#yandere danganronpa: goodbye despair
Yandere Tsumiki Mikan | Infectious AU
Requested by @theoneandonlyyuriaoo: Can you do any goodbye despair character x reader?
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The world had turned on its head. An infectious parasite that devoured the brain and rotted the body. It drove the modern world to ruin; making populated cities become deserted wastelands filled by the infected. 
Of course like all crises in the world fortresses are made. Fortresses that everyone flocks to hoping to guarantee a life of structure safety and healthcare. Relying on the most talented and resourceful leaders to bring the structure the old world used to have. Including the promise of care by the world’s greatest nurse. 
“Nurse Tsumiki, we need to rewrap the bandages on patient #237!”
“C-c-coming! Oof–oh no the syringes!”
Tsumiki Mikan is the best nurse in the world or at least in the closest fortress you can get in. Said to be able to cure those in the final stages of the infectious parasite, she’s a clumsy but gifted nurse. When the fortresses do begin their ‘peaceful’ negotiations her residence is a heavy point of contention. Of course, anyone would want the woman who managed to make a cure working in their medical wing. 
She’s such a celebrity, that your fellow patients excitedly speak of her when she comes to check on them. Unfortunately, you’ve been sleeping every time she’s supposedly stopped by. Though you weren’t worried. A simple broken arm shouldn’t need the greatest medical mind’s attention, you had to be convinced by your party to even admit yourself into the medical ward. 
So it truly is a surprise when you wake to the nurse in the middle of the night holding an IV bag. It was easy to recognize her by the outline made by the small nightlight from the hall. What made you question if it was her, was the inhuman twitching and giggling she was doing. 
“O-Oh~! Y-y-you’re awake!”
You’ll protest the need for an IV bag—it’s just a broken arm. But she’ll determinedly protest it, the way she does when the emergency is dire. Abandoning her usual stutter she’ll go on to rant and rave about how this may be a doorway to something worse. 
“You have to listen to me, (Y/n)! You need to stay here in bed! With me!”
Despite you being an average survivor, you weren’t an idiot. Even with a minor background in anatomy and the way diseases are spread; you know most of what she’s saying isn’t true. Or at least not in your case. So you’ll explain and try to rationalize with her even as she settles herself on your bed.
“Look Mikan I appreciate your concern but it’s really not that bad!”
“Noo! Noo! You can’t!”
“Please stop crying. You’ll wake up the other patients.”
She’ll keep whining and protesting her mute point; all the while scooching up on your bed. As if trying to get as close as possible. It isn’t until you say the most off-limits thing in the history of your conversation with her. 
“You know what, I’m just going to check out and I’ll go back if I find anything–”
She immediately hops up on your lap, trapping your free hand and legs underneath hers. That was the least of your concerns as she held your face in her hands.  Rubbing a thumb obsessively on your cheeks, she practically rubs her nose against your own. 
“No no no no no you can’t leave (Y/n)! You need to stay with me forever forever forever forever!”
You couldn’t really stop her as she practically devoured your mouth in some wild form of a kiss. There was biting, sucking, and something viscous shoved down your throat. As your vision blurred and your cognitive control slipped from you; you could hear the door open and the silhouette of a more familiar nurse who refused to look at you. 
“Miss Tsumiki…your orders?”
The nurse’s giggling turned into a full-blown cackle clutching your head into her chest. The nurse said nothing as she proceeded to play with your cheeks while she continued to maniacally laugh.
“It’s just as I feared~! (Y/n)’s condition has worsened we need to quarantine them in my private ward!”
“Yes, Miss Tsumiki.”
Better her than the infection right?
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angelic-yandere-doll · 2 months
Random danganronpa boys when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 2)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore, swearing
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: did the girls, now doing the boys
Characters: byakuya togami, mondo owada, kiyotaka ishimaru, nagito komaeda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, kaito momota, kokichi oma
♡ byakuya togami ♡
offended >:0 how dare someone hurt his darling?
thinks about hiring a hitman, or better, paying a gang to torture that person for days on end. he can get anything done with his money. would rather not get his own hands(too) dirty, it might cause him problems
people might suspect him at first. he'll just make something up. if they still suspect him, he gets some people(toko and makoto) to stand up for him to make his alibi believable. gets y/n to do it too(lol)
not very good at comfort. good at buying y/n things(he’s a rich boy). will buy them clothes, jewelry, chocolate. if y/n wants a hug, he’ll be hesitant, but will give in eventually(it’s not that he doesn’t want to, intimacy is strange to him). uses his free hand to cover the blush on his face ‘cause he’s flustered
“sigh… ok, calm down already. listen. they’re the foolish one, not you. they were dumb enough to think they could hurt you without a punishment. understand? good.”
♡ mondo owada ♡
mad. no. more than mad. he’s furious
hits that person in the face, making their nose bleed(in front of everybody). doesn’t want to kill them at that moment, would rather keep that impulse on hold(as much as he can) until he gets the person to a secluded area. kills them instantly, not(necessarily) the sadistic type to want to take long to see the person’s pain
knows at least enough on how to hide the murder. tries his best to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. if he’s confronted by others, he can get nervous, which can cause him to say some things he shouldn’t say. but his bro(taka) will defend him at all costs, not having a single clue of what he did
gives y/n a hug, brings them to places on his motorcycle, letting them wear his jacket. probably lets them sleep on top of him(he’ll be blushing like mad)
“it’s okay, y/n. fuck them. they’re just a fuckin’ asshole. making you feel that way and all. it ain’t your fault. they’re gonna regret ever doing that! they will.”
♡ kiyotaka ishimaru ♡
what? how could they do that? and to his darling y/n?
more of the type to scold the person if they did something else but this… this crosses the line for him. hurting y/n and not getting in trouble? not on his watch. kills the person even if it goes against what he stands for. someone hurts y/n, they get the worst coming to them
almost nobody would suspect him. he just seems like the type who wouldn’t kill. he just keeps on his day to day life doing his job(and his other job, which is taking care of y/n)
doesn’t let anyone near y/n(except mondo and chihiro), studies with y/n and teaches them about important topics to keep their mind off the pain, brings them food and water, doesn’t let them go anywhere without him. he just wants y/n to be safe and happy
“y/n, please, you have to understand. you’re better than them! they don’t understand! if they did, they wouldn’t have hurt you. and they really shouldn’t have.”
♡ nagito komaeda ♡
surprised. asks himself how someone could hurt his darling. disgust towards the person who hurt y/n
asks hajime to watch over y/n while he’s away, doing what he must do. he considers the person hopeless since they ended up dying at the ultimate hope’s hands. they’re just a talentess scum to him. he has always saw himself as trash, but that person is much more trash to him than he ever thought of himself to be
people have always seen him as quite a strange young man. suspicious, but maybe not enough to suspect him of murder. he’s just… strange to them. he can keep rambling on about how he loves hope and nobody would see anything different(not realizing the hope he talks about is his beloved y/n)
gives y/n anything they want(as long as he can do it). y/n wants a hug? has his arms open. y/n wants a kiss? he puckers up. y/n wants him to sleep with them? already laying on the bed. his darling is his only hope. he needs to protect them
“i know trash like me can’t tell you how much you matter, but, from the bottom of my heart, you’re the most beautiful, most precious thing in the world. and i would never change you for anyone else. never.”
♡ fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
angry. ready to kill the person. asks y/n for some details
brings peko along to murder the person. plans to make it agonizing for the person. no mercy. just despair. they will feel the wrath of the ultimate yakuza. that’s what they get for messing with y/n
people are afraid to interrogate him and his ‘tool’. they know it’ll get nasty if they try to fight against the ultimate yakuza and the ultimate swordswoman. they know he won’t hesitate to plan a murder or ambush against them
buys y/n sweets, holds y/n’s hand, doesn’t let them leave to go anywhere. if they want something, they can just ask him. he doesn’t want them to get hurt again
“that motherfucker… they don’t deserve any shit. they don’t deserve any fuckin’ breath of life. i’m gonna fuck them up real bad!”
♡ kaito momota ♡
shocked and full of rage. how could they hurt his shining star y/n?
walks up to that person and hits them with his fist. hits them even more. ends up with the person bleeding and having a broken bone. they might end up dying. if they don’t, he’ll use something else to end them. he doesn’t want them around y/n anymore for what they did
nobody considers him to be suspicious. just an eccentric, hyperactive, space loving guy who has a big heart. but his classmates don’t even realize his big heart is only for y/n. he would do anything for them. anything. as the luminary of the stars, it’s his duty to protect his darling
cuddles with y/n, gives them forehead kisses, brings y/n outside to watch the night sky as he teaches them about constellations
“damn y/n, i just can’t believe they would do that! and to my shining star! but don’t worry! from now on, i won’t let it happen again. i promise! nobody should ever hurt you… nobody.”
♡ kokichi oma ♡
oh he’s really mad. but he won’t show it, he’ll play it off like it’s nothing
very sneaky when it comes to killing the person. he may make somebody else do it for him if he feels that would be the best course of action. but he might want to do it himself. he wants to see the pain in that person’s eyes as he tortures them
people will suspect him. after all, he’s known for lying. but he knows what to say, how to play with people’s minds, how to make them believe him. he can also blame it on somebody else and make it seem like it was them, not him. there may be people who still suspect him but are kind of afraid to accuse him. they don’t know what else he’s capable of other than lying
tries to make y/n laugh, brings them their favorite snacks, trash talks the person, lets them hug him if they need it(but also because he wants to be held by y/n)
“hey, cheer up! they’re soooo stupid to think they could get away with making you feel upset. they must be the dumbest person on the planet to even think of doing that. they must be…since they died so easily.”
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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thequietkid-moonie · 10 months
hi moonie! ❤ i've been waiting for requests to open again and i'm finally going to request something now 😌
how about yandere nagito, kokichi, kazuichi and rantaro with a darling who's super distant and closed off from others but only comfortable with them, only laughing and smiling when they are near them?
i'm looking forward to requesting more and i hope you're having a lovely day 🍀 love you! <3
Distant darling is only open with them
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Nagito, Kazuichi, Kokichi, Rantaro ]
[ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ]
⚠️ Yandere, I dunno support this kind of behavior in real life, I just write it for fun!
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I'm really excited too V-chan!! I'm having a pretty good day but now that i had your request is way better!! ^^
Thanks for requesting such an amazing prompt with amazing characters!! I had a lot of fun writing this, hope you like it too!! ❤️❤️
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Nagito Komaeda
Even since the moment Nagito met his darling he knew it was a person filled with hope, a person with a bright potential and a future filled with hope, his admiration quickly grows as an obsession as he has the opportunity to see you more, an obsession that only grows more and more with each passing day
For Nagito it doesn't matter if you let him be in your live or doesn't even aknowledge his existance, for him is more than a blessing being able to be near you, and he wouldn't blame you if you don't want anything to do with trash like him
Nagito didn't mean to be pushy to enter in your life, but since he can't be away from you for too long and that need of being around you only grows with his obsession it was obvious that at one point you two will end up meeting. He expected for you to hate him for even daring to be around you but if you don't mind him being near you or even accept him he is shocked for it, and yet he will not dare to doubt you and just accept it
Once you let him enter in your life there is no way to get away from him, Nagito had swear to himself (and even to you) to be always with you and do whatever is needed to help you bright in an inmense and infinite hope and for that he become really clingy and dependent of you, doing whatever you ask him and accept whatever you say to him with a smile
Nagito just get used to you being cold and distant towards him, he doesn't expect nor think he deserve something else, won't even dare to ask for more, so when you start to open up more to him, even if is just a little he is incredibly surprised and even brush it off as if it was his imagination at first, but as you start to grow more and more comfortable around him there is no way for him to deny it
Nagito will probably try to deny it for as long as posible because he doesn't feel like he deserve it but it start to become more obvious in diferent ways, you had started to talk more, you start to express more of yourself and even smile, sometimes he is lucky enough to heard you laugh, and if he pay enough attention he can see your body language directed towards him, it was obvious that you started to feel free to open up to him
Nagito noticed your change but is too scare to accept it, so it isn't going to happen until someone else point it out (and even so it would take him a while, unless is you), and when he does finally accept that he is the one with who you feel the most comfortable he swears to himself that protect that feeling and never disappoint you
Your smile becomes his reason to continue living, and being the only one you allow to see it give him a boost of confidence, sudendly he feels special and important (but never more than you). Nagito even become more intense in every way posible, wanting nothing more to be with you and be able to make you happy, now he is even more eager to do everything in his power to make you happy and just fullfil your wishes, to help you reach the greatest hope
Also, Nagito never dare to question you anything he just accept you the way you are, so he never really pry into the details of the reason of your distrust and distant attitude towards others (he may actually wondered why but always brush it off as saying that is none of his business), he won't ask you even when you finally open up to him but if he get to know that is someone's fault because they had hurted you in the past it would be more probably that he will take things into matter because he hates the idea of you suffering, and he does it with the excuse that is because that bastard made you feel despair
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Kazuichi Soda
It doesn't take him much time before falling in love with you, Kazuichi is the type that could fall in love at first sight, and when he does he does it hard, and just as quickly it is for him to fall in love it is to grow obsesive over you, in no time you had become the only thing that wander around Kazuichi's mind (not that he is complaining)
Kazuichi is delusional, he sees you as the peak of perfection and beauty, everyone most know and admire your beauty (but he doesn't concentrate on doing other admire you, he is more focused on admiring you himself and trying to give you everything you deserve), as well he doesn't even ask you or tries to win your trust before hand, he just came into your life and isn't planning to go away, one day he just came and talk to you as if you two already know each other from all your life (but with a little too much respect, maybe even as if you were royalty)
Although, even when he sees you as perfection itself he is unable to think that you don't like him, that posibility will break him completely so his mind doesn't even think on that, instead, when you act distant towards him he just doesn't believe it, it would take him a while to catch the idea of you not being comfortable or not wanting to share much with him, and when he does he is blaming himself for it, thinking that is probably his fault and he has to make it up for you
And just like that Kazuichi tries from all the ways he can think on to make you forgive him and to get in your good side again, he does everything he can for you, shower you with all kind of compliments and praises, trying to protect you from any kind of threaten (or at least, to anything that he sees as a threaten), Kazuichi is actually pretty open with his obsesion because he doesn't see anything bad in it, in his eyes everything is what you deserve and out of love
It will take him a while to notice that you had become more open and comfortable with him, and won't really notice it until it become more obvious, he doesn't get the little hints and just keeps trying to make it up for you, but when he finally does he couldn't be happier that you finally seem to be accepting him
When he finally sees your smile for him you had grow now even more beautiful! his praises and obsession only increase, from that day he just gets more determinanted to serve you and make you smile, it would take him a while to notice that you only feel comfortable to show yourself with him but if he does it only give him a boost on his ego and selfconfidece, someone so perfect like you shows him their perfect smile! obviousle he will feel honored! sudenly he feels incredibly special for being the only one allowed to see the smile of someone so special and perfect
Speaking of, he may don't brag about it with other but he will not shut up with his compliments and praises. As well, he is already pretty jealous but if he sees you smiling towards anyone else he wil be increadibly jealous, he thought he was special! he will never take it against you but it isn't probably that the other person will be safe (at least to his deadly glares and threatens)
Kazuichi doesn't pry for deep details, he asks more for superficial detais, personal details only when it comes to your likings and so on, so is probably that he won't exactly nor wonder why do you act the way you act, it is up to you if you decide to tell him or not, but if he ever get to know if is someone else fault that you don't feel comfortable being yourself he will be completely offended for what happened to you (like if it had happened to him), is more likely that he won't search revenge for you but it trigger his protectiveness, from that day he is keeping a close eye to anyone who dares even aproach to you, he had swear that no one will hurt you again in any way
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Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi isn't the type who falls in love imediatly, for him is a slowly process, it started by a simple interested, your distant personality catches his eye and immediatly atracted to him but as the time pass that interest slowly and careful grows more and more, it reachs the point where he was so curious about you that wanted to know everything he can of you without noticing, becomes an obsession without him able to stop it
Kokichi is really smart and doesn't do anything without a plan, so even if he approach to you casually he has already a plan to get to know all your secrets, while in the outside he is just being goofy and childish in the inside he is getting all the information he can of you by all the means he needs
For Kokichi all of this was a simple game, he was just playing around with you, he planned to make you the victim of his silly jokes until he can get a reaction of you, however Kokichi didn't know (or at least he didn't want to accept it) but this was a game he was losing, the more time he pass with you and the more he gets to know about you his love and obsession done nothing but grow more and more, he thought he was the one in control when in reality he was already down bad for you, but he will not dare to admit it because he didn't want to feel that vulnerable
Once Kokichi knows everything he can of you the new part of his plan started, make you laugh. Kokichi wanted nothing more than have some fun, do some silly jokes and be consider funny by the ones he cares, even when he is terrible with expressing his true feelings, and since the day you catches his interest Kokichi had cling onto you and doesn't plan to let you go you become the one he wants to make smile the most
Kokichi is incredibly smart and is always paying too much attention to you, so he notice when you start to feel more comfortable right away, even if is only a little and there are only small hints of it that is more than enough for him to feel like he is starting to win the game, and to make him feel a boost of confidence on himself and his plan
When he finally manage to get a smile, or even better, a laugh from you is the point of not return, even if is something that lasted one second it was more than enough for Kokichi to fall in love all over again with you, that moment is what make Kokichi realize how beautiful you are, how much he loves you and how much he wish to see that beautiful smile again
Kokichi doesn't want to admit it, not even to himself (even when he has it clear) but he is quite dependent of his darling, he can say all he wants that he doesn't care for you and he does whatever he wants but in reality your opinion is what matters the most for him and he is desperate for you to love him the way he is, so when you finally smile for him, and only him, he becomes even more dependent, he becomes dependent of your smile and it becomes his purpose in live to continue making you smiling
It may wouldn't be so intense if it wasn't because of your distant personality, now that you allow him to be the only one you are able to express yourself freely and truly smile he is not willing to lose it, he is going to make everything in his power for you to never lose that smile and for you to smile for him and only for him. That honor of being the only one you smile at makes him even more possessive, it makes him feel special and it makes him want to be the only one to enjoy that pleasure
Kokichi already knows everything about you, so he already knows, or at least have an idea of what happened to you to become so distant from others, and if there is someone to blame for it he will make them pay without a doubt, they deserve it for trying to erase your beautiful smile
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Amami Rantaro
It doesn't happen imediatly, it takes some time for him to happen, he falls in love first and then his obsession grows slowly but stronge, and even when he notice those growing intense feelings inside of him he just accept them because are feelings that grow out of love
It isn't difficult for Rantaro to enter in your life once he gets interested on you, even when he can be pretty misterious he is really charming and attentive, he appear to be trust worthy, he even openly accept if you don't trust him yet or aren't comfortable around him right away, or at least that what he says because inside is something that bothers him but stay calm reminding himself that is just matter of time, he will let you know that he isn't a threaten and you can trust him
Rantaro will be kindly pushing you to accept him, he understand that you prefer to be are distant to everyone and even wary but he isn't planing to let you go, so he just insist too much, but he do it so kindly and gentle that can go unnoticed or don't bother you at all
As the time pass Rantaro grows more clingy as his obsession grows, he just loves you so much that can't stay away from you and even when he isn't physicaly near you somehow he always knows where you are and what are you doing. He excuses himself by saying that he just want you to be safe, he had already lost all his sisters and despite everything he have done to trying to find them he haven't even find a trace of them and that lead him to be terrified by the thought of the same happening to you, he doesn't know what he will do if you ever go missing so he prefers to watch you closely to asure that you won't just disappear one day
Even when his unhealthy and obsessive behavior can be pretty obvious at times he always manage to cover up as being worried of you or even accidents, he is so good at covering up and finding convincing excuses that it is scary
Rantaro is a really observant and perseptive person, he is smart enough to notice when you start to feel more comfortable around him, even if there are just little hints like you getting a little more closer to him or starting to express a little more he notice it right away, and it makes his heart melt, Rantaro was used to your distant attitude and even when this was something he expected and wanted is still flattering, it gave him even more motivation to continue
Once you open up to him completely there is no way to stop Rantaro, he just feel like he is special for you, maybe as special you are to him, it make him think that you had fully accept him in your life and that would lead him to be more possessive and protective over you, he just had find out how beautiful your smile is and he isn't planning to lose it, besides he is really mature and is used to take care all of his sisters, he knows what it is the best for you and wants nothing more that see you smile
He wants to spend every second of the day by your side only to be able to discover all your other beautiful expressions, but, as much as he loves that you finally feel comfortable to express yourself with him Rantaro wants to be the only one with the privilege to see that beautiful sight, he had grow a little bit depend on you so if he even see you starting to express mor with another person, even if is a little Rantaro will feel threaten, and if he is trigger enough he will do something about it (not against you, never against you)
Rantaro had tried to find out the reason of why you are so distant to others, and won't be calm until he finds out, one way or another (without hurting you, of course) and if there is someone to blame Rantaro will hate them with his life, he won't do anything against them (unless that person hurt you badly), but if they cross his path or dare to even look at you again he probably won't be able to hold himself back
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spiralhigh · 1 year
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this is like a year old and super out of character bc i only drew it to blow off steam but i still like how it came out so
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m-y-fandoms · 1 year
COMMISSION: Nagito Komaeda and Kokichi Ouma (x reader) - Yandere Relationship Headcannons + Scenario Drabble
Warnings: This is yandere content. Obsessive, possessive stuff. Don’t like = don’t read. Like my Korekiyo version, sexual NSFW will be under a labeled heading so you can skip that section, then the drabble after, which is SFW will have its own heading warning again. Additional warnings for violence, unhealthy relationships, and mentions of dub/noncon. Also SPOILERS for SDR2 and V3.
Word Count: 1.7k
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Let me get this out of the way first of all: you picked two of the easiest Danganronpa characters to make yandere. With their personalities, mindsets, intelligence, and how they react to stress, it’s very easy to imagine these two going yandere for their lover/darling. It’s not a reach at all. So let’s get into it.
Nagito Komaeda
SFW Headcannons:
FOR SURE the delusional type of yandere.
He’s delusional in his daily life at times, so when he’s fallen in love, such an intense emotion corrupts him further.
He would delude himself so far as to believe that his luck cycle couldn’t affect or touch his darling, the ultimate hope in his eyes.
He knows that the people around him often get hurt because of his luck cycle, but when it comes to his darling, he has fully deluded himself into thinking that he can protect them, that his love for them is so strong that he knows what’s best for them.
He thinks so lowly of himself and so highly of his beloved, that he believes that just once, for once, his luck can’t harm them.
Nagito believes in his beloved as the pinnacle of shining hope, and worships the ground they walk on.
Nagito is so in love with the embodiment of hope, that I truly believe that he would rather see his darling dead than to let their hope be muddied or fade.
He’d kill them with his own two hands before he’d let this world corrupt them.
He would hoard them to himself, always making excuses and distractions to steal more of their time and attention.
He knows he doesn’t deserve them or their time and energy, but he’s highly intelligent and thinks of roundabout ways to keep them around him at all times.
He always seems to be where they are.
If they need a favor done, or a question answered, he’s there.
When it comes to romance, as I said, he’s a worshipper, obsessive.
NSFW Headcannons
He would kiss and mark every inch of their body, be greedy with them, needing to touch every sensitive spot on their body.
Nagito is both the ultimate switch/verse and the ultimate pleaser when it comes to his lover.
With a lover that accepts his delusional yandere side, he’s obsessed with becoming their perfect lover. He already hates himself and knows he will never be good enough for them, so he needs to mold himself into whatever they want from him at that moment.
When his darling wants a dominant, aggressive top, that’s who he will be. He is more than willing to mess around with impact play, ropes, fear play, breeding, praise and degradation. He would love nothing more than to take them by surprise and force his desires onto them for their pleasure. He would be a master of dub/non con play.
If his darling wants to see him as a submissive, pathetic mess, he will fill that role. Whimpering, crying, begging: all his specialities. He would let them smack him around, pull his hair, talk down to him, and he would revel in it.
Kinks I think Yandere Nagito would definitely be into: wax play, knife/gun play, choking/breathplay, shibari, CNC, degradation, spanking, public humiliation, edging, impact play, breeding, hair-pulling.
Yandere Nagito Drabble:
“Shhh! Shhh, don’t cry, my love…” Nagito caressed the back of your neck gently, lowering your body to the ground slowly as it slumped in his arms, all energy slowly draining from your form. Your vision was blurring, closing in at the edges as more and more blood seeped from your wound. The knife Nagito had just buried into your stomach now sat discarded beside you. Strategically, he sat cradling you into his arms, only allowing the blood to spill onto his own clothing or pool onto the thick blanket he’d set out below you beforehand.
You could only gasp for breath, tears spilling freely down your cheeks. You knew Nagito was dangerous, but you’d never thought he’d turn on you specifically. It always seemed like he’d kill for you, die for you, but to take your life with his own hands?
“T-they won’t get to you… this world… Monokuma… I won’t let them!” His voice quivered, his mind and heart buzzing with both crazed love for you and grief at your necessary passing. He had to do it, though. No one else was worthy of taking your life, and he wouldn’t let that damned bear have the pleasure.
After learning the truth of this world as the reward for completing the Final Dead Room, he’d concluded that this was the only way to spare you, his beloved, from this wretched world. It was the only solution. If you were the traitor, stuck in this evil world with your wicked peers, you deserved to be released. If you weren’t the traitor, surely you were tricked, brainwashed into becoming a remnant of despair, and you must understand that he can’t allow the love of his life to oppose hope. You wouldn't want that, right? Surely, you’d see the need, you’d see it his way…
As the life faded from your eyes, he gripped you closer, now freely weeping into the bloody mess of your limp body. This was all temporary. He’d join you, soon. The plan was already in motion.
Kokichi Ouma
SFW Headcannons:
Kokichi would be another yandere who thinks he always knows what’s best for his darling.
Unlike Nagito, who would kill his darling to retain their purity, Kokichi would do anything, including killing himself or others, to keep his darling alive.
In their own way, maybe both feel like they are doing their darlings a kindness with their methods.
Kokichi is not a nice, caring, subservient type of yandere. Some yanderes obsessively live to serve their darling and worship them. Kokichi is so scared of losing his darling that he is restrictive, possessive, sometimes extremely cruel to them.
He expects them to do what he says, when he says, because it’s all for their own good, for their protection.
He does not like when others interact with them.
He sees pretty much all other interactions with others as cheating/flirtation in his own deluded mind.
When someone especially charismatic like Kaito talks to his darling, he feels himself fuming, and drags them away with a rough grip on their arm, or publicly embarrasses them so badly that they don’t want to continue the interaction.
NSFW Headcannons
Kokichi is not a kind lover.
Mainly, he sees his pleasure as his darling’s pleasure. After all, if it feels good for him, why wouldn’t it feel good for them, too?
On the rare occasion he does decide to focus on his partner’s pleasure and preferences during sexual encounters, he is very frustrated and angered by anything less that an overly-enthusiatic response.
He loves their praise, as he thinks he deserves it.
And though he relishes in the returned affections of his darling, a sick part of him loves when they cry, beg or resist as well.
Kokichi is territorial, leaving bruises and marks.
And he wants others to see them, for sure.
His infatuation for his beloved becomes the center of every goal. He wants to end the killing game for them, for him, for their love. He wants to rule this world with them.
Kinks Yandere Kokichi would be into: spanking, fear play, knife play for sure, degradation, slut-shaming, impact play, bondage, public/semi-public/voyeurism, CNC, humiliation (giving, not recieving), overstimulation (giving)
Yandere Kokichi Drabble:
Fuzzy-brained, disoriented, your eyes cracked open slowly, a migraine thumping in the back of your head. You groaned, eyes focusing in to see a figure in front of you, even in the low lighting.
Of course it was him. Who else would it be?
The last thing you remembered, you were sitting in the cafeteria, trying to destress and process after Gonta’s trial. You were drinking a steaming hot cup of tea, waiting for Shuichi to show up, and for some reason, your energy began to rapidly deplete. Your limbs got numb and heavy, your mind clouded, until your world faded to black.
Nothing in the tea had tasted off, nothing in your environment felt suspicious. That’s how good he’d gotten at this…
Now you were here, sitting before him. He’d taken you silently and skillfully.
“You drugged my tea?” Kokichi approached, bending down to meet your eye level. Further taking in your surroundings, you now realized that you were in fact chained up, locked to the wall behind you in the bathroom of the Exisal hangar.
“You weren’t gonna come on your own…” he pouted, a look begging for sympathy on his face, “and I could ‘ve dragged you here myself, but the kicking and screaming would attract too much attention…” He leaned toward you, leaving a quick, teasing peck of a kiss on the tip of your nose. If your hands were free to wipe it away, you would’ve.
He was right though. You wouldn’t have come on your own, and not quietly, either. At one point, you considered Kokichi a friend, even with his stalkerish obsession with you. You saw the good in him, and knew he had redeeming qualities. Now… after what he’d done to Gonta, after the absolute shit-show that was that last trial and the complete flip he’d made, you wanted nothing to do with him.
Kokichi walked to the other side of the room, and after some rustling into a little bag he’d brought with him, he brought forth a roll of duct tape. Without hesitation, and with a crooked grin on his face, he tore a thick strip off and pasted it across your mouth. Your wiggling provided little resistance, as he had you locked down pretty well.
“There! Can’t have you alerting the others, fraternizing with the enemy!” He had a crazed look in his eye as he spoke those words.It was like he actually believed them, believed his own lies. As if he could read the thought behind your puzzle expression and furrowed brow, he continued: “I’m going to end this killing game, once and for all! You and me, we’re gonna be the last two standing… I’ll make sure of it! Everyone else is merely an obstacle, an opposing force! Place your trust in me, and we will rule this world together!” He giggled, becoming more and more unstable with each word.
He wanted you to trust him, but had you chained up?
“This is for your own good. You’ll only get in my way, colluding with those idiots! You just don’t know what’s best for you, so you’re gonna sit here and look pretty, while I take what’s rightfully ours.” With that, he reached into his pocket, taking out what looked to be a small remote, a controller of some kind. You could only imagine its purpose.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
bullying yandere mikan
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pairing: mikan tsumiki x gn!reader
tags: delusional yandere, mikan murders your friends, reader is a bully, insults like "freak" or "creepy murderer"
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mikan knew you were just bullying her because your friends were pressuring you to do it
she knew that you had to bully someone or you'd get bullied yourself
she knew you never meant any harm and that this wasn't you who was doing this to her!
no, the ones responsible for you turning against her were your stupid friends! 
they were forcing you to do things you didn't want to do
they were just jealous of her and that's why they wanted to get rid of her! 
mikan knew you loved her as well, but that you couldn't say anything without getting cast out yourself
she was willing to endure all this torture, if it meant you could live a happy life
though even mikan had her limits! 
whenever your bullying got too bad, she'd figure you were under too much pressure from your friends, so she did you a favor
one after another, your friends started to disappear. and sometimes they would find their bodies weeks later in the nearest river
of course, your bullying just got worse as you called her a freak and blamed her for their deaths
but mikan knew you well enough by now
you were just trying to thank her for getting rid of them, without anyone noticing it! 
she always had the biggest smile on her face as you shoved her against the wall and called her a creepy murderer~
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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need to redraw this -- love this drawing - shane/angel
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yukinarinn · 1 year
Idk if this is a good time to request since u already have a lot on ur plate, but may I request a yandere Nagito or Rantaro with a reader who has trouble forming attachments to people? (Like a person who hangs around people, but wouldn’t consider them friends, more so acquaintances and wouldn’t care if something happened to the people around them.)
I LOVE YANDERE RANTARO AND NAGITO <3 please guys request more of these! I love writing yandere characters so much, I’m in love with this request. thank you. ily and yes I wrote for them both 💕
If you want me to change anything, please tell me and again thank you so much lol
cw: manipulative behavior, obsessive love, stalking, attempted murder, cnc kink
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Good to know that you can’t form an attachment to people!
But that means you can’t for Rantaro either
He doesn’t like that, does he?
Well, yes and no
I mean, sure. If that’s the case, rantaro won’t be overthinking about who could steal you
But he can’t have you this way.. can he?
You don’t really consider him a friend either, but you gotta admit that he’s handsome and pretty interesting to hang out with him
Rantaro is pretty good at hiding his emotions, so you’ll probably won’t find out who he is until he snaps
You’ve noticed the slighest things he does for you
But you ignored. As always.
Rantaro have many girls around that want to be his girlfriends, and many boys that want to be him
He finds this quite boring
Even though too many girls have a crush on him, he felt empty and incomplete, until he met you
But unfortunately he’s in love with the person that can’t love him back
Rantaro noticed this, not because you weren’t really close to him, but you’re not close to ANYONE
Let’s say he doesn’t care about that and just tries again and again thinking that perhaps all the people you’ve talked to before hurt you
He even invited you to his house, you accepted out of curiosity
But the athmopshere wasn’t so cool out there, especially when Rantaro confessed his feelings to you
You didn’t want to admit it, but Rantaro was the closest one to you, since he somehow forced you to be his friend
Of course he was rejected, like what would he expect from someone that can’t form attachment to people?
This is the moment he went psycho and pinned you to the wall
You weren’t scared or anything, in fact, you didn’t even express any emotion on your poker face
But deep down, you loved how dominant he was
He stared and smirked at you, his expression darkened
Not to mention he had his hand on your waist
“Sweetheart, you look so vulnerable, do you actually enjoy that?”
“You may not want this, of course, you don’t want anything with me. But I’m sure it’ll be pleasurable, yeah?”
Actually you tried to punch him just so you can escape, since you knew what he meant by “pleasurable”
“That’s a no no, I want you. Now.”
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With Nagito is a bit easier
I think..
Nagito can be worse than Rantaro, the avocado doesn’t show emotions but the marshmellow does
A lot! of! emotions!
Especially if you already “talk” to him because yeah he’s pushy as fuck
Like the fact you can’t form any attachment to people and you try to push him away is soo interesting for him!
And wants more and more of you
He’s getting a bit too much when you talk to someone else
He knows it won’t happen anything between you and that person, but he’s overthinking
A lot.
I think he would even try to commit murder or just “take care” of that person
When I said the things can get a bit too much I didn’t lie
Whenever you and him are both alone
He looks at you, but in an intense way
You don’t notice, if he’s good at stalking, then he’s good at this too
Obsessively looking at his darling, saying words that they can’t hear. But words that he can hear, and feel
“You look so cute and innocent, it melts my heart”
“I can only stalk you and think about you, but can’t I touch you too?”
“Why did I fall for you? why can’t you love me back..”
He whispers but like WHISPERS these to him. You don’t have to hear and deal with anything
He’s already dealing with it
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 3 months
Could you potentially do yandere headcanons for ibuki mioda?
Yandere Ibuki mioda headcanons~
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•Compared to other yanderes is both rather tame and aware that the intensity of her feelings are not normal
•And contrary to belief she is actually able to hide most of her more unhealthy feelings for you
•Its also rather obvious that Ibuki has a things for you
•She spends almost all of her time with you after all, that when she's not with her friends of course
•And her song titles usually seem to have something to do with you if you pay enough attention
•The same goes for her lyrics
•If Ibuki eventually confesses towards you and you reject her she's going to be heartbroken but will hide it extremely well
•Though he feelings might become even more Intense towards you and she's try to win you over
•If you accept her feelings she'll be over the moon and you can expect her clinginess to Increase tenfold
•Its to be expected after all now you're not just her friend you her Lover and she going to take advantage of all the privileges that grants her
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midnightlee25 · 5 months
Yandere Reactions: Danganronpa v2 when Teruteru Hanamura is being a pervert towards their darling
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Hajime Hinata: 
He tells him off as soon as he hears it, or his darling comes to tell him. He will try to keep his darling away from Teruteru and if Teruteru keeps being disgusting towards his darling he will pull a favor from one of the other classmates or make an “accident" happen. 
Nagito Komaeda: 
Now usually he will wait to see how his darling reacts before he does anything especially if it’s one of the Ultimates. So, when he sees that his darling is uncomfortable, he will take them out of the situation and keep Teruteru away from them. What happens after that heavily depends on how his darling takes the situation and if it continues. 
Gundham Tanaka: 
He won't take such disgusting behavior towards his darling lightly and will get rid of such trash away from his darling. 
Kazuichi Soda: 
Now he himself may not act his purest around his darling but even he has limits and gets furious at Teruteru for being gross towards his darling. 
Nekomaru Nidai: 
He won't take it lightly either but won't start it off with violences either. He will try to talk to Teruteru about his behavior and if nothing gets better then he will take things into his own hands.  
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: 
All it takes is one comment and he ends up as pieces in random dumpsters. 
Byakuya Twogami: 
They will scare Teruteru as a warning after anything ends up with him being a mess. 
Akane Owari: 
She will react when she sees how his actions and words affect her darling. Which means Teruteru will end up in a bloody mess. 
Chiaki Nanami: 
She tells him off and may even end up asking if one of her classmates can help her deal with him later. 
Sonia Nevermind: 
He will never be seen again, so says her majesty. 
Hiyoko Saionji: 
He tells him off every time then ends up asking Mahiru if she can help deal with him. 
Ibuki Mioda: 
He won't be there the next day…or the day after that. 
Mahiru Koizumi: 
He will disappear mysteriously. 
Mikan Tsumiki: 
He will be found later that day in a very…. unpretty state. 
Peko Pekoyama: 
He will be found a year later in a very…unpretty state. 
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dj4jungshook · 9 months
*Mikan opens the closet in where she is holding Hiyoko*
Hiyoko: *looking grumpy at Mikan* "Mmmmffff?"
Mikan: *smiling* "Good news, Saionji-san! You can be released from my care now!"
Hiyoko: "Mmmmffff!" *rolling her eyes, as if saying "Took you long enough!"*
Mikan: "Mahiru and Ibuki are getting so worried about your disappearance they are performing much worse at making Master Naegi happy, and I can't allow that! Besides, I should be self-confident enough now not to be hurt by your bullying anymore. Promise not to scream once I open your mouth?"
Hiyoko: *looks grumpy at Mikan, nods*
Mikan: "Good girl!" *ungags Hiyoko*
Hiyoko: "Phew... Phew... Can I at least still call you "piggy"?
Mikan: *smiling* "Only as a friendly teasing!"
Hiyoko: "Okay... Say, piggy..." *blushes* "Is Master Naegi really as great as you had described? How to became good enough for him?"
*time skip*
*Hiyoko, in a bunnysuit, with a couple of soft rubber balls being inserted in it over her breasts to make them look a bit bigger, embarrassed, still with a couple of dancing fans in her hands* "You l-like what you see, N-naegi?"
Makoto: "Well, Hiyoko... You are great, really!"
*Mikan, Mahiru and Ibuki, also in bunnysuits, are smiling behind Makoto in the background*
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i liked this series about yandere Mikan and Hiyoko, for makoto x harem.
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The Misadventures of the Third Enoshima (2) | Yandere Danganronpa
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Part 1
Before the most Tragic most awful event in human history
You were something like a floating friend 
Receiving something of a ‘special’ kind of teaching 
you were never allowed to work alongside the other students 
At least not on the regular
Technically you should have been with the upcoming 79th class but you were already so ahead of your curriculum you tend to float around to the remaining classes
“Ah it's a pleasure to have someone so full of hope visiting us~”
“Don’t mind him (Y/n)! We’re all just so happy to see you stop by!”
“Y-yeah I was hoping I could show you and Miss Sonia something I’m tinkering with–”
“Nononono! Ibuki wants you to hear this rift~Yeah!”
“It's nice that you came to visit us, maybe we can play a game together.”
“Now now class! Let’s all give them space, wouldn’t want them running off on us now.”
The 77th class is always fun and they’re a lot better at giving you the space you’d like from your older sisters
Unfortunately, though the class is quite easily distracted
More used to fighting each other before working as a united front to spend time with you
But the 78th class hits home in its own special way
“Hey you guys!”
“Did you get those donuts I sent you? I gave them to your sisters since you disappear so often.”
“(Y/n)! Do you want me to tell your future? I’m pretty sure it’s going to include us two–”
“Please refrain from upsetting our guest. I know you’d lack decorum but have a little respect.”
“So high and mighty, Togami. It's hard to take you seriously when you so obviously want their attention as well.”
“D-d-d-don’t talk to Master that way! He’s the only one who deserves to spend the time with them!”
“You realize that would exclude you right?”
“I-i’ll be the only exception!”
For all the squabbling they are still you’re friends
Which encourages you to start fighting back when despair takes hold of the world
You couldn’t save them all but you can save who’s left
“I’m going to restore the hope you once embodied…not just for the world but for me.”
After all, they are all you have left 
Your sisters are sure to end themselves on their dastardly chase to despair
But is it so bad you hoped they didn’t have to
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angelic-yandere-doll · 6 months
Random danganronpa girls when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 1)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: i'm back, learned some stuff in writing, got into danganronpa, lets see how i do(here's the boy version)
Characters: kyoko kirigiri, celestia ludenberg, toko fukawa(genocide jack), mukuro ikusaba, junko enoshima, peko pekoyama, mikan tsumiki
♡ kyoko kirigiri ♡
calm and collected. already thinking of what to do with the person who hurt y/n
leaves y/n in makoto's care as she goes on to teach that fool a lesson
she's an expert. she already knows the best ways to cover up a murder without anyone finding out, knows the right thing to say to avoid suspicion
when she comes back, she takes y/n's hands in hers, rubbing circles on them with her thumbs, then looks at them in the eyes in awe
"it's alright, y/n. as long as you stay with me, you won't get hurt again. i promise."
♡ celestia ludenberg ♡
calm on the outside, raging on the inside(y/n can't even tell she's mad)
has her loyal servants(probably hifumi) kill that peasant for her, but if they don't get the job done right, she'll kill them and decide to finish the job herself
keeps up her persona, knows how to lie her way out of questions from people suspicious of her
sits y/n on her lap, holds them close, telling them soothing affirmations, lets them lay their head on her chest
"shh... it's going to be okay, my dear. i'll make sure that that low-rank is vanished... permanently."
♡ toko fukawa/genocide jack ♡
panicking. questions how she could have let this happen. mad at the person who hurt her darling
what should she do? should see just scare them off? or cut their tongue off? stab their heart and rip it out? slice their body into pieces?(jack agrees to all of the above >:)~)
puts y/n's comfort first, hugs them tightly, cries with them, reads them their favorite books
jack takes care of the murder, has lots of fun doing it in the name of her beloved y/n
toko: "d-don't listen to them, y/n! they're j-just the worst! t-they're going to pay! i'll make sure they do."
jack: "y/n, y/n. they're just a dumbass. a dumbass that needs their guts rearranged! kyehahahaha!"
♡ mukuro ikusaba ♡
already grabbing her weapon, ready to kill, already has tabs on the person
tells someone(junko) to distract y/n so she can go through with her murder plan
probably nobody suspects her or rather afraid to interrogate her since she's a despair sister. gets messy but knows how to clean it all up in all her years of training
tries her best to comfort y/n by giving them their favorite food/drink, rubbing their back, giving them compliments all out of adoration
"don't worry, y/n. i'll take care of every danger that comes your way. i assure you of that."
♡ junko enoshima ♡
uh, what? someone hurt her y/n? watch out, she's coming
plans on making that person's last moments as despair-inducing as possible. acts all casual while doing it. if someone hurts her y/n, they get a visit from the ultimate despair herself. don't they know she's the only one who can hurt y/n and not them?
everybody's too afraid of her, too afraid to confront her. i mean, she's the ultimate despair, she can cause as much pain and destruction as she wants. who wouldn't be afraid of her?
gives y/n the best day ever(with some despairing moments). buying them stuff, bringing them to their favorite places, smothers them with affection, holding their hand tightly so they don't leave
"aww, babe! i just had to bring you here! it makes you happier, doesn't it? [explosion heard from afar] hmm? oh, that sound? just a little something to cheer you up, no worries! hey, just... don't leave me again, okay? you know what happens when you do."
♡ peko pekoyama ♡
seeing red. will do whatever it takes to get back at the person
will make the person's death slow and painful, as they deserve. probably saves one of the person's eyeballs to give to y/n as a gift to prove her love
she's a swordswoman, she already knows the most efficient ways to kill someone, she's got it taken care of. fuyuhiko helps her with it because he's used to it by now
lets y/n hug her and cry on her shoulder while she pets their head, leaving light kisses on their forehead
"mm... cry it all out, it's okay. i'm here. i told you, i will always stay by your side. always."
♡ mikan tsumiki ♡
starts crying. can't handle the thought of her y/n being in pain
will give it everything she's got to show that person what happens when they mess with her darling. smiles as she does it, knowing it's all for her beloved. not giving the person a single peaceful moment
as a nurse, she knows what to use to kill a person instantly and painfully without making much of a mess. will lie to the others that the person had a fatal accident that had an inescapable death
gives y/n lots of care. won't even leave their side for a second. always checking up on them, asking if they're okay. hugging them, not letting go. brings them their items of comfort, makes them a warm drink of their choice
"i-i know it's a-a lot, but i-i just can't s-stand the thought of you feeling like this! i-it's bad for you! no one should make you feel like that!... no one."
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
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Bullied reverse course darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Junko, Nagito, Ibuki, Mikan ]
[ Trigger Happy Havoc ] [ Goodbye Despair ]
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This was really interesting to write! I think ultimate x reverse student is already an interesanting prompt!!
I had to left out Kyoko because i don't feel like writing for her, instead I made Mikan! Hope you don't mind
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Junko Enoshima
Junko is always looking for something that could bring her happiness through the despair, even if that mean putting into action the craziest plan. For you two to meet isn't too difficult because of this, although is probably that Junko won't be interested in you right away unless she senses the despair you are going throught
Junko's interest and obsession on you will grow really fast, once she notice the problems you are having with the bullying thay imediatly pick her interesant, she probably will watch you from afar but has no problem with going with you directly immediatly, she just wants to be able to observe you and find out how much this is affecting you. Junko is incredibly smart and observant so it won't take her much time before she gets all the information she can, how much students and who is bullying you, how much it affects you, what hurts you the most, what you do to cope with the bullying, and so on, she gets all the information until she is satisfied
Although, she will never really grow fully satisfied, the more she learns for you the more obsesive she grows, for what she just wants to know more and more about you. She started by just getting interested because of the despair but it slowly becomes to be interested in all of you, and no matter what you say or do her once Junko grew obsessed over you she will never leave you alone
Junko is well aware that her feelings towards you aren't exactly wholesome or normal, but she doesn't care at all, as long as it brings her happiness and joy to her life she doesn't really care for anything else, not even your safety, is almost as if you became her little toy to play without you being able to do anything about it
At some point, probably pretty soon, Junko will came to you and start befriend you, not really hidding her true personality but actually trying to be charming just to make sure you don't run away from her since the start. Junko is really smart and has a whole plan to charm you to trust her and let her in your personal life before she wins the full control of your life, although is probably that she puts her plan into action even after start befriending you
Junko is well aware that you suffer from bullying and is probably that she act worried or even offended just at first to try to lull you into her game, but she doesn't actually care much for the bullying, in fact is something she actually cheerish because it brings you despair and thats what she love the most
Even once Junko becomes closer to her darling and starting winning more control over their life she won't stop the bullying yet, she will even secretly encourge the bullies and indirectly give them information to bother you only for her to watch the scene amused. However even the bullying is something she wins control over it, she control when and how much you get bullied, she just let it happen enough for her to be satisfied by the the beautiful scene of you falling into despair, and her feeling of despair while watching someone else mistreaten her darling
Although, as much as Junko loves this situation she grows mad with your bullies over time, she likes that you are feeling despair but she should be the only one who makes you feel that way, so even if at some point she had encourage them now she despises them so she will take matter into action, no matter how hypocrite may be she will end up punishing your bullies in the worst way posible, enjoying every single moment of it while making them feel the great despair!
It isn't safe to say that you'll be free of the bullying, because even if your bullies suddenly disappear that will just give Junko free pass to be the only one giving you that sweet despair and no one will stop her from doing it, not even you
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Nagito Komaeda
It would be a little difficult for Nagito to even interact with reverse course due him despising them, he doesn't go out of his way to bullied them but he isn't kind whenever interacting with someone from the reverse course either
For you two meet, or well, for him to start actually interacting with you has to be because he has see you around the campus more than once, already seeing people bothering you but also seeing you still go on with your day or that he doesn't know that you are talentless, in any case it won't take much time before you pick his interest and he start to actively trying to learn more about you, either by watching you from afar or directly starting to talk with you (if he doesn't know you are talentless he will saying self-depracating things but not much since he isn't sure if you are an ultimate or not)
Nagito's ideals were deeply ingrained and he couldn't go against them, so for him to actually start falling for a reverse student has to be because he already knows your potential, after watching for a while and getting to know you better he will slowly get convinced that even if you are a talentless you are really hopeful, going to Hope's Peak Academy despite not having any kind of talent, getting constantly bullied by it and still always making your best to keep going, to keep attending to class and trying to have some peace shows the great hope inside of you
It take a while but once the simple idea of you being quite hopeful grows on his mind the idea will only grow more and more with time, from now on, in his eyes, everything you do is for the sake or motivated for your hope, no matter what you do nor what you think of himself that won't change the way he sees you now, or his growing obsession for you
He takes a little advantage of your position as a reverse course student to get close to you, interact with you and even being a little pushy with it if you don't seem too interested on him, even when he had started looking up at you he doesn't treat you as the hopeful deitity he sees you yet, you are still a reverse course student and it would take him a while for him to get used to that, but in the meantime he is acting really kind and friendly with you
He tries to spend all the time he can with you by the excuse of just wanting to be your friend, while, in the shadows he is just feeding more and more his believe of you having the potential to become the ultimate hope. Nagito lull you into trusting him and charm you with his friendly attitude until you two are really close, and then is when he start to show more his worshiping and obsesive tendencies because to that moment he already knows (or have convinced himself) how hopeful you are, even if you would find it weird or even disturbing there is not way to turn back down, he has found the ultimate hope and he must protect and serve them (even if he sees himself unwhorthy)
At first, the bullying you recived used to be something that he didn't care, but now that he knows how hopeful you are he can't just have that, he rather take all that hate and mistreat on himself than letting anything bad reach you, that is why he tried to protect you from the bullied by diferent ways, keeping you as far away from those people who just wish you ill and taking it himself (if he can), although he may even start thinking bad of them, even if your bullies are ultimates they aren't even close to be able to compare to you, so he may just teach them a lesson for even just thinking bad of you, but that would depend on what they have done to you and how bad do you feel about what happened, or if you ended injured (although, he is pretty easy to be trigger when it comes to you, specially if your safety is on risk)
Nagito is determinated to protect you and keep you safe from anything and everything, his own sanity slowly starts to depend more on you, that is why you being bullied start to make him feel paranoia, he already fears that you might end up hurt because of his luck but you being actively hurt by others just makes his worries be even worst, to the point where he just can't keep calm when it comes to your safety. If he is able to stop the bullying his paranoia won't grow much, but if his efforts fails and the bullies keep going he may just snap and do something serious against them or even just kidnap you
It sadden Nagito to be so far from you during classes, he can't just concentrate in anything else because his mind is just full of thoughts of you, from wondering if you are alright to feeling like a failure for not being there with you, or even feeling unwhorthy and thinking that probably you will be better if he just stays away from you and leave you be (although his paranoia won't let him leave you alone), he isn't able to calm down until he is able to see you again
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Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki is a really open minded and friendly person, she likes talking and making new friends so if she ever get to know you she won't think twice before already treating you as a friend, for her it doesn't matter if you are talentless or ultimate, she want to know your true self
She may don't fully get that you are being bullied if she doesn't see it personaly, but she does notice the little hints like being uncomfortable or even weird out by the fact that she is talking to you like a friend, she acts goofy and friendly but she is weel aware how a lot of people take advantage of the school system to pick on reverse students and that is why she tries to don't make a big deal out of it
It probably won't take much time for Ibuki to cross your wary walls and get right into your heart, even if at first is just by being friends, she is just happy that you finally accept her and from then she won't leave you alone never again
Ibuki end up falling for her darling because of her personality, no matter if you are introvert or extrovert she'll find you incredibly adorable and fascinating in your own way and that is when her obsession becomes, it grows so slowly and inconspicuously that is almost scary, and, since her whole behavior is always being affectionate, clingy and energetic it isn't that weird and can come across as normal when she start to become more and more clingy and invasive
Ibuki doesn't think bad of her feelings, she knows perfectly fine that she is in love with you, although she ignores the fact that the intensity of her feeling is abnormal and just accept them with open arms
With time Ibuki grows quite intense when it comes to her darling in diferent aspects, you suffering from bullying was something she used to find reprehensible, something really bad that must stop, one or other way, she wants to help you in a good healthy way but she is just too intense to the point were she grows even impulsive, she tries to distract you and comfort you while taking you away from the bullies, she hopes that that would be enough but if people insist on bothering you she will just step in and protect you from your bullies, confronting them and asking them to stop, but if they still don't listen then they left Ibuki without other option than taking action and punish them, is more likely that if Ibuki is pushed to her limit she end up just killing them with the excuse that is just for the sake of her darling (she doesn't regret it nor shows sorry for them, they were the bad guys anyways)
No matter what resources Ibuki is forced to use to protect her darling she will not stop being the smiling and affectionate person she has been with her darling since the start, even after killing she just came and act as always, although Ibuki's feelings will depend for what the bullies have done, if you are traumstized or they didn't stop in time Ibuki will just grows a little paranoid and end up insolating you (without even having to kidnap you), assuring you that Ibuki is the person you can trust with your life and even convincing you that she is the only one you can trust
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Mikan Tsumiki
It could be a little difficult for you to meet, even when Mikan doesn't mind at all the fact that you are a reverse student, but for her it would take a while to feel comfortable around you just because of her abusive past
You two can easily empathize with each other since both had being bullied (although, probably you haven't being mistreaten to the same point that Mikan had suffered but at least you can understand her), however she wouldn't take it too well at first, thinking that she is in a too shameful state and you are just pitying her if you ever mention it
For Mikan to grow obsesive over you it has to be because you seem to be liking to mistreate her and only her or being really kind towards her, and for being in a similar potition is more probably that you two become a comfort zone for each other, someone with who you two can just be without judgment nor titles, and that is how she becomes obsesive and even dependent on you pretty quickly
Is until Mikan grows obsesive that she starts to feel bothered by the fact that you are a reverse student, but it is only because that is the reason why she can't be with you all the time, leading her to feel more and more desperate with every minute that she pass away from you, the distress fullfiling her until she is finally to be able to see you, probably even cry a little and apologizing for being so needy and bothering you with her insistance (not matter how much you reasure her is the same everytime)
Mikan think of you as perfect, even if you are talentless she doesn't mind at all, and she wants to know everything she can about you, so at some point she will try to win the courage to ask you about your class in the reverse course for being actually interested more on your life, however she will quickly apologize the firsts times she ask because she fears you may think that she is trying to make fun of you
She won't know about you being bullied unless you tell her or she sees it, either by actually watching it happen or because she help you with the bruises, at first she was just feeling bad about the situation but as her obsession grows it becomes a topic that start to bother her more and more, it makes her feel helpless and usless, it makes her feel like she is being nothing but a bother for you since you already has to handle a lot with a rough academic program on the reverse course and also the constant bullying and now having to deal with her and her clumsiness, she feel really bad about it but everytime you do as much as smile at her she can't help but feel like with you is where she belongs, where she can be happy, even if you were just doing it for pity she wouldn't mind as long as you don't leave her
Everytime Mikan gets to see the hints of you being bullies (like being sad or even physicaly hurt) she can't help but feel even more usless, almost at the verge of tears, she rather have to endure the bullying you are suffering than leaving you suffer it, and it just gets worst when she saw it in front of her (that won't take much time before happening because of how clingy she is, to the point of becoming a stalker)
The moment she sees you being bullied she just froze and feel like if her entire world start to fall apart, she feel so impotent for not being able to do anything and so shameful that it would take her a while to finally look at you in the eyes again. If she ever gets to see it again it would be almost the same, until she finally win the courage to step in and try to stop the bullying, probably just offering to take your place
Mikan will just grow paranoid over time because of the bullying and how much time you two spend away, everytime there is evidence that you have being bullied or even saw it she treats it as if you were about to die, it causes so much distress that she end up taking things into matter and makes sure to take their life in her hands, that way they will never bother you again and she can make sure you are safe, she will finally be useful for you
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Requested by @justsomerandom4030
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loststarphounix · 4 months
now that we got that question out of the way...
how about the vice versa? despair!kazuichi x non-despair!gundham?
would their situation be the same with the stockholm syndrome and all?
That’s a good question! And my answer would be…maybe.
The difference between Kazuichi and Gundham in this is their personality and response to isolation. Kazuichi would fall much quicker than Gundham because his response to violence and domination are freeze and flight due to his dad’s constant abuse as a child. While Gundham was also being abused by his dad, he had his mom and he felt strength protecting her and by extension others before himself, which makes his response to violence fight. That makes a big difference because Kazuichi has to literally keep Gundham chained to prevent him from escaping.
He wouldn’t hurt the breeder intentionally and tries desperately to give him creature comforts and even makes him robotic animals to “care” for (he did give him actual mice once but they somehow managed to pick the knock of the cage). He’s given his own room, with a lock on the outside, a four poster bed, bordered down chairs, desks etc. And cameras monitoring him 24/7. Kazuichi is obsessively watching the live video feed, since Gundham will refuse to see for days at a time. Even when he’s supposed to be working on towards nuclear fallout, he’ll still live stream the room on all his monitors so as to not miss anything.
Gundham had at first denied Kazuichi entrance to his room or his company, but he eventually caves due to loneliness and the need to see if he can break through to the other. It seemed to him that the once bumbling mechanic was under a dark spell. Perhaps he can deduce the root cause and free them both from this curse. But it seems to only make Kazuichi ecstatic when he finally invites him inside his room and immediately begins to demand more - of his time, of his voice, of his touch. He wants all of Gundham and the goth walks a very, very thin line of denying these advances and giving Kazuichi a little bit.
After awhile, I think Kazuichi would get bored of this - the despair isn’t given new stimuli and so he decides to push boundaries. Normally, he wouldn’t do this intentionally, but he isn’t normal anymore, is he? His a Remnant and the world he controls is shared with 14 other people. He shouldn’t have to pussyfoot around the love of his life object of his desire if he didn’t want to. Which pushes Gundham just a bit because ya know, a crazy mechanic is demanding more of him in a stressful situation.
I can’t help but think Kazuichi would take it as a sign of love, due to his Despair fueling his degradation kink lol 😈 Gundham kinda gives in for his sanity’s sake, but he hopes to help Kazuichi and get him free from Junko’s grasp. There seems to be moments of lapses - a flicker of hope here and there. Maybe all is not lost.
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