couch.
Komaru and Toko peeked over the top of the couch to gape at how you patted the dust and crumbs off your outfit and straightened your slouchy posture with the swiftness of someone removing a wig.
Toko ducked and pressed her back against the couch, sticking her thumbnail between her teeth. “I knew it! They're working for those brats!” She started to rise, but Komaru clutched her forearm and yanked her down. “Komaru! We need to get out of here!” sputtered Toko, her voice creeping up to a yell.
Even though dread and uncertainty were beginning to crumple her face and sprinkle it with sweat, Komaru clung to the bit of hope still wrestling with her queasy stomach. “We can trust them,” she said with narrowed eyes and such determination that Toko ceased her squirming and glanced at the door. “They won't give us up.”
Your hand was on the doorknob, so the two girls lowered themselves completely behind the couch.
“At least we can surprise the brat if they sell us out,” thought Toko, kneading a few strands of her hair and biting her lip.
Jataro Kemuri was rubbing the ends of his sleeves together in an up-and-down motion like someone rubbing a stick to spark a fire. He looked up at you when the hinges on the door creaked, and the attentive smile on your face was the same one you had always directed at him in the classroom.
You leaned forward slightly, making sure not to glance at the string of corpses and broken Monokumas decorating the street. “How's my favourite artist?”
From the folds of his oversized sleeves emerged a man of odd proportion and funny design. This miniature man was made of twigs, his one-too-many arms and legs sprawled at rigid angles that imitated the Vitruvian Man. The hands and feet were separate pieces of finger and toe bones that had been fastened to the arms and legs by way of string to give the illusion of movement when it was rocked.
The bones appeared unnaturally large on the much smaller body, and their smooth texture hinted that they had been polished by the careful licks of a paintbrush. Their smoothness was so different from the rough bark of the twigs that it was as if two worlds had been smashed together. The memory of life extinguished was there, although it took a far more discerning eye than yours to find it.
The head of the twig man was adorned with clumps of multicoloured hair, which had been glued to the wood with an adhesive that was still damp. It smudged your fingertips with a sooty black as if you had dabbed them in the hearth of a fireplace, and streaks of clotted red dripped from the hair and dotted your palm.
As you lowered the man to look upon his creator, Jataro gazed up at you with the hopeful, starry-eyed face only a child could give. Months of commending the uncanny brought a practised smile to your lips. “Any art gallery would be lucky to have this,” you said with a warm sincerity that concealed the twisting of your stomach.
Jataro dipped his head and tapped his sleeves together, but then a cruel sneer began to spread and infect his voice with a gleeful kind of malice. “I made a demon-sized one,” he started to say, glancing over his shoulder as if about to ask you to follow him somewhere. “But it was too heavy to bring with me.”
A part of you was grateful for this as you inwardly winced at the fleshy display it must have been, stinking of death and decay to someone whose nose was covered by a leather flap.
Listening to you chat with someone who had killed and mutilated dozens of people if not more was jarring for Komaru and Toko, the words shared by you and Jataro coming out like a pair of friends on a stroll.
Toko lowered her hand from the strands of hair she had twirled and raised her head to the edge of the couch. A coppery scent was stinging her nostrils and turning her stomach, prompting her mind to compensate for its lack of a view by filling her inner eye with grotesque images.
This allowed a particle of dust to tickle the inside of her nose like a feather.
The sneeze that followed had the shrill squeak of a kitten's wail, and it was the sole warning you had to lurch out of the doorway.
A blur of purple leapt over the top of the couch with shrieking laughter and a handful of industrial scissors.
Jataro flung his arms in the air and yelped, scurrying behind you to peek out and watch, trembling, as Komaru jumped after the blur and restrained the swinging blades by hugging both arms like a human straitjacket.
“Let me kill him! Let me kill him!” shouted the girl in Toko's clothes, her voice frantic and raspy. She squirmed and howled in protest when Komaru rushed her out the door, and the combination of grunts and grumbles spilled into the street.
You stumbled to the doorway in a hurry to see if any Monokumas were flocking to the noise. A fresh batch of robots swept over the remains of their comrades and streamed out of the darkness of alleys in every direction, eyes glowing the same colour as the proximity sensors lighting up on the outside of your property.
The purple-haired girl, “Genocider Jack” she had shouted as a reason for Komaru to release her, lunged into the heart of the horde and began slicing the mechanical bears in half like a gardener chopping a weed with shears.
Komaru brandished her megaphone and fired waves of blue light out of it, which caused the affected Monokumas to explode in a shower of frayed wires and sparking motherboards.
Recalling Komaru's promise that her brother would come to rescue survivors, you found yourself standing taller every time she destroyed a robot and slumping every time a robot dodged or scratched her. It must have shown more than you meant for it to show because you peered over your shoulder to find Jataro staring at you.
With the confusion and shock of someone witnessing the incomprehensible, he tilted his head and asked, “What are you doing?”
It was then that you looked down and realised you were still holding the twig man. “They broke in,” you blurted, disguising the tension in your voice as fear of the supposed invaders rather than fear of being exposed as a traitor.
Jataro lifted his hands to the sides of his head and looked at the dirty shoe prints on the floor. “Oh no, the demons got to you. Monaca said this might happen.”
Your eyes narrowed at the last part, but you struggled to hide the suspicion from your face when he shambled to the centre of the room. “I'll have to bless your house to send all the demon energy away!”
As Jataro began waving his arms and outstretching his right leg in a series of bizarre movements resembling someone's first attempt at a jiu-jitsu attack, you glanced at the street and noticed the dwindling number of functional Monokumas.
“Oh, Heaven! Change my words to life. Cleanse the home of its demons,” he chanted, stretching the vowels and exaggerating the consonants as if talking funny would grant him divine power.
The street was wrapped in the corpses of fallen Monokumas. Genocider Jack and Komaru had retreated to a neighbouring street with the few remaining units on their tail, and the urge to sprint for the city limits was tugging you closer and closer to the door.
Living on the outskirts of Towa City, a fact that had landed you in the middle of harsh traffic and cumbersome journeys to the grocery store for years, was now a source of immense gratitude. Just as you turned and passed through the doorway, Jataro's footsteps came thumping forward.
He hugged the arm that held his art project and matched your pace as much as his smaller stature could allow. “Getting out of here is probably a good idea,” he nodded, looking down at the rubble crunching beneath his shoes. “Who knows what kind of terrible effects my blessing will have on the world? Probably destroy it, fill it with diseases.”
The mumbles about his breath smelling foul enough to create a fungus tumbled out of him until you reached the end of your property. Here, Jataro let go of you and walked ahead for a step or two before turning back.
A gasp came from him as though he had just solved the greatest mystery of his time, and he flapped his arms with each word of astonishment. “You should come live with us in the sky palace!”
The old spot in your back ached.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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slvshys · 3 years
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judge me based on da kinlist
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