#yandere kuzupeko
shumaiseyeliner · 3 years
“I'm very new to this so if it's offensive or inappropriate, I'm deeply sorry. May I request some general headcanons on yandere Peko and Fuyuhiko, when both of them are in a relationship with reader? If you don't write polyamory, then separately is okay too. Thank you. I really like your blog btw.”
a/n: lowkey? I loved them so much
warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy mindsets, unhealthy behavior, polygamy, kidnapping, mention of punishment, but it’s not that bad
kuzupeko | kuzuryu fuyuhiko + pekoyama peko
☘︎︎ so, firstly, Fuyuhiko is is complete control of this relationship. He orders Peko to do his dirty work when it comes to his darling, and she has no problem doing it so they make for a pretty dangerous pair. Both Fuyuhiko and Peko can be classified as overly protective yanderes, and have no qualms about forcing their darling to be locked up if it means they’ll be safe. Peko is a bit more closed off than Fuyuhiko is, but she’s incredibly soft once they kidnap their darling and treats them very gently and has no problem watching over them when Fuyuhiko has business to attend to. Peko would be the one to carry out any type of discipline, though. It’s not physically bad or anything, but she hates doing it.
☘︎︎ fuyuhiko is the mastermind of the whole relationship, and frankly brings up wanting to isolate their darling to Peko, because otherwise, she wouldn’t have wanted to do it at all. Fuyuhiko is paranoid, and this makes him kind of difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to the well-being of their darling. Peko understands this and while she doesn’t like the idea of restricting their darlings freedom she does anything Fuyuhiko tells her. Fuyuhiko often finds himself flustered when around their darling and doesn’t quite know how to regulate the things that he’s feeling, and this most likely becomes one of the reasons he decides to tell Peko to kidnap their darling. He’s anxious, and she’s all too aware of this fact.
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lovesicktemple · 3 years
Hello hope you're doing well <3
I want to request some general (like, kidnapping and punishments) yandere on poly! Kuzupeko X reader if that's possible? If you don't write for polyamory, then just Fuyuhiko. Still thank you sm 💕
I actually do write for polyamory! I’m polyamorous myself! :)
And I hope you’re doing great too, Anon!
Yandere Kuzupeko headcanons
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TW ⚠️ stalking, abduction, threatening, gore
❥: Peko and Fuyuhiko weren’t dating yet before they met you. Both of them weren’t just fixated on that.
❥: Peko actually fellin love with you first. You looked so amazing.
❥: Fuyuhiko then fell in love with you the moment he turned to what Peko was looking at.
❥: To them, you were a gift sent from heaven! An angel who must be protected.
❥: Fuyuhiko was the first one to get the courage to talk to you, his hard shell immediately shattered around you. He was so nice compared to how he was to the others.
❥: As for Peko, she still seemed serious. But deep inside, she had a soft spot for you.
❥: Fuyuhiko commanded the yakuza to keep watch of you, he also sometimes told peko to spy on you. Peko was way happier if she was the one who got to.
❥: Seeing you get a little too close to someone angered them both, but Fuyuhiko would actually starts to rage.
❥: Fuyuhiko would mutter threats under his breath, pissed.
❥: One day, Fuyuhiko was completely done. He sent out Peko to follow you home, then take you in your sleep. And she did just that.
❥: You would wake up in a massive bed that isn’t yours. Peko watching you, Fuyuhiko just walking into the room, smirking and thanking peko.
❥: You start to panic “W-what do you want from me? Did I do something wrong?! Please don’t hurt me!”
❥: “We won’t heart you, [Last name].” Peko smiles a little, happy.
❥: Fuyuhiko immediately hugs you. His softer side came out. And who could resist you?
❥: Fuyuhiko starts to rant about how scared he was that someone would hurt you!
❥: Punishments are mostly depending on how bad what you did is. Simply refusing affection would just earn annoyed looks. Escape attempts? Then Peko and her sword come in to play. It. Could go from stabbing you, slicing you. Does she need to cut off your limbs if you keep misbehaving?
❥: They’re very caring about you. Don’t anger them though..the Yakuza taught them the worst methods of torture.
I hope it’s good enough
~Mod Shuichi
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kotokos-cafe · 3 years
Control (Yandere!FuyuPeko x Reader)
The sound of glass shattering echoed in your mind as the window fell to pieces. Glancing back behind you, there was no trace of the captors who claimed to be in love with you. Taking quick, uneasy breaths, you wedged yourself through the tiny window, the broken bars lying on the ground alongside the glass pieces.
It had taken you forever to find that hammer. You knew buttering the captors up and convincing them to leave that sledgehammer with you would be a good idea. But now you were feeling the weight of it. You were outside of where they had left you, obviously having smashed in the window. Who knew what they would do to you if you were caught? You had one chance, and probably five minutes to get out of there before they came down to check on you and discovered you were missing.
Taking a deep breath, without even a second to gather your thoughts, you bolted. You don't even know how long you ran before you were in the middle of a forest. Perfect, you figured. They'd never find you here, in the middle of a dense forest, right?
And that's when you just broke down. You cried about everything. The torture... The false love... Surely feelings that led two people to become that demented over you couldn't be love, right? It couldn't be. You cried about the pain you felt, the sheer agony of being locked away from the world. Didn't people miss you? Weren't they looking for you?
Your tears were close to stopping for the time being when you heard footsteps approaching you. Worried it could be your captors coming to retrieve you, despite knowing it was virtually impossible that they had found you already, you turned with wide eyes and a sharp gasp.
To your surprise, the two people who had traumatized you so badly were nowhere to be found. In their stead was a group of three men and two women, bruised and battered. You were instantly fearful upon seeing them. No group of people would approach a missing persons so casually, so aggressively, without bad intentions, right? Or were you just that badly brainwashed by your kidnappers that you now believed anyone who wasn't them meant you harm?
Your suspicions were confirmed when one of the women roughly grabbed your shoulders, and forced you to the ground. She wrenched you into a painful hold that made it tight and searing to struggle. These people were certainly trained to do this and knew what they were doing.
"My, my," she purred. "Isn't this the Kuzuryuu clan's little love that he's so hellbent to protect? How the tables have turned."
"What do you mean...?" you brokenly asked. You had no clue what the reason for this was. You had only just escaped, after all! How could this have been brought on? "What did I do to you...?"
"Oh, not you," one of the men responded. "But your boyfriend. We're from the Hoshikawa Clan, dumbass."
Ooh, you knew that name. A name both Fuyuhiko and Peko often spoke of with gritted teeth. With disdain. With hatred and with malice. They had some sort of vendetta against your boyfriend, and they were taking it out on you.
"Y-You've got it all wr-wrong...!" you pleaded. Your voice was weak and timid, a side effect from being punished for your resistance so many times. "I-I don't love him...! Or h-her...! They kidnapped m-me...!"
"This ain't about you, girlie," one of the other men answered. "This is about him. He loves you, even if you ain't reciprocatin'. And as for that bitch he always keeps around, she doesn't matter here. It's nothin' personal."
"N-No, please..." you begged. The other woman held up a video camera and began recording as the last man pulled out his pistol. They were going to kill you on camera and send it to their rivals? With nothing left to do, you relinquished your pride, and screamed for help. "HELP! HELP! PLEASE, SOMEBODY! HELP! HELP!"
The gun cocked and you closed your eyes in anticipation. A shot was heard, but you felt nothing. Opening your eyes, you realized you were still alive. And breathing. And standing in front of you, covered in blood and gore, were Fuyuhiko and Peko, who must have followed your trail and heard your pleas for help.
As the two remaining men and two remaining women glared at them and drew their own pistols, the camera was dropped and the six people engaged in a scuffle. You watched as Fuyuhiko mercilessly put down one of the men and one of the women, and Peko ruthlessly slaughtered the others. You shivered as you watched the bodies fall to the floor, stained in blood. They had killed for you yet again. After all was said and done, the two turned to you.
"The fuck were you thinking?!" Fuyuhiko screamed at you. With his gun still in his hand, you were worried about what he may do to you. But upon seeing your shaking but definitely submissive posture, Peko calmly placed her hands on Fuyuhiko's shoulders to make him calm down. Fuyuhiko took a deep breath and his tone became calmer. "Look, I'm sorry. I know you probably just... wanted to go on a walk or some shit."
"But it was rather unwise of you to do so without permission," Peko finished. She closed her eyes regretfully, her pain being displayed plain as day. "Because now we must punish you. And you know how much we dread the thought of having to punish you."
Your throat closed up and your stomach sank when you heard those words. Punishment? A punishment?! Again?! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! You didn't want to be punished! At this point, you would do anything to avoid a punishment!
"Peko," Fuyuhiko cooed, it being his turn to calm your girlfriend down. "Lay off 'em. They've been through a lot tonight and I get the sense they'll never pull this shit again. Ain't that right, S/O?"
You fervently nodded your head, earning a sigh from Peko. The two linked arms with you, putting their weapons back in their protective casings, and walked silent back to the captivity site. Eventually, the silence intimidated them. Were they mad at you? Sad? Disappointed? Oh, how you dreaded that word. Disappointed. You felt like such a failure being called a disappointment.
"Why did you... save me...?" you asked timidly. Fuyuhiko gave you a shocked glance whereas Peko looked at you more stoic. In his eyes, this meant you were starting to see real human, redeemable, lovable characteristics in them. "Even after I ran a-away from you both... You saved m-me... Wh-Why...?"
"Can't you see?" Peko asked monotonously. "The world is a scary and dangerous place. If you stay here, you’ll be safe in our arms. We promise you that. You'll be safe and protected from all dangers. All you need to do is swear your heart to us and us alone, and you'll be under our protective embrace for eternity."
You thought to yourself. To them, this had to be a power thing, right? This had to be! They wanted to see someone meek and timid in submission to them. But then again, what Peko promised you didn't sound so bad at all. Safe... Protected... Loved... And all of this forever? For just the small price of promising your heart, love, and devotion to them? It did honestly sound very promising, and they weren't bad lovers in the least if you behaved. Closing your eyes, you nodded and laid your head on Fuyuhiko's shoulder with a soft yawn, finally submitting to the rest of your life.
And now, they really had control.
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gqanime · 4 years
Alright I have dr2 ships now.
Fukuhiko x peko
Mahiru x hyioko
Gundum x Sonia
I have some I'm on the fence about as well
Hajime x Nagito. Maybe. I get vibes.
Hajime x Chaiaki it's basically makoto x kyoko
Ibuki x mikan I like it but I want to see somthing more happen though.
How about you send me a ship from fandoms I like ( they are in my bio.)
And I'll tell you my opinion on them❤💛💚💙💜
( as a side note please use the ask box.)
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Yandere Motive AU: Imagine the first day of the motive: everyone's still a bit tense because they have Nagito tied up and everyone's arguing over what they should do. Then, Hiyoko and Mahiru come in for breakfast. Well, more like Hiyoko is clinging to Mahiru as she comes in for breakfast. Nothing the rest would find too unusual, but then Mahiru tells Mikan that she thinks that Hiyoko has a fever. Mikan comes over to check, despite Hiyoko's anger and beligerrent attitude. Mikan confirms the (1/?)
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I bet at the reveal Kaz probably screamed because he is so totally straight and totally doesn’t want a guy, especially Gundham, to be in love with him, which everyone totally believed because he’s so straight and all
But anyway, back to the rest and away from Kazuichi being straight as a corkscrew
When Mahiru and Hiyoko would come in which the latter clinging more than usual, no one would thing about anything aside from Hiyoko having a fever. Until always bubbly Ibuki suddenly turns ice cold and hostile towards Hiyoko and calling Mikan her beloved. That would be so out of character that everyone would start questioning what is going on and they realise Ibuki also has a fever
Then Kazuichi has to be literally dragged out of his cottage by Hajime, because (I assume) he is freaked out by the fact that Gundham is literally following him and constantly staring at him for some reason (and he is having a gay panic, because he always has one). Even worse, Gundham is giving Hajime death glares for some reason, which also isn’t normal
When Nagito then suddenly walks in, not being tied up any more and now glaring at Kazuichi, making Kaz scared as hell because Nagito is very unpredictable and what if he wants to kill him? However Gundham would then glare at Nagito and seems to be ready to attack him, and are only stopped because Kazuichi and Hajime check on their fever and caused over reaction from them
So Hiyoko and Ibuki are ready to fight, same as Gundham and Nagito, and they then notice that Peko and Fuyuhiko are missing and when they find them Peko is also behaving strange, and as they all suspected she is also having a fever
Now Monokuma turns up and reveals the new motive, cue Kaz’s gay panic. The others would probably question why love of all reasons and why the hell he decided on these specific couples. Monokuma however would simply give his typical laugh and happily tell them that he didn’t decide for the sick people with whom they fell in love with and only made their emotions return from before their memories had been wiped. (Cue more gay panic)
Best would be. Everyone would be stuck on the part about them being in love with their S/O being actual emotions they felt before their memories were lost, however no one would question the part about them being kinda obsessive because that would have to be Monokuma’s doing and completely gets forgotten. But nope, he didn’t do much at all just as he said and only Nagito and Chiaki would be aware about this little detail, but Nagito won’t say anything and Chiaki can’t say anything x)
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soft-kins-edits · 5 years
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Here are the rules, please read them!
No Bullying and/or kin bashing!
No spam, try not to at least
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AUs are allowed!
Have fun!
The list will expand...
General things
Things I will do:
Aesthetic boards (be specific)
Icons (be specific)
Playlists (they take a little bit)
Self-care kits (this can include pictures, advice from kins, etc., be specific on which ones you want).
Small writings (ships, angst, etc.)
Kin Match-Ups (this will take a bit)
Character Advice
Fashion Kits!!!
Wallpapers (give me the dimensions and all)
Baby blue
Haiji Towa
Kiyo’s Sister
Miu/Ouma, Miu/Gonta, Miu/Kiibo (nothing romantic with them)
Homophobia, transphobia, etc.. (I will do characters coping with those things though)
Anything to do with r/ape, etc*
Other things to mention:
*I will do things to COPE with those types of things. But I will NOT do anything that promotes that stuff. 
Please be patient with requests
I will create content for:
Fire Emblem
I will create content for anything, as long as it makes me comfy!
The list will expand...
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((Imma do a bit of Rping as an OC. Maddie Kuzuryuu, Ultimate Yandere. Fuyuhiko and Peko's child.)) Hey, dad! When ya gonna introduce me to your friends??
(Sorry but this is an ask blog so I don’t do rp ^^
@ultimatebabyfaceyakuza do it though and it’s a really good fuyuhiko rp blog with a lot of good events and it’s an oc friendly blog ! :) (plus she is a member of the kuzupeko trash club so really, what more can you ask for ? XD)
-mod lili)
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Oh no, I just realized something. If chapter 2 in DR2 went the same way, how do you think yandere!Fuyuhiko would act at the trial?
I think he would turn highly violent towards everyone who even dares to consider Peko being at fault and he would be seriously willing to claim to be the culprit and have himself and everyone but Peko die. And as he was indeed at the crime scene it would be hard to disprove who it was no matter what anyone says
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crazynekochan · 5 years
AU: Instead of chapter 2's motive, Monokuma decides to infect the DR2 kids with Love Sickness, which makes the infected students yandere for their loves (and it's airborne too) to get a yandere to kill someone or someone to kill a yandere. Gundham, Nagito, Ibuki, Hiyoko, and Peko are all infected and since they don't have a hospital right now, the uninfected decide to quarantine by keeping the infected and their obsessions on the 1st island and the non-obsession uninfected go to the 2nd island.
They all probably first thought about only putting the infected into quarantine because it’s easy to get infected as well, but that seriously didn’t turn out well as the infected turned almost aggressive and even more obsessive when forced apart from their loved ones. So in the end they also had to join them to avoid Monokuma’s hoped for bloodshed between the infected and uninfected
Question however stays is how long this will work out until something goes wrong, because they can live like this forever and Monokuma will make damn sure about it
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crazynekochan · 5 years
What if Yandere Gundham, Yandere Nagito, And Yandere Peko, saw the S/O wearing a maid outfit?
Gundham: No matter if he is a yandere or not, he will stay very awkwardly shy and thus blush quite a lot at the sight. However he would quickly snatch Kazuichi away, because there is no way in hell he would share that sight with anyone
Nagito: He would just loose it and go on and on about how lovely Hajime looks like this and how much luck he had to see this stunning sight. But he would ever so often mention that he would gladly kill anyone who caught a glimpse
Peko: She would probably be a bit confused as for why Fuyuhiko was wearing a maid dress, but she would find it cute nonetheless. Depending on the reason as for why he was in one, she would either stay calm and enjoy the moment or kill whoever forced him into it against his will
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Do you think that, while watching Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, and Hajime hang out, yandere!Gundham, yandere!Nagito, and yandere!Peko also get together and talk about their obsessions (with promises that if one says anything about what they talked about during that conversation to anyone and especially Kaz, Fuyu, and Hajime, the others will take them down hard)?
They probably do that quite often. Due to their obsessions spending so much time together as friends, the three yanderes would of course notice each other after a while during their stalking
I could imagine that the three of them have a truce that their obsessions are not to be touched no matter what, as this would probably lead to their own obsession being harmed. They also have the deal that nothing that they talk about is to ever leave their little cycle
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crazynekochan · 5 years
I just realized that I already sent an ask about SFW and NSFW headcanons for yandere Nagito, so maybe for yandere!Peko?
I actually didn’t get any message about Yandere!Nagito? But anways here you have Yandere!Peko
She uses her role as tool to always be close to Fuyuhiko
She often watches him sleep in the night and will use her role as tool as an excuse should she be noticed
The only person she doesn’t mind to be close to Fuyu is Natsumi. All the other people she simply tolerates
The first time her obsession really showed itself was when she and Fuyu were kidnapped when they were younger
Before dating Fuyuhiko she would sometimes start touching herself when she watching him sleep, but never much to avoid being seen
After dating him, she is quite dominating in bed and wants everything he can give to her for her own
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crazynekochan · 5 years
We haven't done very much with yandere!Fuyuhiko, we need to change that. What if he found out that someone was planning on confessing to Peko?
He would as often end up being in a torn state if he isn’t dating her, because he doesn’t want to control her like she was forced to in the past, but at the same time he doesn’t want to share her
He would also be very opposed to anyone trying to date Peko, because Peko is a beautiful and strong goddess and no one is good enough for her! They aren’t worthy to breath the same air as her and they aren’t even worthy enough to breath altogether
If he isn’t dating he yet, he would at some point decide that this person isn’t worthy and show them what a true yakuza can do by killing them off brutally. If he is dating her, he would work way faster and kill them for trying to take his Peko away from him
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