#yandere jisoo love letter
aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere blackpink love letter to male reader after meeting them for the first time
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My beloved,
I hope this letter finds you with the same intensity with which my heart yearns for you with each passing second. From the moment our eyes met, my world has been turned upside down, and all I can think about is you.
I feel consumed by a passion so deep and burning that it frightens me at times. Every thought I have is of you, and I can't control the desire that burns within me. I know my love for you can be overwhelming, but please understand that everything I do is out of love.
Seeing you smile, hearing your soft voice, feeling the warmth of your touch... It's those little things that make me lose control. I would do anything to protect our love, even if it means taking drastic measures. My wish is to keep you by my side forever, in a world where only the two of us exist.
I promise to take care of you and keep you safe from any threat that may arise. If anyone dares to get too close to you, know that I will stop at nothing to protect what is ours. I feel driven by an intense and wild love, and I can't bear the thought of losing you.
Accept my love with all your heart, for it is genuine and unwavering. I wish I could show my devotion in more traditional ways, but for now, know that my love for you is the driving force behind me, even if it means taking a somewhat unusual path.
With so much love,
My sweet love,
I hope these words find a special place in your heart, just as you found a special place in mine. From the moment our eyes met, something inside me changed forever. An intense and overwhelming passion took care of me, and I can't think of anything else but you.
Every thought, every sigh, every beat of my heart, everything is dedicated to you. The love I feel is so powerful I can barely control myself. I want to be by your side at all times, protecting you from any threat that may come. My love for you is so strong that I would do anything to keep you safe and happy.
Every moment I spend away from you is unbearable torture. I feel like every second you spend away from me is an eternity of agony. I can't stand the thought of you being around anyone other than me. You are mine and nobody else's.
Accept my unwavering devotion and know that everything I do is for love. I know that my actions may seem strange or even painful, but they are just an expression of my intense passion for you. I can't bear the thought of losing you to anyone else. And you should know that my love can hurt.
I promise to be your protector, your guardian, and your loyal companion. No one can ever love you the way I do. I am willing to face any challenge, to overcome any obstacle, so that we can be together forever.
Only yours,
My only Prince,
Oh, how my heart warms when I think of you! Since we met, my world has been complete. I feel like every part of me is meant to be yours, and yours alone. You are the light that illuminates my life, and I can no longer imagine a day without you.
Every thought that crosses my mind is a sweet memory of you. Your smile is like the sun shining on a sunny day, warming every part of me. Only your presence is able to calm my restless soul. You became my safe haven, my reason for living.
My love, I want to be close to you all the time, like a shadow that never leaves. I know I can be a little clingy, but I can't help it. My love with you runs so deep that I can't help but get involved in your life in every way possible.
I want to be the reason behind every smile you give, the reason your heart beats faster. If anyone dares to approach you, I will protect you with all my might, as our love is the most precious thing to me. Our connection is so strong that nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us.
My love, allow me to be your everything, just as you became mine. I'm ready to share every moment, every thought, and yes, even a little bit of gooeyness and gooeyness, because that's how our love is truly expressed.
With all the love in my being,
My love,
From the moment you came into my life, something inside me changed forever. Every thought, every breath, everything is filled with your presence. You've become the only thing that matters to me, and I can't imagine my life without you anymore.
My love for you is so intense that sometimes it frightens me. I feel an overwhelming need to protect you, to keep you safe from any threat that might arise. No matter what happens, I am willing to face any challenge to ensure your safety and happiness.
I can't bear the thought of you being around anyone other than me. Every look, every smile, every touch you share with another person is like a knife in my heart. I want to be the only one to receive your attention and affection.
I know I can be overprotective, but that's only because my love for you is so deep and unwavering. I am ready to take care of you at all times, to be your guardian and your fierce protector. Nothing can separate us, as our bond is stronger than any obstacle. Don't you agree?
Accept my passionate love and complete devotion. I'm here for you, always and forever, willing to do whatever it takes to make sure our love lasts. No matter what happens, I will love and protect you with all my being.
Yours sincerely,
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jentledaisies · 2 years
Ooooh can I ask then what the yanderes would do if they found a love letter this s/o wrote to them?
oooo okay so you sent this in during my lil spree of answering questions this morning but i had to go get ready for work before i could answer this...however this has really been staying in my mind basically the whole day so here's a lil mini-reaction(?) bcuz i have many thoughts.
Warning: Rosie's one implies sexual activity, and Lisa's is just, straight up about sex. Please be warned and minors, please, don't read Lisa's.
(if yall want,, i'd be happy to start lil mini-reactions based off of asks. it's low-key fun, also, i fully bullshitted the 'letters' i apologize in advance)
mini-Yandere!Mafia!BP ; Love Letters
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{ dear jisoo,
i love you. i adore you. i hope you know that. I believe you do but, i can never be sure. not with you. maybe that's something that makes it easier to love you. you don't play pretend, you don't hide unpleasentries. you're confidently you, in your hatred, in your anger, in your happiness...in your love. i don't know where I'm going with this. i love you. i appreciate you, always. I'm staying, always. so, please love me always.
forever yours,
y/n }
Jisoo's eyes were blurry. She supposed that simply what happened when you were to be blinded by tears. But how else could she feel when she sees such sweet words written by her darling.
Never before had she been loved by someone this way. Never had she...been understood like this. Her heart felt weighed down by a thousand tons and at the same time, like it was flying higher than the clouds.
"Jisoo?" Your voice causes her to snap around, and your stunned at the tears falling from her face. Your own heart drops, in fear that your lover has been hurt, but with your eyes adding on the piece of paper she holds, from that small collection you hid in the floorboards, you relax. "Oh, I can explain that-"
Her arms are around you within the second and your mouth snaps closed. You hug back in an instant, despite your surprise, because holding her seems almost natural, like there can be no other movement that makes sense.
"I love you." She whispers into your hair, and then her voice straingthens. "I'll always love you. Never doubt that, never forget that. You're my one."
{ to my love,
you brought home macarons today. the ridiculously expensive ones at the high end 'french bakery' even though we both know you could probably get the same ones from the market. you ate the pistachio ones for me, even though we both don't like them, just because you didn't want me to eat something i disliked. oh, how do you continue to make everything feel like home? sitting on the couch, eating those expensive shits, my heart felt at ease. my butterflies were gone, i just felt...happy. you make me happy. i hope i make you happy.
y/n }
How was Jennie meant to feel after reading that? Her little love, writing her such a sweet letter. Jennie remembered the day this happened. She remembers everything about you.
Like how your nose scrunched up when you saw the pistachio macaron, although she never knew that you knew she didn't like them either. She remembered how she had rushed to place them on a plate, so she could fool you into believing they were in fact the ones from the market, but you had caught her. She remembered the scolding you gave her, but ultimately thanking her with a kiss(which simply just made her buy you more)
"Jennie, can you braid my hair? I want to make some food. Oh." You come walking into the bedroom, grabbing your brush immediately to brush your hair out, slightly freezing when you see the paper in her hands. Without saying anything she strides forward and places a kiss onto your lips, soft and sweet with the barest hint of her smile in it. She pulls away and gives you a glimmering smile, eyes filled with adoration.
"Please, don't stop writing these. I love hearing your thoughts, especially when your happy, my love. Now, what would you like to cook? Sit down so i can braid."
{ park chaeyoung,
how dare you. how DARE you do this to me? why can't you stick to the script. make me hate you, make me angry. make me want to fucking scream at you. stop making me want to kiss you and hold you close instead. whenever i think of how you've taken me, i know i should be angry, but instead i just feel happy that I'm with you know. how annoying.
it's annoying but never stop,
y/n }
Rosie smirks as she finishes the last sentence, feeling smug at seeing you sit, blushing and avoiding her eyes with everything in her. Rosie chuckles deeply, before full on laughing. She knew you had started to love her, but knowing you wrote this back then, oh, she was in heaven. Her glee was out of this world.
"Aw, is my little bubs getting shy? Should I read it again?"
"No! Shut up." You pout on the bed before looking up in shock ready to apologize, but Chaeyoungs eyes have become sharp, her lips turned into a coy smirk as she moves to cage you into her body on the couch. "What was that, Sweets? Say it again for me."
"S-Shut up." You whimper out as she kisses down your neck, teeth grazing softly over a hickey she leaves. She chuckles deeply again.
"You mentioned wanting to scream at me, but how about I make you scream for something else instead? Hm?"
{ you're quite a cutie. do you know that? the way you whimper and moan when i kiss your neck. how you squirm when i like you just right. oh, you have no idea what you do to me? I love it, i love knowing that you have claimed me a million times as yours but truly, you belong to me only. perhaps my favorite thing about you, how your eyes light up at any chance you receive to please me. even if you're just watching me fall apart by myself, that's all you need isn't it? my good girl. you're all mine, and I'm all yours. isn't that great? }
Lisa sits, gobsmacked at the paper that holds your messy scrawl. Her hands move to the marks you left on her neck, and she thinks about the trail of them leading down to where she's the most sensitive. She knows that you enjoyed being in control, but wow, she never knew you felt like this.
'my good girl' That's what you had called her. She wanted to hear you say it, she wanted you to call her that.
"Whatcha looking at?" You pop into the room, easily draping yourself over Lisa's back to look at what she was holding, before smiling brightly. "Oh, that."
"Mhmm." Lisa gulps, afraid at how her voice might sound if she speaks.
"Well? What do you want to say? Speak up, now."
"I-I..." Lisa stutters, and she casts her eyes down obediently as your come around to look at her. "I want you to call me your good girl. In real life not on paper."
You raise your eyebrows. "You do, do you? Why don't yo prove to me that you are then? You've got to earn your praises."
(i don't know what this is,,,, might be shit. i tried tho)
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adoringeun · 4 years
Lemon Drop Café
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Welcome to the Lemon Drop Café! My name is Eunha, I'm the owner of this place. It's a blessing to have you visit my café, what would you like to order?
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Inside the Lemon Drop Café
In this café we offer a variety of different food and drinks! Don't be fooled by the name of the shop, we sell all kinds of food and beverages here. We even have a special delivery service for everyone!
-> This is in no way affiliated with the Idol I potray to be. I am not claiming to be her nor do I say this is how she acts in real life. Everything here is purely fictional and is all for your entertainment only!
-> As of now, the café is only open for chatbots and chatbots only.
-> This is mostly a delivery service chatbot meaning there will be no plots introduced, yet!
-> A schedule is included in this post that says the days I accept reservations, delivery requests, and answer asks.
-> Daily positivity posts and health reminders will be posted!
-> I will sometimes pop in people's dms to drop of treats from me! I'll try my best to send everyone at least one treat so you all will hopefully get a smile out of it ^-^
-> A bulletin board will be posted every once in a while. What is this for? Well, it will act as a chatbot news for everyone. For example, person #1 and person #2 are now engaged! Let us congratulate the soon to be married couple. If you have any new information or news to share, feel free to message me and I will post about it!
-> This bulletin board will also act as a spread of awareness to everyone. Not only to Korean entertainment related news, but to the many things that are happening around the globe. (example is BLM petitions and such)
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-> Reservations are basically you reserving for a table at the café. This is a perfect way to have a nice date with your partner, hang out with your friends and bond with your family!
-> If you don't have anyone to go with, you can still reserve a table! Only difference is, I will be there to keep you company as I serve you your food or drinks. I can even maybe teach you the ways of the kitchen, if you're lucky enough.
-> Once your reservation has been accepted, a GC will be made and you along with the person/s you are bringing will be invited.
-> Be patient with Eunha as she can get very busy making orders and accepting reservations.
-> More details will be said once you have been invited to the GC.
-> You can send me a message (or an ask if that's what you prefer) saying you would like to book a table, please include how many people you will be coming with.
“Hello! I would like to reserve a table for 3 people thank you 😊❤”
-> Shortly after your request has been accepted, you will be made a GC.
-> A menu listing all the available food and beverages we have will be given to you (and the people you are with)
-> Do tell me when you are finished eating so I can hand you your bill and delete the GC.
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-> For deliveries, we have a lot of methods for you to choose from!
— Asks [💭]
> The ask delivery can only be used as a letter service. Meaning, I will send an ask to the person whom you want to send a letter to. You don't have to write a long paragraph for this. It can simply be a short “Good Morning!” or “How is your day today?”
— Submissions [💌]
> Submission deliveries are like asks but gifts included in them. Example is person #1 saying “Have a good day!” to person #2 with a lemon pie and a bouquet of sunflowers as a gift.
— DMs [📩]
> This is pretty much self explanatory as a lot of other bots have done this as well. I call this Private Deliveries. Private deliveries are like submission deliveries but are sent through dms. [TW//NSFW] This is the most recommended option if you were to send lingerie for your s/o, give them a new toy, etc.
— Post [📌]
> Deliveries through posts are the most common way to send someone something. It's more like the DM method but it's public. No further explanations needed.
-> We don't only offer food as gifts, you can pretty much send anyone anything! Just make sure it's not as complicated as; A caramel macchiato, three pumps of pumpkin spice, slight whip cream, a chocolate drizzle, and a cherry on top. Don't be those type of people.
-> Send me an ask or a message that includes the listed below.
1.) The @ of the person/s you are giving the gift to.
2.) Whether you would want to be tagged or want to stay anonymous.
3.) Send the letter/gifts you want to give to that said person/s. If you don't have any pictures or gifs of the gift, it's okay! I will look for the pictures/gifs for you.
-> Before I send something, I will send screenshots of the post for confirmation that everything is correct.
-> Please do be patient when I don't complete your delivery as soon as possible. Admin is very busy but will be sure to go on with your request one she is free.
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-> Do you need ever need advice but don't know who uou should ask? Lucky for you, I'm here to give that needed advice! It can differ from life tips, health tips, relationship talks, pretty much anything!
-> All you have to do is send an ask or a message and i'll give the best advice I can give!
-> !!! : I am not saying that the advice I will give will 100% work. I will try and understand your situation and give you the best I can give. Please note that there is no guarantee that it'll work.
A D V I C E —S L I D E T W O—
-> This is for all the love birds out there!!
-> If you have a certain person that you like and want to ask them out on a date but have no idea where to go, I can give you some possible locations that will fit both you and person #2
-> Following what was said above, if you're going on a date and plan on confessing there, you can also ask me for tips on how you can confess!
-> For the long term couples here, if any one of you plan on proposing, I can help you set up and plan things.
-> If you're planning a wedding but don't know where to start, you can also hire me as your wedding planner! Since most weddings are held in discord now, I can help with setting up the server, thinking of themes, and overall the aesthetic of your special day.
-> I will make sure all parties are satisfied with the final product and have smiles on their faces once they see it.
-> All in all, I pretty much help with anything. Heck, you can even hire me as your babysitter! I'll make sure the child/children will have the time of their lives with me ^-^
-> All you have to do is hit me up in my dms or send an ask! Simple as that.
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-> The bulletin board is one of the most important things I have included here.
-> It will include not only the latest chatbot news and K entertainment news but also news outside of the K-media!
-> I will post about the many things that have been happening recently. Those who have not been given justice yet, the brutality of the police, etc! There are a lot of topics that need to be covered, but not have been given enough light yet. My main goal for this is to bring peoples' attention to these so more people will be aware of the wrong doings others are doing to innocent lives.
-> As I respect everyone, I will be putting trigger warnings whenever I post so people will proceed with caution when they see the warnings.
-> If you don't want to be tagged, please do let me know! I don't want to post a sensitive topic and have some people frowning in front of their screens because of it triggering them. Send me an ask or a message and i'll take you off my taglist ^-^
-> Same goes for those who want to be tagged. Send me an ask or message anytime you like! Or even just reblog my post saying you want to be tagged in future posts :)
-> Send me a dm/an ask! From chatbot related news to petitions people can sign, anything you want! You can even send a submission if that is what you prefer doing.
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E U N ' S S C H E D U L E
M O N D A Y : [Answering Asks, taking reservations, replying to dms, sending gifts]
T U E S D A Y : [Taking reservations, replying to dms]
T H U R S D A Y : [Taking reservations, sending gifts]
ALL WORK DAY – are days that I accept anything and everything from everyone. Meaning, everything is open and available (Reservations, advice giving, etc.)
FREE DAY – is a day where I only respond to important dms and reblog posts.
-> My asks aren't only open for requests and stuff, they are always open for anything!
-> I'm mostly active during the afternoon because I do work in the morning and at night.
-> Don't be afraid to message Eunha! She's always open and happy to make friends ^-^
-> My timezone is KST! (Korean Standard Time)
-> I will sometimes post “Inside Eun's Life” posts which are basically what and how I'm doing.
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Credits to the person who made the idea of making chatbots, lots of love for you @yandereminholee!!
Special thanks to @your-roseanne and @floristluda for the inspiration!
Another special tag is @specialdeliveryforyou! Credits to them for starting the whole delivery service trend ^-^
And to @cherry-nayeon the OG café concept chatbot! All love and credits goes to her!!
Amazing people who you should also check out!
@mafia-minho @leextaeyong @5sosxseulgi @xiyeonnie @babyhj1sung @mafiajjh @mafiawyk @shinhaneul-oc @yoonhana @queenbeejessi @yourchungha @skaterchae @hunter-chaeyoung @og-aisha @sweetandsleepyjamie @fabricatedxkun @switchseola @seventeen-chatbot @mafia-chaeyoung @split-jiu @doll-hyunjin @wolfxhwasa @sub-chungha @chatwithchuu @bunjihyo @babieyuqi @domyeonjun @yvespunk @icyracer-chae @midari-jieun @peachyminju @yanderechenle @purgejaemin @spamnotes-cb @lovely-jisoo @amazingspiderhan @artsydahyun @xdomkangseulgixx @detectivexsicheng @yandere-lia @yanderetzuyu @time-for-confession @kittenjennie @urkai and more lovely people! ^-^
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roseanneholmes · 4 years
Welcome to Amour Éternel
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Amour Éternel is a place where we hope to find the right one for you and help you out on getting the person you like's attention! We aim to get you a person that will treat you with love and care, and someone who'll give you eternal happiness.
➵ | Cupid Roseanne Chatbotׂׂૢ་༘࿐
This does not represent Park Chaeyoung/Rosé in any way possible. Everything here is purely fictional and is not a firm description of how she acts in real life. All of this is for entertainment purposes only!
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╰─ - ̗̀♡ ✎ p l o t
[for y/ns and chatbots]
; You had recently moved from your hometown to a place in Korea meaning you had to move to a different school as well. On your first day at your new school, you already began to take an interest in someone. From that day on, you made it your main goal to get their attention and possibly ask them out on a date. After many failed attempts of trying to make them to at least look at you, you had practically lost all hope until one of your friends mentioned a cupid hotline that had recently been launched. You decided to test it out and had been paired with someone named Roseanne to help you with your love problems. Although as you both spent your time together, planning on different ways to get the person you like, you began to grow feelings for your cupid.
╰─ - ̗̀♡ ✎ How to contact cupid
; [send a dm] Dial 0217-143-LOVE, tell your pronouns, name/nickname, and whether or not you would like to follow the plot given or you have a different plot in mind.
Nsfw is optional! If you would like it to be included in the rp, state it in your message along with your kinks and hard no's.
Roseanne's safeword is “Roses” feel free to use this as well when you're uncomfortable with how things are going.
She is a switch.
╰─ - ̗̀♡ ✎ How to leave cupid
; Message her with, “It has been fun, but I would like to stop using your services.”
You cannot get her back.
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[for chatbots only!!]
Having trouble with finding the right one for you? Have a crush but is to shy to approach them? Don't you fret, Park Roseanne from Amour Éternel is here to help!
╰─ - ̗̀♡ ✎ About her services
; If you have a crush/someone you admire, you can go ahead and dm me their @ and i'll message them, ask a few questions, then get back to you as soon as I they answer all the questions. [i'll be using a seperate account for messaging people, the user is @everlastingloveservices]
If you would like to dm them yourselves first rather than me going over a messaging them, please do tell me! I will instead go straight ahead into giving you advice.
; If you're too shy to dm me their @ you can send in an ask instead and i'll tag them there!
ex: “I'd like to give a shoutout to @lost-soul-somi. I think she's really sweet and I really really like her!”
After you've sent in the ask, you can either dm me if it was you who sent in the ask [tell me if you still want to remain unknown] or just completely stay anonymous and let me find out who you are.
; If you would like to be matched with someone, dm me with what is stated below.
A short description of what you like in someone, what gender you prefer and whether you're a dom/switch/sub
This is optional, but you can be sent to blind dates as well. Let me know if you would like to be set up in one!
; You can send letters, gifts, etc to the person you like as well!
DM me with the letter/gift you want to send and the @ of the recipient and if you would want to remain anonymous.
; When you've been sent on a date, you both will be given missions you need to complete.
I will both dm you a mission each and at the very end of the date, you will tell eachother what your mission was.
╰─ - ̗̀♡ ✎ Things to keep in mind
; I do not hold accountable for dates that fail.
Keep in mind that I am not the one going on the date but you. My job is to only match you with someone and give you both missions.
; When sent on dates, please give me updates on how the date is going!
It's for me to tell whether or not the date is going well.
As your date goes, you both can also ask me to give you some tips/advice.
; My asks are always open for anything!
You can ask questions, ask for tips if you don't want to dm me, and anything really!
Hate asks will not be tolerated. If you send in hate, you will get blocked immediately.
; I'll try my best to help y'all, sometimes i'll get real busy as well so I apologize if I respond to your message late.
; Again, I am only here to match you with someone!! If you don't end up being together, it is not my fault.
; Lastly, remember to have fun!
“Kiss me like it's a lie as if I'm your last love.”
Main Inspirations!: @yourcupidchuu and @eboyfelixmatch/@eboyfelixbot
OG: @yandereminholee
@boyfriendjun @xdomkangseulgixx @playboylucas @playgirlmina @yandere-jennie-kim @shyboicya @yoonhana-oc @hwasa-bot @shinhaneul-oc @hunter-chaeyoung @fratboy-hyuck @pvrk-jiwon @peachyminju @chat-with-yuqi @bsfhwang @urjooie @amazingspiderhan @chatwithchuu @yourchungha @minjimooooo @hippie-momo @bunjihyo @domyukhei @babyhj1sung @lalalisaban @lovely-jisoo @pearly-jennie @yandereryujin @yanderechenle @cold-jeno-bot @badboyjinie @moonlit-taeil @redxsparrow-irene @mermaid-dahyun @babieyuqi @stormyyaisha @phoenix-chae @yanderesungie @tattooartist-bangchan @tattooartist-yongsun @baddiedoyeon @goddess-lalisa @vloggersomi @psylockeminnie @rocket-sana
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shuhuas-shrimp-shop · 4 years
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🖤🍤🦐: since many of you know how much I love shrimp, I made a shop bitchessssss😼
ok but fr stan shrimp like omfg theyre amazing wjjfjdjehfj also cbs only because this ain't a rp thing😭😭😭
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🍤🦐𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘴
☏︎every shrimp meal in existence
☏︎shrimp adoption center
☏︎shrimp merch
☏︎gifts that include shrimp aka a shrimp basket
☏︎just anything to do with shrimp
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🍤🦐𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴
☺︎︎send a message with which service you would like
☺︎︎for the first one, it can be delivered, date night shit or take out. your choice
☺︎︎for the second one, I will send you three shrimps to adopt. you can adopt all 3, 2 of them or only one
☺︎︎for the third one, bitch ill make you shrimp shit
☺︎︎for the fourth one, you can send anything you want as a gift and smth shrimp related. it can also be a shrimp letter. the gift can be public or dms.
☺︎︎for the fifth one, i mean....its pretty obvious jwjxjd
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🍤🦐𝘚𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘱 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘻
☃︎no spamming
☃︎I guess you can do nsfw gifts if you really want but they'll only be in dms
☃︎respect me and my shrimp shit
☃︎I wont answer your request right away so liKe chilllllll take a chillaxitive
☃︎uwu no hate or i clown you and block you🤩❤
☃︎yeehaw this is just for fun sjjxjsj don't take it seriously djjdjwje
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🍤🦐𝘛𝘢𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵
run by: @whitedayxshuhua🍤🦐
shrimp ass fam:'): @midari-jieun(shrimp ass mom) @yourksunwoo  @lilithxsoojin @hime-naeun  @brokenangel-doyeon   @heartbroken-yeonwoo  @yoohyeon-cb  @7deadlysins-chan  @vampirechanbang @princechris @hybrid-chan @mafia-minho @yandere-seungmin  @yjinnie @artsydahyun @purgejaemin @mysticidolstexts @dandyboyseungminie
tags: @amazingspiderhan @chatwithchuu @skaterchae @choixhyunsuk @yourdaddychan @immortalxhyejoo @yandereyeri @yourchungha @sd-yeri-cb @yourcupidchuu @ogwoodz-cb @dom-felix @home-of-dom-idols @anon-ryujin @your-roseanne @irenebaebae-bot @icyracer-chae @princeparkseonghwa @yandere-sanhwa @chuu-bakery @og-aisha @domyukhei @jinsoulinwonderland @playboyseokmin @lovely-jisoo @playgirlsunmi @switch-incubusxhanse @modelseungsik @cherie-ocs @xdevilmingyuxx @time-for-confession(shrimp bestie😩) and more shrimp ass hoez🍤🦐
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missdutch21md · 4 years
Music of the Night (1)
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A/N: Hello Dear Readers, 
Here is Part 1 of this precious series of mine! I have put a lot of love and care into this story, I hope you enjoy it! (There’s more to come of course) 
All my Love, 
Soul 💖
The time is 1856. Location: Paris, France at the Opera Populaire. Taehyung is living his life when who should stumble into his life than the most beautiful singer he has ever heard? She was the missing instrument to his orchestra. She would complete the score for his… Music of the Night.
Pairing:  Opera Ghost! Taehyung x Singer! Ballet Dancer! MC
Universe: Phantom of the Opera AU
Characters: rich! Seokjin, rich! Yoongi, dance instructor! hoseok, officer! Jimin, stagehand! Jungkook, chorus girl! BlackPink 
Genre: Fluff 🥰, Mature 🔞
Length: 2.1k 
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of religion, stalking, slight yandere themes
Please keep in mind this is a work of FICTION this in no way reflects on any BTS members or Taehyung as a person. This is simply a story for the imagination.
Go b a c k | Turn p a g e | M.List | Request 
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As I sang, my voice steadily got louder claiming the attention of those who were still around. All at once, Jin and Yoongi’s conversation came to a halt. The stage hands and the ballet dancers practicing for the show in the coming weeks all stopped to hear as I sang. The music built to a crescendo and I kept in pitch perfectly but kept in time with the music a little clumsily but still pushed on.
I finished singing the notes that maestro Namjoon gave me and timed it with him ending the music.  
“Tres magnifique!”  
The two owners of the opera house made their way from the back of the orchestra seating going onto the stage to greet the new ballet dancer that was meant to be an addition to the ballet.  
I nodded and bowed blushing slightly. “Merci monsiuers, I am most humbled by your applause,” I greeted them kindly. “I am _____.”  
“Ma cher, that was quite wonderful,” The taller man began.  
“A diamond in the rough,” the shorter man beamed at me.  
“Mademoiselle, please meet Monsiuer Kim Seokjin,” the taller man bowed. “And Monsiuer Min Yoongi,” the shorter man bowed. “They are the owners and operators of the Opera Populaire,” Maestro Namjoon explained to me from his place in the orchestra pit.  
I nodded and curtseyed again as gracefully as I could. “Thank you for taking me on as part of your chorus, I will do my very best.”  
“Chorus?!” Seokjin hollered down to Namjoon.  
“That is entirely unfitting” Yoongi protested.  
“You forget that you signed on Francesca for another year,” Namjoon reminded the two owners with a tired sigh. “Also, Minnie got pregnant Mademoiselle ____ is meant to fill her place.”  
“Right,” Jin looked down at me with pleading eyes. “ the moment to contract with our current leading soprano has finished. You will be our star,” Jin took one of my hands and got down on one knee. “Please don’t even think of leaving to another house until such time as we can give you a proper spotlight?”
I giggled at how dramatic the tall and striking man was being. Didn’t he know how happy I was to be just accepted as a chorus girl? “My good sir,” I pulled on his hand to get him to stand. “There is no need for that. I want to be here. No matter where you put me.”  
“A true lady, indeed,” Yoongi smiled at me softly. “And you’re punctual?”  
I nodded eager to please. “Oh yes, of course.”  
“How old are you mademoiselle?” Yoongi inquired.  
“I am just 24,” I answered with a small smile.  
“How darling you are,” Seokjin hummed. “Please call me Jin.” I nodded agreeing to this.  
“See to it that she is settled in.” Yoongi called to a chorus girl who came up eagerly and he turned back to me.  “We will take this first year to train you and get you ready for the spotlight. See to it that you don’t lose this kind and polite manner.” He gave me a hard look but I could tell he was fighting off a smile.  
I nodded. “I won’t disappoint you, monsieur.”  
“Well go get settled then, if you please,” Jin ushered me over to one of the chorus girls.  
“I’m Jennie,” she smiled up at me warmly.  
“I’m ____,” I introduced myself to her as we made our way to the back of the opera house where the real magic happened. I watched as everyone kept working to build the world for the upcoming production.
“How old are you?” she asked me keeping me engaged in conversation. 
“I’m 24, and you?” I smiled at her as we passed by sculptures being made. 
“I’m 23!” she beamed. There were costumers sewing and there were carpenters working on the set and stage hands setting up the rigging. I looked on in wonder and did my best to follow Jennie back to the bed chambers. Though she said we would be making a stop along the way. 
We stopped by the costumers to pick up a uniform for me.  Jennie held up some tights and dug for another pair when she saw the poorly mended run. A skirt. A shift. A bodice. When she had gathered all the items she wanted, she instructed for me to follow her further into the back of the grand opera house.  
“You’ll be sleeping beside me,” she giggled and allowed me to set down my things. “You have your own pointe shoes, right?”  
I nodded.  “Yes I do,” lifting up the small sack I carried. It was the last thing that I had from my father. He had bought them for me when I was a little girl, saying he would make sure I was trained by the best teachers, and he kept his word. I started taking lessons right away. My eyes gleamed at the thought of my recently passed father and tried to blink the tears away when Jennie turned to me again. 
“Why don’t you get changed into this then and we will go see monsieur Hoseok before lunch?”
I nodded and waited for her to shut the door to quickly get changed. I found the silk ribbon in my sack and tied back my hair as I made my way to Jennie who was conversing with one of the stage hands while waiting for me.  
“____-ssi, this is Jeon Jungkookie,” Jennie introduced me to the cute boy.  Another glance in his direction showed me he was more like a boy-man. His face was so sweet, but he had the build of someone that always had to work. 
“Nice to meet you,” I smiled in greeting with a small bow.  
“She’s my Unnie so you better be nice and watch out for her Kookie,” the girl glared at the boy.  
Jungkook looked offended. “As if I never look out for you Jennie –noona,” he guffawed.  
“I’m watching you,” she challenged with a finger pointed to his chest.  
Jungkook turned to me and bowed to 90 degrees. “It’s nice to meet you ____ -noona.”  
I nodded and thanked him bowing my head a little. “The pleasure is mine. Jennie mentioned we would be late for lunch. I hope to see you around,” I smiled kindly.  
Jennie then took my hand and we made our way to the kitchen. Where we bumped into other chorus girls. Jisoo, Rose, and Lisa. I learned that I was the same age and the unnie of the other girls as well and they all were so glad to have me around.
Jennie mentioned again that we should go meet Hoseok and Jisoo said it’d be better for us to wait. “He isn’t very happy. No one told him that Minnie was dismissed last night,” she explained with a sad look in her eyes. 
He knew it was coming of course. He just didn’t think they would turn it around so quickly.  
I gulped in nervousness. Maybe he would purposely try decide to hate me and make this next year torture for me? We ate lunch quickly and then made our way out to the stage again to find monsieur Hoseok and maestro Namjoon as they were discussing the upcoming production.  
When we came out to the stage again. Everyone was present. Even Francesca had risen from her bed. Jisoo and Lisa pointed out that she only ever came out from her quarters when someone important was coming to visit. And someone important must have been coming today. For the diva was dressed to the nines. Her costume molded to her form, her make-up was well done, and her hair was perfectly in place.  
As Francesca was warming up with maestro Namjoon, I timidly made my way over to Monsiuer Hoseok to introduce myself with Jennie at my side.  
“You must be the new girl,” he smiled warmly at me.  
I nodded, bowed low and introduced myself.  
“Such a cute thing,” he mumbled mostly under his breath I wasn’t sure that I really heard it. “I have been informed that we will be training you for the coming year. Please know that I am strict. And I will not tolerate any loose behavior. We can’t replace you as easily, or so I’m told.”
I nodded and promised that I would abide by his rules.  
Hoseok seemed satisfied with my answer and asked me to join the rest of the girls to warm up and asked Jennie that she show me how things are done around here.  
Once we warmed up, we started the dance for the upcoming production. And Francesca began her rehearsals for her aria. I suddenly understood why Jin and Yoongi were so desperate for me to stay on with the promise of the future.  
While Francesca wasn’t necessarily a bad singer. She was technically very good. She had good control and her voice could carry. But the quality. The quality was lacking. Her voice was grating on the ears so much so that even some of the maids stuffed their ears with cotton so as to lessen the assault on their ears that her voice inflicted.  
“I wonder how long it will take for him to notice her.” Jin hummed while watching from stage right while us chorus girls were at practice. I was in the back with Jennie learning the dance and doing my best to keep up trying to not let the voices of the managers distract me.  
“The opera ghost?” Yoongi questioned softly. As though just saying the words would make him appear.  This made my ears prick up I’d always had an “unhealthy interest” in the macabre as my aunt once put it to our priest. 
Jungkook, as though on cue, came down from the catwalk with a sealed envelope. “Here please Sir’s. It is addressed to you,” Jungkook bowed and stepped away once Yoongi took the letter.  
“It seems our resident genius may already be aware,” he gave Jin a meaningful look before bringing his attention back to the crisp stationary. Yoongi broke the seal on the letter and read it quietly to himself.  
Francesca at Jungkook’s interruption and the mention of the note waited with bated breath for Yoongi to finish reading. “What does he have to say, my manager?”
Yoongi looked over at the diva almost rolling his eyes. “He is pleased with the newest addition to our chorus. And some other administrative concerns.” He answered handing off the letter to his partner Jin who now took the letter to pour over the words.  
“How could he possibly know of the new patron?!” Jin practically screeched.  
Yoongi shared a dark glance with the man with an insincere smile. “Someone likes to talk. Loud.”  
Murmurs seemed to spread through the crowd. Yoongi turned to address us, the ensemble. “Yes. We have a new patron. It is Vicomte de Chagny, Park Jimin.”  
There were audible gasps of excitement in the crowd. “He is coming to visit today actually,” Jin tacked on after.  
“Ah, I see you’ve made the announcement,” Jimin said as he entered from stage left causing some in the crowd to cheer and applaud. I gasped not believing the sight before my eyes.   
“Do you know him Unnie?” Rose queried.  
I nodded. “We grew up together. He was like my little brother. I haven’t seen him since my parents died and I had to go live with my aunt. That was so long ago almost 10 years now.”  
Jimin stood among the other men smiling and conversing while we all talked excitedly amongst ourselves. Jimin then announced he wouldn’t hold us up and said he would be with us on opening night for the new production next week.  
I stood up taller hoping Jimin would notice me. And visibly deflated when he walked past without a second glance.  
“He didn’t see you,” Jisoo tried to reassure me. I nodded and brought my attention to Hoseok when he tried to bring us back to order. The rest of the day was a blur. So much so that I asked Jennie to show me where the chapel was. I needed a moment to breathe before bed. And I needed to pray.  
While I sat in the small room. I did not know there were dark piercing eyes watching me closely. I said a quick prayer and asked God to please continue watching over me. As I sat praying. I faintly heard the most beautiful voice.  
I reveled in its sound and even joined in singing along to the hymn.  
I was sure it was someone far off singing loudly so they couldn’t possibly hear me, I assured myself. I slowly became quiet again as a yawn forced its way from my lips.  
“Good night angel,” I called out before making my way up to the chambers. I changed into a simple shift and climbed into bed beside Jennie and promptly fell asleep once my head hit the down pillow.  
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Is it possible for us to know what requests are currently on your writing lists??
Sure! These are mostly badly paraphrased to keep them short and simple on our list but here they are:
An ITZY drabble about how they each meet their girlfriend
Vampire G(idle)
Sistar as your girlfriend
Loona dates at home
Red Velvet soulmate headcanon
DreamCatcher and how they flirt
First time saying I love you to Bulldok
Yvesvi breaking curse
Mafia Momo and schoolgirl Mina
Viseul distopia au
Fake Texts/Snaps:
JiU learns gf was kicked out of class fake text
EXID conspiracy theory fake texts
g idle reaction to having to take care of their gf
Yandere Mafia!Loona Unnie line reaction where they find fem!reader after she runs away
Cherry Bullet's reaction on playing pocky game with their s/o
snsd reaction to their gf wanting them to dominate her
Loona reaction where they get a cute new manager and they fall for them
Twice reaction to their s.o overworking themselves
mafia-exid au reacting to their s/o being afraid of them after they tell them
jealous exid reaction
RV reacts to their idol best friend being outed for their sexuality
RV reaction of their bf suddenly hugging them and cries on their shoulder
werewolf!f(x) reaction about being protective over their mate
Loona reaction for a soccer player!au where them and their gf are on different teams and one day they have a match against each other
Twice reaction to hear for the first time a their s.o curse
EXID's reaction to their S/O quietly serenading them while being intimate
Cherry Bullet's reaction to the reader confessing shyly with a letter
Solbin has feeling for manager (reader) but wont admit
Vampire Irene and new vampire reader
Wendy hogwarts!au divination tea leaf reading
Exy and reader (Besties) like the same guy and let it get between their friendship
Taeyeon soulmate au. Soulmates coordinates appear on your skin
Irene romeo&juliet style gang au. Reader falls in love with rival gang member
Sowon is the leader of a gang and her girlfriend is kidnapped
Wendy comes out to the media with girlfriend
Idol!fem!reader x Momo appear on running man
"I would do anything to see you smile" Moonbyul Fluff
Doyeon angst then fluff
Solji meets reader in hospital
Rena and werewolf reader
Vampire!Irene and vampire!reader who lost memory
Reader and members plan surprise for Rose
Jennie Werewolf au
Hyolyn goddess of summer au
Twice Mina and reader who won date
WJSN Bona sees reader in crowd
Poly Rena and Roa comfort
Yeoreum gets bullied at high school au
Rose and members record reader after surgery
Twice Mina watches manager's daughter
Jisoo x reader speaking in Spanish
Wendy amortentia au Twice teaching reader how to swim
Solji x Doctor reader
Mina and Tzuyu poly Triwizard Tournament relationship
Rose college au
Hani or Siyeon x slytherin reader
Soyeon and idol!reader on variety show
Sunmi Hello Councilor au
Seungyeon and fem!idol!reader do sexy dance
Reader comforts Sana
Olivia and idol!reader on variety show
Sana and reader manager secret relationship smut
Chaewon and reader beach date
Irene x bodyguard reader
Yeji laser tag scenario
Ryujin x female reader based on Wendy ost "Goodbye"
Lua born without a soulmate mark au
gamer!au Yoohyeon and/or Siyeon where they meet the reader at a game tournament
Brown Eyed Girls Gain street racing au
Eunbi x fem reader "Secret Love Song"
Sunmi and readers date ruined
Hades!Taeyeon and Persephone!Fem!Reader
Reader protects Krystal from saesang
Nayeon and idol!reader fight and make up
Chaeryeong and idol!reader on variety show together
Yeoreum and reader get married
IZ*ONE Yuri friends with benefits angst and fluff
Sana and crush have to share a bed
Seulgi x reader who is Irene's sister
chaeyoung sana or Mina based on their song ‘three times a day’
Countryside!Irene x Siren!reader
Jeongyeon roadtrip au
Son Chaeyoung scenario where her s.o is serenading her with the Jonas Brothers song "Sucker"
Irene and fem!reader secret relationship
Amber Liu x actress! Reader
marchingband!reader and cheerleader Jeonghwa
Heejin tries belly dancing
Jisun “You’ve always felt like home” and “Don’t lie to me”
Scary but soft LE highschool au
Yuqi and magician reader
Solji sugarmommy!Au
Olivia Hye/Hyejoo highschool au
Poly and fluffy Siyeon and Sua x reader
Chungha and idol!reader variety show
LE daily vlog au
Chungha produce101 era scenario
Sunmi and reader breakup, get back together
Mina x reader who "hates kids" but really doesn't
Nayeon x reader who gets happy over Chaeyoung's card
Poly Bona and Chungha
Chungha and childhood friend reunite
Bona x manager reader
Hyunjin and reader with thirdwheel Heejin
Kim Lip enemies to lovers
Short reader and tall Roa 
Krystal x fem!reader "I ship it""Oh, we're actually together"
Detective!Irene AU
Krystal and reader meet child's s/o for the first time
6th member reader comes out to red velvet
Heejin pokemon trainer au
Sana x reader who is framed for a crime
Sooyoung meets reader in foreign country
Chungha royalty au
Olivia Hye x Vampire Hunter reader
Group finds out that Choerry and reader are dating
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Love letter from yandere jisoo
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My muse,
I must start this letter by saying how disappointed and angry with you I am (Y/N). I thought you finally understood that you belonged to me, that you belonged by my side and that nothing and no one could ever separate us but I suppose I was wrong. Why did you try to run away, honestly? Did I not treat you right? Didn't I take care of you? I gave you everything you wanted and I loved you more than I could ever imagine. Then again, why?
I took care of you and loved you in a way that no one else could, I am everything you need to live just like you are what I need to live. We must never part, can't you see it? We are meant to be together. And we will be.
I'm willing to forgive and forget this little one... Slide of yours, but only on one condition. When you receive this letter I will not be at home as I have business to attend to, but when I return I want you to be a good girl/boy, obedient and submissive. I want you to do everything I say without protest, do you understand? I will not physically punish you if you are obedient.
So, my beautiful and precious muse, will you be obedient and submissive to your master? Huh? You know how I am, I promise you'll really like what I'm going to do with you. Because you won't feel anything but the purest pleasure.
With love,
Kim Jisoo.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
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coming soon...
🖤 5th Member | (Poly!OT4)
🖤 Make Me Yours | Yandere Jisoo
🖤 Drug | Yandere Jennie
Yandere Profile
🖤 Yandere BLACKPINK - Profile
🖤 Leave Me | Yandere Jennie
🖤 Letter | Yandere Jennie
🖤 Answer | Yandere Jennie
🖤 Coming to You | Yandere Jennie
Emoji Prompt
🖤 Yandere Rosé -  😈
🖤 Yandere Lisa - 💗 & 💓
🖤 Yandere Rosé - 💗, 🍁 & 😰
Love Letters
🖤 Yandere Jennie w/Male!Reader (Romantic)
🖤 Yandere Rosé (Romantic)
🖤 Yandere Jisoo (Romantic)
🖤 Yandere Lisa (Romantic)
🖤 Yandere BLACKPINK w/Male!Reader (Romantic)
coming soon...
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