#yandere gd
angelic-yandere-doll · 2 months
Random danganronpa boys when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 2)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore, swearing
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: did the girls, now doing the boys
Characters: byakuya togami, mondo owada, kiyotaka ishimaru, nagito komaeda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, kaito momota, kokichi oma
♡ byakuya togami ♡
offended >:0 how dare someone hurt his darling?
thinks about hiring a hitman, or better, paying a gang to torture that person for days on end. he can get anything done with his money. would rather not get his own hands(too) dirty, it might cause him problems
people might suspect him at first. he'll just make something up. if they still suspect him, he gets some people(toko and makoto) to stand up for him to make his alibi believable. gets y/n to do it too(lol)
not very good at comfort. good at buying y/n things(he’s a rich boy). will buy them clothes, jewelry, chocolate. if y/n wants a hug, he’ll be hesitant, but will give in eventually(it’s not that he doesn’t want to, intimacy is strange to him). uses his free hand to cover the blush on his face ‘cause he’s flustered
“sigh… ok, calm down already. listen. they’re the foolish one, not you. they were dumb enough to think they could hurt you without a punishment. understand? good.”
♡ mondo owada ♡
mad. no. more than mad. he’s furious
hits that person in the face, making their nose bleed(in front of everybody). doesn’t want to kill them at that moment, would rather keep that impulse on hold(as much as he can) until he gets the person to a secluded area. kills them instantly, not(necessarily) the sadistic type to want to take long to see the person’s pain
knows at least enough on how to hide the murder. tries his best to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. if he’s confronted by others, he can get nervous, which can cause him to say some things he shouldn’t say. but his bro(taka) will defend him at all costs, not having a single clue of what he did
gives y/n a hug, brings them to places on his motorcycle, letting them wear his jacket. probably lets them sleep on top of him(he’ll be blushing like mad)
“it’s okay, y/n. fuck them. they’re just a fuckin’ asshole. making you feel that way and all. it ain’t your fault. they’re gonna regret ever doing that! they will.”
♡ kiyotaka ishimaru ♡
what? how could they do that? and to his darling y/n?
more of the type to scold the person if they did something else but this… this crosses the line for him. hurting y/n and not getting in trouble? not on his watch. kills the person even if it goes against what he stands for. someone hurts y/n, they get the worst coming to them
almost nobody would suspect him. he just seems like the type who wouldn’t kill. he just keeps on his day to day life doing his job(and his other job, which is taking care of y/n)
doesn’t let anyone near y/n(except mondo and chihiro), studies with y/n and teaches them about important topics to keep their mind off the pain, brings them food and water, doesn’t let them go anywhere without him. he just wants y/n to be safe and happy
“y/n, please, you have to understand. you’re better than them! they don’t understand! if they did, they wouldn’t have hurt you. and they really shouldn’t have.”
♡ nagito komaeda ♡
surprised. asks himself how someone could hurt his darling. disgust towards the person who hurt y/n
asks hajime to watch over y/n while he’s away, doing what he must do. he considers the person hopeless since they ended up dying at the ultimate hope’s hands. they’re just a talentess scum to him. he has always saw himself as trash, but that person is much more trash to him than he ever thought of himself to be
people have always seen him as quite a strange young man. suspicious, but maybe not enough to suspect him of murder. he’s just… strange to them. he can keep rambling on about how he loves hope and nobody would see anything different(not realizing the hope he talks about is his beloved y/n)
gives y/n anything they want(as long as he can do it). y/n wants a hug? has his arms open. y/n wants a kiss? he puckers up. y/n wants him to sleep with them? already laying on the bed. his darling is his only hope. he needs to protect them
“i know trash like me can’t tell you how much you matter, but, from the bottom of my heart, you’re the most beautiful, most precious thing in the world. and i would never change you for anyone else. never.”
♡ fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
angry. ready to kill the person. asks y/n for some details
brings peko along to murder the person. plans to make it agonizing for the person. no mercy. just despair. they will feel the wrath of the ultimate yakuza. that’s what they get for messing with y/n
people are afraid to interrogate him and his ‘tool’. they know it’ll get nasty if they try to fight against the ultimate yakuza and the ultimate swordswoman. they know he won’t hesitate to plan a murder or ambush against them
buys y/n sweets, holds y/n’s hand, doesn’t let them leave to go anywhere. if they want something, they can just ask him. he doesn’t want them to get hurt again
“that motherfucker… they don’t deserve any shit. they don’t deserve any fuckin’ breath of life. i’m gonna fuck them up real bad!”
♡ kaito momota ♡
shocked and full of rage. how could they hurt his shining star y/n?
walks up to that person and hits them with his fist. hits them even more. ends up with the person bleeding and having a broken bone. they might end up dying. if they don’t, he’ll use something else to end them. he doesn’t want them around y/n anymore for what they did
nobody considers him to be suspicious. just an eccentric, hyperactive, space loving guy who has a big heart. but his classmates don’t even realize his big heart is only for y/n. he would do anything for them. anything. as the luminary of the stars, it’s his duty to protect his darling
cuddles with y/n, gives them forehead kisses, brings y/n outside to watch the night sky as he teaches them about constellations
“damn y/n, i just can’t believe they would do that! and to my shining star! but don’t worry! from now on, i won’t let it happen again. i promise! nobody should ever hurt you… nobody.”
♡ kokichi oma ♡
oh he’s really mad. but he won’t show it, he’ll play it off like it’s nothing
very sneaky when it comes to killing the person. he may make somebody else do it for him if he feels that would be the best course of action. but he might want to do it himself. he wants to see the pain in that person’s eyes as he tortures them
people will suspect him. after all, he’s known for lying. but he knows what to say, how to play with people’s minds, how to make them believe him. he can also blame it on somebody else and make it seem like it was them, not him. there may be people who still suspect him but are kind of afraid to accuse him. they don’t know what else he’s capable of other than lying
tries to make y/n laugh, brings them their favorite snacks, trash talks the person, lets them hug him if they need it(but also because he wants to be held by y/n)
“hey, cheer up! they’re soooo stupid to think they could get away with making you feel upset. they must be the dumbest person on the planet to even think of doing that. they must be…since they died so easily.”
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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devourable · 4 months
i want some love for the girls. can we pls get nsfw or kink hcs for valentina, i need her to step on me pls - 🍭 anon
we’re gonna act like i didn’t go awol for no reason again 🫶 valenteeny kink post bc abes was fun to do
cw sadism and intoxication (with a lil bit of dubcon as a treat)
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• dacryphilia
tina loves it when you cry. whether it be from fear, pain, or sheer overstimulation, she thinks its hot when she gets you so worked up that you start crying for her. sometimes she likes to mess with you by seeing how quickly she can make you tear up without even touching you — usually by overstimulating you so much and so fast that it damn near hurts. she’ll always wipe your cheeks and kiss the tears away after, of course, but she relishes in every second of it
• impact play
valentina doesn't like hurting you for the most part. but sometimes the idea of you being covered in bruises and welts left by her really gets her going and she can't help herself. it turns her on endlessly watching you try to hold it together after she hits you — and when you have to go out the next day with a particularly nasty mark that you can’t cover up, it gives her a sense of ownership over you. watching you try to explain it away to others without embarrassing yourself is fun too
• voyeurism
you definitely have to get used to the feeling of eyes on you whenever you change or shower. it’s like valentina has a secret sense that lets her know whenever you’re in a state of undress somewhere, because chances are whenever you turn to the door to leave after, you’ll find her shamelessly staring at you like you’re on display for her. something about you being unaware of her prying eyes (or being well aware of her presence and not stopping her) gets her off
• exhibitionism(?)/humiliation
another favorite activity of valentina’s is stuffing you with whatever toy she has on hand and making you go out with her. if she’s feeling especially mean, she’ll force you to do most of the talking — making you order for the both of you, having you talk to any friends you meet while out, or just walking you around in public like a trophy while you squirm and hope to god that no one knows what’s going on. god bless you if she chooses something that vibrates, too, because she’ll turn the power to the highest setting at the worst moment just to see if you’ll crack
• intox play?
technically not a kink, it’s less sexual and more of a power thing — but tina likes it when you get drunk or high around her, especially if you’re a lightweight. it means she gets to hold you down and watch you writhe under her, too out of it to object or try to push her off. it’s just so cute! she generally won’t make a move on you when you’re in this state, but if you make a move on her, then she’s more than happy to give you exactly what you want. it’s always so fun to tease you about it the next day, when you can’t remember a thing.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
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Hi coming in with another silly idea Imagine that the Player is in early Nevada, and around the time Nexus is supposed to fall they fall into a type of coma. Jeb goes through with his plan (painfully without the player by his side), Hofnarr turns into Tricky with his last thoughts begging for the Player to come back. Phobos' fight being much more easy due to the fact he thinks his god abandoned him. Then the Player comes back like "hey sorry about that" and Jeb starts wailing while Tricky goes YIPPEE and runs around them like an excited dog.
Why is everything you draw so cute omg 😭, everyone is so adorable here. It's honestly a little weird to see the Employers look so huggable, I love it.
To actually get into the scenario though, my thoughts on this are far too long to make it into a normal ask response, so you're getting some sort of unofficial hcs instead lol. Enjoy!
<The Player Falls into a Coma before the Fall> ft. Jebus, Hofnarr/Tricky, the Employers & Phobos
(TW: Yandere)
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There was no warning for your sudden coma whatsoever. At most, you felt a tad more exhausted than usual at the end of the day, but this can be attributed to many different things, so of course you wouldn't worry about it. Neither would anyone else either, for that matter.
You had absolutely no idea that when you slowly fell asleep that night, you wouldn't be waking up again for a very long time.
It certainly wouldn’t take long for those you know to find out about your condition either. For one, Hofnarr and Jeb would want to recap their plan with you before going through with it, so naturally they stopped by for that. However, they find you unconscious and completely unresponsive to their every attempt to wake you. To make matters worse, there isn't a sign that you'd been awake at all in the past few days; the buildup of dust on your furniture and the letters in your mailbox shows as much.
Despite their worry, they’d eventually have to leave your side, if only to get more medical supplies and other things to help you. This opens up a window for the others in your life to finally take action, those being the Employers.
The shadowy figures had been keeping tabs on you all the time, so when you just didn't wake up, they would probably be the first to know - even if their actions came second to the Nexus Scientist's.
(You didn’t send the Deliberator a “good morning” text and he started panicking. What could possibly be so bad that you didn't speak to him? A cursory call to the worried AAHW agents the Auditor had sent to tail you was proof enough that you'd deviated from your usual schedule, and you weren't the type to ever be late.)
They were quick to take you from your home and to a more secret place, so that they could keep close observation over you.
Honestly, despite how much the Employers might brag about knowing you better than anyone else (a privilege they gained from being the first to realize your existence), they truly know little about your anatomy. However, they can tell that sleeping for full days isn't normal at all, judging by your previous behavior.
They're also far too stubborn to ask any other mortals for help as well, so they simply resigned to try to help you themselves while keeping you safe with them. They couldn't do much else, so hopefully you'd understand that once you awoke in a strange place.
Nevada rots without your guidance and the grunts you were close to were left reeling by this (unintentional) abandonment you committed.
Phobos loses much of his drive due to his own emotional frailty as he grappled with his uncharacteristic self-doubt and questioning. As it happens, this also makes him more zealous as well. In his last moments, he has a second wind, believing that if he just fights hard enough, you might decide to come back and help him in his battle against Christoff. (But you don't. You couldn't.)
Jebus' feelings are surprisingly parallel to the Director's in terms of worship and near zealotry. Except, he believes it might be his fault that you left, which only increases the fervor he has to complete his plans. It will be painful without you there, but this agony is his repentance for the sins which he has wronged you with. It is only through this that he believes you might show your presence once more, even if it’s not now.
Unfortunately, Hofnarr's transformation into Tricky was just as painful as it would be otherwise, and the pain of abandonment just makes it worse. Funny, how the pictures taken of you with him and Christoff were miraculously unscathed within Hofnarr's lab even after Tricky came to be. The zombified clown must have found some value in them, even if he couldn’t remember the complete reason why he felt so warm when he looked at them.
Of course, you did actually awaken eventually. You had no idea how much time had passed when you woke up, so seeing the Employers look so uncharacteristically worried when you woke up was really odd. You honestly think they’d be weepy if they had the ability to cry.
You really didn’t know how to react to the news that you’d essentially been in a coma for thirty years. Your first course of action is to find Jeb and Tricky to find out what actually happened since you feared your early appearance might’ve had an impact on the timeline regarding Nevada’s fall. This leads to very different reactions.
Jeb isn't one to typically show much vulnerability, but seeing you again completely shatters those walls he's kept up for so long. At first, he thinks you're just a hallucination; the culmination of all the longing he has for you finally taking its toll on his broken mind as almost a cruel joke. 
The first words he speaks to you after thirty years is a short, "You're not real", said as more of an insistence to himself than anything. But when he comes closer and you don’t disappear, and he reaches out a trembling hand to rest lightly on your shoulder, and you stay, he just breaks. The warmth of your form washes over him like it used to, and suddenly he feels an uncomfortable tightness well up in his throat as tears gather in his eyes.
You reach up to hold his taller form closer to you, sinking to the ground with him as he buries his face into your neck and sobs. His hold on you is soft, and his hands are still shaky; he's holding you like he's scared of shattering you, and he only gets weaker when you whisper soothing words and apologies to him.
Compared to Jebus, your meeting with Tricky was a lot more upbeat. It’s probably because he was spared much of the reflection and sorrow that Jeb went through due to his rather unstable mental state, but that didn’t stop him from somehow recognizing you. It’s almost like a switch flipped in his mind, and he went from violently slamming his sign into some poor grunt's face to freezing at the sight of your face.
He then tosses the sign away and almost launches himself at you to envelop you in a tight bear hug, screaming excitedly while you grin back rather tiredly. (You hope your eardrums will be okay after this.) But in the next second, he's whirling away from you, flailing his hands as he continues to talk.
It’s like being greeted by your dog after being away for months; he never stops moving or asking hurried questions about where you’ve been, intermittent with little words about how much he’s missed you.
Both Jeb and Tricky are very clingy after this. Even if they don't get along now, they're not willing to let you leave their sides after this, especially not when you go to sleep. (What if you fall into a coma again? Someone has to be there to take care of you.)
Deep down, they also have a striking suspicion that someone was behind your coma. They didn't know who exactly, but there was no other explanation to them than this. How else would you, Nevada's most powerful being, fall into such a state?
(In the near future, when you come across Hank and the others, let's just say that your scientists won't be deterred from leaving your side quite so easily. You'd been gone for thirty years, so you should only expect their companionship to remain more permanent for the coming years.)
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currently sick and just imagining Fu taking care of his human darling. like imagine one day he notices that you aren’t as active as usual (you’re only really getting up for the essentials, bathroom and food/water) and while you’re in your bed napping, he decides to do something that he’s heard that humans usually do to see if someone isn’t feeling well or not, he feels your forehead and you’re dangerously hot. so being who he is he has Sylvia help kidnap call the doctor to your shared home, in hopes he can treat you. when he does get there, he springs to work for both of yours sake, taking your temperature, feeding you meds, making sure you’re hydrated enough… because it won’t end well for the both of you, if you end up dying. somehow Sylvia has been keeping Fu in check but hell will break loose if the worst does end up happening, Fu and his buddies go on a rampage in your honour. when you do end up getting better (after a few days of nonstop feeling crummy) the first thing you do is thank that poor doctor who’s had a threat on their life hanging above them as they helped you get better and thank Sylvia for somehow keeping Fu under control while you’ve been under the weather
Fu just thinks they're hungover or in a shitty mood at first, but then he learns Darling's sick and is like "...just get better tho. Stop being sick"
When he learns humans can't do that he gets annoyed ("Fuck, you guys really are weak and pathetic.") And he's lowkey concerned until he nabs a doctor to explain what's wrong with his human and hears it's something minor. If it's dire, he's MUCH more stressed and pissed until they pull through.
Even if it's something minor, he's annoyed and more irritable until they're better. And he's also looking into finding a doctor to "fix" Darling so they don't ever do this again. It's more boring and irritating when he can't do whatever he wants with them, you know. Like...yeah, he CAN take you places and do shit, but you're in such a bad mood and always bitching about "I need to rest," "I have a fever," "I'm gonna vomit again"...fuck that, you're not getting sick anymore.
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fuwabloom · 9 months
I think I'll stick with the black and white variants of the yansim uniform? So there will be six uniform sets (it's a prestigious school and in a romanticized school setting, so I'm handwaving realism in favor of entertainment) and three colors dictating the years.
White - 1st Year
Blue - 2nd Year
Red - 3rd Year
Student Council will have red/white uniforms regardless of year.
Each year has two sets of uniform - Summer and Winter. Some variations of the uniform are allowed as creativity is encouraged, not dismissed. Thinking outside the box is highly desirable, so things like accessories and hair colors/styles are permitted. It is in the current year of 202X that the artsy side is in full swing, overtaking the academic and sports achievements of prior years.
Because the arts are winning achievements left and right, their budget has grown immensely, and therefore, the funds have been allocated to encouraging/supporting artistic minds. This is why so many students have bright hair colors, contrasting prior years where they were muted and uniformed.
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xjordxyx · 10 hours
Missed opportunity
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sugoi-and-spice · 1 year
Do you have any bnha fic recs? Btw im such a sucker for ur bully dabi fic…. Hes so hawt
Thank you so much, I'm really glad you're enjoying it!! And oooooh, ok, this is fun lemme think.
Let's start with some Dabi fics.
I am absolutely obsessed with the Us series by @nohoney these days. All of their work is amazing, but this Dabi x Reader x Hawks series especially is just such a poignant, compelling, and (at time frighteningly) accurate representation of toxic relationships, depression, and drug use.
Loveless by Clashgirl07 is an amazing slow-burn with a really exciting and well-plotted AUish adventure. It still takes place in the hero world, but with a completely alternate story and timeline - SUPER fun! I can't even believe how talented this writer is for how young they are and I'm really excited to see what else they put out in the future.
oh you pretty thing and a bad day by an Anonymous writer who I would literally DIE to read more work by are so gd good. Very sexy and compelling mean Dabi x Reader x Shigaraki dubcon/noncon.
And now for fics and authors that are not Dabi-centric, but that I can never NOT recommend.
@shig-a-shig-ah has a really lovely Dabi one-shot, Full Circle. But the majority of their content is Shigaraki-centric and HOLY SHIT are they just a master at it. Addicted to Bad Ideas (In-Progress) and Paper Skin (Complete) are absolute masterpieces, and I'm also a particular fan of their one-shots Tutelage and Assistance - two noncon voyeur fics guest-starring All for One and Redestro respectively.
@nonobadcat also writes a lot of amazing villain content - including multi-chapter fics for underwritten characters like Mr. Compress and All for One. Their Shigaraki long fic A Taste of Your Own Venom is so well-plotted and has such an interesting MC, and it's currently left off in a really satisfying place. ^_^ A Blistering Affection is some A+ yandere Chisaki too.
GRIEFING by rotworld is the quintessential Shigaraki fic. It hasn't been updated since 2020, but I think it leaves off in a decently satisfying place and is always worth a reread imo.
[[save scum]] by @feral-creep is another masterpiece (damn, all you Shiggy stans are so talented xD). Super unique concept, great MC, and the beginnings of some sweet Dabi/Reader/Shigaraki action.
The Danger Next Door by @ratmonky is freaking chilling. AU Stalker!Shigaraki where they actually still have quirks! I'm not sure if they're planning on finishing this, but god, it's so compelling and creepy that I think it's definitely worth a read regardless.
That's what I got for now! There are so many stupidly talented writers in this fandom, particularly in our lovely little villain corner so this list is definitely not exhaustive, but I hope this gives you some fun new reads in the meantime!
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uwukillmenowowo · 1 year
Welcome to my Paradise~! [Requests are Open!]
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Hello~! My name is Kumon but feel free to call me Kumo or K.
My pronouns are She/Her + They/Them I do drawings, stories, and X Reader requests [Mostly Drawings lol]
Others if requested~
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Rules/Information on this blog:
I Will write/Draw for✔️
Anything SFW
Male/Female/Gendernutral [Mc]
I WILL NOT write for❌
Blood/Gore [Depending in the request]
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Wattpad Account: Kumon
Quotev Account: Kumon
Instagram Account: thatartist_Kumon
Twitter/X Account: Kumon_Tracer
Discord: Discord
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Below here are fandoms that I will be willing to write/draw for :D
[Warning: It will be a long list ._.]
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Disney Twisted Wonderland
Tokyo Debunker
Ensemble Stars Music
Cookie Run Kingdom
No Straight Roads
Hollow Knight
Just Shapes and Beats
Undertale and Au's
Little Nightmares/2/Very Little Nightmares
Friday Night Funkin' and mods
Soul Knight [Characters will be based on my OC’s]
Yandere Simulator
Obey Me: One Master To Rule Them All
Danganronpa THH/DR2:GD/DR:KH
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Just Shapes and Beats
Hatsune Miku: CS
Poppy Playtime-
Pokemon [Any game]
TLOZ and others
Andy's Apple Farm
Land of the Lustrous
Puella Magi: Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica: Rebellion
Death Parade
Spy X Family
The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
To Your Eternity
No Game No Life
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kimetsu No Yaiba
Vampire Knight
Magical Girl Site
The Devil is a Part-Timer
Assassination Classroom
Hunter X Hunter
Black Butler
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Attack On Titan
My Hero Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
One Punch Man
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Death Note
Oshi No Ko
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm No tthe Demon Lord
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Revenge Of The Iron Blooded Sowrd Hound
I'm the Grim Reaper
Return of The 8th Class Mage
The max-level player's 100th regression
     [T.V Series]
Yokai Watch
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Beyblade Metal Fusion
Lego Legends of Chima
Lego Ninjago
South park
Lego Nexo Knights
Dream SMP
Disney movies??
Splatoon [Coroika]
The Amazing Digital Circus
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 7 months
(OC Universe questions)
4, 12, 23, 24
4.) what would you say is the message, if there is one.
frankly there is a significant overlap between CW and GD's messages. let's go down the list
trapping someone in a miserable place only continues the cycles of abuse and pain.
the bad things that happened to you really were that bad. you're not crazy. you're right to be angry. those grownups did fail you.
you can't fix someone. you can only love them.
dying for love usually just looks a whole lot like regular dying
you deserved better than you got; someone's gotta say it sometime cuz it's true. people should have told you you were awesome instead of taking advantage of you.
living your whole life assuming you'll die young makes it incredibly scary to acknowledge the fact that youll keep living, but you have to rise up to it. and you wont rise up alone
one day the sadness will end.
12.) okay be honest. pick a favorite oc from this ocverse.
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i do the most with sicely but i gotta be honest. miss hero complex is the number one in my heart
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
Sicely - CRANKY. spicy latina trope. verbally berating and doesn't actually like any of their friends.
Anthea - i think a lot of people would go some flavor of yandere-lite with anthea and really play up her sweet-but-murdersome angle rather than acknowledge she has very good reasons to be mad
Ari - she'd become the serious nerd who puts up with everyones shenanigans (Rose and Kanaya syndrome). shipped with lucerne only in a token gesture in the bg of opaljiro fics
Lucerne - who
Opal - the fandom darling, he is mischaracterized in ways you didnt even think god could invent. sweet idiot babbu who doesnt know what hes doing or the harm hes causing! no matter what happens people still ship him rosy-style with sicely. opalsicely is like kris x berdly but stupider and way more unhealthy
Jiro - opals boyfriend. his status as this is the primary bastion against opalsicely shippers
Araceli - irredeemable bitch of a woman who is morally worse than the men murdering children bc she doesnt react rationally to the fact that shes trapped in an apocalyptic time loop
Midas - i think a lot of people would, upon knowing midas' true colors, forget that he's a very charismatic and caring person. he'd be treated as a mastermind chessmaster manipulator who never really loved anyone, rather than a guy whose overabundance of emotional reactions causes him to act in manipulative and confining ways
Thomas - uke who has no agency, was forced into helping midas and is secretly really affectionate and sweet and moral deep down. "i can fix him"
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megchanowo · 2 years
Omg Meg I’ve missed you so much and I finally came back to the community after 3 months I think?? But anyways I wanted to request a yandere great day x reader but if not it’s totally fine <33
Hihi :] Ive missed you and everyone else as well! I’ve taken a little summer vacation since I just recently got my license and have been partying lol!
Anyway, ask and you shall receive!
(Also since I’m trying to tie the Yandere!GD x reader Stories)
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The sparkle in your eyes had been stolen long ago— perhaps a week after you had been yourself.
At your waist, your hands were buried in the soap water, washing away at a plate. Whilst in captivity, you opted to busy yourself with medial chores, almost like a housewife. Sure, Great never asked you as such but it was rather comforting feeling as if you had a part to play in his manor.
Unbeknownst to you, his golden eyes were stalking you from around the corner. There was a huge grin on his face. It wasn’t of malice or sadism— more of delight. He had practically had you figured out at this point, and he was glad to see that you were starting to feel a bit comfortable. When he first moved you into the manor, you wouldn’t dare touch any of his belongings, let alone leave your room.
He gave you a few more minutes to finish up your chore and finally stalked over. It didn’t startle you anymore, but it did surprise you this time, as it was a few days since he last initiated conversation with you.
“Hello, dearest,” he spoke with a low voice, “spare me your time for a moment.”
You nodded nonchalant, your heart dropping a bit while you tried to mask it. Deep inside, you felt the undeniable fear of him finally casting you away into the chasm just outside. But, your fear slowly died down as he led you through the opposite door to the chasm, and outside through an entrance you had never bothered to investigate before.
Through the door, was the first area of growth you had seen in the city. While it wasn’t big, it was still beautiful as it contrasted against the dark haze of the chasm below. You could still see the first layer of fog once looking over the fancy stone walls. There was small weeds and flowers popping from the soil below. It made you wonder what exactly caused this miracle of growth to happen.
Almost on cue, Great made his way beside your slanted figure over the waist-high stone wall. His voice was a deep rumble; “I had Emotionless run some experiments on this patch of land. It is actually pretty recent,” He snaked his grip around your hand, and you shivered at the cold leather of his glove whilst he continued speaking, “I hope you enjoy it, as I made it for you.”
It nearly felt like your heart was stuck in your throat. Such a grand gesture meant you were all the more indebted to him. The sting behind your eyes forced you to look ever further away from him.
It wasn’t long before he squeezed your hand, a way of asking for your response. You gulped, “It’s simply great, dear.” You spoke monotonous and forced the pet name through your lips.
He was well omniscient with your head, now. And seeing you try to call him a nickname put a smile to lips, and a gold-like dust over his defined face. Sure, he may be crazed for you but his wits were far beyond as to get angered by something you cannot control.
To him— it was important that you were trying.
Then, he took your face in one of his hands, and your eyes met his unmasked one. There was a glint in his eyes, and by now this meant he was nervous to tell you something.
Now, if you had admitted that to anyone, you would be deemed a fool. But the last couple months allowed you to see another side of him(which actually made him a little endearing to you…). The same affect happened when he told you he loved you for the first time.
You braced yourself— was it going to be that he was finally going to get rid of you? Or perhaps that he was going to use your face to make another mask of his?
During your mental rambling, he knelt down onto one of his long legs. By the time you had snapped out of your thoughts, time seemed to stop. You had never seen him below you before. Although his tall and broad stature didn’t make the present height difference all too much, you still felt comforted when he was on his knee.
The leader was quick to notice the soften in your stare. He used this opportunity to grasp your other smaller hand, and looked you sternly in the eyes as he spoke, “I’m sure you’ve expected this. I know you’re probably not one to rush into things like this, and I am prepared for you to answer.”
All of your questions were answered once he let go of both of your hands to pull out another mask from one of the inner pockets of his coat. This one seemed to be the other half of the one he always wore— while not the exact other half, it was tailored to fit you and still connect to its counterpart. You gaped at the sight.
“While this does mean you will be stuck with me, if you comply it will open you up to some new freedoms— as well as some responsibility.” You immediately translated what he was saying. This was a proposal.
You suppressed your face from contorting, feeling like the sky had fallen upon your shoulders, never to be lifted again and you would be damned for eternity to carry this new burden of becoming the leader’s wife. You felt tears began to roll down your face.
His hand, once again, lifted to comfort you. He knew that you wouldn’t take it all too well, and was ready to use some force against you if you tried to run again. He took a breath in as you pulled away from his hand, ready to sprint after you.
“I’m not going to run,” You stated flatly while drying your face, “I accept your proposal… but I will need time to adjust.”
“Time?” Great murmured under his breath, eyes quickly darting around your figure, “Dearest, time is something you will never be deprived of. You complying is the one thing that will make me happy— What ever you desire shall be brought to you.”
He soon gathered his composure again, save for his glossy eyes(which is a sight no one would ever dare to imagine.) He then scooped you up in his arms, almost enclosed within his coat. And for once you felt comfortable enough to sink into his grasp, without the pins of fear stabbing you in the chest.
Maybe it would work out, after all.
So about the Yandere!Great - From here on out there wont be as many violent interactions between great and the reader. There’ll be more angst but moving into fluff and stuff. This is kinda a miniseries that I’m willing to continue with your guys’ requests!
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Okay so, bc Yandere Reader/Character fics are soo gd Rare, yes even yan4yan stuff, imma toss an idea, at least, at cha.
So yan4yan Leo/Reader (R) where R is perfectly content playing the darling who can't do a damn thing for themselves bc it makes their pretty slider happy & keeps him theirs until they learn about what happened to Leo during the attempted Kraang invasion, specifically what happened in the Prison Dimension, & they do a complete 180 of sorts. R knows they can't subdue & entrap their perfect gorgeous slider by themselves, not while he still has access to his powers at least, so they start slowly manipulating his brothers into helping them when Leo's not around & clinging to the slider anytime he tries to go anywhere by himself, practically begging him to take someone with him. Until finally they manage to convince Donnie to make something to suppress Leo's powers & all three of them to go along w/ & allow whatever R does to Leo bc "I nearly lost him before I even knew him. I nearly never met the love of my life. Can you blame me for wanting to keep him close, at least until I process that, for the sake of soothing my frazzled nerves that are terrified that he's GONE!? That the love we've shared is nothing more than an iridescent pipe dream!? I just. I need to be sure he's safe & alive & here with me, at least until I've processed this. Please." And Leo doesn't know whether to be impressed, terrified, sad, or delighted at this development. He's just stuck in a blanket swaddle/burrito, R clinging to him like an octopus, unable to even reach at the power suppressor choker Donnie made & R forced onto him on his bed. He is definitely, at least, angry that their roles are reversed currently w/ him having to rely on R for everything tho, even if the doting is kinda nice.
Is this idea based entirely off the fact I feel that we Rarely if Ever use Leo's trauma from the movie in any Yandere content & I'm sad about that, yes, yes it is. Also ya ain't gotta do shit w/ this I'm just kinda screaming at the void through you rn. -O🌙
There's a perhaps odd reason why I don't really focus on Leo's trauma from the movie- it's because I see it so much in other writers' content to the point I focus on his other problems BEFORE the movie rather than the events of the film.
You're probably thinking: "Why Celina? It's such a major string of events and character development!"
It's true, that it's bad I'm disregarding such a big experience for Leo, but I also like to think of the other things more because I just think it's a waste people forget about it.
For example, remember Leo got super pissy while they tried to rescue Raph (like when he was in the driver's seat?) well for one thing he wanted to save Raph, and the sight before him of Raph's shell being cracked was another, but I personally think his lack of self-worth in terms of bringing his qualities to the table really drove his emotions.
Like- he felt he absolutely had to rescue Raph immediately because he's worried, and he would feel more useless not doing anything to save his brother.
But that's only my thought.
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angelic-yandere-doll · 6 months
Random danganronpa girls when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 1)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: i'm back, learned some stuff in writing, got into danganronpa, lets see how i do(here's the boy version)
Characters: kyoko kirigiri, celestia ludenberg, toko fukawa(genocide jack), mukuro ikusaba, junko enoshima, peko pekoyama, mikan tsumiki
♡ kyoko kirigiri ♡
calm and collected. already thinking of what to do with the person who hurt y/n
leaves y/n in makoto's care as she goes on to teach that fool a lesson
she's an expert. she already knows the best ways to cover up a murder without anyone finding out, knows the right thing to say to avoid suspicion
when she comes back, she takes y/n's hands in hers, rubbing circles on them with her thumbs, then looks at them in the eyes in awe
"it's alright, y/n. as long as you stay with me, you won't get hurt again. i promise."
♡ celestia ludenberg ♡
calm on the outside, raging on the inside(y/n can't even tell she's mad)
has her loyal servants(probably hifumi) kill that peasant for her, but if they don't get the job done right, she'll kill them and decide to finish the job herself
keeps up her persona, knows how to lie her way out of questions from people suspicious of her
sits y/n on her lap, holds them close, telling them soothing affirmations, lets them lay their head on her chest
"shh... it's going to be okay, my dear. i'll make sure that that low-rank is vanished... permanently."
♡ toko fukawa/genocide jack ♡
panicking. questions how she could have let this happen. mad at the person who hurt her darling
what should she do? should see just scare them off? or cut their tongue off? stab their heart and rip it out? slice their body into pieces?(jack agrees to all of the above >:)~)
puts y/n's comfort first, hugs them tightly, cries with them, reads them their favorite books
jack takes care of the murder, has lots of fun doing it in the name of her beloved y/n
toko: "d-don't listen to them, y/n! they're j-just the worst! t-they're going to pay! i'll make sure they do."
jack: "y/n, y/n. they're just a dumbass. a dumbass that needs their guts rearranged! kyehahahaha!"
♡ mukuro ikusaba ♡
already grabbing her weapon, ready to kill, already has tabs on the person
tells someone(junko) to distract y/n so she can go through with her murder plan
probably nobody suspects her or rather afraid to interrogate her since she's a despair sister. gets messy but knows how to clean it all up in all her years of training
tries her best to comfort y/n by giving them their favorite food/drink, rubbing their back, giving them compliments all out of adoration
"don't worry, y/n. i'll take care of every danger that comes your way. i assure you of that."
♡ junko enoshima ♡
uh, what? someone hurt her y/n? watch out, she's coming
plans on making that person's last moments as despair-inducing as possible. acts all casual while doing it. if someone hurts her y/n, they get a visit from the ultimate despair herself. don't they know she's the only one who can hurt y/n and not them?
everybody's too afraid of her, too afraid to confront her. i mean, she's the ultimate despair, she can cause as much pain and destruction as she wants. who wouldn't be afraid of her?
gives y/n the best day ever(with some despairing moments). buying them stuff, bringing them to their favorite places, smothers them with affection, holding their hand tightly so they don't leave
"aww, babe! i just had to bring you here! it makes you happier, doesn't it? [explosion heard from afar] hmm? oh, that sound? just a little something to cheer you up, no worries! hey, just... don't leave me again, okay? you know what happens when you do."
♡ peko pekoyama ♡
seeing red. will do whatever it takes to get back at the person
will make the person's death slow and painful, as they deserve. probably saves one of the person's eyeballs to give to y/n as a gift to prove her love
she's a swordswoman, she already knows the most efficient ways to kill someone, she's got it taken care of. fuyuhiko helps her with it because he's used to it by now
lets y/n hug her and cry on her shoulder while she pets their head, leaving light kisses on their forehead
"mm... cry it all out, it's okay. i'm here. i told you, i will always stay by your side. always."
♡ mikan tsumiki ♡
starts crying. can't handle the thought of her y/n being in pain
will give it everything she's got to show that person what happens when they mess with her darling. smiles as she does it, knowing it's all for her beloved. not giving the person a single peaceful moment
as a nurse, she knows what to use to kill a person instantly and painfully without making much of a mess. will lie to the others that the person had a fatal accident that had an inescapable death
gives y/n lots of care. won't even leave their side for a second. always checking up on them, asking if they're okay. hugging them, not letting go. brings them their items of comfort, makes them a warm drink of their choice
"i-i know it's a-a lot, but i-i just can't s-stand the thought of you feeling like this! i-it's bad for you! no one should make you feel like that!... no one."
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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soulforayandere · 1 year
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Been a hot minute, hasn't it? Well here is another bit of Br0ken Fantasy art! Made by the wonderful Ozaya.
Br0ken Fantasy is a modern fantasy AU of the Yandere Otome game "Br0ken Colors"
The girl is Vee, a goblin and a friend's OC for the AU. And DG here may look human, but is actually a Skyggen. Both of their info is under the cut! (it's long)
Name: Veezgier Morgannwg (More-gon-ew)
Race: Goblin
Age: 23
Height: 4'8"
Occupation: Retail worker
Veezgier was born to an average goblin family in a rather average goblin centric community. All and all, everything in her childhood was just…average. She wasn’t sure when it started, probably around teenhood, but she just felt restless. She did little things to act out, just to add something to her life. Boing by primarily Vee, she tried to separate herself from her siblings in any way she could. She took up smoking when still in school, slept around, got arrested a couple times- it was rather surprising to everyone she even bothered to finish school. No matter what happened, Vee still felt stuck.
After school she finally had the freedom to do something drastic, moving away. She printed out lists of “most exciting cities”, and tossed a dart. It actually took a couple darts, not sure if her method was really the best idea. Still, in the end she moved to Hueväri City on her own. The move wasn’t cheap, and neither was city living. It was probably one of the first times Vee was grateful for her upbringing and being a goblin. Living a frugal life came naturally, and her people could naturally safely eat food others might turn their noses up at. Hell, her father claims molded bread was a delicacy “in the home land”, wherever he thought that was.
Now she works at a small corner grocery store, the very definition of a dead end job. It’s been 4 years and she still felt something was missing. Like her life was a puzzle and someone forgot to put in a corner piece. Yeah it could be fine without it, but just felt wrong that it was missing. She’s tried dating, but it was hard to find a guy that was both cool with a goblin and had a stomach for the slasher movies she liked. It’s become her go to now, if a guy asks her out they go to the goriest movie she can find…none have passed.
The only thing that seemed to try and fill that missing space was the local delivery guy. DG was weird, and her useless coworkers have actually refused to get deliveries from him now, something about pulling a fake gun on them. Vee didn’t care, just meant she was the one who got to work all the delivery days. DG had this air about him, it was off, maybe a little dangerous, and Vee couldn’t help herself but laugh at his morbid jokes.
She tries to save money where she can. Thrifting most to all her clothes, buying food from the discount section, etc. But everyone has their vices, and hers are smokes and pizza. She knows if she quit smoking she’d have more money, and if she didn’t always get the large supreme pizza with extra toppings every weekend she’d have better food over the week. But fuck that! This is her life, and she was gonna enjoy the little things.
Goblin physiology allows them to eat expired or rotting foodstuffs and not get sick. Most don’t, saying the flavor alone isn’t worth it, but there are those out there who actually love the stuff.
Vee prefers to eat normal food when she can, being a bit self conscious about eating otherwise “bad” food.
Name: N/A (goes by GD)
Race: Skyggen
Age: 26 (not really sure, so guessing)
Height: 5'11"
Occupation: Delivery Guy
A Skyggen is a magical being born of darkness, usually created by another via dark magic, and feed of of the fear and suffering they cause others. 
He doesn't remember his childhood, doesn't even remember his name. The earliest memory he has was waking up in an abandoned building and meeting a black slime that lived there. She said her name was Helen and offered him a deal. As a slime, she naturally absorbed the magic around her, but had limited mobility and couldn't go in the sun or rain. If he moved her to a safe place were she could feed off magic, and protected her, then she would bind him to her in a soul contract, granting him access to her magic and a few other benefits. Not seeing a down side to the deal, not like he had anything else going on (at least no memory of it), he took the deal. The slime gave the Skyggen the name "DG", saying he needed a name and it "just felt right". Jokingly, he now refers to her as his mother, and she doesn't object to this.
DG brought the two to Hueväri City, easily getting an apartment in the center of the worst ghetto he could find. With so much poverty and crime in the area, he could feed off the negativity and she could absorb the arrent magic rampant in back alley deals of the area. DG took up a delivery job to earn some spending money and get out of the house, even joking that's what the letters of his name meant. He worked for a big company in the area at first, but quickly became fed up with the abusive nature shown to the employees (ironic with the company logo being a smiley face). He decided he'd go into business for himself, setting up two websites. The front site was normal by all accounts, just your average Instacart clone. The second site was on the dark web, and you had to know a guy or just how to navigate the deep web to even find it. On the second site people could order illegal items and services, most commonly he's hired to transport drugs, weapons, people or body parts all over the city.
Getting restless in his new day to day, DG has taken to "hunting" at night to get his thrills. This is how he met Damon, and instead of another victim he found a friend and partner in killing. He's had his run-ins with the law, some of them ending in his death, but a perk to his deal with his mother is conditional immortality. As long as she's safe and alive, and has absorbed enough magical energy, she can reform his body. Due to this, DG attacks with reckless abandon, not fearing death.
DG cannot feel physical pain. He's not sure if it's always been that way, or if it's due to his constant rebirth via his "mother".
Like other Skyggen, he doesn't bleed blood. While it can have the consistency of blood, it's more like thick nearly coagulated blood, and black as ink. He also heals from physical injury faster than normal people. If he were to lose a limb, his mother could help him regrow it.
When DG gets bord, he loves to mess with people. Scaring them or tormenting them to feed off the negative energy. If he's not up to that or just doesn't have the time, he'd settle for just braking random shit to entertain himself. There is a special innocent fun to tossing small glass things into walls and dumpsters from grate distances. (like from his apartment window)
One method he uses to find victims to kill is crossdressing as a women and pretending to seduce them to get them alone. While it started off as a bit, he found he actually enjoyed it and now just cross-dresses for the fun of it. If some dude tries to harass him (either for sex or cuz they realized he's a guy), they become his next victim.
He likes smiley faces, developing the habit of doodling them when he's upset. It was the original reason he worked for the delivery company with a smile logo, but that turned out to be a mistake.
He enjoys cooking, but if left to his own devices the food tends to get weird. At first it started off normal, like pineapple on pizza, but after realizing his immortality extended to eating, he started getting more "creative" with his creations.
His "mother" can get stir-crazy herself and request DG take her out and about from time to time. He's very protective of her, partly due to her being the key to his immortality, and partly due to his devotion to the mother-son role he's given them. Being a slime, she's situationally mute to most (only those highly sensitive and usually well trained in magic can communicate via pure magic like she does), so she's purely dependent on DG to care for them both. He does bring her out for walks, having a large hiking bag she can hide in to stay safe during their adventures, but usually he'd bring her gifts and sweets from the outside to make her feel better without having to risk going out.
Due to feeding off negativity, he's a hardcore sadist. That being said, he can have a heart and be caring to someone, they just really have to earn it. (so far this is just Helen and Damon)
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Whom of the ikegen guys is possessive when it comes to their MC? Like the hot type of possessive.
Everyone's definition of hot possessive is subjective, I suppose...that's why yanderes exist right? 🤣
But to answer the spirit of your question, I think the suitors that most fit your bill are Kurama (far and away the most possessive perhaps), Yasuchika, Akihito a bit, and Tamamo in a very hilarious and specific way.
Kurama is definitely the ‘will sulk and shoot murderous glares at anyone who dares monopolize his MC before getting fed up and snatching her back’ type. He’s a crow through and through, after all, and she’s the shiniest of shinies in his collection - no I’m not exaggerating he really does have a collection of things that catch his eye and there’s a whole extended part of his route that has him trying to commission a piece from a silversmith. Nobody gets to kill her but him, nobody gets to touch her but him, etc etc etc. She’s HIS prisoner of war. At the end of his route when the two factions can’t stop arguing over who gets MC his suggested solution is kill them all, problem solved. Nobody would get her but him then. 
Needless to say, she does not let him go through with this.
Yasuchika and Akihito trend more towards the gentle yandere, I think some small part of them would be happy to keep her locked away somewhere and all to themselves, but they never truly indulge that. The closest is when Yasuchika purposefully kisses MC in front of everyone so that they all know exactly who she belongs to now. And Akihito compares her a bit to a caged bird, but he knows he can’t keep her in one or it will break her.
And Tamamo, sweet Tamamo...he’s fairly chill, but he can and will lose his gd mind over Azuki loving on MC - Azuki is Kagteoki’s dog, mind you. Any dog that dares get close to MC he gets his hackles all sorts of up, and has a desperate need to remind them they’re intruding on his territory and the only one who gets pets and love from her is him. 
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I was listening to the heathers musical and man Dabi is basically a JD who made even poorer life choices and I didn't even think that was possible
Yesssssss Meant to Be Yours is a gd yandere anthem but esp for Dabi
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My bkdk ao3 recs of the week!
These fics were too good to not share so here goes! [Note: All these works are either one-shots or completed multi-chapter fics!]
First Son by ChromaKi:
Gonna start with the fluffiest one. This is just all around feel-good diabetes-inducing domestic bkdk fluff. Very adorable and super sweet ending.
2. Procrastination by @capncapnk:
This is somewhat fluffy with a good dose of smut. Good read if you like the "FWB to something more" dynamic. The "Can I kiss you?" really got me. Would love to see a sequel for this.
3. missed connections by gravitates:
Ah, hello angst my old friend. The pining in this one is downright sadistic but it hurts so good. Beautifully characterized. Don't worry, there's an eventual happy ending but you definitely suffer along the way.
4. dry your smoke-stung eyes by gravitates:
I had to include another one by gravitates who does the quirkless!Izuku and Katsuki dynamic SO WELL. This one hit pretty close to home for me personally because I've been there, watching painfully from the sidelines.
“Maybe I should just be a friend, Kacchan,” he threatens, sounding so foreign even to himself, “because at least friends get to sit with you at lunch. Friends get to talk to you in school. Friends get to make you laugh without being afraid of giving anything away.”
like gd can you try not to rip me apart with that? ;-; but in all seriousness, very delicately and beautifully written. Another "Angst with a Happy Ending" for the books, but so well-deserved.
5. bite the hand by moonwall:
This might be one of my fave AU concepts ever. I'm also generally just a sucker for multiverse/parallel worldlines (prolly why Stein's;gate is one of my fave anime of all time) so this one definitely hits that sweet spot. The writing itself is so mystical and hypnotizing and downright heartbreaking at various points. I cried at multiple points but it was definitely worth the ride. I highly recommend this one for the world-building, characterization, literary skills, and overall relationship development between bkdk.
Placing the last rec under the cut due to sensitive content!
6. Unfiltered by UnderWickedSky:
Well? Sure you can handle it? If so, you're definitely in for a crazy, twisted ride. When I started this one on a whim a couple of days ago I did not expect to get so hooked onto the concept of yandere!Deku keeping Kacchan in his basement to...take care of him, but if you're able to stomach the disturbing themes, it's actually amazingly written. You can almost believe this version of the characters as strangely true to themselves, were they ever thrown in such a situation. The smut scenes are top-tier and the ending is actually quite satisfactory IMO. I don't wanna give too much away but I definitely recommend this for those that are down for this kind of content.
...And that's all for now! Please drop me your own recs in comments/DMs/Ask-box! <3
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