#yandere redestro
Cannot stop thinking about a rich yandere becoming obsessed with a poor Darling from his uni/work or just meeting them by chance and just. Being so condescending about how Darling’s life must be so miserable and shitty and will develop a savior complex, where he sees kidnapping his Darling as “saving” them from their “miserable life”. And when the Darling freaks out, calls the yandere a psycho for kidnapping them, he will be so offended.
“So I take you away from that shitty neighborhood so that you no longer have to choose between rent and groceries, give you nice new clothes and put you in a penthouse for you to enjoy without a care in exchange for a little loving and somehow I’M the villain? See, you poor thing, you’re like a feral cat, you’ll realize I did you a favor eventually.”
This fits a lot of yanderes but the thought of Redestro from BNHA doing this and calling his Darling a pet name like "My Kitten" or "Little Stray Cat" makes my skin crawl and I love it
Or En from Dorohedoro! He could give them the best life possible, wanting for nothing and enjoying all that comes from being at the arm of the most powerful sorcerer and head in the criminal underworld. So why would they ever want to spend their life dirt poor in the gutter, or even in the Hole where they're in even more danger? Surely they can't hate him that much, can they? It'd be so much better for them to be part of the Family and be at his side.
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sugoi-and-spice · 1 year
Do you have any bnha fic recs? Btw im such a sucker for ur bully dabi fic…. Hes so hawt
Thank you so much, I'm really glad you're enjoying it!! And oooooh, ok, this is fun lemme think.
Let's start with some Dabi fics.
I am absolutely obsessed with the Us series by @nohoney these days. All of their work is amazing, but this Dabi x Reader x Hawks series especially is just such a poignant, compelling, and (at time frighteningly) accurate representation of toxic relationships, depression, and drug use.
Loveless by Clashgirl07 is an amazing slow-burn with a really exciting and well-plotted AUish adventure. It still takes place in the hero world, but with a completely alternate story and timeline - SUPER fun! I can't even believe how talented this writer is for how young they are and I'm really excited to see what else they put out in the future.
oh you pretty thing and a bad day by an Anonymous writer who I would literally DIE to read more work by are so gd good. Very sexy and compelling mean Dabi x Reader x Shigaraki dubcon/noncon.
And now for fics and authors that are not Dabi-centric, but that I can never NOT recommend.
@shig-a-shig-ah has a really lovely Dabi one-shot, Full Circle. But the majority of their content is Shigaraki-centric and HOLY SHIT are they just a master at it. Addicted to Bad Ideas (In-Progress) and Paper Skin (Complete) are absolute masterpieces, and I'm also a particular fan of their one-shots Tutelage and Assistance - two noncon voyeur fics guest-starring All for One and Redestro respectively.
@nonobadcat also writes a lot of amazing villain content - including multi-chapter fics for underwritten characters like Mr. Compress and All for One. Their Shigaraki long fic A Taste of Your Own Venom is so well-plotted and has such an interesting MC, and it's currently left off in a really satisfying place. ^_^ A Blistering Affection is some A+ yandere Chisaki too.
GRIEFING by rotworld is the quintessential Shigaraki fic. It hasn't been updated since 2020, but I think it leaves off in a decently satisfying place and is always worth a reread imo.
[[save scum]] by @feral-creep is another masterpiece (damn, all you Shiggy stans are so talented xD). Super unique concept, great MC, and the beginnings of some sweet Dabi/Reader/Shigaraki action.
The Danger Next Door by @ratmonky is freaking chilling. AU Stalker!Shigaraki where they actually still have quirks! I'm not sure if they're planning on finishing this, but god, it's so compelling and creepy that I think it's definitely worth a read regardless.
That's what I got for now! There are so many stupidly talented writers in this fandom, particularly in our lovely little villain corner so this list is definitely not exhaustive, but I hope this gives you some fun new reads in the meantime!
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Thinking about Yandere ReDestro...
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yandere-mha · 3 years
General soft Yandere!Shigaraki headcannons?
Baby’s First Shigaraki Request!! I love this man so much I was literally waiting for this you have no idea.
Soft Yandere Shigaraki:
First off, I fully believe that if Shigaraki were to have an s/o in canon, he absolutely would be a yandere. There’s a period of mistrust with him at the beginning but, once you get over that, he becomes extremely clingy and needy. 
Due to his quirk being so deadly, he is the most touch starved character in the series imo. No matter how he’s feeling, even just lightly brushing your fingertips in between his shoulder blades will send a shiver of contentment down his spine. You can see him instantly loosen every strained muscle in his body from his brow all the way down to his toes. 
He’s very domineering and not above hurting you if you reject his love or insult him too harshly, but if you make him feel good he’s putty in your hands. He’s been feared and treated like a monster his whole life and more than anything else he wants to feel accepted and cared for.
The last time he had genuinely felt this way was with his mother and sometimes he just wants to be babied by you so badly.
One of his favorite past times is to lay in bed with you as your hands tenderly explore every scar, wrinkle of his skin, and insecurity in a poignant show of your indubitable affection.
Once you start hearing the occasional sharp breaths, low grunts, and soft whimpers escaping from his mouth, you know for sure that he’s got a painfully hard erection. This man loves to be touched so much that he has actually cum in his pants before just from you rubbing his chest for a while. Boy needs to be loved.
He is extremely codependent on you. Even being away from you for too long will put him in an agitated mood. You’re the only one who can soothe the “itch”.
Was hesitant about kissing you at first because of his dry lips but now he can’t stop using his mouth for literally everything. He can’t touch you with his hands like you can, so his mouth is the next best thing.
Will absolutely give you soft love bites in a non-sexual way. Whether or not you agree that it’s non-sexual is your prerogative.
While he was battling Redestro, on the brink of death with such a lack of sleep that he was hallucinating, one of the biggest thoughts that popped up in his mind was him wondering if you got to sleep in today... sounds warm.
After taking over the PLF, if you play your cards right, he will have gone through a lot with you and will begin to see you more progressively closer to an equal rather than a pet, though never on the same level. He’ll even declare that you’re his queen. 
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chaos-writes · 3 years
A Yandere!Rikiya Yotsubashi/ReDestro x reader
SFW. I highly recommend you do not read this if you do not like yandere or CG/L themes. All actions taken by Rikiya are consensual. Super fluffy. Lots of physical touch. Mentions of depression. Long read.
Word count: 2,432
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Rikiya walked through the front door and shut it quietly. It was late at night, I made dinner for the both of us and ate alone. I sat on the couch, grabbed a pillow, and looked at the clock: 11:48. I felt so... lonely.  Today was awful. I was so stressed all day with work, schooling, and all the work at home kept piling itself up and it felt like the world was crashing down on me.
Rikiya took his shoes off, hung his suit jacket up, and loosened his green tie. God, he always loved that tie. Not that I'm complaining. He slowly approached as I quietly sobbed into the pillow in my arms. He crouched down in front of me, a good distance away so he could enter my line of sight as gently as possible.
"Hey... hey, my dear Little One, please don't cry. What's upsetting you this late at night? I thought you might have been asleep already..."
"Da- ddy..." I blubbered. My face was puffy and hot from crying so much. Rikiya quickly stood and pulled me into his chest. He rocked side to side as I cried into his sternum.
"It's okay baby... you're okay. We'll work through this together. It's okay to cry. Don't be afraid to show how you're feeling..."
He stood up, and as the dim light in the room revealed his face to me more, i could just make out his quirk beginning to manifest around his temples. He spoke gently, not a trace of malice or threat in his voice, as he carefully unbuttoned his shirt and took off his tie.
"It's okay, sweet thing... come here."
I reached out to a now slightly-larger Rikiya,  shirtless and partially covered in dark spots. His arms were just big enough that they could carry me and hold me close as long as I wanted without getting tired. He must be stressed about me being upset. 
I buried my face into the crook of his neck and let my tears flow. I didn't have the energy to full-on sob anymore, so sniffling and whimpering filled the empty, noiseless room instead.
He was quiet for a minute, shifting our body weight together from one foot to another in a slow, rhythmic sway. He carried me effortlessly like a small child, with one arm supporting my rear, and the other wrapped tightly around my back. He swayed and swayed and swayed until my eyelids drooped heavily and my body warmed so comfortably.
"Do you want to talk about it, Little One?"
"Mmm... The world feels like it's caving in on me, Rikiya," I said, lifting up my head and waking myself up. "I can't take it anymore. I'm so overwhelmed I can hardly breathe, everything feels so big and intense and I don't know how to deal with my feelings anymore. I've just been so... bummed, Rikiya. I really have. And even though you've been working so hard to change that around, I just... can't feel genuinely happy and content anymore. I'm so unhappy. I just hope you understand that it's not your fault in any way, Daddy. None of this has ever been your fault and it never will be. My brain is just... tired."
He stayed silent, the spots around his temples growing even darker. He frowned, gently allowing the tears forming in his eyes to fall down his cheeks and fall onto my chest. I stared deep into his eyes, hoping for some semblance of understanding, praying to whatever religious deity is out there that he wouldn't be upset about his hard work to make me happy, perpetually failing.
It's not like I wanted him to fail, right? He does make me happy every day, but I can't seem to have a long lasting feeling of happiness, or content at the very least. I feel awful because he worked very hard to make sure he was the best Daddy ever; and only my Daddy.
"Little One..." he said gently, "It's not your fault."
He took in a shaky breath and sighed, bowing his head. I rested my chin on the top of his head and stroked the back of his neck, playing with his hair and keeping my other arm securely wrapped around his shoulders.
"Daddy, it's not your fault either."
I kissed his head and snuggled into the crook of his neck.
"My Dearest, you have been nothing short of wonderful. I am so grateful to have you in my life. Now... just say the magic words... and I can take away all of your stress and worries."
"What about your stress and worries?" I asked.
"Little One, you know I can convert it into power. It's my meta ability. But let's not worry about that right now. I'm going to help you." He walked as he spoke, carrying me to our shared bedroom and helping me dress for bed.
"I want to take care of you. Arms up... You can take as long as you need to in order to think it over, but I want to take you away and hide you from the rest of the world… There you go, all dressed. I will give you my entire heart and everything you need and want. You won't have to worry anymore. My team can handle everything. I've been needing a change of scenery anyways. Let's go somewhere quiet and remote, with a beautiful view. You won't have to put up with schooling and work anymore." Large, calloused and strong hands reached for mine, smaller in comparison. "It will be our dream come true, Little One."
"I'll think about it."
He pulled the thick comforter back and over me as I layed down on our shared bed. He kissed my forehead and turned out the lights. For a while, he stayed by my side, caressing my face, neck, and arms, whispering the gentlest and sweetest words to me as if I were to shatter without them; as if they were the glue in between my pieces, holding me together and keeping me steady. He only laid down with me once he was certain that I wouldn't fall apart again. 
I turned over to my side once he slid under the covers and got comfortable, admiring his beauty in the moonlight that poured in through the blinds in the window behind me. He played with my hair and whispered 'I love you's and 'my sweet Little One's in my ear until sleep took over my eyelids and lifted me away from reality.
The next morning, I awoke to the golden autumn sunlight painting the room through the window blinds. The rest of the bed next to me was warm, but empty. Everything around me smelled like sleep and cologne. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, shivering away the sleepiness and looking around. The room was tidied up a bit, the blinds opened slightly, and the scent of my favorite breakfast slowly started to fill the room through the open door. 
I woke myself up enough to swing my legs over the edge of the bed, carefully put on some socks, and looked down. There, a pair of slippers were waiting for me, so was a soft white sweater that smelled like Rikiya and felt like heaven. 
I got dressed and carefully walked down the stairs into the kitchen. There, Rikiya was wearing a black apron over his undershirt and dress pants, maneuvering the kitchen to make the best breakfast I have ever seen. He hummed a familiar tune as he worked and assembled a warm breakfast -my favorite- for the both of us.
"There you are, Darling," he said, as he spotted me standing in the doorway. A warm smile spread across his face and a red tint across the apples of his cheeks. "I was wondering if you'd be awake already. Not that it'd be a problem if you slept in. I would have just brought it to you, and we could've eaten breakfast in bed together. It's your favorite!" 
He smiled at me as he tilted the dish toward me to show me. He walked out into the dining room and sat our dishes down on the table. I followed him. He pulled out a chair for me to sit in and I carefully sat down. He helped push my chair in so I could reach the table and then sat himself down. 
We ate mostly in a comfortable silence aside from a few 'mmm's and 'this is good's. He finished eating before I did, wiping his mouth with a napkin and smiling at me. He grabbed my free hand and traced his thumb along my knuckles. 
"You're so gorgeous, Little One. So… did you think anymore about my offer?"
"I did. I have just one question."
"You are more than welcome to ask me anything, Dear." He said, squeezing my hand lightly. 
I looked into his eyes, and asked, "how are you gonna go about this? You said that I wouldn't have to worry about a job, school, or anything else. Would you just… keep me here? Like a prisoner? Are you gonna tell everyone I'm dead? What is your team gonna do if they get involved?"
He laughed lightly. "Don't worry, Sweetness. You are not a prisoner here. This is your home, right?" 
I nodded. 
"I'm glad we are on the same page. My team and I are going to execute a very intricate plan to let others know that you are no longer available for work and school. I will pay off all tuition charges, handle all legal aspects of quitting your job, and your family will still be in contact with you. We could do holidays with them if that would make you feel better. But other than that, do not worry a single bit about what's going on. I am here to take care of you and all of your worries. Okay?"
"Okay," I said. I'm still… unsure. I lightly furrowed my brow and looked away from him. 
"Everything will be okay. I promise. I won't make you stay home, I'll take you out whenever I'm available, and I'm not here to hurt you. Let me take care of you and your needs, Little One."
I turned back to him and smiled. "Okay. Let's do it. You can take care of me... Do whatever you feel is necessary. I love you so much, Rikiya."
"I love you too, Baby." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He stood up, gathered our dishes, and disappeared into the kitchen. He reappeared and gathered me in his arms. He peppered kisses across my cheeks and forehead as he carried me back to our bedroom.
"Won't you be late for work?"
He laughed, "Oh, no baby. We were understaffed today, so I decided to just call it a day for the company. So, I get to spend the day with you!"
"Oh-" I said.
He continued kissing my forehead and the top of my head as he sat me down and turned on the TV. He flipped through the movies available and selected one… my favorite! He pressed play and helped me get situated on a mound of fluffy pillows and under our thick comforter. 
He sat himself beside me and undid his belt. "No funny business, I'm just getting comfortable," he giggled. He wore athletic shorts under his dress pants, he always did, and I knew they were a lot more comfortable than dress pants. 
I played with his hair, which had never felt softer since he didn't gel it into his typical style. 
He gently caressed my arms and waist and smiled. I started to focus on the movie and noticed him texting someone on his cell. I saw glimpses of messages like, "I need a copy of their tuition transcripts ASAP," and, "I need you to make a call and leave a message to their employer."
I left it alone and figured it wasn't really my business. Of course, it was my job, but I didn't need to work anymore. I figured it was time to leave that job anyway. 
We watched the movie together in comfortable -mostly- silence. We joked and commented on the movie here and there, and when the movie finished we decided on what we would do for the day. 
Rikiya picked up his daily newspaper and read for a bit as I got dressed and put on an apron. I pulled my hair out of my face and got my recipes out. I looked outside the kitchen window. It was cool outside, that perfect, quiet autumn day where bright orange leaves laced the sidewalks and the birds called to each other up above. There was a breeze and people were wearing sweaters and jackets outside, and squirrels and other small animals were finishing up their burrows in the tree trunks for the winter. The grass was dewy and sparkled in the morning sunlight and the outside smelled like rain and wet concrete. 
A perfect day for baking, I thought. I turned back to Rikiya and watched him. He was carefully reading his newspaper. He looked up to me and smiled. I smiled back and asked, "You ready? I'm gonna need your help."
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Little One."
He stood, set his newspaper onto the coffee table in front of him, and stepped into the kitchen. "Alright, what would you like my help with, Dearest?"
"First, I need your help taking the pans out of the oven and stacking them in a safe place. The one pan I do need is in the stack, it should be a round pan. Perfect for making pie!"
We spent the afternoon snuggled up together on the couch while waiting for our pie to bake. After it was done, we enjoyed a few slices and getting whipped cream onto each others' noses.
You may as well call it a 'perfect day.' I felt so safe in the arms of the Grand Commander of the MLA, the CEO and president of Detnerat, my partner, my hero, Rikiya Yotsubashi. He is so… beautiful. And wonderful, and so deserving of love and affection. And maybe a break. 
I remember spending the next week resting, not having to worry about school, or work, not having to get up early, and letting the days pass me by gently, with Rikiya's arms around my waist and a smile on my face. I cannot wait for what he has in store for me for my- our future.
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linkspooky · 4 years
Toga Himiko’s Normal Life
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Himiko looks like the most straight forward case of what pop culutre considers to be a classical sociopath / psychopath in My Hero Acadmia. Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks were all groomed to become the way they were, but Himiko possessed a natural inclination towards blood and violence from the start. She seesm to be a natural born cold blooded killer, however in this meta I’ll argue that while Toga seems like the flip-side of a normal, good person like Uraraka, she’s actually just a normal girl herself. 
1. Character Origins
Volume sixteen of My Hero Academia had an official illustration included as an extra that shows the characters Twice and Himiko drawn together in an illusion to a famous Joker and Harley Quinn illustration. 
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Now, I’m not going so far as to claim Himiko was based off of Harley Quinn, but one the league of villains and characters like Twice (and ReDestro) have made similiar references to the Joker before that especially with the quote “All it takes is one bad day”. There’s also enough similarities betweeen the two characters, they’re both the only female members of a crime syndicate that is mostly men, and dominated by men. Their backstories mirror each other, they were both relatively sane, normal, girls, until suddenly they cracked one day and became a total inversion of their previous presonality. There are enough similarities that I could use Harley as an example to explain a few of the important ideas present in Toga’s character. 
They are also both female characters who are written with love as the central concept of their characters. Harley’s origin as originally depicted in the comic and episode for the Batman the Animated Series “Mad Love” goes as follows: Harleen Quinzell was a psychiatrist working at Arkham. Eventualy she came to sympathize with one of her patients which triggered a transformation in her from well meaning doctor, to love-sick sycophant of the joker who broke him out of prison. 
A lot of Batman Villains have origins like this. The most comparable one is Harvey Dent. Proescutors, Doctors, we are told the people who hold these jobs are good and righteous people. Even Harley herself started out as someone who just sympathized with a patient too much. However, somehow they become flipped into the exact opposite versions of themselves. They go mad for lack of a better words. Harvey Dent who was once a symbol of justice, becomes nothing more than a murderer, and Harley Quinn goes from healer to the sidekick of a mad clown willing to destroy everything in the name of love. 
The question, asked in both Himiko and Harley’s stories is how can good people flip like this? 
Most people have a black and white view of these issues: good people are only capable of good actions, and bad people are capable of bad actions. It’s hard to swallow the fact that any normal person has the capacity to cause so much harm inside of them. 
We see similiar remarks in the background of Himiko’s story. Himiko comes from a good upper class family, she went to what was most likely a good school, she was always smiling and surrounded by friends. Everyone who comments on her sudden transformation reacts in a similiar way. “She was aways so cheerful and well-behaved, I still find it hard to believe.” She was always such a good girl, and good people don’t do those things. 
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Normal people, good people, don’t have the capacity to do bad. That’s what makes the transformations so shocking. Therapists/Doctors are supposed to heal, Prosecutors are supposed to be just. And now we return to our old friend Jung. 
The story of Harleen Quinzell and Harley Quinn. The story of Himiko Toga the happy middle school girl and Himiko Toga the serial killer is a tale told over and over again, it’s just usually told with male protagonists instead of female ones. It’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 
Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) is a late-Victorian variation on ideas first raised in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818). Stevenson’s monster, however, is not artificially created from stitched-together body parts, but rather emerges fully formed from the dark side of the human personality. In the story Dr Jekyll, an admired member of the professional Victorian middle-classes, conducts a series of scientific experiments which unleash from his own psyche the ‘bestial’ and ‘ape-like’ Mr Hyde (ch. 10). Gothic fiction had examined the idea of the sinister alter ego or double before on many occasions but Stevenson’s genius with Jekyll and Hyde was to show the dual nature not only of one man but also of society in general.
“Man is not one, but truly two.”
Robert Louis Stevenson
Both cases are tales are transformation, of the monster coming from within. Himiko transforms from middle school girl into serial killer. Harleen Quinzell transforms into Harley Quinn. Dr. Jekyll becomes Mr. Hyde. We witness a transformation into a monster that seems the antithesis of everything that person was boefre, but was inside of them all along this works because of the jungian idea of the shadow. 
The shadow is the unconscious side of personality. The shadow is what exists but what we do not acknowledge. If our behavior during everyday life, choosing to smile, choosing to talk to people, choosing to use our manners is a mask then the shadow is the face beyond the mask. The conscious personality conceals, the shadow reveals. It’s the difference betewen who we are and who we choose to be. The shadow isn’t necessarily negative however. The shadow is just the repressed side of our personalities, it’s what we try to hide. 
The shadow plays a role in Harleen’s transformation. While it’s present in Mad Love as well, a recent miniseries ‘Harleen’ really dives into the Jungian symbolism. There’s even several similarities in common with Himiko’s story, for example there’s a scene where Harleen is shown watching the bat man beat up joker and notice how everyone is cheering despite the fact that it’s violent. 
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Himiko’s interest in a boy is sparked by watching him get into a fight while everybody else is cheering for him. 
The cover page depicts the change between Quinn and Quinnzel as a crumbling mask, which is the exact same imagery used for Himiko. 
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When she enters Arkham she chooses to depict Harley Quinn’s silhouette in Harleen’s shadow. Once again implying that the transformation is not so sudden and jarring as it seems, that Harley Quinn has always been there and is a part of her psychology the same way Mr. Hyde is inside Dr. Jekyll. 
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The comic even points it out. Harleen, and also by extension Harvey Dent are people who claim to be “good, righteous people’ and yet both of them end up transforming into murderers. Two-face’s name is literally two-face.
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There’s also one particularly Jungian sequence in the middle of the conflict. She dreams (dreams are unconscious and therefore the realm of the shadow in Jung’s theories) about the city of gotham as a place inhabited with citizens who are monsters wearing the faces of human beings. 
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The idea is consistent throughout that Harleen is not really a ‘good person’ she’s merely repressed. She has had this capacity to be violent inside of her, this selfishness, all of these dark desires carried with her all along but rather than deal with them in any healthy way she repressed them until repressing them is no longer an option. Harvey Dent’s face gets half burned off, Harley’s skinn gets bleached by chemicals, the monsterous features inside of them are now worn on their faces and they have to wear their ugliness on the outside rather than the inside. They are now expressing every single thing they have repressed. However, the suggestion in both stories is that these are not special cases, that Gotham is such a repressed society that everyone is repressing the things they don’t like about themselves in that way. Harley fell in mad love sure, but love was just the reason, just the trigger, the truth is those feelings always lurked inside of her and she had no healthy way of dealing with them before that point. 
That is the shadow, it’s everything you repress but it never disappears. If you ignore it, it takes on a life of its own. In some cases, like Harley’s you basically become your own shadow. Harley is the flipped upside down version of Harleen Quinzel, now her inner demons are what are expressed on the surface (desperation to be loved, violence, etc.) while her ‘normal’ self is hidden under a mask of insanity. That’s in fact how she ends the comic, Harley qalking around while Harley is trapped on the other side of the mirror because they have basically traded places. Now Mr. Hyde is walking around, while Dr. Jekyll is hidden personality. But it’s important to remember it’s not something like a split personality, Harleen Quinzell and Harley Quinn were always two sides of the same person. Even when she starts expressing her ‘bad’ traits, the good traits don’t go away. They’re just hidden underneath the surface the way the repressed bad traits used to be. Because you’re not good or bad, you’re not one side or the other. You’re both at the same time. Man is not one, but truly two. 
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So the complexity in Himiko comes from understanding that she’s BOTH a normal girl, and also a blood crazy yandere psycho. 
2. A Normal Girl - Uraraka Ochaco
Uraraka is a pretty standard shonen heroine. She’s a cheerful girl. She’s a supportive friend. She’s the embodiment of what you’d call a good, kind, person and doesn’t seem to be any more complex than that. She lacks say the drive to be a hero that Midoriya does, the superiority complex that Bakugo has, the emotional issues that Todoroki has. She seems to always be agreeable and in a cheerful mood. 
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If you look just a little bit closer though she always seems to be walking on eggshells when she’s around others. She doesn’t want to join Deku and the others to try to save Bakugo from the heroes because, it might hurt Bakugo’s feelings. 
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When she loses in the hero tournament, she apologizes to her parents crying not because she feels bad that she lost, but she feels like she failed them. Like it was her job to win and bring money home. However, when Deku comes to check on her in the room she’s already completely hidden her tears. 
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Going into her backstory we learn that Uraraka is walking on eggshells around everybody due to her own parents, that she’s spent her life trying to be as small of a burden on them as possible because she could see the tired looks on their faces. She’s a child who felt guilty that her parents had to take care of her. 
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So, for Uraraka her entire life is devoted to making herself seem as small and inconsequential as possible. Other people’s needs will always trump hers. Other people will always have more noble motivations for becoming a hero than she has. Other people’s emotions will always be louder and take priority over hers. Uraraka sees her own emotions and needs as mere trifles that get in the way, and so she always shuts them down. We see Uraraka as a version of Himiko, a high school girl who always appears to be cheerful and well-behaved but is merely repressed. 
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Uraraka repeats the same unhealthy behavior as Himiko once did. Which is why Uraraka’s first meeting with Himiko goes with Himiko getting such a cold read on her. 
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It’s helpful to view Himiko as the flipped version of Uraraka. Uraraka hides everything that’s pleasant about her on the inside, and on the outside appears like a perfectly selfless girl. Himiko is someone who hides her good qualities and instead wears the mask of a bloodthirsty psycho on the outside. While Uraraka lives by denying her selfish desires, Himiko always chases after them and is true to them. 
Traits that are repressed in Uraraka, are expressed in Himiko. Especially traits that society sees as bad in girls, like selfishness, being emotional, etc..
The way Himiko acts is especially jarring because she seems convinced she’s a normal person. She’s in her own little world, making friends, getting along with other people, it’s just her friendship just happens to involve stabbing. 
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Himiko appears to be a girl psychotically obsessed with blood and nothing else. A girl who only cares about killing other people and chopping them up to bits. When she expresses the feelings deep inside of herself, literally no one can make heads or tails of what she’s saying, she doesn’t sound like a girl just a bloodthirsty monster. 
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While Uraraka seems like she has nothing in common with what is essentially a weird serial killer, we learn that the exact behavior that Uraraka’s creation is what led to Himiko’s current state of mind. 
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The difference between them is not that Uraraka is a person of higher moral character, or a better person, but rather of circumstances between the two of them. It’s not the choices they made but rather things they were born into and couldn’t control. Uraraka has parents that accept her even when she fails and encourage her. 
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Toga had parents that  abused their daughter, and then abandoned her. 
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Uraraka chose to repress herself, while Toga was forced to become repressed by her parents. While we don’t know for sure if it was physical abuse it’s at least emotional abuse, and it had to be to an extreme extent to make Himiko snap that hard. The same unhealthy behavior but push to extremes gets extreme results. 
3. Normal Girl - Himiko Toga
Himiko did not become the way she is because she was lacking empathy or born with uncontrollable urges for bloodlust, but because of the environment around her that always forced her to repress herself. From the knowledge that her parents would never love her for who she really was. Himiko wasn’t born that way she was a response of what was done to her. 
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People who don’t really know Himiko always judge her this way, that she’s incapable of understanding other people, that she has no empathy for others. She’s almost literally labelled and dismissed as a one dimmensional yandere trope by the people surrounding her. 
However, Himiko is in fact always doing the opposite. She’s constantly trying to empathize with others. Her maddened way of talking to both Tsuyu and Uraraka in her character introduction is exactly that, her trying to feel that kind of connection. 
Himiko’s fascination for Uraraka is a desire for empathy and understanding. One that you could say even surpasses some characters on the hero’s side, because she’s willing to try to understand the world’s of people who are nothing like her. Himiko’s next most significant action in the manga is to take Camie’s place and go after the kids. While she does fight against them she’s not overly violent, just curious. Deku even reaffirms some of Himiko’s primary traits. 
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Himiko is always talking a lot and trying to explain her way of thinking to other people, because she wants them to understand her. However, because she’s bad at communicating this tends to come off as babble and a lot of people completely dismiss what she says and don’t attempt to listen. 
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She expresses two things one a desire to know Deku on a deeper level, immediately asking him very personal, and sometimes very downright invasive question and two she also notices the closeness that Deku and Uraraka have for one another. 
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Once again this is a repeating theme for the league. Himiko repeats the same desire that Twice has, to become a person who is trusted in the same way. 
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Once again it’s important to remember that Himiko is just the flipped version of a normal girl. If most people hide their bloodlust and show their good sides, Himiko hides her desire to be trusted and to empathize with other people underneath her bloodthirsty urges she shows on the surface. She positions herself as a femme fatalle, but she’s actually just a girl who’s trying to understand why other people are different then her, and why Deku and Uraraka can have a relationship mutually founded on trust when she can’t. 
Himiko’s past was so repressed she never formed real relationships with people. Not only that she assumes that nobody will want the real her, because the moment she flipped and the real her was exposed everybody in her life abandoned her and she had to run away. 
After her brush with Deku and Uraraka we see Himiko start to be trusted by her comrades and a marked transformation takes place in her. 
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We see shades of the old Himiko. A selfish girl who only exists to fulfill her whims. However, we’re shown Himiko is capable of empathizing because not only do Shigaraki’s words get through to her. 
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Himiko is also for the first time able to reach the emotions of another person. Remember when Himiko tries to explain how she’s feeling, she babbles, and babbles and nobody listens. However that changes and for the first time, not only does Himiko pick up exactly on what’s troubling Twice, she also comforts him the way he needs to be comforted. She tells him that yes it might be his fault that Magne died, but she sees that he’s doing his best to make up for it and she gently encourages him. 
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Remember how important this is for Twice. The world has never forgiven Jin for his mistakes. He hit the wrong guy on accident, while obeying the law, and lost both his job and his home. He started stealing to make ends meet, and as a result he lost his mind. When he makes a mistake it always blows up in his face but this time, Himiko notices that she’s panicking and comforts him telling him it’s okay he’s made this mistake and he can still work hard to fix it. 
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Not only that but she notices what the problem was with Jin, she was able to notice the symptoms of his psychotic breakdown and rather than dismiss it as just Twice being crazy was able to help him in real tangible ways by wrapping her hanky around him and covering him up like he asked. Uraraka has a very surface level kindness, she’s kind but only by walking around on eggshells with everyone. Himiko is able to see through people, but uses that to comfort people on a deeper level. 
The “Himiko just can’t control herself because of her quirk” narrative is something that Himiko rejects herself. Because that’s not what Himiko wants. Himiko doesn’t want to be special or different from other people. 
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Himiko sees herself as normal, and what she desires to be understand and be understood by other people. She doesn’t like Curious’ narrative for her because it made her out to be a freak or someone special when Himiko is trying her best to get others to understand her as a normal girl. Himiko can’t repress herself anymore, she can’t become normal the way her parents taught her too so not permanently broken, and forced to always express herself she’s trying some other way. 
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What she wants isn’t to hurt other people, not really though. Those thoughts just turn violence, because Himiko is herself a person who’s endured a lot of violence. Himiko is basically a child that’s been on her own living on the streets and surviving for years, with all the dangers that entails, and also people who can shoot lasers and punch things really hard chasing after her. 
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The more she’s isolated and on the run, the more violence she endures, the more violent and unhinged her thoughts become. The more she’s exposed to people who accept her for who she is, the more she’s trusted by those people, the more empathic and sensitive Himiko becomes instead. Himiko’s desire isn’t violence, when she’s pushed to her utter limit she says what she wants is to become a girl like Uraraka who is just loved and trusted by others for who she is. 
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And I genuinely believe at the core of Himiko’s character this empathic girl exists. Himiko becoming violent and unrepressed doesn’t mean her empathy disappears. The complexity from Himiko is that she’s both the knife wielding psycho and the normal girl who just wants to have friends at the same time. If behind every normal person there’s a monster lurking is true then the opposite is true as well, behind every monster there’s a normal person. 
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This is an idea expressed by Twice again. One of the villains that Hawks dismissed as a bad person, was capable of showing him compassion and gentleness even when he screwed up. Toga was capable of empathy for Twice besides the use he had for others. Toga herself is shown to be capable of more empathy than Hawks, who is one of the most selfless characters in the series, and who is convinced his actions are always done in order to save others.
However we see their treatment of Twice is so drastically different. Hawks treats Twice in a selfish way refusing to listen to what Twice wants, and only ever used Twice as a tool to exploit. Twice himself thinks that now that he’s no longer useful, Himiko won’t be kind to him anymore however we see the opposite. 
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Twice admits to Toga that he’s the reason that everyone is in danger right now and he completely failed, and he’s not going to come save them. He admits that he’s useless and Twice himself said Toga wouldn’t be kind to him anymore. However in that moment, Himiko ignores the fact that her life is literally in danger and everything is going to hell around her to comfort Twice one final time and tell him the words he needs to hear.
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It’s literally the single most empathic moment of the manga, and it’s in direct contrast to Hawks’ behavior. A hero as devoted to saving other people as Hawks, who genuinely likes Twice as a friend doesn’t show him any empathy at all and even stabs him as the back. A psycho like Toga puts her own feelings aside and notices Twice’s feelings, and gives him comfort and thanks him in his final moment because to her Twice has value as a person beyond what his use is. That Himiko is capable of this kindness, but equally capable of her monstrous actions earlier in the series  is what makes her human. Her kindness doesn’t make her any less mosntrous, and her monstrous qualities don’t make her kindness go away she’s both at once, rather than either or. That’s where the complexity comes in. 
Toga is a very human character precisely because we see her at her most monstrous, and we see that girl slowly relearn how to express the kindness that’s always been inside of her in healthier non-stabby way. A normal girl who learned how to be a monster to protect herself. A monster who is slowly relearning to be a normal girl.
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pbelfz · 3 years
Yo, I just binged read your fic "his" and you are the ONLY PERSON that I have found that has written bakugou properly in this genre, I honestly think that bakugou would be an abusive man in his relationships even if he wasn't a yandere and he got with his woman the regular way. He just has too many issues, from his family, to his insecurities, combined with his ego.
Bakugou is also a guy whose quirk drives his instinct and personality (like what redestro said in the my villain academia arch )
Because bakugou's quirk is explotion of course he's going to have an explosive personality and no one taught or trained him on how to control it, not his mother and certainly not his beta-Male father who I think he resents and is ashamed of.
Also I love, love, how you made reader a feisty woman and showed how bakugou is attracted to that, because that is basic psychosexual theory , young boys end up desiring women that are like their mothers.
Anyway I say all this because I can't wait until your next chapter , please tell me it's coming soon! I am begging you!
You know, I think I'm the first one to say that Bakugou's abuse to reader isn't that bad, I think he's actually fair....sorry for the unpopular view, but I don't want anything bad to happen to bakugou in this story. I want them to work it out, get married and have children, but still have disfunction. 
Oh and one more thing! The next time bakugou takes reader out , have that fool buy her some makeup, because how the hell are you all dressed up and you have no makeup on? No eyeliner? Lipstick, powder, eyeshadow? Like nothing? Being bare faced in a evening gown looks stupid lol
Oooh, an unorthodox perspective!
I’m really glad that my characterization of Yan Bakugou is getting recognized; I’m actually very proud of it! I really do feel like a yandere Bakugou would not differ very much from his actual toxic self, LOL. We all know how he is, and we can all fantasize about him being sweet and doting, but when it comes down to it, he would most likely just make us cry within five minutes.
I also agree with you wholeheartedly. Even if this was not a ‘yandere’ story, I still think Bakugou would have abusive traits that would make it very eerily similar to one. Not exactly ‘yandere,’ per say, because that usually involves all of the weird kidnapping, but the toxicity would still be there 1000%.
Having a big ego also means a person has many insecurities, and it doesn’t take a genius to know that Bakugou is afflicted with many personal, internal battles, from not knowing how to properly handle his emotions (Midoriya himself even said that the only way Kacchan knew how to properly assess his feelings was to fight?) to not understanding how his actions affect others. 
In the canon manga/anime, he’s learning and has definitely made progress. But, in my story, he’s gone down a different path.
And, yes, the psychosexual theory of development definitely influenced a lot of this story, if not all of it! I do in fact have a psychology background, and while I do not actually like a lot of Freud’s teachings, it makes for fun and interesting writing material, especially for dysfunctional relationships.
Bakugou probably doesn’t even know where to buy makeup at, which is most likely why he hasn’t, LOL. (Y/n) will have to request for some, and have Bakugou glare at her before begrudgingly going out of his way to buy some odd shade of foundation, lipstick that doesn’t go with her skin tone, and a random, glittery eye shadow single. Maybe they will have to go to the makeup store together after that.
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jusananimehoe · 4 years
Can I req Geten with a dominant s/o ?
Yes you may, xx
-          Geten is dominant as fuck, so it doesn’t matter what way you look at this, a dominant s/o won’t cope well with him because he won’t allow it.
-          You can suck up to him, try and put him in his place, he’s likely to pin you down and spank you till your crying, whatever you want to try, try, it won’t work anyway, you’re wasting your time.
-          Geten is not interested in switching roles, he’s very alpha male, he’s always the one in charge and while he’ll always be level-headed and calm, that’s just an excellent cover for how aggressive he can be if you really wind him up.
-          Geten isn’t above degrading, or using good ol’ fashioned humiliation to remind you of your place, he isn’t here to coddle you, or treat you like a toddler, you’re his s/o and if you cant get on board with the dynamic in this relationship you might just end up losing him, it’s going to be dealbreaker with him.
-          It isn’t that he’s trying to be horrible, and he might even think on the issue quite a lot when you aren’t around, just running it around his head, trying to find a solution that might make both of you happy, but at the end of the day he is who he is, he isn’t a big fan of change, and he struggles enough with letting people get close enough to eve be involved.
-          Boy has some baggage, I don’t HC him as having had a very healthy childhood considering how obsessed he is with quirks, and this has played a massive part in developing him emotionally, admitting he loves you will take time, and having him be comfortable with that emotion will take even longer, but his emotional issues prevent him from ever being submissive in a relationship.
-          If it’s a firm thing and if you have to be dominant, you might be best off looking elsewhere for a lover, this one won’t work out for you at all. He’ll either leave you, he doesn’t want to but you aren’t leaving him much choice, or worse, he’ll go yandere as fuck, lock you up and punish you until you’re ready to behave, like a good girl.
-          Geten is insanely in to overstimulation, so if you don’t behave, best believe your clit is going to be swollen as fuck by the time he’s done, he flicks a switch when he’s in punishment mode, you can cry and scream and thrash all you want, but he isn’t stopping until he is certain that your genuinely sorry, and that you’ve learnt your lesson.
-          Humiliation is also a huge kink for him, he loves degrading you, smacking your face, cumming all over it, parading you around in a collar and leash, just to remind everyone you belong to him. He’ll force you down to your knees and have you worshiping his cock until your throat aches and you cant move your jaw, and then he might facefuck you for a bit, just to reinforce the message. 
-          Best way to approach said situation is either leave, or accept that you’re going to be the submissive one here, or you might just end up emotionally broken by the time he’s finished training you. Geten is not submissive to anyone, excepting Redestro, and that isn’t going to change, not even for you. 
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The Brothers Three Masterlist P. 2
So... The first post apparently has too many links so I made another one.
Dad Might ft. Big Bros Baku, Deku, & Todo
(Putting these under the cut for the sake of continuity)
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Fluff - 💕
Angst - 💔
Spicy - 🙊
Not so Safe for the Workplace - 💦
Dark Themes - 🖤
Death - 💀
Spoilers - ⭐
Not all headcanons are marked (there is a lot of them)
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Chapters / Main Writing:
Full Tag
Side Stories:
Full Tag
How Mochi & Tenshi lost their virginity HCs [🙊] 
Mochi & Tenshi’s Contact Names [💕]
Drabble: Kotatsu Cuddles [💕]
Drabble: Recharging [💕]
Drabble: Christmas Cookies(Villain AU) [💕💔]
Drabble: Something There(Villain AU)(Hawks X Tenshi) [⭐💕💔]
Drabble: Nightmares [💔💕]
Incorrect Quotes Pt. 3
Red // A Poem [💔]
Clean (Kiyoi AU)(Overhaul X Kiyoi) + Art [🖤🙊]
Toshinori & Mochi hit with aged down quirk HCs [💕]
Home Sweet Home (Christmas Special)(Shinsou X Mochi) [💕]
The Way of the Househusband (Dabi ft. Shigaraki)  [💕]
Love Like You (Dabi’s S/O - Reader Insert)(Villain AU) [💕]
Loosely, Gently (Enji’s S/O - Reader Insert) [⭐💕💔]
Mochi Designs + Submissions:
Designs of Mochi by animesportboys​ & trashyloonastan‘s
Male & Female Mochi Moodboards [🖤]
All of the TBT Nonnies + Mitsu’s Dorm Room Design
TBT Animatic - “Forever Now” [💕💔]
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Headcanons / Talking:
Full Tag
Mochi going from 0 to 100
Friends and Fam on Yanderes
Best Jeanist reacts to Mochi
Family learning Mochi isn’t a virgin [🙊]
The Admirers and Mochi as Disney Fairytales
Bros & Admirers react to Mochi saving them while yelling “vibe check”
Denki “Simba”ing Mochi + the Bro’s reactions
TBT Fam & Admirers react to Mochi censoring themselves
TBT Fam react to Mochi pulling the ‘no eyebrows’ prank
Mochi being vine famous and the type of content they post
Mochi eating cinnamon rolls and mochi
The Sports Mochi would play
TBT reacting to Mochi having a hickey [🙊]
If Mochi was taken away from their parents at a young age
Iida being a Mom Friend
Denki as Hitoshi’s Wingman, Kyoka as Momo’s Wingwoman
Volunteering at the Animal Shelter & Friendship w/ Koda
Genderqueer Mochi
TBT + Mochi and Dinner at the Todoroki’s [⭐]
Mochi on “Through Heaven’s Eyes” [💔]
TBT Family Unit at Mochi’s Wedding
Mochi making flower crowns + meanings
Future Mochi as a parent + TBT reactions to baby
How the TBT had viewed Mochi as a sibling in a short amount of time
Magnetic Quirk
Mochi on sweets thievery
How Katsuki keeps unwanted suitors away
1-A bets on Mochi’s Sleeping Arrangements
Mochi with ADHD
Katsuki & Mochi’s Bedhead + Hair
Mochi hiding & How Katsuki finds them
General HCs P. 2 [💕]
Hitoshi Asks
Artsy Mochi and Drawing Everywhere
Winter + Gift Giving
Cold and Clinging to Warmer Brother
Mochi on telling TBT they love them
Bone Quirk Mochi and Ruining Clothes
Mochi in Two Heroes Movie
Mochi on making food for Family + Friends
Future/Pro Hero Mochi seeing regretful biological parents [💔]
Mochi Having Bad Fever Dream [💕💔]
Internship with Hawks??
Why Bakugo Katsuki? + Before Bentō
More Mitsuki, Inko, and Rei
Iida being a Mom Friend P. 2
Bentō: Aftermath w/ Aizawa [💔]
Overhaul’s View on Mochi [🖤]
Fam on Heartbreak [💔]
Mochi getting along with Eri
Mistletoe w/ The Admirers
Mochi’s Friendship with Shoji
Mochi on dying Their Hair
Mochi on Katsuki’s S/O
Mochi on Self Harm [🖤]
Mochi hanging out with Kirishima and TetsuTetsu
Mochi getting the flu on Christmas
Chibi Mochi with the Admirers
Mochi and American Slang
Katsuki finding Mochi in a strange place
Valentine’s Day!!
Present Mic and Mochi’s Secret Handshakes
Chill Trio Hangouts
If Mochi Interned with Fatgum
Fandom Troubles
Hitoshi being a softy for Mochi [⭐ ch. 195]
Getting Guard Dogs
Speaking about Toshinori’s Spouse
The Possibility of Vigilante Mochi
More Kitty Mochi ft. Hitoshi
Mochi nearly collapsing [🖤]
Mochi on Nighteye’s Death [💀💔]
If Mochi Interned with Uwabami
Mochi getting buried in letters on Valentine’s Day
Asa & Recovery Girl on Mochi’s Scars [🖤💔]
Upon Asa being Protective
Mochi’s Abusers on UA + Mochi’s First Civilian Casualty [🖤💔]
Mochi with Wolf Quirk
Foreigner Mochi [🖤]
Mochi being sweet and oblivious
Mochi during the lock in
Mochi asking what “simp” means
Mochi getting a Tumblr blog
Bunch of Asks
Mochi having a sugar rush/crash
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Tenshi / Villain Mochi AU:
Full Villain AU Tag
LOV reaction to Tenshi’s kitten sneeze
Tenshi making friendship bracelets for the League
Family learning Tenshi isn’t a virgin [🙊]
Tenshi cuddling with plushes
The League react to Tenshi being turned into a cat
Insight on how the LOV’s toddler Tenshi situation
Tenshi on self-care
Dabi and Tenshi on rough-housing
Tired Tenshi and Dabi after a mission
Underground on harming Tenshi [💔🖤]
If Tenshi was taken away from their parents at a young age
Things Tenshi has said to the Pros, Hawks, and Overhaul [💔🖤]
More Sleepy Tenshi
LOV at Tenshi’s Wedding
Muscular versus meeting Tenshi
How Tenshi first came to Tomura’s attention/meeting Kurogiri
Magne teaching Tenshi to intimidate people
Dabi calling Tenshi “kid”
Himiko gifting Tenshi a knife
Jin giving Tenshi a talk about safe sex [🙊]
Tenshi and Dabi on teasing eachother
Sick Tenshi P. 2
Tenshi vs Endeavor ft. Dabi is Touya Theory [💔]
Sick Tenshi P. 3
Redestro on Tenshi
Cold and Clinging to Warmer Brother
Prison Break: Shie Hassaikai Arc [⭐🖤]
Tenshi Having Bad Fever Dream [💔]
Video Games with Tenshi and Tomura
MLA Arc: Tenshi’s Presents for the MLA [⭐]
Incorrect Quote w/ Twice
Tenshi on Dabi’s Spouse
LOV on Heartbreak [💔]
Tenshi’s Pet Crow
Archangel (Hawks X Tenshi) Asks [⭐]
Chibi Tenshi vs The New Recruit
Twice and Tenshi going on an Adventure
Tenshi having metal arms [💔]
The Pros attempting to rehabilitate Tenshi
LOV Fam meeting the All Smite Unit
Meme with Tenshi, Dabi, Toga, and Nomu
Would Hawks ever view Tenshi as a sibling?
Hawks switching sides for Tenshi [💕💔]
Hawks: Original Intent(Archangel) [⭐🖤💔💕]
Archangel Angst [⭐🖤💔]
Other AUs:
AU where Tenshi is like Snowball from “Secret Life of Pets”
Traitor Denki AU: Mochi Reacts [💔]
Traitor Denki and Tenshi General HCs [🖤💕]
What if: Mom Night?
Ten Years Later TBT & Young Mochi + TYL Mochi & Young TBT
TYL Husband Hitoshi + Husband Neito & Young Selves
Traitor Izuku AU: Mochi Reacts [💔]
Quirk and Personality Swap AU HCS
TBT FAM & LOV finding out if Mochi & Tenshi would be forced into a quirk marriage if they weren’t saved [💔🖤]  
Teacher Family AU: Family Reactions [🖤💕]
Dad Might X Momnight AU - Mochi calling Nemuri “Mom”
Traitor Mochi AU [💔]
Cold/Distant Mochi AU [💔]
Mute Mochi & Tenshi AU [🖤💔]
Dad Might X Inko AU - Izuku & Mochi’s Reactions
More Traitor Denki and Tenshi HCs [💕]
Husband Hitoshi + Mochi Art - Babies?
Mochi dying on Work Studies AU [⭐💀🖤💔]
Pro Hero Mochi - Supporting Child Abuse Awareness
Husband Tamaki + Mochi Art - Babies?
What if Mochi met Hitoshi before UA? [💔💕]
What if Mochi met Himiko in their junior high years? [💕]
School Idol Mochi
Idol Mochi + Famous Musician Mochi
Idol Mochi + Cat Themes w/ Hitoshi
Idol Mochi + Stage Persona (Rock)
Idol Mochi + Shouto and Katsuki during make up exams
Idol Mochi + The LOV being Fans
Adult Idol Mochi + Merch
Cousin Hawks AU [⭐💔💕]
Cousin Hawks AU: About His Spy Work [⭐]
Traitor Tenshi: Getting close to TBT
Artificial Hero Mochi [💔💕]
Danganronpa AU(?)
Hogwarts AU
Hacker AU [🖤]
Fake Quirk / Actor AU P. 2
Deceased Mochi AU [💀💔]
Kakegurui Crossover P.1
Kakegurui Crossover P. 2
Kakegurui Crossover P. 3
Kakegurui Crossover P. 4
A/B/O / Omegaverse AU:
Omega Mochi asking Alphas to scent their belongings
Other classification and scents
Omega Mochi on Alpha Iida’s scent
Nesting Habits ft. AUs
Mitsu / All Smite Mochi AU:
Basics [🖤]
"Meeting” Uncle David
More on Uncle David
Mitsu is not the UA Traitor
Quirk Marriage
“Open Up Your Eyes”
All Smite Unit meeting the LOV Fam
Mitsu’s Love Interests
Nickname Origins
Fandom Troubles
Deaged / Baby Mitsu
Getting Guard Dogs
Speaking about Toshinori’s Spouse
Mitsu gets turned into a Kitten
Mitsu nearly collapsing [💔]
Smite being mother hen-like
Upon Asa being Protective
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Asks About Mochi, Mitsu, Tenshi & Kiyoi:
Murdered Parents [💀🖤💔]
Blood Siblings? [💔]
Hair Dye Blabs
Doctors Troubles [🖤]
Early Life [🖤]
Playing Piano [💔]
If they never met found family? [💔]
What if AFO is their biological father? [💔]
About Eri [💔]
Anger Managing [🖤💔]
PTSD [🖤💔]
Hogwarts AU
Bunch of Asks
Immortality Quirk [💀🖤💔]
Comfort Space [🖤💔]
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Me as Redestro's Darling but I try to give him proper business/cult advice
"Look, I'm just saying, in America a lot of major politicians publish biographies and memoirs that they know barely anyone will read. It's not about spreading your message, it's laundering the money obtained through your darker sources and convincing the average taxpayer to pay for it after the government buys it. Besides, a book tour means another opportunity to preach...you know, that dumb shit you're into about Quirks dictating everything. Anyway if you let me take off these cuffs for an extra hour every day, I'll ghostwrite it for you. Deal?"
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strawberrycarnivals · 5 years
How about this? Shiggy telling the Meta Liberation members his s/o is off limits. Like she’s kinda cute (and a healer) and skeptic or Trumpet (MAYBE REDESTRO) kept staring at her. Let Shigaraki assert his dominance.
Ohohoho, RE-DESTRO?? I like your style, anon. 
(Think of the setting as a small luxury office building with an open floor plan. It’s serving as temporary headquarters until the main MLA building is rebuilt for the League.)
The Boss
Cw: yandere shigs, violence, sexual frustration
Shigaraki x Reader
Re-Destro had become obsessed with you. You had an impressive healing quirk that went as far as the regeneration of others. He craved the feeling of his own feet touching the ground. You were also a cute young thing which was a pleasant bonus. He saw you coming up the isle of the office floor and his heart skipped a beat. You looked so nice, pure almost. He couldn't believe you were with a degenerate like.. Tomura Shigaraki- his new boss.
"Come on, dear.." He tried getting your attention for the millionth time that day, not taking a hint. You huffed and ignored his existence. He had started downright begging for you to let him take you out to dinner. You could feel his eyes burning into the back of your head. It was time to tell him. The boss. You wanted to say something the first time it happened but Shigaraki was away on an important call. But now he was back. You urgently walked to Tomura's office.
Rikiya held his breath as you nervously passed him and entered the boss's office, closing the door. He frowned. Was he already back? His idiotic actions would now have consequences. But he just.. couldn't stop trying to get to know you, even in the limited amount of time he had while Shigaraki was gone. He was drawn to your perfection. His brain's obsession with you was leading him to do some dangerous stunts. Like asking you to dinner repeatedly. He just needed one moment with your angelic being. One moment to heal him forever.
Not even 30 seconds passed when Shigaraki's office door was kicked off of it's hinges from the inside. Tomura paused in the doorframe, a blood-thirsty smile contorting his face. He looked like a rabid animal, all but frothing at the mouth. Re-Destro shrunk into his desk chair, terrified.
Shigaraki slowly turned his head towards him, irises nearly non-existent. He made his way across the office floor, the maniacal grin plastering his face. He chuckled. It was softly at first. Then it turned into screaming fits of boisterous laughter.
Members of the MLA looked up from their desks, concern painting their eyes. The league lounged nearby in a makeshift living room, now looking over amused. Toga turned down their new flat screen television. Dabi walked out of the office breakroom with a slice of pizza and pulled up a seat to watch the oncoming shitshow. Rikiya trembled. What had he done?
"SO RE-DESTRO! It seems that you HAVE NOT LEARNED YOUR LESSON." He gulped and his eyes darted through the now permanently open office door frame. You were sitting on the boss's desk, legs crossed, with a sick smile on your face. You.. a healer of all people... were enjoying this. "WHO ARE YOU LOOKING AT, HUH?!?" Re-Destro’s eyes snapped away from you and he looked at the floor.
"And to think.. we were getting along so well. It seems to me that you didn't get your ass kicked hard enough the first time. Do I need to remind you about why I will always be in first place?" ReDestro shook his head shamefully, beginning to sweat.
"What's the matter?? Bite off more than you can chew? I heard about you asking MY pet to join you at dinner! AHAHAHA! That's RICH, Mr. President!!" He threw his head back and cackled, causing most of the building, including the League, to cringe. So noisy.
His howling laughter was music to your ears. You were smitten. It was bad, but you liked when Tomura got jealous. It was a sexy display of dominance and it also left him frustrated, promising you a one way ticket to having your back blown out later. You giggled at the thought perversely. His new business suit accompanied with his trenchcoat made you weak.
"Let me guess? You want my pet to heal your reminders? You know what I'm talking about, don't play dumb. Your reminders as in.. what happens when you fuck with us. And NOW you're looking past me while I'm talking to you? At y/n?? They are mine! MINE!! MINE!! MINE!! This warning is for ALL of you Liberation swine."
Shigaraki reached Re-Destro and ashed his chair along with his prosthetic feet in one quick swipe. The once powerful man dropped onto the carpet and curled up, embarrassed all his colleagues were watching the mighty fall for a second time. He couldn't fight back. It would be pointless. He could take it or die.
Shigaraki smirked, kicked his leg back and landed a devastating blow to his ribs. There was a sickening crunching sound from the impact. Rikiya screamed in anguish, violently coughing up blood. His left lung was definitely punctured. Re-Destro had to hand it to him- The kid had huge feet.
"Hey now, shhhh, shhh." Shigaraki grabbed Rikiya's chin and made him look directly into his eyes. "What is that? Tell me." He pointed at you. You waved back, thrilled. He gargled on his blood. "That's.. y/n. Th-they are the League's personal healer."
"Wrong!" Shigaraki cut him off. "That is mine. Do you hear me? M-I-N-E!" He balled his fist, thumb out, and shattered his nose, blackening both eyes instantly. He grabbed his collar, pulling him close. "If you ever. Ever. Bother what's mine again. You will be dead. Do you understand? Now crawl like the worm you are to the infirmary down the street. And then get back here and clean this fucking mess." He hissed.
Tomura tossed Re-Destro's limp form to the floor and spit on him. Blood pooled around the broken man lying on the carpet. Rikiya nodded weakly. Toga jumped up, tears in her eyes, clapping. "ENCORE!!"
"Darling." He called out to you anxiously. "Come with me. We have some.. urgent business we need take care of." You followed his lead and wasted no time getting down and dirty in the employee bathroom.
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
Should we be worried about redestro becoming the next yandere stalker?
Don't you dare.
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lindleland · 4 years
BNHA asks: 2, 12, 26, 30
Thank you!
2. Least favourite character
I had to think really hard about this one, but mostly just because I didn't want to give the obvious answer.
To name a few other characters I'm a bit eh on in some way or another (most of whom have the capacity to fix this)... The Meta Liberation Army are all pretty thin at the moment and haven't had a lot of time to carve identities for themselves (I like Skeptic a lot though), especially Trumpet who has very little to distinguish himself thus far. I'm also not a huge fan of how much they're playing Redestro for comedy now that he's not a primary antagonist.
Also as much as I like how other characters treat Magne in-universe and appreciate that there's some good trans representation here, Magne herself kinda sucked. She did almost nothing, was a cartoonishly masculine caricature, and died a very foolish death. Also killing off the trans rep is uhhhh not good trans rep.
All that being said... Yeah it's Mineta. I wouldn't mind him so much if he didn't have one joke that gets used way too frequently. Or if, like, that character growth he showed in the exam against Midnight actually stuck and he showed any sign of self-improvement. But nope, if anything he's gotten worse.
12. Any character you disliked at first that grew on you?
A few! Most of them are pretty obvious though, characters we weren't meant to like at first who got fleshed out later... Bakugo, Endeavour, Aoyama, etc.
For characters who weren't like that though I've gotta say it's Toga Himiko. At first she just felt like a pure cut and paste yandere archetype with no added substance. The Meta Liberation Army arc really did a great job of fleshing out why she acts the way she does though, and manages it without resorting to the Traumatic Event Backstory you'd expect. It also retroactively adds depth to her friendship with/defensiveness of Twice and Magne who had similar motivations for joining the league.
26. What moment was the saddest, or hit you the hardest?
Chapter 266. I don't really think I need to elaborate on that.
30. What is, if any, the biggest flaw you see in the series? Or something you would have done differently?
This is a tough one. I think MHA has a fair few broad flaws to pick on but no individual one is significant enough to really effect my enjoyment of it.
If I had to pick one that's kinda bothering me lately though, it's that I don't think Horikoshi really knows what to do with Deku at the moment. Like the early arcs managed to tie all the main story beats into Deku's character arc, but everything he's been setting up in the last couple years has so little do with Deku on a personal level that sometimes it feels like Hori is struggling to think of a reason for Deku to even be present for events (hell, we've had two arcs for which he simply was not present).
Also we need the female characters to have like, arcs and agency in the plot again. Give the Ryukyu agency some screen time, damn it!
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sparda3g · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 228 Review
While half of the city is dusted by Shigaraki, the other half continue to pursue to end the League of Villains. Dabi is about to fight some guy who can use ice. How convenient. This chapter wasn’t what I expected and I can’t say if that’s good or not, but at least it began another battle that deals with trauma of a villain that we know more about outside of Shigaraki.
Dabi versus Ice Climber (not really) isn’t much of a fight. It’s more of a startup with their word exchange and demonstration of their quirk. Dabi doesn’t show a new quirk ability, if he has one that is, but does show how much stronger he has gotten. So much so, he practically can pull off blue flames in an explosive scale. He can tell his opponent is tough since he too is tough. Let’s go with that.
As for Ice Climber, the quirk is to manipulate ice, all ice that is. Basically, put him in North Pole and he will be a God. For the record, I don’t know that person’s gender, let alone a name, so I will address him as a guy. He can drag out ice cubes from convenient store and form a dragon or something. He has been training for a long time and Redestro helped him to make it stronger. Good for him, whoever he is. The battle is on and the two attack clash erupted an explosion. Surprisingly, the chapter doesn’t go all the way with this battle only, rather transition to Twice. Not sure what’s the narrative plan, but at least the next battle is one I care more.
Twice is a villain that was introduced a long time ago, backstory and all, so I can connect to his dilemma and struggle. I have nothing against Toga, but it was just recently that we got the insight of her character, so I saw her as a typical crazy girl, yandere or whatever. With Twice, we know how and why he’s like that for a while. He found Toga in a bad state, begging her to stay alive as his other mind tells him to give up. He’s struggling on keeping his mind straight, let alone emotions, so it’s kind of sad.
In my last chapter review, I wondered on who will go against Tomoyasu; timing on my end, because I got my answer here. Maybe it’s only the case of trickery and not really a one-on-one battle, but it’s definitely a challenge for Twice. It’s here that we get to learn Tomoyasu’s code name and quirk. Skeptic is his code name, which I thought it’s fitting, considering how he was in the last chapter, irate about a simple question. Plus, it sounds cool in a way. His quirk or meta ability is anthropomorph, which allows him to transform any human-sized objects, including fridges, into puppets he controls. It sounds neat, though conveniently used for a particular reason.
While the battle in this series may not impress in visual choreograph, no offense, Kohei tends to focus more on a character’s drama. It’s nothing wrong with that, but the creativity and storytelling could be enhanced and altered. That’s just me. That said, the case here is traumatization with multiple Twice without a mask. That explains those gorilla-looking henchmen; their face morphed into them. That or something else; I’m only judging by words and panels’ image. Basically, this is a mental battle; really got to suck to be Twice right now. Not sure why Skeptic wants him in the team, but it’s not going to happen at all.
I enjoyed this chapter, but it was pretty short despite the usual 15-page length. It’s probably due to large panels use throughout, where there were plenty here. However, the artwork is pretty good and the scene with Twice does emphasize the trauma well, which I feel something. Dabi versus Ice Climber could be decent, but saved for later with Twice taking the focus. I do believe Twice is in due for a power-up, knowing how the pattern works so far, but I’m more curious if this is the time to end his trauma here. Time to go double or nothing.
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villxinmiixx · 2 years
Can you write about re destro taking care of sick reader?
darling is sick
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﹫redestro ( yotsubishi rikiya )
♡ gn! reader
♡ genre; fluff
♡ note; hear me out, we're going to make this handsome manwhore your husband because i said so.
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━ if you somehow managed to get sick inside a luxurious mansion pent house whatever the fuck you call those you're really something else
━ he doesn't let you go outside cuz' he insists you shouldn't, he's not exactly a yandere— (i lied) he just assures you that “my love, you don't need to go outside; you have everything you need right here. ”
━ which infact IS true since you're pretty content with him just spoiling you with his love and affection and money.
━ anyway back to the ask, let's just say you got sick from- bitch idk don't ask me.
━ he got home from his usual work with the liberation army, he called out your name as he closed the door behind him. only to be met with silence in return.
━ he kind of panicked before sprinting to your shared bedroom, he found a figure in the middle of the king sized bed. gently removing the covers from the figure's face he immediately realized that lock of hair.
━ he fully removed the covers a bit quickly as relief washed over him, he gently smiled while your eyes fluttered open due to the sudden coolness.
━ “my dear, is something the matter? why are you hiding under the covers? ” you stared at your husband blankly as you peeped out the words:
━ “i'm sick rikiya.. ” you blinked, your mouth formed a pout but your brows did not furrow
(search komi shouko, her normal face is like yours rn skcjjshcishci)
━ “is that so sunshine? i wonder what you did to deserve this” the smile on his face faltered while he guided your head to lay on his lap
━ after a short while, he realized you were fast asleep once again; he removed your head from his lap and gently laid it on the pillow.
━ if your sickness was pretty bad and has been going on for weeks; he'll call a specialist to check out what was wrong with you.
━ but the first few days of you being sick he'd be so loving towards you even though he already was when you weren't-.
━ he'd make some delicious herbal tea, that tasted like whatever you craved; atleast he'd try to make it as close as possible.
(unless you wanted chips 🤨 he'd ask you if you want something else since- ... tea chips- probably taste weird tf—)
━ he'd stop attending work just to help take care of you, since he's the best partner you'd ever be able to get so please don't leave him.
━ he'd give you lots of cuddles and kisses and will ask you if you wanted to watch a movie or some sort.
━ he doesn't really care if he gets sick too, cuz' you'd be able to take care of him then! he likes being spoiled by you, just being around your deity aura is enough to make him cry.
━ the lieutenants of the liberation army would ask you why the boss isn't turning up to work. which rikiya replied to by using your account because- they were asking you- duh-. .
━ yotsubishi's workers were relieved that nothing bad happened to him, but in result-- the next day after you finally got better he was endlessly teased by them because of his new wallpaper; you sleeping while a faint blush was on your cheeks.
━ it was worth it though, you were so cute and you still are and forever will be. <3
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♡ note; thanks so much for requesting! i never really had a requested fic in my tumblr so it made me really happy to see this <3 thanks sm!
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©𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐢𝐱𝐱 - 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐍𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐝, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧; 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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It’s your friendly neighborhood pervert, here with an idea coming at ya! Or more so a question, if we’re being honest.
You write a lot with Redestro and a minimum wage darling, but let’s turn the tables. What if Redestro had fallen for a pro hero? He doesn’t like heroes or law enforcement I’m 95% sure, but the innocence of this one hero and their genuine desire to do good just made him adore them!
Would he buy merchandise? Maybe spend hours looking at fanart of them? Watching interviews and anything he can find?
With his business connections, I can see him "coincidentally" partnering up with their current sponsors or even taking the steps to become their newest one. He'll have all their merch, read and watch anything with them on...They're just so...oddly endearing! They genuinely want to make the world a better place even if they're going about it the wrong way
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